The Straits Times, 7 February 1959

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times Hat*** 1 Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1959 15 CEIfTS %l 4
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  • 313 1  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN LIM: IMMIGRATION LAWS TO STAY PAN-MALAYAN Question off subversion was uppermost at discussions Tougher line with runaway pupils By Kuala Lumpur, Friday XHE PAN -MALAYAN nature of the immigration policy of Singapore and the Federation is to stay-at least for the time being. This
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  • 231 1  -  EE BOON LEE PATRON HIDES IN KITCHEN DURING STRUGGLE TRAFFIC HALTS AS CROWD CHASES NUDE CYCLIST By Singapore, Friday A NAKED man dashed into a barber shop in Kampong Potong Pasir here today and made a grab for a razor. The barber,
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  • 63 1 NEW YORK, Fri— Mr. Dag Hammarskjoeld, the IX. Secretary-General, said today he hoped next month to pay his first visits to Malaya and Laos and Cambodia. Tii'- Secretary-General, who was answering a question about his travel plans at his fortnightly Press
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  • 35 1 LONDON, Fri.— General Sir James Cassels. former Director of Emergency Operations in Malaya, is to be General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Britain's Eastern Command with effect from May the War Office announced tonight. Reuter.
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  • 64 1 SHELLING TRUCE PLANNED rIPEH. Fri.— The Nationalist Defence Ministry today ordered a three-day ceasefire beginning tomorrow Chinese New Year's Eve. Rear Admiral Liv Hoh-tu, the chief military spokesman, said the ceasefire would be automatically cancelled should the Communists make fresh move.-, to threaten the Quemoy Islands. Red Chinese artillery will
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 49 1 JAKARTA. Fri. The Indonesian Prime Minister. Dr. Djuanda today -onflrmed that he had been v "ited to visit Moscow He said he could not *ay when he would be able to visit Russia "because of piles of work and problems confronting the Government."— Re uter.
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  • 223 1 ESTATE PAY TALKS: ANOTHER HITCH KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A last-minute hitch and certain minor modifications to the new wage plan for Malaya's 200,000 estate workers today prevented union leaders and employers' representatives from ending their year-long negotiations. The Commissioner for Industrial Relations. Mr. O L. Wilkinson, who a week ago
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  • 29 1 SINGAPORE. Fri. Ships in Singapore harbour were "dressed" today to commemorate the 140 th anniversary of the founding of Singapore in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles
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  • 137 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The United States Information Services today sent a cable to the Oolden Gate Quartet in Saigon to find oat if their show scheduled to start here next Tuesday would go on. This follows a report from New York that
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  • 58 1 LONDON Fri.— Lord Home. Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, said on his return from Asia today that there would be "a continuing need for vigilance and military organisation to prevent infiltration in Malaya. "I do not think anyone can say when the Emergency in Malaya
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  • 31 1 WASHINGTON. Frl.-The House of Representatives yesterday passed a Bill to continue compulsory military service for four years uncli July 1. 1963. The Bill now goes to the Senate. Reuter
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  • 395 1 SINGAPORE, Pit —An International Labour Organisation productivity expert, Mr. H. Whltaker, said today that Singapore was more favourably placed than other Asian countries for creating industrial wealth because she was in the centre of areas known to be the world's richest in raw materials.
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  • 44 1 START the Chinese New Year right by posting your entry for the MM January $20,000 Jackpot early. Remember, there s $20,000 to be won and this contest closes on Monday Feb. 16. Don't delay, (ill in your coupon now.
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  • 218 1 THE BIG NEW YEAR EXODUS BEGINS SINGAPORE, Friday. THK HKi Chinese New Year exodus from Singapore to the Federation has already begun. With a three and a half day holiday before them, hundreds of people were leaving the island by air, rail and road to Join their families in the
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  • 50 1 NEW YORK. Fri. TM United Arab Republic complained to the Security Coun cil last night of a "grave act of aggression by Israei' arising from Wednesday;. Incident in the Rafah area in which an Israeli patrol penetrated two miles insid<Egyptian territory and attacked a Bedouin camp. Reuter.
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  • 23 1 NUREMBERG. Fri. Unemployment in West Germany rose by 412.376 to 1.343.507 during January, the West German News Agency DPA reported. Reuter.
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  • 394 1 Mrs. K stays in strike hostel CINGAPORE, Fri. Prof. A. A. Sandosham, Principal of the Singapore Division of the University of Malaya, today refused to transfer Mrs. P. G. Khew, the overall sup- ervisor of the Dunearn Road Hostel. A total of 222 of 230 students in the hostel in
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  • 41 1 DE CAULLE-DULLES AGREEMENT PARIS. Fri. General agreement "all along the line" on (•crmany and a firm M. mil mi Berlin Here reported after talks here today between President 1), Gaulle and Mr. Dulles, 1 Secretary of State K cuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 92 1 drink more fresh milk Fitness M^M Wins! I *^T T EADING athletes and trainers i throughout the world include JJF "Ovalune" in the training diet This Y^l delicious food beverage has been served A^ to athletes at every Olympic Games Meeting from the Los Angeles Games i-— I in 1932
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    • 34 1 £arnt*ererL tret. siNaAPuue[ SJ r-3E^ j^SScEKalfes MSfc 1 1 water-repellent I 1 does not rub off I I easy to apply M I inexpensive in use 1 in modern colours DANSK CEMENT CENTRAL LTD.
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  • 525 2 Reds 'deliberately downed' plane: 'Target is burning ...I'll finish him off WASHINGTON, Friday THli Unit c cl States charged yesterday that Hussian lighters deliberately shot down an unarmed American transport last September. It added in effect, that the Soviet Deputy Premier, Mr. Anastas Mikoyan lied about the incident during his
    Reuter  -  525 words
  • 82 2 COLOMBO. Fri. Mr C. E. Thorogood. 58. United Kingdom Trade Commissioner here who underwent a lunx operation on Monday in a private nursing home, died last night He had been in Ceylon for 12 years. On Tuesday a Royal Air Force Jet bomber, on
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  • 60 2 VALLETTA. Fri. Three men were jailed yesterday on charges arising out of last Tuesday's "day of mourning" called by the Maltese Labour Party leader, Mr. Dom Mlntoff. Two men received sentences of 15 days and 10 day.- respectively for causing malicious damage, and a third was
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  • 166 2 MICKEY IS FACING DIVORCE NUMBER 4 YEW YORK, Fri.— Actor Mickey Rooney, 38, yesterday was sued for divorce for the fourth time. This time it is by actress Elaine Mahnken, who said that he caused her grievous mental distress, suffering and anguish. The Rooneys were estranged last June when the
    UPI  -  166 words
  • 18 2 JAKARTA, Fri Australia is to give Indonesia 100 buses under the Colombo Plan this year.
