The Straits Times, 23 September 1958

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 I II M.V DAILY lIHTIIIin V\l I EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times flew*"** Estd 1845 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1958 }f 15 CENTS
    23 words
  • 265 1 LIM RECALLS KALLANG BY-ELECTION WARNING He admits: Unemployment level highest for some time And so do the worries of the Govt. THE CHIEF Minister, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, is worried over the worsening unemployment situation in Singapore "I warned during the Kallang by-election in June that without
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  • 40 1 SOME of the weapons seized by the Singapore CID over the week end. The revolver, three daggers and two whips were found yesterday. The other weapons and a hand grenade were found on Friday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 126 1 12 STROKES FOR THREE THUGS IN PRISON rpiIKEE long term prisoners 1 were yesterday ordered to be whipped (Tor secret society vengeance attacks in Changi Prison In Singapore. They were among eight men who were isolated after assaults on other prisoners which began last Friday. All eight appeared before Mr.
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  • 30 1 MOSCOW, Mon. Russia will launch the- world's first all-plastic steamship next month. It will weigh one and a half tons, be capable ot carrying 15 tons of freight.
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  • 117 1 Boy, 8, is tiger's third victim KUALA KRAI (Kelantan) Mon. The tiger of Manik Urai. six miles from here which recently killed a man and a woman has claimed his third victim. A schoolboy. Ludin bin Majid, eight, was walking to the river near his home when he was killed
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  • 50 1 NICOSIA, Mon. A Greek Cypriot political detainee held as a suspected terrorist escaped from Larnaca hospital last night in his pyjamas. A hunt for him was ordered by security forces. He wa s Andreas Christou 24. who was taken to hospital yesterday for a tonsilitls operation.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 57 1 PARIS, Mon.— Police yes/..r day gave a Spanish tourist couple special Identity documer.t> certifying that an elephant ate their passports. The tourists, whose names were withheld, lost their passports and some of their funds when Mlchaline. Vincennes zoo elephant, reached out and grabbed the woman's handbag as
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 337 1 PISTOL SEIZED IN NEW WAR ON THUGS SINGAPORE CID has launched a new drive against thugs to curb the continued wave of mob violence. THE RESULT: Eleven more gang leaders behind bars and the seizure of another arms cache— the third in a week. The CID says most of the
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  • 38 1 PARIS. Mon.—Technician.of the French national radio network staged a 24-hour wildcat strike yesterday to press demands for higher pay. All scheduled programme except newscasts werp can celled and the radlc "layed records all day. U.P.L
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  • 44 1 LONDON. Mon Frenchborn film actress Leslie Caron gave birth to a 71b. daughter in a nursing home here last night. She Is the wife of a British theatrical producer, Peter Hall. They have a son 18 months old— U.P.I
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 64 1 LONDON. Mon.— A group ot 10 white youths threw milk bottles at two coloured men in Colville Road In the West London d:strict of Notting Hill the area of recent racial dis- turbances last night. The coloured men ran for cover and were not hurt. The police
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 312 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. THE British Foreign Minister, Mr. Sejwyn Lloyd, conferred with President Eisenhower at Newport (Rhode Island) yesterday as diplomatic observers here and abroad voiced fears over the sudden worsening in East-West relations. I It. Lloyd spent about minutes talking to President at his
    Reuter; UPI  -  312 words
  • 41 1 CANBERRA. Mon. The number of Asian students .n Australia under the Colombo Plan has Increased by 20 per cent to a total of 850 this year, the acting Minis ter for External Affairs. Sir Philip Mcß said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 64 1 Jakarta poll put off for a year JAKARTA, Mon. Indonesia's second general elec tlons. scheduled for September 1959. will be postponed up to one year, the Prime Minister. Dr. Djuanda. told Parliament today Dr. Djuanda said postponement for a maximum per.od of one year" Is necessary because of increased transportation
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  • 41 1 KATMANDU Mon. An American mountaineer. Mr Christopher Serjel. has postponed his planned expedition to hunt the "Abominable Snowman" this year. He told the Nepalese Government that lack of preparation had compelled him to delay his expedition Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 216 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE WORLD BANK has lent the Federation Government U.S. $35,600,000 ($106,800,000) for the Cameron Highlands hydro-electric power project. The cost of the first stage of the project Is estimated at 5153.600.000. The loan is for 25 years at 5% per cent
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  • 188 1 Two brief talks end row on Malay in school KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Federation of Malay School Teachers' Associations today agreed to compromise in its seven month battle With the Ministry of Edu. cation over the use of Malay in Government schools. After two short meet, ings between the Prime
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  • 306 1 2 a.m. news roundup SULTAN FOR SPORE: LIM ANSWERS There could be no qjestion of departing from tli« agreement reached with: the British Government giving Singapore self-Gov-ernment, the Chief Minister, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, said yesterday. It was his answer to questions about the move in UMNO as government's coalition
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 131 1 Svfttr High Putormonc. wMh tramsistor£^3l ComplrU with Earpkon* Carrying Cat* •> MM Sli«: 4.7/1* I 2.9/1* 1.1/0 Aoentt: Wah Hbt Co. Ltd SI RoblMoa Rood S'por* T.I: J/0»« r ru ft PIL -j-^U CUJT The G EC. Superb Six has space tot packaged frozen loods; a big chiller tray for
      131 words
    • 79 1 llftd* Ib OtrmaDj. J Sole Afcntt: SCOTT I ENGLISH (S.E.A.) LTD. 79, Amen Rood, Singoport. Ttl: JS24S 111 Illltl ***** l If I: HIIIIIIIIIII You'll be proud Illllilllllll Illllilllllll to own one of Illllilllllll the outstanding Illllilllllll PHILIPS mmm i PMIUPt RADIOS /g g* 87X77U 11 AC/DC. 7 valves. MW
      79 words

  • 661 2  - After 16 years Janet Lim meets her sea blitz saviour HALL ROMNEY By LOHD°N, Mon. INSURANCE clerk Percy Toms started with surprise at the motherly Chinese face that flickered on the television screen at his home in llford, Essex. He gripped his wife's arm in excitement. "Good lord/ he said,
    661 words
  • 76 2 DAKAR (French West Africa). Mon. One person was killed and more than 100 injured in violent clashes here yesterday between "yes" and "no" partisans in the French constitutional referendum. Rioters set three lorries on fire and roamed the (owi stepping traffic and
