The Straits Times, 18 August 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 A V-E'H-it-Cr T> A .M^-^^-yyp^^ T The Straits Times Sew**** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 325 1 Three dramatic meetings-and the strike threat is dropped I feaver was eyman i talks 1.0 H. Fri. -The in nun mi 1 "orKintf Etpeil drc'd^s L Federation will down IMb lU xt tened strike died off :mfl were to all the Malayan iyees' Union I morning
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  • 16 1 COLOMBO, Fri. Czechoslovakia has promised to help Ceylon to nationalise bus services U.P.
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  • 29 1 Merdeka Bridge-pride of Singapore opened CROWDS RUSH ACROSS IT IN SPONTANEOUS SHOW OF JOY AFTER CEREMONY THE SCENE at the opening of the Merdeka Bridge yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 846 1 SUEZ: RUSSIA HAS 7 POINT CONTROL PLAN Proposal for a wider conference LONDON, Friday. VI R. Dmitri Shepilov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, ITI today countered the four-point Western plan for international management of the Suez Canal with a seven-point plan of his own. The basis of his proposals which he
    Reuter  -  846 words
  • 20 1 SAIGON, Frl. Mr. Henri Hopperot. the last French High commissioner to Vietnam, left today for France
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  • 21 1 PEKING. Fri.— Ten British Members of Parliament arrived here today on a three, week visit to China.— Reuter-
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  • 106 1 HONG KONG. Fri. The Peking People's Daily today welcomed Singapore's former Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, and the Singapore trade delegation to China. The official Chinese newspaper described as "bright" the prospects for development of trade exchanges and friendly relations between the two countries. It
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 40 1 HONG KONG. Fri. Mrs. Arthur John Clifford, widow of well-known British barrister who was stabbed to death here two weeks ago, left by air today for London. A Singapore Chinese has been charged with Mr. Clifford's murder. U.P.
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  • 23 1 LONDON. Frl.— An all time record of 135,000 tourists visited Britain in June— with one in every three an American. A.P.
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  • 105 1 TOKYO, Fri. A Japanese diver in the Arafura Sea, north of Australia, was reported today to have discovered the largest pearl in the world. Uji Huma, a diver with the Japanese pearling expedition, wrote to bis family in Wakayama Prefecture that he bad found
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  • 110 1 The general is so happy to be in Singapore rpHE new Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Land Forces, Lt.-Gen. Sir Francis Festing, flew into Singapore yesterday to assume his command, "I am really glad to be here," he said. "This is one of the few jobs that I've always wanted
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  • 47 1 TOKYO, Fri Typhoon "Babs" has killed at least 18 people and swamped 223 small boats off Kyushu. Early Incomplete reports showed that 84 others were injured and eight missing, 427 houses destroyed and 1,341 flooded, 32 bridges washed away and 203 boats damaged.
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  • 167 1 Michael, 14, lost at sea sang to comfort his sister EXMOUTH, Southwest England. Frl. A 14--year-old boy today told how he sang to his little sister to comfort her as they drifted helplessly in a rowing boat 20 miles out The S boy, Michael Krohn, and his 9-year-old sister Vivienne.
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 856 1  - TENS OF THOUSANDS TURN OUT TO CHEER NAN HALL By |N a proud, truly na--1 tional spirit the people of Singapore, in their tens of thousands, yesterday took part joyously in the opening of the Merdeka Bridge and Nicoll Highway. At both ends of the $9,500,--000 half-mile-long bridge enormous crowds
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  • 187 1 Bonn bans the Reds BONN, Fri. Police raided Communist Party offices all over West Germany today after the Supreme Court had outlawed the party and ordered confiscation of its property. But Herr Gerhard Schroder, Minister of the Interior, immediately promised there would be no witchhunt in West Germany. The court
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  • 31 1 'LIFT CHINA TRADE BANS' CALL LONDON. Fri.—Delegates representing three million British workers demanded at conference at Hastings today the lifting of all bans on trade with Communist China.— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 YOGHOURT fj\ NOURISHES p- W(TH OUT FATTENING I pf metlictittc; K ipk the liqueur
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    • 290 1 NO HONftS PALMITREE WAIHINOiIOAP ..GrtUrm'ihifcui •MdtmutMlmmmmkU, A* *lioii«Ts«A^scmnrTTo. OF THE WORLD" uHM^^^Ht/^lpH Ovaltine help* Swiss Himalayan j^^^^Hßv MM Expedition of 1936 in successful conquest of world's hight-st JflHfe:* Zinf/^r^^V^i mountain: \fd-^^^^ The Proprietors of Ovaltine have W^M^fe^B received through their London Offi' c \^H excerpts from a translation from the
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  • 30 2 MONTREAL. Prl. Five children were bu-ned to death yesterday in a Quebec summer camp cottage. Police believe one of the children had overturned a primus itove.— A.P.
