The Straits Times, 8 August 1959

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AVEWACE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times Hat*"* Ilk**"* Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1959 if 15 CENTS.
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  • 713 1 'RUNNING-IN' OVER Lee FULL REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE: PAGE 7 'After nine weeks of PAg rule the people are m good heart, administration is sound and Government is sturdy" He sees 5 years of prosperity, progress SINGAPORE. Friday The Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. today said that the "running
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  • 335 1 Alliance plan— this is it KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE Alliance party's election manifesto expected to be released this week-end, is likely to give details of a scheme to shift efforts and resources mobilised to fight the Communist insurrection to a large-scale programme of economic development. Steps may include proposals to
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  • 284 1 From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, Friday THE Queen is expecting: a baby in February, Buckingham Palace announced today. The announcement said the Queen was in good health and would undertake no further* public engagements. First to hear the news outside palace circles were 100 London
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  • 87 1 OUT SOON: SIX-DAY TIME-TABLE FOR SCHOOLS SINGAPORE. Fri. The Ministry of Education is preparing a "model" common time-table for all secondary and primary schools to enable them to Implement the six-day week from next term. It will lay more emphasis on practical subjects like mathematics and science to meet the
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  • 25 1 MANILA, Fri. Twelve people were drowned when a bus loaded with passengers fell into the Cagayan River. 240 miles north-east of Manila.
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  • 30 1 PAPEETE. Fri. The four crew of the Cantuta 11. a "Kon Tiki" type raft which left Peru three months ago. is expected to reach Tahiti on Wednesday.
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  • 20 1 NEW YORK, Fri. Five United Nations experts will study the Middle East to check illicit traffic in Narcotics.
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  • 122 1 Leak of questions -so 3 exams cancelled IT U ALA LUMPUR, Fri. A leakage of questions for three government clerical examinations, on Monday has been reported. A& a result the general clerical, lower division clerical and probationers' examinations have been cancelled. A statement by the Federation Government today said: "This
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  • 28 1 LONDON. Fri. Britain's hovercraft which skims o/er land and water, will probably be first used for ferry work on sheltered waters and estuaries, its sponsors said.
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  • 193 1 R. CHANDRAN REPORTS FROM KUALA ROMPIN rvATO Abdul Razak travelled by Jeep, sampan, ferry and on foot along the muddy jungle paths to carry the Alliance message into lonely kampongs of South Pahang today. All are In the Pekan constituency, where Dato Abdul Razalc Is standing
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  • 223 1 Tengku drives into PMIFs own territory FELIX ABISHEGANADEN REPORTS FROM JERTEH (TRENGGANU) FRIDAY THE big election battle along the East Coast shifted north today with the Alliance national leader, Tengku Abdul Rahman, driving into "PMIP controlled" areas south of Kelantan. It is in Besut (electorate: 21,399) six miles from here,
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  • 36 1 LONDON DATE FOR IKE LONDON. Fri. Frrsident Elsenhower will arrive London about \ug, 28 for talkb with Mr. Harold Macmiflan. British Prime Minister, M officially annouii, d tonight. li« I Pam Sept. 2- Bcut«r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 PACK [I I M^r I EADING athletes and trainers '^p L throughout the world include ff jT 'Ovaltine' in the mining diet This delicious food beverage has been served to athletes at every Olympic Game* jBV Meeting from the Los Angeles Games i to O^P 10 Games at I And
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    • 175 1 Pianoforle Rrriial by Sura Kang Rhapsody Brohmj Appostonora Beethoven Symphonic etudes Schumann ond composition* by Alban Berg, Debutiy ond Ravel. 8.45 P.M. -9th August (Sunday) Victoria Theatre. The true measure of cooling comfort is in The "British Thermal Unit" is fjif^l^ siif the standard measurement lis»os§ used by engineers to
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  • 135 2 PPP 'HAS PARALLEL IN CHINA HISTORY' IPOH. Fri. The split within tnt' Malayan Chinese Association had a parallel example mi Chinese imperial history, an Alliance elec-i tion rally at a tin mine' seven miles from Kampar was told last night. Speaking to about 700 Chinese tin mine labourers at the
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  • 28 2 KUCHING. Fri— Two Indoncalan welfare officers have arrived at Tarakan. North Borneo, to investigate reports that Indonesian women were being smuggled Into Tawau for Immoral purposes.
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  • 41 2 SINGAPORE. Fri. A training centre for X-ray i technicians from various countries of South-East Asia j is being set up in Colombo with the co-operation of the Government of Ceylon and the World Health Organisa- 1 tion.
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  • 76 2 Rover Scout Leong to hike to Britain ROVER SCOCT Leone Sum Moon. 20, a member of the 34th (Perak House > Sea Stout Group, left Sincapore by sea yesterday to attend a Rover conference in Cejlon. For Mr. Leong ("I have nevt- been out of Singapore") it means more than
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  • 77 2 Union's aim— l7s,ooo men KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.- The first general meeting of the Selangor branch of the I newly formed National Union of Commercial Workers, which aim* at membership of 175.000 will be held on August 30 to elect offl- I dais. Letter* inviting nominations for a chairman, secretary and
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  • 191 2 We're sons of soil— Cheah MCA LEADER'S CALL TO THE CHINESE: REGARD YOURSELVES AS MALAYANS ALOR STAR, Friday TWE acting MCA president, Dato Dr. Cheah A Toon Lok, last night urged Chinese to regard themselves as Malayans. "This is our homeland and we are the sons of the soil," he
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  • 168 2 UNDER FIRE: 'THIS FANATICAL HERO-WORSHIPPING' I PENANG. Friday. 'THE president of the Kampong Bahru Social WelM fare Organisation. Inche Mansoor Ariff, last night criticisad the "fanatical hero-worship" of political leaders among certain sections of the i people. "Such fanaticism has so j preyed on the minds of the masses that
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  • 44 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The Prime Minister. Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, has sent a message to the Governor of Sarawak. Sir Anthony Abell. thanking the people of Sarawak for the services of the Sarawak Rangers In fighting the Emergency in Malaya.