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    • 225 2 T.V. CLASSES BEGIN FOR LITTLE ROCK'S TEENAGERS I HTLE ROCK, Mon. —The 4.000 teenagers of Little Rock today begin "teletuition" as the town's three television stations devote two hours each to classes. The students, shut out of their classrooms by Governor Orval Faubus who ordered schools closed rather than admit
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER best for your baby! Mm fl Only the best is good enough for vowr baby! r^B^ XL I Millions of mothers, and hospitals throughout the Bfe. 3^m- «r» 9 world, arc using Johnson's Baby Products l^ii ;^ddP>l »k X *9m' Wg? because they are so pure, so
      202 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 364 3 'Either you want us in the Commonwealth or you don't'** Minister IF WE'RE IN THE FAMILY TREAT US THAT WAY, SAYS WEST INDIAN LONDON, Monday. J^ WARNING that coloured peoples, if rejected by the Western democracies, might be driven to forming a "third force to hold
    Reuter  -  364 words
  • 121 3 'English is essential' for studies MONTREAL, Mon The British delegation to the Commonwealth trade and economic conference here today emphasised the urgent need for Improving the teaching of English In less developed countries The delegation, In a Press statement, said that the "ability of students from overseas to get the
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 65 3 ALGIERS. Mon. Thirteen French soldiers and three civilians were killed yesterday and nine soldiers wounded by an Insurgent band near Brezina. in the Oran region of western Algeria. Four insurgents were killed in the engagement. The soldiers were with an officer engaged in social work who
    65 words
  • 158 3 THE MEMORY OF 'THE FEW IS COSTING TOO MANY LIVES DON ON mon. me i death roll in Battle of Britain displays and re. hearsals nas risen to 53, the Daily Herald reported today. he newspaper said this in its account of the weekend Vulcan jet bomber crash at Syerston,
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 65 3 FRANKFURT, Mon. An Air France steward was stabbed in the arm by a crazed passenger during a flight from Teheran last night The passenger, identified as a former Frencn Foreign region officer, Jt-an Blaise, 29, stabbed 30-year-old steward Claude Tauty in the left forearm with a bread
    UP  -  65 words
  • 67 3 FIELD MARSHAL Vis- count Montgomery, who retired last week as De- puty Commander of Allied Forces in Europe is kissed on eac-i ciieek by E Marshal Alphonse Juin •jj after a ceremony at which zi Vi- > mi ii t Montgomery E received France's highest E
    67 words
  • 83 3 LONDON, Mon Tne American Negro singer, Paul Robeson, said last night he would make his future home In London. "I find the Briton people very warm," he said. "London will be my centre, as Hollywood is the centre lor some British film stars. "I
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 30 3 BALMORAL, Mon Ten-year-old Princ» Charles, the Prince of Wales, left Balmoral Castle last nignt to go back to school at Cheam, about 40 miles from London.— U.P.l
    30 words
  • 198 3 BEIRUT, Monday. A 24-HOUR curfew, which may be extended, will be imposed tonight as the Lebanon enters a crucial week with the end or President Camille Chamoun's six-year term of office tomorrow. Although the prospects are that things will remain peaceful, the army
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 135 3 Bomb scare tightens Paris air security PARIS, Mon. Security measures were intensified yesterday at Orly airport. Paris, against any attempt by Algerian nationalists to plant bombi In airliners as part of their sabotage campaign against the constitutional referendum. Strict precautions already in effect for aircraft serving Algeria were extended to
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 23 3 BAGDAD. Mon.— Nc book or pamphlet can in future be printed or published in Iraq without the permission of the Military Governor—Reuter.
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  • 135 3 Colour bar publican ordered to quit hotel LONDON, Mon. A London publican operating a colour bar has been given notice to quit by bis brewer landlords. Watney. Combe and Reid. He is Mr. William Webster, of the Black Horse Hotel. Camden Town, north-west London, who is standing as an independent
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 25 3 STOCKHOLM. Mon. The ruling Social Democrats won yesterday's Swed^h genera^ election and their leader. M. Tage Erlander. will remain as Prime Minister.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 22 3 LONDON, Mon. The Duchess of Kent. Princess Alexandra and Prince Michael returned here by air yesterday from Rome. Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 131 3 'COMMUNIST CHLOROFORM IN CHINA YOSHIDA TOKYO. Men. Japan's elder statesman Mr Shigeru Yoshida, said in an article published here tcdaj "Japan coes not cut a fine figure by seeking to placate Peking and ending only by drawing angry warnings from Taipch." Just after his 80th birthday the former Prime Minister.
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 322 3 FIGHTING MAD WOMEN IN FREE-FOR-ALL SOCCER SAY 'NEVER AGAIN' I ONDON, Mon. -Two Ij women's football teams have vowed never to meet again following a weekend "friendly" match at Bilston. in the English Midlands. in which one girl was knocked unconscious and several oihers hurt. It was a charity match
    Reuter  -  322 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 bi| SCIENTIST. EXPLORER. NAVIGATOR. CAR-RACING CHAMPION/ SPORTSMAN. Prct. D' h. c. Jim Limn- 3 ./•-'I I > "reproochooly- During my 6 weeks' l*ay in the ■fßflf'fflTliJiMH I 'fl I ArO fefl n my EN'CARSHERPA oflly voned br rfi^) *^~|jjtfl r J^^^ft Jj I °tX>u f second. On my arrival at
      374 words
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  • Feminie Forum
    • 1343 4 iRLS WITH PERSONALITY PLUS rpHE hotel clerk sounded politely surprised when I telephoned and ask--led to speak to "Peanuts." When this didn't register I asked for "Lotus," and when I eventually met these two pretty girls from Macao, I discovered that their proper names were
      1,343 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 uhJJi|v- (Himosa ,-v 4 powder < ussons ••Mimosa" •3*. W talcum powder is *"^V^ luxuriously cool and -^Sv N^. dflißhtlully fragrant. ln<X|*nsivc too. W iff \>^ri 'X'wr S^llh Oryw\\ H ■ciwijp BT POLISHES!^\ mi O DnTCPTC I J *****11 l PRESERVES!/ •LACK DARK TAN. BROWN UN^^HMH^^^ LIGHT TAN OX RLOOO.
      145 words
    • 86 4 tienchuYe-TSIN the worlds best Known y^h. n -&4&P HUP YICK COMPANY LIMITED. 32A, North Canal Road, Singapore, 1. Sole Agents for Siifapwe. Fdcratiti of Malaga. Sarawak, Initi, ad I. N. I. IL Al O\A/ specially for fashion conscious ladies ;9 goes BLUE f^S wtf^^Sm s ll<x > lne strong, toft
      86 words

  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1418 5 THEIR END MARKED THE BEGINNING OF FRANCE'S BLOODIEST TERROR REIGN QEFORE the French Revolution buret the country asunder in 1789, the Girondins a clique of moderates from the Gironde province were already beginning to bloom as the supreme intellectuals of Paris.
