The Straits Times, 25 January 1958

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AViHVCE DAILY CERTIFIED SAIF E\< EII»S 80.000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1958 15 CENTS
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  • 1624 1 *COVT. AIM-TO CONTRIBUTE TO MAINTAINING WORLD PEACE* Tengku tells Bulganin: We hope bandit directors will heed Russia Malaya backs call for talks "A (IROI'P oi adventurers whose loyalty lies outride the country" was trying to impose on Malaya a way of life abhorrent to the people.
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  • 23 1 JAKARTA, Fri. Mr. William Siroky. Premier of Czechoslovakia, arrived here by plane today to begin a week's state visit to Indonesia.
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  • 18 1 THE Kah Kheng. one of 'the freed ships, in Singapore harbour yesterday
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  • 152 1 FIRE RAGES THROUGH HUGE MEAT CENTRE LONDON. Fri— Half of London's main meat supply centre, the SmithfiHd Market, was reduced to ruins today after a 24-hour-old fire burst from the basement area with a loud rxpi'nt .n tn tiLwmt ibe most spectacular blazr here since the war-time bombing. After the
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 71 1  - Interfere in Indonesia? Rubbish, says Sultan PATRICIA MORGAN By PHE 84-year-old Sultan of Johore is annoyed by unfounded reports that he is interfering in Indonesian aftairs. From Bukit Serene his palace in Johore Bahru, he declared yesterday: 'It's damned nonsease. I have never even been to Java." The Sultan has
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  • 88 1 He Ls being attended by his personal physician, Dato, (Drj H. B. C. Wallace, and Dato (Dr.) Mohd. Salleh bin Hajl Abdul Hamid. The Sultan explained that allegations he was interfering in Indonesian matters nad been published in a Jakarta newspaper. They had been quoted In
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  • 114 1 "They say I am going to fight against Indonesia. Who do they think I am going to fight," he added derisively. In an apparent reference to his 84 years. "They are terrible these people. They will say anything." He added that he had passed the matter over
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  • 292 1 T^WO Singapore-owned ships, the 512-ton Kah Kheng and the 573-ton Torina, detained at Pulau Samboe by the Indonesian authorities during the last eight days, sailed safely Into Singapore harbour yesterday with $1,500,000 worth of barter rubber. Seven hours later a chird
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  • 26 1 WELLINGTON. Fri. Dr. Vivian Fuchs and his team of 11 left the South Pole to start their 1.200-mlle trek to McMurdo Sound today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 89 1 Nasution s 'free West Irian' move JAKARATA. Fri— The Indonesian Army chief MaJ.-Gen. Abdul Nasutio.i yesterday Instructed local military administrator* throughout the country to set up "national fronts for free ;ng West Irian." He promised a "masslvt drive" to bring the territory under Indonesian rule. An army spokesman sain the
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  • 62 1 COLOMBO. Fri— The Goyernment today directed the Transport Minister, Mr. Maitripala Senanayake. to prepare legislation for the nationalisation of the Colombo port as more shipping companies warned they would bypass the port If crowded condition were not relieved. The Government also called for immediate steps to prevent
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  • 145 1 rpHE Singapore Government JL yesterday revealed that secret societies had successfully infiltrated schools of every type In the Colony. More than that. They were winning an increasing schoolboy membership and had more recruits in English schools than In any other type. This wag disclosed yester-
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  • 200 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. pOL. ANNOP PUKPRAYURA, the Siamese army offleer who is "wanted" in Bangkok, in connection with the deaths of four people in revolts over the past few years, has quietly checked out of Kuala Lumpur. It is now known that he !s a personal
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  • 327 1 BRITAIN: WE TAME H-BOMB WITH 'ZETA New energy as 'hot as sun* LONDON, Friday. DRITAIN officially announced tonight that her l scientists had made vast progress towards harnessing the hydrogen bomb by using a unique "man-made-sun" device known as the "ZETA." The announcement said that physicists at Harwell Atomic Research
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  • 139 1 Lord Mayor says: You are wrong, Mr. Ong I o\ i ion Fri. -The Lord Mayor of London. Sir Denis iruMnti denied in London last night that be was "merely a 'ceremonial figurehead At a dinner <n London he said: I see in today's papers thai Mr Ong Eng Guan.
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  • 16 1 TAIPEH. Fri. The Chinese Communists had Increased their submarine fleet to about 20.
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  • 298 1 2 a.m. news round up CUSTOMS MAKE COLD. OPIUM HAUL A SINGAPORE Customs sr ■nil party yesterday seized nearly $18,000 worth of gold, Indonesian rupiahs and opium aboard the Straits Steamship vessel M.irinlii. A Customs spokesman told tin- Straits Times last night that the haul consisted of two bars of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 HAVE YOU TRIEO THE NEW gSo\ i COLD STORAGE CREAMERIES LTD. .Most 'v^&i homes °|y( Nyal Baby Cough Syrup
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    • 128 1 Mot*** brylcreeml the modern hairdressing I MYLCtUM m th 4 modern way to keep your hair smart and healthy fc UYLCIIIM is not messy, not greasy, not over-oily 9 UYICIECM with massag* checks dryness and dandruff JC The tonic ingredients in Brylcrecm keep your hair and I scalp free from
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    • 15 1 Obtainable at Most High Class Furniture Stores From $7/- per »q «d. (Fed. Datr £*»rj)
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  • Article, Illustration
    92 2 The Army proves it has a heart... ALONG CAME THE MAJOR WITH A GRAVE FACE... NOW KOH'S HOVEL IN THE WILDERNESS IS A MODEL FARM NAN HALL By ABOVE is the new pig-sty rebuilt and white-washed by the Army. A ■eat pared path leads U» the well (not in picture).
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  • 12 2  - THESE two picture* show how the Army men hare provided proper drainage.
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  • 26 2 BEFORE: The old privy on the farm. It was filthy. 0 AFTER: The new privy It wit] last a lifetime.
