The Straits Times, 23 January 1958

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 30 1 AVEItAGE DAILY rIII I 1 1 1 1 II KALE EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times Mai*** tie**"** I -1.1 1845 SINGAPORE, THI RSDAY, JANUARY 23. 1958 ■yr -.V 1} cents
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  • 529 1 MILITARY LEADER; WE ARE COMPELLED TO BARTER 'Prerequisite of taw and order is rice to meet the people's needs' 'Illegal trade will go on' THK war administrator of South Sumatra, Lt.-Col. Bar' lian, admitted yester- 1 day that his province was i-nu.ininn in barter trade in defiance
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  • 265 1 CYPRUS KILLINGS SPARK STRIKE Two shot dead by masked gunmen VICOSIA. Wed.— The A Fan Cyprian Labour Federation today called an immediate island-wide 48-hour-strike of labourers in protest against the shooting of two leftwing Cypriot Greeks by unknown masked gunmen during the ni?ht. Left-wing workers had already stopped work in
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  • 146 1 THIS EXCLUSIVE picture radioed from Scott Base show s the dramatic meeting at the South Pole between Sir Edmund Hillary (left) and Dr. Vivian Fuchs on Monday. Dr. Fuchs and his British team of 11 scientist explorers took 56 days to cover the 900 miles
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  • 490 1 SEARCH FOR FRIEND TO CARE FOR FAMILY Shadowed colonel: Those deaths.. At started in revolts By JEFFREY FRANCIS KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. A FORMER Siamese police officer and diplomat stepped outside the lift of a hotel here today. I looked around to see if anvnne was
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  • 219 1 KARACHTS MYSTERIOUS CLOAK AND DAGGER MAN KUALA LUMPUR, Wed Mr. S. M. Alam, In-spector-General of the Pakistan Special Branch is in Kuala Lumpur on a mission of mystery Officially he is in Malaya to help the Government combat corruption. But Mr. Alam told the Straits Times today that his work
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  • 71 1 LONDON. Wed Squires Gate Airport. Blackpool, is to be developed as an International air terminal. It was disclosed today. Airport authorities announced that it is to be provided with permanent customs facilities in three months. J Silver City Airways plan to operate services between there and
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 34 1 BOMBAY, Wed— A fiveman Air India International delegation will visit Moscow next month for talks with a view to an agreement establishing scheduled ai r services between India and Russia.— Reuter
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  • 54 1 HIROSHIMA, Wed—Tsunejlro Nagayama, 52, died at the A-bomb hospital here today from what doctors described as a liver ailment I caused by exposure to radiation. I He was the second person to die here this year from the after-effects of the 1945 atomic bombing of
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  • 44 1 LONDON. Wed -The British aircraft industry's exports last year totalled a record £116.471.110. It was announced tonight. The society of British aircraft constructors said the total represented an Increase of 11.3 per cent over the record 1958 figure of £104.500.--(■00. -Reuter.
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  • 170 1 SINGAPORE shipping representatlves are refusing to accept cargo for Ceylon because of harbour congestion at Colombo caused by a water-front strike. One agent ts stuck with 100 tons of chillies for Colombo. He has tried almost every line. None wltl take them Also held up
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  • 222 1  - 14 HELD IN CAUSEWAY DRAMA SIT YIN FONG By Kicked out then roped in lOHORE police yesterday evicted 14 suspected J secret society gangsters wanted by the Singapore police. There was a little frontier drama on the Johore Causeway. The group of suspects were unceremoniously bundled out of a Johore
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  • 86 1 8 dressed as tappers held after Red's death KLALA LIMPI'R. Wed. Eight people—including tbree students have been detained under the Emergency Regulations following the killing of a terrorist and the arrest of two suspects in the Sungei Besi district near Kuala Lumpur on Jan 19 I he eight, dressed like
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  • 43 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Wed. A 10-year-old girl gave birth to a seven-lb. boy last night, a Santa Clara county Juvenile officer disclosed. The unidentified mother was believed to be one of the youngest on record In the United States.
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  • 296 1 2 a.m. news roundup BRITISH ARMY TO TRAIN IN BORNEO JESSELTON (North Borneo), Wed. Tin British Army has plans to use North Borneo as a training area, it was reliably learned Inn- today. Kota Belud. 48 miles northeast of here, Is understood to have been selected as one of thr
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  • 45 1 TOKYO. Wed— A policeman was teased by fellow officers for wearing a kimono at a crime prevention meeting In Niigata City. Central Japan, today. He pulled out his revolver shot three of his tormentor, dead and then killed him self— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 z^i~ 3* CSS m s'"* 6 hi lp you k B!H your plus 'Q&'T*^ PUI^ Profeilioiul ScrOAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE, 325, North Bridge Rd., S'pera 7. Ne»t doer ODEON Phone ***** Branch Office: rhc P-nong Optical C 0.,13. ,13 Farquhar St., Penano.. CRISP PIES S.C.S. PORK PIES Generously filled with
      75 words
    • 21 1 {hanks io \C/ /HS(OL i^N l.uioll-r.l water paint SIS««M.I.OSN\ bard glost J TWNCOLACN V ktrilhrlir J oil bound 1 X^^nalrr |iaint
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  • 1318 2 I ON DON, Wed.— An official tribunal which investigated rumours that there had been a leakage of in formation about Hritain's bank rate rise last September said yesterday that it had found no justification for the allegations. its report
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  • 84 2 Pope: Family planning a deplorable practice VATICAN CITY. Wed Birth evntrol is one of the most deplorable aspects of modern society, the Pope said in a speech published yesterday. Talking to the Italian Association of large families, whom he received in audience on Monday, tlie Pope declared: \moi:e the most
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  • 335 2 You're disrupting Royal Family's private lives, says secretary LONDON, Wednesday. T<HE private lives of the Royal Family were being 1 increasingly disrupted by certain sections of the Press, Commander Richard Colville. Press Secretary to the Queen, told the General Council of I the Press today.
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  • 245 2 |ON DON. Wed. The House of Commons last night agreed in principle to a Bill giving legislative authority for Government policy on the reorganisation of the Overseas Civil Service. The policy, announced In May 1956. proposed to set up a central register and
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  • 108 2 U.S. AIRMAN IS JAILED FOR CRASH KILLING ATHENS. Wed— A United States airman, Mari«> Musilli. 22, of West Virginia, was sentenced to a total of 10 months' jail by a Greek civil court here ye.stedday. Musilli was found guilty ol manslaughter of Gen Stefanos Sarafis. Greek MP. and former guerilla
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  • 305 2 ISSUES TO BE EXAMINED !N PARLIAMENT mm LONDON. Wed. I EADERS of the Lab our Parliamentary Opposition claimed last night that evidence submitted to the tribunal abundantly justified the investigation being held. A statement issued by the party's 'shadow cabinet said: "The evidence confirmed the
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 39 2 OTTAWA. Wed The Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. John Dlefenbaker. has told the Soviet Prime Minister Marshal Bulganln. that if the major powers decide to hold a summit meeting they would be welcome to convene in Canada. -Reuter.
