The Straits Times, 16 January 1957

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times flew**** Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 195% 15 c£NTS
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  • 252 1 1 INCH WITH PIBUL ON TWO-DAY BANGKOK STOP-OVER Eden resignation will not affect Britain^ Malayan policy' Penang clashes dli not spread' KOK. mes.— h d u 1 ihman said here to- that th. KederaMalays and inrt would coneto live harmonier aftei ;hc\ had the past. wore con- Imm
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 257 1 Firm to explore hulk of another Jap wreck 4 SINGAPORE salvage firm yester- day disclosed plans for salvaging a sunken Japanese submarine about four miles off the Colcnv. The wreck is lying in about 125 ft. of water beyond the Outer Shoal off Collyer Quay. It
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  • 161 1 'We couldn't go into Middle East with Britain and France'— Dulles WASHINGTON, Tues.— The United States Secretary of State. Mr. John Foster Dulles, told Congress today that he could thigk of nothing thit would more surely turn the Middle East over to international Communism "thaji for us to
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  • 22 1 WARSAW, Tues. Mr. Chou En-lai. China's Prime Minister now In Poland, today visited at the textile centre of Lodz.— Reuter.
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  • 135 1 y ONDON, Tues. Tengku Abdul Rahman said in a recorded broadcast today he did not think there was "any possibility of a merger" between the Federation of Malaya and Singapore. But the Federation would help Singapore in any way it could, he said. J The Chief
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  • 78 1 'The Body' offers $15,000 reward HOLLYWOOD, Tues. Film star Marie ("The Body") .McDonald has offered 1555.000 ($15,000) reward for inform' tion leadine to the arrest and conviction of two men who she says kidnapped her recently. PoliCp said a 10-day investigation of the case has proved "absolutely negative." The actress
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  • 40 1 AMMAN, Tues.— King Hussein of Jordan will pay an o!ficiai visit to King Saud in Medina tomorrow palace sources here announced today. They will discuss Arab problems, the world situation and Arab relations with the West.— Reuter
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    • 60 1 FRENCH SWOOP ON CASBAH ALGIERS, Tues.— Thousands of French troops and police today made a dawn raid on the Casbah— the old Arab quarter of Algiers— in a surprise identity check. Two terrorists were killed in the operation. Two suspects were arrested and large quantities on munitions, including grenades.
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    • 33 1 WASHINGTON, Tues.— The International Co operation Administration yesterday announced it is extending US$6OO,OOO in technical assistance for Indonesia to help launch a new U5517,000,000 cement plant in Sourabaya. —A. P.
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    • 24 1 LONDON, Tues. Sir Winston Churchill leaves tomorrow for his annual winter holiday of painting, writing and sunning on the French Riviera. U.P.
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    • 87 1 BRITISH BANKS ARE SEIZED CAIRO, Tues. Egypt today seized control of British and French banks operating in Egypt, it was officially announced The announcement said the British and French banking institutions were "Egyptianised." "Fair compensation" determined by a judiciary body would be paid by Egypt. The announcement came with
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    • 43 1 PHILADELPHIA, Tues. Actress Tallulah Bankhead had an operation early today for a fractured right, hand. Last night she refused to cancel her performance in the play "Eugenia." She broke her hand in the play on Saturday night. —U.P.
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    • 72 1 BORDER ROAD IS CLEARED ADEN, Tues.— An official communique said today there was only spasmodic firing yesterday near the border between the Yemen and the Beihan area of the Western Aden Protectorate. The communique said the road along the border between Nejd Merjid and Manawa was now cleared of
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    • 40 1 MANILA, Tues. Admiral Sir Alan Scott MoncrietT. Commander of the Far-East Station. British Navy, arrived today by HMS Alert for a week's visit. He is a guest of the armed forces of the Philippines.— Reuter.
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  • 194 1 Duke's yacht just dodges iceberg in the Antarctic LONDON. Tuesday. T*HE Royal Yacht Britannia "narV' rowly missed" an iceberg during her voyage from the Falkland Islands to South Georgia yesterday, according to a message received at Buckingham Palace. The message said that the iceberg came within a few hundred yards
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  • 24 1 BANGKOK. Tues. Gen. L L Lemnitzer, commander-in-chief of United States forces in the Far East, arrived this afternoon from Singapore. Reuter.
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  • 277 1 'Bodgies,' 'widgies' seize house for sex orgy MELBOURNE, Tues.— At least 100 teen-age delinquents, known in Australia as "bodgies" and •widgies." held a five-day rock and roll party n a Pascoe Vale home while the owner was on holiday. Detectives called it an "orgy of sex,
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  • 148 1 $250,000 POOLS POSER IN ASYLUM Which inmate won prize? IPSWICH. Tues. TWO patients at a Mental Hospital here today faced an unexpected problem which of them is to have £30,000 (about $250,000) won for twopence on the football pools. The patients identified Dy the hospital only as 58-year-old John and
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  • 27 1 BONN. Tues. British and German delegates today besan secret talks on a West German contribution to the upkeep of British troops stationed in West Germany.
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  • 63 1 BLANTYRE (Nyasalandi, Tues. African members of munitions, including greCouncil and Federal Parliament said today deadlock was reached in their talks this morning with Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd. the Colonial Secretary. No official announcement ha s been made yet on the subject of the talks, but usually
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  • 199 1 Ike to Mac: 'Dear Harold' T ONDON, Tues. Pre- sident Eisenhower today sent his personal congratulations to Mr. Harold Macmillan on his appointment as Britain's Prime Minister. Th- President said: "Dear Harold. I send my warmest congratulations to you on becoming Prime Minister. "Your distinguished career is well known on
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  • 32 1 AMERICA ORDERS KISSIAX 01/T WASHINGTON. Tuis I.S. today rirclarrcl Ku>sian military attache Major Yuri Kryl<>\ persona non grata and asked him to leave immediately for tryinic to buy military information.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 rVS\ COLD A TINU>yV f i^ J S.^.ipcrc-6 =^^y pm i 4. jot qua/Oif
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    • 80 1 RCl«*e. W ONSON fßft/|| Only from 2nd to 26th January indusivt One attractive shining RED LION J^L glass will be given jway FREE with n J£ every caie of RED LlON— oranje or *^^^fc pineapple. Ont bright sparkling FAN glass will <^ be given away FREE with tttry caie of
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  • 175 2 WORK was held up at Elstree fllm studios in London when a pretty young actress, who lived many years in Singapore, went before the cameras to play the part of a student whose looks take a lecturer's mind off his work.
