The Straits Times, 11 November 1959

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times AW*" 1 Estd.lB4s. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1959 15 CENTS.
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  • 770 1  -  T. S. KHOO CANBERRA 'WE'RE RIGHT-WING AND SINGAPORE IS LEFT-WING' 'Big tasks ahead we would not welcome obstacles' From Tuesday Tengku: No chance at present Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, declared here today that he did not think there was any chance of a merger between
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  • 165 1 AUSTRALIANS TOLD: LEARN LANGUAGE OF 100 MILLION NEIGHBOURS f ANBERRA, Tues Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that Australian schools should teach the Malay language. And he oflered to provide Malay teachers "so that Australians can learn the language of their 100 million neighbours". The Tengku said: "One hundred million people
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK. Tues. The United Nations General Assembly's special political committee today expressed for the eighth consecutive year its "concern" over South Africa's apartheid (racial segregation) policies. The vote was 67 in favour, three against, with seven abs ten tions.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 195 1 A I I MII I, Tues. Burglars broke into the office of Van Houten (Malaya) Ltd. in Tons Shin Terrace here early today and took away a safe, two typewriters and a calculating machine. (at they did not get very far with the
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  • 177 1 KHARTOUM, Tuesday. A GROUP of officers were arrested after the failure of an attempted coup against the Sudanese Government early today. Omdurman Radio said the officers attempted to overthrow the regime with the support of some members of an infantry school. The loyalty of
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 58 1 NAIROBI. Tues.— The state of Emergency in Kenya, declared seven years ago to help the Government stamp out Mau Mau terrorism, is to be ended early next year. Sir Patrick Renison, new Governor of the British Colony in East Africa, announced this today when he opened the
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 80 1 RAIL UNION PUTS OFF COUNTING KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malayan Railway Junior Officers' Union today postponed the counting of strike ballot papers until tomorrow. This is one of the five railway unions whose members are contemplating strike action to back their pension scheme claims. Earlier this week the Locomotive Enginemen's
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  • 31 1 PARIS. Tues. General de Gaulle announced today that Mr. Nikita Khrushchev will visit France on March IS. He will stay in France until the end of the month.—Reuter.
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  • 51 1 PARIB. Tues.— A Pan-Ame-rican Boeing 707 jetliner with 82 passengers set a new New York-Paris speed record today of five hours and 44 minutes. The previous record of six hours and four minutes was set by another Boeing 707. also Pan-American, on Dec. 12. last year.—
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  • 33 1 ALGIERS. Tues. Two French soldiers were killed and seven others wounded when they were ambushed by Insurgents in the Tiaret region. 150 miles south-west of Algiers. French military sources said today.
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  • 323 1 rE 450 workers who went on strike last Wednesday at the Malayan Weaving Mills factory at Tampoi, six miles from here, have lost their jobs. The management has, however, given them up to tomorrow to register for reemployment.
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  • 291 1 FACULTY OF MEDICINE IN CAPITAL: NEW MOVE KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A Faculty of Medicine for the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur will be discussed by the University Council at its monthly meeting on Thursday, it was learnt today. Allied with this subject will be the question of establish- ing
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  • 109 1 *|IHE Soviet <£ I Union has no doubt recognised that although she helped Communism to get into the saddle in China, nothing can alter the fact that .she is Russia, a white nation of Europe, a conqueror of a part of Asia and in brief very well provided with
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  • 181 1 Nehru rejects Chinese claim AGRA Tues. Mr. Nehru told a meeting here today that India did not accept the Chinese claim to huge chunks of Indian territory. "We cannot allow China to keep a foot on our chest," he said. Mr. Nehru did not refer I specifically to a weekend
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  • 38 1 ATOM MISSILES FOR CANADA OTTAWA, Tqe». Nu clear warheads, provided by United State*, will be stored at Botimc wlsNl* ba*ei tn this comity wi*b in next two ye»n>, Defencr Minister George Pearkcs »aid today— t P!
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 Joy Forever MATCHING ENGAGEMENT WEDDING RINGS f^H^ GOLD pjSJSfn J3wV *HITC GOLD t^Jfl^OT PLATINUM. I T»<> ol P. H. HENDRY Jewellers A Silremnittas. 78. North Bridge Rd. S'porf A- Koala Lumpur PLAYER'S MEANS PLEASURE -and everyone knows it P.M.34.
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    • 49 1 Lv^^jl HCXI DAY OWICS 1959 Opening on 15th Nov. until 30th ftov* at Happy World Stadium Bookings at Happy World, Robinsons, Winstons $8, $6, $5, S3, M Manufacturers ol (or Aeritt* Wattrt Tifer tt«r 4 Stem U4 Lm Still Orjnet *"<•>•' lien Steyt CtfQih Htiß«««n i tf Grint'i kottk Whisky
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  • 160 2 HONG KONG. Tues.— Fines totalling Ms 3-.-400 were imposed here today on an office manager who pleaded guilty to trying to persuade a BOAC air hostess to smuggle gold from Hong Kong into India. The prosecution said that Yau Mok-chi, 27. met the hostess.
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 44 2 MISS HONG KONG. Michele Mok. contestant in the Miss World contest in London, has hrr hair fixed at the hair dressing saloon in the Savoy Hotel in preparation for a party. She is stayinr at the Savoy. United Press International picture.
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  • 348 2 NEW CALL TO STRUGGLE FOR DUTCH NEW GUINEA JOGJAKARTA, Tuesday. PRESIDENT SOEKARNO today called on Indonesians to struggle for Dutch -ruled West New Guinea "with the spirit of the tiger." The President told a vast crowd at a rally here to become 'obsessed with
    Reuter  -  348 words
  • 163 2 PLAYWRIGHT BEHAN IN TROUBLE AGAIN NEW YORK, Tues. Irish playwright Brendan Be han appeared for 15 minutes yesterday in a half-hour filmed television show "Small World," then was dropped due to what host Edward Marrow delicately called "difficulties beyond our control." "Small World" is a show in which two or
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  • 30 2 BOMBAY. Tues —Mr. Asoka Mehta was yesterday unanimously elected chairman of the Praja Socialist Partyone of India's major opposition parties in succession to Mr. Oanga Saran Slnha Reuter.
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  • 40 2 RIO DE JANEIRO. TuesFour children were killed and two Injured when an Air Force plane stunting at low altitude crashed into the top of a bus at Guarapuava today. The pilot was also killed.— UP.l.
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  • 52 2 The British— a German view BONN, Tues— Britons only show feeling and warmth— if they do it at all— towards the Royal Family and soccer, the West German newspaper Bildzeitung said today in a comment on the visit to Britain later this month by Dr. Konrad Adenauer, the West German
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  • 23 2 TAIPEH. Tues.—Nationalist Air Force today droped fire-extinguishing bombs in efforts to put out a huge forest blaze In central Formosa. Reuter.
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  • 181 2 Bandsman Crosby is stabbed during home row DEVERLY HILLS. Tues.— Band leader Bob Crosby was stabbed twice "after he had beaten his wife during a row over the weekend. Crosby was injured in the left shoulder and forearm with a four-inch letter opener. Police said Crosby, brother of Blng. had
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  • 279 2 NIKITA: WEST HAS ABANDONED POLICY OF FORCE CAIRO. Tuesday. MR. KHRUSHCHEV was quoted in an interview published here today as saying he believed the capitalist world had now abandoned the policy of force of the late Mr. John Foster Dulles, who was U.S. Secretary of State. "The Wests attitude ii
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  • 48 2 NEW YORK. Tues. Russia's UN. representative said yesterday that the decision oi the Secretary-General. Mr. Dag Hammarskjoeld. to visit Laos was "unjustified." Mr. HammarsKjoeld leaves for Laos tonight. He will fly via Bangkok, where he will be the official guest of the Government. Reuter.