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  • 74 2 CARACAS, Wed. Violence flared today In Tara cas, the Venexaelan capital, on the first day of a general strike against the retime of President Marcos Ferci Jimene?. I iicoiifirmrri report* saitl that 30 people had bceu killed and 100 injured in clashes between rioters and police and
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 163 2 Marine wed Filipino: Jailed ittANILA, Wed.- A US. ITI marine was Jailed for six months for marrying a Filipino woman without his commanding oflßoer'i consent, it was disclosed today. A U.S. Navy court martial, meeting at Subic Bay naya 1 .station, took two and a halt hours to convict and
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  • 125 2 A TABLE FOR TWO— IN RED JAIL SHANGHAI. Wed. An American mother who came to China to visit her son serving a life sentence, dined with him last night in Shanghai jail at a table laid with a white cloth and a silver coffee service. The mother. Mrs. Ruth Redmond,
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  • 79 2 LONDON. Wed Britain has asked Russia to give prior notification of any pro- 1 posed landing on British terrltory in the Antarctic following a recent Russian landing on Zavodovsky, an island in the South Sandwich dependency group, it was re- ported today. Thp Russians have claimed
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 I FOR I I COASTAL, RIVER INTER- ISLAND TRADE I 2 UNITS REAIY FM DELIVERY BY APRIL 1958 520 D.W.T. J" j 7~ L J To mpet popular demand NfcjititflE£3~» l '^i??^^W" ~-'9%0 JjL^*. J^. j for maximum deadweight t-a- m2^^^b^ SSmPJSEF^ v lid tin at economy uf tttS^— "^LxC-
      275 words
    • 61 2 W^***> Jy wmUlI s-*- 5$ 3? -2| flK.jB jfe Ham V -J t iv 4 3; SB 5B jiy*** S 9 shave M^Mi withy Blue Gillette Blades Successful men know t lat t0 I°°^ smart they nr\jf\^^^{_Jtoh flMir Nothing shaves mklom:--lT^^.eS^vvl I c 111 0F kav<:s you fcclin 8 Vy^^^N
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  • 761 3 FAREWELL SALUTE FOR SCOUT LEADER Mr. AW. Hurll. Chief Exreutivr Commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association, gets a farewell salute from Air Scout Michael Km;. 11. of Croydon, Surrey, at London Airport. Mr. Hurll was about to leave on
    Reuter; UP  -  761 words
  • 199 3 BUTLER TO CABLE MAC LONDON. Wednesday. SOCIALIST M.P.s yesterday called on the Government to work for an early summit conference, i The Home Secretary. Mr R A. Butler, who is deputising for the Prime Minister, Mr. Macmillan who is on a Commonwealth tour, agreed
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  • 33 3 I WASHINGTON. Wed I Maj.-Gen. Claire Chennault, the former commander of the "Flyine: Tigers in China, was admitted to the Walter Reed Army Hospital yesterday for treatment of lung cancer— Reuter.
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  • 23 3 CAIRO. Wed. AngloEgyptian financial talks will be resumed in Rome on Jan 30. It was officially announced here yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • 117 3 DARIS. Wed A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said today that France might indemnify Yugoslavia for diverting the Yugoslav arms ship Slovenija off Algeria last Saturday. The indemnity would cover only the freighter's diversion, but thfre was "no question" of returning the arms because the
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 160 3 LONDON. Wednesday. "THE Government last night asked Parliament for a confidence vote on the recent cris'.s climaxed by the resignation of Britain's three top Treasury chiefs. The motion, which will be debated on Thursday, asks I for support for the Government "in its resolve
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  • 70 3 LONDON. Wed— Snow and ice blanketed 80 counties in Britain today as th c coldest weather for two years swept across the country. More than 170,000 miles of main roads were affected over an area of 88.750 square miles. Rail, sea and air traffic were all hit.
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  • 248 3 LONDON Tues.— Closing middle prices of •ctcd stocks not Including stamp duty were: LOANS Consols £47 9/16 —I/l« Funding 4% £87 1.16 —1/16 War 3 1 £63 9/16 —1/16 BANKS Mercantile (£1 fully paid i 25/- Chartered (£lt 36/9 /3 Hongkong ($125) £43 lVi INSURANCE Com. Un. (uts.)
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  • 33 3 LONDON, TUM. Spot 22 \d Peb 22% d., Mar. 23M, AprilJune 23\d, July-Sept 23>,d, Oct -Dec. SS'id., Jan. elf. 22 *4 d Peb. c.l.f. M\d., Mar. c.l.f. 22 7 id. Tone: Steady.
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  • 19 3 LONDON. Tues— Buyers £730. sellers (7304, Forward buyer* £711. sellers £712; Settlement £730',, tjn. S2S too*, p.m. «0
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  • Cable flashes
    • 245 3 Cruise a la caviar gets under way WEW YORK, Wed. 11 —The 34,000-ton Cunard liner Coronia sailed last night on a luxury 108-day world cruise with 409 passengers aboard. Huge amounts of caviar, rate wines and other fancy foods were loaded aboard before the sailing. Prices ranged from $9--600 minimum
      Reuter  -  245 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 234 3 jfjj^ ThC mOSt j *^k Popular Latex Jsf\ W Wall paint in jL*p'j-[) the World! ffll i*i ill ii |b kll I r■• m Ready to use ■jß%ih.oei.«iwi«w*^M Guaranteed V^feMMHf9Mf^^l washable Super Beautiful Luxurious Colours llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllHlll'BUY NOW FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR Shroffs Carpets REMOVAL SALE OFFERING all types of carpets
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  • 360 4 UNION SAYS: WE LIKE SCHEME IN SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Temporary clerks in Federation (iovernme n t departments want to be absorbed into the permanent, pensionable service but do not want to appear before the Public Services Commission. Says the Government Temporary
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  • 171 4 'Bring your own mattress, pillow, portable bed— and a bicycle' TWENTY NEW TEACHERS SHOCKED BY LETTER: KLAI.A LUMPUR Wed. Twenty teachers who have returned from training at Kirkby and Brinsford Lodge. Britain, are "shocked" at the kind of treatment they are receiving. These 11 men and nine girls who are
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  • 283 4 Man bound and gagged MALACCA, Wed Three masked men armed with daggers broke into a hGUse hert last night and stole 517.000 in cash and a $70 gold bracelet. Lim Kok Kione. 27. was alone in the Tern pier Road honv? of his 75-year-old grandmother. Madam
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  • 62 4 KUANTAN. Wed- The Pahang Educat.on Department b looking for 48 Qualified teachers to conduct evening classes to be set up soon. The State Chief Education Officer. Mr. N. R. Miller, i *aid today that the classes would htart at 19 centres in thp state in two weeks. Instruction
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  • 68 4 MALACCA. Wed. The Chief Minister of Malacca. Dato Osman Talip. and number of councillors wen; among the 300 people who attended the funeral today of Madam Llm Jam Neo, mother of the Malacca State Council Speaker. Mr. Goh Kay Seng. Two wreaths, one from the State
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  • 32 4 BUTTERWORTH. Wed.— A labour line in Bertam estate. Kepala Batas. was robbed this morning of $1,704 in casb and jewellery. The thieves broke some plank walls to enter the line.
