The Straits Times, 16 August 1958

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times S> Not*"* 1 New**** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, lttt ft 15 CENTS
    23 words
  • 333 1 NEW YORK, Fri. gLEVEN NATIONS, Malaya among thorn, moved yesterday to bring up the question of racial segregation in South Africa at tha 13th regular session of the United Notions General Assembly which begins next month. When the question was first brought up at the 11th Session of the
    Reuter  -  333 words
  • 8 1 Soekarno on W. Man: Time for 'strength 9
    8 words
  • 295 1 Crack-down after plot against King is smashed Soldiers seal refugee camps A MM AN, Fri. An intensive hunt for arms in Jordan has followed the smashing by King Hussein of a new plot against his throne. Troops sealed off three refugee camps on the outskirts of
    Reuter; UPI  -  295 words
  • 381 1 Singapore watch on first rocket shot at moon AN American team of technicians is in Singapore to help track a rocket which will be launched at Cape Canaveral, Florida, tomorrow, in a bid to reach the moon. The tracking station, which cost U*****,000, has been set up at the Cable
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  • 34 1 LONDON. Fri. Princess Anne celebrated her eighth birthday today aboard the royal yacht Britannia, which Is carrying the Royal Family on a holiday cruise off the west coast of Scotland.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 81 1 Russia jams broadcasts to Asia KUALA LUMPUR, rrl. Russia is Jamming broadcasts on debates of the United Nations General Assembly on the Middle East, beamed by the Voice of America to Asia. In a statement today the United States Information Service here said that there was unusually heavy Jamming at
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  • 82 1 NEW DELHI. Fri. Mr Nehru, In an appeal for an end to political and Inter-communal violence and murder, said today he was ashamed that while India preached co-exist-ence to the world she was unable to observe It at home. Mr. Nehru, speaking at ce- lebratlons to mark
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 42 1 NICOSIA. Fri. A lar*e number of Cyprlots "of great interest to the police" have been arrested and a considerable quantity of arms and ammunition seized dur- ing a 12-day anti-terrorist operation in east Cyprus, It tv officially announced today— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 179 1 2 a.m. news roundup 'MOST DANGEROUS' MEN DETAINED Some of the "most dangerous" men hi Singapore's underworld were now dc tamed. the Commissioner of Police. Mr. A E (i Blades, said but night. "We are interrogating them and hope to break up the secret society organisations.' he said. The police
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 24 1 LONDON. Fri. Search abandoned for survivors ol 99 people aboard X.L.M. Super Constellation which crashe] Into sea off Ireland—Renter. (See rage 2)
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  • 173 1 DORNEO Airways have grounded their two pasD senger Twin Pioneer aircraft in Labuan, to investigate a mysterious deposit found in the I engines. Rhee warns SEOUL. Fri President Syngman Rhee warned today —10th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Republic—that the threat of Communist Aggression
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  • 453 1 TIN WAR: WARING HITS OUT Aim of Russian dumping can be to ruin primary producers KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A LEADER of the tin mining industry here. Sir Douglas Waring, today lashed out at Russia for having dumped 17,000 tons of tin in the world market since last year when the
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  • 82 1 Woman hurt as cobra strikes from kettle KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A housewife screamed in pain today when a black cobra shot oat of an empty kettle as she lifted the lid and bit her on the chest. The woman. Slnnimah. 45, was rushed from her bouse hi Puch >nir, 10
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 81 1 flamMH NighrwDay OVALTINE G ives you tke Best of ootk Worlds •PJ»IA Prapared from Nature's best food* aad fortified with extra vitamins, 'OvsJtine* provides concentrated nourishment in an easily digestible form. As s part of Che dairy dietary, it assists in maintaining 6toc*s aad cwrgy As s oighlcap, U hdM
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  • 803 2 TWO-HOUR DELAY REPORTED IN SEARCH FOR THE BOOMED AIRLINER J)UBLIN, Fri.— All 99 people aboard a Dutch airliner lost in the Atlantic were feared dead early today. The bodies of 35 victims had been recovered by ships which began reaching
    Reuter  -  803 words
  • 131 2 TOKYO. Fri.— Two former British and American war correspondents, survivors of the sinking of the battleships Prince of Wales and Repulse off Malaya In 1941, today met the former Japanese Imperial Navy squadron leader who led the attack nearly 17 years
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 28 2 BELFAST, Frl— The Bhort I S.C. 1. Britain's first vertical take-off plane, has made 20 successful landings and takeoffs since Monday, it was announced today.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 67 2 FROGMEN (CHIANG'S) VS FROGMEN (MAO'S) TAIPEH, Fri.—Communists and Nationalist Chinese on Monday fought what may be history's first battle between frogmen, the Columbia Broadcasting System reported from Quemoy today. Ten Nationalist frogmen, swimming south-west of Quemoy, off the China coast, encountered about 30 Red Chinese frogmen. They fought on and
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  • 44 2 CHICAGO. Frl.— A girl was born today to the Japanese wife of William Girard former VS. army private" convicted by a Japanese court of killing a woman scavenger on a U.B. firing range last year. Girard's three-year sentence was suspended Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 292 2 LONDON Friday WEST EUROPEAN NATO nations, Canada and Japan have lifted the ban on most strategic items for trade with Communist countries, the British Board of Trade announced last night It said the relaxation to go into effect, will allow the Communist
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  • 52 2 CAIRO, Fri. France will pay MII7O million in compensation to the United Arab Republic under an agreement Initialled yesterday in Geneva, it was disclosed here today. The agreement followed talks between the two countries on complex claims arising from the Anglo-French Suez intervention in
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 39 2 OTTAWA, Fri. Mr. Alvln Hamilton, Northern Affairs Minister, complained today that Canadian cabinet ministers have to obtain formal permission from the U.S. Government to visit certain areas of the Canadian Arctic where radar installations are located.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 100 2 BANDA TELLS an MP: I'LL GIVE YOU A SOCK IN JAW f'OLOMBO. Frl. The y> Prime Minister of Ceylon, Mr. Solomon Bandaranaike, toM a Member of Parliament today that he would "sock him in the Jaw" If he persisted in calling him 'Mr. Sinhala Solomon." In apparent good humour, Mr.
