The Straits Times, 13 February 1958

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times He** o**0 Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1958 if ft if 15 CENTS
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  • 1453 1 WARM WELCOME AS HE FOES FROM AUSTRALIA •British people wish Singapore tvell-nve shall help you all we can' No change in self-rule plans 'WE SHALL NOT GO BACK ON OUR WORD, HE SAYS SINGAPORE will have internal self-government, the British Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan, pledged
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  • 178 1 MESSAGE TO TENGKU: WE ADMIRE YOUR PROGRESS IN a message to Tengku Abdul Rahman, Mr. Macmillan said the British people viewed Malaya's inclusion in the Commonwealth with the greatest pride and pleasure. The British greatly admired Malaya's progress ander the Trngku's wise guidance in the first few months of indrpendence.
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  • 86 1 Romanised titles in Red Press FKING. Wed. Both of Peking's main dally newspapers carried their titles in Latin characters on the masthead for the first time today, the day after approval yesterday by the Chinese Parliament of language reform. The People's Dally, organ of the Communist Party, printed Its title
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  • 95 1 MUNICH. West Germany, i Wed —Doctors stood by at! Munich's Rights Der Isar hospital this morning await- 1 Ing the arrival of an'artifl-l clal kidney for footballer Duncan Edwards, who is in "very acute danger." They will operate to connect the rare apparatus to his bloodstream
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 244 1 JAKARTA SACKS FOUR COLONELS JAKARTA. Wednesday. A IRCRAFT landed commandoes in South Sumatra, A a delayed report reaching Jakarta said today. The Palembang newspaper Batang Han Sembilan of I Feb. 8 headlined what it said I was the arrival of a crack mobile brigade of troops
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  • 52 1 JERUSALEM. Wed. Mr David Ben Gurion. the Israeli Prime Minister yes terday lost 73-42 a bid to Introduce a constituency electoral system like Britain':; In place of Israel's propor tional representation voting He earlier said the preset-, "deplorable" system was responsible for the splinte; groups In the
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  • 19 1 WASHINGTON. Wed.-Un employment in the United States reached 4.494.000 In January. an increase of 1.120.000 over December.
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  • 217 1 PEKING. Wed —Mr. Choc En-lal. the Chinese Premier. will devote himself morfully to the development of the country's economy, ob servers here believe. They were commenting today on the fact that Mr. Chou had handed over his additional post of Foreign Minister to
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 220 1 INDONESIAN authorities in Singapore said yester--1 day that the gunboat which held up the 362--ton vessel Segamat 40 miles from here on Sunday, was very likely masquerading as an Indonesian patrol boat. An Indonesian Consulate spokesman disclosed that all efforts to trace the gunboat, after
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  • 449 1 MALAY CLASSES LIKELY TO START MARCH 1 Would be done on small %cale throughout country KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. <pHE Federation Government is expected to start Malay secondary classes on a small scale throughout Malaya on Mar. I— two months ahead of the time limit set by the Education Ministry. Circulars
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  • 135 1 KUALA LUMPUK, Wed. The Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, will not intervene in the Malay secondary classes row between the Ministry of Education and the 10.000-strone Federation of Malay School Teachers' Associations. He told the Straits limes tonight: "I will not step into the row
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  • 238 1 2 a.m. news roundup NASUTION 'FREEZES' C. SUMATRA FORCES JAKARTA, Wed.— Army Headquarters said here tonight that all military commands In Central Sumatra had been "fro»en." All battalion commanders, including staff officers, have been ordered to stand by for direct orders from the Chief of Staff. Maj-Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution.
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 45 1 TUNIS. Wed -A crowd of about 1.000 massed outsid the office of the Tunisian President. Mr. Bourgulba, li. an anti-French detnonstra tlon at lunchtime today The demonstrator^ <artit<t placards and banners with the slogans "evacuation" an<l "give us arms."— Reuter. (See Page 3)
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 -IN GLASSES pyisi cane I Wj/'JB TAIKOO SIKpAI? l^fU For the best results 'K. 11 iirWc^ in cake making for \l/£ L» ■ff jy CHINESE NEW YEAR =^^SmMML TAIKOO CASTER /^^^^^S^ TAIKOO ICING TAltttttt Hsl Sold in Mb packets. Available at your favourite Grocer's
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  • 66 2 The Straits Times PHOTO NEWS PRESENTING A PICTORIAL RECOUP OF THE VISIT OF THE MACMILLANS TO SINGAPORE MRS. ONG. wife of the Mayor, greets Lady Dorothy Macmillan at the City Hall. Mr. Ong En e Guan is at tight MR. MACMILLAN inspects the guard of honour at the airport A
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  • 134 2 I Cable flashes j LONDON, Wed. Dartmoor prisoners raised £5 In a cell-to-cell collection to buy a wreath to be sent to relatives of the Manchester United air crash victims.— Reuter. TOKYO: A schoolboy died In a new Influenza epidemic spreading through the city.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 Sensational victory of MOVADO v at the 1957 Timing Competition of the Swiss Official Neuchatel Observatory I I CABI E AND WIRELtSS LIMITED I 9 W/Y-GF£B r jB I j I fl TAP9S7 W3Bl LACHAUXDEFONDS bb 6 1218 H| LI KHATENA SINGAPORE B ■I MOVADO OBTAINS RESULTS WITHOUT PRECEDENT El
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    • 129 2 APPLE PIE REAPYTOBAKE J 3.'* ready to bake 2andservQ i Frozen Fruit Pies in on exclusive Only Swanson offers you two Fresh Fruit Pies in one handy package! Two deliciom fruit pies that look anJ taste homemade. All the fresh fruit flavor is protected by the Swanson special freezing process.
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  • 391 3 CONFIDENCE VOTE IN GAILLARD AFTER 'VILLAGE WAS REBEL HQ' CLAIM DULLES: U.S. DEPLORES BOMBING INCIDENT, MAY URGE JOINT BORDER PATROLS, U.N. OBSERVERS TUNIS, Wednesday. yHK Tunisian Government today banned French warships from entering Bizerta and warned that any that tried to force their way in would
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 76 3 A 280-m.m atomic cannon looms over the marching troops with ttie Honest John rocket behind it as nearly 2.000 soldiers of the Republic of Korea and United Nations march in review for Lt.-Gen. Arthur G. Tnideau of the C.S. Army, the departing U.N.