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  • 135 4 NOT EVEN REDS DETERRED MAJOR FROM COMING BACK TO MALAYA MAJOR I I. lILBROOK is the latest addition to the Federation Armoured Car Regiment. He arrived in Singapore in the Oranje yesterday but is no s. ranger to the country For he was with the 4th Queen's Own Hussars when
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  • 264 4 ONLY TWO GIRLS RE-ENGAGED PENANG. Wednesday. FjiASTERX Smelting workers who have re-regisier-J ed for employment after ending their 55-da> strike on Monday, said today they were being kept i in suspense. So far, only two girls both c erks— have been re-engag-d. They started work today.
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  • 101 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Nineteen witnesses, including Lhrec airmen, are lo be subpoenaed to give evidence at the inquest of John Williamson. 26. a lawyer and amateur actor. The inquest will be held at tile first magistrate's court here on Feb. 25. Williamson was found
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  • 55 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. i Teo Kirn Chai was fined $90 1 in the magistrate's court today for not obtaining an identity card for his son. Teo said that when he adopted the child he was not given a birth certificate so he did not know
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  • 27 4 B. Crow, a sailor from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Wave Sovereign, was sentenced in a Singapore court yesterday to six weeks' imprisonment for desertion.
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  • 132 4 A LOR STAR, Wed. An j Alor Star Town Councillor. Sagar Singh, today ap- j pealed unsuccessfully against I :i lower court judgment or- 1 derma him to pay $1,000 da-, mages to a retired postal 1 clerk, Tara Singh. Tara Singh had been awarded
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  • 318 4 HE TOOK CASH— TO HELP HIS FATHER Accountant in case inmlving $8,404 A CHIEF accountant who misappropriated four sums, totalling $8,434 in cash, told a Singapore court ycstriday that he had not spent any of the money on himself. "I used the money to pay the heavy medical bills of
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  • 67 4 ALOR STAR. Wed. A Kedah State councillor. R. Moosa. and his brother. C. Mohamed, a businessman, were jointly charged in the magistrate's court here tod;iy for failing to lod^e their 1957 iin..rr'»» tax returns. Both parted Riii'ty and were fined $2;x> c?<*h. Mohamed was flnecl an
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  • 41 4 SLIM RIVER. Wed R Ramaloo. 33, of the Slim Rivir new village was fined $100 in the ma gist rates court here yesterday when he phvdrd guilty to BMMMtac a di a dangerous weapon i n Dec. 29.
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  • 119 4 Penang plans serenade 'hello for tourists PENANG. Wed. Penan* wHI serenade 350 American world tourists with kronchong music when the globe-circling liner, Statendam, makes its first call at Swettenham Pier here on March 4. The visitors may also be greeted at the pier by a lion dance. This is part
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 220 4 v k Give your lawn BBBBtt^SS^r 18 LAWN-BOY y~*T-* W&&**\ DELUXE with new 9^l A^^itafck >■* mUf fsl *ff y «tr "Activated" Pilot JsV^WkJ"^^Lgjj^MH^^ wheel -ma^es lawn tfe ITS"*' care an adventure! vUvwlSbbbv^Ss r' nil I Hilt l^s^^^fltfsW. V ■riTTslssfinßßffSsSsftsSKS^Si^ssl 6ifl In this fine power lawn mower you'll find more
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 117 4 RATfclO MAI AVA time Ciiunt. 130 Km ■■ml v l»»*»*4i» Ami News: 145 Ladles Onh ).M NATIONAL SHORT WAVE w di,ii Hospit.ik. bOO Hello Children! SINGAPORE 630 H;l<l D nee Club; 645 l :ls Medium nave 4 i;S mrtrn g sin^apor^'Khare 1 Market^HeMM p^ 1 tr El Mrdlam naVr <»T
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  • 441 5 JOHARI CALLS UPON MALAYANS TO LIVE FOR THE COUNTRY DO YOUR DUTIES FIRST, RIGHTS WILL COME TO YOU, PEOPLE TOLD IPOH, Wednesday. Till; Minister for Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today called on the people of Malaya to take part in the great adventure of building
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  • 45 5 THE BISHOP OF PENANG. Monsigno r Francis Chan, hands a novice her habit at a (i-remony at the Penan* Convent of the Little Sisters of the Poor this week. In the centre is the Rev. Father Auguin. Straits Times picture.
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  • 75 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Inche Mohamed Din bin Mohamed SharifT. senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, who has been holidaying at Tanjong Malim for the past month flew from Kuala Lumpur today to Singapore on his way to Britain to take a .six-month special course at the joint services
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  • 78 5 Found '"old Jap hoard of ammunition KOT.% I'.H \KI Wed— The poliir today dug up 2.888 rounds of Japanese rifle ammuniticn in the compound of the home of the chairman of the State Alliance. Tengku Indra Putra. in Jalan Kampong Puteh. They were in a gunny sack l.iukii Indra told
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  • 19 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Chan Ah Hoo was fined $75 In the magistrates court here for speeding.
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  • 167 5 SEREMBAN, Wed. Typewritten letters were produced In court here today in a case In which a Pakistan Olympic hockey goalkeeper. Annuar Beg. was charged with criminal trespass. They were produced by Anmiars counsel. Mr. Edgar Joseph. Jr.. and were said to have been
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  • 220 5 PLEDGE BY EDUCATION MINISTER IPOH, Wednesday /THE future of 12 of the 13 students expelled iniait i A year's Chinese school disturbances here may be i decided next week, the Minister for Education, Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari. said today. He said he had not yet
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  • 130 5 DEATH AT 81 OF C. H. LA BROOY IPOH. Wed. Mr. C.H. La Brooy. 81, died at his home here this evening after a heart attack. His wile, who is now holidaying in Australia with some members of the family. is flying back for the funeral, i to be held
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  • 72 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Lieut. Nannjan Singh. 26. of the Federation Army, who was commissioned after j course at the Officer Cadet School. Eaton Hall. Chester will leave again for England on Jan. 29 for five months' further military training. An old boy of the St. Paul's
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  • 52 5 KUANTAN. Wed— The Federal Government has set aside $225,000 for two hostcU in Kuantan, the capital oi Pahang. These are expected to lv completed by the end of this year. Malay boys and glrU from rural area.. studying In English schools, her* win stay In tha
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  • 59 5 I Mr. J. G Ottolinl has beeu elected president of the Society of Yorkshiremen in 1 Malaya. Other officials are; Mr. W Carey-Topping (vice president). Mr. J. R. Higgln (secretary). Mr. W. L. Burton treasurer! and committee members are Mrs. K. Wood. Mr. B. Dunhill. Dr. A.
