The Straits Times, 18 February 1958

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 80>000 r The Straits Times Mai***; Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1958 15 CENTS
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  • 335 1  -  JOHN DARBYSHIRE TWO VESSELS ARE DETAINED ON THEIR WAY TO SINGAPORE Million dollar cargoes intercepted at Pulau Samboe: Master radios news By Shipowners i warned of seizure THE Indonesian Central Government has imposed a blockade on four Central Sumatran ports Djambi, Palembang, Pekan Baroe and Padang according
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  • 3201 1 RUBBER FIRM GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS Jury returns five-two verdict AIK HOE and Co. Ltd., one of the world's biggest A rubber companies, was found guilty in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday on all 34 criminal charges of breaches of the exchange control laws The charges were said to Involve
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  • 102 1 PADANG, Mon. The Indonesian Prime, Minister, Dr. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara said today the Jakarta Government "is sitting on a volcano." Dr. SJafruddin disclosed:' that an additional step had been taken to tie up the funds of the Soekarno-Dju-anda Government. He said: "I have felt it ad-' viseable to have
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  • 57 1 LONDON. Mon. Nearly 400 Anglo-Egyptian refugees. J expelled by Egypt during the Suez dispute, yesterday end-( ed a hunger strike at a Kidderminster hostel. The strike began on Satur- i day when the refugees com- j I plained of discrimination in i •elections for emigration and
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  • 60 1 THE STRAITS TIMES WISHES ITS CHINESE READERS A HAPPY NEW YEAR HERE arc four pretty E {iris who believe in i starting the Chinese New Year with a bang. They arc (from left): Misses Daisy E Szeto, Trixie Lee, E Doreen Bligh and Frei- da
    Straits Times ca meraman Han Hai Fong  -  60 words
  • 118 1 Threat to life of Princess reported LONDON, Mon.— Scotland Yard has put extra guards on duty at Princess Margaret's home because •f anonymous threats to her life, it was reported today. A Yard spokesman said he had "no knowledge" of any strengthening of the guards at Clarence House, where the
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  • 264 1 3 TOWNS OFFER JOY RIDES KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. YOU can see your home— from the air— for just $10. This is an attraction offered by the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club as part of its Chinese New Year Joy rides programme tomorrow and
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  • 61 1 MOSCOW. Mon. Many Russians are giving up the Idea of buying a private car because the queues for cars never seem to move forward, according to a Soviet engineer. Relatively few cars are released for private sale each year In Russia, although steps are
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 222 1 i KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A man who posed as an agent of the Malayan Lotteries Board in India has been Jailed for four years and fined 3.000 rupees i about $2,000) for forging Malayan tickets "on a huge scale" there. R. Balakrishnan 28. of
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  • 34 1 WELLINGTON, Mon. Dr Vivian Fuchs 1 trans-Antrac-tic expedition was believed to be under way again today after a forced halt for repairs to a Snowrat 60 miles south Of depot 480 —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 115 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A 28-year-old prisoner. Lee Sang, today made a daring Chinese New Year Eve dash for freedom. Lee. who was to have been charged in the Magistrate's Court here this mornins with cheating Is now being hunted by police. While he wa s In
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  • 32 1 BOMBAY, Mon. Mr. Krishna Menon. India's Defence Minister, said yesterday that a solution of the Kashmir issue rested with Pakistan, while great responsibility also rested with the United Nations— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 98 1 Scout hurt in jungle battle OALA LUMPUR, 1V Mon. A member of the security forces was wounded oa Saturday evening in a gun battle with terrorists In the Batu Gajah area of Perak. The man was a scout sent to cut off the escape of a terrorist who was being
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  • 62 1 LONDON. Mon. Molra Shearer. balU-rina wife of Ludovic Kennedy, claimed here last night that it was the hydrogen bomb which mattered most to voters la the recent Rochdale by-elec-tion Her husband, the Liberal candidate, came second la the poll, which brought a crushing defeat to the Conservative
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 72 1 JOHANNESBURG. Mon. Two Africans were hacked to death with axes yesterday in a faction fight at Pirnville. an African township on the outskirts of Johannesburg Trouble began when a crowd of a Basutos returned to the township after attending the funeral of one of their tribesmen
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 50 1 BLACKPOOL. Mon. The 220 yard-long pier, landmark of this popular English sea side holiday town, was partldestroyed in a fierce blaz*early today. Flames leapt 70 feet :n th» air as firemen battled to save the pier, but Its amusement arcade, cafe and car* were destroyed.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 23 1 \j £K Highest qmili > IY-ir-Ii Hrnndy, now uvuilnblc lit tin- MM price is ordinary st:ind:ir<l qualities. Sole Agents: THE EASTERN A6ENCIES (1946) LTI.
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    • 45 1 Acenta: SCOTT 6 INCLISH (S.I.A LTD n, Amon Rm<L Singapore T.I JS24S Ji^HH RADIORADIOGR44, Wm have mm you I a^^r heard f PHILIPS I I [PMiuPsj {JT^D g ■■■lIITMIWD RADIOS? J 83X768T L4X66BT B'^'Klß&S&llM^^jfl '003 VW3NIO <TLm:KX> lN3MdinO3 I* PHILIPS LAST t O W-C 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 242 2 y^L It makes you think! I j?~ Dishes dishes dishes. Piles and piles of t^^ j^ dishes. To be washed. To be cleansed of greasy left-overs. m 1 1 To be wiped. And then to be used all over again! ■■j~* I y^V Spare a thought for the world's washers-up.
