The Straits Times, 22 February 1961

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVERAGE lIAILY fEHTIIIEH SALE EXfEERS 90,000 The Straits Times No**"** Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1961. if 15 CENTS.
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  • 416 1 U.N. troops are authorised to use force Soviet 'sack Dag' bid fails NEW YORK, Tues. The Security Council today adopted an Afro-Asian resolution authorising United Nations troops to use force to prevent civil war in the Congo, but refused similar powers for halting: the arrest and killing
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  • 504 1 Tshombe's forces raze villages— people flee NEW YORK, Tues. BALUBA villages are being burnt down and people are fleeing before advancing Government columns as fighting continues in northern Katanga, Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal, U.N. Special Representative in the Congo, reported here last night. He said that the offensive launched by President
    Reuter  -  504 words
  • 80 1 1 ,000 gather to condemn the killing of Patrice Lumumba A GENERAL view of the TUC roily held at Hie Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday in protest against the killing of the Congolese Prime Minister, Mr. Lv mumbo, with a towering portrait of the dead Congo leader, smiling down on the
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  • 830 1 Congo Cheer Fund closes, with $67,000 in the kitty KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The committee of the Straits Times and Berita Harian Fund for Malayan troops in the Congo today announced that with the closing of the fund it was handing over the entire proceeds totalling more than $67,000— t0 the
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  • 82 1 Police seek seven young escapees SINGAPORE, Tues.— Police are searching for seven Inmates of the Glmson Boys' School who made a break for freedom from the school on Sunday. The escapees are Toh Chin Hul. 16. Ting How Teng. 14. Ho Ah Liang, 15. Lee Cheng San 16, Chan Soon
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  • 265 1 SINGAPORE. Tuesday A 24 YEAR OLD gangster. Liow Pee Peng, was killed in a gang fight in a heavy downpour in busy Chinatown today. The body of the man was found sprawled in the backyard of a coffee shop at the Junction of Trengganu
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  • 236 1 A FUND FOR ALGERIA: GOVT. BID TO GIVE $10,000 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE GOVERNMENT proposes to contribute $10,000 to a fund for Algeria to which the public will be invited to subscribe. It will seek the approval of the Legislative Assembly tomorrow to make this contribution "in support of the Algerian
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  • 58 1 TAIPEH. Tues.— The Chinese Nationalist Premier. Mr. Chen Cheong. today called on Chinese Communist officials to lead the people on the mainland to revolt. He claimed that the Communist political control on the mainland had been "paralysed". The Nationalist Premier I was addressing the opening session
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  • 27 1 DRIVER STABBtO BINGAFOW u drivii Chang Pi n -l.lhln-,1 in drill mlB[ in >!.«' iii i\ r. QurensUm .!<■- Mile his Iiimim I'cl.i li<\c itt. mptrd robl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 Heaven sent ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS K&\k l OLl> Vsf'^Sj PLATLNLM. P. H. HENORY Jt»i»m, 71, North trUf* «d., Aea*M H«t«l Sin«e»Ar» t Kuole lufitom lv 1 1^1 lev II m*l lf*l ft 4wVl] Dl ■■I Dl S£i mi iMfKvi W£i *Tu9ii The finest tobacco perfectly packed
      47 words
    • 74 1 nWiS^w HERE'S TO STRENGTH AND HAPPINESS WITH... Jt&* Health-giving, wMk invigorating ijß Bk Shamrock Stout JH enriches the blood 1% because it contains ?<& the natural |H J^ goodness of rich. .^a^te J^^H roasted barley malt, the magic of jflßi Wk distinctive yeast W and the flavour of the finest
      74 words

  • 901 2 NEW YORK, Tuesday JHE U.N. SecretaryGeneral, Mr. Dag Hammarskjoeld, told the Security Council yesterday he had received word that six Congolese pro Lumumba political prisoners, deported from Leopoldville to South Kasai, had been executed. Mr. Hammarskjoeld told the council that the men had been transferred
    Reuter  -  901 words
  • 70 2 New China drought LONDON. Tues. China, already hit hard for two successive years by droughts. said yesterday Its farmers may be in for another dry year. The New China news agency. In a report monitored here, said "some districts" of Honan. Shantung and Hopei provinces were in the midst of
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  • 36 2 LONDON, Tues. A chan-ffeur-driven car with Mr Harold Macmillan, the Prime Minister, in the front passenger seat was Involved In a collision with a van In Piccadilly yesterday. No one was hurt. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 181 2 NEW YORK. Tuesday. A N official report circulated here last night on the execution of six Lumumba supported in South Kasai said they were sentenced by a tribunal of Baluba chiefs. A seventh man, Mr. Gregolre Kamanga, former Minuter of Health In the Lumumba
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 60 2 COLOMBO. Tues— Five Tamil Members of Parliament and 40 volunteers were injured yesterday when police used tear gas and batons to break up a demonstration at Jaffna In northern Ceylon. The* demonstration was part of the Tamil Federal Party's campaign against government policy of using the
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  • 227 2 Lumumba: 'Huge protest rally' in Shanghai TnOKYO, Tues— Somt 1 400.000 Chinese staged a rally in Shanghai on Sunday protesting against U.S. and Belgian imperialists for the "murder" of former Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba, the New China news agency reported yesterday. The Communist news agency said a similar protest rally
    Reuter; UPI  -  227 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 180 2 ry^ JFri W I saya berkata 4 Nescafe\ Ini-lah kopi jfj I sedap yang tidak berubah2 rasa-nya! jj|\. iCti^^^b^btDbmbmi Yes 1 His boss knows that, whatever the num B^*^l ber of cups, the wonderful flavour of Nescafe I '^^^^^^'T^lß ft^H remains constant. And what convenience 1 B^bU^^-L^^l F 1 k~UI
      180 words
    • 196 2 ah! this Is r*c*l living... 'w^ 88l f WB»T END offer I _^T Ideal location -Exemplary service-Commodious AirconrlifioneW rioms and Suites with I telephone 4 attached bath and I excellent food. Fully licensed. M Official o«t*r*f« to 8.0.A.C., E.A.A. »nd Royal flight*. i vQ^W WEST END HOTEL 46. M«r«n« Una*.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 273 3 RUSSIA HEDGES OVER MOVE TO REVIVE 3-NATION CONTROL COMMISSION OF 1954 LONDON, Tuesday. jDRITISH support for the proposal by King Savang Vatthana of Laos to establish there a neutral commission is motivated by anxiety that the Laos control commission set up by the 1954 Indo-China conference
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 122 3 KENNEDY TO MEET 3 P.M.s WASHINGTON, Tues. Mr. John Diefenbaker. the Canadian Prime Minister, conferred with President Kennedy yesterday on disarmament and other world problems. Mr. Diefenbaker, making a one-day visit to Washingtun, was the first of three Commonwealth leaders due to see President Kennedy during the next two weeks.
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 48 3 LONDON. Tues.— Mr. Alexel Adjubei, edltor-in-chlet of the Soviet newspaper Izvestia and son-in-law of Mr. Khrushchev, arrived In London by air last night from Prague. He Is a member of a 13--stron? mission which 1* to discuss co-existence between Britain and Russia.— .Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 22 3 NEW YORK, Tues.— Percy Grainger, 78, noted Austra-lian-born concert pianist, conductor and composer, died yesterday after a long Illness.— u:p.i.
