The Straits Times, 12 August 1958

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVERAGE DAILY fEItTIMEU SALE EXCEEDS Ho,oof The Straits Times flatted Estd 1845. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1958 IS CENTS
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  • 75 1 MARION 7 gave up a TV contract' HOME MARION WILLIS. 19, "Miss Singapore", who took part In the "Miss Universe" contest at Long Beach, California, last month, retamed home by PAA yestcrtWjr. Among the relatives and friends who met fewr at the airport were her mother, Mrs. Deris Craig, and
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  • 95 1 SHELLING BREAKS LULL AT QUEMOY rIfF.H. Mon. Chinese ummunists broke the lull in the Quemoy area by firing 41 snells on to Nationalist-defended Tatan and Little Quemoy islands late last night. A Defence Ministry communique sai«| the bombardment from Amoy lasted 40 minutes, but the Nationalists suffered no losses. The
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  • 63 1 SYDNEY. Mon.— Roy John Morrison, collapsed and died after being stung on the head by a bee yesterday. Morrison was working In his garden when he complained to his son of having been stung. Soon after he went to bed with pains in the head and neck
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  • 589 1  - Meetings draft strategy for the attack DON BERESFORO JgENIOR Singapore ministers and Government officers attended secret meetings in the Chief Secretary's office yesterday to co-ordinate an allout drive against crime and gang activities. The Chief Minister Mr. Lim Yew Hock, the Minister for Education, Mr. Chew Swee Kee, the Chief
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  • 84 1 rl Singapore Police antl-kldnap alarm waa set in motion yesterday after a boy was reported abducted from Sago Lane in the heart of Chinatown. Bat up to late last night, police had not been able to trace the kidnap victim. At 4.19 p.m., Radio Police headquarters
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  • 158 1 GIRLS GET INK on FACE FOR USING BRITISH COSMETICS VI CO 8 1 A, Mon 11 EOKA youth* today splashed ink on the faces of Cypriot-Greek girls for using cosmetics made in England. Several girls had their British-made clothes slashed It was a day of tension and unrest in Cyprus
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 33 1 CALCUTTA, Mon— lwentv five people were drowned last night when a ferry boat sank In the Hooghly River, near Barrackpore. 14 miles from here. Five people were saved Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 34 1 TOKYO. Mon. The Ja panese Foreign Minister. Mr. Altchiro Fujiyama, will attend the emergency session of the U.N. General Assem bly on the Middle East leaving here by air on Wednesday.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 25 1 KARACHI. Mon— The Pakistan President, MaJ.-Gen Lskander Mirza. yesterday called upon the armed forces to be vigilant to safeguard the country's security.— U.P.l.
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  • 353 1  - Kramat gives $2m treasure secret in dreams THAM SOON KENG By TELUK ANSON, Mon. —A third attempt to find the Suzuki treasure is being made by a man who says he was given the $2 million secret of the burled treasure's location in his dreams. Inche Hamsah bin Lope. 37.
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  • 275 1 Survivor was 'unwanted 3 I ONDON, MOfl. A four-year-old girl who survived a plane crash in which 36 people died last Saturday was identified yesterday as the "unwanted child" of an English peeress. Centra! African Airways, owners of the Viscount airliner which crashed while trying to land at Bengasi (Libya),
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • 17 1 NEW YORK, lion.— Former President Herbert Hoover celebrated his 84th birthday yesterday. -U Pi
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  • 23 1 NEW DELHI. Mon. The Indian Government has returned to Japanese nationals their properties in India seized during the Second World War— U.P.l.
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  • 216 1 CANCLAND SWOOPS: 57 HELD L'p to early this morning Singapore police, in their biggest ever gangster clean-up sweep, had arrested 57 in raids on gangland thugs. The operation began at dusk and will go on until dawn today. Hundreds of detectives as well as the reserve
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 134 1 «H' V^S^W riTTHMSMI WWW trlmsistorwS^ Comptcu toiphon* Carrytaa con S 4 7/1* i l.t/1« I.J/1 Aoenf, Waa Mn. 1 Co Ltd it loMww «oo« i'9~* ttt: ITOSa DEtt^^' In. oeautiiuuy made and very spacious O.E.C. Elegant tight keeps fresh food fresher It has double saladors and space for
      134 words
    • 42 1 N»a* la O«rm..T J^"N SCOTT INGUSH (S.I. A I LTD. 79- Aaaaa Raaa. TlMMna. T tl: Mt4l O P about it V ..Th« roofing specialists 7 with sxporioncs. Jacks J\ *uppiy. lay sad gwrantos A'\ [rSk. ro •■t«r«r««fl«g- ml Jfev /afia. InswlaUoii.
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  • 337 2 MAM ALLEGED TO HAVE KILLED STEPMOTHER 'WOMAN HAD 22 STAB WOUNDS' IPOH, Monday. WOMAN stabbed 22 tines was the victim of "the most brutal murder of the year," a police officer told a preliminary inquiry here today. Inspector Sarain Singh was giving evidence
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  • 123 2 Surprise for a Malayan WELLINGTON, Mon— lnche Yacob bin JafTer, a Malayan bookbinder, received a pleasant surprise when colleagues at the Government Printing Office here presented him with a farewell gift. A Colombo Plan trainee who has been In New Zealand for two years. Inche Yaoob radiates cheerfulness and good
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  • 45 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The Yang di -Per tuan Aeonti and the Raja Perniaisuri Agong will attend a Command charity premiere of the Malay film "Sergeant Hassan" in aid of the Royal Malay Regiment welfare fund at the Capitol cinema here on Aug 26.
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  • 113 2 ALOR STAR. Monday. A COMBINED Siamese-Malayan jungle patrol killed one of six terrorists in a 15-minute gun battle in the border area yesterday. The patrol, of Siamese police and men of the 7th platoon. No. 1 Federation Field Force, came across the gang, which was
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  • 53 2 PENANU. Mon. -Seven delegates representing 140 shops In Penang Road today called on the Chief Minister. Mr. Wong Pow Nee, and handed him a petition against a proposed parking bau. The City Council last week confirmed the decision of its traffic committee to Introduce the ban for
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  • 62 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. The Johore Religious Affairs Department has issued a circular warning Muslims that they are liable to a $5 fine for falling to attend Friday prayers. "We get quite a good crowd In mosques throughout the state oxi Fridays but we want more to come,"
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  • 39 2 KUALA LUMPUR Mon The Federation's Deputy Public Trustee. Mr. K. Paramalingam, leaves on Thursday for Britain for specialised training. Mr. Paramalinuam was appointed to the post In August last year when it was Malayanised.
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  • 31 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Civilian employees and depot police of 221 Base Vehicle Dept... RAOC. will hold a dinner and dance at the Civil Service Club here on Aug. 16.
