The Straits Times, 11 January 1958

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE II lII. Y (lIMMIIH KALE I \<l IMS 1(0.0(10 The Straits Times flew*** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1958 ft 15 CENTS
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  • 310 1  -  PATRICIA MORGAN CITIZENS WHO DO WOT EXERCISE FRANCHISE MAY FACE FINE 30 per cent elected council: Mandatory poll would ensure rule of majority's choice By Govt. alarm at public apathy ALARMED over the public apathy revealed in the City Council elections, the Singapore Government is likely to
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  • 377 1 'Unhappy day if Reds gain power' dress or left Singapore. The Straits Times was reliably informed yesterday that the extent to which pro-Communist groups turned out in force to back extreme left-wing candidates has been under close official study. The president of the Labour Front, Mr. Chew Swep Kee. has
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  • 25 1 BANGKOK, Frl. SEATO headquarters today announced N»l Pote Sarasin. premier of the Siamese provisional government, had been re-appointed secretary general of SEATO- Reuter
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  • 141 1 Hillary: A second winter at the Pole WELLINGTON, Frl. Sir Edmund Hillarj will spend a second winter in the Antarctic with Dr. Fuchs and the Commonwealth Transantarctic Expedition if they end their crossing too late to leave before winter. But Sir Edmund will not permit the rest of the 23
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  • 34 1 PRESIDENT SOEKARNO is greeted by Mr. Nehru at New Delhi airport this week. Behind Mr. Nehru is President Rajendra Prasad. I. P. picture. Army spokesman: Still going on
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  • 239 1 JAKARTA, Friday. ARMED troops today raided suburbs of Jakarta. Scores were seen in fashionable Kebajoran, the home of most foreign residents. An army sopkesman, confirming the raids, said he could give no details "because they are still going on." He said, however, that they were
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  • 65 1 TOKYO, Frl. Mr. TsuneJiro Hiratsuka, Japanese Government delegate to the second session of the Japan Soviet Fishery Committee left by a )r today for Moscow. The talks, to discuss among other things the amount of fish catches in waters off the Km iles and restriction of
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  • 28 1 ISTANBUL. Fri. The Turkish Foreign Minister. Mr. Ratin Zorlu said yesterday that Turkey would never accept any solution of the Cyprus problem other than partition.— U.P.
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  • 376 1 GRIK. Fri.— Addressing a predominantly Malay gathering of 2.000 people at Grik. Upper Perak. this evening, the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, said that the Alliance Government would not set up a ministry for religious affairs. This decision was taken at the request of the
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  • 464 1 APPEAL TO RUSSIANS TO 'TURN THE CORNER' TOWARDS LASTING PEACE 1 f ONDON, Fri.— Within J a few hours of each other, President Eisenhower and Marshal Bulganin, both made urgent appeals and proposals for lasting peace in the world. The Soviet Prime Minister's
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  • 89 1 CALCUTTA. Fri. Pakistani Muslims living in West Bengal yesterday started a new rush for Pakistani passports and visas in the wake of a call in Pakistan for the sealing off of borders between West Bengal and East Pakistan. The call was made jointly at Dacca, East Pakistan,
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  • 49 1 WASHINGTON, Frl. The American Red Cross haa contributed $30,000 (US$lO,--000) for the relief of Hood victims in Ceylon, Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther. Red Cross President announced yesterday. The money would be used to buy emergency supplies needed in flood stricken areas he said —UP.
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  • 101 1 FENNER MAY BE NEW COMMISSIONER OF POLICE MR C. II Fenner, Senior Assistant Commissioner of the Federation Police, (below) who has returned from leave in Britain, was tipped yesterday to become the Federation's new Coramissioner of Police. Unconfirmed reports claim Mr. Fenner will take over from Mr. W. L. K
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  • 241 1 2 a.m. news roundup U.S. MISSILE TEST "SUCCESSFUL" CAPE CANAVERAL. Frl. An Atlas inter-continen-tal ballistic m'ssile was fired from this testing site In Florida today. The Atlas, fourth to be launched in the present series of tests, rose slowly through the morning mist, leaving a bright trail of fire visible
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 jto DESSERT IS W NO PROBLEM wK (if? v? fPßnnrn COLD STORAGE CREAMERIES LTD. fe^jjn^Ell Fitness Wins I m**** F jla^l tfc" 1 ht h <fe*rcc uf ph>Mcal time» -and 'UvlMto"*^*** 0 A I^l Ojltine" tu\ been offWtjlly recognized tod \ei\t4 4 'bbbl tf>n| P*' *>r» ai e\«r> Ohmp*. (uiw
      115 words
    • 266 1 c fflßi a JBk 'P am. B*»£ aaa JRL« a W r M»)v- Bflßa^Lmflr cat and; j MOUSE j The Host fantastic a spy story of the war FIELD MARSHAL ROMMEL took the a hand of the bronzed. a handsome young a German and shook it warmly "I ivish f/uu
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  • 110 2 GAITSKELL ON THE BONDS THAT HOLD THE COMMONWEALTH ii i. LONDON Fri— Mr. Hugh Oaitskrll. leader of the British Labour Party, said yesterday that th c principles of racial equality and non-aggression were Mil- bands that held the countries of t!i P Common, wealth together. "It is an essence of
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  • 25 2 TOKYO, Fri. The Japanese Ministry cf Finance said today talks would be held here soon on a Japanese loan to India— Reuter.
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  • 283 2 1. Peace pact 2. A-free zone 3. Summit talks lONDON. Fri. Mr. Aneurin Bevan last night declared himself all for a non-aggression pact with Russia, an atom-free zone in Central Europe and a "summit" meeting. But he pave a sharp an- swer when asked
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  • 105 2 LONDON. Fri. British i philosopher Bcrtrand Russell (Earl Russell) said last night that the world had 20 years at the most to overcome the H-bomb menace. "If we can get tfais one I great problem out of the way, mankind can face a greater
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  • Article, Illustration
    808 2  -  DONALD Fro. WASHINGTON, Friday. ET there be no doubt, for the people of the United States this must be a year of decision. If they wish to preserve their leadership of the free world, and preserve also their own rich way of life, they have no choice but
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  • 739 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. Following i s partial text of Preside n t Eisenhower's State of the Union message, delivered to Congress yesterday: There are tasks confronting us that so far out-weigh ail others that I shall devote this years message entirely to them. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 11 Uvn only the Best is good enough* Choose front the Mtifjniliii <>nt lU.IH Range of j gill C INOIRIPIIIIIEINIPIE J li=g| j HI-FI RADIOS AND RADIOGRAMS I o» fi </ A "odcrn 6-valvc »c» cq.ipptd wit* 3 19 WlOit Wt^^^Bf(|^J| Mod 80 3 0 A 9-Vnlvc radio V ourst.ind,n
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  • 369 3 BULGANIN SENDS FEELER LETTERS TO ALL UNITED NATIONS MEMBERS SEVEN-POINT RED PLAN TO REDUCE TENSION AND STOP ARMS RACE- MOSCOW, Friday. RUSSIA plans, within the next two or three months, to call a world summit conference to reduce international tension, end the armament race
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  • 183 3 MAC HAS NOT SEEN IT YET They said the timing was in line with recent Russian moves to mobilise Asian opinion in Its support American observers thought the letters were another instance of adroit political manoeuvring by Russia while the NATO allies were conferring on what reply they should send
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  • 30 3 TOKYO. Fri— Outer Mon golia and Poland have signed a trade agreement for 1958 and 1959 and a payments accord, the New Ch'na new> agency reported today.— U.P
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  • 28 3 CAIRO. Fri It has been decided to have a new quay constructed for oil tankers in Suez Tenders are to be invited for the scheme. Reuter
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  • 134 3 BUT DULLES STILL AGAINST WASHINGTON, Fri.— TT Mr. Foster Dulles, the Secretary of State, has "little optimism" about the prospects of summit talks with the Soviet Union. For four hours yesterday he testified at a private session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Then Democrat Senator, Mr. William Fulbright said:
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  • 103 3 FOUND— TWO BOATS LOST IN STORM SUVA, Fri. A Royal New Zealand Air Force flying boat radioed Suva today that tt had located the 23-ton cutter Kadavulevu which had been missing since a hurricane swept through Fijian waters on Tuesday First reports gave no clv« to the welfare of the
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  • 30 3 MOSCOW. Fri. Soviet Premier. Marshal Bulganin. received members of the Egyptian financial delegation headed by the Minister of Industry. Mr. Aziz Hidky. in the Kremlin yesterday -UP.
