The Straits Times, 12 February 1958

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • 410 1 LET THE REBELS DO AS THEY WISH/ SAYS DJUANDA Sumual: this is it next step to proclaim revolutionary government Ultimatum to Cabinet rejected JAKARTA, Tuesday. fHE Government today rejected the ultimatum from defiant Central Sumatra demanding its resignation within five days. The rebel group, including Muslim politicians
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  • 439 1 CHOU QUITS AS FOREIGN MINISTER He asked to be replaced HONG KONG, Tuesday. rpHE Chinese Communist Prime Minister, Mr. Chou En-lai, was today replaced as Foreign Minister at his own request. Mr. Chou has held both posts since the Communists won power in 1949. On his recommendation, the National People's
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  • 10 1 THE SEGAMAT in Singapore harbour yesterday
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  • 568 1 Malay classes dispute up to the Tengku KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, may be the only one who can settle the 40-day-old Malay secondary classes row. It was said tonigtn tha, the efforts by the Malay Otherwise Trained School Teachprs' Union to settle ths trouble would
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  • 259 1 rjOCTOR E. H. G. Dobby, Dean of the Arts Faculty at the University of Malaya, has resigned without giving a reason. The university authorities received his letter of reslgna tlon, from hl s home In the rsle of Wight, about two; weeks ago. It gave
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  • 234 1 INDONESIAN GUNBOAT FIRED TWICE AT SHIP -THE 362-ton Segamat "surrendered" to an Indonesian gunboat after she was given two bursts of ma-chine-gun fire, the master of the vessel. Capt. Mohamed Said bin Mohamed Dems, 42, said yesterday. The vessel, detained for nearly 24 hours at Tan Jong Plnang, was released
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  • 30 1 WELLINGTON, Tues. A wind of 270 m.p.h. the highest ever recorded in New Zealand was clocked by a meteorological balloon at 30,000 ft. over Invercarglll today. Reuter.
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  • 151 1 Huge stocks of liquor drawn from bond to beat the expected rise In duty In last December's budget are believed to be responsible for the big drop In Singapore Customs revenue in January. The rise In duty never took place and local dealers were
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  • 118 1 S.I.T. homes for citizens only Only registered citisens of Singapore will In future be eligible to apply for Singapore Improvement Trust houses, tbe Trust announced yesterday. The new ruling means that all non-citiiens. including British subjects not born In tbe Colony, will be disqualified from setting SIT accommodation The decision
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  • 288 1 2 a.m. news roundup MAC IS BACK TODAY TO TOUR CITY Tbe British Prim* Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan. will get a firsthand view of how Singapore lives and works during an informal cat tour this afternoon. He will arrive from Australia at 8.0 thU morning. He will begin an hour'i
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  • 93 1 COLOMBO. Tues— A Cabinet Minister today led a movement to purge the majority Sri Lanka Freedom Party "Marxist elements." A large group of party members, led by Mr. C. A. S. Martkkar. Minister of Posts and Broadcasting, favours appointment of a screening committee. Prime Mlnis'er
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 DIAMOND GEM SET ENGAGEMENT RINGS P. H. HENDRY. Manufacturing Jeweller 71. North Bridge Road, Singapere-6 Kuala Lumpu'
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    • 78 1 konson r«r-tr From 22nd January w to 15th February inclusive m^ m^^ If *tS yj One bright sparkling. RED LION glut will be liven away FREB with If Xf *+br// •very case of RED LION Orange ff \jf^yy One bright sparkling PAN glass will be given away FREB with every
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  • 390 2 Prosecution: Both died of Mh— rt flacks* just after marriage LONDON, Tues.— A rosy cheeked widow of 66 Murdered two of her huebands with rat poison each within a fortnight of marriage a magistrate was told yesterday. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Wilson listened intently as
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  • 88 2 NEW YORK, Tues—Blinding snowstorms, sleet, freezing rain and sub-zero temperatures in the United States yesterday closed many schools, kept thousands of workers from their jobs and were responsible for the deaths of at least 23 people. Frost was reported as far south as Southern Florida.
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  • 349 2 BARONET: I GAVE MISTRESS £40,000— SHE WANTED MORE Court told she threatened him with disclosures lONDON, Tues. Sir Strati Ralli, 81--year old millionaire, said yesterday that his ex-mistress used to frighten him by saying Uiat if their liaison was exposed he would lose his friends and be barred from the
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  • 29 2 MONTE CARLO. Tues. Princess Grace of Monaco expects her second baby in midMarch, palace officials said here today. They denied that she was expecting twins. Reuter.
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  • 55 2 CAIRO. Tues. A camel was given police protection today. His master save the animal a violent beating and It lifted him in its jaws, then threw him to the ground and stamped him to death. The dead man's family tried to kill the camel, but the
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  • 27 2 LONDON. Tues— The Colonial Development Corporation advanced £4 380.00) for development In Africa during the last financial year it was reported today— Rev ter.
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  • 23 2 LONDON. Tues. The Queen and Prince Philip resumed residence at Buck ingham Palace today after spending seven weeks at Sandringham— Reuter.
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  • 127 2 Dr. ISMAIL: THE FUTURE OF TIN 'PROMISING' WASHINGTON, Tnea. Malaya's Ambassador, Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, said today that he la "firmly of the opinion that the long-term outlook for tin is basically sound and promising." He acknowledged that "there may be temporary setbacks in the tin situation", but
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  • 226 2 COULD RETURN IF SHE DID NOT SEE HIM 1 LONDON, Tues— A star British high himpcr, Mhw Mar> Bif nail. 18, told reporters yesterday she bad been ordered to leave the exclusive Mill Held School at Street. Somerset, because of bet
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  • 131 2 Lloyd, Foot fly in ATHENS, Tues.— Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, the British Foreign Secretary, and Sir Hugh Foot, Governor of Cyprus, arrived here today ror Cyprus crisis talks with Greek Ministers. Special security precautions were imposed at the airport. No comment Mr. Lloyd, who flew from London, said:
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  • 28 2 CALCUTTA. Tues. One hunderd West Bengal teachers began a 15-day nunger strike last night to back demand for minimum pay scales and Improved servic9 conditions. U.P.
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  • 26 2 LONDON. Tues. -Member ship of the British Commu nist Party— before the Russian intervention In Hungary—is now 25.000. It vu disclosed today.— Reuter.
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  • 271 2 '$225 MILLION LOAN NOT ENOUGH' WASHINGTON, Tuesday. INDIA may get another US$5O million in economic aid from the United States within the next few months, in addition to US$225 million in loans already offered, informed sources said last night. An Indian mission, led by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 mTemt uwm^Bß/EI AT^-^STANVAci ■Lj CO. LTD. < MOTOR DIVISION)^ M I M MM W M If a superb combination l^^i < J TV^Slu mob|L ubrication kJ M 6. facilities are available in all the Fiat Mi I*l K. f J Tw^^iilbMi I i V J< Workshops in Singapore and the
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  • 387 3 L^MbING RAID A 'THREAT TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY' FAMILIES KICKED OUT AS GAILLARD CONFERS WITH U.S. AMBASSADOR PARIS, Tuesday. fHE French Prime Minister, M. Felix Gaillard, last night summoned top Cabinet i Ministers and his Chief of Staff to an emergency meeting on the
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  • 42 3 MANCHESTER UNITED manager Matt Busby, who was seriously injured in last week's air crash at Munich airport, lies inside an oxygen tent. Seven of his team and 14 other people were killed in the crash. IP picture.
