The Straits Times, 6 January 1959

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVEBACK DAILY CERTIFIED SALE FXCFFHS 80,000 The Straits Times Hi**** Estd. 1845. J TUESDAY, JANUARY 6. 1959 IS CENTS
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  • 268 1 YOUTHS ESCAPE FROM REFORMATIVE CAMP Dragnet by large posse of Changi and Bedok police Tracker dogs aid in search SINGAPORE, 2 a.m. today. POLICE were searching all last night and early this morning for four youths who escaped from the Reformative Training Centre at Changi
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  • 345 1 Tengku m talks on closer ties MANILA, Mm. A NEW PLAN FOR POOLING OF ASIAN ECONOMIC RESOURCES fII K Federation Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, and the Foreign Affairs Secretary of the Philippines, Mr. Felixberto Serrano, today began preliminary discussions on a
    UPI  -  345 words
  • 78 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. DRESIDENT EISENHOWER today told Congressional leaders that the 1960 defence Budget would call for the spending of U5540,900,000,000. This was reported by Sen. Alexander Wiley, a Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as he left a meeting between Mr Eisenhower and
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  • 34 1 LONDON, Mon. Britain is granting the Sudan ex. ports credits worth £5,000,- 000, it was announced here (today. The Sudanese Government has informed Britain that it welcomes this offer— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 58 1 Bodyguard for a V.I.P. Very Important Parcel) < PI. SUAARI BIN YASsi.V the personal body guard of the Yang dl-Per-tuan Agong. strides out on the Singapore Airport tarmac yesterday with a very, important parcel in bis band. It contained the magnificent diamond-studded tiara made by a Singapore jeweller. Mr H.
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  • 74 1 SINGAPORE. Mon. A woman. Ho Ah Mui. 50. died today In hospital after hiving been knocked down by an ambulance near the junction of Serangoon Road and Lavender Street. The ambulance, which was on its way to answer a call remained with her until another
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  • 25 1 JAKARTA. Mon. Japan yesterday handed over a ship to Indonesia as part of her war reparations, Antara news agency said today.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 16 1 SINGAPORE. Mon. Only one case of paralytic polio was admitted to hospital today.
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  • 220 1 SINGAPORE. Mon.— A businessman, Chua Slang Kang, 22. who had a knife sticking in his back after a secret society attack was picked up by a motorist in Bras Basah Road this evening and sent to hospital. Mr. F. J. Busspll. of Goodman Road, was
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  • 287 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Federation Government today ordered the detention under the Emergency regulations of Wan Abdul Hamid, the former Johore assistant state secretary, who was arrested in Johore Rahru on Dec. 10 on his return from Britain after six years. The acting
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  • 136 1 Pepper thugs grab $4,000 SINGAPORE, Mon. Two thugs robbed the cashier of the Happy World Amusement Park of $4,000 after rubbing pepper into his eyes in Geylang Road here this morning. Toh Han Seng. 30. told detectives the men came up from behind. He said one man caught him by
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  • 33 1 MIKOYAN MEETS DULLES WASHMOTON. Mum .\ii.i>t:»«» Mikm.ui Soviet Depot) Premier at prcm <v WttHl I'n ited Mates, met Secretary of state. Fm ier Dullo at thi- Stall- Department. Keuter. <S<>r PMC .">)
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 52 1 SINGAPORE. Mon. Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Sir Dermot Boyle, will personally pilot a Canberra B 6 jet bomber on a 20.000-mile tour of overseas RAF units. Sir Dermot, who will leave Britain on Saturday, is scheduled to arrive in Singapore on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 f^yJTS CHEAPER W A j GAS^SHOWtOOMS The ClTY frf ill Service) easily the most I x powerful I domestic 1 insecticide ...its got dieldrin ShejltajL GET A I WAMHHtNfllllir TIN TODAY the dieldrin keeps on killing
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    • 138 1 CAMERA Sale. Aajwrtt: I SCOTT INGLISM iS.E.A.) LTP T«l IS24S ILi LL^> THE CRITTALL Jflff) MANUFACTURING «^«W^ COMPANY LIMITED J makers of fine metal windows introduce their SRITTALL _J_l jenestra 1?r This improved Louvre contains many outstanding new features incorporated •t no extra cost. I. FENESTRA LOUVRES are galvanised jp3=^=^ja
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  • 297 2 Confede ra tion of Malay states plan FILIPINO JURIST URGES THREE NATIONS TO UNITE FOR GLORY MANILA, Monday. THE organisation of a confederation of Malay states composed of the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaya was proposed today by a leading Filipino jurist. The former Supreme Court justice, Mr. Jorgo Bocobo, said
    UPI  -  297 words
  • 149 2 KLUANG, Monday. A BRITISH soldier died in a motor accident near here early yesterday a few days before he was due to be reunited with his wife. She is now aboard the troopship Nevasa, which arrives in Singapore from Britain on Jan.
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  • 67 2 FISH PRICE WAR IS OVER ALOR STAR. Mon.— The fish price war in Alor Star is over. Last October, after the Siamese Government lifted the duty on export of fish into Malaya, the price of some fish dropped by 30 to 40 per cent. With the change of monsoon, Siamese
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  • 16 2 SEREMBAN. Mon. Mr. V. C. Oeolge has been elected president of the Seremban Jaycees.
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  • 46 2 PENANG, Mon. The Indian High Commissioner in Malaya, Mr. S. K. Banerjee was the guest of honour at a luncheon party given by the manager of the Indian Overseas Bank. Mr. M. Manickam at the Bungah Beach Hotel. Tanjong Bungah. today.
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  • 35 2 JOHORE BAHRU Mon. -J RIDA allocated $110,000 tt> Johore for building kampong roads, paths and bridges in 1958. The balance of this will be used this year for completing revoted schemes.
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  • 175 2 MORE SUPER FILMS FOR STORE SINGAPORE, Mon. Singapore picturegoers can expect more multi million dollar Paramount films this year. Mr. J. E. Perkins, president of the Paramount Internationa; Films who disclosed this today, said: "We have at least 20 productions of the 'The Ten Commandments' catagory sheduled to be released
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  • 136 2 THREW A WAYDAGGER WHEN POLICE STOPPED CAR JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A Singapore man who threw a dagger into some undergrowth when the car in which he was travelling was stopped by the Johore police at Scudal. wa.s today sentenced to three months' jail and fined $300. in default a further
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  • 181 2 SHI-NA TO SING IN MALAY FOR LONDONERS THE professional name is shi.Xu but friends in .Singapore and Pekan, Yaltang will remember her ■s Mrs.'Saunders, wife of MX G. "V. Saunders. She Ms arrived in London to sine Malay cha-cha num. ber& for sophisticated I nightclub audiences in the 1 West
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  • 35 2 KUCHING. Mon.— The population of Sarawak has risen in 10 years from 546.--385 to 848.362 an increase of more than 10.000 a year, according to a Government report for 1957. Just published.
