The Straits Times, 4 January 1958

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 80,000 The Straits Times /Hal*** Hew**** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1958 k 15 CENTS
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  • 457 1 DRAMATIC RADIO MESSAGE DAY EARLIER THAW EXPECTED Man who conquered Everest first to complete overland trip for 45 years 45-mile dash after all-night trek WELLINGTON, Friday. gIR EDMUND HILLARY, the conqueror of Everest, has won the race to the South Pole. He sent the news by
    Reuter  -  457 words
  • 14 1 MA;* v, owing the route taken by Sir Edmund Hillary
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  • 109 1 PARIS. Fri— A Soviet eneineer Dmitri Lopatnik has :nissed his first sight cf Paris "De.ause there was no room in his passport for immigration officials to put their visa stamp. He spent last night in the airport waiting room at Orly. just outside
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 10 1 Four reported safe, but another shot
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  • 264 1 Tip-offs say soldiers make slugs SINGAPORE police have received tip-ofls that soldiers at the big army Installations in the Colony are making slugs resembling 10 and 20 cent pieces on a recreation-cum-pro-ttt basis. And, the Straits Times leans, large quantities of solder and fusible alloys were stolen recently from RAF
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  • 51 1 HAVE you imde yuar bid for the $***** Jackpot in The Malayan Monthly's Contest *Q' (December)? It's wai 1? to br won. with S.VOGO in consolation prize-money. I contest closes on Monday. Jan. 6 TWO days from today. You should send your coupon, with postal order, at
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  • 65 1 (*ARUDA Indonesian AirI ways' special flights to evacuate Dutch nationals from Indonesia to Singapore, which were stopped recently, are likely to be resumed from tomorrow, a spokesman said last night. The Oaruda office In Singapore is still awaiting news from Jakarta on why the flights, which brought
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  • 223 1 SIX FLEE FROM RUSSIAN ARMY OERLIN, Fri. The Soviet Army threw additional troops into its ring around Berlin today, but an antiCommunist organisation said at least four Red Army deserters already had fled safely to the West. The organisation, the Russian emigre "Truchnovich Committee." said a fifth deserter was shot
    UP  -  223 words
  • 204 1 1 JAKARTA, Frl. Dr. Mohamed Hatta, former Vicepresident of Indonesia, said today that Indonesians were uttering because of the Government's campaign to gain West Irian. Dr. Hatta, In his second statement criticising the "liberate West Irian campaign" said the price of food nad rocketed
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 315 1 SEGAMAT IS BECOMING WHITE 9 Red morale in Johore collapses KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. r«OMMUNIST morale in Johore has collapsed. For the first time a section of the once-notorious Segamat district has been made white. The area In west Segamat that the Mentri Besar. of Johore, Dato Wan Idria bin Ibrahim,
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  • 35 1 Saf e Comets LONDON Frl. The RAF's 10 Comet jet transports have flown four million miles in 18 months without mishap, the Air Ministry said today. This includes 48 Atlantic and 36 Pacific crossings —Reuter.
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  • 80 1 Smuggling: Princess is sentenced CAIKO. Fri. Princess Faiza, 34-year-old sister of e*-Kin« Farouk of Egypt, has been sentenced In her absence to one month's hard labour and fined about £21,000 by a court here for allegedly smuggling Into Egypt valuable furs and dresses without making a customs declaration. The offence
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 35 1 OSLO. Frl. A two-day pay demand strike by the city's 900 policemen was today declared illegal. They have been told to hand In their badges, documents and other service equipment. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 78 1 No sign of freighter seized by gunboat The 2.776-ton freighter Honesta. dne in Singapore yesterday after being seized bj an Indonesian gunboat on Monday, had not arrived up to late last night rht- Singapore owned vessel Is reported to have bren released on Thursda> and was last heard of at
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  • 37 1 PARIS. Fri The French Government today urged Albania to make a prompt and friendly settlement" with Britain over the Singapore-bound Skymaster forced down in Albanian territory on Tuesday. Britain Is not represented in Albania —Reuter
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  • 245 1 2 a. m. news roundup CHALLENCE TO THE MAYOR A letter to the Mayor of Singapore. Mr. Ong Eng duan. was received yesterday by the Straits Times. It was addressed to, the Mayor of Singapore, r o the Straits Times Press. Cecil Street, Singapore 1. A reporter took it to
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  • 66 1 DETROIT. Fri. Two, thieves sneaking out of a gro- 1 eery store loaded up with beer, wine and spirits— with plenty more under their belts —were so careful to avoid detection that they took a broom and carefully orushed away their tracks •m the snow. They
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 HAVE YOU TRIED .COLD STORAGE CREAMERIES LTD. Plan now to FLY TO EUROPE in the coming year M fjyt« stir* of a perfect '''P/^hT^P^ Jp TJbe Asia Ittsurance Building, Singapore
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    • 86 1 NighrwPay Ovaltine Ha. iiiiiiiHyri::: 'v"V Fl jLtdt OTT. Bf G ives you tke Best of ootk Worlds MM Prepared from Nature's best foods and fortified with extra vitamins, 'Ovaltine' provides concentrated nourishment in an easily difetuble form As a part of the daily dietary, it assists in maintaining ntness and
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  • 328 2 Two reasons why I dislike Communism by Nehru FIRST COMES THE RED 'PHILOSOPHY OF VIOLENCE' From LEE SIEW YEE JSJEW DELHI, Fri The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Nehru, last night gave two reasons for his dislike of Communism. Mr. Nehru was answering questions from an international group of Journalists
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  • 28 2 SEOUL, Fri. Tho South K( rean QovtflUMnt this year will spend about 37 per cent of its $750 million budget on d'fence, the lowest since 1948.--Reut'.r
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 64 2 LOOKING smart and smiling are the second batch of women police inspectors to be stationed in Perak. They assumed duties in Ipoh on Thursday. Tbcy arc. left to right. Che Hanipah bint* Talib. .Miss Sybil Florence dr Silva. 19. Miss J*;dev Kanr. 21. .Miss Margaret
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  • 81 2 Still strong Western influence in S-E Asia TIMES: EUROPEANS NAY B 0 81T... f ONDON, Fri.— The Euu ropean withdrawal from South-East Asia does not mean the end of Western influence there. The Times said today. It said- "We once knew a considerable part of the area as Indochina. Again
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  • 88 2 "It has mm been reinforced by a new recruit. Australia, as the nearest representative of Western civilisation, has lately assumed a natural role. "The number of students flocking from South-East Asia to Australian universjtles in the last few years shows that new links arf being
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  • 64 2 'Where once rebellion was seen only as a Communist manoeuvre, the signs are now plain that unity will bp hardly ar.d slowly imptsed. 'Indonesia is the most <-bvious example. There are strains that may yet come in Malaya. 'It is hardly surprising thercforp that not one
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 90 2 One of Australia's leading leading newspapermen, and a man known to most Malayan journalists who have visited Au-lralia. was giv> n a knighthood In the Quim's Ni'W Year honours. He is 57-year-old John Francis Williams, director of the Herald and We kly Times. Melbourne, who was
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  • 406 2 Inventor touched switch and animal* drop/ted dead ONDON, Fri. The mysterious inventor twirled the dials of hio "death ray machine" and 40ft. away a rat in a cage fell dead, a tiny wisp of smoke curling above its body. Three times the dials
    Reuter; UP  -  406 words
  • 30 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. The United States hopes to appoint science attaches at its embassies in London. New Delhi, Tokyo, Bonn, Paris, and perhaps Moscow it was stated today.— Reuter.