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  • 125 3 ANOTHER REDSTONE MISSILE LAUNCHED CAPE CANAVERAL. Florida. Wed— A Redstone ballistic missile, the backbone of the Jupiter -C which successfully launched the first American satellite last month, was launched early today. The Kcdstone shot skywards In a streak of flame at 0052 GMT (8.22 a.m. Singapore time) and disappeared into
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 28 3 BRUSSELS. Wed. Mr. Paul-Henri Spaak said here that no decision has yet been taken on where Nato rocketlaunching sites in Europe will I be located. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 100 3 'FREEDOM OF TOWN' FOR A RECEIVER LONDON, Wed— Detective- Inspector John Hammersley of Brighton was alleged yesterday to have given "the freedom of the town" to a receiver of stolen Roods. Ernest Walte, a shopkeeper, said this resulted from "a gentleman's agreement" he reached with Hammersley, who allowed him to
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 29 3 LIVERPOOL. Wed. The troopship Oxfordshire with 1.000 men berthed here last night from Hong Kong with an outbreak of influenza aboard. About 70 men wer>affected. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 149 3 Labour Party will ban British A-lests if returned to power F ONDON, Wed. Mr. Aneurin Bevan. the British Labour Party's chief foreign affairs spokesman, said here last night that if the Party were returned to power at the next, general election they will stop nuclear tests by Britain
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 194 3 FOREIGN MINISTERS AND SUMMIT WASHINGTON. Wednesday. ]t|R. John Foster Dulles, the U.S. Secretary of iT State, said yesterday that a foreign ministers' conference was not an essential preliminary to a possible summit meeting. Mr. Dulles told his press conference that President Eisenhower was now considering
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 25 3 TOKYO. Wea. Japan cannot accept a Soviet proposal for immediate negot* ations for a peace treaty, the Vice-Foreign Min^stet said today —Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 84 3 CUIDAD TRUJILLO. Wed. Ex-President Juan Peron of Argentina yesterday was requested to leave the Dominican Republic "without delay 1 because he had violated the asylum granted to him. The Interior Minister asked him to leave in view of reports transmitted by international news agencies that
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 249 3 LONDON. Tues. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp duty were: :on.sols £48 Ending 4% 189* War M%% £64 11 16 MM Mercantile (£1) 32 6 bartered <£1> 41 6 S Jongkong (f 125) £45 INSURANCE on Un. (uts.) 71 10.- —1/9 *oyal 75/4S 1/'rudentUl £40.
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Tues Spot 22\d., Mar. 23d. April-June 23',d., July-Sept 23 \d.. Oct.-Dec. 23<4d.. Jan-March 23\d Feb. elf 22\d. Mar. c.l.f. 22\d April 22\d Tone: Steady.
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  • 22 3 LONDON. Tues. Buyers f. 730. sellers. £730' F.-vard h>ivers £726 <i; sellers £727. Umtal £'31, a.m. 200 tons. pin. 280 ton*.
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  • 215 3 f ONDON, Wed.— Lady Ralli, wife of a rich baronet, told a Judge yesterday of the "painful scene" which followed her husband's confession that he had lavished money on a mistress for 15 years. "It was a horrible shock for me,' she said But
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 [third ScizT^iso^oooll^h fifFIC/AL MMTS 6 TMEK miuKi 4T m post was. mm mhck, msts mmts Mm BSIBBH.B KDMATIUt ft MALM KaBBa^SwSS f 142 YEARS of experience in watchmaking THE SWISS WATCH T^\f»' FOR ALL CLIMATES V/j df^ .H^VjPy SHOCK HOTICTIO VI /fis-M f pMRE l£UtiJfLLjr\ T GENEVE VCT YOUR GUARANTEE.
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    • 334 3 m y INTERNATIONAL ®^gjl|j^ v I CHARITY COMMITTEE Wtt^f^^ A ONE DAY FESTIVAL I^ound^ J^J^ lurJ ay i ■ATTRACTIONS 15th Feb. The Great World Park EVENTS and TIMES in the Park NON-STOP FUN SHOWS trom 10 am 12 Midn.ght m JAPANESE FIREWORKS DISPLAY INTERNATIONAL TRADE EXHIBITION 1958 I *in th*>
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  • 157 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Chinese towkays in the Federation have been advised by the police to see that their snfes are "bricked in' to prevent valuables, safe and all trom being sto- J Irn. The Federation's new C ID. I Chkf, Mr. D.W. Yates. gave
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  • 437 4 MANIAM: 'UNDER SAMBANTHAN IT S A PARTY Of NAME ONLY' 'LEADERSHIP NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO COMMAND CONFIDENCE OR RESPECT OF PEOPLE' IPOH, Wednesday. y\R. A. h S. MANIAM, a founder-member of (he Malayan Indian Congress here, has resigned as president of the party's Ipoh branch in
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  • 124 4 MENTRI BESAR LEADS VILLAGE RALLY IPOH. Wed Happiness ani prosperity of the country lies in eliminating the terrorists still in the jungle, sai-j the Mentri Besar of Perak. Inche Mohamed Ghazali bii: Haji Jawi. at Tronoh N miles north of here, yesterday evening. The Mentr. Besar led th" Tronoh Citizens
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  • 46 4 The V.M.C.A. Square Dance Club wil. hold a Chinese New Year Dance at their hall in Raffles Quay. Singapore on Friday night. All the proceeds of the dance mill go for an Easter Treat to children of the St. Andrews Orthopaedic Hospital.
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  • 39 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. The Ali Shoe Factory whose address was given as Istana Stulane Stables, was fined $50 in the Magistrate's Court today for delay in sending October and November contributions to the Employees Provident Fund
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  • 78 4 CATHOLICS' PROCESSION MARKS CENTENARY Two picked MERSING. Wed. Ch* Rahman binte Haji Ali and Che Teh binte Haji Abas have been choien to attend the Johore state delegates' conference of Women's Instifutis at Kluana on February 15. THE HALF-MILE profession of Catholics in Ipoh. who braved a heavy drizyle. walking
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  • 105 4 PENANG. Wed. The Eastern Smelting Employees' Union, is "s'.ill functioning." its president Inche Sharlff Baboo, said today. It will dissolve only when Its members are reengaged. Inche Sharrff said the union had petitioned the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, saylne that the company had so far
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  • 268 4 'Thanks' to last Rhodesian battalion TENGKU: THEY HAVE OUR RESPECT I/UALA LUMPUR. I"- Wed.— Tengku Abdul Rahman today praised the Ist Bn.. Rhodesian African Rifles, for Its successes In the war against the terrorists. The battalion, which has killed 10 terrorists and captured two during its 18 months in Malaya,
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  • 106 4 ALOR STAR, Wednesday. A GOODS wagon attached to the Padang Besar— iX Prai passenger train jumped the rails at Titi Tinggi yesterday afternoon. This was the second derailment within a month. Nine other wagons following behind stopped abruptly yesterd- 1 None of them overturned.