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  • 145 2 NICOSIA, Tues.— More than 3,000 British troops and police swooped on Nicosia this morning in one of the island biggest manhunts. Patrols toured the narrow, winding streets of the Greek section of the walled city just before dawn, telling the people through loudspeakers: "Stay at
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  • 21 2 MOSCOW, Tuea. The Supreme Soviet the Soviet Union's parliament has been called into session on Feb 5 A. P
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  • 165 2 A BOOST FOR RUBBER AND MALAYA From RONALD BAXH LONDON, TO* Today's M-mcr.s Guardian carries.. page supplemed the rubber lndusfij It cover> i of the raw n from the LSth Mexican who how to modern method of M hot water Malaya li pr tloneri throuKtwut. A well-feat urrri irtfcjj Vernon
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  • 184 2 A HUNGARIAN refugee, Mr. Imre Hunyady and his pretty wife, Mara, arrived In Singapore yesterday convinced that the Russians would be driven from their country and free elections will be held. They were among 76 other men, women and children refugees on their way
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 378 2 Built to lost longer- ondiKeu do I [jg3>~Ti COMMERCIAL VEHICLES j mmm J diICL HsrLiouJlil^y If m^^'^^^^^^fns^^\ Xv^^Nn. Power— to speed I^Hirvi->^ ir*>^ > *tft3S?^>^^^ the load over steep ,«^T^Z fl ■Pf?«3 fik I Hr^^Hi>riHßl"^fi S!! Sfc. grdd.cnts Reliability #-S^Hf r^^^2 WLJIM 1^ HLSL^Hr^ffiLff^fl>>H f, roll on whatever a.^j m■M
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  • 309 3 Paper says President will soon head a Revolutionary council' sflstroamidjojo Govt will 4d\l- bllt U W nt Under parliament's control JAKARTA, Wednesday. »K\T Sockarno would shortly announce nation of a "revolutionary council" leadership, the Nationalist Party Bidrr w'-j-ija reported today. rty, which holds the most Government,
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  • 71 3 Israelis quit capital of Sinai: U.N. enters „ntrolled Krws U«- in n"unml UkUJ that 2J| D Arish about th« IsraeU th.s rded as Sinai, is UM t0 v rracuta b! the Is- r uithclraw- th*y tin NoveroIndT an arransement >n»-ffn the Esrseli Army S B Ma.i«.rDayan, and nmmander. I
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  • 11 3 Radio I Kadar paper Hun- :.;cnced md 14 apons.
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  • 9 3 The Momsts Commu- volutio:il" in T* P
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  • 181 3 EASIER FOR VISITS BY CHINESE TAIPEH, Tuesday. T*HE Chinese Nationalist Government today anx nounced new exit and entry regulations under which Chinese residents in countries maintaining diplomatic relations with Taipeh will be permitted free travel to and from Formosa if they are in possession of passports.
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  • 36 3 BUDAPEST, Tues.— The laundry owned by the Hungarian Communist Party announced yesterday that it would pay about 51.200.000 compensation to 20.000 irate customers whose washing was lost in the recent fighting. A.P.
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  • 235 3 LONDON, Tues. The Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan, was reproved yesterday for working on a Sunday. The Lord's Day Observance Society sent him a protest for calling the Queen, still on her Christmas holiday in Sandringham, to London on that day to approve his list
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  • 72 3 LONDON, Tues. A lively, resourceful college graduate ought to be "able to work his way (around the world on £5 the Duke of Edinburgh said in 1954. "Challenge accepted," said 22-year-old Oxford University graduate Morgan Boyd to himself. He was back in London yesterday after
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  • 61 3 THE INDIAN Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, on Sunday opened Hirakud Dam (above) over east India's Mahanadi Rivei It is a three-mile power and irrigation project and the dam is the longest iit the world. It cost $330 million and will bring relief to
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  • 61 3 Akihito has ladies in a flap TO&YO. Tues. CROWN Prince 'Akihito who had his *twenty-.hlrd birthday last month and is now eligible tor marriage, broadcast on the Japanese national radio network for the first time today The Imperial Household Board is expected to announce a betrothal sonje time this year.
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  • 108 3 BRIDES ARE TOO COSTLY SO MEN WON'T WED KAMPALA. (Uganda), Tues. The government of Toro. western Uganda, has been asked to intervene in a price strike boys are refusing to marry until bride prices come down. The annual Toro African Youth Conference has asked the government to impose special taxes
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  • 253 3 LONDON. Tues Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty were: LOANS Consols £54 11/16 +3/16 Funding 4% £89** S S/&T 3»« Tc £734 BANKS Mercantile (£5) £3 15/16 Eastern (£5) £6% Chartered <£li 38/- /6 Hongkong ($125) £93'* 4 INSURANCE Com Un (uts.) 85/m —1/1%
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  • 22 3 LONDON. Tues.—Cash buyers £792, sellers £794 Forward buyers £778 sellers £779. Settlement j £789. Turnover a.m. 50 tons, p.m. 15 tons.
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  • 25 3 LONDON, Tues.—Spot 28'yd i Feb. 28'ud., Mar. 28\d AprlJune 28Sd., July-Sept 27 d |Oct-D«c 27>-,d.. Jan. c.i.f 2t\ii I 'Fed. ciX 28V4d. Tom: Firm.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 474 3 CAI/C TliiC BIRDSEYE QUICK FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES and save labour, too, over Chinese New Year TBAITISAM SHOP ARK ANGEMLN Is SINGAPORE— We are open to-day from U.OO a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Deliveries as usual. K LUMPUR IPOH— Business as usual. PENANG We are closed all day to-da? and there
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  • 48 4 The Malayan Historical Society has arranged for a public lecture on "Angkor" by Dr. M. Sullivan of the University of Malaya at the British Council Hall. Stamford Road. Singapore, at 8.15 p.m. on Friday. The talk wiU be illustrated by colour slides and films.
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  • 31 4 The "Musica Viva" Group will appear in a chamber music concert sponsored by the Singapore Musical Society at St. Andrew's Cathedral War Memorial Hall at 8 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 26 4 A storekeeper, Chong Ah Bah. pleaded not guilty In a Singapore court yesterday to a charge of criminal breach of trust of cosmetics valued
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  • 29 4 at $12,273 belonging to J.H. Vavasseur and Co, between June last and January. Bail of 10,000 was allowed. The case will be mentioned on Jan. 22.