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  • 274 2 Francoise Sagan, who wrote sexy best-seller at 17 MONTE CARLO, Fri.— Friends of Francoise Sagan, 21, a French novelist who wrote "Bonjour Tristesse" (Good-morning Sadness), a sexy best-seller, when she was 17, said last night that she told them she would marry "in about a month."
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  • 127 2 LOS ANGELES, Fri— A collection of historic automobiles will be a special attraction at tbe Imported Motor Car Show which opens here on Jan. 9 for 10 days. Included in the dUplay will be a 1938 Porch, one of three cars Built for Hitler; the
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 Pepsodenideans where other toothpastes cannot reach jit,-" ti^r^ H you could look around, Sii>^B behind and between your v > !&iJV teeth, you'd see the .-''-m* dangerous hidden-away ''ijfck. wff^ s mor W^ corners which most J&agJLp toothpastes cannot reach. £> Sf^JMJf*'' UttHH^^l^. jBW If these vital areas are neglected,
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  • 318 3 Wonderful America— by Nikita GOODWILL GLASSES CLINK AS STRONGMAN LEAVES THE TURKISH BORDER ROKOSSOVSKY (ONCE HE WAS ZHUKOV'S RIGHT HAND MAN) RETURNS AS DEPUTY DEFENCE CHIEF MOSCOW, Friday. £S MR. KHRUSHCHEV last night proposed a toast to "the wonderful American people," the official Soviet news agency Tass announced that Marshal
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 194 3 Mintoffs reversal: He calls for truce VALLETTA, Fri.-Mal-ta's tough-talking Prime Minister today reversed his "down-with-Britain" policy and asked the British Government lor "truce" terms. Mr. Mintoff sent his "truce" offer in 'a letter to the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd. Earlier this week Mr. Mintoff threatened to sever Malta's ties
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 106 3 'NO .1 w.u.ld dream of pulling a gun on pretty Jill Grumrnitt. of Ruislip. near Londi 11. Jill, an 18-> ear-old clerk, is tired of office life Sbe intrnds jo:ning the polire this year As a first step s:ie is learning judo
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 113 3 TAMING THE H-BOMB: BRITAINJS 'NEARLY THERE' SAN FRANCISCO. Fri. —Sir David Eccles, President of the Board of Trade told a Press conference here yesterday that Britain hoped to produce power from sea water "within a few years." Questioned about experiments to moderate Hbomb explosions so that they could be used
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 183 3 \fADRAS, Fri— The Indian National Trade Union Congress's annual report for 1957 issued yesterday accuse! the Communist Party in Kerala -the jnly Indian state with a Communist government—of "trying to establish themselves by driving away free and democratic trade unions." The report said the Kerala
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 53 3 WASHINGTON. Frl. Pre sident Eisenhower yesterday received a New Year's gift of 200 boots from representa tives of American booksellers. They Include the memoirs of former President Harry Trueman. a biography of the late President Franklin I) Roosevelt and "How To Play Your Best Golf All
    Reuter; The Times  -  53 words
  • 21 3 PRAGUE. Fri. -Work on Czechoslovakia's first atomic power station Is to start this year, it was stated yesterday. Reutei.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 22 3 LOS ANGELES. Frl. Three American women left by air yesterday to see their sons, held in Chinese prisons.—U P.
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  • 149 3 Venezuelan rebel leaders flee into Colombia some are captured CARACAS, Fri The Government of President Marcos Periz Jimenez announced yesterday that loyal troops had crushed a briff re- 1 volt by Venezuelan air force and army units. The capital, bombed and strafed by rebels yesterday, was calm last
    UP  -  149 words
  • 253 3 LONDON, Thurs. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp duty were: LOANS Consols £46 1516 Funding 4'i £86 7 16 +1/16 War 3' 2 £63 3 18 +1/16 BANKS Mercantile (£1 fully paid i 25 -cxc Chartered (£1) 35 9 +/S I Hongkong ($125) £44 ■mm
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  • 27 3 LONDON, Thurs Spot J4d.. Feb. 24.d Mar. 24.a.. AprilJune 24\d July-Sept. 24\d. Oct.-Dec. 24.d Jan. c.l.f. 23\d Feb. c.l.f. 23\d.. Mar. c.l.f. 24d., Tone: Dull, easier.
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  • 22 3 LONDON. Thurs Buyers £730. tellers £730 4. Forward buyers ""72T 1 sellers £728',i. Settlement ratn. Turnover «jn. 230 tons. pju. 45.
