The Straits Times, 28 February 1959

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVI ll\«.l BAIIV rBBTIFIED SAI.F. EXTKEHS 80,000 The Straits Times Nat*** 1 New**!** Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1959 15 CENTS
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  • 668 1 MARCUS BETRAYED TRUST OF PEOPLE' Wee talks of 'quiet activities behind scenes' Pass powers' row in the council SINGAPORE, -A P.A.P. councillor today accused the council's Chief A d m i n i strative Officer, Mr. P. C. Marcus, of having '"betrayed the trust of
    668 words
  • 55 1 LONDON. Frl.— More than 500 Scots miners, headed by a kilted pipe and drum band, marched through London today to protest at high unemployment in Scotland. They marched to the headquarters of the National Coal Board, where a delegation delivered a protest at closing of
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 1455 1 In shirt sleeves, Prince Philip takes over Contois of Heron on 300 -mile flight ALL IN A DAY-FROM KUCHING POMP TO SARAWAK BACKWOODS 21 -gun salute crashes out From WILLIAM FISH MIRI (Sarawak). Friday ON A HECTIC minute by minute schedule, Prince Philip today flew his own aircraft more than
    1,455 words
  • 57 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. A labourer, Cheong Yon Hong. 20. fell to his death from the seventh floor of the Union Bank Building which is nearIng completion at the lunation of Klyne Btreet ird Mountbatten Road here. He had been working eti the partly completed
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  • 144 1 PRETORIA. Friday. AFRICAN women fled screaming through a barbed wire fence and fell moaning in the street when about 60 police with batons and guns charged more than 2,000 of them in a town near here yesterday. The women had met to protest against
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 76 1 JAKARTA. Frl. Indonesian newspapers today praised the Australian Prime Minis ter Mr M^nzies for his attitude on West New Guinea. The Indonesian Observer said Mr. Menzies was not popular before in Indonesia because of his view that Holland was a better neighbour than Indonesia "But Mr Menzies
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  • 65 1 SUNOEI PATANI Fri.-The Prime M lister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, tonight warned that there would be "chaos and bloodshed" if the Malays insisted on doing things which were unfair to the other races. Tengku Abdul Rahman was declaring open an UMNO fun fair here. He said: "In a country
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  • 46 1 LONDON, Fri.— Attillo Messina. 48. was alleged by a detective chief Inspector in court here today to hay»? received £40,00u from one woman's earning! as a prostitute since IM7. Messina was remanded until next Wednesday, on three charges relating to prostitution. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 47 1 CAPE CANAVERAL. Frl A 60ft. Jupiter missile, the rocket to be used In the next Army moon shot, was launched on a full-rang*-test flight early today. Army officials said later that the Jupiter had made a successful flight over a fullrange Atlantic Test.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 23 1 JAKARTA, Fri. The Government has officially confiscated the 500-ton Siamese ship Champadak for alleged smuggling and aiding the rebels. U P.I
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  • 112 1 PENANO. Frl. Bhouling pupils gathered round a Special Branch Inspector when he visited the Han Chiang High School thia morning to question a girl. The inspector was said to be making a routine inquiry about pupils who had changed their addresses without notifying th» ensntf
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  • 197 1 Dockers riot, stone admiral VALLETTA, Fri.— Riot ing and fires broki out at the British Nay: dockyard here toda; after 6.000 Maltesi dockworkers receive* notice that a privat British firm was takini over the yard. Police used tear gas t control the rioters. Fires in the yard could be seen
    Reuter; UPI  -  197 words
  • 28 1 PATROL BOATS FOR |AKARTA YOKOHAMA. Fri—Japanese shipping firms will Men shortly formal contact with Indonesia for sale of patrol boats, at total cost of 51D.620.000. I.PI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 drink more fresh milk Introducing the FOUR INCH DOOR 8 LOUVRE Simple to install Perfectly balanced Easily fitted with flyscreen or grille. Combines graceful, modern styling with natural nodraft ventilation. A product of N. V. APPLETON PTY Write torfoy for on illustrated leoflet to: A. CLOUET A CO. (M) LTD..
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    • 96 1 WaH* Watchword of the World. I*. rc.i«j tot YiaoroHsSWr W t LEADING ithlel«» A f Mm^A^^k.^^ nd trainer 'riroufhoul Ik* M AVb^^U the uxrimf diet Tim dtlrciout 1 em loo< tetTrafc ha> been '.ened^^H I 'M^k^kr xhletes it every (>Kmp«^M f^A^T Games Meeting from the L^^H J imW Anfdet Games
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 422 2 I HUH A ncw clC9ont Rodi ot out \v^n»Vj P^^WTim\\ I wBBIs^B m A mOJt populor Rodl ot ouMfondin 9 I I .tending performance in me 9 m- \\^^%\\^HP^^jA V\ N Vj^^^J^BApP^ I Performance. Perfect tone I f jlf I r.cent plastic Cobinc*. 5 VoUcs, \\^Bp^^^^^>\ VV.^s^s^Bsfls^L^^'l t^^^i,W handsome T.nish.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 53 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby «/t Ufl\/E to uovt 'if wt &er rue H wutN wtßt uoloim6\| /fltfldfV n*»nD\ NEW ONK 1 TMOOaWT P MATBsTtAL MOW 1 I A O(SCU«ION PU4*/i cSSr&£s\Sc*n «OM*TUIN» WITU A IC4NM*«ni6M\ rjON'T FALL A«LtW>/ ia/ lanfco A/aAiu Cn s w*-"ovhcm wi icwn i i^rum f
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  • 439 3 HIGH SEAS DRAMA OF PROBE INTO MYSTERY TRANSATLANTIC CABLE BREAKS WASHINGTON, Friday. AN AMERICAN warship yesterday sent a boarding party onto a Russian fishing trawler off Newfoundland as part of an investigation into mystery breaks in the multimillion dollar transatlantic cable network. The Defence Department
    Reuter; UPI  -  439 words
  • 39 3 TOKYO. Fri. The Osaka Shost n Kalsha, a leading Japanese shipping firm, announced today it was planning to speed up its express liner service between Japan and Europe by eliminating calls at Penang and Marseilles. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 117 3 'MPs plan a ban on U.S. imports 9 WASHINGTON, Frl. A trade publication said In lU current issue here today that several British MP's were behind a Bill "aimed at banning the imports to Britain from U.S. firms actively opposing British bids on U.S. products." The publication. Electrical News Letter,
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 28 3 inr* Indian rrnio minisirr, nr. nrnru. rn'rivrs in* Inn. se Vice-Foreign Minister. Mr. Chanc Han-fu. in New Delhi.— U.P.l, picture.