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  • 365 3 Men kneel to pray on rain-soaked pavements MANCHESTER. Tues.--| More than 100,000 grief-stricken men, women and children lined the streets of i this city at midnight last night to pay homage to the air crash dead of the Manchester United soccer team. Women
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  • 59 3 NEW YORK. Tues. Airman Donald G. I am II who is spending a week in a small steel chamber at San Antonio air base to find out if a man's nerves can stand a rocket trip to outer space. bor e up "exceptionally well" during
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  • 31 3 LONDON. Tues -Mrs Katherlne Elliot, widow of the late Colonel Walter Elliot. Conservative M.P. for Kelvlngrove, Glasgow. was chosen today as the new Conservative candidate for the constituency— Reuter.
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  • 144 3 PLAN TO ADMIT INDIANS INTO AUSTRALIA UNDER FIRE MELBOURNE, Tues. Former Labour Immigration Minister Mr. Arthur Calwell, who has often been criticised for his refusal to allow certain Asians to stay in Australia, today attacked a proposal for a quota of selected immigrants from India and Pakistan. He said that
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  • 20 3 SYDNEY. Tues. Police here have successfully tested a radio-equipped helicopter for traffic control, it was announced today— Reuter.
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  • 75 3 LONDON, Tues —The British Government has received and is studying a Chinese Government statement calling for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from North and South Korea, a Foreign Office spokesman said yesterday. I The statement was handed to the British Charge d'Affaires in Peking, Mr.
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  • 236 3 LONDON, Mon Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty were: LOANS Consols £48% 4 Funding 4% £89% H War 3-,% £64 1516 BANKS Mercantile (£l> 32 8 Chartered <£1» 419 +/S Hongkong ($125) £45>i INSURANCE Con. Un. (uU.) 73/74 Royal 76/44 —/I Prudential £40 T
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  • 27 3 LONDON, Mon. Spot 227«d.. Mar. 22\d. April-June 23d. July-Sept 23 \d., Oct-Dec 23',d Jan-March 23'« d.. Feb c.l.f. 22\d.. Mar. c.l.f. 22\d.. April 22\d Tone: Easy.
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  • 21 3 LONDON. Mon. Buyers £730. sellers £7304. Forward buyers £725 U; sellers £7264. Settlement *****, *m. 300 tons, p.m. 140 ton*.
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  • 162 3 BID TO GET IRAQ OUT OF BAGDAD PACT? AMMAN, Tues.— Saudi Arabia wfll demand I r a q's withdrawal from the anti-Com-munist Bagdad Pact as her price of admission into a proposed federation with Jordan, it was reported yesterday. Iraq's King Feisal is due here today to discuss with King
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 The Vital Link between School and Home ARTHUR MEE'S < mi mti:vs ENCYCLOPEDIA Arthur Mee's Children's Encyclopedia a an COMPLETE IN 10 VOLUMES. arknoHlrdg'-d masterpiece among reference AVAILABLE IN book, for young people. If. authentic text ttSS'ShgH^gf'HSSS? beguilingly combines erudition and entertain- BROWN HALF-LEATHER ment in a way quite unique
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    • 319 3 MADE BY COLD STORAGE BAKERIES SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANC I jj"^.-^^^montilladosherryJ I «SiuiojS SHERRY AT ITS VERY BEST <2?* '*52 SINGAPOM: Chew Nam S*n 9 257/259. O>cho :a R<t Borkoth Stom Ltd., 27, Tonglm Rd. J K*ng FoH Hwig, I, Adorn Place. V^^^^^^V K LUMPUR: Heck L« I Co., Ltd.,
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  • 96 4 'FIND JOBS FOR BLIND' PENANG, Tues. FINDING employment for the blind in Malaya was a major problem, said Mr. John Wilson, director of the Royal Commonwealth Society tot the Blind, at a press conference here yesterday. The blind, he said, should not be left in Idleness. Unfortunately employers often were
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  • 32 4 SUNGEI PATANI, Tues Tbe Senior Executive Engineer, Sungei Patani, Mr. J. W. Pirn, has left on transfer to Kuala Lumpur. His successor is Mr. A. R. Titford from Kuala Lipis.
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  • 23 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues Mr N. L. Cohen, who relinquished the appointment of President, Sessions Court. Johore Bahru, left far Britain yesterday.
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  • 93 4 THUGS CHASE CONTRACTOR INTO A PETROL KIOSK ASVNGEI PATANI contractor, Mr. A. Subramaniam yesterday eluded seren thut» who trailed him in a car. Mr. Suhramanimm was rr turning to Sunjri I'atani from Kulim In the afternoon wben be noticed a ra- following him near Merbau Pulas. Whfn h e stopped
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  • 347 4 SUGGESTION IN COLONY BY CITY ARCHITECT ()NK way te help check the buildin tz of unauthorised houses in Singapore was to provide more site* nearer industrial areas where temporary houses could be erected. This was recommended by the City Architect, Mr. Hugh
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  • 45 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Mr. Justice Sutherland tocay visited the lower courts the rirst judge to do so this year. The Judge was shown round by th? Sessions Court President. Inche Harun bin j Hajl Idris and the Registrar Mr. Vincent Das.
