The Straits Times, 6 December 1960

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE ItAII.Y < lit I II II II SALE EXCEEDS 90,000 Mo**** AW**** He*** I**1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1960. 15 CENTS.
    25 words
  • 852 1 INDEPENDENT LUMUMBA LAND PLANNED Pro-Red power bid as troops run wild He leads new split in Congo STANLEYVILLE, Monday A FORMER secretary of deposed Premier Patrice Lumumba today moved to take over the East Congo as an independent territory. He sealed the provincial frontier in an apparent
    Reuter; UPI  -  852 words
  • 260 1 Robeson: My thanks to people of Malaya FAMED NEGRO SINGER PASSES THROUGH SINGAPORE AND TALKS OF 'OUR FIGHT IN THE CAUSE OF RACIAL EQUALITY' SINGAPORE, Mon. Paul Robeson. famed American Negro singer, today said a big "thank you" to Malaya for championing the cause of the coloured people of South
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  • 308 1 Kidnap case inquest told Bradley confessed SYDNEY, Monday. J^ POLICE officer said today that Stephen Leslie Bradley, 34, a Hungarian-born mechanic, had confessed to kidnapping eight-year-old Graeme Thorne, whose body was found on waste land in a Sydney suburb last summer. Detective-Sergeant Bryan Doyle, testifying at an inquest on the
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  • 244 1 ACCRA, Monday /'HANA has broken off diplomatic relations with Belgium because she holds the Belgian Government responsible for recent developments in the Congo, it was officially announced here today. The Belgian Ambassador, Mr. Gerald Walravens. was summoned to the Foreign Ministry last night and told by,
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 38 1 SEREMBAN, Mon.— Heavy rain here today flooded the Seremban-Kuala Sawah road with 14 inches of water at the 8 4 milestone. The road is Impassable to light traffic. The water is still rising.
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  • 29 1 PARIS, Mon.— Louis Armstrong, who flew into Paris today after a 40,000-mile African tour, was ordered by his doctor to rest for at lea*t 24 hours.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 242 1 BANGKOK. Monday F UANG Vichit Vada- kan, assistant to the Thai Prime Minister, has said that his government expected Russian co-operation in industrialising Thailand, the English language newspaper Bangkok World reported today. Luang Vichit was also quoted as saying that the Thai Government's intention to improve
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 128 1 Three trains held up by slide KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. About 1,000 railway passengers in two trains from here to Singapore were held up tonight because of a landslide at Labu. seven miles north of Seremban. A goods train was also held up. The landslide occurred at 8 p.m. during a
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  • 46 1 BIG U S DEFENCt CHANCES URGED I'M M lit- M n M in l.s. d'-fenn MtaMbfa nit nl imludia; tboli of MM) ■•*3 Jiid air tori MSeN I iric> «ilb f>" ■■■Ml MVIBI "I I N 1 VMV rMMMM to PruMpal John I Kenned? P
    46 words
  • 72 1 SINGAPORE. Mon.—Fitteen wedding guests have been taken to hospital following a Chinese dinner last night. They were treated for suspected food poisoning. All exceot two were sent home later. Five were removed to hospital in an ambulance soon after they reached their homes
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 GAS SHOWROOMS M m Sum Say MERRY CHRISTMAS to friends at home with a "factory-fresh" CADBURY-FRY GIFT PARCEL i Save postage, time trouble by ordering through SI ME DARBY or your nearest provision merchant Order before 10th December
      38 words
    • 48 1 CAMERA Sol* A««m»; I*— l I SCOTT A INGUSH (5.1. A.) LTD VJm 7V Anton Rood, Singapar* j T*t- TIM 4-* -mWr Corrugated lightweight asbestos cement shesa ROOFING STOPS WATER SETTLING CHECKS FUNCUS GROWTH COLOUR DOESNT FADE STRONG AMD DURABLE >^\. rmm. resistant V^wMjKS^ 1 AVAILABLE IN S COLOURS
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  • 386 2 LONDON. Monday THE International Tin Council meeting, which opened in Rome today, is not likely to produce such striking results as the meeting which was held last August in London, says the Financial Times in an editorial. The decision to lift all
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 189 2 CUBANS TRY TO COW THE U.S. MEN IN HAVANA MAVANA. Mon.— Ten bewudered cows were led In a demonstration by 50U students before the United States Embassy here yesterday pr o t c s ting against the death of a cow Wednesday. Cubans say the cow was killed by
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 18 2 TOKYO. Mon. Japan's population totalled 93.406.830, according to c national census held on Oct. I.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 92 2 PREMIER CALLS FOR CALM ON SCHOOLS TAKE-OVER COLOMBO. Mon. Mrs. Slrimavo Bandaranaike. the Prime Minister, yesterday appealed to the people to act with patience, calmness and restraint to allow the state-sponsored system of education to be Implemented for the benefit of the country's children. "We cannot avoid legisla- tion
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 106 2 Paralysed woman is expecting a baby T ONDON. Mon— >lrs. Bren- da Hurbes. a 24-year-old Yorkshire housewife who has been paralysed from the waist down for 16 years, is expecting her first baby in March. Mrs. Hughes and her 27--year-oid husband Peter, were married in May after meeting last year
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 59 2 TWO deputies of Ihe Argentine Parliament. Senor Erneslo Samvartino (left) and Senor Ricardo Monte, seen during I heir duel in the grounds of a country house on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The duel was the result of a challenge of Monte after a heated debate
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 285 2 created by ROLEX to answer the demand for a high quality m J* *^V^\^ Im Im ■b^r wLM 111 Iff M K M v^^^^vhVx S£l£v'V a- Im /■^HklH time piece at a price within most people's reach. Each on« Vwf Jk if Jf^ m\ vIM Im made to ROLEX specifications
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 14 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby TveTwcbY^ Z' wondcc .f /gave come^ ]WJ ¥/£&**> '"'Wfc 1
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    • 418 2 Mi 9 VllM\'M 9 11 M m l ti^il\il c m\ DAr\l/\ mi A I AVA OB* Siqiml. Thr Np\vs; 9.45 KAUIO MALAYA Pamiiy fivouritm, i 0.30 Your 41.; metres Ftidio Conceri Hail: 1100 Clo^e AM. 6.00 Time MjIMl MfUl Dl Ku. News Headlines; 605 Mom- ing Melodies; 650 Keep
      418 words

  • 585 3 WASHINGTON, Mon AMERICANS TO RETAIN WARHEADS BUT ANY DECISION TO RETALIATE AGAINST RUSSIANS WOULD BE JOINT ONE rptiE United States is to circulate among its allies a proposal on how to equip a Nato nuclear force, it was learned today. The issue will be discussed at the
    Reuter  -  585 words
  • 35 3 PARIS, Mon. Gunmen opened fire through the door of a crowded dance hall last night In the village of Nolseau. 25 miles from here, killing two people and wounding three others. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 175 3 Hiroshima A-bomb pilot now missing HOUSTON, Mon. The pilot of the B 29 reconnaissance plane which guided the first atomic bomber over Hiroshima has been missing from the ex-servicemen's hospital at Waco since Nov. 22. hospital authorities said today. The ex-pllot. Claud* Eatherly. 41. who also carried out a similar
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 17 3 KATMANDU. Mon.— Nepal police have seized three Tibetans susoected of spying for China.— U.lU.
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  • 346 3 10NDON, Mon rpHE threat of an African nationalist boycott of today's five-government conference on the future of the Central African Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was ended here last night. The final decision to attend was announced by the "Death-to-Federation" African nationalist "big three"— Dr.