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 142 2 PARIS, Fri.— French atomic scientist Jean Frederic Joliot-Curie died last night from a haemmorrhage. He wa 58. The professor had been ill for some time and there were rumours in Paris that his illness was due to atomic radiation. But the hospital, at the
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 41 2 LONDON. Fri—Three-year-old Anthea Lycett whose adoptive mother died in the Benghazi air crash on Saturday, was operated on in the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital here today. Anthea received an elbow injury and burns in the crash— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 226 2 3k 1 3k 111 C3 LI^S Ev .^wB lt j awl awfl a^BT X .ULlSaJlt^a^awSaS _XawH fl^B^ißk, flJasl^Bk^ftawV aw^awfc, I .laV WW«M»***^l|JßV-< «>^^^^^^^R r*3^u9^B 1 3k Tm v Ill 3k I* K i^n^v i HUNRa^i I■■ I ssl^^ ssa^B law^BHilJ a ■awl L^LldßUb^hiaßw^Bs^n^Jtßssskissa^aw^Lißß^^BwKß^Ba^L^ h1 1 I W^^rt^F^^F^ "^^H iJHaf M
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 305 3 Lloyd backs Ike plan for Mid-East and says: Now\ U.N. must act NEW YORK, Friday. MR. SELWYN LLOYD, the British Foreign Secretary, yesterday urged the General Assembly to ask the Secretary-General to take "the necessary steps in consultation with the governments concerned to help maintain the independence and integrity of
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  • 185 3 Australia urges Mid-East inquiry NEW YORK. Fri— Dr Ronald Walker, the Australian permanent, representative to the United Nations, today suggested to the General Assembly the creation of a fact-finding commission for the Middle East. He said the first step necessary for peace In the Middle ast vas a. 1 environment
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  • 201 3 'Backstage' move for a little summit' by Dag -report XTEW YORK, Fri.— U.N. SecretaryGeneral, Mr. Dag Hammarskjoeld, is trying to arrange a "little summit conference" of the foreign ministers of Russia. Britain. France, the United Arab Republic and the United States, diplomatic sources here said yesterday. Mr Hammarskjoeld. It was
    UPI  -  201 words
  • 277 3 ASIAN FLU EPIDEMIC RETURNING -BUT MILDER THIS TIME STOCKHOLM, Friday A WORLD Health Organisation expert warned yesterday that a new Asian influenza outbreak could be expected this year, but it will be milder than the epidemic of 195 Experts trom Britain, the United States. Holland. India Japan and Russia are
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 136 3 Burma judge: Reds do it so much better 'pORONTO Fri. A Burmese official said last night that Communist propaganda In SouthEast Asia was far more effective than the West's. Mr. Justice Chan Htoon, of the Supreme Court of Burma told a public affairs conference: "While the West hesitatingly goes about
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  • 104 3 Man with a gun in each hand hated the police LONDON. Frt. Police had to Jump for cover in the Sonenel village of Ax bridge when Raymond Eldridge walked down the street with a gun in each hand. "Western style." a court was told today. When police tried to arrest
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 74 3 ON DON Fri Britain a national health service cost £585 million (about $5,000 million) In the financial year ending March 31 last year, the Ministry of Health announced today, rots was about £50 million i 5423 million 1 more than the year before Some four-fifths of
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 334 3 independent, are to be subjected to pressures trom without which make their continued independent existence impossible. "In this case. Jordan, a small country whose Independence we had promoted, with whom we ad had close ties l.i tbe past, asked us for help en the grounds that
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  • 54 3 Red justice by Nehru NEW DELHI Fri. Mr Nehru, questioned in Parliament today about the execution of former Hungarian Premier Imre Nanv and rebel leader General Pal Maleter said: "It was purely un internal affair but I hope that In future the Hungarian authorities will find it possible to temper
    UPI  -  54 words
  • 199 3 JORDAN DOES NOT WANT U.N. FORCE \EW YORK Frt.— 11 Jordan Voterday rejected the idea of having a United Nations force, or even an observer team on the Lebanon pattern, to preserve her political independence Mr. Abdul Monem Rifai, chief Jordanian delegate, told the U.N. General Assembly that Jordan would
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  • 44 3 NEW YORK. Frt Mr Frank Alken. Ireland's ttln Ister for Internal Affairs suggested the drawing up of a general convention under United Nations auspices for the protection of civil re llgous educational and vi tural rights" In th- Mlddlr East
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    • 22 3 LONDON rhurs Buyer* 1790; sellers C *****. forward buyer* £***** wUers £730. Settlement 1730H < m Mft ton* 0 m ISO ton*
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    • 28 3 LONiKJN mun -Bdoi 23Hd.. Bept 23 \d Oct-Oec 24a JanMar 24M.rt April-June 24<*d. July-Sept 24<4d Aug cit 2JHd. Sept elf 234<1 Oct cXI 23%<T Tone Very quiet
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  • 321 3 ADMIRAL: MISSILE SUBS HIDING UNDER POLAR ICE PERFECT DETERRENT AGAINST ATOM WAR /OF THE vTSSr) WASHINGTON. Pri Tf —Submarine expert Admiral H. O. Rickover said today that the voyage of the Nautilus under the North Pole 'may herald for us a perfect deterrent for war He said W can now
    Agencies  -  321 words
  • 43 3 BAGHDAD, Fri. rhe Iraqi revolutionary govern. mem which has already resumed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, announced last night It would establish similar ties with (he rest of the communist bloc, including Red China IP I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 210 3 mill! m5 Great Features in llUfl. One Sensational Airconditioner Westinohouse n I CD "Power Sweep" wall-to-wall P^^^^B IB^Hi^n cooling! Oscillating louvres spread S co air even v »all- to-wall, 12 5 I y= times every minute! Louvres can P^^pJ lasM^ be stopped in *ny desired position M I to rect
      210 words

  • 682 4 'THREE YEARS AS MAN AND WIFE': OPEN VERDICT RECORDED OPEN finding wa«i recorded in Singapore yesterday at the close of the inquest on Eugene Marie Michel Jurhs 34, who was found fatally stabbed in the neck in the Telok
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  • 132 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A Ministry of Education spokesman today warned that Federation schoolchildren now on holiday who want to go on tours outside their own states in groups of five or more must get permits. He added that this wa* laid down In the Schools (Tours)
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  • 254 4 RATES:IT MAY BE ONLY PARTIAL VICTORY TAIPING, Fri. The 1 decision of the Ipoh High Court to refer 115 appeals against the Taiping Town Council's assessment for 1957 back to the council for re-consideration may have given people only partial victory in their fight against Increased valuation of holdings Of
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  • 56 4 Visiting police chief loses his car KL'ALA lIMFIK Fri. Mr. F. G. Minns, a forner Singapore police superintendent, who is here oa holiday, baa had his ear stolen. Mr. Minns arrived at the Federal Hotel here on Wednesday and left his car outside the hotel that night. It was missing
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  • 294 4 INTRODUCTION THE BANK ON WHEELS •THE CONVENIENCE of having a bank jnst 1 op the road or round the corner will be broug ht to out-of-town people in Singapore for the first time on Monday by the Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation's new mobile service. The service wiU go three times