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  • 205 2 WOMAN: HUSBAND SAID HE WOULD KILL ME A HOUSEWIFE told a Singapore court yesterday that her husband threatened to kill her when she asked for money and his second wife had called her a^tfog." Chng Tiow Tai. a lorry driver, faced a summons charge of failing to maintain his wife,
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  • 49 2 MALACCA. Mon. Kamaruzaman bin Haji Hamzah, an officer attached to the Immigration Office here, was charged on two counts tn the Magistrate's court today with behavlnc in a disorderly manner. He pleaded not guilty and the case was postponed to Aug. 25. Ball was fixed at
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  • 165 2 OENANG, MOD. A 23-year-old fisherman, Fong Mok For, who had lost $60 at pin tables, later reported to police that he had been robbed, the First Magistrate's Court here was told today. Fong pleaded guilty to making a false report, and was tailed for
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  • 42 2 KUCHING, lion. The Governor of Sarawak, Sir Anthony Abell. has appointed a commlaskin to Inquire Into and report on the operation of passenter transport aenrfeet In the gaehlnc area and to make recommendations for their more efficient operation.
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  • 103 2 ££Ty I I I -G H T J\, DRESS' Look lively. Where ARE you?" thunders Regimental SergeantMajor Crkkmore Of the Grenadiers. The generals shuffle awkwardly into line ("Deuced tricky, these chairs"). The Sar'major looks pained. "You'll never get your picture taken this way, gentlemen,"
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  • 292 2 nENANG, Mon. It was "most unlikely" that the Government would approve an application by Mr. Shinichi Ogata, former police chief of Japanese-occu-pied Singapore, to enter the Federation, an Immigration Department spokesman said today. "In fact no such application was made." he said.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 128 2 1 1 o /i/v/v/v... p^ a^^^P The Hamilton Electric Watch powered by one tiuy energy cell which gives JtjA an even flow of power. No winding W^E > on or off the wrist greater accuracy. f^M fewer parts, less care. Your dealer will Ifl KBC tell you more about this
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    • 74 2 //&r%ir rV^NI Competition Details dtfSw^ /0\ V W'^-i vmsE *11 you jEt^l > nB e the cartoons, }/iYfC< a ;W\ \~s3*^J 18/^/ which you cati iret ®^ZwW\\im Ut^ m your ncarctt /^WAaW^^<^ Sh °p- iiiudcd*' DISCOUNT /^V JUMrER FOR EVERY ENTRY [IK NON-SKID M H fc V^^mKsl™ for winners V
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 611 3 NUTTING AND MURPHY SHARE VIEW THAT IT'S BEST FOR WEST TO COME TO TERMS LONDON, Monday. MR. ANTHONY NUTTING, former British Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said in a television programme last night that Britain had either to "fight Arab nationalism to the
    Reuter  -  611 words
  • 177 3 BEIRUT. Mon.— The bodies of three top members of the Right-wing P.PS Party were found early yesterday in the Yanta area on the Syrian-Lebanese border. Their throats had bren slit. They were Identified as Achmed Hammoud. Malik Sakour and a "prominent lawyer." In
    UP  -  177 words
  • 57 3 WorM War Two bomb re c vered CHATHAM. Mon. After digging for almost five weem an Army disposal squad yesterday recovered an unexploderi German bomb weighing about a ton from th«> garden of a house he They recovered the bomb, dropped on the port during a World War Two raid,
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 33 3 BANGKOK, Mon. The Fisheries Department announced yesterday that the United States would soon begin an oceanographic survey of the Gulf of Siam to determine natural resources in the sea. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 27 3 PNOM PENH. Mon— Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Premier of Cambodia, who recently recognised Communist China, left today for visits to Rangoon. New Delhi and Peking. UJM.
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  • 57 3 PEKING. Mon. mm a Chinese Buddhist priest has been arrested in the Sooth' China province of Kwangtun e for carrying out "counter revolutionary activities under cover of the cloak of religion." Pan Huan. superior of a Buddhist monastery, was alleged to Have disseminated rumours against the Communist
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 84 3 NEW YORK. Mon— A British Comet IV jet airliner arrived at Idlewild airport yesterday to become the first four-engine commercial jet aircraft to land there. The Comet IV will make a series of flights while acous tic engineers make engine noise tests. The Port of New
    UPI  -  84 words
  • 58 3 LOCARNO (Switzerland). Mon. Chinese actor Kwan Shan won the award for the best mal? actor for his performance In the Hong Kong production of "The true history of Ah Quan" at the International Film Festival which ended here yesterday. An American Aim, 'Ten, North Frederick." was
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 33 3 TOKYO. Mon. "Peace marchers" from Hiroshima, the atom-bombed city In western Japan, arrived in Tokyo to participate in the fourth world conference against atomic and hydrogen bombs opening here today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 367 3 'RETURN AT ONCE— OR I'LL COME TO FETCH YOU' I ONDON, Mon.— Shari Mahal, a 20-year-old Indian girl who came to Britain to break into show business, was reported today to have been ordered home by her father, the Sultan of Devji. A London dai.y
    Reuter  -  367 words
  • 48 3 THE FIRST Chinese-made ear has Just been turned out by the No. 1 Motor Vehicle Plant \m Changchun. The six-seater car Is named the "Hongchi" (Bed Flag). It to a black sedan with a maximum speed of 115 miles per hour
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  • 321 3 HUSSEIN ASSAILS 'CONSPIRACIES' OF NASSER AMMAN, Monday. |£ING HUSSEIN last night attacked "Soviet sub1* version" in the Middle East in a national broadcast marking: the sixth anniversary of his accession to the throne. He said no Arab country had escaped the. conspiracies of President Nasser, who had recently made a
    Reuter  -  321 words
  • 117 3 Britain to test two new rockets MELBOURNE. Men. Britain's new rackets, the "Black Knight" and the "Blue Streak", which are »©on to be tested In Australia, could easily be adapted to launch an earth satellite, Mr. Aubrey Jones, the British Minister of Supply, said today. Mr. Jones, who is on
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 22 3 WASHINOTON. Mon. President Elsenhower returned to the White House last night after a weekend at his farm at Gettysburg.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 126 3 BISHOP: NUDISM WRONG —Unless alone f ONDON, Mon— The Roman Catholir Bishop of Southward the Right Rev. Cyril Cowderoy, has told Catholics in his diocese not to attend an international nudist congress. The congress, of about 1.000 nudists from many countries, is to begin on Saturday on the Duke of
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • REST OF THE overseas NEWS
    • 58 3 COMMUNIST CHINA DEFAULTS ON DEBT TO CEYIMN COLOMBO, Mon.— Communist China has failed to pay the Ceylon Government a 74,000.000 rupees ($45 million) trade debt on 1957 rubber and rice transactions. The original deadline (or the settlement of all accounts for 1957 was March this year, but It was extended
      UP  -  58 words
    • 29 3 VIENNA: The 1959 Budget of the International Atomic Energy Agency Is set at 56.725 000 nearly twice as much as the current year's Budget, It was announced here.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 25 3 LONDON: Earl Baldwin of Bewdley. son of the former Conservative Prime Minister and a former Governor of the Leeward Islands, died here, aged 59 Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 14 3 BANGKOK: Siamese police are to launch determined effort to wipe out prostitution here. Reuter
      Reuter  -  14 words
    • 26 3 BAGDAD: Brigadier Abdel Jabar Al Jomar. Iraqi Foreign Minister, left for New York for the U.N General Assembly debate on the Middle East on Wednesday— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 14 3 SANTIAGO: Four Chilean Army officers are missing In a snowstorm in the Andes— DPl.