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  • 38 4 JOHORE BAHRD. Wed. Tengku Ahmad who hoWs the title of Tengku Temenggong. JohoTe. will return to Johore Bahru from Britain on Feb. 18. H e is the second son of the Sultan of Johore.
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  • 54 4 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Wed —A hunter shattered his owi leg while chasing a wild boar at Jnru yesterday. Lee Choon Heng, 54. tripped against his shotgun, and fell. There was an explosion. The other members of the hunting party rushed Lee to Bukit Mertajam hospital, where the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 JBBB^JKJiß^,t^^B^^^B^Bß^Blßß^^BßßfcjßiHii^i-7 'btt^^Pbb^ o~ fe. **Cj Mt> J! L^BV. RKbbW^^M^BbS^Mß^J Biflß^H \\T Lit \'^ff#aV^Bjy BaW^lpP ByJP^ Lk "^^"""^"^F^^T^Sl^BM™ V •"^S^Ss^S^aaHßir^ tfC li'/^bbbSSbL i-*r±>jmSLm&MmUiA JbbßJ?^— -v s»fcS aSfl bS> IIJI H- Jm b^bbVs^^bbV'bVwDilkS ■^•Sr* c bSsbbSißSsT^ bbC wUr^^M^R %^^E^a^Bß>SSa Wtttt b*4^^J& w. M^f a) f l^t^iMC^^ssssr fvlH^^^^^^B DJ^ fl EssstW. r C
      165 words
    • 562 4 S OPENS <cAi»itor> TODAY ,fi»rpnaa> her SONGS. her SINS! < 9fcw sat on m jrtano n» star rver climbed higher She fell in love Ac no woman ever fell lowrr m 111-' i t I iI '^pB f J i Vm& ill iUoLA < ISSS^bI w^HB I 1 r p
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 164 4 niniA u.f .VA Concert; 130 Th* News; 1.4s a%a%IMM ■■■•»■<•»«<■*, iadl« Only; 2.00 Cloae Down: NATIONAL SM(«T »»Vk 3 30 Cal ""8 AU HofcpiUk; 6 00 NATIONAL SMO«T »A>a Hen<) chlldren j,, r.jHj, nn 41 m ts^L Oub; 6 45 Lights 0n;6.53 Resi\«^,POaiE flonal Announcements: 6 54 SJnM ai K
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  • 46 5 .Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Koh Ban Jim. who were marrird at the Church of the Visitation. Srremban. The bride was formerly Miss ratricia huih rob Gaik. •f Kuala Kangsar. The groom i s a partner of Lee Kre and Co. Seremban.
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  • 119 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. T«HE FEDERATION traffic police today appealed to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to show commonsense and consideration for one another. Mr. GO. Leech, the head of the traffic branch, said pedal cyclists were the worst offenders in the use of zebra crossings.
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  • 223 5 PENANG. Wed A conviction by a Bayan Li-pas magistrate two years ag > was quashed by the Federation I Court of Appeal sitting In Penang today. The court comprising the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Thomson. Mr. Justice Hill and Mr Justice Syed Barakhah also ordered
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  • 252 5 'Best New Year present we can offer/ say leaflets dropped over Perak jungle IPOH, Wednesday. QNE hundred thousand ang pows will be airdropped tomorrow to 200 terrorists infesting the "Operation (winger" area 1,440 square miles of jungle in Perak's notorious Sungei Siput
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  • 64 5 BUTTERWORTH. Wed— A fishmonger. Gooi Teck Chin. 33, was accused in the magistrate's court here today of murdering his wife. Gooi was alleged to have killed Lav Peck Nye. 26. a mother of two. at their Kampong Cross Street home on Feb. 10. The magistrate. Tuan
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  • 23 5 KANGAR Wed— The next meeting of the Perils State Council will be held at the Kangar Council Chamber on Feb. 27.
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  • 176 5 'BRIDGES OF LOVE' TO BE REPLACED KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —The Municipal Council proposes to replace the two damaged wooden "lover"s bridges" in the Lake Gardens here with concrete ones. The cost: About $35,000 The familiar old red and green bridges had been used mostly by courting couples to cross from
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  • 49 5 Lourdes high mass PENANG. Wed— The Bishop of Penang. Monsignor Francis Chan, last night celebrated a pontifical high mass at the Cathedral of the Assumption here to commemorate the centenary of the Lourdes Apparition There will be a special service every Saturday evening for the rest of the year.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 547 5 A Promise >^' l ampax can makt a world of difference year after year after year Must women don't realise that "a few problem days each month" actually add up tofirtjearj aid of yam life! It** up to you whether those five yean arc as comfortable and carefree as possible,
      547 words
    • 285 5 fl ■W^'^K Is she twenty? thirty? forty? You can't tell with Lanolin Plus beauty care 1 ,/> -//M/ No, you can't »cc the tiny linra, wrinkles that y fL bflfin before you know it hecauae l-anolm Plu» ilquld erases dry akin and other aigM of f\r age. It smooths away
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 953 5 I. IVliik I_M Klana C4TH4Y- No no«n Payment CATHAY: Captain Klshore SEGAL: Jailhouae Roc* 3. 7. i\ nnVn* '12 45. 3. 7. 9 15. BEX: Ankh Ka 9.15; CAPITOL: San Antonio JeLnn, k«U 3IS' 6 45 915 I Nasn cHln<l1 > 12 45 3 9lb 12S0 2 30 6
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  • 105 6 >« Hortfs fit (M.nimnm) ROBERT FERNANDEZ, Husbiind of Elsie passed away on 10 2.58 at General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. MRS. CHAN KOK SENG iged 67. passed away peacefully on 12th February 1958 at tier lesidence No. 343. Upper East Coast Road (Bth mile stonei Leaving behind two sons. Chan
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  • 97 6 2« IM tl» I Minimum). WESTREX EXECUTIVE passeo ttaf, Miles A. Coldri k. public relations administrator of We.-t--rex Corporation's Hollyv.ood DivlMun. died at the age of 54 on January 28 after a short illness. Mr. Ooldrlck had been with Westrex Corporation and Its subsidiaries over thirty years. From hi.s
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  • 141 6 U Wt4m lln i Minimum) THE FAMILY of the late Mr KJioo Chan Scon thank all re- > latives and friends foi their help and kind expressions of sympathy tn their recent bereavement. MRS A. MARSHALL ol No. S Frankel Lane, thanks all relatives and friends for their wreaths,
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  • 110 6 M Hordl ll* Vimimmm) WRITE and be right. McDouyall .-> free M kery book can be i \otirs by writing to Fiupalrlck's. EVEN PLEASANT COMPANY Can be Depressing in a musty atmosphere. Ab-un'k Restores Harmony with Its country-«lr' IMsMk SINO CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 145 Ciots Street Spore 1. Suppliers
    110 words
  • 20 6 M Hmri* U I Max M fit. txtrm LOST WHITE COCKATOO. Tanglln area. Reward to finder. Telephone ***** daytime.