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  • 559 2 ALL THIS— FOR ONLY $96.40 ...FREE LABOUR PROVIDED •TWO years ago Koh Koo Guan and his family settled on a piece of land in the wilderness off Clementi Road. No one. he thought, would want to disturb him there. Koh. a Singapore labourer, reckoned without the British Army. He didn't
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 280 2 INORDIIIIENDE J s§l j TONEBLENDOR TONEBLENDOR Brings Yau 3ladern HI-FI Technique! fj I I SB^x- ahlp _^ftf If<l BIK H zzz: zr~J? ■i i i M I O (f The truly outstanding pcrfotr- nca j^Lfll H^^^^^^^H 1? 2) S^^M 111^0 lo'rporalmg the f«nau« NORDMENDE reproduction. NORDMENDE Toncblcndor S^laSS^B (Bl 1M
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  • 171 3 HOW DO WE BEAT NUCLEAR HAZARDS? THEY ASK LONDON. Fri.—If a plane crashed while carrying a hydrogen bomb over Britain. it might mean the evacuation of people and animals from several square miles around, until the area had been decontaminated The
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 197 3 LONDON, Friday. rrHE British Colonial Office yesterday rejected a proposal that a committee should study the j working of a rule that the government of a colony, protectorate or trusteeship should not take I part in party politics. r The proposal was
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 43 3 TOKYO. Frl.— Special prisons are to be built in Nagoya. south-western Japan, for the exclusive use of drunkards. The special cells to be built will be sound-proofed and equipped so that drunks cannot harm themselves or anybody else.— Reuter.
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  • 91 3 NICOSIA, Frl— An 18--year-old British army private was jailed for three years and dismissed with Ignominy by a court martial here yesterday for raping an officer's wife. The sentence U subject to confirmation by higher military authorities. The soldier, rifleman William James Colhoun, of the
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 29 3 LONDON. Fri. Sputnik tw o, carrying space-dog Laika, will come down to earth towards the end of April, a Ministry of Supply spokesman said last night.
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  • 31 3 TOKYO. Frl. The United States Navy here said today wreckage of what is believed I to be a transport aircraft missing since Jan. 19 off Guam had been sighted.
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  • 191 3 Police kill jungle terror a woman YEW DELHI. Fri. India's bandit queen. PuMi. whose gang has terrorised large areas of central India for the past three years, was shot dead yesterday with nine of her followers in a running gunfight with police. The 32-year-old Putli and her paramour, bandit leader
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 258 3 Gaitskellon tired, troubled men There could be no flexibl lity about these aims. But the world situation changes and Britain must be ready to vary her policies. 'If w e need to tighten up we shall do so. Equally, wheu we find we have gained a position in which we
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 139 3 ONDON. Fri. London Li journalists today protested against having to reveal confidential sources of information to official inquiries like ttie recent bank rate tribunal. They will ask their union the National I'nion of Journalists at its annual conference at Easter to send official
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 291 3 LONDON, Thurs. i Closing middle, prices of selected .-.tot I not Including stamp riuty were: RUBBER LONDON. Thuri— Spot JJT.d Feb. 22\d., Mar. 23d., Apn' June 23<4d, July-Sept. 23' .i Oct-Dec. 3S\d., Jan. elf. 22\d PW>. c.l.f. 22\d., Mar. e.l.f. 22V1 Tone: Dull. TIN LONDON. Thurs.— Buyers £731
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  • 233 3 FRUIT RIPENS AMID THE SNOWS LONDON Fri. STRAWBERRIES are ripening in a "false spring" in Central France, but snow is falling on the Riviera, and most of Europe is in the grip of polar weather. Snow was reported from Britain. Belgium. France, Germany. Switzerland. Holland, Yugoslavia, Sweden and other lands,
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  • 45 3 LOS ANGELS, Frl— Miss Sarah Churchill, who has been under medical treatment since pleading guilty to a charge of drunkenness last week, will leave Hollywood shortly to Join her father Sir Winston Churchill, In the south of France, her agent said today— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 design I anticipates tomorrow, benefits from yesterday, gives most for today... fc<v^ qL n 1,, IM fi~> _«c 1 pe r 'o rr nance family salojn Unchallenged in its clas* Feature for Feature Call in and see tha Ford Family of fine cars at UNIVERSAL CARS LTD. WEARNE BROS LTD.
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    • 136 3 Something Different For Your Menu McKENZIE AMERICAN VEGETABLES Turnip Greens Curly Kale Collard Greens Yellow Crookneck Squash Wm k \3£fjf "I'M JOE MARTINI... EX-COP... j Br I gave back K^^ fib m Y badge... j A &l iiK t0 searc 1 down g never find!" lURISAFNIU :o— GUEiff BIAID^ VAPtTOi.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 113 4 ~^^^^^^^^^l j^^^j^^Fy^^ S j j k^H^*' 2 v 77^/ rad| telephone J *m&'LL SERVICE VANS provide owners of Carrier Air-Conditit f o '^y fl H^M ;i/^ the fastest possible service, International 4/ W&m li r^ /k** Bedford Service vans with radio 0 contact a central dispatcher for new assignments />
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  • 377 5 RAJA MUDA LAYS FOUNDATION FCR $4,500,000 DAM NEAR KUALA LUMPUR WATER OF THE HIGHEST WORLD STANDARDS FOR FEDERAL CAPITAL By R. \V. TANTON KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. rpHK Raja Muda of Selangor pressed a gleaming metal button early this morning and sent the first of thousands
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  • 55 5 Tan Mvi Siong was fined $1,500 or three months jail for assisting in a chap-ji-ki lottery, in a Singapore court yesterday. He pleaded euilty. When he was arrested in a house in North Bridee Road. Singapore, on Jan. 23. he was found to be in
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  • 78 5 PENANG. Fri. Penang city councillors may be paid for their services if the Finance and General Purp M Committee approves an allowance of S3O for each committee meeting council-; lor. attend with a maxl- mum ol $200 a month. A councillor said today that the proposal, if
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  • 69 5 He's off to London to study gardening |NCHE Bajuri bin Sappan. X 40. who rose from the humble post of gardener to be a laboratory assistant at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, left for London by (juntas yesterday to study orchid planting. Incbe Bajuri, who has never been outside the Colony
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  • 31 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Petallng Jaya town committee has elected Dr Hool Peng Kwan chairman of its health sub-committee, and Mr. Thong Sam Hong chairman of its works subcommittee.