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  • 128 4 BUTTERWORTH, Friday. A 70- YEAR-OLD mosque caretaker, Sa'ad bin Bheriff, was charged today with outraging the modesty of a 12-year-old schoolgirl. The girl, of the Bagan Jermat mosque, said that Sa'ad railed out to her while was collecting firewood on May 23. "He grabbed
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  • 108 4 26 ANSWER TB HOSPITAL APPEAL FOR BLOOD KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Since an appeal for blood was launched two days ago, 26 people have answered to the SOS or the Lady Templer TB. Hospital here. The blood bank had been running out and there had been a desperate need for blood
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  • 33 4 KLANO, Fri. The secretary of UMNO Klang division, Inche Saad bin Yahaya. and his wife were slightly injured this morning when they fell from their motor cycle into a drain.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 27 4 ■II ii pi IDp ■B.wwivl?^!!^^ IiIIAUANTrr BHil'iHlii^ ii UU_4llMla I LI- ■&_.:> _g-M-»~ m 1 I Illniy^^^^^^^^alll iiilJrl I ''I I 111 lilUlmnllli niß9l#Arßiii means quality in Malaya
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 562 4 v' [im (Tamil) J 5.30, 9; RIALTO: H M »»rlb of the uesoeradois 2 30. 7. .Malarra •EX: Pride and Passton. .^rtit^.JSj mEXi Yit Lul <Hokklen) f T aulltv (Mandarln) 33.6.30. 9 15; LIDO: Pih Ling Tang /%l»r Slar fc 1. »»5 (Cantonese Ch J). 12.3? 3 1. REX: L*u
      562 words

  • 332 5 ITUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A man accused of stabbing his divorced wife to death told the High Court here today that he lost his senses when his wife told him: "You are no longer my husband and I have a lover. I
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  • 276 5 Mr. Justice Briggs, home again, is touring Federation MALACCA, Fri.— The vice-president of the East African Court of Appeal, Mr. Justice F. A. Briggs, said in Malacca today that he was struck by the prosperous air prevailing in the Federation. Mr Justice Briggs, who was formerly practising in the Federation
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  • 133 5 TRADE TALKS MAKE GOOD PROGRESS KUALA LUMPUR, Frl.— The Malaya-Australia trade talks are progressing satisfactorily, the Straits Times understands. It is expected that agreement on a trade pact between the two countries will be reached next Thursday If the present rate of progress is maintained. The 10-day talks began on
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  • 122 5 PENANG. Frl. The Prime Minister, Tengka Abdul Rahman, said here today that the Alliance unity was "all rifht." "The MIC". squabble is patching up." be told the Straits Times on his arrival at Bayan Lepas air. port to open the FMAAU meet at the
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  • 153 5 PROBE REPORTS CONDITIONS IN SHOPS KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. RECOMMENDATIONS on the conditions of thousands of workers in shops, restaurants, hairdressing saloons and other business have been submitted to the Paramount Ruler and the Federal Cabinet. The recommendations are by the committee the Government appointed nine months ago to see how
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  • 27 5 IPOH. Frl. The Perak High Court Judge. Mr. Justice Good, will open an exhibition of books and art at the Perak Library here on Monday.
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  • 167 5 —FLOOD— KAMPONG: WE ARE TOO POOR TO SHIFT KLANG. Fri. More than 450 people in Kampong Lombong, plagued by floods for 40 years, have told the Government they cannot move from their village unless they are given financial aid. Because the kampong is flooded whenever there is heavy rain, the
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  • 47 5 MALACCA. Fri. An exhibition of finger- paintings In oil will be held at the Capitol dance hall here from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The paintings, by Pljush Kami Paul. 25, who left school here five years ago. are for sale.
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  • 31 5 MERSING, Fri -A funfair, land and sea sports and special prayers will be held here on Aug. 31 to mark Malaya's first merdeka anniversary. Government buildings will be floodlit.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 240 5 300 Orchjrd Rojd. Singapore 9, Tel: *****-9 8S8S88»w~. I 1 1 I 1 -~«««4Ms9tm 'Something wonderful happens when a enters your life' Yes, it's woaderfyl world when r*> •ho r^ /A*/jcS own a fRIGIDAIRE re fJHUOH fJK/ZT. frigerator, air eondi- mW*W*WVJ* «V' L^ tioner, food freetor, •iecrrk ntngt, w.tfce. THE
      240 words
    • 143 5 AM4_» SWISSAIR |R Let Swissair trait- J ptrt ytt tt tht IliM fabulous nagic tf MAPLE TIME V Plan your trip no* to experience one of nature's most beautiful displays. Fly Swissair For more details consult your regular travel agency or: THE MALAY STATES SHIPPING COMPANY LTD. General Agents for
      143 words

  • 85 6 1* Hard, 111 (Minimum) WONG YD-JIN. 8-year-old-Prlmary 2A, St. Andrew's School, eldest ton of Mr. and Mrs. Wong Kirn Lock, passed away on 15th August at G.H. Cortege leave* General Hospital at 4.30 p.m. on 16th (Sat.) (or Bldadarl Cemetery. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS it Ward, tit (Minimum). MR. MRS. lIM KIM
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  • 168 6 FIFTY YEARS AGO E (From the Straits Times of) August 13. 1908) rßeaders of Singapore news- papers will have formed the impression from read--3 ing reports of the Assizes that this is a place of violent and sadden death. =For the best Dart oi three weeks. Judge and jurors have
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  • The Straits Times
    • 649 6 Revision of the international list of strategic goods barred in the Western world's trade with Communist countries frees almost forty per cent ol formerly embargoed products. The revision brings strategic controls more into line with the times and with plain But five months of negotiation j were
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    • 317 6 The Local Government Elections (Amendment) Bill, now awaiting consideration by a select committee of the Singapore Legislative Assembly, does not promise complete immunity against corruption. thuggery and intimidation. But these things can be made much more difficult and risky for the corrupt politician and his gangster friends. The
      317 words
    • 163 6 Sir Dougla.-, Waring s attack mi Russian dumping of tin on the London market is very welcome. About 17,000 tons oi Russian tin have helped depress the price and handicap the restriction scheme in which producers and consumers ate co-operating. This dumping may be part of a policy
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  • 1277 6  -  CYNICUS IN PLACE OF FEAR by T*HE Singapore police have promised to be gentle with the acid throwers, cosh artists, parang wlelders and the rest of the thugs who fall into their hands. But not everybody is satisfied with Mr. Blades' directive. Mr. Lee Choon Eng.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 6 WEEK-END STU DY 1 1 1 1 lit ii i itiiiif 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii linn n i Pirn. Ut ttACE Photo by K. S. Kony
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 710 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. Hord, 111 t Minimum). GARDNER: To Ruth and David at Batu Gajab ton David Charles on lourteentb August. All well. CLARKE On August Bth at Birmingham, to June (nee Romney) and David Barry Clarke, a daughter. O BYRNE at Singapore Nursing Home on I4tb August to Mary iCurribaii)
      710 words
    • 22 6 $175 A REALLY portable typewriter, sturdy and light. It is available with normal "PICA" or small ELITE" type. Send for free leaflet.