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  • 33 2 ROME. Tues.— The Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano charged today that the situation of Catholics in Communist China was steadily worsening and that more sacrilegious appointments of bishops had been made Reuter.
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  • 44 2 MANCHESTER. Tues. B*ui^ manager Eric Petrl, 51. said by tils counsel to have been oj the fever of backing horses with singular lack of success." was Jailed for seven years here today for embezzling MW5.000 over 13 years.— Reuter
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  • 26 2 LONDON. Tues— Britain's retail trade continues at boom levels, according to the latest figures Issued today hy tht Board of Trade— UP I.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 137 2 LONGINES CONQUEST CALENDAR in 18ct. gold with gold bracelet. Automatic, waterproof, shock-protected. Alto in stainless steel and gold top. LONGINES' REMARKABLE RECORD at NEUCHATEL observatory P^^IB^^BFB tit*) 24 awards for Wrist Watches including 8 First Prizes A jQS^^W 'R 5 awards (all First Prizes) for Pocket Watches gJ?^M|V^ *ni 22
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  • 192 3 NOW A BUG THAT MAKES YOU SEE THINGS T ONDON. Tues. Germs have now been discovered which used by an enemy could act as hallucinating agents causing mental disorganisation, scientists from eight nations said in a public manifesto issued here today. The scientists added: "Although they do not kill directly
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  • 19 3 RIO DE JANEIRO. Tues Two bombs exploded In government offices here last night. One man was hurt.
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  • 181 3 `DIABOLICAL SAVAGE' WHO KILLED WIFE IS JAILED GLASGOW. Tues— William Surginor. 31, was sentenced to 15 years' jail here for killing his wife in "circumstances of diabolical savagery." The prosecution said Surginor called at her mother's house and told the wife. Eliza. 33: "I have got a nice present for
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  • 446 3 Asian summit' proposal CHOU WRITES TO NEHRU ON BORDER DISPUTE. BUT INDIA SAYS THERE ARE DIFFICULTIES' NEW DELHI, Tuesday. rpHE Indian Premier, Mr. Nehru, said last J- night that the spirit of a letter from Mr. Chou En-lai, the Chinese Communist leader, proposing an Asian "Summit" talk and a demilitarised
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  • 103 3 WOMEN'S BAR OPENS DESPITE BIG PROTEST J ONDON, Tues. Temperance societies staged a "leaflet raid" at the opening of a special bar for women at the 300-year-old Horn and Trumpet public house in Worcester. Black-b ordered leaflets headed "down with drink were scattered among the crowd. The bar was to
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 133 3 'MISSING' CLIMBERS SAFEOFFICIAL KATMANDU. Tues. Two Sherpas of the Japanese expedition to Gauri Shankar arrived here last night and confirmed an earlier wireless message that the 32 climbers reported lost three days ago were safe. They said the main body of the reconnaissance party had been around Gauri Shankar and
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  • 72 3 TEHERAN. Tues.— Russian arms, ammunition and military experts have flowed into Iraq over the last two days, newly-arrived travellers from Bagdad said today. A newspaper reported that 15 Russian ships had docked at Basra this week. More than 100 air transports arrived last week bringing Russian
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  • 78 3 PHILADELPHIA. Tues A 43-year-old man, whose heart stopped beating for three minutes, was saved from death by doctors who poured 20 gallons of warm tap water on his exposed heart until he regained consciousness and tried to climb off the operating table. The patient, William
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  • 69 3 $l l2 Million ship THE 40.000-TON liner Oriana elides down the slipway after her launching by Princess Alexandra at the VickersArmstrong yards at Barrow- in -Furness. Lancashire, England. The Oriana, the largest passenger liner ever launched in England, was built for the Orient Line and is expected to go into
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 199 3 WASHINGTON. Tuesday. THE State Department today accused Cuba ot con--1 ducting a campaign of hostility toward the United States. i A statement said: "Inaccurate, malicious and misleading reports have been spread throughout the world concerning the alleged bombing or machine gunning of Cuban
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 366 3 Your radio today... RADIO SINGAPORE RADIO MALAYA Medium Wave 47« metre* NATIONAL SHORTWAVE A.M. 6.30 Oood Morning: 6.32 SERVICE 41.7 metre* Morning Prelude; 700 The News; MLUIIM WAVE SERVICES 7.05 A Date With Music: 8.00 The u la L|UB P««- 341 metres renanr 366 metre* News; 805 A Date With
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  • 284 4  - Acid attack on odd- job man by a gang of 20 HAROLD SOH By SEARCH MN KAMPONG FOR A POLICE INFORMER GINGAPORE, Tues. More than 20 gangsters descended on a squatter area in search of a police informer in Kampong Lima, off MacPherson Road, here tonight and attacked an odd-job
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  • 156 4 SKETCH OF DESIGN FOR LOYALTY WEEK BUNTING SINGAPORE, Tuesday. 'THE Ministry of Culture has issued a sketch (above) of the official design for bunting for decorating buildings from Dec. 3 to 9 National Loyalty Week. The design, which includes the State motif, is in white on a fed background. The
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  • 29 4 BINGAPORE. Tues. The Minister for Health. Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim, will speak about the blood donation campaign at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday over Radio Singapore.
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  • 227 4 Continued aid from N.Z. within her means, says Nash PREMIER STOPS OVER FOR AN HOUR SINGAPORE, Tues. The New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr. Walter Nash, said on arrival here from London tonight that his country would consider increasing Colombo Plan aid to Malaya and Singapore "so long as we have
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  • 114 4 Wife left him after seven days SINGAPORE, Tues. A teacher. Goh Koon Whye, whose wife, Mary Wong, left him seven days after their marriage, was (ranted a decree nisi by Mr. Justice Buttrose in the High Court today on grounds of desertion. The decree U to be made absolute in
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  • 54 4 BINOAPORE. Tues.—Augustine s/o Manlckam, 28, an odd-job labourer, was found not guilty at the Assizes today of murdering Kalia Perumal. 20, on the night of July 16 In a lane off Somerset Road, and acquitted and discharged by Mr. Justice Ambrose. The jury returned a unanimous
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE, Tues— Lady Goode, patron of the Young Women's Christian Association, will attend a farewell tea party at the association's premises in Raffles Quay at 5 p.m. on Thursday.
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  • 63 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. —The Singapore Lambretta Owners' Club will hold its first annual dance at Raffles Hotel this Saturday. It has already organised many outings. Tne club is the first of its kind to be formed in this part of the world and has more than 150 members.
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  • 322 4 'Our premises are too old-fashioned to meet regulations* tyHE Hotel Licensing A Board is now studying the cases of about 200 hotel and lodging-house owners, who claim that their establishments are "too old-f ashioned" to follow one of the rules in the Hotel Ordinance. A six-member
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  • 201 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. fINEMAGOERS in Singapore are due for a Christmas season treat when United Artists' first biblical motion picture is released for screen- ing. "Solomon and Sheba," a King Vldor Production, will be screened simultaneously in more than 100 cities all round the world.