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  • 25 2 SINGAPORE, Fri. Air Marshal the Earl of Bandon. Commander-ln-Chief Far East Air Force, will arrive in Saigon on Sunday for a three-day visit.
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  • 97 2 MULTI-MILLION S PHONE LINK WITH STORE WILL BOOST TRADE KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The multi-million dollar microwave telephone link between the Federation and Singapore which comes into operation next month, will boost business between the two territories. It will be of particular benefit to sharebrokers and rubber dealers, and those who
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  • 243 2 OENANO. Fri. The r Socialist Front had neither the means nor the money "as yet" to put up more candidates in the parliamentary j election, Mr. D. S. Ramanathan, vice-presi- dent of the Front and chairman of the Labour Party of Malaya, said in
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  • 207 2 The boy who 'fought for democratic rights' IPOH, Fri. A school--1 boy, Ng Yoke Foo, 16. who said that he fought for his rights in a democratic country, was fined $10 today for using abusive words to a police constable. He wa.s found guilty of having said: "You are a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 194 2 TUDOR IS THE WATCH bmwmm™^^ wf\ \MW®m^^^ \L llmli created by ROLEX to answer the demand for a high quality J% M wL\M§Jzi>m!sx^ 44x^0^ M /Hff time piece at a price within most peoples reach. Each one is JM J^L^J \l\ Se -T\ <^^ x Jr/M made to ROLEX specifications
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 295 3 'Well show Khrushchev our military might,' says McElrou THE DATE IS SET FOR NIKITA'S VISIT— WASHINGTON, SEPT. 15 WASHINGTON, Friday. THE Soviet Prime Minister, Mr. Nikita Khrushchev, will arrive in Washington on Sept. 15, it was officially announced today. A State Department spokesman, Mr. Joseph Reap, said the Department was
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  • 61 3 FLYING CRANE ROLE FOR ROTODYNE THE FAIREY Rotodyne proves at a demonstration at Maidenhead. Berkshire, that it can lift a heavy load vertically while flying faster than a conventional helicopter, hover with the load and place it accurately on the ground. The 100 ft bridge span it carries is believed
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  • 195 3 INSIDE RUSSIA— BY MRS. PAT NIXON WASHINGTON. Friday. MRS. PAT NIXON, wife of the Vice-President, ITI thought Mrs. Khrushchev, wife of the Soviet Prime Minister, "very sweet", she said last night on her return from her Russian and Polish visits with her husband. "When I saw her (Mrs. Khrushchev) nothing
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 92 3 A MOSCOW PENSIONER INVITES EISENHOWER MOSCOW, Fri.— A Moscow LIL pensioner has invited President Eisenhower to visit his home during the American President's stay in the Soviet Union. The pensioner. Mr. Yakh Alnetdinov, 50, who has three children, said in a letter to a Moscow newspaper that he would like
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  • 76 3 LONDON. Fri. A man murdered his friend after an argument over poems by Robert Burns. Scotland's national poet, the prosecution alleged at a court here. A stoker, Robert Wardrope. 55, was remanded in custody for a week charged with the murder of Henry Sim Ferguson, aged
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 252 3 LONDON, Friday. JULIUS Nyerere, leader of Tanganyika's 3.000,000 Africans, announced today after a month of negotiations with the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd. that Tanganyika would become selfgoverning "in the near future and independent within ten years. The Edinburgh Universityeducated leader told a news
    UPI  -  252 words
  • 101 3 TOKYO, Frl—A party of right explorers were due to start an expedition today into a cave near Atami Otty, afcoat 5« miles southwest or Tokyo, to try to find a Goddess of Mercy statue which, according to legend, rests at the far end. Scores of caves
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 91 3 LIVERPOOL. Fri.— Customs officials were today making country-wide inquiries to trace ring-leaders of a dope peddling gang after finding two hundred- weight of Indian hemp worth £30.000 < $255,000 > after preparation aboard a ship at Liverpool. The hemp was found In two
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 226 3 LONDON. Fri Three stockbrokers and a jobber were today barred for six months from the London Stock exchange. The jobber Is Mr. Bethold Mendelssohn. 79. senior partner in the firm of Francis Egerton and Company, which deals in miscellaneous Industrial shares as well as In
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 181 3 Ike demands law to clamp down on thugs •LABOUR REFORM IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE' WASHINGTON. Fri. President" Elsenhower last night publicly demanded from Congress "a law to protect the American people from the gangsters, racketeers and other corrupt elements who have Invaded the labourmanagement field." In a nationwide television and
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 38 3 JAKARTA. Fri.— The Indonesian Foreign Ministry Is planning to reshuffle the heads of its diplomatic missions abroad, the Ministry's spokesman said today. He said any such reshuffle would be announced at the appropriate time.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 MILK rich, pure and always fresh Quality and Economy Every Day offers you a dependable supply of rich pure milk with added vitamins A D. p3?J tuem/Dai/ KiLj^fl FULL-CREAM POWDERED MILK IcMS MR! Wl ADDED vitamins A& D 4*o*l*l TAKE SPECIAL CARE onry the b«tt and purest i rf^M^L whote