      22 words
    • 70 6 Vainej Under our fleet change-over policy we now offer our Packards ot attractive prices. irr ....^Mm^^mmiait^^^tri *fcL V 1957 Packards, new condition, low mileage, aircunt it o ing. auton-atic tiansmission. radio and twin electric antennae all as standurd equipment. SI 2.000/- each. All models sold with a written guarantee. Kmnd
      70 words

  • 194 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Little Kirn ling, one of the twins offered for adoption, died today In the General Hospital here. Kirn Chin, the younger twin by three minutes Is thriving in the Selangor Children's Home. More than 40 couples had applied to adopt the
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  • 54 7 IPOH. Frl. A patient. Phuah Ah Hoo, 52, died after an attack in a ward of the central mental hospital In Tanjong Rambutan. near here last evening. Phuah was lying on his bed when another patient is alleged to have stamped on Phuah's neck. Phuah died
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  • 78 7 rpHE Junior Chamber Inter- national will hold Its ninth regional conference of Asia In Kuala Lumpur in April next year. Tentatively scheduled to be held in the Tengku Abdul Rahman Hall, the conference is expected to be at- tended by about .00
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  • 25 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri Inche Abdullah bin Mohamed, of the Johore Civil Service, has returned to Johore ru from a vaca tlon In Europe.
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  • 269 7 SAVAGES' JUDGE ORDERS THREE YEARS IN JAIL FOR ACID ATTACK LABOURER IPOH, FRIDAY. SOMEWHERE IN MALAYA A MAN IS ON THE RUN FROM JUSTICE. When he is found he will be whipped and sent to jail. He is Y. Arumugam, 36, formerly 1 labourer
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  • 270 7 A $2,900 POSER FOR WINNER OF AWARD SCHOLARSHIP winner George Ooi Kee Siew, 22--year-old science student of the University of His performance In the final examination for the degree of Bachelor of Science In May this year has won him the Cambridge Scholarship, worth over $2,500 (£300). But If he
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  • 58 7 PENANG. Frl.— Nor'^i Malayan graduates of Australian colleges and universities will meet In the Pulau Tikus community centre here on Aug. 31 to form their own association. The meeting will be followed by a dinner. Those wishing to join should contact Miss Catherine Chong, 6 Phuah Hin
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  • 85 7 Barking dog alerts thugs as police raid hideout IPOli, Fri.— A secret society suspect was detained but four others escaped when a police party raided a sawmill in Falim. outside Ipoh. last night. Police rushed to the scene after bearing that several secret society members from Singapore were hiding in
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  • 92 7 SPLITTING OF ESTATES COST 8,000 JOBS— UNION KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Malayan estate staff employees are becoming more worried about the fragmentation of estates. The Amesun. official publication of the All Malayan Estate Staff Union, said today that 8.000 workers have lost their jobs because of fragmentation. In the past 18
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  • 135 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A CAR and a motor-cycle stated by the police to A have been stolen collided in Maxwell Road here at 11 a.m. today. Khalid bin Ismail. 20. an office boy In the Public Works Department, was found unconscious on the road with
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  • 59 7 Singapore's Education Minister, Mr. Chew Swee Kee. and the Special Branch Director, Mr. Khaw Kai Boh— both old boys of the AngloChinese School, Ipoh yesterday met 64 students of their former school. The sixth form students are on a four-day tour of Singapore, led by their geography
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  • 65 7 Accused of murdering fireman q^AN KIM KWANG alias A Ah Kwang, 22, was charged in Singapore yesterday with murdering a fireman, Sarip bin Jaffar, on Aug. 2 at Ponggol Road. He is the third man to have been brought up in connection with the murder. The others were Low Kok
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  • 182 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. NG THAI, 41, an expectant mother and her husband, Kong Lin, 36, were sentenced to jail here today on charges relating »o false Malayan coins. They were found guilty of two charges of possession of moulds for counterfeiting and possession of five
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  • 94 7 Hong Kong trip for Singapore 'China Doll 9 rE most beautiful cirl in Singapore "with Chinese origin,'' who will be named -China Doll." will earn a luxurious werk-end in Hong Kong. A contest is being organised by Shaw Brothers in conjunction with the Aim "China Doll" starring Hone Kone's famous
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  • 26 7 The 20.487-ton Liberian tanker King Peleus, crippled with engine trouble in the Malacca Straits, has repaired her engines and is heading for Singapore.
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  • 38 7 Mr. Cheong Hock Hal will speak on "Some Aspects of Comparative Education" at a luncheon meeting of the V Men's Club of the Chinese V.M.C.A Singapore, today at the association's new building in Prince Edward Road
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  • 37 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Sultan of Pahang will read a merdeka anniversary message In Kuantan on Aug 31. He will also Inspect a ceremonial parade and hold a garden party at the Istana Teruntum.
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  • 37 7 PENANO, Frl. Penan* Malay Women's League will hold a food fair at the Muslim Orphanage in Kamponp Bahru. at 5 p.m. tomorrow A krongchong party will serenade visitors with music and "pantuns."