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  • 99 3 Bootleg racketeer is found hanged NEW YORK, Fri.— Abner (Longie) 54, believed to have been the bead of a bootleg liquor syndicate that made about U.S.SSO million during prohibition. was found banged yesterday in bis mansion in Orange. New Jersey. Zwillman's stepson said Zwillman, who rose from the slums
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 188 3 KIEV, Friday. MR. HAROLD MACMILLAN. in high spirits, splashed through mud on a Ukraine farm today determined to stick out his full Russian visit to the end despite setbacks. "He is not going to dramatise a piece of rudeness by going back." one member
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 123 3 REBELLION WILL LAST YEARS, SAYS NASUTION JAKARTA, Fri. The Army Chief of Start, Lt.-Geri. Abdul Haris Nasution, warned today the Indonesian rebellion might last years and said the country needed a good compulsory military training programme. He was speaking in Lawang. East Java, at a student convention. Meanwhile. Indonesian armed
    Reuter; UPI  -  123 words
  • 87 3 SALISBURY (Southern Rhodesia). Frl.— Firm government action halted antiwhite violence in Central and Southern Africa at least temporarily today, but new trouble appeared possible at any time. Nearly 700 agitators were under arrest in southern Rhodesia and Somallland. and 1.700 strike rioters here and In South
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 29 3 TOKYO. Fri. A group of five Japanese shipyards has concluded a contract to build twenty patrol boats for the Indonesian Govenment. It was announced today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 309 3 LONDON. Frl.— Generally unsettled conditions prevailed in London stock market* today, with sentiment adversely affected by events In Moscow and the African labr r situation. Out-edged securities were particularly vulnerable and small sellIng was responsible (or (airly sharp losses. The decline was accentuated during the afternoon by a
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  • 33 3 LONDON. Frl— Spot 25 %d. April 25-s.d.. May 25 \d.. June 25\ d.. July-Sept. 25'\d.. Oct -Dec. 26d Jan-March 26d.. March c.i.f. 25\d.. April c.i.f. 25.d. May c.l.f. 25!4d. Tone: Very quiet.
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  • 20 3 LONDON' -Bjyer., £781. tellers Z I I'cmN buyers £784... '■> '.85. Settlement £782. Tu >■•'.,.. a.m. 65 tons, p.m. 150 tons.
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  • Cable flashes
    • 73 3 9 'TEDDY BOYS' ON AFFRAY CHARGE LONDON, Fri—Eight youths and a 15--year-old boy appeared in court here today charged with causing an affray on Tuesday night at an East End dance nail when 18--year-old Alan Johnson was murdered. Another youth, Terence Cooney, 19. was yesterday remanded in custody charged with
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    • 41 3 TEL AVIV: An Israeli military court has imposed a token fine of 10 prutas 'about two centsi on Coi. Yissahar Shadmi for issuing illegal orders after which 49 Arab villagers were killed by border patrols during a curfew In October 1956.
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    • 15 3 LONDON: Britons drank more tea last year than ever before over 101 b. per capita.
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    • 21 3 JAKARTA: President Soekarno will form a new Cabinet, Mr. Sudibjo. the Indonesian Minister of Information, said according to Antara news agency.
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    • 20 3 LITTLE ROCK: Governor Orval Faubus announced that state police had broken up a state-wide teenage, inter-raciai sex and narcotics ring.
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    • 18 3 WASHINGTON: World production of natural rubber In December totalled 190.000 long tons. 17.500 less than a year earlier.
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    • 24 3 ENTEBBE: Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother left in a Comet airliner for London at the end of her three weeks' tour of East Africa.
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    • 20 3 NEW YORK: The 14--year-old wife of rock-and-roll singer Jerry Lee Lewis cave birth to a 71b. boy in Ferriday, Louisiana.
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    • 11 3 TAIPEH: The Chines* Communists fired five shells at the Quemoy islands.
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    • 25 3 KARACHI: Mohammed Ayub Khuhro. former Pakistani Defence Minister, was sentenced to five years imprisonment by a special anti-corruption court for operating on the black market.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 r^BK^^B —^r .^k}"^ i%■ .^BBVjBBB^^Kfi >-. -J- ri.ituu "no doubt about it, I PREFER NESCAFE" because I make a point of serving only good coffee... 11 1 A< that's why I insist on Nescafe '^<^£fE >^^^ rV^K^^^^^^^^BtfßlßßßJ Nescaf6 is 100"/o pure instant coffee. It is a l"r choice coffee, carefully
      85 words
    • 329 3 li's so romforlable. tou'll feel like You are not wearing a bra at all! PLAYTEX. u/uv/y.< yean mktmd in... Brassiere styling Comfort --fit---now introduces a uholc new exciting idea in bra Jrsi^p 111 I /v Wt^ v^ w jr, w I I O %J V? r^c **2si -o'ls^r L^ ma^
      329 words

  • 526 4 Lee flays PAP for polls bar on four men THEY CAN'T RESIGN WITH FULL PROVIDENT FUND SINGAPORE, Friday. A SINGAPORE People's Alliance councillor, Mr. Lee Hwee Hiow, today accused People's Action Party councillors of being "autocratic, dictatorial and unreasonable" in refusing to allow four employees to retire to contest the
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  • 97 4 HE WINS MASTER AIR PILOT AWARD CAPT. JAMES BUTCHER. 38. a Malayan Airways pilot, who has been awarded the coveted Master Air Pilot certificate. He is the only pilot in Malaya to possess the certificate, which was awarted to him by the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators in
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  • 32 4 SINGAPOKE. Fri. The 5170.000 Bombay Dawoodi Bohra Community Mosque in Hill Street will be officially declared open on Thursday oy the local Amil (High Priest i. Shaikh Abdulkader Khamusi
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  • 184 4 COUNCIL AGREES TO RECLASSIFY A CITY POST cv™^ SINGAPORE Friday XFJ^L Seated debate today, the City Council i dec d d not to ab °lish the post of City Bacteriologist but to .eclassify it from Class One to Class Both Mr O. B. Armstrong (SPA i and Mr. S. M.