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  • 56 3 BUDAPEST Fri— Budapest police have launched a drive to keep the city quiet. This follows a recent ban on the use of motor horns. hooters and bells within the Hungarian capital and restrirtions on parts of the city which can be used by trac- tors,
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  • 51 3 HSIAO Ml who won the "Miss Photo Queen" contest sponsored by a Taipeh newspaper poses with the six runners-up. The congest was the first of its kind in the Nationalist Chinese capital. Miss Hsiao and the other girls all work in popular Taipeh restaurants. IP
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  • 204 3 WHY I QUIT— BY TREASURY MAN WE STILL SUPPORT TORIES WOLVERHAMPTON, Friday. jytß. Enoch Powell, former Financial Secretary to iTI the Treasury, who resigned earlier this week because of the lack of party support, said last night that he would continue to give the "utmost supI port" to the Government.
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  • 104 3 Wage rise for builders LONDON, Fri. Unions and employers agreed yesterday to a penny-an-hour increase for 1,000.000 building workers and sent to committee a union demand for an extra Bd. The penny-an-hour rise will cost the industry an estimated £10 million ($B5 million; a year and add about £10 i
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  • 113 3 SAIGON, Fri. Twelve lovely French aquagirls will perform their water ballet in Bangkok, Singapore and Cambodia soon but they will wear one-piece suits Instead of the brief bikinis popular on the French Riveira The girls are scheduled to visit Bangkok and Singapore in
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  • 54 3 SYDNEY. Fri. Tiny darkhaired Giovanna, new-borr daughter of the Australia! Diane Cilento. will be bapti.|ed in St. Peter's Cathedra. I Rome largest church in th< world. I "It seems a tremendou I church for such a little baby said Diane today as shi boarded an
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  • 55 3 Twice lucky finder RIO HI JANEIRO. Fri.— Police in Rio Grande Do Sul are looking for a man who found a winning lottery ticket on the street. He took it to a clerk who, by mistake, handed him over 100.000 cruieiros— S3.77s— instead of the 35.000— 51.31."> to which he
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  • 297 3 LONDON. Thurs— Apart from the buoyancy of gilt-edged. It has been an uninteresting day in London stock markets with falls outnumbering gains. Investment buying In Bri'i.-h funds marked prices up and some good gains were recorded over h broad frai I Dollar stocks generally were rather mixed but
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  • 34 3 LONDON. Thurs— Spot J3Ud Feb. 23\d.. Mar. 235 d., AprilJune 23 7 fcd.. July-Sept. 24-.d Ort -Dec. 23\d Jan. c If. 23d. Feb. 1.1.1. 2SHd.. Mar. e.l.f. 23 \d Tone: Easter after steady.
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  • 22 3 F.ONDON. Thurs— Buvrs £730 «el>rs £730' i. Forward buyers €731-: HRm 1732. Settlement £730.. Turnover a.m. 175 tons, p.m. 60 too*.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 a»»KfifsdjPS§£a»P™\\v' Design and appearance of TITONI HjSfre-gSC^^Wmlk/ Airmaster Swiss watches combine styling Wlin classical elegance. Skillful craftsmanship i dependable service. UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRING j{i/to^
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    • 175 3 •sii" c^ VcAPlTpftS TONIGHT I w r ,i „.|g,ifr/ MIDNIGHT I "I'M JOE MARTINI...EXCOP... ■In It^^y I g ave back I 1 Bw. m y badge.!". a ■^■^JP^ J jH^ to search down a B A^V f l^ c y sa y '^^l^^^kh^ ncvFr find!' 1 I «ro urn ift-^a
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  • 191 4 Stowaway 'crew men' go back today stowaways who tried to enter Singapore illegally nearly two months ago are to be sent back to Hong Kong today in the British freighter Dorinfhia. Colony port officials and the Special Branch have questionrd the seven men thoroughly but without success. They are, however
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  • 27 4 Goh Gok Tin was acquitted in Singapore yesterday on a charge of extorting $1.50 from a hawker in Boon Tiong j Road on Nov. 26.
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  • 57 4 A 57-year-old woman, Gon Ah Kirn was fined $100 in Singapore yesterday for assisting in the carrying of a public lottery chap-ji-ki— en Nov. 20. 1956. The court was told that Goh was writing some chap-ji-ki characters on two slips of papers when she was arrested
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  • 57 4 The Prime Minister. Tengka Abdul Rahman, chatting with the Minister for the Interior and Justice. Inche bin Dato Abdul Rahman, who is recuperating from a heart attack at the I'm. me General Hospital. Inche .Sulaiman was stricken while holidaying
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  • 49 4 Liew Kok Chong yesterrtay I denied a Singapore court charpe that he attempted to i extort $7 40 from Mirza Farharudin by putting him in tear of bodily harm in St. Michael's Road on Thursday. Bail refused and Liew was remanded until Jan. 17.
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  • 183 4 When the robbers left 20 minutes later Liew and her riauahter ran to their neighbours with their hands still tied behind them. Police believe the masked man lives in the area. No arrest has been made yet. KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. AN elderly widow lost all
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  • 31 4 TANJONG MALIM Fri. Inche Ariffin bin Mohamed Nam. former teacher in th Malay College. Kuala Kang has assumed duties a* principal of the newly completed Malay SecondarySchool her p.
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  • 297 4 New Federation colleges may train all the teachers the country needs Cabinet, Education Ministry study whether students should be sent to Britain KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. ■pHE Federation Government is reviewing the question of sending student teachers for training in Britain. It is considering whether
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  • 131 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. -The Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce today decided to appeal to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to commute the death sentence passed on a woman terrorist Wong Lan. 28. alias Ah Har. for having a shotgun and ammunition. Wong lost her appeal
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  • 19 4 JOHNNY WANTS TO BE QUADS' UNCLE MR. AND MRS. STEWART i n the home of Che Markanah binte Amat
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  • 27 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Federation Government wants seven more women police constables. The first batch of 53 passed out from the police depot last March.
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  • 372 4 7 KNOW YOUR PROBLEMS...I WANT TO HELP MOTHER SMILES HER THANKS worker was away from home at the time. The Stewarts who are due to leave for London today are prepared to postpone their trip if Inche i Kasban whom they plan to I meet at the airport, thinks of
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  • 29 4 Polling stall who assisted ha UK Singapore City Council election will be paid their allowances at I Returning Officer's ciilice. 15 I Fort Canning Road, on Moniday
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  • 58 4 Three men. Sadanadan Govindan, Sreedharan Govindan, and janardhanan Narayanan pleaded not guilty in a Singapore court yesterday to a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to N Gangadharan by fracturing his nose on Thursday nieht at Bukit Timah They were allowed bail until Jan.