      Daily Mirror  -  1,418 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 js For the modern ■^i woman... IS IMfc. v deodorant ODORONO Stick Deodorant And mm fiko ODO-BONO. i~^ toot If* t qiuck ■111 [[[HIM n deasy»>rof l I i being conSdcndy Mill I||||||M "freib- all di T long. Ecooomical because it's longct •nd does not Wl/Pci'' crumble. Use rPStHMHR ODORONO
      211 words
    • 254 5 Sblikan Reliable companions not only today but for a life time f are Pelikon Fountain Pens I Refill Pencils, and Ball Point Pens. Sole Agents- M. PRAGER LTD. Singapore. now a one day connection SINGAPORE BALI Every Tuesday CV 340 from Singapore 08.00 to Djakarta 10.35 hours CV 240 from
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 152 5 i Atrmen A (o. By ?###o PtC'PEP TD s—^f*~} P*£rtßK*f IT) /TVS NEVER M£i\ jj^&Sk 1 1 'A^PVUIVfIL HTCMA*O-L£T 1 S M*t The Saint By Lestie Vharteris TRAITOR-Tr THOUGHT YOU MOULD 0E VISPLEASE 1 f^THE ONE DETAJLED TO SEE~THaT^| ■M| 50 EVERYTHING DID TQ HEAR THAT A COP HAD SURPRISED
      152 words

  • 107 6 INDUSTRIES BILL UNDER ATTACK MALACCA. Mon. The' president of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Tan Kee Oah. last night attacked the Government's Pioneer Industries Bill. He said it would inevitably lead "to lions taking the lions' share of a flock of little lambs who already find it hard
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  • 21 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The Federation Government paid $111,749 for information for the cap'ure and killing of terrorists last month.
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  • 323 6 Perak Alliance blames MCA for defeat IPOH, Monday. THE PERAK State Alliance today laid the blame for the party's defeat in the Lenggong Local Council elections last weekend at the door of the Malayan Chinese Association. The secretary of the Perak Alliance, Inche Hussein bin Noordin, said: "The MCA has
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  • 154 6 TELUK ANSON, Monday. rE 31 stallholders who were allotted sites in the children's playground by the Town Council have won their month-long fight to retain their stalls. The Perak State Government which four weeks ago ordered them to move to a new si'.e or
    154 words
  • 81 6 FRUSTRATED RUSTLERS STEALING BOATS NOW TUM PAT. Mon. Kelantan police believe that cattle thieves in the district have turned to boat stealing beca-use of a campaign again cattle thefts. Several boats at the mouth of the Tumpat River have been reported missingThis week, two were stolen. Police recovered one hidden
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  • 31 6 PENANG. Mon. The Mayor. Mr. D. S. Ramanathan. will review the Penang Buys' Brigade at its 75th anniversary parade at the Methodist School at 4 p.m. on Oct. 4.
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  • 22 6 TANJONG MALIM. Mon.Inche Arlffin bin Mohamed Sidek, a health inspector, has been appointed an officer ol the Batang Padang town council.
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  • 257 6 DRIVER: I WAS BURNED ON FACE KLANG, Mon. Bhogu Singh. Jora Singh and Rudh Singh were tentatively charged here today with abetting Anthony Raja and Perumal. alias Balu, in causing grievous hurt to Sajjan Singh with a corrosive substance. Bhogu Singh was alleged to have committed the offence Iretween April
    257 words
  • 32 6 MALACCA. Mon. The Chief Minister of Malacca, Dato Osman bin Talib. will address a rally on the Banda Hilir Padang here on Thursday morning to comme■norate the Prophet Moham■>d"s birthday.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 559 6 m. ,T ,M M\m am ,45 4 5 645 4 930 pm teOMAMO BKAZZI r mr *fln Cmil«" l S(>ope C H.( AN FONTAINE M r n COLOR (FOX t. |t COMING SOON! Sophia Lorrn "THE KEY" (Col.) iwSJEEJm^x OPE S TOMY! 5 V/Tl II I I I, 4m. I
      559 words
    • 443 6 r-^£^l LLLllJlaLLla!! l |ihonj ZfWWft i Afil tfS i' ls i*«'f v V""» f al'i IP II 14!; lUll/H til ALA.N "DDAlin DIDII" 1 1 or Havilland (M<;\| LADD rKUUU RIDEL David I add Terhnirolor Tomorrow 4 Shows only! "KUIL OK JOY' 1 Mandarin (SBi Premiere Opening TOMORROW 9.30 p.m
      443 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 362 6 Pjj^ X i l^^ft"^k^^^^^^K J IN nau t> CATHAY: It Happened In Rome 1. 3, 6.30, 9.30: ODEON: The Burglar 1.15. 3.30. 6.45, 9.15; PARAMOUNT: Muling Mandrirlgma 3.30. 6 30, 930; CAPITOL: Kansas Raiders 1.15. 3.30, 6.30. 9.30: REX: Noah's Ark 1.15, 3.30. 630. 930; LIDO: Waterloo Bridge 3.30. 7.
      362 words
    • 441 6 SUN: Naked Gun I, 7, 9.15; STAR: I mil Kar Chin (Hokklem 1245. 3. 7. 9 15. SniiU«i SipiK PRINCESS: The Haw Bdge 2.30, 7. 9.15. ■tank CATHAY: Ouli Bakavali 130. 8.30. Kola llharii j CATHAY: Invaders Prom Mars i 12.30. 3. 7 15. 9.30: LIDO: Sayon.ira kuanliin CATHAY: The
      441 words
    • 213 6 I'orl S», 11. uham CATHAY: Maya Mohlni 130. 5.30. 8.45. REX: Thalplranthal Vaihl Pirpk 'Tamil) 1.30. 5 30. 1 845. K«jan U SI N.ina fcdathu Sambadam (Tamil) 2. 5.30. 9 Vr«- m ban CATHAY: Animal Farm 2.30. 6.45. 9.30; SAPPHIRE: Thlrudar- gal Jagrathal 1.30, 3. 8.30; CAPITOL: High Cost of
      213 words

  • 361 7 Fish drive, water sports and boat races all part of Perak royal town fun KUALA KANGSAR, Monday. THE Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permai(suri Agong spent three enjoyable hours on the Perak River this morning with the Sultan of Perak, the Raja Perempuan,
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  • 22 7 PENANO, Mon. The Oerge Town Secondary School will hold its annual exhibition and prlzegiving on Thursday at Batu Lanchang Lane.
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  • 100 7 An UMNO secretary is urged to resign PENANG, Mon. The Kampong M a k a m branch of Penang UMNO, today sent a notice to its secretary, Inche A. Rahim, calling on him to resign. The branch bas accepted the resignation of the president, Inche Din Ahmad. The committee, it
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  • 28 7 PENANO. Mon. The music section of the Penanu Arts Council will stage Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado" at St. Xavier's Hall from Oct. 8 to 11.
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  • 178 7 A $6,000 LOOK FOR TRAFFIC ISLAND [(UALA LUMPUR, 1V Mon.— The roundabout at the Junction of the Batu and Ipoh roads here is to be given an "attractive appearance" by building a small pool or tank with a fountain on the island. The Kuala Lumpur municipal engineer, .Mr. D.I Todman,
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  • 26 7 Malaya's Jewish community will observe the year's holiest event. Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) with a 25--hour fast, starting at 5.45 p.m. today.
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  • 226 7 DENANG, Mon.— The Penang appeal juds>e, Mr. Justice Rigby, today set aside a six months' Jail sentence imposed by a lower court on a pintable mechanic, Bernard Carrier. Instead he fined Carrier $500 and disqualified him from driving for five years.