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  • 242 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A UNITED Nations Organisation expert <>n malaria eradication arrived here by air from Saigon today and announced that the Federation Government will conduct ;i three-year anlimalaria pilot scheme starting next year. Dr. W. H. Huehne, the secretary *of
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  • 58 2 SINGAPORE. Mon.— Cnan I Kong 800, alias La Ta, of New Market Road, was today charged here with murdering Lim See Peng on the afternoon of Dec. 26 at New Market Road. No plea was taken. He was remanded after the charge was explained to him. The
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  • 70 2 SINGAPORE. Mon— Dean Charles Hendry, a Roger Williams Straus Foundation lecturer, Hew in to Singapore today to give a series of lectures in Singapore and the Federation. He is on a tour of SouthEast Asian countries. He said: "My purpose in coming to the East
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  • 232 2 'RACIAL TENSION' TALK AMAZES RAZAK KUALA LUMPUR, .Mon. —The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussain, today described a state, ment about Malaya by a leading Australian authority on Asia as "untrue, based on misinformation and completely misleading." Dato Razak was re. ferring to a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 67 2 M U LTI VITE J V i. T««ot MM MULTI VITE gives protection to all M '^Jwr the family against '^S BHr colds and flu "^^^s W MULTI VITE tablets contain A the essential vitamins A, B, C ~N and D that you need for health, 'RDH' Can be chewed
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    • 62 2 'I •< From the Golden Gate {to the Gutter DivesI I The Saper-Chase < l Leads You Straight i t0... L ,l£||]EilHt«L Jon mt H^n *T Fint tMtoM-Ungth LINEUP manhunt hit* jL. tht Mf«iMd BOTla thaatr* Knu! jj- ffiWALLACH^ I lEIITKEITII:-:" I AUTHENTICATED mV#B •K BTTHE >- i lA^mimLi mam
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 221 3 Nehru: Law and the cold war do not go together NEW DELHI, Mon.— Mr. Nehru, thp Indian Prime Minister, today opened a fiveday congress here of the International Commission of Jurists attended by the judges and lawyers from 53 countries including the Federation of Malaya and Singapore. No Communist countries
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 26 3 JAKARTA. Mon. JogJakarta has been selectee as the site for the next Colombo Plan conference scheduled to be held in October this year. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 152 3 BONN, Mon. West Germany today formally rejected Russia's plan for a "free city" of West Berlin, but told the Kremlin she was willing to have any ideas discussed at a four-power meeting on the German problem. The West German reply to the Soviet proposals,
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  • 140 3 ■^yASHINGTON, Mon. j Russia has obtained a considerable amount of vital Intelligence information by the use of sex as a weapon against Western representa- j tives stationed in Communist; countries. This is revealed in a report I Issued by the House of Repre- I sentatives
    Reuter; UPI  -  140 words
  • 276 3 'Prevent third world war' talks in America RUSSIA'S No. 2 MAN ALL SET TO MEET DULLES Mikoyan on tour WASHINGTON, Monday. MR. AN AST AS MIKOYAN, No. 2 man in Russia, is expected to discuss with the Secretary of State, Mr. Dulles, how to save Berlin from being another Sarajevo,
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 227 3 372,000 MILES UP AND CONTINUING FLIGHT INTO SOLAR ORBIT \IOSCOW, Mon.— The radio transA mitters in the Soviet moon rocket stopped working today as the newest planet in the universe reached an altitude of 372.000 miles. Tass News Agency said the rocket
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  • IN BRIEF...
    • 81 3 The B.B.C. announcer ran out of news LONDON, Mon.— The 8.8.C. announcer reading the 1 p.m. news yesterday came to a sudden pause. The pause went on and on and on. Then the announcer said: "I am sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen, but I have run out of
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    • 18 3 AMMAN: The U.N. secretary -general, Mr. Hammarskjeold. left here for Saudi Arabia to continue his Middle Eaat tour.
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    • 24 3 MCML'RDO SOUND; Two U.S. Navy fliers were killed and three seriously injured when their plane crashed while taking off from Antarctica's only runway here.
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    • 17 3 CAIRO: The Arab League economic council meets here tomorrow to discuss setting up an Arab Development Bank.
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    • 16 3 ATLANTA (Georgia): The explosion of a truckload of chemicals here caused damage estimated at (U.5.) 5200,000
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    • 14 3 MARRAKESH: Sir Winston Churchill will arrive here on Jan 12 for a months holiday.
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    • 36 3 LEOPOLD VI LLE (Belgian Congo): A "state of alert" was declared in the Congolese capital by the gov-ernor-general when street fighting between troops and Congolese civilians broke out. Gatherings of more than five people were prohibited.
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    • 22 3 DACCA: Kamini Kumar Dutta. former Pakistan law minister, who played an active part in framing his country's first constitution, died last nijht.