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  • 161 2 Now hotel's bar is open to Maoris AUCKLAND, Fri.— Maoris are from today permitted to drink in the lounge and private bar of the Papakura Hotel 20 miles from here, following a complaint by the brother of the New Zealand High Commissioner in Malaya. Col. C. M. Bennett. The complainant.
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  • cable BRIEFS
    • 47 2 lAKARTA, Fri.— Three J Indonesian youth organisations have asked the authorities to ban Chinese New Year celebrations. They said celebration of Chinese New Year was "inconsistent with the national moral standard and the identity of the Indonesian people."
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    • 18 2 NEW DELHI: Visiting Afghan Prime Minister, Sardar Mohammed Daud, had talks with the Indian Prime. Minister, Mr. Nehru.
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    • 18 2 MANILA: The Philippines Department of Health has ordered nationwide immunisation to guard against cholera and other water-borne disease.
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    • 16 2 BONN: Three workers were killed and five injured in an explosion at a chemical works here.
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    • 20 2 BANGKOK: Radio Siam broadcast a communique stating that Siam and Cambodia had decided to re-establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level.
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  • 140 2 Success in tests to save food in A-war f ONDON, Fri.— Three British scientists have made a discovery that may help the world survive the effects of nuclear fallout, it was announced here yesterday. The scientists have developed a process that may save a country's milk and water supplies even
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 440 2 /Hi -sl^B a ncw ie9cn R di vi \^^^^^^WPP^^^^^^^^^^^^^i3wWi\\ I gßi^^w H a mos popuior Rodi f utstondin 9 I l> --'i^B stondin, performance in m.,ni- Vi^P^nitH Ul A 1 B I IQ IV P f rmancC P"««»»one I iM^H^^^^^^tJ r.ccn, plo.t.c Cob.ncf 5V«1,«. VV^^ \M\ B T \V| 1
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 480 3 HIS BIG HOPE: A MORE INFORMED MIND AFTER VISIT LONDON, Friday. MR. Harold Macmiilan's visit to Russia would be a "voyage of discovery" to find out what was in the Russian mind, Sir Patrick Reilly, British Ambassador in Moscow, said last night. The British Prime
    Reuter  -  480 words
  • 36 3 MOSCOW, Fri. Russians were told by Moscow Radio last night of Mr. Macmillan's forthcoming visit. The item was 17th out of 27 on a 37--minute bulletin on Moscow Radio's home service. Reuter.
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  • 171 3 THE U.A.R. WON'T BUDGE ON PACT CAIRO, Fri. The United Arab Republic has refused to amend the terms already initialled in the Anglo-Egyptian financial agreement, the semi-official n c w spapei Al Shaab said today. over diplomatic representation and the value of property formerly owned by Mr. Desmond Smouha.
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  • 52 3 BELGRADE. Fri. The Yugoslav Government today accused the Soviet Communist Party Congress of meddling in Yugoslavia's internal affairs. A Government spokesman said the final resolution adopted at the 21st Soviet Congress In Moscow yesterday contained references to Yugoslavia "representing interference in the domestic affairs of our
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 238 3 MOSCOW, Fri. There will be a chilly welcome from the Moscow weather when Mr. Harold MacmiUan arrives here later this month in a bid to unfreeze the cold war. British residents here, speculating about yesterterday's announcement that the British Prime Minister was to
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  • 177 3 Sacked spy Serov gets new keyhole job HAMBURG, Fri. Sacked Soviet secret police chief Ivan. Serov has been appointed head of an espionage organisation assigned to ferret out Western military secrets, an authoritative diplomatic source said here today. Serov was sacked from his post of Minister of State Security last
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  • 46 3 RAFAEL A. (Argentina). Frt A plague of locusts which settled here last night plunged the town into darkness as j millions of the insects crawled in the generators and caused short circuits Streets and stores were covered by a blanket of locusts.—U.P.l.
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  • 103 3 HOLLYWOOD, Fri. The attorney for the late Tyrone Power's two daughters says he will file a $200,000 claim against the actor's estate. Mr. James Fizzolio said the step was being taken to in-, sure the support of Romina, seven, and Karyn, five, until
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  • 296 3 ONDON. Prt— Ratlwr unsettled conditions prevailed hi London -stock markets today with the further overnight decline on Wall Street a restraining Influence. Buyers were reluctant to open new commitments in advance .of the week-nd and. with a certain amoui.. of profit-taking evident prices looked rather ragged. Closing middle
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  • 32 3 LONDON. Prl. Spot 25'« d. March 25>,d.. April-June 25' id... July-Bept. 25\d.. Oct.-Dec. 25 T sd., Jan-March 26d.. Feb. c.l.f 25\d March c.l.f. 25'^d.. April c.l.f. 25 id. Tone: Very steady
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  • 23 3 LONDON. Prl— Buyers £771 > 2 sellers £772. Forward buyers 1772. sellers £772 'j. Settlement £771.. Turnover a.r.i. 190 ton*, p.m. to xaat.
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  • 193 3 Riddle of the vanished schooner lan Crouch stays unsolved HONG KONG, Fri.— A spe. cial marine board of in. quiry investigating the disappearance of the Australian schooner lan Crouch reserved Us decision today after a fiveday hearing. The board agreed that no lurther action be taken in trying to identify
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  • 227 3 But he's got no plans at present THOMASVILLE. Georgia. Friday. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER would consider visiting the Soviet Union if future developments indicated it would serve the cause of peace, a White House spokesman said today. The spokesman. Mr. James Hagerty. made this statement in
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 70 3 KATMANDU. Fri— Prince Philip, who today flew past Mount Everest on his way from Dacca, East Pakistan to Karachi, sent a message over the Comet's radio thanking the Nepalese Government for letting him fly over their territory. Speaking over the radio to Katmandu airport control tower, he
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 48 3 VALLETTA. Fri— An air and sea rescue search was launched here today for the War Office transport Empire Roach which is overdue on a voyage between Tripoli and Malta. The 716-ton ship, with about 20 crew, was due here at dawn today. Reuter.