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  • 231 2 KARACHI INVESTIGATION OF ALLEGED _^y fr N KARACHI, Fri. Sir Gilbert Grace, twice decorated for his services to the British Empire, was under virtual house arrest here today and undergoing treatment by physicians who said he was suffering from a severe nervous breakdown. Formerly Inspector-General
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  • 47 2 Arabs fu on bus, kill four TEL AVIV. P;-;'* pie were fc..fd wounded hen ,,*2 lonely southed H£ less than a r. .f «l$ Arab* Val! W, north cf x=w--of Eilath. Earlier yestffj* a raelis were lorry D jd runnine over a t west of B«- 1
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  • 232 2 $220,000 U.S. GIFT TO FIND OUT NEW YORK, Friday. THE Rockefeller Foundation yesterday announced x a grant of about M 5220,000 to help research into why disease-causing Malayan mosquitoes bite humans only when they cannot find cattle and pigs. The grant goes to
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 90 2 A broken neck in two seconds 'that's best' WINNIPEG, Fri— The British Attorney General, Sir Reginald Manning-ham-Buller, said yesterday that hanging was the most humane punishment for a murderer"Why, it only takes about two seconds to Lreak a man's neck," he explained. "It's the only deter- rent against the professional
    UP  -  90 words
  • 113 2 Dracula of the screen dies, 73 LOS ANGELE'vFnLiisoM. who in ternational sU# screen fame in tfe role of Bram >a mystery "DnesY yesterday. Ho 5 The Huruariu act*k long carm but i to he appealed for -.«.j> Anijeles county jitW saying he «a« idm diet and winifditm He was admitted
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    • 92 2 r«ENEVA, Prl. Egypt moved yesterday to remove the teeth from a proposed new international convention against slavery Article tfiree of the Bri-tish-sponsored convention would authorise naval vessels to search ships suspected of carrying slaves and to treat slave traders on the high seas like pirates. Mr.
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    • 23 2 ATHENS: The Greek Foreign Minister. Mr. Evangelos Averoff, announced the breakdown of talks on a re- sumption of diplomatic relations with Rumania. Reuter.
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    • 22 2 BOSTON: Two babies and four horses have died here from a disease called horse sleeping sickness, believed to be carried by mosquttos.—A.P-
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    • 20 2 OTTAWA: Canada plans to claim the Gulf of st Lawrence and otner stretches of coastal water as territorial waters.— Router.
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    • 10 2 WARSAW: The first political mass trial of leaders oi aSK
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    • 1 2 threatened
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    • 2 2 v.p. j
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    • 1 2 Tut**
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    • 30 2 NEW YORK. **rKt\*"«-VfA cher wanted f«r killing h>* fa axe and chopping up wr r v I night and said "Come •"d I him.— A.P.
      AP  -  30 words
  • 18 2 Okinawa. r£~a Navy aWOjV yesterday '-f;^ pi Plane WJJ 1 mooring f^otf winds from _U.P. A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 440 2 HS|p^^^^slfn§ s Tolfi'e" iPJSe "Discriminating Home m TUNE IN WITH THE LATEST HICH-FIDEUTY pit m ■^^^^^^^^t^^^^T^^^maa^n^n^ 1^ m M njvNS^^^^^^—w -A* q,^^ [S^ ILIKTR A. »nod«rn and unique in f)X 2J JZT* X_ if «n<J icood tonal Qualities. S\ Modtl 8003 for Orv Battarw fy /^V ROLAND: Plattk Cablntt. vtry
      440 words

  • 411 3 BriJ^ tea,, eKtremtegwgi^ t<^^ rri -British here a rP lC o^'* a r evolf in pi of r ifter yes>KA dramatic terK c offer in 0 -f ot leaflets Sed throughout I*"*!* the terror *v V to lay Jr. -.nil their aI s a
    Reuter  -  411 words
  • 124 3 Nationalise plane Industry— unions CRIES OF 'INEFFICIENCY' I LONDON, Friday. Ik leaders today demanded rapid nationalisaI the British shipbuilding, aircraft and m engineering industries. Two hundred conference delegates, representing 40 separate unions and more than three million workers, said there was "inefficiency in the aircraft industry" and that it needed
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  • 60 3 MRS. LUCE RETURNS NEW LOOK' BEDROOM H| fri. Mr-. Clare American Amto Italy, returned after a months' stay in the States to undergo for arenir PoiTime magazine hy her husband. Lure claimed Mr>. Imc had been from arsenic poicaused liv particles dropping from her ceiling into her rup of rofTee.
