The Straits Times, 1 February 1958

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVKHACE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXIEEIIS 80,000 The Straits Times New**** I Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1958 15 CENTS ft
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  • 24 1 TARGET DATE FOR SECONDARY CLASSES STAYS AT THREE MONTHS Teachers' demand means Govfs whole plan for boosting Malay would flop
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  • 270 1 'I am not taking orders' gUAUk LUMPUR, Fri. Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari, said today: "I as Minister of Education can never take orders from teachers. That is final." He was commenting on the threat by 10,000 Malay teachers to resign from UMNO if Malay secondary classes are not set
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  • 233 1 COUNCIL APPROVES ONG'S $460,000 SPENDING SINGAPORE City Council yesterday approved a supplementary budget of $460,497 to cover expenditure authorised by the new Mayor. Mr. Ong Eng Guan. The bill Is for expenses In connection with the Mayor's office, his Information bureau and the new complaints bureau. But Mr. Ong claimed
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  • 34 1 BRUSSELS. Fri. Government representatives from Britain, Denmark and the six common market nations yesterday discussed in strict secrecy agricultural problems .standing in the way of a wider European free trade area. Reuter.
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  • 42 1 THIS was the scene m Serangoon Road yesteraay within 15 minutes ot the pay roll snatch The car in the foreground swerved into the wrong lane and was blocked by a police car Straits Times picture
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  • 240 1 PHILIPPINES CLAIMS THE ENTIRE SULU SEA MANILA, Fri. The Philippines will maintain her claim to the entire Sulu Sea, which is enclosed by is'ands of the Philippines archipelago, "against opposition from any quarter" in the Geneva conference on sea laws, it was reported here today. A Foreign Official said the
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  • 247 1 REDS THRIVE IS DEMOCRACY SAIGON, Friday. pHE Malayan Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rah--1 man, told a press conference here today that if Malaya had been less democratically minded it could have dealt more effectively with the Communists. "Our country is too democratic, too liberal minded.
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  • 78 1 i LONDON, Fri General Sir Francis Festing, C-in-C Far East Land Forces, has been appointed Chief of the Imperial General Staff from September next, the War Office announced today. Lt.-Gen. H. E Pyman. Hull, Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff, takes over as
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  • 43 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A Police Field Force patroi exchanged fire two terrorists In the Pekan district of Pahang yesterday. The bandits fled, but tf. patrol found clothing and cooking utensils for five persons In a nearby camp
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  • 31 1 SUVA, Fri. The Queen Mother Inspected a guard of honour of veterans of the Malayan campaign when she arrived in Fiji today on her wav to New Zealand— Reuter.
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  • 61 1 LONDON. Fri— The death roll In a foe-shrouded rail crash at Dagenham, Essex, rose to 10 early today. The number of injured, said a British Railways spokes- man, wag about 80 of whom 40 had been taken to hospital. It was the second serious train
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  • 276 1 FOUR ROB CASHIER OF $1 4,000 PAYROLL COUR gangsters robbed a Shaw Bros, cashier of a $14,000 payroll at gunpoint In a lunchtime hold-up in Singapore yesterday Ten minutes ater the gangst* rs getaway cat slowed to a stop after grazing a police radk car in Sera n goon Road
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  • 34 1 LONDON, Fri— The British aircraft firms of De Havllland, Hunting and Falrey have arranged to form a Joint company called Airco to produce theDJU2l— ghortrartge jet ajrllner for British European Airways Reuter
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  • 271 1 QUIT UMNO CALL GOES OUT TO 10,000 TEACHERS Attack on 'off-hand' minister KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. f EADERS of the 10,000-strong Federation of Malay School Teachers' Associations this afternoon decided to instruct all members to quit UMNO by Feb. Ir decision was take. hours after the Minis Education, Inche Mo i
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  • 179 1 KIDNAP ATTEMPT: CAR CWNER CO'JCHT, KUALA LUMPUR. Kri.A Singapore car owner is wanted by the police here for questioning in connection with the attempted abduction of a wealthy Kuala l.uiiipii, doctor, Savr Hock Chuan. on Wednesday night. The man Is said to be the owner of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 105 1 *j \ml V|k OVAI I I N t H^^^ ft\ contains Na- vt^^^^BlV turf s best food; with additional t'**' I^l Vitamin*. J *Jir }bw Child's Health... What wouldn't you give to ensure it 'One way, Mother is to re- \\^^\^W cognise the value of a food £x if supplement.
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  • 208 2 DELGRADE, I ri Bulgarian police have carried out large-scale arrests of teenagers on the grounds of "hooliganism" in the last few days, travellers from Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, reported yesterday. The arrests were said to have taken place in several cities. Police swooped on
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  • 278 2 Beroks have trade union streak, he says ANN ARBOR, iMk- higan), Fri. The monkeys of Malaya squabble with their masters over working conditions after fashion of the most militant of trade unionists, according to an American scholar. 1 Mr Peter Gosling of the University of Michigan geography
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  • 80 2 Today is the first annlver sary of the introduction into passenger service by 80. AC. of its Bristol Brl tannia turbo-prop, airliners During the year. 8.0.A.C BritannLas have carried nearly ***** passengers and have flown 8.000.000 miles —the equivalent of 320 circuits of the earth or 17
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  • 54 2 DO UNTO OTHERS— OR ELSE DAMASCUS, Fri— The Syrian Ministry of Justice is considering a suggestion from a deputy that carelessness in carrying out one's duty to other people should be a punishable offence. For instance, he says, anyone who could rescue a drowning man but did not should be
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  • 770 2 Kamil tells Britons Malayan Govt. is safe in office and predicts: But difficulty in getting people to accept need for anti-subversion measures is foreseen From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, Friday. J)ATO Nik KamiL the Malayan High Commissioner in London, told members of the Royal Empire Society
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  • 231 2 Arrest follows 500-mile chase rjOUGLAS. (Wyoming), Fri. Douglas Starkly weather, the 19-year-old "kill-crazy" youth who shot his way across two states and 500 miles after the discovery of nine murders, was told tonight he will retrace his steps to face trial. Starkweather, a red-haired
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  • 375 2 Paris hails 'trapeze' —and Dior's protege HEW FASHION KIKG'S TRIUMPHANT SHOW »ARIS. Fri.—Hundreds of enraptund women engulfed shy young Yves Mathieu Saint-Laurent, Christian Dior's precocious protege, after his triumphant first collection today. His "trapeze line" looking for all the world like an inverted 1 lower pot. does not sack the
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  • 35 2 LONDON. Fri. Priiuos Margaret is to pay a brief visit to British Honduras at the beginning of May after her visit to the West Indies, it was announced last nis;ht. Reuter.