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  • 233 4 Govt lost $6 million on rice stockpile in 4 years 9 working JUMABHOY ANSWERS JUMABHOY jMIK Singapore Government lost $6,614,972 on rice trading and stockpiling from January, 1953, to October, 1956. The Minister for Commerce and Industry, Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, revealed this yesterday in written answers to questions by
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  • 69 4 TWO TRIPUTESDIE AFTER BEING BORH IN CAB SUNGEI PATANI. Tues. A labourer's wife, M. Alagammah, gave birth to triplets in a car while she was being; rushed to hospital last night. Two of the triplets— all girls died about five hoars after birth. The third, weighing only 12 oi., is
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  • 353 4 No scandal in sandals nor cries about ties Yf EMBERS of the Singapore Legislative Assembly yesterday upheld their right to dress as they please in a suit and tie or in sandals and shorts. They would not agree with a Straits Times reader
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  • 25 4 Trooper brings more men The 12,773-ton troopship Devonshire arrived in Singapore yesterday from Britain with National servicemen for Malaya. Later she left for Hong Kong.
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  • 24 4 The Oveaseas League, Singapore, will hold a Chinese New Year dinner at the Cathay Restaurant at 8 p.m. on Jan. 24.
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  • 151 4 Advice from the Post Office on Chinese New Year mail KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Here is advice for people who wish to ensure that the delivery of their Chinese New Year cards is not delayed: Write the address clearly and in Roman letters. The name of th« town
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  • 97 4 -UMNO'STORM IN TEACUP' IS OVER rpHE Singapore UMNO crisis, described by the party president as "a storm in a teacup," is over. A settlement was reached at a secret executive committee meeting on Monday night. The Singapore UMNO secretary, Tuan Syed Ahmad Jamalulil, has withdrawn his resignation, which he tendered
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  • 212 4 Our radio actors still need training NOT UP TO BRITISH PROFESSIONAL MARK RADIO MALAYA actors will need "several years of experiment and endeavour" before they can hope to compete with the 8.8.C. professionals. "This is not surprising, and not in any way to the discredit of our own actors. says
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  • 80 4 A BOYS' TOWN FOR K.L. TAKES SHAPE KUALA LUMPUR, rues The Serendah Boys' Home. 16 miles from here, will tomorrow afternoon be handed over to the St. Gabriel Brothers, founders of Singapore's Boys' Town The home will eventually be part of a similar boys' town planned for Kuah Lumpur by
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  • 22 4 The body of an unidentified Chinese was picked up from the sea under the Merdeka Bridge, Singapore, yesterday morning.
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  • 79 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— In the High Court here today Mr. Justice Shepperd sentenced Lee Chay to five years' jail for returning to the country from banishment without lawful authority. The deputy Public Prose* cutor. Inche Bahaudln bin Yacob, said Lee Chay was banished from Pahang in 1922
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 Whatever will they do next a iv would think they'd only .'id out the secret of how to set white things really white As far as I'm concerned there's I •aver rx>Mi raj mjwtan about it RerklttV Crown Blue In the MM MM Real WHITE needs BLUE ME? I
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    • 142 4 1 COME MAKE YOU]) CHOICE FROM OUR FIRST END OF CHINESi: Vl ;..\r SALE (16th to 30th JAN., 1957; .THE GREATEST SELECTK CHINESE ANTIQUE WORKS OF ART CHINA ART HOUSE 155. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE-9 CIGARETTES (With the Miracle Filter hp Now obtainable at popular prices: 1 Siagapore Regular .85 c
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 209 4 RADIO MALAYA C g 71i A i n r W •Prorramme. thus marked can 5W f n *wfi£ na c; 73 eW 7 35 be received by listener* in Malacca, tj?^? Wlth a uslc «00 New Short m, 49 and 41m. Medium ec all? lln 802 A Da w "h
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  • 279 5 Dato Tan's plan: A follow-up? ALLIANCE MAY DISCUSS FRIENDSHIP LEAGUE KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE policy-making Alliance National Council, which is to meet on the return of the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, from London, is likely to discuss the proposal to form a SinoMalay League. The president of the Malayan
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  • 207 5 Hawkers plead to Council: 'Give us New Year truce' THREE THOUSAND x Colony hawkers have appealed to the president of the City Council, Mr. J. T. Rea. for a Chinese New Year truce in the war against irregular hawking. A petition was sent yesterday through the Singapore Hawkers' Union No
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  • 64 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tufs. i Ang Seng Guan, of Bat v Pahat. was fined $I^o in the j Johore Bahru magistrate's court todaj lor driving his lorry negligently on Nov. 23 as a result of which he collided with a car and seriously injured a passenger
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  • 27 5 KUALA LIPIS. Tues. The office of the Pahang State Information Officer at Kuala Lipis has been transferred to the new state capital at I Kuantan.
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  • 55 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Five Malay Immigration Officers today formed the first group of Government officials to give tylood at the Lady Templer Hospital. The Assistant Controller of Immigration. Inche Mohamed AH. who led the group, said that their visit might help to encourage people Iji other
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  • 20 5 The Singapore Police Band will play at King George V Park from 530 p.m, to 6.30 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 167 5 A DEFENCE COUNSEL yesterday described as "most misleading" and "most inaccurate" a report in yesterday's Singapore Stanard of proceedings in a court case which started on Monday. Mr. RE. Redrup made the criticism in the Singapore First Criminal District Court at the continued trial of hi. c
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  • 60 5 PENANG. Tues.— Thirteen nurses at the General Hospital here reported yesterday they had been cheated of $41. Twelve girls paid $3 each, and another paid $5 to a woman who said she was a nurse from the Bukit Mertajam District Hospital. The woman collected the money after
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  • 55 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Simon David Theseira. 21, pleaded guilty in the Sessions Court today to two charges of theft of property and jewellery worth a total of $700 from Mrs. SheraU and Mrs P. H. Kirkby at Ouillemard Road yesterday. The pnssident Inche M Hashim. postponed «*nt«»ce
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  • 123 5 AFTER 15 YEARS IN LOVE, THEY'LL BE WED TOMORROW THE AMERICAN couple above will get married tomorrow after being in love for 15 years. HE i s Mr. H M. Roblin, an accountant with an American firm in Sumatra. SHE is Miss Helen Christopher of New York, who flew into
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  • 219 5 Skyscraper schools: 'It's the only way' PRAISE FOR MINISTRY'S PLAN T^HE Singapore Education Ministry's plan to build x skyscraper schools in congested areas was described yesterday as the only solution to the Colony's pressing problem of keeping pace with the demand I for primary education. Mr. Wong Foo Nam an
