The Straits Times, 20 January 1958

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVERAGE OAIIV <ERTIFIE» SALE EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1958 -fr 15 CENTS
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  • 1109 1 PREMIER GIVES A MESSAGE ABOUT SINGAPORE'S FUTURE Jfe hopes Chief Minister will have general support of the people The 'great progress' in the city THE British Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan, said yesterday in Singapore: "I feel the Chief Minister and his colleagues are doing
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  • 435 1 ••••••< —From Hong Kong shippers OINGAPORE is In danger of losing a large portion of her trade to Hong Kong. Hong Kong shippers have been making an all-out effort to lure away shipping lines from using Singapore in cargo transhipment to and from Borneo. One Hcng
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  • 164 1 FOOTBALL FANS BATTLE POLICE f OND O N. Sun. J Mounted police charged a screaming mob of football fans in a pitched battle around the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus, here, early today. The fans had been celebrating after the international rugby game between England and Wales at Twickenham
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  • 45 1 The British Prime Minister. Mr. Harold Macmillan. is seen talking with the Singapore Chief Minister. Mr Lim Yew Hock, at the Colony airport yesterday, a few moments before Mr Macmillan boarded his plane and flew to New Zealand.— Strait* Times picture
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  • 518 1  -  FIIIE PROBE TAKES NEW TURN By Straits Times Crime Squad THE case of the double-death fire tragedy in Snga--1 pore took a new turn yesterday as Ho-nicide Squad detectives focussed their attention on a "third man," said to be involved in the broken marriage of
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  • 108 1 LONDON, Sun. The experiment of letting Prince Charles be educated in the rough and tumble of British school life is in danger. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are disturbed by persistent efforts of newspapers and magazines to get more news about his schooldays.
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  • 187 1 ALOR STAR, Sun— Tengku Shuib bin Sultan Abdul Hamid. 47-year-old half brother of the Sultan of Kedah and of the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, pleaded not guilty In court here today to a charge of breaking a court order.
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  • 26 1 OAUHATI. Sun. India's ruling Congress Party today urged the Oovernmi-" 1 to provide for retention of the use of E: gllsh after 1965. Reuter.
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  • 122 1 The 'floating hotel' troopship SOUTHAMPTON. Sun. A party of 113 army wives and 141 children, marooned aboard a ship due to leave here for Singapore, were entertained by the army yesterday while the ship was repaired. The Empire Powey. due to sail on Friday night, has a breakdown in the
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  • 46 1 NASHVILLE. (Tennessee). Sun.— Disc jockey Leslie (Great) Scott was charged with disorderly and offensive conduct last night for burning Elvis Presley records In Centennlel Park. Mr. Scott burned the records in front of the park's nhca of the Greek Parthe- non.— U.P.
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  • 39 1 KARACHI, Sun Dr. Frank Graham, U. N. representative for India and Pakls- I tan, yesterday started formal j talks on the Kashmir ques- 1 tion with Mr. Flroz Khan Noon, the Pakistan Prime Minister.— Reuter. Jagan stoned
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  • 32 1 GEORGETOWN. (British Guiana), Sun. Opponents threw stones at Dr. Cheddl Jagan. British Guiana's leftwing Minister of Trade and Industry, as he addressed a meeting of his supporters last night. Reuter.
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  • 24 1 NEW YORK. Sun. Cardinal Spellman returned yesterday from a 25-000-mile trip around the world which Included visits to Singapore and Malaya.— U.P.
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  • 22 1 WASHINGTON, Sun—President Eisenhower will fly to Chicago tomorrow to open the Republican Party's campaign for the November Congressional elections. Reuter.
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  • 543 1  - Mac hears defence views SINGAPORE'S future role in the defence of South-East Asia was one of the main topics discussed when the British Prime Minister, Mr. Macmillan, met top British Far Eastern diplomats and service chiefs at Eden Hall, the residence of the Commis-sioner-General, yesterday. Ine service chiefs Mad a
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  • 62 1 LONDON. Sun.— An Argentinian ship. Les Eclaireurs, reached the disputed Deception Island in Antarctica yesterday or a tourist cruise from Buenos Aires and was welcomed by the British authorities there, the Foreign Office announced here today. Deception Island forms part of the British Falkland Islands dependency
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  • 17 1 PONTIAN. Sun. Mr P. Gopalan Namblar has been elected president of the Pontian Indian Association.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 r 1^ _^^i^^ "^1 worn By 1(0^ Mt iX W Mcke cool refreshing "MALTEDS" at home with a\j\ II \f tJ^Wk i HA II IV T 4k. a w m SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD.
      35 words
    • 81 1 He***** From 22nd January to 15th February inclusive If VS Sf One bright sparkling RED LION _>, ffr" «/V if glass will be given away FREE with ff v *4V*y7 every case of RED LION Orange II \Jr Jy One bright sparkling FAN glass will b« g.ven away FREE with
      81 words
    • 51 1 PATEK PHILIPPE The World's foremmt watch The 2 Flrtt Prite, A Th* 3 Record* for precition out of th* 10 Printwinning chronometer*, 7 are Pairk Philippe. Out of th* S Fritettinnint mdjiuleri, 3 are Pairk Philippe. Result* of I°S6 competition. Brilliant pro*- of unquestioned supremacy. H. SENA LTD. Bangkok. Penang
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  • 23 2 THE LION DANCE on the wharves to welcome tourists. Four "lions" frolic with the "laughing Buddha." Straits Times picture.