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  • 201 2 LONDON, Fri.— Mr. John Profumo, Colonial Undersecretary, said yesterday that the authorities in Singapore had endorsed the opinion of the police that allegations of ill-treatment of two detainees had not been substantiated. In the House of Commons. Mr. S. Awbery. Labour, bar) asked under whose adsplcc
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 198 2 LONGINE S M Women of exquisite taste choose I.ONGINES! LONGINES is beauty wedded to technical Ml '<?*%&■ perfection; a watch eminently useful, a jewel V^H -m^ infinitely precious. Longines watchmakers, with s v,SSt* le r c h er ta fi e of more than two centuries *%J% craftsmanship, make each
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  • 194 3 NOW U.S. GETS A MERDEKA DEMAND ST. THOMAS, (Virgin Island). Fri.— The Governor of the United States administered Virgin Islands was tonight faced with a petition for self-govern-ment. A crowd of more than a thousand people marched through the streets here to Government House and pre- seated a petition protesting
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  • 52 3 LONDON Fri— Rolls-Royce announced last night that it had designed and built the first nuclear reactor from a British private company The reactor has been Installed at Harwell. Lessons learned In Its operation would be applied In a second reactor to be Installed in the nuclear submarine
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  • 80 3 BUENOS AIRES, Fri. As a result of a domestic "re- j hearsa!" of William Tell's legend Josefa Juarez de Rodriguez found herself at the police station and her husband Juan Basilio Rodriguez ended up in hospital. Rodriguez had Intensively trained his wife In target shooting with a
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  • 165 3 RIO DE JANEIRO, Friday WHY were the Hungarian refugees who came to Brazil promised such high salaries and cheap I living costs? The Board of Immigrant Selection in Rome has been asked this question by the president of Brazil's National Immigration and Colonisation
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  • 117 3 NEW YORK. Frl. A third child was raped in Brooklyn on Wednesday night j in an outbreak of schoolboy crime that has already involved the suicide of a junior high school principal and brought open threats of terror from a juvenile gang. Wednesday night's
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  • 126 3 CAMPAIGN TO HALT THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE I ONDON, Fri. A campaign to urge Britoas to demand an initiative from their government to reduce the nuclear peril and stop the armaments race, if need by unilateral action, was launched here yesterday The body running it Is non-political and aims Initially
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  • 21 3 ALGIERS. Frl. French troops have killed 140 rebels In a large-scale operation near Guelma in eastern Algeria. Reuter
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  • 27 3 SYDNEY, Fri —The drought in New South Wales ha* been broken Pratically the whole state shared in general rains which began two days ago— Reuter.
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  • 163 3 Cook rice or we strike, say three big Colombo harbour unions pOLOMBO. Fri.— Three big harbour unions yestorday threatened another pert strike that could halt all Colombo operations. The unions threatened to rail out all lightermen tomorrow if demands for cooked rice instead of dry rations are not
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  • 392 3 LONDON. Thurs London s'octc markets had their best day lor some considerable time and virtually all sections went ahead i under the lead ot gilt-ed^ec securities and industrial equities I The all-round advance re(l?ctefl the rising hopes of a reduction ir; Interest rates following the iali in rales
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  • 31 3 LONDON. Thurs. Spot 22' id. Mar. 22\d, April-June 23 Nd.. July-Sept. 23 1 ,d., Oct. -Dec. 23\d., Feb. elf 22', d Mar elf. 22', d. April elf. 22\d. Tone: Steady.
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  • 21 3 r ONDON Thnrs Buyers £73*. 'Pliers £737. hnMI buyers £735. sellers £736. Settlement £735, am. 260 ton*, p.m. 200 ton*.
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  • 251 3 'Partition means more trouble' warning by Makarios ATHENS, Fri.—Arch- bishop Makarios said today that the Greek majority in Cyprus would flatly reject any Britishproposed solution of the island's problems involving partition of Cyprus between Greek and Turk. He said: Partition is not a solution but a complication of the Cyprus
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 228 3 ASPRO' IS MAN 1 MEDICINES IN ONE look how it wW YOU and your FAMILY. HEADACHE: JTSf R Wh.-n >.m h:m- heaiiarhr. take I WSPHO' \AT\\ UUeta. ASPKO' is made t<> bring quirk relief [OH from headache and soon you feol well and h.ipp> Vw^ V7\ lor p. im 100,
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    • 351 3 ESKIMO Special Offer:--10 days only SCRUMPTIOUS FISH STICKS fSix sticks per 6 oz. packet 3 packets for the price of 2 WHY PAY MORE! Enquire at our Retail Division at 56. SERANCOON ROAD. 10 COLLYER QUAY and 962. CEYLANC ROAD. fhi» i« tlic only thop >o aMer over 100 new
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  • 338 4 ROBBERS FAILED TO BREAK OPEN SAFES 0 WHICH HELD $2,000 KUALA LUMPUR Friday. •pHREE men entered the Selangor Chinese Engineering Association premises in Sultan Street here about midnight last night, gagged and bound the 57-year-old caretaker, and ransacked the place. After
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  • 55 4 THE MINISTER for Works. Posts and Telecommunications, lnche Sardon bin Haji .in hi r and cuests bought Social Welfare Lottery tickets after he oprned the new Ayer Itmm post office in Penang last Thursday. The Strait!) Times picture shows lnche Sardon (left) receiving his tickets
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  • 161 4 Japanese company chief re-assures Malayan fishermen on future PENANG. Fri.— A former Japanese naval chief of staff. Mr. S. Hidaka, now represent- I ing a large Japanese fishing company, today assured Malayan fishermen they need not fear for their livelihood because of Japanese fishing operations in Malayan
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  • 57 4 IPOH. Fri- Mr. Freddie Cumming. a former Perax soccer player, won the first prize in the cake weigh' guessing competition or- ganised here by the Cathay cinema as part of its first anniversary celebration. i The second and third pr.zes went to Mr. Teoo Pack Ban and
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  • 186 4 TROUBLE SCHOOL GIRLS TO BE NUNS IFOH, Fn.— Two stu- dents from the Aye Maria Chinese convent here are to join the novitiate of the Sisters of the Holy Infant Jesus in Penang. They will be the first from the school I to do so. The Aye Maria Chinese Convent
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  • 28 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Two new lawyers, Mr. E. M Stanley and Mr. R. K. Sharma. both of Kuala Lumpur have bren admitted to the Federation Bar.