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  • 73 5 Love your teachers bishop BENTONG, Tues. Bishop Vendargon told 70 students of the Catholic High School here yesterday that the success of Chinese culture lay in the belief of filial piety. Speaking at the opening of the school, the Bishop said: "My sincere wish is that you show to your
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  • 75 5 A Singapore court* martial yesterday ordered Pte. John Marshall, 22, of the Ist. Bn.. Queen's Royal Regiment, Selarang Garrison, to, be jail- ed for six months and disI charged with ignominy on three counts of absence without leave, using insubordinate language and disobeying an order. Marshall, who
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  • 14 5 The Singapore Social Wel.'are Department last month paid $673,222 in relief benefits.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 89 5 a. 1 l^^ n| EVERY PURCHASER QUART BOTTLES OF ItM MARTIN V 5. O. P. BRANDY < L lMtrTr-0 j f-~ < sL v s° p •J^ _7r. MPAGME COGNAC f?^O -ivit. COGNAC {U/tA'n<ft r W rs^C^ \\7i G S A C .1. V* cognac mt^==jß? > ENTITLED TO ASK
      89 words
    • 320 5 MEDICAL EVIDENCE PROVES 3te-a-Ott xnoroi STOPS COUGHS, SOOTHES SORE, HOARSE THROAT 5 Times better! lfo(ffix^t\lf Instantly penetrate! even 1 *ini«>t "pockets" of memJf\& tyf.'CJ brane surfaces. Safely destroys germs that /^^^A^^ cause almost all respi'?\iifry!tt& x ratory infections. I rj t-j I The only cough remedy made 3 Q not
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 215 5 SINGAPORE CHESS LEAGUE: {exhibition of "Photography In 7th annual City of Singapore I Singapore"— a selection of prints versus University of Malaya match, !by leading photographers in CoChinese Swimming Club, Amber lony— Stamford Road, 9.30 aJn. to Road. 2.30 p.m. 15.30 p.m. j WESLEY CHIECH: Spiritual ST. HILDA'S SCHOOL: Recepretreat
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  • 49 6 in Wordt $10 (minimum). KOH TENO LIAT passed away peacefully On Saturday 13th January 1957 at the Oeneral Hospital Singapore aged 57. MRS. YAP AH SHEONG nee Lee l.i. in Neo aged 50 died peacefully on 15.1.57 at 249 Punggol K'-id. Funeral at Bldadarl on 17th 4 p.m.
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  • 208 6 20 Words tlO (minimum). ELSIE MARY LTD., 2nd Floor, 13. Battery Rd. Annual Clearance Bale Now On. Wonderful Bargains— Further Reductions. FOR THE CONVENIENCE Of Our Clients Our Shop will remain open Today Chanrai's, 81 High fitreet. KEEP YOUR HOME country fresh use modern Air-wick Alrv. irk kills all
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  • 520 6 Singapore, Wed. Jan. 16, 1957. Retreat From Merger Tengku Abdul Rahman was giving away no secrets when, in a 8.8.C. interview, he ruled out "any possibility" of a merger between the Federation and Singapore. Twice last December, in Kuala Lumpur and in London, the Tengku made it plain that his
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  • 393 6 Indonesia's weakened Cabinet is hanging on to office, but Dr. Sastroamidjojo's grip is loosening. The withdrawal by the Masjumi of its five Ministers was not unexpected, although the Masjumi had threatened to withdraw for so long that it began to seem it would lack the courage to
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  • 230 6 The Federation's Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Mr. Leong Yew Koh, has replied to criticism of the expenditure of $2,000,000 on merdeka celebrations. Mr. Leong feels that since we shall get merdeka without bloodshed this is worthy of celebration on a "grand scale". The expenditure will
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    • 229 6 T»HANK you for your re- cent editorial on "Temporaries." But you said that the temporaries had, "on the whole, higher pay to compensate for lack of permanency" and "do not possess the educational qualifications for entry into pensionable service." Our union, at no time,
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    • 195 6 OWING to the limited number of places available In schools In the town area, a large number of children have been put In distant schools, sometimes six or seven miles away from their homes and about a mile from the existing bus route. These children are
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    • 142 6 Three- wheeled motor vehicles IWAS surprised to read a recent news item in your paper to the effect that the Singapore authorities propose to ban three-wheeled motor vehicles on the island. Why? At the recent London Motor-Cycle Show, there were no less than ten different makes of British and Continental
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    • 94 6 TN Province Wellealey, a great many children who have passed the junior school certificate examination have been forced to leave school in spite of the fact that they would like to continue with their secondary education. Has this policy of
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  • 1034 6 REALITIES THAI NASSER HAS TO FACE •Egypt needs water mare than g Ult!( By A Special Correspondent 'f HE gravamen against Colonel Nasser is not that he nationalised the Suez Canal Company, which was bound to happen sooner or later, but that he deprived his country of its vital resources
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 559 6 Straits Times k Free Preis i r tot th* con. tnl«n<* ot advar- I tlMn our r«pr»»«nrotlv« at Itt I floor, SINGAPORE COLD STOR- AGE, ORCHARD ROAD, will f I r#t«iv* small adv«rtlMm«nts and antwart to bo* numbtti. Clouiflad advartiMmantt may alto ba hondad ta: CITY BOOK STORE LTD., Winchastar
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    • 80 6 (MALAYAN [RAILWAY DOOR TO DOOR 1 INCLUSIVE RATES -j i The Malayan Railway Administration operates Road Motor Collection and Delivery services at i j most stations on its I system, and will be I i I pleased to collect traffic J I from your premises, I convey it by rail
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    • 121 6 i -*^„^is ■^jf SZG.C. I ■> set NIL—- DE 818 Pull width Evaporator In Stainless Steel, finish, translucent food <b vegetable MBf Inside of door and many more t» i S'poreft Penan, Cash Price 1938 Hire Purchase 12 monthly payments of S 86 24 monthly payments of f M 3.1
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  • 103 7 I I**** Chief I d, secfH Col- roup rording ifc was I to do J Harmony at home irrlared I must d her her ii .ntain "I ii to cook I nd coI Kathi I. said i hat I lima for l
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  • 56 7 I PUB, Tues. J eamline its m the lines J In the icies, -genera] of v bin Abdul I Rahman, is drawing up the 1 reorganisation plan. It will be considered by the UMNO central executive council which will meet soon after the return of the Chief
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  • 101 7 3 charged with consorting SEREMBAN, Tues. THREE Chinese today appeared before Inche Ali bin Hassan. president of the Sessions Court here, charged with consorting with Yueng Kuo, the deputy Secretary-General of the Malayan Communist Party who was killed at Semenyih on Aug. 25. The three are Tan Kong Hock alias
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  • 56 7 There will be no postal delivery in Singapore today, l Thaipusam. The G.PO. will b P open from 9 a.m. to noon and all other post offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. except Joo Chiat, Kandang Kerbau. Orchard Road Arcade Tiong
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  • 290 7 NEW DRIVE ON SECRET SOCIETIES FOLLOWS DECLINE IN JUNGLE WAR KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday FEDERATION police have been ordered to step up their campaign against the country's 40 active secret societies— with the knowledge that these illegal bodies can never be
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  • 28 7 The University of Malaya Music Society will hold a concert of oriental music at Oei Tiong Ham Hall, Cluny Road, Singapore, at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 28 7 The British Council in Singapore will hold a free show of commonwealth films at the council hall, Stamford Road, at 8.30 p.m. on Jan. 21.