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  • 283 3 Britain's trade with Far East up by 6 p.c. i Cable flashes j ONDON, Fri.— Trade between Britain and Far Eastern countries was up six per cent last year, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce reported yesterday. Exports to the Far East for the first ten months of 1957 were valued
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 135 3 KB«r IwwUfc Iki 1 1 WMM IS THE MAGAZINE WITH T..E MOST to J flr* offer It stiMulatet— it eatertains— it inforns. I ll I Wg|j I MM. packed with lively pictures, Malayan jßi fitt/i I fiction and stories, brings Malaya into your home. £8 'V"^ 1 ■P^H IE? £^B&
      135 words
    • 258 3 $c /P ENGLISH PUFF PASTRY For pastry with the homemade feeling. til. OQO^iA I Plonning time begins with Sska HmeSWISS WATCHES Of RtNOWN K M OLIMOHAMED LTO Ugi&§«P m mm "I W^jSr^. TONIGHT '^^£^LX MNITE liCA ASPRO' IS MANY MEDICINES IN ONE HEADACHE: Jg^ i.i you have he;td;»chc take 2
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 282 4 QllirADflDCQ Singapore's first centrifugal installation supplies coot comfort to the new. |J IHI B J I aJ ultra modern American International Building in the heart of the business district. Two WORTHINGTON centrifugal refrigerating units, located on kg I B^ the twelfth floor, supply chilled water to RECOLD airconditioners on each
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  • 342 5 COURT RULES WORKERS SACKED THEMSELVES, LOST RIGHT TO OCCUPY FIRM'S HOUSES EASTERN SMELTING CO. IS GRANTED AN INJUNCTION EFFECTIVE FROM NEXT MONDAY PENANG, Friday. FIVE Eastern Smelting Co. strikers— described as "no longer employees" were today ordered to quit their Kampong Java Bharu quarters by
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  • 71 5 PENANG. Fri Farmers In North Kedah will not sell their crops this year to private millers. Instead they will supply their own co-operative union. Inch- Khalid bin Ariffln manager of the Apex Bank, said here today. The bank has approved a grant of $1 million
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  • 257 5 8 ON DISPUTES LA W CHARGES PENANG, Friday. EIGHT Eastern Smelting Co. strikers alleged to have prostrated themselves in the path of a iorry bringing new labourers to the factory at 8.42 a.m. on Dec. 30, denied today that they had committed an offence
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  • 116 5 LESSONS 'AT 20 CENTS AN HOUR— POOR RESPONSE PENANG, Frl. Overaged Malay pupils in Penang and Province Wellesley will be able to continue their studies In Government evening classes starting later this month. "But the response is very poor," Inctie Bashah Merican organiser of Penang Malay schools, told the Straits
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  • 156 5 MALAYAN UN MAN SAYS: WE BACK COLONIES DENANG, Fri— Until th c Government draws up a specific foreign policy. Malayan delegates to the United Nations will adopt a general attitude of sympathy towards mandated countries and colonies. "We shall always try to work for their interests and welfare provided their
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  • 41 5 PENANG. Fri -The Penan<? Buddhist Association youtn circle will hold a special third anniversary service at 7.15 on Saturday evening followed by a get-together. An American Buddhist monk Yen. Sumangal 'Dr Robert S. Clifton) will bguest of honour.
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  • 225 5 FRENCH TIN MINE SACKS 84, CUTS SALARY KAMPAR, Friday. fTHE Societe Anonyme Des Etains De Kinta, a French mining concern here, has sacked 84 workers and cut the salary of monthly paid start because of the restriction on tin production Mr. L. Goudard. manager. In a notice issued today said
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  • 194 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman was a guest star in a New Tear amateur radio operators' programme. He broadcast from an amateur station in Pulau Langkawi, where he is on holiday, after wireless trans, mitters in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca
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  • 69 5 Two hurt as car lands wheels up SUNGEI PATANI, Frl. Two men were injured in a 5 am. crash today. A motorist. Lee Ah Chong. 24. and his passenger, Che? Tlam Soon, 18. were travelling from Alor Star to Ipoh when their car skidded near a bend two miles from
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  • 42 5 TEACHER IS GOING TO KIRKBY COLLEGE Mr. David Ton e Kirn Trek, a teacher at the I'ndanc Rembau English School, Ki'iiih.iu. Iraves *for Britain this week, to attend Kirkby training college Hr is an old boy of hi; George V School, $errmban
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  • 56 5 KUANTAN. Fri. Mr. Yoar Thin Yang, 19, a teacher of the Gambang new village schooi. neir here, has been selectod to go to the teacher tiaining college at Brinsford Lodge in England. Mr Vow. is a nephew of Inspector Vow Weng Fong of the Kaantar Special
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 375 5 "World's Best Is a strong state- ment, but we are sure you'll agree when you see the new AIRES 35-lIIL. Compare the features and compare the price cash only Si 6B with f 1 9 lens. Look through the AIRES' new •trimming type single window rangevlewtinder that makes It a
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    • 58 5 if you value your car you will uso MOTOR OIL Shell research men discovered that acid action, not friction, is the major cause of engine wear and developed anti-acrd Shell X-100 Motor Oil. Besides preventing acid corrosion. Shell X-100 protects T^^Y^^^^L Motor Oil also contains cleansing additives WV(faj wSm y*
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 1071 5 HaUMaAMafl RADIO MALAYA NATIONAL SHORT WAVE 41 metre* 72M ke/t) SINGArORE Medium ia» 47S a«e(re« KI'ALA 1.1 MPI R ware Ml atetres rENANG Medium M 5« metres iron Medium wave 330 metres MALACCA Medium wave 297 metres I A.M. 7. IS Opening Announcement; 7 16 Morning Serenade: 7.30 Time
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  • 24 6 Words till l Minimum). JEMADAR NARAIN SINGH 84 i Chowk Karorl. Anuit.sir on 24t h December One of the IM M.iby States guides.
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  • 64 6 it H'orrfa $m aMaaaaJ MR AND MRS SA A BRUCE ttaank all relatives .md friends lor tin good wishes, valuable gifts.! ;i MM.iiire rendered and atten- <Kince on the occasion of their marriage on 28 12/57. MH MRS ANDREW PEREIKA Thank all relatives and friends for their valuable presents,
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  • 203 6 U Words >/</ (Mint mum). WHERE TO GO? What to do? The Cockpit's lust the place for you. Rljsttale ls served ever} Saturday and Sunday. FREEDOM from unpleasant odours and mustiness Is assured »hen you use Air-wick Mist. Obtainable at all good store* THE CAXTON PRESS U957» Ltd- la
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  • The Straits Times
    • 635 6 The report of the special committee which investigated the fragmentation of estates seems to have satisfied noone. It was not in fact a good report. But critics who question its figures are challenging it on doubtful 1 grounds. There has not been as much fragmentation as was assumed.
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    • 267 6 It is not enough for the Singapore Government to "welcome" offers by various organisations to hold evening classes for over-aged pupils. The Government should take active steps to assist and j encourage these individuals and organisations who are willing to give to 2,000 overf aged pupils the education
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    • 235 6 The last great land journey in the world is now hall done. Yesterday Sir Edmund Hillary, leader of the New Zealand expedition in the Antarctic, reached the South Pole, the rendezvous of the Commonwealth expedition. In three or four days he will ibe joined by the British I
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  • 1115 6  -  CYNICUS by WHAT kind of "in- formation bureau" does Mr. Ong Eng Guan, Singapore's Mayor, propose to set up on behalf of the City Council? There is a difference of opinion between the Mayor and the Chinese press whose objective reporting he so much admires. Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 6 CUTTY SARK at Greenwich, picked out by New Year floodlighting.