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  • 59 4 PENANG. Fri. The vll lagei s of Balik PuUu. 2<5 1 m.k-s from George Town > want a taxi to operate in > the district. "It is always difficult for' us to find transport when wt need it urgently." states t petition which the villagers have
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  • 183 4 MORE TALK THAN ACTION ON CHEAP HOUSES, HE CHARGES SFREMBAN. Fri. A Labour Councillor, Mr. Kobert Singam. said there had been mote talking than action in the last three years on the issue of building low cost houses for slum dwellers in Srrrmban. He was asking the council last night
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  • 93 4 rpHE question of television X for Singapore is linked with the luture of Radio Malaya. As an independent country, the Federation desires to have its own radio. Officials of the Singapore and Federation Governments have been appointed to a committee to study
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 63 4 100% PURE iP"\ HERE IS THE 1 h lIhIijImTI M uU An An 111 q^ If THAT EVERY CUP fW^ W tf^^ Every one of the millions of r instantly soluble particles of Vf^Smgg^S^&M aroma of the world's finest l^l^cTJifJjM blend of coffees. Just add hot W^^liamtti^M water and delight
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 181 4 DAnVA Utf AVA n; l<J Part I: 130 Tln RADIO MALAYA nd n<-.>. i.« II: 215 The Week-ends NATIONAL S'f'tPT 215 The Latin A WA\K MSVKI W. 300 S.iturday Prom; 3 :i> 41 mrtrrs Box Parade: 400 1 v Ml fct/i Afternoon; 430 Te;i Dane*; 5.00 MNGATOBI ,v Medley: 500
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  • 344 5 JUDGE QUOTES PROVERB: TO ESCAPE TIGER YOU FELL TO CROCODILE INSPECTOR TELLS COURT WHY HE DECIDED TO CALL FIRE EXPERT BKNTONG, Friday. A MAN who Ml his crashed car ablaze and then told the police that it was the work of terrorists was
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  • 144 5 7 saw legs sticking out of water* SUNGEI PATANI, Friday. A MAN told a coroner here yesterday that he found his wife's body head-down in a well after she was missing from her bed at 2 a.m. Lim Boon Hoe. a cigar factory manager
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  • 29 5 TAIPING. Fri. The new nominated members of the Taiping Town Council for the year are Mr. A. M. Lesslar, Mr. j. L. McCluggage and Mr. P. Dharmananda.
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  • 46 5 KLANG. Fri. The treasurer of the Klang District Boy Scouts' Association. Mr. George Labrooy. last night warned that the association had a balance of only $130 at the end of 1957. Mr. Labrooy told scouts to work hard to raise the funds.
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  • 44 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. The Johore Bahru District Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis will send its secretary. Mr M B- Dass, as its delegate to the Commonwealth conference of the National AatOCtattOD for the Prevention of Tuberculosis In London in July.
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  • 19 5 BRUNEI. Fri. Mr. J. O Gilbert ha s been appointed commodore of the Royal Brunei Yacht Club.
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  • 44 5 A YOUNG MAN sits *n a bed of nails at the Chee Hoon Temple in Goh Hock Huat Road. Klang, watched by hundreds of worshippers celebrating the Aw Kiat Kwan Yin festival. The celebrations lasted three days.
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  • 387 5 PENANG, Friday. FIVE Eastern Smelting strikers and their families slept on the ground last night after they had been locked out of their quarters by company officials. For four days they had de- der the barracks fled a court order to vacate "We ate
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  • 50 5 IPOH, Fri.— An old man from China who failed to get an identity card after his arrival in Malaya was fined $20 today. Lee Oh Keng, 67, who entered Malaya on Nov. 19 on a permit obtained by his son, pleaded guilty of failing to register.
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  • 209 5 I£UALA LUMPUR, Fri IV —The "ghost town" of Tras in Pahang, which came to life again four months ago, after having been deserted six years, is expected to be officially declared open by Feb. 18 Chinese New Year's Day The Government hopes that by this time
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  • 69 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM Fri. Seventy-five thousand residents of Bukit Mertajam will no longer have their water rationed during future droughts. "The Government plans to implement an extra reservoir, supplying the town with enough water to meet Its growing needs", said Penang's Chief Minister. Mr Wong Pow Nee today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 245 5 Mr. BRANDYMAN says OF MARTELL COGNAC "LONG OR SHORT". IT'S WAY AHEAD... j(f\\ FIRST PAST A"/\\ THE POST r VJ EVERY TIME! MARTELL COGNAC ROTTERDAM TRADING CO., (M) LTD. Everyone in town is talking about jpSt MOCAFINO > Mo(^ "MAGIC" INSTANT COFFEE CONTEST Mare you got your Entry Form yet?
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 894 5 l». Kin ■<> CESS: Sun Glory 12.30 2.45, 7, 'lain, v 9 15; MAJESTIC: The Battle BKII I.LiN i Girl Rush 2 15. N t i iVnriarmi 12 in 9tn CATHAY: An ARair To Re- 7 915 IOB«*ATION: Yira 7 9 f 5. "pV^Trsi MalilVa 645 9 15 PARAMOUNT: Mak-
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  • 216 6 Spastics' new clinic to open soon 24 CHILDREN II FIRST INTAKE MALACCA, Fri. The $194,000 children's orthopaedic centre at Tanjong Kling, seven miles from here, is nearing completion and will be opened soon. The centre, first of its kind in the Federation, was built from the funds provided by the
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  • 88 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A trench will be dug across Mountbatten Road Kuala Lumpur's busiest shopping cent:e on Sunday in connection with the Klang Gate.* waterworks scheme Traffic police here today asiced motorists to avoid the section of the road from Malacca Street junction to
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  • 599 6 U.S. NAVY MAN: CEYLON FLOOD HAVOC PATHETIC His team treated 8,000 victims in four day* "pHE havoc caused by the recent Ceylon floods was described by crew members of the American mercy mission destroyer Southerland when it docked in Singapore yesterday from Trincomalee. Said medical assistant Lyle Morgan, 38: "It
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  • 194 6 Growers' keen interest BS biggest flower thow to dp held la Singapore for many years will open at the end of March tie Happy World Stadium. A photographic exhibition of floral studies will be held simultaneously and it will include colour pictures and transparencies for
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  • 100 6 New plans to tape taxpayers KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Federation's Income i Tax Department has warned j employers that they have I only 21 days on which to submit details of the earnings of their employees Workers affected are: Those earning more than $3,000 a year including widows Married women
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  • 33 6 IPOH, Fri— Mr. D. J. Staples, 36. who was chief of the Rural and Industrial Development Authority In Perak for the rast five months, has left on promotion to Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 112 6 CINGAPORES first-Asian archdeacon, the Yen. DD. Chelliah, will assume office at an installation service in St. Andrews Cathedral on Jan 25. The Bishop of Singapore, Rt. Rev. H.W. Baines, wiU induct him. Dr. Chelliah, Anglican diocesan secretary for schools in Malaya and a teacher
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  • 73 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Nine assistant superintendents of police in the Federation have been promoted to the rank of deputy superintendent. They are Mr A F John (Kedah-Perlis), Mr S. W. Moreira 'Selangon. Mr. Santokh Singh (on leave), Mr. Albert Mah (Pahangi. Mr A Nicholas < Kedah-Perlis i.
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  • 46 6 Mr. O. J. Okell. of the law firm of Braddell Brothers. Singapore, left for Britain in the Schwabenstein yesterday, accompanied by his wife and daughter. Mr Okell. who has been in Singapore since 1950, will not return. He Intends to practice in England.
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  • 30 6 MALACCA, Fri. Mr Joginder Singh, 48. chief clerk of the Supreme Court. Kiwla Lumpur for six years, has been promoted assistant Official Assignee in Negri Sembilan and Malacca.
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  • 17 6 Senior Inspector Mewa Singh has been tran.-fprred from Johore Bahru to Kota Tinggi as assistant OCPD
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  • 129 6 'MALAY FOOD IS TASTY BUT...' K( ALA LIMPLK. tri Malay food? "It's so tasty. But, my goodness, tin- way it's cooked is all urong." The person who thinks so is an authority on rooking Che Azizah binte Ja' the new principal of ttie I .mull Asohan RIDA (RIDA Women's Institute).