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  • 260 2 A N exotic and tem--^*pestuous lion dance in Sineapore wharves early yesterday heralded the arrival of the Orient Line luxury cruiser O r o n s a y and the Colony's new '•openarm" policy towards tourists. The tourists roarrd their approval when youths from
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  • 250 2 CORPORAL: I FOUND BLOODY SPEAR ALOR STAR. Sunday. OTHE magistrate here, Inche Hassan bin Hussein, today committed a padi planter, Salleh bin Ahmad, 18, for trial in the Kedah High Court on a charge of murdering his aunt, Aishah binte Saad, 25, a mother
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  • 199 2 Anti-party charges: 2 cleared KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The Selangor Malayan Indian Congress today cleared two of its members ot charges of working the Interests of the Alliance in the recent Kuala Lumpur municipal election. Bungsar Ward. The charge had been madi by the Selangor UMNO An executive committee meeting
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  • 45 2 KUALA TRENGGANU. Sun --The Assistant Comj.lrolle'' of Customs, Trengganu and East Pahang. Mr. H. G. D Lewln. will leave for Britain on leave shortly. Tengku Adnan bin Tengku Besar Burhanuddin. of Seremban, who arrived here recently. will take Mr I Lewln's place.
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  • 24 2 Fought— s2s JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Shasram bin Shariff and Lee Yong Mow were each fined $25 here today for fighting in a public road.
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  • 55 2 Mr. Taw Cheng Hock, a graduate of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. London, has been awarded a scholarship by West Germany to do research at the Technical University of Munich. Mr. Taw. senior radio instructor at Balestier Trade School, will leave the Colony soon and will
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  • 45 2 KLUANG. Sun. Mr G Pankajakshan who has taken a Certificate in Education at the University of Malaya has been appointed lecturer at the Day Training Centre, Muar. He has been teaching in the Government English School here sinc c the reoccupation.
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  • 33 2 JESSELTON. Sun. The North Borneo Railways are putting on a special dlesel. train to take pilgrims to the annual memorial service for Japanese war victims at Petagas tomoit >w.
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  • 51 2 Two Singapore boys who passed out man the Malayan Basic Training Centre recently, left by the troopship Oxfordshire yesterday to study radiography in England. They are Woon Tiot Tat and Tan See Chee. both 18. They will return next y<ar to serve another five years with the
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  • 45 2 Prof. Scalapino of the University of California will give two public lectures at the University of Malaya on Friday. He will talk on "The role of South-East Asian Affairs" at noon and "American Foreign Policy in Asia" at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 38 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Mr. V. G. Donough. State Fire Officer. Johore, will give a talk on "The Hazards of Fire" to members of the Johore Bahru Rotary Club on Tuesday at the Johore Civil Service Club.
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  • 30 2 DURBAN Sun— Two giant killer sharks wer c shot from a patrolling helicopter as they made for groups of bathers at resorts off Natal s south coast. Reuter.
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  • 269 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun before quantity". The Federation Govern. I In another message, the ment will strengthen the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul development of the co- Rahman, said the Federation operative movement and give Government realised that every encouragement to co- only co-operative movement operative education.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 Which one flew tourist? lh ok ver^ ha PP v> don l tlle > Fro™ tf"-' 11 bright, fresh, pleased look, you can't Z!v W^ *iffll c w c 1 y° un B lady flew Pan American's .jF*! t >«.> iffifrj *k luxe "President Service" and which chose I •■gjjv
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  • 304 3 YUGOSLAVS AGREE TO SHIP ARMS TO JAKARTA BELGRADE, Sunday. THE Yugoslav Government yesterday gave formal support to Indonesia's claim for Dutch New Guinea and said the problem should be solved in accord "with the national rights and dignity of the Indonesian people". A joint communique issued in Belgrade after talks
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  • 160 3 K 0 CAIRO. Sun. Saudi Arabia announced yesterday King Saud and the Saudi Government will give M 53 ,000.000 to the Algerian rebels. Til" announcement said the King started the collection in his own household and told "every man. woman and child"
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  • 118 3 LATEST IN FASHION-THE CLOTHES PEG LINE ROME. Sun. Italian fashion designers yesterday introduced the "clothes peg" line calling for thin figures and flat chests in their fashion showings for the spring and summer. They demonstrated the ability of a determined woman to be any shape that fashion requires. The new
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  • 26 3 CAIRO. Sun. President Nasser yesterday received a Japanese economic delegation here, to study the possibilities of Japanese participation in building the Aswan Dam.— U.P
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  • 201 3 Crash down goes the glasshouse LONDON, Sun— The noto- rious Glasshouse Britain's toughest military detention i centre is to be torn down. The demolition of this military Dartmoor, built in 1869 at Aldershc k, an ancient garrison town near London will start next week and is expected to be completed
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  • 271 3 NEW DELHI, Sun. Mr. Nehru. India's Prime Minister, said yesterday one day Russia and the United States might be close friends. He told a meeting of the Indian National Congress at Gauhati It was strange how friends of last year
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  • 353 3 PREMIER BACKS MR. MACMILLAN ROME, Sunday. ITALY'S Prime Minister, Mr. Adoni Zoli, yesterday 1 sided with Britain against the United 'states in favouring a non-aggression pact with Russia in his reply to Mr. Bulganin's letter to the Western powers The Italian note made this
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  • 59 3 Another baby for Baby Doll NEW YORK. Sun. Actress Carroll Baker gave birth to a son at Mt. Sinai hospital yesterday The baby weighed seven pounds and H ounces Miss Baker and her husband, director Jack Garfein said they would name their second child Harold. Miss Baker was the tfiumb
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  • 119 3 ARTIFICIAL LIFE Russians: We hope to create it in sputnik soaring through space f ONDON, Sun. Russian scientists are to try to create life artificially by sending the "basic substance of living matter" into space in a sputnik, according to a Moscow Radio broadcast. The scientists believed that cosmic-ray bombardment
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  • 69 3 MONTREAL. Sun Edouard Lefebvre, 22. a first offender on a burglary charge, was yesterday given the choice of two years In jail or a parole. On parole, he was told, he would have to keep an 11 p m. curfew and stay out of night
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  • 283 3 WOMAN'S SEX CHANGE: GOVT. PAY ROW LONDON. Sunday. AN award of mgner pay a to a senior Britisn woman civil servant who changed her sex blew up into a Parliamentary and Press controversy nere yesterday. A Conservative M.P gave notice tnat he would raise the issue in the House ot
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 32 3 NEW DELHI. Sun. France will lend India $140 million for the second five-year plan under an agreement to be signed this week it was re ported here yesterday Reuter
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  • 153 3 U.S. WARNED: QUIT OKINAWA— OR ELSE B nTTAIIT NEW YORK, Sunday. RITAINS Cyprus problem was today compared tc American difficulties over the Pacific island of Okinawa, by Mr. C. L. Sulzberger, chief foreign correspondent of the New York Times He warned that Okinawa, could become a second Cyprus and that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 incabloc the decisive improvement of the modern watch. mi UNIVERSAL CSCArCMCNT LTD.. I CM« U X DI■TO N D S. SWITZ C 1 1 AN ft.