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 128 3 LONDON. Monday. TWO people died in the gales and floods which A made yesterday a "black Sunday" and affected nearly every county in England. A civilian pilot was killed by a grounded aircraft m Norfolk when it was caught by a sudden gust and
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 161 3 Bishop has probation plan for S. Africa to change LONDON. Mon. Dr. Ambrose Reeves, Anglican Bishop of Johannesburg, suggested today a two-year pro b ationary period during which South Africa must change her racial policies to remain in the Commonwealth. Dr. Reeves who was deported from South Africa earlier this
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 27 3 NEW YORK. Mon. France will again boycott the United Nations main political committee when It begins Its annual debate today on the Algeria situation. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 56 3 BAIOON. Mon. A powerful explosion at a golf club about three miles from here killed a Vietnamese and wounded 12 others yesterday. One side of the building was blown out. The explosion occurred about half an hour before a number of American and European members of the
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 151 3 Red ties stronger— Liu MOSCOW, Monday \|R. LIU SHAO-CHI, Chlna's bead ef state, said yesterday that the recently concluded Communist Summit meeting In Moscow bad further strengthened the solidarity between the Soviet and Chinese Communist parties. Mr. Liv was speaking at a dinner in Leningrad hi honour of the Chinese
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 507 3 Elephant ride, tiger hunt will highlight Queen's tour BUSY ROUND IN INDIA. BUT THEY WILL HAVE NINE EVENINGS ALONEj I NEW DELHI, Mon. i QUEEN Elizabeth will ride on a bejewelled elephant through the streets of the "pink city" of Jaipur when she visits India next month. The elephant will
    Reuter  -  507 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 Lakerol your throat >g£^§»^ against colds, v|£9R| sore throats. It is safer to save at CHUNG KHIAW BANK LTD.
      19 words
    • 207 3 FOR HIM 81. HIGH STREET M TOAST TO TASTE fi~4W by IV\V JUST HOW ALERT ARE YOU? Shrewd investors are olways alert and know just when l o take advantage of lower prices. Invest NOW in the Second Malayan Fund at around 1 .00 per unit. Application form anil free
      207 words

  • 130 4 PUAN NOOR AISHAH STRESSES GUIDE IDEALS SINGAPORE, Monday. |)l NOOR AISHAH, wife of the Yang di- Pertuan Negara, today urged the Girl Guides in Singapore to be in the forefront of any social work for the betterment of the State's youth. She was speaking at the annual general meeting of
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Mon.— Puan Noor Aishah wife of the Yang di-Pertuan Negara will Inspect a parade of the Singapore Branch of the British Red Cross Society on Sunday at Kirn Seng School at 4 p.m.
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  • 434 4 SINGAPORE. Mon ANTHONY WEE, unemployed, told Mr. Justice Buttrose at the Assizes today that he and four others robbed Oliver Koh, a clerk at Jumabhoy and Co., of a bag containing cash, cheques, money orders and postal orders to the total value of
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  • 146 4 THESE two (iris. Miss Cheonr Choon Fong (right) and Miss Lim Shin Wen, are among six third -year chemistry students from the Nanyang University who are now being attached to the Shell Company uf Singapore's central laboratory at Kallang during their long vacation to do
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  • 292 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. AKLUANG tailor had coffee with his former assistant and then killed him, it was alleged in the high court here today. In the dock stood Choo Teng Sam. 28. the tailor, charged with the murder of Chong Swal Kwong. 23. In a backyard
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  • 93 4 SINGAPORE, Mon. The Yang di-Pertuan Negara. Inche Yusof bin Ishak, and his wife Puan Noor Aishah, were among a large number of guests who attended a reception given by Mr. Nlbbon VVilairat. the Thai Consul-General in Singapore tonight to mark the birthday of the King of Thailand.
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. A jumble sale will be held in the home of Mrs. L. V. Cheang. at 72-A. Circular Road, on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. in aid of underprivileged children.
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  • 178 4 SINGAPORE, Mon. The Ministry of Education has issued new regulations governing the management of tuckshops in all Government and Aided schools. Under the new rules, all existing agreements between principals and stall holders will terminate at the end of this year, and they will enter
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  • 55 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. Water will be cut off along Jalan Kayu between 160 and 180 Jalan Kayu. .from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In Peng Ghee Road off Kampong Chal Chee. from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Tanjong* Rhu between No. 93 Tanjong Rhu to Rhu Cross, from
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  • 32 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. The Causeway Players, of Johore Bahru. will present "Blithe Spirit", by Noel Coward, at the Diamond Jubilee Hall, on Dec. 8. 9. and 10. at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 103 4 He urges boost in tourism SINGAPORE, Mon.— U Myo Than, 37 the new Burmese Consul-General in Singapore, today expressed the hope that there would be a bigger tourist exchange between Singapore and his country in the near future. U Myo Than, one of Burma's youngest diplomats, was formerly secretary at
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  • 124 4 SINGAPORE, Mon. Winners of the Malaysian Sociological Research Institute's essay contest on "What the Terms Singapore. Malaya and Malaysia Mean to Me." In Malay. English. Chinese and Tamil, were tonight awarded prizes at the Cultural Centre. The awards were presented Iby Dr. Slametmuljana, the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 357 4 INSECT BITES need rmmedlate treatment If the risk of more seriou* inlcction it to N voided. Soothing, healing, antiseptic DDD cleans the wound, kills the terms and prevents the spread of inlection. Itching stops and healing commences the moment DDD v used. Remember! DDD heals all slcin doubles taster. Ctt
      357 words
    • 72 4 ALLAN MET A K1NG..... Every Malayan racegoer has heard of Allan Lewis. But did you know THIS FREE PRESS tipster once earned a gift of gratitude from King George VI? There are many surprises in store for Lewis fans, and a wealth of how-to-win advice, in tomorrow's special racing feature
      72 words
    • 137 4 glErfrtrtia/3 3 6 9 p.m. KHOUSIUHI nr/ju tHCufH SUtriTUS J SANTA'S v,fl%S CALLING.,.. $&St |y_f BOOKINGS FOR TABLE RESERVATION l^L-^B' 48 (ONLY CASH BOOKINGS, ARE NOW V ACCEPTED FOR: \V V^ V^ 14.12. CHRISTMAS EVE OINNER jL^L $17 50-includlng cracken 4 no»«ltl«i. f Xh> 25.12. CHRISTMAS NIGHT DINNER (Chatea katwaan
      137 words
    • 565 4 :#shaw. Op«»nt«atlon, ■JJ 1 Phone ***** "now showing ;Vo :v, 4 «il Linda Crutal Georges Morchol "CLEOPATRA'S LESIONS" B Scope Coior With Chinese Sub B MEXT CHANGE BjThc Motton Picture Giant of 1960 BJ by the author oi 'Giant' motion bH Jf ferbers B Superimposed Chinese subtitle-, B LUXJ ph
      565 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 282 4 AIR ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES rpHE following is today's Munich. Rome. Cairo, Karachi, i Japan Airlines: To Bangkok. X schedule Of Civil aircraft Rangoon. Bangkok (KL823) Hong Kong. Tokyo (JL712) 8 movements at Paya Lebar 8 55 Dm ajn airport, Singapore. Malayan Airways: From Gantda: To Jakarta (OAS03) AKRIVALS Kuala Lumpur
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  • 283 5 Minister pleased with results of aid talks KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. rPHE Minister of Education, Inche Abdul Rah- man bin Haji Talib, returned here today pleased with the results of his discussions with the British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, Mr. Duncan Sandys, about the recruitment of teache He met
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  • 102 5 4 DAGGER THUGS GET $950 SINGAPORE, Mon. Four thugs armed with daggers held up a couple in their provision shop in Jalan Daud, of! Jalan Eunos, yesterday, and robbed them of $950. Lim Tay Kirn, 52 the shop proprietor told the police that he was returning from the market when
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  • 38 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon.— A Bill empowering Johore to borrow up to $45 million from the Federation Goveniment for carrying out group settlement schemes is to be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly on Dec. 18.
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  • 23 5 KUCHING. Mon— Sarawak can now talk to London by radio-telephone. This new telephone link with London was opened last week.