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  • 214 4 Boy wins race to join lucky 6 chosen by RAF OINGAPORE, Fri. A 19 year old boy, who made a 40-mile last-minute dash to join the Royal Air Force, was among the lucky six selected today. Wong Ah Kirn of Kota Tinggi, arrived just in time at the Singapore Military
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  • 118 4 SINGAPORE, Fri. The followirg students of the English College, Johore Bahru, have passed the Higher School Certificate last year: AJlt Slngn s o Inuer Singh, Amy Tan, Annapoorani do Chellam. Chan Sin Lam. Chen Slong Chao, Chin OJ Tow, Francis Yeoh Kirn Leng. Hardlal Singh s/o S.
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  • 184 4 SINGAPORE, Friday. fOMMUNIST China has invited Singapore trade v unionists and students to tour the country for three weeks. Reason: to "promote friendship" between the two territories. The All-China Federation of Trade Unions in a cable to the Singapore Trade* Union Congress invited the
    184 words
  • 77 4 SINGAPORE. F:±— An appeal was ria.'.r t xlay for donations tm »!fIM of the Kampong Bahru fire to be j>Siii i or beforp March 12. Acting Director of Social Welfare. Mr. W. 8. Woon, said Dato Lee Kong Chian. as President of the Singapore Council of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 535 4 Mill MM lIIIIIIIIMI JUHER f able tape re- li cordcr provides an eitremely wide rre- W jfJ^f^^^^^^l^M quency rongc and I *^3^^^^ -^J^^^^J extraordinary high m Fidelity with the M\ C^^^^" "i^Ji. J^^ Y^^B/j^^^^^^r j« I phonic r. production Wk I ftt V system to preU v,"*J^p™f 1 vint accidental
      535 words
    • 224 4 For Cleaner Whiter Teeth and Sweeter Breath lam M i^} G **°2V 1 use COLGATE Chlorophyll Toothpaste Brush your teeth regularly with Colgate Chlorophyll Toothpaste. This wcnderful green toothpaste not only fights tooth decay and keep; your teeth clean and white but it also helps to destroy bad breath and
      224 words

  • 562 5 Ong warns council staff: Don't betray people's trust 'OPPORTUNITIES FOR HONEST MEN' SINGAPORE. Friday THE Mayor. Mr. Ong ling Guan, said today that the City Council stall should be a neutral rmd effective instrument to implement the council's poli cies and decisions. In his speech at the ordinary meeting, the
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  • 289 5 SINGAPORE, Fri. A shop assistant told a district court today that he bore no malice towards a businessman whose character he was alleged to have defamed in a Tamil pamphlet. S.P. Shaikh Mohamed. of j Rangoon Road, was making his defence before Mr.
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  • 267 5 ONE CHILD IN FOUR IN GRAVE PERIL SINGAPORE, Fri.— One of every four children born in the city area is in danger of contracting smallpox, the City Health Officer. Dr. Ng See Yook, warned today. He said that: IN 195? 11.145 out of 46^03 babies born In the city were
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  • 43 5 SINGAPORE, Prl. A verdict of misadventure was recorded by a Singapore coroner today on a girl. Ho Bee Ying. eight, who died after a fall from a stall at Balestier Road Market on Oct. 4 last year.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 320 5 jßAßbbfi her mix X^Kk BOLDEST J BOYER f and BEST BOUDOIRS >#gf in her Jand FIRST* baths oir^: /MM PiC ™«t\ CAPITOL Jrjj^y Technicolor Released thru LA MM H Chinese Subtitles tte ßanlot j: ilialftmsiennel: 3 8 ON Cl/V Opening Performance STAGE Jft I MONDAY 9P.M. tAbm Hlfil WORLD-FAMOUS YuSooChow"
      320 words
    • 229 5 AN INVITATION to the 43rd SWISS INDUSTRIES r\ A&%r \SOR Fly I"*™ by '-^KJr?? 1 SWISSAIR from <^g^^ Singapore to Basic w (Switzerland) via Bangkok Departure every Tuesday and Saturday Fur further details consult your rtgmlsr Ira ml iina'cy or: The Malay States Shipping Co. Ltd. 79 ANSON ROAD. SINGAPORE
      229 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 524 5 Singapore diary.., SINGAPORE CONSTITI'TION schools Lee Kuo Chuan auditorEXPOSITION at the former Kal- ium. Barker Road, 8 p.m. lang airport site. 6 p.m. to 1130 INDEPENDENT MISSIONARY pm MOVEMENT: Free film show at STAGE CLUB presents 'Playbill' Woodbrldge Hospital. Ylo Chu at the Cultural Centre theatre, Kang Road. 7. 1S
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  • The Straits Times PHOTO NEWS
    • 57 6 A PAGE OF PICTURES SHOWING HIM AT HIS INFORMAL BEST A ceremonial lion dance greets the Royal visitor in Kuching on Thursday night Prince Philip on a ceremonial dais surrounded by local leaders. The Prince receives a gift Dignitaries line up to meet Prince Philip who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 313 6 SINGAPORE'S NEWEST LUXURY HOTEL •JifcL^^^ The O rcharcl Hotel, "The Golden Venus" Bar and Restaurant, is situat- J| »Q^p^g^g^^^g^^g§ j ed in the Tanglin district. The city's most distinguished residential V '•'^lf fc^-ES"/ *Z£s;3 &Hi Bf .iT°ErZ All suites and rooms are elegantly and comfortably furnished and are A■ IC-V&
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  • 118 7 DETECTIVE GETS TWO MONTHS' JAIL TERM SINGAPORE, Fri. Detective Corporal Arumugan V. Singam was jailed for two months in a magistrate's court today after he was found guilty of assaulting a labourer in the Tanjong Pagar Police station. At a previous hearing. Ab- dullah bin Ibrahim said he I had
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  • 50 7 SINGAPORE, Fri. One of the City Council's most senior officers. Mr. A. J. ("Guy") Vaz, 50, deputy superintendent of the City Cleansing department, today resigned after 30 years' service Mr. Vaz tonight said: "I made up my mind long ago to stop working at 50."