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  • 238 3 Pineau writes to Cromyko PARIS, Monday. THE French Government proposed to the Soviet Union yesterday a meeting of Foreign Ministers to prepare the way for a summit conference of world leaders. In a 2,500-word communication to the Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. Andrei Gromyko, M.
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 156 3 Student plot to steal Gretna anvil is foiled GRETNA GREEN, Scotland, Mon. The marriage anvil of Gretna Green, over which runaway lovers were married for centuries was tonight under lock and key at a local inn. Police had been tipped off that five students from a Huddersfleld technical college were
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 41 3 CAPHTOWN, Mon. A meeting of non-white organisations here yesterday demanded "appropriate mass action" during the present general election campaign to support a call for a minimum wage of £1 sterling a day for all workers in South Africa.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 62 3 NEW YORK, Mon. Millions of Americans today faced the mammoth task of digging themselves free from one of the worst blizzards for years, which has blanketed the north-eastern and midwest states beneath several feet of snow. At least 36 people died In toe north eastern
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 126 3 ROME. Mon. Planes of three nations yesterday searched for a U.S. Air Force Dakota, missine with seven crew and nine passengers aboard between Naples and Athens. It was last heard from shortly before 11 p.m. when it reported its position to be 30 minutes east
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 36 3 BERLIN. Mon.— About SO ships anchored in the Elbe Estuary, near Cuxhaven. today as a gale swept Northwest Germany. Parts of the Cuxhaven harbour and some small I--land* were flooded.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 319 3 FRANCE WILLING TO NEGOTIATE PARIS, Monday. MR. JOHN FOSTER DULLES, the American Secretary of State, will today renew his efforts to restore direct contacts between Paris and Tunis before tomorrow's scheduled United Nations Security Council debate on the Franco-Tunisia dispute, it is reported here. But Tunisia
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • 177 3 I DOCTOR WATCHES SPACEMAN' IN FLIGHT' 1 DONALD KAKKM.I. E year-old American airr man, "returned to earth" E at the weekend after a week in a sealed cabin E to test mental and phyE sical conditions of sup~i posed flight to the moon. The test took
    UP  -  177 words
  • 270 3 Ike will ask Russian P.M. to clarify his terms for summit conference WASHINGTON. Mon. -President Eisenhower is expected to rail on the Soviet Union this week to clarify th.o v g h diplomatic channels what it is prepared to discuss at a summit conference. United States officials
    Reuter  -  270 words
  • 122 3 'ASK DAG TO ATTEND SUMMIT TALKS' WASHINGTON. Mon. Mr. Harold Stassen, former presidential disarmament adviser, today called for a summit conference at which U:N: SecretaryGeneral. Mr. Dag Hammarskjoeld. would act as moderator. He said In a television interview that such a conference should be held at U.N. headquarters in New
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  • 57 3 The siow tempo quickstep' LONDON. Mon. A Joint British Army and RAF air mobility exercise "Quickstep" involving 500 officers and men has been delayed because of fog over the Mediterranean, an Air Ministry spokesman said tonight. The troops were due to be flown tonight to Idris. Tripoli, from Britain and
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  • 128 3 •TEL AVIV, Mon.—Jor- danians and Israelis exchanged heavy fire in the demilitarised zone of Mount Scopus last night. First reports here said three Israeli policen. n were wounded, one seriously. Israel lodged a complaint with the U.N. truce supervision organisation. The clash occurred after the
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 125 4 NO FIREWORKS BAN DURING NEW YEAR HEAVY rriu-iirr firing in the vicinity of the Singapore City Court. Bencoolen Street, yesterday afternoon caused a case against a bus driver Gob Choax Ting, to he adjourned till March. 6. Mr. M.C.S. Schubert.
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  • 313 4 HIGHER TAXES ARE TO BLAME' I^HE Singapore Lorryowners' Association yesterday claimed that its new 20 per cent haulage charge increase, introduced on Sunday, was justifi e( I iTho nr»«WMi« tax was 13(50 It accused the Labour Front ol tailing to help the small businessman by
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  • 56 4 PENANG Mon. Chool Chin Fook, 17, and Wong Fee Leong. 18, were charged here today with robbing two men. and a woman of $15. a wrist watch, two fountain pens and a gold necklace at the Espla nade at midnight on Feb. 15 j They
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  • 22 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Local Ceylonese met here yesterday and decided to collect money for the Ceylon flood relief fund.
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  • 152 4 Family tells stranded mother of 4: Come home A LOR STAR. Mon.— The family of a Malayan woman now stranded in Korea today wrote to her asking her to return home Tan Chew Eng, 23, mother of four children, is now in the Salvation Army home "> Seoul after having
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  • 29 4 SEGAMAT, Mon. Khoo Teng Chip, 43. manager of a hair dressing shop, was fined $5C here for contravening th. weekly holidays regulations by opening on a Sunday.