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  • 85 4 TANJONO MALIM Tues The following have been appointed members of the Rubber Supervision Licensing Board for Batang Pa dang district in South Perak for 195 A: Tuan Syed Zahintddin bin Syed Hasan (chairman), Inche Abdul Majid bin Mohamed YusofffT, Inche Johan bin Mohammad Yassin, Toh Muda
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  • 30 4 The Anplo-Chlnese School Old Boys' Association will hold a dinner on March 1 at the Lee Kuo Chuan Auditorium, Barker Road, to celebrate the school's 72nd founder's day
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  • 59 4 KUALA l/JMPUR, Tues The Commissioner for Labour. Central Malaya Mr R. C. Wilkinson, will inquire into the dispu'e over the sacking of 70 workers at the Kelantan North Eastern Transport Service during a tour ot the East Coast this week Mr. Wilkinson said today that he
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  • 25 4 KULIM. Tucs. The Raja Muda of Kedah. Tengku Abdul Halim. will open nn $8,000 "Mfrdersali" ipravir house) at Kulim police headquarters on Sunday
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  • 177 4 Penang naval volunteers' diaadmntape PENANG, Tuesday. T«HB Governor. Raja Sir Uda, today referred to x the "lack of training facilities" of the Penang Sub-Division of the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. A volunteer organisation I such as this would give the I citizens an opportunity to
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  • 52 4 DEFENCE MINISTER LEARNS ALL ABOUT A LIGHT MACHINE-GUN IHI MIMSTKR FOR DEFENCK li.itn Abdul Razak hin Dato Hussein is shown bow a licht machine-eun unrk> by Capt. ilasfaim bin Mohammed Syed of tbe Ist. Transport Column Federation of Malaya Volunteer Force The minister visited the force's headquarters on Monday. Straits
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  • 147 4 'Secret weapon' to smash extortion racket launched SINGAPORE police yesterday launched their "se- cret weapon" in the campaign to wipe out extortion The secret weapon is a mobile police station mannei by handpicked detective? under an Inspector At 5.30 pm the station- a police van draped wltli banners In four
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  • 27 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues Mr. J. Nicholls, former head of the Southern Region of the Federal Town Planning Department, has been appointed State Planning Officer, Johore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 326 4 Presenting 403LPelt#eJ crtntfysaloon8-seateris f/er&f aB/zR I \4BWP^'^ f X -^M..IJ-A FAMILY SALOON 403 L I Srvcn-cifht Mats facing ,'ooward Four ttde doors jii?**^^ nrlrV.^l I L ar 8 e rclr d°° r giving access to spare wheel Seats I L?jߣ_t*lß^^ipilL«A > V convertible for sleeping Large rear window* '■^L4PB*lkjKßrrßA\'sl 3k
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 150 4 B Aril A Ulf AVA R<1 1 30 Th Ne s: 'Jl Fcrt •UUIIV MALAIA 1«1ik P i.ule; 200 IV v n; NATIOXAI. SHORT HAVE 00 P. an 5 30 A Caiuil.^n khsviy Yarn; 5 45 H.i» Blosaons: 41 mcITM fl S'udents Note Book: 6 IS MNTATOaW Hello Children!; 6.45
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  • 221 5 KIDNAPPED GIRL -'WE WERE IN LOVE' SAYS YOUTH BUKIT MERTAJAM Tues. A 17 YEAR OLD youth smiled happily as he left the Bukit Mertajam sessions court today with his 14-year-old girl friend, whom he had been accused of. kidnapping. "I love her," Ng Ah Kow had earlier told the court
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  • 328 5 PROTEST AT ADMIRALTY'S ALLEGED RECOGNITION THE representative council of the 10,000-strong Naval Base Labour Union in Singapore, will meet soon to consider "stern measures" against the Admiralty for allegedly recognising a new union in the base. This follows a mass meeting on
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  • 51 5 DATIN KHADLJAH (centre), wife of ttie Mentri Bcsar of Negri Scmbilan, presents Miss Paramrswary Paramasivam with the first prize at a fashion parade held at the King George V School. Serein ban. Ten girls took part in the fashion show in aid of the Gurney Boys'
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  • 56 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Tue« —A married woman, La.i Peck Nye, 26-year-old mother of two girls, was found stab bed to death in bed at hehome at Kampong Cros< Street here last night. Lav is believed to ha/-.' been attacked while her daughters were sleeping near by. Police
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 295 5 Net/ hait- cte^m gives ihaf- health/ just-combed look ITS NEW I It'i the fint hair crtam Irom vMamin-ixd mM healthy, "jntl-combtd lock ji actually fivci that -jiial- combtd I^J^^^aUa^attiißtt look all d»r lonijl And Vatthnt' Hair Crtam fivtl you tktM inn (dvantaftll jT^ 1 Dhm'i <lo| tour xalp— allowi
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 124 5 frnauit I CATHAY: Fear Strikes Out 1.15, 3.30, 6.45. 9.15; ODEON: Loving You 3 15, 6.45. 9.15; PARAMOUNT: Maha Dcvi 3 30. 8.30; CAPITOL: Gun Sight Ridge 1.15, 330. 6.30. 9.30; REX: Vampire 1 .15, 3.30, 6.30. 9.30; LIDO: This Could Be The Night 3.15. 7. 9.30; ROYAL: BhagyavaU (Tamil)
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    • 412 5 Alor Star CATHAY: Jagte Raho 12, 2.30, 6 30. 9 15; BEX: Interlude 12, 2.30. C.30. 9.15; EMPIRE: Chow Seng Soh Mam Lay Chum Foo 12, 2.30, 6.30. 9 15: BOYAL: Gadis Liar (Malay) 12. 2 30. 6 30. 9.15. huh.., COROX ATIOV Spruan Da rah (Malay) 2.30. I, 9
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    • 357 5 raiee 3. t>3l>. Oily Man 9 15. IAPI1OL: Anak Pontlanak (Malay) 12.30. 2.30. 6.30, 9.15; REX: Anak Pontianak (Malay) 1230, 2.30. 6.30. 9.15; MADRAS: Mah Loh Slew Tien Sl/Foh Chong (Mandarin) 12.30. 2.30, 6.45. 9.15; CENTRAL: BhagyavaU (TamU) 3. 6.15. 9 15; LIDO: Opposite Sex J3O, 645. 9.15; RIALTO: Seven
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  • 208 6 EXHIBITS ALREADY ON THEIR WAY I^UALA LUMPUR, Tues. —More than $5,000 worth of Malayan handicrafts,silverware. straw mats and baskets will be on display to Americans at the seventh Washington state international trade fair. The fair will last from April 11 to 20 at Seattle. The
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  • 21 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. A post office costing $30,000 is to be built at Tampoi. a suburb of Johore Bahru.
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  • 171 6 THEIR TRIBUTE TO MERDEKA KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE fact that the first meeting of the Guild of Graduates of the University of Malaya will be held here on March 8 is a victory for Federation graduates who fought for two years for a meeting to
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  • 83 6 Plea for aid to new villages FNANG, Tues. The secretary of the new villages service fund committee, the Rev. Arnold J. Lee, is appealing for qualified and registered nurses to help take charges of clinics in new villages. "We also need an Asian doctor. and assistant nurse he writes in
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  • 59 6 BANTING, Tues. Four thousand Indian employees from 23 rubber estates in the Kuala Langat district are to take their oaths of citizenship soon. "This is the result of a joint citizenship drive by the Malayan Indian Congress and the National Union of Plantation Workers," Mr. Daniel Jayaratnam.
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  • 58 6 PENANG, Tues.— An attractive 20-year-old girl, Kang Pa-ig Tee, said in court today that she took 40 tablets of aspirin with soap water "because I had a headache." Kang pleaded guilty to attempting to commit suicide in her house at Hutton Lane last night and
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  • 365 6 ON THE RUN: 270 BANDITS IN CENTRAL PERAK Successes but warning against over-optimism IPOH Tuesday. *pHE 270 terrorists who have made Central Perak one of the country's blackest Emergency areas are on the run. Three weeks ago security forces launched the biggest and most concentrated anti-terrorist onslaught of the Emergency.
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  • 73 6 MR. RINME SHAW hands out a packet to a smiling woman, one of the 1,150 aged poor who received gifts at the annual gift day at the New World on Monday. More tli.ii $***** worth of gifts were given away to people
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  • 77 6 PARIT BUNTAR. Tues.--Flushed with its success in the Penang City Council and the Taiping Town Council elections, the Labour Part/ of Malaya yesterday decide 1 to form a branch in the rice bowl Krian district. The decision was taken 1- at a meeting which wa.,
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  • 64 6 Mr. L. A. A. N. M. Saminathan Chettiar has been elected president of the Chettiars' Chamber of Commerce, Singapore. Other officials elected were: vice-president, Mr. PR. A. M. Vellayappa Chettiar; hon. secretary, Mr. AR. M. AR. Arunasalam Chettiar: tant secretary, Mr. M S. SP. Perianan Chettiar;
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  • 27 6 BUTTERWORTH. Tues. Group-Capt. P G. Ling? Commanding Officer of th* Royal Australian Air Force Butterworth, has retumeJ from a fortnight's vacation in Hong Kong.