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    • 29 3 NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, said that the situation In West Asia, although still critical, ilfed eased somewhat and that the danger of war had subsided— UiP.I.
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    • 18 3 BRUSSELS: The Soviet President. Marshal Voroshl lov, flew here for a threeday visit to the World Fair -DJ>.I.
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    • 30 3 ROME: The Israeli Foreign Minister. Mrs. Oolda Melr. left by plane for London where she It scheduled *<> hoM tnlk> with the Br tUh Oov<»rn n*nt on the Middle East UJU.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 t i -^*^^_^v\^£ »^^H 4, DELICATE PASTEL SHADES VIGOROUS COLOUR CONTRASTS EXTRA SPEED FOR ALL LIGHTING CONDITIONS. ■bh#4 /M ASK YOUR PHOTO DEALER BEHN MEYER CO. LTD. BMawaaa aaaui mhsmm pcnano thUKW SUFFOLK 'POLO 9 "5 Rotary Power Mower A real bargain! No alhll fii ■iwtf the market can II
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  • 197 4 Trade pact 'will help us both' MALA YAN RAW MA TERIALS FOR AUSTRALIAN GOODS KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. TRADE talks between Malaya and Australia opened today with both sides confident that the outcome will be of mutual benefit. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, opening the conference,
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  • 134 4 PARTNERS RAN AWAY WHEN FIRM FAILED, COURT TOLD PENANG. Mon. A man told the Penang High Court today that three of his partners in a firm ran away to India when their business failed. "I blame them for our plight. the fourth partner, O.S. Mohamed Sallth. said. Mohamed Salleh, now
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  • 34 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The 1957-58 record pad, harvest of 750.000 torts was nearly 60 per cent, of the country's needs, not TO per cent, as reported today, says the Department of Agriculture.
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  • 45 4 PENANO. Mon— A Penan* state councillor, lnche Aziz Ibrahim, has returned from America after a three-month tour under a USIS leadership grant. lnche Aziz will become secretary of both the Penang State UMNO and the Alliance I State Council soon.
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  • 195 4 SOON WE MAY HAVE TO LEARN TO SPEAK RUSSIAN' KLANO, Mon.—Malayans, particularly students, may be obliged by circumstances to learn Russian or Chinese at some time in the future, says a headmaster. Mr. R. C. Stowe, principal of the Klang High School, write- In its High School Chronicle: "Malayans must
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  • 28 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. The Unity Boys' Club here is sponsoring typewriting classes for boys and girls who wish to gain commercial experience during the school holidays
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  • 19 4 KUCHING. Mon. Six hundred and fifty watches, worth $25,000. have been stolen from a shophouse In MM.
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  • 152 4 I THREE FIREMEN LIE UNCONSCIOUS BESIDE ROAD I AFTER FALSE ALARM ENGINE OVERTURNS nnHREE Kuala Lumpur firemen He unconscious on the roadside waiting for an ambulance. Their fire-engine overturned on Sunday night while racing to answer a false alarm set off by hoodlums. The firemen are,
    Llm Yaw Chong  -  152 words
  • 187 4 -PART OF BLAME GOES TO NEGLECT: COURT CUNGEI PATANI, Mon —The Sungei Patani coroner, Tuan Syed Hassan Aljafrie, ruled yesterday that a military truck driver had contributed to three deaths through negligent driving. Tuan Syed Hassan returned this verdict at the inauest on Mat bin Safar. 24. Ramli bin Sahat.
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  • 49 4 PENANG. Mon.— A notel--1 keeper has reported the losa of $3,940 in cash and jewellery from his hotel in Chulia Street. Mr. Leong Ah Heng, of the Central Hotel said he missed $1,340 in cash and $2,600 worth of jewellery at about midnight on Saturday.
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  • 44 4 BUTTER WORTH. Mon. A telephone operator. Mrs. Low Yoke Cheng, 25. won the sarong kebaya beauty contest at the Penang state agricultural show in Bagan Jermal here last night. Miss Clementine Choo vu runner-up and Miss Sabrina Ujang third.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 266 4 ■I H* any Mi Vt BMLm i 'i*^««m»«*» I '^^^^^M M^^B^B B^C^rißlJ^W iE^^Zl A powerful factor in modern engine performance I Car engines am getting ueadily nore efficient It's a story of The influence of I.C A. is far-reaching, for as engine compression engine designers making best use of the
      266 words

  • 370 5 FOUNTAIN PEN SWINDLE BED FOILED BY MANAGER KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. "|"WO Chinese posing as businessmen have b«en evading Hie Selangor police since last Friday, when their plans to carry out a $7,000 swindle misfired. In an expensive brief case which the men left
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  • 110 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Malayan Manufacturers Association today answered criticisms of the association mad; by the Minister of Commerce and Industry. Mr. Tan Slew Sin. at the last Federal Council meeting. Mr. Tan said the association was adopting a "dog-ln-the mang*r" attitude toward foreign Investments. In
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  • 74 5 Two rob girl clippie In bus PENANG. Mot- Two Mala* passengers in a bus snatched St band bat coaUain-i-g $102, an Identity card and a cooductor't kadge from a tirl clippie last night. The men boarded the bus in Prang in Ramd Near ScstlasMl Road they signalled the bw* to
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  • 36 5 Shue Chin Uwa pleaded not guilty in Singapore yesterday to breaking into the house of Chan Yok Kam ln Strathmore Avenue on Aug. 10. He was remanded in the Central lock-up until Aug. It.