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  • 31 3 TOKYO. Fri. A fourengined Japan Air Lines plane with 37 people aboard made an emergency landing on Wake Island with a crippled engine. an airline spokesman said here today.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 wwf y** j*i IffU EVERY DAY can confidently be used for all purposes which call for a dependable supply of rich, pure, safe milk with the freshmilk flavour. WITH ADDED VITAMINS A D
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    • 239 3 IIMIIIIMi!I I I I I I I 1 I I J II HER •W oble tope rem corder provides on m eitremely wide tre I quency range and I i^^^^L^ M extraordinary high W v^*T~~~ fc ?^^^*'/4l» Fidelity with the M\ c _^m V^ response of M ***** tpi X^
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  • 430 4  - Starts amah aunt was waiting with the fans CHEW LOY KOON SHE'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL," GASPS YEE SOR AS SHE SEES ACTRESS NIECE FOR THE FIRST TIME By Singapore, Friday lOVEL\ 19-year-old Hong Kong lilm star, Lam I^ung, received a pleasant surprise today when she arrived in Singapore in
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  • 88 4 SPA seeks New Year hawker reprieve SINGAPORE, Fri. The Singapore People's Alliance has appealed to the Government to suspend action against hawkers who cause obstruction during the Chinese New Year festivl. ties. The SPA secretary, general, Mr. Wang Tsun Hao, said today that a resolution to that effect was passed
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  • 200 4 SINGAPORE, Friday. fWO women officials of the Singapore Family Planning Association will be attending the sixth International Conference on Planned Parenthood at New Delhi from Feb. 14 to 21. They are Mrs. Goh Kok Kee. the FPA's chairman, and I Mrs. Celeste Amstutz. a
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  • 53 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Minister of External Affairs. Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, will tour his constituency. Johore Timor, on Feb. 13, 14 and 15. He will address public rallies in Mersing on Feb. 13, Kota Tlnggi on Feb. 14 and in Johore Bharu
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  • 257 4 TROUBLE OVER HA WKERS AT THE BIG FAIR SINGAPORE, Fri. Police will be called, if necessary, to clear away hawkers who are moving away from their allotted pitches and spilling all over the grounds of the Singapore Constitution Exposition. Mr. Lam Joon Chong. the exposition committee s supervisor at the
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. The liturgical celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes Feast will not be held next Wednesday because It is Ash Wednesday. The Pope has allowed the least to be celebrated next Thursday. There will be a Pontifical High Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes
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  • 30 4 TAIPINO. Frl— The Rev Brother Phillips has arrived from Malacca to take over duties as Director of the St. George's Institution here from the Rev. Brother Alban
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 V V»9Hi E^k KaHM^SE r XT'^^'Nilnr^ A Hu c Spiral Casing of the —^^I^^^l t Jir^mP^yriMPisttTt 150.000 HP Francis Turbine < %Z^V>^- r^" ll i l '^^(|^fc!Wß^^^fcr^^^^^^^ for the Bhakra Power Station, «B^>4iiHi^i^K!li^B^HH£^* :r^S Punjab, India. f r mJ This trade mark represents half a century of service to world
      219 words
    • 95 4 BEAUTIFUL!" "pROUd! UNTAMED! j m Sleek Cf Cunning as a Juniile Animal B L^lfrk/ Capitol BL^k^Vl B^NLk NO fre:e list m ''m^^^iT^^^f^^^L Ituutfht tit m DANGEROUS...DARING...DEVIL -MAY -CARE! I ADVENTURE'S MOST RECKLESS ROGUE! I n HT,J t/i W (/I tt WILLIAMS 1 *IV t£-Vn HMumitovio—o IT aW^**^^ 1^ i» »n
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 308 4 Singapore Mary... SINGAPORE CONSTITUTION EXPOSITION at the former Kallang airport site, 6 p.m. to 11.30 p.m AST MUSEUM of the University of Malaya presents an exhlI bltion of Chinese paintings, 9 a.m to 430 p.m. I INDEPENDENT MISSIONARY MOVEMENT: Free film show at Woodbrtdne Hospital. Ylo Chu I Kang Road.
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    • 249 4 CHINESE YMCA: Bodybuilding, welghtliftlng 2 p.m.. bilingual speech contest 2.30 p.m., basketball 7.30 pm. KATONC BOYS' CLL'B: Badminton 3 pm.. boxing. Indoor games, sepak raga. bodybuilding 5 p.m.. Movie Circle show 7 p.m. Bl Mf TIM AH YOI'TH MM Table tennis, bodybuilding, football 4 p.m.. film show 7.30 p.m. JOO
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  • 425 5  -  GEOFFREY BOLAND 'ADAPTABLE SPIRIT 9 TO MEET SELF-RULE CHANGES By Singapore, Friday $IR JOHN HAY, head of Guthrie and Co. Ltd., one of the largest groups in Malaya, today advised Singapore traders and businessmen to meet the changes resulting from selfgovernment in an
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  • 51 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. The acting New Zealand Commissioner in Singapore. Dr. R. A Lochore, this evening gave a cocktail party at his house in Nassim Road to celebrate New Zealand's National Day. About 250 people were present including the Governor Sir William Goode, Government officials and consular
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  • 73 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. Singapore's population at the end of June last year was 1.514.900 —with men outnumbering women by 77,900. The Chinese population totalled 1.141.800. while Malays were n<«xt with 207.300. The local European com- munity, excluding 27.299 nonlocally domiciled Service personnel, numbered 12.100—400 more than the Eurasian community.
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  • 91 5 MRS. ELSE FRIIS-Ll M). wife of the Norwegian consul in Singapore, who will model a Norwegian costume at "An Evening with Eve." at the Singapore Constitution Ex. position on Feb. 28. Fifteen countries will be represented in the exotic stage show which will
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  • 215 5 THREE RACES IN PADANG RALLY FOR PHILIP SINGAPORE, Friday. CHINESE, Indian and Malay groups will combine to give Prince Philip a panoramic view of Singapore's multi-racial cultures during the mass youth rally on the Padang on Feb. 23. Taking part In the rally will be 7.500 youths between 14 and
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  • 61 5 SINGAPORE. Fri— The Coroner, Mr. Glam Chonu Htng, recorded a verdict ot misadventure at the Inquest today on a three-year-old girl Chong Lew Chin, whos" body was found in an unfenced pond at a farm at the 13| milestone. Boon Lay Road, on Dec. 22 last.
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  • 22 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Registration Office issued 922 citizenship certificates last week bringing the total issued so far to 1,063,689.
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  • 190 5 SINGAPORE, Fri. A magistrate today criticised the police for negligence of duty in a case concerning a 15--year-old boy. The boy pleaded guilty in the juvenile court to escaping from the custody of a constable at a police station at 4.35 a.m. on Jan. 16.