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  • 32 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. —The first phase of developing a recreational centre adjoining the Welfare Home in Jalan Scudai win be completed this year. It is estimated to cost Government $34,000.
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  • 30 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri —The PWD will spend $500,150 on roads and drains in urban areas this year. In addition. a number of new roads will be constructed privately.
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  • 230 4 Union leaders stay in office KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. ¥>EBEL mem bus of the university students union 1V here failed to depose their leaders at the second session of an emergency meeting last ni^ht. A motion of "no confidence" in the union's council introduced by the rebels
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  • 51 4 BUTTERWORTH. Fri. Customs officers here arrested a medicine dealer after a 100-yard chase at Telagar Ayer Road, the Butterworth Sessions Court was told to- i day. Ang Kirn Eng. 44, pleaded guilty to possessing uncustomed medicine. The court president. Mr. B J. Jennings, fined Ang
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  • 313 4 Hawkers will still have to 'move on' BID TO CHANGE BY-UWS FAILS IPOH, Fri.— A bid by Progressive Party members on the Ipoh Town Council to amend by-laws to give hawkers the right to remain stationary, was defeated today. Mr. D. R. Seenlvasagam (Progressive) said the unfortunate thing was that
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  • 55 4 PENANG, Fri. The secretary of the Penang UMNO Kaum Ibu, Puan Embun, said today she would resign soon because of pressure of work. Puan Sharifah, who \v:ws elected seven months aszo, said the Kaum Ibu had played a leading part in the Penang City
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  • 83 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Three young Malayans have km awarded a five-year Colombo Plan scholarship for chartered accountancy by the Australian Government. They are Mr. Khoo 800 T'san. 18, of the Penang Fre j School. Mr. Chen Mm Liang. 19. of the Anderson Bcln iI, Ipoh, and lnche
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 188 4 W M. '-.2 Wi^WMWMMmM I FRANKEL I H hhl IS! ESTATE I IP Only a few 'BUNGALOW LOTS 1 still remaining Fiice: $1 per square ft. 1 I Apply -CREDIT FOKCIER D' EXTREME ORIENT f Meyer Chambers, Raffles Place. Tel: *****-9 B "tzi tnn "tr. J MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! ODEON t
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 167 4 RADIO MALAYA News; 145 Saturday Da I II; Ml The Week-end NATIONAL SHORT WAV! 245 The I,atin American W.iy; StK\ l( t 41 nirlrrs 300 Saturday Proni- 330 Juke UNCAPOBI Box Parade 400 Lazy Afternoon: Medium wave 476 metres ;4 30 Tea Dance- SOO Siiturdny KI'ALA LI MPIR Medley 5
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  • 375 5 Cash switch puzzles both business and banks TOO SOON TO BLAME PAP -SO WHAT'S THE REAL REASON? KUALA LUSiPUR, Friday. flfE 810 switch »f cash from Singapore banks to the Federation last month is puzzling both bankers and businessmen here. They do not know the reason for the switch. Cash
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  • 56 5 BACK FROM BEAUTY COURSE IN BRITAIN MADAM han e Sail Yin. of Kuala Lumpur, who flew into Singapore from London by (Juntas on Thursday after studying beauty culture and hair dressing for three years in Britain. She plans to set up a beauty parlour in Singapore with another beauty expert.
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  • 147 5 HE WOULD ASK U.S. TO HELP TRAIN MALAYANS PENANG, Fri. The American Ambassador to Malaya, Mr. Homer M. Byington Jr., said here today he would ask Washington to help train Malayan immigration officers if the Federation Government requested this. "But so far this subject has not been brought up." he
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  • 196 5 SCHOOL RATE: INCREASE LIKELY OENANG, Fri. The education rate —at present fixed at two per cent may be raised to 12 per cent this year. The increase Is to meet the deficit in the 1958 estimates for primary and rural trade school education. The Chief Education Officer, Mr. G. Pitkeathly
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  • 25 5 KOTA BHARU, Fri Tuan Haji Mohamed Salleh bin Taib has been elected president of the Kota Bharu branch of the Pan-Malayan Islamic Association.
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  • 31 5 BUKXT MERTAJAM, FTi.— Ja'afar bin Hajl Awang. 62. was killed last night when his cycle was in collision with a police truck at the ll' 2 mile, Jarak Road.
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  • 69 5 PENANG, Frt.— The Minister for Works. Posts and Telecommunications. Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir, made the first long distance call to Kuala Lumpur when be declared open the first merdeka public telephone kiosk at Padang Menora. Province Welllesley, yesterday. Inche Sardon spoke to the Director-General of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 196 5 «=3 tf'lijQ V W\ X, OLE craftsmen at your service The above picture shows one of our highly skilled chronometer technicians polishing the pivot Of a balance staff. A balance staff carries the balance wheel and hairspring. an& controls the timing of your watch by oscillating backwards and forwards and
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    • 55 5 /RTC\ MAKE ALL YOUR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS BY AIR SEA with ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD. TRAVEL DEFT. 37 Robinson Rd.. Singapore Tel: ***** dale Carnegie P3 COURSE II wv Monday Evening STARTS: FEB. 3rd 6.38 p.m. Institute of Succrttlu! Leadership 28-B. Clemcnceia Home. Clctnenccau Avenue. S pore 9. Phone Enquiries:
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 931 5 IN Ki#ub CATHAY: Dellca*.* DeUnquetit CATHAT: Action of the Tiger 1 1.11 330 6.45, 9.15: ODEON: 130. 7. 9.30. Hold Back The NJght 1.15. 3.30. ■*-.<-, h1.,,, 16 45. 9 15; PARAMOIXT: Am- i%Ola t»!»aru bilupathi 3 30. 8 30, CAPITOL: CATfJAV Heng Ktal i^^ y Midnigli! Story US.