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  • 54 3 Chiang plane is downed— claim HONG KONG. Tues. A Nationalist Chinese plane has been shot down over Bandu, East of Thavleng In Upper Laos, according to a Voice of Pathet Lao Radio broadcast reported by Hanoi Radio today. Four "Chiang Kai-Shek officers and Two Laotian Rebel Officers" on board the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 234 3 RUSSIA'S ENVOY IN U.S. CALLS ON RUSK WASHINGTON, Tues. —Mr. Mikhail Menshikov, the Soviet Ambassador, called at the State Department last night for what he described as a oreliminary kind of talk on Laos with Mr. Dean Rusk, the Secretary of State. The State Department had announced earlier that the
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 70 3 WASHINGTON, Tues.— The United States has formed a special group of paratrooptrs and combat specialists to help train troops l.i a number of Afro-Asian countries In th« art of guerilla fighting, the defence department confirmed today. A spokesman emphasised, however, that the purpose of the special U.S.
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 58 3 CANBERRA. Tues.—Australia would contribute about £A 200,000 a year in special aid to under-developed African countries of the Commonwealth, the Prime Minister. Mr. Robert Menzies, said yesterday. He was announcing Australia's co-operation in a scheme suggested at the British Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference in London last
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  • 298 3 I ONDON, Tuesday. Britain has A protested strongly to Russia against publicity given this month in the Soviet Press to a "fraudulent document" purporting to be a British Cabinet paper and has called on the Soviet Government to deny its authenticity. The protest was
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 246 3 LONDON, Tuesday. POLITICAL temperatures rose sharply in London yesterday following the collapse of the Northern Rhodesian constitutional talks, as African leaders threatened to meet violence with violence on their territory. Mr. Harold' Macmillan, the British Prime Minister, has told a special Cabinet meeting of
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 23 3 LONDON, Tues Prince Charles, 12. went back to Cheam preparatory school yesterday fully recovered from his attack of measles. Rev-
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  • 106 3 BIG ROCKET BUILD-UP FOR RUSSIAN ARMY, NAVY MOSCOW, Tues.—Strategic rocket forces have become the main feature of the Soviet armed forces. Marshal Sokolovsky, Army Chief of Staff and a Deputy Defence Minister, said here today. The Red army had reached an "unprecedented high level" of military preparedness, he told the
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 43 3 NEW YORK, Tues.— General Douglas Mac Arthur said yesterday that U.S. failure to follow up its military advantage in the Korean war had helped China to arise as "a mighty military colossus to threaten the future freedom of all men."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 79 3 NEW YORK. Tues. The strike of flight engineers which Is crippling America's biggest airlines threatens to have repercussions abroad. The Flight Engineers Union here announced last night that crews of foreign airlines might support the strike and perhaps stage 24-hour sympathy strikes. The union said It had
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 NOW AVAILABLE IN f iJIBBWfI 1 PROM AMERICA'S FINEST BREWERY MILLER HIGH UFE THE CHAMPAGNE OF BOTTLE BEER The BEER enjoyed throughout the World t JfcJlcr Brrwiaf Cnft.i, MUwwk*. Wi«oosi«. USA. Sole Distributors:- THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED Singapore and the Federation of Malaya
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    • 266 3 9%J LlUri I I SO STRONG BL\\jy*/^B \1 1 Tubular frarn* makes storing V I fives extra easy and compact ing jives chipping g^t 1 curability Rubber (*et jflHHßfc! Stovcd plastic (replaceable onet) MH\lUiil»m\ii "hammer" itops scratch on floor* finish keeps or sound when them ru»t proof dragged. Steel Master
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 396 3 Reel; 10.00 Beware The Hunter. RADIO SINGAPORE i 0.30 The Climeroe Kid: 1100 BhorTwave? 62 metrei RADIO MALAYA from 8.00— 9.U0 p.m. (41.7 Metres) A.M. 6.30 Good Morning: 6.32 A.M. 6.00 Time Signal, NegartMornlng Prelude; 7.00 The News; ku. News Headlines; 6.05 Morning 7.05 Melodies At Sunrise; 8.00 Thi Melodies;
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  • 455 4 SINGAPORE. Tuo. AXE THREAT, SACK THROWN OVER HEAD: TWO YOUNG ROBBERS GET 3 YEARS* JAIL A WATCHMAN told a District Court today of his ten minutes of terror in a lonely bungalow when two intruders threw a sack over his head and threatened him with an axe.
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  • 133 4 SPECIAL RACING SERIES DO HORSES like racing? It is a hard question to answer, says S. G. Donaldson, leading Singapore and Malayan amateur rider who, in conjunction with Allan Lewis, has prepared a series of articles for The Free Press. The first appears today. Donaldson says that to the man
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  • 27 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. The next show in the Singapore Film Society's current programme is the Japanese film "Burmese Harp" at the Cultural Centre on Sunday.
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  • 26 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. Dr. Mrs. Mona Tan was elected president of the Singapore Council of Women at the council's annual general meeting held here today.
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  • 135 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. AN escapee from Gimson Boys' School, Ang Chiotc Kwang alias Ng Ah Seng, was charged in the Singapore Ninth Magistrate's Court today with attempted armed robbery. He was alleged to have attempted to rob Seah Oeok Wan of a $25 watch, at
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  • 78 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Assistant Coroner, Mr. Loke Slew Hoong. today returned a verdict of suicide on an apprentice barber. Ong Ann Soon, 18, of Paya Lebar Road, who died on Nov. 18 last year, eight months after he took a dose of caustic soda. Ong Kirn
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  • 294 4 A LORRY OWNER ON KNIFE CHARGE RECEIVED 'MORE INJURIES THAN COMPLAINANT' SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A LORRY owner, accused of stabbing a bank employee with a knife, was stated by his counsel today to have had "much more and also apparently more serious injuries than the complainant." Yeo Cheng Liang, 31, represented
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  • 202 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE FIRST member of the Singapore Guard Regiment ever to receive a direct commission, Lieutenant Zainal bin Muslim, was today congratulated by the Commander-in-Chief Far East Land Forces, General Sir Richard A. Hull. Before his promotion Ma-lacca-born Lieut. Zainal, 42, held the
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  • 151 4 3 months on loiter charge JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. An Indonesian living In Singapore, Sidek bin Haji Rlduan, 21. today pleaded guilty in the Magistrate's Court here to a charge of loitering with intent to commit an offence. Insp. Zakarla bin Ismail, the prosecuting officer, told the court that, on Feb.
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  • 68 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. A salesman, Chung Kong Shaw, 23, claimed trial In the Ninth Magistrate's Court today to a charge of committing criminal breach of trust of 15 dozen bottles of haircream worth $135. belonging to the Toyo Medicine Co. at Ruby Lane, on Sept. 29 last
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  • 272 4 rE following is todays schedule of civil aircraft movements at Paya Lebar airport, Singapore. ARRIVALS BOAC: Prom Hong Kong. (8A961) 1.25 pjn.; from London, Prankfurt. Beirut. Teheran. Delhi Rangoon (BA 716) 7 pjn.; from Melbourne. Sydney. Darwin. Jakarta (BA 711) 10.30 pjn. Thai International: Prom Jakarta
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  • 78 4 Searcher charged SINGAPORE. Tues.-Khoo Hock Chuan, a casualty record searcher at the General Hospital, was charged in the Ninth Magistrate's Court today with accepting a $25 bribe from Tan You Sia on Jan. 26. The charge alleged that the money was given to Khoo as an inducement "to expedite for
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  • 32 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. All ships arriving in Singapore after sunset which require pratique or inward Immigration clearance will now proceed to the principal quarantine and immigration anchorage in the Eastern Roads.