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  • 61 7 THE RAJA PEREMPUAN of Pcrak picks up bunga r.inipai ,m cntrd flowers and leaves— -to sprinkle on the Tanf di-Pertuan Auontc and the Raja Permaisuri Atone during the ceremonial tvelcome in the throne room of the Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kanfsar on Sunday. Seated
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  • 85 7 ROAD SMASH VICTIM'S WIFE IS DUE lOHORE BAHRU. Mon. »l —Mr. Ny Tihon, ihe visiting" Rotarian who was injured in a head-on road collision on Saturday, may need another operation. It will be decided when Mrs. Tihon arrives from Saigon. Mr. Tihon, Governor of Rotary District No. 330, injured his
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  • 234 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday T»HE SULTAN of Selangor has commuted the death sentence passed on a man for murdering his unfaithful wife and has ordered 15 years' Jail instead. Chan Kirn Seng. 33. was found guilty on Oct. 11 last year of stabbing his wife.
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  • 80 7 'MAKE CHINESE an OFFICIAL LANGUAGE' YPOH, Mon— The Alliance 1 Party was ureed last night to include in its manifesto for the next general election a promise that Chinese would be made an official language. A resolution to this effect was passed by more than 500 Chinese educationists in the
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  • 31 7 IPOH, Mon. Drivers are requested by the police not to park their vehicles along the royal motorcade route during the state visit of the King and his consort tomorrow.
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  • 35 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon The Minister Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Republic. Mr. Mohamed Rashad Danish, arrived here this noinlng. Mr. Danish will be Joined soon by his wife and two children.
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  • 239 7 A demand for 2 months' bonus pay ABOUT 2,700 workers employed by Shell, Stanvac and Caltex oil companies in Singapore want the managements to give them two months' gross pay a3 bonus this year. The demand was submitted yesterday through the newly-formed Federation of OH Workers' Unions (Singapore). The federation
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 91 7 Syed Abdul, Kenneth and Anand, are lust another healthy, happy and progressive group of LACTOGEN Babies. These m$ young stalwarts are assured of good fl| fl!^B health because their parents chose H 9 wisely they chose LACTOGEN. XL < LACTOGEN gives such splendid I 7 results because it is a
      91 words
    • 112 7 SORE THROAT? Reach for Listerine, QUICK!^ That first sore or scratchy feeling in your throat is a warning reach for Listerine' r^^SHi Gargle Listerine full-strength every few hours until your cold jj- Eff symptoms disappear. _^^g^ fl Listerine Antiseptic kills germs f fl V v. r ociated with colds, by
      112 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 265 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6. Ropes they unravelled with 9. Description of Yeats 's lake magic words (3, Isle? (4. 5). 7. "Now fades the last long 10. Edition for the crowd? (5). of snow" (Tennyson) (6). 11. Retreat with food and reserve 8 Not the final works of Lamb!
      265 words

  • 22 8 Tv Word- tin (Minimum) TERRELL, George Barrtster-at--aw (formerly ol Ipoh> passed away peacefully on 21-9-58 a: Uxbrjdge after a long illness
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  • 61 8 it Word, in, Minimum I MR AND MRS B D FAIRLIE ..iank all relatives and friends toi their valuable gifts, assistance and attendance on the occasion of 'heir marriage on 13-9-58 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs Scow Khlam Chuan (nee Lee Slew Lin) thank all relatives and friends
    61 words
  • 56 8 It Word* Sit minimum) ROE— In Ever Loving and Unfading Memory of Gerald Terence so tragically lost to us a year ago today. "He bade no one a last farewell or even said goodbye. His soul had flown before we Knew, and only God Knows Why Inserted by
    56 words
  • 256 8 ill Worit $10 (Minimum) THE COCKPIT introduces on Saturday, the 27th, Miss Kerry Neilsen, new F.nging Star THE SCRIPTO SATELLITE. America's most exclusive ball pen, Is now available In Malaya Ask to see one to-day. IT'S BETTER to be .-ate than sorry, that's why wise housewives keep Air-Wick in
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  • The Straits Times
    • 592 8 Finding Tin's Level It is unlikely that the tin picture will be any clearer before the International Tin Council meets on Thursday, and it is possible that Thursday's proceedings will not be very enlightening But producers will at least expect to learn whether the withdrawal of support for the floor
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    • 382 8 The Electricity Rates The cinemas, hotels and amuscmen. parks are the first to be hit by what apparently is a new policy for Singapore's public utilities. They are to be charged the maximum domestic rate of 20 cents a unit for their light, and will no longer be given the
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    • 189 8 The success oi the People b Progressive Party in the Lenggong local council elections it won three ol the lour seats is a shock lor the Alliance and another warning that it cannot take next year's Federal elections for granted But the P.PP s secretary general is letting
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  • 1076 8 DEVELOP MALAYA'S BEAUTY SPOTS INTO FIRST CLASS TOURIST ATTRACTIONS f\NCE more to the subject of tourism which, I confess, I find more agreeable than that of the current American method of winning the sympathy and support of Asians for democracy and the Communist readiness to run the gravest risk of
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  • 689 8  - Japan's economic recovery not reflected in general living conditions TAKESHI SATO By MANY Japanese today, in spite of the country's rapid economic recovery in recent years, believe that they were better ott in pre-war days, when Japan had a large empire. Revealing this view, an official public opinion survey states
    Reuter  -  689 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 167 8 QUALIFICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY AND 'DAY* TEACHERS 1 SYMPATHISE with Mi Ng Guan Bee and his Day Training colleagues for being victims of public criticism. <ST Sept. 17), I am sure he would have the sympathy of all temporary teachers had he not criticised the latter I v sh to remind
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    • 168 8 NOW that Radio Malaya has settled to the satisfaction of listeners the question of football broa casU and the 9 30 news, can sportsmen now expect a re'urn to the air of the Malayan classic races? The Perak Vase is being run on
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    • 74 8 TEMPLER PARK TIGRESS r^HANKS to Mr Hotts for I expressing the general disgust at the shooting ot the tigress In Templer Park If a cow was lost, that rely Indicates that cows should be kept under closer supervision by their owners Was there, then, any legitimate reason for •.ill Inn
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    • 54 8 DIFFICULT CROSSING IT ts very esse l~> havt lights installed at the Junctions of Benco and Albert Strr ts. Bugi i and Albert streets and Queen Street and Mid die Road Pedestrians .d. par ticularly sclioolchlld.en find it very difficult to i .-oss these roads durin peak hou-s ft.