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  • 23 6 MERSING. Tues— Dr. V Ray. South Johore health offl cer, is touring kampongs in the Mersing district checking public health measures.
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  • 19 6 MERSING, Tues— lnche Mohammad Nor bin Mohammad Amin, hospital assistant in Mersing. has been transferred to Johore Bahru
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  • 121 6 MINERS DROP CLAIMS TILL AFTER NEW YEAR KUALA I I MPI K Tues. fTWE directors of the Hong Fatt Mine and representatives of the workers have decided not to allow their differences to interfere with the Chinese New Year festivities. So they the management and the National Union of Mining
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  • 55 6 PENANG Tues.— A Penan x Chinese school student ha; reported to police that h I lost $2,000 while travelling tn a bus yesterday. The boy said the money was wrapped in two bundle < of $1,000 each. One packet was in his trousers pocket, and
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  • 22 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. No casualties either to the Security Forces or the. Communist terrorkts were reported in the Federation today.
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  • 283 6 rpHE president of the Singa- pore Lorry Owners' Association. Mr. Tan Puat Tang, said yesterday that the Chief Minister. Mr. Llm Yew Hock, had failed to keep his promise to help nine Colony passenger and goods transport associations, badly affected by the recent increase
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 1 .aX iiii" Iff! f lJKiißlii lll^^^^R^^^Eu _^^_^xu, v *"&ij*m?j& i jS- T A mlMm t' m■ il 1 1 1 ij It i« jr^ggjfe^^lp x 3 says S' r Compten Mackenzie il~4* ksIJJHm JjUBl Hi 1 1141 If tißfftf HffffP ff f i tiiM WnTflllmL L tf m+ "^w^JlfopMgl
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  • 51 7 KOTA BHARU. Tues.— A new $3,000 police post at Gual Perlok in the Paslr Mas district of Kelantan was yesterday opened by the Deputy Chief Police Officer. InchAbdullah bin Hanaflah. The building materials were bought from funds contributed by the people of Gual Perlok and Rantau
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  • 272 7 Turf club sweep: More prizes next month NEW SYSTEM SIMILAR TO FEDERATION LOTTERY IPOH, Tuesday. 'THE Perak Turf Club will introduce additional prizes for its unlimited sweep at its next race meeting here in March on nearly the same lines as the consolation prizes in the Federation Social Welfare Lottery.
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  • 81 7 BROTHER -SISTER TEAM TO GIVE CHA CHA DISPLAY AT DANCE A brother and sister i. mi George and I.orrtta >Undi>7a. will five an exhibition of the cha cha in the Filipino style during a ball to be held at Fraser and Neave Hail. Singapore, on Monday in aid of 8.AT.A.
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  • 87 7 PERAK GETS TWO NEW COUNCILS TAP AH. Tues— Two new local councils have bee.> created in Perak as the result of the Tapah and Tanjong Malim fuwn boards be.11!? raised to the status or town councils. Baoir new village with a population of 000 people which was until recently pan
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  • 99 7 LONDON. Tues— The fol lowing Malayan studenU have been called to the Bar in London:— Alice Tan Kirn Yoke (Singapore), Tsai Yuet Lan Upoh)) Hashim bin Abdul Hamld (Perak). Mah Ho/ Choon (Kuala Lumpur). D Singh (Kuala Lumpur*. Mohamed bin Ya'acob (Kelantan), Ong Loke Mul
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  • 28 7 SEGAMAT. Tiies Caught In a police raid with chandu and smoking apparatus In his possession at Chaah new village. Lee Mcc, 55. was flnpd $200 here
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  • 259 7 PROTEST BY MALAYAN WOMEN No delegates for Colombo talks KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Women leaders here today protested because Malaya will not be represented at the flrs*t Asian-African Worn c n s Conference starting in Colombo on Saturday. The leaders had been In vited by the Indian Deput? Minister for External
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  • 67 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. N. Naysamalal, 27, was found with a dagger hidden at his waist wheo he was taken to the High Street police station for questioning regardIng allegations that he was livinc on the Immoral earnings of his 17-year-old wife. He pleaded guilty y(
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  • 189 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. pOVERNMENT officials here said they were bafflu ed by the statement of the Malayan High Commissioner in Australia, Mr. Gunn Lay Teik, that the Federation was looking for technical experts in Australia to help in a "secret" scientific field. They
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  • 121 7 $200 000 steel and concrete building will serve the Dindings District CITIAWAN, Tues. A modern $200,000 police headquarters for Dindings District is being built at Lumut on the West Coast of Perak. It will house the police sta tion as well as offices for the staff. The
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  • 163 7 The Minister for Health, Mr. A. i. Braga, said yesterday that he strongly favoured the legalisation of sales of Federation Social Welfare lottery ticket*, but he would prefer to see a Singapore state lot'eryor a pan-Mnloyan lottery Mr. Fras:a ft-e;- :d tha* I Jits was
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  • 31 7 SEGAMAT. Tue.v- Mr J. J. Raj. DSP was given a paity by members of the police force of Segamat Circle. H> Is leaving on promotion t j Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 321 7 4*l .^■Bf^SjSjSvt^^^ ■i9'^^«r>- ..^y*** -^fc^|^ KENTILE COLOURS ARE LIGHTER, W*#£ KENTILE asphalt tile rubber tile solid vinyl tile cork tile cr<hi*n-back vinyl tile vinyl abestot tile KENWAX KEN-CLEANER are available. 94. Robinson Road. Singapore. Tel: ***** A ***** Branches: Kuala Lumpur— Penang. Cable Add. "Happyaaf*" jj] I MORTIMER I SECURITIES
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    • 404 7 Sillllllflliil Ilillllil ll i I I i¥ :S X :•> 111 1 1 1 1 1 I The finest in Silverware Paramount 111 1 1 I I 1 1 X i1 I i This silverware is the finest obtainable. For a large display visit SIWER<R«r 29 A/31 Penang Road Telephone:
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  • 23 8 U Wtrii $1$ iHimimmm) DENIS H. SCOTT of Farley Grange. Westerham, Kent, Chairman of Revertex Ltd., died suddenly on 9th February, 1958.
    23 words
  • 182 8 20 Wordi tl* t Minimum) MRS. S. CHELLJAH of Klang thanks all relatives and friends for their wreaths, telegrams, and attendances during her husband's funeral. MRS. CHAN KIT SIANG and Family thank all relatives and lriends for their kind attendance at the funeral of their beloved one and for
    182 words
  • 250 8 It Wort, tin (Minimum) THE^ IS A DEFINITE cure for unpleasant odours. If you don't know it, we'll tell you Air- wick of course! SINO CHEMICAL CO.. LTD. 145 Cross Street S'pcre 1. Suppliers of Scientific Laboratory Apparatus. Glassware, Chemicals and Allied Materials. KJRSCH SUNAIRE Venetian Blinds for lasting
    250 words
  • 36 8 t« Wmrit K (Mim.) Box it tl: txlrm ALSATIAN DOO. Black and Tan. named "Rex", small Scar on left front Le«. Wandered away from F.I. Holland Park Sunday 8-2-58 aft«T 5.30 p.m. Reward. Phone *****.