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  • 42 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. The troopship Empire Fowey, which arrived here today from Britain, brought nearly 300 troops for Malaya. Besides the troops, about 80 Service families also disembarked. In transit to Hong Kong were another 200 troops and 139 families
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  • 54 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, was one of 400 people who attended the Isra Mae'raj (when Prophet Mohamed received his commandments from Allah) celebrations at the Ministry of Defence Armed Division In Rifle Range
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  • 19 5 KOTA BHARU. m.— Four rural health centres, each costing about $250,000. will be set up in Kelantan.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 519 5 650,000 to be told; You MUST go to cast your vote SINGAPORE, Friday. A "MUST VOTE" reminder will be sent out to Singapore's 650,000 voters a week before the Legislative Assembly elections. Mr. M. Ponnudrjray, Commissioner of Elections, today said that polls cards would give voters their serial numbers and
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    • 441 5 J%| STOP THAT PS STOMACH ...WITH THE LATEST JAPANESE DISCOVERY WEISEN TABLETS A NEW THERAPY FOR PEPTIC Q AND DUODENAL ULCERS Normol treatment ot gastric* r*"«««] ond duodenal ulcers is by j^T"^ /*r~"CL^/ neutralising the excess acid, _V*J' V f V/' I l but it has been (ound thot f
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  • 270 6 The defects of Malayanisation —by the PSC aiiNijrAruKEi, rnaay. THE Public Service Commission in its 1957 report exposes two un- satisfactory features in the Malayanisation policy. One is that in certain cases the GDvernment guarantee to expatriate officers of equal treatment with local men and eligibility for promotion in accordance
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  • 184 6 NEW YEAR GIFT OF TEXTBOOKS FOR BUDDHIST SCHOLARS SINGAPORE, Friday. MORE THAN 80,000 students in Singapore Chinese schools are studying Buddhism as an extra school subject this year. And all have been supplied with free text-books. "All the books are a Chinese New Year gift from the Singapore Buddhist Federation,
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  • 28 6 BUTTER WORTH. Fri. Four Sabre-jets, forming the spearhead of the No. •77 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, are expected to arrive here on Feb. 11.
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  • 549 6  -  OAHARI ALI TENGKU WILL SEEK STRENGTHENING OF PARTY By Kuala Lumpur, Friday fHE UMNO extra ordinary general assembly on Monday to discuss amend ments to the party's three-year-old 'constitution and Alliance Government policies, especially on education, is expected to start
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  • 117 6 BOGUS TRIO SOLD 'TEMPLE LICENCE' TO WOMAN CARETAKER PENANG, FrL Three men posing as Government licensing officers visited a temple in Ayer 11am yesterday and collected $24 from a woman caretaker. They then issued her with a "licence" which was later found to be an application form for a hotej
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  • 30 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Johore Bahru Town Council collected $1,267,212 In revenue last year against an estimUed $1,135,406. The expenditure for the year was $1,600,037 against an estimated $1,763,335
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  • 144 6 'NON-DUTIABLE' GOODS TO BE EXAMINED SINGAPORE, Friday. GOODS sent to the Federation by rail will come under close scrutiny by the Federation Customs Department from Wednesday. Customs officers, hi- the rto restricted to inspection of dutiable goods, will now have the right to open any nondutiable parcels at their sub-office
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  • 78 6 PASSENGERS ROB TAXI MAN OF $38 SINGAPORE. Fri. Two men hurled sand into the eyps of a taxi driver. Lim Seng Tuck, in Race Course Road here last night and robbed him of $38. The robbera. posing as passengers, had hired lim's taxi at the junction of Owen and Cambridge
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  • 24 6 TAIPING. Fri.— lnche Isml bin Ismail has assumed duties as Circuit Magistrate Taiping. A barrister- aX- law. Inche Ismi is from Johore
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  • 161 6 SINGAPORE, Friday. SINGAPORE UMNO wants the Federation UMNO to it as an autonomous body, free from tne direct control of its parent body. This demand will be raised at Monday's UMNO national assembly by Dato Abdul Ham id bin Haji Jumat, chairman of the Singapore
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  • 98 6 Robbers get $Z,500 in two raids on shops SINGAPORE. Fri. Robbers stole nearly $2,500 in cash .and valuables in two raids here within -12 hours. They struck at a sundry shop last night and at a goldsmith's this morning. At 9 p.m. yesterday five men tied up Juan Yu I.ian
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 mjUmMfo SIZE VIRGINIA jjT mL -.S3 H? rj rsttJ^Kw-v d^m, > i t- k- 1 B A" f I Ml>fm SrCV^jMg J5 Wf Singauoie and rederatioD HM W^RSi&^^Sr* 9° cents i(ir fofrV gffr^^X jIJB MB ■••"••to J^Hf* Jsf AJJB «nd m'« mg-' M A D E N yK?~*'' J^fivSßff ENGLAND
      165 words
    • 469 6 With Pride In Its Looks! With Pride In Its Performance! With Pride In Its Quality! HVnJE[MOs V Camerc /^HBHBf'rißlflJ^Ei^ New Features: H^H ff^^J lenses. H^B-^J Emulsion Speed Ring. '^^^^^^^j^^^ Built-in Fade-in Fade-out IH fM^/^^m lever Il\ U|* wOor tinder. iWH |l Gfe Evcrcody Carrying Case. B^L^'^ Pncc •r^*'"*/" For Cosh
      469 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 149 7 ■-'.■.■/jKKrSv.V/Scv.'.VV* .ovr.V... (■v.V^BßMraC'-' i"^BS^^^^H I Vn\ m_ \vv\ Five years ago a new era dawned for Malayan When Supershell with I.C.A. became available N <^m\tfL M motorists. In February 1954 Shell announced as the premium petrol in 1956 -I.C.A. remained *^sJD**O7\J& r C f i a A^ i tr dU
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  • 69 8 Word. Sit (Minimum). MADAM TAN YEW NEO Nee I late Mrs. Kho Keng Chuan passed away peacefully at G. H. 9 a.m. on 6 2 59 aged 83, leaving behind three Sons Lian Cheng, 1 lan Hock. Lian Swee, four daughters, one son-in-law three daughters-in-law many grand and great-yrand
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  • 68 8 2t Wurdt $10 (Minimum). THE FAMILY of the late Mr. I Ang Ktm Peng thank all friends and relatives for their assistance and attendance and as well v tiiof* who sent wreaths, loan of cars. etc. MRS. A. MITCHELL thanks all relatives and friends who attended the funeral services
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  • 68 8 111 H.rdt $10 (Minimum). MCINTYRE: Mrs. Angelic, who passed away on 7.2.1958. Fondly remembered by her children. R.I.P. MRS. LIM BENG SUN nee Madam Tan Goh Neo cMlssle)— In Loving Memory. She bade no one a last farewell, or even said fiood-bye. Her soul had flown before we