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    • 26 8 THE third year normai class began two weeks ago and we still did not know the results of our sermirj year examination CJ.Q Miuur.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 422 8 Straits line* 4 Free Preu HMn out rcpxtcntativct »i l»r rlcor. MnGAPoRk COID SlOkAGt. I ORCHARD ROAD «i" rtctiv* re boi numbiri Claititira ad»«rtii«m«nt> may f I site b» handed t CITY HOOK STORt l! 0 Winchctfrt Houm Collysi Quay Singapore MR M M ISMAIL. 1 Admiralty Road Naval Bom
      422 words
    • 47 8 BLUE SPOT 3-D Hi-Fi lI AIHOI.II \>l With 4 Speed Record Changer Model Rio de Luxe 7 Valves Everyone ij asking for. Spore/Penong $795.00 (Federation Duty Extra) $150.00 Down $45.00 Monthly From All BLUE SPOT Dealers Sole Agents: KEE HUAT RADIO CO., LTD. Spore K. Lumpur Penang.
      47 words
    • 183 8 I A Rich Store Of 1 Knowledge for Children I of All Ages WONDER <uii«Nitv in everything H-*—^'^ j ßjfrffi M around them must be satis kSOkSII t!mT^mW Krd. these wonderful volume* EmcEShkJ »111 be received with delight HKI The» will wanier through I l j I^BlbH^Kb the paces for
      183 words

  • 222 9 Miner: My wife accused me of flirting I7UALA LUMPUR, Mon. A wealthy rice merchant and tin miner. Tan Kirn, testifying today against his second wife who was alleged to have poured caustic soda on him while he was asleep, said she had accused him of going after other women. Low
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  • 50 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Federation Army's chief religious teacher, Tuan Hajl Ibrahim bin Yusoff, who has served the Royal Malay Regiment since its formation In 1933. Is to retire Tuan Hajl Ibrahim, 55, will take up padi planting in his kampong at Kuala Sawah, near Seremban.
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  • 100 9 Estate pay row: 'Peace proposals 9 go out KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Malayan Planting industries Employers' Association today posted its "peace plan" to tbe National Union of Planta. tion Workers. Witb it went hopes of ending the eight-month-old rubber wage dispute. The plan, containing proposals which the MPIEA hopes will
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  • 56 9 TELUK ANSON. Mon Muslims here will hold a procession through the main streets of the town on Friday to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Mohamed The procession will form at the Malay Mosque in Canal Road and end at the town padang where speeches
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  • 119 9 POST OFFICE BAN ON SMALL ENVELOPES "^UALA LU.MPIR, Mon. The Postal Department has sent letters to sexcral printing firms In the Federation advising tl m ot to make any more of the small envelopes used f>r sending Hari Raya and Chinese New Year cards. '.> next April post offices will
    119 words
  • 300 9 GOVT. HAS EVIDENCE OF FALSE DECLARATIONS -NOW A MOVE TO PLUG THAT LEGAL LOOPHOLE KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Government has evidence that some of the 40 banishees who recently escaped deportation by becoming federal citizens made false declarations in their citizenship application papers. Many
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  • 35 9 BACHOK. Mon A youth club has been formed in Jelawat. near here. The pengawa. Tuan Nik Fathi, Is president of the pro-tern committee, with Inche Mohamed bin Salleh as secretary
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  • 32 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Inche Ayoub bin Abdul Manas. District Officer. Segamat. goes on leave at the end of the month and will be succeeded by Inche Talib bin Abu
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  • 92 9 A strange bridal 'ear for the Sarge SGT. KENNETH BOULTSR. of the Army Air Corps in Kuala Lumpur, wanted a quiet wedding during the weekend. But when he and his air hostess bride. Miss Doreen Lord, stepped out of the Registry in Young Road, men of his unit forced them
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  • 71 9 KUALA TRENGGANU. Mon A nephew of the Sultan of Trengganu. Tengku Embong Mahamad bin Tengku Muda. 55, was among 16 people who were each fined $25 or two week's Jail here today for gamtling at a house in the compound of the Istana Maz'ah here on
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  • 51 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Madam Chin Yoon Fan. owner of Chop Ban Hln Loon and treasurer of the Holy Light Church, died in the General Hospital here today. The funeral service will be held at the church tomorrow at 3 p.m. The burial will be at Bldadari.
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  • 177 9 FIVE more expatriate officers of the Singapore City Council have resigned their Jobs, though they were guaranteed three to 10 years's service under the council's Malayanisatioi scheme. They are: Messrs. R. W. Gudgeon acting chief engineer (Roads i and L. J. Crook, assistant engineer
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  • 133 9 500 WILL STRIKE OVER FIVE WOMEN T»HE 500-strong Sin- gapore City Council Nightsoil Workers' Union yesterday served the council a 14--day strike notice. This follows the councilrefusal to either dismiss or transfer five women workers it engaged to clean public conveniences. The union bad earlier Issued a fortnight's ultimatum to
    133 words
  • 102 9 MAN, 33, IN TROUBLE 17 TIMES KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Siput bin Yassim, 33, today was Jailed for three years. It was his seventeenth conviction since 1946. He pleaded guilty tc housebreaking and stealing a pen from the home In Spooner Road of the general manager of Malayan Railway, Mr D.
    102 words
  • 364 9 ft Fror* Page One trenchments in the Govern ment however. Only some temporary staff had been affected but this was because when permanent appointments were made the procedure of advertising the posts and going to the Public Services Commission had to be followed. The Chief Minister
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  • 271 9 'New type 9 of worker required for rural plan H KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. STATE governments, ministries and voluntary organisations will take part in a giant national community development scheme designed to improve living conditions of rural people. The Minister of Agriculture Inche Abdul Azix bin Ishak today outlined the scheme
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  • 45 9 PENANG in. The pabllctt) committee of the state agricultural show at Butterworth made a profit of $257 according to the accounts published today The committee will meet at the Department of Information on Thursday to consider and pass the accounts
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  • 75 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Soon after midnight yesterday a thief broke into a dormitory full of sleeping schoolgirls at tbe Malay Girls College in Damansara Road here. A C.I.D. spokesman told the Straits Times this morning that the prowler stole a gold-plated woman's wrist. watch valued
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  • 45 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Mrs. Nazli Tlabar a Turkish Member of Parliament, arrived here today from Jakarta to pay her respects to the Malayan Government. She hopes to see social work and housing projects in Malaya before she leaves on Sept 25.