    36 words
  • 50 8 li Hnrtf. SJ I Win Box it tit. txlra ARMY OFFICER leave England April to September offers use car Malaya exchange use car England same period. 80xA*****.T. TO LET Furnished October four bedroomrd house garden, garage main services Sliilllnßstone Dorset. Apply Pitt y Jaliin S. .an-4or. Kuala Lumpur
    50 words
  • 63 8 20 H ori*» $i (Win.) Box ill tl: «xlro A TIP TO Remember For top quality commercial photographic illustrations phone ***** lor Westiake's Hollywood tralnrd photographer, David Tay. SUPER PAXETTE 118 The world most compact 35mm camer.i. featurlnK complete lnterch.mi'table lens syrtem. coupled nder. Built-in Bewl Automatic Exposure meter.
    63 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 715 8 The Tengku On Tour The Prime Minister's South East Asian tour has opened a window on the world even if it has not answered all the questions of the impatient who have demanded of the Alliance Government "a foreign policy." Foreign policies are not ordered from j the grocer. One
      715 words
    • 269 8 Just over six years ago Sir Henry Gurney was murdered and Tras became a ghost town. Perhaps the majority of its inhabitants neither condoned nor assisted in the crime. But they shielded the murderers by their silence. Life has now returned to Tras. Last September the Government
      269 words
    • 195 8 Mr. Chou En-lai's departure from the Chinese Foreign Ministry is a little more spectacular than it sounds. Prime Ministers who are al.s< Foreign Ministers usually fin' the double burden exacting even when parliamentai> duties me non-existent, bu Mr. Chou has never showi signs that the strain V«
      195 words
  • 1096 8  -  DAVID CHIPP by THE CHINESE COMMUNISTS HAVE LAUNCHED 1 AN IDEOLOGICAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE 3 NON-HAN PEOPLES WHO ARE RESENTFUL OF CONTROL BY OUTSIDERS PEKING. AN ideological and educational campaign to counter local nationalism which has shown a marked increase in the past few years has
    1,096 words
  • man-in-the-Street
    • 156 8 PROTECTION FOR INTE RP RET ERS rE Interpreters at the marathon City Council meeting deserve much sympathy for the ordeal to which they were submitted To translate the Malay language into English or Chinese requires not only an Intimate knowledge of t language but a lively mind and an aptituda
      156 words
    • 100 8 MOW often are we going to have City Council meetings lasting for more, tb^n twelve hours? Most of the .«p"Pches tracle by Councillors during the meeting were Intended to boost their party popularity. They should note that we elected the Councillors to look after the welfare
      100 words
    • 195 8 not a bad record wonder why our Mayor and his PAP. colleagues find It so 17 to deliver long nauseating tirades on colonialism so often at the Council meetIngs. If it Is done for the education of the masses, then I am afraid they are being misinformed, for the
      195 words
    • 115 8 YOUR report on the subject of revaluation of holdings In Menglembu <S. T. Feb. 1> by itself was not wrong but the headlines were misleading. The meeting discussed revaluation of holdings in the Menglembu area but not rates of assessment It tfa.s itfMMd by some Councillors that
      115 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 325 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. It Word, tit (Minimum) DIMOUNE: To Julia on Bth February at "Five Acres" oB 4 l M mile Klang Road, a daughter Nicola Jane, both well. POPHAM: Monday 10th February at, Chiltern Maternity Home, Caversham Heading, to Molra, wife of Geoflrey, a Daughter. PONNIAH: To Elizabeth and Dravlam
      325 words
    • 11 8 ll* Kodak j) EUERVBODV LOOKS TO Kodak FOR [RmERRS FOR Film
      11 words
    • 80 8 I H-lITIVC. riTTINCSfI 1 F. ***** Pendant with satin Bras* metal work and whit* glass with thin clear stripes for the contemporary setting M^ the CfNERAL ELECTRIC CO., (MALAYA) LTD «<rmnU»i THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD OF ENGLAND IIIIMIIIIIIiril(IUIIIilMlllili:i!IMillllMllilillllll.i!lllll|l||l||||||||||||llllllll QUICK BAGGAGE SERVICE Collection, delivery, th ppin9 and \t roq»
      80 words

  • 302 9 Mayor starts a new dispute THE Singapore Mayor, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, has started another controversy among city councillors this time over the question of. when future council meetings should start. Some opposition members principally working councillors are protesting at a proposal that they should Pit from 9.30 a.m. in
    302 words
  • 44 9 RAWANO, Tues. —Thieves have stolen nine pigs worth (850 from two pig sties near Rawang new village. Three of the pigs belonged to Tham Kwal and six to Chan Yee who found the sties empty at feeding time early today.
    44 words
  • 63 9 IPOH. Tues —Bail of $500 was yesterday allowed S. Subramaniam. 33. who claimed trial when acused of robbing a woman of cash and Jewellery on an estate road on Saturday. Subramaniam was alleged' to have robbed the woman P. Nachi. of two gold rings a
    63 words
  • 65 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malay Regiment, which utd its first real taste of tile during the siege of i|x>re by the Japanese nay in 1942, is to com•ni'morate its action In the defence of the island tomorrow. The regiment, which was it the t' m e just
    65 words
  • 434 9 Tin men: Let's woo Russians— or else REDS SEEN AS NEW MINING THREAT; THEIR PRODUCTION RATE IS NOT RESTRICTED 'THEY MUST JOIN COUNCIL or PRICES WON'T BE STABLE' IPOH, Tuesday. RUSSIA should be induced to become a member of the International Tin Council, if the measures taken under the International
    434 words
  • 143 9 MALAYAN SCHOLAR TOURS TROOP ZONES— IN U.S. MUSICAL GROUP A YOUNG Malayan student in the United States has been recruited as a member of a musical show now entertaining American tro>ps in the Pacific area. He is Syed Alwi of Pondok Tanjong, Perak, who obtained a major in journalism at
    143 words
  • 26 9 JOHORE BAHPU. Tues.— Mr. S. V. Navaratnam, a first-year pupil engineer, has been posted to the Engineering Design branch, head office, P.W.D Johore Bahru.
    26 words
  • 116 9 TRAINER SENT DUD CHEQUES— FINED T POH, Tuesday. A P^CE-HORSE trainer, Sam Kwan Tjoa, sent to .he Acountant, Employees Prcvidcnt Fund, ifi K lala Lumpur, two cheques wh ch were dishonoured, the Magistrate's Court here was told today. Tjoa, of Ipoh, pleadtd euilty to two charges of failing to pay
    116 words
  • 68 9 106 die in read accidents in Perak IPOH. Mon. Bad driving caused 106 road deaths. 18 of them children. In Perak last year. 11 less than in the previous year. There was a total of 3.351 road accidents during the year as compared with 3.140 in 1956. Ipoh. the capital.