      89 words
    • 625 3 For the finest results and the world's widest colour choice insist on ROBBIALAC PAINTS SUPIR SIOSS IHAMEL I Grves a diomond-hora beautiful glossy finish to I 4 s i all woodwork inside ond outside. Highly durable ooainst effects of tropical tun and ran. W^F EMULSION PAINT jL_i Gives a long-lasting,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 387 3 JToor radio today RADIO oiNcAPORE RADIO MALAYA Medium Have 476 metres NATIONAL SHORTWAVE AM. <U<j oood Mornuig; 6.32 SERVICE «-7 metre* Mwiung weiuae; 7.00 The News: MEDIUM WAVE SERVICES 7.06 A vat« WlUi Mvwlc; 8.00 The Lu«P«r S4l metre* 8.06 A Date With HZ TJZZ Music; B JO Callii* All
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  • 243 4 BRITAIN DEFINES SINGAPORE'S RIGHTS BOYD SETS OUT 'DOS AND DON'TS' IN LETTER SINGAPORE, Fri. The powers of the Singapore Government, under the new self-governing constitution, to make trade I agreements with other countries and to arrange cultural or trade visits, have been defined in a communication from
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  • 239 4 SINGAPORE, 'Friday. rTHE Minister for National Development, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, tonight outlined a programme for the assistance of Singapore's farmers and flsherMr. Ong, who was speaking over Radio Singapore, said that the Government would assist them by: Intensifying the inoculation of
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  • 116 4 Frogmen take 6 torpedoes from sub SINGAPORE, Fri. Naval frogmen have finally deteated the jinx, which had been impeding their eftorts to raise six live torpedoes found in a sunken Japanese submarine in Singapore harbour. Yesterday, men of the Royal Navy Fleet mine and bomb disposal team under Lieut. Peter
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  • 51 4 SINGAPORE, Fri.— Mr. 8. R Chapkhana, a barrister, was admitted to the Singapore Bar by the Chief Justice, Sir Alan Rose, in the High Court today to practise as an advocate and solicitor. Mr Chapkhana was called to the Bar in England at Gray's Inn on Feb. 4,
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  • 137 4 PREMIER WILL ENTERTAIN AT 'SRI TEMASEK' SINGAPORE. Fri. The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. will. In future, use the residence of the former Chief Secretary in the grounds of Government House for official functions. The house is now officially called "Sri Temasek" the name given to the State before
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  • 41 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Malay Youth Association will hold a speech contest in Malay at 2 p.m. tomorrow at rrie Raffles Institution. It will be continued on Sunday. Seventy-tnree students from 18 schools including 11 nonMalay schools are taking part.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 532 4 J^SHAWJB: !OHZI""-12th Big DAY; TOMORROW 3 SHOWS at 2.30. SIS 9.15 pm ■^^■^^^^^•jr^^i^m^^^^^m Print by I *ml II HgM 1 Q Mk H Technicolor wmmm SPECIAL SCHOOL CONCESSION I Sm<»l >•»•« for kkMl CMMri* at 2JO p.m. I I DAILY fXCtrr SUNDAYS »f»m WID. 12th AUC. ONWAIDS I I I
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    • 507 4 B pMpjO* TOP IN SHgMfBUSIHISS ■HHMM iCathayOwaniswioitw IbSbUbVbVHbSibVSI ATTRACTIONS -«afc-l Pb4Dr MfITTB NOW SHOWING! «111« 11 mlTli 145, 4. 15,«45. 9.3« p.m. JOHN MILLS "TICFR RAY" "^AIo 8 1 HORST BK'HHOLZ I IUUI DMI (JARO) B Ptas! M.F.U.'s "MaUya Prime Minister Townt Thailand H MIDNIGHT LI LI HI A W
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 384 4 Singapore diary^7\ CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR; (Prince Charles Creecent): Fun fair and bazaar 1.30 p.m. to 6.30 pjn. SALVATION ARMY: Prayer meeting 7 p.m., open-air meeting 7.45 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Dramatic Society: Amphitryon by John Dryden. Cultural Centre. 8.30 pm V.M.C.A.: Malay 10 a.m.. 230 p.m.. 3.45 pjn.; Oames
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  • 1208 5 The Straits Times guide to the national elections HOUSING REMAINS BIGGEST PROBLEM JJOUSING continues to be the major problem in the Johore Bahru constituencies, which are reputed to contain more Malays interested in urban matters than any other in the country.
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  • 117 5 WHO'S WHERE— AT A GLANCE PONTIAN SELATAN: Hajah Zain binte Sulaiman (All.) president of Kaum Ibu (Johore). Mr. I. re Ah Lent. 40. Socialist Front. State Councillor, a Kluang Town Councillor and president of the War Department Workers' I'nlon (Malaya.) JOHORL BAHRU BA- RAT: Inche Ahmad bin Mohammed Shah, Alliance
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 435 5 PASSPORT TO SECURITY Mm t&'^T JM BANK DEPOSITS WITH LOMBARD BANKING e«im a steady 5° o iniemt in assured Security, MM MM uuhout deduction of United kinfdom income vi. J Ask ihc Manager of >our local Branch or write to m m W m the General Manager at Head Office
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  • 30 6 2* Word* HO (Minimum) IN LOVING MEMORY of my dear wife Hilda who pawed away in London on 9th August 1958 Ever remembered by her loving husband Jacc.
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  • 106 6 I* Ward, lit (Minimum, MB. WONG FUP YONG allM Wong Wee Kuan age 61 yean passed away peacefully on Friday 7 8 1058 at 9.30 a.:r>. Cortege will leave No. 746, Pasir Panjang Road. Singapore. lor Bidadan at 4.00 p.m. on Monday 10.8.1959. GOH BUAN CHEOK. aged 56, formerly
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  • 29 6 Word* tit Minimum MR. AND MRS. KOH YEW LAY thank relatives and friends for their attendance and valuable presents on the occasion ol their marriage on 2 8/59.