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  • 194 7 SINGAPORE'S 'BIG BEN' WILL TICK AWAY FOR CENTURIES, SAY MAINTENANCE MEN hundreds of SINGAPORE'S "Big Ben," in the Victoria Memorial Hall tower, which skipped 13 minutes during the rebuilding of the Victoria Theatre, is only 53 years old and is still good for years more If properly maintained. This was
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  • 131 7 ITUALA LUMPUR. Fri Leaders of the Federation's 56.000 Government daily-paid workers today sent the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, a "reminder" about a special wag? inquiry commission he has promised them. Five months ago the Tengku told the workers he would set up a
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  • 124 7 No women in Assembly? Shame, says woman MP from Japan 1 k. .v v^^^^^^^MK^fe^KAWh,;^ I SINGAPORE women should take more interest in polities and stand for elections, said Miss Shi sue Yatnaguchi (above). a member of the Japanese House of Representatives, yesterday. ■What a shame," she said when she learned
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  • 146 7 $147 MIL. POWER STATION IN 1964 I/UALA LUMPUR, Fn. Work on the first stage of the Cameron Highlands hydro electricity scheme to produce 100,000 kilowatts will start in February next year vii will be completed in five years. It is estimated to cost $147 million Tenders have already b.-, n
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  • 25 7 The Singapore Telephone Board and Its employees' union yesterday agreed on th» revised pay scales proposed by the board for cashiers and stenographers
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 TINGLING -FRESH -and that means healthy gunts I The tingle comes fjk <*^O I Rtcinoleate, a I I substance that cares I for your gums, and B *c*w^ I ever y tut* JJ Im^ A I Gibbs S.R. im^^^^M^^lK^&^^tlm f^^^^^ ¥\di^H GIBBS S.R. is good for teeth and gums MWW.MI
      77 words
    • 187 7 "1 must gel M something to m V relieve this m ~"JB B^^ awful skin I^AH irritation" J^^B M 1"I n Asepso Soap W it's so soothing" A«pw Soap protects you agtunsl the germs that cause b 7 '■fiin troubles. FAMOUS FOR THE RELIEF OF PRICKLY HEAT JM f M"I
      187 words

  • 397 8 PENSIONER TELLS OF THREAT TO 'TAKE BLOOD 9 KUALA LUMPUR, 1% Fri. S t c p h e n Peter Fonseka, 22, a teacher, whose body was found on a bridge in I'antai Valley on May 11, was killed by mistake, the prosecuting
    397 words
  • 124 8 RANGFRS of the Game Department lUn the 4Mlb ttrer killed ky Inche Maarof bin Deras near Kamtwnc Gedofc. Gemas, on Wednesday. Yesterday a 2MI». tigress, caught in a boar trap. was shot near Kuala Filah. Inche Maarof. li In Tampin Hospital with claw marks *n
    124 words
  • 165 8 START SOON ON THE INVESTORS' CHARTER KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Government has set up a committee to draw up a draft charter to protect foreign Investors as proposed by Tengku Abdul Rahman at a conference here earlier this year of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East The
    165 words
  • 28 8 BEREMBAN Frt -A threemonth deposit on conservancy fees will be enforced by the Beremban town council from January next year Reason "The mounting increasing in arrears."
    28 words
  • 159 8 'E y gunners' 50,000 th 'special' for Chin Peng IPOH, Fri. In the 1 "Ginger" area today, E" Troop of the Royal Artillery flred a specially polished shellits 50,000 th. in operations against the terrorists inscribed with the words "From Peck to Peng." The "special" for Chin Peng, secretary-general of
    159 words
  • 409 8 IPOH, Fri. In a criminal revision case In the Supreme Court here today, Mr. Justice Good reversed the order of the Ipoh magistrate, who had discharged the president of the People's Progressive Party and three supporters on an alleged election offence.
    409 words
  • 31 8 PENANO. Frt.— Eight Penang and Kedah dealers, who have been associated with the Shell Company for SO years. were presented with ionft service plaques at a dinner tonight. i
    31 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 684 8 < sM»vm:i st. ww s owiig 5 ANTHONY PEBKINS vajfC lUrflViri 1 1 1 1 w SILVANA MANGANO""* MIwVKJ AUK Tech -Col j4 K MIDNIGHT iiTBC E|¥'» ta Cln—iiim jL TONIGHT rLf Cotor-(ta). K .Midnlfht Tomorrow: "BEWARE OF PICKPOCKBTS'* (Maud.). Today llAl 'SAILOR BEWARE" Martin-Lewb (Par.).|. M w Tomorrow >
      684 words
    • 585 8 PHONf >Mran B |JLJP |iX Vr#ll Sh«»sving WM "1. 1.45, 4. 6.39 9.30.J "ITnt"k "WONDERLAND OF NATURT' i TONIGHT D-r-L..." Ton J nd Tech. B M'NITE nansas Kaioers curtis mukpht <ud. i Twsum BTMIe: "THE LITTLE TRAMPS" Mandarin. Tote* am: "PARASITE" Mandarin. U m Tomorrow 9 a.m.: "BHOWANI IVM TION"
      585 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 227 8 Straits Times Crossword yji mCT 24 Clean change of best gear <8> rJ 3 |H* I 2S Cricket commentator ahc*» ns)§ I a< character, conceited and 10 1 "~BH 2 What> egl Walton must do 388 sro b^J wsj TTI™ iere precede the return of i2s mSSJ P^^ M Luliau
      227 words

  • 1212 9 Colony's first constitution was ushered in hundred •years ago EXACTLY one hundred years ago, in the month of March, Lord Bury, c dest son of the Earl of Albermarle, made a speech in the House of Commons at Westminster. It was not an especially good speech. And one or two
    1,212 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 6 9 I Q O lW atiS IS?
      6 words
    • 269 9 BABVCHAM The genuine > Champagne Perry The babyebam hottle fills a champagne glass T| £3m\ Available from hotels, bars and clubs throughout Singapore and the Federation of Malaya. MADE BY SHOVERINGS LIMITED OF SOMERSET, ENGLAND Distributed by SI ME DARBY Why users call it the FYTRA I IFF Fr m
      269 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 116 9 Vannvn A fo. Uy Ma* V so this is V\rr^^A Jk L^^^^V^^^BTV i[l/ /A j Hfyf cjhtc tuc i I Hf*?MArW7^ /Tlu\ C V^^^^_ ,^^^B. ft I l^j jm J*~* t A>^^LJ I I H^H Wkm Saint Uy Leslie ihttrivris i I I I y SELF AdQu" V'CjR J NOTES
      116 words

  • 451 10 By Our Market Correspondent T HE cut of half a per cent in the British Bank Rate on Thursday to 4} per cent had no obvious major effect on Singapore and Malayan markets yesterday. The first visible reaction was a small
    451 words
  • 28 10 SINGAPORE, AUG. 15. RUBBER: Sll cents per lb. (down a quarter ot a cent). TIN: $369,121 P*r picul (down 50 cents). Unofficial estimated offering 110 tons.