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  • 262 5 KUCHING, Mon, 'THE Sarawak Govern- ment's 1961 Budget, which will be presented to the Council Negri tomorrow, provides for increased expenditure of over $8 million. An Increase of nearly $1,000,000 will swell the education vote to about $11 million The education vote is the largest
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  • 59 5 SULEIMAN ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL: ADVISED TO REST DENANG. Mon.— The Mm■- ister of the Interior, Dato Suleiman bin Dato Abdul Rahman, has been admitted to the General Hospital here for a checkup. Dato Snleiman, who was admitted here last Friday evening, has been advised to rest. He will miss the
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  • 57 5 IPOH. Mon.— The Speaker of the Perak Btate Legislative Assembly will have his allowance doubled if a bill, to be tabled at the Budget session of the assembly on Dec. 12. is passed. The bill seeks to Increase the allowance of the Speaker. Inche Suleiman bin
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  • 39 5 JERANTUT, Mon. Two padl planters, Musa bin Hajl Mamat, 60, and Ahmad bin Awang, 50. were fined $10 each for allowing their buffaloes to stray into the field of another planter. Hassan bin Abdullah, on Oct. 22.
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  • 49 5 KLANO. Mon.— Th. 415 daily- rated workers employed by the Town Council here will get a $36,000 windfall in arrears of salaries tomorrow. The council had accepted the state government's ruling to Increase the wages of dailyratei employees with effect from Jan. 1. this year.
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  • 384 5 She is a Muslim... he is a Christian... and they went through a ceremony at Civil Registry KUALA LUMPUR, Monday A MALAY woman who wed an English airman at the Civil Registry was told in the High Court here today that there had
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  • 14 5 NO BARRIER TO THE WEDDING, HE SAYS SUTTON leaving the court after the hearing.
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  • 53 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— Moosa Mooiden. 36, manager of a sundries store in Changl, ha.; made a report to police that he was assaulted by a customer yesterday. He said the man attacked him with a wooden pole when he asked him to pay his bll! Moosa was treated for
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  • 146 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— An Immigrant who has entered Singapore by making a false or misleading statement may be ejected at any time, according to amendments which are being made to the Immigration laws The Immigration (Amendment) BUI. which was introduced at the last Legislative
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  • 133 5 PLANNED: GOVT. DAIRY COLONIES KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The Government intends to set up dairy colonies throughout the country to provide good, clean pasteurised milk. The Minister of Agriculture. Inche Abdul Aziz Dili Ishak. announced this in the House of Representatives today In reply to a question by Inche Ahmad bin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 178 5 Keep -that Oust painted' look wfch Robbialac A --Pinesfc paints in the world j jM k k——————^ O.UICK DRY LONG LASTING Jmrnm^SmT*' A FUNGUS RESISTING fl P EMULSION IBferf PAINT COLORIZER EMULSION LASTS LONGER: A I HT S It will prottet your horn* inside ond out longer I ftk,/"' *eu*
      178 words
    • 133 5 TITUS 0 B /3^^Sm /ifl C 7etpx3wer-(hjkr m H^^^^ Wr/ AUTOMATIC-CALENOAm jp ill SUPREME IN AUTOMATIC WATCHES (|/f MULTI-JEWELS MEAN SMOOTHER /^^L FUNCTIONING. DURABILITY AND PRECISION [U S^y 48 HOURS RESERVE POWER, %J>f Sb&V I ■^HBI 7 Wmmmmm^. AT &Xi rW^ "W W m*^ mP^. Tne yer V latest achievement
      133 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 j&r V 1 1 "ff/J Bj i£ J^^^ißß»^'^^^^^^^«^Bßfft^^^^^^Mßßk \S\ hiiiiiiiinii vW bWI bf /Jt^r ■Bm '"f jpm N v5L jy y 1^ P^g/ JBw y'^Bß BBBBBBbL' iKi^BBF /j» BF i^ M BBBtSSBBBBBB*^ S Vsl HHk^Bi IBF B&WPt^B^k thl ->i Bk^7% Br/^Bl B2VA .^w JB?/ j^^Bi BVvv \6vJWJi Iwn* BSBwMr^THI tgv^m
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  • 288 7 'Beware the easy way in life 5 CHIEF MINISTER TELLS MALAY YOUTHS: BE PREPARED TO WORK HARD AS THE CHINESE AND THE INDIANS DO MALACCA, Monday THE Chief Minister, lnche Abdul Ghafar bin Baba, today warned 5% Malay youths from Negri Sembilan, Selangor and Malacca against "going up in life
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  • 131 7 fX**G TENG CHEONG, 24, of Singapore, has won an award for being the most outstanding fourth-year student in architecture at the University of Adelaide. Australia. The award. AC50 (about S340). will help to pay for a study tour of Melbourne. Sydney and Brisbane.
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  • 216 7 Mechanic: I paid $180 and got driving licence without test ALOR STAR, Monday. A MOTOR mechanic alleged in the Sessions Court here today he paid $180 to get a driving licence without having to undergo any test. Kong Wah Yew, 24, was. testifying at the trial of Ylm I Sre
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  • 89 7 DENANO, Mon.— The Christian Brothers plan to build two more primary schools next year each costing $300,000. A 17-man committee, with powers to co-opt more members, has been set up to start a building fund for both schools, which will be named the La Salle
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  • 54 7 PENANG. Moh. A young couple were held up at knife point and robbed of $20 and a watch in a kampong at West Jelutong last night. In another robbery at Kampong Pelandok Jatoh, Bukit Mertajam, a merchant, Leow Ah Kiew, was assaulted and robbed of $200 by
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  • 62 7 BUTTERWORTH. Mon. A coffeeshop assistant, Lim Hung Chew. 39, was today fined $100 when he pleaded guilty here to a charge of assisting in a 1.000-charac-ters lottery on Nov. 9. Inspector Ismail bin Hassan, prosecuting said that Lim was found with $109 in cash and four betting
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  • 70 7 IPOH, Mon. Five schools here each received a $1,000 donation from the family of late Mrs. Foo Choong Nyit who died here on Wednesday after a long illness. Mrs. Foo. 80. widow of a pioneer tin miner, was burled today. The schools which benefited are:
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  • 146 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. AN urgent plea for improvements to Malaya's "cattle shed" courthouses was made in the House of Representatives today. It came from the People's Progressive Party leader. Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam, who said that in some courts sittings had to be adjourned
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  • 92 7 Hawaii men to discuss study awards plan SINGAPORE. Mon.— A group of University of Hawaii officials will visit Singapore this week to discuss with educators and government ofticials plans for awarding scholarships to Asian students at the new East-Wesv centre in Hawaii. The group, led by Dr. William M. Wechter,
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  • 21 7 BUTTERWORTH, Mon. Three RAAF airmen reported the loss of $184 in cash from their quarters in Butterworth yesterday.
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  • 173 7 New tax chief, 37, takes over from Holloway SINGAPORE. Mon. A -New Zealander. Mr. N. V. Casey, 37, is now Singapore's Comptroller of Income Tax. Mr. Casey has taken over from the former Comptroller, Mr. G. T. Holloway, who has retired after 12 years In the department. Mr. Holloway las
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  • 55 7 SINGAPORE, Mon.—Singapore police today asked the owner of a canoe, bearing the name Kawan to come forward and claim it. The canoe was found drtftine in the Changi River. It is now at Pulau Übln police station. The owner should contact Inspector Woodford at the Marine
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  • 36 7 SINGAPORE, Mon. The only woman probation officer in Singapore. Mrs. Nellie Urn, of the Probation Office of the Social Welfare Department, Is resigning from her post. She joined the department In November 1952.
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  • 37 7 IPOH. Mon.— Normah binte Sulaiman. aged 20 pleaded not guilty here today to abusing woman police inspector Ajit Kaur at Anderson Road here yesterday. She was allowed bail of $50 until Feb 9.