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  • 207 6 J# Word, 111 (Hinimmm) THE COCKPITS Java Rtjsttatel served every Saturday and Sunday lunch time. SCRIPTO THE PERFECTED Ball Pen with seven exclusive features. Models now available from $2.00. Refills only 75 centc. APISEROM FOR DARING Vitality I Aplserum Royal Jelly from the Queen Bee. Available at all leading
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  • 177 6 M Words IS (Mi*.)— Box M ctt. «sfra COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY has many uses In Commerce and industry. Advanced development of the process In the Straits Tinea Colour Laboratories which produce up to 11" r 18" has made lt« use possible lac many purposes including house .nagksines, brochures, showcards and
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  • 723 6 The Straits Times Saturday, August 8, 1959. New World of Learning It was impossible to contemplate the Commonwealth Education Conference before it started' without some pass- ing doubts about its usefulness. If it really got down to business and delegates genuinely intended to go in for co-operative effort, it could
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  • 462 6 It is not only, or even neces- I sarily, "from the press point jof view" as Mr. Lee Kuan Yew would have it— that the Singapore Government has appeared to be "more prohii bitive than constructive" since it took over office. It has closed down pintable saloons and
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 6 PIONEERS ALL The Federation Government's first land development scheme was launched last week
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  • 135 6 FIFTY YEARS AGO i From the Straits Times of Aug. 8 1909 i ALTHOUGH owins to uni favourable conditions of trade the past year has E not been quite good gene- rally, signs are not wanti inc. says the British Resi- dent of Negri Sembilan that the Malay peasant i
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  • 863 6 TENGKU TAKES ON THE OPPOSITION THE Alliance national leader, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has ended his "invasion" of Trengganu. And this weekend he turns his attention on penetrating the homes of the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party in Kelantan. The question that political observers In the beautiful northeastern state are
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 6 Picture by Chan Wat tion
    Chan Wat tion  -  7 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 267 6 I 1 "fc Strattt ft Free Prea I Edmm ria»T rial ak# aaflaWflaiw vIaWCS 4MM* •'•^^♦BaWW'BTIVWaJ #T 1« Flow, SINGAPORE COLO bTORASt. Orchard Head, iinr+pon. wrY rac*iv* imoll odiirtlsaajaa*! ond answers to ac« MMtkan, Oastititd advrWMaj— l» My I MB* fcl handed to: CITY BOCK STOtC LTD.. WlnchMtar Hum.
      267 words
    • 57 6 GERMAN PEN A Incemparokle for vietMe ink capacity, reliability A pfic e—wotth i ness. Vlnrite S H Mil eld cap fit VtarlU U A %%M M Jaator Q VM ftUtehiot PeneU ft Vtnrtte a 0 $140 Afenw A Service etauoor.— EVERBRI6HT OPTICAL CO., 11. Cballa Si, Vvere-L ING SING MEDICAL
      57 words
    • 76 6 Jseauty treatment }loor and furniture I I 'I I x_ For a long lasting protective L\* J l 1 LkJ gloss use RONUK WAX- r^V^ its antiseptic too! S^X^Bj^L T ArrOtdlMlllT tO N(l HAJISTr VJJBS&E THIOUim»LISMIU«IirAeTU»HI Afttafel in Singapore ani Maleya J. L. Merlson. Sen Jones. Ltd. Agtnlt in trunn
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  • 2923 7 IV9l^lV^^llßß99^P^^lW^^rmilß^W^TY^^lß9H9^^^PV^^^BVW^9^f9B9lw99^^HWl9^^^r^B«!H MQi^ IWSV9 'GOVT. WILL WELCOME CAPITAL BUT WE WILL NOT GO OUT OF OUR WAY JUST TO GET IT' Singapore, Friday THEY ARE NOW LEADERLESS. HE SAYS IN SEEKING THEIR AID IN WORKING SPORE SOCIAL REVOLUTION rptiE Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today called
    2,923 words
  • 181 7 SINGAPORE, Fri. Shari'ah Court in Singapore reopened its doors to the Press today after having barred newsmen from its proceedings the whole of yesterday. This followed instructions from the Ministry of Labour and Law requiring the court to abide by the provisions of
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  • 157 7 MORE than 700 Chinese associations and Institutions will be represented at a public meeting arranged by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce at the Victoria Theatre this afternoon to celebrate the advent of self-govern-ment. JOHORE: Government will lend the Johore Land Development Board $500,000 to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 158 7 S E£ A LAMB iggS^p'l THINK OF *3£ff|ji^ LISTERS I) LAVE N DA WOOLS All the colours you want! LAVENOA IS LUXURIOUS Duf not extravagant. Th« &jL« J L Laven. o woollen you knit yourself cosu no more rhon on ordinary shop-bought jumper And just look ot Hw difference I
      158 words
    • 226 7 YOU RISK LOSING ALL YOUR TEETH unless you take care of your gums If your gunu become infected, £0* even perfect teeth are bound m to snffer. f^M That means you could lose all your teeth before you are very I much older. To avoid this you v i>hxi 1
      226 words

  • THE STRAITS TIMES Saturday Forum
    • 396 8 r PHE public seems to be 1 under the impression that the object of the re cent nationwide flower day campaign of the Malayan Association for the Blind was to raise rui.d; to send the principal training officer of the Gurney Training Centre on a
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    • 230 8 I think Dr. Ho has been a bit hasty After reading Dr. Ho Kuang-Chung's articles on the Prescott report, I cannot help feeling that he has been a bit hasty in passing Judgment on the report. Personally. I do not think there is much wrong with the report. The commission
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    • 118 8 MORE than a year ago I read that a big out-pa-tient clinic was to be built at Kubu. Then at the beginning of this year I again read that the clrnic was to be built near the General Hospital and plans were ready. Seven months