    28 words
  • 19 10 Malayan Share Market: Aug 15 Aag. 14 Industrials: 87.7* 88.98 Tins: 79M 81.39 Jan. 1 1958= 10t
    19 words
  • 320 10 to the The Mala) in Share Broken Association reported: "Industrials and Una were easier, and rubbers were quietly steady. The turnover was small." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business done yesterday; Fed. Dispensary (1.00 and 11.08; Prater At Neave ords 12.63; Gammon $1.46 and 11.45; W
    320 words
  • 148 10 September first grade rubber bayers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 81 tt cents per lb. down a quarter of a cent on Thursdays closing price Closing lone: Dull. Closing price. In cents per lb yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 RSS Spot fob. buyers 81, sellers 81^; Int.
    148 words
  • 49 10 The following further July rubMr crops are announced, Ayer Panas 100,000 lb. Glenealy 91.500 lb.. Elaang 68.500 lb.. Pajam 154.000 lb lld Benut 46.500 lb Malaka Plnda 129.000 lb. Uniteel Malacca 145.100 lb.. Ajrer Molek 33.240 lb I.eon« Hln San. ltd 60.300 lb. and Nyalas 50.610 i
    49 words
  • 124 10 MELBOURNE, Prl INVESTMENT shares on the Stock Exchange here today maintained a strong upward trend with front rank Industrial fttocks well supported. Loans 3%% 1956-59 £100 Is. 3d. Loans 3V' r 1955-58 £101 0s 9d Bank of NSW U6 1 buyers Con. Zinc 60/6 buyer Mount Lyell, 24/3
    124 words
  • 81 10 Singapore Chinese Prodace Exchange noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; UK/Continent August /September $32 buyers $32 >i sellers. Coconut oil: quiet: bulk $48\ sellers, drum $52 sellers Pepper: quiet, no business was reported, Muntok white $128. Sarawak $127 (both unchanged), special Sarawak olack 174 runchanged). Singapore
    81 words
  • 249 10 The Malayan Exchauge Banks' AtatelaUen made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday: London selling T.T. Of O.D 2 3 78; buying airmail T.T. 2 4 O.D. 2 4 132, 30 dst 2 4 5 32, 45 dst 2,4 Silt. 60 dst 2.4 14. M dial
    249 words
  • 309 10 QUIET conditions have prevailed on the Singapore. Rubber Market throughout i the week and with no influences indicating a future trend fluctuations have been, within narrow limits, report Holiday, Cutler, Bath 8c Co. Ltd., in their current market survey. Any movement has soon been stifled
    309 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 940 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited from Federal Citizens, and from serving permanent Government officers Including those on probation who have attained the age of 21 but not 30 for appointment •s Assistant Game Warden in the Game Department, Federation of Malaya. Qualifications: Passed Oversea School Certificate or equivalent with a
      940 words
    • 549 10 NOTICES NOTICE CANCELLATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY MESSRS. SOON CHEONQ LIMITED of 84, pekln Street. Singapore, and of Wolferston Road. Malacca. HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the Power of Attorney dated the 9th October, 1947, made In favour of Mr. Chua Kock Choon has been cancelled. The said Mr. Chua Kock
      549 words
    • 85 10 TENDER NOTICE Tenders irom Contractors under Head II and VI. Class C and above will be received at the Ottttr of the Chief Engineer. PWD Singapore up to noon of the 26th August. 10S8 for the construction and completion of two unit* ImhoS Tanks of rapacities for 500 persons and
      85 words
    • 114 10 SHIPPING NOTICES UNION OF BURMA SHIPPINr BOARD We nave pleasure to tnnoutut that there will be regular rung ol our vessels from Singapore to Calcutta via Rangoon as from September Cargoes and Passengers tire accepted First class service assured For 'urther oartlculars please contactINTERNATIONAL SHIPPING IGENCY 87 Nell Road Singapore
      114 words
    • 726 10 "K LINE" Japan O.S.A Pacific eh Atlantic Coaat Service S'pori r I'M* Centni CU Kobe IM i» Hi Nt HaenUw. Mars taHiaf i« >■! I* sat 11 Sett JJ Seat Mwn' Ist call 11/11 Jtf I II Se§< II $e«> call 14/11 ttf I H ttf I IJ Oci
      726 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1373 11 T-t. 4 os MANSFIELD «Jr CO., LTD. NH Ml ■nroroo-ater; iMNMattJ (12 liaes) st Z" THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS TO LIViRPOtJI GIASItW, LINBON I CONTINENTAL PORTS (Via Smi wit* tt .need >li Pattaa v Capa M (tti Haat) Cirners opt.en to arocee« mt other ptrlt lo !»W jnd
      1,373 words
    • 2135 11 I I a fcgj l^f^*tMt^^^L^MT^^»i^M^Mt»MP?aai B^M^HP^B^laP^*Ma! EAST ABJATIC LINES MMIWAMS UILIMtS FM AIEN PORT Ull. GEMA. AkTiTMIP, RtTTERMLM MEMIN, HAktt«RC. CXEWUCEN, ItliMtM*. OUO jl Stora P. Sham Penang 10 -LAIANBI*" 21/24 Alt a/a ta| a/27 Ai "DM"' 7/ I Stft kVTOStft 11/11 Sei MPAACM— 11/14 Im* sEiANiu' ii/nstft M/2istpi ayaitt
      2,135 words
    • 850 11 McALISTER <Sc CO.. LTD vi: m.: au< EUERMAM LIMBS KLAVENEftft i.iMB LONOON, NAVRE. ROTTERDAM UMBVK LOS ANULES SAN FRAMCISCO mo IS) U.S.A. North Atlantic Poito SEATTLE, VANCOUVER t PMTLANO «n"i?i«piM 0 /ir*" tmom tmv CM S'POft P S'haa i-enMt sunnvvili. 27/tat/4S4ft 1/lttH 7/tteft Spor, "r»tm P^ang Callt Hull I Mitdlasbrougt.