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  • 140 4 PENANG. Mon.— The nura b r of Malay mediurv secondary classes to be se f up in Penang and Province Wellesky will depend on th« demand lor them and tht response so far has been poor. "But we will try to accom mndate all those
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  • 359 4 AFTER 5 YEARS MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, DECIDES TO ACT THREAT TO CANCEL ITS LICENCE IF PARKING FACILITIES NOT IMPROVED KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE fate of one of the oldest cinemas in Kuala Lumpur the Coliseum in Batu Road is hanging in the balance. Municipal authorities here
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  • 110 4 All-out hunt for six terrorists PENANQ, Mon. A combined force of about 200 officers and men of the police special squad and special operational volunteer force have mounted an operation in the Balik Pulau area of Penang island. They are hunting six members of the 12th branch of the Communist
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  • 78 4 JPOH, Mon.—Representatives of the estimated 500 settlement officers in the Federation will meet in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to discuss representations to be made to tin- Federal Government on the improvement of their service condition-, Settlement officers are at present traded in Division Three and their duties
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  • 48 4 Change in Australian command nil. r. G McMAMAKA (above) has taken over command of the Australian Army Force. FAR ELF. fron> <ol F \V Speed. The change in command follows the major relief in November last year which brought man) new mem bers to the Australian Arm) Force.
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  • 18 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Mr. p. Senthamanickam has been transferred to the Telecoms Department, Kluang, from Kota Bharu
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  • 126 4 Tobacco, liquors show big increase but rubber drops $500,000 UA L A LUMPUR, Mop. Federation customs revenue rose from $35,959,115 in December to $40,151,558 last month. The biggest increase was In the import duties on tobacco, dears and cigarettes— $10,164,950 In January com. pared with $8,216,704 in
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  • 136 4 MALAY IN THE LOWER COURTS? I(UALA LUMPUR, Mon. -The Federation Government is considering the introduction of Malay in the lower courts Discussions on tnls subject are now being held between the Ministry of Interior and Justice and the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Thomson, the Straits Times ■is told today. Circulars
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  • 241 4 'Muslims can eat turtle' Author on book ban move I^ANGAR, Mon. A 1V Perils Muslim author today challenged the president of the Negri Sembilan Council of Re- ligion and Malay Cus--1 toms, Tuan Haji Osman, to produce evidence that Muslims could not eat turtles. The author Ustaz Shik Abu Bakar
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  • 61 4 TODAY: Singapore 10.35 am (9ft. lln> 11.45 p.m. ,gft 31n Port Dlcluon 6.39 am. (Bft 31: i. > 6.50 p.m. (Bft. 4in.). Penang 12 28 a.m. <7ft. 4in.) 1.04 p.m. (6ft 81n.>. TOMORROW: Singapore 11.11 a.m. (»ft. 31n.) Port Olckson 710 am. (Aft Sin.) 7.22
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 361 4 I '111 l^ i^ I St ■fljt -~fc*^tJi<liCTn^B^n23fc^fcy^n^B^fcWn^^^K^B§^B»^n^nwn^n^n^n^nw^nMM J&** V»J I I yH\l7 J* Shaw. MUlion-Dollar Production I 8HOW8: l.«, 1M *I pa f> WX iS fil jV£t II J LHrl "J™ J "DIAU CHARN *Cl%m^*^^s£^m lc mioiiM jA MB -W^BtC/lLl' '^Jm mr mP^IJI nM UMiliil shunn, usd* mf >*
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  • 157 5 POLICE WIPE OUT KUALA LUMPUR'S 'TOWEL' THIEVES KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Police have cracked down on the "towel" gang responsible for a number of burglaries in Selanfor recently. A police spokesman said today that four men had been detained In connection with several housebreaking and theft cases. The all-out war on
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  • 25 5 SEGAMAT. Mon. Mohamed All. 21. was charged here yesterday with enticing away the wife of his neighbour. barber. Bail in $300 was offered.
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  • 38 5 MR. YONG CBOONG HJONG. sales representative of Van lUutrn Ltd.. and Miss Chan Yeow Moy wbm were married in Singapore recently. Mr. Yong is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Yong Mvi Lan »f Knlim. Eedah.
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  • 347 5 GROUPS REVOLT AGAINST NEW MIC SET-UP President's powers criticised IPOH, Monday. g(). ME Malayan Indian Congress branches are planning to revolt against the new MIC set-up approved with "a narrow majority" at a stormy session of the delegate conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. They allege that amendments to the constitution
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 669 5 THE CATHAY ORGANISATION #!l Mm nil it* liinrs* patrons a ■tEEHSESsi'-m OWWS TODAY! J IffM 11 a.m. 1.45. 4.15. 6.45 ISO p.m. i mnriHiaiUM awrJURCEIIS NO FHEE LISTS j TODAY 9 A.M. MIDNIGHT? AT NORMAL PRICES! "CHOK FOOK" with P»l Vim (lton«Urin) -n+lMlfXi^o OPE MS TODAY! shows at 845 a.m..