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  • 48 6 SEREMBAN, Frt. The Seremban Town Council last night decided that bills for conservancy and trade refuse should be sent out monthly and not half-yearly. Labour Councillor. Mr Kat Fye Hin who successfully moved this motion said: This will make things easier for the tax-payer.
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  • 36 6 Five radios, two sun visors and a spotlight, all stripped from cars by thieves in recent months, have been recovered by Singapore police and their owners can ck'.im them at Central Police Station.
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  • 76 6 Prisoners are told: Ask and we will always help PENAXG, Fri.— Two hundred and forty prisoners in the jail here wer c told today: "Never be afraid to come to us with your problems. We will always help you." The word of advice came from Mr. Ng Boon Khai. State
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  • 47 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Two officers of the Federation Volunteer Forces have been promoted. They are 2 Lieut Ridzwan bin Mohamed Salleh. of the FMVASC. to the rank of lieutenant and F Ong Keng Kwong. of the MAAF. to the acting rank of flight lieutenant.
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  • 91 6 KLANG. Fri. Building lots in the Eng Ann Housing estate at Batu Tiga Road here are for sale. The managing director of the Eng Ann Estate Realty, Mr. Teh Thlan Seong ,sald today that originally he had intended to put up houses In the estate on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 461 6 InAN YANG GARDEN! MOST MODERN FREEHOLD TERRACE HOUSES 1 FOR SALE I w« J 1 h^L I 'L T "iC_a r*" m mmmm M. 'i'fci IflUlriV* wm> (A "^V-; 'lj*, FROM $22,500 UPWARDS I ST. MICHAEL S ROAD WITHIN CITY AREA 3rd Mile Serangoon Road. Near Qantas Airways Garage ELECTRICITY
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  • 174 7 ONE IN THREE MARRIAGE FAILURE Husbands to blame mission chief IPOH. Thurs.— One out of every three Muslim marriages in Ferak last year enrted in divorce, it was said here today Up to September there were 1,461 divorces against 3.822 marriages, an improvement over the previous year, when there were
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  • 209 7 Estate employers agree to new pay pact talks UNION CLAIM PRIVATELY DESCRIBED AS 'FANTASTIC,' BUT... KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association has agreed to talks with the National Union of Plantation Workers on a new wage agreement. The secretary of the M.P.1.E.A., Mr. R. G. D. Houghton,
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  • 35 7 KUANTAN, Fri. Banners hang across two main roads here telling the people to become Federal citizens. They are part of a citizenship campaign by the Malayan Chinese Association and Chinese guilds
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  • 39 7 One was not heard in a Singapore court yesterday because the chiel witness did not arrive. The defendant in the case Toh Lai Lock is accused of using his car for taxi purposes without bein? licensed
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  • 83 7 MORE BOATS JOIN HUNT FOR PIRATES Police efforts on land and sea to locate the five pirates and the speedy sampan they used to rob an estate manager of a $27,086 payroll on Tueiday are still drawing blank. Every available Marine Police patrol boat is taking I part in the
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  • 46 7 PE.CANG. Fri. Penang Veterinary DeDartmtnt travelling dispensaries carried out a total of 28.399 ranikhct and fowlpox vaccinatioa- in 92 villages. kampongs "nd nstates throughout the state iast month. Al'ogUher. 3.947 n *i n treated for <•» t and three pi?s injected with swine fever
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  • 186 7 Mother of nine is fined n OO IPOH, Friday. A MOTHER of nine children, who received only $80 a month from her husband, was sentenced to a $300 fine or three months' jail here today for unlawfully trying to earn an extra $10. She
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  • 56 7 BUTTERWORTH. Fri. Butterworth customs officers found 48 packets of playing cards and 16 packets of matches hidden undermath some koay teow carried on a bicycle at Mitchell P>r. At the Sessions Court here today. Chut Lai Eak. 22. pleaded guilty trt evading customs duty of
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  • 27 7 KLANG. Fri. The new Sunday market at Goh Hock Huat Road hero will be opened by the District Oilicer. Tuan Syed H:\shim bin Abdullah, tomorrow.
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  • 399 7 MONEY FAILS TO KEEP TWO ITALIANS FROM HOME— THE 'BEST COUNTRY' "AUSTRALIA is wonry derful, but our country—ltaly—to us is the best country in the world." two Italian stowaways who emigrated seven years ago said yesterday on board the liner Roma. The two
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  • 48 7 Ong Chye Seng. 26. and Ong Thian San, 28. yesterday denied having 314' 2 lb. of uncustomed cigarettes at 1.30 am. at the junction of Upper Serangoon and Paya Lebar Roads yesterday They were allowed bail of $10,000 in two sureties till Jan. 22.
    48 words
  • 28 7 The Indian Fine Arts Society in Singapore will celebrate the Saint Thiagaraja Day at the Ramakrishna Mission at Bartley Road today and Sunday at 3 p.m.
    28 words
  • 167 7 IPOH, Fri— A hotel ooy who gave his girl friend a j cheque for $400 after stealing two blanks from his employer's cheque book told the Ipoh magistrate today: "I had no intention to cheat. I jost wanted to piny funny with the
    167 words
  • 200 7 IPOH, Friday. EK)R the past few days Ipoh residents have been 1 awakened by early-morning artillery fire from units bombarding terrorist hide-outs in the nearby hills. P™**^ shelling is being, tamed round the clock, art of a war-of-nerves le terrorists. s detonations
    200 words
  • 133 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri—Women police inspectors are now working in Johore. Two who passed out recently at the Police Training depot have been posted here. They are Inspector Tungku Wahadaniah binte Tungku Abdul of Raub, and Inspector Adeine Khoo, of Penang. They are at present
    133 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 302 7 THE NEW 1958 "EMPRESS LINE" CHEONGSAM MTf Designed I ROLAND M of ~*w^ CORAL 1 fl ml/ mi 1958 UNION I QUEEN MISS Daisy Szeto the very I sleek and sophisticated iB cheongsam is H -JH on display in CORAL CO. For your Chinese Ac'«.' Year Cheongstim Consult Mr. KoLutJ
      302 words
    • 284 7 dcotch whisky... there's «P^ a fine, honest drink for JL#OH I you, appropriate to every occasion. In Haig you uvour Scotch at its best, B^f^ distinguished by the rare character that befits the product of iv oldest dciillerv So stick to Scotch and give it a ask for ■Jh L
      284 words

  • 34 8 in Wardt %U (Mlmlmum). CHELLAMMAH. Beloved wife of T Ambalawanar, Kuala Kangsar, on 10.1.58 cremated at Hindu burial ground Kenas Road Leaves behind husband, ten children and five, grandchildren to mourn her low
    34 words
  • 57 8 If Wordn fl* {MMmumy MR AND MRS. STEPHEN TEH KONG BEX thank all friends and relatives for their valuable gifts and attendance at their wedding on 26 12.57. DR k MRS. N MAHALINOAM, Kuantan, thank all relatives and friends for their attendance, congratulatory messages, good wishes, valuable presents and
    57 words
  • 26 8 Id Ward, ll* *,n,mum) W EVERLASTINO Loving Memory of Joseph Cruz Gomez of Chartered Bank. K.L. who departed this life on 11th January 1957.