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 34 3 REST. Fri. Andre issociated Pre.«s cornt jailed by the a Communists for espionage" in January, was pardoned yesterday. His wife, jailed at the same time, was freed in July. AP.
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  • 38 3 POLICE stand guard outside Ahmedabad's Congress House, Mr. Nehru's local headquarters, after It was attacked and looted in the recent Bombay State language riots. On the left is an overturned ear. A.P. picture.
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  • 31 3 JAKARTA, Fri.— lndonesia would submit its claim to West Irian (Dutch-controlled West New Guinea) to the United Nations again "in due time," said the Prime Minister yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • 254 3 Pre-tied bow with bourgeoise jacket LONDON, Fri. HPOEiE magazine Tailor and Cutter high authority on the well dressed man turned up its editorial nose today at the new tuxedo of the Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. Dmitri Shepilov. "We heartily applaud the revolutionary act of Mr. Shepilov
    AP  -  254 words
  • 77 3 Her innocence was plainly visible NEW YORK, Fri.— A court here yesterday watched a shapely blonde dancer slip oat of her dress. Genni Prior, 24, had to prove that her bikini— she wore, it under her dress— was not indecent, as a police- Hum had charged. After the magistrate had
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  • 227 3 Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp duty were: LOANS Consols £52 16/16 +H Funding 4% £*7% +\i War 3V4% *71K +V4 BANKS Mercantile (£6) £4% Eastern (£5) 27% Chartered (£1) 38/3 +/3 Hongkong ($125) £89% —1 INSUKANCB Com. Un. (uts.) 86/4H Royal S3/4K +1/3 Prudential
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  • 21 3 LONDON, Fit Cash Buyers £766; Sellers £768; Forward Buyers £764; Sellers £766; Settlement £767; Turnover, ajn. 110 tons, P.m. 40.
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  • 27 3 LONDON, Pri. Spot 28? id., Sept. 28Tid., Oct.-Dec. 28% d., Jan.-Mar. 275 d., April-June 26% d.. Sept. c.i.f. 28' id., Oct. elf. 27Tsd. Tone: Steady. I
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  • 311 3 Landslide victory for Adlai HE BEATS TRUHArS MM 910-205 PHICAGO, Fri. Mr. Adlai Stevenson last night won the Demo- cratic presidential nomination, and a second chance at the nations highest office. Mr. Stevenson won 910% votes, and his closest competitor, Mr. Averell Harriman, was given 205. For Mr. Stevenson, the
    AP  -  311 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 ■^■1 sj pMvi:: js^btTjSk vy*?' ■■*e^fc^^ I H Bm»; J^nfd^mPi^^ W^F i[ j k/l Bur B^f^Bj"V^B**BB>B^PB^BBBBBBfl BH ««*H bmbVVv^J^H^bJ I jhHbl [vlvll J fj| I N^ 1 1 1 j Pri il\ X^^H B I T'i BP^^»Sss Hulk im m B^BW^B^B^Lhk 1 i^k^3ffVMß^B^S^B^tt B %/r^
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    • 206 3 As F-R'ES-H as if you picked them in your own garden... Mi *"••> Cm,, I i^^^ i Mo waste— you eat all you buy! CHANCI OF SHOPPING HOURS AT ORCHARD ROAD Chant* llwwlin bows at Orchard Road, Singapore, OinmilliU Monday 20th. August. Trading hour* will b«: Monday t* Friday 8.00
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  • 210 4 CHEAPER LAMB CHOP LEAVES BITTER TASTE W gQME MOUTHS SHEEP TRADERS BLAME SHIPPING COMPANIES AS PROFITS DROP A SURPLUS import of sheep from Australia last month has brought down the price of mutton in the Singapore market by 25 cents a pound— from $1.35 to $1.10.
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  • 110 4 $33,000 AWARD BY COURT IPOH. Fri. a businessman was today awarded 80 per cent of $41,198 claim he made against the Straits Steamship Company for the loss of his lighter and cargo after a collision off the Perak coast three years ago. Chew Beow Leong claimed that his lighter, the
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  • 31 4 The new $30,000 clubhouse of the Singapore Postal and Telecommunications Workers' Union in Serangoon Road will be opened today by Mrs. Lee Kuan Yew. wife of the Legislative Assemblyman.
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  • 50 4 Oan Rung Sua, alias Oan Ah Liap, was charged in Singapore yesterday with escaping from the lawful custody of Inspector Thompson at Lorong Q. Telok Kurau, on Thursday evening. The court was told that Gan faces a charge of houseb. -aking. He was remanded until Aug. 24.