      669 words
    • 246 5 MY CONSTIPATION WORRIES ARE OVER MOMMY ALWAYS GIVES ME Milk of Magnesia Berause It provides mort J^^Rfe^^^^gl complete relief than single■^■^B BJp^^\ purpose laxatives, which have flBteS§| no effect on tne acid indiges|S Bitt tlon that u uallT accompanies =§^SHe!M constipation. For Milk ot s^^^^f**c~^l Magnesia relieves botti pi p
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 540 5 CATHAY: Don't Go Near the Water 12.45, 3. 6 45. 9.15; RCBY: Restless Breed 12.45. 3. 6.45. 9.15; ODEON: Happy Union 12.45. 3. 6 45 9.15; LIDO: Dfou Cham of I Three Kingdoms (Mandarin) 12.45. 3, 6.45, 9.15; King In New York 11.15 pm.: REX: Escapade In Japan 9. 11,
      540 words
    • 507 5 COSMOS: Tokyo If r.g Kong Honeymoon 10. 1, 3. 7. >la!arr-. CAPITOL: Talc of Tvro Wires 1230, 3. 6i5. 9 15; BBX: Clrci» Arena 12 JO. 3. 6 JO. 9.15: Rock Around the Clock 11.3* pin: LIDO: Mul Mul Ngor Ot N»v (Mandarin) 12 3*. 9, 7. 9.15: SUN: Mah
      507 words
    • 136 5 Kuala kaiiuviir GRAND: Night of E. Yu Tan 12, 2 30. MS. 9.15; EMP1KI Swee Foo Chuen (Cintonete) 2.30 7. 9 15; Foong Chan Yeow Mutt (Mandarin) midnight. Kit par BEX: Yee Fan Chip Mook (Mandarin) 13.45. 3. 7. 9.15; Long Houm 1145 p.m.; SUN: Sin Chow Kee Yuen (Cantonese)
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  • Feminine Forum
    • 931 6 YESTERDAY I toured the teeming, bustling markets of Chinatown with a Chinese friend and Joined the annual buying spree for last minute New Year supplies. With thousands of local housewives, we stopped at the stalls piled high with brilliant mandarin oranges, the flower bootns and the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 NURSINO MOTHfc* S A really smart publication that provides for the recording of many fascinating details of baby's birth, f^/e^Z^^s progress, christening, first remarks and actions, photon graphs and family tree etc. >^JjF "V 1 /Wf^^v Presented with the Compliments of NESTLES \(?9 PROPRIETORS OF C^=^\ X Z -&jy Modified
      104 words
    • 192 6 SAFE ECONOMICAL SIMPLE TO USE I > 1 s DOMESTIC IRONS j (PMSSUM) z^^hl B^HW Burn* 4 hour* on r^^Kfi 1/3 pint ol Avß^K bI Kcr.«rnr 4. Mm^B^B^H l'r»ughl Prool Perfect balanrc. 33^B^^B** F.ura Ijrar ironing plate -]tilley} > BORNEO a Singapore, Penanf. Ipoli Koala Lumpor. Malacca, N. Barnr*. Sarawak.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 208 6 Straits Times Crossword HT H 2 BH* if t If ff fel 7^ Illlljbf II I J I 19 20 2?" 22 26 ACROSS 7 Arrangement of IS In the or- B^w/th rSSSr f«i. L?"?*?™ by ont> -10 Salt (6) Dears (S, 11 They net a living ftteh lor thU
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  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1203 7 CAPTAIN Arthur Phillip's First Fleet made a sorry start from England in 1787. Of the 1030 men and women he took with him to carve a settlement from the Australian bush, hardly any could build 9 house or till a field. His 200 Marines
      Daily Mirror  -  1,203 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 Wishing I ALL OUR CHINESE PATRONS f FRIENDS A VERY HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR SINGAPORE'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE MEN'S SHOP 81. High Street. Tel: *****. J. T. Chanrai (S) Ltd. 95-A, High Street, Singapore-6. International Corporation 95-A, High Street, Singapore-6. Chanrai Ojaian Sagara I No. 5, Djakarta yiiIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIIIiHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIHIICiIIIIIIIiIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIHC -i 77 INDUSTRIAL
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    • 316 7 laß^Ba^bil -^4tv% ti, *l > *Tig f t bl7a^b\ KEONO HEE F4TCHO/ with dglicious Ovaltine A. WANOER LTD.. (Incorporated in Errand), SINGAPORE 1. r- M«ni Viw*lW GoH Hot* and G«m««ox Ml* .1 bVHbWMVNBMT bIbVbIHBBHMbSHHbIb^bIb^H 89r* and Girls' School Stockings 'ViyeJ/a' Children* and BBayb y '< Socfcl I V\ Af7 If
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 242 7 Carmen A f'o. f/ t/ #s ZJyQSgQJXjZIQC-QISE-R&E^&SS tf \\ij^ sabv toy JBP r ~~~BC TH as a ckcvx and v^i- > v.«i i c T^^^BIBB -—> i 4^2C3Gi2^^BB^BIBBBBB f Lk that > a utmr h^te a masm-ojt j see ip laVflt^S The Saint iiu Lesiie 4 h 4irH>ri* |^P^Q2^m[HvHOPi\G any
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  • 83 8 2* Wort, Sit (Minimum). ALEX V. PEREIRA of Murukurrn irha nn.-sed away on 17.2. 58 I at Naval Base. Cortege leaves 19. LuronK K at 8.30 a.m. MRS. TAN HOCK ANN. aged 67, of 12 Barrack Road, Penang. passed away peacefully early on Monday 17th February 1958 at 1
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  • 198 8 M Wordl ll* (Minimum) THE FAMILY OF the late Madam Tan Hock Neo thank all relatives and frterds' for their RtjM visits, wreaths, messages of condolences and attended the funeral. MR. P. O. MAHESAN and the children of late Mr. S. S. Pon- nlah of Kuala Lumpur thank all
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  • The Straits Times
    • 563 8 Tengku Abdul Rahman has said it all— or nearly ailbefore. The Federation does not want merger with Singapore. It has enough on its hands without taking on the problems of a troublesome twelfth State. But until he spoke to the group of American newspapermen who were
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    • 396 8 Reports from the Burmese border add their mite of information to the puzzling picture of China. There has^ been rising unrest in Yunnan, say these border reports. A number of peasants have been executed for destroying their crops in protest against Government decrees, and others have
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    • 208 8 Hong Kong has been facing much the same problem in its schools as Singapore has, but with rather less to its credit. The number of children in school has increased sevenfold since the war and fewer than 40,000 of the 353,000 total are in Government schools. A
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  • 1433 8 THE SCRAMBLE TO CARVE UP THE WORLD'S OCEANS By A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT fENEVA, the last resting place of so many lost causes, will be the setting this month for an international conference that seems foredoomed to add little to the harmony of nations. Representatives have been invited from all member