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    • 117 8 THE Government has x been noted for introducing without fear or favour reforms for the benefit of the citizens of Singapore. The education policy Is one, the money-lenders' ordinance another. Much has been mentioned in the Press about the widows' and orphans' fund and it would
      117 words
    • 215 8 A teacher's lot is not a happy one... dy some strange cai- culation, the Education Minister has arrived at the conclusion that even if teachers were to work a half session more from next year they will still be putting in less hours of work than office workers. And in
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    • 167 8 THE vast changes brought about by the new Education Ministry are worthy of praise. But I have a suggestion' which, though it may seem unimportant to the Minister, means a great deal to a lot of people. May I suggest to the Minister that he try as much
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    • 80 8 D UNBAR WALK" 'ST. July 24) should thank the Government for its fond care. For in Bright Hill Crescent we have never seen grass-cutters, roadrepairers or workers of any kind. The Government obviously does not know that Bright Hill Crescent exists, except, perhaps, when it collects assessment. As
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 ••IP Sunkist for health c Rpcf for I UC3I I \J I &&j You can always rely on Swnkist Oranges k^Bß s^**^ Bg?lf* for unvarying flavour, quality and sweetness. 1 Nature gave them Hieir bright orange colour. 1 Enjoy bunkist CALIFORNIA ORANGES FOR THE FINEST IN SEA TRAVEL «l BB^afc
      110 words
    • 240 8 jf^+ Style flf *> Conscious Men Wear... boh SHIRTS Made from linest Lbrict, Durable Lasting, Long 6c Short Sleeved, Ki^B| Hawaiian Shirts. I WW) Bu V the best, buy PURE FUJI SILK NON-IRON DACRON NON-IRON COTTON COTTON POPLIN CHECKED STRIPED GLOBE SILK STORE, "ZZZX? t I l'"f'-l II I t
      240 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 249 8 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS smash musical Instrument 1 Give men hot port in Jog ak cheer fur greeting t.3. 2. 6 Rage round and over conflict 3. 7). on metal goods (8). Charged to cho«e Richard 7 £*.^S2? nn^^^ —not difftrnlt <«■> WldeT concept* (18). U^cTon Stating (6). "»«Sf h
      249 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1591 9 R.i, X403 MANSFIELD 6c CO.. LTD. *4i» (it litot) incorpoiatf >n SintapO'e' IT lues "iST" THE RLUE FUNNEL LDfE W UILINCS TI llttlPtOL GUSGO* IBNBON ft CONTINENTAL PORT* Carriers option to proceed vtt othai aorta tt ion m discharge carat LOADING FOR Out Spore Stilt P. S'ltam Ponang AJKNISEt Liverpool
      1,591 words
    • 1332 9 dE^i |M| E. A. C. iimis-,.^... Pl\S\Rl .OEM REDSEA MEOIURRANEAN CONT-NEHTAI t SCANIINIVIAN PORTS Qr e -y i S'oor* p She» p i "l V*Srfa^ "KAMIBBJA" ai II Alt' 4 Sept 5 I Sept HAIS ~->AjF\ "FALSTRIA" k) l/HSept 11/11 Soft Ul }iiSl i' mmtmir "JUTUNOIA k) 17/USett 11/MSoft 21/22
      1,332 words
    • 1284 9 King THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTO. '"i, 1 SINCAPORt llaearaoratai Ue umtei UagMa) JUNES SAILINGS TO ADEN U.t I CONTINENTAI POtTS S'pori P. rhar* "trnVl BENLOVAI lot Liverpool. Hull Hambvre G. M/11 Aag 11/12 An 11/1* tag lENARTY for Red Sea. Malta, londen a/24 Aap 25 21 Aap 27/21 An
      1,284 words
    • 1399 9 McALJSTER 6t CO.. LTD. 11l HO.: Slk ■I.I.KMNOII LIMB K.LAVBMBB& LDII LtNOIN. NAAfBUM. ROTTERDAM NAVRI 10S ANGEIfS. SAR FRANCISCO ft NOLI SIATTIE. VANCOUVER ft PORTUNI ana tot Canada OM USA North Atlantic Ports Acceptut cargn tw Central ft Stat> tawrica. tITI OF NEWCASTLE Spore P. S*ntm Ptnang OOUtAiNVim 14/20 Aat
      1,399 words

  • 703 10 RUBBER PRICE NOW OVER $1.08: 'SQUEEZE' IS STILL ON By Our Market Correspondent the continuing "squeeze" on rubber for August shipment continuing unabated yesterday the rubber price advanced continuously from an opening of $1.06 f to $I.oBj. At one stage of business August first grade found purchasers at $I.OBJ and
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  • 27 10 SINGAPORE, AUG. 7. RUBBER: $1.08 per lb. (up 2 cents). TIN: $398.50 p*r picul (down 50 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 175 tons (down lit tons).
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  • 359 10 Rubber price premium |X>CUS this week has been on the premium of August 1 R.S.S. over September, report H.C.B. Co. Ltd., in their current rubber market survey. It has been difficult to assess exactly how much of the production and imports have been committed, and whether short-cover* ing in hedge
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  • 96 10 MELBOURNE. FYI. i Loans 3^ f i 1956-59 £101 6s. buyer Bank of N.S.W £43< 2 seller Con. Zinc Unq. Con. Tin s'l'. a Mount Lyell 34/9 North Broken Hill 95/6 B. HIU Pro. 60/10^ Mount Morgan 20/ 1 1 Peko 7/6 Western Mining 13/6 buyer Ampol Pet
    96 words
  • 143 10 August first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 108 cents per lb., up 2 rents on Thursday's closing price. The closing tone was quiet after steady. Closinr, prices m cents per lb.. yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 R.s.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 108. sellers 1089, Int.
    143 words
  • 113 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra, quiet; UK /Continent August/September shipments. $36 buyers, $37 sellers. Coconut ail: steady; bulk $£8 sellers, drum $60 sellers. Pepper: firm; about 80 tons of black: pepper were reported don« yesterday, Muntok white $145. Sarawak $144 (both up
    113 words
  • 93 10 The Malayan Exchange Banks' Association made the following changes in Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100) Canada.: buying airmail T.T. 31 11/16, O.D. 31 13/16. 90 d/st 32 1/4 credit bills, 32 5/16 trade bill*. Selling T.T. or O.D. ready: Canada 31 6/16; Swiss Franc*
    93 words
  • 57 10 Crops harvested m July Included: BeaU 109.000 lb.. Jeram Kuantan 80.000 lb.. Kurxloo» Tan Jong Pan: Kwiiomr Estate 43.088 lb., TanJeng Pm Estate 135.000 lb. Mmtaka* 71.000 lb. and SungH Bagan 318,000 lb Malaka PJnda 136.100 lb^ Untied Malacca 136.610 lb.. Ayer Mole* 37.030 lb.. Leong Hln San.