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  • 60 4 SINGAPORE, Tues.— Water will be cut off tomorrow in the backlane of Upper Dickson Road (between Clive Street and Serangoon Road) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m and in Ylo Chu Kang Road (between 9 m.s. and 9 1 2 m-s.J from 9 am to 3 p.m. for
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  • 76 4 ONG'S TOUR OF HOUSING ESTATE SINGAPORE, Tues—Minister for National Development, Mr. Ong Eng Guan. who Is also chairman of the Singapore Improvement Trus\ will visit Brickworks Estate, in Alexandra Road. at 3 p.m. on Saturday. In his tour, he will stop at the market in the area to hear residents'
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  • 42 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. A petrol kiosk proprietor, Ang Hong Klat and his assistant. Ton Chin Kee, were robbed of $200, a calculating machine and a typewriter by four men armed with daggers in Guillemard Road, at dawn today.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 n^<^ Oi*ga*nis(sxt>ion. :CLISjJ /th Terrific WEEK! DAILY at 6.15 9.15 pjn. Extra. Show SUNDAYS at 2.30 p.m. TirkeU ayalUble at SKY UDO CAPITOL. PRICES: Orchestra J4'B*ck StaUt $ Balcony jl.Mi'No Free List TMf ItW, IM^M» dNBUMA M»NTATK>N fin,, i,i cnm-ruiuii i< r KCHOOL CHILDREN 2.30 n.m fi^:iv eictpl x\it\c.:>\± B)
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 268 4 Today's Singapore diary... Y.W.CA. (Raffles Quay): In- SINGAPORE ACADEMY FEN- draw's Cathedral): CWA room, ternattonal Women's Club— talk CERB: Fencing at Chinese South side 3 p.m. to 5 pjn. by Mlm C. Downward on "Women's V.M.C.A. 6.30 p^m. KATONG BOYS' CLUB: Badwork In Christian Church." 10.30 EXHIBITIONS (Raffles Mv- mlnton.
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  • 126 5 Cathay Organisation robbery: Three men charged, remanded SINGAPORE. Tuesday. rrtHREE young men were tentatively charged 1 this afternoon with robbing Yeoh Seng Kay. 39, a cashier of Cathay Organisation, in Bras Basah Road near the Britannia Club at 10.41 a.m. yesterday. The charge did not state the nature of the
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  • 40 5 IPOH. Tues. Burglars broke into the Ming Ming Company here last night and stole 10 handbags and 10 pairs of shoes valued at $200. They scaled the back wall of the shop to enter the shop.
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  • 168 5 THUGS LIE LOW IN FACE OF BLITZ 80 in lock-up and no incidents for week SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE week-old police blitz against thugs has brought about an unofficial "cease-fire" between rival gangsters. For many secret society headmen and their fighters have been arrested and those still at large are too
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  • 200 5 SINGAPORE THE KEY FACTOR, SAYS SIR DENIS SINGAPORE. Tues. 11:5 Sir Denis Allen, deputy to the new United Kingdom Commissioner for Singapore and South- east, arrived here today and stressed the importance of Singapore in this area. Speaking to reporters on board the liner. Carthage, he said: "Singapore will be
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  • 52 5 SINGAPORE. Cues Mr. Teo Chye Poh, 28. returned today on the liner Strath- 1 more from Britain with a degree In electrical engineering. A graduate ol the University of Malaya, he left two j years ago on a scholarship awarded by the General Electric Co
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  • 114 5 Protest to Lim over expats SINGAPORE. Tues. The Local Senior Officers' Association of the City Council has protested to the council administrator. Mr. P. C. Lim. over the alleged re-employ-ment of an expatriate officer who had resigned from the service. The association said It understood that two more expatriate officers
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  • 26 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Lai Kok Heng. charged in the Sessions Court today with I possession of chandu and i smoking utensils, was fined 575.
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  • 98 5 DISTINCTION FOR BOY ARTIST IPOH. Tues— A 15-year-old Peralc schoolboy has won the distinction of being one of six young artists from all over the world to win a special commendation. News of the success of Liew Mook Sang, a student at the Shin* Chung School in Sungel Siput. was
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  • 56 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Syed Alwee bin Harun. whose plea of guilty by letter to a charge of speeding was not accepted, appeared before the. magistrate today and was fined $15. The magistrate said he had taken into consideration that Syed Alwee had had to travel
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  • 197 5 Governor asks traders: Guide the Govt. I^UCHING, Tues.— The Governor of Sarawak, Sir Anthony Abell, urged businessmen to take a hand in shaping the nations policy. At a farewell dinner given by the Chinese community during the weekend the Governor said: "It is to you that the Government must look
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  • 115 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Government, in its campaign to re-organise the trade union movement in Singapore has served three more unions with notice of its intention to cancel their certificates of registration. They are the Foochow j Coffee Restaurant and Bar [Employees' Union, the Singapore
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  • 143 5 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. TWO large Buddhist missions arrive in Singapore tomorrow to spread their religion. MISSION No. I is from the, Federation and will consist of 32 monks led by the Yen. Chuk Mor. MISSION No. 2. a group of I 30, mostly nuns, arrives from Bangkok
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  • 53 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Cairnhlll branch of the People's Action Party at 60. Cuppage Road, will start beginners classes in Mandarin at the request of Englisheducated people. Registration for the classes, which are open to members and non-members will be between 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. from Friday
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  • 30 5 KLUANG. Tues. Inche Ahmad bin Ismail, a hospital assistant and first aid lecturer to the St. John Ambulance Brigade here, has been transferred to the Batu Pahat hospital.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 NEW OPENS ALHAMBRA (SINGAPORE) tomorrow IT'S THE FUNNIEST FILM LOU COSTELLO has m 4 -DOROTHY PROVINE GALE GORDON P^f m •■■■ti~i*~- r i .lim in. li.i f ....mi \j S«M(a«il|Kl«M.MKllKl»<lMSte*iri »—tI»CI>MI POMMIHIimi'IaMMnIMIMW CATHAY RESTAURANT p| PRESENTS NIGHTLY 7\ fjfm ACROBATIC TROLPE JP SI trmm HONGKONG Brine Your 'hildrrn for Ftl
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    • 146 5 "itUl'n ML Hunt Pjr jj WINE Iwi A full-bodted natural wine fortified with nourishing extracts. Wincarms is a /^yjiN|Bf\ pleasant table wine as well ////2SB^\. "V as being an excellent tome jjM^^^X or a tne dirtily. v \^^B* Wincarms makes you fit. keeps you fit there's U/Jmi i/yi^K-^^yi health 'vitality
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  • 276 6 $2mil. PORT PROJECT TO START IN 1960 WORK on a new $2 mil] Port Swettenham hari year and is expected to months. This was disclosed by the Chief Port Manager. Mr. E. Jefleries. to the Straits Times today in an Interview on plans by the Railway Administration to improve facilities
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  • 166 6 PLANTER IS FREED ON HOMICIDE CHARGE A LOR STAR. Tues. A police inspector today testified that he followed a 10-yard blood trail and found a corpse lying In a bund. On trial was a padl planter, Abdullah bin Mohamed. 21, who pleaded not guilty to causing the death of Dan
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  • 27 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Llew Soo Tit, 70. who had an unlicensed still on Johore River estate, was fined $300 in the magistrate's court today.