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  • Man – in – the – Street
    • 830 8 J. J. contends that few Malays will reach the University If the Malay School Teachers' demand was followed, since "the standard of examination in Malaya is that of the Senior Cambridge Examination Syndicate." (ST. 10th Feb.). But this argument will only hold
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    • 101 8 MY proudest mommt arrived when the Minister for Health, pinned on me a gold bar attached to the gold medal when I had given 37 times of my blood to the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service slnc*> 194S I am proud because I am not thinking of reward
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 494 8 1 Strain Times Free Press i For the conve.ii«nci of odvar- ri»er« cur rcpttfentativcf of lit i floor, SINGAPORE COLO STORAGI ORCHARD ROAD, will recciva »moll odvtrtixmenti and gnmn to boi number! 5 Ctattifiwl odvcr»nem«nt» May I i olu be handed to I CITT BOOK STORt LTD.. Wlnchotftr Houit, Collvcr
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    • 88 8 uimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimimi As Malay is, now a compulsory subject in Schools, the study of this language will be made much more easier with the aid of these books:. SIMPLE MALAY GRAMMAR (For the ute of School*) by Sir Richard Winstedt. DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH AND ROMAN MALAY (KAMUS DAHASA IHGGERIS MELAYU) by
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    • 57 8 lIIIIMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU "7*.s7f thoir many CHINESE FLtiEiWB a Happy and rrosperous NEW YEAR Advertisement Of THI CENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. .MALAYA) LTO Representing THE CENERAL ELECTRIC CO LTD OF fcNCLANO •JiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiniiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiin imiifinmiiii OPTICIANS"™^ L. C. SMITH. FBOA, n. ORTH: A. J. HUGG£T T, F.S.M.C. 11. MATTERY ROAD. SINCAPORI 1. TEL: ***** 6-
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  • 258 9 Stable Govt: A vicar's thanks IFOH. Mon. The people of Malaya should thank God for a stable Government and continue to pray for the country and its Rulers, states the Rev. J. J. E. .Sampson, vicar of the Anglican Church's south Ferak parish. Merdeka was the outstanding event of the
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  • 108 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The coming ECAFE meeting here will be open every day, except for its opening session, to 140 members of the public. The hall in Ampang Road where the meetings will be held, can accommodate 452 people. The rest of the seats
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  • 36 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Municipal Council committep which is Investigating allegations of corruption In municipal affairs has ceased private sessions to hear complaints, because none has been received. Public apathy was blamed.
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  • 69 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Johore. with $117,906, topped the list of rewards totalling $135,082 for information leadIng to the capture and killing of Communist terrorists in January Negri Sembilan paid $17,000 and Malacca paid $166. Twenty, nine terrorists were eliminated last month 13 killed, seven captured and
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  • 28 9 IPOH, Mon. The All-Ma-laya Muslim Missionary Society, which caters for all communities subscribing; to the Islamic faith, ia to expandedits activities on a national l»*eL
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  • 391 9 MAN ACCUSED OF HAVING SIX GUNS AND AMMUNITION HEARS COURT TOLD: PARCEL WAS LEFT IN BUSHES AFTER TALK WITH A GO-BETWEEN, SAYS INSPECTOR THE Singapore Assize Court was told yesterday how a police officer posed as an arms buyer and another posed as go-between.
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  • 71 9 SEREMBAN, Mon. More than ten men armed with daggers have been arrested here in the last three weeks, the CID chief, Mr. B. K. Cashyap, said today. "We are ready to deal with any crime or violence over the Chinese New Year," he said. "If there
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  • 163 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A POLICE officer clung on to a running car at the danger of his life and fired three shots in an attempt to stop a robbery, the coroner's court here was told today. One shot, aimed at the tyre missed.
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  • 57 9 PETALING STREET in Kuala Lumpur is crowded at nigtit the Chinese New Year shopping spree Is not yet over. This picture by Straits Times cameraman Lim Yaw Chong. was taken on Sunday night. The shoppers have overflowed into ttie middle of the street
    Straits Times  -  57 words
  • 337 9 FIGURES TO BACK UP CLAIMS KUALA LUMPUR, Monday OOTH the UMNO Headquarters and the Federa- tion of Malay School Teachers' Associations are asking for returns of teachers resigning from UMNO over the Malay secondary classes row to find out how effective is the
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  • 135 9 Masked men molest, rob woman KUALA LUMPUR, Mon A young widow was held in terror for 30 minutes at 2 a.m. today while two masked men molested her and robbed her of $130. The woman Leong Choon Yin, 28, was sleeping with her two children in her Circular Road home
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  • 56 9 SEREMBAN. Mon. Low Ah Kow, 24, who escaped from police custody on Feb. 2 by breaking the plank bathroom walls, was today sentenced to six months' jail. He had been accused of robbery. Low. who broke his left arm while being captured, pleaded guilty to the
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  • 41 9 BEGAMAT. Mon- Pleading guilty by letter to a charge of falling to stop when order ed to do so by a police officer, a Singapore motor is i Ramond Restovrlch, 33, was fined $25 in tht Labis court yesterday.
