The Straits Times, 25 June 1959

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AMHAU lIAILV <IHIIIUI» SMI IV(I I OS The Straits Times Estd. 1845. THURSDAY, 25, JUNE 1959 if 15 CENTS.
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  • 444 1 Defeat even more crushing than in Trengganu now all 1 eyes are on Pahang which goes to polls on Saturday 1.45 a.m. —one seat to 16 for PMIP KOTA BHARU, 1 Thurs.— The PMIP has won the Kelantan state election. A majority in the 30--stat State
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  • 121 1 RAZAK SEES MODEL OF HIGHLANDS SCHEME tphe Prime Minister of the federation. Dal© Abdul ymak bin Hussein, and numbers of the Federal. LrjrWative Council attend-' ing the council meeting yesterday were shown models of the $149 million Cameron Highlands hydroelectric scheme. Hie models, which were made in England at a
    Lim Taw Chong shows the Ringlet Falls Reservoir one of the three models on display  -  121 words
  • 1144 1 Peril of pin-table culture— by Home Minister THE WOT-SO-INNOCENT* SALOONS > *J SINGAPORE, Wednesday. THE MINISTER for Home Affairs, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, said tonight that pin-table and juke box saloons the known haunts for gangsters would stay closed, and the Government would see to it that they did not
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  • 57 1 BERN, Wed.— Government officials said today Switzerland does not intend to grant residence permits to deposed Latin American Dictators. Juan Peron of Argentina, and Fulgencio Batista, of Cuba. The officials said they were "sick and tired" of reports claiming the two former strongmen would be permlttted
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  • 79 1 PART of EAR IN 'PAY UP' NOTE HONG KONG. Wed.— Police began searching In earnest today for a Hong Kong businessman and sporting personality. Mr. Wong Yingkau. after his family received what they took to be a part of his ear and a note demanding a ransom of HKJSOO.OOO ($250,000).
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 27 1 MANILA. Wed.— Australia and the Philippines will soon begin exchanging scientific data and scientists, Chairman Paulino Garcia of the National Science Development Board announced today.—UP.l.
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  • 206 1 Head of St. Hilda's to wed widower Samy (74) SECRET OUT AHER 12 Y8U8... SINGAPORE, Wed.— Golden-haired 53--year-old Miss Nellie Mitchell, principal of St. Hilda's school, today revealed a 12-year-old secret. She is to marry 74-ycar-old widower, Mr. Paul Samy, one of Singapore's most senior lawyers before he retired. Miss
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  • 200 1 A blitz on graft: New police move ITUALA LUMPUR, The Government is to launch an all-out war on graft. A police anti-corruption branch to cover the whole country has already been formed. It was learnt today. Now the Government is to go a step further. A new organisation to prevent
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  • 32 1 TOKYO, Wed. President Soekarno of Indonesia arrived In Hanoi today for a fiveday visit to Communist North Vietnam. He was welcomed at the airport by President Ho Chi Minn. DJPJ.
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  • 315 1 L-flyer on first flight lands in sea SINGAPORE. Wed. Learner lan Duncan went up for his first flying lesson today in a Tiger Moth —and came home, dripping wet, by Customs launch. He and his instructor. Flying Officer George Paul, took off at 6 p.m. in the plane be. longing
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  • 20 1 PMIP 20-1 KOTA BFIARI Than, —At Z am the PMIP had won SI wall against the Alliance's one.
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  • 166 1 SINGAPORE, Wednesday SINGAPORE, Wed.— Customs officers were involved in hand-to-hand fighting with two gangs of smugglers on the east coast of the island tonight before they seized two lots of contraband cigarettes. worth $1 0.000 and a outboard motor. One incident occurred on a
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  • 26 1 PARIS. Wed. French writer Boris Vian died of a heart-attack while watchins a film made from his novel "I Shell Spit On Your Graves."
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  • 40 1 LONDON, Wed. The New» Chronicle reported that Prince Philip has an entry in Britain's National Air Races next month with an aircraft designed in France, powered by a German engine and built by a British firm.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 7X< fat*it a*u/ £a&*e ft^h^ Afr&tt Syeta futmot ".#<•« S feme* me mmJe £v •A" Vm O»TKAL NOUSI 12S, North BrWff* M. (Not <Maon) Spore-7 Pfcon* M 204. Bonch: The Pcnona Optical Co., 13 rarquhar St.. »»«o«a Hmw >Ho 2
      39 words
    • 15 1 /S§6*es*^ SHOES;: 9«I rSj/ *ftft§ SißSifrYydkSitr*' (mm SS Pw ill W |b£ nl Hh ml^r^t
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  • 261 2 GOVERNMENT IS URGED TO INQUIRE INTO SUPPLY OF FOODSTUFFS KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A SPECIAL committee urges the Federation Government to hold a full-scale inquiry into the system of tendering and supplying foodstuffs to Government institutions. This recommendation comes from the Public Accounts Committee which examined the
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  • 115 2 j£UALA LUMPUR. Wed.Thp Federation Government plans to improve the competitive position of the Malayan Railway by extendilng the railway terminus from Pral to Butterworth. the Federal Council was told today. The Minister of Transport. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Talib. said that the project
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  • 163 2 Soldier is killed, two hurt in crash TPOH, Wed.— A Bri- tish soldier was killed and another soldier and a civilian injured when a military truck was involved in a collision with a lorry at the 16i milestone, near Sungei Siput, this morning. Private Keith Gardner who was in the
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  • 228 2 TPOH, Wed. Tomorrow, start of a new fishing season, will see the fishing boats sail from Pangkor Island again. The decision to sail despite a glut of unsold flsb on the island was taken after talks in Perak. The talks described as I "hopeful"
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  • 274 2 BRUNEI MISSION SCHOOLS TO LOSE GRANTS From CHIN SOON KUI Kuching, Wednesday. 'THE present small financial grants made by the J- Brunei Government to mission schools in the slate will be discontinued as from Jan. 1 next year. This is stated in a notification from the British Resident. Mr. D.