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  • 279 3 RUBBER LONDON, Mon. Spot 24\d Peb 24% d., March 34 "id.. AprilJune 25'»d.. July-Sept. 25%d. Oct Dec. 25Sd.. Jan. c.l.f. J4* 4 d.. Feo cl.f 24«id., March c.l.f. 24%d Tone: Very steady. TIN LONDON. Mon. Buyers £750 sellers C7S0S, Forward buyers £751 S. sellers £752. Settlement £7474. Turnover
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  • 197 3 CASTRO: REBEL MOVEMENT NOT RED INSPIRED HAVANA, Monday. IN HIS first Press interview since his rebel troops forced the overthrow or the Cuban regime, Dr. Fidel Castro yesterday disowned any association of his "26th of July" movement with Com- munism. He said he held "no resentment" against the United States
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  • 63 3 CALCUTTA. Mon. Four poisonous snakes, dropped by a snake-charmer, caused an hour's traffic jam on the crowded Howrah Bridge leading into Calcutta. The snake-charmer, carrying two sacks over hi* shoulder was crossing the bridge when one of the sacks fell and four hissing Russell's vipers emerged. Angry
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 50 3 Found at sea a submarine MADRID. Mon Two Spanish fishing vessels reported by radio today that they have taken in tow an unidentified submarine which they found drifting on the liigh seas. The fishing boats said in a radio message that the submarine appeared to have no crew aboard. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 28 3 THE HAGUE. Mon.— Queen Juliana returned here yesterday from London in a plane piloted by Prince Bernhard after a three-day private visit to Princess Alice. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 26 3 JAKARTA, Mon The i Indonesian Health Minister. Dr. Azis Saleh. said that malaria was still -Public Enemy No. I" in Indonesia.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 47 3 TAIPEH. Mon. The Chinese Communists lobbed 30 shells at the Quemoy offshore islands this morning. The severe bombardment at the weekend, in which the Communists fired 7.500 shells at the islands, killed one civilian and wounded three others, it was reported today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 No more bother with tea leaves. Just half > a spoonful of Nestea in a cup. Add hot i"' I ootaininQ iVc j t A water. Tea's ready A grand-tasting blend p Of- Mnd th namm you'll love at first lip. Never too strong or and aMrwts of your too
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  • 931 4  -  PETER DE CRUZ /IS SMALLGROWERS RESUME SUPPLIES... I SPEAK WITH MUCH DESPONDENCY 9 By SINGAPORE, Monday. CHAIRMAN of the Central Board of Pineapple Packers, Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, today said another crisis would develop if the Malayan Pineapple
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  • 71 4 Detective shot Oft wedding eve dies SINGAPORE, Mon. Detective Sydney Davidson, 22, who was found shot in a house in New Bridge Road here on Saturday night, died in hospital early this morning. Davidson, of the Harbour Board Police, was to have married ex.barfirl Miss Lav Swee Har yesterday. The
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  • 109 4 12 -YEAR -OLD GIRL IS FINED $700 SINGAPORE, Monday A 12-YEAR-OLD girl wa^ fined $700 In the Juvenile Court today for possessing 132 lb of dutiable tobacco in Rochore Road on Nov. 24. She was allowed to pay in monthly instalments of $100 each after her parents undertook to be
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  • 50 4 SINGAPORE, Mon. A $175,000 Roman Catholic Church at Chartwell Drive, Seratigoon Oarden Estate. will be opened on Sunday The church will be blessed at 8 a.m. by His Grace Archbishop M. Olcomendy Then will come a low mass. The parish priest is Father R. Challet. a Frenchman.
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  • 151 4 YOUTH, COBRA IN DEATH DUEL lESSELTON, Mon. —A village youth armed with a stick fought a duel with a venomspitting 10-ft. king cobra and killed it though the snake had sunk its fangs on his foot. The youth died two hours after the battle while the villagers were rejoicing at
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  • 67 4 STORE MAN IN PEPPER SURVEY KUCHING, Mon. A Singapore economist. Dr. K. R Chou, is at present studyIng the economic aspects of pepper production In Sarawak. Dr. Chou arrived in Sarawak at the invitation of the Government early last month. He Is visiting the main pepper producing areas in the
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  • 49 4 KUCHING. Mon.— A colour photograph of a Sarawak flower, the Rafflesia Tuanmudae. taken by Dr. N. S. Halle, a Sarawak Government geologist. Is on display in the British Museum in London The flower is very rare and belongs to an obscure family parasitic on vines.
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  • 32 4 BUTTERWORTH Mon The body of an Indian identified as V. K. M. R. Somasundram Chettiar, 41 was found by fishermen this morning on the sea-shore off Pantal Road here.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 383 4 m> m 11 «.ra— l.45 4.1.5— 6.45 Si 9.3n p.m jWMJIftIJ MARDI GRAS [r°*) Phonf ***** TODAY! PAT BOONK C -VOJX--C olour *faJW Il\y33°°"1 l\y33°°"° t OPENS TODAY! -|r, IWt™ W t fff m ii a.m.— 1.4J 4.15 6.45 AKM n m > the stk\xgkst sea story ever told on
      383 words
    • 616 4 phone iKSt'.AMeW^ 2ni WEEK 13th Day 29»» -J |.45, 4, 6.30 k 9.30 „,,,v. .WflPl'v^ y WEEK 9th Day 303.U lalayjay^y J ii. |.45, 4. 6.30 9.30 'PARIS BY NIGHT"^m 1 COLOR <s BI OX STAVE at I. H.SW A 9.30 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION HULA HOOP CONTEST Entrants can give their
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 199 4 Todays Singapore diary... SHELL THEATRETTE (Collyer Quay): Free film show "Bold Adventure" 1 15 p.m RAtTLEs Mt'SEl'M (Stamford Road i An exhibition of photographs of Sarawak by K.F. Wong, a.m. 5.30 p.m. SINGAPORE LIFE GUARD CORPS: Life saving class at Fturer Park pool, 5 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA ART MUSEUM
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    • 174 4 a.m. 4.30 p.m. Y.W.C.A. (Raffles Quay) Malay beginners' elaa* a.m.; ballroom dancing class for beginners at 5 p.m. and for advanced 6 p.n..; Blue Triangle Club meeting, S p m FEDERATION OF BOYS CLI'BS (Queen Street): Gymnastics 6 p.m.: fencing 7.30 p.m. TOCH H (Singapore branch): Weekly meeting at
      174 words
    • 130 4 I a.m. 9.30 p.m.; bodybuilding, welghtllftlng 2.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m.; badminton club practice S I p.m.; wrestling, basketball 7.30: 1 p.m. TAMIL YOUTHS LEAGUE Carom, weightllftlng 4.30 pm 6.30 p.m. JOO CHIAT YOUTH CLUB iJoo Chiat Road i Badminton 4 p.m.; dressmaking (girlsi 4 p.m boxing 5 p.m. V.M.C.A. (Orchard
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  • 314 5 THEY SAY: WE'VE WIDER CHOICE, LONGER SERVICE AND SCOPE FOR GREATER IMPROVEMENT KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. RADIO listeners in the Federation today noticed very little change in the radio programmes following the split of the pan-Malayan organisation. Many of them welcomed the split because it gave them
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  • 84 5 SINGAPORE YIPs had a 20-minute wait on the gangway of the Iberia before they were permitted to greet the Chief Justice- designate. Sir Alan Rose. The Straits Times picture shows (from right) the acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah. the
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  • 304 5 My appointment is no plot— Rose SINGAPORE, Monday. CIXGAPORE'S Chief .Justice-designate, Sir Alan Rose, arrived here aboard the Iberia this evening with an assurance that his temporary fwo-vfar appointment in the Colony had "nothing sinister about it." Sir Alan told reporters that he could not comment on the controversy about
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  • 32 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Tan Koh. of Singapore, was fined $100 in the magistrate's court today for using a lorry on which the hand brake and steering were out of order.