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  • 65 4 The Air Officer Commanding, Malaya, Air Vice Marshal W. H. Kyle, yesterday inspected the Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Penang squadrons of the Malayan Auxiliary Air Force at RAF. Seletar, where the officers and men are having their annual practice camp. Air Vice Marshal Kyle, who is also
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  • 190 4 MISS BERYL SMITH, one of Malaya's best-known "jungle nurses," after her marriage in England to Mr. Anthony Waterfleld, a civil engineer with the Drainage and Irrigation Department, Kuala Lampur. The couple, who met in Malaya, were married at St.
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  • 161 4 Registration starts soon If ARD TIMES lie ahead for Singapore's "sham" hotels, which live on prostitution. The registration of Colony hotels aimed primarily at clamping down on prostitution Is about to begin. Under the new Hotels Ordinance, all hotels must be registered and their managers licensed.
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  • 70 4 The Army has given the R.SP.C A. an acre of land In dementi Road for Its new headquarters. The transfer is now being arranged by the War Department in London. About 20 cement kennels will be built with $6,000 from the Singapore Animal Lovers'
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  • 46 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl. Two shoe factories here have granted their employees rises ranging from $10 to $15 a month as well as paid holidays and 28 days paid sick leave. This foUows negotiations with the National Union of Factory and General Workers.
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  • 57 4 A suit for nullity of marriage was heard in camera by the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Whyatt, in the Sin. gapore High Court yesterThe wife. Kwa Sor Hwa. alleged wilful refusal to consummate the marriage by her husband, Ang Yee Slong. Further hearing of the petition, which
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  • 274 4 -I KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A Penang lawyer, Urn Kheng Kooi, who had been ordered to be struck off the register of advocates and solicitors for "fraudulent conduct In the discharge of his professional duly," was today refused permission, to appeal to the Privy Council. Llm
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  • 32 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl Inche Rahman bin Musa has been confirmed as State Secretary, Johore. He succeeded Dato Scth bin Mohd Said when he was promoted Deputy Mentrl Besar, Johore.
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  • 112 4 A BOUT 150 Singapore Chinese schoolteachers will take their first lessons in Malay next Tuesday. Four classes have been or- ganised by the Chinese Primary Teachers' Aasocis- tion. They will be held every Tuesday and Thusday evening at three een- tres. Three teachers from
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  • 83 4 People in Singapore and the 1 Federation can now arrange bookings In Qantas planes In record time 10 minutes instead of 180. Ths was made possible yesterday when a direct te)e- printer service from the Qan- las office in Singapore to its Sydney headquarters started operating. Explaining
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 621 4 OMO BIRTHDAY WEEK LEVER BROTHERS (malaya) LIMITED have pleasure in announcing the winners of their OMO Birthday Competitions 1. THE OMO BIRTHDAY BABY 1 THE OMO WEDDING ANNIVER. 3. THE OMO CROSSWORD PRIZE PRIZE $100/. SARY PRIZE $100/- $500/. was won by:- was won by:- was won by:KOH MUI LEE
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    • 138 4 HEW CONSIGNMei, ROVER 7S Wi E^l B^^fc E^u. t at-* r »>»- 1 TMrtFW CHOICE OF COLOIBS CHAMPION MOTORS Lft 304 ORCHARD ROAD I W. I.NCAPORI TIL ***** T GA f.O. SOX 427 ku "'lH Hu "1 111 Be ih*n QtitCKEX-^. J&^ y^^Juura^vuuKM^^ uubP^Lul P*uul B ALL IN THE SUPERB
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  • 306 5 *>» g*n»n ot $500 Thangasamy, a taxidriver, 'ady repaid the loan. of the same loan made three years ago were ril court yesterday. ere THE LENDER was A. R. Lazarous Awmw™ City Councilor, who wJSSttfgSSSS i he gave
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  • 16 5 LAW FORBIDS THOSE KISSES ■S Blossom r^ Ptrformine at after Continue their J/yss members of .xalsea-
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  • 100 5 He predicts a merdeka upset— but only a brief one MR. ROGER BLATEAU (above), French economist and lawyer, said in Singapore yesterday that merdeka will disrupt the economic equilibrium of Singapore and Malayabat only temporarily. "All the new countries in South-East Asia achieving- independence have experienced this disturbance," he said"lt
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  • 30 5 n and adjudication S made against a fcvemment servant. ;r. the Singapore E vf?terday. rationing creditor is F Mfa to whom 0 f. 857 on a judg-
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  • 17 5 a! delegates con- 1 Malayan Indian "=;r.eapore. will be pnakM in Race bi tomorrow at 10
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  • 231 5 'MOBILISE THE HEALTHY FORCES' THE Liberal-Socialist Party will hold a public meet--1 ing today to launch a "moral rearmament" movement in Singapore. In a letter to mote than 100 organisations, mostly Chinese, which have been Invited to the meeting, the party says: "Recently the hearts
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  • 103 5 Indonesians told: Mind manners ffUALA LUMPUR, Fri. InA- donesians in Malaya should not disgrace their country by "bad manners and behaviour," the Indonesian Con-sul-General, Mr. Rasjid Manan, said today. He was speaking to 50 Indonesians and a few Malays who were present at the flag hoisting ceremony celebrating Indonesia's Independence
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  • 44 5 Ng Cheng Tee pleaded not guilty in Singapore yesterday to a charge of attempting to extort two dollars from A. Ghaffer by throating to shoot him in Gavlsbrooke Avenue, Serangoon Garden Estate, on Aug. io. He was allowed $500 bail.