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  • 67 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A SeWingor State cricket and hockey player, Ronald Dennis Douglaa La Faber and a British soldier. Cpl. Brian Baker, were today acquitted in the Sessions Court here on a charge of stealing 30 gallons of paint worth $250 from the RE ME store ln
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  • 188 5 EX-MISTRESS CRIES: 'YOU BEAST!' PENANG, Monday. A FORMER pawnbroker, father of 11 children, was abused by his mistress as he left the Penang High Court today, leaning on the arm of his first wife. "You are a beast." Chang Ylng Khuan. 25. shouted at her partly -paralysed ex-lover. Lam Kuan
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  • 34 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Mr. Loh Cheok Leng, Ipoh branch manager of the Malaya Borneo Building Society, returned from Britain today by KLM after attending a six-month course on building societies.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 444 5 miinietmtg*EE»if I \\i Sf»*s_l b_r_^%__ W A -BeP^^L^aMlM I -tCi Im*M JM I i 'Jl* 1 U^Tmirnl wl' ill ajk I J^^ jd^H "y^aanJß^^M^^^M^W^i^afc^— > AA^4^^^^ w^,*^J^^^^^tJ| w .^^W I phone Arv i gyfr-N. last i***h m B t22£fbAj»*j' 45 4 630 930 George Montgomery "PAWNEE" color (m) Tomorrow Only
      444 words
    • 618 5 t V«liVM^| !!"Z NOW showing! J r a_ to -af_B > __R_a__l v .j, j4y4 5 MJ f rm MAR SI CHAN _•>•■_•*_••« No Fkc 1,1- la J> t hong sin lvi SOU SHI YUEN ca»»Tc«i«r < NEXT Anthaaqr Perkiaa Silvana Mansam 1 j CBANOE! -TMH ANGRY AGE' (C^hambta). T
      618 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 934 5 Pook (Mandarin) 12 45. 3. 7. t.U; Road 13 30 2 30. t.4*. SIS: LIDO: rrnHn < SUN: Par Horlaoo S. 7, S.IJ. Colourful Tokyo/Sun Yue Kong CATHAT: Scarlet Doll 1. J 30. Raaak K (»*«nd_r_i). 8.30. 5».3«. ODEON: Escape lrocn P mr ViirNr_liai_ San QuenUn J. 15, 5.46. 9
      934 words

  • 40 6 It ».rW» Sit < Minimum). TABOR— on Aug. 2nd. 1955. peacefully after a short Illness In Bt. Mary's Hospital. Paddington. London. Frederick Edward (Freddie) Tabor, dearly loved husband of Constance and dear Father of Ann of 6 Castle Koad. Weybrldge.
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  • 30 6 It Word, tit (Minimum). MR. HOR SOH and family of Kampar thank all relatives and friends who sent wreaths, loaned vehicles and attended the funeral of his late mother-in-law.
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  • 300 6 It Wordt tit (Minimum). FOR COCKTAIL TIME Jack Straws are Just right for Makan Ketchll. On sale at all pood stores Sole Agents Robinson's. NEW! Like cool moobllght In a garden 4711 "Mascota" Eau de Cologne refreshes and revives you with Its soothing fragrance. ■CHIROPODY and Osteopathlc Clinic (Regd.)
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  • The Straits Times
    • 741 6 Before Singapore listens to any more pronouncements on the secret society war let official minds recall the report of the Commission ol Inquiry into election malpractices that was published In April. Legislation again*! malpractices is of no avail, said this commission, until witnesses are prepared lo
      741 words
    • 433 6 The great strength of the report of the 15-nation committee on the hazards of atomic radiation is that it avoids political controversy and is not afraid to admit that present estimates of the dangers are exaggerated. It is a .sober appraisal of possibilities, a scientific an'l not
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 500 6 POLICE MUST SEEK NEW METHOD rE accusations made by Mr. Brian Ooodrich. the Assistant Commissioner C.1.D., on the people of Singapore as a "City of Cowards" (B.T. Aug. 10) were unjustifiable and nothing but blunt and impulsive remarks uttered In a state ol fury. Such statements especially
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    • 483 6 FIRST STEP TO COME FROM GOVT. TWO VIEWS ON TACKLING THE PROBLEM I READ the report of Mr. Brian Goodrich s statement that Singapore Is a "City of Cowards," and 1 quite agree with him that it Is high time to put a stop to this gangsters activities. But I
      483 words
      • 494 6 EXPLOITING MASS APPEAL IN SINGAPORE \|R. Lee Kuan Yew 1?1 said (StraLs Times Auk. 8) that the Eng-lish-educated were never educated to understand the social revolution which swept across the Asian Continent. This is untrue. for we know tha: Mr. Lee and many of his P A.P. comrades who are
        494 words
      • 408 6 HOW THE DECEMBER ELECTIONS WENT YOUR comments on Mr Lee Kuan Yew's letter of July 30 interest me. The December electoral agreement did not guarantee that the PAP votes would go to the Labour Front or vice versa. It was apparent that in December the extreme left wine votes went
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      • 109 6 IN his reference to the hostile attitude as adopted by the Chinese and English educated towards each other <S.T. Aug. 8) Mr. Lee Kuan Yew speaks of privileges enjoyed by the English-educated Is Mr. Lee convinced that it was this that brought about distrust between the
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      • 159 6 WHY ONLY TWO AMBULANCES AT K.K. HOSPITAL? IRANG the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital shortly after 7 a.m. on August 2 for an ambulance to take my wife for an emergency operation. 1 was told that there was no ambulance available, and asked to take her in a taxi. When I
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      • 40 6 NOW that crime is on the increase. I wonder why another "Operation Dagger" cannot be introduced. I echo Mr Hilbome's call <R.T. Aug 7) to bring ail criminals "to trial swiftly" and punish them severely KAM BO Singapore.
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    • 252 6 WITH reference to Corrections letter <S.T. July 30) about price of tea. it can only be construed thai the quota ion he gave regarding inftr.or tea from abroad selling at 60 to "0 cents per lb has misled him in his subsequent remarks
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    • 133 6 {STRONGLY support the view of R.D. who wrote on speeding up surface malls. Many people who are taking correspondence courses from England find the delayed sea mails a great handicap. Not many of us can afford to pay for air mail. A man who is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 526 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 7» W»ri» tit (Minimum). DOO: To Molly and Charlie at K K. Hospital on 10th. August, a ■Mer. Elizabeth, for Raymond. Mother and daughter well. tt Wmmm (Minimum). CHIA— KHOO: (Oeorget Soo <4ul eldest son of Mr. A Mrs. Chla Kirn Watt to (Peggie) Cheng Palk second daughter
      526 words
    • 49 6 GarrarD RECORD PLAYERS Suit All Radios Only Im*imurtl ran <tff<>r f/*»it a full rana*> \lulti- ml mf mf M f ml Far A. C. Main Far I. C. Mains Far AC/DC Maiat Far Battery Far Spriagt From all Radio Dealert. KEE HHAT RADIO CO., LTD. S'POEE— K UJ>|PI'tt— PENANG
      49 words
    • 123 6 t^fjjfa Hi Ft gTMWAT "Supertone" ELECTROSTATIC SPEAKER With this unit, which spans the full iHt^^v width of the cabinet, the all-Import- kwk Q^s. ant overtones shlrh give each liutru- fl iKs ment Its characteristic "colour" and Lmm mViii identity are reproduced In full, rich fl Hbk>v detail. The brilliance of
      123 words

  • 330 7 THEY SEEM TO PUT PAY BEFORE JOBS' SEREMBAN, Monday, 'pi K Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari. fears that Malayan teachers think too much about their pay and not enough about improving professional standards. Speaking at today's opening of the three day conference
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  • 101 7 WARNING AGAINST A TEA TARIFF KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Tea merchants in the Federation today warned of serious consequences if a protective tariff of 75 cents a pound is imposed on imported tea. The Federation Tea Merchants' Association has asked It European firms importing tea to Join them in their protest
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  • 41 7 Merdeka' film for cinemas KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Malayan Film Unit Is producing "One Year of Merdeka" for screening In Malayan cinemas during the merdeka anniversary celebrations. The 20-minute film will record major events In the Federation during the pas: year.