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    • 59 5 Baia Pabal CATHAT: City Life 12.38, 3. 7.15, 9.30; TYE KI'AX: Artists and ModeU 12.30. 3, 7, 9 30; REX: Stampeded 3. 7.15. 9.30; BLLTANA: Mah Loh Slew Tien Si (Mandarin) 3. 7 15. 930. kluaiii* BRILLIANT: China Gate 2.15. 7. 9.15; CORONATION: Gorilla Capers 2 30. 7 15. 9.30:
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  • 59 6 M Ward* flf Minimum) THE FAMILY of the late Mr. Samuel Henry Dasn Uiaiik pastors, friends who sent wreaths, condolences and assisted at the luiieral on 19 1 58 al Sltlawan. THE FAMILY of the late Mr. I.mi Kong Aik expre.ts theli thanks to relatives, mends, the Eeremban Member
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  • 44 6 la m»t4t tU (Minimum). TO: Dear Neighbour Steve. Tlianlu for your shon-llved friendship. It does not pay to be frank, does it? "B.Y.K."— J. WILL Mr. Henry T. C. Chan. nting Grwnn Bilfinger Germany contac; friend Wong. 17C Beach Road, TeleDhone ***** Singapore?
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  • 265 6 :o Wort, tin (Hinimum). SOFT ICE CREAM. Magnolia Snow Cones available from our Ruffles Place Milk Bar— 2o cenis. ENJOY THE BEST curry In I (<-a n al Prince s Sunday luncheon I UNteniiig to the Prince's Trio. Irora 1 to 3 p.m. Dancing nightly MY BURNING PASSION <
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  • The Straits Times
    • 5 6 Spore, Saturday Feb. 1, 1958.
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    • 564 6 Hopes that the dispute over Malay secondary classes would be resolved have been j speedily disappointed. Such hopes as there were rested lon acceptance of the lasti minute recommendations of 1 UMNO's Central Education Committee. These called upon the Ministry of Education to set up 11 Malay
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    • 367 6 China's campaign of "joy through work" although thisis not the name that Peking gives it is progressing, probably not to the satisfaction of the party functionaries and the white collar elite for whose benefit it was conceived. A steady flow of teachers, scientists, engineers, students^ and government
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    • 283 6 Singapore's Minister loi Commerce and Industry, Mr J. M. Jumahhoy, is determined not to be diverted from his plan to convert 8 -J ai n-s. of the Ulu P;iii!..iii nature reserve into pra-vn poids. Hii passion for this scheme acknowledges none of th. doubts. His fisheries experts claim
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  • 1130 6  -  FOR an inquiry which may lead to drastic changes in the reporting of murder charges, the composition of the committee to be appointed by the Federation Government appears to be singularly restricted. Membership of the committee is to be confined to Federal Councillors and representatives of
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 MALAY MOSQUE Photo by Lai Hin Fatt
    Lai Hin Fatt  -  9 words
  • 847 6  -  VERNON BARTLETT SINGAPORE is unique, and not only because peoples of such a variety of races have hitherto lived there in tolerance, and often actually in amity. It has other and less encouraging claims to distinction. It is the major British military base in
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  • 44 6 From the Straits Times of Jan. 31, 1908) AT Friday's meeting, the Municipal Commissioners voted $3,200 for the suppression of rabies. riE price ot tin in Singapore yesterday was $62 5 8 per picuL A hundred and fifteen tons were told.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 550 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 10 Worii till (Minimum). THE ENGAGEMENT Is announced between Lee Poh Hwee. son of Mr Mrs. O. C Lee and Boh Bee Hong, second daughter ot Madam Lim Poh Neo. TAN NO: The Binagement 1* announced to-day be »een Ah 000, Managing Director of Malaya Commercial Trading Co.,
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    • 16 6 ir/ °v T 2-W |f/9 y^^^lnmtk I (26.00 'I** WComnutM /<* Ji K» I CtUfll lIMt Bm\
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    • 59 6 i II m >HE ("X AND ONLY wLMm \Jm It* I World renowned-not only as a liqueur but as a tonic wine containing specially selected rare herbs PRINCE'S I BENNY KLEINMAN hii. l the Prince's Quartet ami I JAN CARTER Inn. liiiui. niu*i<' every Sutunlny and Sunday from 1 to
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  • 330 7 I POH, Fri. European and Chinese mining circles here today defended the international tin agreement against attacks made on it by the National Mining Workers' Union. They also described as "fan as tic" and "ridiculous" the union statement that 7,000 workers from Europeanowned dredges and
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  • 104 7 Man watches helplessly as his father is drowned MALACCA, Fri— A fisher man. Rahman bin Klang, 27. yesterday watched his father drown without being able to help him. Four fishermen were caught in a storm at 4.30 p.m. The father. Klang bin Zakaria. 65, slipped and fell into the sea
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  • 44 7 KOTA BHARU, Fri. -The Raja Perempuan of Kelantan this morning declared open the Kota Bharu UMNO women's section variety food sale at the State religious building here The proceeds from the sale will go to the local Kuam Ibu fund.
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  • 116 7 MINIMUM PAY DEMANDS Memo handed over KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Leaders of the National Union of Plantation Workers today met three representatives of estate employers in connection with the union's minimum wage policy. The employers' representatives—Mr. R.G.D. Houghton, secretary of the Malayan Planting Industries Employers Association, and Mr. C.R.D. Dandby and
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  • 147 7 $40,000 JACKPOT COULD BE YOURS YOU'VE still time to I make your bid for Z the $40,000 Jackpot in I The Malayan Monthly's Contest X' (January). I I As Monday is a pub- I Ik holiday in Singa- I pore, the closing date I of the contest has been I
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  • 399 7 From Page One of the Malay Literary Agency, Tuan Syed Na.sir bin Ismail, and the principal assistant secretary to the Ministry of Education. Inche Aminutldin bin Baki, were ignored. Inche Am.nuddin said: "I beg you not to do anything Ahich will destroy Malay
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  • 70 7 PENANQ. Fri- There wil' be four sailings to Mecca by two pilgrim ships this year. The Anshun will make three trips, leaving Singapore on 'March 12. April 13 and May 16. and Penang on March 14, April 15 and May 18. The provisional sailing for
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  • 36 7 The two Dutch liners Willem Ruys and Oranje. whose owners are suspending their Europe-Far East runs until September will terminate their voyages at Jakarta and not Singapore as reported in yesterday's Straits Times.