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  • 27 5 The 32,000-ton super-tanker I Talho Mam, the largest built j»y any Japanese shipowner I since the war, arrived In Singapore yesterday on her "ttlden voyage*
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  • 58 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Municipal Council has agreed to grant the Embassy Hotel In Imbi Road here a licence for Its dance hall in 1957 only on condition that the management provides adequate car-parking facilities. Residents in the area have complained about the large number of
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  • 214 5 Million parents will be told: Give your boy a fair start in life KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A MILLION leaflets are to be distributed to Federation parents urging them to give their children a good start in life. ~J3* '^LSS I J MBty he rtoe to the highest position possible, bat
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  • 229 5 Strikers take Tengku's tip PENANG, Friday. pENANG'S 200 Municipal bus strikers today acx cepted the advice of the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, and returned to work. The strikers, who stopped work on Aug. 6 to press tor higher wages and improved working conditions, are now
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  • 51 5 PENANG, FrL— Four members of Penang Boys' Brigade were presented with "Queen's Men badges" the highest award in the movement at a ceremony on the Esplanade here yesterday. They were: Staff Sergeant Oon Hock Chye, Sergeant Khoo Glm Seng and Corporals Tan Teik Lock and Tan Thean
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  • 317 5 HTHE CENTRAL Conf erx ence election at the Wesley Church, Singapore, to choose the new Methodist Bishop of South-East Asia will reach Its crucial stage today when the 46 ministerial and lay delegates must decide whom they want to succeed Bishop Raymond L.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 Save |afely mil-CREAM fKKO MILK toitOMy DUALITY 14-I,'H RUJtNKHT
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    • 408 5 j^^\ arrived! I I PRIME QUALITY DUTCH SMOKED I 1 GUELDERS I ROOKWURST I SAUSAGE 1 §f Hakes a delightful meal |H served with Quick li Frozen Curly Kale and p£ II Hashed Potatoes. Everyday something new on Counters! Gingham Check today at 55 cents a yard! Fancy Rayon Cotton
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 153 5 TODAY rehearsal 2 pjn.; hadmlnton 9 I^. 4 C SS E cS tourn^SiJ ir^ w t0 10 pja ttJets~?Z*XT9 Pimuc T^c^ W bT BUhop *S» L. Valencia, noon; menUl Band of Ist Bn. The •Xamen'. Night" programme at South Walee Borderers. Botanic B^S n Tp5n ureh 3l °ftuc« 6 O£
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  • 129 6 M Word, U» (mlmimmm). LIM NEE YAM, Lighter Contractor passed away on the 15-8-56. Funeral will be at 11 on Sunday the 19-8-58 at Buktt Brown Cemetery. MR CHIA SU PAU, Age 80. Of Telok Mata Ikan. passed away peacefully on 16.8.56. at OA Hi leaves behind his beloved
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  • 159 6 If Word. $10 (mlmimum) THE FAMILY OF the late Mrs. Bee Kirn Kow thank all friends and relative* for their expression* of condolence, wreaths, scrolls. senglays. nlght-vlsiU and assistant at her funeral IM-M MR CHEONO WAI KONG ft Family and Mrs. Cbeong Mm Leong thank all relatives, friends and
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  • 244 6 M Word. SIB (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day in the "Malay Mail" if you want to win tnat $5,000 weed pusato. •DOLCIS" Shoe Shop—Odd Storage Arcade. Orchard Road Singapore—will now remain open from 9 am. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays. SOME GENTLEMEN PREFER blondes some blondes prefer gentlemen,
    244 words
  • 33 6 M WmU UM (mUdmmmi. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Singapore, 8 Orange Grove Road, Singapore-10 (off Orchard Road) Sunday Services and Sunday School 10.30 ajn. Testimony Meetings Ist and 3rd Wednesdays 1 pjn.