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Local pianist Lee Kum Sing will give a recital at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow at 8.45 p.m. The recital, presented by the Singapore Musical Society, will Include works by Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, and Liszt
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  • 41 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. Dr. Malcolm Whyte, Director of the Kanematsu Memorial Institution, Sydney Hospital, will speak on "Management of Renal Failure" at the Allen Lecture Theatre tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. The talk Is arranged by the Singapore Medical Association.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 255 4 Magnificent!... SEVEN who thrilled over 125,000 PERSONS in its first SEVEN days! If YUL iMagrifkejxl ri|UMi||fli MPANAVISION- DELUXE Mhutht tUWRUJWI V smashed miike MMcQUEENm all i«t week M'«y m Attendance* Box- M Jim md Office RECORDS 2nd Magnificent WEEK! REX SKY FEDERAL SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR It's FRESH! FAST!! FUNNY!!! The
      255 words
    • 246 4 =^1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri 1 1 r 1 1 1 rii 1 1 1 rl l t f 1 1
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    • 385 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4»»»»» ORtANIJATION |4C*l 1 Bi4&Jlir& 1 9th MAGKAL DAY! llom-l 30-4 006 30 ft 9.30 p.m. J 20th Century.Fox PreMntl *?!^jr* x <. •\ccio»«,o»i«<««// I 1 ftif^^N. Dick Shown Diene Boktr ijijii ,i X 9th HILARIOUS DAY! I llom-l 30-4.00-4 30 9.10 p.m. Paramount Present* Jerry < m\ v' 2
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 199 4 ROTARY INNER WHEEL INDEPENDENT MISSIONCLUB: Meeting at 3.30 pjn. and ARY MOVEMENT: Free film visit to Home for Crippled thow at Woodbrldge Hospital Children at Tanah Merah tea (female section), Ylo Chu Kang at Mr*. Loh Poon Lip's re- Road. 7 JO pjn. S idence YMCA (Orchard Road) ManSALVATION ARMY
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  • 552 5 The 'shy' bosses— by Mr. M THEY BLOCK PROGRESS OF INDUSTRIALISATION BECAUSE THEY WONT MEET THE WORKERS KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. HPHE Assistant Minister for Labour, Mr. V. Manickavasagam, today hit out at employers who were retarding industrial progress in Malaya. These were the class of bosses, he said, who were
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  • 125 5 A MARCH 4 DATE WITH 375 WORLD TOURISTS SINGAPORE. Tues. Lion dances and big welcome banners will greet the 375 American tourists on board the Swedish luxury liner Kungsholm when she arrives here on March 4. The 21,140-ton liner, under the command of Capt. Henry Solje. is on her fourth
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  • 58 5 PENANG Tues. The Dondang Sayang Club here will again drive round the city and suburbs on Feb. 28 and March 1 to sing Malay pantuns ln celebration of Chap Goh Meh dsth night of the Chinese New Yean. Their decorated bus will leave the clubhouse at
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  • 52 5 SINGAPORE. Tues Sea Cadet Ng Kirn Yam will leave Singapore on Thursday on board the Ben Vrackle for one month's training at sea on a voyage to Hong Kong. Formosa and back. The scholarship Is awarded annually by the Ben Line for outstanding sea cadets ln
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  • 219 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday A RESOLUTION calling on Government officers to be polite when dealing with members of the public will be discussed at an annual delegates conference of the Malayan Chinese Association youth section this weekend. It will ask the Government
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  • 220 5 'SARAWAK REDS' TO RADIO STAFF: WE'LL KILL YOU ALL KUCHING, Tuesday. organisation styling itself the "Sarawak People's Communist Party" has threatened to kill everyone on the staff of Radio Sarawak if it does not halt its attacks on Communists and subversive elements in the counThe threat was contained in a
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  • 148 5 KUCHING, Tues.— Radio Sarawak has sent engineers and equipment to help build the new Radio Sabah station in Jesselton. Radio Sarawak designed the new station building and will plan and install the whole of the technical equipment. The building is expected to be completed towards
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  • 28 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. Thieves entered the room of a housewife. Ow Yong Ah Say, 58. ln Jalan Ampas yesterday morning and stole jewellery and cash totalling $900.
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  • 117 5 Off: Strike threat by Telecoms I/UALA LUMPUR, Tues. The threatened strike by more than 5.000 employees of the Department of Telecommunications over the wage dispute for 1,500 "hello girls." is off. The Department and the National Union of Telecoms Employees, which represents the staff, will resume negotiation soon. Demands in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 Don't let that COLD take hold! A few drops of Vap«x on your h»o<ik«ohief and on yoeafrtUow at mgfat dears the headoaickly. Yapex rtlisve* colds from the flnt deep breath. VAPEX in the new 'yTN^^SM j;£ Navl VAPEX INHALtK Carry one in >our pocket or i PMJ btadbsgrtsdy for instant
      108 words
    • 299 5 9- 1 1 and stamina Those whose physical /sM 9rw^\ activities make such a strenuous call I |^^^^^s"^^^»ll on their reserves, turn to Scotts I fm V od Liver Oil Capsules for that regular iJJßaWf^^^'^'ißV supply of vitamins A I)— so essential lit ttHf iJr'iiH to their well-being. Scotts Cod
      299 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 270 5 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS 8. Wiinoui food, wr.houl a 1. Doubter dapowu to make his country <7>. presence fell (7i. 9. ASecied person in the kn--5 Himesi Conseivauve at th« men <6i Universuy? <7) 14. Repair to my house and look 10. Waal's held by an officer Uvel\ <9». unu
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  • 452 6 PUPILS' ACTION UNCHWESE: SIR ALEXANDER KUCHING. Tues. T* H E Governor of Sarawak, Sir Alexander Waddell, this week condemned the "indiscipline and intimidation" by some school pupils as "quite at variance with true Chinese character and upbringing." Speaking In a Chinese New Year message over Radio Sarawak. Sir Alexander obviously
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  • 258 6 SEREMBAN, Tues TWO men were jailed by the Sessions Court here today for cheating the Post Office of $8.99. Busu bin Abdullah. 38, got four months for cheating a postal clerk, Lawrence William Oomes, by inducing him to deliver
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  • 90 6 'The Angel of Changi' flies to Australia SINGAPORE. Toes.— Mrs. Mary Seah, the "Angel of Changi" the name she got for helping hundreds of prisoners-of-war during the war who left Singapore for Australia today for a holiday. During her holiday, she hopes to meet some of the former POWs she
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  • 53 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Sixteen people from each district will take part In tht two-day Johore Koran reading competition at the Abu Bakar Mosque beginning on March 2 at 9.30 p.m. The winners will represent Johore in the inter-stat* competition at Merdeka Stadium here from March 7