    26 words
  • 242 8 M Word, $10 {Mimtmmm). A LITTLE COUNTS much when using Tabasco, the Chilli Sauce that adds that certain something to food. WHERE TO GO? What to do? The Cockpit's Just the place for you. Rijsttafel Is served every Saturday and Sunday CHIROPODY: The New Clinic at 'Maynards' 11 Battery
    242 words
  • 57 8 to VMk «.J« imimmum) SOCIETY OP FRIENDS (Quakers) Meetings for Worship t-t the YMCA. Orchard Road, at 6 p.m. on Sundays, followed by Discussion. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETt Singapore. 8 Ovanse Grove Road, Slneapore-10 (off Orchard Road i Sunday Sen Ices and Sunday School 10 30 am Testimony Meetings
    57 words
  • 34 8 I* Word, IS (Him.) Box $t rft. tMtrm LOST BROWN MALE Boxer Dog. clipped-ears, answer to narre "Sasha", very good-naturrd; vicinity Singapore Turf Club. Please Phone ***** or ***** alter office hours. Reward.
    34 words
  • 161 8 I* Wordtti (MiH.) Box in rlt exf»« IDEAL HEADQUARTERS for yourself and family Rural surroundings, easy access City and West End Excellent home cookIng and comfort Attractive cocktail bar. riding, squash court. Air mail enquiries answered promptly. Any plane or boat ran be met. Godstone Court Hotel. Godstone,
    161 words
  • 100 8 to Word, ti Vim.) Box M rlt rxlra COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY tuu) many uses In Commerce and In- dustry. Advanced development of the process in the StraiU Times j Colour Laboratories which produces transparencies and colour prints up to 11" z 18" tins made it-s use possible for many purposes
    100 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 566 8 Marshal Bulganin writes a good letter. But the r irrespondence which is cor. anueel with fresh proposals for a summit conference is becoming confusing. Having invited Russian attention to the possibility of a conference of Foreign Ministers, the Atlantic Powers are now discussing their replies to
      566 words
    • 374 8 Malacca has fought hard to stop the decline of its port. And with some minor successes that seemed unlikely two years ago, for a few shipping lines now make calls at what was once Malaya's only portBut efforts to persuade the government to embark on improvement schemes that
      374 words
    • 244 8 Some of our politicians are simple souls. Mr. K. L. Devaser, for instance, a member of the Federal Council who now find* himself quoted with approval and no doubt to his embarrassment by Peking Radio. Peking thinks that the Cairo Afro-Asian conference did wonderfully well which it did
      244 words
  • 1352 8  -  CYNICUS by FE Federation Bar Council will almost certainly inform the Chief Justice of its opposition, believed to be nearly unanimous, to the hearing of preliminary inquiries in secret. I am quite sure that the recent debate in the legislature on trial by Jury would have
    1,352 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 8 ALTAR PRIEST— Photo by Chan Chin Bock
    Chan Chin Bock  -  9 words
  • 696 8 I HENRY 1 BRANDON REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON •THERE is no doubt among Americans today that business is not as good as it was, and most people believe that it might get worse. The barometer that everybody always watches is the sales volume of new
    696 words
  • 107 8 {From the Straits Times of Jan. 10. 1908) The price of tin Is expected to roach $150 a picul Just after the Chinese New Year. A leading producer says this Is because at the current price of $60 a plctil. it Is impossible for many mines to
    107 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 27 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. I U Word, lit (Mlmlmmm). UTAS: To Joan and Alex a •on. Richard Paul, brother for Peter and Anne on 10.1.58 at Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
      27 words
    • 51 8 GERMAN PEN J^k Incomparable ter visible ink filling opacity, reliability price-worthiness. Vlnritc S3R 14K fold cap |1S Viarite 33 fS.M 66 Junior $7.50 MaUhlnt Pencil 0 15. Vlnritc 22 O 16.50. Agents A> Service Stations:— EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO., 19. (hulia St.. S'porr-1. ENC SENC MEDICAL CO., M. Ah Qure St..
      51 words
    • 94 8 LONGINES A conicmporiry waich. doigncd fin vi »c(ivc life, for in open tir life, designed foi ihc younger generation X poUhed uainlat ttrrl throughout, thin and rubust, tht LONGINES "SILVER ARROW" has a ccmre-iccond. I hand and i> waterproof, anti-magnetk and shock-protected B An expanding ucel bracelet, which it moulded
      94 words

  • 114 9 Army pay for doctors 'too poor' KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Federation Government's plan to recruit doctors and dentists for Malaya's armed forces will fail because the salaries and conditions of service offered are unattractive, an official of the Alumni Association of the King Edward VII College of medicine said yesterday.
    114 words
  • 67 9 AFTER 40 YEARS— A $100 FINE A company secretary, Harold Martin Todd, was fined SlOO in Singapoie yesterday for negligent driving. Todd admitted that he swerved to avoid an oncoming car and knocked down a waitress. Bee Ah Liana;, in Bukit Timah Road on Aug. 27. The other car was
    67 words
  • 78 9 Officers and ratings of the Singapore division of the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve will Rive a farewell dinner to thoir retiring commanding officer. Capt. F. E. W Lammert. on Tuesday. Capt. Lammert was award- Ed the C.B.E. in the New Year Honours List for
    78 words
  • 133 9 Police act to halve city crime ALL available men In the Singapore Police Fore? are now being deployed night ly in raids on gangland These raids are aimed at picking up the secret society members responsible for a huge proportion of the Colony's daily crime. The swoops, carried out in
    133 words
  • 21 9 Mr. P S Kandiah. of the Public Works' Department. Singapoie, has retired after 24 years' service with the Government.
    21 words
  • 200 9 PENANG, Friday. RAJA MOHAMED, eldest son of the Governor of Penang, Raja Sir Uda, and Lady Uda. died at the Residency here today after a two-month illness. A student of St. Xavier's Institution, Raja Mohamed. 16. had been in hospital since November with a kidney
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  • 465 9 CITY MEN ASK: IS THE AXE FOR ALL OR ONLY THOSE WHO DRAW BIG ALLOWANCES? MOST WORRIED ARE THE OUTDOOR OFFICERS: THEY LOOK ON ECONOMY MOVE WITH TREPIDATION HUNDREDS of Singapore City Council employees were yesterday uneasily awaiting the proposals of the Mayor, Mr.
    465 words
  • 474 9 HE SENT UNUSUAL STAMPS TO THE QUEEN AND IKE IN THE HOPE OF CASHING IN ON THE PUBLICITY A SINGAPORE stamp dealer confessed yesterday he had sent some unusual stamps to the Queen and President Eisenhower recently in the hope that it would inflate
    474 words
  • 206 9 DEPUTATION TO SEE MINISTER KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TWO Kelantan officials of the National Union of Transport Workers today met the chairman of RIDA, Inche Ahmad Peran?, to discuss the dismissal of 10 members by the North Eastern Transport SerThe dismissed workers, who included seven
    206 words
  • 71 9 KIANTAN, tti. Fire yesterday destroyed property worth $80,000 mt VHintia Estate. 11 miles from here. The flames, fanned by a strong breeze, swept through a smoke house and a store room within an hour. "He had more than 100 piculs of sheet rubber in the
    71 words
  • 44 9 The Singapore Registrar of Vehicles last night announced that the number of cars increased by 3.413 between Dec. 31. 1956 and Dec. 31 last year. In December last year there were 48,682 cars registered, an increase of 741 over November.
    44 words
  • 159 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— A new deal is on the way for thousands of workers In shops, coffee shops, restaurants, hair-dressing saloons, tailoring businesses and laundries and similar concerns. A commission of Inquiry is considering if a wage council or councils should be established
    159 words
  • 189 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. T^HE steady fall in the price of rubber l»- c t year was 1 responsible for a $24 million drop in the collection of rubber export duties compared with 1956. In the year's total of $120--482.875. the December collection of
    189 words
  • 167 9 Closed lips town goes to polls TANJONG MALIM, Fri. The people of Tanjong; Malim— once condemned by General Sir Gerald Templer— "silent cowards'— go to the polls for the first time tomorrow to elect three councillors for the newly-lormed town council. The council has nine seats. Six have gone to
    167 words
  • 77 9 PENANG, Fri Tuan Hsji G. M. Yusoff, assistant public trustee will go on three months' special leave tomorrow before retirement after 36 years in Government service Starting his career as an apprentice Malay interpreter in the Penang Criminal Courts in 1922, Haji Yusoff was appointed Assistant Public
    77 words
  • 27 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri— Two cases of razor blades, worth $8,000. have been stolen from a godown belonging to Barlow and Co., in Jalan Lumba Kuda.