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  • 255 8 10 Word, tl* (Minimum). SALE LAST DAY Today at Mul- hands. Do Not Miss Tilts Opportunity. THE COCKPITS Java Rijsttafel it served every Saturday and Sunday lunch time. IT IS AVAILABLE now in Singapore Tabasco, the Sauce made from Chilli with a worldwide reputation BRAND NEW SELECTION Morning. Afternoon
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  • 592 8 The Straits Times Saturday, February 7, 195 ft. The Local Councils Is Klang "one of the dirtiest towns in Malaya"? This description, ruefully accepted by many residents, is hotly challenged by the chairman of the Town Council. Tuan Syed Hashim i bin Abdullah, who is also i District Officer, insists
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  • 351 8 I Mr. Khrushchev's invitation to Mr. Eisenhower may be nobly meant, but the rest J of the Soviet Prime Minister's i eferencea to Americas President and the Americans in his closing speech to the Communist Party Congress wwc more than a shade hostile. Mr. Eisenhower was invited to
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  • 193 8 The decision by the Federation Government to disregard educational standards in order to make it possible for 3,600 temporary clerks to be absorbed into the permanent service is sensible. However the temporaries will be required to take a competitive examination in subjects related to their work. These will
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  • 182 8 FIFTY YEARS AGO (From the Straits Times of February 4. 1909). At last we have a theatre. From the ashes of the old Town Hall has risen a building which is a credit to the town and which from its solidity we judge is capable of serving; the theatre-going public
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  • 1314 8  -  CYXICUS i>? ("OPINIONS of the ConXJ stitutlonal Exposition differ, and not eyen the turnstiles can be called in as final arbiter of success. I should Judge that so far the exposition has catered mainly to what used to be called the carriage trade. There is still
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 8 Exposition Photo by Mak Kian Song
    Mak Kian Song  -  8 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 356 8 1 Straits Times Free Press i i our rcprn*ntaliv« at Ml floor, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE, i ORCHARD ROAD. will MSSIM I tmall advertisem' Ii and aniwtrt I to box number Clatsifi«d odvcrtiMmcntt may i i alto be handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD., Winchester Haute. Collyer Quay, Singapore. MR.
      356 words
    • 61 8 SIGNALS for EYE-EXAMINATION:— Not seeing well at distance or near. Frequent headaches. Eyes feel tired or uneasy. Can't read or write comfortably. In extreme esses dizziness and nausea, loss of appetite <te vomiting. Our technique and procedure in visual analysis with the most complete equipment are entirely different from the
      61 words
    • 88 8 RMS STRATHAIRD ***** lons s e> Departs SINGAPORE 24th June for: COLOMBO BOMBAY ADEN PORT SAID MALTA MAR SEILLES GIBRALTAR. Arriving LONDON 20th July RMS STRATHEDEN ***** tons •••••>•••••••• •••■••••t« Departs SINGAPORE 9th July for: COLOMBO BOMBAY ADEN PORT SAID LISBON Arriving LONDON 2nd August Enquiries to ISLAY KERR CO.
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  • 173 9 3-HOUR BLACKOUT HITS KATONG SINGAPORE, Fri. A large area in Katong was blacked out tonight for three hours. An official in the complaints bureau said the blackout was caused by overloading. Consumers deluged the complaints office of the City Councils Electricity Department with telephone calls. A number of residents rang
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  • 33 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Umar Pulavar Tamil School buildine fund has received $7,500 from the Shaw Foundation. The school needs $75,000 for a $150,000 building. About $45,000 has been collected.
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  • 99 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. The digging for skeletons in front of the Harbour Board police .station was called off by the Harbour Board authorities today. Since six skeletons were first discovered in a shallow grave last month, digging for more corpses had .been going on.
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  • 102 9 Asian Film Festival: Invitations go out SINGAPORE, Fri. Circulars have gone out to the eight member countries of the Asian Film Festival and also to other countries inviting them to submit entries for the Sixth Asian Film Festival. It is to be held at Kuala Lumpur from May 4 to
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  • 38 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. More than 2.000 police whistles have been bought by members of the public from the Police Stall in the Government pavilion at the Singapore Constitution Exposition since it was opened on Saturday.
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  • 360 9  -  TAN TOCK SAIK JOINT INSTITUTE WILL BOOST LOCAL PRODUCTS AND EXTEND RANGE By Kuala Lumpur, Friday THE Joint Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research to be set up by the Federation and Singapore Governments will ensure that local products are of the highest possible standards
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  • 346 9 Govt. sells 2,000 tons of rice at $50,000 less SINGAPORE, Friday. rTRE MINISTER for Commerce and Industry, Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, today gave a Chinese New Year "ang pow worth about $50,000 to Singapore's rice consumers by making it possible for merchants to sell over 2,000 tons of government stockpile
    346 words
  • 96 9 SINGAPORE, Friday. A MAGISTRATE today expressed surprise when an 11-year-old boy, accused of housebreaking, was brought before him without either his parents or a guardian being present in court. The boy. when asked by the Juvenile Court, gave no explanation of why they were
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  • 78 9 400PLACESIN CLASSES AVAILABLE SINGAPORE, Fri. About 400 places are still available in Government secondary and commercial evening classes for students who failed the secondary entrance examination. The classes are being held at Outram School. Slglap Secondary School. Beatty Secondary School, Victoria School (commercial), Monk's Hill School. Tanjong Katong Secondary Technical
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  • 183 9 Exposition a 'mirror,' says the Governor SINGAPORE, Fri.— The 0 Governor, Sir Wil- liam Goode, has dei scribed the Singapore Constitution Exposition as a "mirror" reflecting the industrial and commercial activity of the island. In a message in the Singapore Constitution Exposition "Souvenir Number", he ha s said the fair
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  • 185 9 GIRL WHO FORGED IS PUT ON YEAR'S PROBATION SINGAPORE, Fri. Dolly Yeo, 18, who was convicted on a charge of forging a Methodist Girls' School leaving certificate by the Second Criminal D is t r i c t Judge Mr. Choor Singh two weeks ago. was today ordered to undergo
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  • 34 9 SINGAPORE. Fri.— Two new lawyers, Messrs. Ong Lock Mvi and Sarban Natha Singh, were admitted to the Singapore Bar by the Chief Justice Sir Alan Rose. In the High Court today.