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  • 976 6  -  I LLOYD I MORGAN 1 by SINGAPORE will welcome tomorrow a grocers son and delivery boy who has become a prince of the Church, a world figure and (ounsellor. and one of the most zealous crusaders for freedom and tolerance He Is Francis. Cardinal Spellman Humanitarian is
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  • 99 6 (From the Straits Times of Jan. 3. 1908) AS an experiment, eight para rubber trees are being tapped for the first time, at Parit Buntar. The trees were planted in the Station Cemetery 14 years ago. w ft rE F.M.S. revenue Is chiefly made up by the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 630 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. p.p c. Mr. and Mrs WILLIAM MTJNRO. m.v. "Wlllem Ruys". t« Word, tit (Minimum). DENISON- To Betty and Len a MB, Brett John, at Youngberg Hospital on 30th December. MIRANDA: On 30th December, 1957 at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Singapore, to Hilda and Leon, a daughter (Beatrice). I* Wordi
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    • 62 6 SIGNALS for EYE-EXAMINATION:-1. Not seeing well at distance near. 2. Frequent headaches, 3. Eyes feel tired or uneasy. 4. Can't read or write comfort ably. In extreme cases, dizziness ant nausea, loss of appetite vomiting. Our technique and procedure in visual analysis with the most complete equipment are entirely different
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    • 113 6 <s#^ v<7 first really new ''Pit'ck W«o in 27 years? -fddu/ui/ma; click-in lipsticks by Kfafflfa/ You'll treasure this beautiful case for years and save t\\ money for all you replace i» the lipstick. j 1 Mi From now on. all you buy is J your Revlon lipstick shade I Your
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  • 141 7 Cheaper rice soon, say traders RICE will be cheaper In Singapore soon The good news come s from a man In the know the president of the General Rice Importers' Association. Mr. Teo Han Sam. Mr. Teo said yesterday that a drop in price was one of the results to
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  • 66 7 SUNGEI PATANI, Fri. A trishaw rider, Amat bin Haji Yusof. was yesterday bound over in $200 for 12 months for ridinp, negligently almost a year ago. Amat was alleged to have knocked down a pedestrian, Kayamu Yaman, 64, on Jan. 23 last year. The
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  • 253 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. TVfUSLIM leaders in Selangor and Penang today welcomed a resolution adopted by the Malay Cultural Congress at Malacca calling for a ban on alcohol at State banquets and official functions. The Congress called for the ban at Malacca on Thurs- day.
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  • 116 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The dispute over salary increases between the Malayan Planting and Industrial Employers Association and the All-Malayan Estates Staff Union will be heard by an indsutrlal court here late this month. Mr. Justice Good, who was chairman of the Commission of Inquiry
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  • 22 7 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Fri More than 6.000 residents of Bukit Mertajam district have applied for federal citizenship papers since Nov. 14.
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  • 376 7 TOP PERAK ALLIANCE LEADERS MEDIATE- AND A QUARREL IS PATCHED UP M.I.C. RETIRES FROM COUNCIL POLL AS ALLIANCE AGREES TO OPEN ITS DOORS IPOH, Friday. THE dispute between the Parit M.I.C. and the Parit Alliance committee was solved at a top-level meeting last night.
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  • 78 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. The Commander-in-Chief, Far East Station. Vice Admiral Sir Gerald Gladstone, this morning paid a courtesy visit to the Federation Army Headquarters here. He Inspected a guard of honour formed by men of the 6th. Bn the Malay Regiment, and met the
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  • 30 7 MALACCA. Fri. A 45--mlnute documentary film of Malacca taken by Mr. Tony Beamish will be shown tomorrow night at the Buddhist temple at Gajah Berang Road here.
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  • 138 7 PROF. T. H. SILCOCK, head of the Economics Department of the University of Malaya, win lecture on "The Commonwealth Ecomony in SouthEast Asia" at the Duke University, North Carolina from Jan. 8 to Jan. 10. I Prof. Sllcock. an authority ■on the economy and
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  • 222 7  -  NELSON RUTHERFURD By SHE SET FIRE TO HER LIFE'S SAVINGS OF $500— A FEW HOURS LATER SHE WAS DEAD OEFORE granny Kok Oh, 66, died early yesterday she realised there was something vital she had to do. She took her life's savings, a
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  • 25 7 IN THE DUSTBIN BURNT BANKNOTES LAM KM \i YING tries to salvage some of the money his grandmother burnt before she died. Straits Times picture.
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  • 98 7 Kidnap: No 'ip' about Formosa SINGAPORE polk-e yesterday denied they had received Up that Mr. Tan I. ne l hum. 38. a kidnapped businessman was in Formosa. Terming a report about this "absolutely incorrect," the Pol in- Secretary. Mr. Eu Cheow Km* said the search for the missing man was
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  • 53 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. Tengku Tun Amlnah, wife of the Tengku Mahkota of Johore, and her children attended the opening night yesterday of the Unity Boys' Club's concert at the English College Hall. The* concert was held for the club's music and drama section. Dato Lee Kong
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  • 200 7 POLLS PROBE TOLD OF NICKNAME A WITNESS summoned to the By-Electiun Corrup- tion Commission in Singapore yesterday admitted He Is Chong Cheng Ling, brother of Mr. Chong We* Ling, the unsuccessful Liberal Socialist candidate In the Tanjong Pagar oy-elec tlon last June. The commission U
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  • 99 7 MORE THAN 600 lbs. of clothing was flown uut of .Singapore yesterday for the flood-stricken people of Ceyi Ion. Ceylon's Commissioner in Singapore Mr. C. Guna>lngham thanked local people for the donation. He said that Singapore's cash donations already amounted to several hundred dollars "but
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  • 19 7 BUTTER WORTH. Fri. Tuan Syed Hussein Jamalulil bin Syed Idris has been made Province Wellesley circuit magistrate
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  • 49 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl Dr Elizabeth Comber (Han Sujyln) was given a farewell I party yesterday by her colleai -ues on the board of the Jubilee Home for Children, from the chairmanship of which she has resigned. Dato Syed Kadir bin Mohamed has become chairman.
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  • 34 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Federation Government has appointed inspectors in the newly formed Labour and i Industrial Relation section of the Labour Ministry. They were formerly trade vnion officials.
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  • 149 7 pENANO. Frl. Twenty parents and guardians of pupils from the Han Chiang High School today petitioned the chairman of the school committee. Mr. Lim Lean Teng. against the dismissal of their children. The students whose conduct has beep ,raded as "E" toe low-^ griule— havt
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  • 62 7 STUDENTS WARNED: NO MORE RIOTS ITUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Chinese school students who resume studies on Monday after their holidays were today warned not to repeat the "acts of indiscipline" which they committed last November. The warning was sounded by leading Chinese educationists who met this afternoon. They said that a
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  • 56 7 Today's conference was attended by: Mr. Urn Lian Geok (president, of the United Chinese Teachers Association). Mr Chin Chee Meow (president of the Chinese School Management Committee) and Mr. T Wen (secretarygeneral of the Malayan Chinese Association education committee). Mr. Wen said negotia tions with the government on
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  • 113 7 $21 million M-bill has gone up $400,000 The Singapore Government's compensation bill for the Malayanisation of its expatriate officers has bern Increased by $400,000 to $21.4 million. This follows an unforeseen Increase in expenditure on their passages, freight, baggage. packing and transport charges. A report published yesterday said that the
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  • 43 7 ALOR STAR, Fri— A Kedah State footballer, inche Bashan bin Embi. 22, was married today to Che Siti Zahiran binte Che Yeom. 17-year-old •'hello' girl in Alor Star. The marriage, according to Muslim rites, was performed at the bride's home.