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  • 57 7 IPOH Friday —One Malay was killed and four others injured in the remote Kampong Lambor Kanan in the Parit area, when a middleaged rubber tapper ran amok The kampong residents rushed the man despite the fact that he was armed with a shotgun and parang, overpowered him
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  • 63 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Malayan Postal authorities will mark the ECAFE conference here from March 5 to 15 with a special issue of stamps. Two stamps a red 12-cent and purple 30-cent will bear the symbol of the United Nations Organisation and the title "ECAFE
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  • 51 7 I -MALACCA. Fri Eight i Malacca students wer.' among 110 in the Federa i tlon who have been awarded scholarships this year by I the Malayan Public i.ibrar. I Association. Scholarships are meant for poor students who get $90 i each annually to pay to wards their school
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  • 603 7 From Page One ers and parents would be cm- 1, at. ci in the Govern ment's proposals. Inche Knir .said he would not reply directly to a meI morandum from representa tives of the 10.000 teachers threatening to quit UMNO. He had
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  • 155 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Delegates of five .socialist organisations in the Federation add Singapore will attend the first Congress of the Peoples Socialist Front here tomorrow. The organisations are the i Party Rakyat, the Labour I Party of Malaya. Perak's Progressive Party, the WorIkers' Party of
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  • 264 7 Two nations to build new Asian democracy ■jlf From Page One had great reserve funds and did not need economic aid. Malaya needed technical experts who could serve under contract and be paid by Malaya. The visiting Malayan delegation and the South Vietnam Foreign Ministry said in Joint communique today
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  • 45 7 PENANG. Fri An Alor Star ronggeng fan, inche S. M. Ismail, was last night adjudged the best dancer in a classical ronggeng contest held at the Ntw World Park here Mr Chuah Teng Ka> was runner-up with Inche Aswan Mamyu.ii placed third.
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  • 52 7 KUANTAN. Fri Floods forced another tin mine at Gambang. 18 miles from here to close down today This Is the third mine which has suspended opera tions in the area in three days Miners In Gambang e-tl-mate that damage and loss might amount to more than
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 'TINGLING -FRESH' -dnd that means healthy gums I i* HbbU^bbs^L^Wbbkl I Ri The tingle comes V*■ I from Sodium r jjFT djjit •""'^^^H Ricinoleate, a J substance that cares i Lbbm y^ ml <7r your gums, and NEB JBsb \^JS %ii# Jmm Gibbi SR re-fresh, tmgling-fresh GIBBS S.R. is good
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    • 149 7 For the Latvtti RADIOS RADIOGRAMS make it a point to call on kuii'OM. CLAM it \ino to., ARABELLA 1958 j^^^^^^**»^*SSSMßSMßsy aeople kn-iw fhis cony le I^^^^^^»S»S»MMT|d -n-xiel Its fame is due IWES^WsI to rh« extraordinary < i uP^^!H I au3lltv 3 sou"<j ilsEE^?sill f- 1 tsssl they kno that ttiis
      149 words

  • 223 8 Federation's Language Institute to move to the capital ITU ALA LUMPUR, Fri. —The Federation's Language institute at Johore Bahru, which trains specialist teachers in Malay for secondary schools, will be transferred here at the beginning of next year. A $2,300,000 14-storey buildln e for the Institute will completed by the
    223 words
  • 20 8 SEREMBAN, Fri —Mr. Soo Hoy Wah was last night re elected chairman of the Seremban District Welfare Committee.
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  • 53 8 1 "How are you?" Sir Hugh asked as he shook the driver warmly by the hand watched by the O 0.C., Federation Army, General F. H. Brooke and other officers who had gone to the airport to met< him. "Very well sir," replied I Hamid smiling. 'How's
    53 words
  • 80 8 JERANTUT. Fri. Five padi planters were yesterday fined a total of $75 for allowing their buffaloes to stray into a field belonging to another planter. The five men— Dollah bin Ja'afar. 40, Hassan bin Pin, 48. Teh bin Subar. 38, Abdul Majid bin Kasim. 32 and
    80 words
  • 258 8 IT'S HIGHER RATES FOR 2 AREAS OF MENGLEMBU Reprieve for workers' district but... IPOH, Friday. TWK town and industrial areas of Menglembu will be revalued for asBut the regrouped area, mainly occupied by workers, will be granted a This follows a debate In j the Ipoh Town Council to- day
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  • 168 8 REUNION OF A GENERAL AND NCO: NICE TO SEE YOU, SAYS SIR HUGH KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. A TOUCHING reunion of a famous British general and his former personal driver, who had not met for four years, took place at the RAF Airport here today. General Sir Hugh Stockwell, who led
    168 words
  • 47 8 PENANO, Frl. An Indonesian boatman who said he did not know Malayan regulations was fined $500 today for having Indian hemp Andak bin Pakim pleaded guilty. He said he had arrived from Sumatra, and was not aware of the law here.
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  • 27 8 KOTA BHARU, Fri Members of the Wakaf Bharu Young Farmers' Club will hold a fun fair on Feb. 6 to raise funds for their club.