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  • 297 7 Shocked police say: 'We can do nothing 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday A JUKE box in a dingy coffee-shop in the heart of the town here is blaring away Malaya's national anthem the Neg a r v ku" played by the Royal Federation ol Malaya
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  • 167 7 SINGAPORE, Friday. rERE will be a world-wide television network in 30 years if the economies of South-East Asian countries advance far enough. Sir lan Jacob, Director-General of the BBC. said in an interview over Radio Singapore tonight. Sir lan is the first BBC Director-General
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  • 71 7 Corps man saves a mother from sea SINGAPORE. Fri.— Gopalan Narayan. 22. a member of the Singapore Life Guard Corps, today jumped into the sea off Queen Elizabeth Walk here and rescued a 20-year-old woman. The woman, Ng Slew Hai a mother of two. was sent to the General Hospital
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  • 321 7 Expelled publisher says: 'I'll stay on in S'pore' SINGAPORE. Friday. AN Indonesian businessman was asked if he was a Communist during a midnight-to-dawn Special Branch questioning at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. At the end of the investigation. Mr. Tjio Wei Tay. 31. was told h e had to leave the country
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  • 30 7 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Paya Lebar MethodLst Girls' School will hold a concert in aid of Its building fund on March 7 In the school hall at 7 p.m.
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  • 21 7 SINGAPORE. Fri. World Health Day this year will be observed in Singapore on April 7. it was announced today.
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  • 178 7 SINGAPORE. Fr i Cathay Pacific Airways has Joined forces with BOAC to form a new company taking over the administration and complete share capital of Hong Kong Airways Limited. The company will continue to operate under the name of Cathay Pacific Airways. Since Jan.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 330 7 09* j Exquisite Voiles and Fabrics of Guaranteed Quality. Made in England ,JL-- ?j£ specially for Malaya. VO.L" Stan<Ora KC>Oil .'t SS7. 11.20 P" Yd- 7 y"»y|^^s_^^Ps^P^^i^»* Mccicdei-bern yiooucti are deiigncd to satisfy the wiaeit ~^*^r^^^^^ possible range of individual tc.tcs. Timeless elegance, luxurious comfort, modern I design end technical
      330 words
    • 306 7 ML my PAIN oft^M Imy war %%'r^J Ml my sorrow 7 KjWy SUFFERING ?'f^Pr& A GOD OF LOVE PERMIT THEM? jj^ r f* Beautifully Illustrated With the Amazing «s? *fc vwil New Visual Demonstration v^ If* COLOR AM A ,<, Hi N«w It's Different It's Intriguing ylh: You must hear
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  • 19 8 H,,,H, SJ» (Minimum). GOW. CEDRIC JOHN, formerly of Malaya, in Perth on 2ulh February after a short illness.
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  • The Straits Times Saturday, Feb. 28, 1959.
    • 609 8 Six meetings with Mr. Khrushchev cannot have enI couraged Mr. Macmillan's i hopes of a fresh start to Western talks with Russia. The reconnaissance in Mosi cow has given him no more than a close-up of the difficI ulties. Most of the warm glow departed with
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    • 349 8 Is there any difference between the P. C. Marcus, C.A.O. of 1958 and the P. C. Marcus, C.A.O. of 1959? This question, put by Syed Ali Redha Alsagoff at yesterday's City Council meeting, will be echoed by many others as they read of the P.A.P.'s vicious attack
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    • 212 8 Malaya's medical services are among the finest in Asia, but unfortunately they are largely concentrated in urban areas. In the rural areas they are mostly of the most rudimentary kind, virtually incidental to preserving the health of the urban population. In 1954 the Federation Government drew up a
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  • 1202 8  -  CYNICUS fey ■MINI I lIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIMIMII MIMIIII WEEK-EXD STUDY nmnini> 'iiiiiinif IT is the Mayor's habit when Opposition members of the Singapore City Council allege the existence of a little reign of terror in the City Hall, to sit back and simper as though decrying a tribute
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  • Article, Illustration
    122 8 I yeaW aB° (From the Straits Times of February 25, 1909) The Singapore hawkrr U> boon and a blcssin« to S Are hawkers allowed to iMy their wares anywhere in E ttu* Colony, ejaculated .*lr. Justice Sercombe smith ;i» »»awlt« Promenaded be- neath thr windows ol the S Court House,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 822 8 I Straits Times Free Press I for lh« conv*ni*nc* of od»«r- 1 i tittn our r«pr*Mntotiv*l ot lit I Moor, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE, i i ORCHARD ROAD, will r««hr* .mall advtrtiicmcnti and antwecs i to bei numbers. Classified odvertlsementi niay also be handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD.. Winchester House,
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    • 5 8 j^H I V^\\ 1 j^^H
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    • 42 8 < m O z the AIR CEYLON SAPPHIRE 3 SERVICE 8 o -1 is now operated with ultra-modern o radar equipped > Super Constellations > c o m C«Mf«4 Afmt. »o. m C.,Io»— KLM, A>l. imnM iUf, I*fp~* O\ RELIEF JL IvL /Cgi) POR ALL
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  • 334 9 LAW IN SINGAPORE DIFFERS FROM FEDERATION: COURT OF APPEAL RULING SOUGHT SINGAPORE, Friday. JHE SOLICITOR-GENERAL, Mr. A. V. Winslow, today sought in the 'mil t of Appeal a ruling on whether the so-called "four characters" lottery was a lottery or not. A Singapore High Court judge,
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  • 120 9 PRAISE FOR SINGAPORE'S WELFARE SERVICES SINGAPORE, Fri. Six visitIng Filipino social welfare officials, including two women, think the social welfare services here are "the best in South-East Asia." They are Mr. Rodolfo Soverino. the leader, Mr. Carlos Javier. Mr. J. Barce. Major Busran Kalaw. Mrs. E. Racelis and Mrs. ftevera
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  • 37 9 KUALA LIPIS. Fri.— Supt. C. M. Sunderaj, Officer-in-charge Pahang C.1.D., ha* been transferred to Alor Star to head the Kedah and Perils C.I.D. He will be succeeded by DSP Isher Singh from Kuala Kubu.