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  • 250 9 Talks to settle row over wedding of Salmah MOTHER OF BRIDE: MY DAUGHTER ELOPED (EX-LUCY) DUTTERWORTH, Mon. —The family of a Chinese girl who married a Malay teacher last Saturday according to Muslim rites today said that they would not recognise the marriage except on three conditions. "It was &n
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  • 57 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon A Court of Regency has been appointed to act during the absence of the Regent of Johore who left for Brunei today. The members of the Court are Tengku Temmenggong Ahmad, brother of the Regent. Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman. Deputy Mentri Besar. Johore
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 83 9 ODEON-NEXT CHANGE I a", with this key I the<> wed-./'^H H^V Jl *4^t-fl^^ columb'* pictures p>*m«* ,||fs^WlLllAM SOPHIA HOLDEN v LOREN WTjff^ TREVOR HOWARD B^k u>» *■>•»< >f~ turn J^^B 0l .ik noon in wms uhmm watt TjjMF_ ..oscar homolk; '.'•■rfTJß \\NS^ JAN t* MART OG »>.CARI FOREMAN I I
      83 words
    • 74 9 V^ "^HnrfH m/±9 mi Just nght tor good looks and just JBmfa yW nght for value, John White RKtr Shoes are made in England By expert craftsmen. Tied to^fl| •very pair of John Whitr^H Shoes is the Guarantet^H BHr Shield— the sign which^B Wr^^tiSm &r >^**- means lust right I
      74 words

  • 126 10 An architect who was shown tlie preliminary drawings exclaimed, "Why, it's jast like the Taj Mahal!" And so it is, this sumptuous mosque whose slender golden-tipped minarets stab the sky above Brunei Town. A thousand men lalMwred for three years to build it. The cost: $10
    126 words
  • 988 10  -  KEN WANSTALL iIL and flowers s v rr o v nds the entire s t r v c t v re. THE LABOURS of a thousand men are over. The last nail has been driven home. And Brunei's $10 million
    988 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1537 11 WATERFRONT SCENE THAT IS ALMOST PURE CONRAD OIL GIVES AN OLD COUNTRY A NEW LEASE OF LIFE WHAT TO DC WITH ITS FABULOUS INCOME YESTERDAY asleep in the sun. Today straining and striving to reach the goal of security for everyone
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  • 552 11 Sir Omar: Is he Brunei's biggest asset? RULER WITH A PROBLEM ON HIS HANDS SALARY: $300,000 A YEAR MOHE PERHAPS than the 100,000 barrels of oil that bubble to the surface each day from its 200 oil wells, Brunei's greatest asset seems to be its ruler. Sir Omar Ali Saifuddin
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 75 11 a further example of LIGHTING SKILL in the BRUNEI MOSQUE Subtly blinding artistry with technology, the science of lighting as it is practised by G. E. C designers and engineers is creating exciting new concepts of beauty and efliciency in illumination. The G. K lighting service is available anywhere in
      75 words

  • 135 12 MELBOURNE. Mon. INVESTMENT shares continued on steady to firmer lines on the Stock Exchange here today. Turnover was smaller. Best more was Ampol up Bd. Mining shares eased In all sections excepting oils which strengthened to htrher leveta. Commonwealth bonds held firm tone. Loans ZK<-r 1956-59 £99 Is.
    135 words
  • 109 12 Si_cap*re Chinese Prodnee Exchange noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: steady; UK /Continent September /October $33 x i buyers $34 sellers. Coeonnt ell: steady: bulk $524 sellers, drum $56 4 sellers. Pepper: quiet: no business was reported done. Muntok white $122. Sarawak $121. special Sarawak black $71
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  • 41 12 Rat arm ('nntnNrimtrd Rubhrr Estate*' shareholders have approved n resolution authorising the directors to seek offers for the company's estat* of not lesr than £60 per planted acre, and to submit any offers received not later than October 31.
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  • 142 12 The Malayan Exchange Basks' Association made the following changes In its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates tj $100): New York: buying airmail TT. 32 3/4. O.D. 32 7/1. 90 d 33 1/16 credit bills, 33 3/16 trade Mils. Canada: buying airmail TT. 32. O.D. 32 1/8, 90
    142 words
  • 196 12 Ships lyinj alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expectrd today are: München 12. Siind:i 45. Taksan? 6A. Arumasan Maru 67. F»tagonU 8 9. Weltevreden 10 11. Celebes 13 14. Klna 15 16. Tjimenten* 18. Amagtaan Maru 1920. Rawang N. Wall 4. Song-Be 2122. Malay 23 24. Kajans
    196 words
  • 556 12 MALAYAN TIN PRICE AGAIN RECOVERS AFTER FRIDAY FALL By Oar Market Correspondent J> V noon yesterday the local tin price had recovered just over half the loss of $24, which occurred on Friday, following the inability of the International Tin Council buffer stock manager to maintain his support at £730
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  • 24 12 MM.APOKr Sept. 22. RDBBBK: 84* .rut per lb. iup I! cents). TIN: $357.3*7^ per picul (up $6,371). Estimated unofficial oflering 88 tons.
    24 words
  • 473 12 lue .Malayan Share Broken \viorUtion reported: Inaustrials and rubbers were quietly steady. (ins were easier ana the turnover small." Singapore and Federation broken reported the following Lasineas done yesterday: Praser Neave ords $2.84 and $2.85 c all i overnight i, $2.84 c all; Gammon $1.52 (overnight). $1.53; W.
    473 words
  • 18 12 Mal:iTan Share Market: Scpt.Z2 S»pt 19 Industrials: 91.48 92.41 Tim: 7 7t 1€ Jaa. 1 195«=1M.
    18 words
  • 143 12 October first frade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed In Singapore yesterday at 84 S. cents per Ib. up 1\ cents on Fridays closing Closing tone: Quiet afler steady. Closing price* in cents per lb jesterctay were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 RSS Spot f.o.b. buyers 83 *i, sellers 83 s Int.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 539 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS ore Invited Irni those residing tn Negrl Semullan for appointment as Probationer Assistant Nurses In the Medical and Health Department. Nrgri Sembllan on a salary scale ol:Probatloner Assistant Nurse »IU4 x S 112. Trained Assistant Nurse $137 50 x 7.50 330. Qualifications required for the 0061 are:—
      539 words
    • 536 12 NOTICES CHANGE OF POSTAL ADDRESS Correspondents are advised that the Chief Electrical Inspector's P.O. Box Number has now been changed to No. 1012. SECRETARY, Central Electricity Board. THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION. ALL MEMBERS of the above Association in the Colony of SingaI pore will be closed for business on
      536 words
    • 750 12 TENDERS P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from C!a-se 'F regUtered Contractors will be received by Executive Engineer, Kuala Pilah up to NOON on 26th September, 195* for the Erection and completion ot 3 Semi-Permanent Classrooms at Ulu Hurt In Kuala Pilah District Including preparation of Site, Pit Latrines and Outlet Drain.