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  • 124 6 Heavy rain forces many mines to close IPOH. Tues. Torrential rainfall during the past week has forced several gravel pump tin mines in Perak to stop work. This was revealed here today by the Senior Inspector of Mines. North Malaya. Mr. A. W. Burne. He said that nine mines in
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  • 923 6 CAR CHIEF WHO GAVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT FINED MANAGER of a car firm who gave a special discount to a PWD engineer was fined $100 in Kuala Belait. Ernest Angus Barron. of Borneo Motors, was found guilty of abetting John Albert Rolph: Capability To obtain a car for a consideration,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 Photographed at Changi Yacht Clutt M f^^^^ SV^BBBBBBBBaDb.. BBBBBB»>BBBBbV J^Pjßr JlbbbbbbT't WWm *t X t' l^^^^^L^^g^^m^*^^^ u9m»> ■F^^bH bbbbbF -^^^^Vfl^H^B i V r '**'"^Plfr wMtA VX^W I**^*1 W^V**" "Cbb^! ■bbbP^Ubbbbbb! Hblbßbbbb^. <*. h^m? 'i* Jbbl 'N»l^bP new uncrowded comfort "nice trim craft, that," he said- And for will show: more
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 323 6 Straits Times Crossword HB HUB 3bbv? iffjc "J^MiO I ACROSS French doc (3, 4). 1 The foul fiend make* a loud 6 The fireplace In Dlngley DeU sound of liberty on the (5). gallows (IS). T Prohibition In plenty In The Sappen allow you to India (9). find another tenant
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  • 667 7 JJ UGG I N G the shadows of the Asiatic shore, the little Turkish steamer Nousret slipped ""own the Dardanelles on the night of March 8, 1915, and reached the quiet waters of Eren Keui Bay near the mouth of the strait. Stealthily, working under the guns of the mightiest
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  • 979 7 The Dardanelles naval fiasco ing Admiral Carden found himself in a worrying position: He could not get his ships forward to silence the Turkish guns without minesweepers, and the minesweepers would not work v ider fire. It was during this period ot stagnation that Geehl crept into the sweDt waters
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 298 7 Business thrives on j swift, reliable communications \s ...keep in touch by Cable Many firms of all kinds are doing more and bigger business since they started making full use of the high-speed communication services offered to all parts of the world by Cable Wireless Ltd. The cost of using
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  • 42 8 It i, f rfs "Hi i Minimum) K. VYTHILINGAM and family think all relatives and friends and Mali of General Hospital. Malacca, for their wreaths, telegrams, loan of cars and kind attendance at the funeral of their son, late Masler Visvanathan.
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  • 349 8 !0 Hoirft $10 (Minimum) VANITY lot Data, Gowns. Costume Jewellery. Gifts. 32 Raffles Place. Spore. AMIR SONS' Xmas Sale Now On. Very attractive Bargains i« Persian Indian Carpets Rugs. ROSIE. the Rhode Island Red. says, -Why buy inferior brands when Yik-Poh-Lek' (otherwise 'Apollo' i is available. LANCOME COSMETICS Miss
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  • 663 8 The Straits Times Wednesday. November 11. 1959. A Medical School Tcngku Abdul Rahman's remark in Australia that the Federation wants a medical school of its own is evidently to be regarded as the prelude to imminent action. The University Council is expected this week to discuss providing the Kuala Lumpur
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  • 318 8 The idea of merger holds no appeal for the Federation's leaders; as a rule they are not even interested in talking about it. Merger nevertheless has become an unfailing subject of questions at airport interviews and press conferences when the Federation's Prime Minister steps abroad. Tun Abdul Razak
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  • 238 8 For several days now the Main Political Committee of the United Nations has been debating France's intention to explode a nuclear device in the Sahara. The Afro-Asian countries, among them Malaya, have tabled a resolution expressing censure of the French jplan. Nothing is more clear than that the
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  • 834 8  - A hard-driving peer speaks for Britain in the East... DOUGLAS LACKERSTEEN From LONDON WHEN George Nigel DouglasHamilton, the 10th Earl of Selkirk, arrives in Singapore early in the New Year, it will be his fourth visit in a decade to that part of the world. He first set loot on
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  • 684 8 IT is unnecessary to pass a new law to deal with "ambulance chasing." The lawyers who indulge in "ambulance chasing" can be effectively dealt with under the existing laws. Rule 9of the Rules of Etiquette which govern the
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  • 267 8 MAO takes a look at Latin America T ONDON, Tues.— China. looking beyond Asian spheres of interest, has turned her attention ominously to the "backyard" of the United States the fareway nations of the bouth and Central Americas. lln recent months Peking ha.s been putting out significant feelers to nearly
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 396 8 Straitt Times Free Press F*r fh* convanMnc* ot od»«r--rit«r< our rtpr*s«ntativ«t at 111 Floor COLD STORAGE ARCADE, OrcHord Rood, Singapore, will receive small advtrtiMmcntj ond box number rcpliti. Small advertisements ploced In Singapore may alto be handed to COLD STORAGE BRANCHES at Holland Road Katong Keppcl Road Naval Base AUTHORISED
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    • 71 8 NEW FROM KODAK TURRET CAMERA, f/1.9 Fidly automatic camera ...fully lens equipped! Now you can get a precision "6" that has everything! Electric-eye control gives you correct exposures automatically. Just aim and shoot... with wide-angle for broad coverage... with telephoto for close-ups of distant scenes with fast f/1 .9 normal
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    • 115 8 HERMES Q/tm 6 ass a ao a new model /> with dual carbon and material ribbons isffif 9^l Instantaneous change-over from carbon ribbon to the ordinary one by a simple switch thanks to a double ribbon carrier. Easy fitting of ribbon (lan?e access to attachment >. Elegance of the machine
      115 words

  • 258 9 Ex-bandit fighter 'glad war almost at an end' SINGAPORE, Tues. One of Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer's right-hand men during the height of the Emergency in Malaya said today that he "was extremely glad that the war is almost over" when he stopped over here. Lt.-Gen. Sir William Oliver. Principal
    258 words
  • 452 9 COMMUNITY LEADERS AGREE BUT FEEL ABOLITION SHOULD BE DONE IN STAGES SINGAPORE, Tuesday. SEVERAL LEADERS of Chinese clan associations and "huay kuans" (community associations) today agreed "in principle" with the PAP that these organisations should be abolished, but felt it should be done in stages.
    452 words
  • 169 9 JUDGE: HUSBAND HAS RIGHT TO CONTROL WIFE CINGAPORE, Tues. A husband has "some rignts of control" over his wife, Mr. C.H. Teo, a magistrate, said today. He made the remark after dismissing a claim fcr maintenance by a young estranged wife, Ong Soon Neo. Her seaman husband. Ang Hun Boon,
    169 words
  • 148 9 New party formed in S'pore SINGAPORE, Tues.— A new political party with a "democratic socialist platform built on a realistic pattern of life,"* was formed today under the name of Singapore Congress. An application for its exemption from registration has been lodged with the Yang di-Pertuan Negara. said Inche Mohamed
    148 words
  • 168 9 Indian tells about talks in Australia KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Deputy Speaker of the Lower House of the Indian Parliament, Sarcjar Hukam Singh, arrived here today from Australia and said certain m i s v n derstanding among Commonwealth countries had been removed as a result of a conference there.