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  • 183 5 SINGAPORE, Monday. HOMICIDE SQUAD detectives were called in today to investigate the first murder of 1959. The victim was a taxi-driver named Tay Kirn Chuan. Tay. 28. died in the General Hospital at dawn today from injuries received in a 2 a.m. attack on
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  • 63 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Chief Minister. Tun Lim Yew Hock, is expected to meet the management of the Singapore Glass Manufacturers Company tomorrow, to try and settle the strike by some of the firm's former employees. He had an interview today with leaders of the Singapore
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  • 35 5 SINGAPORE. Mon—Singagapore had 281 registered employers or employees unions and associations up to Dec 31 an increase of four over 1957. Total membership dropped from 147.132 in 1957 to 135,255.
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  • 38 5 MERSING. Mon.— Officials of he newly formed Mersinij Kanan Youth Club are: President, Inche Abu Bakar bin Harun. vice president. Inche Abdullah bin Mohamed; secretary. Inche Mohamed Nor bin Ahmad: treasurer, Che Aminah blnte Haji Yahya.
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  • 24 5 PONTIAN. Mon.— Diaran bin Siatus. aged one-and-a-half, was drowned when he fell into a well at Kampong Ayer Baloi near here yesterday.
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  • 328 5 riINGAPORE, Mon. City •3 Councillors are having a fortnight's "holiday" from committee meetings this month while the Mayor. Mr. Ong Eng Guan, is on a fortnight's visit to Jakarta. Though the Deputy Mayor. Mr. Ong Paja& Boon, will act for him in his absence. It is,
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  • 56 5 SIR JOHN HAY. chairman of Guthrie and Co. Ltd. and an international authority on rubber, arrived in Singapore yesterday in the P and O liner Iberia, for a month's visit. Sir John will visit his company's estates in the Federation and have business talks
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  • 155 5 KWELA— A RIVAL TO ROCK AND ROLL? SINGAPORE, Mon. Kwela, a South African Jive, may soon supplant the rock *n' roll in Singapore, thinks Miss Ann Harrison, a London dance teacher. She says Kwela is akin to roclc 'iv roll, "but Its movements are less vulgar and easy to follow.
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  • 17 5 SEREMBAN, Mon. Inche A. G. Pawan has been appointed State Information Officer in Negri Sembilan.
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  • 87 5 PENANG. Mon.— A youth, T. S. Johnson, who said he kissed a girl, Khoo Hup Kee. because he was tempted and could not control himself, was today admonished and discharged for using; criminal force on her. "Since you are young and a first offender, I will
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 209 5 I THE ROYAL BANK I OF CANADA Head Office, Montreal CONDENSED ANNUAL STATEMENT 30th November, 1 958 Assets Cash on hand and due from banks (including items in transit) Can. 622.387.348 Government of Canada and government securities, at amortized value 1,047,891.802 Other securities, not exceeding market value 564.178.106 Call
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  • 251 6 20 Words Sit (Minimum). THE FAMILY OP the late Mr. Yee Kok Ling respectfully thank relatives and triends (or their wreaths, condolences and atten- j dance at the funeral. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS GEORGE Thank all relatives and friends for the valuable presents I and kind attendance at their
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  • The Straits Times Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1959.
    • 668 6 Beyond the Moon Since the Russians did not disclose the objective of the lunar sputnik, now rocketing beyond the moon, the claim of complete success must be accepted. The technical feat is superb. The last stage of the rocket weighs a ton and threequarters. The last stage oi the American
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    • 283 6 A visit to Manila by as stout an anti-Communist as Tengku Abdul Rahman was bound to excite speculation on the possibility of a grand design for anti-Com-munism in Asia. Certainly the' Philippines Government would welcome such a move. A member of Seato, the Philippines believes wholeheartedly in
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    • 190 6 Labour officials have expressed their gratification over the absence of major industrial unrest in the past year. They attribute this to the growing maturity of union leadership and to im- i proved employer employee relationship. This is truo insofar as it means that unions are no longer undor
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  • 1206 6  -  Edwin S. Morrisby -by Three hundred delegates claiming to represent 200 million Africans met in Accra recently to proclaim that Africa belonged to the Africans. This article describes some of the highlights of that conference. THE Berlin Conference of 1884. which partitioned Africa among the
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  • 479 6  -  DAVID SHEARS by WASHINGTON. r-THE United States Congress convenes tomorrow for what may be its liveliest session in recent years. Congressmen poured Into Washington last weekend after a five-month reces.s and a landslide election which gave the opposition Democrats commanding majorities in both the
    Reuter  -  479 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 453 6 IN YOUR issue of Jan. 1 3, "Citizen" asks two simple questions which I am glad to answer. First, he asks how a Labour Front Minister can serve In what he calls a Peoples' Alliance-UM.N.O./ M.C A. Alliance Government. The answer is that Ministers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 538 6 j Strait* Ximt% k Free Pre»i for Hh coavcniOTC* o» I Hoar. SIMGAfOat COLD STORAGE. I ORCMAUD HOAD, will r«<«iv« i imoil ed»erti»em«i«ti ani»er» to box numbers. i Clostificd jverti»emtnt» mar I I olio ba handed C'TV BOOK STOM LTD.. Winchester Home Collytr Qiioy, Sin 9 aperc. HA M. M.
      538 words
    • 53 6 f", washes /right out I Quink ffrjflk Wa shable Soap *n<4 water «»li«* tvrry men ot Koyal Bin. W'aahabb Qumk Irom Intliing and lingrra. For.safrty— Wululile g.nnJt. For prrrmnem'C Permanent Qumk. Quink ta tho only ink i-outaMnc magir Kolv-X— winch clamm and proi ecu any prn. a noouc? o the
      53 words
    • 118 6 D E 61 The O.E.C. Superb Six has space (or packaged frown food*: a big chiller tray for fish and meat: two handy racks for bottles and jars and an egg rack in the door Gleaming white exterior. Carnival brown interior. Suluble for Alternating Current supply only. Singapore tt Penang
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  • 242 7 THE GIRL OF 668, SERANGOON RD., IS HOME WITH MUM THIS IS Lee Gee Siang, aged three, who was rescued by oollce after the '.'< iiiiiiutr siege of No. 668 Scrangoon Road, Singapore, on Saturday. She is the daughter of the man who ian amok with a shotgun and was
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  • 482 7 LEE SAI CHEONG SOBS ON BEING CONVICTED DARIT BUNTAR, Mon. Lee Sai Cheong, former Perak state football captain, who caused the deaths of three team mates and a supporter in a road accident, was fined $750, or four months' jail, here today. The
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  • 169 7 An ex-dish washer springs two surprises SINGAPORE. Mon.— A prominent Singapore lawyer, Mr. C. H. Koh. save the "Curry King" of England. Sir William Steward, two surprises at Singapore Airport today just before Sir William left for home. Sir William was taken aback when Mr. Koh began to tell him
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  • 50 7 SINGAPORE. Mon. Admission to the diploma course in social studies at the University of Malaya is now open to those who wish to train as almoners. Applications should be submitted before Wednesday. Trainees will have to sit for the entrance examination on Jan. 23 and 24
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  • 20 7 KLUANG, Mon.— K. Kannan, 45. a labourer, was found hanged from a tree on Senda. Estate. Rengam. yesterday.