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  • 83 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. President Ayub Khan of Pakistan sent a message of greetings to Tengku Abdul Rahman while flying over Kuala Lumpur on his way to x Indonesia on a goodwill tour yesterday. Field Marshal Ayub Khan i also sent his regards to I the
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  • 210 7 30 BABIES GO WITH R.A.A.F. FAMILIES DENANG. Mon.— Thirty 1 babies born in Malaya will leave with 560 R.A.A.F. airmen and their families when they sail for home at midnight tonight after 2-1/2 years in thii country. As their .ship, the 20.000-tou Dutch liner. Johan vau Oldernbarnevelt. sets out for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 lor a brighter m Christmas r t your m f own SUPERKEMTONE t DeLuxe Latex Wall Paint 2 K ('hoo^e your favourite colours in decorator- A> approved haxmonie* from the 82 high- J^^^"™""^^^^^sl kl l«»hion colour* and 9 !>fFW arrent roloui« ig^ "~~~^"^*B»fe \l JJ »hown in the KKM HARMONETTE
      127 words
    • 96 7 ■■■■P'*^*^^^'^^ A IL. iJ^^"^H Bi3fl*M£Er^l^sV 'v'- 33 BE »B HBH^Bf M fll i —^Bß a **f£SS&&v\ i'- a: >BL SB H HWotv i fill i B hmhißkl I BbHBhUBB 55 'g| g^.B^.B^W 1 w&^f The Varaflame wheelFaied in t\\&kj instant flame adjustment seconds from p=^-| With the exclusive Varaflame system
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  • 2819 8 PPP: MALAYA SHOULD REVIEW HER DEFENCE TREATY WITH BRITAIN Second day of the Budget debate KUALA LUMPUR, Monday David attacks the rural development plan for what It doesn't provide* A CALL for a review of Malaya's defence treaty with Britain and an objection against fragmentation of Malayan estates highlighted arguments
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 Rexona brings you <r\ \U r^*- A AD women want a lovely, youthful skin and all men admire one! Keep your skin young and supple and beautiful keep it that way with I M Rexona Soap. Rexona is the delightfully perfumed, gentle green soap i specially made to look after
      196 words
    • 118 8 Wy GOOD M\ mghts y^^pCLiLi begin with HJ DORMWELL iWVim' n The latest and sa|est dativ DORMWELL is a great new discovery R recommended by doctors throughout the world as suitable for adults, children and the aged In cases of PORMWELU sleeplessness. Two tablets with a glass of water before
      118 words

  • 236 9 Five-man gang robs bus company of takings and $3,000 fee for Thai trip KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A FIVE-MAN gang broke into a bus company head office at Kepong near here early today and stole a heavy safe containing 87,908. They hauled the safe to a mining
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  • 56 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. Dr. Damodhar P. Singhal a senior lecturer in history at the University of Malaya, will leave next month to take up an appointment as senior lecturer in the history and culture of India and Pakistan at the University of Queensland. This post is the first of
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  • 70 9 BOY STOLE GOLD ITEMS FROM FATHER SINGAPORE. Mon.— An 11--year-old schoolboy who stole $200 worth of jewellery from his father on Oct. 1. was sent to an approved home for three years by the juvenile court today. The boy had earlier admitted pawning the stolen pair of gold earrings and
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  • 31 9 IPOH. Mon. The town office of the Perak Turf Club will be moved to the ground floor of the Perak Chinese Amateur Dramatic Association in Clare Street this month
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  • 350 9 Mr. Newman, a non-stop traveller, is back again HE HAS LIVED WITH ESKIMOES, PYGMIES. TIBETAN MONKS AND THE MAU MAU SINGAPORE, Mon A VETERAN globe-trotter, who is on his seventh trip round the world, is now in Singapore, after travelling almost nonstop for the past 30 years. Mr. Richard R.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 80 9 ftp* ?^J You never heard it so quiet! PHILCO Noiseless Air Conditioner \*ti with GUARANTEED BTU COOLING CAPACITY Unmatched on any count with all these plus features: o Push Button Centrels o Automatic Thermostat 2 Sp«ed Fan Fresh air ventilation Stale air «xnaust o Permanent Washable Filttr o MjustaMf airflow
      80 words
    • 244 9 People who know always insist on BORNETT'S! fltiftfrSfatwGlN A Your bartender will tell )Ou that Burnett i "White Satin" Gin is the old-established Gin preferred by people .\vho. appreciate something lfttle hner and smooths to J^SrEi? tbe palate. y^JcQ I \l~jfci special om* r<§t*zfc~~4-%1'7 NOVIMIM fc OKI Mill Tfif 1
      244 words

  • 159 10 Hsrrft Sls (Minimum) MR AND MRS. JJ. ISAAC thank r. lames and Inends for their ailendaoce and presents at their wedding on Jb lI. SO. MR. AND MRS. LAWRENCE CHEONC think reUiive* and friends fur their \aluable presents on the ocof th. ir marriage 3.12.80. MR. A. ANTHONY and
    159 words
  • 26 10 H,,rd. >;• (Minimum} IN LOVINC MEMORY of Tan Chwee Tione who passed away B-TJ-J9 gone to live In his Fathers great mansions nut never forgotten
    26 words
  • 645 10 The Straits Times Tuesday, December 6, 1960. Victory For Mr. K? Speeches in Europe and silence in China seem to invite only confusion as to the outI come of the summit conference in Moscow. It seems likely that no agreement was reached on the main question, the conflict of Russian
    645 words
  • 369 10 The conference meeting in London to review the constitution of the Central African Federation could turn out to be the trickiest in Britain's colonial career. Delegates will not be discussing the straightforward question of how to reach an agreed end. The most heated dispute will be over
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  • 167 10 It is unfortunate, though perhaps inevitable, that some of Singapore's Government servants should have fallen prey to a fear that the commission appointed to find ways of streamlining the administration would make recommendations threatening their own security. The Government has come a considerable way since the days of resentment
    167 words
  • 1372 10  -  GEORGE SHERMAN by Behind the easy-going charm of New Orleans ('Ole Man River' and Basin Street) the schools integration struggle is heading for another explosion like Little Rock... AMERICANS have long wondered what would happen when the U.S. Supreme Court decision of 1954 against racial segregation
    1,372 words
  • 856 10  -  Dahari AH —by— THE SECOND OF FIVE ARTICLES THAT IS THE PM1P RECORD AFTER 18 MONTHS IN POWER IN THE EAST COAST AFTER a year and a half of PMIP rule In Trengganu the one and only land scheme to have got going Is the Federal Land Development Authority's
    856 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 723 10 STRAITS TIMES FREE PRESS F»r Urn tmm—mimn— at Issitts art mmr rfnmmmlmttrm at Is. rswr COt» STORAW AtCAM ckh«w ooab. •moAPoaa mm t ll rmr%mm%J BtmmWll M mud mtm iisii naHss. SmmU aalssialssswta mlmtmt Sim§wmm* Mt mim to kmtdmt COLD STOftAM •■ANCHIS at MOLUINO OOAO. BATONS. I~IL SOU MAVAk AUTMO«|SID
      723 words
    • 65 10 Is your pen a Slow Starter? Then You j^i Should Try «J,<vS Parker's \*~j/ Hewm? mQuink INK Don't blame your pen if it is sometimes slow and hard to start it may be the sluggish ink inside! Parker's new SUPER QUINK ink is specially formulated to keep feed channels open
      65 words
    • 52 10 1 i^^^^^^^^^^aaßßßßsl L\ .^BBBBsV a^^n II I IjHirililiaami IMB UlNlaiAL ILACTRIC WO., (MALAYA) LTD. M aad INI CSNIBAi. «LICT«.IC CO., (IINOAPOHI) LTD. Raar— U»« THE UENEKAL HUtCTRIC CO.. LTD Of KNttUkMD. OPTICIANS A. J. HUGGFTT, F.S.M.C. 13, ■ATTKKY ROAD, SIMAAFOR! 1. TEL: ***** An 4 of Kuala Lympur. T«4: M3s*
      52 words

  • 1109 11 RECENT INCIDENTS CLEARLY INDICATE THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS ARE NOT IN FACT TRULY FREE, HE TELLS HOUSE KUALA LUMPUR. Monday This attitude is not good for the nation' rFHE House of Re- presentatives today heard an impassioned plea for Press freedom in Malaya by
    1,109 words
  • 91 11 SINGAPORE. Mon.—University of Malaya medical students in their fourth, fifth and sixth year have been warned that they must attend lectures. laboratory and other classes. The warning: is contained in a personal notice from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. T.