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  • 68 9 'See you in Singapore' 150,000 times SINGAPORE, Fri. The Department of Tourism is inviting people from abroad to visit Singapore with a multi-coloured pamphlet "See you in Singapore." The pamphlet is being distributed by airline and shipping companies and travel agencies to their clients throughout the world. It is also
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  • 42 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. A European housewife locked herself out of her third-storey flat in Cairnhill Road tonight A fire engine was called and an officer entered the flat through an open window from the turntable and opened the door.
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  • 58 9 SINGAPORE, Fri A Victoria Cross holder, Maj.Gen. H. R. B. Foote (retired; Representative Colonel Commandant. Royal Tank Regiment, will arrive in Singapore by air tomorrow from Hong Kong for a three-day visit He will be the guest of LtGen. Sir Richard Hull. C-in-C. Far East Land
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  • 73 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Operation bason" (cleanup i entered its third day today with two more arrests by the Special Branch in Penang and Johore. The total held so far is 126. It was announced today that the number of errests yesterday was 124 and
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  • 27 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. Miss K Rajakumari and Miss V. Jayalukshimi will give an Indian dance recital at Krishna temple, Waterloo Street at 7 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 149 9 1 BUT PREMIER'S SON AND BRIDE SIT STILL rNGKI' Ahmat Nerang. the only son of the Prime Minister, and his bride sit unruffled on the dais at their bersandnn. ceremony at Alor Star on Thursday while guests stamp out a fire near them. Women relatives sitting
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  • 237 9 NURSES COMBINE TO FIGHT CUTS IN SALARIES SINGAPORE. Fri. Government nurses inaugurated a trade union today to fight a new pay scheme proposed by the Government. To be known as the Singapore Government Nurses Association, the new organisation will not compete with the Singapore Trained Nurses Association, which is a
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  • 104 9 SINGAPORE. Fri— Police here are trying to trace the mother of an eight-year-old boy who died in the General Hospl M four days after he was admitted there on Dec. 24 last year. The mother who took her son, seriously ill with
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  • 175 9 SINGAPORE BUS ENDS JOURNEY TO LONDON SINGAPORE. F r i Four men who left two months ago on a Singapore to Britain bus Journey, have arrived safely In London. Miss Teresa Pereira. 21. the only woman passenger, ended her Journey in Vienna where she Joined her Austrian fiance. Mr. C.
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  • 45 9 SINGAPORE, Fri.—Members of the Skal Club's management committee are: President. Mr. E. J. C. Gardner; vice-president, Mr. Max Landolt; secretary, Mr. A. Zeevaarder; public relations, Mr L. G. Strom; members, Mr. H. H. Lee and Mr. A. C. de Villeneuve.
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  • 155 9 JUDGING by her expression, there is no doubt in the mind of the devoted little admirer in this picture who's the best juggler in the world. In fact, 17-month -old Caren is about the most faithful "fan" Billy Rave and his partner, Doris Faye,
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  • 76 9 SINGAPORE, Fri.— MajorGeneral E. B. de Fonblanque, the Federation's former Ins-pector-General of Home Guards and now Representative colonel Commandant, Royal Artillery, is arriving here tomorrow in the course of a Far Eastern tour. Gen. de Fonblanque will stay until March 2 when he will leave
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 %we^ *5 |^l: c \er Storage fig3|* T Cool** 1 'rß!i\ 1 QutcKer easy oisp° s eJSjIP M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Diamonds and I Jewellery j Telephone: ***** 67 STAMFORD RO., (Eu Coart Bldg.) SINGAPORE-6 2 mmmmm&mmmmmmKmmmmmmmmzzmmmmmKmwnjamaam v |fj AFTER SICKNESS Y^rA -f^^ BUILD UP STRENGTH YD #¥w^ W|TH A
      54 words
    • 193 9 GET RID OF SKIN TROUBLES! Asepso Antiseptic Soap quickly 'fjSfO^^^. and surely relieves tormenting skin complaints! This double- Sr^^L action soap gives your skin a £f J^L thorough cleansing, and its v |ff powerful antiseptic Biniodide J^B|^_ JjPßßj^^ of Mercury protects you T^jSl^lp^V against the germs that cause skin .j£
      193 words

  • The STRAITS TIMES Saturday forum
    • 192 10 WAS interested to read the letter from Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (S.T. Feb. 23). His party is very much concerned with the burning problem of raising the appallingly low standard of living which exists in so much of Singapore. This policy is one
      192 words
    • 101 10 SINCE Mr. Ong Eng Guan is a champion of Singapore's hawkers and since the superintendent of markets and hawkers is unable to cope with the situation, perhaps the City Council could provide each hawker at the Constitutional Exposition with a dustbin and train him to use
      101 words
    • 35 10 IS the Mayor of Singapore a paid official? If so does he accept his salary? For the currency notes that he uses carry the head of the Queen. R. N. V. NAYI'DU Singapore.