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  • 106 2 cannery KI'ALA LUMPUR, Wed. —The Minister of Com. merce and Industry. Mr. Tan Slew Sin, said today tbaC a working party had been appointed to examine the possibility of setting up a pineapple cannery to dc ran initially by a statutory body and eventually by a
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  • 108 2 Editor wants to make a study of Malayans editor of a Ceylon newspaper, arrived here by air today on a short visit in the course of a world tour. Mr. Sivaprakasam, who is editor of the "Hindu Organ" (English) and In. thusathanam (Tamil), said on arrival at the airport that
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  • 95 2 JAKARTA OFFERS TO TRAIN MALAY ANS FOR NAVY ITUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— Indonesia's naval academy in Sourabaya would be prepared to train Malayans if a request comes from the Federation Government. Tills was stated in Kuala Lumpur yesterday by the Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Subiakto (above), during a
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  • 144 2 SINGAPORE, Wed. More than 2,000 teachers are to have their variable allowances cut from July l. a Those affected are teacher s in Government-aided schools drawing more than $220 a month basic salary. The cut was announced in a circular this mornnlnc from
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  • 71 2 APPEAL FOR MOSQUE10,000 TIMES PENANG. Wed.-Ten thousand copies of an appeal ln Malay. English. Chinese and Tamil asking for funds for the National Mosque are being sent to all communities here. The letter Is signed by Dato Wong Pow Nee. chairman of the National Moaqu? Fund committee, Penang. Gifts should
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  • 33 2 IPOH. Wed A cyclist. Kesar Singh, 61. was seriously injured when he was Involved ln an accident with a hit and run motor van in BuntonK new village her* today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 491 2 sHnfl^V l Wl l'll, mSwl 1 mM<^m*J^^^LMjLlJm B^Sp^B MSMSM M^M M MSMBM fcsl MBMBM KljL^^^S^^M KAffUS PLACE, SINGAPORE, TtU ***** and of MOUMTBATTBH ROAD KUALA LUMPUR, TtU *****. MM M rI a A_lw!^H w ft Trit*\l flf£t Wm t 1 "S^^fc J m WS^B» ,1 1.11 J No matter how
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  • 327 3 'DIRECT ACTION' MEN SAY: WE WILL CARRY ON TRIVANDRUM, Wednesday. HPALKS being held here by the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, to A bring peace in Communist-ruled Kerala appeared to have failed. As Mr. Nehru was meeting leaders of the
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 119 3 A RED IS CHOSEN FOR BIG UNION JOB T ON DON. Wed. A leading Communist. Mr. Frank Foulkes, is to become president of the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions the most powerful workers' organisation in Britain. His unopposed election is expected to be accepted formally t> morrow following a
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 219 3 PEKING. Wednesday. AT least 187 Chinese have died in floods this month near Canton, capital of the south China province of Kwangtung. it was officially reported here today. Another 29 people are missing and 204 are Injured, the New China News Agency said.
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 138 3 DURBAN TOLD: PAY THE AFRICANS A LIVING WAGE DURBAN. Wed. Mr. S. Bourquin, director of the African Administration here, yesterday called for an immediate substantial rise in African wages. Mr. Bourquin's department owned most of the property destroyed in last week's riots in Cato cans were killed. He told the
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 156 3 LONDON, Wednesday. T«HE BRITISH ARMY has fired a Corporal missile for the first time from the guided weapons range in the Hebrides islands, off Scotland, the War Office said last night. I The announcement said: "The firing was successful and represented the first surface to
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 72 3 GOVERNOR'S WIFE FLEES STATE NEW YORK. Wed. Mrs. Blanche Long fled the state of Louisiana last night as her husband. Governor Earl Long, attempted to regain power from a mental hospl. tal. The Governor's wife was known to fear what a psychiatrist termed Mr. Long's "homicidal tendencies." Earlier followers of
    UPI  -  72 words
  • 192 3 QUEBEC CITY, Wed. The Queen and Prince Philip were "at home to the Press" aboard the royal yacht Britannia last night at a reception for the newspapermen covering their six-day-old tour of Canada. They circulated am ing correspondents, photographers and newspaper executive* while Royal
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 35 3 ROME. Wed.—Louis Armstrong, the jazz trumpeter, who Is in hospital at Spoleto with pneumonia, passed "a very good night 1 and was reported today to be comfortable with temperature and pulse normal—Reuter.
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  • 85 3 JAKARTA. Wed. A clerk of the Jakarta district court, Mr. M. Huseln, told reporters some rich Chinese in the city were found to have hired people to go to jail as substitutes for their drivers who had been sentenced to prison terms. "These Chinese were
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 253 3 RADIO SINGAPORE Medium Wave 476 metres A.M. 6.3u Good Morning; 6.32 Morning Prelude; 7.00 The News; 7.05 A Date With Music; 8.00 The News; 8.05 A Date with Music; 8.30—9.00 The Billy Cotton Band Show. P.M. 1.00 Programme Summary; 1.02 Lunchtime Prom; 1.30 The News; 1.40 Newstalk;
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  • 65 3 The tides TODAY: Singapore 1.10 ajn. (9ft 21m. 2.40 p.m. (7ft Bin); Port Dickson 9.24 a.m. <81t 9in>. 9.45 p.m. (Bft 41n); Penang 3.34 a.m. (7ft 31n>: 3.25 pjn. (Bft 31n). TOMORROW: Singapore i.58 aan. (Bft 91nV 3.20 pjn. (7ft Mnj Port EHckaon 10.02 ajn. (Bft 41n). 1025 pjn. (7ft
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  • 271 3 FUCHS-'I AM A MARXIST' STILL WEARS A PRISON SUIT BERLIN, Wednesday. T\R. KLAUS FUCHS— "I am a Marxist'— said in 1 Wandlitz, East Germany, today that he intended to become an East German citizen. But in an interview on the doorstep of his father's home he fobbed off questions on
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  • 92 3 Stowaway romance has ended SYDNEY, Wed. The romance between London model Margot Cater and Australian Allan Wood, of Wollongong. 52 miles from Sydney, has ended. Margot made world headlines last November when she stowed away in the Himalaya in a bid to reach Allan in Australia. She was discovered, taken
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 17 3 PARIS. Wed.-^Seven Algerian Muslims were found with tfeeir throats cut In Lyons, police said. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 180 3 FLY JAPAN AIR LINES AND DISCOVER JAPAN "KANGEI" Welcome aboard Japon Air Lines, the gracious way to travel. Whether you travel First Class or Tourist from Singapore to Tokyo, giant JAL DC-6B Couriers carry you in comfort, richly pampered all the way by traditional Japanese hospitality. Oriental snacks at cocktail
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    • 138 3 03*1 LATEST U^v 1 If SUMMER 1959 I V^ ARROW WASH N 1 WEAR SPORT SHIRTI W^^^m// t II Ml f^mlrW\ i M*^l $14.90 $18.50 $16.50 I i/\ 1 1 jn& $18.50 $18.50 $16.50 $16.50 Plus scores of other new patterns in Arrow Manhatton Joyson Botony other Americon sport shirts.
      138 words

  • 316 4 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. A RESTAURANT owner, now serving a life sentence with four others in connection with the Maria Hertog riots in 1950, has written to his bfother expressing concern over attempts by "certain political circles" to make capital out of their release. The
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  • 315 4 'Misconduct' rule may be enforced again PROVISIONS TO WITHHOLD PART OF PROVIDENT FUND SINGAPORE, Wednesday. 36-YEAR-OLD rule, which allowed the old Municipal Commission, now the City Council, to withhold part of an employee's provident fund under certain conditions, may be re-introduced. The local and expatriate staff associations of ihe Council
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  • 60 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. Brian Rootes, managing director of the world-famous Rootes Group Motor Manufacturers, arrived in Singapore yeslterday on his way home after a 45.000- mile round-the-world fact-find-ing tour of his factories. Mr. Rootes, who is the son of Sir William, chairman of Rootes Ltd..