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  • 983 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Sat Aug. 18, 1956. Good Start In London I The Suez talks got off to an expeditious start on the very first day, unhampered by the wranglings over procedure that all too often bog down international conferences. No doubt the delegates of the 22 nations fully
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  • 200 6 Much of the Eoka statement accompanying its proposal for a truce in Cyprus can be dismissed as hypocritical cant THghenis," the leader of the terrorist organisation, would have the world believe that this new approach haj been inspired by "humanitarian sentiments." The depth of these sentiments can
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  • 1200 6  -  CYNICU by t* VERYTHING is going, U up, notably the cost of collecting income tax. Both in the Federation and Singapore it cost the income tax authorities forty per cent more to collect the money last year rrom you and me than it did the year
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 GURKHA BAND Photo by Sam Kai Tee.
    Sam Kai Tee  -  9 words
  • 587 6  -  PAUL BANKINE By 'THE Democratic Party x has once again chosen Mr. Adlai Stevenson, their candidate of 1952. for a return bout with the Republican champion, President Dwight Elsenhower, in next November's presidential election. But, for the overworked party politicians still seeking agreement on the choice of
    Reuter  -  587 words
  • 102 6 irrom the Straits Time* of August 18, 1908) WHEN the Government of the Straits Settlements decided to take over the Important works and property of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company at Singapore there was some apprehension among the shareholders. Under the award now made by Viscount St.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. U Word, $10 (miiUmmm). MR. A MRS. O THAMBOO (Pensioner, Malayan Railways) of 99 Burghley Drive, Serangoon Gardens, Singapore, cordially invite all friends on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter, Kamala Dcvi, with Mr. S. Nadarajah, eon of Mr. E. Supplah, Contractor. Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, at
      353 words
    • 35 6 Vuuite I II 4 Hll Vr 4 PT Incompsrabl* for visible ink filling capacity, reliability •rice-wortfclaese. Agents Service Stations:— IVERIRICHT OPTICAL CO, i>. ChuiU St. Sipere-1. INC SINC MIDICAL CO, 8, Ah Qim at, Fiaan,
      35 words
    • 176 6 O O O O O O O OO O O 000 00 0 0 *******''! "HIS MASTER'S VOICE MUSICAL MEDLEY S T Mu,ic fo, H.c S SMI"' 0 NOSTALGIC TRAVELLER from th( U.~. Vl I Mask from England; ot f« I Ireland. Scotland: MAR|O L »C» S Wsles: Frs-c; Spain:
      176 words

  • 108 7 MISSION OFF 9* *S Sterday ft* iv. »on ukafli and RarflS delegates Kw* 0 A T r On politics... mutes before leavrfe of Singapore SSon a of>» tics **>&■ "I believe there y$W understanding I£s China, but not JS cf wMwnw inParty of 100 second batch of dele*^oin the first
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  • 21 7 te^japore court yester. Bt seven hawkers to for three days when ailfd to pay fines of i: obstructing streets.
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  • 25 7 Bukit X mah branch of the Malayan Indian Congress celebrated Indian Independance Day by giving a treat to more than 500 children.
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  • 108 7 BTS", the Ist Royal Lincoln s' three-star Kker dog, did better wrdiy in trying; to k he is .Malaya's topion war do? i bids the record for Vimt patrols in three ha to kill bandits but the first day of the nfs war
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  • 577 7 'I saw train on top of me'— soldier BWCIMB DMVKR ypj., mqma/tt JA>Oan) OM UUU-I HAD NO TIME TO WHISTLE CARRIER OFFICER CRIED 'STOP'— THEN FOUR WERE KILLED IN SMASH today that when the commander of a trooo carrier he was driving shouted "stop" he leaned forward and "saw a
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  • 68 7 FIRM TELLS POLICE OF FRAUD One of the 10 Singapore rubber firms victimised hi the $500 000 fraud committed during the August bank holidays, has asked for police help. Police secretary Mr. Peter Claque said yesterday that dud cheques were used In the swindle. He said the firm which had
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  • 31 7 KUALA KANOSAR, Frl. The Sultan of Perak has appointed seven new minor chiefs on the recommendation of the Dewan Negara. These appointments had been vacant for a long period.
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  • 31 7 PENANO. Frl.— Five youths last night attacked a Joget dance hall manager at the New World park here A crowd of 100 saw the attack but no one Intervened.