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  • 98 6 It H urdt < Hlit. j «..t it <-<• ritrm IK LEAVE: To Let. 6 guinea* meekly Well furnished secluded det.n iied 3 bedroomed (Sleep 4—6 In emergent/I house near Exeier i miles Horn ttie sea garage telephone fridge washing machine etc A\ailable from nudM. i Write Airmail
    98 words
  • 130 6 M IMi >- I Mia.) «.x i« ett. txtrm. LORDOMAT C 35 The 35mm cadmt» that has everything. Coupled H.ingi liiniir |p i m Meier Ciui\eisal Vicnliiuiei, Intel changeable Leu* syMem. selflimer. leius F2.S $220/- Fl9 $260 c.uh Sole AnenU Tillies' 62. Middle Road. COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY aaa many uses
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  • The Straits Times
    • 585 6 The Folly Of Fear Suggestions that Singapore's constitution should be "suspended" even before it has come into force received short shrift at the British Prime Minister's hands at his press conference yesterday. If indeed, as these anonymous supplicants fear, the Communist tide is rising, no better way could be found
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    • 349 6 The Kinta Home Guard, 900 strong, is to discharge 250 men. Reductions in the Home Guard have been going on for years. The Federation has cut the national establishment from 230,000 men to 110,000 since 1952 and Kinta's force once had 3,000 members. There are aspects of
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    • 230 6 Selan^or's State Medical and Health Officer, Dr. R. I. Macbeth, has drawn attention to a "beautiful example of bureaucracy" in the way in which the Social and Welfare Lotteries Board disburses money for anti-tuberculosis work. The Board's funds cannot be used directly by Government to finance its
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  • man-in-the-street
    • 541 6 |>ERMIT me to comment on Syed Huv>ein"s letter iS T. Feb. 7 1 Much of what he says may sound all right in theory but the application of them is quite a different matter. Perhaps h e and the impatient Malay teachers have
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    • 195 6 Sensitive to criticism fHE latest statement from the Alumni Association Indicates what Is surely an extreme sensitivity to criticism on the part of an organisation which has not hesitated to criticise others. The Association "takes strong exception" to Dr. Macßeths "unwarranted and unjustified remarks about local doctors leaving Government service
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    • 106 6 Too many hotels RECENT utterances by leading personalities In the Singapore tourist In du.stry proclaiming the need, and desirability of more hotels to be built in the colony so a* to be able to cope with the Islands new tourist boom era seem to ring rather hollow Two long-established ho
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    • 307 6 IN his letter on Malay secondary education tS.T. Feb. 3 1 "J.J." does not think much of my suggestion that Government could make Malay teachers trained in B>: 'in teach in Malay lnstend of in Enelisn in residential schools. But this is being done in the two
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    • 126 6 rE Mayor's frequent use of the term "colonialists and colonialism" is stale, a term borrowed, from the "fellow-travellers" of USSR. Many of us here a:e colonialists. Did not the parents and or grandparents of many of us her* com* from China, India and elsewhere and make Singapore
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  • 1005 6 A policy doomed to defeat by the march of history FRENCH ACTION IN NORTH AFRICA IS SUICIDAL IT IS because one rates so highly the contribution Fiance has made to civilisation during the past thousand years that her present policy in North Africa seems so deplorable The treaty with Tunisia,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 197 6 i Strait* Tine* Free Press I F Far Mi* <onv< v«m« at od»«r- titan our r«pi»»cntolivti at lit I floor, SINGAPORE COLO STORAGI. E ORCHARD ROAD, will rcc«.». small I advtrtiMmantt and answert to boi nnmban. Clonificd odv«rtl»eircoM My I olio be honded to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD., Winchester HoHM,
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    • 132 6 An Osram Lamp is mother's treasure Her well-lit home's a constant pleasure Advertisement Of THi CINERAL tUCTRIC CO (MALAYA) LTD Representing THE CENERAI ELECTRIC CO LTD OF ENGLAND I HERE'S WHAT YOU DO Wi£rPA//\f**km AL f T&L Don t su^f needlessly! Get soothing relief k B EY frora »«he» knd
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  • 155 7 Death of Malacca Eurasian leader MALACCA, Wed— Mr. Cyril Francis Gomes a Malacca Eurasian leader, died today at the General Hospital here. He was aged 63. He was admitted into hospital a week ago. Mr. Gomes, a company secretary and accountant. was a nominated member of the Malacca State Council
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  • 24 7 The succpss ot Australia's correspondence scholarships for Malayans will result in the introduction of a gra-duate-by-post centre in Kuala Lumpur this year.