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    • 458 3 -J/ /£>/k fashion o€of(e&> cottons Or plain faille l^^Bp AN ALL WLj FABRIC IN A THRILLING RANGE OF RTV 32 Colours; Crease-shy. ft\ With and without X patterns, sophisticated. H^ •xqufsite, cool, EMBROIDERED POPLIN— LATEST 9H^7 TILL NOW PATTERNS ON GROUNDS IN 12 Colours Al»o woven and r" jA. I
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  • 210 4 Road safety campaign: Police plan to be tough 24-HOUR CHECKS ON MOTORISTS IPOH. Sunday.— Traffic police will give Ipoh motorists instructions on good driving and road manners when "Road Safety Week", organised by the Ipoh Horary Club, starts on Feb. 10. Several army and police teams w.ll keep a rigid
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  • 307 4 COUNCILLORS QUIT UNLESS RAZAK PLAN IS IMPLEMENTED AT ONCE BUKIT MERTAJAM, Sunday. PROVINCE WELLESLEY South UMNO division last night threatened to dissolve its 40 branches, including 12 Kaum Ibu (women's) sections. The threat will be carried out, a spokesman said, if the UMNO high command takes action
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  • 126 4 HOSPITAL ARCHITECT TO START WORK SOON IPOH Sun— The Peratc State Architect, Mr. K. C Duncan, leaves for Kuala Lumpur at the end of this month to start designing new hospitals which the Federal Government plans to build throughout the country. Mr. Duncan who has served 18 months in Perak.
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  • 51 4 PENANO. Sun The Penang Port Commission Employees' Union today decided to giv c the management until April 20 to reply to their outstanding claims. These include a six per cent rise in cost of living allowances and a 3' 2 per cent increase In housing
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  • 103 4 i/\rAM, ounaay. THE newly-formed Tapah and Tanjong Malim town councils, in which the Alliance won all nine elected seats, have been advised to elect council lead ers. The advice has been given by Captain Aodul Hameed Khan. Alliance federal councillor for Batang Padang and secretary of
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  • 44 4 TEMERLOH. Sun. The tetlng A.isiotiim Commissioner ct Labour. Pahang. Mr. Diong Chin San. stationed here, has been transferred tu the State Labour Office Kuala Lumpur. His place will be taken by Mr. Lee Chee Weng. a labour officer from Tapah. Perak.
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  • 174 4 ■ZUALA LUMPUR. Sun Businessmen are "keen" to set up offices in the new $2,000,000 skyscraper building which is to be constructed here by the Malayan Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society. The chairman of the 14,--000-strong societv. Inche Abdul Majid bin Hajl Ismail said that the
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  • 98 4 HIS HOLINESS UNANVALIA I. PARAMJOTHI MA irvv founder and chief of the Universal Peace s.ini tu.irv will arrive in Singapore font India by Air India on Jan 29. Many of his disciples, de votees and well wishers are expected to be at the airport
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  • 214 4 SPLIT IN MIC DIVISION WIDENS DENANG, Sun. The rift in the Penang and Province Wellesley state MIC widened yesterday when votes of no confidence were passed on its vice-president, Mr. A. Balakrishnan, a Penang city councillor, and its secretary, Mr R. K. Naidu. A special general meeting, called by the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 283 4 USHA I ji IN «O" 8* 1 I J AND 36' sizes THREE IN ONE Low current r- consumption w Trouble free performance Beautiful streamlining AGENTS DISIR.BUTORS (Pvt) LIMIIED HEEREN BLDC.. I 242. ORCHARD RD. I S PORE. TEL: ***** I X Ml University Correspondence College Expert Postal Tuition for
      283 words
    • 900 4 M9^gP^MK^g^^g^w^«jga^^g^g>>^g^K«g^g^g^g^g^g^gJ^gJHHHHHnHßHMßHßHßMaMMßnHߧ 3. 645. 9 15. SIN: Kar Wai Lo li.ij.iiii.ii IVli.lliU Koong Sang Wai Chye iCantcn- n 1 PS?) 2 30. 6 45. 9 15. 4TH4V Nanah Pnch •> \t\ I ODtON: L-.v Oirls 3 15. 6 45. 9 30; 1 017>915 TOL: Prince and the Showglri 3«. sIN Iron
      900 words
    • 395 4 Only pen in the world with these 7 special features H AMERICAN DfSICN AND BRITISH II PRECISION ENGINEERING J COMBINE TO PRODUCE A I J PERFECTED BALL-POINT PEN I NIW RETRACTIN6 ACTION \ML r <" lifelong w«or Th« vital parti [WU mnd» of tampered tt—l h ME niw oiL-rui ink
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 200 4 RADIO MALAYA Bright; 200 Close Down; 500 InniUMW n«Lftlft rerlude For Musk; 515 Their NATIONAL SHORT WAVE Kind Of Music; 545 Children s SFRVKI 41 meir« Playhouse; 615 Women s Half SIN(V\PORF I Hour; 6.45 LlghU On; b 53 R--Mrdlnm wave 476 metres glonal Announcements; 654 SlnKIAL* 11 Mint B<pore
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  • 325 5 Victory In seven months or sooner, says chairman of war committee Starving terrorists eat fertilisers, but these are now inedible TANA RATA, Sunday. THE chairman of the Cameron Highlands district war executive committee, Mr. G. M. T. Osborn, said yesterday he was confident the bandits in
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  • 63 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun The Minister of Defence, Dato Abdul Razak. yesterday congratulated the Johore State War Executive Committee on their success in eliminating the Gemas Bharu branch of the Communist Party. The four remaining members of the Branch surrendered yesterday in the Segamat area.