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  • 39 5 Chan Koon Beng. 17, was convicted in Singapore yes terday of helping ln the carrying of a public lottery chap-Jl-ki— on Aug. 9. Sentence was postponed till Feb 7 pending a proba t.on report.
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  • 167 5 MALACCA, Friday. rpHE President of the Malacca 1 M.I.C Mr. G. Mariappan, today alleged that UMNO candidates in the recent municipal elections here refused his party's offer of assistance because they were over-con-fldent. He was commentine on the accusation by the Malacca UMNO that
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  • 134 5 Court told: Insufficient postage so returns didn 't reach Customs OUTTERWORTH, Fri. A tobacca dealer sent his returns to the Butterworth Customs Office but his letter went to the dead letter office because it carried insufficient postage, the Sessions Court here was told today. Urn Sin Meng pleaded
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 514 5 ■P^JB^A VIOLENCE An hour y^fjg^ Yom couldn't see "RIFIFI but you CAN see "The WICKED go fo HELL" Introducing S«nnational Nrw French Siren Marina VLADY French Film with Enf. Sub. DM lit Shaw Bros. atelwrt HOSSMN I 11-.,r» Mini gwj* KEGGIANI. MESSRS: BAN LOONG CO.. LTD. YOO YUEN CO., LTD.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 937 5 3 15 > 93 LIDO: Hodan REX: Sun Toh Pah Kor.s (Hokrenmnji iMandarln. 12 30. 3. 7.15. 9.30. klen> 3. 7.15. 9JO M'LTAKA: CATHAY: 3-10 To Yuma Kiiinl.iii Desert Sands 3. 7.15 »iO. 1.15. 3.30, 6.45. 9.15; ODEOX: Until They Sail 1 15, 3.30. 645. CATHAY: Blood Will Tell Mr
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    • 193 5 P^illillSßlHiLlMMß WM i ill I Pfifl RADIO MALAYA KATIONAL SHORT WAV! KEKVICE 41 metrrsv|\«. WlliU Medium wave ii metre*. K( LIMPIR Medium «iTf S4l aartm MMM MnJium wave 366 metres. IPOH Metftam wave 330 metres. MALACCA Medium vbtc 297 metres. A.M. 7. 1S Opening Announcement. 7.16 Morning Serenade; 7.30 Time
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  • 194 6 'SALARY $410: WE ARE ASSESSED AT $550' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. 1101 SKMFN attached to the 11 General Hospital here are up in arms against the Income Tax department. They say they draw an all. in salary of $410 but are being taxed
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  • 228 6 Rees stays 'for sake of the town' MALACCA, Fri. Mr. S. A. Rees will not quit his job as Malacca's Municipal secretary. He withdrew his resignation after appeals from the public and the council's employees to change his mind for the good of the town." Mr Rees had tendered his
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  • 71 6 THE MINISTER FUR EDUCATION. Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari. and Mrs. A. B. Siemer. wife of the Director of L'nited States Information Services study a picture at an es- bition of paintings r> the International Children* Art Class in Kuala I umpur
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  • 195 6 Echo of smelter strike PENANG, Friday. •THE Eastern Smelting Company today asked the K Penang High Court to make no order against 20 former strikers to vacate the company's quarters in Kampong Java Bahru. The company was to have sought an Injunction this morning to
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  • 82 6 PENANG. Frl.— A Penanbranch of the People's Progressive Party will be formed at an inaugural meeting here next month. Mr Khoo Vat See.* the convenor, told the Straits Times today the looal branch, when established, would put ud candidates for next year's Federal and
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  • 109 6 PENANG. Fri. Various clubs, organisations and heads of local government departments have been invited to a city hall meeting next Monday to discuss further plans for a one-month state festival in Penang. The meeting will elect a chairman and water sports sub-committee to organise an aquatic carnival.
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  • 86 6 DENANG. Frl— Three hundred applicants turned up for 25 vacancies when a Malay Regiment recruitln{ team started Interviewing Penanir candidates at the \niiini i r Force headquarters here today. "The response has been beyond our expectations," Capt. Mohamed. Shariff bin Ahmad, chief recruiting officer, told
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 398 6 Designed to cut operating costs jf^^ Si m Jfl H i H'\M|U' I f S JaVl I I 4 H B^U jM mmf 1 I \IB 1 J WL iHHIBPB^Hi|M|^HBJyBBKg^B HH^Hhß^ I i* V* THE VOLKSWAGEN DELIVERY I VAN is designed specifically for ff^*±^ COBt nt.'nded businessman. m 2_l Economical,
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    • 103 6 IT'S LAUGHTER TIME J AGAIN WITH t NORMAN WISDOM V' W^L^Lw J WE Margaret RUTHERFORD J I Jill DIXON rank >• J Leslie PHILLIPS Delphi LAWRENCE >.w«m h mini nm tiiw ii t CATHAY OPENS TODAY! I -r Phono: ***** 11am -145-4 15 J 6.45 9.30 p.m. \a I Messrs
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  • 669 7 ITNGKU ABDUL AZIZ, an expert on Malay rural economy, on Thursday night gave seven "constructive suggestions" to the Federation Government to frame a policy for dealing with the sub-division of estates. The suggestions of Ungku Aziz, who Is a lecturer in economics in the
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  • 168 7 Part of a new General hospital SEREMBAN, Friday. ("THE Seremban General Hospital is to have a modern out-patient department in the town. Thf .s.'{oo,ooo, two-storey building will be opened by the Xegri Sembilan Resent on Jan. 30. When the department. In Jalan Lee Sam. is
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  • 114 7 New white area for New Year MALACCA. Frl. A nrw wlut aroa ktIII be declared in clays before the (^hin se N v year, the BUal .s Times roliably learned ti>day. The declaration will affect tli- Nyal is-Asahan area with about 3.000 people on the nortli-cast Malacca-Johore border. A .slmultar.cHis
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  • 20 7 Forty-nine prisoners In Changl Prison. Singapore, donated blood when the blood transfusion service mobile unit visited the prison.