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 m 4 3 ihl 1 j(^ r (Mooiwß 9 uLm BMHBB i^BjSmi m\^m\^&-*jmWP t^^m*lm\\ mmmwßm\wSk j^^mt qg s. J^l^mmm EJi jOmm\\ W^^LW v 1 tkm 1 ww^^^^^^^Kr Iwmwt^. > -C^Wr *mSM mmmmwEs&^ Jmm\ *wStj&' jMm\w B-' s4t& 1< <jJm\^mw \ik Wk T^fc: TOUR AHEAD? *CPLAN AHEAD HERE!'^ i The happiest
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 147 6 Bugs Bunny By BalpH Heitndahi I lif COME IN, \j |/LErS SIT HERE. M I I TOO BAD NOU AIN'T HUNGgV, POCKY-- £J ypOW. THE IF YOU WANT V-_— v fid STOMACH'S *LAPP»rfJ JBSM LVI Abner By Al Capp eCTT ROCK HUDSON'S 7 VAWK.BV-<«»*D»«r. I S^^SiSitK-t^ 1 I EDDIE. A
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  • 1292 7 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE What the half -drunk fortune-teller told Mrs. Miller Mysterious disappearance of world-famous bandleader TN New York, on Christinas Eve, 1934, bespectacled, serious-faced Glen Miller played a trombone in Ray Noble's band. When he finished early next morning, he hurried home to his small apartment and found
    Daily Mirror  -  1,292 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 TOTAL AUTOMATION -YOU ONLY flfci^ sight and sliool ...with ■)<= Olympus I W F r any speed W MLJ M L J UW I I or situation .^^fl ■fefll Wm „.iitutnv.m!!nwiiii. smMMWWW M _^K^K' 1A li 'iI^BkiI'li!iUi'IIlllMlllllllllllllllHIM*''*'***** ti MHiJiitP""l lilt •■••••ill 1 11 lll'^ ,m 1 1 lillLliUll *****1 l
      125 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 666 8 In tlie first helpful move it has been able to make since September the Security Council has authorised U.N. troops to use force in the last resort to prevent civil war in the Congo. The Afro-Asian resolution which proposed giving this authority did not have Russian support,
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    • 387 8 The U.S. trade mission is here to sell. Lake the excellent businessmen they are, members of the mission have clad that central fact in allusions to the value of higher world trade levels, opportunities for joint ventures and licensing and even, in a few cases, some Americans'
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    • 217 8 Singapore is going the best way about producing the symbols of successful government by building homes to relieve the accute housing shortage. This year privately built flats at Katong and houses in the Nan Yang Park estate and the Meng Teck modern village and probably a good many
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1265 8 GEORGE CROSS ISLAND FACES BLEAK FUTURE Mintoff: He is without si doubt the best man to tackle those economic problems, but his prestige has dwindled since he quit THE British Government is expected to announce its proposals for Malta's political future within the next
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    • 182 8 SCHOOLS: DOES THE GOVT. VET THESE TEACHERS? I HAVE been asked by .some members of Chinese school boards whether lt is the policy of the Education Depart ment. Perak. to recommend through their organisers of Chinese schools the employment of teachers The same question is al>o asked regarding the employment
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    • 92 8 IT Is not the City Council that needs a pep talk from the Prime Minister but the Inland Revenue. Last year I wrote to them for clarification of some points I had made but got no reply. I wrote to them again by registered
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    • 78 8 f AM not sure that vending machines will solve the post office's problems. My own experience of the postal service indicates that more than vending machines are needed. The delivery section. In particular, needs a thorough overhaul. For example. New Year Cards posted In Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 13
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1045 8 STRAITS TIMES* FREE PRESS Tor rswusM'sats c/ aetsei M« era ewr peyreaswla<iae a 4 1« Fleer COLD STORAGI ARCADf eajcHAMO roao. •iNOAPeaa: mtU revataw aaswil aOerrisaassaita mmd horn SMMaswr rtplut. Sasatt sataai Ms* assists •saswi i« M>iip>r> ski mm aiasWaa* to: COLO STOUmM ■tANCMtS at HOLLASSO ROAO. KATONO. ROAO a
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    • 1 8 BpnH
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    • 136 8 11 *****00 gg| I IljU I (if^Us^slsV DC 8* For Umm who (ssmand Urn bwtl Over cv. ft. rapacity and mon than 16 sq. ft. of shell are* I Double saladors for fruit and WfUbUs aod a fabulous amount of space In the doom! fllMWlm Whit* exterior with choice of
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  • 180 9 I^ANGAR, Tues. A AY mining employee, Chong Kirn Yoon, 29. was shot and stabbed by a gunman while cycling yesterday even-: ing along a lonely path' off Lorong Sekolah China in Kaki Bukit., 17 miles from here. Chong, an engine driver employed by the
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  • 72 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong today cabled a message to President Nasser on the occasion of the United Arab Republic's national day tomorrow. The message said: "On this happy occasion of your national day, the people and the Government of the Federation Join me in
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  • 167 9 Magistrate: Doctor who signs chit must testify SINGAPORE Tues. Medical chits for people absent from court were "strictly" not acceptable unless the doctors concerned could come to court to testify, Mr. K.T. Alexander, a magistrate, said here today He had been shown a medical chit by a defence lawyer. Mr.
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  • 30 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. -Americans here will celebrate Washington's birthday tomorrow with a ball at the Sea View Hotel. More than 150 Americans and their guests are expected to attend.
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  • 26 9 RAWANG. Tues. An estate lorry driver. Suthen Ram. 26. was found dead under a tractor on Waterfall I Estate near here this afterI noon.
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  • 87 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Three men. armed with knives, raided a chicken run In Sungei Kadot this mornIng, and took away every .single fowl 350 of them worth about $1,000. The owner, Oon Thow. 51, told the police that he and his nine-year-old daughter were sleeping in
    87 words
  • 335 9 MALAYAN INDUSTRIALISTS LOOK TO IT TO PROVIDE ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS, SAYS SENATOR CHAN KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. Vf ALAYAX industrialists are looking to the A American trade mission to provide answers to problems. And that was why the arrival of the fiveman team was "most welcome. 1
    335 words
  • 40 9 SINGAPORE, Tues A shop owner. LJm Seong San, was waylaid by three men near Tan Tock Seng Hospital last night and relieved at dagger point of cash, a pen and a watch, worth a total of $203.
    40 words
  • 30 9 PENANG, Tues. The Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee. will open a one-man art exhibition by Mr. Chla Yu-chian at the Penang library at 5 p.m. next Monday.