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  • 104 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Tho Federation's 65.000 daily paid workers are concerned about the month old request for a date with the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, to discuss their claims for better wages. No reply has been received and the staff side of the
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  • 45 5 PENANG. Sun Over $10,000 worth of cameras and cine projectors were stolen when a photographic store in Carnarvon Street was broken Into last niyht. Several valuable calculating machines were not touched The collapsible iron gate and an iron chain had been broken.
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  • 63 5 TELUK ANSON. Sun. Kantan bin Daud 30. a former watchman on Rubana estate, Teluk Anson. was fined $250 in the sessions court here on Friday when he pleaded guilty to mischief by maiming a cow. Kanlan fired twice at the cow. which had strayed
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  • 27 5 TLLUK ANSON. Sun. Tiv Arsjlo-Chinesf School (ap condary section > here ';> build. ng throe more clax rooms at a cost of $***** for 130 additional atudenu.
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  • 101 5 I) I KIT MERTAJAM Sun.— ProTinre WfII f 1 1 f landowners complained yesterday to th c Penang Chief MinUter. Mr. Wong Pow Nee, that they were being; "exploited" by goY. ernment. "We have to pay Irrigation rates, although our
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  • 156 5 KUANTAN, Sun Pahang may not start evening classes for overaged students if more people do not join them. A few of the returns from the 24 registration centres for classes show no applications. 11 The response has been very poor, the State Education Officer,
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  • 163 5 Tine inquiry may have cleared workers' KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. rpHE Malayan Trade Union Council charges the government with "shocking delay" in making known the report of its probe into last year's labour unrest in the pineapple industry in Johore. It states in the latest Issue of
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  • 126 5 HIGH SCOUT POST FOR MALAYAN TEACHER KUALA LUMPUR, Bun. The first Malayan scouter to be appointed a field commissioner of the Far East Boy Scouts International Bureau In Manila Is Inche Abdul Kader bin T. Kechil. of Butterworth. Inche Abdul Kader. 34. who has been in the scout movement for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 313 5 The secret of youth in old age It's not how old you look but how young you fed that is the secret of youth in advancing r yean. Brand's Essence of Oticket\ Tf f n. W*-l taken regularly, sustains BRANDS mk ESSENCE OF CHICKEN THE ESSENCE OF STRENGTH l|«SaP (fFm
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 179 5 Carmen A Co. ttu Mno 1/m' Saint ttu Lest it* Charivris Di< I, Tracu tty 1 h<>si<>r imtmUl W— ANIL) SINCE THE CAB IS 1 /wuatpV JUST TWIS-TWE W TWE POSITION OF TWIS SZ c vn .rT ig-r L ,.,,c N W INTACT AND TWE FBONT I J MIDGET WAS
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  • 1157 6 The Straits Times Spore, Mon. Jan. 20, 1958 Co-operative Self-help Ship Seizures Anti-subversion The first South-East Asian Conference on co-operation, I sponsored by the International Co-operative Alliance, opens in Kuala Lumpur today. The broad purpose of this regional conference is to consult with I I.C.A. members in the area, other
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  • 1331 6  - THE CO-OP MOVEMENT IN MALAYA Padi loans Big demand Re-opened Good signs Problems THE PEOPLES' FAMILY BUSINESS "THE choice of Kuala Lumpur as the venue of the first international co-opera-ti v c conference in South-East Asia which opens today is a tribute to the movement in the Federation. Started in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 788 6 1 Straits Time* k Free Press j I for Hi* convt.ttexc* «f odver- tiicra our rcprcuntoN>et at lit i floor, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE ORCHARD ROAD, will n reive »moll odvcrtr ementj and oni« II to boa numbi r% Clarified ocvcttuenicnu may alv. be handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD Winchester
      788 words
    • 145 6 "want Vucces" FASTER? Let proven Dale bv^m Carnegie Training •^~^H give you tliut extra fc_ JB measure of poise R^rTß and confidence ■t w| that can mean a better position HjHH In your future. It will prepare you for increased earning power and leadership through your ability to deal with
      145 words
    • 767 6 Title for the Queen's representative sT[.,.r r-ssy sassus srsJg-ws mistake Dy su fpf v '"8 ni sound rather re- afterwards an advice note that the Queens Malaya- is may sound raw er re regarding this reborn representative should P u a b v atn t t a S, ["J fund.