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  • 108 7 There is a great need to convince parents there is no racial discrimination in the Singapore School for the Blind, said Lady Black, seen helping two pupils in their pastry making, yesterday. Lady Black, wife of the Governor, was visiting the school which was
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  • 108 7 CLERK SPOTS FAKE $5 NOTE IPOH, Tues. A FORGED five dollar A note^ passed over the counter of a toddy shop here during the weekend, has been given to the police for investigation. The fake note, described as near-perfect, was spotted by an alert clerk of the Chartered Bank when
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  • 34 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— A lorry attendant. Yong Paik Ngai, 29, died two hours after he was run over by the lorry at the Junction of Cheras Road and Circular Road last night.
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  • 172 7 'SUBSTITUTE TAMIL NEW YEAR DA V' WHILE Singapore Hin- dus were making full preparations to celebrate Thaipusam today, an influential Hindu quarter yesterday called for abolition of the Thaipusam public holiday. Mr. G.M.K. Sabai, a trustee of the Veeramma Kaliamman Temple in Scrangoon Road,
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  • 338 7 - JOURNEY'S END IN SINGAPORE THREE British hands of the treasurehunting Gold Seeker have decided to quit and join the Army. Yesterday, after starvation, shortage of fuel and desertions had befallen the vessel's luckless crew, Ken Watson and two cousins, Albert and
    338 words
  • 302 7 rpHE words Christian and 1 Methodist were originally not only nicknames but terms of contempt, Singapore churchmen explained yesterJoy At a Toe H meeting in Singapore on Monday the administrator of the organisation. Mr. John Calif, disturbed his audience when he told them that
    302 words
  • 240 7 THEIR OBJECT IS TO FOSTER RACE HARMONY Communal bodies to link AN alliance of non-political communal associations is to be formed in Singapore on Monday. The object of the alliance is to consider matters of mutual interest to the various communities inhabiting the Colony, and to promote inter-com-munal goodwill. The
    240 words
  • 125 7 Grants: Call for a mass meeting rpHE Singapore Hokkien X Huay Kuan yesterday urged the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to convene a mass meeting of all Chinese associations and guilds to scrutinise the regulations recently introduced by the Government to govern grant-ln-aid to schools. The Hokklen Huay Kuan Is the
    125 words
  • 82 7 Pte. Edward Charles Ro)ins, 19, a rifleman in the .st. Bn., Queen's Royal Rejiment. pleaded not guilty in i Singapore traffic court yeserday to a charge of causing ;he death of L/C Ayob bin Vrshad by a negligent act. Pte. Robins was alleged to lave carelessly driven
    82 words
  • 47 7 Prof. J. C Cooke, president of the Malayan Mathematical Society, will speak on "Some simple mathematical machines and instruments" at the society's meeting to be held In the statistics lecture room of the University of Malaya In Cluny Road. Singapore, at 5.30 p.m. on Friday.
    47 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 Jakes you fit keeps you fit l '**int of I If, ii, Unnk|usio^ glass and you're lf> P^ health One glass starU.he,' "fWinca,n,s and back com < your 2 l hlnt 7 h < h --a .work. You',, be ««W for you Take W|^'n^da,l f romnowon lh < M bod,ed
      113 words
    • 133 7 THE CARLSBERG COLLECTION The Pye-eyed Lebar is a bird well-known for making long-distance flights, and is often seen circling high above after returning from these. His approach is announced by his long piercing notes, which are at their loudest and best when calling f0r BECK -nd STOUT It must be
      133 words

  • 68 8 K. N. Asokan, of Woodlands Road. Singapore, woke up in his home at 4.30 a.m. yesterday to find a thief trying to remove his wrlstwatch. As he tried to get up from his bed the man knocked him out with a blow on the face and
    68 words
  • 53 8 Hashim bin Rahmat, 18, was acquitted by Mr. Justice Buttrose in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday of a charge of robbing a woman, Sim Chye Ngow, with two other persons, of cash and jewellery to the value of $1,250 at her house in Serangoon Road on
    53 words
  • 27 8 The Federation's Minister for Agriculture, Incbe Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, left for Madras by Air India yesterday for a two-week official tour of India.
    27 words
  • 71 8 Lim Kiew Seng and Chua Noi Seng, who pleaded guilty to a charge of robbing two women, Choo Ah Mvi and Tay Sok Eng, of cash and property valued at $1,000, were jailed for five years and six years, respectively, in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday. The
    71 words
  • 384 8 Govt sets out behaviour code for its officers Higher standard than in private jobs KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. THE GOVERNMENT requires a higher standard of conduct from its servants than that demanded by private employers. This statement is contained in a book published by the Federation
    384 words
  • 139 8 MR Donald Moore, a Singapore impresario, is still anxious to solve the riddle of his "vanishing dancers." When they failed to return from Indonesia, Mr. Moore had to cancel arrangements for Anthony Burke, and his partner, Miss San Fang Tjiok. to perform in
    139 words
  • 150 8 TOUR BY A 'SPECIAL ENVOY' A JAPANESE politician with a big question mark is expected in Singapore next month. He is Mr. Kenzo Matsumura, who Claims to be a "special envoy" of the Japanese Premier, Mr. Tanzan Ishibashi. But the Premier has denied this.
    150 words
  • 140 8 SATA REACHES $1,000 MARK IN BID FOR PARTY MONEY rpHE Singapore Antl■i- .Tuberculosis Association has so far raised only half of the $2,000 which it hopes to receive in donations for its Chinese New Year party for destitute tuberculosis patients on Jan 23. SATA's medical director, Dr. G. H. Garlick,
    140 words
  • 158 8 To stay or not to stay... T»HE Singapore Govern- ment will know by tomorrow how many of its expatriate officers intend to stay in their Jobs under the Malayanisation scheme. Replies to the "option" forms sent to 402 expatriates at the middle of last month
    158 words
  • 147 8 TOHORE BAHRU, Tues. J Malays were urfjed today to discard old customs, attitudes and views and develop more initiative. Inche Mohamed Yassim. a Johore State Councillor, who was addressing the Rotary Club here, said Malays should also develop a co-operative attitude towards the other
    147 words
  • 69 8 Three Australian lecturers, who are in Singapore under the Colombo Plan to prepare local doctors for the primary F.R.C.S. examinations, will visit the Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga, at 2.30 p.m. on Friday. The lecturers are Dr. W.J. Simmonds, Mr. H.H. Eddy and Mr.