    168 words
  • 64 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The secretary of the Perak branch of the National Union of Plantation Workers. Mr. Noel Emmanuel, 29, will be engaged to Miss Jessie Jean Krishnan, of Seremban. tomorrow evening. Mr. Emmanuel is a son of the deputy secretary-gen-eral of the N.U.P.W.. Mr. John
    64 words
  • 23 9 KUALA KUBU BAHRU. Tues. The territorial chief of Ulu Selangor. Dato Hajl Kamaruddln. opened a twoday progress exhibition here this morning.
    23 words
  • 33 9 PENANG. Tues.— A woman teacher Is among 2,139 job seekers registered with the Penang employment exchange Also seeking employment were 780 labourers. 254 clerks. 212 bus conductors and seven women stenographers
    33 words
  • 50 9 MALACCA, Tues. A former president of Malacca UMNO Inche Jasmy bin Haji Abdul Hamld. died this morning. He wsls 57. Inche Jasmy. formerly a senior excise officer. was president of the Malacca UMNO in 1952. The burial took place at Merlimau. 14 miles from here, this afternoon.
    50 words
  • 38 9 PENANG. Tues. Inche Ismail bin Ibrahim has been elected president of the Sungel Pinang Road branch of the Pan -Malayan Islamic party. Inche Osman Khan bin Sulalman is secretary and Inche Abdul Majld bin Abdullah, treasurer.
    38 words
  • 53 9 STAMPS encase the attention of Rhodesian MP, Captain F. B. Robertson (left), and Mr. G. F. Froneman, a South African MP. The scene is the lounge of the Federal Hotel, Koala Lumpur, soon after their arrival from Sydney where they attended the Convnonwealth Parliamentary Conference.
    53 words
  • 574 9 'THE chairman of the Central Provident Fund Board, Mr. J. J. Puthucheary, said today that, if the benefits of the fund were to be extended to all workers, it would be necessary to amend the definition of "employee" in
    574 words
  • 398 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THREE South African Members of Parliament flew into Kuala Lumpur today— and deplored countries that "pre-judged" their Government's racial policies without first studying the facts. The three said they were "proud" of the fact that their Government was spending between £40
    398 words
  • 72 9 PENANG. Tues.— The German Ambassador, Dr. G. Yogel. and his wife were guests of the Governor. Raja Tun Uda bin Raja Muhaoimad, at a Residency lunch here today. Dr. Yogel, who was paying his first official visit to Penang. earlier called on the Chief Minister. Dato
    72 words
  • 157 9 TWO GIRL 'AGENTS' MAKE HISTORY SINGAPORE. Tues. Two girls, former Chinese middle school students will create 10- cal police history when j they join the Special I Branch as undercover I agents. They are among the first 1 batch of 24 Chinese-educa-ted cadet inspectors who have just completed an intensive
    157 words
  • 74 9 KOTA BHARU. Tues. A scheme to Improve the method of raising poultry m the state has been started In Kelantan by the Rural and Industrial Development Authority and the Veterinary Department. The State Development Officer. Inche Osman bin Daim. told the Straits Times that ten poultry
    74 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 73 9 //iipsave f^<wtlliout RESOLVE /TX NOW i TO OWN A V^^<J DIESEL MODfL COSTS VVhy worry about petrol prices? ONL V The Mercedes-Benz 1 80 D (diesel model) operotes 44.8 miles per //^»?'*'~**^J' gollon of diesel fuel and gives \j*( L *N 150,000 miles before mojor over- 1 I houl S°
      73 words
    • 210 9 Optima. ELITE Cost for less than any Portable Typewriter of Comparable finish and features. Spore ttO^.C/ f Penang yfct3|" ifcjjfc*^ f Kuala »one OC Lumpur JWUO.^D k ff^S^^^ with Leather Carrying Case. flHulh£ -^^K (TOP DISCOUNT FOR CASH J?k 1^ Hire PurchaM $40/- down Vl And $1f.45 for 12 months
      210 words

  • Children's Page
    • 861 10 rE jungle folk are holding a fair and due to Mat's efforts at fortune telling things are not going as well as they should. Bakar Bear has taken a ride on Ezani's switchback car, and falls into a drum of water left
      861 words
    • 186 10 HERE are some more pen pals for you. Henry Chuah, aged 15. 161 Green House Area. Taiping. Stamps, first day covers, swimming. Michael Yeo. 95-B Boat Quay. Singapore 1. A. M. Hashlm. aged 15. 39 Fasir Panjang Road. Singapore 5. Stamps. Scow Boon Chin. 9 Lumut
      186 words
    • 282 10 JUMPING DICE TRICK HERE is an amusing trick to play at a party which Involves using some principles of electricity. For It you will need four or five dice which you should cut from pith, they must be very light, a Diece of glass and a dry, woollen cloth. Mark
      282 words
    • 164 10 Dear Boys and Cirls. Here are the six winners of our contest in which you were asked to say whit colours Flipper painted the ark, and then paint the picture. Santa Sue, 58-C Tiong Poh Road, Singapore 3. Law Beng Leong. 14 Shanghai Road, Singapore 10,
      164 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 377 10 Two months after you many thai I I old man you'll be meeting me anyway. So why bother I marrying him?" FANS SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE Singapore Tel: ***** K. Lumpur: Tel: ***** Penong Tel: ***** ■FTyVS:::::::::::::::::::::::::!::::! I rib USA i\l I EUROPEf 1 with SA S extra city HilliH^pk
      377 words
    • 394 10 troubled with PAIN? there's no faster, more soothing relief than special 'ASPRO' relief! ASPRO ■ASPRO' relief is what you "^^V^a need to overcome pain in '//J^ip'^ the joints and backache. •ASPRO' relief is special, /^/jSkS^^tX— special because it not only 3rl2jLep§^\ stops your pain fast, but it /v/ W g^ySfßtyim
      394 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1695 11 L THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE TO ADfN, LIVERPOOL GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINEHTAI PORTS Due S'pori Sails f, Sham Penang DOLIUS Genoa, London, H'burg, R'dam Un 18/17 Nn 18 ELPENOR Havre, liter ait I. Avonmouth la Pert Net 18 Nn 17/28 Nn 21 22 PELEUS Literpeel, Glasgow G. 42 Nn 13
      1,695 words
    • 1339 11 y^j^V IH t C« lIHI J SmUnt* fa: »^\i^\A kOEN. REOSEA. MEDITERRANEAN. CONTINENTAL t SCANDINAVIAN PORTS PI ySt^Rf Spore P Sham Penang \^JkJy MEONIA IJ 21/22 Nlv 21/24 Nn U/2t Nil 4MBK "SIMIA" a) 20 Nn/ 4 Dec S, 8 Dec 1/ I Dec —^^^~=> -LAIANOIA" 11/11 Dec 21/21 Die
      1,339 words
    • 1447 11 JU\V° D V THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SIHGAPORE (lactrptrated 11 tfct UaitH Kiagtta) 8 LINES SAILINGS Tt AIEN. U.K. t CONTINENTAL PORTS S'ptrt P S'naai feeaa* UNRINNtS tor Liverpool Hull. R'dam Bremen Hamburg m Part/12 Nn 11/14 Nn dENATTOW 10' Hamburi Antwerp London 21/» Nn a/17 Nat it 31
      1,447 words
    • 1345 11 McALJSTER tSc CO.. LTD. TEL Nt: ***** BI.I.KRMAN LINE KLAVKNBSft LINE LONDON. HAMBURG, ROTTERDAM. NAVRI LOS ANGELES. SAN fRANC.SCO t HULL SEATTLE VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND and for Canada and USA North Atlantic Port*. Acctttiai carga fir Ciatral ft Sntk CITY OF PERTH America Spore P. Sham Penang OOUGAINVILIE M/ 20
      1,345 words

  • 21 12 Malayan Share Market: Nov. 10 Nov. 9 Industrials: 105.56 1D5.58 Tins: 139.21 137.12 Rubbers: 173.72 172.72 Jan. 1 1958-100.