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  • 90 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Following are flood reports from the Federation: The Pasir Kemudi bridge on the Kuantan-Sungei Lembing road in Pahang. under five feet of water yesterday, is now under two feet six inches. The Triang Mengkuang road ls une'er four feet
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  • 25 7 MR AND MBA P. V. ISSAC thank all friends and relatives lor the valuable presents and asMMance at their wedding at Ipoh en 28.1257
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  • 28 7 CABLE NEWS RECEIVED o! the death of Mr K. S. Kulasaga* ram. retired Malayan government pensioner, at Uduvll, Ceylon. Father-in-law of Mr. A. JejaraU nam Treasury, Seremban
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 137 7 J MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Jj^ J NEW ALHAMBRA Wff I Cabin <. Production -M brines you .i drama full of jLMMaaaaaw^aal .Ay p<mrr and Jf WaW^^ _tKB *__k__m____\ aav w unlnr t i iijlilc moments! lawjUHl _W jLI KUSTiNA -7C Mimi Marian! Sukarno >l Sow •^C A mm «It'n Indonesian
      137 words
    • 85 7 rr sumjan 'jj?j§yf r^t *%t Your inspect icn cordially _t Z r W WELCOMED -«j when in Hong Kong. M fk L kowloon _m fr_ SIBERIAN FUR STORE mM 1 34 E Nathan Read K .wl on, mi Wr jflpu Hon 8 K °"B T el ***** Most up-fo-date style
      85 words

  • 83 8 NAFSIAH, 12, SOUGHT MILK, FOUND HORROR KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Little Nafsiah binte Ja'afar. 12, woke up thirsty yesterday morning and went to ask her mother for a glass of milk. She wasn't in the bedroom and she wasn't in the kitchen, so Nafsiah went to look In the bathroom outside.
    83 words
  • 94 8 She went to have a look. She found tier motherhanging from the ceiling, dead. Naf.siah screamed and ran home to awaken her father. Inche Ja'afar bin Tahir. 40, supervisor ot the Forestry Department checking station at Puchong. He rushed next door, cut his wife down and rang
    94 words
  • 72 8 IPOH. Fri. The PertState Government has created the new appointment jl Commissioner for Lands and Mines. The post has been filled by Inche Ahmad bin Haji Musin. 48. a former secretary to theMinister for Labour and Social Welfare. Inche Ahmad's duties were formerly performed by the
    72 words
  • 293 8 Special offensive against a big Red! gang IPOH, Fri.— Security forces hunting terrorists in a 30--square mile jungle area northwest of Ipoh killed five daring Christmas week, and captured two suspects. All available t*oo»s of (he 28Ut Commonwealth Brigade have been thrown into a
    293 words
  • 296 8 UNION MA V ASK GOVT. TO ACT ON FRAGMENTATION Inquiry also covered the Asian estates IT UAL A LUAfPUR, Fri —The All-Malayan i Estates Staff Union may ask the Federation Government to introduce legislation to stop fragmentation of estates before the country faces i "economic disaster
    296 words
  • 122 8 FASHION AND CAR CONTEST-ALL IN ONE IPOH, Fri. Women's 1 fashions, old and new, will be displayed as part of the Perak Motor Club's concours deleeance at the Perak Turf Club sports club in Tiger Lane on Jan. 25. The competition will be divided into two parts the trade section,
    122 words
  • 52 8 KAMPAR. Fri. Six local students are leaving on Monday for Melbourne to continue their studies. They are Le e Mylt Seng. Kok Sook Chun. Ang Eng Weng. Naihan. Hew See How and Hew See Nling. They are former pupils of the Anglo-Chinese School Kampar, and the St. Michael's
    52 words
  • 41 8 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Fri— A rubber estate owner, Mr. Ang Kan Yew. went to his estat* at Junjong Mat! yesterday afternoon and found a tapper. Yeap Peng Kool. 27. hanging dead from a tree with a towel round his neck
    41 words
  • 58 8 SUNGEI PATANI. Fri. Five tappers charged with having foodstuffs in a rest rlcted area pleaded in court they did not know they were breaking the law. Ahmad bin Lazim. 21. and Ahmad bin Salim. 27. were fined $150 and Abdullah bin Yusof. 44. Ku Daud.
    58 words
  • 28 8 SUNGEI PATANI. Fri—Alleged to have raped a 16--year-old weeder at Bedong on Dec. 17, Hoe Beng Sool, 23, was yesterday granted $500 bail until Jan. 16
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  • 23 8 SEREMBAN. Fri. Thirteen babies were born at the general hospital here and the Chinese maternity hospital on New Year's day
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  • 67 8 DETECTIVE ATTENDS BRITISH CID COURSE SE3IOK Inspector Clam Din bin Bagoor, (above) of the Singapore CID, who left for Britain by Qan tas-BOAC yesterday for a nine months' advanced police coarse. During the training. Inspec tor Elam Din will con rrntratr on learning new methods of criminal detection. He will
    67 words
  • 51 8 KUALA KANGSAR. Fri. This royal town of Perak is to have a $80,000 town hall as a permanent merdeka memorial. Public gifts so far total $32,407. The working committee is seeking a $40,000 grant from the Perak Government as the local drive for the $7,593 balance
    51 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 548 8 I"i aiasaS'^^^-JIJ^L 1 f T^ISB Mm :> 2^%*** Tj2~, l.^o^CßaakmmimasM ITfci sv" 1 JT^^" 1 I Phone TnniVl v AM 145> 415> •k L^J U W 1 21-116 TODAY! 6 45 4930 PM 4 Wj(| Kolwrt Haitnrr— Joan Collini in J( "r "STWFOVER: TOKYO" J: MidnUht Tontuht; ¥ox* "KISS THKM
      548 words
    • 731 8 ll^fi^hwi fm\-vWl^viiTl infill IJ"^™M»^*^taaaaamVTLl^:' ;'Ta' IV. \\mXT~jM PHONI 4^LtlJi/TTfe> X U SH I>7M 11,1.45.4,6.30*9 30 DORIS DAY -Tiir niiiiii TAME" COLOR JOHN RAITT lift KAJAIWA (IAMC |WB). m REPEAT PAJAMA KASHION PARADE AT CM P.M.. 6.30 P.M. 9.30 P.M. B TONIGHT "UfUCDC'C UV aHMIaC" SHEK YING M'NITE ffftiUCt )mi DKIUK
      731 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 325 8 Straits Times Crossword 2 Animals return in a rush (4). Almost a nobleman In New t I? 3 4 5 |H i|s 7 l^j S York 4 Insects encountered in a river HH 5 Pan—li ke an honest foot,K^ S^ tfe^ bailer 15) 10 6 1 leave the military man