    69 words
  • 50 8 The Tengku Mahkota. Regent of Johore, will sign the Johore Supplement Agreement. 1957, which provides for the abolition of the post of British Adviser in the state, during a ceremony at the throne room of the Istana Besar in Johore Bahru at 9.45 a.m. on Saturday.
    50 words
  • 49 8 A car driver, Hashim bin Osman, accused of robbing a dance hostess, Salmah binte Abdul Ghani, of cash and jewellery to the value of $1,010. was acquitted by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday, following the jury's unanimous verdict of not guilty.
    49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      312 words
    • 466 8 n PHONE: ***** .....m" 1 I, I IJS* DONNA mfiSi ■■L TIB K IYD/ NEXT CHANCE GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA "The Most Beautiful Woman In The World'' 1 TODAY 9 a.m.: "BAREFOOT CONTESSA 1 t sHm am 145< 4> > X*^2 6.30 9.30 p.m. jj PHONE: ***** Rock 'N Roll On Trial!
      466 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 380 8 an organ (5). I 25. Common language; not so Straits Times Crossword 26 .■sssw J Oh (6-7). DOWN 12 3 4 5 6 J gS 2. "With sweet musk-roses, and S with (9). a S«S vv^/ vx-^vk sw x^ 3 The Hyrcan variety was not lH m tH H 9
      380 words

  • 1381 9 [m fo] »i [ill HBj^T^l f J Ii M jifFwML i AuSToll,! m, 0 1 i, n the Mmm of the vast desert loneline,* of ■tra i. a quaint little white woman approached a lonely siding on the Trans- contmental Railway. Passengers
    Daily Mirror  -  1,381 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 196 9 NEWS! A long- lasting lipstick that does not dry lips! Helena Rubinstein's WATERPROOF LIPSTICK Only Helena Rubinstein combines two revolutionary discoveries in one amazing lipstick only her new WATERPROOF LIPSTICK gives you: 1. Beneficial nutrisol that keeps lips healthy, Invitingly luminous, and never, never, dries your lips. 2. New glide-on
      196 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 151 9 Hex Morgan. M.D. fi y ncr h ere X^ X^E^E^E^E^E^C^ imj^E^E^E^EE^E^^ I Jf A I Dick Tracy Can't start motor 9B^^B^e^e^9 I y^OSM. PLA i i UP. MDU MEAM WE n TV4ANJ TUAT uI/P ALJT^ JHH^ r rrrr Tn ciun a r^c dBBMEIBHE^Bij^E^iSIfInBBCHBEBBVBaIBI^^H „».iV i. ir- „i T i ir
      151 words

  • 412 10 CONFUSED TRADING REPORTED ON LOCAL RUBBER MART By Our Market Correspondent THERE was confused trading on the Singapore Rubber Market yesterday with a four cent premium developing on the 6pot position, an indication that operators were trying to cover short positions for current shipment. February first grade closed at 964
    412 words
  • 168 10 February first rrade rubber buy- 1 I era f.o.b- closed in Singapore yes- i terday at 96 cents per lb., down c l'/4 cents on Monday's closing i price. j The closing tone was easier r after steady. Closing prices in cents per lb. j yesterday were: OFFICIAL;
    168 words
  • 136 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; Jan. $28 buyers, $29 V* sellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk $43 i sellers, drum $47 sellers. Pepper; quiet; no business reported done: Muntok white $118, Sarawak $117, special Sarawak black $81 (all down $1). Singapore Copra
    136 words
  • 392 10 The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "Industrials and rubbers were slightly easier, and tins irregular." Singapore and Federation broken reported the following business done yesterday: Fed. Dispensary $2.20; Fraser Neave ords $2.30; W. Hammer $1,674, $1.70 (delayed); Hongkong Shanghai $890 cd $900 cd (arrival); M. Breweries $2.90; Malayan
    392 words
  • 53 10 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Adrastus 1, Orestes 4. TJlnegara 7, Radnorshire 11, Perseus 13. Ouderkerk IS, Tiber 18. Osambaur 21, Belaga 23, Selandla 24. Bentong 25, Mandams 27, Alba 28, Gjertraud Bakke 31, Sumatra 32, Rhexenor 36, Ulysses 37, Devonshire
    53 words
  • 9 10 Rl'Bilr.R. TIN Qlt (up si »5) >» oonui v.,..
    9 words
  • 66 10 AUSTRAL STOCKS JNVBR-I-.T: many rises on the today. Hi. all sect i. heavier w with an moveme'.Mount I and loa; Loans 3 Loans :s Con. Zii, Bank of Mount Lyell N. Broke: Hill 50 Mount M Prko Western Ampol. Ex Oil Search Aust. Con A.P.M. (new; Bradford B. Hill Pro.';.
    66 words
  • 25 10 On the freer, rhln Hong hone dollar wa s quoted at s■ and 6.12 for I I Sterling a., one Uel of |tM
    25 words
  • 43 10 Osbornr and hapw following tin er ended December derlanf Tin > 4,120; Hongkong T, n 1,013; Kinta Tin hal| 1.175; .MaUw,, Penekalen. 2 i Fusing Kiihorr ,< S Rambutan 748; Tar.., 4,880; Tekka G22 Trtat 946; THtka-Taipinr Kellas I,i:t7 tad Id;. 103 tons.
    43 words
  • 19 10 The toDoi I Malayan CtJUelta tion figures for I I 1956: Octobe: ember 15.058 ti 15.460 tons.