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  • 196 7 ARMED GUARDS AND EXCITED CROWD SEE TIARA OFF SINGAPORE, Mop.— The diamond and platinum tiara made by a Singapore jeweller for the Raja Permalsurl Agong. was taken under armed escort today to Kuala Lumpur. An excited crowd of more than 100 people gathered outside the High Street premises ol jeweller
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  • 165 7 SINOAPORE. Mon.-Gam-mon (Malay*) Ltd.. Singapore, leading civil engineers and contractors In the Far East, and a Danish firm have been awarded a Sl6 million contract to build harbour works at Suva and Latouke in Fiji. Mr. B. Sukias managing director of Gammon (Malaya) Ltd.. who
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  • 445 7 HIS RESTAURANTS MENU WILL NOW FEATURE TWO NASI PADANG DISHES SINGAPORE, Monday. gIR WILLIAM STEWARD, the "Curry King" of England, left for home today smacking his lips with satisfaction at discovering two delicious "Malayan" dishes which enchanted him. With
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  • 212 7 LIM AIDS STUDENT WITH A RE-ENTRY PROBLEM SINGAPORE, Mon. Poh Kirn Pong, 23, Nanyang University student, today caught the State of Madras 20 minutes before it sailed and Joined 33 other university students on a tour of India. At 9 a.m. today his char.ces of joining his classmates on the
    212 words
  • 50 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. The Johore State Welfare Committee is now known as the Johore Board of Charity Commissioners All voluntary organisations in the state will come under its supervision and the fixing of flag days and other public appeals for charity will be co-ordinated by the board.
    50 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 15 7 B lii k. v bbbv aWa^aveßrf^aa^BMß 1 ■^■aaasrTTtf'^V'*^^*^***Bßl THE FITZPATR.CK IUILOINO. /"X 300 ORCHARD ROAD
      15 words
    • 90 7 k /Hi 3Z 1 HW/iKi. B(yc2Ki viHEr+f^Bl tdflS I i ■■^9 ■pCOQSjh t WHEEL DISCS! Chromium Plated Brass 111 FIAT 600, 1100, STANDARD 1 1 8 10, FORD CONSUL and |j| AUSTIN A3O, OPEL REKORD/ KAPITAEN. RENAULT and VOLKSWAGEN. Sat of Four. Atk at your local goragt or enquire direct
      90 words

  • Feminine Forum
    • 1412 8 MALAYAN FASHIONS FOR AMERICA T AST week I reported that Mrs. Susan Yorke, an American fashion buyer now in Malaya had L arranged for an all-Malayan collection of Western clothes in ,^s f m f abnes be sent to a leading U.S. department store. This week,
      1,412 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 87 8 IMURSINO MOTHfc* A really smart publication that provides for the recording of many fascinating details of baby's birth, f/fflPe^&Z^^s^h progress, christening, first remarks and actions, photo(l/f£^^^ pf graphs and family tree etc. \^3Sf {^rd^y^ Presented with the Compliments of NESTLES Htf9 PROPRIETORS OF v y^jrfl/ Modified Powdered Milk for infant
      87 words
    • 91 8 ENO \<bj "Fruit Salt' l L j t! ENO f ft! OPAKKLINO ANTACID T 'FIUITBALT lf WM..O ggitl HOlMthk, kH»I «M mam m. «»ni umm i*MATrwm w*m**m t>.'.« hw— w itrong ond h.amy iciio »co lobdoii ««ol- M laiics oood. MO* B. «m SgjSjS j" to loke your doily o.lom
      91 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 295 8 Straits Times Crossword i ACROSS ferior mounts (4). 1. Baby's twin brother? (9, a. 6. Poetic revolution by a UNO 4' Red a). I. Useful of course, for convey- 7. In no hurry to put on an act? Ins high-flown sentiment* (9, 6). <?)• 9. Oay doc may be. but
      295 words

  • 200 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A STRONG appeal to teachers to put the interests of the country before their personal interests or those of their families was made by the Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari, today. He was opening the Malayan
    200 words
  • 129 9 Par Avion bride-to-be gets wish after ait SINGAPORE, Man. Une of the unsuccessful finalists in last year's Miss Singapore contest, Diana Hutchison, a 19-year>ol<l telephone operator, will make the trip to Lone Beach. California the venue of the Miss Universe contest after all. But in a different role. As a
    129 words
  • 70 9 PENANG, Mon.— A Malacca Special Branch detective, Chang Weng Kuan, was today ordered to be remanded in police custody till Jan. 12 on a charge of armed robbery. Chang, 34, was alleged to have held up a Sungei Patani businessman. Teoh Say Kow, at Fettes Park. Tanjong
    70 words
  • 48 9 JOHORE BAHRU Mon. The director of the Red Cross Society, Che Mahmud, wife of Tengku Mahmud. presided at a tea party yesterday when proficiency certificates In first aid were presented to five women and 12 men by the Mentri Besar. Date Wan Idris.
    48 words
  • 48 9 TWO NURSES from Singapore hospitals Miss Lai Souh Wah (left) and Miss Chew Soo Moi. returned yesterday in the liner Canton after completing post-graduate training in Britain. Both were sent to Britain under the sino HrltiMi Fellowship Trust— Straits Times picture.
    48 words
  • 117 9 YOUTH TRIED TO ATTACK DETECTIVE WITH PARANG SINGAPORE. Mon. Yang Tat Seng. 17, tried to attack a detective with a parang when he was caught after a gang fight, a court was told today. Detective Wong Chee Hong, of Stirling Road, said he saw eight men attackIng a sundry goods
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  • 28 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. Three employment agencies here have so far applied to the Singapore Government for a licence to operate as required by the new law.