      325 words

    • 1304 9 Tragedy struck Lord Amhersls ill-timed and unwelcome diplomatic mission to the court of China when in the Straits of Caspar on the way back. PULO LEAT had never had such distinguished visitors. Lord Aroherst, Ambassador Extraordinary to the Court of Peking, Mr. Henry Ellis, his private secretary;
      HTS  -  1,304 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 230 9 Mr. Mouicdccr. a popular here ot 1 fj~f~ tfT. *\1 Malay fables, tcllt u» Hiat many years Vls^V«"ssbj ago the leopard used to be fawn coloured However fin vicioM J«d i^ss^cS9'^Ni running nature made him to fcafed by \Ch<^Ms>' \V Hie other (unglcfolk that our Kcro jS^S*f/^V^^\\ organised a campaign
      230 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 218 9 filWli A Co. I*U M«* MAkES. SCOTLAND VAKD UXtLD 1 I g^ggV\v\l M^H SAIPCO 7 AN IMSPIC IX >>VlCv_J VJ At /»TY HllLj*^ M.3S cakm£n ■j^^\J^_^t»)l F«o«etOTLANP >a«" J^s^^ \ly*^M.'( v"',u gSa jßk.'v j^i i j > n gg«»^^^' D \^mZjf v 4 I I gggr** SAyS mws \<xT^^M >Mggl
      218 words

  • 341 10 INDUSTRIAL SHARES SLIGHTLY STEADIER: TURNOVER SMALL From Our Market Correspondent QN the Singapore Share Market yesterday there was a little more support forthcoming for industrial shares which were slightly steadier. Turnover was still very small, however, and it seems likely it will continue to be so until either there is
    341 words
  • 432 10 The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "All sections on the local share market were irregular. There was no Improvement In turnover." Singapore brokers reported the following business done yesterday: Fed. Dispensary 12; Fraser ft Neave ords 82.62 l i land overnight). $261. Oammon $2.26 to $2.30; W. Hammer
    432 words
  • 180 10 January first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 80\ cenix per lb. down 1 '-1 cents on Thursday's closing price. The closing tone was barely steady. Closing prices In cents per lb. yesterday were: OFFICIAL: Int. 1 R.S.S fob. buyers SON. sellers 80 T» (Norn);
    180 words
  • 18 10 SINGAPORE. JAN. 3. RUBBER: KOJ cents per lb. (down 1 cents). TIN: $36* per picul (unchanged).
    18 words
  • 309 10 Very small trade in rubber ONCE again the trading I week has been interrupted by seasonal holidays and the volume of business has been small, report Holiday. Cutler. Bath ft Co. Ltd., in their current rubber market review. Dealers have as yet shown little or no inclination to re-open positions
    309 words
  • 114 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per piru' yesterday were: Copra quiet. January February UK Continent $29 buyers, $30. sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $48 S sellers, drum $524 .teller* Pepper: quiet; no business reported done; Muntok white $100. Sarawak $99. special Sarawak black $65 all unchanged Singapore
    114 words
  • 207 10 Ships lying in the Singapore lUrbour Board Wharves or RB> peeled tartar are: Frankfurt 1.3; Hada *b; Okhla 6A. Bendoran 11: Manchuria 13.14: Steel Scienttea 15 18. Anchalsas 18: Gorgon 19: Bruas 21 22: M.B T. 773 23- Perak 24: Mandama 23 2b. Saidja 27 28. Pernsea 29
    207 words
  • 100 10 The Malayan Exchange Banks' AnariaUan made the following changes In its rates to merchant* yesterday (all rates to $100): Canada- buying airmail T.T. 32 OD 33 9/I*. 90 dst 33 is' 16 credit bills, 33 trade bills. Selling T.T. O.D. ready: New Yark 32 Canada 32 >* French
    100 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 381 10 NOTICES COMPAGNIE DES MESSAGERIES MARITIMES have pleasure In announcing that they are moving a le plalslr de vous Informer qu'elle s'lnstallera on the 6th January 1958 le 6 Janvier 1958 to their new offices dans ses nouveaux bureaux FINLAYSON HOI'SE (GROUND FLOOR) Raffles Quay. Singapore, I. Adrte'^r.phU.ue MESSAOERIE ito'TuSphon. I
      381 words
    • 839 10 NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that 'I the undersigned have resigned from May te Baker Ltd. as from 31st December, 1957 on my own accord. JOSEPH SIM CHEK MENU. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Mr. Joseph Sim Chek Meng has resigned from our Company and Is no longer
      839 words
    • 701 10 NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that ss from the Ist January 1958. sir 8. Abdullah Bin Hassan Albsx has ceased to be employed by us and is no longer authorised by us to act as a Sales Representative or to transact any business on our behalf or to collect
      701 words
    • 683 10 KNUTSEM LINE ohieni sbhvicb FROM CANAOA/Ui PACIfIC PO«n— M ftATI SaNiM mh wnri NnHn >xn f. Mratt r«w>| fmmmn, KRISTIN BAKKI 17/U Ma 19 J- 21 lon II Ji ANNA Sakki m tarn t/U f.» 12 Fit 14 M» U raft lUSAMTM SAKK> l], m I F.b 1/10 Mo, MM.,
      683 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1402 11 Toi: 2405 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. *.vlIS how*) (Incorporated in Singapore) (12 Ewe*) pippin, j,,,, BL|JE FUNNEL UNE Travel SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON k CONTINENTAL POUTS (Vio Sues wttss Hberty to proceed via Pimm ar Cape et Good Hape) Corners option to procaed via other ports to lood and
      1,402 words
    • 2275 11 MtFTnfimW^nTrii^nFFFE^nfin'fiEKA EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS SAILINGS FOR IAMCBIOBI AMD/041 FAR EAST Penong P. S'hom S'por* "MANC3MJRLA" SMb*. 11/14 MXONIA 14/14 Jon 17/18 Jon 19/20 Jaa CaMiaa Sahjaa, Boagbob -SUMBAWA" 1 19 J«m 24/21 Jaa Aaeeps* oaroja 4*r Jaaaa Kin A" 17/1* Jaa 20/21 Jaa 22/23 Jaa "LALANDIA" 20/22 Fob 23/24
      2,275 words
    • 1233 11 McAUSTER *Sc CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** CIXSBMAK LIKES KLAVEMBSS LINE LOMOOM HAVRE ROTTIROAM, LOJ ANGEL es, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE. VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND ond for U.S.A., North Altonfic Ports Accepting cargo tor Central ft Soutb ono Conaoo vto Colombo America CITY OF SWANSEA SUNNYVILLE Spore P. S'hom Penong Spcre P.