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  • 75 7 MALACCA. Wed. Out of the five bus companies threatened with a strike of their employees after midnight today, one has reached a settlement with th e employees' union the National Union of Transport Workers. Agreement was reached this morning after three directors of the Patt Hup
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  • 137 7 IPOH. Wed.— ln an allout dnve against the current crime wave in Ipoh, the police last night arrested eight men. including all the membeis ot a gang of thieves. This was the police answer to the increasing number of robberies, housebreakings, thefts and attacks
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  • 381 7 Counsel on right of assembly IPOH, Wednesday. ORANDISHING a copy of the constitution of the Federation of Malaya, Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam, who was defending seven students charged with participating in an unlawful procession here on Nov. 18. said in court today that the people
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  • 101 7 IN his uniform, here is Malaya's lirst European Sikh convert and the onl> turbaned soldier in the British Army in Malaya. He i» Private (.'laudr Raymond Perfect, 20. now known officially in the Army by his new Sikh name, Piara Singh The
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  • 44 7 TANJONG MALIM Wed A iwelve-year-old boy was bound over for one year ir> $250 in the Magistrate I Court here today when he pleaded guilty to assisting m running a Chinese character lottery in Behrang station, south Perak on Jan. 11.
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  • 31 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Federal citizens certificates were Issued to 31.105 people in the country last week, bringing the total number of certificates Issued since November year to 225.--251.
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  • 291 7 Tin quotas go under the counter tPOH, Wed.— Tin quotas under the restriction scheme are believed being sold in the blackmarket at prices ranging from $60 a picul of ore to $75. The Mines Department here is investigating two or three "suspicious cases. No further official infor mation is available
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  • 40 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Deputy Director of Education. Mr. G. D. Muir, leaves lor Britain on Friday on six months' leave. Mr. J. E. Tod. Principal of the Language Institute Johore, will deputise for him.
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  • 42 7 MERSING, Wed. Inch* Tahir bin Abdul Rahim. Mersing Assistant District Off) cer and Inche Jamaluddin bin Hash.m. a writer and Imam of Masjid Mersln< will give a talk entitled "Th** Malay Language" at the Mer sing Club on February 20
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  • 54 7 ALOR STAB. Wed. The death toll in Saturdays carlorry collision at the 17 3 4 mile. Alor Star-Sungei Patani road, rose to four last night when Mohamed Sharif!, nine, died in hospital here. Mohamed is the third member of his family to die as a
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  • 159 7 KLANO, Wed. Eight seamen fought a dawn blaze on their 10-ton vessel today to save one of their crew from being burnt to death and 10 tons of rubber plus five piculs of coffee beans. The fire broke out In the vessel's engine
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  • 172 7 ESTATES BREAK-UP BOOSTS GRANTS 1/ I AI.A LUMPUR. Wed.-The Ma- layan Rubber- Industry (Replanting) Board will have given grants to smallholders for replanting more than 200.000 acres before its present scheme expires at the end of next .year. A spokesman of the Fund tald the Straits
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  • 431 7 Guilty— but a'f itrah' rebel is praised PENSIONER STOOD BY CONSCIENCE IPOH. Wednesday. Vf OHAMED WALLIE bin Abdul Samad, 66, a rebel iTI against the Straits religious law, was commended by Mr. Justice Good in the Supreme Court here today for standing by his principles. But the judge dismissed Mohamed
    431 words
  • 49 7 ALOR STAR. Wed. The Social Welfare Department has set aside $500 this year to provide relief for resettled Sakai families in Sik. central Kedah. The Social Welfare Asslstsant, Sungei Patani, Mr V P. Phillip, said the relief would be given in the form of prohibited foodstuffs.
    49 words
  • 183 7 WANTED: $50,000 FOR TB CLINIC I^UALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Voluntary welfare workers who fought for five years to set up a T.B. settlement In Morib, Selangor, will discuss their next biggest problem soon. Its a $50.000-a-year problem. That is how much It will cost to run the new clinic. which will
    183 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      143 words
    • 232 7 The P O Company have pleasure in announcing that in addition to their usual passenger sailings by "Chusan", "Corfu". Canton", Carthage", the following P O vessels normally employed on their Europe/ Australia Service will call at Singapore for London. HIMALAYA Saik 14th May 27.955 »o»« "STRATHEDEN- 5...U 16* lunc 23.732
      232 words

  • 213 8  - Soon -an end to this queue for dole CHIA YAK-TAI GOLDSMITHS BLAME TIN CRISIS, UNEMPLOYMENT By CASH BY POST FROM APRIL OR MAY STUDY THIS PICTURE CAREFULLY. It is a picture of misery and destitution. These are the people who receive a meagre pittance from the public assistance section of
    213 words
  • 159 8 But pawnshops get plenty of jewellery customers ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed. I 1V —Chinese in Malaya are cutting down on spending for the Chinese New Year. A post office savings bank official told the Straits Times today that savings drawn this year for the festival were insignificant.
    159 words
  • 178 8 54 MILES BY CAR—WITH A PYTHON IN THE BOOT KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Four estate labourers today sped 54 mites by car to Kuala Lumpr with a threshing 25 foot python in the boot. The four men— KG. Kathan N. Nadeson. KG. Manikam and N. Mariappan. labourers on Nigel Gardner Estate.
    178 words
  • 54 8 SEREMBAN. Wed. Five hundred letters of appeal have been sent out by the chairman of the board of Rovernors of tne Welfare and Children's homes. Mr. B. H. Tan. for financial aid. The welfare home for the aaed. blind and decrepit has 220 Inmates and
    54 words
  • 51 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. 1 The Australian troops in Malaya will have a new commander. Col. E. O. Mcnamara. who will take over from Col. F. W. Speed on Saturday. Col. Speed is ret'M niiv. to Australia after completing a 22-year tour of duty iv Singapore and Ma 1
    51 words
  • 157 8 SOLDIERS ANSWER CALL FOR BLOOD SOS answered in minutes IPOH, Wed. Two 1 young British soldiers yesterday answered an urgent appeal for blood for a mother who underwent an operation in hospital here. The mother, an Asian, was operated on for stomach ulcers. Her blood belonged to the 'O" group.
    157 words
  • 67 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed —A Kuala Lumpur millionaire. Mr. Lee Van Lian. today gave $2,000 to the building fund of the Selangor State Women's Institute. The cheque was presented by Mr. Lee's daughter-in-law. Mrs Lee Lian Lock, to the president of the Institute here. Che Saadiah Sardon.