    57 words
  • 22 10 Malayan Share Market: Aag. 7 Aug. Industrials: 92.29 92.13 Tin.: H5.7S 1«5.7» S Rabbers: 137.23 137.00 Jan. 1 I*sB 10*.
    22 words
  • 548 10 The Malayan Share Broken' Association reported yesterday: "Industrials and rubbers were nrra and prices were Inclined to harden. But tins were quiet. The turnI over was lair." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business up to 3.30 p.m.. Industrials: Fed. Disp. 11.01; Fltzp&tricks $1.03; Praser and Neave
    548 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1217 10 \v\ bQ^ >v 4-K \hAlineJ, Express U.S.A. PaeUte Atlantic Coast rl— E.T.A €.T.A. I.TJL S'OOft P S'Mm Ptnirt| H hong L. Anfelts New York "btffkOTl Mm lit Call 4 iUfi I Stf t CHI 7/ I Sttt 1? Stfi 7 Oct II 0-t IMkMI Man" Mt CMI ?5 2* Stf
      1,217 words
    • 42 10 f^w KIE HOCK SHIPPING CO., LTD. 1 K^^jl C(CI1 STREET, S'POtE. TileptM* P)M. ***** *****. |^^^^."M TONC COAN lor Oiakarta Aat 11 f^Rtafl^^l TONC AH <oi Pontianak "'AM 12 TOH6 JIT for Ojamtj An 13 f*>. TONC MAM tot Surjt>ar» Act 30
      42 words
    • 179 10 TENDERS P. W. D. TRENGGANU TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Contractors In Class 'EX' and above will be received at the Office of the Stat« Engineer, PWD., Trengganu at Kuala Trengganu up to 12 noon of the 10th. August 1959 for the: CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF EITHER ONE. TWO OR THREE
      179 words
    • 1479 10 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE, is oereby given that Mr. Philip Ngul U no longer In the employ of Reuters and bas no authority to use their name or the name of ComtAlbnro In any way whatsoever. REUTERS uIMITED NOTICE PHOENIX AERATED WATER COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated In Singapore). I NOTICE Is hereby
      1,479 words
    • 635 10 NOTICES PAJAM LIMITED (IB Voluntary Uquidatlen) Application has been made to me to issue duplicate scrip in the I name of the undermentioned, the I original certificate being untraoeable:— BeetKeeAnn. deed— lo9o share* I Nos. *****1/*****0. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I that, unless a claim is made to me I
      635 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 813 11 (Continued from Face SITUATIONS VACANT tt Words U (Mim.) Box tt torn «s*M BOX A562J ST. Position filled. Applicants thanked." WANTED Fully qualified tea.iers of English. Apply Chung > Jheng High School, Goodman totid, Singapore, 15. PHARMACIST WANTED by Firm in Kuala Lumpur. Good prospec'.s. Apply to Box A 9447
      813 words
    • 643 11 SITUATIONS VACANT 1* Words tt (Mim.) tt ct: oxtrm DOCTOR WANTED: Locum. City area, Singapore commencing September. Terms by arrangement, i Please reply in confidence Indicating terms to Box A 5809 ST., Spore. PAN MALAYAN ORGANISATION bss vacancy in their advertising department for young man with visualising and creative experience
      643 words
    • 863 11 SITUATIONS VACANT tt Wordt ti (Mln.) Box tt et: txtrm YOUNO SINGLE OFFICE Managers required to work In AdJacent British Territory. Must have knowledge of Accounts, Oifice Roulln*, -Typing and Correspondence. Apply Q.P.O. Box 912. Singapore. TLAXK.L MUHAMMAD SCHOOL KUALA I ILAH There Is a vacancy for a teacher of
      863 words
    • 889 11 ACCOMMODATION VACANT M Words ti (Mln.) Box it tt: txtrm CENTRAL FURNISHED Bed/ sitting room. m/c. breakfast. kitchen use. suitable couple or two friends. Apply Box A 5793 ST., Singapore. CORNER TERRACE HOUSE for immediate occupation. Also 999 years lou (50c sq. ft.) for sale. District 19. Please telephone *****.
      889 words
    • 828 11 HOUSES St LAND FOR SALE it Wards ti (Mm.) Box tt et: txtrm LOANS OF 1 13.500/- each available for a few two-storey Terrace Houses at Cartsbrook* Grove Just completed. Price I $23,760/-. Apply Malayan Builders Ltd.. No. 5. Prince Street. Singapore. A BARGAIN 3-toedroom modern bungalow completely furnished: 2
      828 words
    • 829 11 BUSINESB OPPORTUNITIES M Word, tt (Mln.)— Box It ct: tstrm BMALL But Secured Business Invites Financier /Partner. Write I In Confidence, Stating Telephone 1 Number If Any. to Box A 5824 IST. Spore. Principals Only. DISTsUBTJTORS REQUIRED for the FEDERATION OF MALAYA for i World f smews American awn's s*«rt
      829 words
    • 872 11 VEHICLES FOR SALE I* Words tt (Mm.)— Box tt ct: txtrm SUNBEAM TALBOT 1951 Model In Excellent condition. Registered i December 1951, Taxed January i 1960, Insurance 3rd party July I 1960. Inspection and highest offer Ring *****. Aio AUSTIN SALOON 1965. One European owner. 10.000 miles unmarked c/w loose
      872 words
    • 742 11 FOR SALE M Words tt tmmmi Box it cts. txtrm CHEAP SALE 4 pop Records for only $1. 4 b RPM. only 80 cents each. 33 1/3 R.P.M. only $4 each. Special Discount for Radio Record Changer and Electrical Appliances. Available from 56. Selegie Road. Spore. Open Daily till 8.30
      742 words

  • 493 12 The colonel who was once very tidy... OFFICER FOUND HANGING APPEARED 'BROWNED OFF 9 DAY BEFORE DEATH SINGAPORE, Friday. A witness at the continued inquest today on Lieut .-CoL G. F. Blyth, 44, who was found hanging in his room at the Tanglin garrison officers' mess, said that during the
    493 words
  • 228 12 MAN WHO STOPPED TRAIN TO TACKLE A 'GHOST MALACCA, Fri. A 1U man said to possess supernatural powers will try on Sunday to get rid of the poltergeist believed to be behind the series of stone-throwing incidents at Kampong Banda Hilir here. The man, known here as Mat Kramat. is
    228 words
  • 116 12 She put gold chain round neck of an idol... SEREMBAN, Fri. Ren* am man, an estate worker, placed her gold chain on an idol in the temple as she prayed, but when she raised her eyes she saw a man remove the chain and run off. It happened at 9
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  • 261 12 MCA embarrassed by reports of Dr. Lim's 'ultimatum' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. rE Malayan Chinese Association has been "embarrassed" by reports that its former national president, Dr. Lim (hong Eu, would remain as leader of the organisation only if it was given a bigger say in the Alliance, a press conference
    261 words
  • 73 12 K.UALA LUMPUR. Fri. The University of Malaya Society has been refused registration by the Federation Government on the grounds that it was a pan-Malayan body. A spokesman for the Registrar t)f Societies said that the Government did not consider it to be in the interest
    73 words
  • 42 12 TANJONO MALIM. Fri.— A. Renu, a 48-year-old headman on Sungei Merbau estate near here, wai slashed on his heaa. neck and face by unknown persons last night. He Is- now in a serious condition in Tanjong Malim hospital.