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    • 80 6 (jUflhtittttl BLADE-ELECTRIC SHAVEMASTER In six attractive colour schemes white, K:inch Tan, Suddle Brown, Burgundy, Cadet' Gray, Jet Black. |M^^^^^J|b The Electric shaver Bl| with a Real Hollow lIHI H Ground Doubic edge ■IHjfl Hi h a<le —■< really |H shaves he-low the Im nr.l line! Model G in Smart new
      80 words

  • 212 7 All set for big co-op talks KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —All the 136 foreign rtetegstM to the first South-East. Asian conference of the International Co-operative Alliance here havo airived. The conference will be op.-ned tomorrow by the J Prlmf Minister. T( ngku Abdul Rahman, in the British Council hall. Inche Abdul
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  • 43 7 TEMERLOH, Sun. Quek Sz e Teck, 18. of Mentakab, •'•as yesterday fined $100 or two months' jail for having without permit a bottle of tonic and two bottles of kidney pills in the restricted area of Triang on Dec 12.
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  • 120 7 Trengganu firm gives notices to 11, says: We are losing money KUALA TRENGGANU, Sunday. E«LEVE\' employees of the Trengganu Bus Company here were given notices yesterday ending their S£ The c S em n ploSs 28 aflected Biv?n because the company are 10 inspectors who are *f sllfr
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  • 430 7 Agreements Representative MEETING ACCEPTS COMPANY'S SEVEN TBMMS: POSTERS COME DOWN, PICKETS LEAVE UNION ADVISER URGES: TRY TO WORK IN HARMONY WHEN YOU RETURN PENANG, Sunday. THE Eastern Smelting Employees' Union today agreed to rail off its 54-day strike by 350 members on the company's
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  • 29 7 TEMERLOH. Sun— A joget girl Zubaidah binte Saniad. 23, of Mentakab. was yesterday fined $20 or two weeks' 'ail for failing to replace her lost identity card.
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  • 30 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A sentry at a jungle camp in the Sungei Siput North district of Perak wounded a Communist terrorist on Jan. 9. it was announced today.
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  • 93 7 New cinema can seat 1,500 people KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The new million-dollar Cathay Cinema in Bukit Bintang Road here will be officially opened on Jan. 23 The cinema, the second biggest in Malaya, was designed by Mr. Y. T. Lee, a Federal and State Councillor. It can seat 1500 people,
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  • Article, Illustration
    141 7 THE KING IS ONE OF 1,500 GUESTS AT WEDDING RECEPTION SIR HENRY HAU-SHIK LEE. the Federations Minister ot Finance, and Mr% Lee gave a reception on Saturday to 1.500 guests at their Golf View Road, Kuala Lumpur, home to celebrate the marriage of their eldest daughter Dr Miss Violet Lee
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  • 241 7 FHE Mayor of Singa- pore, Mr. Ong Eng Guan. is aware of the growing "invasion" of hawkers throughout the city. He said yesterday: "A special hawkers' advisory committee is being set up by the council to study the hawkers' problems." Mr. Ong declined to
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  • 36 7 KUALA KUBU BHARU Sun. -Inche Abdul Az.z bin Mohamed AH. former assistant State Secretary. Pahang. is the new District Officer. Ulu Selangor. replacing Inche Mahyuddin bin Mohamed Zain, who has gone on leave.
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  • 48 7 KUANTAN, Sun A leading American folk dancer. .Mr R Holden. who is on a Far East tour, will arrive here on Feb 1 for a two-day visit. He will give a talk on Ame- rican folk dances and lead 1 two folk dancing sessions.
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  • 139 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. T»HE Socialist Youth League of K Malaya will send a delegation to meet the Minister for Defence and Internal Security, Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, to demand that its vice president, Mr. Goh Hin Son, be either tried
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  • 84 7 PENANQ. Sun. A schoolgirl, Samnah Hamedy, 15. was elected sarong and kebaya queen at a Malay varie'v show fashion parade in au of the Poppy Day Fund the New World Park here last night. Mass Zainab Osman, 18 a teacher, was runner-up with a
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  • 282 7 Rival nations for big fair IN an all out effort to capture the Malayan market, Japan is taking over half the available floor space of 80.000 sq. feet at the International Trade Fair which starts in Singapore on Feb. 15. The three- week exhibition
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  • 227 7 JOINT STAND BY 20,000 TEACHERS ON EDUCATION I^UALA LUMPUR, Sun. —Malay teachers throughout the Federation will present a united front on a demand that Malay secondary classes be started without delay. They are planning to I hold Malay education congress representative ol j 20.000 teachers The decision to hold the
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  • 45 7 Xl ALA 1.1 MM K s u The Federation Government ha» appointed a committee to stu<!\ t PMlbiltty Of offer*** t* temporary clerk?* rr man ni! J*)bs. rhUi is tin- result of Map by the Cr« Ir.i. pwrar> OCioetV laiou.
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  • 54 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun '< About 500 people have attended a two-d«y Malay books exhibition which ended at the UMNO House here toI night. The exhibition was spon- sored by the Kuala Lumpur branch of the Selangor Ma lay Students' Union wltfc the help of the
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  • 37 7 TTELUK ANSON, Bun A .second English school foi sirl. s here has been opener Tt is the Methodist GlrK School In Raja Musa Road which now has an enrulmdi. ioi 2&J in kix rlaura
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  • 72 7 History— and women who helped make it IPOH. Sun A "pageant of famous women." will be staged at the AniJo-chin-ese School here next month to raise funds for buildIng Perak's first YWCA hostel. Rehearsals began last week It will have 30 performers who are now making their own costumes. They
    72 words
  • 85 7 400 guests at nurse's wedding IPOH, Sun Pretty Misa I Christina Lee Seok Choo. second daughter of the secretary of the Perak Turt Clutt. Mr Lee Koon Inn. was married to Mr James Ai> Oun Cheung of Singapore, at the St Michaels Church here today A reception was held at
    85 words
  • 62 7 SITIAWAN, Sun. More than 60 Indonesian labourers on Ayer Tawar Estate, near here have applied to become Federal citizens. The majority of them were born in Java and came to Malaya more than 30 years ago A spokesman for the labourers said: "We have lived so
    62 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 71 7 FOSTER CLARK'S Select dessert RASPBERRIES Select dessert STRAWBERRIES f-' <*""" BLACKCURRANTS Select dessert COLDEN PLUMS P,Ced by B A K E D B E A N S F«t<r KENTISH CHERRIES Clark Ltd.. >' ll( '"*h CARDEN PEAS Maid-.tone CARROTS Kent England PROCESSED PEAS Sole Agents SANDILANDS BUTTERY CO., LTD. Penanc.