    41 words
  • 237 9 MALACCA, Mon. A man loved his wife so greatly and paid so much attention to her that she was driven to attempt to commit suicide, the Malacca Coroner. Mr Ramanatha Iyer, was told today. When the man, Saminathan 28. heard that his wife Ratnam,
    237 words
  • 24 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A St. John Council to co-or-dinate all activities of the ambulance organisation will be formed in Malaya soon.
    24 words
  • 183 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Federal Council has been summoned to re-as-semble for an emergency meeting, on March 17 to consider certain "very urgent Government business." The council originally planned to meet from Feb. 12 to 13. This was postponed until April SO. Federal councillors were
    183 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 131 9 Fly tht Air Ceylon > SAPPHIRE SERVICE, ft to Colombo A W^jjn ond Europe Q Ceylon Central Agents fo» Air Ceylon KLM, An* Insurance Bldg.. Slngjpora A new AUSTIN car Is waiting for you in England! fake Advantage CM This Special Hire Scheme For OVERSEAS VISITORS 0 I nhmitrrl mileage.
      131 words
    • 159 9 AND WSTEN L. <^3B& rlaM as I i 'Jar The Murphy TA 256, housed in an attractive 'Plasticlux' cabinet of flowing lines, is a worldwide station-getting receiver in the popular price range q murphy x^ni^LJiA -/<» with radio Janacoudlc SOUND Sole Agenti: HARPER. CILFILLAN CO.. LTD. RUB AWAY fPAIN MeoihoUtum
      159 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 619 10 patt tfß^lfl m /7 <OT/9 f %P v patt ts| \f M UJ Tf/ihni/ ,14?// wL Year giving //5 7 V"--^ fHOYI V I\ -C_-/ y^ C^ /L< LfZ/ZLy Ci/iti^- y Igg Wha t a sheer delißht when you give «'"^>-^ r*A V»rl W T V" V /C~f V'^ JP"
      619 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 763 11 ■b a m pm M I^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»l j MAGANLAL 5| your j f r f our Bar 9°' n c II RENOWNED SINCE 1909 l\ WISHING ALL OUR i new YEAR c tS v a SSSt V» r"aSVn"l /Of ■<! THE Cotton Singlets DACRON TROUSERS? ■Latest textiles:! CHINESE patrons n handsomest
      763 words

  • 436 12 By Our Market Correspondent markets closed quietly in Singapore yesterday for the Chinese New Year holidays. The rubber, tin and share markets reopen again on Thursday, but the Singapore Coconut Oil Millers Association and the Chinese Produce Exchange will not resume
    436 words
  • 150 12 March first irradr rubber buyers f.o.b. closed Singapore yesterday at 77*4 cents per Ib. up half a cent on Friday s closing price. Closing tone: Very quiet. Ir-ing prices in cents per lb yesterday were: ofTMtt: Int 1 R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 78. sellers 78V Inc. 1 R.S.S.
    150 words
  • 123 12 The M*:.i\.m l>.lun|r Banks' Associatioa m.ide the following changes tn iti rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to »100) New York: buying airmail T.T. 32 15/16. OX) 33 1/16. 90 dst 33 1 4 credit bills. 33 5 16 trade bilk. Canada: buying airmail T.T. 32 1 4.
    123 words
  • 108 12 SUfM lytoc alontslde the Sint»porf Harboar Board wkarvrs or exacted to4ay arc: AsphaUon 4-5. Benalder 8-9. Cardiganshire IS- 14. State of Madras 18. TtieU Star 19JC. Oh*. '-on 23-24 Straat M l MU U-34. BeMJodl 38-39, Islander 40-41. BMp* In thr Naval lur: Andrew and St. Bride's Bay.
    108 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2807 12 This Prospectus has been filed with the Registrars of Companies Singapore. Federation of Malaya and Sarawak. Copies of the Company's Memorandum and Articles and of this Prospectus and the original of the Auditors Report may be Inspected at the Registered Office of the Company during the usual business hours. Copies
      2,807 words
    • 660 12 IKEONG HEE 1 FATT CHOY with the compliments of MAERSK LINE Agent*: ANGLO-AMERICAN CORPORATION LTO. KNUTSEN LINE-OftiENT sebvice fZOM CAKAOtyu.I. PACIHC rXMtTt 3« PAYS soiling s on mmmm r»no^» iaar* f. IWaft. Ptnang F'mantla EtISABFTN BAKKI Sail«S Sailed 11/l».—»r 14 Mar 16 Ma 23 Maf GJERTRUD BAKKE 2* Feb JO
      660 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1431 13 Tel: 1405 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. Tel: 141 (IS lines) (Incorporated in Singopore) (12 Unas) oijT 9 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE T SAILINGS te LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS (Via Saex with liberty ta arocccd vie Panama or Cape of Good Hope) Coiners option to proceed vig other ports
      1,431 words
    • 1999 13 m/M!ipmpiiiLiLJt%v^^i(ii]pm\W EAST ASIATIC LINES .^no THE BEM LWE STEAMjERS LTD. T jl,,r OUTWARM SAIUHJt fOR BANOKOK ANO/OR FAR EAST SINGAPOm (Incorporated in the Unit^J Kingdom) I LINES Penang P. S'hgm S'porg SAILINGS TO ADEN, U.K. ft CONTINENTAL PORTS »»<■= 25?,m2 WS 'I', fe 1IHALB ft, A^ J^H ShOrn ZZZ ZZ
      1,999 words
    • 1131 13 McALISTER <Sc CO M LTD. TEL.! No.: Ul4l CLLVRMAN LINES KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG SEATTLE, VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND and tor U.S.A.. North Atlantic Ports cargo tor Cea». el ft Sourb and Conoda via Cosorabo America CITY Of OXFORD •ONNEVILLE S-pore P. S'hom Penong „ij£7
      1,131 words

  • 200 14 Swiss train local men A SWISS watch expert from Bienne said in Singapore yesterday that Malayan watch technicians could attain the same skill as the Swiss, if they received proper training in Switzerland. The expert Mr. Alphonse Bolllat. said that the more promising local boys should be given these training