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  • 360 7 Girl who defied an order weeps IPOH, Fri. A girl whose presence In her village threatened the success of the biggest anti-terrorist operation in the country since the Emergency began 11 years ago, broke down and wept before the magistrate, Inche Ibrahim bin Abdu Manap, here today. The girl. Chong
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  • 58 7 NEW TRADE SCHOOLS FOR JOHORE JOHORE BAHRU, Frl. Plans are ready for building two new trade schools in Johore for rural Malays. Work will start as soon as sites are obtained. Each school will take in 100 boys with hostel accommodation for 60. The existing trade school at Johore Bahru
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  • 31 7 The Yen Sumangale (Dr. R. S. Clifton), an American Buddhist monk, will give a talk on "The Dlstinctlveness of Buddhism" at the Buddhist Union, 26. Jalan Senyum, Singapore, tomorrow.
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  • 355 7 Alliance shakeup: New laws to enforce discipline, purge on disloyal members I^UAI.A LUNiI'UR. Fri. Tlie Prime Minister's only son. Itagtai Ahmad will t ipreaent Malaya at the Indinn Republic Day rt-'-' t- in New r>n! ii 1 aM Menday. TV ;ku 1
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  • 227 7 GETTING TO KNOW YOU— THEME FOR ASIANS AND AUSSIES A SIANS and AustraA lians are getting to know and like each other —to understand and appreciate each other. So says the Australian Minister for External Affairs, Mr. ft. G. Casey, in a special Australia Day message to the people of
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  • 44 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl. A radio set and a ping pong set have been presented to the Johore Bahru TB Sanatorium by the District Association for the Prevention of TB. The sanatorium was opened last year and has 120 patients.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 458 7 r mu'i w«rU— whrre in the (moke rloaik there Uno noiur n*« I |t about «rs equity oo quradao »f hhou tW Lord of crratraa, and, if there ia *nj coovenarion at all, no inhibition*. Thia U th« world that Ssbmnie Pipe Tobacco* serve with a long kluw tniok* I
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  • 256 8 WHERE TO GO? What to do? The Cockpit's Just the place for >ou. Rljsttafel Is served ever; Saturday and Sunday DO YOU KNOW that we have "Soft" Ice Cream on sale at our Rallies Place Milk Bar. Just ask for a "Snow cone" 20 cents. ENJOY THE BEST curry
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  • The Straits Times
    • 601 8 Message For Moscow Moscow is not going to like Malaya's reply to Marshal Bulganin's letter. It speaks too plainly. If peace is the Communist goal, if the Communists are against interference in the affairs of other nations, how does Moscow explain Malaya's Communist adventurers, whose loyalty lies outside this country?
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    • 338 8 The Federation Government can regard the proceedings of the International Co-operative Alliance conference with satisfaction. Kuala Lumpur, where the delegates of ten countries have been meeting, has been chosen unanimously to be the alliance's new centre in SouthEast Asia. Quite as gratifying to the Federation is the thought
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    • 252 8 Singapore's Tourist Advisory Committee is getting down to it. Reports cf th? fleecing which tourists suffered last week at the hands of taxi-drivers have reached it at last. It meets next week to decide on a plan of action. The chairman of the Committee is on record
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  • 1087 8  -  FIE People's Action Party is a disciplined party. Mr. Ong Eng Ouan told foreign correspondents 1 n Singapore at their mid-week luncheon. "Whatever it asks me to do, I will do." Mr. Ong was speaking only of his possible candidature In the Assembly elections, but I
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 8 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL— Photo by Harry Miller
    Harry Miller  -  8 words
  • 877 8  -  IVH^N I «ot there it was past Chicago's martini hour, and the place was almost empty. Only a handful of late commuters sat on the stools around the horseshoe bar, their faces set in identical expressions of half-sodden bravado. Th e small, hot room was lit
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  • 122 8 i From the Straits Times of Jan. 23, 1908 1 rvOLLING to')k place at the Municipal Offices on the 18th I instant for the election of a representative of the Tanj.iii" P;i«ar Ward on the Municipal Commission. The only candidate wa.s Dr. P. Fowlie. Two and a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 644 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. 10 Worit tU (Minimum). WALKER: On January 24 at Buugsar Hospital K.L. to Joan, mlfe of Keith. W Walker •on. TBO: To Mary and Dr. Teo Chew Beng at Kandang Kerbau Hospital on 23.1.58 a brother tor Christina- it Word, I/O (Minimum). ONO— LIM: Hock Slew, con of
      644 words
    • 49 8 GERMAN PEN v/; Incomparable tor visible ink fillin« capacity, reliability fir price-worthiness. Vinrlte 33R 14K (old cap fig Vlnrite 33 $8.50 66 Junior 57.50 Matrhini Prnrll 15. Vinrite 22 $6.30. Agents gj Service Stations:--IVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO., 19. Chulia St., S'pore-1. ENC SENC MEDICAL CO., 8. Ah Qure St., Prnanj.