      71 words
    • 109 7 machine! tools jflKßfi.Jjl COMPREHENSIVE I tjt|||^V. JjL i VICTORIA MODEL K*^JJjj[y££sfs MILLING MACHINE M BM|B ■«M M M V •M M 1 SHAPING \'f' I machine JJLynll pi tyLjJP kOM Wtlt TfUlt 4NSON kLANTAN JtsbLLTON Si«IA I EYE EXAMINATION Ton «M e»t with false tcttfc but you can't im with
      109 words

  • 859 8 SUPPORT FOR METAL BOX By Our Market Correspondent yHK main feature of the Malayan Share Market last week was the sorry plight of tin shares which were very adversely affected by the depression which has arisen in world tin markets as the result of the
    859 words
  • 1287 8 THE main news on Singapore martceis last weex was provided by uncertainty about the tin price following world doubts which have sprung up about the future of the international buffer stock once it has purchased its first full complement under the international agreement of 25,000 tons.
    1,287 words
  • 323 8 5.004 THE following list of revised in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period Jan. 11 to 11. INDI'STRIALS: Fraser Neave Ords 52.75 to $2.80 to S2 72 1 to S2 70 to 12.72 1 to S2 67.. Gammons
    323 words
  • 1 8
    1 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1542 8 VM w il I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS TO IcCiT NEW FLATS 978 97C, APPLICATIONS ar* invited for APPLICATIONS are Invited luncUon of Kallang Home ihSKMteiuiS from Male Bnd Pemale Pederal Road. Most suitable for l°*lX S-h^f tt Citizens, age 18 but under aa for lustel. hotel. restaurant. he Rur^
      1,542 words
    • 816 8 KNUTSBM LINE omibmi mbhvic» HOM CAHAOA/U4 PACIFIC POUTS— IO PAYS •*aa»fj Saa Arriving Vaacaavtr Freackco S'aafa f. Iwatt. Paaaaa. faiaaH. KRISTIN aAKKI l»/20 3mn 21 Jon 2t Jon ANNA lAKKI SalUa Seaaa" 9/11 t* 12 Fcb 14 f«s> 11 F.b ■USAVITH •AKKI X4 iaa Fcb 11/11 Mar 14 Mar I*
      816 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1389 9 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Tel: Bttta (IS lines) (Incoipnratfd ,n Singapore) (T2' lines) oepT 9 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE X,. SAILINGS to LIVEkfOOL, GLASGOW, LON3ON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS (Via Suei with liberty to proceed via Ponoma or Capo at Goad Hope) Carriers option lo proceed vio other ports
      1,389 words
    • 1144 9 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK AND/OR FAR EAST Penang P. S'hom S'pora "KINA" 18/2* Jaa 20/22 Jan 22/25 Jaa "SUMBAVVa"*"" 14/24 Jan JS/24 Jan Accepts eorgo far Japan MEONIA" 24/28 Jaa 29/10 Jan 11/ 1 Fak L ALAND) A" 21/21 Fak 24/23 Fofc 24/ 1 Mor "KOREA" 21/22
      1,144 words
    • 1092 9 bSi'lding THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. tmT* SINGAPORE (Incorporoted in the United Kingdom) 5 LINES SAILING* TO ADEN. U.K. ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Penong BENVANNOCH for Liverpool, Rotterdom, Hnmburg k» Pert/21 Jaa ■ENAVON for Homburg, London, Rotterdam, Hull C.4/22 Jaa 22/2S Jon 24/27 Jan BENDORAN far London, 21/2S
      1,092 words
    • 1255 9 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** ELLERMAN LIMBS KLAVEMESS LIMB LONDON. HAVRE ROTTERDAM. Los AN(;|US JAN F( ANC|SCO SEATTLE, VANCOUVER I PORTLAND one] for U.S.A., North Atlontic Ports Accepting carga far Central k South and Canodo via Colombo America •CITY OF LUCKNOW iinu»vim S'pora P. S'liom Penono BRONX VILU
      1,255 words

  • 419 10 FIRST DIVISION TITLE RACE BECOMES KEENEB LEAD IS CUT DOWN TO FIVE POINTS BY BLACKPOOL LONDON, Sunday. tyOLVERHAMPTON Wanderers seem to be losing their grip on the English First Division soccer championship. Their lead was cut yesterday to five points when Blackpool beat them 3-2 at Blackpool.