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  • 305 9 At 23 she's off to spread the Word in Sarawak LILY IS FIRST COLLEGE GIRL TO GO ON OVERSEAS MISSION SINGAPORE, Mon. —A pretty 23-year-old girl left here today by air for Sibu with a mission "to spread the Word of God" in the villages there. She is Miss Lily
    305 words
  • 164 9 Police seek witnesses of fatal hit-and-run accident SINGAPORE, Mon.— Asst. Supt. J. C. Cooke of the Traffic Police today made an appeal for eyewitnesses of a hit-and-run crash in which a trisha rider died. The rider, Llm Kirn Muay, 53. was picked up badly injured In a ditch near Anderson
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 414 9 MOTHER... What to do When sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches and pains, hacking cough start you worrying about FLU! Stay calm your family needs this common sense Vicks Vapoßub treatment, that brings intensified medication where relief is needed. It s most important— with influenza around— to treat a sore
      414 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 167 9 Carwnen A f7o. By ifiaa The Saint By Left tie i harteris f JUST A FEW"! ri STILL Th'KK YOU RE Tl DECLINE^] |^KT~^va /I YE CNiy BROUGHT /^LnwAAuru cADTupiTV^'l-ES. > HOPING TO 3AMBOOZLE\tO QUIBBLE r^#\ \\V YOU hERE TO G<V£ >OU (is it sir CHARL6S?J^ E SO//EHOvv SLrr l
      167 words

  • 727 10 TIN SHIPMENTS IN 1958 WERE LOWEST FOR TEN YEARS By Our Market Correspondent fHE drastic cutting of Malaya's permissible tin exports last year, under the International Tin Agreement, resulted in shipments at 45,695 tons being the lowest for over ten years. Figures issued by the Straits Trading Co. Ltd., over
    727 words
  • 69 10 Ships lying alongside thr Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Ibenu I 3. Arkeldyk 4/6. Bayon 6A. Raid 6 7, Denbigshlre 8 9. Tjlwangi 10/11, Coromandel 13/14, President Grant 15 16, Bcncruachan 18. Wakushlira Maru 19/20. Scudni N. Wall 3. Pj'idawnyunt 21 22. Rinabalu 23/24. Olsa
    69 words
  • 11 10 December tin outputs Included Suntri Bidor 389 plcuk (restricted)
    11 words
  • 129 10 MELBOURNE. Mon. INVESTMENT shares recorded a very firm tone with the best moves B.H.P. up Is. 9d. to 50&. 9d. and Ampol xd. higher at 19s. Commonwealth bonds held a firm tone. The Exchange had been closed since Christmas Eve. -OallS 3V< 1956-38 HW os. »v. Janlc of
    129 words
  • 15 10 Rubber crops harvested In December Included Blverriew 204.000 lb. Konge-i Tukang 61.600 lb.
    15 words
  • 25 10 SINGAPORE, Jan. 5. RI'BBEE: 85 cents per lb. (unchanged) TIN: $381.50 per pit ul (up 50 cents i Estimated unofficial offering 140 tons.
    25 words
  • 429 10 Lite Maiayan Share brokers i AsMCiaUon reported yemerua) Acuviuea were comlnea to ruo- bers wi.ii improved prices wnne inuusimis weie steady ana tins a snaae easier. The turnover was 6mail." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the lolloping basinets: Praser St Neave ords ,(1.58 to SI.SU; Gammon 51. 76
    429 words
  • 22 10 Malayan Share Market: Jan. 5 Jan. 3 industrials: 90.19 M.15 nns: Bt.ll 89.59 Xubbera (S) 108.21 107.81 lan. I 19S8=10«.
    22 words
  • 145 10 January first grade rubber I buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 85 cents per lb., unchanged on Friday i- closing price. The tone was fully steady. Closing prices In cents per lb. yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 R.S.S. Spot ix>.b. buyers 84 sellers 85 iNom.i: Int. 1
    145 words
  • 151 10 The Malmjran Exchange Banks' Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100): New York; buying airmail T.T. 32 7/8 O.D. 33. 90 d st 33 3/16 credit bills. 33 5/ 16 trade bills. Canada: buying airmail T.T. 31 13/16, O.D. 31
    151 words
  • 99 10 Singapore Chinese Produce K\rh»age noon prices per picui yesterday were: (opr»: quiet; UK/Continent December/January $39', buyers. $40', sellers. Coconut oil: quifl. bulk $61 sellers, drum $64 .sellers. Pepper; qu*et: no business was reported done. Mun'.ok white $130. Sarawak $129. special Sarawak black $70 (all unchanged.. Singapore Copra Association
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      536 words
    • 1864 10 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICE Is hereby given that Chua Ah Bah 44 Koek Road. Singapore. 9 is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement ol the facts to the Chief Secretary,
      1,864 words
    • 998 10 "K LINE" Japan «k USA Pacific/Atlantic Coast Service <«...«.„ M «.«85«. r -£SW EIAHK £URoba tTAU EIAN 2s« call 11/ti Jai it jm 25 Jm 11 Ftt zi f» M..t». Mar." m call 7/ I Fel W/11 Fel 11 Fel fti call 11/14 Fel 11 FH 23 Fet It Mar
      998 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1568 11 Tei: 1405 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. Tel: MM (it limii (Incorporatsd in Smpport) (12 lims) 55* THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE 'oT,*' SAILINGS TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LOHOON t CONTINENTAL PORTS (Via Sun witt liberty ti prtceel via Paaaau ar Capi af Cart Hapa) Carriers option to proceed via other ports to
      1,568 words
    • 2506 11 B»^^^^^^^^^^^^T-^-^^B^^?^jwj^y^B EAST ASIATIC LINES HOMEWARD SAILINCS FOR ADEH, PORT SAID, IEHOA. AHTWERP. ROTTERDAM, AMSTERDAM IREMEN, HAMBUIG. COPENHAGEN. GOTHEHISRI AHI OSLO S'pon P. Sham Penani "SIENA" 1/11 JM IALANOIA" a/11 JM 22/21 JM 24/BJM SAKMHA" 4/ S Frt B/ 7 Frt IM Calls Btyraatt, lattakia atw Glina Calls itMM ttr ptttawgats.