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  • 90 7 MR. SEE KHOON LIM, J.P., chairman of the Sungei Siput Local Council, collects his cooked rice ration from one of the 19 distribution points in the area, 20 miles north of Ipoh. on Sunday, when central cookIng was introduced for the town's 18,000 residents to prevent
    90 words
  • 194 7 Police chief Carbonell to quit in four weeks AFTER Z3 YEARS' SERVICE IN MALAYA... KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —The Federation's Commissioner of Police, Mr. W. L. R. Carbonell, will leave Malaya for England in four weeks after 23 years' service with the Malayan Police, the Straits Times was told today. He
    194 words
  • 133 7 ROYAL MALAY REGT. SAYS FAREWELL TO ANOTHER BRITON KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The 6th Bn Royal Malay Regiment, today said good-bye to it., commanding officer. Lt-Col. 11. J. Darling ton. He is suceeded by Lt-Col. Ibrahim bin In traditional army style, the colonel was towed out of the battalion headquarters
    133 words
  • 66 7 AOC TAKES SALUTE AT TENGAH The Air Officer CommandIng Malaya, Air Vice Marshal V. E. Hancock, yesterday -took the salute at the parade and march past of 45 Squadron RAF at Tengah, Singapore. The march past was led by Squadron Leader C. C. Blount. The ceremony, which lasted for 30
    66 words
  • 54 7 KUALA TRENOOANU, Mon. —The Trengganu State Government will soon grant scholarships for religious teachers and pupils to go for higher studies. "A bill for this will soon be approved," the Mentrl Besar, Dato Haji Kamaruddln bin Haji Idris, announced today at the annual meeting of the
    54 words
  • 176 7 Charged enemy alone mm v IPOH, Monday. A UURKHA hero of the Burma campaign, in which he won the Victoria Cross, leaves the army soon 1 after 18 years service. He is Regimental Sergeant Major Tulbahadur Pun of the 2nd Bn.. 2 6 Gurkha Rifles.
    176 words
  • 88 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. An estate contractor denied today that he had murdered a "good friend" and another man whom he had known for less than half an hour. Jagar Singh, 53. was making hi. s defence In the High Court here on the fourth day of
    88 words
  • 32 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon— A former Singapore nurse, Miss Tan Oeok Eng, 22, left here by BOAC for Britain today for a three-year course In social science at London University
    32 words
  • 23 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Forty senior Malay pupils from Selangor secondary schools are attending a four-day civics course here. It started today.
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  • 21 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The two-day annual conference of the Police Inspectors Association began at the police depot here today.
    21 words
  • 17 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Malay army families at Batu Cantonment' Selangor now have a women's Institute
    17 words
  • 435 7  - SEEING RED FOR 45 MINUTES AT AIRPORT R. CHANDRAN FUSS OVER 10 ON WAY HOME TO CHINA OVER VISAS...AND CHICKS My, rYES MEMBERS of a Communist Chinese trade delegation saw red almost from the moment they landed at Singapore Airport yesterday. They are on their home via Hong Kong after
    435 words
  • 172 7 REVENUE SLUMP— SO RAILMEN WON'T ASK FOR PA Y RISES KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. I*HE National Union of Railwaymen will not ask for salary Increases until the financial crisis in the railway is over. The union took the decision at its bi-annual delegates' conference which be- gan In Kuala Lumpur today.
    172 words
  • 92 7 KOTA BHARU. Mon More than 2,000 school children last night braved rain to hold a colourful lantern procession through the town in connection with the 61st birthday celebrations of the Sultan of Krlantan. This afternoon, the Tultan was host to hundreds of his
    92 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 mA\ 0k attafl A tf" M^ T^^in 114 I I.M EOGOCCCI I' 0 jH^V- Hpr so.. LAP HENC CO., LTD (Incorporated in Bong Kong) Bank of China Building Singapore Yesterday's E AIR-CONDITIONING BEST! M.i.Temp. mffSSS^St^^K^^K 88 2 F l&BHSHßt^^^^l Hußidlt>
      40 words
    • 74 7 LOANS AVAILABLE 'OPERA ESTATE OFF 6 1 Miles. SIGLAP RD. Terrace Houses Single Storey 3 Bedrooms etc. $15,400/Two Storey 3 Bedrooms etc. $18,500/Shop Ground Floor Shop $20,000 Ist Floor Flat— 4 Bedrooms $13,500/Special Cash Discount Excellent Design Solid Construction Ix>\v Assessment Etc. Tor Particulars Apply SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. 132.
      74 words

  • Feminine Forum
    • 1266 8 I HAVE often been a "guinea pig" in the course of my Job. and have tried out almost anything from a new car to vitamin pills, for the sake of a newspaper story. But I have seldom enjoyed a trial run as much as I did
      1,266 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 253 8 i^jEl Here cJi* way to f^S. snak* rOMf White Shoes > I rcaMy whit* insist on Kiwi V" "I '^i^h^P^. which contains TK>2. the world's 4 '^tfl^mjl wh <ett Kiwi White. V^M^B tn complete clesnmj let. Includes s sponge I I^A^^A •»P* lc tor in «»*n f P» ck M
      253 words
    • 153 8 I JM^JHU^aI Health and happiness are the two 10*% s ***isS|^^w P" zc P ossexioni that a pare" ls wish or c r a es anc w se parents /M B know that correct feeding is the best &llj^m w ay to obtain them. That is why '■HSfo i«r Anita,
      153 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 255 8 Straits Times Crossword IL_L_^_ 19 j foj 21 m 22 Iyas i y y ACROSS 6 William's supporters' ate* 9 Conductor Involved In actions about rank (it. (•>. T Talk of an Irishman v*t 1% wrhout a built-up area (>). on foot <«). 11 Acree with artist W* a man-
      255 words

  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1430 9 Chin Jack Lem, the Oriental Al Capone WAS BRANDED RACKETEER AND BANDIT WITH PLUNDER AS CREED "pIK CHINESE population in a dozen American cities breathed a sigh of relief in the early 1920's when Chin Jack Lem, founderpresident of the. powerful On Leong Tong breathed his last. Described a« the
      Daily Mirror  -  1,430 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 243 9 »Jk For the modern r) woman... J\ li- modern >^Hi deodorant ODORONO Stick Deodorant /nd mtn likr U.nTco^Jcml, MllllllllH lc«S Economical brume us looser I •nd don not UUsl^SlU iiumblr Uk |HMftaMaaaajß| OOORONO I Yout r.krH EH^^^^B •h/// />»*« 17/*. V £our ■r Is let*... to qu■ i V I
      243 words
    • 218 9 A GROWING FAMILY I We have pleasure **g^JP^JP n announcinß the B arrival of The Rhino lS^^^!jM an£ l c by s.S. Asama Maru ff I a^Bj. W^ CHUNG KHIAW BANK LTD. ■^A magic tablet^^^^^^H iassssl saP^ A^rA^aaaM Rai I Am I I ...sp€«dy relief from headache and H
      218 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 261 9 1 4irnt4>n A Co. By l##to ElCß^^^^T^KiP' T"S"'^*^^*^^^^^'^^SaSSr,*£ T £i^?lj PaBBBBBBBB^SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsisBBBisBIaM^^rasH MMfc=|=fer==i_B»£Sp i^ kJEMO XXI CM* Xf^JJ MAKPLV O«5 SOWS s**7tl I L^^ A-. JKk sbbhsbi^sbbbbbV/^ sbb^^^9 sh u7vfa-> 1 1 LOVELY Uj f^H B^afi uw' ■kk/ n \,^H l^^r _r-^_-^2S __^saf #j^^rw ft «t jfl^H n/«\ 1 r e^RJs!