      1,233 words

  • The STRAITS TIMES Saturday forum
    • 96 12 rls regrettable that the UMNO, in a certain State has seen fit to take exception to some members of the M.I.C. so much that it contemplates expelling the whole M.I.C. body of that State. In every organisation, race, and nation there are tome black
      96 words
    • 181 12 They rushed to pay AT the beginning of May. a licensed plumber on behalf of the future residents in Opera Estate applied for water connections. Action was not taken by the Water Department until Oct. 28. When the department asked for connection fees the future residents, who had been waiting
      181 words
    • 65 12 WHY is a person who passes accounting and auditing stage I of the Australian Society of Accountants not recognised by the Government, as it is harder to pass than the London Chamber of Commerce Accounting Higher stage? Why is the Australian Society of Accountants examination not recognised by
      65 words
    • 529 12 TOURISTS ARE NOT INTERESTED IN COLON Y NIGH T LIFE I WISH to point out to Mr. Lim (S.T Dec. 19 1 that though for the past few years thousands of tourists have come to this beautiful island of ours, none of them have ever been taken to a strip-tease
      529 words
    • 77 12 Every man hi s due Y7-O" say thit t!ip mare Is a symbol of democracy. (ST. Dec. 27 1. My dictionary defines mace as a staff borne by. or carried before, a magistrate or other dignitary as an ensign of his authority. In one of Wordsworth's poems <I cannot remember
      77 words
    • 215 12 THE removal of the mace from the C:ty Council Is a sign of the shape of things to come. If the mace ig a reli^ of colonialism, then there are certainly more virulent signs of it in Singapore. I would suggest that the title of mayor
      215 words
    • 114 12 /CERTAIN Singapore city vv councillors have submitted twenty-eight motions for the City Council to approve. They are practically unworkable It is proposed that undeveloped areas in the streets and car parks be allotted to hawkers One can easily visualise what a chaotic and filthy condition the lovely
      114 words
    • 183 12 PRIME Minister Teneku Abdul Rahman, has urged all Chinese in m to "give their undivided loyalty to the country.' 1 I am certain that they will indeed do so if they are treated as Malayans, and not 'Malayans' in name only. That is, they should be
      183 words
    • 65 12 More bursary delay I AM a university student who has been awarded a teaching bursary and, like other teaching bursary holders. I hav c not received any payment as yet. A s I am not well-to-dn I need the money badly rt»r the second term beginning Dec 30 Only those
      65 words
    • 140 12 Sweep support will drop 1 REFER to the system to be adopted by the Perak Turf Club, in respect of the draw of unlimited sweeps. The system, if adopted, wuuld no doubt put a stop to the operators of the illegal lotteries racket but would it help the Club in
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    • 42 12 Noble trees sacrifieed CVDR the necessary widen- ing of Cantonment Road in Singapore an avenue of noble trees has had to be sacrificed. Can we hope that new trees will be planted at the sides of the widened road? HAPPY FOX Singapore
      42 words
    • 139 12 I SHARE the anxiety of the Minister of Education, Inche Mohd. Khir bin Johari, about the financial problem of providing pri mary education for 70.000 six-year-olds next year. The question of raisin the money by way of a education rate on propert or land will prove to
      139 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 250 12 [I y&it J b v \>& Im J^^f GENERAL^ ELECTRIC li {%r?% ?>^!^^ THE REFRIGERATOR I" v WITH THE NEW |''ispi|Ll MAGNETIC DOOR is* l j- mj i *^9 Ifl Just what the lady ordered! Feature k. U UpOn feature nas been desl B ne d ltn ft' X?'"'">l c'
      250 words
    • 379 12 ***r************* M What an affair to JSK^^. remember when 4 «^L^L^bißbi^bl c^£tt~> ■^C euys take ofT on !t^ i J^" •^f. the most delightful T^UbT ™£ft_ •< K 4 day leave from Jm j K Honolulu to Frisco \HKbW Baj ?3r dTh |t OH THE FUN THEY f JTM- bM
      379 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 860 13 Ontinurd from Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT Word, IS I Mim.) Box St et, rtlra EXPERIENCED CHINESE f.ilswisn required by well-esta-Llished Chinese Firm. State a«e. qualifications and salary rtqulrett to Box A 4259 S.T. EXPERIENCED Chinese Soles- I mar remitted by British farm Knowledge of electrical and i pliotovrapliic products essential
      860 words
    • 899 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 20 Word, Si (Mim.) Box St el: extrm. FULLY FURNISHED House, many amenities, available on six montlis tenancy from mid-Feb-ruary while owner on leave. Dis- trkt Singapore 10., quiet locality, large garage and garden. Phone Avery SB-981 evenings. FOR SALS OR Rent New Modern Bungalow at S'-j MS.
      899 words
    • 893 13 TUITION Hi Word, Si (Mm.) Box SO rl: txlrm REGISTER NOW at Chunguwa Institution 5, Short Street, for Kindergarten classes and piimaay one te Perm two. Ho age limit. Morning I Afternoon > MALAY (NEW) Classes comm: Cambridge Begin. Adv. 130, •th Jan Civil Service. SUte I ft H 5
      893 words
    • 922 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE 20 Wordi Si (Mlh.) Box St clw. txlrm. LANCHESTER LEDA 1953 model I black sound condition mileage i 13.500 12.500 0.n.0. Apply Clayton Tel: Van office hours ***** after. EUROPEAN OWITED 1956 1957 F/ Prefect De-Luxe almost new. BX9OO 0.n.0. 1954 F/Anglla, Oood emme, upholstery, paint- work,
      922 words
    • 513 13 MISCELLANEOUS MWordßti Box Strl, txtra DO YOU OWN A Radio? For measured performance consult Reliance Agency, 107 Selrgie Read. Tel. *****. Reason- I able nates. Meticulous maintenance. DON T SMOKE and you'll avoid nicotine-stained teeth and stale breath, and be irritable. Alternatively. Do Smoke and you'll avoid nicotine-stained teeth and
      513 words
    • 459 13 NOTICES NEW GOOD SHEPHERD CONVENT SCHOOL Pupils of the Primary and Secondary Good Shepherd Convent School, Kampcng Java Rd will be transferrrd to the new Oood Shepherd Convent School. Thomson Road, on January 13th. Transport will be eased by a chsrtwrd btM, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION I l J»l r v
      459 words
    • 897 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC APPOINTMENT KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL I APPLICATIONS are invited |for 2 po-sis of STENOGRAPHERS in the Municipal Council Qualification*: Shorthand Certificate |of at least 80 w.p.m and TypeI written tnnacrtption at 25 Preference will b? given to applicants who hive pa wad the Senior Cambridge Examination
      897 words

  • 94 14 HEARTS HIT FOUR PAST AIRDRIE ONDON, Fri.— Results in yes-*-J terday's football matches were: SCOTTISH DIV. I Aberdeen 6 East Fife I Third Lanark 2 Clyde S Falkirk S St. Mirren 1 i.-.irts 4 Airdrie Kilmarnock 2 Queen O South Motherwell 3 Hibernian 1 Queen's Park 41 Celtic 3 Raith
    94 words
  • 69 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. The Selangcr Kugby Union will hoid a trial on the padang tomorrow at 5 p.m. Player.s selected are: Scalfe. Ashroff, Cheang Swi. P.ik Yong. Morgan-Jones. Win :'nester. Roffy. TtXMMJ. Dews. Galbraith. Life, Miles O.m Lor. Mac Donald. Doml can. Mitchell. Edington. Lrach. Gray.