      850 words

  • 154 12 I WHOLEHEARTEDLY support the views of "Onlooker" and "Singaporean" on the subject of the barring of Federal citizens from Singapore's public services. Whatever may be the merits and virtues of a merger with the Federation of Malaya. Is It Justified that It should be achieved
    154 words
  • 124 12 IT is interesting to note that the press secretary to the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, "agreed that no specific reference had been made to Infiltration of socialist parties". If no soeciflc reference is made In "the recently «-aptured Communist document, then why should the Government
    124 words
  • 85 12 rE Minister of Education's exhortation to Malayan teachers to be less cash-conscious Is timely. The current recession In world trade and the consequent loss of revenue should prompt the Malayan Government to revise the whole salary structure of the public service, especially of Division One and Two
    85 words
  • 339 12 I SPEAKING at a par.y rally at Ipoh on Aug. 9 Mr. D.R Seenivasagam the secre-tary-general of the People's Progressive Party, is reported to have asked his audience what kind of a merdeka it was that gave -ertain privileges to the Malays and
    339 words
  • 242 12 WHY NOT TAKE IT UP WITH LONDON? I APOLOGISE for again referring to information given by the Post-master-General aoout surface malls from U.K. (S.i. Aug 8) but I must say ni& unsatisfactory re- ply leaves the interests of those wno use the sea mails nowhere. can ne not assure them
    242 words
  • 225 12 11 does no good to can the Singapore public cowards; doing so will only make people even leas cooperative The blame lle 8 with the themselves; instead of waiting to be called after th* crime has been committed, they should rather be on
    225 words
  • 155 12 IN the 1956 Scheme ol Service Book which the Johore Government has adopted it U laid down inter-alia that candidates for appointment to the clerical services must have passed the Cambridge School Certificate examination and may be promoted to the special grade after completing one
    155 words
  • 94 12 MR PAUL FOO'S comments on International House (as quoted by the Melbourne Herald from the Straits Times) was a rather sweeping statement and It is incredible that he could so confidently air his views. Mr. Foo was a member of the house last year oni>
    94 words
  • 85 12 JT Is to be hoped that Mr Marcus has brought to the attention of the man responsible for underestimating the expenditure of public money required for the current P.A.P popularity campaign, his views on the necessity for estimating down to the last cent, as expressed in the recent
    85 words
  • 58 12 1 refer to the letter (S.T. Aug. 11 > under the heading "M.T.Akbar or Ceylon was never a Chief Justice" and wish co chronicle that Mr. M.T. Akbar was appointed actlng Chief Justice of Ceylon, when Sir Lancelot Elphinstone. Chief Justice of Ceylon, was transferred to
    58 words
  • 45 12 AS Infractions of the law are on the Increase, one sometimes wonders whether the re-lntroduc-tlon of the pillory would not be a good Idea. To many of the devil-may-care youngsters, being ridiculed Is often worse than imprisonment M.G.G. PILLAI Johore Bahra
    45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 194 12 CALCULATOR The nghl hand operates all controls with only very\slight movements. The left hand is entirely free for checking. irl\>hone Jc. JACOBSON VAN DEN BERG (S) LIMITED Agenti for: TYPEWRITERS (M) LTD. SINGAPORE —K. LUMPUR PINAN* Aa'psmMM?] a Raaai. tabl.l ih. antacid lagrtd- k feat* b*tla to work. Canted to
      194 words
    • 252 12 i fM -^1 (W vr _/**iwoi24J.? 4370 V S"* 2- c 4 76 4 1 i* IT'S EASIER WITH A H<> nt i n ,,t<n ,3,00 5 PORTABLE 1 J ADDING Jjj |||L MACHINE lUMIIllli;] M j*^ ou^irn"^! it ill Ken n £t°n K »"d solve H If Remington "73"
      252 words

  • 783 13 Spore crawl to 104-5 r in between showers KUALA LUMPUR Friday. QNLY 160 minutes play was possible oul of the scheduled 345 mini'tes when the three-day Malayan Cricket Association inter-state chain pionship final between Selangor and Singapore began on the Kuala Lumpur padang today. Rain interrupted play twice and when
    783 words
  • 69 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Peter R.chardson, England's left-handed opening bat who will be touring Australia with the M.C.C. team at the end of this year, will come to Malaya for a three-week demonstration cum coaching tour. This wa s told to the Straits Times today by Mr.
    69 words
  • 295 13 PENANG, Friday. A MERICAN joint holder of the world 100 yards 1X record, Mcl Patton, said here today that Asians could sweep the athletic world if they really want- Ed to progress "But they must be prepared to work hard," he told the Straits Times on
    295 words
  • 100 13 OENANG. Frl. Four goals, 1 including a hattrick, by Aziz Ahmad enabled Penang. Malaya Cup finalists, to beat North Malayan Malays 5-1 before a 4.000 crowd at City stadium here last night. Jack Hanson gave Penang the lead in the 24th minute. and Aziz Ahmad
    100 words
  • 33 13 KUALA KANGSAR, Fri. Saura Muda beat Police 4-1 in their League Soccer Dlv. One match here yesterday. Esah (2), Osman and Jamil scored for Saura Muda, and Harun Yacob for Police.
    33 words
  • 283 13 NEW SBA RULE: 2 SHUTTLES A SET If UALA LI'MPL'R; Frl. The Selangor Badminton Association has imposed restrictions on the use of shuttlecocks for its "restricted" championships to be held here from Aug. 20 to Sept 1. In a circular to affiliates, the secretary of the Selangor 8.A., Mr. Yap
    283 words
  • 275 13 LONDON, Frl. la a fantastic day's cricket, 39 wickets fell for only 251 runs on a drying wicket at Burton yesterday. Derbyshire beat Hampshire by 103 runs In practically one day only 23 minutes play was possible on Wednesday. Derek Shackleton (4-38) and Malcolm Heath (6-35) whipped
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 875 13 BSBII^PBMsIHsMBJBBKBBHMBaKsIE^MWKMaMBss^EI i (Continued from Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT M Warda U Mi*. > Box St rt,. txtn. CONFIDENTIAL STENOGRAPHER required for the manager of large organisation in main Singapore business area. Only ladles with highest qualifications need apply. State salary required etc.. to Box A 5643. S.T WANTED THOROUGHLY RELIABLE
      875 words
    • 844 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT tt Word, Si (Win.)— Box St tt: txtrm. DOUBLE BEDROOM Furnished with refrigerator, bathroom attached, own entrance, large compound, good residential area near CM*, for couple, single *****. FULLY FURNISHED THREE Roomed Terrace Houses Upper Serangoon Hygela System Monthly Rental $235/- Available Immediately Please apply Chen Tel. *****.