    91 words
  • 69 11 SINGAPORE. Mon.— A 21--year-old girl student of the Nanyang University was jailed for one day and fined $750 or three months' Jail In the first criminal district court today for possession of a forged identity card. Aw Bio Llan. alias Aw Eng Uan. pleaded guilty to possession
    69 words
  • 37 11 IF THEY keep romance alive, the young couple can look forward to a future of shared Joys and lasting love, says Dr. Eustace Chester In an outspoken artir-e in December HER WORLD on sale now.
    37 words
  • 265 11 Army begins mock battle at Batu Arang today If UALA LUMPUR, Mon. S c v c r a 1 columns of military trucks carrying nearly 2,000 men of the Federation Army today moved into the former coal-mining area of Batu Arang for battle training against Invasion. The attack on the
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  • 79 11 BINOAPORE, Mon.— The Oei Tiong Ham hall at the University of Malaya In Singapore is to be pulled down Workmen are at present demolishing the big auditorium to make way for a new administrative block. When completed early next year, the new three-storey
    79 words
  • 78 11 HOUSEBOY STOLE RECORDER SINGAPORE, Mon. The evening Mr. Tony R. Wayman. manager of the Maria Menado Productions Ltd., returned home to find his houseboy missing, he also missed his tape-recorder, a magistrate's court here was told today. The houseboy. Hussain bin Atan. 17, was arrested following a report to the
    78 words
  • 356 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today appealed to the people of the Federation to give their support to the objects of the United Nations. The Minister was speaking at the Inaugural meetIng of the Selangor branch of the Federation of Malaya
    356 words
  • 60 11 HOSPITAL MAN IS ACCUSED BINGAPORE. Mon.— Cheong YongFoo, an attendant at the Woodbrldge Hospital, was accused In a magistrate's court today of corruptly accepting $100 from Tan Cheong Lin as an Inducement to .secure the continued detention of Tan Ec Kee, a patient Tan was charged with having corruptly given
    60 words
  • 37 11 SINGAPORE. Mon.— A full bench of the Singapore High Court and members of the Bar today paid tribute to the late Mr. A. N. Mitra, a senior member of the Bar, who died last Wednesday.
    37 words
  • 171 11 Sir Gerald praises the polite students TEMPLERS STOP OVER ON RETURN FLIGHT CINGAPORE, Mon. Field Marshal Tun Sir Gerald Templer today praised Malayan students in Australia for their "excellent behaviour and nice manners." Tun Sir Gerald, now a company director, flew In here from Sydney by Qantas with Ton Puan
    171 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 IDKWAR'S1 DKWAR'S I I IS THE SCOTCH I 9h l fl_ Jm whisk* jH DISTILL"* 5 -JtA NO OtMr dMllk U I s_i— DgtfPi >• aoou* wfciik,. l ?^*v,^_ i *"J( Tou c drtnk w thott _I^^J mood you# ™f Xl '^._J whfthfr tervtd neat, with water, L:--. Xi| '".'j:"-'""
      126 words
    • 164 11 m #iii- CORNUCOPIA V-/ Plentiful supplies and a wide range of engineering goods roll out of India's factories today. They all measure up to world standard. Whatever your specification, the Indian manu- ftcturers are today equipped to conform to them and give you utmost satisfaction. Excellence in quality v achieved
      164 words

    • 1082 12 Match-Maker Machine PUSH BUTTON SPOUSE IJ AVE you ever wondered who would be the best husband for you? Have you ever walked down the street and looked at every male face and thought, Is he THE ONE? Many is the bride who. while adjusting the veil on her head on
      1,082 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 186 12 Try Pearl Cutcx Nail Polish tad sec bow perfectly lovely your hands look. Your fingertips j will glow with luminous beauty. And the exclusive formula defies chipping tod peeling. Daytime or evening for ail occasions enhance f your fingertips with a rare touch of beauty Pearl CUTEX Nail Polish. egg
      186 words
    • 98 12 ■|ij??£*S£o Milk MH WITH JH ADDED VITAMIN A Nothing makes a woman more feminine to a man than Perfume Dusting Powder Creamy Skin Perfume l£ BW »P^ t -~*f- r- •*m ■PP>^ pi «m j Jr •*f Am fVJ tv? *r *'"^bl JJr¥TrPiP^^T 'Tmishung". crea««yp Ruf*^)f»' /jjl 1 resist mi;
      98 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 279 12 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6. Scoff at the roads and uae 1. Around the highway should these Instead? be a warning: be prepared for 7. Unpleasant surprise results heavy loads (5-10). in unlimited loss (16). 8. Banker's epitaph on a heretic 12. To wipe out old-fashioned (S). punishment will cause
      279 words

  • 1430 13 Crown Prince's love-pact death rocked Europe TRAGEDY BECAME THE THEME OF MANY BOOKS, PLAYS, FILMS JUST before midnight Jan. 31, 1889, a closed carriage jolted up to the door of the Holy Cross Monastery, in the woods outside Vienna. From the carriage two men emerged, carrying between
    Daily Mirror  -  1,430 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 140 13 l]o VAIPfiaWQ Ufc Mi from long •p«ciali«ed experience 1 1 NPS^f^P/ piace us in the best position to install /^/afUY&^^Mkjfi/^lorC 20 Clemenceau Avenue \l^*aSraßgHr*rc*^ Singapore 9. Tel: ***** GUARANTEED SUPERIOR C^£» QUALITY INDIAN CONDIMENT O ~:^^0- iri tnrnm /^HBL a^. g_^ FOR YOUR 4. HEALTH AND m^[ I |f HAPPINESS
      140 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • COMMETCIAL news and views
    • 237 14 Keeping time with world's first electronic watch KEEPING abreast of the times in Singapore is no problem now with the introduction of the Accutron. the worlds first electronic watch. Developed by the Bulova Watch Co. after eight years of research, the Accutron is guaranteed for one full year not to
      237 words
    • 188 14 Polaroid sunglass cuts glare ANEW range of Polaroid sunglasses which cut out reflected glare completely and enable the wearer to see everything in detail has been marketed in Singapore and Malaya. Products of an American company, Polaroid Corporation of Massachusetts, the sunglasses are scientifically different from other sunglasses, says Mr.
      188 words
    • 301 14 Malaya's soap tax worries manufacturers SINGAPORE MAY LOSE TRADE' CLAIM SINGAPORE soap manufacturers have expressed great concern over the five cents tax increase a pound on hard soap entering the Federation. Th i s new import duty was announced by Mr. Tan SieNV Sin. the Federation Finance Minister, in li
      301 words
    • 124 14 USHA FANS INVADE LOCAL MARKET USHA fans and sewing machines are gaining a strong foothold on the Malayan market aijd. according to official figures, sales have increased by 160 per cent since 1956. In the first nine months of this year, 7,000 Usha fans and 700 sewing machines were imported
      124 words
    • 215 14 ONE OF THE latest products to be imported into Singapore and Malaya is a type of duplicating machine which can print in seven different colours in one operation. i Called the Banda. It is a product of Block and Anderson Ltd., London. Mr. F.
      215 words
    • 36 14 Preparations for celebrating Sarawak Shell Oilfield's 50th anniversary this month are now well in hand. The highlight of the celebrations will be the opening of the new Sarawak Shell head office building at Lutong.
      36 words
    • 213 14 Awnings are now made in Singapore A SINGAPORE firm. Wing Kwong Co.. has established a factory for making awnings, the first in the State. The factory at Genting Lane, off MacPherson Road, produces various sizes of aluminium awnings from 15 sq. ft. to a few hundred sq. ft. They are
      213 words
    • 39 14 The British Secretary of State for the Colonies. Mr. lain Macleod. has appointed Lord Howick of Olendale to be chairman of the Colonial Development Corporation for three years from December 1. on retirement of Sir Nutcombe Hume.