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  • 97 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. The City Council has terminated the three-year agreement of Mr. K. S. Nathan, an Assistant Labour Officer, by giving him three months' salary in lieu of notice. Mr. Nathan, who left for Ipoh yesterday, was a former labour officer in the Federation Government.
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  • 109 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. The vice-chairman of the Indonesian National Council, Inche Rushlan Abdul Ghani, stressed that "fuided democracy" was the only way to bring about better social and economic development in his country. Without it there would b* political and economic instability, he aid.
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  • 180 4 SHANKS THE LAST A-G LEAVES SINGAPORE, Wed. The last AttorneyGeneral of Singapore, Mr. E. P. Shanfca. today stressed the need for the continued independence of the Judiciary from politics. Mr Shanks, who sailed for Britain in the Stratalrd this afternoon, said: "Fortunately in the past the Judiciary has always been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 360 4 P^yOH TOP IB SHpWaUSIWESS lOthayOrganisationjH: fc— mmi^m ATTRACTION SMMghi ph«n.. M Now Showing! m 1116 ajn.. 1.45. 4.15. «.45, 9J« P4B. g COLU c V B.APCU^S THE H-MAN^^ !£%!££> HOM.N OBSESSED- g^BS™* 0 ilWrmtt Opens Today! m 334#0 WULLIiVIIt.m., 1.45. 4.15, 8.45, 9.30 p.m. m I t^^ m ifjff aa&a^A
      360 words
    • 320 4 •ESSZIS^ NOW Showing; 11 **l nilCI VUCADTC I .Montgomery < lift (UA) LUnCLI nCHnIO Robert Ryan Myrna Lay. I Coming! ALAN LADD "MAN IN THE NET" (UA) g BT?33HPbßbbw s ll r *l*'*l Wnite 87-l»V/?7iT' i fc^i MG M PaPPTW BTnVwwi^rVBBBM a v *w^O*»*vX ■r^FVP'r^Br'fl^^^^'^iß^BßHß^BVß -^^JKl*^^b STANLEY ELISABETH G?A BBrtfW'
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 192 4 Today's Singapore diary... SING AFOWS lICOBDID lifting 2 pjn. pri "Y" club 3.80 for Old People's Club at Wesley MUSIC SOCIBTY: Symphony p-mTWi basketball team 4 pjn. Church Hall. 4 Fort Canning Road Concert at Y.W.C.A. at S pjn. badminton toains5 pjn Chinese 4 P-**-PPSCAWA: Lecture by Mr. Bu boxing,
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  • 629 5 Sterilisation: Now the requests roll in— and they are mainly from women SINGAPORE'S BIG (65,000 A YEAR) BABY PROBLEM: PROF. SHEARES REPEATS 'MY WAY IS THE BEST WAY' SINGAPORE, Wednesday pROFESSOR B. H. Shears disclosed today that he hat received many requests foi sterilisation mainly from women since his plea
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  • 333 5 Three Reds and soldier hurt in jungle battle ALOR STAR, Wednesday. rpHREE Communist terrorists wei e believed wounded when a security forces patrol fought a fierce running gun battle with six bandits in the jungle near the Malayan-Siamese border on Monday. A corporal of the 1st Royal Malay Regt., Saad
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  • 169 5 NEW ESTIMATES RAISE DEFICIT KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Federation's budgetted deficit of $113,963,987 for this year rose to $131,618,683 after the year's third supplementary estimates went before the Federal Council today. These estimates totalled $10,097,684. Ordinary expenditure for the year was originally set
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  • 35 5 SEGAMAT. Tues. The annual dance of the Segamat P.W.D., postponed last month as a mark of respect to the late Sultan of Johore. will be held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall on Saturday.
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  • 97 5 THE LEES IN SINGAPORE FORM A FEDERATION SINGAPORE. Wed. Six Lee clan associations here have united to form the Singapore Federation of Lee Clan Associations, with Mr. Lee Choon En*, a former Assemblyman, heading the pro-tern committee. At a meeting on Sunday Mr. Lee will introduce a motion to extend
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  • 31 5 PENANO. Wed. Ths Municipal and Government Labour Union. Penang and Province Wellesley. will hold its annual delegates' conference on Sunday U the Chinese Twn Hall here at 3 p.m.
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  • 111 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. r f"HE $345,000 house the Government is buying In Singapore will NOT be used by Federation ministers and dignitaries for going to the races. Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam raised a storm of laughter in the Federal Legislative Council today when he
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  • 152 5 gINGAPORE. Wed. The Minister for Culture. Mr. S. Rajaratnam. today said that the Government did not believe in "filling Its coffers" by running a lottery. "The PAP has stated in the past that it is not in favour of running a lottery." he said. "We
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 70 5 FAMILY SALE j 1 Standard quality shoes I for the whole family CLEARANCE PRICES j BUY TODAY I flctta FOR THE CLEANEST, WHITEST WASH FREE n**£^ c **>> HPDi3 New CHEER washes K^G jS^1 WW Fi* J U™/ cleaner, whiter /itf/ New CHEER gives you mS^ *^^O# its super foaming
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  • Feminine Forum
    • 474 6 TEENAGERS in Singapore intend to show that they too can look chic and smart and upto the minute fashionable, just like the mothers and older sisters. To prove their point, the members of the Students' Council (Prefects to you) of the Singapore
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    • 248 6 "Cosmetic" may be spelt in eight letters, but it is a bigger word than you think. When you look it up in the dictionary, you will see that it means "beautifying", and that is too big a term to be filled by lipstick, powder, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 697 6 3 New Fragrances! Eau de Cologne Classique 1 ggjjjj Eau de Cologne >»■ Wltj B^sfeskv Equ de Lavande C-ViisSfl lll PARFUMEUR PARIS C 2 It's here! It's new! JmmW^m^mmW\\\. SHEER VELVET COMPACT with T^iJttfy. the magic working ingredient in t/ie Queen Bee's diet SIX NEW SHADES. TORTOISE-SHELL CASE OC9 Sole