    200 words
  • 364 14 Malaya must ensure quality of canned pines TO BEAT STRONG COMPETITION DETERMINED EFFORTS NOW BEING MADE TO IMPROVE FRUIT PROCESSING AT CANNERIES THE chairman of the newly formed Malayan Pineapple Industry Board, Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, said yesterday that Malaya tould hold its important place in the world canned pineapple
    364 words
  • 79 14 Horlicks. milk products, etc., manufacturers, has declared an Interim of V' 2 per cent, for the year to March 31. 1958, on the El'im, capital as doubled by a free scrip Issue, compar- Ed with the equivalent of 6 2 3 per cent, a year ago. The total
    79 words
  • 232 14 T»HE president of Pepsi-Cola International, Mr. Donald M. Kendall, arrived in Singapore last week at the start of an inspection tour of Pepsi-Cola bottling plants in the Far East. Mr. Kendall was accom panted by Mr. Samuel H. Desch, executive vice president of the International
    232 words
  • 123 14 r THREE more P and O liners will make Singapore their port of call on the EnglandAustralia run within the next fow months. The agents for P and O passenger ships they are the Himalaya, Stratheden, and Strathmore told the Straits Times yesterday that
    123 words
  • 143 14 nADIO dealers in Singa- pore and Johore Bahru at a dinner last week met Mr. N. B. Butler, export manager of Pye Ltd., of Cambridge, who is here to introduce a completely new range of domestic radio receivers manufactured by the entirely new method of printed
    143 words
  • 246 14 Bottling machine worth $200,000 installed by F&N VfALAYA'S leading aerated water company, and Neave Ltd., have installed at their Singapore factory a new bottling line costing over $200,000 to give their consumers a high quality product. The machine, called Coolmlx Carbona>or, is being used by the company for botUlng their
    246 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 276 14 A Virginia cigarette of superlative quality Thi« luxury Vir K uiia njurfUr it all choice Iraf the pick of (he crop from the world* bbbbbbbK^§§^> JfS&t aaaal fineil inlui en plantation*. H aaK^a^ai^ Sljf M^t In Una of 25 and 50 I W bbbbbbbbwNs. al Hade im lonoon -jq^^B Trade
      276 words
    • 178 14 jMBf I ss»\ aa#* _Aff A^^ hJMJMf" "^*^i»^ WZjfcr*! f i I I ill! ill I Where thereto door LE I f Beside? letting '^'^^^vw! people in, a door is 5 > s^ meant to keep unwanted """"""""••••.i. people out. That's why most doors are fitted with Yale Locks people
      178 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 880 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT M Word, Si (Mim.t Bom M clt. txtrm TO LET FURNISHED Room For European only In District 10. Rmg Cm* After 12.30 p.m. FURNISHED ROOM with j board* Indian food two working j girls or couple. Phone ***** between 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. "NEW FLORAVILLS," 130 Grange
      880 words
    • 788 15 TUITION it Worti Si (Him.) Bom it rU. txtr* TAYLOR DANCE STUDIO closed for Chinese New Year Tuesday, Wednesday February 18th, 19th. and all Public holidays, c V.M C.A. Tennis Pavilion Bras Basah Road). POSTAL rumON BookReeping. Accounts. Business Correspondence. Special coaching for LCC Exams. Success guaranteed Apply Principal. FECI.
      788 words
    • 726 15 MISCELLANEOUS M Word, U Mim.) Box M clt titn, RELAX AT BOBBY'S and enJoy special Siamese massage steam bath 298 River Valley Rd. Phone ***** 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WISHING ALL OUR Chinese Customers and Friends A Very Happy A Prosperous New Year. Java Provision Store, 117, Killiney Road.
      726 words
    • 1000 15 rvuLji- ArrwtiN i tnx.n i a APPLICATIONS sre Invited from federal Cilixeai for tiiipointmsnt as Denial Officers In the Ministry of Health, Bederation of Malaya, on the salary scale $730x34-934, 982x 34-I JM p.m. plus C.OLA. at current rates. Applicants must possess a Dental qualification registrant with the DenUl Board,,
      1,000 words
    • 706 15 NOTICES LARUT TIN FIELDS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) Notice Is hereby given that a dividend, the forty-third, of sixpence <6d.) per share, less Income Tax at the rate of thirty per cent, has been declared due and payable to shareholders on the register on the sth March,
      706 words
    • 426 15 Asthma Mucus PlffflfffS Loosened First Day AMMeMBSSI Don't let coushniK. anerilnK. ehokinc attacks mt Uronrhltli or r 1 Aitrima lUln your sleep nnd »n*riry nni n n All! another dij or night without trylnf l.lllllS I•A t J MENDACO. This great medicine 1« UULUO UMll Dot a smo'K.*, Injection or
      426 words

  • 312 16 Winning gallop by Blue Swell ON THE TRACK with EPSOM JEEP KTALA LLMPUir, Mon. Double Eagle (late Harnham Hill) did a sensation al gallop on the track here this morning. With apprentice Chris Dragon in the saddle, Double Eagle clocked 35sec. for three furlongs, going we H on tne bit
    312 words
  • 39 16 The following were elected to the Singapore Turf Club election committee: Dr. GK. Lim. Messrs G. H. Namasie. R. Jumabhoy. W. Gordon. J. Sharp. Jee Ah Chlan. Milton Tan. Wong Slew Leng. N. W. Paton-Smith, Lim Eng Kwan
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  • 18 16 All Business Houses league soccer matches tomorrow have been postponed because of Chinese New Year.