      2,506 words
    • 1258 11 MeALISTER tfc CO., LTD. TEL.. Na.: ***** ELLIRMAN LIMBS KLAVENESS LIKE LONDON. HAVRE, ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. HAMIUWC SEATTLE. VANCOUVER t PORTUND md for U.S.A., fifth Atlantic Ports Acciptitg carte ftr Cittral I Sntt ano Canada America Cm OF LIVERPMI SUNNTVILIE Spore P Sham Penang S'pon P. Sham Penanc
      1,258 words

  • Commercial news and Views compiled
    • 402 12 DIRECT DEALS WITH OVERSEAS NORTH BORNEO ALSO PREFERS TO BY-PASS SINGAPORE MARKET MALAYA'S external trade with Sarawak continues to slip as a result of that territory trading direct with overseas countries. Singapore merchants with business connections in Sarawak, said yesterday. The merchants said that
      402 words
    • 235 12 WORLD rice production in 1958-59 is expected to reach a high figure, said the Commonwealtn Economic Committee's Rice Supplement for December. The bulletin said that in addition to the new high level of the crop In China there were Indications that a record harvest
      235 words
    • 312 12 THE English Electric A Co. Ltd.. is ready to assist Malaya's industrialisation by supplying various kinds of heavy electrical equipment. Mr. T. A. Reeves, the company's manager in South-East Asia said in Singapore yesterday. He said that the company had already equipped the Malayan
      312 words
    • 170 12 A LEADING Swiss watch industry lost its 100--per cent sales in Singapore because of a drop in re-exports in the Colony. Switzerland's Export Oriented Watch Industry kept its foreign sales above the 5700.8 million mark for the eiehth consecutive year in 1958. Rut it failed
      170 words
    • 77 12 COURSE FOR JAL MAN A SALES representative of Japan Air Lines, Singapore, Mr. David Chew, is taking an external degree in sales promotion and air transportation courses at the University of Illinois in March. Mr. Chew. 30. has been in the airline business in Singapore for many years, having worked
      77 words
    • 131 12 American company appoints new area deputy chief THE American International Assurance Co. Ltd. have appointed their general manager for South-East Asia. Mr. Horace Wang, as regional vice-president for Malaya. Singapore and British North Borneo. Mr. Wang joined American International Assurance in 1925 as a stenographer in the Shanghai office. In
      131 words
    • 174 12 THE polyethylene manufacturing industry has good prospects in Singapore as the result of the increasing use of the material. Mr. Said Omar Bamadhaj, managing directtor of Malayan Polythene Co. Ltd. said yesterday. Mr. Said, who started busi. ness in this line a year ago,
      174 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 223 12 Other distinguished members W JHHHD !^^JH^B9HHB|^HfcV of the Royal family include S^k&^ic^iS? *^^^^al3B^lß3^-r^r^-'* L^T Royal Electric j^^^^^^^g^^^^^^^^Mnj^^^^_iMj||i I *BjS*Jjs^L The ROYAL STANDARD —world's only typewriter with V^^^ a trul y "compensated" keyboard Royal Administrator |Q|nA Replaces Pressure' xT^r^ with Pleasure' Every typist will acknowledge World t largest manufacturers of typewriter*
      223 words
    • 102 12 i[ RLR m your trip Mfa torii dutch m/A J. r 11* j.ti. N is JM, to turope ~CU/ BURMA 'n^-'"' j om enh «-'>«Sa.i;on V^-v- Icssolton"^ fSw X L >hu an .*,->? *S*ndak Jn The People who know Air Conditioning Best ~J ROOM UNIT INTERNATIONAL AIR CONDITIONING CO. LTD.
      102 words

  • 236 13 Cooper turns pro HE SIGNS $300,000 CONTRACT WITH PROMOTER KRAMER MELBOURNE, Monday.— Ashley iTI Cooper of Australia, who holds the Wimbledon lawn tennis championship, today turned professional. Jack Kramer, the American professional tennis promoter, said that Cooper had accepted his offer of about $300,000. The 22-year-old Cooper, Australia's No. 1,
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 547 13 WEIGHTS FOR IPOH RACES O7EIGHTS far mil TT «-i«ht race* at Ipoh on Saturday: Cl.J,Dlv.l_9l. Dftnarara «.M Three Cbeen 1.13 Fair «»thrr 8.12 < nnservative 8 1! Wee Laddie 8 11 Lindalou 8. OS Scone Stone 8.09 Time To Win M7 Telew 8.06 P*ppa Prince t.06 Rlna 8.05 Typhoon II
    547 words
  • 202 13 SIAM INVITES MALAYA TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES TO MEETING KUALA LUMPUR, Mon— The Slam Olympic Committee has invited Malaya. Burma. Cambodia. Laos and Vietnam to send three representatives each for a meeting at Bangkok to form a South-East Asia Peninsula Games Federation. In a letter to the Federation of
    202 words
  • 362 13 Rawhides start with a 2-1 shock for favourites CINGAPORE, Mon. 0 Rawhides, fielding six first division players from the Police team, made a good start In the under 23s league when they beat favourites Harlequins 2-1 on the padang today. In the other match nt Serangoon Road. Crusaders scored an
    362 words
  • 116 13 OYDNEY, Mon.— New South Wales took first innings points from their drawn Sheffield Shield match with Queensland here yesterday. Resuming at 226 for six wickets. New Bouth Wales were all out for 287 to gain a first innings lead of 134. Queensland, who made 153
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 801 13 Check Before Posting Replies to Box Numbers Utmost care should be taken i when replying to box number ads. to use the CORRECT NUMBER and Address to the I Straits Times, Times House, River Valley Rood. I Cash must be sent by regis- tered post; Poitol Orders at I cheques
      801 words
    • 790 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 20 Word, ti (V ln.)— Hux it eU. extra. AVAILABLE CENTRAL STAMFORD Road, Alr-condltloned BedSuiing room all conveniences private entrance for Europe: Gent Telephone ***** 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. TO LET, 18—27 Highland Close, From Ist February 1959. Three Bedroom Terrace House. For Particulars Apply 23, Seng
      790 words
    • 814 13 EDUCATION 20 Word, ti (Mia.)— Box it et: txtrm. CAMBRIDOE/L.C C. ENGLISH 1959. Mornlng/Afternoon/Nlght Classes. Shorthand/Typewriting Rapid/Refresher Courses/Speed Classes (50/110 w.p.m.). Enrol Now "1.T.5." 19. Lorong 30 Oeylang. *****. CHINESE YMCA COMMERCIAL School's January Beginners' Morning/Evening Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. LCC/ Qualifying Test English. Additional Maths, Latin, English Stds. VI. VII.
      814 words
    • 846 13 HIRE PURCHASE 20 Word, ti (Vin.)-Box it eU. txtrm. KELVDJATOR REFRIGERATORS many models on easy straight payments. Narhiappa Bros; 56 Serangoon Road, 10 Collyer Quay. 962 Oeylang Road, 5-7 Buklt Blntang Road. XX DOGS. PETS. ETC. 2* Word* Si Win. Box Ul et: extra. FOR SALE Dobermann Pinscher ***** black
      846 words
    • 798 13 FOR HIKE It Word, U < V .)-Box M «te. txtrm. BSD SITTING and Diningroom Sets. Rtaaonable Charges. 110/112, Orchard Road. DRIVE YOURSELF CARB available from Ever fine Co.. 519. Serangoon Road, Singapore-8. Telephone: ***** or *****. (In Young Driving Institute). FOR SALE tt Word, ti <Mim.)—Box *0 el: extra.