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  • 66 8 KULIM. Frl. The Kulim branch of UMNO. Kedah, last night adopted a resolution urging the replacement of the red cross sign at hospitals and on ambulances by a crescent. Utaz Abdullah Affendi, who proposed this, said the crescent should be adopted because Islam was now the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 593 8 -*r B Bwiaaa^^=^Br^^r^^^B^ <^^\*^BP I I Sr^?^BaaaaL^ l|.f BaaaaaT ITTiTr 1 l>honr TAHAVI 4S I 5 liTtT. j# JTIKB 21-»« lUIIAT! 6.45 A 9.30 p.m. •:'■;< i-?.''BB mi eastman color X b S rad? "THE RESTLESS BREED" B.r^« -K MIDNIGHT TONIGHT: In Eaatman Co»»r (Raak) j j?,!ays£r "CAMPBEII'S KINGDOM" I
      593 words
    • 798 8 I J I BT^^^^^al Baav BW k B^ I I aaaaaCU M V^Baaaai BaaaaV_J_k.\Z. 111 {/All I J 1 I BaaaC^^ I aal Tereaa Wright "CCf ADAFIC Ikl IADAaI" Twhnlrama g Cameron Mitchell UVArAUC IN JAKAN tr h (RKO) I Krt D^^^PATOrorCIORY" (ua) j--3' Tomorraw M'nite G*«r(e Montffomery "BLACK PATCH"
      798 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 291 8 Straits Times Crossword 7" 5™ ji 1 i -111-H-i.ill-lI To™ i; S| 18 25 ACROSS S. Anne's upset! (5). 1. Motor emporium and form 8 J* act hln a l terw ai ox RhenLsh qiurter In '<* certain worshippers c»l. county (15) 7 I m Pe r l al not
      291 words

  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1194 9 It's the odds and ends count SOLVING CRIMES IN THE LABORATORY IHAVE never undertaken handwriting examination but, until the appointment of our full-time document examiner, I did deal with many documents in other connections. One interesting case concerned an extortion letter written in Chinese. Search of a suspect's house revealed
      1,194 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 152 9 $aye Safely ™tve/ufDcu/ f^^MJ ECONOMY |^HM||T QUALITY EVERY DAY can confidently be used for all purposes which call for a dependable supply of rich, pure, safe milk with the freshmilk flavour. WITH ADDED VITAMINS A D GREAT NEWS £©J? 1958! ARGOSY HI-FIBEtiTY -4^^*^*^ SUPER 5 $260/MODEL A.P. 2 $195/--"YOURS FOR
      152 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 272 9 »"E£T C-.d \WP ITS »iHUCi«* >j 1 VECV FuATTiCiSS. B^T K.eJ*r; AND CrfCi* I I WeLl >JU S-OUJ? I H (Agy H s 15 \T KSAtn S£Nl Me P~JV> Ift-OTS IT A.^»BO(JT ">J I rt£Rt A«MV PALS AnO IOOWHES NOT HEffE 1[ Mr ]v I KffANTZ S At jp »EB
      272 words

  • 379 10 SHARES OPEN STEADY BUT BECOME IRREGULAR AT CLOSE By Our Market Correspondent |MI K steadier rubber price, the unchanged local tin price and gains made in London metal prices overnight all steadied the Malayan Share Market yesterday in early trading. Sellers were inclined for the most part to be unwilling
    379 words
  • 20 10 SINGAPORE. JAN. 31. RUBBER: 77 i cents per lb. (up li cents). TIN: |361 l?i per picul lnnrhanpr>H
    20 words
  • 343 10 rE rubber market opened the week on an easier note under pressure from Increasing supplies from Indonesia and the pattern continued Into mid week report Holiday Cat ler, Bath Co., Ltd., in their current market reTlew. Commission house hedge selling and stale bull liquid atlon mainly accounted
    343 words
  • 326 10 Ihr Malayan Share Brokers' Association rrporlrd: "On a quiet market, industrials and tins were Irregular, and rubbers were neglected. The turnover was small." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following businesa done yesterday: Fed. Dispensary $2,124; Ftaser Sc Neave ords $2 60 to $2.58; Gammon $2 20 to
    326 words
  • 108 10 Sintaporr 1 hiiiete Produce Exrhange: noon prices per plcul yrsterday were: Copra: quiet; UK Continent January February $30 buyers. »31> t sellers. Caconat oil: quiet; bulk $45.. sellers, drum $49', sellers. Pepper: steady: no bust- ness reported done; Muntok white $100. Sarawak $99. special Sarawak Mack 862 i
    108 words
  • 68 10 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants esterday (all rates to $100>: Selling T.T. or O.D. Ready: French Franrit *****; Italian l.lrr ***** On the free rxcrunjr markrt In Hone Kong yesterday, the U.S. dollar was quoted at 590'; for nth
    68 words
  • 154 10 I MELBOURNE, Prl. INVESTMENT shares recorded a firm tone with Carlton I Brewery up Is. 6d. providing the sharpest movement In an active market on the Stock Exchange here today. Mt. Morgan dropped 8d in an easier mining section. Market I variations were generally only small. Commonwealth Bonds
    154 words
  • 149 10 Krhrunv Brst grade rubber bayers fob closed In Singapore yesterday at 77\ cents per lb up I cents oo Thursday's closing price. losing tone: Quiet after .steadier. CLOSING rMCES in cents per lb yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 774. sellers 77\; Int. 1 R.S.S
    149 words
  • 89 10 Ships lying alon(»idr the Singapore Harbour Board whanrea a» expected today are: Kinabalu 1 2. Mlna 3, Benreoch 45, Walbalong 6A, Clenorchy 6.7, Boleslaw Beirut 8.9, Dresden 10 11. TJltjalengka 13 14, Eastern Maid IS 16. Sumatra 18, Hal Lee 19 20. Soon Bee N Wall 2, Sadao
    89 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 541 10 NOTICES I i lor Sale "Shangrila" 35. s*... ciub Road Completely Furnished Two Storey Modern Post War House. Freehold. Land Area about *****1 Square Feet. Lovely Garden. Quiet Surroundings and Scenic View, District 11. Turf Club Area. 4 Bedrooms with Bathrooms attached (2 Bathrooms with long Bath. 2 with Shower
      541 words
    • 579 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited from unmarried Female Federal Citizens, who have attained the age of 16 but not 22, for appointment as Telephone Operators (Higher Grade i In the Telecommunications Department at Muar Preference will be given to applicants -who are resident In Muar. Salary scale $115 x 7.50
      579 words
    • 736 10 nri NOTICES THE MALAKA PINDA RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) NOTICE TO MEMBEBS. The Directors Intend to recommend the capitalisation or part of the Company's reserves and the subsequent Issue to Members of one share of $1.00 each credited as fully paid for every two held at the date
      736 words
    • 721 10 KNUTSEN LINE orient service f»OM CANADA/U.S PACIMC POUTS— IO OATS SaMl»t Sot Arrlttae Vancouver francrwa S»r. P. Swatt. Panana. F'monrla ANNA BAKKI SaMaa- Soil.d f/11 F.b 12 F.b 14 F.b XI Fab CIISABETH iAKKI Soilrd F.b 11/1) Mar 14 Mar U Mar 2J Mar UERTItUO BAKKI II F.b 2* F.b
      721 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1453 11 Tel: 240 5 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. Tel: Z4.1 <18 lines) i,, L1 llo ica in Smgoporel (12 "Mcl d^pT""* THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE T SAILINGS la LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON 1 CONTINENTAL PORTS (Vio Suet with liberty ta proceed via Panama or Cope ol Good HapaJ Cuincrs option lo proceed
      1,453 words
    • 1200 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR BANCROft. ANCVOR FAR lAST Penang P. S'hom S'pora "MEONIA" fed. 29/30 "LALANDIA' 23/24 Feb 25/24 Feb 27/ 2 Mer "KOREA" 21/24 Feb 2S/24 Fok 27/ 1 Fob BUSUANGA" 24/17 Feb 28 Feb/ 1 Mac 3, 3 Mo, "SELANDLA" 4/10 Mer 11/12 Mas 13/14 Mar
      1,200 words