    30 words
  • 501 9 SUICIDE VERDICT ON NURSE WED FOR ONLY A FEW WEEKS SINGAPORE. Tuis. assistant coroner, Mr. Loke Siew Hoong, recorded a verdict of suicide today on a nurse who had been married for only a few weeks The inquest was on Choy Choi Chlng. 25. a staff nurse at the General
    501 words
  • 82 9 BUTTERWORTH, Tues.--Two sisters were drowned in a well 40 yards from their house at Bongsu Seribu. in Kepala Batas, yesterday. Saw Chin Chal, nine, and her sister, Poh Lai, seven, had gone to the well to bathe When they failed to return, their father, Saw Boon
    82 words
  • 298 9 SINGAPORE, Tues. £> More than 100 schools have sent in exhibits made by students for the Singapore Rotary Club's models exhibition to be held here next month. The exhibition is one of the many activities planned by the club to celebrate "Boys
    298 words
  • 216 9 Work on satellite town to begin at end of year— ready by 1966 SINGAPORE, Tues. —Work on the satellite town at Toa Payoh in the Thomson Road area will begin at the end of this year, and is expected to take five years to complete. This was revealed today by
    216 words
  • 101 9 57 CANDIDATES SUBMIT NAMES FOR LOCAL COUNCIL POLL ITLUANG, Tues.— A total of 1 57 candidates submitted their names for the local council election in the Kluanjr district before nominations closed here today at noon. Five Alliance nominees, Messers. Gan Sing Choan and Chan Mm of Kampong Gajah, and Messrs.
    101 words
  • 40 9 PENANG. Tues.— Chew Yuet Lan, 20. an unemployed man, was today granted $250 bail until March 27 when he pleaded not guilty to stealing a gold chain from a woman. Ong Sow Lan. in Campbell Street yesterday afternoon
    40 words
  • 127 9 Lawyer to appeal in opium case SINGAPORE. Tues.— A Singapore lawyer, Mr. C. H. Koh, today filed notice of appeal in a case In which his client was sentenced to Jail, while he himself was engaged in another court. Mr. Koh's client, Ong Leow Seng. 65, was sentenced to three
    127 words
  • 42 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Koh Ah Tee 43, was stabbed twice during a struggle with an intruder at his home In Beo Lane yesterday. The intruder got away with a gold chain, a gold pendant and two wrist watches.
    42 words
  • 144 9 ITUCHING. Tues.— SaI rawak exported 2.253 tons of rubber last month 1,357 tons fewer than in December. There was a drop too in the price of rubber— from $101.14 a plcul in December to $99.09 a plcul In January. Though pepper exports showed a gain
    144 words
  • 93 9 BUNGA RAYA DAY TO HELP BLIND KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Half a million artificial Bunga Raya (Malaya's national flower) will arrive from a firm in Hong Kong next month to help raise funds for .Malaya's blind. They will be sold by 5.000 volunteers throughout the Federation on a "Flower Day" scheduled
    93 words
  • 290 9 MALACCA, Tuesday A TOTAL of 65 seats will be contested r in Malacca Municipal Council and rural district council elections to be held in May. The number of seats to be contested in the municipal election will be 12 same as in previous years.
    290 words
  • 48 9 SINGAPORE Tues.— A foreman, Yeo Hong Hui. of Sterling Road, was attacked by several unknown people in Club Street this morning and stabbed twice in th« back. He was admitted to hospital In serious condition. The motive for the attack. Is not known.
    48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 115 9 a Super Thin L f -i It IbJ m titSptaki for 1 1 Self that's SUPER STRONG New SUFE* THIN Audiotape on TEMPERED 'MYLAH 1 gives you DOUBLE THE RECORDING TIME yet won't stretch or break on any machine I SOLC AGENTS sincapwu. KUALA IUMFUft. IfOH, MMANC PfSTA MALAY CORRESPONDENCE
      115 words
    • 141 9 so much JlKil good food m (on board P&O- Orient) V 9 that it's a problem to make up your mind just what to have! 0M Om^. And food is only one of the gnat P fir O— fm R* Orient iervice*. Add to it toe attention tad W f
      141 words

  • Children's Page
    • 940 10  - 'Ow! Ive shot myself!' s creamed Teddy KATHLEEN HICKLEY rE nursery folk visit a toy circus, and after having a dizzy ride on the roundabouts, Teddy and Golly decide to try the shooting gallery. Teddy is about to aim at a moving target, when Golly who is directly behind him.
      940 words
    • 317 10 Over 1 7 list Moses Oei. aged 19; Djl. Dr. Appto 308. Semarang. Indo.nesia; correspondence. S. V. Sy, aged 20: P.O. Box 2391, Manila, Philippines; "'Sa'rg'aret Joe. aged 20; 186. Main Road. Upper Hutt. Wei lington. New Zealand; sports, dancing, music, books, travelling, correspondence. P. Govi. aged 19; Inchong Estate.
      317 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 104 10 FREE Vaseline HAIR CREAM il// V :r:: M THAOE MARK a m mmm^^ m vacplinp il I EASY-TO-USE I MTfTM V DISPENSER TV J WJIWJK 1 This handy pump-top .r\^ '*"'i^^ t dispenser is yours FREE 119 jT\. Tm?^oP of charge. Just buy a j|| (\Bjwt) JH 1 £^E^ 12
      104 words
    • 78 10 MILK rich, pure and always fresh Quality and Economy THE EASY-TO-PREPARE MILK AT THE EASY-TO-BUY PRICE. Stue/wDcw FULL-CREAM POWDERED MILK WITH ADDED VITAMINS A D j/*gLT TAKE SPECIAL CARE LOOK FOR THE RED d&T*r&k SEAL— Your guarantee that only the best and CbMUKMw purest whole milk is chosen for you
      78 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 610 10 Choose a friend for yourself FrancU Tan. aged 16; 19, Ciub: sumps, pels, correspuiiLorwiK Ru&a. off Lorong 27, deuce. Singapore 14; swimming, movies, David Won*, aged 16; 21, correspondence. Sultan Street, Kuala Lumpur; Farie Phanc, aged IS; 19. view-cards, swimming, cycling, Lorong Ru&a, off Lorong 27, badminton, table-tennis. Singapore 14;
      610 words
    • 669 10 THE CROSSWORD! IS BACK AGAIN CLUES ACROSS— I. It (TT p-i ■pnHF'Hi Is used In playing ice-hoc- L_^J__ L K—IH— JB key. 5, Part of a flower. 6, The bowl-shaped mouth [*~n~~n~T~HITB is a famous story for girls. |M 9. A spider hopes to trap H«rH U where a wild
      669 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1645 11 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE TO AIEN, LIVERPOOL. CLASPOW. LONOON ft ONTINENTAL PORTS. P Sham Panang MEDDN Liverpool FM 24 ANCNISES Liverpaal, Glasgow Dei/Fil 17 FM a/ 1 maron Uvaraaal, Havre, Hamburg la Pert Mm 1 Mm 2/ S Mm EIPENOI Genoa. H'burg. L'don, Holl FM 24 Fa* a AJAX Uveraaal.
      1,645 words
    • 1291 11 ■Wll/a^^^JlJ *ma^la?af*ifff lll TT^L^ M^P^*\^w?yaa!!l r .-j/the L/LC lines /jP*"*\ Uin MEXTERUNEAN. CONTINENTAL ft SCANDINAVIAN PORTS. VkXjtcj "MEONIA" I) CO .24-21/21 FM 24/21 FM 27/2* FM YVhRW "KINA "a) 27 FH/ 4Mm 1/ 7 Mm 1/ I Mar vfJ|JMJt> "SAMOA" 1/12 Mar 111 "ULANOIA" I) 11/21 MM 12/24 MM 25/21
      1,291 words
    • 1453 11 Blffiw THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. T V<" SINOAPORE (laceraaratM la tta Baitel Kietatu) M LINES SAILS la ADEN. BX CONTINENTAL PORTS. S'pora P. Shim Panang lENNACNIE Antwerp. Raaiaarg, Brtaien. Lniii, Rotterdam la Part/24 Fll BCNMBOI livaraaal. Hull. Rotterdam, Hamburg li Part 2J Fll lENAVOH Haaitan, London. G'mouth Middlesbrough Cte.