      697 words
    • 493 6 NFWI Modes IILVV! SURER-SOFT —the perfect sanitary towel More and more women are changing to Modess SuperSoft— the new luxury sanitary towel. The secret is to "KEYBAK the new non- woven fabric made by Johnson Si Johnson— cooler and more comfortable than any thins you have known before and more
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  • 1145 7 The crusader who won a crown with his sword BALDWIN 'THE BATTLE KING... AN EAGLE EMBLEM ON HIS GOLDEN SHIELD, HE WAS AT THE HEAD OF EVERY ONSLAUGHT LATE in the year 1096, 80,000 crusaders were camped on the Hungarian frontier waiting for the king to grant them pas ss^e
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 392 7 EVERY CHILD needs Vitamin C Q EVERYDAY! g^kv 3cfc^ H^ fm I V K J r—- JC^^ I jb>B \jf E^E^sAr^ and j/e/fc/ous Dc/rosa I Vitamin Cis the energy vitamin. Children \n(f(f j need it to develop strong bones and teeth, and A -~s I to increase vitality and resistance
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 135 7 Carmen Co. By Mas i.. CELIEVE >OU Of THAT BRIEFCASE IF I M HOI 57S| (iT LL BBSAk. T>«M I 'e^B I II I ■■sTT r 7V*~^ TTUC 9u KJNfi \l .MISTAKEN Tut VAKtru Bi PLEASED TOOfci J L COMPLETELY Z4 jS If llu I BUTKNTwEfT 1 The Saint By
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  • 442 8 The Straits Times Thursday, june 23, 1959 Light On Yellow Singapore's Minister for Home Affairs has shed much light on the Government's anti-yellow culture campaign. In the field of publishing, the Government objects strongly to the mixture of sex with sadism, to the presentation of a world peopled by semi-nude
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  • 569 8 Odds strongly favour a decision next month to create a counter-balance to the sorailed Common Market that came into operation in Europe at the beginning of this year. Though ue may accept disclaimers that it is conceived ,in a spirit of retaliation, the j Outer Seven idea is
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  • 196 8 The mere adoption of the new highway code by the Federal Council yesterday will not bring order out of chaos or save lives. To achieve these things every single member of the public must co-operate, if not out of courtesy and considerateness then out of selfinterest. Everyday
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  • 35 8 2$ Wmr4t tit (Minimum). TEOH POH SENG at G.H on 1 24-6-59. Leaving behind a wife, a son Eng Hock and a daughter-in-law. Cortege leaves 62. Ttong Bahru Road at 2 p.m. on 26-6-59.
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  • 44 8 Wtr4i tit (Minimum). MR. MRS. JN. DE SOUZA thank all those who attended their ntdding on 20-6-59 RAMASAMY: To relativea. friends who attended funeral ol late Mr. K. Ramasamy, aent wreaths, condolences other useful >fMcfs, the family extend their Mncere and grateful thanks.
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  • 173 8 ;o Honfi fie (Minimum). MARIE-CLAIRE Chanteuae Pamienne appearing at "The Cockpit" on Friday 26th June. ELSIE MARY LTD.. 2nd Floor. 13, Battery Rd 8'pore. Special Reductions In Frock* lor 10 day* only all this seasons stock. VANITY Attractive Selection of Morning and Cocktail Frock*. Sizes 9 18. 32 Baffles
    173 words
  • 70 8 WetWj 5J f»«».)—Bui SO elt. txlra WARM FULLY FURNISHED S.C. House 3 dbl. Bedrooms modern kitchen. Beautiful district Deron-Dorset border Available Sept. 195» to March 1960 Box A 9374. S.T. K L. L'Ji.. LEAVE Accommodation r.vailable In Mansion with exten lye Grounds. Centra Heating .hrouFfaout during Winter. Home
    70 words
  • 93 8 PHOTOGRAPHY It W»r4t U (Min.)-Box SO elt. extra COLOUR PHOTOORAPHY Ha* many use* in Commerce and lodustry. Advanced development oi the process In the Straits Timer Colour Laboratories which produce up to 11" i lb" has madt its use possible for many purpose* Including bouse magazines, brochures, showcards tnd
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  • 1053 8 The courts are entitled to take judicial notice of what is notorious...' 'THEY ARE MUCH MORE SAVAGE, CRUEL AND DANGEROUS' IN THE Supreme Court of Ipoh last Monday, Mr. Justice Good delivered a judgment in which he approved whipping in a crime in which no violence had been used. Earlier
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  • 259 8 npklE announcement of A Professor Sheares a b o v sterilisation seems U) have caused consternation among the ladies of Singapore. Surely they do not believe that he is going to have them all whisked away to hospital and forcibly sterilised?
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  • 79 8 A 8 a taxpayer, I was amazed at the magnanimity of our former Government vis-a-vis variable allowances. One would have thought that the percentage of the lower Income group should have been higher than In the top bracket, certainly not the other way round. What a striking example
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  • 173 8 QINCE the town council took over the maintenance of grounds from the State Government in Kuantan, there has been neglect resulting in undergrowth, especially in the transit quarters area. It is nearly four months since the grass was cut in this area.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 402 8 1 Straits Tissei k Free Press f»t rfc. nnnliKi at fntn omi nam—tathm tt floor, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE I ORCHARD ROAO. will receive »m«N adoMtlMiwiiti antf IMHH 1 to bo« ■■■■■n. I Clmtrtotf «4r«rtlMaM«to awy I jibo bi hmM to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD. Winch«iter HouM, CaWytr Quay, Sinfaaar*. MR.
      402 words
    • 26 8 You >#♦ Imnaralatrlv lln-ssci: in SUITS lailurt'tl by urn Better MATERIAL CUTTING TAILORING plus STYLE all go into every suit by ghoul 21. Chulia Street, Singapore, 1.