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  • 168 5 WORK ON NEW DAM ABOUT TO START IT UALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Work on the $19.5 million Klang Gate water supply scheme, which will Increase Kuala Lumpur's water supply by more than 10 million gallons a day. will start on Friday. The Raja Muda of Selangor will set the machinery moving
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  • 60 5 Lul Ah Seng was fined $150 or three weeks' imprisonment in a Singapore court yesterday for posing as a civil servant Protending to be a clerk attached to the National Registration Identity Card Centre. Singapore, he sold an appointment chit for the renewal of an
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  • 76 5 PENANG Wed— The City Council hopes to save about $8,000 a year on salaries, postage and stationery by discontinuing the issue of final notices for payment of electricity and water bills. The council has decided c<> extend the period of payments of bills to 21 days,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 217 5 L00k... AT THE WORLD WITH CLEAR, BRILLIANT, HEALTHY EYES THE DAILY USE (^fcT^ OF JUST A FEW DROPS OF fSfPfef EYEMO DOES WONDERS FOR YOUR EYES RAFFLES NIGHTLY g Served in the Hall Koom delicious Special Dinner Cv 63 at $6.50 with dancing to MAOO ARRICONI'S £9 £3 and ERIC
      217 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 922 5 Pfiianti |p O h Klantf <\\in V 3-10 To Yuma 1. 15 fVrHAY An Analr To Re UCAI Houk of Numbers 3. -ili r V- V a^ member 12.45. 3. 6 45. 9.15; ia CAPITOL Tammy 1 ..7».1.- 4 95 Rl'BV- Bre<J Love Dreams and the Bachelor 1230. 2 30.
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  • 79 6 Wnit Sl* <Vimim*m). THE FAMILY of the late Mr. Lini Chong Swee thank General Hospital s at! Ward 11 (or atMiiu.ime during his illness. Rev. Bio. Director and StafT of St. P;it rick's School, the Principals and Star! of Seraya Schools I and 11. members of the Beihcsda iKriUmi
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  • 212 6 ADD FLAVOUR TO Your Food —a drop or two of Tabasco makes an enormous difference. visn OUR rttcoKu Renaex vous (or the latest Standard and Long Playing Disc* Koblnsonr Singapore and Kuala Lumpui DO YOU KNOW that we have ■'Soft" ice Cream on sale at our Fames Place Milk
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  • 94 6 J«. Word- i Him Boxiilrti rxl'm COLOUR PHOrOORAPHY hai many uses in Commerce and Industry. Advanced development of the process in the Straits Times Colour Laboratories which produces transparencies and colour prints up to 11" x 18" BM made Its use possible for many purpose; Including house magazines, brochures,
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  • The Straits Times
    • 641 6 A week of seizure and ruiiioui leaves the Indonesian barter trade problem as mixed and muddled as ever. Consular officials in Singapore obviously do not knim what the position is. Shipowners are to be asked to lodge bank guarantees with the Consulate General that they will trade
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    • 383 6 Mr. Ong Eng Guan, Singapore's young Mayor, must hold foreign correspondents in contempt to judge by his gift to them yesterday of 36 stencilled pages of translations from the nonEnglish language newspapers hot, he said, off the press Not one was less than three weeks old. Mostly
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    • 166 6 A Singapore mothei win ha» discovered unsuspected virtues in pirate taxis has been challenged by a reader whose letter, is published in this page. She praises a driver who takes her three children to school and seos that they get there safely. Our correspondent says that he has
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  • 1104 6  - A GRAVE CHALLENGE TO SMALL-HOLDERS KHOR THEAN HONG FRAGMENTATION OF RUBBER ESTATES By npHE Special Commit- tee appointed to investigate fragmentation of rubber estates in the Federation has recommended that the Government should not interfere with what it regards as "a natural development." In Province Welleslcy where fragmentation has been
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 308 6 A voter who has been 'led up the garden path 9 I WAS among the many who had faith in the PAP. though I belong to a class for which the PA P. has little love. I was impressed by the speeches of the main PAP. figures, by the vio'ent
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    • 147 6 New telephone charges IN June last year, long before the Queenstovm Telephone Exchange was opened. I applied for a telephone. Three o'her householders in our area, who applied about one month ago. have the service now. I have just received the application form and terms of agreement. One telephone pole
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    • 78 6 Packed like sardines 1 REFER to the report headed Housewives angry at plight of pirates ST. Jan. 21). To say that the pirate taxi drivers look after the school children "as a father would his children" Is too much. I have seen these shouting at the young r*.,sseneers they carry.
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    • 134 6 Keep Colony clean I WONDER whetner the office of Mayor carries with it the privilege of talking through one's hat. When speaking of the "colonial yoke." Mr Ong Eng Guan .should remember that the ancestors of the present generation came voluntarily to Singapore to seek their fortune and to make
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    • 147 6 Better for security ACORRE SPONDENT from Johore <B.T. 18.158) says that Form Gen. 147, Application for Appointment In Government Service, should be corrected. I do not see any good reason for this. The writer argues that many of the applicant* are reluctant to fill ud their forms as they ask
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    • 263 6 WHEN I recently heard it reported that the Secretary of the M.P.I E A. had suggested that night tapping could result In increased yields, my memory went back quite a few years. I think an increase of 25—30 per cent was mentioned, but when I was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 413 6 i Strait* Time* Free Press For tht conv«ii«nc« of tdvfr- I tittrs our representation at itt Hoar, SINGAPORE COLO STORAGI, I ORCHARD ROAD, will recelvo imall i odvcrttscntcntft and oniwc. ri to dor J i -umber,. Claitiricd odvertiMmtnrt may j olio be I onded to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD., Winchester
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    • 51 6 j HOPE'S jwiNDOWSt fitted with friction hinges W and a single bronze handle, V j no stay needed, no danger of j slamming— no maintenance 1 HOT-DIP GALVANIZED 2 AGAINST RUST m Comprehensive stocks m m held by Soh Agents (Gitne\ p 4 SIME DARBY feW Singapore Malaya -N. Borneo
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  • 207 7 $300,000 for adult education I/UALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Government is to give $300,000 to the Adult Education Association for its programme this year $65,000 more than it had asked for. Two conditions are Imposed: No class will receive a grant unless it has at least 50 per cent attendance in
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  • 69 7 PENANG Wed— Two for-< nier Eastern Smelting c tri- i kers. Ratnavello and Ke.sar Singh, were today ordered to pay $10 compensation each to two new labourers whom i they assaulted one night n»ar t the Odeon Cinema. j Ratnavello and Kesar Singh were in
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  • 139 7 Tin-rich Kampar wants charity refused KAMPAR Wed.— The tinrich mining town of Kampar has been refused a grant by the Federation Social and Welfare Lotteries Board *o build a j new playing field. The Assistant District Of- fleer Mr X.X.1.. P.. sue told the Straits Time a today i that
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  • 31 7 Thit vi-s broke Into a shoo in Tlong Bahru Road. Sinca Dore. early on Tuesday and escaped with 50 rolls of clot.i and 60 yards of khaki wurih $1,000
    31 words
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  • 196 7 No replacements vet for two senior expatriates leaving institute I/UALA LUMPUR 1Y Wed. Replacements have yet to be found for two stnior officers of the Institute for Medical Research here Mr. J. L. Harrison, a roologist, and Dr. C. E Gordon Smith, a virus reseat eh officer, have
    196 words
  • 49 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaya's trade with Australia will soon be stepped up. the Federation High Commissioner to Australia. Mr. Gunn Lay Telk, said here today. The groundwork for this, he added, had been laid at the recent trade talks here between the two countries.