      750 words
    • 346 12 JOHORE P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Cists E' ano above registered PWD Contractors will be received by the State Engineer, Johore. up to Noon of the 2«th Sep'ember lSUtf tor SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF GRANITE METAL FROM REN CHONG QUARRY. MTJAR FOR PERIOD 1 in 58 TO 30/95 9 Full
      346 words
    • 975 12 ■SHIPBROKERS I FOR SALE. PURCHASE AND CHARTER HULL AND MACHINERY INSURANCE INCLUDING WAR RISKS I AMERICAN ASIATIC I SHIPPING AGENCIES LTD Steamship Agents and Operators m Coble AMnm Denmark House Telephone: "CHARTER WEL" 7th Floor, Spore 1. ***** _m _> l i _l i_ at —1 >_>_I_l_i___ > —I H
      975 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1462 13 i4os MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. X.i: MM IM iieia) rlntu'peatted in Smgapere) #12 lues) t THG BLOE FUMWEL UMI T C SAILINiS ID UVEHHCOI, CIASCOV7, LONDON I CONTINENTAL PORTS ;v.a Uti wilb liberty ta praceel via Paaaaia ai Cape if Gaad Hape) Ceiiienj option to proceto via other ports to
      1,462 words
    • 1221 13 \^m^^K^^m^mltSmm\^\^^^Mm^^^r^^m\^^mP^mV^m^m^mm^^m^^^m^^^k EAST ASIATIC LINES MOMEWARDS SAILINCS FTjl ABEH, PDWT SAID, «NOA. INTTrtRP, ROTTIUMai, l^ m^ m BREkfCT, HIWTJTJW, CTPTTITWVITI, CT^fOfltflll, VSITi S'pori P. S'hM Penang "UNA" U#art •SELANOIA "> Gallon la PHt M/2SSeat •■BTJJBajKI" 1/4 Bel »IW 7 7 Oet •-10WNMA'' I/a M TAUTaM" 21/ M M M/M Bat CjM
      1,221 words
    • 1306 13 M S «HE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. T(l: n?7; SINCAPOIE i incorporated in The Darted Kingdom) I LINES sailincs to im, 11., i nnrripJTNTAL ports S'pori P. Sham Penang lENCRUACNAN for Hamburg, London, Rotterdam, Mam 1.1 2 H Sept MSlf*. M Sept 2 Bet eXVaSMN for Londen, DoMeaßans, 2t/MBeat Brejann,
      1,306 words
    • 1276 13 McALISTER «Sc CO., LTD. ML* At..: MMI WIIiKotMAII LIHES BXLATEmtSS IWI LINOON, NAVNE. RtJTTMBAkI UK RMKLfS, «N fRANCUCO. HAMIIRC I M9U ItATILE, VANCOUVER t PSvTKANB and for u.SA Nerth Mlantc Srta Aaaaptiag carga far Ctatral i Stu» and Canada aia Colombo Anenca CITY IF SMGAPOREt IROkUVILLE S'pori P. Sham Penmg
      1,276 words

  • 4 14
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  • 347 14 'Hong Kong can hold market position in Malaya' DESPITE CHINA'S TRADE DRIVE MENACE JJONG Kong manufacturers and exporters are fully confident of retaining their traditional markets in Malaya and other South-East Asian countries, despite Communist China's tactics to under cut them. This was stated in Singapore this week by Mr.
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  • 255 14 New Zealand dairy men seek bigger mart here tf. Jones Mr. HUkey V E '.V Zealand dairy x producers are seeking more trade with Malaya, two visiting representatives 'of the New Zealand Dairy Products Marketing Commission said in Singapore this week. The representatives of the Commission are Mr. Hugh T.
    255 words
  • 251 14 THE marketing officer, of the Australian Trade Commission in Singapore, Mr. Ong Plan Watt, will accompany the 22-man Singapore trade mission to Australia and New Zealand, as a liaison The leader of the mission. Mr. Tan Siak Kew. said yesterday that the party was expected
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  • 76 14 MALAYA'S imports from the United Kingdom during the first half of this year were down by 9.6 per cent in value to $364,291,378 over the corresponding six months of last year. The largest drops In Imports from Britain Included textile and cotton fabrics, condensed milk. Iron
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  • 253 14 ONE of Canada's latest products which will soon be marketed in Singapore and Malaya is a new type of sump oil drain plug which Is claimed to be capable of reducing engine wear up to 75 per cent. Called the Pos-Met,
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  • 61 14 Belgium exported $1.6 million worth of cut diamonds tr Malaya during the first hall of this year, or $240,000 les> in value compared with th same period of last year. Other sources of suppl.. were Bouth Africa and India both countries sending a tota of $41,000
    61 words
  • 181 14 JAL prepares its programme for future expansion JAPAN Air Lines, which inaugurated their Tokyo- Singapore run in May, are preparing for the coming Jet age, it is announced in Singapore A spokesman said yesterday that a long-range expansion programme was also now being planned by the company. A blue-print of
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  • 73 14 MALAYA IMPORTED a total of 97.229 tons of copra In the first seven months this year, 3,000 tons more than in the corresponding period last year. Her largest supplier wax Sumatra which shipped 3.152 tons during the period, followed by the Celebes, 1.803 tons. Malaya's exports
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 207 14 f~ r^QUINK r Royal Blue Washable Soap and water washes K^' every trace of Royal Blue Washable Quink from clothing and fingers. For safety Washable Quink. For permanence Permanent Quink. Quink is the only ink containing magic Solv-X which cleans and protects any pen. gl QUINK INK IS A PRODUCT
      207 words
    • 176 14 Olivetti Divisumma 24 I I A memory of steel J L v The Olivetti Oivitumma 24 It printing 9 B calculator of vary special aminenca among J automatic machines. It it entirely new and l^_^^fl I unique in design and approach -not merely /^HHI V re styled version of a
      176 words

  • 1069 15 rOUGH the Australian Test team which will meet the M.C.C. in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide during the 1958-59 season will not be announced until mid-October, it is possible at this stage to name 20 players with good chances of selection. The possibles are: lAN
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  • 178 15 THE M.C.C. team is due to arrive in Fremantlc, Western Australia, on Oct. 13. Its itinerary is: OCT. 17-21. v West m Australia, at Perth. OCT. 24-28, v Combined XI. at Perth. OCT. 31 -November 4, v South Australia, at Adelaide. NOV. 7-11, v Victoria, at Melbourne. NOV.
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  • 32 15 CHARNLEY is beaten to a high ball by goalkeeper I pri< hard of Portsmouth during the Blackpool-Portsmouth league natch. The game was drawn 1 1. Paul Popper picture.