      1,453 words
    • 1179 11 w^ McAUSTER tfc CO., LTD. KI.f.EBMAM UMB «Jb ICLA VEMKSS UMB LONDON. HAMBUK, MntRMM. HAVRE. LOS AMELES. UN FRANCttCO. ft NOLL SEATTLE. VANCOOVEI ft POITIANO CriTIF UPON Accottias carta tar Ceatral ft Settk Stwre P. fham Pertang Aaeriea. C. 11-11/24 FM 25/27 FM 2* Fll/ 2 Mar lONNEVILLE Cm OF
      1,179 words

  • 38 12 SINGAPORE. Feb. 21. RUBBER: 80. cents per Ib. (up seven-eighths of a cent). S p.m. close: 80; cents per Ib. (steady quiet). TIN $398.25 per picul (up IMS). Estimated unofficial offering 250 tons (down 10 tons).
    38 words
  • 129 12 MELBOURNE, TuesINVESTMENT shares held a firm tone here today. John Fairiax gained Is. to 24sand Rocia Industries ML to 18s. Id. British Tobacco eased Is. 3d. to 325. Base metals and the oils traded along easier lines. Timor Oil eased Is. to 6s. and Aust. Oil and Qas
    129 words
  • 218 12 fcjIAPICM flrat grade rubber buyer* lvl f.o.b. closed In Singapore yesterday at 80| eetja per In., up pevenelghtht of a cent on Monday* clot*. The tone waa quiet but tttady. S.CC.R.A. CLOSING PRICSI In cent* per Ib., yesterday war*: Int. 1 R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyer* 801 •eller* SOI:
    218 words
  • 135 12 THE Chinan Prtdutt Exahangt, tiniap«r*, noon prices per picul yesterday were: Capra: Quiet: l'K Continent KebV March shipments S2S buyer*. S2*,| sellM Coconut til: Quiet: bulk S42i sellera, drum 146 aeller*. P*ap*r: Quiet: no businea* was reported done. Muntok white 5215 and Sarawak $210 (both down 52.50), special
    135 words
  • 22 12 Malayan Stork Kxrhangr: Feb. 21 Feb. 20 Industrials: 145.5S 144.53 Tina: 221..»S 224.21 S Rubbers: 231.81 ?11.81 Jan. 1 1958-100.
    22 words
  • 959 12 DUSINESS in lite Hading room on tat Singapore .secuon of the Malayan Slock Excnange yesieiuay. with ilie number of shares in brackets, m; Inouttrial*: F. Dlip. 5J.671: F. and Itf. ord* i2,000> 52.19: Gammon il.OOO) 12.24, (1,000) J2.23: J. VVaugh (l.OOO) i 51.62: Hume prcf. iiO.OMt Ass.
    959 words
  • 1009 12 By Our Market Correspondent JHE MALAYAN share market had another active day yesterday, with profit-taking inducing an easier tendency by the close. Although the majority of movements left shares higher than the previous day, many were traded in the afternoon below their morning
    1,009 words
  • 135 12 SHIP* lying aUngtlda tht I ms, apart Harbour Beard wharvti tr today ar*: Bayerateln 1/2. Bankura 4 .1. Anchlsea 6A. Prta. Ha<re* 6-7. Hal l*e 8'», City of Ripen 10/11, Led* Masrak 13/14. Trafalgar 15/16. Purnea. 18, lsarco It. Sg. Asahan N. Wall 1. Scudai N. Wall
    135 words
  • 101 12 THK M 1 1 1 yjo E x chjing Rinks Aif o ciatian made then chance* In Its rate* to merchant* yesterday (all ratca to $100): Ntw Ytrk: buying airmail T.T. 32 13/18. O.D. 32 15/16, 90 d/st 33 3/16 credit bill*. 33 3/16 trad* bill*. •tiling T.T.
    101 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1159 12 Express U.S.A. PadEic <fc Atlantic Coast Sarvic* E.T.A. t.T.A. E.T.A. S'sore P. Sham Penant, H'lioni L. Antalti K. York I >ian>*wa Mary" H Fit* 2 Mar t Mar 21 Mar 12 Apr "Ktanaawa Mary 23/ M Mar 31 Mar 4 Air 20 Apr 13 Mar All suitaDly eauipped with deep
      1,159 words
    • 422 12 ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD NEDERLAND LINE ROTTERDAM AMSTERDAM FAST DIRECT SERVICE TO GREAT LAKES MONTREAL, TORONTO. HAMILTON, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE. Spore Port S'hom Penong Montreal "Tolisse" (SMN) 5/12 Mar 13/14 Mar 15 Mar 17 Apr "Urracht" (RL) 5/12 Apr 13/14 Apr 15 Apr 18 May Tobian" (SMN) 5/12 May 13/14
      422 words
    • 133 12 TENDER P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE i Tenders will be received from registered contractors of Class 'C and above at the office of the I Jurutera Negeri. Perak. Ipoh up to 12.00 Noon on 27th February. 1961 for transporting materials from Assam Kumban Quarry. Taiping. Perak for period Ist April. 1961 to
      133 words
    • 869 12 NOTICES I ANIMAL INFIRMARY, JOHORE BAHRU It Is hereby notified that until further Notice the infirmary will remain open for treatment of dogs, cats, and olher pels between the hours of 8.30 am. and 12.30 p in. only on normal working i days. The infirmary will be closed on Fridays
      869 words
    • 450 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Applications are invited foi thu Post of Staff Nurse in the Municipal Healtn Department. Qualifications: Applicants should be Feuei-al Cutsens not over 35 years of age and must be Registered Trained Nurses and hold a Midwifery Certificate. The possession of a Health Vislvois Ceiiiflcaie
      450 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 785 13 TENDERS I GOVT. TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the .supplying and staffing of a unit canteen. Particulars can be obtained from :ne Aam Officer, 1 Tpi. Coy AFMC. KUALA LUMPUR (Tele: XL *****) Sealed Tenders marked "Tenders" should reach 1 Tpt. Coy AFMC by noon 18 Mar. 61. The
      785 words
    • 718 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SITUATIONS VACANT A large mining Company on the East Coast of Malaya require the following staff. single men preferred:— 1. STOREKEEPER with at least 10 years experience in engineering and building supplies. Must be under 40 years of age and willing to work outdoors. 2. STOCKCHECKER with at
      718 words
    • 985 13 (Continued from Pace S) SITUATIONS VACANT tt Words U (Mln.)— Box tt its. txtrm TEA PLUCKING CONDUCTOR (experienced) required, Selangor Coastal District. Apply Box A 5006 B.T. S'por*. PART-TIME TRANSLATOR required English 'Chinese and vice versa. Apply NCB. P.O. Bos 30, Alexandra Post Office. Slngapor* 3. BOOKKEEPERS with knowledge of
      985 words
    • 1086 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT tt Wards SS (Min.)— Box St cts. txtrm FURNISHED UNFURNISHED FLATS at Rambulan Road. Furnished with refrigerator, cold/hot bath, fans, crockery etc.. 2 bedrooms monthly rant. Furnished $220/-. Unfurnished $180/-. Telephone (Spore) *****. FULLY FURNISHED 2-storey terrace happy garden 8 teakwood parquet rooms (one air-conditioned) with modern furniture
      1,086 words
    • 805 13 TUITION to Words Si (Mim.)— Box St cts. txtrm I •TUOY MALAY at home through a postal tuition conducted by "Rasters Correspondence School." Apply free i prospectus: P.O. Box 142, Penang. LAMBERTS DRIVING SCHOOL. 1990 Duai-eortrollea Triumph Heralds/ Morris 1000' s. European /Asian Intiuctot*, Courses from $40 10 Balmoral Road.