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    • 110 8 THE SHEER L00K... r^S copied, imitated, but NEVER equalled FRIGIDAIRE^ There is a model to suit f i both your home and your f*Jr TGr V pocket. Capacities range i' J^l. "A^pjyj^v rom to cube L C^tl **s^*^ <i feet. To help you. I fcflwr^3feriSs ■< purchase terms can
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  • 617 9 WHITE UNE PROMISE OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS WITHIN 3 MONTHS 'WIIX RESTORE CONFIDENCE IN UMNO' You can be fined— on the spot THE Federation's first mobile police station which started operations on Thursday proved very successful Mr. G.O. Leech, officer-in-rharge of traffic, said yesterday. It will
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  • 189 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. \f AH KWAN CHIEW, a 24-year-old tailor, was toiT* day acquitted by a seven-man Jury the second to sit in Kuala Lumpur of murdering a painter, Tan Chen? Huat alias Tan Cheng Kirn. Tan was stabbed in the stomach in a Klang coffee
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  • 109 9 'Chin Peng room' it's unofficial BALING. Fri. INCHE Abbas bin Haji Ismail, headmaster of the Tengku Putra English school— scene of the unsuccessful Baling peace talks in December. 1955— today denied that the class room where the meeting was held has been officially named after Communist boss, Chin Peng. He
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  • 217 9 Father told: 'Decide and save your son' j^UALA LUMPUR, Fri. llv —A worried father was told today: "Make up your mind quickly if you want to save your ailing 12-year-old son." Mr. Lye Chee, a Penang hawker, has to decide whether to: Place his son in the Lady Templer Hospital
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  • 64 9 IPOH. Fri— A fire engine rushing to answer a call from Chemor state. 12 miles north of here, was involved In a collision with a car at the Junction of Brewster Road and Belneld Street, about 400 yards from the station, today Another fire engine «ped
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  • 184 9 Squatters' excuse— lndependence POH. Fri. When a bailiff from the Land Office went to Investigate the unlawful occupation of State land, the 20 squatters he found there told him: "Now Malaya Is Independent, why should we worry.' Four of them were acquitted by the looh magistrate. Tnche Ibrahim bin Abdul
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  • 202 9 A NEW BILL TO TIGHTEN LAWS OF EXTRADITION |£UALA LUMPUR. Fri. Measures to tighten the laws dealing with fugitive criminals and extradition crime generally have been drawn up by the Federation Government. A Bill, which will be introduced at next month's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council, lists 31 extradition
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  • 28 9 TAIPING. Fri Inche Wahi bin Long, a teacher of the high school in Kajang. has been transferred to the day training centre here as assistant lecturer
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  • 82 9 I£UALA LUMPUR, Fri The Malayan Chinese Association's 21-member central working committee met for two hours here today and set March 23 as th e date for the election of new officials The MCA President, Dato Sir Cheng-lock Tan. is seeking re-nomination for another two
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 314 9 DECCP World Famous Conductors Orchestra. World Famous Artists. i-W 5256 Hary Janoi Suite (Koda.yi. Thl London Ph,lharmomc Orch (Cond Ceorg LW 5259 Sympnony No. Bin r ma or. Op. 93 ißecthovcn). The Philharmonic Orch. iCond Karl Bchml LW 5260 Concerto ( No. 14 in E Mat maior. K
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    • 54 9 Sausages are a good meal... SAUSAGES araa-feast 3|£ FRESH-FROZEN OR IN TINS Sol* Agents: Singapore Cold Storage Co. Ltd. I I ROTTCRDAM TRADING CO (M) LTD I I TRAVfL OfPAITMINT I 17. Rabin*** Raad, Swif opera. T«l. ***** M. FLINTER &S. GRINBERG j! Diamonds and |j I Jewellery Telephone: *****
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  • 125 10 MATURE PEOPLE DESERVE A CHANCE MANY of those who passed Form 111 have been chosen for training as teachers and the first batch will be qualifying in a short time. But there are hundreds of Senior Cambridge students, who are slogging away In private schools. They are there not through
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  • 71 10 A plea from Pontian AN extra clerk has been posted in Pontian Post Office. TWs Is an open admission that the amount of work in the post off re here has increased greatly. The large volume of revenue warrants an improved delivery and dispatch service. The authorities should not avoid
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  • 52 10 Club house wanted T*HE Malacca Ceylonese Association should build a club for Ceylonese youth. We know they are not in financial difficulties, and we see no reason why they cannot afford to put even an attap-hut, as a symbol of goodwill and understanding between the youth and the association. EAGER
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  • 244 10 THE Segamat District Welfare Committee has made arrangements to run a fun fair on Feb. 19 to raise funds for its work in the district. Included in the programme are 20 stalls for ball-rolling, ringthrowing and so on which have been termed "games of skill."
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  • 93 10 1 REFER tv a report. (S T Jan. U.i that at Krik a blind boy. Kasrah, came to Tengku Abdul Rahman for help tc get admission to the Federal School for the Blind. The Prime Minister gave him the necessary nelp mmedlate'y. What Kasrah wa>
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  • 31 10 La n gu age for L.C.E. THE Punjabi language is Included in the L.C.E. syllabus for this year, but Hindi, the national language of India is left out. K KANNAN. Ipoh.
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  • 61 10 Passes and seats AS a bus traveller, I see that many pass-holders ignore the notice displayed on every Singapore Traction Company bus: "Passholders must give up their seats to fare-pay-ing passengers." If the company cannot make those pass-holders obey the order, they might as well take down the notice which
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  • 67 10 Wider n s« of Malay T*HE Prime Minister, ■I Tengku Abdul Rahman, in his recent speeches at Grik said every endeavour would be made for the widespread use of the Malay language. I think the elected Mentrl Besar of Perak should see that the heads of the various departments insist
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  • 207 10 LET THEM COUNT THEIR BLESSINGS I AM surprised to learn that Government scholars at the Technical College. Kuala Lumpur, intend to appeal to Government for an increase in their monthly allowances. Do they not realise how lucky they are to be financed in their training course? They should count their
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  • 89 10 Larking in Amenities I READ in the Straits Times that there are plans for clinics, social centres and other developments in rural areas like Lim Chu Kang. Chua Chu Kang and Pasir PanJang. But I do not hear of any thing for Tampenis. Before he was elected, our Assemblyman was
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  • 69 10 A 30-FOOT dead tret trunk stands by the road in front of the Municipal quarters in Pengkalan Rama Road. It is likely to topple over at any time. Should this happen and were the tree to fall on some pedestrian or passing vehicle, would not the Municipality