      798 words

    • 475 14  - Row brews over Meckiff's bowling JACK FINGLETON From Melbourne, Monday A USTRALIA, taking no risks, crept upon the 30 runs required this morning for victory in the Second Test against England, and it was duly entered at three minutes to one by eight wickete the same margin that separated the
      475 words
    • 103 14 New Zealand Test umpire backs charges WELLINGTON, Mon. Support for English cricket writers' allegations that lan Meckiff. the Australian fast bowler, throws the ball came today from New Zealand Test umpire Mr. J. Cowie. Said Mr. Cowie: "Meckiff definitely throws the ball when he puts down a bumper." And he
      Reuter  -  103 words
  • 89 14 ENGLISHMEN PRACTISE AFTER LUNCH HISTORY of its Kind was made at the Melbourne ground today when after lunch May led his team and reserves out for practice on the Test pitch. The only two excused were Statham and Evans. Even Subba Row and Milton who are carrying injuries, were instructed
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  • 194 14 FAVELL FOR KLINE IS ONLY CHANGE MELBOURNE. .Mon. Les Favell. the South Australian batsman, is included in the 12 from which Australia will choose their team to meet England in the Third Test beginning at Sydney on Friday. Lindsay Kline the lettarm slow bowler, hag been dropped from the side
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 59 14 ENGLAND Ist INNS. 259 AUSTRALIA lit INNS. 308 ENCLAND 2nd INNS. 87 AUSTRALIA 2nd INNS. (On Saturday 9-1) McDonald Ibw Statham 5 Burke not out 18 Crout st Evans b Laker 12 Harvey not out 7 Extra* 0 Total (for 2) 42 Wickets fell at 5, 26. BOWLINC: Stariiam
    59 words
  • 31 14 SINGAPORE. Mon. Mrs. Goss 'three upi won the Royal Singapore Golf Club "A" division January bogey competition at Sime Road today Mrs. Seth (2 upi was the "B" winner.
    31 words
  • 110 14 Evans hurt, will miss Third Test MELBOURNE. Mon.—Godfrry Evans, the England and Kent wlcketkeeper. wiil be out of action for three weeks after chipping the joint of the little finger on his left hand in the Seco.U Test here, it was learned :oday. The injury means that Evans will miss
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 30 14 SINGAPORE. Mon. Jollilads held R.A.F. Changi to a 2-2 draw in a soccer match at Geylang today. Moorthy and Narayanan scored for Jollilad.s; Nichols <2i for the airmen.
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  • 282 14 SINGAPORE, Mon.— A strong -Singapore Cricket Club Invitation side had to fight hard before they beat Naval Base by 11 points (goal, two tries) to three (penalty) in a rugger match on the padang today. After being held to a 3-3 Interval score, S.C.C. forwards
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  • 317 14 REVISION OF LAW 26 IS NEEDED By HARRY GEE Melbourne. Monday. THE M.C.C. will need the Wisdom of Solomon to iron out the problem of what is and what is not a throw but it is clear that the controversy surrounding lan Meckiff s deliveries in the Second Test here
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • 47 14 SINGAPORE. Mon— After a scoreless first half, Singapore Cricket Club beat Police by eight points (goal and try) to nil in a friendly rugger match at Thomson Road today. Church and Oehlers scored tries for S.C.C. while Chllton made a conversion.
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  • 28 14 SINGAPORE. Mon.—Arsenal S.C. reached the final of the Tamil Festival hockey tournament when they received a walkover from Bharatha Rovers, the defending champions, today.
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  • 158 14 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Singapore Government Services Football Association's league got off to a good start with 23 goals being scored in three games. Tan Tock Seng Hospitil "B". the junior cup winners last season, registered the day"s best feat by beating Government Printing "B" 14--0
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  • 136 14  - SELANGOR RANGERS' BID FOR KOH UNLIKELY TO SUCCEED VIC NAYAGAM 3y KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Selangor Rangers are unlikely to succeed in their bid to sign on Singapore inside forward Arthur Koh this season. Rangers manager Albert Foster told me that he had been trying for several months to get Koh
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  • 71 14 BANGKOK. Mon. The visiting Malaya Combined Schools soccer team last night beat the Slam Technical Institute team 4-0 at the National Stadium here. The victory was the second for the Malayan team during their present visit to Bangkok. They trounced Chulalongkorn University 4-2 last week. The
    UPI  -  71 words
  • 105 14  - FAM offer to Czechs KEN FERNANDEZ By KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —The F. A. of Malaya has offered terms to the Dynamos of Czechoslovakia for two matches in the Federation next month. Dynamos, the club champions of their country, are scheduled to visit Hong Kong at the end of next month
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  • 98 14 MCC eleven gain easy victory BUENOS AIRES, Mon. The M.C.C. amateur team touring South America beat the Argentine Cricket Association by 163 runs with 75 minutes to spare in the two-day match which ended here yesterday. The home side were set to score 300 runs for victory in their second
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 696 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE 2U Word, SlO (Minimum). Daily 1 month. 10 Word, S2M (Mm.) PHOTOSTATS BY FOTCMATIC W7lO. PLAN Printing from Tracings Folomatic *****. "AMOCE" Plan Printing P*p«i Sole Agents: Fotomatlc 58, Robinson Road. *****. MICHELLE BEAUTY PARLOUR Battery Road Perm* $10 $30 Tfl: 36?33. CONSULT RELIANCE RADIO
      696 words
    • 5 14 IPOH WEIGHTS IN PAGE 13
      5 words
    • 134 14 WHEN IT INDUSTRIAL GASES OXTACETYUNE ilaiag nii«"»"« mi aad «n«. OXYACETYLENC cattiaa, maiaimM. OXYHYMO&EN aad OXYPIOT ANE nadirwafr caftiaa •auienwiit UNIONMELT mtatryil arc vatdiaa laiipwtat wim and Ibnm. FUSARC aalaaiatic mMiaa, ia»iami»t wim aad fern. FUSAIC/CO2 aatowatic waWiaa lantern it wim aad ftiiet. AR6ONARC anaaal aad toaiatit •taMMam mUmq compmaM
      134 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 32 14 R!-_7_^_Kl?s HOCKEY; S.H.A. under 23s league: Playfalr v Schools, Serangoon Road Crusaders v Rawhides, Balestier Road VOLLEYBALL: min t Hwa Cup: Police v Keppel; C.Y. "Red" v Hai Hwa. S.Y.S.C. (7.30 p.m.i.
      32 words