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  • 26 7 JOHORE BAHRU Wed. Mr. Colin Marshall, on his return from leave In Britain, will take a new post as Conservator of Forests. Johore.
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  • 130 7 IPOH. Tues— Gaily-dressed women will take part in 1 the Concours d'Elegance organised by the Perak Motor Club at the Sports Club In Tiger Lane here on Saturday. About 12 new cars have been entered for the trade Motion competition Judged on appearances. The private
    130 words
  • 286 7 HE FINDS NEW FACTS ON COSMIC RAYS 'Brilliant student' returns from Australia with important data and doctorate 4 MALAYAN scientist. Dr. Lim Yung Kio, 29, returned to Singapore from Australia by Qantas yesterday with important data on atoms and cosmic rays obtained after research at the University of Melbourne. Dr.
    286 words
  • 267 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. A PAINTER was murdered list March in a Klang coffee shop gans fight which resembled a scene from a Hollywood gangster film, the Supreme Court I was told today. A tailor Mah Kwan Chlew 24. was charged
    267 words
  • 123 7 HERMES No. 2 FROM COLONY RUNS INTO ENGINE TROUBLE LOXUON. Wed. A Hermes airliner tarry \i\ti 5U sailors and live .iimu-n from Singapore plus a t-rew of five, made an emergent* landing at London Airport today after its outer v "t engine uad failed The pilot landed the aircraft safelx
    123 words
  • 28 7 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed. Inspector Sham Singh of the police headquarters here has left for Taiping on transfer and has been succeeded by Inspector Akil from Taiping.
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  • 95 7 MIC chief: End the party row BUKIT MERTAJAM. Wed. -The rift between the MIC and the UMNO-MCA in Province WHlesley South should be "settled amicably." the president of the Penang State MIC Mr NTS Arumugam Pillai said today He suggested a round-table conference to discu-ss the rift. "Any crisis no
    95 words
  • 44 7 IPOH. Wed Thirty-two Information Department mobile units from five states left Perak today after launching the biggest concerted psychological campaign of the Emergency. The 150 members of the units toured 1.600 .>auare miles of central Perak during operations "Ginger" and "Bintong"
    44 words
  • 48 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A terrorist was wounded by security forces in Sungei Siput. North Perak. yeterday the Government announced today. A patrol of the 22nd Special Air Service Regiment fired at an unknown number of bandits In Sunn*' Siput. wounding the terrorist The others escaped.
    48 words
  • 26 7 KAMPAR. Wed. Inche Omar bin Shariff ha s been appointed secretary of the Kampar Town Council and the town boards of Klnta and Timor.
    26 words
  • 56 7 HE WANTS TO BE AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER V. PIRUSHOTMA. 17. a former student of the Presbyterian Boys' School, Singapore, left for Melbourne by (Juntas yesterday t« study electrical engineering He is the son of Mr. K. t. Veniifopal. a senior interpreter at the Magistrates' Courts Singapore. He will be away
    56 words
  • 130 7 $5 ,000 FINE FOR CUSTOMS DODGER KAMPAR Wed.-Ihe Se.s >i->ns Court president here Mr J R Whimster. toda fined Cheng Ah t-ek 21 $5,000. or in deiault six months jail, for evading customs duty amounting to $900 on 100 packets of saccharrine The Senior Customs Offi cer. North Perak Mr
    130 words
  • 168 7 COLONEL SA YS: MY FATE WITH GOD ft From Page One have died and I am also wanted in connection with thel r deaths. "I knew nothing of this until I arrived In Penan* last week. I have agreed to go back to Slam. I hope I shall have fair
    168 words
  • 53 7 Teng No Hoi found ru'Hv in Singapore yesterday of causing hurt to Poon Kum Lam with a pair of scissors was fined $200 or two months' jail. During a fight in a house in Kampong Tiong Bahru. Sinsapore. on Dec. 21, Tang stabbed Poon four times
    53 words
  • 53 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A former clerk of the Royal Signals here, C. S. Dass. 34, who was alleged to have altered his basic pay In the Army's wane record book with the intention to defraud, was acquitted in the Kuala Lumpur sessions court today. :lis defence
    53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 MtH f^ "UOVBI.V TO LOOK A I DB/^nktV^ Ll HIU'L ■<> HFAP nil! *fatY mn»rb Hl-PI radiogram In T~ "1« m ritr irnuMiritry rubtiirt cßm a n»« ktaudard n, m C*m~T /A UrtalanoM lo tin- Malaom I- ■■'"< >'' addition it K Sled 1 JmttA SB 'Jt »ih a nlnh
      148 words
      49 words

  • 262 8 359 test rates increase decision APPEALS FILED IN SUPREME COURT IPO H Wed. Three hundred and flftynine landowners and tenants today challenged Taiping Town Council's right to increase their annual assessments. Two lawyers. Mr. Yeoh Cheang Le* and Mr. P. Dharmananda. represented the 359. who filed appeal* against the Increases
    262 words
  • 40 8 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed. Tao chief clerks here. Mr Wong Voon Hoy of the Land Offlce. and Inche Abdullah, uf the Town Board, who re recently nromotcd to perscale. have left the district on transfer to Raub in Pahang.
    40 words
  • 24 8 SUNGEI PATANI, Wed. The Kuala Muda dlstrlcr officer. Tuan Syed Sheh Shahabuddin. ha.-, opened the new $14,000 British Bukit Merlam Malay School.