    67 words
  • 110 8 BANNER AND A BAND TO WELCOME TOURISTS PENANG, Wed. A 40-foot banner carrying ihr message "Welcome to Penan;" will greet 350 world tourists wtien the luxury liner SUtendam arrives at Swetlenham Pier here on March 4. A band will serenade the visitors at the wharf on the ship's arrival and
    110 words
  • 75 8 MALACCA. Wed—The bodl es of two Chinese have been recovered from the Malacc i River over the past twenty- > four hours. THE FIRST was that of a rubber-tapper. Ong Kee, 5S His body was recovered fro>u the river near the local Ma rine Barracks
    75 words
  • 66 8 IPOH. Wed— The Perak State Government will soon excise 134 acres of land in the Sungel Plnang forest reserve in Pangkor Island to landless Malays it was announced today. The Government's decision follows a request by the Malays of Pangkor Island for land, to the
    66 words
  • 50 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed A patrol of the 1/2 Gurkha Rifles fired at a lon e terrorist in the Kulai District of Johore yesterday but he got away. No casualties to either Communist terrorists or members of the security forces were reported in the Federation today.
    50 words
  • 42 8 MALACCA. Wed. Kua. a Lumpur Flying Club plane. will give $10 joy rides over the town on Tuesday and Wed nesday— Chinese New Year from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Tickets will be obtatnabk at Malacca Airport
    42 words
  • 36 8 THE 25-FOOT python which had swallowed a wild boar is sren hrrr in the grounds of the Institute for Medical Research. Pahang Road, flankrd by its four raptors —Straits Times picture.
    36 words
  • 150 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Thirty-two members of the United States of America Sock'ty of Editors and Commentators will arrive in Kua- la Lumpur on Saturday for a one-day visit. They will interview the Prime Minister. Tengku Abi dul Rahman, the United .States Ambassador here, Mr. Homer
    150 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 468 8 w B K^3^^Jr^^ST^l^^^B^^Siß*ml mV L V^r v m w _^BSh7^^"]C I ff~ X T iillfl^mTMEEmyUm^mAmimimMmß •^t. W -,1 fc f J A l^ I Phone TfiniVl u•* M 145> 415 t' -rl L^JkJ 1 1.; TODAY! tM 4 „i, PM XB ?< t ;'P Jffi.n» IN TECHNICOLOR (Columbia) RITA HAYWORTII
      468 words
    • 394 8 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a m phone /jfWW^S ifiV W'- >N Tinluy 2»»» It I■■» M B^ 11,1.45,4,6.30 49.30 a Helm Morgan -her SONGS, her SINS! f^\ r "BOTH ENDS T H F E CANDLE" <' Mi In (INKMASCOPf starring Jgt jmm J ANN BLYTH PAUL NEWMAN Jml J^\ I Plus Palhe Nr*s THE
      394 words

  • Straits TIMES Special Feature
    • 1170 9 THE SACK OF SMYRNA A dark chapter in modern Creek history CIX elderly gentlemen stood with their backs to the wall of the unfinished municipal hospital at Kephissia, outside Athens, on the morning of November 28, 1922. A single volley sent their bodies rolling in the dust. A wave of
      Daily Mirror  -  1,170 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 266 9 wß' *i' n w H "*S^f 1 1 IUBBP r ,viS3i^L^BLf :K,i J :T* mt. W: MSXM mk ||HBI|HiW f*W JH Bk^ 1 -*^B^? i *83H$ J m mk^.^k *I* Relax -and enjoy fanerica'i -favourrte J^iiXliOiT real 100% PURE coffee WrfHiV made instantly in the cup It makes itself in
      266 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 142 9 Varwnvn A 1 <>. lift M«* yw.y PONT YOU 1 BtCAuSc "hE xhOUGmT HXi *%ERE I y" If" Of^tVie GANG' /-A/^sT]»io"> I "106 On The Sub Hi By Leslie Hturteris yOU'RE REDUCED^B^B Li V B£ E*R'NG SOME MORZ^J) THE PANTHERS' CAGE' NOW j j^^\ Ioivk Travy By o 'Hester (mould
      142 words

  • 542 10 BETTER SENTIMENT ON LOCAL MARKET FIRMS INDUSTRIALS By Our Market Correspondent BETTER sentiment was observable on the Malayan Share Market yesterday as a result of which industrials again firmed and tins and rubber shares were steady. Turnover, however, still remained on the small side and the improvement was largely due
    542 words
  • 348 10 BROKERS' REPORT The Malayan Share Brakert* VswriaUon reported "Industrials were firm and rubbers and tins were steady The turnover was small." Sincaparr and Federation bra- i krrs reported the foUowiac baaiiiaa d»ne yesterday: Praser Neave ords 12 55 (odd lot). $2.57 V Gammon 52.20: Henry Waugh f 1.47 1,; Jackson
    348 words
  • 71 10 Tha Malayan Exchange Bank*' AaMejatlon made tha following chanit* In Its rfiw to merchant* yesterday (ail raMp to 1100): Srlllni XT. or O.D. rea4y: French Frahct *****. Italian UN ***** On the free exchange market in Hone Kong yesterday, the U.S. iolhir was quoted at 5 83 7
    71 words
  • 22 10 SINGAPORE Feb. 12. RUBBER 771 cents per lb. (down threeeighths of a cent). TIN: $358,624 per pirul (up 374 cents).
    22 words
  • 105 10 MELBOURNE. W-d LOaMW 3 1 1956-59 {99 4s Loans 3> t 1956-58 £100 10s 3d Con. /.in. >n 4 Bank of NSW £37 Mount Lyell 21 3 N Broken Hill 97/I Hill 50 i Mount Morgan 9/4 '-j Peko S 11 'Western Mining 9/11 seller Ampol Ex 7/9^»
    105 words
  • 326 10 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharveo or expected Wda> are: Satsuma Maru 1 2. Tjliuunpek4 &.Culiross 6A, Agamemnon 6 7, Breconshire 89. Carpentaria 10 11, Steel Fabricator 13/ 14, Bantam 15, 16, Kristin Bakke 18. Theta Star 19. 20, Sumpilan N. Wall 2, Oiang Bee 21/22.