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  • 80 9 LION DANCE: NO BAN IN CAPITAL KUALA LUMPUS. Fri There will be no ban on lion dance processions' in Kuala Lumpur during thr three-day Chinese New Year celebrations. the OCPD Mr. J. J. Raj. said today. He wa& commenting on the ban Imposed by Ipoh police on the traditional practice
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  • 116 9 A WONDERFUL JOB BY MISS STOKES SINGAPORE. Fri. —To stand in at short' notice for Joel Rosen, surely one of the finest pianists to visit Singapore in many years, is no mean task for any artist. But Noreen Stokes did a wonderful job last night when with Goh Soon Tloe
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  • 170 9 SINGAPORE, Fri— Sudden Illness forced the American pianist Joel Rosen to cancel his recital with Singapore violinist Ooh Soon Tloe at the Cultural Centre theatre tonißht. While Mr. Rosen was confined in bed under doctor's orders. Mr Ooh found a substitute pianist In Noreen Stokes,
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  • 176 9 THIS IS the wreck on Swallow Reef in the South China Sea which raised hopes of finding the missing schooner lan Crouch. It was sighted by the French freighter Les Glieres on Wednesday. An RAF ShacUeton from Changi. Piloted by Fit. Lt. Robert
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 180 9 DECCA Stereophonic and Monaural Records Classical, Operatic, Instrumental. Latin American, Vocal, Popular, Dance, etc. Sole Distributors tor Sinqopce LS. ISAAC CO., LTD. Wishing AH Our Chinese Patrons A Happy A Prosperous ]\esv Year Welcome We/com c CAPITOL HOTEL, BAR AND RESTAURANT 509 Joo Chiot Road. Katong, Singapore. Ttl: ***** NOW
      180 words
    • 118 9 TINGLING -FRESH -and that means healthy gums V 9 ■p&j H The tin s le comes jr\^^^^ *9 I f rom S°di um Isfp^^pl J *"^t» j I substance that cares x^fc MU f or your s > u H *f~**kf* I s >n ever y tu be of fj/St
      118 words

  • 278 10 MALAYS WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES I REFER to the report (S.T. Jan. 29) headed "Big game hunting can bring in U.S. dollars." To me who loves this country (nostalgic thoughts inevitably go back over the when this country was a simple and happy one) without urge to kowtow to the
    278 words
  • 272 10 Divided functions necessary for a healthy democracy THE way things are going on in the Singapore City Council one begins to wonder whether it is a foretaste of the purges on«* can expect from a PAP government. It appears that no employee under the PAP is safe unless be is
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  • 117 10 I have a daughter who has passed her Senior Cambridge. She wanted to join the Day Training Centre but I stopped her from doing so. The reason is that I don't know what her prospects will be after completing training. I know that each trainee will get
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  • 318 10 rpHOUGH I am not a P.A-P. member, I strongly support Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's motion that local officers who have gained promotion as a result of Malayanisation should not be allowed to retire with compensation. To Mr. Lee's motion, I might add that no local officer,
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  • 133 10 r seems to me that the letter by "China Town Voter" (S.T. Jan. 24) is a plea for more opportunities than support for compulsory voting. Compulsory voting and opportunity to vote are two different things, for there can be compulsory voting without sufficient
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  • 213 10 I FULLY agree with the views expressed by "Worried Mother" In her article entitled "Student Teachers are Overworked." Her letter is most timely in view of widespread discontent among student teachers. They are dissatisfied with the policy of the T.T.C. A student teacher works full-time.
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  • 121 10 THE car park arrangements at the Singapore Constitution Exposition should surely be reviewed. At present, following a couple of showery days, the car parks resemble padl fields. At least a few deep drains are urgently needed. Furthermore, when leaving the Exposition by car. one is not permitted
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  • 123 10 I, FOR o»e, congratulate our Foreign Minister, Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, for his bold and honest statement at the Kuala Lumpur Airport on his return from the United States of America, that "if a man was out of job, he would be looked after until
    123 words
  • 49 10 T hope \'.v. K.C. Ong will x not fce?p his slow loris on a 'hay nef for too long. Ttvb animal Is carolvo. "d will eat insects and small lizards. Its stalkIng methods are a model for the lepidopterist. R. G. SIMMONS. Singapore.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 285 10 EYE OPENER/ ing. rfeddish streaked. fiouoU/ tired-feeling ey an- SU \77 YE -G ENE other instant? One or Lexato| two drops of EYE-CENE. J recommended by eye j e|e>r or over 20 j and STAINLESS Cele years, will cleanse, soothe rur/ P ir I brities use EYE-CENE and refresh
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  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1442 11 Guests had to share gloves to meet Duke in 1901 JF the Duke and Duchess sat facing the choir, they would present their royal backs to the audience. And if they faced the audience, the choir would be singing their songs of welcome over royal shoulders. It wag a difficult
      1,442 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 172 11 duMAURIER ifr 0 tf\ Fine making r/ aj I n^? B3£a\^^ arC I aT^C] 'BawU^S^a^aai^^^ O^ C00L... itylcool, grooming H aaal _^^eßr^ Yes Sir .Vaseline Hair f Cream really is cooling! prepared g^^j from vitamin-ised oils it allows your hair to breathe naturally, giving a fl cool-rich healthy gloss. If
      172 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 148 11 Carmvn A 10. By \litz, \2K. n \V' D D COOiC UhiTruu V&%\ SUM A /mjefc* ue a 1 J^^m V HERt J Ji >v% Jfi L/ t/ cL-Vlfc R.NLW H TO n^V£ MUCH 9 OJvhN ME A /^■■^^^■^'VHB v I lt<> Suint By Lenite Vhartvris I IC 'CD AflC
      148 words

  • 360 12 TIN PRICE REACHES NEW HIGH LEVEL: RUBBER QUIET By Our Market Correspondent 'I" IN again continued to rise in Singapore yesterday and an improvement of 75 cents took it to $394.37] per picul. The overnight London price for both spot and three months was £771 per ton and strong demand
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  • 153 12 February first trade robber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 85 1 cents per lb. down ftve-elgh:hs of a cent on Thursday's closing price. The tone was disinterested]. Closing prices in cents per lb.. yesterday were: I OFFICIAL: Int. 1 RSS. Spot I f.o.b. buyers 85... sellers
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  • 431 12 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association reported yesterday "Industrials and rubbers were quietly steady while tins were easier after firm. The turnover was small." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business ■p to 3.30 p.m.: 8.8. Petrol 475. 3d.; Fed. Dispensary $1.11; Fltzpatricks $1.03; Fraser it Neave ords
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  • 22 12 Malayan Share Market: Fee. Feb. 5 Industrials: 89.70 89.72 Tins: 94.45 94.M Rubbers (f 109.96 109.79 Jan. l 1958 iov
    22 words
  • 41 12 The Malayan Exchange Banks' Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to (100): Selllnr T.T. or O.D. ready: Canada 31 13 16: French Francs *****: Belgian Francs 1631 3 4 Italian Lire *****
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  • 13 12 Sun K rt Bldors restricted production in January was 323 piculs.