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  • 191 7 Magic drink led me into vice— girl 'MOTHER' FORCED HE, SHE SAYS CHOW KHAN HOI alleged in a Singapore court yesterday that her 54-year-old foster mother, Ho Tuck Yee, forced her into prostitution by giving her a "charmed" potion to drink. Ho was charged with living on the immoral earnings
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  • 56 7 7 DEMANDS BY S.I.T. LABOURERS The Singapore Improvement Trust Labour Union is demanding quarters for all trust employees. Six other demands have been sent to the trust's acting fhfit"""* 1 Mr. J. M. Fraser. They are for a bicycle allowance for gardeners, a pay revision for mandores and consultation with
    56 words
  • 53 7 The newly-formed Geographical Society of Malaya will hold its nrst monthly meeting at the British Council hall. Stamford Road, Singapore, at 8.30 p.m. on Sept. The programme will be a film lecture by Mr. A. J. F. West, senior geography master at Victoria School and vice-president
    53 words
  • 129 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The Malayan Chinese Assodatto^and the Malayan i todiart Congress are to consider nroDosal by the United Malays National Organisation Jnat Islam be written tote the Federation's new constitution as the state religion. The proposal has been made by UMNO representatives on
    129 words
  • 29 7 LITTLE BOYS lead the crowds in the rush across the Merdeka Bridge soon after it was declared open yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    29 words
  • 97 7 SKY PALACE CASE: SETTLEMENT ATTEMPT A N application by a creditor A of the Sky Palace Restaurant Ltd. for an order that the restaurant be wound up was adjourned in the Singapore High Court yesterday, pending negotiations for a settlement, until Aug. 31. The application for a winding up order
    97 words
  • 53 7 KLANG. Fri. The executive committee of the Belangor Royal Pamily Association announced tonight that it approved the proposed marriage of Tengku fcohani, 47. sister of the Bultan of Selangor and widow of the late Sultan of Brunei, to Raja Kamaruddln bin Raja Hajl Harun, 38. of the
    53 words
  • 41 7 The Singapore Catering Services Btaff and Workers' Trade Union is sending delegation to ask the Chief Minister and Minister for Labour. Mr. Urn Tew Hock, to apply the provisions of the Labour Ordinance to hotel and restaurant workers.
    41 words
  • 26 7 PENANO. Pri. The Telecoms Athletic and Welfare Association, Malaya, will hold a pan-Malayan Telecoms dance on Aug. 35 at the E and O Hotel.
    26 words
  • 221 7 A STRIKE THREAT OVER ONE GIRL rpHE Singapore Insur- ance Companies' Employees' Union has protested to the Union Insurance Society of Canton over the dismissal of one of the company's stenographers. The union's secretary, Mr. E.M. Christian, said yesterday that the girl was given no reason for her dismissal. He
    221 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 J* B tchel Pea» all right I you Us!, them you'll |f |^i kr t^Y'r. he b«| peai youV fJK M X coald ever .at hfffT^PKwß 7* nourishing, foo, Kd^j^O^jJM r"»H.r.richi nproMlt Wth^, oddy (h d JRQ?«y anc *o rtart your meal SS^Rr r y ftttCkotM delicious I^^a\ 1
      54 words
    • 115 7 J-or the be*t plumbing and j-itting4 COMiTO WATTS ffwjKß D A l\ b K SANITARY ENGINEERS PLUMBERS 304- N ORCHARD ROAO. TIL: ***** b then inything iV^ I prickly heat M I KM ALL km cfae term* whk* ft CO! HABITS iMt^P^ OHM JIICMM M M>♦MMMMMM%MM M M M M
      115 words

    8 words
  • 566 8 rpHE greatest social evil 1 of the pirate-taxi racket is not the loss of revenue to the City Council nor the unfair competition it provides licensed taxidrivers. It U that the "pirate" is not covered by third party insurance with the result that a person
    566 words
  • 349 8 T|ifß. K. K. Goh's excur--ITI slon into the realm of economics Is an Interesting and typical example of conclusions based on superficial knowledge of the subject. He claims that employers are exploiting labour by paying wages at a rate higher than the marginal productivity of
    349 words
  • 337 8 1 WOULD like to Offer to Mr. Gerald Hawkins, my warm congratulations on his excellent talks "Malayan Pioneers," the last broadcast of which was about that veteran. Shikaree, Theodore Hubback. He has brought to life again these men whose sincerity of purpose and devotion to duty have transformed