    • 1086 11 Sing THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. ftf? SINGAPORE {Incorporated in the United Kingdom! 3 LINES SAILINGS TO ADEN, U.K. 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Shorn Penang BENDORAN for London, Rotterdam, Hamburg CIS-te/ 5 Feb London direct arrives 27 Feb BEHVENUC for Liverpool, Rotterdom, Homburg 4/12 Fob 13/14 Feb 15/17 Feb
      1,086 words
    • 1153 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL: No.. ***** EI.IJBMmN LHULS KLAVKNESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE. ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGELES, SAN f RAC'CISCO, NAMMIW SEATTLE, VANCOUVER 4 PORTLAND and tw U.5.A., Norm AtlontK Portt CeatraJ 1 South I ana) Conoda via Colombo CITY O» OJEFOM BRONXVILU S'pora P. S'hom Penang S'pora P. Shorn Peoung
      1,153 words

    9 words
  • 325 12 ...And SI for face cream I, AS ex-chairman of the allowance committee, Technical College Students Union, deplore the editorial entitled "Princes and Paupers" 'Sunday Times Jan 19 which I feel was written without sufficient knowledge of the pathetic position of the students. The entrance qualifications for the technical apprentices course
    325 words
  • 59 12 rE basic idea oehlnd 'compulsory voting" is not to compel people to vote, but to compel them to appear at a polling booth at their own expense, and thereby save a working class candidate from running into a $3,000 debt for transportation and helpers on election day
    59 words
  • 98 12 No complaint on fleere rE Singapore Tourist Advisory Committee, whilst deprecating any attempt by residents of Singapore to "fleece" touri-sts. views with considerable concern the amount of publicity which has been given recently by the Singapore press to the incidents which are alleged to have occurred during the recent visit
    98 words
  • 268 12 I CANNOT understand what all this fuss is about the office of the Mayor. In all countries of the world, the man chosen as Mayor is a well known citizen, except possibly In Communist countries. He does not get paid for It. in
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  • 59 12 Too free with the forms THE Income Tax Department when dispatching forms to tax-payers, do not seem to exercise care, as the wife of a friend of mine was sent a form "to be completed within 21 days or else although her husband has been forwarding his returns regularly and
    59 words
  • 55 12 Let's see the money grow SINCE January, 1954 I have been contributing to the Employee's Provident Fund and I still do. I don't know how much money I have saved and when I can stop contributing. Can't the authorities give annually a report to i-ontri-butors showing the amount they have
    55 words
  • 405 12 No one has right not to vote I DO NOT agree with the view "that compulsory 1 voting will take away the democratic right not to vote." Anybody who does not vote is not doing his duty as a citizen of Singapore. And compulsory voting makes sure that everybody does
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  • 99 12 ELECTOR" says that "youth never stops to rationalise." Rmm vho have worked among young people, as I have, know that's not true. Youth will respond to any challenge that appeals to the heroic in them They are quick to detect hypocrisy In those who would lead thrm. They
    99 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 548 12 J^bl /fl I I I It I^l C s "**"~~*v^ i^^^^^^^^fl mll/'l S °^?V^^ Hlf I^f thoroughbred lnli -^Sa^^^^"*' llW^ fcrT corporates thirtyJT jf^V^^^^^y^Sj Ij^WJll 1 *6^^ *^3* I I n jewels and |A^^2^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bm^lH\\ V //bUt f s Hin(ls •>> ms >/ $9 /^s. "Mfjr <lVr rons jewel HflKvV UK^l
      548 words
      43 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1001 13 Biffl>Mfffi 3' 1 3 jTll»i (Continued from Pa{e C) PHOTOGRAPHY t* Word, %i (Him Box ill tit txlrm COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY liaj many use.. In Commerce and industry. Advanced development of the process in the Straits Times Colour Laboratories which produce* transparencies and colour prints up to 11" x 18" has
      1,001 words
    • 984 13 Chil. from previous rolamn rlods. The salary for these „,..,o,ntniem.s is in the scale $19J-204x8-22u-230x10 2UO E:-..':i. 280x20-340-354 Bar/372 X 18 516. i omt of entry will depend on qualifications and experience. (5) News Editor. Educational Qualifications: Senior Cambridge or its recognised equivalent with a credit In English. Professional qualiiications:
      984 words
    • 837 13 SITUATIONS VACANT 10 Wordtti (Mm.) Box it tit. txtrm. BOX A671fl S.T. Position filled Applicants thanked. BOX A 6320 S.T. Vacancy filled, Applicants thanked. RUBBER COMPANY REQUIRES Senior Assistant. Good prospects, apply Box A 6823 S.T. QUALIFIED TEACHERS Required lor School in Penang. Quarters available. Apply Box A67IS ST. WANTED
      837 words
    • 867 13 I ACCOMMODATION WANTED tt Wtrdt ti (Him.) Box it cl,. txlrm FURNISHED UNFURNISHED HOUSES. Advertiser has tenants, state lease/ monthly, rent, any district, small commission when bouse taken. Box A 6825 S.T. WANTED in Good Condition Large Pre-War Compound House 10 rooms or mo'e. Modern sanitation part furnished or empty,
      867 words
    • 934 13 TUITION it Wordtti (Mim.) Box M ell. txltm LADY TEACHFR to give private Tuition In English and History to Two Young Girls In Form 111. Reply Box A 6821 S.T. SINGAPORE SCHOOL of Driving provides dual control cars for safe tuition. By qualified Instructors and Instructress, $95/--guarante?d course, 93 Owen
      934 words
    • 941 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Word, ti (Mim.) Bmxitrtt.'Xlra 1952 MAYFLOWER, 1953 Austin A3O. 1965 Ford Popular. 1947 Ford Angila, 1949 M.G. T.C.. 1950 M G TD., 1949 Renault and 1952 Morris Minor. Vehicles can be seen at 69 Taiiylin Roud. Singapore. IS YOURS AN Old Model? An older car needs
      941 words
    • 983 13 MISCELLANEOUS STEEL CUPBOARDS. CABINETS. Card Indvx Cabinets "Skandex" Cabinets. 'du-ai" Chairs, "Merlin" Filing Systems. Bins. Trays. Typist Stands. Shelvings. Typewriters. Adding Machines, Calculators, Cheque Writers, Office Equipment Co.. *****. TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDER CAS DEPARTMENT: Tenders i are Invited from First Class ConI tractors for the completion of
      983 words

  • 782 14 HE MAS BEES SPECIALLY 'RESERVED' FOR TODAY'S BIG RACE Programme and durable Straits Code are strongest rivals IRISH PEARL is my 1 choice for the New Year Cup over 9f for Class 1, Div. 1 horses at Bukit Timah today (Race 6). This Pearl Diver
    782 words
  • 104 14 rr.HE CLASS 3. Div. 1 9-f X handicap 'Race 2> can 1 well be dubbed the Bois Roussel" Stakes. Showman. Brave Gene- I rpl and Triple Crown 1 all b> the Derby winner. I Bois Roussel are likely to dominate the finish. My pick is Showman. This
    104 words
  • 135 14 SUN OF BURMA CAN MAKE AMENDS DESPITE BIG RISE IN WEIGHTS, DISTINE IS THE DANGER 8.5 to White Heather over a mile. On that showing, this Winterhalter gelding merits each-way support in a moderate field. K >ugh and Ready was running on when filth with 8.7 in Angkor Wat's race
    135 words
  • 98 14 Race Three FAIR NIPPER ran a good race with a heavy track against him on Wednesday. He led up to the final furlong in the race won by Prince Charter. If he gets a good track today he will tak e a lot of beating. He is up only 1-lb.
    98 words
  • 114 14 Race Five SIN OF BLRMA gave Monitor too big a lead Into the straight on Wednesday. He mad e a great bid in the final furlong but was too late to catch Monitor. Sun of Burma has a firstrate chance of making amends today I don't think a 11-lb penalty
    114 words
  • 31 14 Race Seven PUNCI OF I.AI.ITA s right back in form and on hi.s second with 8.1 to Prnnraiimo over a mile last week he stands out as good each- way bet
    31 words
  • 647 14 GOING GCOD EPiOM JEEP s best bets at Bjkit Timah today are Showman (Race 2). Fair Nipper (Race 3) and Prince of Lalira (Race 7). CALL BOY double is Rough and Ready (Race 1) and Lindalou (Hie« 2). 6 1200 DaJka ilrrawaddv St i E Breuk. 5
    647 words
  • 161 14 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTKK Rae« 1. CONSERVATIVE ROVGHABEADT GRAND BAPIDS MS. Bench and Ready Arctic Rrflon ConaenraUv* Grand Rapids Carls M»anhavm Race I. SHOWMAN LINDALOU TOBASCO lAS. Brave General Brave General Brave General Triple Crwrn Shvwman Bh»w— n Race S. FAIR NIPPER BAHAGIA THE RINGER J. 15. Sir
    161 words
  • 691 14 RACE 1 2.15: (Class >, Dlv. D-9 Furs. 1 ***** Sunny Day S". i 9.0 (U) Wahab 2 ***** Conservative 'Mr. Si Mr.-. Til. TtO) Rodijer.-. 5 8.13 (F( l.ark.n 3 ***** Super I'icture tSliaw WLI M-iinn, 9 8.13 (O) Bougourr 4 ***** Arctic Region
    691 words
  • 150 14 Course facts fancies r£ last day of a Bulctt Timah meeting has twice been Larkin's lucky day. On St Leger Day, last December. Eddie Larkin rode five winners. Earlier in the year, he did a lour-in-a-roic trick Today mau be Larkin's day again. Hs has several fancied mounts and his
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  • 421 14  - South can even the score with North SAUL JOSHUA By YORTH have won the A Malayan Rugby Union's end of season 'classic" 13 times and South 12 since the series started in 1928. Will South be able to even the score when the last of the season's representative matches is
    421 words
  • 50 14 PORT OP SPAIN. Frl. Pakistan were In a strong position at the end of the second day ol their match against Trinidad here. After declaring at 46t (or four, they claimed three Trinidad wickets for 34 by the close. The match ends on Saturday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 39 14 MONTREAL, Frl. —The United States versus Canada Thomas Cup badminton match winners of which will go to Malaya for the inter-zone matches will be played at Long Beach. California, on Feb. 28 and Mar. 1 —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 24 14 SEREMBAN, Frl.— Negrl PWD Sports Club retained the All Malaya PWD Shield by beating Kedah 5-2 in the soccer final here today
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  • 162 14 Trophy for Best All-rounder of Year ITUALA LUMPUR, Fri —Mrs. Dorothy Nixon, one of the greatest supporters of Malayan cricket and wellknown scorer, has presented a silver trophy to the Malayan Cricket Association to t>« awarded annually to the Best All-rounder of Vhe Year. The trophy— on which Is Inscribed
    162 words
  • 28 14 MELBOURNE. Frl —Lew Hoad (Australia 1 won the Ampol round robin professional lawn tennli tournament yesterday when he beat Frank Scdgman (Australia) 6-3. 5-7. 6-3— Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 89 14 MALACCA. Fri. -The Minister of Malacca. Dato Oman bin Talib. has appealed to the people to donate generously towards the fund to send Malayan teams to tho third Asian Games at Tokyo and the sixth British Empire and Commonwealth Games at Cardiff this year Dato Osman,
    89 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 832 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT VOI'K SERVICE" J» Wordt tit (Minimum). Daily I iiii.nth. It Word, Kit (Mm E\EHETT VKAVEL SERVICE. P.O. Box 2700. 11 Coliyer Quay. Blngaix>re. SitCIAL TREATMENT. Skin Diseases Consult Mutliu, 348 Mmki Street. Tel 347G5. FOR GOOD DESIGNS on all Plastic Lamp-Shades, etc. City Plastic. 43 Prlnsep Street—
      832 words
    • 43 14 AGFA AIBI SILETTE £ilet£e tattge (§m BEHN, MEYER CO. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG thai silken fragrance she loves t<> near jis^^r **gj*<?p t O T I O N T"~jj^^*v <<) O-.M A ffisj^^^9F*^ HK I I ll\ M M 7% F. MJJLOT 1
      43 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 31 14 E1&&.DIAIIY KI'ALA I I Mil K BI'GGEK: Services seven-a-side competition. Rifle Range Road. IPOH TENNIS: Cbua Choon Leone Cup: Perak v Penang, Town Council courts, 4.30 p.m. HOCKEY: State trial, padang.
      31 words