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  • 30 12 SINGAPORE. FEB. 6. RUBBER: B.V; cents per Ib. (down fiveeighths of a cent.) TIN: $394.37! per picul (up 75 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 125 tons (down 10 tons).
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  • 347 12 rpHE week on the whole A has been an active one with local covering operations anrj fair overseas demand setting a brisk pace report Holiday, Cutler, Bath it Co. Ltd. in their current rubber survey. Fairly large quantities of February tenders started early in the week
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  • 158 12 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Chusan 1 3. Nlcolal Plrogov 45. Idomenous 67. Sardogha 89, Charon 10 11, Semantan N. Wall 3. Kajang 21 22. Perak 24. Pleusantville 25 26. Rebeverett 27 28. Malay 2930. Tjlluwah 31.32. SMngoeng 33 34. Benalbanach
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  • 112 12 Singapore Chine s e Produce Exchange noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; UK/Continent February/March shipment. $42 buyers, $43 sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $63.50 sellers, drum $66.50 sellers. Pepper: steady: no business was reported done, Muntok white $142, Sarawak $141, special Sarawak black $75 (all up
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  • 23 12 January rubber crops Included: Benta 108.000 Ib Jenun 68.000 II) Knndong 45.849 lb.. MenUkab 61.000 Ib. and Sungei Bagan 220.000 lb.
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  • 17 12 The Hong Kane free exchange market was "Ijsed yesterday. It r-'-opeiu. oi. Fib. 12.
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  • 133 12 MELBOURNE. Prl. TNVESTMENT shares maintained a firm tone on the Stock Exchange here today. Bradford Cotton rose 6d. Mt. Isa improved 2s. in a quiet, but firm mining section. ommonwralth bonds maintain* ed a firm tone. Loans t%% 1956-59 £100 16s. 9d. Bank of NSW £37',. buyer Con.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 867 12 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Llm Juak Chin Left this firm aa from tilts date 6th February. 1959. As from this date he Is not authorised ta transact busi- 1 ness on our behalf. CHYE HUAT CLOTH MERCHANT HENG YEOW SENG. Manager. NOTICE federation' of malaya— >ii.::.ii.imiii
      867 words
    • 720 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS i KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL EXPERIENCED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER required for a period of approximately two years. Minimum speed 80 words per minute. Application In own handwriting stating qualifications, ex- perience and salary required to reach the Municipal Treasurer, Kuala Lumpur by first post on I Friday, 13th February.
      720 words
    • 442 12 NOTICES McALISTER COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY given i that an Interim Dividend of 5' I less 40 r 'c Income Tax, has been declared on account of the year ending 30th June 1959. Such di- j vidend will be paid to Stockholders whose names appear on the Re- i
      442 words
    • 814 12 "K LINE*' Japan USA Pacific Atlantic Coast Service M.^r.V&S nm I,*- 11 aFrt IB* Oil 11/19 M» l( Mai 22 MM I] Alt 26 *H loading tor Hongkong, all l»o»n Ports, san Francisco. Loj Angeies Panama New *ork. Boston. Philadelph.a. Balt.nore, Hortolk. Savannah also accepting cargo lor Vancouver Seattle. Portland
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1519 13 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. t«i> i4iz (II lilts) I incorporated in Singapore) 112 lims) s D c THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE \Z SAILINGS TO MVERPOOL, CUSGON. LONDOH I COHTIHENTAL POIIS (Via Sati mMJ liMrty te precttl na Paaama er Cape at CM* Nape) Camera option to proceed via
      1,519 words
      2,546 words
    • 1149 13 McALISTER «c CO.. LTD. lELi Nt.i 2*311 EU.EKMAW LINE!. KLAVENESS LINE LONOON, HAVRE. ROnEROAM, HAMBURG LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO end for U.S.A., North Atlantic Portl SEATTLE VANCOUVER t PORTLANt ».«*"2. C l n J!?2 Ateeititi cam far Central t Stttl CITY IF (RO4KLYN atttnea Sport P Sham Ptnani lOrTNEVULE aS/a
      1,149 words

  • 1062 14  - Aussies were by far the better side in Test series JACK FINGLETON A POST-MORTEM... by A DELAIDE, Fri. In this early post-mor-tem on the Test series decided bere yesterday with a decisive win for Australia, one point must be made clear very early. AUSTRALIA WERE MUCH THE BETTER SIDE. It
    1,062 words
  • 163 14 MELBOURNE, Fri. The Australian Board of Cricket Control today announced that umpire Mcl McInnes will not stand in the Fifth Test (Feb. 13-19) here. His place will be taken by L. Townsend of Queensland. The other umpire will be Ron Wright, who also umpired in
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 127 14 SINGAPORE, Pri. 30th Battalion RAOC regained the Singapore Base District inter-unit team boxing championships when they beat Ist Battalion Cheshire Regiment by 18 points to 15 in the finals at Tanglin Gymnasium tonight Results (R.A.O.C. mentioned first) were: Bantam Cpl. Keen bt Pte. Butler; feather Cpl. Shannon
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  • 15 14 SINGAPORE, Fri.— Raffles Institution beat St. Joseph's Institution 3-2 at badminton here today.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 561 14 9 Phone 2X414 —Xo Free List Jj J ?J I N f OPENS TODAY *j(a| r^ The Greatest Sutimarine Picture Ot Them All! |y»| Kj in ranfmaSflipp acd METBOCaU» DBHt BKBSI£B •OT ffINFS |«1 Ifl X.H. I Mill S//(MI „t U a.n: ff#lf##lfflf#H vBHI I'll. .in :'i;j» No Free Li>i
      561 words
    • 668 14 THE CATHAY ORGANISATION* I/<*S I WISHES ALL rf-7) t PATRONS flfi'ftiH) A HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR SPECIAL CONCESSIONS k As from today, there will be half-price concessions for children available at all tbe Cathay Organisation Theatres for all hows J*. except the last shows and midnights. Mil ill?! pho"*- mnAY
      668 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 300 14 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 5 Very little rain In thl» 10--1 We may look to its branches cahtv (4). for present supplies (9. 4). 6 Getting equal for a time (7). 8 when unchecked, in- 7 Hen seeks too late to fly. creases in a geometrical ratio" possibly (4, 2.