    24 words
  • 209 8 Warning on credit sgstent dangers KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. yHE Malayan Co-operative Movement nas asked the International Co-operative Alliance to suggest to the Federation Government that weekly or fortnightly payment ox waa:es be introduced instead of the present monthly system. It is understood that the i
    209 words
  • 606 8 SOCCER CAPTAIN CLEARED OF DEATH CHARGE Prosecution case lacks solid foundation PARIT BUNTAR, Wednesday. FORMER Perak state soccer captain Lee Sai Cheong, was acquitted here today of causing the read crash deaths of three team mates and a supporter by a negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide. The Sessions
    606 words
  • 59 8 PARTY was eivrn to delegates to the SouthEast Asian Co-operative 'unfi rinci- in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday by the Malayan Railway Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society. Picture shows Miss. S. Saraswathy and Miss Olga Gunrratn? sharing a joke with Mr. Barbier. observer from Switzerland and
    59 words
  • 189 8 PENANG, Wednesday. ¥\EITIES have told a mother whose son has been missing a week after a hit-and-run tunskaiv- 1 crashed into a motor-boat in the Penang channel: xour son is proDaoiy aiive. Her son. Chan Cheow Chye. 39-year-old proprietor of
    189 words
  • 52 8 KUAN7AN. W. d. The Pahang State Information Department is organising a two-day civics course for Indian estate labourers in the Kuantan district. The labourers will be given talks on employer-employe' relationship, health and cooperative development schemes at the Kuala Reman Es tate and the Llan
    52 words
  • 62 8 SUNGEI PATANI, Wed. A defence lawyer. Mr. Llm Cheng Poh. said in court yesterday that a piece of ptper seized during a police raid on a coffee stall was not a betting slip. Mr. Lim was defending Lee Ah Htn. 29. charged with buying a
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  • 43 8 Two shopkeepers were each fined $40 in Singapore yesterday for falling to submit their Income tax returns for 1957 within the time allowed They were Ng Foh. of Ben coolen Street, and Soh Hock Thye. of Nile Road.
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  • 24 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Abdul Ghanl bin Slngangan Tahir who entered the Federation from Pulo Samboe without a passport, was fined $100 today.
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  • 26 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Tan Siew Eng, of Batu Pahat, who failed to submit his income tax returns for 1957. was fined $100 today.
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  • 185 8 Sir Alexander Gibb dies in Britain aged 85 BRIGADIER-GENERAL Sir Alexander Gibb. noted British engineer who helped i build the Singapore Naval I Base, died at his home near Southampton on Tuesday, aged 85. During his long distinguished career. Sir Alexander was technical adviser
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 490 8 I Eaoi TI"tJ»T 1^ lIP r«W 9 t -ai^ JW T T-T 1 I L~*VTr i iV^aß^Zi* araaß I aafea«.<t" aa^am. J.l/_lklrT lit j t 9t>.aHH w -< Ik l -Fa/l"^ I Fhone Tftf) aW| 11 A.M.., •JjiJ 21-116 'WUAl.'ms P.M. 1 JW.tM Boone— Shirlrr Jone» in )< "fC
      490 words
    • 531 8 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Hal ILvvSTvJaSk^ r mX^JtT^Wiilplk^K^l la^V^iL^lJMaiaßß^WPfi kVlli lattiDi^J l| |^ifl B H^^PFi<W<^W a^U^K^^9 i I'IMVt 4^C^T^y I># a 2975> X" 11 y 11, 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 i r'^fv"A KIW6 IN NEW YORK'^Zu ,s., J i c.:.V To.y Curti. "MIDNI6HT STORY (^jr j p"oni mi imjmX Shoirina ***** %<■■ AVIIR/ a
      531 words

  • STRAITS TIME Special Feature
    • 1171 9 Edgeworth David, explorer, scientist iriiii3iiiiiiiiiii:r)iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiii:ic3iiiiiiiiMiitJiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiHiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiMirjiiiiiiiiiiiiijinii ANK hundred years ago this month, a great scientist, explorer and soldier was born near the Welsh city of Cardiff. Edgcworth David, in due course to be knighted, opened up the New England tin fields (Australia) from which £10 million worth of ore was taken.
      Daily Mirror  -  1,171 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 247 9 Why users call it the fsTm- -~m^^£^SF^^!m^^r t 'it^ jß^BA^Rffur^B^t^^^B^illth^^B^^. j rVTpA I ICC From its microporous plastic Porvic separators C«f\ I BlrA LIIC virtually everlasting in battery service. Separator* that can't wear out mean greatly prolonged battery life. PWVpa DrtIAICD Fr m S special Wgh-dischargc Exide plates, made CAI
      247 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 205 9 Vctrmvn A 1 <». Itif l##tc ~<^?T f *tu.O CAW*-" f *mv KJ< mmC I"\ I f /AC >008 PACT mv Oil* LOO'S > I hi* Saint It if Li's lif I hm ti'i is f weSH^LLSOON MARIO SAVE IT UNTIL YOU WOW, COMPAO^ t, Nl^ KE these you can
      205 words

  • 380 10 METAL PRICE STILL UNCHANGED ON EVE OF LONDON TALKS By Our Market Correspondent fHE price of tin remained steady in Singapore yesterday for the fourth consecutive day at $258.75 per picul on the eve of the meeting of the International Tin Council which was due to open in London later
    380 words
  • 20 10 SINGAPORE, JAN. 22. RUBBER: 771 rents per Ib. (down tbreeruhth.s of a cent). TIN: $358.75 per piiul (unchanged).
    20 words
  • 158 10 MELBOURNE, Wed. INVESTMENTS were Arm sj- though the trading volume was not heavy on the Stock Exchange here today Main exception to the general tone waj the fall of 9d. in Henry Jones. In minings Broken Hill North and South both added Is. In a firmer silver and
    158 words
  • 470 10 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association reported: All section* un the local share market were dull and easier. The turnover was small." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business done yesterday: Fed. Dispensary 42. 10 to $2 12',. $2,10 (odd lot). Fraser Neave ords $2.65 to $2 63;
    470 words
  • 59 10 The directors of Dahan Rubber KsUles. Borneo, state that they have received an offer for the company's estates on which negotiations are proceeding. If a sale Is affected It Is estimated that It should result In return to .shareholders of a sum of approximately the current market price
    59 words
  • 65 10 Prngkalen ha.-, declared a fourth Interim dividend Of Is. per share on both classes of shares in respect of the year ended September 30. i&57. together, with first interim dividends of 9d. per .share on the preferred shares and 7 4 5d per share on the nrriinarv sharps
    65 words
  • 151 10 Febraarjr first grade rubber buyers fob closed in Singapore yesterday at 77 cents per Ib. down three-eighths of a cent on Tuesday's closing price. Closing tone: Quiet Closing prices In cents per Ib yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int 1 R.SS. Spot fob. buyers 77H. sellers 77' i: Int 1
    151 words
  • 143 10 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Oranje 1 2. Maetsuycker 4,5. Alba 6A. State of Madras 67. Benalder 8/9. Tamerlane 10 11. Java 13/14, Malayan Prince 15 16. Ascanius 18 Temate 19 20 Taype N Wall 12. Selangor N Wall 3. Rawang
    143 words
  • 103 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: steady: UK Continent January February $30.. buyers. HIV sellers (ocanut oil: steady: bulk 846 sellers drum $50 sellers Pepper: quet; no business reported done: Muntok white $102. Sarawak $101. special Sarawak black $63 tall unchangedi Singapore Copra
    103 words
  • 89 10 The Malayan Exchanf* Banks' Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday i all rates to 1100): Canada, buying airmail' T T 32V O D 32',, 90 d«t 32-, credit bills. 33 15 16 trade bills -Him* TT. er OD. re»a>: Canada 32; Belgian Francs
    89 words
  • 48 10 Offices are being opened for the first time In Hong Kong and Bangkok by the Ben Luie. A similar office has Just been opened in Kuala Lumpur. The j Ben Line operates a fleet of 23 1 cargo liners, some of whlcn have limited passenger accommodation.