    27 words
  • 61 9 Asiah binte Bulat yesterday pleaded not guilty in a Singapore court to a charge of criminal breach of trust of two gold bangles, a pair of gold earrings, a gold ring and a gold necklace belonging to Jarah binte Saed. valued at $430. She was allowed
    61 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 311 9 DECCR World Fimous Conductorj Orche<trjt. World Famous Artist! LXTS2I4 Symphony No. 4in E minor. Op. 98 (Brjhms). The nna Priil Or:n. (cond. Rafael Kubelikl LXTS233 Song or the Nightingale- Symph. Poem {Stravmskyl. Pulcmella Suite (Stravinsky). L'Orch. de la Suisse Romande tc^ind. Anscrnetl. LXT5242 Mox.irt Arias. Hilde Gueden (Soprano). LXT5253 Trio
      311 words
    • 71 9 DAVIDSON MERCER. TTi« engagement Is announced between Mary Hilda, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. E. Mercer of Wellington. New Zealand and Roy Stephen, only son of Mr and Mr.». J. S Davidson of Glasgow. Scotland. .'ii\ 9 f-r £*jot/ some AfoW/ i^Jflm LYONS ICE CREAM Its SMOOTHER SWEETER
      71 words

  • The STRAITS TIMES Saturday forum
    • 1068 10 THE FEUDAL TRAPPINGS OF MAYORAL OFFICE A FTER some preli- minary remarks on the cumbersome administrative machinery of Singapore and its inconsistencies, Professor Parkinson (S.T. Jan. 6) proceeds to show how ''the local government of Singapore has to be understood in its historical context." Whether this historical context extends deeper
      1,068 words
    • 287 10 INDIFFERENCE WON'T PRODUCE TEACHERS TF Minister for E-iuca- in reply to a charge I, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew on t .nadequate provision ot si-condary schools in Singapore, is reported (ST. Dt-C. 21 1 to have said: "For secondary schools wp must havp teachers and w P lack able and experienced
      287 words
    • 397 10 FiVERY year impressive figures are published showing the Income-tax lealised in Singapore. Has anybody ever stopped to think that these figures include t..x overcharged; tax that W 'U have to be refunded, but has not been refunded because of delaying tactics, in which the
      397 words
    • 611 10 REFERRING to Tan Choon Chye's letter (ST. Jan. 2 1 it is surprising there has not been more of a public demand for the review and revision of the present income tax law. One can only assume that this is due to the fact that the average
      611 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 606 10 a .-jßaaaaßßßßasaacLiaßaaV 29«« 11,1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 a cJSSt iS& "Man Of 1,000 faces" C IT I T Sr" T Tony Cfti, "The Midnight Story" v \l\T I T^rxT "The Chivalrous Senf stress" M^ d B rtl> I! Today 9 a.m.: "A MELLOW SPRING" Mandarin. Tomorrow 8.45 a.m.: I. AM)
      606 words
    • 774 10 ___________________M______^_________________H_____________M._________JM 1 JaaP*f -111. I i.\mS Xl i -t _n_ar_^ ___nTT-f I l U 7Tr_Bi JB Tl ■_&M f*____ia V I fci M llailßaT*" 9Jk>._Ml 'O. 4t L^J I *A J_ 1 21-116 lUUIlT! 6.15 49 30 I'M. ■M |T^_l CINEMASCOPE A (OLOK (FOX). H X i-ABY grant "ITKC THFM
      774 words

  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1275 11 THE TRADE MISSION THAT STOPPED A BATTLE How Penang-Delli trade relations improved deed, only returning Anderson'* royal salute and not, as seems far more likely, engaging what must have seemed like a surprisflank attack. When the smcke had cleared the trade mission was let into the fort. "The sultan, a
      1,275 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 317 11 You Must Hear... m^l^^m TAPE RECORDER W^V^^ 3-D Jt&V i MADE IN GERMANY^ /s*^" V>^ I technical data immmimmammmmii^mm Control automatic cut oft r~M C~"\^^^r^^k Operating Volt-g. II (J and 220 volM. ~,/7 Jjfaj^ -J»V^ 50 ep».. A.C. only. L^^Zi- *^^vl ]rm •ther voltage* and 60 Jg^vj^ij'T| \y /I cps.
      317 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 153 11 Carmen A f'o. By 3iaa Ihv Saint By i.vsliv Chartvris J kVOULD IN TH»T CASE. THEy kVOULD MvU '2'rtsvti Miv Chvstvr I»i>zil<l BHBBHHIHKHH y wold tweip abandoned AND ELSEWHERE— I T >' m DITCHING you cuvs.^ rSO -MEV TOO^ TUIS MAN'S C 11 1 H t LCQt<. I COT MEDIC
      153 words

  • 825 12 By Our Market Correspondent fHE tin price in Singapore at the moment is exhibiting remarkable stability and with only one price change in the last eight days' trading has probably set up a record in this direction. Ye3terday the price for
    825 words
  • 21 12 SINGAPORE, Jan. 10. RLBBEK: 78 's cents per lb. (down fiveeighths of a cent). TIN: 5:«51.75 per pieul (unchanged).
    21 words
  • 368 12 Rubber less buoyant HTHE first full week's trad- Ing since the holiday period opened on a rather less buoyant note, state Holiday, Cutler. Bath Co. Ltd. in their current rubber market survey. The Indonesian political unrest took a back seat as arrivals here from that country were reported to be
    368 words
  • 150 12 MEI.BOURNE. Frl INVESTMENT shares recorded a firm tone with AW A. up 6d. to provide the sharpest move on the Stock Exchange here today. B.H P. down 6d. was the main exception. Oil shares were easier in an otherwise steady mining section. Commonwealth bonds recorded a Loans 3
    150 words
  • 61 12 An increased dividend was announced by the Honckone and Shanyhii Bankinf CorporaU»n yesterday It is proposed to pay a final dividend of £1.125. 6d. on the new capltaL The profit 'w the >' ear ndMl December 31 after providini? for tax etc. amounts to HK $21,035.--543. The balance
    61 words
  • 87 12 The Malayan Exchaagr Ba»k»' Auoriatten made the tollnwing in its rates to merchant* yesteidi'y (all rales to $100): Canada: buying airmal TT. 33 7/16. O.D. 32 9 16. 90 d/st 33 15/18 credit bills, 33 trade bills. Selling T.T. «r OD. ready: (anada 32'»: Deutsche Marks 136 a;
    87 words
  • 146 12 January first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at "8 cents per 1b down-five-eighths of a cent on Thursday's closing price. The closing lone was steady Closing prices in cents per lb yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 H.B.S. f.o.b. buyers IB\, sellers 78',; Int. 1 R.S.S.