      35 words
    • 666 10 r|R. Toh Chin Chye said IT at a P.A.P. rally that Tengku Abdul Rahman had publicly stated that the U.M.N.O. In Singapore would work with any democratic part> which won the elections. This was only part ol what Tengku said. He advised U.M.N.O. to co-operate with
      666 words
    • 180 10 THE CASE OF WAN HAMID rE case of Wan Hamid is tragic. It is most depressing to learn that the former Johore Assistant State Secretary will continue te live behind bars for an indefinite period. His appeal against detention was rejected on the ground that he had some association with
      180 words
    • 65 10 MAY I draw the attention of Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam, who has done good work in the Ipoh Town Ceuncil. to conditions in Tebing Tinggl. Two small secondary roads need repairs very badly and so does a small drain running across one of these roads. Also heaps
      65 words
    • 54 10 IN the kind of society we find in Singapore and the Federation, democracy Is at a great disadvantage when faced with the menace of secret societies and gangsterism. Tough tactics should be used against these lawless elements otherwise they will topple the governments of these two
      54 words
    • 68 10 WHAT a pity that the Chinese new year dance held at the new Polytechnic on Feb. 9. was not reported. As a visiting teenager, the good behaviour and general atmosphere of friendliness did indeed go straight to my heart. In spite of a crowded floor the students enjoyed
      68 words
    • 132 10 A SIGHT which meets the tourist or visitor's eye is the large number of moneylenders outside Singapore banks and offices. The blame must be squarely laid at the doorstep of the Coalition Government which seems to have accentuated them ever since it came
      132 words
    • 108 10 OF late there has been a few cases of burglaries at Opera Estate. Sigiap I am one of the victims and my house was burgled recently. When I returned home from work at B.IC p.m. that day and discovered the burglary. I immediately rushed to
      108 words
    • 160 10 IN the last town council election Mr. w was elected to represent our village. Before the election Mr. W visited each and everyone of us asking us to vote for him. He also promised to help us and work for our welfare. He was successful
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 283 10 ...good hcatih tlXi/XL) .md 1 the finest drink for every occa- sion. From the most appetising coclctail to the thirst-quenching 1 Gin and tonic Gordon's is (he Supreme Gin. I Gordons Statute Suptemz -uk i^i^CLil Singapore. Penang, tei^|^ > Ipoh. K. Lumpur, Malacca, Sarawak. *=J^^ ONCE AGAIN WE HAVE THE
      283 words
    • 236 10 Trucks with a built-in bonus -reliability] These trucks are built to last and to cut operating costs while they're doing it! Forward or normal control, diesel or petrol all are willing workers, all have the same reliability, rugged power and low running costs. Trust Morris to make a good job
      236 words

  • 1176 11 gARLY in the iiuun ing of June 18, in the year 1784, one of the Honourable Company's men -of war could have been seen sailing down the Straits of Malacca, her great spread of sails shining pink in the early sunshine. She was
    HTS  -  1,176 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 246 11 NOW! COLGATE DENTAL CREAM contains GARDOL! discovery in toothpaste mk nistorv! .-^H Hfcv Colgate Dental •Jjjfek J^M»<li*'Pi Cream with oakdol W** mMwk J!^H^Ems3wmß now gives you 'ilLs^H^Lsis&iS: extra protect/on $m!^^BffMjL Jj^^Bß^'^ P against tooth decay. Use Colgate Dental k '*^M Cream and benefit J^ ■■■'^M from the immediate M jijflft
      246 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 69 11 Carwnvn A f'o. By Jinx t lit' Saint iiy L<>sii<> Vhtirteris Dirk Tracy By Chester GouM X^_ llf MISS EGGHEAftWOJLDNOIAI W HOLDOWTDMV WKLW^^T REAOV I »^OUPX I-IKETWEMONOR? _y|H HAND OR YOU'LL PrK| OME-tW-J I mckc r3 y\jKj*« x J^fc^n j I PND UP OOWN f j^j W ¥^^_____&^___^^s?^ ™^-*^kw i
      69 words

  • 485 12 By Our Maiket Correspondent (SINGAPORE and the Federation of Malaya commenced 1959 with an unfavourable balance between imports and exports of $34.3 million preliminary January trade figures showed yesterday. Total visible trade for the month was up by nearly 12 per cent
    485 words
  • 27 12 SINGAPORE. FEB. 27. RUBBER: 86< cenU per lb. (down threeeighths of a cent). TIN: $4*8.75 per picul (up 81.25). Estimated unofficial offering 110 tons (down
    27 words
  • 713 12 10 tons) I The Malayan Share Broker*' Association reported yesterday: ■There was better support for industrials and prices improved slightly in a few counters. Tins and rubbers were again wanted at quotations. The turnover was fair Singapore and Federation broI kers reported the following business up to 3.30
    713 words
  • 316 12 Russian buying activity THE rubber market this week was generally quiet with occasional bursts I of activity usually attributable to renewed buying for Russian account, report H.C.B. Ltd.. in their weekly I review. Further "heaviness" was becoming apparent in the March position as tired bulls were becoming rather restive, but
    316 words
  • 155 12 March first grade rubber buyers fob. closed In Singapore yesterday at 86 a cents per lb.. down three-eighths of a cent on Thursday's closing price. The closing tone was quietly steady. Closing prices in cents per lb.. yesterday were 1 OFFICIAL: Int 1 R.B.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 86',.
    155 words
  • 28 12 The lollowing further January rubber Crops are norlfled Aver Panas 104.500 lb: Glenealy 93.000 lb.. Klnang 93.&00 lb.. Pajam 160.000 lb., and llu Benul 48.500 lb
    28 words
  • 24 12 Malayan Share Market: Feb. 27 Feb. 2« Industrials: 86.51 8C.39 Tins: in:: on 101.M Rubbers (SI: 117.60 115.89 Jan. 1 19S8 l*o
    24 words
  • 65 12 S':i«a I vint a.loniside the Sln-gmp-K Hatlmmi.' Board whanrea or exp-cU'i ..Ml»y arc: Kerndale 1-2, Gleivtrt.v i-5. Ro.nanlja 6A, Sleel V, 6 7. V/errastein 8-9. RajuU fielandia 13-14. Akl Ma>u .i. n-estes 18, Mandowl 19-20. PHmpVI 21-22. Everllfe 23-24. Mlyotama Mara 25-26. Strain Torres 27-28. Bonneville 29-30. Ampenan
    65 words
  • 124 12 JNVESTMK^S^Sed^an active week on a steady noie on the stock Exchange here to_Coß»t*dated Zinc nx* l 0 "s in an otherwise quiet Mining U»ng 3.. 1»56-59 £101 2s. 3d. Bank of N.B.W. £37 3on. Zinc 77 g.11,., Tin /0 b^ r r Uount Lyell 30 0'! V. Broken
    124 words
  • 128 12 Singapore Chinese Produce Ixchante noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet: UK Continent February March shipment 542 buyers. »43 >, sellers. Coconut oil: quietly steady: bulk $63 -i sellers, drum $67 sellers. Pepper: quiet about 70 tons of white pepper were reported done yesterday. Muntok white 1151.