    326 words
  • 155 10 February 6»t grade rubber buyers fob. closed in Singapore yesterday at 77 S cents per lb down three-eighths of a cent on Tuesday's closing price. Closing tone: Steadier Closing prices in cents per lb yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Ir.t 1 R.S.S. Bpol fob. buyers 77 V sellers 77 I
    155 words
  • 99 10 Slncaporc Chinese Produce Fxchange: noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; UK Continent February /March $30 buyers *31'« sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $45', sellers, dium $49 sellers Pepper: quiet; no business reported done; Muntok white $102. Sarawak $101 special Sarawak black $63 < all unchanged). Singapore
    99 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      171 words
    • 427 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCIES Experienced Architectural Draftsmen are required in the Public Works Department. Penang on a temporary basis, for the preparauon of large scale detail drawings. At least four years experience In architectural detailing is essential. Salary to be paid will be according to qualifications and experience. Applications giving full
      427 words
    • 513 10 NOTICES THE TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT (No. 118) NOTICE Is hereby glveo undet section 131 of the enactment that a Draft layout, as per plan No. J3/3123 of the area known as Kampong Serkam, which is bounded by Jalan Oaud Jalan Arab and Jalan Bakrl, has been prepared and deposited In
      513 words
    • 669 10 NOTICES SUNGEI KINTA TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated tn England). Telegraphic advice has been received from London of an Interim I dividend of 1/- per stock unit, lest Income Tax at 8, 6d In the t. In respect of the year ended 61st 1 December 1957, payable on 12th March 1958
      669 words
    • 611 10 HH KNUTSEN LINE ORIENT service FROM CANADA/US. PACIFIC PORTS SO DAYS Soillrta. Saa. Arrlrmaj Vancouver Franciaca S'aota P. Swatt. Panaria F montia' anna Sakke s.ilw s.rl.« Sart.d Sailed I. Part 11 Fab (lISAMTH BAKKI SaHad SaMad 11/11 Mar 14 Mar la Mar 11 Mar GJERTRUO BAKKI la f.b 10 Mar/
      611 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1439 11 T«lt Z405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Tel: X4ll (18 Haas) (IncriDoratcd in Singapore) (12 Hnesl THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE T 0 T P SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS (Vie Seei wttfc liberty te proceed vie Panama or Cope el Gaad Hope) Corriers option to proc»-d vio other ports
      1,439 words
    • 1207 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK AND/OR FAB EAST Penong P. S'hom Spore "LALANDIA" 21/24 Feb 2S/24 Feb 27/ 2 Met "KOREA" 25/24 Feb 17/27 Feb 20/ 2 Mar ■BUSOANGA" 24/27 Feb 28 Feb/ 1 Mar 2/ 1 Mer SELANOIA" 9/10 Mer 11/12 Mw 11/14 Mer Accepts cargo for
      1,207 words
    • 1126 11 buuding THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. tJF SINCAPORE (Incorporoted in the United K.ngdom) LINES SAILINGS TO ADEN, U.K. ft CONTINENTAL PORT! Spore P. Sham Penang BINVENUE for Liverpool, Rotterdom, Hombu-o la Pert/14 Fefc 13/17 Feb BENALDfR for Aden, Jeddah, Port Sudon, Rotterdam, Hull 14/17 Fefc la Pert/11 Fefc BENVORLtCH for
      1,126 words
    • 1236 11 McALISTER <St CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** ELLERMAN LIMES KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG SEATTLE, VANCOUVER A PORTLAND and for U.S.A., North AtlontK Ports «*«"ptbn c tral v ttk ond Conodo via Colombo America Spore CIT p O S'hSm FO l> P.nang -M FTrlrZ" P.nang
      1,236 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2 12
    2 words
  • 1082 12 MALAYANS ABROAD rkISTINGUISHED Singapore pianist Noreen Stokes, who has Just returned from leave in England, has brought me news of a number of Malayan music students, all of whom have successful careers in London. Miss Stokes herself had a working holiday, which included an appearance on a
    1,082 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 206 12 BOVRIL PUTS W string™ INTO JgL YOU %bt-# pill 1 1 I I lIHHIIIIIIIIIH 1 I 1 0 lbs of prime beef go«« into E3 making of lib o« 80.. I And liter* art essential niimmi it well' Bovnl 11 to^^^ cipecially rich in 81. B 2 jnd 812 Dnnk
      206 words
    • 144 12 '^H| Bl^ with 'alive' colour »i >» S3 00 glowing on your lips si 93 IT'S sensational! When you ii mem 1 A brand-new kind of ing on your lips And no lipstick 1 lip colouring Cory '74. It unean on the pillow Non-drying take this lipstick Off at night
      144 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 189 12 Strai's Times Crossword ACROSS 8 Stud!»s beauties' corre&pon--1 Hon* part, ngure of speech w *J>- hurrled que^ when there's no concentra- J£ d J& im.tetion rl .i 19 15 Shavian Cabinet Minister n r f ca n 5) who nas rlght 17 pkL 1 lM5 r 79. lenUy P"? 0
      189 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 244 13 Check Betore Posting I Replies to Box Numbers j Utmost care should be taken I when retiring to boi number I a4t. ro M<e thi CORRECT I NUMBER and Address ro the I Straits Time*. Cecil Street. I Cish mutt k* tent by regis- I fcrcd post: Pottj| Orders or
      244 words
    • 108 13 SITUATIONS VACANT M Wordt ti (Mim.) Box St etl. txtrm. DOCTOR, male or lady wanted immediaiely for 1 W month (mid- < February. March) for east coast I State qualifications, experience and apply with trims to Box ABS7B. S.T. ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED by Large Film Company Experience in Audit Work an
      108 words
    • 710 13 SITUATIONS VACANT It Wordi ti (Mim.) Box it Hi. txtrm. WANTED a young A/C Clerk for Borneo witu knowledge of Trade Marks. Qrs. provided, passage paid. Apply Box A 7009 S.T. tSi Abl.lSn^i JAPANESE F)"M requires well educated sales assistant Only those with knowledge of correspondence And Typewriting need apply
      710 words
    • 841 13 HOI'SES LAND I OK SALE tt Wtrdt tS (Mim.) Bmx M til. txtrm. NEW 3 BEDROOM Flats at Carlisle Road off Cambridge and Norfolk Roads First Floor $14,500/- Ground Ploor with G.uden 815.900/- Enquiries —Sin Chew Realty, Ltd., 132, Rochore I Road, Singapore. Tels: ***** ***** BIN TONO PARK: elevated