      261 words

  • 636 10 By Our Market Correspondent ALTHOUGH the turnover on the Malayan Share Market yesterday was small, all sections were steady with prices inclined to harden. Recent expert forecasts of likely developments in the world tin price position have lately been more optimistic and
    636 words
  • 103 10 Stawaaarc CUatw Produce Exchange noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; UK/Continent August/September $314 buyers, $32 sellers Coconat oil: quiet; bulk $48 3/4 sellers, drum $62 sellers. Pepper: quiet; no business reported done; Muntok white $131, Sarawak $130, special Sarawak black $7S (all unchanged). Singapore Copra Association
    103 words
  • 28 10 SINGAPORE, AUG. 11. RUBBER: 81 rents per |b. (up half a cent). TIN: $370.50 per picuj (down 37 J cent*). Unofficial estimated offering 120 to us
    28 words
  • 361 10 The Malayan Share Broker*' AsaeclaUea reported: "All section* on the local share market were slightly firmer. The turnover waa small." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following businea* done yesterday; Fed. Dispensary 11.10; Praser Ac Neave ords U S"V» and (2.60; Gammon g1.40 (odd lot), $1.46; U town
    361 words
  • 14 10 I July rubber crops Included Kemp**. 407.236 lb.. and RadelU 20.500 lb
    14 words
  • 72 10 Ship* lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Ondina 1/3, Settau Maru 4/5, Ivaa Sechenov 6A. Oaastarkerk 6/7, Olenflnlaa 8/9, Braunschweig 10/11,! IS/14. Memenlaus 15/16, Kyoto 18 Selsan Maru 19 20, Serudom N Wall 4, Reginald Kerr 21/22, Braeslde 23/24, KlmanU 25/26, Van
    72 words
  • 143 10 August rirst grade rabber buyers i.o.b. closed In Singapore yesterday at 81 cents per lb. up hall a cent on Friday's closing price. Closing tone: Quiet Closing .rices In cents per lb yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int 1 R 8.8 Spot fob. buyers 81. sellers 811, int. 1 RB.B.
    143 words
  • 202 10 The Malayan Exchange Banks' Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday London: selling T.T. or O D 3 3 7|B; buying airmail TT 2 4 O.D. 2 4 1,32, 30 2 4 532 45 2,4 7,32, 60 dst 2 4 1 4
    202 words
  • 19 10 Makyan Share Market: Aug. 11 Aug. g Industrials: 88.79 UM Tins: » 79.7* Jan. 1 19S8 IN
    19 words
  • 128 10 MELBOURNE. Mon. INVESTMENT shares recorded a generally firm trend on tv« Stock Exchange here today. Hire purchase stock* wera slightly firmer. Retailers strengthened further. Prloe movements remained narrow and trading was on average volume. Loans 3H% 1956-59 £100 os. 3d. Loans 3 W 1955-58 £101 os. 3d Bank
    128 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 490 10 WANTED: Experienced Manager for Petrol Filling and Vehicles Service Station. Good salary profit sharing basis. No finance required. Applications and full particulars of education etc.. to Box A 5532 S.T. A. D. GULAB. OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE NAME OF SHIP I, DEVIDAS OULAB, of 43 Wyndham Street, Hongkong hereby
      490 words
    • 95 10 PUBUC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA ASSISTANT REGISTRAR Applications are Invited for the post ot Assistant Registrar for general administrative duties In tbe Registrar's office. Applicants should preferably be University graduates with administrative experience. Salary on the scale:— $715x35 785/830x35 1030/ 1100x40-1300 p.m. In addition, a variable allowance is paid. There
      95 words
    • 416 10 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that Mr A. O. Tien Is no longer employed by Singapore Baggage Transport Agency Ltd., and U not authorised to transact any business on our behalf. Singapore Baggage Transport Agency Ltd., 8E Asia Insurance Bldg.. Singapore. NOTICE Federation ot Malaya 511.256,9M/--4% Begistered Stock *****1975
      416 words
    • 791 10 PUBUC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENT NOTICI Applications are Invited from Federal Cltiaens to fill thrwJS) appointments as lugln—r Works Officers In the Armed Forcas Selected applicants will b* granted abort servioe commissions to the Rank of capUln for I years In the Federation Engineers Extensions to oommlMlnri may be approved up
      791 words
    • 213 10 SHIPPING NOTICES m/> "JENS MAERSK" Voy: t Arrived: 8/M Consignees of cargo ex the above vessel are notified that the General Survey will be held at Godown 27 28 at 8.30 a.m. on 13/8/58. No further survey will be held after this date. As AgenU: ANGLO-AMERICAN CORP. LTD. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES
      213 words
    • 687 10 SHIPBROKERS FOR SALE. PURCHASE AND CHARTER HULL AMD MACHINERY INSURANCE INCLUDING WAR RISKS AMERICAN ASIATIC SHIPPING AGENCIES LTD Steamship Agents and Operators Cjdl« Andrew OdUMsrh Mou«« Telephone CHAHTIBWIf lth Float Soor. ***** m mm m m m »K LINE" Japan U.S.A. Pacific Attend* Coast Service S oo'« t S'liam Prnanf
      687 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1459 11 Tel: 2.405 MANSFIELD «C CO., LTD. Tel: »411 (II l.acs; Incorporated ir Sitjjaaore) (H MM "owT 1 THE BLUE FUNNEL*. LINB SAIHNtS TO LIVTIIPMI. SLAStiIW, lIFWON 1 CffITTIWEIOAI PMTI (Via Smi witl hltrkj ta frtctet »ia Paaaat tr Cwa ft teal Nape) Carriers eatiw to •rtcaef via otkar m -ti
      1,459 words
    • 1116 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES HOMEWARRS SAILINCS FOR AOEN, PORT SUB, COaV AjrTMOP. ItTTfMMM. NAMOOI, HEMEN. COPENNACEN, SOTNENIOK, NU Spore P. S'Kam Paiang -LAiANDiA n/24 Aaj a/a Aw a/17 let •WM- 7/11*4 (.Maaat M/H*M« "MIAOIA-~ tVMtWt "SEUMII- ttvaapt a/11 Oat 12/Bfcat I tmn OJaii -Ttrt Mha. IUTtHAtfS SCILINCS Fit UMIM AM/M FAR
      1,116 words
    • 1243 11 THE BEN UME STEAMERS LTD. lIMIPI nararaaniaa ia tkt United Kingdom) s INKS SAILINSS Tl AMU, IX t CONTINENTAL PMIS S'pori P. S'aea Paung OENWTVIS for L.wrpeel, -iL'Jgi'gJV "*?>*»■ wmvmn is/11 Aaj 11/aAat ■■^■»Mawa»jWa«wl T#f BHaaMTf i.*****1, JSa£7&. MM l^- B/B4 B/ -z5a w i ffi.-t-*..uw-M.? 1 11 ***** 1
      1,243 words
    • 1074 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL: Ha.: aai BLLBBMAM LIMBS KIaAVBHBSB ISM LONOON. HAVRE. ROTTERDAM. LOS ANCELES. SAN FRANCISCO KAMOURt t NU UATTU, VANCOVVEI t PORTLANO and for USA, North AtlanUc Parti Auapt.ig taw tar Ceitral I Stan aal Canaat vat Qjlwti taarita cm of Montr sawrviut Sport f. 9mr Pmaat
      1,074 words

  • Commercial News and Views
    • 346 12 $12 mil. Singapore plan for a 'satellite town' HOUSES FOB 1,600 FAMILIES NEW multi-million dollar self-contained satellite town which will provide houses for at least 1,600 families will be built at Bukit Panjanjf, Singapore. This huge project, which will be undertaken by the Singapore Trading Co. Ltd., a local housing
      346 words
    • 204 12 A NEW type of glass suitable for home and office windows will be introduced on to the Malayan market later this year by a leading Japanese glass manufacturer. The new products are the rmopane multiple glass and bluepane glass, both manufactured by Nippon Sheet Glass Co.