    19 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 151 10 NOTICE CALL ***** OR ***** OUR SERVICE DEPT. WILL RELAY YOUR MESSACE (Carrier) INTERNATIONAL AIRCONDITIONING CO.. LTD. —^T BT^^Jltia A DOUBLE Lj DIAMOND U works wonders /ypi Double Diamond is a strong, more thoroughly S^BI^SLvHkH^B refreshing Pilsener beer than any other you've |M^ggilUtHg^iM ever tasted. It's the most popular Pilsener
      151 words
    • 163 10 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. LOW KIM GUAN left our employ on 31st January, 1955, and since that date has had no power to transact any business In the Company's name. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY (MALAYA) LTD. K. NAVARETNAM alias K AN GASABAI NAVARATNAM alias KANAGARATNAM
      163 words
    • 168 10 NOTICE THE PEKAN LANGGAR (KELANTAN) LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) "Members' Voluntary Winding Up." This is to notify that the above Company has been wound up with effect from Ist January 1957, and that the affairs of the Company shalj be carried out by the following liquidators namely
      168 words
    • 864 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited lor the poet of Manager, North Eastera Transport Service Limited. Kota, Bharu. 'Applicant must be well experienced in fleet supervision and maintenance and possession of an Engineering Degree and ability to speak Malay would be an advantage. Pull details (including age, experience, qualifications, salary and
      864 words
    • 620 10 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE Ishareby given that Mr. CHUA SWEE HOCK left our service on the 10th January 1847. and since that date has no authority to collect monies on our behalf. ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTES OF MALAYA. It Is hereby announced that the Muar
      620 words
    • 355 10 KNUTSEN LINE orient serviq FROM CANADA/US. PACIFIC PORTS 30 0^ Sailinß San Vancouver Francisco Spore P. Swet. Penaw Kristin Bakke i/5 Feb 6 Feb 8 h: Anna Bakke 19 |an 18/20 Feb 21 Feb BM Elisabeth Bakke 26 |an 9 Feb 12/14 Mar 15 Mir Accepting Cargo tor Fremanfle calling
      355 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 976 11 7J M ANSFIEU> CO., LTD. T.U THE BLUE FOMNEL UNE &•> rr JM»« W |a logd ond ditchorge corgo ,i GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Dv SinßOP °So.h P. S'hom Penong In Port Jon IS GU ,lt Jon IS Jon 19/21 Jon 22/23 Jon JS •>•" Jo n II Jon
      976 words
      1,949 words
    • 1227 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL No.: ***** ELLERMAN 6c BUCKNALL KLWENESS LINK LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG SEATTLE, VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND and for U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting corgo for Central ft South and Canada vio Colombo America CITY OF PERTH BRONXVIUI S'pora P. S'hom Penong Spore
      1,227 words

  • Children's Page.
    • 764 12 A FOOTSTEP IN THE SAND The four Scouts are adrift in a boat. During the night they are almost run down by a ship, then they see a huge sea monster which they succeed in driving away. When morning comes they have drifted to a small island. NOW READ ON.
      764 words
    • 333 12 THE United States of American have issued a series of stamps depicting the wild life of America. These stamps however are not just intended to be an attractive looking issue with an antmal on the front. Rather* are they meant to draw attention to
      333 words
    • 339 12 KEY TO A MYSTERY n RAMASAMY writes from Kuala Kangsar. "I was reading a book the other day and was puzzled by a reference to the "Rosetta Stone." Can you tell me more about this please is it really a stone or is there some other meaning attached
      339 words
    • 231 12 Dear Boys and Girls, Here are the winners of the crossword competition. Jailani Bin Ahmad, 107, Ceylon Road Singapore 15. Paul Choi Kam Fay, 2924, Guillemard Road, Kuala Lumpur. A. J. Roswati, Primary Six-B. Methodist Girls' School, Mount Sophia, Singapore 8. Llm Chin Ling, X—
      231 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 249 12 MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTHPASTE the tooth paste that's proved to clean teeth whiter CjClENTinc tests with a 'whiteness-meter' have proved »J beyond doubt that Macleans Tooth Paste cleans teeth whiter than ever before. Macleans fights and destroys decay germs laboratory tests show that no other toothpaste gives more complete protection than
      249 words
    • 197 12 Letting wed? S^^rM JmT^ mm V^P"" V 1 mmmW±£ Many of this year's brides are solving the wedding p r «nt problems of their friends in this simple manner nominates a store, to which she indicates her cfad many beautiful Watcrford Glass patterns. Her lncnds can then go to the
      197 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 45 12 G.G.C Co/lecf six of these coupon* to join the Children* Corner Club. Please enrol me as a member of the Wise Owh Clvb and tend me a badge. I am enclosing six C.C.C. coupons and a stamped self 'addressed envelope. name .*•>*»•,-,•,;,. .•.w.-.\i Address m „tv. .>
      45 words

  • 503 13 MUST ONE BE MEAN TO BECOME A CHAMPION? WHEN Parry O'Brien, America's world champion shot putter, begins his visit to Malaya with a "clinic" at Kuala Lumpur's Victoria Institution ground on Friday afternoon, I wonder if he will be called on by some enterprising
    503 words
  • 48 13 SALT LAKE CITY, Tues. World middleweight champion Oene Fullmer will meet wilf Oreaves of Pittsburgh in a nontitle 10-round bout here on Jan. 28. It will be Fullmer's first flght since he won the championship from Sugar Ray Robinson on Jan. 3— A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 252 13 iss: adjourn House t 10 or BQumw Virtue ac 215«7. ,-pV R*ouire« nator Quarters. :!RD 3imerloaa Postal DU- d Long leaat r B y ir indonexlan Room/ -arr with S.T. E Require BungakW >!ephone. 13. 21. R»ni SPACI VUAVT modem, l 300 <fc District i. .Vapore. UK U. LKAVE ,mtm.tmwm.
      252 words
    • 354 13 TUITION Word* IS (Mm.) *Ux SO et*. rxtra. LAMBERT S DRIVINO SCHOOL. Complete Highway Code $10. Methodical Angle Reversing, Parallel Parking $10 per Lesson. 410 Orchard Road. Phone *****. LAY YOUR CHILD'S Future on firm foundation. Pre- Primary Kindergarten English Lady Supervisor. The Short Street Kindergarten, 14 Short Street. YOUNG
      354 words
    • 757 13 DANCING Word, $io (minimum). DM, J m^tk. 10 Wr+ $»M (mtm.) seasick RBBORT. Pmslr Ma oSSy? n 8 avle y Hotel K B°and GianCarl WHERE TO EAT Wtrd, Ho (minimum). Dailm 1 month. 10 Word* «J« (Mm.) QrK^K HOTEL EUsabethan SS tiV hOM «"«rt»^atln, «3 B GARE>EN CAFE", *****. CAPITOL
      757 words
    • 896 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE to Word* U (Mm.) Box SO ct*. txtra. FOR SALE: Morris Commer. Van 24 tons 1951 Model. $1,000 or near offer. Box A 6768, S.T. 1949/50 MORRIS Minor, taxed/ Insured, In very good condition $1,675. On view 75 WlMtie Road after 1 p.m. 1956 MORRIS MINOR Convertible.