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  • 69 10 HPHE Ministry of Education -I- is a house of actors again, from the Deputy Secretary Administration downwards. Why aren't these posts being filled > The actors: Headmasters, from one to three years, one specialist Inspector, four years; two specialist Inspectors, two years; two specialist inspectors, not
    69 words
  • 95 10 THINGS have come to a ■1 pretty pass when Sin-gapore-owned vessels and their crews can be arrested on the high seas by the orders of the Jakarta Government. President Soekarno Is of course at liberty to settle his internecine feuds with hi* unruly provincial sub- ordinates;
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 328 10 giiiiimiiioiiiiiiiiiiir.]immiiiioiiiii£ i The Secret of our Succets is 5 RELIItiILITY. cl 1 i "HELIKON" CEP£A WHITE DINNER |ACKET 1 $47.50 each H i i I i Established 1933 s vVAKHcONG TAILORS 44, North Bridge Road, Singapore. 5 Tel: *****. ■RflPl^rafi The Seitr.jsier vn designed to shire v.::b you rhe zesr
      328 words
    • 299 10 Plan now to FLY TO EUROPE in the coming year v 0c sure of a perfect trip >^^^. oy bootiino, now The Atia Insurance Building. Singapore.? WHY PAY MORE! Enquire at our Retail Division at 56. SERANCOON ROAD, 10 COLLYER QUAY and 962. CEYLANC ROAD. This n the only shop
      299 words

  • 1044 11 OUIDA, SENSATIONAL VICTORIAN NOVELIST Today is the 50th anniversary of a strange and flamboyant authoi who lived a far better novel than any she wrote. FIFTY YEARS ago today, there died in Florence, Italy, a long-nosed, raucous-voiced, oatmeal-faced, goggle-eyed English spinster who was probably the most famous woman novelist of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 312 11 duMAURIER Fine packing yMmgp*^'^ c f V/IN A FREE ROUND TRIP TO HONGKONG ON 8.0.A.C. AIRLINER MOCAFINO "MAGIC" INSTANT COFFEE 100% PURE "SELECT THE BEST POSTURES" CONTEST ls» Pri«e: 2nd Prime: T<*o Ist Class Tickets with en« A One Tourist Class Ticket with week holiday Round Trip to one week
      312 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 188 11 Varmvn A #o. Bu Mao j -iav SO AVO'-£K Jf §W r I Kah MV PKG£OV TOCUV >OJ RE MUCH TmE SS'ATt AfitNT IN TM6 VIU.AG£-Hc WESSON VViTw CO iM TuE /^"^^Bl V^JCKTO LUlol THAN V^TtRPAV- lAM T EtLS M 6 RiCW INoLESI WILL^AV__^/ Tin* Saint Bu /,#»v/i#» harlvris RSHE^W
      188 words

  • 439 12 OUR RUBBER OUTPUT LAST YEAR SHOWED 1.7 PER CENT RISE By Our Market Correspondent RUBBER estates and smallholders in the Federation and Singapore produced between them last year 638,713 tons of rubber which showed a rise of 1.7 per cent on the amount tapped in 1956. Estates of over 100
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  • 299 12 The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "Industrials and tins continued to ea&e on the local ahare market and rubbers were neglected. The turnover was small." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business done yesterday: Fraser Neave ords $2.60. Otmmon $2.12' i load lot). $2.24; Georgetown Disp $2.10;
    299 words
  • 82 12 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon price* per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; UK, Continent January, February $30 4 buyers, S3IH sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $46' a sellers, drum $50 sellers Pepper: quiet; no business reported done; Muntok white $100, Sarawak (99. (both down $H, special Sarawak black
    82 words
  • 96 12 The Malayan Exchanfr Banks' Association made the following changes in Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100): Canada: buying airmail T.T. 32 5 16. O.D. 32 7 16. 90 d/st 32 13 16 credit bills, 32 7/8 trade bills. Selling T.T. or O.D. ready: French Francs
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  • 19 12 SINGAPORE. JAN 24. RUBBER: 7t. cents per lb. (down one cent). TIN: $358 75 per piiul (unchanged).
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  • 374 12 Moderate rubber turnover WITHOUT the stimulus of contradictory reports concerning the Indonesian barter trade or that of Iron Curtain demand in London, the rubber market might have been far quieter report Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co. Ltd. in their current market review. There was some stale bull liquidation in the middle
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  • 183 12 MELBOURNE. Frl. A VARIABLE lone was recorded throughout the investment section on the Stock Exchange here today. Associated Pulp gained a further 9d while Huddau Parker added 6d. In the retail group Myers lost Bd. Trading volume wa» not heavy. Consolidated Zinc dropped Is. 9d In an Irregular
    183 words
  • 154 12 February first grade robber buyers f.o.b. closed In Singapore yesterday at 76 cents per lb. down one cent on Thursday's closing price. Closing tone: Steady at the decline Closing prices In cents per Iti yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int 1 R.SS. Spot j f.o.b. buyers 76 sellers 76% i;
    154 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 307 12 When buying a Bolex camera or projector make sure you get our (H'AKANTEE CER T I- ICA T E with the instruction booklet in English(jcurwuzfoiA Ik Introducing the Sensational ODO-KIL deodorant No other deodorant gives you this thrilling 7 point protection. Stops underarm odour INSTANTLY! Yet it is absolutely safe.
      307 words
    • 368 12 NOTICES NOTICE THE ASIA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY LIMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) announces to all its friends, policyholders and representatives tha', the employment of Its Agency Manager for Malaya. Mr. Cheong Seng Yap. ceased with effect from 21st January, 1958. After that date. Mr. Cheong Sen; Yap has no authority whatsoever
      368 words
    • 323 12 NOTICES STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. NOTICE TO MEMBERS. The Directors Intend to recommend the capitalisation of part of the Company's reserves, and the subsequent Issue to Members of 3 shares of $10 each fully paid for every 3 shares of $10 eacb held at the date of passing the relevant
      323 words
    • 665 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SEAMEN'S REGISTRY BOARD, SINGAPORE Applications are Invited for the following appointments (a) SECRETARY Salary acale 1690-30A-930 p.m. Age: preferably over 35 yean. Age. experience and qualifications will determine the point of entry on the scale. Minimum qualifications School Certificate. Experience: Secretarial experience and ability to organise the office
      665 words
    • 788 12 KNUTSBN LINE ok.bnt service FROM CANADA/U S PACIFIC POWT»— 30 DAYS Soiling San Arriving Vancouver Frotulua S'por* P Swctt Pcnong F'montl* ANNA BAKKE Sailed Soil.d 9/11 Ftb 12 Ftb 14 Fcb 2) Fcb ELISABITM BAKKI Soil.d SFtb 11/1] Mor 14 Mac 16 Mar 23 Mo, CJERTRUO BAKKE 12 Ftb 2*
      788 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1366 13 Tet, 140s MANSFIELD 6t CO., LTD. -4i» CIS lines) (Incorporated In Singaporf) 0* **•»> SJT" THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE 'Stf. SAKIHGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON t CONTINENTAL PORTS |Vio Suei with liberty to proceed v.o Panama or Cope ot Good Hope) Cornei 1 oplion to proceed vio other ports to
      1,366 words
    • 1170 13 flZfTXTTV^9HF9Trojr^^^^^^^^^^^2^^^^^^^2^^^^^^^'^^^H EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK AND/OR PAR EAST Penang P. S'hom S pore "KINA" «d«. 44/24 Jaa "SUMBAWA"'"" 28/JB Jan 29/34 Jaa Accepts corgo far Japan "MEONIA" 2J/I7 Jon 28/29 Jon 30/31 Jon "LALANOIA" 21,23 Feb 24/25 Fcb M/ 1 Mer "KOREA" »l/tt Pab 13/24 Feb 21/27.