      841 words
    • 780 13 VEHICLES WANTED Wordl tS (Mim.) Box M tt.. txlrm WANTED to Purchaae oooa Used Cars. Austin, Morris. Ford I HUlmau, Opel. Plat, Vauxnall. i Volkswagen, preferably 1953/7 Models: Ring ***** Soon reck Finance Company 173 A South Bridge Road. VEHICLES FOB SALE tt Word, ti (Mim Box it rlt. rtlrm
      780 words
    • 775 13 FOR SALE ttWmrdtti(Mim.\ Bmx it tit tmlrm BEU. it HOWELL Bmm Cine I Camera complete with case and i wide angle lens attachment. Also Projector with transformer, first reasonable offer accepted. Phone ***** 8 a.m. 11 p.m. ONE FILINO CABINET. One Standex Card Piling Cabinet. Both in Good Condition. 2
      775 words
    • 267 13 i but Doctor, why does 'Disprin' AA^Wi relieve pain W?\ wJn&?: s* so quickly? iJ^J^ji SEE IT DISSOLVES! Disprin tablets really dissolve, instead This it Kspr» Thi. j. -0 of mere| y brcakin "P like most P 3 remedies. @(X Because Disprm dissolves, it is more rapidly absorbed by your
      267 words

  • 41 14 PORT OF SPAIN. Wed. West Indies beat Pakistan In the Second Test match ended yesterday by 120 runs. Final scores were: West Indies 325 and 312. Pakistan 282 and 235. The First Test was drawn.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 412 14 National coach was not at Ipoh, XL trials was he snubbed? IT WAS AN OVERSIGHT, SAYS HEAH He will be in charge of final training JHE ABSENCE of national burimin ton coach Wont? Pteatfl Soon from the Thomas Cup trials held over the weekend at Kuala Lumpur,
    412 words
  • 119 14 He will stay with players in last session at Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. But he had not been Invited and he could not understand why. But Peng Soon confirmed that he had got an invitation from Mr. Teh on Tuesday M attend the Cup trials next month. He
    119 words
  • 197 14 SAAA MEET WILL NOW BE OPEN TO FEDERATION ATHLETES THE FIRST mov e to provide more competition for Singapore athletes In the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association championships this year was made un Tuesday at a S.A.A.A. committee meeting at the SRC. The committee decided to Invite Federation athletes to take
    197 words
  • 282 14 JEEP'S TEN TO FOLLOW at KL EPSOM JEEP'S Ten To Follow at Kuala Lumpur are: PROGRAMME: Looks ideally suited by the Cup Trial distance of 9f on Saturday. Following his win over the Bukit Timah mile, with 9-12, Programme ran a good fifth In the New Year Cup. Best on
    282 words
  • 66 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Selangor Club, last year.' winners, again wtm the Se langor Rugby Union's seven a -side tournament when they beat Selangor UnlteJ 16-13 in the final here today. The match was decided in extra time, after the teams had tied at 13-13. Selangor club
    66 words
  • 21 14 RAUB. Wed. Frasers Hill beat Dong Malays 2-1 In a soccer league match on the Raub padang this evening.
    21 words
  • 301 14 FA rule waived for United to sign on players FIFTH ROUND CUP TIE POSTPONED f ONDON. Wed.— The J English F.A. yesterday agreed to Manchester Uniteds application for the postponement of their Cup match on Saturday. Seven United players were killed and nine Injured in last Thursday's air crash at
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 47 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A hattrick by Ruby Manessee enabled Eurasian Recreation Club women to beat Selangor Chinese Recreation Club women 3-0 in the knockout competition played on the Brickfields Road ground today. Selangor Club beat Postal Union 9-0 in another knockout tie on the padang.
    47 words
  • 175 14 IPOH, Wed. The draw for the 14th North Malayan golf championship starttn; on Monday at the Tiger Lane course here is: First tec: K. Kast. H. D Matheson: R. B. Laurlston. R O. Craig; J Hitchcock. S C. Betty. R. R. Jackson. C. A. Collins;
    175 words
  • 43 14 TWO YARDS in front and going on strongly s Herb Elliot. 19. followed by Mery Lincoln at the half-way mark of their record-breaking mile at Olympic Park. Melbourne, on Jan. 31 Elliot won from Lincoln in 3min 58.*src.
    43 words
  • 200 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. •THE Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya is making arrangements for three young American Davis Cup players to give exhibitions at Kuala Lumpur during their tour of Asian countries. Mr. Tan Chin Beng, the L.T.A.M. secretary, told the Straits Times that he
    200 words
  • 22 14 BIRMINGHAM Wed—Randolph Turpin. British light heavyweight champion, beat Wim.snoek of Holland on points over 10 rounds here last night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 185 14 Skipper Harvey scores winning points in the second half A BERDEEN, Wed. The A Australian Rughy Union tourists defeated the North of Scotland by six points to three (two penalty goals to a penalty goal) at Llnksneld Stadiwn here yesterday. North of Scotland led 3-0 at half time.
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 313 14 Aussies win Test series JOHANNESBURG, Wed. Australia won the cricket Test seri c i* agaiast South Africa when they scored a tenwicket win in the fourth Test here today. South Africa, who were 72 runs behind Australia's total of 401 at yesterday's close, were all out 198 in the second
    313 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 697 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT YOUR SERVICE" 1* W«rW« Sl* I Minimum). D.iil, I moitfA. 10 H.rW. llJt (Mi*.) EVERETT TRAVEL SERVICE. 11 Collyer Quay dtngapore TelST24O. •R" FOR RELIANCE. Specialists In Radio Repairs Service. Ring *****. DOOR -TO- DOOR Baggage Service. T&S expert service. Phone *****. ASIA TRAVEL SERVICE complete travel
      697 words
    • 79 14 &J^ SWISS jewelled J W W\\^ 8 D^ Y7nmmmt M International b KE h charity ball w^ in conjunction with J^s^ MICHAEL TOODS Wm£^ At the GREAT WORLD CABARET on Saturday 15th From 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. HAIR STYLE FASHION PARADE NATIONAL DANCES HEALTH BEAUTY PHYSICAL TRAINING DISPLAY Space
      79 words