      26 words
    • 89 8 Heat and serve... HEINZ Baby Foods in lars j^slMa^B*Rj^fcl^P^ *y Jw-tWi m *^^*V f^^'^G^'W S E I th« Mpaciaily smooth t«xtur« and apprizing colour* of H*int Saby Foods through th« itr. HEAT. nourishing Haiiu laby Foods in tha iar. Ju*J plac* Mm iar in watar and haat it to tha
      89 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 44 8 f^^~ If"**"* f ou T" fiHi s *-i yd*"**?** rt J3 (s¥\ 1 .j?->>-/^ JO J S> *T*<7maTO mHII bnr*. frtC*™**. .Tht Kvi* um~\ ~^>^ f Soppo»r,6\ A* W^""* /Wnltkly, Franc* \or*>n,it locof* /Wrwill bt X V^cnU™* *gof* ftWTbTUtdmmmmiih' Am«nc» 'j£g%£ v PATTERNS OF FEAR
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  • 805 9 Progress the democratic way KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. LED BY SIR DOUGLAS COUNCIL PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE 'GOOD JOB' DONE BY ALLIANCE GOVERNMENT THE Federation Government's "bold and courageous" adoption of Western democracy was ''paying off," declared Sir Douglas Waring, a tin industry leader, in the Federal Council today. All sides
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  • 88 9 AUSSIE SURF QUEEN FLIES IN AUSTRALIA'S surf queen, Miss Jan Cannody, of Sydney, arrived in Singapore on Tuesday night on her way home alter a ■even -week world tour the prize that went with the title of "Miss Surf.' With her was Mr. Colin MrFarlane also of Sydney, who won
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  • 284 9 Duties lifted to help industries make paint and plastics KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. r THE FEDERAL Legislative Council today lifted x customs duties on raw materials for the manufacture of plastics and paints to help these two Malayan "infant industries" grow, supply all local needs and even export. The Minister of
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  • 97 9 GINGER POO, THE APE PET, DIES SINGAPORE, Wed. When four-year-old Ginger Poo was alive, she kept the children enthralled with her antics. But when she died last ni^ht. It was not the kids but medical experts who gathered round the ape. The orang-utan had died of symptoms similar to those
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  • 62 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Minister of Transport, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Tallb. today stressed the urgency of extending the coastal wharf at Port Swettenham so that the maximum tonnages might be kept flowing through the port in the comin* years. He said this Id the Federal
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  • 116 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday A TOTAL of 1,666 Malayans have been given top Jobs in the Federation Government under the Malayanisation scheme. The Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, said this In the Federal Council today in answer to a written question by Mr
    116 words
  • 135 9 Mr. S says 'yes'— but lists hopes for future 1/-UALA LUMPUR. Wed. Opposition member. Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam. joined other members in the Federal council today in supporting a resolution expressing confidence in the future. But he had this to say of the hopes and aspirations of many people:—. "Thousands
    135 words
  • 34 9 KUALA LUMUR. Wed. The acting principal of the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Professor A.F. Mason, leaves on Tuesday for Britain to attend a conference on educational aid among Commonwealth countries.
    34 words
  • 36 9 MUAR. Wed.— A conference of heads of all primary schools, sponsored by the National Union of Teachers in Johore Bahru. will be held at the Ismail School here at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
    36 words
  • 65 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The all-jet BOAC service will be extended to Kuala Lumpur in August, the BOAC General Manager, eastern routes, Mr. B. W. Bampfylde said here today. •Mr. Bampfylde. who arrived here today from Singapore to help Introduce the all-jet service east of Karachi by
    65 words
  • 38 9 TANGKAK. Wed. Lee Thean Soon, senior Scout and patrol leader of the 11th Tangkak Group of St. Matthew's School here, has been selected to represent Tangkak at the 10th world Jamboree In the Philippines In July.
    38 words
  • 273 9 J£UALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Minister of Trans, port. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Tallb. today appealed to all road users to strictly observe a simple golden rule— BE COURTEOUS. He was moving the aicptlon of the Federation's new Highway Code. It was passed by
    273 words
  • 204 9 EX-UNION HEAD FREE TO TRAVEL AGAIN: BAN LIFTED KUALA LLIVTPUR. Wednesday T"HE former general-secretary of the banned A National Union of Factory and General Workers, Mr. V. David, is free again to travel anywhere outside the Federation. The Government today lifted its year-old restriction on his travelling. He Is also
    204 words
  • 85 9 lONG KONG. Wed.— A Malayan Government representative said here today that Hong Kong industrialists had invested HK $40 million (about MS2O million) in the Federation for setting up secondary industries. Mr. N.A.F. Kennedy. Malaya's Industrial Commissioner to Hong Kong, told a conference that
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 53 9 KUCHING. Wed. Police here are offering a reward of $1,000 to any person or persons who can give information leading to the arrest and conviction of the murderer or murderers of a girl. The semi-naked body of Ting Lay ling. 18. was found on Lanang Road. Sibu.
    53 words
  • 218 9 Ihe ties of friendship: A pledge by Razak I I£UALA LUMPUR, Wed. 1Y —The Federation will not fail to play its part towards strengthening the ties of friendship with Singapore. That was the assurance given a questioner in the Federal Council today. Mr. P. p. Narayanan (trade unions) had asked
    218 words
  • 25 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Federation Government Is to open an anti-malarial school early next year, it was announced in the Federal Council today.
    25 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 159 9 4' 111 JM The 'Fabulous Four* (DE. 42) Another table-tor In your kitchen with the SHEERLINES handy working surface! Turn-around top shelves for the tallest bottles and a fabulous amount of room In the doors too! Gleaming white exterior w<th Cloud Grey front paneL Choice of wonderful door handle colours!
      159 words
    • 126 9 14# I T M 'ill j-;t-. f^. t I* Vent-Axia Fit Vent-Axia and your M 9 i ventilauon problems arc ■II I »olvcd simply, once and I I for all in offices, works, f B^LH* restaurants, bars, clubs, V thops, stores, laundries, m >A4 hospitals, laboratories, L I rt canteens,
      126 words

  • 390 10 'Don't touch' cry.. .a blast ...then a boy killed... PENANG, Wednesday. A CORONER vas told today of an tear gas shell explosion in the Central Police Station during a police week demonstration. Inspector M. Balakrishnan, who described the explosion, was giving evidence at the inquest on nine-year-old Loh Cheng Jin.
    390 words
  • 78 10 LIVING COST INDICES: A DECISION SOON KUALA LUMPUR Wed.— The Federation Government is giving "immediate consideration' to the establishment and publication of new price indices, the Federal Council was told today. In a written reply to Mr. K. V. Thaver (Trade Unions), the Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein,
    78 words
  • 48 10 ALOR STAR. Wed. The Mentri Besar. Dato Syed Omar bin Syed Abdullah I Shahabuddln, and his cabi- net will meet representatives of fishing companies on July 6 to hear their protest against the Government's decision to i ban fishing stakes for the 1959-60 season.
    48 words
  • 163 10 ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Pilgrims to Mecca can now travel in greater comfort, the Federal Council was told today. The Minister or External Affairs. Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul RaHman. assured Tuan syed Esa bin Alwi (Batu Pahat in a written reply that Improvements had been
    163 words
  • 212 10 TIPPED TO BE JOHORE MENTRI lOHORE BAHRU, Wed. J —The first elected Mentri Besar of Johore is expected to be 44-year-old Tuan Haji Hassan bin Haji Yunos chairman of the State Alliance His appointment will be I announced officially on Sat- 1 urday. Alliance leaders have had difficulty in choosing
    212 words
  • 50 10 BUTTBRWORTH. Wed. A Drematurely-born baby was found abandoned in a paper box outside an eating shop at Makloom village, six miles from here, this mornIng. The baby, believed to be a Malay, was found by the proprietor of the shoo and handed over to the Butterworth hospital.