    42 words
  • 37 12 PENANO. Fri. Mr. Stephen Loh. of the USIS in Penang, has been awarded a three-month grant by the United States Information Services for orientation and training in America. He will take a course In photography.
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  • 46 12 An outstation youth club JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. An outstation youth club has been formed in Johore Bahru to assist newcomers to Johore Bahru. especially in regard to accommodation, and facilities for getting acquainted with local residents. Membership is open to anyone born outside Johore Bahru district.
    46 words
  • 159 12 ASSEMBLY TO RUSH ONE-WIFE BILL OINGAPORE. Frl. The Singapore Government will soon Introduce a Bill to make it compulsory for all people, except Muslim. 1 to register their marriages through the re glstriy of marriages. The object of the BUI is to enforce the "one-man onewife" law in the State
    159 words
  • 147 12 t' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. MALAYAN rubber experts are among four eople awarded United States Institute of Intonal Education scholarships for a year's In American universities, are Mr. Samuel Khoo. a statistician of the Rubber Producers' Council here, and Mr. O. Arumugam. a rubber chemist from
    147 words
  • 32 12 KUALA KANGSArt, Fri.— Mohamed Razali bin Mohamed Yusof, 18. was drowned in the Sungei Chapias at Kota Lama Kiri, two miles from here yestenday. His body has not been recovered.
    32 words
  • 102 12 HIGHWA Y THUGS STOP CAR: GET AWAY WITH $300 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. A man was driving towards Kuala Selangor when a car carrying five men bore down on him at the 131 mile Klanf-Kuala Selangor Road yesterday and robbed him of $300. The money was kept hi the boot. They
    102 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 78 12 4fegil|!laEl rCrforrtlOnce jr. At444ft T"fc 1 Soli Agtnl,:AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD iiijuw IH MI0CI R0A0 Po 6 m mm> m -IOIPttAM/V l£) teXwß Uli|^Afj —JBGULdBtSS^ lit J!!\4 -> /ilpSf FAR EAST SOLE AGENTS: LAP HENG CO., LTD. SINGAPORE: BANK OF CHINA BUILDING HONG KONG: MARINA HOUSE j .Your Choice for
      78 words
    • 277 12 xtj RAitrn DHIVLU RFAMC Heinz Baked Beans are nutri- UlLflll 3 tious, high in food values for vitality and strength. Heinz Baked Beans are J^^^^s packed in rich tomato uuce. r^^g^L J^^S^ Heinz Baked Beans are especially delicious served 'll^^n^^^f ■with rice, meat, fish, I r^^^^Jai^^wZ-^t poultry, or on toast.
      277 words

  • 725 13  - Yee Khan scalps another Indonesian in 3-set tussle NORMAN SIEBEL By KUALA LUMPUR, Friday 'TUiE MORE I SEE of the current badminton festival, the more cer--1 tain do I feel that we can now justifiably begin to soft-pedal the virtues of our Indonesian rivals and start to admire ourselves a
    725 words
  • 344 13 J> JLTS of the second day's play In the Selangor B.A. national championships were: Men's Singles (second round): E. Kops bt Roland Ng 15-8, 15-8: Omar Ibrahim bt Lee Kirn Wah 15-6. 15-9; Lie Po DJlan bt Lai Fook Ylng 15-10, 15-12; T. N. Seth bt Tan
    344 words
  • 747 13 SINGAPORE, Friday. GAN Eng Joo was the outstanding performer at the Anglo-Chinese School annual swimming carnival at Amber Road today. Despite his "double" re-i cord-breaking feat— loo metres freestyle (61.7 sec) and 50 metres back stroke (32.6 sec) Eng Joo, for the second year,
    747 words
  • 346 13 CINGAPORE. Fri.— Singapore will not send a team to the 1960 Olympic Games In Rome because of financial reasons. Sir George Oehlers, S.H.A. president, said at tonight's annual general meeting held at the S.R.C. Sir George told the meeting that all
    346 words
  • 145 13 SINGAPORE, Pri. National Carbon. SBHFA league and cup champions, win open their bid for a treble on Aug. 13 when they meet I Hong Kong Bank In a senior cup tie at Farm Park. Also at Farrer Park on the same day Mercantile Bank will meet
    145 words
  • 392 13  - KOPS AND LIE TO MEET IN SEMIFINALS VIC NAYAGAM By KUALA LUMPUR, Fit— Erland Kops, Denmark's badminton ace, showed his determination to win the Selangor Badminton Association's International singles championship when he crushed Omar Ibrahim 15-2, 15-9 In 20 minutes to enter the semi-final tonight. He will next meet Lie
    392 words
  • 74 13 SINGAPORE. Fit Ffurteen' schools have been invited iot the i 4 x 110 yards inter-school relay for boys and girls at the civilians and Services athletics meet at Farrer Park tomorrow. Teams for the boys relay at 4.30 p.m. are: R.1., ACS, SJI. Paslr Panjang, Chung Cheng.