    128 words
  • 78 12 The Malayan Exchange Banks' Association made the following changes in Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to B 100): Selling T.T. or O.D. ready: Swins Francs 141',: French Franca *****: Ueutv he Marks 136 s i lUlian Lire *****. On the free exchange market In Home Kong
    78 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 471 12 NOTICES I NASSIM CO.. LIMITED will sell by Public Auction at No K. Him lulir Drive, on SIMMY. Ist MARCH, 1959. at 10.30 a.m. Attractive Well-Made Extending Dining Table with Ten Chair*. Sideboard and Dinner Wagon: Pour-Fold Carved Teak Screen; Manila Cane Lounge Easy Armchairs and Crescent-Shaped Settees: Card Table
      471 words
    • 804 12 I NOTICES CHAPTER 195 (Pawnbrokers) Unredeemed Pledged Goods and Jewellery from the following Pawnbrokers' Shops No. 21 New Bridge Road Chin Chong Pak Si Chin Kin j Loy (Chop Thye Shen) No 135 New Bridge Road Lam Joon Slong (Chop Sam Foh) No. 189 South Bridge Road Lam Joon Chong
      804 words
    • 704 12 j NOTICES j NOTICE TENDERS are invited for the purchase of: 1 FERGUSON PETROL! DRIVEN TRACTOR first registered in 1952. 1 FERGUSON FLAT TOP TRAILER 10ft. x 6ft. 3-Ton 1 FERGUSON BOX TYPE TRAILER Bft. x 3 t ft. l'»ft. 3-Ton. The above are all in good condition and may
      704 words
    • 305 12 P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Registered Class 'E' Contractors and above will be received at the office of the State Engineer. PWD Perak. Ipoh, up to 12 noon of the 20th March. 1959 for the Supply aiid Delivery of Metal from Quarry situated at Changkat Jong in Lower Perak District
      305 words
    • 889 12 "K LINE" Japan «Jt DBA Pacific Atlantic Coast Sarvice Spore F. S>am Fenanf ET* HK El* taoa ET* LA ETA NY "Naiata Ma»" lit call 1 il Mai n Mar v Mai 2M (Ml IMS Mar II Mar 22 Mar 11 M' »a: "Rwikawa Man" lit call l/ll Mi u/tl
      889 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1533 13 t«i: *403 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. Tab uu (II lims) (Incorporated in Singapore) 112 iims) a,'/," 1 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE \™l SAIUN-S IB LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON t CONTINENTAL PORT* (Via Sail witl htertv la prKtM eia Paaama M Capi el Ceet Hepej Carriers option to proceed vu other ports
      1,533 words
      1,233 words
    • 1362 13 "iioV THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. Tfl n Singapore (latMUMim n no mmo uajMM) lines SAIIHMS TO AKN, U.K t CMTIRfNTAI POITJ S'pori P. Sham Penang lENIEOCN (or London, Rotterdam, Bremen, Hamburg ll Pert IMm LaMM l.nci arrieat Mm N ItNAVON tor L'POOI, M'BrO. R'dam. I/IS MM It 17 Mil
      1,362 words
    • 1300 13 McALISTER <k CO., LTD. lEL. HI.: lIHI BLLBKKAW LINE KLAVENESS LIN" LONOON. HAVRE, lOTTEPOAM, HAMOORC LOS ANGELES. UN FUNCISCO, MM far Canada MM USA North Atlantic Ports SEATTLE, VANCOUVEI I POITLAND CITY OF BROOKLYN Acceptiig carga tar Ceitril I Seall Spore P. S'nam fenang Aaerici ii Part/ 2 Mm oonneviik
      1,300 words

  • 452 14  -  VIC NAYAGAM By Kuala Lumpur, Friday SINGAPORE Badminton Association may be taken to task at the annual meeting of the Badminton Association of Malaya here on Si I day for its secretary's report on the loss of the Thomas Clip. In his report the
    452 words
  • 407 14 SINGAPORE, Fri The Singapore Olympic and Sports Council management committee decided today not to insist on a guarantee of $3,000 from the Singapore Amateur Football Association I from Its two annual matches staged in aid of the S.O.S.C i central fund. The committee
    407 words
  • 416 14 DEXTER HITS DASHING 123 NOT OUT CHRISTCHURCH TEST CHRISTCHURCH. Friday. A DASHING innings of 123 not out by Ted Dexter and another splendid knock of 71 by Peter May enabled England to total 336 for eight wickets after early batting failures on the opening day of the First Test against
    Reuter  -  416 words
  • 98 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Former Singapore soccer inside forward Arthur Koh, said here today he has been officially signed on by Selangor Rangers. He will turn out for Rangers against Hwa Lian at Malacca on Sunday. Koh said today that he has "bought" himself out of the Army
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  • 34 14 BAHAWALPUR. Fri.— The West Indies had scored 347 for four wickets at the close of play on the first day of their three-day match against Central Zone here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 18 14 SINGAPORE, Fri. National Carbon beat Maxwell 3-2 in a friendly soccer match at Farrer Park today.
    18 words
  • 248 14 S 'PORE HA UPHOLDS CARBON'S PROTEST SINGAPORE, Fri. Singapore Hockey Association today approved its tournament committee's decision to disqualify R.A.F. Seletar "B" from the junior knockout tournament for fielding senior players in their first round match against Na- tional Carbon. National Carbon, who lost the match, had protested to the
    248 words
  • 129 14 PERTH, Fri. Richie Benaud, Australia's Test captain, today set an Australian record for the highest number of wickets in a season. By taking three for 38 for New South Wales against Western Australia ln a Sheffield Shield maich, Benai < raised his aggregate to 78.