    21 words
  • 836 12 RUBBER MARKET PUZZLE CONTINUES: TIN PRICE BETTER By Our Market Correspondent J)ESPITE the fact that Singapore rubber is already way above the level of other world markets, the price continued to rise yesterday although actual overseas off-take at present is not good. From an opening of $1,251 November first grade,
    836 words
  • 160 12 MELBOURNE, lues, j INVESTMENT shares maintained a firm tone on the Stock Exchange here today. ANZ Bank gained 2s. 6d. to 635. and the 'B shares gained 2s. Henry Jones was up by Is. 6d. to 745. Base metals eased slightly with Mt Lyell easing Is. and Ml.
    160 words
  • 124 12 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: quiet. UK Continent November December shipment* S4O buyers, $41 sellers. Coconut oil: quiet: bulk $62 sellers, drum $64 sellers. Pepper: steady; about 100 tons of white pepper and 80 tons of black pepper were reported done. Muntok
    124 words
  • 112 12 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Chusan 1/3, Thai 6A, Athene 67. Carthage 89. Hai Houw 10 11, Castle Felice 13 14, Hamburg 15 16, Kyoto 18. Petk 19. East Sea N.Wall 4. Perils N.Wall 5. Empire Gannet 21 22, Bruas 23.
    112 words
  • 33 12 SINGAPORE. NOV. 10. RlBBER: $1,262 per lb. (up 3i tents). Unofficial 5 p.m. close $1,261 (quiet). TIN: $396.75 per picul (up 75 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 230 tons (up 20 tons).
    33 words
  • 145 12 November first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 126\ cents .per lb. up 3'« cents on Monday's close. The closing tone was quiet. Cloainc prices in cents per lb.. yesterday were: OFFICIAL: int. R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 127-. sellers 1294; Int. 1 R.S.S. Nov. buyers
    145 words
  • 148 12 The Malayan Exchange Banks' Association made the following changes in its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100) New York: buying airmail T.T. 32 15 16, OD. 33 1 16. 90 d/st 33 7 16 credit bills. 33 9 16 trade bills Canada: buying airmail T.T. 31'«.
    148 words
  • 14 12 w. T s Tr 3 r i a r 1 b bbercropinoctflber
    14 words
  • 758 12 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association reported yesterday: "Industrials and rubbers were quiet while tins were selectively better. The turnover was fair." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business up to 3.30 nan.: industrials: Con. Tin Smelt ords 445.; Fraser and Neave ordj $1.45 x all; Gammon $2.05
    758 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1202 12 Express U.S.A. Pacific oc Atlantic Coast Service E.I.A. E.I.A E.I.A. S'pwe fain Penang H>on| L. Angeles New York "Kaaikawa Man" Ist Call 24,25 Na« U Ni« 2) Nt. :i«Call 28 30 No. Otc Dec II la* "Ttnmwa Mari 21/23 Oec 24 Dec 21 Oic 31 Oec 22 Jai 11 Fik
      1,202 words
    • 323 12 «t THE A BURMA FIVE STAR LINE mmm UNB »aa aj. rm > i h... m T S f U LM«..( ftr O.r.a P.rt, l "AIIIAMA" "A«IAMA" Singapore Penang Penang Singapore IS Nt* 4/S Otc AGENTS: UtNTS: cmlam/l I BARRETTO SHIPPINC SI. BiKk Street. Penang Spare Ttl: 2107M0T57 P Sln
      323 words
    • 224 12 NOTICE NOTICE It has come lo our Knowledge that a quantity of .sauries packed In 7'a oss. oval tins which are dented and bulged and not suitable for human consumption is being offered for sale from 25/5/59. most of which bear no labels and others bear labels not registered by
      224 words
    • 775 12 NOTICES CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE CITY ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS Power supply to Princess ElizaIbeth Estate will be Interrupted on Thursday, 12th November, 1959, from 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. in order to carry out essential alterations to substation equipment. Any Inconvenience caused k regretted. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY
      775 words
    • 647 12 NOTICES THE SUNGEI BESI MINES, LIMITED The Sungei B«si Mines Umited I has received over 80 per cent i acceptances in regard to their i offer to acquire the whole of the i issued share capital of Hong F.ui (Sungei Besi) Limited, and Hie Board of Directors of the Sungei
      647 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 758 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCIES Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacant posts: (I) Qualified Teachers trained to teach Metal/woodwork In Forms I-V (II) Graduate Teachers (pass or Honours^ to teach Rngiish Language Kng ll l Literature In Forms IV V. Applications to be addressed to the
      758 words
    • 760 13 NOTICE THE TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT, (NO. 118) NOTICE UNDER SECTION 137. NOTICE is hereby given under section 137 of the Town Boards Enactment that a draft plan No J9/3248/1, of the area known as Layout of Central Area. Kota Tinggi. which Is bounded In the North in line with the
      760 words
    • 830 13 i Continued from Page 8) SITUATIONS VACANT tt Words Si (Mim.)— Box it ets. txtrm BOX A5OOB. ST. Position filled. Applicants thanked. BOX A 4267 S.T. Position filled. Applicants thanked. BABY AMAH for 18 months boy some English essential. Apply Mrs. Lescer, Sea Breese Court, 43 East Coast Road, Katong,
      830 words
    • 864 13 SITUATION VACANT tt Words Si (Him.) Box it et: sxtrm EUROPEAN LADY Executive Responsible Position: Secretary, Senior Junior Stenographers: Experienced Typist. Female: Accounts Clerk. Male— City Employment 748 Robinson Road. Spore SITUATIONS WANTED It Words Si (Min.)— Box it tU. txtrm SOLICITOR with considerable experience seeks appointment as legal assistant-
      864 words
    • 834 13 OFFICE SPACE VACANT tt Words Si (mm.) Bom M eU. txtrm 250 BQ. PT. available Immediately in Battery Road. Selfcontained. Low rent. 3 telephone lines available. Box A 5068 B.T. Spore. TO LET Air-Condlttenei Ofltoe Spae, In Uniteen Building River Valley Reed, Singapore. 12.000 sqaare feet or MM square feet.