    68 words
  • 40 9 KOTA BAHRU. Tues The Ulu Kelantan UMNO Division wants penghulus in the state to be elected by the people. A resolution to this effect was adopted at a meeting of the division during the week-end
    40 words
  • 126 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Federation Government has been asked to take action against the British weekly Everybody's for an arllcle which is stated to have offended the Muslim religion. The offendinc article appeared in an October 1957 issue of the magailne It contained a refrence
    126 words
  • 222 9 Pet. PIARA, THE SOLDIER SIKH, MEETS THE PRESS KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malaya's first European Sikh convert and the only turbaned soldier in the British Army In Malaya met Pressmen at a special conference arranged by his Commanding Officer today. Private Claude Raymond Perfect. 20 then told for the first time
    222 words
  • 40 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Two hundred katis of unwashed tin ore worth $400 was stolen from San Lee Hin Co. at the 18th mile Kuala LumDur-Rawang Road between 11 p.m. on Feb. 8 and 7 a.m. on Feb. 10
    40 words
  • 346 9  - Booked-for trip to moon with adventurer Ahmad JILL CROMMELIN •FIRST FLIGHT SOONER THAN YOU THINK,' HE SAYS By YESTERDAY was a 1 normal, uneventful day until 8 p.m. Then I was booked on a trip to the moon. In the ordinary way I am not even fond of flying But
    346 words
  • 65 9 PENANG, Tues. -The Penan K State Committee of the Malayan Indian Congress has unanimously elected Dr. N. K. Menon president of the local Congress. Dr. Menon. who returned to Penang ten days ago from a two-month holiday In India, succeeds Mr. N. T. S. Arumugam Plllai
    65 words
  • 14 9 Eighty-four Malayan students yesterday left Singapore for Australia by Qantas for studies.
    14 words
  • 75 9 KUALA LUMPUR Tues More than $12,000 worth of Chinese New Year presents were distributed to the poor here yesterday by the management of Shaw Brothers Limited. Before dawn nearly 2,000 poor and aged people from all over the state gathered at the organisation's Buklt Bintang Park
    75 words
  • 141 9 WORKERS' INJURIES: BOSSES FINED I^UALA LUMPUR, Tuea. The managements of a coffee powder factory and a sawmill wert fined $100 each today for failing to report accidents- In which their employees were involved. A Labour Officer, Mr. Koh Thian Swee, prosecuting, told the Magistrate's Court that under the Workmen's Compensation
    141 words
  • 80 9 BENTONQ. Tues. The Bentong branch of the Malayan Indian Congress is to ask the Alliance national council to take disciplinary action against the Bentong UMNO youth section over the defeat of Its candidate. Mr Jagir Singh In the Town Council flections here last December This was decided
    80 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 DEWARS I IS THE I SCOTCH |P*\ —IT NFVFR m COTC Hai <s Finest Scotch^ 11 No o»hrr drink k to [i; D6Wflr&^ 1 r.frrihmg v Whisky |:J OISTILtE" 5 fW j» ihr mood tikes you, but t «^^!s*~* •"'~^^l or wnh sodj. Scotch it the ■_^..7"H*i^"*"*"* "'J?
      86 words
    • 149 9 jy y these features £^>-»—^j£^^^ (and many more too f numerous to mention) high 1 smVo combine to make theCEJEQ g PORTABLE o,iVXll your ideal writing partner ALL SIDES j^g wtek- "'%/^flfll 1 IT^ 3 for full details V/A^/ EASY writt, phone or coll: ITwHE C «v« DUNCAN ROBERTS LTD.
      149 words

  • Children's Page
    • 777 10 ALI opened his eyes and sat up in bed with a start. Something had awakened him from a heavy sleep and for the moment he felt quite bewildered. Then he realised that a chattering sound was coming from the direttion of the window, so
      777 words
    • Article, Illustration
      35 10 Despite her youth. Susan, the tiger cub, looks capable of taking on the whole world, and winning too. Susan's mother is Nepti, a tigress from Malaya who lives at the London Zoo.
      35 words
    • 374 10 Dear Boys and Girls, Here are the six winners of our picture puzzle contest. A. Alim Rahtm. 9 |alan lumat, Singapore J4, Tommy Lim. 163-A Burmah Road. Penang, Soong Toj Yin, Anglo-Chinese School. Seremban Rofah binte Abdullah. 38 Low Road. Kuala Kangsar. K.
      374 words
    • 175 10 Turn again the Lord Mayor rRN again Dick Whittington, Lord Mayor of London. The story of Dick Whittington is our Classic example of a young man getting ahead in the world. You have all heard the story of Dick and his famous cat, but did you know it is historically
      175 words
    • 160 10 HERE are some more pen pals for you. Lian Chai Hock, aged 12, 329 Jalan Aisagoff. Pontian, Johore. Aziyan Hamzah. 109-C Jalan Mahmood, Baling, Kedah. Stamps, badminton, singing. PL. Nachiappan. aged 12, 79 Ampang Street, Kuala Lumpur, Stamps. Loh Kirn Leng, aged 13. 188-B Tanah i.iat, Bukit
      160 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 556 10 1*- peg? :r^S^.^ J .l jj.r-jMgr; -..^a| 1 I'/ y 1 I Ly iii>i H lln tISEEEin OPEKS TODAY! I I 11 A.M- 1.45, 4.15. 6.45 A 9.30 P.M. M ~jm J 1 W %*~l I'iiotw. 4 SHOWS tiSJULMIJkm 33 4l> AM 145> 15 eM J iSKtga... "FLESH arttttSPUß"
      556 words
    • 16 10 C.C.C Collect tix o/ the** coupon* to join the Children Oomsr Club Name Age Address Sex
      16 words
    • 32 10 Pleas* enrol me a* a member o/ the Wist OvUt Club ant tend «m a badge, f cm enclosing stx C.CjC. coupons and rtamped ycij-aidretsed envelope. .V. .TTT-i ■BOA! Ad 4 et,
      32 words
    • 478 10 m iK&mMK* lM^dmTrlHA kT'il lK«yi>J IB£h^jfl^^sd|HHHK|^^j|iiii^AlU!i^HSr^fl a phone djn LAST Ihifg a 6eorge MwitgMnry "BLACK PATCH" (wb) x^rl, "BOTH ENDS^^cmLE"p A > n ß r s^Ln^T B \tnr Shtui irifj SimultunomuMlf/ I REX REX REX KUALA I I Mil R SINGAPORE JOHORE BAHRU 4 SHOWS: I.M. S SHOWS: 11. 1.45
      478 words

    • 1132 11 HOW AUSTRALIA WON MANDATE ON NEW GUINEA First blow against Germany in World War I JUST after dawn on September 11, 1911, a party of 40 Australian naval reservists scrambled ashore over a coral rubble break-water a few miles east of Kabaul on the island of New Britain. It was
      Daily Mirror  -  1,132 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 280 11 toughest FOR ROUGHEST xTOBS This is Goodyear's famed HARD RO»"rT <dL/ v LUG. rolling unharmed through work that /2^R*fc would ruin ordinary giant tyres. ([%jaL\k| //D "V Heavily armoured sidewalls and shoulders Bkj|P^' [~\«r" '"N^ minimize damage from sharp rocks and l!wHF\|^ '^X snags -deep, powerful cross-lugs dig In and
      280 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 246 11 Vetrnten #O. By \tttz. The Saint By Leslie Hturteris 4 ggggt**ZiZ*oP*~ -'^^flrTms is Tah.ves -the vouNkS man I Tso we /uust take n a^i away fxom) r I*- r T*Tt^^i W>»TTS, J A'HO C1506EV5 ORDERS BV JA 1 YOU- STARTING WITH SI T o '-^r C 1 SIR. nrrr GETTING
      246 words

  • 367 12 The Malayan Share Broken' Association reported: "Industrials were firm and tins and rubbers were irregular. The turnover was small." Singapore and Federation brokers resorted the following business done yesterday: Fraser St Neave ords $2,574; Gammon $2.20; W. Hammer $2.02; Henry Waugh $1,47 4 (overnight); Hume Industries ords A
    367 words
  • 199 12 Ships lylnif alontudr the Sincmporc Harbour Board whmrvrs or expected today are: Pyrrhur 1/2, Satsums Maru 4/5, Houtman 6A, Blntang 6/7. Breconshlre 8/9. Carpentaria 10 '11, Frankfurt 13/14, Bantam 15/16. Um&rla 18 Theta Star 19/20, Sumpltan N Wall 2. SeUngor N. Wall 3. Reginald Kerr 21/22, Stanvac DJlrak
    199 words
  • 584 12 By Our Market Correspondent J'INS after their firm spell on the Malayan Share Market in the past few days became irregular yesterday. The announcement by Meru Tin that it will have to close its mines on Saturday because it has fulfilled its quota
    584 words
  • 23 12 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. RUBBER: 77 f cents per lb. (up five eighths of cent). TIN: $358.25 per picul (down 50 cents).