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  • 119 15 Graveney first Casualty' at sea ABOARD THE IBERIA AT SEA, Mon.— Tom Graveney. the England and Gloucestershire batsman, is the first "casualty" of the 1958-59 MCC. tour of Australia. As the ship approached the Bay of Biscay, Graveney was in bed yesterday with a stomach up6et, but it was not
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 51 15 SYDNEY, Mon. Test players Ken Mackay and Colin Mcdonald have been invited to go to Perth with Australia's new batting hope, Norman O'Neill for the important Combined eleven match against the MCC. team in Perth from Oct. 24-28. Western Australia will provide the rest of the players.—
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  • 26 15 LOS ANCELES. Mon. Beverly Baker Fleitz. beat Darlene Hard 6-3, 9-7 in the women's singles final of the Pa. fl: Southwest tennis tournament. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 129 15 ¥>OLOGNA, Mon.— ltaly will decline to play The Philippines in Manila at the end of October In the Davis Cup Inter-zone tie. the president of the technical commission of the Italian Tennis Federation announced last night Dr. Giorgio Neri said that The Philippines had already
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 780 15 Ckeck Before Potting 1 Replies to Box Numbers i Utmost care should b« taken I when ie plying to bom ■umber j I «fe to .ie tl. e CORRECT I NUMBER and Address to the Straits Times, Times House. I I Valley Road. Cash mutt be ten* by regis »ered
      780 words
    • 859 15 ACCOMMODATION VACTNT 20 Wmrdt ti (Min.)-Box it cl: txlrm. RBSPECTABLB EUROPEAN FAMILY have Purr.lshed Bedroom 'or European Lady /Bachelor Bathroom attached, u>c sitttng100m, Telephone, Breakfast Laundry. District 10. Ring *****. UNFURNISHED. SPACIOUS, three bedroom Terrace house, two bathrooms. Modern Sanitation, Fan. Cooker. Heater. Jalan Chenkek. off McPherson Road Available immedUtely
      859 words
    • 864 15 SHOPS TO LET It Words ti (Mim.)-mmx it tt: txtwm. TO LET:- Retail Bhops 4, A 10 Winstedt Drive minimum rentals $140/- p.m. each. 284 Redhill Close minimum rental $250/ pjn. 104, 108. 114. 116, 118. 132 134 Stirling Road, Queenstown minimum rentals $125/- p.m each, l-ll Jalan Ampat. Old
      864 words
    • 848 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Wmrdt ti (Mim.)— Box It eU. txlrm MAYFLOWER 1953 completely o/hauled resprayed upholstered tnxed February coinpreiiensive insurance September 1959 $2,500 Apply 2 Chitral Court Wessex Estate Alexandra. RENAULT 750 1952, clean and well maintained mechanically, brake* good, new clutch, carby and battery. $1,000 0.n.0. 17 Lynwood
      848 words
    • 281 15 MISCELLANEOUS M Wmrdt $5 (Mim.)—m*x tt et: tttrm. KAY LEWIS Special Treat menu for Acne. Pimplee, Blackhead*. Manicure, Pedicure. Ladies and Gentlemen Jean's Beauty Salon. 26A, Penang Lane, Tel: *****. TOYO-BATH MASSAGE Turktshbath (Steam) Muscular-pains. tiredness, over-weight etc. 185-B Orchard Road. Tel: 3C044. Entrance Oxley Roaci Satisfaction guaranteed. NIPFON-BATHS (with
      281 words

  • 27 16 TAIPING. Mon Talping Prison Athletic Club beat Klnta Indian Association 5-0 In a .semi-final of the Llm Seng Fook cup soccer tournament here yesterday.
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  • 166 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Two quarter-final doubles ties in the Selangor Golf Club tennis championships were decided on walkovers today. Michael Chan and P B. de T. Rooke received a walkover from second -seeded Ooon Kok Ylng and I. P. Bruce as Kok Ying was ill The other
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  • 58 16 AUGSBURG. Mon. West Germany beat Russia 115 points to 105 In the men's two-day international athletics match which ended here yesterday. It was a surprise wir for the Germans in the first international between the two countries. West Germany led 62-48 after the first day. The women's teams
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  • 663 16  -  NORMAN Shißtid. All-Stars versus UK club series will be big draw By Preliminary tour will prevent any false step QNli of the priority aims ot the Asian hoolball Confederation is to send an All-Star Asian learn on an European tour, both to demonstrate to the West
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  • 240 16 RAHIM OMAR AMONG THREE SENT OFF IN CUP REPLAY jZUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Three players, including Asian Gamesman. Rahirr. Omar, were sent off the field in today's replay of the F.A.S. Cup match between Selangor Rangers and TFC/t at trie Merdeka Stadium Rangers easily beat Tamilian.--5-1 to qualify for the semi
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  • 171 16 King waives tax on merdeka meet SEREMBAN, Monday. T*HE Yang di-Pertuan Agong has ordered the tax 1 on the $62,000 profit which ;he F. A. of Malaya made during the first merdeka soccer festival in September last year to be waived. The tax payable was over $16,000 Mr. Kwok Kin
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  • 389 16  - Just a trot for Vase hope Distine EPSOM JEEP TRAINER DANIELS HAS TWO NEWCOMERS WORTH WATCHING TOMORROW ON THE TRACK —WITH [POil. Mon.— Bukit Timnli trainer Keith Daniels, who saddled a first-time-out winner with Come Ip on Saturday, has two other newcomers who bear watching on Wednesday. They are Briden
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  • 83 16 United are even now KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Selangor United avenged their last week's defeat when they beat R.A.F. by 11 points (goal and two tries i to five (goal) In a rugger friendly at Bellamy Road today. United, though forced to defend for long spells in the first half, rallied
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  • 96 16 STOCKHOLM. Mon. Dave Ashman (United States) broke the world record for the heavyweight snatch during the world weightlifting championship here yesterday. He had a lift of 331 V, pounds, compared with the previous record of 330% held by Nick Schemansky, also of the United States. Ashman's
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 262 16 THE Malayan Rugby Union's learn to tour Bang- kok at the end of nexi month will face a problem when they play their three matches there. After being "converted" to the new amendments to the Rugby Union laws for the past three weeks, the players will
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  • 174 16 S'gor start new scheme I(UALA LUMPUR, Mon. 1V —The Selangor Badminton Association has launched an intensive training programme aimed at producing topflight stars in the next three years to regain the Thomas Cup from Indonesia. Recently the Badminton Association of Malaya sent circular letters to all state associations impressing upon
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  • 70 16 DAVID Mt-Mullan completed a clean sweep of the major golfing titles in tbia country when he became the Royal Singapore Golf Club champion on Sunday. He beat the holder. David Stirk. by two and one in the 36-hole final at Simr Road over the weekend
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 725 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. A Hlli SERVICE Vi Marrfs tit (Minimum). Umilm I month. It Word* ti it (Mtn.) K u.K Slana For Reliance Guiue Escorts. Tel: *****. rOK tiUU-'-DRIVE CAMS PliOlit 21iuiy Everflne Co. 51 r Serangoon Road i WARNED YOU try Jethmai iravcLv Never Ffells. Security— 2j»64 COI'IED DOCUMENTS can
      725 words
    • 38 16 C%2\ Fa#tou6 jot qjiafify pßajui M y'^^HBpWfprg^Mß mXWXmmWfr^ J>\ m\T i 4Vi 4 Lfl WmW |h| Hl Mm ifi S^J^^^omW S3IS^bSSS^- J^m\\\\\\ \\\\m JBIi ik I \jm\\\\\\\mmmmmWiwHm\\\timM J^M S H^^^^^^^^ Sole Agents: MONTOR LTD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 54 16 B3S22i*fi22H2 RIAL I UMPIR: Soccer Otwrwrt Depaitments and Business Houses league Dlv 3 Beniui Works R.C v Mercantile Bank. Imbi Road; Junior knockout. Central Malays Sub-District v South Indian Rovers. Ipoh Road Rugger RAF v Selangor Club. Bellamy Road. Ml'AB: Soccer Dlv. 2, Police "B" v Parlt Jawa. KLUANG: Soccer
      54 words