      1,170 words
    • 1054 13 •uaoiNG THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. trnf SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) I UNF.S SAILINGS TO ADEN, U.K. CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Penang BENAVON for Homburg, London, Rotterdam, Hull In Pert/2S Jan 24/27 Jaa BINDORAN for London, In Part/24 l»m Rotterdam Homburg 27 Jon/ I Nb London direct
      1,054 words
    • 1213 13 McALISTER «Sc CO., LTD. TEL: No.: ***** ELLIRMAN LINES KT-AVENESS LINK LONDON. HAVRE ROTTERDAM. IOJ AMCUIS< N .ranc.SCO, SEATTLE, VANCOUVEN c. PORTLAND one) tot U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting cargo for Centra) b :-«th and Canada via Colombo America •CITT OF LUCKNOW BRONXVILLE Spora P. Shorn Penong •kon*viili la Part/25
      1,213 words

  • 313 14 Record breaking 337 by Hanif BRIDGETOWN. Frl. A record shattering innIngs of 337 by little Hanif Mohammad earned Pakistan a draw In the First Test against the West Indies here yesterday Hanif spent 16 hours 13 minute.s at the wicket, easily beating the previous first class endurance record of 13
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 175 14 A RTINA who won both his rum at Ipoh has besn promotec to Class 1. Other transfers are: Prom Class 5 to 4: Overspfn Malay Film II: From Class 2 tc 3: Cool Springs. Count Paid, Slipper Prince. Dragon Seed and Ginseng. New Classifications: Class I—
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  • 33 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Army Depot Police, the S.H.A. Dlv. 2 (Sorth) and Central Malaya sub-district chamDlons. beat Police Federal Reserve Unit 8-5 In a frlendlv hockey match at Batu Cantonment today.
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  • 455 14 IfUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Four soccer matches two in Kuala Lumpur and two in Singapore— have been arranged by the F.A.M. and S.A.F.A. to raise funds for the Asian Games and the British Empire and Commonwealth Games. The matches at
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  • 135 14 KI'ALA LUMPUR. Thurs—^ive states in the Federation, Perak, Selangor, Perlis, Kedah and Malacca, have already set up appeals committees in their states to raise funds for the Asian Games at Tokyo in May and the British Empire and Commonwealth Games at Cardiff in
    135 words
  • 101 14 SAFA OFFERS 2 MATCHES to BLACKPOOL BLACKPOOL FC. of England are among four tourIng teams lined up by Singapore Amateur Football Association to play at Jalan Besar stadium this year. Blackpool, who will visit Australia in April on a tour arranged by Stanley Matthews and Australian officials, have written to
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  • 35 14 DURBAN. Frl. LAN CRAIG won the toss for Australia who batted first when the Third Test against South Africa began here today. At lunch. Australia had scored 47 for two wickets.
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  • 231 14 PENAXG, Fri. Entries for the Penan* Turf Turf Club's amateur race meeting on Feb. 2 are: MARA. Class 4— sfur. (catchweights 12.7): Bess Bolter, Britannia, Crusader. Evening Star First Watch. Kalena, Latlffa Morning Sun and Noble. M.A.R.A. Class s— 2fur. (catchveights 12 7 1 Bubbles.
    231 words
  • 298 14 HONG KONG. Frl.— TheSlsgapore Police cricket XI yesterday suffered the second defeat of their Hong Kong tour, being dismissed in their second innings for 38 by Combined Services who won by 99 runs. Visiting captain Vellupillai wa s once again In brilliant form, scoring 62
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 726 14 T^r D Hsßt*' y\. -J B W\ M^^—TitM'iWl ■S'?*cM *W l 1 r sssss!Si !r P7*»»— SiT #TrmnnnVfi'll *t" fVI »1 dfWt yi Fhonf TODAY! VM I4S 41S J }L M:|l|: :l I fl^^W-VsW pietro Franclscl Rlrk BatU lla j )f OmmaSeope "ORLANDO" Eastman Color MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! In Eastman Color
      726 words
    • 546 14 j| J 1 Q a 75> X.B" ar 11, 4 9.30 I^?a g 'CMay CONFIDENTIAL^y^iana ,ia, 5 Today 9 a.m.: "MAMA SINGS A SONG" Mandarin. BJ Tomorrow 9 ».m John Wayne "RED HIM i; phom /^SfMMfiv OPE AS Twttuu* m 1 1.1.45, 4. 6.30 9.30 •Mss^ft JOB MwtttA -jomweloom 0
      546 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 421 14 WEEKEND SPORTS DIARY TODAY MALACCA TAIPING TENNIS: Chna (boon Leong RIGGER. Taiping Garrisoa v Cup: Malacca t Ne«rl, Municipal Perak All Blurs. Esplanade. couits. IPOH TOMORROW BADMINTON: Thomas Cup IPOH trial. Perak Turf Club courts. BADMINTON- Thomas Cup "3 P m trial. Perak Turf Club courts. KCALA I I Ml't
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 880 15 akmik ajw^ Mi oii.inur.l from Page t) SITUATIONS VACANT loWordHti(Mim.) Box Ul cl,. txlrm WANTED WAITRESS. Age 17 22 Apply to Changl Bnr at 11'.- MS Chanul Rd Opposite Changl Prison, lei. *****. WANTED experienced female •Ink typist. Apply with copy testimonial* stating age. qualifications salary required. Post Box 1217.