    146 words
  • 81 12 Singapore Chinese Produce ExehangF: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; UK/Continent January/February 829 a buyers. 130 sellers Caconnt oil: quiet: bulk $45 sellers, drum $49 sellers rV>p<T: quiet: no business reported done: Muni ok white *98. Sarawak $97 (both up $2). special Sarawak black $63 ur>
    81 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 334 12 i NOTICES AOKAM TIN LIMITED The output of Tin Concent] a tas for the quarter ended 31st December. 1957 Is 1,101 plculs EVATT AND COMPANY, Secretaries. NOTICE THE BENTONG DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE STORE SOCIETY (Under Liquidation) All Members and Ex-Members of the above-named Society are requested to communicate with the undersigned,
      334 words
    • 165 12 NOTICES C.C.CHUA& SONS, LTD. Will Sell By pi HI K AL'CTION. at their Compound at 137. Bukit Timah IM (near Newton) Tel: *****. On SATURDAY. M I II JAN.. 1958 AT 230 F.M. Awortad Rlavses A Kitchenwaie pots pans, I'icluics, Brass Table Lamps Approx 34W 10' R*cmds. Oil Paintiucs, ACME
      165 words
    • 487 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT of Women Police Constables In the Federation of Malaya Police Force under the Standard VII Schtme. Applications are Invited trom suitably qualified Federal Citizens (Women) for appointment to the Regular Police on agreement for three years in the first instance with eligibility for emplacement on the permanent
      487 words
    • 744 12 KNUTSEN LINE ohieni NOTWa FROM CAWAOA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing Son Arriving Vancouver Frantitco S'p«m f Iwctt Pcnong f KRISTIN BAKKI 17/18 Jan 19 Jon 21 ion H Jen ANNA BAKKE 9/1 1 Fcb 12 Ftb 14 Fcb II K-b ELISABETH BAKKE 22 Jan > lib 8/lOMor 11 Mo,
      744 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1407 13 Tel: i4o» MANSFIELD <St CO., LTD. X^ 1412 (IB lines) (lncci|. -rated in Singapore) (i? Jjines: £7"- nre BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON m CONTINENTAL POkTS (Via Suei with liberty to proceed via Panama or Cope of Good Hope) Comers option to proceed via other pet» to
      1,407 words
    • 2204 13 r^-j' bui'l^ng THE BEN LIKE STEAMERS LTD. t Sm' SINGAPORE ilpcc-poratgcj_in tho United' lungckjm) (LINES SAILINGS TO ADEN, UK. I CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S"ham Penang BENVANNOCH for Liverpool, Rotterdom, Hamburg G 6A/16 Jon 17/19 Jan 20/21 Joi BENAVON for Homburg, London, Rotterdom, Hull 11/22 Jaa) 23/2S Job 24/27 Jo.
      2,204 words
    • 1259 13 McALISTER tSc CO., LTD. TEL.: No ***** BIXBRMAN LINES KLAVENESS LIME LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM. ill— l urn nmritrn UIUIUBfi LCJb AnutLts, JAN rKANCoLO, SEATTLE, VANCOUVER PORTLAND ond for U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting corgo for Central Sautb ond Conado via Colombo America -CITY OF LUCKNOW BRONXVILLE Spore P. Sham Penong
      1,259 words

  • 244 14 LTAM going ahead with plans for Asian Games trip RI'ALV LUMPUR. Fri. The Lawn Tennis Associalion of Malaya is going ahead with its plans to si-ncl a team of six players all Federation players and manager to the Asian Games at Tokyo in May.
    244 words
  • 43 14 SHIELD FOR THE CHAMPIONS IBRAHIM Mansoor of the Marines receives the First Division championship shield from Mrs. Soh Ghee Soon, wife of the S.A.F.A. president, in Singapore on Thursday night. In the centre is Mr. Lim Yong Liang, the secretary. Straits Times picture.
    43 words
  • 236 14 SELANGOR BLUES IN THRILLING VICTORY KUALA LUMPUR. Frt— Selangor Asians, with a try scored five minutes from time, beat Johore Asians 12- v here today. Selangor scored three tries and a penalty goal aga.nst the visitors two tries and a goal. Heavy rain which started at 4.30 p.m., turning the
    236 words
  • 36 14 Indian SoccenUs beat Tamil Brotherhood SC. 3-2 In their "meal Festival soccer competition s' mi-final at Parr'r Park yesterdr.y Palaniappan <2i and Rama srr-ed for Soccerites, and J. E Nathan (2) for Tamil Brotherhood
    36 words
  • 225 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A DIVER who represented Denmark in the 1952 A Olympic Games at Helsinki, will give an exhibition of diving at the Selangor Golf Club swimming pool on Jan. 18 and 19. The diver is J. H. Ojerding who for the past six
    225 words
  • 154 14 Lifters will get three trials I KUALA LUMPUR. Fn The Malayan Amateur Weightliftlng Federation, I which hopes to send five lifters and two officials to the Asian Games at Tokyo this year, will hold its first trials in February. Mr. Sum Kwok Seng, who has been appointed official coach of
    154 words
  • 44 14 IPOH Fri— Sturvock Hub beat Police 2-1 in a Div 1 hockey league match on th» upper padang here today. Centre forward Chong Choon Kung and outside left Sivananrlian scored for the club while centre forward Mont?iro replied for Police.
    44 words
  • 27 14 IPOH, Fri. Methodist Afternoon School gave a walkover to Ist Battalion Loyal Regiment in a Div. 2 hockey league match on the lower padang here today.
    27 words
  • 143 14 |f UALA LUMPUR. Frl. HQ Federation Army, the central zone finalists, will meet 4th Battalion Malay Regiment. the northern champions. In the semi-finals of the Federation Army hockey competition at Ipoh tomorrow. Tne oiher srn.i final between No 1. Engineei Squa- dron (Kluang) and Federation Mll.tary
    143 words
  • 32 14 SERKMBAN. Frl. A cycling carnival In aid of tht Ourney Boys' Club will b# held here on Feb. 2. The carnival Is open to cyclists in the Federation and Singapore.
    32 words
  • 52 14 JOHANNESBURG. Fri. Ron Gaunt. 23-year-old Western Australian pace bowler, arrived here by air yesterday to reinforce the injury-stricken Australian cricketers. Gaunt was sent for because two of the tourists last bowlers lan Meckift* and John Drennan have muscular injuries and the third, Alan Davidson, still has shin
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 27 14 KAMPAR. Fri AngloChinese School "A" and Methodist Afternoon School piayed a scoreless draw In a Div. I hockey league match on the padang here yesterday.
    27 words
  • 179 14 LONDON, Friday 2ONNY RAMADHIN. the West Indies spin Bbwler. will not, after all, be joining Kent County Cricket Club. The county's committee issued the following ment yesterday after a meetIng at Canterbury: "Owing to th e difficulties that have arisen over qualification, the county and
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 70 14 SUNGEI PATANI. Frl. Eight teams have entered for the Kedah Rugby Unions seven-a-side tournament to be played on the padang here from 4 p.m. tomorrow. Proceeds will go to the Federation Olympic Council's International Oames Fund The draw is: Penang Sports Club v Sungeai Patent; Kulim v
    70 words
  • 44 14 TAIPING. Frl. -A solitary goal by inside-right Balan Nair enabled Kilat Indians to eliminate Kamuntlng ludian.s 1-0 In a knockout soccer replay for the Dr. Arasa rednam Cup yesterday. Play was rough in the second half and several players were warrved.
    44 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 618 14 Seamaster your guarantee of high precision under all climates Engineers in the sizzling heal of the Sahara scientists commissioned to design a watch the soldiers, sailors in the ice bound solitude of the arctic sportsmen in and pilots of Britain could confidently take with the dim depths that are the
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 125 14 Weekend Diary j TODAY l; I i.«.IK R.A.SC. Malaya T R.A.S.C. Singaporr. Ratu Hiimrv p.nm Cantonmni' 74 Flrld Park ln" O W^rn Ro.T' P g *«"<• ll'tlll KiMll RITPFR- All rlum mm BADMINTON: Heah Joo HOCKEY: Federation Army S .2£sif" t^^lu. Inter-unit championships (semi- {^UtTKenorlr Selanror RiJE final) 4th
      125 words

  • 627 15  - Australian horses are firm favourites with Malayan punters BASIL HALL By k MONG the big money- earners of the Malayan turf since the turn of the century, Australian racehorses have made their mark. In the past 75 years, many of these thoroughbreds of the Australian turf have been imported* into
    627 words
  • 226 15 many of these horses came from New South Wales. They were a type which had been brought up in a rough school and had the kind of constitution which survives most things. They were staunch enough to stand
    226 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 15 PASTOR ROSAL was the winner of the "Mr. Philippines'' professional body- building contest at Manila I recently.— l.P photo.