      844 words
    • 835 13 EDUCATION M Word, U (IHm.)—Bmx St rt: txtro FOORMAN'S SCHOOL OF Music. (Vienna Conservatoire ot Music) Enrolments accepted fiom 9.30 am to 6.3 C p.m. da'ly S'u*dents of Piano, Piano -Ar. or tiion, Violin, Guitar. Theory of Music. 28-A. Penang Lane, Tel: *****. Singapore. TUITION tt Word, H (Him.)— Box
      835 words
    • 926 13 VEHICLES FOR SALB M Worm 1 U Mi" >— Box St tt: extrm. FIAT "1100 p 1956 TR3 IM4 $3,500 0.n.0. both In excellent con- f dltlon view 150 Cairn. 11l Road r off Scotts Road ring *****. f H.M. FORCES! 8300 deposit I and drive away with a reliable
      926 words
    • 830 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE Wmrda U («■«.>—*•» M cte. mmtrm 1987 METROPOLITAN CON- I rERTIBLE. 19M H, Hawk. F/ 00. 1955 H California, H J r/TR2. H Minx, 1953 T/Maylower. 1951 V/Velox. F/Consul, Veetney Motors. 283 Orchard load. Trade-In and very easy wyment arrangeable. 1957 MORRIS MINOR 1000. 9M Standard
      830 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 90 13 TODAY Xl ALA LUMFVR: S«rn Youth XI v Services Selection. Merdeka Stadium, 7.30 pir. Sultan's Gold Cvp Federation Armed Forces v Kelantan Malaya, Ourney Road. KLANG: gseetr: FAS In-ter-district— Klang v K.L. North. TOMORROW KUALA LVMFIR: Soccer: Tourists mateh Kowloon Bus v Malayan Trn1l»"«. Princes Road. 5.15 pjn.; Rangers v
      90 words

  • 319 14 This brilliant sprinter should prove himself a worthy champion i HOLIDAY TIME MAY PROVIDE UPSET \IH. W. McGregor Walt's brilliant sprinter, Distine, should prove himself a worthy champion by winning the first running of the Yang di-Pertuan A gong's (iold Cup over Gf at Kuala
    319 words
  • 539 14 SIAMESE STAR DOES 9.7 BUT LOSES FINAL PENANG Fri Crack Games runner, who clockqiampse SDrinter ed 491 sece c n h*« yard Siamese sprinter hfat tQ br the 27 ear Suthi Manyakas set a oW record of 50^ et by new record In the L.D.E. Cuiien in
    539 words
  • 37 14 RACING Witt EPSOM JEEP It. I take him as the danger to Pleasant Dream. Mellanthus and Cheers have shown vast improvement since their races at Bukit Timah ■ACS TWO VGA BLONDEAU has good early pace for a
    37 words
  • 293 14 THE YANG DI-PERTUAN AGONG CMP FIELD THI Yang «-t>«rr»ao> Ago»g. Cold Ca» 4 —345: ClaH 1 Onr. I —6 Fan) at KajU Lwnpyt this artoraaoa: 1 ***** DISTINE (W. aicO. Watt) Hobos 10.7 8 bag by Distinctive—Clarine (F) Donnelly I 45! 19 AMI SCMENT T\b\m\ (Shaw SUblei Spencer 8.7 5
    293 words
  • 143 14 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY Me* 1 PLEASANT DREAM ma PLEASANT DREAM Chew* Kr« ARINA GOLD Ch.rri 2.1S. Roc. 2 Y6A ILONOEAU Erik Sprcol ClMrai VGA ■IONDCAU tt.h.r ».t ElMi Y6A ILONDCAU Colour film 2.41. Im 1 HAADYAI Marry Lia.hi Ouf Kinqdom MERRY LIGHT On Scr..n Mo.drol ON SCREEN
    143 words
  • 12 14 GOING AT KL There was slight rain in Kuala Lumpur yesterday afternoon
    12 words
  • 448 14 Class 4 horse and over Mfcf he will be hard to beat. Earlier ln the year this Vilmorin gelding won over the Kuala Lumpur 5' 2 f in Imln 0 4/5. At Bukit Timah last month, he led speedy Merry Light right up to the last
    448 words
  • 129 14 TBNGKU'S HOPE: A i960 'GOLD' DENANG, Frl. Malaya's 1 sporU-lot ing Prime Mlnlstrr, Tenfkß Abdul Rahman, expressed the hope toaa? that the Federation would wla its first told medal at IK* Olympics In Rome "I hope the best of our athletes -111 be given every eneoaragenenl," he uid when he
    129 words
  • 909 14 IM VAR"S FINAL: 1. Kaja Allan (Keli, 2. Kd>avan Soou (Spore), 1. Shaharuddln bin All (I<M>) 9.9aec. ONE MlLfc *INAL; 1. A. J. Vincent itk-ii, 2. D. A. Buddeu iSel>. 1. r*. Peyadaas (Perakr 4inui 33sec I MALA VAN XtCOBO). oaa ..»»o» in auLLa
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 803 14 CL viSSiFIED ADS. "AT YOUR SERVICE" 2« Van* ill (Mimlmmm) Unilm I month. 1* Word, f-Jt (Mlm.) UO HAVE ALL Your Important BltOrtg Microfilm al Tang's ***** rOk SELF-DRIVE CARS Phone 21uoi> Evernne Co.. SIB Serangoon Road lady Hamilton hybrids. Jil.i Aruved. PO Box 189. Tel MM JAGUAR SALOON For
      803 words
    • 179 14 THE MOST TEBBIFYING THING THAT CAN 1 HAPPEN TO ANY WOMAN! 1 ■> aana^a >- kj vy lr^Ljfr MMmMMMm^XMM F > ■^t. V<l?Tr-^iw-* N ul<o nsl '< T >'« X» {MEW ALHAMBRA-op£ws tomorrow^ The Xu.nird BK. H<.lll m mm on the ORieUI Wn*f Welfht British Empire Champion t» Fight
      179 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 438 14 REST OF THE XL CARD Race ft— (Class 4. Otv. 1) Abt. 7 r-r». 1 05 MelUnthos U.H. Laldlaw) Manning. 3 ».O (O) rranklin 2 ***** Two Dimension (Shaw St.) Maitln. 7 8.12 <O) Johnson 3 ***** Clever Bag (WT. St. Mdm. Lfti> RodK-ib. 7 8.11 (O| Chadwiek 4
      438 words
    • 713 14 T:day's bast bets EPSOM JEEP'S best bets at Kuala Lumpur today ore Vga Blondeau (Race 2), Magic Note (Race 6) and Ford (Race 8). CALL BOY'S double is Merry Light (Race 3) and Heart* Ease (Race I 7). 12 ***** layman (Campbell Dr West) Donnelly. 5 8.2 (O) Pouter 13
      713 words