      39 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 150 14 f^s r w» w W MANILA 6 B \NGKOK KI ALA LUMPUR MHMN^S. SING^PORI ■^v/y/l DJAKARTA 6 }a&ter by air "The Early Bird Catches the Worm" Send your freight by INDONESIAN AIRWAYS Booking Office: Ist Floor, Bank of China Bldg., Singapore. 1. Phones: ***** *****-8. Bay No. 20, Hotel
      150 words
    • 440 14 RHEUMATISM AMAZING NEW DISCOVERY BRINGS RELIEF FROM PAIN A British di«cot<-rr has M the v oBco,ering« major cause HECK This pain is caused by "trigser IS. 1 •pots of muscle— often only connected with the areas of paw by the T^ mmmmmm A~ nenes. FIIROSITIS To relieve the pain of
      440 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1703 15 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE TO >ltN LIVERPOOL, BUSCOW, LONDON, t CONTINENTAL PORTS, P. S'nam Penani MENESTNEOS livtrptal, Havre, Hamburg To«ay AUTOIYCUS Lirtrpeel. Dublin Cm. 33 Trtay DM 7/1 Dm II MYRMIDON M'seilles. H burg. Antwerp, Amsterdam, K'haaai. London Dm 7 Dm 0 Dm 1/11 BEMODOCOS London. Hamburg, Rotterdam Dm B
      1,703 words
    • 1339 15 THE E.A.C LIMES-""— ytjjp?gh ADEN. REDSEA. MEDITEIRANEAH. COHTINENTAL 1 SCANDINAVIAN PDtTS. /3P^S\ Soore P. Sham Penani Qf\S3\\n POONA a) UP*rt/*Dec fc HV^SI "JttTUNDIA" t) 1»/21 DM 22/24 Dk 2J/2* Otc I&<\ Js# "SIOONtA" a) a Dm/ 4 Jm J/ 1 Jaa 7/1 Jm jLJnKZ "SEIANOIA" I) 11/ a JM 21/23
      1,339 words
    • 1423 15 ■SiioiNs THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD ostT SINCAPuII (lM«n«trtM It H» OaitM littltml I* LINES SAILINGS ta ADEN Oil CONTINENTAI PORTS. Sport P. Sham fteani lENVOILICN LilirpMl. Antwerp, Rott, Bremen H'borg. Mtrough 1/ I Dm BENLOYAI LivetMtl. Mull Rotttroin ll Plrt/ B DM Hamburg 18/11 Dm livtrpnl li'ect arrtfM I
      1,423 words
    • 1208 15 id|-w MeALISTER CO,, LTD. > BLLESJUADI UNI lU,*VIHISS LDtB LONDON. NAMOUIS ROT'EIOAM HAYRI LOS ANCELES. SAN FUNCISC*. t RttU. SEATTLE VANCOUVER 1 POmAN* am Mt Cmilim I USA. AllatrtM Pitta IcceitiM cargt ftf Cental I SMtk CITT OF wtIiiNSTON America. Spore P S'kam ftnane SUNNYVIUI Ttm Dm a/a Dm a
      1,208 words

  • 109 16 MELBOURNE. Mon INVESTMENT shares opened the week trading along steady lines. Australian Consolidated Industries gained 2s 6d. to 745. and Buckely and Nunn Is. to 235. Awa eased Is- to 245. 6d Base metals and the oils remained steady, while Commonwealth Bonds traded along easier lines. Ampol Pet
    109 words
  • 212 16 riECEMBEB Orst trade rubber buyers f o.b. clc*ed In Singapore yesterday at 84 cents per lb. up half a cent on Friday's close. Tlie tone was dull. S.C.C.R.A. dosing prices In cents per lb-. yesterday were: Int. 1 R S S. Spot fob. buyers 83%. sellers 84'4 N;
    212 words
  • 82 16 CHIPS lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Tamesis 1/2, Perseus 4/5. Lar Maersk 6A. TJlpanas 6/7, Kwangtung 8/9. Laos 10/11, Laura Maersk 13/14. Oeneral Slkorskl 15/16. Jan Ma^ejko 18, Wauimu 19, Hong Tat N- Wall 1, Pailowa N. Wall 2. Bast Sea N-
    82 words
  • 1144 16 WEEK OPENS QUIET, BUT HAMMER RETURN RAISES SHARES By Our Market Correspondent J HE FEATURE of the Malayan share market yesterday was a rise of 11 cents in W. Hammer and Co., raising the middle price to $1.52] on the announcement that the liquidators intend to make a first distribution
    1,144 words
  • 34 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 5. RUBBER: 84 cents per lb. (up half a cent). 5 p.m. unofficial close: 841 cents per lb. (quiet). TIN: $394.75 per picol (unchanged). Estimated unofficial offering 240 tons (unchanged).
    34 words
  • 577 16 CINGAPOBE membeit 01 the 0 Malayan Stock Exchange reported the following business at their 3.30 p.m. call yesterday: (Bargains are given before prices unless only one was written). Industrials: Boustead $1.15; Fed. Dispensary $137; Praser Neave Ords. $195 and $1.96; Gammon $2.04 and $205; M. Cement $1.77;
    577 words
  • 139 16 rPHE Malayan Exchange Banks' 1 Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to •100): New York: buying airmail T.T 33. O.D. 33 1/8. 90 d/st 33 3/8 credit bills. 33 'i trade biUs Canada: buying airmail T.T 32 5/16. OH. 32 7/16,
    139 words
  • 24 16 Malayan Stock Exchange: Dec. S Dec. 3 Industrials: 131.02 130-60 Tins: 181.86 182 55 j Robbers: 210.74 210.20 Jan. 1 1958 im>.
    24 words
  • 144 16 SINGAPORE Chinese Produce *> Exchange noon price* per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; DK/ConUnent Dec/Jan shipments $28 buyers $284 sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk S4l<4 sellers, drum $45' 4 sellers Pepper: quiet; no business was reported done. Muntok white $245, Barawak $240. special Sarawak black $1524, and
    144 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1112 16 Exprcas U.S.A. Pacific 6. Atlantic Coast Service E.T.A. E.T.A. E.T.A. Spore P. Sham Pening H'kon| L An«le» N. York Ctkskt Mini 27/ M Dtc 31/ 2iM IJm Mlm 12 frt "KMikna Mtri" 2f 21 Jn 21/ M Im I Frt 23 Frt 12 Mm All suitably equipped aith oeep tanks
      1,112 words
    • 675 16 NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Mr. ENG AH KOW is no longer in our employment and has no authority to transact any business or to collect any monies on our behalf. THE CHINA ENGINEERS. LTD. Singapore. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE SINGAPORf PROPERTIES To be held at Our saleroom.
      675 words
    • 553 16 NOTICES TOWN BOARDS ENACTMEN I (F.M.S. CAP. 137) SABAK BERNAM TOWN BOARD NOTICE No. A Draft Pian has been prepared under Section t3S of the Town Boards Enactment for ihc Layout of the Town of Sabak Bernam, In the District ot Sabak Bernam. as shown on Plan No S.P.O- 82/3717
      553 words
    • 350 16 NOTICES NOTICE SPOTRADIO LTD.. 58 Orchard Road. Singapore, advise their clients that Mr- Chan Wah Lee has ceased to be employed by them as from sth December, and Is no longer authorised to transact any business on their behalf. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Peter Heng Teck Kirn
      350 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1246 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT WANTED Applications are Inviled for the post of Chief Engineer. Rangoon Electric Supply. Electricity Supply Board, Union of Burma. Applicants must be between 40 and 50 years of age and must have a technical qualification to Uie standard of chartered membership of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (U.K.)