    19 words
  • 81 15 LONDON, Fri. Mr. Basil Reay, secretary of the Lawn Tennis Association said he was delighted to hear that the Soviet Union intended to be represented at Wimbledon this year. He was referring to earlier news from Moscow that the Soviet intended to enter for
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 79 15 LONDON, Fri. Th e stewards of the British Boxing Board of Control have confirmed the decision of the emergency committee last month to prohibit a proposed match beiween Randolph Turpin. Britiah lioht-heavyweicht Cham* pion. and Willie Pastrano, the U.S. heavyweight. George Middleton. Turpina manneer. and pronotn-.s
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 86 15 SYDNEY. Fri The English women's cricket (eun will bt:;in their Austral. an tout with a match against k country side at Bathurst. 14 milt's from Sydney tomorrow. The tour was to have st.irtPd with a game at OoulbUTßa 130 miles lrom Sydney, yisterday. However, several members
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 69 15 PENANG, Fri. Penang will meet Tatping District fit hockey on the Western Road ground here tomorrow. Th« state team will be: K. S. P. Sundiain; N Gaiia* pa thy, Chug Eng Keat; ffi Phillips. T. Havclock. G Baiift bridge: Mohamed Rejab, ToB Boon Teng, N.
    69 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 820 15 Check Before Posting i Replies to Box Numbers E Utmost car c should be taken I j i when replying to bos mmbar i I a*, to ute the CORRECT NUMBER sad Addrcw to the Str.iitt Tines. Cecil Street. Cash mutt be tent by rc«n- 1 tend poit: Postal Orders
      820 words
    • 689 15 SITUATIONS WANTED Wmrdi ti (Mi*.) Box U et: uln. PLANT and /or Hes\y Equipment Engineer seeks employment Singapore or Malaya. Ausimllau i with fifteen years experience. Oo j any where. Please Reply Box A 6395 S.T. ENGLISH LADY, Varied Nur- j sing experience, requires interesting work, commencing February. Receptionist or
      689 words
    • 673 15 ACCOMMODATION WANTED tt Wordt ti (Mm.) Box fit cl: txlrm. EUROPEAN BUSINESSMAN requires about middle March Unfurnished Bungalow minimum 3 bedrooms, modern sanitation, garden, residential area. Box A 6359. S.T WANTED TO PURCHASE or Rent Bungalow. District preferably five miles from GPO Area 15.000 sq.ft. upwards. Five rooms and garage
      673 words
    • 916 15 TUITION 10 Word* ti (Ml*.) Box HI cl: txlrm learn DRIVING Correctly. Success Assured. Enrol Now!! Complete Course $75. Singapore School of Driving 91 Owen Koad Rinr *****. DAVID'S School of Dancing Emerald Hill Road (opposite Pa- I I vllion). Tel. *****. Beginner's Classes. Wednesdays, Fridays pjn. Private '»t^a"b daily.
      916 words
    • 970 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE to Words U (Mim.) teMtlt txlrm. ROVER 90 1955 10.000 miles, immaculate condition, one owner, radio $6,500. Delivery in Singapore If required. HP. available. Tel K I Office BS9OS Ext. 12, House 4191. OPEL KAPITAN 1957 8,000 miles in Show-room order taxed and insured to end of
      970 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 239 15 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 9 Stupid— but with a broad 7 Animal breaks a piece ol the mind, no doubt (5-6 > wall (7) 15 "So his motions be" 8 Greed for caviare? Could be (Bridges) <•) (7). 16 Stress wreck of same ship (8). 10 Deliver the Spanish composer
      239 words

  • 508 16  - NUMBERS RACKET: BOOKIES ('CLOSED FOR ONE DAY ONLY ADOPT A WAIT-AND-SEE ATTITUDE AS 'WAR' BEGINS EPSOM JEEP By IT'S "no business today" for the character lottery operators in Singapore and the Federation. Big-time operators are adopting a wait-and-see attitude as the campaign by the turf clubs to wipe out the
    508 words
  • 461 16  -  EPSOM JEEP By STERLING AND STEAM ON WILL BE TOUGH RIVALS DEANLT KID, vho has been a model of consistency last season, should be able to give weight all round to a Class 2 Oiv. 1 field over It (Race Six) at Ipoh today
    461 words
  • 1516 16 Today's best bets GOING EPSOM JEEP's best bets today .-A are: Cool Springs (Race 2), Honey *li Bee (Race 7) and Storekeeper (Race JKl CALL BOVs double is: Clear V Vision (Race 1) and Vital Chance (Race 5). GOOD RACE 1: 1.15 (CLASS 5 DIV. FURS. 1 *****
    1,516 words
  • 141 16 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTEB Race 1. CLEAR VISION CLEAR VISION PEPPER DEAUr 2.15. Pepper Demlrr Pepper Dealer Clear Vision Baby Chris Winner Saathern Croat Race I. COOL SPRINGS INF. REGION COOL SPRINGS •IV Infernal Region Cod Spring! Trlrtislon 4ero«Uc Television Bangkok Race S. SILVERFORT NELLYNE LINGFIELD
    141 words
  • 179 16 STARALAS close second with 8.4 to the promising; newcomer. Perhaps So over the Bukit Timah 7f in heavy going last month, looks the best form to follow in Race 5. Cruzeiro nas been consistent with his form figures reading *****. but he may find the 7f too short
    179 words
  • 723 16 AFTER almost 100 racts spread over seven seasons 10-year-old Big Hit is still as game as ever. At Penang last month he outsmarted a fair-sized field over 7f with 8.5. and only just failed to complete a double when carrying 9 7, he went
    723 words
  • 59 16 SYDNEY, Frl. Sydney Jockey Billy Cook, fractured his left leg in a fall while riding track work at Randwick yesterday He crashed from his mount, My Peter He was rushed to hospital with a broken leg. Cook is likely to be out of the saddle for
    59 words
  • 98 16 Davis Cup: India wants to play in new zone /CALCUTTA, Fri.— lndia will compete in the European zone of the Davis Cup competition for the last time this year, it was announced here today. Last week India decided to compete in future only in the Eastern zone, but her entry
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 47 16 LONDON. Fri. Dave Charnley, the British lightweight boxing champion, has been matched with Don Jordan, of the United States, in a main event at Harringay here on Jan. 28. Jordan is lightweight champion of California. The bout will be over ten rounds. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 22 16 TAPAH. Fri -Tapah Police trounced Teluk Anson Police 6-1 in a Perak inter-clrclj football league match here yesterday
    22 words
  • 72 16 COURSE FACTS...& FANCIES TW2 Ipoh teven-furlong ts 1 pretty tricky, it has a right hand bend and a fivefurlong run-in. Horses which have shown ability to handle this course are: First Trick (Race S), Peanut Kid and Sterling (Race 6). FOR SMALL PUNTERS: George West is the jockey to follow.
    72 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 810 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT YOUR SERVICE" I* Word. Sit (Minimum) Dail, I month. IS mm.) FOR EXPERTS PLASTIC Jobs —City Plditlc, 43 Prlnsep Street— *****. EVERETT TRAVEL SERVICE. II Collyer Quay, Singapore. Tel: *****. 3PECIAL TREATMENT Sk'-l> Diseases Consult Muthu. 348 Market Street. Tel: *****. PHOTOSTAT SERVICE: Documents rapidly copied.
      810 words
      105 words