      896 words
    • 573 13 J^^R Ifyou want to 9"^|V W^fT enj oy life .you've got to look smart FOR WELL-GROOMED. HEALTHY HAIR, USE BSilvikrin TONIC HAIR DRESSING (A lotior with oil) HO/SS/J i^a^al*^ >".-.- .g*^r^ =!/a^LP^ MM 1 ■?^fc> 1 a^Ha^B JIHHaV^ "^ii'^-'VmS aKSIL' f <l**^ J *^~^-i/H VSNN, > I .a^L^aflaJa^a^Ba^. \\mmWr^^***st£^^^mmm\ S^^*\MM**^mmmmfßmmW
      573 words

  • 406 14 Ipoh 5½ f ideal for Balkan Chevalier OALKAN CHEVALIER is accepting and on his Kuala Lumpur November form he has a bright chance in Race Four. This Prince Chevalier grey has pretty smart pace and the s£f round rourse at Ipoh should be ideal for him. At Kuala Lumpur In
    406 words
  • 131 14 /COMBINED SERVICES have brought In three newcomers into their team to meet Selangor in the H.M.S. Malaya rugger final on Saturday. They are lullback Lt. Peart, wing threequarter L/Cpl Briggs and centre L/Cpl Rideout. all of whom earned their places by Impressive performances
    131 words
  • 296 14 IT SHOULD BE THREE IN A ROW FOR IMPROVING MEW ZEALAMDER BETTER SINCE ALL-THE-WAY PENANG WIN By EPSOM JEEP DAHAGIA is on the upgrade and has a great chance of making it three-in-a-row in the Class 2, Div. 1, 6f handicap (Race Seven) at
    296 words
  • 306 14 HE WON TRIAL WITH Div. 1 HORSE rpHERE is little form to go by, but Judging on track form Metrostar II should be reasonably safe each way (Race Six). This Australian three-year-old shaped like a winner on the track on Monday morning when she outsmarted
    306 words
  • 247 14 Whistler is even better over 5½f THE Whistler was a convincing winner of the 6f apprentices race on Saturday. A speedy sort she will be even better over 5Jf, and in spite of a stiff 13-lb penalty she has a bright chance for a double (Race Two). Barracuda looks the
    247 words
  • 48 14 rE going up<to last evening at Inoh was still very good. t +1 FOLLOWING horses have been scratched from all engagements: Sincero, Dragon Year and Acrobat. TREBLE TOTE will be held on Races Four, Six and Seven. Bia) Sweep will be drawn on Rpce Seven.
    48 words
  • 121 14 EPSOM JEE! CALL BOY POINTER Race 1 2.30 PULOT ITAM Tolyar Honey Bee TOLYAR Bold Dragoon Pulot Item BOLD DR&GOON Honey Bee Tolyar Race 2 3.95 THE WHISTLER Barracuda Majula THE WHISTLER Majula Red Runner BARRACUDA Majula The Whistlrr Race 3 340 UNDOUBTABLE Credit Balance Weem GREAT SAXON
    121 words
  • 1003 14 Race 1 2.30: Class 5, Div. 2— 5£ Furs. 1 980 All Well 4y Chadwick 8.12 Y. C. Cheong <Sc Mrs. H. Y. Leong Sleigh 2 526 Persian Count 4y 8.11 Mrs. H. A. Llm Dr. C. L. Tan Donnelly 3 601 Bold Dragoon fly E Cracknell
    1,003 words
  • 243 14 SINGAPORE schoolchildren —particularly those in the secondary schools will spend more time on the sports field' during 1957 Mr. Joe David. Director of Physical Edufatlon, told this to the Straits Times yesterday. t He disclosed that sports masters in secondary English schools will hold
    243 words
  • 89 14 Singapore Asians to meet Negrl Sembilan Asians In their All Blues j Cup rugger match on Saturday on the padang, <klck-o(l 5 p.m.) is Wah Seng (Varsity); Velluplllal (Police), Ramll < Police i, Chong Yew (Varsity i, Brian Oehler.« (SAOBA); Eng Slang <
    89 words
  • 283 14 Mr. Choo was not to present his plan* THE sponsor of a proposal to ban i in Singapore, Mr. Choo S< ng I up when the Singapore Amateui tion's League and Cup Comn. meeting of the year yesterday. Mr. Choo, Senior clubs' delegate on the
    283 words
  • 12 14 Nee Soon M.B.T.C. beat R.A.F. Seletar 47-34 at basketball yesterdaj
    12 words
  • 71 14 RUGGER Police v Naval Base, Thomson Road; R.A.S.C. I Nee Soon, RASC; R.N.A.S. Sembawang v R.A.F. Changi 2nd XV, Sembawanr; S.C.C. "A" v RAF Tengab, padang; R.A.I. Seletar Ist v Blakang Mali, Seletar; St Andrew's 0.8. v GIIQ, Wood*ville; R.E.M.E. Workshop v mi: Ayer Raja Road. SOCCER Singapore v
    71 words
  • 58 14 USIS PLAN SCHEI^ FOR PARK O'BRIEFN THE 1 fire-da; of the ace. Parr beiiiK w The Unite,; tion Sti O'Brien': em tow Officki Amateur Ai tion so can be m; O'Brien. and Oh cords, will pore bj planr row aftei He will fly on Friday he will i clinics v:
    58 words
  • 36 14 EASY WIN i WELLINGTON WELLING I OS i ton bent No wicket? in IC lnter-provir.i which tnded Final icon (A. H I D one- Northern Everest. 61, R. W. 1 r D. Morrison (Evere*. Mi Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 25 14 - MEI.BdKen Rose in only h: c ad :..i:iim a prof ps world profi pion, 1\ (United SI i 14-12 here toda; i
    25 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 816 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. Knntlntird from Pas* 6) SITI ATIONS VACANT tt, W..rd. $i (Mix.) Box S» rxlrm. QUALIFIED and Experienced Radio Technician. Apply giving lull details to Box A 6764, S.T. THOSE PREVIOUSLY Re«Lstrrrd. Cinrma Ushers. TlcketRrllers, Rereptlon':-t.s, Labourers, tot In'erview. Lorry- iris, Clinic Assistant, en, supervisor. 817, North I Ko;iri
      816 words
    • 207 14 WORLD FAMOUS jf, Taylor Hobson interchangeable /Jffe?^V\ Individually v, calibrated speed; P rI C from Mfr $325'- iS'por. f>!" -l according to km l\ tupplitd l\ 5]C Tjyler Hobson Icntci «r« ustd in 80 'b Hollywood* Jtuejio cjmciJi. 12J mm f/1.7 fatr all-purpose focuisine lens. Depth of field scale. Click
      207 words