    69 words
  • 45 14 TAIPING. Frl. The annual knockout soccer competition for the Dr. Arasartrinam Cup will be played here from Monday to Jan. 12 In connection with the Tamil Festival. Six teams are participating. Indian Association, of Tai ping, are the defending champions.
    45 words
  • 92 14 MELBOURNE, Fri. Professional tennis promoter Jack Kramer today offered Australian Ken Rosewall a contract which could earn him about A£20.000 in the next 12 months, the Melbourne Herald reported. Should Rosewall play well, he could earn AE25.000, the Herald said. Rosewall earned AE43.000
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 361 14 2HE SECOND TEST: Sensational Springboks* collapse after lunch Eight South Africans fall in succession for 32 runs £APETOWN, Fri.— Australia won the Second Test match against South Africa here today by an innings and 141 runs. South Africa, who followed on 240 runs behind Australia's 449,
    Reuter  -  361 words
  • 20 14 BARBADOS. Fri —The Pakistan cricket team to tour the West Indies, arrived here yesterday in the Golfito. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 52 14 Mal aya n Malays in drawn game PENANG. Fri —Penang Invitation XI drew 2-2 with Malayan Malays in a friendly soccer match at the City Stadium today. Malayan Malays were a tired team after their tour of Indonesia. Omar Zainal and Gal'acher scored for Penang, Zainal Abidin and Ibrahim Hassan
    52 words
  • 55 14 THE AUSTRALIAN and United States teams around the Davis Cup after the challenge round at Melbourne. From left are Barry Mackay. Tic Seixaa. Bill Talbert. Harry Ilopman. Mai Anderson. Neale Fraser. Mervyn Rose and Ashley Cooper. The Australians retained the
    55 words
  • 180 14 SYDNEY, Fri— A thlrd-wic-ket partnership of 145 in 131 mins. by Rod Lyons and Charlie Mengel enabled Queensland to recover from a disastrous start against New South Wales, the holders, on the second day of the Sheffield Shield match here
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 451 14 STERLING, SAN SIRO IN 67. 2 FIVE horses have been promoted after their victories during the Penarg Turf Club's Christmas Meeting. According to the latest SP.A. classifications. Sterling and San Siro have gone utj to Class Two from Class Three. The other three are Flox.
    451 words
  • 172 14 MELBOURNE. Friday. rpHE SECRETARY of the I Australian Cricket Board of Control. Mr. Jack Ledward. said today he knew nothing of any move by the Australian cricketers in South Africa for a relief fast bowler to be flown from Australia. He was
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 69 14 MELBOURNE, Fri. Former Test player Grueme Hole was rushed to hospital late yesterday with a passible ruptured sple?n after laking a catch in the Suuth Australia v Victoria Sheffield Shie d match At the Melbourne cricket ground. Hole caught Sam Loxton who made 106. by diving at
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 150 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl— The Singapore Hockey Association wants to put off the return "international' match between Singapor* and the Federation for s month. The S.H.A., in a letter to the Malayan Hockey Federa tion, has suggested that the match, scheduled to be played
    150 words
  • 75 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. :ungor Indians will meet Penang Indians In a replay of their .semi-final in tbe Bnrdhan Cup soccer eompetl- tlon at the TPCA Stadium here tomorrow. The two teams drew 2-2 In the earlier match. A combined Selangor and P'-nang Indians side will
    75 words
  • 129 14 AISTRALIA Ist Inn* 44J (Burke 189. McDonald 99, Maekajr 63; Tajrfleld 5-120) SOUTH AFRICA Ist' Inm McGlnr c Maekay b Davidson 30 (ioddard Ibw Btnand 29 Wrstcott r Simpson b Davidson Waite c Simpson b Kllnr 7 McLran c Hanrry b Kiln* U Endran c Davidson b Burke 21
    129 words
  • 178 14 Police Training School takes Senior title to gain a double OOLICE Training School I the Singapore Polic Senior lnter-divlsion soccet league champions this season, completed a doublt when they beat Radio Di vision 3-0 in the knockout final at Victoria School yesterday. The P.T.S. second team, Jun lor
    178 words
  • 89 14 Chinese get five off Regt IPOH, Fri.— Perak Chi--1 nese Recreation Club trounced 4th Battalion Malay Regiment 5-0 in a first division hockey league match on the upper padang here today. Chinese were throughout the better side and scored througi. inside left Kirn Fong f3>, outside right Tet Fook and
    89 words
  • 22 14 Winners of the .Singapore Badminton Association's 1957 championships will receive their prizes at a social and dance on Jan. 18
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 765 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. "AT ¥OUR SERVICE" It Wurdt lit (Minimum) Dailm I mmmlk It Wurd, Mlm.) TRY PRAWN or Fish Curry on Fridays at O H. Cafe. EXPERTS IN ALL Plastic Jobs City Plastic, 43 Prlnsep Street *****. EVEKETI rRAVEL SEHVICK, P.O Box 3100 11 CoUyer Quay. 61ngapure. SPECIAL TREATMENT.
      765 words
    • 53 14 METZ-204 KWK/3D l^K3K9 r The 6 valve model for the M discriminating listener i '^SB .mmwLmWn MCTZ 200 K th« 5 valve model V^PPPW^P^^^H everybody can afford J^Simm^^m\%WmWm%\Wm% j that silken J'rugranrv :>■ slw loves tit wear J»^^^ K* s: *^4?y perfume B LOTION JF^E^*c COLOCNI /W^j^^^B^W HRIILIANTINI jj I.
      53 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 91 14 TODAY SenUl. IPOH SOCCES: BardlutD Cap SOCCER: Oolden SUr (»emi-Bn«l) Penan K Indians v Timii Youngsters, padanv. Setomtor Indians. Princes Road. TAIPING BIGGER: Selangor Rugby RIGGER: Taiping District I fnion trial, p ilia ml Invitation v Perak. E«pUnade. TOMORROW BATI' GAJAH KI'ALA LIMPIF SOCCER: Tyacke tup (final): SO(XER: SeUngor hinese
      91 words