    48 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 509 10 Eczema Itch Killed In 7 Minute! Your skin has nearly 10 million tiny srama and pores win-re germs hide and cause terrible Itrhinc. Ciarklnc. Ecxrms. Peeling, Burning. Acna Ringworm. Psorlanl*. Blaikhrads. Piniplta. Foot lt.-h and other blemlahes. Ordinary treatment* give only temporary relief becauae they do not hill the germ
      509 words
    • 457 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICANTS are invited for the post of Librarian to the Muslim college Malaya, Klang, Salary depends on Qualifications und Experience. Knowledge of Malay, English and Arabic important. Applications with nil particulars including Age, Status. Experience etc. should reach the Princip-il, Muslim College Malaya, Klang by the 10th of
      457 words
    • 825 10 NOTICES THE TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT (No. 118) NOTICE Is hereby given under section 137 of the Enactment that a Draft layout, as per plan No. J3 3123 of the area known as Kampong Serkam, which is bounded by Jalan Daud, Jalan Arab and Jalan Bakrl, has been prepared and deposited
      825 words
    • 718 10 NOTICES NOTICE Tills is to Inform the public that I, the undersigned, am no longer connected with Stephen Mak Typewriter Service, and those wishing to contact me for purchases of office machines and equipment could do so at Business Machines Co., 19/20, Bonham Bldg: Raffles Place. Spore-1. Tel Nos: *****,
      718 words
    • 696 10 KNUTSEN LINE m orient service FKOM CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTi— 3O DAYS C..1... C*m ••■< Arrivin| Vancouver Francnco Spor. p. penang f manth ANNA BAKKI Sailed Sailed 9/11 Ft* 12 F.k 14 f.b II F«l ILISAMTH lAKKI 24 Jan fas 11/11 Mar 14 Mot la Mar 21 M* 6JERTRUD BAKKf
      696 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1445 11 Tel: 1405 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. To* »41X (IS linos) (Incnipoiit^d in i.nqrpore) I' 2 Bnes) Shipping j.,,,, BLTJE F|JNNEL LW E TrO D y p SAILINGS to LIVEKPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS (Via Sum with liberty te proceed vio Panama or Cope ot Good Hope) Comers option to
      1,445 words
    • 1192 11 E^^nr^^^StK^^iffij 1 1 ay§ i^yi| jp# /Jf DS i EAST ASIATIC LINES^ OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK AND/Ot FAR EAST Penang p. Shorn Spore ■KINA" Gdn. 44 Calling Saigon, Bangkok "SUMBAWA" 18/2 B Jon 19/10 Jan Accepts corgo far Japan "MEONIA" 25/27 Jan 28/29 Jan 10/11 Jan "LALANDIA" 21/21 Feb 24/25
      1,192 words
    • 1072 11 Sing THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. titt" jINGAPORt (Incorporoted m the United Kingdom) 3 LINES SAILINGS TO ADIN. U.K. 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS -l Cß S'porg p. S'hom Penang BINAVON for Homburfl, London, Rotterdom, Hull In Port'2s Jan 24/27 Jaa BENDORAN for London, 111 Part/24 Jon Rotterdam, Homburg 24 Jaa/ S
      1,072 words
    • 1222 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** ELLERMAN LIMES KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. M V/.« OTTt tA LOS ANGELtS, SAN FRANCISCO, nAMDUKU SEATTLE, VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND one) tor U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting corgo for Ccntial ft Souti ond Canoda via Colombo Amerka •CITY OF LUCKNOW BRONXVILLI Spore P. Shorn Penang
      1,222 words

  • 1171 12  -  JOY MATTHEWS FEMININE FORUM j By *rHE French fashion world faces a big question x mark. "What do you think will happen to fashion as the result of the big battle ahead for a new line— what line will the Paris designers
    1,171 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 268 12 The family favourite... M HEINZ MIXED ff*. PICKLES Try these extra juicy T^^^^s^^M I deliciously spiced pickles JsJL^"^^ ~fjjj» m os o side dish at meals, \\m,'^-.,^ r^T or thinly sliced and V^^^T i >^ served with sandwiches. I ■Jp^ —^^Wf I Just about everyone /'ilf^^'^^^/i I agrees that no
      268 words
    • 249 12 «*'SWAHSfIN APPU PIE READY -TO BAKE! > kfcT*^ ■■■■IP^^^^ daw' ■a* Wi 0* «^fll aKatJK^^w juicy fe.^l -P^ ErSrßfM 3f fruiti xfitiSswß&l^a^^ c au^ ready to bake 2arxJserv9 1 Frozen Fruit Pies in an exclusive /&&*> *4£L O ll^' Only Swanson offers you two Fresh Fruit Pies in om handy
      249 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 112 12 Straits Times Crossword I 2 I I 3 I I I I 4 I h 1 ilillHtiZiZi«i 8 9 10 iZiziiUiizsziZi II 12 16 ~~T 77* 21 22 23 j 24 26 r n(8 perhaps wrinkled (8). AIKOSS 6 Smlth S O Hence? (7). 1. Price of survival? (3, 4,
      112 words

  • 46 13 THE FULHAM BOYS HOPE IT IS OLYMPIC coach Al Murray (right) trams a group of Fulham footballers with weights at their Craven Cottage ground. The club hopes that weigh-lifting may help them reach peak fitness and perhaps the first division.