      834 words
    • 889 13 BOOKS PUBLICATIONS it Worts Si (Mim.)— Box St ett. tmtrm 1960 COLLINS DIARIES 1 day $3.00. 2 days $2.50. 3 days to a page $2.10 octavo size. Obtainable at Peter Chongs. WANTED It Words Si (Mim.) Bom *k) eta. mxtra SHIPS ANCHORS 6 tan or over. Phone ***** Singapore. WANTED
      889 words
    • 830 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Words Si (Min.)— Box tt eU. txtrm QUICK SALE 1955 Douglas Mark V 350 cc. M Cycle registered 9-7-57 Excellent condition $730/- ojaxt. Phone Johnny (Spore) ***** anytime today, tomorrow. CAKEFULLY MAINTAINED 1954 V/Wjrvern, Taxed Insurance paid newly retreaded w.sw new Battery, many extras Including Philips
      830 words
    • 709 13 MISCELLANEOUS It Word, Si (Min.)— Box it tt,. txtrm UNITY IS OUR Watchword read Berita Harlan and be up-to-date with what you are expected to do to be a good citizen familiar with our National language. MALAY. (HINESE. TAMIL Translations Typing Calligraphy LANGUAGE TRANSLATIOW BUREAU 11. The Arcade Phone *****
      709 words

  • 289 14 Darul in final but make it the hard way SINGAPORE, Tues. League champions Darul Afiah, chasing the double this year, entered the SAFA Senior Cup final today when they beat Chinese Athletic 2 l at Jalan Besar Stadium. In the final, Darul will meet the winners of tomorrow's semi-final between
    289 words
  • 66 14 SINGAPORE. Tues.-R.A.F. Changi gained an easy 4-0 win over Singapore Cricket Club in the Singapore Hockey Association Div. 1 League on the padang here today. Changi led 1-0 at half time with a third minute goal by Nlzar The airmen continued their domination in the second
    66 words
  • 67 14 IPOH, Tues— Civilians will meet Services in a Ru«ny match In aid of the Poppy Day Fund on the town padanj here on Saturday. Civilians XV: Lee Kooi Meng; A. Rodrigues. H. Forbes. A. W. Wanless. J. Johnson; R. B Wllllngham J. Blythe: D. Edwards,
    67 words
  • 24 14 IPOH. Tues. Ipoh Telecoms won the Way Foong Cup when they beat Chung Khiaw Bank 3-2 in the badminton final last night.
    24 words
  • 20 14 SINGAPORE, Tues. Police beat Combined Schools 5-1 In a Dlv. 4 league hockey match at Thomson Road today.
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  • 16 14 SINGAPORE. Tues. Singapore Amateur Football Association's annual meeting will be held on Dec. 31.
    16 words
  • 139 14 SINGAPORE, Tues. Singapore Government Services Football Association has called for entries for its. proposed inter-department athletics meet early next year to pick a Singapore team to meet Federation Government Services. Entries close on Nov. 30. Events for the meet are: MEN— IOO yards.
    139 words
  • 50 14 FREDDIE GILROY of Belfast, the British and Empire bantamweight champion, slogs it out with kaly's Piero Rollo (right), the European title holder, at Wembley Empire Pool last week. Ciiroy captured the title after going the full 15 rounds with the rugged Italian. Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 194 14 IPOH, Tues.— The Ipoh District Football League has ordered the First Battalion, Loyal Regiment, to replay their Voon Thian Soo Cup (junior teams) final with Bawean Putra. In the final played on Nov. 5, the Loyals won 4-0. On the next day, however, several
    194 words
  • 269 14 SINGAPORE Tuesday. TVAVID CUMMINGS, the British serviceman who is bidding for a place in Singapore's swimming team to the SEAP Games in Bangkok next month was the star performer at the SASA time trials at Amber Road today. Cummings, who qualified for two events, bettered the
    269 words
  • 50 14 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Kenneth Munro. 13. bettered the Singapore 50m backstroke record for under 14-year-olds, when he returned 36.1 sec at Tanjong Rhu yesterday. His time or 36 1 sec clipped I.Bsec off the existing record of 37.95 ec set up by Tan Cheng Hai In 1957
    50 words
  • 100 14 College too good for Police PENANG, Tues— Malayan Teachers College kept their unbeaten record in the Penanji Hockey Association league when they beat Police 7-2 at Dato Kramat today This was the colleges fifth win In seven matches, having drawn twice. Goals by Sathasivam (2 Leng Tean. Boon Sooi and
    100 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 298 14 The most Remembered gift of a11... <IJ/~cZ/oA%s C \J/ capillary action pen Long after the gift occasion has passed, you and your gift of a Parker 61 pen will be remembered by its appreciative owner. Magnificent in design, superb in performance, the Parker 61 is the kind of pen that
      298 words
    • 259 14 FALLING HAIR Or. LaviV CAPILLOGENA HAUL j POMADE is a scientific hair restorer. Arrests hair fall promoUa ncr growth of hair v's^^ prevent* baldness (Q|*^^k dandruff. Irritation NU and gives suppleness A "*W^k and beauty to hair 7«rf CHARI CO., (Post Bos 123). 29, Roblnaon Road. Singapore. T Tflflfr ""williams
      259 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 89 14 SINGAPORE: Soccer SAFA Senior Cup semi-final. H.M. Dockyard v Fathul Karib (at Jalan Besar stadium. 5.15 p.m.). Ru«rr Inter-Services. Army v RAF; Frlendlles, REME v Johore Services "A"; Nee Soon Garrison v 443 BAD.: S.C.C. "A" v R.A.SC; RAF Tengah v RAF Changi "A"; RAF Seietar v Cheshire Hockey Div.
      89 words

  • 296 15  -  VIC NAYAGAM TO BLACKPOOL $15,000 A MATCH: PERUVIANS $18,000 FOR 2 GAMES KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday By F A. of Malaya tonight decided to offer Blackpool Football Club of England a guarantee of $15,000 for a match in Kuala Lumpur in May or June next year. The
    296 words
  • 140 15 SYDNEY, Tues.— Mr. Noel Morris, general manager of the sports goods firm which employs Neale Fraser. said today he was confident the Australian Davis Cup tennis star would not turn professional Fraser is reported to have received an offer from American promoter
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 71 15 ITUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Grasshoppers, a Swiss soccer team, who were due to tour Asia next year and had wanted to play in Malaya, have decided to postpone their tour. F.A. of Malaya secretary Mr. Kwok Kin Ken* said tonight that the Grasshoppers team manager wrote
    71 words
  • 28 15 IPOH. Tues.— Police beat 7th Battalion. Royal Malay Regiment, 2-0 In a Dlv. 1 hockey match on the padang here today. Swee Cheng and Samsuddln scored.
    28 words
  • 217 15 Sim Hee and Bakar to play in Rangoon KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya has named two players for the International Junior championships at Rangoon from Dec. 12 to 17. They are Neoh Sim Hee, 16. of Ipoh, and Abdul Rahman Bakar, 17, of Negri Sembllan. Sim
    217 words
  • 158 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. TWO Selangor hockey players have been suspended x by the Selangor Hockey Association for "ungentlemanly conduct" during a Division One league match. They are S. Rajallngam and R. Dharmarajah, both members of the Kllat Club, holders of the Selangor H.A. knockout championship.