    50 words
  • 190 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Minister of Education. Inche Mohamed Khlr bin Joharl, said today that the Go. vernment was able to provide enough Tamil language teachers to meet the demand. He was replying to Mr. P P. Narayanan (Trade Unions) at the Federal Council meeting
    190 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 355 10 jlP^ FLOWN IBP |f FROM HOLLAND |g|| y by KLM I PHILIPS TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIOS -fiGwHv-1 LIX7ST v 40 ::i;'f?.-i//:. <%?/ J" response to Government's duty concession 'J% yjfr on transistor radios a special consignment of J^ jW^J- Philips portables have been flown to the W^ WJW^j federation by KLM
      355 words
    • 302 10 LIQUID an By jj^^f^ Corrects dry skin overnight? Replaces lost i skin oils. > 6 times richer in pure lanolin makes skin 5 timet lovelier, softer. smoother f LIQUID Advertisement INDIGESTION Do you worry? Sufferers from indigestion cease to look forward to meal times and no longer enjoy their food.
      302 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 92 10 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 14. "God's touchd him. and 1 He many expect to succeed he slept' (Tennyson) (6) n 16. Hat of a man returning to 9. Slice of good fortune sunk <9> Pennsylvania (8) 10. Oirl artiat embracing a car- i 8 Think to cage it somehow 11.
      92 words
    • 179 10 35. Singer's unusually rich store (9) 26. Yellow Hag <3. 4, 81 DOWN 1. A liberal in a poor home gets flsh <7> 2. Cutting equipment in rlnc is ordered here <7>. 3 He chose the golden casket <6. 2. 7> 4. Leave Ted upset, though given a rise (6)
      179 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1541 11 Toit 1405 MANSFSELD 6c CO., LTD. T«i: mm (II hats) (ireorooratad m Singapore! (12 tiaas) 1 ".IT 1 THE BLUE FUNNEL LDfE SAILINGS TB LIVfRPOOI GLASGOW. LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Carriers option to proceed via othtr ports to lead and discharge cargo HADING FOR Due Spore Sails P. Sham Ptnang
      1,541 words
    • 1284 11 (§f. THE Ct) v« LINES— >•«<«•* u t HWvL?) MEDITERRANEAN CWTT-NtNTAI SCAWIIUWUII PtJTS V»VV>'>/ Sport P. S'nam Ptnang YXieSy "BASRA" k) 21 JaM/ 4MI S/ IMy J J*l ll M aT < "lAIANOIA-' a) it/11 Jaty 12 13 lily i*'" w J "UTAUCCA" c) ti/n Ml 27/n JaU "/"i* 1
      1,284 words
    • 1394 11 Smt THE BEN UNE STEAMERS LTD. '*h£ SINGAPORE (liceryirated tkt UiitH KitctMi) S itHU SAILINGS TO ABEN. U.K. I CONTIN KTAI PORTS k'port P Sham Penang BENMACDNUI for Hamburg, London. M'bro It Ptrt/21 Jim 27/21 JtM lENREOCN for London Rotttrdtai. BrtaMW. 27 MM Hamburg jmm/ gM i%mtt gjrtct 21
      1,394 words
    • 1351 11 McALISTER «Sc CO., LTD. TEL Na.: ***** ELLERMAN LDfE KLAVENESS LINE UNION. HAMBURG. ROTTERBAM. HAVRE IBS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO. 3.WU SEATTIE. VANCOUVER ft PORTIANO aM for Canada tad USA North Atlantic Ports Acctptin cargt fer Ctitral ft Sum CITf IF BEBFMB ION«v"lE s .K r i— Sham Penang Sport P.
      1,351 words

  • 606 12 The Malayan Share Broken' Association icported yesterday: "Dull conditions prevailed in all sections and prices were generally easier. The turnover was small." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business up to 3.30 p.m.: Industrials: 8.8. Petrol 535. 6d. xd cci; Fed. Dlsp. $1; Fitzpatricks 96 cents (O):
    606 words
  • 503 12 U.S. STOCKPILE REPORTS STILL PUZZLE LOCAL TRADERS By Our Market Correspondent 'pHE Washington reports regarding the American stockpile with particular reference to rubber has still got local dealers fairly perplexed and in the early part of trading yesterday this caused buyers to hold off. Later, however, the process was reversed
    503 words
  • 270 12 Ships lyinf alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or i xpected today: Kyoto 1/2. Mersey Lloyd 4/5, Masuka 6A, Mataram 6/7, Ceylon 8/9, Orestes 10/11. Rebeverett 13/14, President Pierce 15/16, Luna Maersk 18, Maetsuycker 19. Scudai N. Wall 3, Sarudun N. Wall 4, Eastsea N. Wall 5, Bidor
    270 words
  • 110 12 The Malayan Exchange Banks* Association made the following changes in its rates to merchants yesterday, (all rates to $100): New York: buying airmail T.T. 33, O.D. 33 1/8. 90 d/st 33 3/8 credit bills. 33 1 2 trade bills. Canada: buying airmail T.T. 31 I 8. O.D. 31
    110 words
  • 111 12 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchance noon prices per plcul yesterday: Copra: quiet; UK/Continent June, July shipments 5394 buyers, $40',. sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $63.. sellers, drum $65-, sellers. Pepper: quiet: no business was reported done. Muntolc white $132, Sarawak $131 (both down $i>. special Sarawak black $78, garbled
    111 words
  • 57 12 The Commerce Department has reported that the United States economy is moving forward with "considerable momentum." Most of the major indicators are potntlnn higher, the Department declared in the June Issue of Its survey of current business. 'Orders have spurted and Income output and employment are all registering
    57 words
  • 134 12 MELBOURNE. Wed. "[INVESTMENT shares held a firm tone on the Stork Exchange here today, bu. the market shoved no large moves. Mt Lyell gained Is. to 335. 9d. v,hile other base metals and oil shares remained steady. There was heavier trading In Commonwealth bonds which gained today. Loans
    134 words
  • 149 12 July first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 94 cents per lb., down three-quarters of a cent on. Tuesday's closing price. The closing tone was quietly steady. Closing prices in cents per lb., yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 93 sellers 94;
    149 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1129 12 Express U.S.A. Pacific tfc Atlantic Coast Swvt— E.T.A. E.t.A. E.I.A. Spore P. Sham Pentn( H'konf L. AngalM New York -linkwi Maru' Ist Call M 17 Jut 71/2S teat Jrt Call J« Jiw/1 lily 5 Mv 24 July II to* 'MUoikawa Mai" itt Call 31/ 1 tig 2/ 3 Ait »if
      1,129 words
    • 23 12 STOCK INDICES Malayan Share Market: June 24 June 23 Industrials: 87.82 88.11 Tins: 106.16 107.66 S Rubbers: 130.79 132.W Jan. 1 1958 100
      23 words
    • 341 12 OFFICIAL PRICES SINGAPORE. June 24. RUBBER: 94 cents per lb. (down threequarters of a cent). TIN: $402.75 per picul (up 50 cents). Estimated offering 130 tons (up 5 tons). TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received up to noon on Thursday. 16th July, 1959, for the purchase of the following in
      341 words