    74 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 200 13 _^L-^ «^M \ll** here are three good ways VODKA SIDE-CAR RELSKA COCKTAIL 3 parts Relska Vodka 2 parts Relska Vodka 3 part* Cointreau 1 part Italian Vermouth 2 parts lemon Juice (Sweet) Shake well with Ice 1 part French Vermouth A strain. "Dry) Add large slice of orange. 23 Dash
      200 words
    • 266 13 The Most Dependable Motor Cycle... "HONDA DREAM" WINNERS, ISLE OF MAN T. T. 1959 Ultra Lightweight Category 125 c. c. Manufacturers Team Award HONDA TEAM (JAPAN) N. TANIGUCHI J. SUZUKi G. SUZUKI 125 c.c 182 m.p.g. Max. speed 71.4 m.p.h 250 c.c. 110 m.p.g. and Max. speed 84.4 m.p.h. 300
      266 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 94 13 BINOATORE: Tennla Hennessy Cup: Singapore v Vietnam. YMCA courts. Athletics Civilians v Services, Farrtr Park (3 p.m.); Praxer and Neave sports meet. River Valley Road; Shell sports. Paya Lebar '2.15 p.m.). Parry Avenue Boys School 1 and 3: Parry Avenue Olrls I and 3; Kay Slang School 1 and 3;
      94 words

  • 108 14 He tried to vote by drawing a picture JERTEH, Fri.— A problem for all parties in Trengganu is "teaching" kampong folk how to vote. In the state elections many voles, particularly in outlying areas, were spoilt. In one polling station, when a man spent an unduly long time In the
    108 words
  • 140 14 FIRST BOEING 707 TO LAND IN SINGAPORE ON MONDAY SINGAPORE. Fri. A Boeing 707 jet airliner will touch down at Singapore Airport for the first time on Monday night when it stops here on a delivery flight from Seattle to Sydney. The plane is the fourth of seven bought by
    140 words
  • 132 14 Teachers' union chief resigns SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. Mahlnder Singh Randhava. general secretary of the Singapore Teachers' Union, has resigned 12 days alter he was elected to the post. Mr. Singh, who played a leading role in ousting the former management committee from office late last month, has also resigned from
    132 words
  • 205 14 Man who lived in fear slain by thugs SINGAPORE, Fri. A cook who lived in constant fear, died today the victim of a gang assault. He was Ng Kwang Heng. alias Ah Wee. 38, who was found unconscious behind a house in Tanglin Road at 9.30 last night. His face
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  • 168 14 Close of play scores BIRMINGHAM. Fri.— The Indian cricketers and Warwickshire drew their threeday match which ended here touay. Scores: Warwickshire 356 for eight declared and 92 lor six. Indiana 284 and 241 for three declared. WORCESTER: Worcestershire beat Surrey by 135 runs, Worcestershire 328 and r/7 tor four
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  • 61 14 CAPE CANAVtK \L. frri. A towering three-stage rocket hurled a "Paddlewheel' satellite into space today in an experiment that could sohe one of the key problems facing proposed Venua and Mars > probes. Flfteea minutes after the tN)-foot toll rocket roared off, the National Aeronautics and
    61 words
  • 294 14 LONDON. Pri. London stock I markets ended their best week for some time on a buoyant note today although gain* were not quite so widespread as thobe recorded on preceding days. Election hopes remained the chief factor but the Cohen Council's latest encouraging report on Britain's economic position
    294 words
  • 40 14 LONDON, Pri— Spot 31« 4 d. September 30 r «d., Oct.-Dec. 30 T »d.. Jan. -March SCP.d.. AprilJune 29iid.. July-Scot. 29d., Oct.-Dec. M 3 «d.. Aug. c.U. 31Hd. Sept. elf. 30 d.. Oct. c.i.f. 30 Sd. Tone: Very quiet.
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  • 18 14 LONDON. Pri.— Buyers £7924. sellers £793. Forward buyers £7904. sellers £791. Settlement £798. Turnover a.m. 29 toss.
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  • 240 14 Crisis in Laos: Nehru urges settlement NEW DELHI, Friday. AS REPORTS from Vientiane, capital of Lao«, said that the pro- Western Laotian Army had lost seven officers and 300 men in a threepronged invasion by Communist rebels, the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, made a new call that the Laos
    Reuter; UPI  -  240 words
  • 125 14 NEW YORK: A plastic balloon with an open gondola soared 40.000 feet over south Dakota today -carrying two men bent on taking pictures of the sun. TOKYO: A group of Japanese botanists claimed the discovery of a new plant hormone capable of growing vegetables or other plants
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 310 14 Late CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEWn U»r*M (Vim mum) BLRIB CROUCH: To Jean and Denys at Malacca on 6th August, a con. Both well. ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN ROBKRT YEW. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Yew Teck Nang and Irene Tan. daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Tan Sing Chong or. 3rd August, :H59. DEATHS
      310 words
    • 117 14 -^/#x_^-^-H_i-r!M H*. i_^_Lvr7_B >^_fr.«J_Kt- ti9 H_^_L_^_B I WP^_^__b _^_F>^_Av _^KK^* /M_^^^ *^i X*. Model DBL .3 Send for free leaflet 4Q -^HtvV v /_M Every housewife gL l\ will want a HliJ A, y m K Sm»lh-kurf acrd and »lm- jMk pie in drsiia. It i« May K 1 t*
      117 words