      204 words
    • 200 12 SINGAPORE and Malaya need more domestic banks to finance the retail trade and other sections of home business, a visiting bank executive from Madras, said In Singapore last week. This type of bank, which should be of local origin, would considerably help In the promotion of
      200 words
    • 146 12 Burma tin miners hit by slump PIE tin and wolfram industries in Tavoy have been severely hit by the current slums in world mineral prices, according to a correspondent of the daily paper, The Nation in Rangoon. Several small mines have had to close down while larger operators have continued
      146 words
    • 24 12 Malaya's soap production in May was 53.666 cwt.. of which 25.293 cwt. was produced n Singapore. The April production was 51.294 cwt.
      24 words
    • 253 12 ri Dui.:,p Rubber Co. (Malaya) Ltd., which supplies over 50 per cent of Malaya's requirements for latex foam mattresses, pillows and cushions is planning to increase its sales further. Mr. J. T. Ogden, manager for the company's allied products, said yesterday that their
      253 words
    • 203 12 IytALAYA'S total imports from Britain during the JT first four months of this year showed a decline of 10 per cent in value to $241 million over the corresponding period of last year The largest drops in imports from Britain included rubber manufactured
      203 words
    • 60 12 Malaya's copra imports In l™% totalled 13.683 tons. »,073 tons more than in May This brought Malaya's totai imports of the commodity in a™* h»lf this year ud to 2JZL tOns with 58,066 tons in the corresponding six months last year. Malaya exported a total of tons
      60 words
  • 196 12 OAtES of foodstuffs in Singapore hare shown no decline, despite the slowing down of business here, said Mr. P. C. Bisset, branch manager of the Singapore Cold Storage Ltd.. yesterday. Mr. Bisset, whose company is now running a competition at It*
    196 words
  • 116 12 A Ben Line vessel, Benlomond, left London for the East last month with an unusual item In Its cargo— a hogshead of Spanish sherry. This revives an old custom according to which It was believed that a voyage to the East hastened the maturing process of sherry.
    116 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 249 12 Pause and of each moment luamfl HumV W W I IH nalkal H •^^umi hHv I TW Rfcusw n Vsar^Hsl hbW JaV^ummu fg^fc^- J CRAVEN A smooth to the C^^V^MlCiluSl^ today. Also in packets of 10. ENJOY THE EXTRA QUALITY MAOf IN ENGLAND'S FIN€ST CICARETTE FACTORY BY CABRERAS LMKTEO 4^^\
      249 words
    • 151 12 writing j (s^7^ V 'a. ul ssssssV Vt Smooth-flowing Qulnk is the only ink containing Solv-X the magic ingredient which cleans your pen as you write. For safety, use Royal Blue Washable Q\unk— easily washed out. For permanent writing, use Permanent Quink which never fades. P.OOOCT o, G me PA^e*
      151 words

  • 148 13 A DELAIDE, Man.— Top Australian swimming coach, Harry Gallagher, today attacked English coaches for their "strange attitude to the sport." Mr. Gallagher, just back from the Cardiff Empire Games said English coaches "really .surprised" him. "Five weeks before their national championships, one of
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 874 13 KONRADS WILL BEAT 17 MINS BY 1960, says COACH Japanese with a chance 'pOKYO, Mon. Australian swimming coach Don Talbot said today he expected work! record holder, 16-veiir-oki Jon Konrads, to beat the 17-minute barrier for the 1,500 metres by 1960. Talbot, wiio is Konrads coach, said: "Konrads is going
    Reuter  -  874 words
  • 166 13 DAWN BEATS HER OWN WORLD SWIM RECORD OCHIEDAM, Holland, Mon Australia's Dawn Fra^er set a new world record ol Imin. I.2sec. for the .100 metres freestyle during the Dutch Swimming Championships here yesterday, clipping two-tenths of a second ofl her own previous world nark set at Cardiff last month The
    166 words
  • 40 13 IPOH. Mob. -r Baropeans beat The Best by an innings and two runs in the annual Hennessy Trophy cricket match here today. Scores: The Rest 54 and 76; Europeans 132. (Hollingworth 48. Wanless 46. Appunl 6-41).
    40 words
  • 23 13 TATPING. Mon. R£ME beat British Military Hospital 8-1 here yesterday to become runners-up In the Taiplng Football Dlv. 1 League.