    • 627 12 NOTICES NOTICE I THIS is to advise that as from i the 4th July, 1959 our telephone number will be *****. ANGLO-SWISS TRADING CO. LTD. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given thai any person, firm or corporation having any claim against the business of Chop Tat Heng. framemakers, carrying on business
      627 words
    • 360 12 NOTICES NOTICE I, the undersigned hereby wish to notify the public that I, Dr. C. C. Too of 160 High Street, Kuala Lumpur, have resigned from the membership of the M.C.A. and I have therefore relinquished the post hitherto held as Assistant Honorary Secretary of ihe Selangor branch. Chairman of
      360 words
    • 136 12 mm T ik Meet The Screens Most Exciting i FIGUR^.34-34-34! I J 1 The Name: JACK LEMMON I The Picture: "SOME LIKE IT HOT". I The Other Stan: m? I M. M. TONY CURTIS a The Theatre: I CAPITOL SINGAPORF. m The Time: SAT. M'NITE SITUATION VACANT A large and
      136 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 601 13 Cbtck B«ftre Potting I Replies te Box Numbers j I Urwost core should be takes) I wfcen replying to box number I Is*, to we the CORRECT I NUMBER and Address to Hrn I Straits TisMS, Times House. 1 River Volley Rood. I Co«h mutt bo sent Mr re«is- 1
      601 words
    • 548 13 SITUATIONS WANTED 20 Words SS (Min.)— Box St ct*. txtrm CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED European Lady seeks position a& Rtceptlonlst Office Assistant Typist in Travel Bureau, Commeirlal House or Hotel. Permanent resident Singapore. Apply Box A 5195, S.T. Spore. ACCOMMODATION VACANT 20 Word* SS (Mm.) Box St cts. txtrm UN-FURNISHED ROOM
      548 words
    • 832 13 ACCOMMODATION WANTED 20 Words SS (Mm.) Box St cts. txtrm 1 HOUSE OR FLAT. 2-3 bedrooms. Within 2 miles of City Hall. European Couple. Leave House or Flat acceptable. Box A9IM S.T. Spore. WANTED 22 July detached furnished 3 bedroom bungalow Districts 9. 10. 11 by W.D. civilian. Modern convenience
      832 words
    • 828 13 EDUCATION 20 Word* SS (Min.)— Box St ct*. txtrm MALAY. Enrol now for Malay Afternoon Classes under qualified and experienced Malay teachers commencing 1.7.59. Tune 2-5 pjn. Two hours weekly. Chunghwa Institution. 5, Short Street, Spore. Telephone: *****. NATIONAL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 433 A Geylang Road Spore. (Near Geylang English School),
      828 words
    • 554 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE 20 Word* SS (Min.)— Box St ct*. txtrm ROVER 75 1951' Immaculate condition $2,500/- 0.n.0. Telephone Spore ***** from 8 ajn. to 4 p.m or ***** after office hours. IMMACULATE 1958 two-tone Flat 1100, Taxed November. New Buttery Good Tyres. Superb Engine. Genuine 15.000 miles. $4,200/--0.n.0. Ring
      554 words
    • 406 13 FOR SALE 20 Words SS (Min.)— Box St ets. txtrm THREE JOHN DEERE Tractors model G In good condition for sale Apply United Plantations Ltd.. Telephone No. 244. Hutan Mellntang. HOTPOINT POWER-PLIS 1 HP. AIR CONDITIONERS USUAL PRICE: $1,350/BUY NOW and SAVE! CASH PRICE: ONLY $775/LOWEST HIRE PURCHASE TERMS FOR
      406 words
    • 377 13 MISCELI.ANEOUS 20 Word* SS (Min.)— Box St ct: txtrm CAVENAGH BEAUTY HOUSE— The Complete Beauty Shop: Facials, Pimple Treatments. Slimming, Perms, Sets, Tints, etc. 63A. Oavenagh Road *****, Spore. CAR LIFTS offered to school children Morning/Afternoon. Also office workers any districts. Those Interested apply Box A 5190 S.T. Spore. ADVERTISERS
      377 words
    • 329 13 PROVISION STORES (STORB) 20 Word* Sit (Minimum). DmOw 1 month. It Word* SJJO (Mln.i SHOP at Teck Joo. Best prompt services. Phone Spore *****,*****. WHERE TO STAY 20 Word* Sit (Minimum). DmUm I month. It Word* SiJt (Mm.) GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL Scott« Road. Spore Charming Garden Inclusive Terms. NEW COUNTRY
      329 words

  • 2387 14  -  EPSOM JEEP, By Kuala Lumpur, Wed. AFTER a blank on the first day, leading jockey Arthur Ward came into his own at Kuala Lumpur today, landing a splendid treble with Windsor 11, Prince Tournai and Meteorite 11. The clay's racing began
    2,387 words
  • 53 14 Total Pool $176,880 First *****1 $47,758 Second *****9 $23,879 Third *****7 $11,939 Starters ($2,984 each) Nos. *****4, *****9. *****9. *****6. Consolation: (51, 061 each): Nos. *****2, *****3. *****8. *****0. *****1. 1641*87. *****7. *****9, *****7. *****0. TREBLE TOTE: 8 tickets (S158): Forecast Race: 3 ($627); Race: 5 ($64);
    53 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 311 14 Volkswagen KARMaSN /'<* LUXE GH A COUPI :L\ M V SIDAN /^SSSSSSk mmfljff^BP^ vH> kombi '-.i' Wtf ■L DELIVERY VAN c..b.n.d v.n o.d M •jifej £w, «r SMttoa Wn»'| Ik. E^^p?v micro PICK- DP V ££i^&mt hIM jM W STATION fSk BSr/lfl wagon IW€ol PB^^^^^ V^Su JSoCooc/\ Sensible. Honest. tw'jjuZjLow
      311 words
    • 51 14 Hf «p 4£^bV^^b< iß^I I^* K^BW^^B^bHßb^BV ills vrFk Allenburys Rusks ire an idetl soW food AliPnhurvs (or b«bie«- from their sixth month AienDUr Y* onw.rds. They're especially helpful when RUSKS 111 a new h Buy Allenburys Rusks in money-Saving the new economical pack. 8 oz. pack. Agents; BARLOW CO (Singapore)
      51 words

  • 246 15 I'll take it like a sportsman he says By VIC NAYAGAM KUALA LUMPUR, Wed Selangor Rangers held a council meeting tonight at which they discussed a letter from the F.A. or Selangor s c 1 ection committee which tells international centre-forward Abdu] Ghani. that he need
    246 words
  • 54 15 SINGAPORE. Wed.— Singapore Business Houses F.A. League and Cup competition results: fJROI'P A— National Carbon 2 Chartered Bank 0; Mercantile Bank 5 Wearnes 1. GROUP B— Cold Storage received a walkover from Forxi. GROUP C— National carbon •B 7 Shell 3. (iROUP D Malayan Airways
    54 words
  • 40 15 PENANG. Wed— Darul Asham beat Baharul Alam 3 l in a second division soccer league match on the Dato Krama'. ground today. In anothrr Div. 2 match, Penan* Elango S.C. beat Muslim nr r 2—l. SINGAPORE RACE ENTRIES
    40 words
  • 250 15 By HENRY PAUL- Ipoh, Wednesday THE Pcrak Turf Ciub will have racing on Sundays instead of on Saturdays In future and will also provide more facilities for outstation members. Plans for "new improve- 1 ments" were discussed at a committee
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  • 966 15 SINGAPORE, Wed.—A total Of 213 horses—B2 in Class 1. 99 In Class 3 and 32 two-yeaT-olds-*as been entered for the Singapore Turf Club's July meeting at Bukit Timah onJuly 4, 8 and 11. There will be eight races each day. starting at 2.15.