    46 words
  • 100 13 AUSSIES LUCKY TO SAVE GAME LIMERICK. Ireland. Wed. Munster, one of the four Irish provinces, held the touring Australian Rugby Union team to a 3-3 draw here yesterday and were unlucky not to win. The Australians, who scored a try to their opponents' penalty goal, were outplayed for threequarters of
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 65 13 MELBOURNE, Wed. A A£ 10,000 round-robin professional tennis tournament will open here tomorrow, with ail the stars, including Hoad and Gonzales engaged. Other professionals playing are Ken Rosewall, Frank Sedgman. Tony Trabert. Pancho Segura, Rex Hartwig and Jack Kramer. Each of the players will be opposed In the
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 294 13 Blow to hopes of new deal for U.K. footballers LONDON, Wednesday. fIOPES of a £20 weekly wage all the year round for footballers took a severe Jolt this week when the English Football League management committee had second thoughts on their proposed new charter. r Last September it was suggested
    294 words
  • 141 13 rKYO, Wed. Shigeji Kaneko. Japan's Orient featherweight boxing champion, today Informed the Japanese Boxing Commission he was relinquishing his 1 t:tl<?. Kaneko's manager said the champion was stepping down because of his forthcoming tour of the United States and Hawaii. Under Commission rules an
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 287 13 Check Before Posting Replies to Box Numbers j I Utmost care should be taken E when replying to box numbe* I ads to use the CORRECT I NUMBER md Address to the 1 Strai»* Times Cecil Street. Cash must be tent by regii- f i tercd post: Postal Orders or
      287 words
    • 375 13 SITUATIONS WANTED It Words ii (Mi*. Box it tit. txtra. CAPABLE lADY Copy Typist seeks Part Time Work after 5 p.m. Work done In Own Home. Box A 6659, S.T. EXPERIENCED C BOYS, Couples. G Amahs, B Amahs, W Amahs. (Full or Part Time) Consult Yuan Agency 32, Emerald HIU
      375 words
    • 901 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Wordt ti (Hin.) Bmx it tit. txtrm. CHARMING FURN'D APARTMENT with spacious Horse-Shoe v'dah overlooking garden. Own bathroom with hot running water (M.S.) att'd. Ist. class catering (Europ'n* All cony's. child taken. Also double and singler'ms. bathr'm attached. Competitive Rates. "Lloyd House", 2 Lloyd Koki Phone *****. ACCOMMODATION
      901 words
    • 753 13 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES it Word- ti (Mim.) Box it ttt. txtrm. PUBLIC WANT selling or buy- i Ing property or want mortgage loans, contact confidentially, Modr i Llngam. 25-A. Malacca Street! Phone *****. SHOPHOUSK To Let In Kuala Lumpur. Prominent Locality. Reasonable Rent, mils: take over existing- Furniture. Apply Box A
      753 words
    • 932 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE it Wordt $i (Mim.) Box M rla. txlrm M MINOR 66 MODEL. European oivner. Two Door. Best offer over $3,400 secure*,. Ring 2801 Ext 314 or ***** after office. STATION WAGGON F^rd Escort 1957 Model. 10 HP., 4 Seat* 49 Cubic Peet for Goods. One Owner, Beautiful
      932 words
      79 words

  • 705 14  -  STRAITS TIMES MALAYAN STARS SAY SERVICE 'LETS' ARE UNIMPORTANT** THEY URGE... By SPORTS REPORTERS yyilAT DO Malaya's international badminton players, present and past, think of the Badminton Anociation of Ensland*! proposal to abolish "lets" on service? Straits Times reporters canvassed opinion yesterday from I'enang to Singapore,
    705 words
  • 50 14 PIGGOTT BACK IN THE SADDLE IN WINNING FORM LESTER PIGGOTT. who recently returned from a tour of Australia. Malaya and India, takes Royal Task over the last flight to win the Winter Selling Hurdle rare at Sandoun Park last week. Following him is John Lindley on Fiscal Year Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 177 14 Go.. .or get the sack: Firms tell the players TEWIiiS TOUR BOYCOH From JACK FINCLETON SYDNEY, Wednesday. threatened boycott of the overseas tour this year by the official Australian tennis team was quickly ended this morning when sports goods firms which employ leading players told them they would be dismissed
    177 words
  • 225 14 HANIF STARTS TEST FIGHT BACK BRIDGETOWN, Wed. A patient 161 not out by opening batsman Hanif Mohammad helped Pakistan iiiak e a fighting recovery in the tirst Test against West Inaies here yesterday With two Jays left lot Play they need 134 more runs t 0 avoid an Innings deieat
    225 words
  • 220 14 Poor response so SAAA won 't reduce affiliation fees KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A proposal to reduce the affiliation fee from $50 tc $25 in order to Increase the membership of the Selangor Amateur Athletic Association was tonight defeated because of the poor response from athletic bodies. Mr. Liew Kirn. secretary
    220 words
  • 46 14 SEREMBAN. Wed. Paroi All Blues beat Gurkha B" trounced Kuala PilahSignels 5-0 'a goal* and Fe--16-0 i two goals, two tries i in deration Military College beat the seven -a side rugger Gurkhas 8-0 ta goal and a competition here today. tryi.
    46 words
  • 79 14 Selangor Club suffer worst defeat KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Selangor Club suffered their worst defeat of the season when they were trounced 29-6 by the Royal Air Force, Kuala Lumpur here today. The airmen scored a goal, two penalty goals, a dropped flgoal and a try against two tries by the
    79 words
  • 43 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed -Fifteen teams have entered f->r the annual Selangor Services seven-a-slde rugger touriiiment which starts on Monday. H iy\l Air F B, la^t year's winners, have entered three t Fouv cv n iiub> have also entered.
    43 words
  • 268 14 Meeting to discuss discipline rules KUALA LUMP UK. Wed —The 'Book of Rules to enforce stricter discipline on competitors and officials while on overseas tours is expected to be tabled at tomorrow's meeting of the Federation ot Malaya Olympic Council here The rules have •x-i'i.nn-necessary because of the unhappy experiences
    268 words
  • 44 14 PIETERMARITSBURO, Wed —A not out 131 by Trevor Goddard and a nne over by Alan Davidson, who took three wickets without cost were the only bright features of a drab final day's cricket here yesterday when Natal drew with the Australians
    44 words
  • 238 14 EPSOM JEEPs TEN TO FOLLOW MY ten miiim-n tn 1 1 •i■ the euming Bukit Tim.ii meeting are: AMUSEMENT PARK Back at his best; galloped like a winner on Tuesday morning when beating 37 for 3f wtde out. needs a good track. TUFTON: Keeps on
    238 words
  • 29 14 PENANG SOCCER: Penanc Puliee Krdah-PrrlU Polire. Dato Kramal ground IPOH HOCKEY: Dlv. 1: M.A.S. X.1. A., upper padang; Piv Z: Kint'i Dragoon Guards Kilat Club, lowrr p»dan«
    29 words
  • 401 14 "THIRTY newcomers will have their first races In Malaya at the Bukit Timah January-February Meeting. i Several of them look forward enough to win first time out and here are their records: WHO CARES i late Arden). a 4-year-old gelding by Delvllle Wood-Rose Marie, trained by
    401 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 733 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. VI \<M It SERVICE" tit l» ..i,<. Mi. (Minimum D.tily t month ID M'urrfi (Mm E\EREII IKAVEL SEHVICfc P.O Box 3100 11 Coilver Quay Sinuate KOH ALL PLASTIC Work: Consult Cny Piastlc, 43 Prlnsei S.:iri 29.34. i. i C.CIAL Ii.EATMENI. Ski Diseases I (.11 ■■nil Muthu. 34i
      733 words
    • 74 14 RECOGNISED EVERYWHERE I JKfi<^^r~-~-*\ „-1 '^g&a" -^\Vdffi B.O.ACVSpaedbud'« a famihai IIMJW^^-;**^^^ sight on the »orld'j iiificljs, and ViouS *"tjl>>^* 4 '«^2& the latest iitcrift to be«r this ftmouj y^jflßjji^B&^QP*a Britannia, the fastest, quietest, most W^|K£!^|sl'ijjW spacious turbo-prop airliner in the Y%^srl^9%,^^«^ world Fl>ing beiueen Singapore and London, it is notable
      74 words