      1,246 words
    • 742 17 (Continued from Pmge 10) SITUATIONS VACANT M Wordt Si (Min.)— Box St ctt. txtrm FULLY EXPERIENCED teleprinter operator wanted by International Airliner. Apply Box A 4135 S.T. B'pore. EXPERIENCED AIRLINE SALES Representative wanted by well-known Airline Company. Apply Box A 4122 ST. B'pore. SALESMEN SALESGIRLS offlce assistant needed knowledge of
      742 words
    • 1003 17 SITUATIONS VACANT M Wtrdt SS (Min.)— Box St ctt. txtrm WANTID outdoor salesgirls /men for popular cosmetic products experience unnecemiary but better, good commission and salary. Ring Singapore ***** 10 a.m. 3.00 p.m. WANTID travelling medicine salesman in the Federation. Malay. Indian or Eurasian. Salary and commission Interview call personally
      1,003 words
    • 698 17 ACCOMMODATION WANTED M Word, U (Min.)— Box St ct,. txtrm SMALL FAMILY requires flat of 2/3 bedrooms near city area. Apply Box A 4078 B.T. Spore. Mentioning rent. OFFICE SPACE VACANT M Word, SS (Min.)— Box St eU. exf re OPPICI AND SHOP space downstair and upstair available In Jobore
      698 words
    • 804 17 EDUCATION U Word, SS (Min.)— Box St ctt. txtrm •CNOOL CCRTIPICATI CANDI DATES! Don't waste time; enrol now for the Guaranteed 4 asif tn«t Shorthand Typewriting Rapid Course with "1.T.8.". 19, Lorong 30 Oeyiang. Spore. *****. Also Bookkeeping by expeiienced/blghly qualified Teacher. POORMAN't SCHOOL ot Music (Vienna Conservatoire of Music)
      804 words
    • 967 17 VCHICLES FOR SALE It Wordt SS (Min.)— Box St ctt. txtrm I PORO CONSUL TtSt model excellent condition one owner 53. 950. No oSers. Telephone J.B. 2503. I*6o FORD FALCON. One owner car, low mileage In immaculate con- dlttoo. View 12 Cluny Road. B'pore. Pbone *****. 1957 AUSTIN METROPOLITAN COS-
      967 words
    • 642 17 FOR SALE :i Wtrdt SS (Mm.) Box St ct,. txtrm CCC JUNK STORE. 137. W.nstrdt Drive. Slnxaporv-ti, Buy It. Sell AH Types of Household Uoods, Furniture and Oood Used Cars. Telephone *****/ *****. STEAMBATH. MASSAGE, ETC. Wordt If (Min.)— Box St ctt. txtrm I TRY THE NEW Turkish Steamroora v
      642 words

  • 123 18 Kramer troupe will arrive tomorrow KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Jack Kramer's professional tennis troupe will not be able to play in Ipoh tomorrow as their departure from Saigon has been further delayed. Their exhibition at Ipoh has been postponed till Saturday. The troupe's programme in Malaya has been revised as follows;
    123 words
  • 49 18 DUBLIN. Mon. Irish trainer V incent O'Brien, whose licence vas withdrawn in May this year ov the Stewards of the -Irish Turl Club, is to have it returned in May. 1961. This is six month;, before the date originally fixed For the end of his suspension. Renter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 341 18  -  K. FERNANDEZ By I Kuala Lumpur, Mon RAZAK IS IN FAVOUR OF THE IDEA WHICH WILL BE DISCUSSED AT NEXT 'EXEC MEETING TWE Malayan Hockey Federation is to take the lead in forming a South-East Asia Hockey Federation. Mr. A. E. Durairatnam, a
    341 words
  • 45 18 pOLOUR FILM goes to the finishing lire a comfortable winner from Summer KiscJ (hidden on rails) in the second race at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. Rapid Air finished third and Singapura fourth.— Picture by Ng: Beh Leow.
    Ng Beh Leow  -  45 words
  • 30 18 BONN, Mon.— Martin Lauer of West Germany, co-holder of the 110 metres hurdles world record, lias been suspended from talcing part in athletics for six months.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 248 18 By KEITH HOOPER pERTH, Mon.—West- erh Australia is facing the threat of one of the most unusual strikes in Australian history. On* the course bookmakers may decide tomorrow to make a mass surrender of their betting shop licences in protest against the Western Australian government's
    248 words
  • 34 18 MEDFORD (Massachusetts). Mon.— John Thomas, American holder of the world high jump record, returned 10 competition for the first time since the Rome Olympics and cleared seven feet U. 13 metres). Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 173 18 NASSAU. Monday. rvAN Gurney of the United States, driving a Lotus won the Nassau International Trophy race here yesterday in record time. Ourney clocked two hours 42 minutes 49.42 seconds for the 247& mile event (400 kilometres) at an average speed of 89.54 miles per
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 635 18 eight races at Bukit Timah on Saturday \\EIGHTS for all eight races at Bukit Timah on Saturday: Cl. 1. Div. 1— IM. Prince of Lalita 9.05 Tudor House 9.03 Grainne 8.08 Rina 8.07 Bestcrete 8.06 Automation 8.03 Brantas 8.03 Downing Street 8.03 Kogertborpe 8.02 Powhatan 8.00 Setia Budi 8.00 Big
    635 words
  • 53 18 BOMBAY, Mon.— Today was a rest day in the First Test at Brabourne Stadium here between India and Pa. kistan. Pakistan 350 (Hanif Mohammad 160. Seecd Ahmed 1121 S. P. Gupte 4-43). I India 205 for three (V. U Manjrekar 72 not out. N. J.
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 52 18 BARCELONA, Mon. Real Madrid, who were knocked out of the European Cup by Barcelona ten days ago. gained their revenge yesterday with a 5-3 away win in a league soccer match here. Their stars were cen-tre-forward Di Stefano and outsideMeft Gento. both of whom got two
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 77 18 Goonesena to play for NSW /CANBERRA. Mon. Gamlnl \j Goonesena, a diplomat employed by the High Commissioner for Ceylon at Canberra, has been chosen to play for New South Wales in the Sheffield Shield game next week against West Australia. He thus becomes the first \sian ever to play in
    77 words
    • 12 18 TOIR MATCH (Brisbane) Queensland 43i and 189-8 W. Indies tourists 357.
      12 words
    • 8 18 INTERNATIONAL (Boraas) Sweden 2 China 5.
      8 words
    • 26 18 NASSAU TROPHY, 247' A miles: 1 Dan Ourney (US, Lotus) 3 Pedro Rodriguez (Mcx, Ferrari) 3 Allen Connell (US. MaseraU) 2hr 42min 49.425 ec (record).
      26 words
    • 24 18 BANTAM (Tokyo): Chartchal Lamphafa (Thai) outptd Masao Ogawa (Jap) 10 rds. FRENCH BANTAM TITLE (Calais): Pierre Vetroff ko'd Elysee Castre (holder) 4th rd.
      24 words
    • 9 18 TOIH MATCH (Hanoi): China 0 N. Korea 1.
      9 words
  • 99 18 Mon.— With the First Test match against the West Indies due to start on Friday. Australia's Test captain Richie Benaud was confined to bed today with a badly infected throat Benaud will be in bed for at least two days, and has had to withdraw from
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 94 18 Now... a fully remote controlled and fully automatic slide projector! Ihb S 4 wf^^^^ \N. Sfe&^x^ llh^^3^Bh^Hv SolcMAgents-* MACLAINE WATSON (IMPORTSfLTD. Shopping w j/^r-i is an unfailing Sr^,^ N I rurmt ure PJ overseas passengers If l^f^Jßw lIC^TS courtesy and cordiality ml py^^j^r Goby RI.L. for -rest, J relaxation and
      94 words
    • 573 18 DON'T BE BULLIED! SAYS WORLD FAMOUS W RESTLER W LEOSG FU! I can teach you to turn your fingers, hands, feet ami elbows into super ,Ap^^ weapons. .\o matter how big he is or how small you are! COR THE FIRST TIME thr complrtr ATADO SKU-- DEKK.NCK COfRSE can b«
      573 words

  • 56 19 BOOK-KEEPER MOHAMED NOOR IS MR. PERAK JUNIOR' MOHAMED Noor Shalludin, 23-year-old Ipoh book-keeper (centre), is "Mr Perak Junior, 1960 He won the title in the contest organised by the Perak Chinese Pyramid Physical Culture Association on Saturday night. Choy Chan Keong (right) was runner-up .and third place went to Chen
    56 words
  • 671 19  - Selangor did everything too late and lost NORMAN SIEBEL 3y Kuala Lumpur, Mon. CELANGOR, this year's I .A.M. Cup champions, did everything at the last minute when they met the Singapore Government Services footballers at the Merdeka Stadium tonight. With only 15 minutes to go before the kick-off they hadn't
    671 words
  • 443 19 BRISBANE, Monday. /QUEENSLAND, with two second innings wickets left, led the West Indies cricketers by 263 runs at the end of the third day's play in their match here today With the pitch beginning to take spin the touring side may have a tough
    Reuter  -  443 words
  • 322 19 S'GOR 'SWITCH' IGNORED KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. T»HE Malayan Hockey Federation today named A Mike Shepherdson as captain and centre-half of the Malayan team to meet Singapore in the "home" international match here on Sunday, thus disregarding the weekend's "experiment" by the i Selangor selectors. In the
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  • 109 19 CINGAPORE. Mon— A Singa- pore Cricket Club lnvitaj tion rugger XV, which Included only two Asian players. were well worth their 11-0 victory (a goal and two tries) over REME on the padang today. S.C.C. showed all round superiority and but for a wet pitch which
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  • 25 19 SEREMBAN. Mon.— Second Field Regiment R.A. ol Tampln will meet Royal Australian Regiment In a Army Cup rugger semi-final at Tampin on Friday.