      300 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 684 15 WKK¥^^f^^KMfWJTSfSTffTTfS^ Check Before Posting i Replies to Box Numbers Utmost care should be taken i I when replying to box number I adi. to use the CORRECT! NUMBER and Address to the 1 Straits Times, Times House, River Valley Rood. i Cash must be iml by regte- 1 tered pest;
      684 words
    • 639 15 SITUATIONS VACANT 2$ Words tS {Min.)— Box it tts. txtra. AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER immediately capable of computing balance sheets. Please apply with full particulars of experience and sUte salary required to Box A 6149, S.T. VACANCIES IN METHODIST Schools. Applications are invited from Federation serving qualified teachers for the following
      639 words
    • 817 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 2» Words SS (Min.)— Box SI tts. txtra. MERCANTILE HOSTEL 13 Queen Street accommodation available for men women modern sanitation excellent comfort* all amenities available Transport within reach. FOR OCCUPATION 1.3.69 Two lurnlshed two-bedroom flats. 15.2.59 one unfurnished two-bed-room flat with modern convenience, Postal District 9. ConUct Tel.
      817 words
    • 858 15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES M Word. tS (Min.)— Bex M tts. txtrm. IF YOU ARE a speculator start new venture with $200 and earn over $20,000 a year with my new plan. For details send stamped addressed envelope to P.O. Box 1074. Singapore. BOOKS ft PUBLICATIONS U Words U (Min.)— Bex SI
      858 words
    • 635 15 FOR SALE M Wordi tS (Min.)— Box M ttt. extra.. O.E.C. QUEENSAIR Celling Pan. As New. Tel.: ***** For Further particulars. FOR SALE almost new Royal Typewriters, v" and 16" carriage. Still under guarantee. Apply Bos I A 6184 S.T. OFFERING: Ladles' Fancy Umbrellas with Waterproof Plastic Covers Only $2.90.
      635 words
      434 words

  • 1242 16 TOPNOTCHERS SCRATCHED FROM GOLD CUP TRIAL COUAG MAY PROVIDE THE CHALLENGE y/mi the top-not-cheis not accepting here in favour of ne\l week's Gold Clip, Brave General with only 8.3, is niv choice to win the Cup Trial over 9f (Race 0) at Kuala Lumpur today. This
    1,242 words
  • 160 16 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER RACE I 2 30 RACE > COLZA Esther's Pet Pack of Gold MOVIE FAN Bnoht EyM III Doivcyon FIRE POWER Colio Burma Bobv DALVEYAN O.enp.n Erik COLZA Funny Face lither s P, f DALVEYAN Mo... F*n BrbjM Eyes III 3.0 RACE 3 3.30
    160 words
  • 90 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A proposal that the zone semifinals, final, and challenge round of the Foong Seong Cup Competition be played at one centre over three days will be discussed by the Badminton Association of Malaya at its annual general meeting here on March
    90 words
  • 1133 16 K.L. runners, riders betting forecast EPSOM JEEP'S best bets at Kuala Lumpur today are Colza (Race 1), Brave General (Race 6) and Thank You (Race 7). CALL BOY'S double is Dalveyan (Race 2) and Corporal Nim (Race 7). The going will be heavy. RACE 1— X.JO: (Class 4, Dlv. J|
    1,133 words
  • 111 16 Bougoure accepts offer to ride in Ireland KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Garnet Bougoure, Malaya's leading jockey, is leaving Malaya at the end of this month to ride in Ireland. He has accepted a substantial retainer to ride for leading Irish trainer. Vincent O'Brien. The contract will be for one season with
    111 words
  • 50 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Selangor selection to meet Fathul Karlb. the Singapore Cup champions, at soccer at Princes Road, here, on Monday, will be selected from: Swee Seng, Ahmad. Ng Mun Keai Nagaratnam Ouan Kit. Kee Kong. Lin Sion. Narayanasamy. Tow Cheong. Gabrielle, Aziz Ibrahim and Yusoff Hamzah
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  • 283 16 CHANGI ARE WELL PLACED FOR OUTRIGHT WIN SINGAPORE. Fri. RAF. Changi. joint holders of the FEAF. hockey championship with Kuala Lumpur and Tengah, put themselves in a strong position to become outright champions in this year's competition when they maintained their unbeaten record in beating Kuala Lumpur 1-0 today. Today's
    283 words
  • 185 16 SINGAPORE. Friday SINGAPORE Recreation Club b*gan their defence of the S.H.A. senior knockout tournament title with a 4-0 victory over Young Men Sikhs' Association in a preliminary round match on the padang today. I The Recs' attack, led brilliantly by former state player Burdett Coutts.
    185 words
  • 96 16 NEW DELHI. Fri. India made one of their best starts in their Test cricket series against the West Indies when they scored 236 for four at close on the first day of the fifth Test here. INDIA Ist Inns: Roy c Solomon b GUchrtst 1;
    96 words
  • 342 16 SINGAPORE, Fri. i strong New Zealand rugger teams H.M.N.Z.S. Rotoiti ancL 75 Squadron R.N.Z.A.F.^ were among the first four to enter the quar-ter-finals of the Singapore Cricket Club's seven-a-side competition today. Rotoiti scored the best victory of the day when they trounced defending champions SCC "B
    342 words
  • 36 16 SINGAPORE. Fri. Indian Recreation Club beat R^A.F. Changi 6-1 in a friendly soccer match at Farrer Park today. Palaniappan (2), Rama. Maniam. Krishna n and Said Osman scored for 1.R.C.. and Correl for Chan«l.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 691 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE 10 Word, $10 (Minimum). Daily 1 mo- it, 10 Word, $1.50 (Mm.) PHOTOSTATS BY FOTOMATIC— 2O7IO. PLAN Printing from Tracings Fotomatic— 2o7lo. RENT-A-CAR from Evernne Co.. 519 Serangoon Road, Tel. *****. MICHELLE BEAUTY PARLOUR Battery Road Is open dally up till 6 p.m. ALL ABOUT
      691 words
    • 183 16 Jack Fingleton's review on the Fourth Test See Page 14. IPT fll I (mml )1 Jm i^B t I FROM ■■■■w* i^fc^ iWjl f I 1 0 I mil H Js> 7 i I SZb mil m HIB-WHm mil 9 \V^ ll llSr WmVO ■f!k? 7 6 m." /iHg^g ZfrnW^my-.
      183 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 119 16 RIGGER: Combined Malaya and Singapore Asians v Singapore Civilians, padang; O.H.Q. FareU v RE ME.. Ayer Rajah Road HOCKEY: Feaf festival— Chang] v Butterworth. Changi S.H A Junior K O. (preliminary round) T.T.C. "B" v Serangoon Road, Paterson Road. Friendly— RAF Tengah v S.C.C., Tengah. SOCCER: B.GJSJA. Wv. 1— 8.T3.
      119 words