    23 words
    • 355 13 COUTH ORANGE, (Sew Jersey), Mon- Altliea Gibson of New York, the Wimbledon champion, defeated Sally Moore of California to win the women's singles title of the eastern gnm court lawn tennis championships here yesterday Althea won «-7. 6-2. i Mai Anderson of Australia I
      355 words
  • 114 13 ~POH, Mon Five teams will compete in the Royal Devon Yeomanry Cup soccer competition, which begins here on Thursday First Battalion The Loyal Regiment, the holders will meet Kinta Indians in 'he opining match on Thursday P.C.R.O. this years League champions, will meet Cheng Wan, and the
    114 words
  • 37 13 BANGKOK. Mon. A 25--strong Malayan Rugby Union team l s expected here on Qct 25 for a three- match tour, an official of the s am Rugby Union saW here today
    37 words
  • 204 13 VIENNA. Mom. Officials of the Austrian Swimming Association said yesterday they were "astounded" by a Aim show and lecture on swimming to Australia given here by Mr. W. Berge Phillips, president of the Amateur Swimming Union of Australia. Mr. Phillips who arrived here from Holland
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 787 13 (Oastfinued tram Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT M Wardm V (mim.)-Bmm St tt: mttra HONOKONG Old established British Firm has vacancy lor sales manager in Motor Department representing leading manufacturers. Previous experience essential. Age preferably SO/35. Reply with full details P.O. Box 56. Hongkong SITUATION WANTED it Ward* SS M tt:
      787 words
    • 836 13 ACCOMMODATION WANTED tt Ward, tS (mim.}— Box tt tt, iMtrm. TO RHTT 2/1 Bedroom Bungalow Necessarily Residential Area Furnished or Unfurnished Considered. Reply Alwee *****. ***** Office Hours. UNFURNISHED TWO BIDROOM SHtlnf/Dtnlßg, Modem Sanitation. Kitchen. Rent $175Requlred. September/October. Preferably along Bukit Tisaah. Box ASMI S.T. AMERICAN FAMILY REQ.trbs Rental four
      836 words
    • 866 13 EDUCATION It Ward, Si (IHmJ— Man tt tt, txlra. FOORMAN'S SCHOOL OT Music (Vienna Conmt viUilif ot Music) Enrolments accepted from 9 jo cub. v, 4j<j pjsL daily. Students of Piano. Piano Accordion Vsalln. Guitar. Theory Of Matte. W-ft. Penang Lane. Tel: M 739 Singapore. LOANS M Ward* tt Sfta
      866 words
    • 552 13 PHILATELY It Hard, ti (mim Box H rl, rxtrm "EMBOSSED First day covers for "First Merdefca Anniversary" commemorative* Issuing 3 1 8 58. Particulars Samples from S. L. BKB. P.O. Box 2CU7 Kuala I^Mlfir. STAMPS: 400 Australia; SOO Great Britain; 4*o Ir∧ 400 World; leo large Pictorials; *0 diflerent U.S.A.
      552 words

  • 65 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Edward Arul, who won the 220 yards (24.2sec> and 440 yards (55.2seci and flinshed third in the 100 yards and 120 yards hurdles, was champion athlete at the Methodist Boys Schools' Diamond Jubilee Sports which ended at Merdeka stadium here today. Victoria Institution
    65 words
  • 61 14 'THE SINGAPORE team to meet Selangor In the final of the M.C.A. inter-state league cricket competition at Kuala Lumpur on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will beC. Thuralslngum fcapt), D Aity, A. Barrlck. A. E Delllkan. C Elgood, B. R. Marks. S. Nagaiah. J. Norrls, K.
    61 words
  • 323 14  -  VIC NAYACAM FMSSCs application for financial help gets poor response, 50... l.y Games plan may be scrapped £UALA LUMPUR, Mon. The president of the Federation of Malaya Schools Sports Council, Mr. T. Mori, today criticised the Government for not granting the Council money to run a
    323 words
  • 366 14  -  ■AOL JOSHUA ■y MEL PATTON, joint-holder of the world 100 ITI yards record of 9.3 sec., flew into Singapore from Jakarta yesterday after completing a coaching tour of Japan, Formosa The Philippines and Indonesia. Patton has come here to RENEW acquaintances with Malayan athletes
    366 words
  • 265 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. SCHOOLBOY hooliganism cau!>«d the last doubles a tie in the Federation Oomb.ici Schools Interstate badminton championship tinal for the Heah Joo Seang Cup between Pertk and Selangor to be abandoned last night. Perak then already had a winning lead of 6-2.
    265 words
  • 94 14 FED v S'PORE SCHOOLS MATCH KUALA LUMPUR. Mon -Federation of Malaya Schools Sports Council U pUnning an lnternaMonal badminton ma eh against Singapore Combined Schools In Kua>a Lumpur in the lirst week of SeptemMr. In the same week. Federation Combined Schools will meet a Selangor selection. F.M.S.S.C. today announced IU
    94 words
  • 197 14 'SACK BID' NOT A 'FIGHT' AGAINST McDonald I^UALA LUMPUR, Mon. Officials of the Selangor Amateur Athletic Association today explained that their bid for a seat on the Federation of Malaya Olympic Council was not a personal fight against Mr. E. M. McDonald, a former president of the Federation of Malaya
    197 words
  • 27 14 Singapore will m-pt Malacca In the first round of the Foong Seong Cup Southern Zone badminton competition at Malacca on Sept. 6 and 7.
    27 words
  • 54 14 PREMIER PRESENTS THE KING'S CUP THE 57.56* Yang di-Pertuan Agong Cup (above) donated by the King, was presented in Kuala Lumpur yesterday by the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, to Mr. A. H L. Wheeler, the secretary of the Selangor Turf Club. The Cup will be competed for by Class
    54 words
  • 212 14 VIIEW BEE AND I WANTED TO GIVE WALKOVER -MO ES ITTHEN rain interrupted play during the finals of the Malayan Tennis cham. pionshlps at Kuala Lumpur, on Aug. 3, I appealed to the officials concerned to allow me to return to Ipoh as I had already made arrange,
    212 words
  • 805 14  - SPORTSFRONT Chua 's victory over Soh shows lifters' gratitude NORMAN SIKBEL By r[E Singapore Amateur Weiehtliftine Federation's stocks have never been higher. One of its members, lightweight Tan Howe Liang, nas won gold medals in the Asian and Commonwealth Games and has set a world record. Another, featherweight Tan Ser
    805 words
  • 158 14 Penang held in trial match DENANG, Mon. Penang drew 2-2 with Perak in a floodlit friendly football match at the City Stadium here last night. This match was first of three "trial matches" arranged by the F.A. of Penang in preparation for the Malaya Cup Final against Singapore at
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  • 87 14 SEREMBAN Mon Michael Chong beat Lee Boon Han 15-5, 15-8 to win the Negri Sembilan men's singles badminton title here last night. Other results were: Mens' doubles Lee Boon Han and Khoo Eng Chin bt Mm Kirn Tan and Yap Fook Sam 15-11, 15-7. Mixed doublr, Lee
    87 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 736 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT YOUR SERVICE* 2* Wtri, in (Mimlmmm). Dmil, I month. U W*ris UJ» (11m.) FOR SELF-DRIVE CARS ftiont ***** Ever fine Co., 519. Serangoon Road ASIA TRAVEL BERV ICE— pronounced accent on Service. Phone *****. MANY HAD THEIR photocopied here. Have you?— Tang's *****. DONT WAIT FLY
      736 words
    • 19 14 N^fy-C^^/ 21 JfWtlS WATItMOO* SHOCK PtOMCtOI MMOM^IIM) UNIIItMIK MtINiMINC MODItAM PtICI Stile Agents: MONTOR LIU., Singapore, hualu Lunifjui. I'enang
      19 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 64 14 wmmw KUALA LI MPI IE: socrrr Selangor Chinese v Sclangor Malays. Merdeka stadium 18 p.m.). IPOH: B«ecer Voon Thean Soo Cup. 95 Field Battery R.A. v P.W.D.. Jalan Abdul Jalil ground; K.I. A v Bawean Putra. padang. BATH GAJAH: Sorcn S.M.T.D. v 3 Royal Malay Regiment, padang. TAIPING: Soccer Div.
      64 words