      880 words
    • 836 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT >« Wordtti (Mim.) Box itlcl, M*M UNFURNISHED Single Room. Own entrance. Rent $50. District 9. Apply 32 Lloyd Road. FULLY FURNISHED One room bungalow, quiet Katong area. Ideal for European couple or working girls. Ring Peggy ***** for appointments. "NEW CALICO- Guest. House. 8. Claymore Hill. Double Single
      836 words
    • 866 15 TUITION 2t Word* li (Mim.) Box SO cl: txlrm LAMBERTS DRIVING SCHOOL. 410 Orchard Road. Phone ***** "The Driving School of Distinction." AT YOUR HOME Private Tuition for all. Standards in all School Subjects from $20 monthly- Particulars to Post Box 2456. j WAIKIKI STUDIO. Special I Coaching for Guitar
      866 words
    • 882 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE 2t Word, ti( Mim.) Box it cl,. txlrm. NEW LAMBRETTA Scooter 150 c c 3,000 miles $680 1951 M Minor $1,990 0.n.0. 29, i Worthing Road, Serangoon Garden Sl9 after 2 p.m. OPEL KAPITAN 1957 8,000 miles, in immaculate order. Must be sold HP. terms available
      882 words
    • 701 15 FOX SALE 2t Word, ti (Him.) Box it cl,. txln. RUBBER ESTATE Outskirts Kuala Lumpur Total area approx- 1,400 acres. For particulars Apply Box A 6677 S.T. PYE RADIOGRAM Ten Valve Three speed player $220. Garrard Single speed mulli record player $40. Both First. Class condition Seen 16 Warwick Road,
      701 words
    • 358 15 MISCELLANEOUS M Wmrdt U Mim.) Box t» tit. txtrm. WHY BE BALD? Stop it by sending stamped addressed envelope to Uncle Joe. P.O. Box 294 lpoh lor free advice. Success Guaranteed. Latest American Scientific Methods. FRESH FLOWERS 2* Word, tit (Minimum). Dai), 1 month. It Word, (Vim.) i PRINI.ESS
      358 words
    • 422 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE RUBBER INDUSTRY (REPLANTING) BOARD I APPLICATIONS are invited from Federal or Johore State Citizens for appointment as General and Financial Clerks In the Office of the State Replanting Officer. Batu Pahat. Applicants should be aged not* le.'s than 24 years or more than 30 years- Salary according
      422 words
    • 382 15 NOTION P.W.D. NOTICE Bridge No. 1 l Connection Road. Seremban. Is closed to all traffic other than qpdhtfa .u.U pedestrians until further notne. STATE ENGINEER, Negrl Semljilan NOTICE MESSRS. GUTHRIE A COMPANY limited anaouci Mr Lim Kirn Seah is no longer in their employ and no further authority lo
      382 words

    18 words
  • 177 16 SELECTIONS EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTIR Race 1 Mi SAFE INVEST SUIT Officer Impress FAKIR Safe Invest Special Charm SPECULATION Fakir Evelyn Race 2 2.41 THE ANAK Triple Crown Antkor Wat THE ANAK Anfkor Wat Kanrhil TRIPIE CROWN Angkor Wat The Anak Race J in REMEMBRANCE Money Splnnrr Milky Way
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  • 467 16 IRISH PEARL, a flve--1 year-old gelding by Derby winner, Pearl Diver, struck his best form at Bukit Timah last month to win both his runs, the first in Class Two and the second in the top division of Class One. Ho has been retaining
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  • 54 16 The Spring Meeting at Pfiim-j on Mar. 1. 5 and 8 will cater (or Class 2 and 5 horses. Entries will close on Thursday, Feb. 20. Distances: Class 2 lst run 6! or IM- 2nd run of (if or B'.-f Class 5— Ist run Mil or 7f 2nd
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  • 1048 16 RACE 1: X.:o Cms J Div. 4,-6 Fur*. 1 8 Peace Ripple iK.C, K V XC Lee) Dornelly, 4 9.0 (O) Mercer 2 Impress (TV Mitchell) Hobbs. 4 8 13 (O) Johnson 3 ***** The Wizard .Tans St.) Hobbs. 6 8 12 (O) <— 4 ***** F«klr
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  • 54 16 rERE may be a crop o] maiden winners at Bukit Timah today. So icatch out for these RACE 1: Safe Invest. Impress. Peace Ripple (longshot) and Evelyn. RACE 2: The Anak, Angkor Wat and Kanchil. RACE 3: Milky Way 11. RACE 6: The Brave One. RACE
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  • 1521 16 October he was third with 9.0 to Wee Laddie o\er «f and in November at Ipoh he ran Manly to a length with 8.11 up the straight sf. Race Two THE Anak has trained on splendidly since her promising debut up the
    1,521 words
  • 145 16 rVN FORM it Is difficult to look beyond Tobasco. This Mustang gelding had seven outings last season for two wins, two seconds, a third and a fourth. At Bukit Timah in October he brought off a splen- did double over a mile with 8
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  • 461 16 PROGRAMME BEST OF SMART TRIO T^HE Spencer stable 1 holds the whip hand in Race Five with a smart trio Programme, Tufton and Gallant Turk. All are in tip-top shape. Tufton, winner of five of his six starts, is the obvious pick on form. But on a good galloping track.
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  • 16 16 The Singapore Turf Club's credit tote facilities will be available to members as usual.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 750 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT YOUR SERVICE" U Word, tit (Minimum) Oailf I month. It Hord. (Mm.) SPECIAL TREATMENT. Skin Diseases Consult Muthu. 348 aUrkt! Street Tel ***** AH CHUM -For well-tailored Suits (opp. Borneo Motors). 63 Or-haid Road— Tel: ***** CONFIDENTIALLY YOU R S1 For ex|>ert Secretarial assistance Contact Joan
      750 words
    • 174 16 \m^L« 7iM fijmMmmwTCmmWZ!&ii T if i.nhition of most amatrur Him makers is to own a Swiss precision Bolex cine camera and projector. And a great many of them doultimately. But why wait for the ultimate when your very next film could be shot with a Bolex? If you are just
      174 words