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  • 93 19 PACE MEN CANNOT THROW, says MAHMOOD BOMBAY. Mon.— Fazal Mahmood. captain of the Pakistan cricket team touring India, said here that he thought it was not possible for a fast bowler to throw unless he abruptly came to a stop at the wicket before delivering the ball. Fazal. who was
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 113 19 SOCCER CHARITY MATCH: Malacca Selection 4 (Mazlan, Hamzah. Balan, Rahlm) l Bin 3 Bast Anglian Regt 3 (Ashby 2 AUbury) at Malacca. HILDA (IP (Slim River) High School, Slim River 8 (Govlndajamy 4, Kathlravelu 2, Omar, Chlnnathamby) Tamil School 0. HOCKEY WOMEN'S STATE TRIAL (Penang): White 2 (C.
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  • 100 19 Singapore RAF lose six wickets for 80 UONO KONG. Mon. Hong Kong Combined Bervlces, batting first, made 213 runs for nine wickets declared against the visiting Singapore Royal Air Force cricketer* today. The home side captured six R.A.F. wickets for 80 runs at the end of the first day of
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 76 19 SINGAPORE. Mon. 8uKaramai got oft* to a sensational start In the B.A.F.A. Under-21 tournament when I they whipped Slglap 16-1 at Ferrer Park today. Sukaramai led 6-0 at half I time. I Centre-forward Zalnol Hussein younger brother of Singapore centre forward Sahar Hussein led the rout
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  • 37 19 SEREMBAN. Mon. Roy Holder, the Negrl-Malacca captain, who was sent to hospital with a broken nose four minutes before the end of the Malaya Cup match against Johore here on Saturday, left hospital yesterday.
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  • 350 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— M. Annuar Be« Moghal, the I Federation hockey coach to the last Asian Games at Tokyo and former Pakistan Olympic player was the only Federation umpire to gain a grade one pass in the hockey umpires' examination held In
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 288 19 JambreHabilitij *^^KS-aKß^lg^^^k I Jb IBs- wk L -*^'^d9mlm\ mm **^m^ M^^S*^MWm^mVmW^m^rZ^mtm9p A^^^J lilH^R J. flam ffi^^^^^l k 1 P>!!tt^^S UP L^7 '^HU IkJl m\^mWMm*Jmm Kirn Vegter and Akie Eichhorn, two Singapore girls, recently decided to go by Lambretta to Penang "For fun". They did the whole trip in 14H hours.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 69 19 SOCCER SPORE YOUTH TOCBNEY: Ist rd Geylang United v Halkowyu: Bukit. Tlmah v Delta Ganges(Parrer Park". Premiere Lie: Chinese v Juniors iJalan Besar) HOCKEY INTER-SERVICEB: RAF v RN CSeIeUD. IPOH DIV. 1: Police v Malay? (Upper padang). PENANG DIV. 1| Malays v PRC (Da to Kramat). BUGGER FRIENDLY: SRC v
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  • 247 20 Dr. Soekarno stresses ties of religion, political struggles binding R.1., Pakistan JAKARTA, Monday. THE President of Pakistan, Field-Marshal Ayub Khan, rode through the cheering streets of Jakarta yesterday to start a seven-day tour of Indonesia. Pakistani and Indonesian flags, and streamers in the national colours
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 334 20 'Lift limitation on academic freedom 9 appeal to Government SINGAPORE, Monday. THE ACADEMIC Staff Association of the University of Malaya tonight urged the Singapore Government to remove the "limitation upon academic freedom" in the interests of university education and the nation us a whole. This was one of the motions
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  • 143 20 SHOTS AGAIN FROM ACROSS THE BORDER 1 BELFAST. Mon. Shooting between terrorists and police flared up early yesterday along the Northern Ireland border with the Irish Republic after many months of peace. Hidden snipers opened fire on police at Belleek, County Fermanagh. A running battle followed before the gunmen, believed
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 54 20 Dressed in the finery marking his rank, 68-year-old Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (left) is greeted by President Nkrumah of Ghana at Accra airport on his arrival for a five-day state visit last week. With the Emperor came an 18--member delegation which included his daughter. Princess
    UPI  -  54 words
  • 68 20 THE HAGUE, Mon.— Three Indonesian "infiltrators" have been killed and several others raptured in a clash with Dutch troops and police on the south-west coast of West Irian, it was officially reported today. Dutch forces had launched a counter-attack and expected to arrest another "small group" hiding in
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  • 93 20 BARRICADES CASE MAN DISAPPEARS PARIS, Mon. Pierre Lagaillarde. red-bearded Algiers Deputy, and four of his co-accused in the "Algiers plot" trial, failed to appear when the hearing resumed today. Lagaillarde s lawyer said an anonymous telephone caller early today said he had gone to Spain to join General Raoul Salan,
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 309 20 LONDON. Mon. Generally I quiet and irregular conditions prevailed in London stock markets today. There was very little in the weekend news to encourage business but industrials encountered a selective demand for specific reasons. Interest in the industrial market was selective rather than general. Closing
    309 words
  • 67 20 RUBBER LONDON. Mon— Spot 24 ,ci.. Jan. 25d.. Feb. 25'id., Mar. 25', d.. Jan./March 25 1 »a. Apr/June 25"id.. July/Sept- 25>»d., Oct./ Dec. 25 l »d.. Jan. /March 35'id.. Dec. CIS. 24*id., Jan. 24 T »Q.. Peb. 24* t d. Tone: Inactive. TIN LONDON. Mon. Buyers £799. sellers £800. Forward
    67 words
  • 128 20 HONG KONG. Mon. Dr. Thomas Dooley, whose "medico" programmes in undeveloped countries of South-East Asia and elsewhere have made him famous, has been told by doctors here that he may have suffered an extension of the cancer lor which he underwent surgery last
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  • 131 20 'STOOGES' CHARGE AGAINST DUTCH JAKARTA, Mon. Jakarta newspapers said today the Dutch authorities in West Irian were selecting "stooges" to run government sponsored political parties. The papers said they had this information from "refugees" from West Irian who were arriving at Soasiu. a township in the Moluccas. 'Colonial army' The
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 26 20 SINGAPORE. Mon. A woman, Toh Hay, 42, died tonight after she was knocked down by a car at the 12th mile Sembawang Road.
    26 words
  • 36 20 MESSRS CHCAH CHEE TATT, CkM Cheng. Chre Ann. Guat Xc nnd Uual Lan thank frirnda and relatives fur wreatha, scrolls. condolences, cars, lorrirs. visits and attendance at Tiang Huat nee Madam Cbuah Swm Lye).
    36 words
  • 29 20 PRECIOUS MEMORIES of our lov '<l oar, P..X. Samuel "Thouich ab.irnt. you ar« always near. Mill loved, .•till minted, and ever dear. inM-rtrd by his loved onei.
    29 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 177 20 A (ON to Mr. Mis J. Chirk at W>l Mln Maternity rimiu iSrraiiKOoa Uardini nn 4-U-tiO. Both well. RENFREW: to D;i|.hn, vii.< of Ul<n twin daughter* Ann and MM at c;i. n. ;ikl.s Singapore Drccmhrr nfto. All w.ll. BETWEEN THOMAS, KMOON GUAM •On or Mr. Mm. WM KtnK I'hn and
      177 words