    23 words
  • 139 12 I MELBOURNE. Tues TNVESTMENT shares recorded a firm tone with A.C.I, up 6d. providing the sharpest price movement on the Stock Exchange here today. Base metals leaders eased back following the announcement that Broken Hill mines planned to reduce working time equivalent to one day a fortnight. Oils
    139 words
  • 144 12 February Aral grade rubber bayers f.o.b closed in Singapore yesterday at 77 cents per lb. up flve-elghths of a cent on Monday's closing price. Closing tone: Steady quiet. Closing prices to cents per lb. yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 R.S.S. Spot fob buyer* 77%, sellers 78: Int. 1
    144 words
  • 87 12 The Malayan Exchange Banks' Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100): Canada: buying airmail T.T. 32 "Si. O.D. 324. 90 d st 32% credit bills. 32 15/16 trade bills. Selling IT. or O.D. ready: Belgian Francs 161 5 t Italian
    87 words
  • 118 12 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per pic il yesterday were: Copra: quiet; UK/Continent February March $30 buyers. $31 U sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $45 4 sellers, drum $49 seller*. Pepper: steady: about 20 to 40 tons of business reported done on white pepper; Muntok white $102.
    118 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1039 12 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 4H% HI HI VII XX STOCK 193*77»-8«. SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL 5% DEBENTURE STOCK 1952/62-72. NOTICE Is hereby given that the transfer Boots of the above Stocks will be closed from 16th February to Ist March 1958, both days Inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants. J. R
      1,039 words
    • 882 12 NOTICES THE NEW SERENDAH RUBBER CO., LTD. (Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE Is hereby given that the 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the reI ouice of tne company, No 1, The Embankment. Kuala Lumpur on Monday March 17th at 10.30 a.m. AGENDA 1.
      882 words
    • 624 12 KNUTSEN LINE oriemt service HOM CANADA/US. PACIFIC POUTS 30 DAYS Soiling San Arriving Vanceuvar Francisco S'para P. Sweft. Penang F montl, ANNA lAKKE Soiled SoiUa Sanaa* In Part 11/14 Fab 21 Fak ELISABETH BAKKI SailW Sailaa 1 11/11 Mar 14 Mar 16 Mor 21 Mar GJERTRUD BAKKE 12 Fak 26
      624 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1425 13 Tali 1405 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. 9m 24" (18 lines) llncrtoo'otcd m i.ngopore) (12 lines) pippin, THE BL% j E FUNNEL L|NE SAILINGS te LIVthfOUL. GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS (Via Suei with liberty to proceed «ra Panama ar Cape at Gaad Hope) Corners option tv proct.d vio olhar oorts
      1,425 words
    • 1229 13 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK AND/OR FAR [AST Panong P. S'hom S'pora "LALANMA" 23/24 Feb 2S/24F.b 27/ 1 Mar "KOREA" 21/24 Fab 27/37 Feb 21/ 2 Mor BUSUANGA- 24/17 Fab 21 Fab/ 1 Mat 2/ 1 Mar lILANOIA 9/10 Mar 11/12 Mat 11/14 Mar HOMEWARDS SAILINGS FOR AOEN,
      1,229 words
    • 1145 13 ■u'i?din6 THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. %F SINGAPORI (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) J LINES SAILINGS TO ADEN, U.K. ft CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P. Shorn Penang BENVENUE for Liverpool, Rotterdam, Hamjjurg In Part/14 Fab 11/17 Fab BENALDER for Aden, Jeddoh, Port Sudan, Rottardom, Hull 14/17 Fab In Part/ 11 Feb
      1,145 words
    • 1265 13 McALISTER <St CO., LTD. TEL.: N..: ***** EUEI'MAN LINES KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG SEATTLE, VANCOUVER 1 PORTI \ND orm for U.S>., North Atlontic Portt cargo far Central A Seat* ond Conodo vio Colombo America CITY OF OXFORD •p o 1 IB^iTra. MB 27F P
      1,265 words

  • 282 14 'The Wallabies are rough and tough but not hoodlums' MELBOURNE, Tuesday. ARE the Australian Rugby Union Wallabies, as the bulk of London critics suggest, a bunch of blazered hoodlums who specialise in kicking when their opponents are down? The answer, most emphatically, Is that they are not, says the Melbourne
    UP  -  282 words
  • 1052 14  -  JAC K FINGLETON llv O'NEILL a '2nd BRADMAN'? yiKMAN O'NEILL, the brilliant young New South Wales cricketer whom most Australians will insist upon calling "our second Bradman," lost a tour of South Africa but won instead a job that will
    1,052 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 93 14 DDVI^DEEII I Dm\■ LW W%l E E I the modern hairdressing I npYi I THE LARGEST SELLING HAIRDRESSING IN THE WORLD*^B^ 57/ll* ROYAL INTEROCEAN LlNE^^^ wk 3AWM i JfJ aY \"*M and return on the large and comfortable ,jv *J passenger vessels I m^lfn\ RUYS, BOISSEVAIN, TECELBERC, M\A Y/I \v
      93 words
    • 251 14 W\ #9 ll_ \^/h, dewy day I Iffint thing in the morning you will gargle and rinse your mouth with fragrant Pettolin, your day will ba different. Instead of the after-ta*M tl fieep or of that but cigarette instead of that uncomfortable touch •f morning catarrh; your mouth and throat
      251 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 268 14 Straits Times Crossword 22 25 1 i H I^B HL_J 2ft ACROSS 5 A fortune In India, but cre--8 County roue Involved with dlt nothing to the sappert light recess (15). (5). 9 Money alone we hear, claim- 6 Disraeli's way? (3. 8. 4). Ed by India (7). Try soon,
      268 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1325 15 (Continued from Vxgr 8) SITUATIONS VACANT ttWordttS (Mim.) Box St rlt. mmlrn. WANTED an Experienced Accounts Clerk with knowledge of Chinese. Give full particulars to Bex A 6993 S.T. DOCTOR, male or lady, wanted immediately for 11.I 1 month (midFebruary, March) for east coast. State qualifications, experience and apply with
      1,325 words
    • 906 15 r HOUSES LAND FOR SALE 20 WorddlS (Mill Boxotct. f*lr« I GOING (HEAP 3 Bedroom i Bungalow Stin Road, Freehold. I 5,305 sq. ft. Vacant possession no brokers principals only. Apply P.O H. 3417 I MODERN SPACIOUS: Solid constructed bungalow st Chiltem Drive, Braddell Heights. 3 bedI rooms, built in
      906 words
    • 991 15 VEHICLES WANTED ITt Word. U (Mi*.) Cm im r txlrm. 56-S7 MODEL secondhand small or medium car wanted. Austin preferred. Must be perfect condition. No dealers. Replies Box AB9OO S.T. XL VEHICLES FOR SALS 'it Wtrdt 5; r Mm. «..t ill ctm. trim 1950 MO Sir. Tourer. Vary good condition
      991 words
    • 573 15 VEHICLES POR SALB M Wnrdt M f Box m tit mrfra 1953 AUSTIN A 30, 1952 Mayflower, 1947 Ford Anglia, 1949 MOTC, 1953 Morris Minor. 1950 MQTD. 1943 MGTF. 1954 TR2. Buying. Selling Reliable Used Can. Easy payments can be arranged. 69, Tanglin Rd., Spore 10. Telephone *****. 1855 VAUXHALIvWYVERN.