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  • 46 15 IPOH. Wed. The Div. I league soccer match between Eastern Sports Club and Bawean Putra was abandoned ten minutes before time today. Bawean Putra were leading 1-0 when a free-for-all broke out. Two players started a fight and spectators Joined in.
    46 words
  • 38 15 Champs again SINGAPORE. Wed. St. Michael's (50 points) regained the Christian Brothers junior schools athletics championship at Bras Basah Road today. They were champions In 1957. Runners-up were St. Anthony's (45) followed by St. Stephen's (37).
    38 words
  • 85 15 SINGAPORE. Wed. Teams for the Malaya Cup match here on Sunday between Singapore and Joint Services are: SERVICES: Barnsley, Keetley, Carroll; Mackenzie. Hay ward, Paulion; Davey. McNaughton, Davies, Ward. Draper. Reserves: Koblnson. Hawes. Roberts. Wingneld. Demon and Sleep. SINGAPORE: From Sect Tew Chang, Mokhtar Tabri.
    85 words
  • 55 15 l/UALA LUMPUR" Wed.— I*■ Malaya's representatives to the inaugural meeting of the SouthEast Asia Peninsula Games Federation at Bangkok, starting tomorrow, left here today. They are Mr. Thong Poh Nyean and Mr. Sum Kwok Seng. The meeting, which ends on Friday, will consider the constitution of the B.E.A.P.
    55 words
  • 34 15 JAKARTA, Wed. Indonesia is sending six badminton players to take part In the Über Cup matches. They are Mrs. Sudirman (chairman), Oey Lin Nio, Cory Kawilarang, Minarni, Yap Happy and Retno Kustijati.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 126 15 w- 1 It V\ 1 1 17 IB RED TOP JL\ •••and it's 8 times i^mfmmWX more economical /5 w I p mi Use Red Top detergent and tee its concentrated m mwf^m action actually easing out the dirt. No bubbles jll JCpHf9 w foam to cioud the watCT you
      126 words
    • 312 15 SIZE VIRGINIA Mm mmmm^}?****^^^. ALT, m^M ■^V^^^^k^^*\jT^H ■^rW»^J ■^^L*^ 3a^sf^B *^3fe <f Singapore and Fi'ifriralkm ftp **> lm MADE IN m mWmmm&Mml W*^' ENGLAND flPfjlfl^^^^^^^^^^^^^y In the cm»h-pr*of turn-top bos The extra length for greater smoothness Compare MMHHMHHHHHBnMH m$ ROTHMANS KING SIZE VIRGINIA Place your old cigarette on this actual
      312 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 73 15 SINGAPORE: Cricket: Army vs ra.P— SC.C. padang (11 iim.i. Athletic*: Lee Kuo Chan 1 and 2 Tanjong Katong Technical Charlton 1 and 2. S«ecer: S.A.P.A. training— Jalan Besar 17 p.m.). S.A.F a League: Div. 2A— R.A.F. Changi vs Minto— MF a ground: Div. 3A: JoUUads vs Railways, Qeylang: Div. 3B:
      73 words

  • 971 16 DATO RAZAK: ANY RELAXATION NOW MAY GIVE THE REDS A FRESH BREAK... KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— The Federal Council today gave the 11 -year-old Emergency Regulations a further year's lease after the Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussain, spoke with confidence about c-leanng the country
    971 words
  • 405 16 Pay cut: Union form council of joint action THE THREAT TO UNION PRACTICE SINGAPORE, Wednesday. 'J'HE Singapore Federation of Unions of Government Employees today decided to form a council of joint action immediately "to take whatever uction necessary in connection with the Government's unilateral implementation of cuts on variable allowances."
    405 words
  • 72 16 |^UALA LUMPUR. Wed. New identity cards will be issued to the Federation's (i. 500. 000 people on Jan. 1. The Minister of Interior and Justice. Inche Suleiman bin Dato Abdul Rah- man. announced the date in the Federal Council today in answer to a question
    72 words
  • 23 16 LOS ANGELES: A B-52 Jet bomber on a test flight crashed and burned in Oregon, killing at least four men.
    23 words
  • 196 16 New SlO mil. Klang bridge cuts travel time to capital KLANO, Wed.— More than 1.000 people saw the Sultan of Selangor open the $10 million double-decker bridge over the Klang River here this evening. He cut a ribbon with a pair of silver scissors and then drove 1,500 feet to
    196 words
  • 448 16 WIMBLEDON: RAIN HOLDS UP PLAY ONDON, Wed. Ramanathan Krishnan, the player from Madras, who defeated top Wimbledon seeds in last week's London championships, gained another quick win when the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships were continued today. Krishnan's shock victories last week came too late
    448 words
  • 173 16 MANCHESTER. Wed.—Lancashire were 400 for five in their first Innings at the dose of the first day's play agaln&i the Indian cricketers at Old Traflord today. OeofT Pullar hit 137. SCOREBOARD R.W. Barber c and b Unuigar 48 A. Whfu on c Umrlgar b Jalslmha 18
    173 words
  • 301 16 LONDON. Wed. Interest In London stock markets generally i was at a low level today and prices tended to drift lower In many cases. Movements however, were mostly small. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp duty were: GILTEDGED Consols 2V/<> £52/', Punding 4% £90 13/16
    301 words
  • 233 16 'Magi' by Rubens sold for $2,337,500 LONDON, Wed. A 1634 Rubens masterpiece, "The Adoration of the Magi," was soid at Sotheby's auction rooms here tori a y for £275.000 (about $2,337,500)— a world record price. It went to Mr. Leonard Koetzer a London art dealer, who was believed to be
    233 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      158 words
    • 109 16 K UROTA DIESEL^] 'j^jff&S^z' Modelt v>ilable from stttk jß^^- mc 9 bhp i ioo RpMf 'V^Jf MB 6 BHP at 900 RPM |f% LINDETEVES JACOBERG /Never could take to a pipe A until I bought a J j But now I'm a real Like to know mart about Byford pipes
      109 words