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 668 14 HHiiiftSSS^lll J NOW SHOWING at ALL SHAW CINEMAS! SHAW ORGANISATION'S Mmj^ FULL, COMPLETE NEWSREEL Zd£Z£&Sm I of H.R.H. PRINCE PHILIP, The ZF'gsEmtt II nihi 01 iniMii iK.irs visit: r S?£*-J^Bllfc I h> 6 HIP CAMERA if W^l CREWS to bring you the COM- V"\ PLETE OOVOUOI 'rom the fgK
      668 words
    • 714 14 H.R.H. PKINCE I'MII II- VISIT The COMPLETE record of the Dukr of Edinburgh's visit to > Singapore (by Cathay-Keris Films) I- now being screened at yL. all shows at the Odeon, Cathay, New Alhambra and Odeon Katong Theatres See It today! J Jt (iliWilM Phone npFHS TODAY' 14y 4I J^
      714 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 147 14 RUGGER: South Johore seven a-slde loiuney. International Club (4 p.m.). HOCKEY: S.H.A. senior knockout (quarter-final > S.R.C. v Khalsa, Faner Park. SOCCER: S.O.S.F.A. League. Div 2A-S.M.F. v Medicals. Serwigoon Road: Tan Tock Seng I! v Ylo Chu Kang. Serangoon Road. Malays league Permuda Bawean Slngapura v Setia Jaya, BalesUer Road;
      147 words
    • 283 14 f -j-. jm 15 Personification of "the golden Straits Times Crossword z%L :l 17 A tax for racing? (5). J I Tj I Tj I U I 15 I I I 111 |^B|i I 20 Put a little water on a rest- I ing place for East and West 22
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1317 15 SITUATIONS VACANT Itt Words Si (Him.)— Box St et,. txtrm. REQUIRED TWO RELIABLE Cantonese amahs for European family of two adults and nine month old son In modern flat at Katong. One cook-general, other washing and part time attending j to the baby. Phone (S'porei *****. WANTED ACCOUNTANT preferably with
      1,317 words
    • 871 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT I tt Word, Si (Mtm.)-Box it ets. txtrm. FURNISHED ROOM Mountbauen area, suitable two Working Olrls or Bachelors. Rent $70 per month 'Apply Ooh ***** after 1 p.m „24 Robinson Road (Spore). HOLLAND ROAD Two-bed-roomed most modem and tastefully furnished apartment with sceiil" views available March. 1450. p.m.
      871 words
    • 863 15 TUITION it Word, $i (IHm.) Box It ets. txtrm. BALLROOM DANCING! Easily Simplified In 3 Hours— Quickstep, Walts. Foxtrot Tango Enrol Now— Ghanl's School Of Dancing, 68. Jalan Besar. LAU BIAU< CHIN Pianist L.R.A.M.. A.R.C.M., L.R.S.M. accep* pupils for all grades for piano and theory. Pew vacancies. Tel. (Spore) *****.
      863 words
    • 584 15 VEHICLES FOR BALB It Word, tS (Hin.:—Box St et,. txtrm. WOLSELEY 1957 6/90 low mileage excellent condition, winner Mobllgas Economy Run. Best offer, hire purchase terms available. Tel. Z3135. REGD. OCT. 1955 A3O four door. Excellent condition. Price $2,750/- 0.n.0. Contact Lek 26. Cambridge Road. Saturday Noon Sunday Morning. M/MINOR
      584 words
    • 522 15 SITI'ATION WANTED CHARTERED MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Chinese, Federal Citizen, with 8 years experience in Malayan industry dealing with steam and diesel prime movers and workshop plant and machinery; capable of handling large labour force of all grades and races, invites offers of appointment in progressive Executive /Administrative positions in the Far
      522 words

  • 1255 16  - GUSTANI— a good bet in the Spring Cup EPSOM JEEP By EPSOM JCEP's best bets at Penang today are: Gustani (Spring Cup), Cora (Race 6) and Son of April (Race 7). CALL BOY's double is Movie House II (Race 5) and Gettysburg (Race 6). The going will be good. GUSTANI,
    1,255 words
  • 139 16 CINGAPORE, Frt The Singapore Amateur Swimming Association has Invited representatives from the major swimming clubs of Singapore to participate In their training programme in preparation for the proposed visit of an Indonesian team. Last month the Jakarta Swimming Club wrote to an Indonesian businessman in Singapore.
    139 words
  • 1383 16 SELECTIONS ■ACE 1— ».I5: (Class 5, Dlv. 1 Mile 1 ***** The Whistler (Urn Chla) Teh, 6 9.4 (F) Mawi 2 ***** Small World (Shaw St.) Martin, 6 9.0 (F) Johnson 3 ***** Scholarship (Champion St.) Teh, 7 8 4 (SF) "Lee 4 ***** Christmas Carol
    1,383 words
  • 246 16  - CEYLON SERVICES XI MAKE 'FREE' OFFER F. SALAHUDIN By SINGAPORE, Fri. A Ceylon Combined Services cricket team, which will include several All-Ceylon players, are offering to play a series of matches in Singapore in August without the Singapore Cricket Association having to bear any expense. I was told of this
    246 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 733 16 AT YOUR SERVICE 20 Words SU (Minimum) Umlm I month. U Wmrds SZJt (Mtn.) PHOTOSTATS BY FOTOMATIC— 2O7IO. PLAN Printing from Tracings Fotomatic *****. RENT-A-CAR from Evertine Co.. 519. Serungoon Rd., Tel. *****. RELIANCE RADIO MAINrENANCE Service is Second To None. Dial Spore *****/*****. MAY MAY Skin Specialist: Remove pimples,
      733 words
    • 830 16 BOATS. YACHTS. FOR SALE 2« Wmrds SS (Min.}— Box S* rtf. »lr«. HALF CABIN OUTBOARD Boat, 17 foot, Chengai Bottom, seats 8, 14 knots, ideal family, complete with outboard. Anchor etc., $1,200 0.n.0. Box A 6378 B.T. WANTED TO PURCHASE 10 Words SS (Min.)— Box M ets. txlrm. TWO SECOND-HAND
      830 words
    • 8 16 PLAYER'S MEANS PLEASURE -and everyone knows it P.M.34
      8 words