      573 words
    • 445 15 FOR SALE ItHord.lS(Hi») Box St, l. til,. HI-FI at it* bast. World famous Ooodsells "Williamson CRSOO; President Audio Consolette; Radio Tuner; RCA and lateat American "Bell Amplifiers. AvaUsble for demonstration at Ong Kadiu Service. 16, Baghdad St., Tel. *****. MISCELLANEOUS tt Word. IS (Mi*.) Bom St rtt txlrm PERSONS WANTED
      445 words
    • 224 15 M Discovery! BBBBBBBfIBBBBBBBsI^BBm J RELIEVES COUGHS FASTER -IN 2 WAYS! m\ W*fc CfTAMIUM. it D^wlMtM' c«n*, P* m JSiiiT"** 1 rit flo f •rt'—n iaaaM cant y^l.- 1 I. 11l lfc« thmV Your chikS goti m,,,, H^,, f j L*! 1 comfort with V«kt C«tan>iom Cough S/rup II E-'j{7,'F right
      224 words

  • 112 16 PCFF MAY MEET BARRAGE off QUESTIONS IPOH, Tues. The Perak Chinese Football Feden tion suffered a deficit oi 5419.14 last season in spiw of gate collections amoun* ing to $4,729.90 in Malayau hinesr Football Associa tion Cup matches and friendlier. The highest item of expenditure was $880.25 for entertainment, with
    112 words
  • 53 16 3 to give exams KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Malayan Hockey Federation Umpires Beard has appointed a three-mem-ber board to conduct exami--1 nations for umpires. The members of the Examinations Board are V. T. Duray. K. Aryadurai and M. Muthueamaru. They will travel to various centres in j the Federation to
    53 words
  • 47 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Teh Yok See won the "A" medal stableford competition |at the Sekangor Golf Club, scoring 37 points. J.D. Allan won the ball sweep over the first nine 'old course i while CJ. Burford was winner over the new course.
    47 words
  • 19 16 KUALA LIPIS, Turs.— Raub and Kuala Llpls drew their Home Guard Cup soccer ma'ch 5-5 here today.
    19 words
  • 577 16  -  VICTOR NAYAGAM Penalties fsf players or clubs connected with betting, bookmaking on matches By STRICT DISCIPLINE RULES ENFORCED Past 'incidents' lead to moves to combat vices in S'gor football gUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Football Ass( ciation of Selangor has passed a set of rules aimed at
    577 words
  • 39 16 AND WHY? So that I can get more power into my arm strokes, says John Konrads, Australia's new "wonder boy" swimmer, who is seen her* about to take off for a training spin.
    39 words
  • 215 16 N. KOREA CAN'T SEND TEAM TO TOKYO They are not affiliated TOKYO. Tuesday. KOREA is not eligible to compete in the 111 third Asian Games on May 24 to June 1 in Tckyo, a spokesman for the Games organising committee said today. This Is because North Korea is not a
    215 words
  • 205 16 3INGAFORE Amateur Football Association officials were wondering yesterday whether their plan to recovt.* the financial losses of last year would sueThe plan Is to arrange (or as many touring teams as possible to play here this season, but no replies had been received from
    205 words
  • 86 16 CINGAPORE Teachers' Training College beat Malacca T.T.C.- 3-1 In their inter-college hockey match at Paterson Road yesterday. It was a scrappy encounter played In blinding rain with pools of water all over the pitch. Singapore opened scoring with an unexpected goal through Latif within minutes of
    86 words
  • 64 16 ST. LOUIS. Tues— Ame rlca's champion soccer team, the Kutl s of St. Louis, have received a favourable response from Russian Embassy officials to a challenge for a series of matches against a leading Russian team, club officials said last night. If arranged. It would
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 118 16 FOURTH TEST: AUSSIES IN WINNING POSITION JOHANNESBURG, Tues Australia were poised to win the Test series against South Africa when they established a commanding grip on the Fourth Test here yesterday. At the close of the third day's play. South Africa needed 191 more runs, with all their second innings
    118 words
  • 113 16 AIM-KAMA— lst INNS: 401 S. AFRICA— I*I INNS MrC.lrw c Grout b Mw kifT 1 F.ndran Ibw Davidson TaTfleld Ibw Brnaud (.od'ard r and b Merkiff f Illusion c Craig b Kiln* 7* MrLran r Grout b Davidson Burner st Groat b Kline tl Wait* Ibw Brnaud It Hrini-
    113 words
  • 31 16 KUA.LA LUMPUR. Tues. Young Men's Sikh Association will visit Kuala Kangsar. Taipine and Penang to play a series, of hockey and cricket matches over the Chinese New Year holidays.
    31 words
  • 293 16 Passbook, Cassell matched in good gallop ON THE TRACK with EPSOM JEEP I/UALA LUMPUR Tues. 1Y Passbook, with Laurie Johnson up, and I as sell, (Mortimer) were matched in an interesting tryout on a yielding track here this morning.* They went twice round gathering speed to run the last 3f
    293 words
  • 133 16 Fire Risk, now with Doc Rodgers. was lightly excerclsed. Time to Reason, looking superbly fit after a spell, was pulling hard at the end of a half-speed spin. Ellen s Treasure was trotted round by Smith Pontican (Dragon i ran 3f in 43. Hopeful Blue
    133 words
  • 202 16 DORT Or SPAIN, Tues Pakistan. with seven wickets in hand, need 195 more runs to beat West Indies in the Second Test which ends here today. Hanlf Mohammad, Pakistan's brilliant opening batsman, was 73 not out at the close of the fifth day's play yesterday
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 113 16 IPOH, Tues— Four former champions will take part in the 14th North Malayan golf championship to be played on the Tiger Lane course here during the Chinese New Year holidays next week They are Bob Lauriston. who also won the
    113 words
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      827 words
    • 117 16 \W laW _^^^F YOU J^!^pTttW m ti«s v, itaaracr-fwttca 7 IV rV jfitaaV MOWRCH 0a» to, koan. I J'| l «t\uX^Taßßa\ PU k M Moo n*l»m. t» laoatk voar I i_ IS '^L^ •••oanir «»n ir» tarn «tta toa. ud ibra Z— t -"^-^rT-H-li^yt-^^. «"lcaa of MHoaittrilK Vn. caa pU>
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