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  • 173 16 Holder out in day of surprises at North golf IPOH. Mon. Defending champion Donald Baxter and several other top players were eliminated in the qual.fying round of the North Malayan golf championship #hich began this morning on the Tiger Lane course. Baxter. 22. returned the nmr score of 167 (82
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  • 63 16 j Capt. 1.0. H. Garnett was elected chairman of the Dockyard Football Association at a meeting at the Naval Base yesterday. Other officials are R. W. Wood (secretary); L. Olrdnestone (treasurer); P. Oopal Filial (mess secretary): M.K. Mydeen (referees secretary*; KB. Menon (coach). Clubs wishing
    63 words
  • 528 16 DOUBLE EAGLE STAKES GOLD CUP CLAIMS WITH 3 F Of 35 SPOR NORMAN SIEBEL SAFA must be realistic i and accent new set-up k WHETHER Singapore will play in this year's Malaya Cup soccer competition now depends entirely on the Singapore Amateur Football Association. Singapore's re-entry into
    528 words
  • 46 16 DESPITE their harruwing experience in the Munich plane disaster. Manchester United goalkeeper Harry Gregg (front left) and right back Billy Foulkes (half hidden behind him) oblige with their autographs on their arrival at Liverpool Street Station. London from Germany last Tuesday. Renter picture.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 98 16 NO LUGGAGE. NO PLAY FOR WOMEN XI MELBOURNE. Mon. There was no play today in the women's cricket match between England and Victoria. The Englishwomen's "bags' had gone astray. The visitors spent the week- j end in Tasmania but when they returned to Melbourne for the opening of the match
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 166 16 THREE Singapore swimmers now studying in Aus--1 tralia may qualify for the Asian Games, at Tokyo in May, by proxy. The swimmers. Ong Choon Lim, Koh Slew Chuan ami David Llm. wrote to the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association three weeks aso asking for permission for
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  • 58 16 CALCUTTA. Mon— Tan Joe Hock qual.fled to meet fellow Indonesian Eddy Yusof in the men's singles final of the East India badminton here yesterday when he beat Shamsad All (Pakistani 9-15, 15-11. 15-10 in a semifinal match. Oajanan Hemmady and Vtkram Bhat (India) beat Hock and
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 106 16 irom Singapore." He said that S.ASA. would request A.A.S.U. to hold the trials for the Singapore swimmers probably in April. Choon Llm and Scow Chuan are former schools back stroke champions while David Lim is Singapore's Olympic water polo goalkeeper. Mr. Phillips had
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  • 23 16 HOG ANAS (Sweden). Mon. Richard Bergmann. (Britain) won the International table tennis tournament here yesterday beating Fuji. (Japan) 21-18. 21-23. 21-17.
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  • 413 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Sharin Osman, of Singapore, rreated the second upset In the All-Malayan Malays tennis tournament when he beat third seeded Abdullah Lincha (Malacca) after a 75-mlnute three-set match. Sharin won by 6-1. 9-7, 6-2. Results of today's matches were: MEN'S SINGLES (Ul round):
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  • 309 16 CHAMPIONS HAVE ONE MORE STEP TO RETAIN TITLE TPOH Mon. Defending champions Omar Yahya and Yussof Akil, of Johore, qualified for the men's doubles final in the All-Malayan Malays badminton champlonsiilps here this morning. They beat H. Ismail bin H. A. Rahim and Jaafar Ahmad (Johore) 15-5, 15-10. M. Sadali.
    309 words
  • 267 16  - Tengku: Trip to Tokyo if KKM FEHNANDEZ By If UALA LUMPUR, Mon. 1V Tengku Abdul Rahman said today that he would like to go to Tokyo for the Asian Games In May provided the Japanese Government would receive him as a member of the Malayan team and not as the
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  • 30 16 PARIS. Mon. Kurt Niel sen. of Denmark, beat Jaros lav Drobny. of Egypt. 7-3, 6-3. 6-2 In the final of the French indoor tennis championship here yesterday Reuter.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 795 16 CLARIFIED ADS. "AT YOUR SERVICE" W Word* tit (Minimum) Ontly i momlk. It Word* $1 H (Him.) TRAVEL. Don't leave it to luck —try Asia Travel Service. EVERffIT rRAVEL BERVICE. 11 Collyer Quay. Singapore Tel' *****. RELIABLE RADIO REPAIRS Reasonable rates. Ring Reliance *****. OUR EXPERIENCE IS Your Safeguard T
      795 words
    • 73 16 J CATHAY'S GALA CHINESE J NEW YEAR ATTRACTION J OPI-.W TODAY! j, 11 a.m. -1.45-4. 15-6. 45 9.30pm •k kMi P get a MERRY -K •K Bk ANDREW r lf\(4 SPECIALTY From Oar i nd > Bar +c iff xf.Actcve; MC»(p-.« W 4^^ asolcsiioel w __3jspr PBODOCTIOH HERANGEU jjgf fi§jf%
      73 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous