The Straits Times, 29 January 1958

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVIH\(.I lIAII 1 <l Hill IL SMI I V< I I»S »Q.OOQ The Straits Times fie**** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1958 15 CENTS
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  • 289 1 TEACHERS: EXPLAIN BY FRIDAY OR WE QUIT UMNO Unions' leader: Mass resignation can be avoided only if we are satisfied Reply to Malay classes demand KIALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Mm istcr of Education. Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari, was to nii>ht said to have found a
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  • 38 1 OFFICIALLY LEFT TO HIS GRANDSON BUT MICHAEL WILL STILL INHERIT TITLES MIC II \H. (top* a s hr is today. Bottom Mr. Bardwell. Mn h.ii-l. then two. his sister Frona and Captain Campbell when the family visited Dunstaffnage.
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  • 612 1 A COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE KUALA LUMFUR, Tuesday. yHE entire system of conducting preliminary in--1 quiries in the Federation is to be reviewed by a Government-appointed committee which will include top men of the legal profession. The question to be decided: Should preliminary inquiries be
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  • 511 1 Estate and castle for boy of four A SCOTTISH estate been left to the grandson of a four-year-old Malayan boy when he has one. THE BOY is Michael-Bard-well, son of a Negrl Sembllan planter THE ESTATE is at DunstafTnage. On the wild Argyllshire coast. With It goes a rambling house,
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  • 101 1 $40,000 JACKPOT: IT COULD BE YOUR TURN.... THAT $40,000 I Jackpot is wait- I ing to be won in The I Malayan Monthly's 1 Contest R I (January). I I There's also I $5,000 in consola- I tiort prizes This great contest I closes on Monday, I Feb. 3. j
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  • 88 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A terrorist has surrendered to a Kinta Valley Home Guard patrol in the Ipoh district it was announced today. He Is Chu Sau Chung. A rifle and 39 rounds of ammunition were recovered. In the Kuala Kangsar district of Perak a patrol of
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  • 167 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Twenty thousand workers employed In Chinese mines will not get Chinese New Year bonuses this year unless the Government gives loans to their employees. The secretary of the Miners' Association of Selangor. Nc«rl Sembilan and Pahang. Mr. Henry Wong, said today that
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  • 130 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. i\IESEL locomotives have been taken off the Kuala Lumpur to Penang line by the Malayan Railway because "the track Is weak in spots." It was one of these $600,000 high speed locomotives which was pulling five passenger coaches when more than
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  • 98 1 SYDENY, Tues.-Mr. Harold Macmillan. the British Prime Minister, said after his arrival here today from New Zealand that he still thought his proposal of a non-aggres-sion pact with Russia was "a good plan." He said: "If we are to reach a summit meeting there
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 267 1 'Strong stable Govt. needed* T»HE fear that Singapore will have an anti-capitalist People's Action Party Government is the main reason why local capitalists are scared to invest money in industrial enterprises, Mr. E. K. Tan, secretary-general of the Liberal Socialist Party said yesterday. i i
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  • 43 1 Burglars escaped with Jewellery worth more than $25,000 from the home of Singapore City Councillor, Inche Syed All Redha AlsaKofT, 30, In Karikal Road over the weekend. The thieves forced open the front door while the family were visiting relatives.
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  • 24 1 TOKYO, Tues. A radio firm here la to export 2,500 television sets to Sweden this y#ar, It was announced today.— Reuter.
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  • 124 1 Following an application for a writ of habeas corpus taken out on behalf of Madam Wong Sou Vine. the wife of an importer of Chinese films, the Chief Justice. Sir John Whyatt. in the Singapore High Court yesterday ordered that the order nisi
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  • 2 a.m. news roundup
    • 67 1 A fireman yrstrrdaj captured a daggrr-wield-ing thug and put three others to flight after tho gang tried to rob a housewife. Monica Lim Sal Tiang. 31. in Victoria Street. Singapore. Hassan bin Osman, 39. attached to the Geylanc fire station usrd "panchat silat"—the Malay
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    • 48 1 Sentence of death waff passed on a coffer-shop assistant. Lee Ah Cheon; alias Ah Lets. 27. who was found guilty at the Singapore Assizes yesterday oa a charge of kidnapping Mr. Ne Sen Choy. 71. th» millionaire banker, and firing shots at oolice officers
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    • 64 1 DURBAN. Man. Australia were 104 runs nrhind uith nine sreond innings wickets standing at the close of play on the fourth d;iv of tin- third Test aeainst South Africa here today. Australia, who>- in thru first innings, uerc 117 for onr in thrir second
      Reuter  -  64 words
  • 72 1 LONDON. Tues Britain had a June-in-January day yesterday with record high temperatures contrasting with the Arctic weather of only three days ago. Th? Air Ministry reported degrees Fahrenheit in central London at 2 p.m.— I the highest late January temperature since Its record* began in 1940. Snow still
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 DIAMOND GEM SET ENGAGEMENT RINGS P. H. HENDR V. Manufacturing Jeweller 78. North Bridge Road, Singapore-6 fr Kvala Lumpur.
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    • 83 1 Ronson ir-ir From 22nd January >y Wm to 15th February inclusive V&< Jf One bright sparkling RED LION /^W 1 j\^ jf (lass will be given away FREE with If 3Ef HUT every caw of RED LION Orange f( \9^ jy One bright sparkling FAN glass will be given away
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  • 318 2 NICOSIA, Tuesday. TWO Turkish rioters were killed and more (him 70 injured in one of the island's worst outbreaks of violence here last night. Scattered clashes between the rioters and British security troops continued until the early houis of the morning, despite
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 95 2 CARACAS. Tues. A spokesman for Juan Peron announced yesterday that two small groups of Argentines tried to assassinate the former dictator last night in an attack on the Dominican Embassy. The spokesman said the attackers were driven off by national guard sentries. The incident occurred at
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  • 33 2 NEW YORK. Tues. Air France will open its first polar route service between Paris and Tokyo next April. Henri J. Lesieur. Air France general manager for North America, announced today. U.P.
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  • 188 2 India's great experiment— by Attlee mS^R^II^KT^^I^I^W LONDON. Tues. Earl Attlee told an India Day meeting here last night lhat the great democratic experiment initiated when India achieved independence and self-government was of "extraordinary significance" to the whole world Its success, he said was cf paramount importance to the future of
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 240 2 ITALIAN NOBLEMAN THERE TOO WITH BLEEDING WRISTS ROME, Tues. British film actress Belinda Lee was rushed to hospital here over the weekend suffering from an overdose of sleeping tablets, it was disclosed last night. "She was in a state of coma
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 281 2  -  SUSAN BARRIE Pierre's spring sensation the shortest hems in Paris By A YOUNG and revolutionary designer, Pierre Cardin, has created a surprise with his spring collection by showing the shortest hemlines in Paris His skirts, barely below the knee in front, clearly show the
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  • 28 2 TOKYO, Tues— The sunken hull of a ferryboat which sank on Sunday during a violent storm with all 164 passengers and crew was found today.— Reuter.
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  • 140 2 RITA TO WED No. 5 HOLLYWOOD, Tues -Four times married actress Rita Hayworth and film producer James Hill said today they hoped to be married in a week or 10 days following a .surprise visit to a marriage license bureau. They said their wedding will take place when Miss Hayworth.
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  • 27 2 STUTTGART Tues —Tenor Mario Lanza broke of a West German tour for health reasons tonight after receiving an enthusiastic reception during a concert here—Reuter.
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  • 182 2 'Accept Russia 's aid challenge' ANKARA, Tues. The Pakistan Foreign Minister, Mr. Firoz Khan Noon, told thtjl ministerial council of the Bagdad Pact yesterday that the council should consider "the urgent necessity of equipping as soon as possible the Bagdad Pact countries with atomic weapons similar
    Reuter; UP  -  182 words
  • 116 2 Rainmakers go to work town is flooded M(HM ISA (Queensland), Tues.— A team of rainmakers who flew over .Mount Isa today succeeded in their task so well that a local river flooded and cut the town in two— and the rainmaker's own aircraft was reported bogged down when it landed.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 161 2 DULUX GLOSS FINISH Plans are announced by Imperial Chemical Industries (Malaya) Limited for a new paint factory to be erected on a ten acre site at Petaling Jaya. The opening of this new £tfj^^jLQ^Kj^yßftj& plant, one of the most modern cf its kind in the world, reflects the confidence of
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  • 547 3 'THEN WE CAN WORK UP TO FISH AND MEAT COURSE' 'We have all we want —now we desire peace 9 MOSCOW, Tuesday. MR. NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV wagged a serious finger over the cocktail table in Moscow last night and
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  • 108 3 EGYPT-SYRIA UNION: FINAL STAGE CAIRO. Tues. Mr. Salah Bitar, the Syrian Foreign Minister, yesterday met President Nasser for five hours to diM uns final details of the proposed EgyptianSyrian union. He is expected to fly to Damascus today to five Syrian President Shukri El Kuwatly full details of tin- understanding
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 81 3 DULLES 'BLUNDER POTEST LONDON. Turs —Mr Frank Allaun. a Labour M P.. called yesterday for a Government protest to Washington against a leakage of "confidential Information" on British defence matters by the U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. John Foster Dulles to General Franco of Spain. This latest diplomatic blunder by
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  • 33 3 HOLLYWOOD, Tues— Cary Grant was yesterday voted Hollywood's best dressed man .n a poll among 300 actors. After Grant w°re J»-rr/ Lewis. Fred Astaire, Dean Martin, William Holden and Gary Cooper —Reuter.
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  • 222 3 CAPE CANAVERAL, Tuesday. THE UNITED STATES Army may soon try to launch a satellite with a Jupiter-C missile following the Navy's dismantling of its satellitecarrying Vanguard rocket. Observers said there was renewed activity in the Army launching section, prompting speculation that the Army
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 3 SIR Alfred Bossom. M.P.. shows a scale model of a high-speed monorail coach which he would like to build to carry passengers from Victoria to London Airport. According to his plans, the monorail would run from London to Feltham. then the coach would descend to road level and
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  • 69 3 HEIRESS TESSA WEDS AT LAST HAVANA 'Cuba). Tues. Runaway lovers Dominic Elwes and Tessa Kennedy were married here yesterday. Miss Kennedy, 19-year-old heiress, was made an "infant ward of court' in Britain last November and forbidden to marry Mr Elwes, 26-year-old son of portrait painter Simon Elwes The couple arrived
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  • 32 3 CALCUTTA Tues— Twelve thousand Calcutta dock workeio who went on strike ten days ago are now back at work and the situation in the docks is now normal —Reuter
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  • 135 3 HUSBANDS RUSH WHARF GATES FOR THEIR BRIDES SYDNEY, Tues. Hundreds of Greeks and Italians stormed the gate s of the wharf here today to set to their proxy brides. More than 250 brides arrived in the liner Castel Felice, but were not allowed near their husbands until they had been
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 164 3 L'nited States plan to share nuclear weapons with Western powers WASHINGTON, Tues. —The United States Atomic Energy Coir, nission today proposed legislation which wculd give America's allies Information on atomic weapons which is now secret. The legi-lation would also give them raw materials and weapons components. The chairman.
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  • 424 3 LONDON. Mon— Opera' ors on the London stock exchange today ihowed very little Inclinailon to enter into fresh commitments and with the exception of piltedged stoclu which were firm the market presented a dull appearance. Gilledged securities Improved on renewed investment buying stimulated by talk of lower Interest
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 Give your skin the loving care of gentle PALMOLIVE JBP^ :> < 3fljß^vS^ '^^^m *X Jfl nar— i *^^H HHHttMw^ Yes Palmolives mild and gvntlt, lather Mill keep your skin soft and lovaly &&f Palmolive Snap lasts so long hhH that means it's good valut for your moruty *J I^B^^P^Wl
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    • 321 3 PIDMROSE m, PRODUCTS ip |^J^tt Whatever your choice pIUMK0 S o f t hese fanws k. I H^ui Ji V w tan c sure PURE DAIRY CREAM ijl PORK LUNCHEON MEAT Njjmft jfcftflKjf| SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. PfaaAuhe at loweah axft A fi owftUvq cv Sole Agents: ASIA MOTOR
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  • 195 4 EVENING SCHOOL: 19 MORE CLASSES 1,100 pupils enrol in eight centre* IPOH, Tues Overage students and workIng adults who are interested in furthering their education will get a chance to do so when the Government sets up 19 more evening classes in Perak next month. The classes will be held
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  • 38 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues For atttmptlng to smuggle 124 packets of matches from Sincapore. Ho Soo Chuan. driver, was fined $300 in the i Sessions Court here today. The van and the matches were confiscated.
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  • 42 4 PENANG. Tues— The body of the Negri Sembilan State Information Officer, Inche Ibrahim Izzutiin bin Yusoff. who died last night at the Seremban Hospital, arrived in Penang by train this morning for burial here at the Dato Kramat Muslim Cemetery.
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  • 400 4 MAN FROM SINGAPORE IS ACCUSED OF ARMED ROBBERY Dl PENANC THE ACCUSED SAYS: I AM MILLIONAIRE'S SON: YOU GOT WRONG PERSON PENANG, Tuesday. THREE strangers walked into a goldsmith's shop one afternoon, held up the proprietor and his son, and took away $14,310 in cash
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  • 66 4 LT J.B.D. READ. RN and .Miss Sliirley Ann Coppinger after their wedding in Britain recently. The bride is the only child uf the late l.t. k P. (oppin■MT, RN. and Mrs C.H. Hut- chinson. and stepdaughter of Commodore < II lint chinson. now in Singapore. Lt
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  • 103 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues The Federation Government is studying suggestions that it should urge state governments to amend their land laws to permit the cultivation of temporary crops. The laws encourage only the planting of permanent crops like rubber. Kelantan s adviser on lands and mines,
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  • 65 4 It's money for old rope KOTA BHARU. Tues— lf you have coconut husks do not throw them away. The Kelantan Rural and Industrial Development Authority is prepared to buy them at 40 cents a kati for rope making. RIDA has already set up two centres at Bunut Payong and Kampong
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  • 17 4 PENANG. Tues. Thremm robbed Mohamed Noor bin Wahid of $80 in Wester Road here yesterday
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  • 62 4 PENANG. Tves A nun was killed and a 16-year-old jiirl injured when the cycles they were riding were involv- ed in a collision with a lorry in Kelawei Road here this morning. The dead woman Tan Chin Kiam, 32-year-old -l-Ur living in th e Concordia Road
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  • 207 4 Plan to can fruit that can't be sold I/UALA LUMPUR, Tues— Canned durians. papayas, rambutans and other favourite Malayan fruiU rmiy soon be on the market. The co-operative movemeni here plans to start a cannery society to preserve surplus fruit that is now left to rot. A co-operative spoko-ma:. told
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  • 31 4 BUTTERWORTH Tue* -A 10-year-old boy a Lawrence was drowned while swimming with frimds in the Pral Rnor yesterday. The body was recovered this morning near Ujong Batu. Buttcrworth
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  • 34 4 JOHORE BAIIRU, Tiifs. The district welfare committee is to organise a weli fare week to raise money to j pay for school fees, books and I uniform for 150 poor children.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 The Fisherman's long dream I now has come true at last. It's cftmilan FISHING NET that has realized it. Because i 1. If brings you larger catches »hor» conventional typ«s of net, particularly in the cos* of an Amilan gill net. 1 2. It it strong, durable, ond lest lioble
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    • 31 4 THE FEDERATION YEAR BOOK 1957-58 NOW ON SALE Th. Constitution. FROM YOUR BOOKThe many changes in Government SELLER OR NEWS Ten of Merdeka a/-cmt Photographs. AGENT. A MALAY MAIL PUBLICATION
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 456 4 IVnaiii* CATHAY: Bnad Love and Dreams 1.15. 3 30. 6 45. 9 15; ODKON: Sh:ralee 3.15. 6.45. 9 15: PARAMO! 'XT: Air.blkapat ill 3 30 8 30; CAPITOL: OutMde the Law 1.15. 3 30. 630 9 30; REX: It > A Wonderful World 1.15 3 30. 6 30. 9 30.
      456 words
    • 381 4 Hee Foong <M<<ndaiini 12.45 3. 7 9 13; 9VS: Lallen «Hludi> 230. 6 9 Suuifri Siput IMCMI t«(t Hand of God 2 30, 7. 9 .15 Kaab CATHAY: Cur. W-< r. 1.3 P. 7. 9 30 Koi.i itli.nn CATHAY: Wcng Fel Hun* ;Chlnf June 3. 7 15. 9 30; LIDO:
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    • 126 4 9 15: REX: Girl He Left Behind 1230. 3. 630 9!5; MUO: Panclia Delima (Malay) 12.30. 3. 7 9 15; SCN: Carousel 3. 7. 9 15. >• -»ii m I REX: Soldier of Fortune 231 715. 8.15: CAPITOL: C.I.D. (Tamil) 2.30, 7.15. 9 15. > I iiar REX: Cartouche 2
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  • 420 5  -  JEFFREY FRANCIS NO AMBULANCE, BUT A LOT OF RED TAPE, MX. A. MAN COMPLAINS By KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday, f HE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has ordered an investigation into the General Hospital's system of handling emergency cases at night. This follows
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  • 190 5 Col. Chang calls on the G.O.C. First Malayan in top post I^UALA LUMPUR. Tues. 1V —The first Malayan to command a major unit in the Federation Volunteer Forces. Lt. Col. Chang Ah Kee. today paid a courtesy coll on the G.O.C. Federation Army, Maj. Gen. F. H Brooke. Col. Chang
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  • 30 5 TAPAH. TOM.— Mr. A, Ra malln^am. a town counci. senior health inspector, has been promoted and Will Wvi' for Kampar on transter at the end of the month.
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  • 147 5 THE WANTED MAN IS FOUND— IN PRISON OENANG, T v c s.— Police searched in vain lor a Selangor man wanted for cheating a woman. They found him in prison. Yong Beng Hooi. a 'shop assistant from Serdang Bahru. Selangor. was sentenced in the sessions court to two years' jail
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  • 224 5 Cheating soldier jailed for day MALACCA. Tues— A soldier, convicted of cheating, was today sentenced to one da\'.s jail in the Malacca Session^ Court. An Army officer had told the court that an ordinary imprisonment term might re.sult in the man being dismissed from the services. A one day jail
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  • 82 5 He'll study mining engineering in N.Z. Mr. Ire Cheng Huat. 20, of Ipoh, who has been awarded a Colombo Plan scholarship to study mining engineering at Otag'.i I'niversity, HOT Zealand. He will leare Singapore by air tomorrow. Last month Mr. Lee's younger sister. Miss Lee Hup mi. in lien to
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  • 96 5 Dockers hit at contract system PENANG, Tues. Waterfront labourers here want to be directly employed in future instead of being hired through contractors. A resolution asking the Government to set up a court of inquiry to study the proposal will be considered at a special meeting tomorrow of the local
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  • 35 5 TELUK ANSON. Tues. The lower Perak acting Dis trict Officer. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Mat. will open a ixtv classroom at the Bharathl Tamil School at Simpaug Ampat near her** on Feb. 2.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 119 5 Shell's QBE! is a valuable extra at no extra cost IC.A is valuable to you because it improves Supershcll (the premium grade). They both >our car's performance. Increased power is contain I C.A. rained through I.C.As neutralising action on If you own a modern car. you should use a harmful
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    • 328 5 just combed look mMM w^ J j4NL <M I 1 K^i Hair stays neat, >^r I JyBBHEiSffi 1 look, glossy and healthy f ITS NEW VisHine Brand Mail (.ream giv«-» >o.i "nut combnf l look all day lon K What i more. tr,i> nrw ft* rrram r»r» lir»O I '1»
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 175 5 BQBiJ I I 1 I 1 BsbS RADIO MALAYA NATIONAL SHORT WAVE SERVKE 41 mrlrn -IM. Xl'iiHt Medium w»vr ITS mrti,-, KIALA I I Mil K Mrdium wave 341 mrtrn PENANO M.diurn »a\r 366 mrtrn IPOH Mfdiiim wave 330 mrlrss MALACCA Medium w»vr 297 mrtrn A.M. 715 Opening Announcement 7.16
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  • 36 6 lU Hurt, till Minimum). DEAR FRIENDS and relatives pleas* 1 be informed my uelox'ed father passed away peacefully in his residence at Keerimalai Jaffna o.i 24 1.58— N. SubruiaSlani. Teacher. St Georges Road. \y.y..i pore
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  • 87 6 it Hurt. $ll) Minimum) MKS C. H. LABROOY and Family thank all relatives and !riends who sent wreaths, condolence let'ers. telegrams and who rendered assistance and showed kindness in so many ways during the last illness and funeral of the 1..U- kit C- H. Labrooy. MRS OEIJ HENG SAN
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  • 29 6 111 «,W, $m Minimum t, TERESA ELIZABETH TAYLOR Dtcd J9 1 sb. s.ully missed by her ttiiAeu buaband ana all ,t nonie illjf her only ron H.ury
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  • 227 6 i» II ...rf. 111, t M,n,m,,m) SOFT ICE CREAM M.ignolla Snow Cone-s available from our Riling Plare Milk Bar— 2o cents. VANITY— 2S Reduction Sale B OUMt, H.its. Jewellery White Washable Han.lbaKs $10 liallaii Sandah $8 n Bauerv ■oad BA 1 HE from the lawn in peace and beauty
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  • The Straits Times Spore. Wed. Jan. 29. 1958
    • 554 6 Citv Council Expats It was natural po haps that expatriate olliccrs in the Singapore Government stivnv should Iml uneasy alter contemplating the uiueitam position of expatriatca employed by the City Council. But the tWO mi ami's ;uv not computable. although there i.s v obligation on the part of the
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    • 327 6 The Alliance committee investigating the causes ol the party's deleat in the Ipoh Federal by-elections has been told that chief blame must lull on disunity within the MCA. This submission by Ipoh UMNO ia unlikely to lie challenged. Mr. Yap Yin Fail was chosen to defend the
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    • 297 6 If all goes well the Singapore Trade Union Congress will hold its long-awaited delegates' conference in March. It was not able to hold its conference, as planned, early last year and attempt* to convene it in Octobei and November also failed. It is therefore not t>uiprising that trade
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  • 1161 6  -  RONALD BATCHELOR RUSSIANS AND AMERICANS PREPARE FOR... by AT least two, possibly three young Americans are expected to explore the fringes of outer space some time this year. These men there are probably more are now in strict training, fitting themselves for the greatest adventure
    Reuter  -  1,161 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 355 6 IN your leader "Malay Classes' (ST. Jan. 22) while maintaining the view that "there is in fact no reason why secondary rlasses should not be set up,"' you asked "But is it passible to set them up by February 1. and in all
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    • 62 6 Benches on the beach Till h'h are very f»w people who can Mjqg < heir h<ny», of leisure si.Ting in thtir own gardens. Most people use the publu- purdens and bi'aohe.v Therefore the authorities should provide more benches on the beaches of Johore Bahru especially in front of the General
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    • 106 6 Name the flag 'Sang Belang' IT U most fitting that Malaya should have a name for her national flag. Its present name. Federation Flag, lacks both dignity and personality. Let us now call our national flag by a well-known name In MaUya 'Sang Belang'. Belang In Malay means stripes the
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    • 134 6 ALLOW me to reply to "Oratelul Grad It >■ ur.s that he is not aware of the actual circuinMances that have led the Tei'nnlcal College j-iudenK |o launch a comPtaint lor an increase in their allowance. When a.the government can afford to spend $11,000 to produce a
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    • 82 6 RECENTLY a police officer told m e while checking my identity card that he was empowered to detain anyone whom he did not like f»r twenty-four hours. I tried to explain that being a police officer did not raean that he could take law into his own
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    • 75 6 WE are being asked to wait for Kirkby and Brinsford trained teachers to come and teach Malay. Chinese and Indian children whose mother tongue i.s not English. A very few of these teacher* have passed at least Std VI In Malay. The rest have taken only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 502 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. MR. it MRS J. T. R£A BOAC Britannia 29th January PP.C ID Word, tit (Minimum) WITHERS GREEN: To Lesley and Peter, a son. Philip John, at Singapore Nursing Home, on 27th Jan. ALLEN: To Betty and Jim at Bimgsar Hospital on 28th January —a daughter— Jill Elizabeth Anne.
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    • 11 6 rlrh A Tl EUERVBODV LOOKS TO Kodak FOR CmtIERRS FOR Film
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    • 97 6 An Osram Lamp is mother's treasure Her well-lit home's a constant pleasure A: .aaaaV 9a\ jflL v Jm THE CENERAI ELECTRIC CO. (MALAGA) LTD. TMI tHItHI, tIMIIH <(K tfp Ol KN..HV LI GROW NEW HAIR WJj ME IIUt lII* (LOTION 6- CREAM) Made in Ccmunv ■V.VaaHvl VEMY EFFCCTIVI AGAINST BgHlKh
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  • 241 7 Ong'splan to pay for 'new deal' A SUPPLEMENTARY budget will be introduced in the Singapore City Council to provide funds for the additional services promised by the Mayor, Mr. Ong Ent? Guan. This was stated yesterday by the director of 'he city information bureau. Mr. Gary Wang Mr. Wang was
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  • 34 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Ellas bin Abbas, motor car cleaner, was today fined $1,500. in default. three months jail, for attempting to onnfgle six cartons of matches on which duty payable was $228
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  • 31 7 PENANG, Tues— Dr. N. K Menon. a Penang state councillor and his wife will return to Penang in the Rajula on Thursday after a twomonth holiday In India
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  • 282 7 POLICE AND 2,500 TROOPS (WELL 'DISTURBANCE 9 IN EIGHT HOURS CUMULATED riots broke out in Singapore yesterday as scores of police and 2.500 troops strove to perftct methods for speedily quelling the real thins —if it should ever happen again. 1 The omblned operation wa» code- named "Cudgel Blow." For
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  • 68 7 PENANG Tues Penang beauty spots are to oe preserved as tourist attractions. A committee appointed recently to advise the State Government on which areas tin natural beauty should be kept will meet here on Feb 5 The committee headed by the Penang Chitf Minister Mr Worm Pow
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  • 108 7 Taxi driver killing: Two more held Xl ALA Ll'MPl'R. Tues Police today detained two more men in connection uitb. the murder of a taxi driver whose body nas found in a river n ,ir the Kundang-Kuang toad, 2s miles from here, early this month. They work for a Chines* bus
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  • 65 7 Negara, Alliance contest seat KUALA TRENGGANU. Tues. —A Party Negara Candida c. In he Mohamed Taib bin Haji Ismail, will oppose an Alliance nominee. Wan Mohami'd bin Mahmnod. for the Kuala ward in the Kuala Treimganu Town Council byelection on Feb 17. The seat was vacated by an Alliance councillor.
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  • 54 7 SOLDIERS and rioters face each other at the old airport at Kallang. Some of the over-enthusiastic "rioters" at left have gone into action already Straits Times picture, MOCK RIOT-JUST LIKE THE REAL THING BATON-SWINGING policemen charge the "rioters" m yesterday's exercise at the old airport at
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  • 322 7 jj From Page One for the re'um of teachers from overseas training Is not official and we cannot accept It. "A mass resignation from UMNO can be avoided only If we are satisfied with what the minister has to say." He said that the teach* rs
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  • 133 7 fcKUANTAN, Tuesday. D waters are gradually rising again alone the t Coast, because of heavy rains in the last four days. The 31st mile Kuantanungei Lembing Road was toay closed to traffic. Two ridges ar c under water The water is two feet above
    133 words
  • 53 7 Dr. Klang Ai Kirn has been elected chairman of the Malayan section of the Royal Institute nf Chemistry. Other officials are- Secretary and treasurer. Dr. Francis Morslngh. committee: Prof. R. A. Robinson. Prof T. F. Dtxon. Mr. Chia Hong Hoe. Mr. Chia Chwee Leong and Mr.
    53 words
  • 495 7 JOGET MANAGERESS: BOTTLES AND CHAIRS WERE THROWN ALOR STAR, Tuesday. A KKDAH prince punched a police officer after his uncle had kissed the cabaret manageress of a joget dance hall here, the Alor Star court was told today. The uncle* Tengku
    495 words
  • 138 7 PENANG. Turs. An 1878 Turkish decmattoo -the Constantinople Silver Star— has been illered for sale to help a local Muslim orphanage and a Glugor religious school and mosque Che Mat bint.- Eddin Merican the owner >ays she will give one third of
    138 words
  • 45 7 PENANG, Tues —A bigger Thaipusam festival will be held here this year. Two local Indian music parties will take part one to accompany the silver chariot procession on Feb. 1 and the Other to entertain spectators "t the Waterfall Gardens Temple.
    45 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 36 7 D^rK jrfwP mmk (a.-' POUND OF CADBURY'S J J DAIRY MILK J r-*^ CHOCOLATE I I I I llf J Look for the Purple and Gold Label ugp|MMß|Mp|MMJUyMfl||H HF •*"I p P»JLf > -l_m jJKa 87 r
      36 words
    • 141 7 In your office ■M STCEL Dok and Tahlrs Alternative drawer arrangements to suit your TH P*°P' f Automatic locking fcr Agents: JPL""**" tJ i JL i ii. d Crosby Home Robmton Rojd Singapore Tel: ***** or PO. Bob 772. Kujlj Lwnpur Tel: ***** Rcpretenred Penan* and Ipoh by THE BORNEO
      141 words

  • 245 8 ALL ABOUT THAT FUNNY 'FLYING CIGAR BUTT' Straits Times solves plane mystery KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. fHK Straits Times today found out all about an odd-looking plane that has been arousing the curiosity of people in Selangor over the weekend. Some who have seen it have re- marked that it looks
    245 words
  • 52 8 PKRAK HOCKEY PLAYER, Mr. S. Balasingam. pouring out a tup of tea for his bride. Miss M Dcvi, at their wedding reception in the Celestial Cabaret. Iputi, on Sunday. Mr. Balasingam is a clerk at the Perak Contingent police headquarters. Ipoh.— Straits
    52 words
  • 39 8 PENANG. Tue.v— The Pen ing Tourist Association lut light appointed six firms tc serve as committee members !or this year. They are: Man.iflelds. Islay SCerr. Rajas Enterprises. md O. Hotel. Guthries and he Penang Port Commission.
    39 words
  • 26 8 TAIPING. Tues— Mrs. Shi•in Fodzar. of Singapore, will [ive a lecture on "Universal Brotherhood" at the Kwangune Association here or Fhursday at 7 p.m.
    26 words
  • 93 8 PENANG, Tues.— The American Ambassador to Malaya Mr. Homer M. Byington and his wife were guests of the Governor of Penang and Lady Uda at a Residency lunch today. Mr. Byington. making his first official visit to the State, later called on the Chief Minister, Mr. Wong
    93 words
  • 19 8 The Nattukkottai Chettlars' Community in Singapore wiil celebrate Thaipusam at the Chettiar's Temple in Tank Road on Monday.
    19 words
  • 74 8 PENANG. Tues— A Labour councillor, Mr. Tan Phock Kin, will propose the lifting of the language qualification for City Council election candidates at Thursdays meeting of the council. "This motion, if carried. will brine the qualification for candidates in line with that of the Federation Constitution," Mr.
    74 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 488 8 -cl if Jrim)'!TwS' I H333o^n« OPfWS TODAY! J I %\f\yMU\>\\* W j, AM 45 415 M j Ao3o p M J K TtmpUUon and Torror la >»H« !«■<• wild doolro r Richard DENNING BwrtfoTSlffiiVt M r.WW I H«f I Phone LAST 11 A.M.. 1.45. 1.15 t LW±l l ri% 1
      488 words
    • 401 8 J""| mm g I It 1 1 I m I LaannTn THi iLvcXlsJ I fc al iM'TiL'f^r^aiiiii iJiaMtA UtaJLaaV "tW 5 MOVIE NEWS fffyr ON SAIE~TOPAY B k LC^ff*ltoa\nS^ H\ l^&aflaftaVl |B| TFRESA WRIGHT- CAMERON MITCHEU. J9* JON PWMBI ROGER NAMGAWA KUNIKO IBYAtf Japaneir llappl oaU worn by Front-of-Housr staff,
      401 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 296 8 Straits Times Crossword f I' FT 1 J 4 1 1" 1 j MM j 9 ~io~ Si^| ACROSS 6. They are best when stolen. 8. Wire Holland I leaf, nothing according to Cibber i6>. less, for Catullan epitaph 7. Pine playwright I. taking 1 4. 3. S>. such a
      296 words

  • 1048 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE Science helps police beat criminals Writing from 20 years' experience in the field of science and its application to crime detection, in this second of four special articles Dr. D. A. Frye, head of the Singapore Chemistry Department describes how YIURDER is always an unpleasant business
    1,048 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 ;If you have any probem oit I WATER PURIFICATION... is your answer! WttH in. mkk driaih i,i n Ir phone to: SPOTRADIO i mi ted--58. ORCHARD ROAD, I SINGAPORE 9 'j L ij| 4 v —nAUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF MALAYA Results of A A.M. l.oltrr> Drawn on 18th January 1958 Ist
      67 words
    • 191 9 Wherever you g0... TYPI go safely... on good/¥ear TUBELESS Easy, safe, trouble-free motoring is certain when you ride on Goodyear Tubeless of Grip-Seal Construction, a unique and exclusive tyre-building process that makes the tyre completely airtight the most efficient air container ever. Fully tested and. proved in millions of miles
      191 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 191 9 Carmen A Co. liy Mas T"£ BOSS'LI Set >OU "'OjiGw"' Iff^^^^^^j 1^ |F ~l J& U'nOT Exactly Am Ev.DiAeuvj CmaKACIKK Ihf Saint Hy Lvsiiv Chariuris Dark Trary Ely Chvstvr Gould HH^^l^^H^HH^l W I WANT TO C£.T TO If WE MrfWE NO BUS SERVICE XI TX) TUtNK CtN THe"^^BH T 7
      191 words

  • 552 10 METAL PRICE DROPS AS DOUBTS ON TIN PACT FUTURE GROW By Our Market Correspondent JMH. drop of $1 in the tin price in Singapore yesterday practically wiped out the gains made after the announcement of a further cutback in world production following the meeting of the International Tin Council in
    552 words
  • 360 10 The Malayan Share Broken' Association reported]: "Industrials and rubbers continued to ease. Tins opened slightly steady, but were easier at the close. The turnover remained small." Singapore and Federation broken reported the following bwi- ness done yesterday: Fed O\&- 1 pensary $2.10: Fraser it Neave ords $260. Gammon
    360 words
  • 64 10 The directors of Allan a 1 Rubber Plantations have decided to defer their proposal announced In November, of n.aklng a capital repayment of 6d. per 2s. unit. An interim dividend of 9 per rent has been declared In respect of ISS7. payable January 28. to members £t- tired
    64 words
  • 20 10 SINttAFORE. Jan RUBBER: 75. cent* per Jb. (down threeeighths of a ceat). TIN $3«0 per picul (down $1)
    20 words
  • 129 10 MELBOURNE. Tues INVESTMENT shares showed a firm tendency with Burns Philip up 3s. providing the sharpest movement Mining shares recorded an easier tone with Consolidated Zinc down Is being the steepest fall. Bonds maintained a steady 'one. Loans 3,; 1956-59 (98 19s. 3d. Loans 3.% 1956-58 (100 5s
    129 words
  • 207 10 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Vastly Kachalov 12, Benveg 3, Benrcoch 4 5. Silindoeng 6A, Java 6 7, Sumbawa 89. Blitar 10 11, TJltjalengka 13:14, Bendoran 1516. Stanvac Benakat 18, Schouten 19 20. Selan. gor N. Wall 2, Resang N. Wall
    207 words
  • 151 10 February Bret grade rubber buyers fob closed in Singapore yesterday at 75 '4 cents per Ib. down three-eighths of a cent on Monday's closing price. Closing tone: Quiet Closing prices in cents per 1b yesterday were: OFFICIAL- Int 1 RS S. Spot rob. buyers Ibhi. sellers 75H; Int
    151 words
  • 101 10 Singapore hinrar Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Cars: quiet: UK/Continent January/ February 830 buyers. $jl'» sellers. Coconut all: quiet: bulk .45'j sellers, drum »49.. nellers. Pepper: quiet, no business reported done; Muntok white $98. Sarawak $08. special Sarawak black 861 tall down in Singapore Copra
    101 words
  • 72 10 The Malayan Exchange Banks' AsaorUUon made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday <all rates to 1 100): Sellinc T.T. or O.D. ready: French Francs *****. BelgUn Francs 1613 34; Italian Lira ***** On the free exchange market In Hong Kong yesterday, the t'.Hdollar was quoted
    72 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 572 10 NOTICES P.W.D. NOTICE ROAD CLOSED The Batang Malaka-Ayer Kunlng Road will be closed to all vehicular traffic between 6.00 am on 30.1.58 and 6.00 a.m. on 1.2.58 to effect repairs to Timber Bridge No 1 2. THE ASIA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore), having been Informed that Policy
      572 words
    • 277 10 NOTICES DURHAM SCHOOL COWGILL SCHOLARSHIP Worth £120 pa. vacant January 1959 for son of British subject* domiciled Britain. Australia. Canada and etc.. aged between 13-14 years in April, 1958 For particulars apply Secretary, 8.E.A., P.O. Box 2474, Singapore. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SINGAPORE Admunlon to Primary 1 (English Schools). VACANCIES in
      277 words
    • 624 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Applications are Invited for the post of an experienced ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN In the Municipal Architect's Department. 2. Salary Scale: $463x19.50--560 580x24 700 p m. Starting point of entry according to age, qualifications and experience, A variable Cost of Living- Allowance is payable. 3. Qualifications:
      624 words
    • 696 10 ?T f NOTlti&* THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION All Members of the above Association In the Colony of Singapore will be closed for business on Monday, 3rd February 1958 for Thalpusam SELANGOR TURF CLUB GOLD I P MEETING 1958 IST DAY Satarday 15th February, 1958. 2ND DAY Wedneedoy 19th February.
      696 words
    • 685 10 KNUTSEN LINE orient servicb FIOM CANADA/U S PACIFIC PORTE— IO PAY, UHMSfI Sou AlHvtm Vancouvar frantisce S'aor* t Swart Panana. F monrla ANNA lAKKI Saikti 50.1.d »/tl F.b It F.b 14 F.b 11 Fa* FUSAIETH BAKKI Soil.d SF.b 11/11 Mar 14 Mar 1* Mar MMar (.JIRTRUD BAKKI 12 F.b 2*
      685 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1396 11 Tali 140s MANSFIELD At CO., LTD. Tab »4ia (18 lln.i) (Incorporated m Singapore) (12 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE XV. SAILINGS ta LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL POKTS (Via Suci with liberty to precccd via Panama ar Cape at Gaad Hope) Corner* option to plotted v io other ports to lood
      1,396 words
    • 1184 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK AND/OR FAR lAST Penong P. Sham Spore »SUMBAWA" Gwl.wn 8/9/29 Jo. ••MEONiA 7 .'."IT.T. tf/M tmm 11/ J F.b LALANDIA- 11/J4 Feb U/X4 Fak 17/ 2 Mai "KOREA- 21/24 Fab SS/24 Fab 27/ 1 Fab Accepts carga far Bangkok, Saigon, Jaaan HOMEWARDS SAILINGS
      1,184 words
    • 1092 11 •uiumnc THE BEN LIKE STEAMERS LTD. T i»if SINGAPORE (Incorporated in tha United Kingdom; 5 LINES SAILINGS TO ADEN, U.K. CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pcra P. S'hom Penong BENDORAN for London, Rottardom, Homburg Gil/ S Fab Landau dkact arrtv.s 27 Fab BENVENUE for Liverpool, Rotterdom, Momburg J/1| Fab 14/14 Fab 17/18 Feb
      1,092 words
    • 1211 11 McALISTER di CO., LTD. TEL: Na.: Ultl EtLEHMAN LIMBS KLAVBNBSS LINB LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG SEATTLE, VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND and tor U.S.A., North Atlontic Port. caraa for C.ntral ft South ond Canodo vio Colombo America CITY OF OXFORD .WONXVILU S'pora P. S'hom Panong S'pora P. Sham
      1,211 words

  • Children's Page
    • 918 12 The scouts are holidaying with Ah Chan's uncle, Mr. Koh. The night they arrive, some valuable coins are taken from a glass case, and Tubby remembers seeing someone in a red shirt and white turban, who he took to be Gurchan Singh, prowling around during
      918 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 274 12 b^bt **ot****"*^ Only Pars lets you see how pure it is Hold a tablet of Pears up to the light. Yes, you can see right through it that's how pure it is. And it s a b .uty treatment every time you wash. Pears brings tired dull skin wonderfully alive
      274 words
    • 353 12 tfet fort Shtrry P^W" iumi Mt tks VTsur- rJ^m.\mr m M^k^B^BW T/tVuL wtv WTs^^b^V fIH "-»-—^^Bf aBW*~~~""~"4v r«DBr *V_^W uHftW TV'jb^jhT^KP < i^^^rj i iff M 1 vkrSk *^&j ,^^B b^bVa .^^JPbtW JSoBI !i i Suvd^HE&i^NfiL^Bfl The glistening beauty of Waterford Glass is something that money alone cannot create. It
      353 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 294 12 A PICTURE CROSSWORD Dear Boys and Girls. Q What is the difference Here are the six winners among a king's son. a monof our riddle contest. key's mother, a bald head and Chuah Ai Lin. 3-* |alan an orphan' Ismail. Mersing Kong Dee A A king's son is an heir
      294 words

  • 292 13 Aussies, 221 behind, reply with 57 for none DURBAN, Tuesday. A USTRALIA had scored 57 for no wicket in thelt second innings at tea on the fourth day of the third Test against South Africa here today. First innings scores were Australia 163, South Africa 384. I
    292 words
  • 182 13 Police tour side tie last match lIONG KONO. Tues After re- suming in a very bad positioo (95 to 236-7 dec), the Singapore Police cricket eleven managed tt hold the Hong Kong Polli* Commlssioner's team to an exciling tie yesterday In the la&t mutch of their tour. Largely due to
    182 words
  • 94 13 LONDON', Tan.— The draw made here yesterday for the fifth round of the Kn.liVh Football AssoeiaUon Cup rompriition resulted as foliowi: Manrhntrr I'nitrd v SbrfHrld Wednesday or Hall My. Wolvrs v Cbelse* or Darlington, Bristol City v Bristol Rover* or Burnley, York City or Itoltuti
    94 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 907 13 (Cm. '.mil d (ram Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT 20 Words li (Mm.) Box St rls. txlrm. FULLY EXPERIENCED Short- hand Typlsl required soonest by exporting company with view taking over added responsibilities oilier management after suitable period. Box A 6722 S.T. F/CHINESE RECEPTIONIST $300— 5500, Lady Typist $350. knowledge shorthand
      907 words
    • 835 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Words I, (Mi*.) Box St cl*. txtrm "NEW PLORAVILLE" 130 Grange Road, Spacious .single double accommodation All modern •onveniences. Full part beard. D.iily/monllily rales. Phone *****. RAFFI ES TARK Fully Furnished bungalow three bedrooms one alrcondltioned pood location from first April for six months servants nva ilable. Box
      835 words
    • 863 13 EDUCATION It Words M (Mill.) Box St tls. txlrm A PEW VACANCIES still available in Kindergarten Clasn (Morning Session) and Primary One to Foim Two (Afternoon Session). Please apply early to Chunghwa Institution, 5 Short Street. Singapore. BEGINNERS' CLASSES: BookKeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting, Std. I— VIII. School Certificate, 11.5.C, G.C.E.. Science
      863 words
    • 929 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Wmrds $S (Mitt.) Box St rls. txlrm. 1955 FORD PREFECT good condition. Contact ***** from 12 to 3 o'clock. 1932 FORD CONSUL with radio. 1 insured/Taxed. $1,900. View 75 Wilkie Road after 1 p.m. 1956 HUMBER HAWK. Excellent condition, miles 12.000. Price $4,500 0.n.0. Telephone *****
      929 words
    • 932 13 FUR SALE It Word, Milt.) Box .0 els. extra. ONE PYE BLACK Box Hi Fi Phonograph and collecMcn of I P. records for sale at veiy reasonable price Tel. *****. SOFT ICE CRKAM, Magnolia Snow Cones available from our i RaflJes Place Milk Bar W cent*. FHEE LOOK:— 3 years'
      932 words
    • 792 13 TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDER WATER DEPARTMENT: Tender ior the Supply of Standby Generating Plant t;6CO Vcl's for Wocdleifcli Pumping Station. Slnrjpore. Tender Deposit $200. Tender closes at 4 pm. on Monday, 3rd March. l»5fl Tender documents are available from Water Department (Ext«nsion Woiks>. Room 3U. on production ol
      792 words
    • 143 13 Pause and eajo^ roore of each moment sW AvPfc s:*^ .^Sstttr 1 B? wwwW'w* smoke CRAVEN AM./ U Get the most from every j L f-^g happy moment with f -#r»^ jm?3 sKml CRAVEN *A' Experience I mWmWfS^SmW J fSsf/ the full, rich fla\our of its /Jp? "^9w SI tender
      143 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 36 13 IPOH HOtKKV: Div. I MAS. T PC.R.C. upper pudang. BOOOBB: Kinta A" v PTC. SC.; Kinta Asiaas "B" v Loyals Regt Coro- nation ground. Xl ALA LI'MPI R BIGGER: Services Seve:i-a-side competitirm. HQ. ground.
      36 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1586 14 RACE l: 1.15 (C.asi J. Div. j)-6 F. r*. 1 5 (ha Cna (ha 'Shaw St.i Spencer. 3 9.0 (F) Bougourc 2 (.old Coin 'Oald Synd.i Yon; 3 8 13 <O» la.ntr 3 ***** Sincero iK.Y. Hmi Daniels. 6 8.12 iOi Ransomr 4 Three Cheers lE J.
    1,586 words
  • 159 14 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1. 2.15. 111 \i K CHARM Cha Cha Cha Special Charm ROSE of MALAYA (ha (ha Cha Staff Officer ROSE of MALAYA Black Charm Staff Officer Race t. 2.45. MILKY WAY II Impress April Suowers II THE ANAK Kanehil Superscope IND. HEATHER Milky
    159 words
  • 1331 14 SUN OF BURMA CAN SHINE AGAIN TODAY EPSOM JEEP says... Give Milky Way II and The Anak another chance Sl'N OF BURMA, one of the best three-year-olds in Malaya last season, is very much on the upgrade. He carries 8.7 today and I give him every chance to beat Distine
    1,331 words
  • 720 14  -  NORMAN SIEBEL THE BADMINTON STADIUM BUT B.A.M. MAY NOT USE IT IN JUNE By THE SINGAPORE Badminton Stadium will definitely be available for the Thomas dm matches in Singapore in June —BUT the matches are likely to be played instead at the Happy World Stadium,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 831 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT FOUR SERVICE" Vi Wort, lit (Minimum). lh,il t I m.mth. It H'orrfj $2. 50 (Mim.) WHY NOT SEE Everett*? The? will Rl.idly arrange your itinerary. EXPERTS IN ALL Plastic Jobs City Plastic. 43 Prlnsep Street *****SPEI iAL TREATMENT. Skin Discuss Consult Muthu 348 Mitrkf Street. Tel *****
      831 words
    • 97 14 Model 290 Bell Howell Bmm. ELECTRIC EYE AUTOMATIC MOVIE CAM 'A Never before has any movie CM harnessed th e energy of light itself unaided by springs or batteries or transistors— to set the lens. Every bit of power used to set the Design 290 lens originates from light passing
      97 words