      805 words
    • 926 13 FOR HIRE If sVsrets U (Mim.)— Box St ctt. txtrm HINT LATEST SILFORIVI Cars from Everfln* Co., 519, Serangoon Road. Singapore 8. Tel: *****. All Can Insured for Selfdrlve Hir*. HOUIIMOLD AND COMMERCIAL Refrigerator. Freezers and bottle cooler at low rental. Harden Company. 82 Orchard Road. Slngapor* Tel: *****. *****.
      926 words
    • 937 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE tt Word* $S (Mim.)— Box St cts. txtrm RIAL ECONOMY! 100 plus IIPO July 1940 Vespa Scooter about 5230/--down. also Popat SIAO/- down, also Autust IMO Triumph Herald about S6OO/- down, balance Easy Payments. Tel: Spore ***** GENERAL ENTBRPRttEt CO. Ltd. Offer new and second hand c.irs
      937 words
    • 599 13 FOR SALE tt Words $S (Mln.)— Box St cts. txtrm KNIOHT. MOUTRIC. ROStNKRANZ Pianos, Qualcast Motor Uwnmowtrt, Bosch Refrigerators, Hotxnar r i-.u Acrortlous. RCA, Philips. Milliard. Py» Radio*. Siemens. NordMendr, Philip* RadloKrams, Err** Floor Polishers. HlKldellty Champion Taperecorders. Elmo Projectors, etc. etc. CCC Junk stor* (House of secondhand Goods) 13T
      599 words

  • 497 14  -  NORMAN SIEBEL By Kuala' Lumpur, Tues. VI/'HEN Wolf Lyberg flies into Singapore to- morrow from Jakarta to offer Real Madrid for a match each in Singapore and Kuala Lampur, he will not be prepared to haggle over terms. He will be able to announce
    497 words
  • 172 14  -  F. SALAHUDIN By SINGAPORE, Tues.— A Cambridge University blue who has played for Nottingham and Derbyshire in the county championship, Rev. \V. E. G. Payton. will play for the RAF in the Singapore Cricket Association senior tournament this year. Payton is expected in Singapore in
    172 words
  • 34 14 WHANGAREI. New Zealand. Tues. The MCC tourIng team dismissed Northland for 124 and hit 56 for two by the close on the rain interrupted first day of their twoday match here. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 66 14 MANILA. Tues.-Australian 1 Peter Thomson scored a hole-in-one today In the international golf tournament held at the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club Just outside Manila. The Japanese team of Yoshlro Hayashl and Yoshima^a Fuji! won first prize with a score of elght-under par 64. The team
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 48 14 TAIPINO, Tues. The Perak North Zone AAA hold its athletics league this season from Apr. 29 At the annual meeting here yesterday, Dato Murad bin Ahmad was elected chairman with Mr. D. Nadarajah as vice-chairman. Other officials: Secretary Mr. Letchumanan treasurer Mr. Rahmat All.
    48 words
  • 19 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Thje Selangor Cricket Association's trial match scheduled for this weekend has been postponed Indefinitely.
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  • 235 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Federation of Malaya Schools Sports Council will invite schoolboys, from Borneo, Ceylon, Thailand, and oingapore to take part in its athletics championships in August this year. The championships will be held either at Kuala Lumpur or
    235 words
  • 68 14 HIS right foot caught in the stirrup, jockey J. Gamble appears to be whispering in the ear of Newbawn Lace but in fact he is parting company with the horse at the last fence of the Park Handicap Steeplechase at
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 259 14 SGSFA COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS PLAN SINGAPORE, Tuesday. SINGAPORE Government; Services F.A. committee will discuss tomorrow a proposal to hold a f oar-nation tournament for Government workers ia Thailand. Indonesia, Malaya and Singapore this year. Mr. S. R. P. Naidu. the I SOSFA secretary, who put forward
    259 words
  • 276 14 25 PICKED FOR TRAINING SINGAPORE, Tuesday. QUAH Kirn Siak and Lee Teng Yee, two outstanding youth players of last season, are among 25 players named by the Singapore Amateur F.A. for this year's Malaya Cup squad. Training for the Singapore i squad will begin In
    276 words
  • 75 14 SINGAPORE. Tues. Crusaders an Australian women's basketball team, have asked the Singapore Amateur Basketball Federation for a series of matches In Singapore in September. Mrs. C.E. Thompson, manager of the club, has written to the SABF, that the team would be making a tour of the
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  • 24 14 TAIPINO, Tues.— Chinese Recreation Club, Taiplng, made a profit of $2,654 last year. The annual meeting will be held on Mar. 4.
    24 words
  • 86 14 TPOH. Tues. The Ipoh District Football League suffered a loss of $1,954 last year because of poor gates for its matches Mr. Cheah Chong Sin, U»e secretary, says in the annual report that the i960 gates were less than half of that for the previous year. "This
    86 words
  • 27 14 SPORTS SUMMARY HOCKEY IPOH KO: Dlt. 1 s- final IRC 5 < Thlrunakaran 3, Chet, Sarjlt; Police 0. PENANG KO: Teachers College 2 (Panchanathan, Jfogeswaran) Prisons 1 (Avatar).
    27 words
  • 56 14 SINGAPORE. Tues —Mr. K. Joseph Pillay has been elected president of the Singapore Indian F.A. Other officials are: Vicepresidents—P. Appavoo and V. Ourusamy; secretary— P. Shunmugam; assistant secretary and convenor— L. S. Paul; treasurer— A. S. Mydeen; SAFA delegate— M. Krishna; Independent delegates—V. J. Dass, A. Rajoo
    56 words
  • 207 14 SINGAPORE. Tues. Eight teams will compete in the first division of the Singapore Amateur FA. league this season. They are: IRC, RAF Beletar, Fathul Karib, Chinese Athletic. Maxwell. Marines, Alexandra and RAF Changi. Twenty-eight teams are engaged in the four sections of the Second
    207 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 207 14 Something Remarkable Happens When You Fill a Parker 61 1 I 7 t I^^F l\ Actually, you never fill a Parker 61 fjl pen! That something remarkable is T'*Mm the fact that the Parker 61 fills itself If to capacity by itself* Xo levers to push, IB no delicate parts
      207 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 448 15  -  KEITH MILLER WE'LL GO FLAT OUT TO WIN EVERY GAME' JL Sydney, Tuesday OIK DONALD RRADMAN and his AustraHan cricket selectors have named their 17 men to tour England this summer. Thirteen of the tourists are players I had on my list, so lam not inclined to
    448 words
  • 272 15  - FANTASTIC SERIES— RAMADHIN MOK SIN PIN By Singapore, Tuesday 'FHE West Indies, with a little luck at the right moment, would have easily won the recent Test series against Australia, Sonny Ramadhin, the West Indian spin bowler, said in Singapore last night. Ramadhin. 31. who is on his way to
    272 words
  • 164 15 West Aust signs on Kanhai as coach DERTH. Tues. Rohan Kanhai, the West Indies Test batsman and reserve wlcketkeeper, yesterday, signed an agreement to coach the Western Australia Sheffield Shield side In the 1961-62 season. Kanhai signed an hour before leaving for England on the liner Stratheden with team-mates Seymour
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 29 15 NEW YORK. Tues.— The 1963 United States Open golf championship will be played at the Country Club in Brookline. Massachusetts, on June 20. 21 and 22.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 23 15 CHICAGO. Tues. Mrs. William dv Pont Jr. has" been appointed captain of the United States 1961 Wlghtman Cup women's tennis team. UPI.