    419 words
  • 142 10 West Ham take over the lead in Division Two after losing 0-2 at home to Middlesbrough. London club West Ham United swamped Swansea Town 6-2 and took over first place with 35 points the same number as London neighbours Charlton Athletic, who are a fraction behind on goal average. I
    142 words
  • 282 10 Birmingham 2 Burnlry J Blackpool 1 Wolves Z Chrises X Newcastle 1 Leicester Arsenal 1 l.uton J Aston Man. I nilrd 7 Bolton S Notts For. 1 Leeds 1 Portsmouth 2 Man. Citjr 1 Sunder Und 1 Everton 1 Tottenham 3 Preston 3 West
    282 words
  • 137 10 KAMPALA, (Uganda). Sun. Hard hitting, which led to two bats being broken, featured play here yesterday when the MCC. scored 193 for four wickets after dismissing Uganda for 122. This is the final match of the MCC tour which ends tomorrow Mike Smith <63> and Colin
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 1043 10 DIVISION ONE P W D L P Apts Wolves 27 IT 6 4 63 32 40 Preston 27 15 5 7 61 30 35 West. Brom 27 12 11 4 64 45 35 Man. United 27 14 < 7 68 43 34 Luton 27 14 4 9 45
    1,043 words
  • 114 10 Davidson, Benaud put on 244 in 217 mins PIETERMARITZBURG, Sun. —Facing the demoralising Australian total of 589. Natal made a spirited reply here on the second day of the match yesterday and when play ended half an hour early they had scored 78 for one wicket. The Australians resumed at
    114 words
  • 86 10 AUSTRALIANS Ist Inn.. (Overnight 308 f,r five). Benaud c and b McOlew 187 Davidson c Watkins b Dodds 121 Crate c Bowles b Watkins 15 Grout run out 66 Kline not out 2 Gaunt run out 0 Extras 10 Total 589 BOWLING: Goddard 38-4-122-I: Watkins 35-5-160-1; Smith 18 5-0-104-2;
    86 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 562 10 fla^ fE^^B B fTfci «1 -W^ii H I Phone TA|\l will A.M.. 1.45, 4.15, 333t2235l Pat Boone— Shlrlrr lonw in X' •t 2 oth "ADPII I t\\lt" Cinemascope j century-Fox's AKKIL Wit Color By Pc Lu«e. J i COMING! "ORLANOO" In tiammaSrope A Eastmancoior. ±r y." m TTTTSfSTyi rtmne xrvnivt
      562 words
    • 440 10 t Z97:: JTly A 9.30 a A CB/.RLES uiyr |y yrUf VADtf l>»*n CHAPLIN A IVinU IN NEfT TUKIV Addams (SB), rj g Plus! SpecUl NewareH: CEYLON'S FLOOD DISASTER. phom /^mmW^nmT^Smm\ Shntriny d 2 42 1 1,1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 J "OUTSIDE THE LAW" M J m NEXT "TICCD
      440 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 338 10 Straits Times Crossword *|£&S d tbt 27. React It. reset on the AdrtaUc (7). 112I 12 J 4 H 5 7 8 2 C 0' 0 1 of the place whert motors are won? (7). H H 9 I. Teas, get* up with no llak^l J blllty (5). 1O More
      338 words

  • 464 11 WALES HOLD THE CHAMPIONS TWICKENHAM. Sunday. ENGLAND, winners of last year's international championship, were held to a 3-3 draw by Wales in their Rugby Union international match here yesterday. Wales led at half-time through a se-cond-minute penalty goal. England replying with a try in the 55th
    Reuter  -  464 words
  • 228 11 DUBLIN, Sunday. SCORING two tries in the last seven minutes, Ireland made a dramatic recovery to beat the Australian Wallabies by nine points (two tries and a penalty goal) to six (two tries) in their Rugby Union international at Lansdowne Road here yesteiday. The
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 79 11 PIETERMARITZBURG. Natal, Sun. The South African cricket team for the third Test against Australia, beginning at Durban on Friday, shows one change from the side beaten in the second test at Capetown. Pace bowler Peter HPine (North- Eastern Transvaal) Is recalled In place of Eddie Fuller
    79 words
  • 17 11 MELBOURNE. Sun Nervous tension has forced 16--year-old Olympic swimmer Faith Leech, to retire from swimming
    17 words
  • 40 11 LONDON. Sun. Yesterday's Rugby League results were: Barrow 14 Leeds 18; BramJey 10 Batley 2; Castleford 7 Huddersfleld 46; De-- sbury 14 Kelghley 10: Doncaster 3 Bradford Northern 18. Halifax 28 Hull Kingston Rovers 7: Hull 29 Wakefielci
    40 words
  • 39 11 Trinity 2. Hunslet 2 Featlierston Rovers 3; Rochdale Hornets 5 Workington Town 19; St. Helens 27 Liverpool City 8; Swfnton 16 Blackpool Borough 5; Whitehavei. 4 Leigh 2: Widnes 2 Oldham 12; York 17 Warrington 12.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1746 11 iContliiurd (ran Pafr 6) SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT w 4 u < m "> v v <c.tti > SCOTS NURSE trained seeks t Words tS I Mim.) Box it tt.. txtrm. receptlonlsl or adm inEXPERIENCED MEDICAL Re- istratlve. not necessarily nursing nicscntallve required by pro- Box A 8547 S.T. gressive
      1,746 words
    • 911 11 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE to Words ti (Mim.) Box St cl: txtrm. SHOP HOUSE in High Street. Kuala Lumpur, area 87 1 sq. ft. Annual Rent $74«. For Price apply Box A 6590. ST. NEW TERRACE HOUSES Flower Road, Upper Berangoon Road, Modern Sanitation. Easy Payments arranged. Particulars apply Chan
      911 words
    • 898 11 BOATS. YACHTS. FOR SALE M Word* ti (Mim.) Box >• cl,. txtrm. 20 FEET BERMUDA Rigged Sloop with small cabin, and outboard motor sails Excellent condition. Ideal Family. $900/- Tel. Morrison *****. VF.HICLES WANTED it WorHs ti (Mim.) Box it ct*. txtrm. WANTED Good Used Cars: Ford, Morris Vauxhall. Plat.
      898 words
    • 825 11 FRESH FLOWERS it Word* tit (Minimum). Dailm 1 month. It Word* S2.iv (Mim.) PRINCESS rXOWEH SHOP 251 Orchard Road Monday Wednesday. Friday air shipments Giant English Rose*. Chrysanthemums, AntorlunM Free Delivery Ring ***** NOTICES RETIREMENT PICTURESQUE COTTAGE unique greatly sought after sheltered position yet all amenities buses driver-end tn 3.