    158 words
  • 81 15 'November' prices lONDON. Tues. Prices at the callover at the Victoria Club here last night on the Manchester November Handicap, to be run over one and a half miles, at Manchester on Saturday: Anthellon 100-9: High Perch. Paul Jones and Ross Sea 100-8; Admiral's Lark 100-6: Operatic Boclety 18-1: VGA
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 84 15 KLUANO, Tues.— The T.A.M. Cup match between Johore and Joint Services (Singapore) will be played at the stadium here on Friday. Admission charges are $1 anu 50 cents. The Johore team will be chosen from: John Clarke, Hamld Tahlr, Hassan Yaacob, Yusoff Hamid, Harun Yusoff,
    84 words
  • 55 15 DACCA. Tues. Australia's cricket team arrived here last night for their tour of Pakistan. They will play three Tests, the first starting here on Friday on a matting wicket. The other Tests will be played at Lahore and Karachi. The Australians will also meet a
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 298 15  - PUNTERS SHOULD BE TOLD THE REASON FOR OBJECTION EPSOM JEEP THE sensational disqualification of Wo-Ai-Nee at x Kuala Lumpur on Sunday was the day's biggest blow to punters and there was heated discussion in man.y quarters for a long time after the race. Wo-Ai-Nee, ridden by apprentice Talb. was first
    298 words
  • 169 15 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Straits Racing Association announced today that The Friar 11, who won two races at Kuala Lumpur la&t week, has been promoted to Class 2. Other promotions are: Class 3 to Class 2— Sea Luck. On Bcreen and Sir Kinder.
    169 words
  • 43 15 LONDON. Tues. West Ham United, currently second in the English First Division, and U DA. Dukla. the Prague team who occupy a similar position in the Czechoslovak League, drew 1-1 In a soccer match played under flood-lights here last night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 120 15 Vent-Axia Fit Vent-Axia and your M M ventilation problems are solved... simply, once and I for all offices, works, I YW B^LBs v restaurants, bsrs, club*, v\^ shops, stores, laundries, I hospitals, laboratories, Lll ff canteens, cloakrooms. "jj Vent-Axia never (ails to a create a better auirapncrc 0 I*l
      120 words
    • 304 15 THE MASTER OF I -W*T*^p STEREOPHONIC REPRODUCTION GRUNOIG TK SO Top* racordtr for monaural recording ond ploybock o« well at for ploybock of "prerecorded stereo tapei" vr Monaural recording time up to 4 houn i? Stereo playback time up to 2 hour» Two tape speeds v.- (3s; ips) frequency response
      304 words

  • 302 16 JAPANESE FOOTWEAR FACTORY? 'OH, NO!' KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malaayan Rubber Goods Manufacturers Association has protested strongly to the Federation Government about a reported plan to set up a $2 million Japanese rubber footwear factory in Malaya. In a protest to the Minister of Commerce and Industry the association's president.
    302 words
  • 22 16 THE SONS of late Mr. Kandiah I MR. wish to thank re'atlves and friends for their attendance wreaihs messages of condolence.
    22 words
  • 44 16 WE ARE HAPPY to announce tha: Andy 'No Tlnie For S*r geants" Griffith is now In the Coast Guard; Hlp-Hip-Hooray! Hlp-Hlp-Hooray! They call him Onlonhead" the sea-going cook who put the whole Coast Guard in a stew (at the I. n Cinema Today!)
    44 words
  • 44 16 MADAM Yuen Yee Sum. age 72. beloved mother of Ng Ufong, passed away peacefully at 8 p.m. 10th November. Funeral at 4 p.m.. 11th No\ ember from 22, Road 5/ 1, Petaling Java, to Church of Holy Rosary. Brickfields and interment at Cheras.
    44 words
  • 130 16 Murder at mahjong: Reward out IPOH. Tues. Perak police have offered a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons responsible for the murder of an icecream seller, Wong Meng, 33. In Pasir Pinji new village on the night of Sept. 21. Wong was among four
    130 words
  • 45 16 LONDON. Tues. John W. Glenister, 45. was fined $162.48 yesterday after a busy day in which he attended his father's funeral, visited his wife in hospital, attended his son's wedding reception, and wa.s arrested for drunken driving.— U.P.l.
    45 words
  • 341 16 25,000 GALLONS OF PETROL AND $1OX)OO IN CASH AND GOODS MISSING- POLICE TOLD KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Commercial Crime Branch of the police are investigating a $60,000 swindle in the Kuala Lumpur Co-operative Stores Society Limited. The fraud involves: TWENTY-FIVE thousand gallons of petrol from the
    341 words
  • 92 16 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Minister for Education, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, today announced that another 4.220 adults had registered for the Government-spon-sored special Malay adult classes to begin next year. He said that the total number of adult students, who will attend the
    92 words
  • 45 16 THE Federation Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, opening the $350,000 Malayan Chancery ot Canberra the first one to be built for Malaya's diplomatic representatives overseas. On his left is th« Malayan High Commissioner to Australia, Dato Gunn Lay Teik. U.P.I, picture.
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 207 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. TOUR Sikhs were charged in the sessions court A today with abducting a young Sikh woman "with intent to cause her to be secretly and Sngfully confined." c prosecuting officer, Mr ouuarshan Singh, said the woman, Prltam Kaur, was In Campbell Road
    207 words
  • 56 16 NEW YORK, Tues Four Air Force fliers were killed when three F-89 Scorpion jet interceptors crashed early today in a Central Montana blizzard. Two others parachuted to safety. Two of the two-seater planes crashed while attempting to make emergency landings. The third plane crashed about
    56 words
  • 246 16 AZIZ BACK WITH PLANS FOR RURAL PROSPERITY KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Minister of Agriculture, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, today returned from a trip to Europe and announced plans to introduce modern mechanical methods to boost rural economy. Malaya will import from Europe: A FERTILISER and urea plant, A FISH
    246 words
  • 72 16 R.A.F. BEAT KOWLOON CLUB HONQ KONG. Tues. The visiting Singapore RAP cricket team, captained by Squadron Leader C. C. Blount, beat the Kowloon Cricket Club by four wickets in a one-day match here today. 8core»: Kowloon Cricket Club 171 (D. O. Coffrev 63. B. Saddler 28, R. W.
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 122 16 `No limit on the stay of Australian troops KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Australian troops will stay in Malaya as long as they are needed, an Australian High Commission spokesman said today. He was commenting on a statement by the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, in Australia yesterday that Malaya would like
    122 words
  • 316 16 LONDON. Tues— With the account ending today business In London stock markets was held In check for a time, but In the afternoon when end account selling came to an end. markets were again tending to go ahead again. There was a further Improvement in giltedged securities on
    316 words
  • 20 16 LONDON, Tues. Buyers £7M sellers £800, Forward buyers £803, sellers £803',. Settlement £799. Turnover a.m. 395 tons p.m. 185.
    20 words
  • 38 16 LONDON. Tues.— Spot 35 1 c nominal. Dec. 33 Ud., Jan.-Mar. 32 l id. Apr-June 30 T »d.. JulySept. 29 7 d., Oct -Dec 29', d.. Nov. c.i.f. 34\d.. Dec. c.i.f. 33Vjd., Jan. c.lf. 32\d. Tone: Steady
    38 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 246 16 _^__^^_^_L«_v Ji f^.i£. w W^Tii|, RK-MjS i ■.■%v_t& '**^_F 4^^__B^_^_HVi__ I M kT *7_^l _f M i t Fi'.i i '^•—k. j i'-:'; f|BlK_Fc*££^3^__^_^^ f n i _|fl^_f% __^g^ r Available in: mCj Waterproof J m try* Waterproof icith calendar Waterproof automatic *«i__^_^-_. icith calendar All stainless steel or rolled
      246 words