    UPI  -  23 words
  • 33 15 TORONTO. Tues. Brian London, former British and Empire heavyweight boxing champion, has had his fight here last night with Canadian champion George Chuvaio postponed for one weeK because Chuvaio has Intlion/a. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 260 15  -  FRANK ROSTRON By LONDON, Tuesday. \I7HEN Tom Graveney, Gloucestershire's sacked cricket captain, was freed by his country last week, he was given what amounts to a free transfer. If he were a "Soccer Slave." Big Tom. 33-year-old hero of 48 Test matches,
    260 words
  • 87 15 T ONDON. Tues— Willie To--1-1 weel. former South African champion and British Empire lightweight titleholder, yesterday announced his retirement from boxing. Toweel had a successful professional career of eight years after representing South Africa In the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki. One of a fighting family.
    Reuter  -  87 words
    • 16 15 ENGLISH LEAGUE: Div Ley ton Orient 3 Rotherham 1; Div 3 Coventry 5 Torquay 1.
      16 words
    • 19 15 DESERT INVITATION (Palm Desert. California): Men 1 gtafles final Jon Douglas (UB> bt Atsuskl Mlyagl (Jap) 7-5. 6-3.
      19 words
  • 174 15 TPOH. Tues. Fifty horses were spelling at the Veterinary Sanatorium In the Cameron Highlands last month. Arrivals during the month were: Prince of Lallta. King's Scholar, Balkan Chevalier. Gold Hunt. Resquilleur. Hula Hoop, Lost Horizon. State Minstrel. Chicken Curry. Window Test, Palomar. Obedient Son. Lightning Flash.
    174 words
  • 81 15 EDINBURGH, Tues. Kll- marnock. last year's defeated finalists, will again represent Scotland in the United States international soccer tournament In New York Mr. Fred Donovan, secretary of the Scottish Football m^ g n^ k S w d ho ye a Sterd t ay nr P K
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 68 15 ANOTHER PATTERSON BECOMES A CHAMP ,rnnT, \EW YORK- Tues. R Patterson. 18 year-old brother of world heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson became a champion himself last night when he won the Kw^K golden* Side* f o e u^ namen t hefe outpointed Jim Howard, 22. in the threeroun <i flnal the
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 95 15 LONDON, Tues. Crawford William Fairbrother, 24. from Paisley, Scotland, raised the British indoor high jump record from 6ft. 7Jln. to 6ft. 91n. in the closing stages of the ninth AAA indoor meeting at the RAF Stadium, Stanmore. Middlesex. Fairbrother, who Jointly holds the United Kingdom National
    95 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 35 15 BAD DIGESTION J stops you JJTjrhU De Wjtt s Antacid Powder ,V" M -^ZZ- i stops stomach pains and you can soon enjoy your meals 155^ 2^ again. >L Kjir""^ TABLETS to carry with you.
      35 words
    • 209 15 feu* C w la I W\ t mSm i > jFlk' t»| y m'-t bW bW JIHbWL^bV^^^ .^l J\X\ Vb\ SEE YOURSELF ON NATIONAL TELEVISION NOW! ■BHB9BJBBBBBJBB They're all talking about W^^^f^k Come, tee tor J yourself your own living H\jQt^t\nO«l 'wage for the first time, y^CHlVJllCillj especially those of
      209 words

  • 1626 16 SINGAPORE. Tuesday PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS FOLLOW TUC RALLY AT VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL AVER 1,000 workers, students and farmers turned up at the Victoria Memorial Hall this evening to attend a meeting sponsored by the Trades Union Congress to protest against the killing of
    1,626 words
  • 119 16 RANGOON, Tues. Riot police used tire hoses, tear gas and baton charges today to disperse about 2,000 stone-throwing students outside the U. S. embassy here. The students were protesting at the killing of Patrice Lumumba and against alleged American arms supplies to Chinese Nationalist
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 30 16 WASHINGTON. Tues.—President Kennedy has accepted an invitation from the Canadian Prime Minister. Mr. John Diefenbaker. to visit Canada and address a joint session of Parliament In Ottawa. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 302 16 LONDON, Tues. Industrials continued to attract a good deal of attention In London stock market* today and showed further widespread gains. Buying was again stimulated by encouraging news from industry and there was a general willingness to view the long-term business outlook with optimism. Closing middle prices of
    302 words
  • 26 16 London, Tues Spot 24'; d.. Mar. 24' id.. Apr.-June 24'« d.. July-Sept. 24^d.. Oct -Dec 24\d.. Jan.-Mar. 24\d.. Mar. 234 d Apr. 23',d. Tone: Delayed.
    26 words
  • 25 16 LONDON. Tues. Buyers £797. sellers £798;. Forward buyen MOO. sellers £800',. Settlement £7974- Turnover a.m. 56 tons. p.m. 5 tons. Ton* steady bat Inactive.
    25 words
  • 540 16 COURT MAN'S APPEAL UPHELD: NO JAIL TERM j SINGAPORE. Tues DISTRICT Court bailiff* Tan Eng Lock, under a Lower Court conviction and sentence of six months' imprisonment on a charge of criminal breach of trust, was freed on appeal in the High Court today in what was described by the
    540 words
  • 35 16 20 WWt $10 (Minimum) THE FAMILY of late Mr. Kaukib thank friends, relatives for nOmls.l" at the funeral, wreaths', tetegfexoa an 4 helpful servicr.l rendered, also to Bos* Pilal Staff Ipoh and Trluk Anson.
    35 words
  • 35 16 20 HWi 5/0 (Minimum) LONDON DONALD JAMBS. Tr«t. *nr*i memories of my dearest hustwnd Happy hours we once enjoyed, how pweet the memory stilt, but parting fill. Your loving wife Mltzl. Bournemouth. Kng'end.
    35 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 39 16 LatC CLASSIFIED MVERTISEMtttt ANNOUNCEMENT DON'T FOROIT St. David* Society get-together tonight at Tancle Inn 7.30 p.m. Tickets for St. Pavld.i Day .1 inner/dance an sale. All persons with Welsh Interest* coadlalty invited. Ring Thomas (fTpore) ***** for further panicalnr".
      39 words