      825 words
    • 409 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICAI lONS are Invited from Federal Clttsens and from serving Government officers for appointment as Communications Assistant, Department of Civil Aviation on the salary scale $137 50 X 7.50 152.50 175 x 7.50 205, 224 x 14 336 352 x 14 422 plus COLA at current rates. Candidates
      409 words
    • 404 11 NOTICES NOTICE MR PAM HOCK LEONO has retired from the partnership of ihe undermentioned firm as from Bth January. 1958 From this date he has no authority to transact any business on our behalf. MALAYA LIGHTERAGE TRANSPORT CO.. 16j Tras Street, Singapore. NOTICE i WE WISH to Inform all our
      404 words
    • 402 11 I NOTICES NOTICE Hotels Licensing Regulations. 1956 Regulation 12ii)(a) Application for a Certificate of Registration NOTICE is hereby given that NO KENG SIANG and SHEILA WAI MENG EU (m.w.) botii of No. 241 West Coast Road. Singapore, are applying to the Hotels Licensing Board. Singapore, for a Certificate of Registration
      402 words

  • 91 12 PORT ELIZABETH. Sun. I Oood bowling by Eddie Ful- l?r, who was dropped from the South African team to meet Australia in the third Test, put Western Province in a strong position at the end of the second day's play in their match against East- 3rn
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 490 12 To pay for tours. visits and coaching By V. P. NAYACAM KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The Indian Varsity Occasionals from Madras will play four matches in Malaya during the coming season. The Malayan Cricket Association, at a committee meeting here today, decided to offer the Occasionals tentative
    490 words
  • 313 12 JEEP'S JOTTINGS Weem came so near his first success tyEEM must be the unluckiest horse In Malayan racing After 21 losing runs, this Devonian gelding finally 'broke the Ice" in the IJmlle handicap at Ipoh yesterday But 15 mtnutes later be lost the race in the stewards' room Weem was
    313 words
  • 200 12 AN OLYMPIC DIVER CALLS FOR BETTER FACILITIES KUALA LUMPUR Sun.-J. H. GJerding, 28. a diver who represented Denmark In the 1952 Olympic Games at Helsinki, today delighted a large crowd with a fine exhibition of spring-board and high board diving at the Selangor Golf Club. He did ten variations and
    200 words
  • 174 12 KONRADS HAS NOW SET SIX NEW WORLD MARKS IN EIGHT DAYS CYDNEY. Sun Jon Konrads. the 15-year-old Australian swimmer broke the world record for the 220 yards freestyle here yesterday clocking 2min 4.8 sec Konrads time also made him the first man to beat the world record standard
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  • 779 12  -  OH KEE TIAMG By pENANG, Sun. There was keen enthusiasm when Eddy Choong, the Malayan and All-Eng-land champion, started his training scheme for promising young players at the UMNO Hall here yesterday. Eddy, appointed by the Badminton Association 01 Malaya as honorary coach to
    Reuter  -  779 words
  • 46 12 PERTH. PERTH. Sun. Betty Cuthbert. the Australian trine Oiympic gold medallist, yesterday equalled the world 2M yards record with a time of 23.6 seconds at Leederville Oval. Betty's time Is a new Australian record. She also won the 100 yards In 10.8 sec.
    46 words
  • 36 12 MADRAS. Sun. Ramanathan Krishnan, Inda's leading player won the men's singles title in the All-Inda hard court lawn tennis championships here yesterday when he beat Ulf Schmidt (Sweden) 2-6. 7-5. 5-7. 7-5. 8-6.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 20 12 KAMPAR, Sun. The An-glo-Chinese School Union beat Anglo-Chinese School 3-2 in a Dlv. 1 league hockey match here.
    20 words
  • 81 12 VANCOUVER, Sun. Four Olympic champions have been invited to run In the British Columbia Centennial Gam"* on T une 6 and 7. Tin •>• are 1 u.dimir Kuts (Russia). Ron Delany (Eire). Bob Morrow and Tom Courtney (both US Other athletes Invited Include Derek Ibbotson (Britain),
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 97 12 4-2 win gives S'gor XI title FPOH, Sun. Selangor became champions of the quadrangular hockey meet which ended here today when they beat Penang 4-2 in a hardfought game on the padang. Selangor remained unbeaten In the three-day tournament, with victories over Perak (3-0), Negrl Sembilan (2-0) and Penang (4-2).
    97 words
  • 130 12 Selangor's inside-left Geoffrey de Silva netted three goals and centre-forward Christie Shepherdson scored the fourth. Penang took the lead In the 17th minute through centre-forward Norman Vowles. but Selangor equalised six minutes later. The score remained 1-1 at half time. On resumption Penang led again In the
    130 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 772 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT ¥OUB SERVICE" M lord, lit (Minimum). Dmiim 1 month. If Word, UM (Mlm.) CLAUDE. Had a wonderful trip! Arranged by Everett's, ot course! SPtCIAL THEATMENT, Skin Diseases Consult Muthu, 348 Market Street. Tel. *****. PHOTOSTAT SERVICE: Documents rapidly copied. Fotomitlc. 68 Robinson Road. *****. EXPERIENCED In 3
      772 words
    • 56 12 Clear, sparkling eyes are always beautiful to see. Your eyes can be sparkling with health if you protect them with Optrex. Use Optrex every day it cleanses, soothes and refreshes! It's easy to protect your eyes with Optrex. PROTECT YOUR EYES WITH WfS Optrex lir EYE LOT lON j I
      56 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 84 12 I wu glad whan my wadding I wm afraid I ihould look worn draw waifinithsd-myayat wara out on my wadding day. Than faaling to tirad and ttrainad. Mother told ma to usa Optraw for aya strain. I usad Optrax night and morn- On my wadding day, my ayes Ing. What
      84 words