    337 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 179 8 Each timepiece made by CAMV, before leaving the factory, is [j|;g. Ifi^'!^Vl)| regulated by the VIBROCRAF ifr. 7^ timer. Moreover, all its watches art controlled for running and \Sa/ timing during at least 8 days. S^^^^^ToT I i4rf/r f^Pf T *°"i* Mjgngi #**3£ MILKMAID jCOKDENSEiTMi^ Iflli/ Milkmaid Brand. miiii t/4Uhg!*
      179 words
    • 162 8 c B^B^B^B^B^B^B^V ■...^^•■^^yry l ■*™BhrPo@kW use COLGATE Chlorophyll Toothpaste Brush your teeth regularly with Colgate (W, Toothpaste. This wonderful green toothpaste no^ fights tooth decay and keeps your teeth den and J but it also helps to destroy bad breath and preyta^ troubles. Make sure you always use Colgate Chbtopki
      162 words

    • 1041 9 Raffles forestalled French moves in Indies CARDIFF I Epic military campaign I which historians missed SM military of truly icrnt proporL^s j^t about .fold on the juntned of Four battle- fourteen M- ev en sloops, I o f the HonourCompany's cruiseveral punboats 57 transports j with troop*. i moving in
      HTS  -  1,041 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 96 9 JF *"Y mm 9mm •J^W^fj^ m V wV I I I i m ttt ff Lll 1 Bftfoftfi^^^iMalfflKJiftftHQsj c ii!' LEADERSHIP ll^W CELEBRATING 2 |H BIH /%Uos§' WT M ISbI j& IH mm /Jo^ IS lH OST I*7^l PRODUCTS IB WTT rca AIR-CONDITIONERS 1W Hit RCA REFRIGERATORS l|| WM RCA
      96 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      266 words

  • 429 10 RUBBER DROPS, SHARES RISE AS SUEZ TENSION EASES By Our Market Correspondent the immediate prospects of a settlement without the resort to force in the Suez Canal crisis become better, so the price of rubber in Singapore, along with other world markets, continues to sag. Yesterday was no exception with
    429 words
  • 327 10 Rubber selling continues rE rubber llQUldation, which started at the end of last week has continued and with the Sues situation becoming a little less tense, has gained momentum, report Holiday, Cutter, Bath and Co. Ltd. The price for the early pert of the period held steady above the dollar
    327 words
  • 57 10 Slnjapore Chinese Produce Ex chang: «oon prices per pic^j yesterday were:-Copra: quief a™ 136K buyers. $27 Lller£;Coeon^t oU: quiet; bulk $41 sen"", drum 843% sellers; Pepper- quiet' war 1 SnWore Copra Association 4 pjn. prices yesterday were t%^™* buyers. 826S rtTers; September $26% buyers, $26% seUers; October $27",
    57 words
  • 148 10 Septenber first grade rabtfcr buyers f as. closed hi Bingaper> yesterday at 96hi cents per lb., down 3H cents on Thursday's closing price. The ritilnr Tone was easier. Clestaf prteee in cents per lb. yesterday were— No. 1 R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 96, sellers Mtt; No. 1 R.S.S.
    148 words
  • 164 10 Shape lying ■langlis the Sinrapere Harfcear Beard wharves or expected today are: Vietnam 113, Tjibadak 4j5, Hal Lee C.P.. rjlnegara 6|7. Bencleuch Bj9, Z 3umbawa 11, OaJchas IS|l4, %sakasan Maru 15 15, Malay 18, jrorgon 19|30, Rengam N. Wall 3. L«wu N. Wall 4, Lam Ann N. Wall I.
    164 words
  • 55 10 RUBBER SHOE PRICES UP NKW YORK, IW. —B J. Oood- f ich and Company raised prices 7 three per cent effective immeiately on shoe products Including 11 types of rubber heels and soles. %c advance follows the recent m rage and other cost increases, acordlng to an official of the
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 35 10 On the free exchange market }JBmm Keng yesterday the <A. Mar was quoted at 6.04H ir oaah and 6.04% for T.T. Merltag was quoted at 16 and ne tad ef geU at 363.
    35 words
  • 37 10 Ktnto Kalfaw propose a dividend f 10 per cent, leu tax. payable on ■etober 22 for the year ended larch S. The transfer books of the anpany will be closed from NrtoberT to Oct. 31.
    37 words
  • 25 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS I Loans j!™- fei^ai iOw.Bnc" U^»J nk of NSW H? ar.**Rii |B. HUipto -y Courtauid "'*>.. iDunlop i jElec. zi^ «»i. |2 Woolworth i
    25 words
  • 3 10 Ha
    3 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1216 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT CLERKS OF WORKS (ELECTRICAL) A vacancy exists In the Kuala Lumpur area for a Clerk of Works (Elect). Qualifications and experience are as follows: (a) Speak, write and read English. (b) Read Engineering and Electrical drawings. (c) Sound theoretical and practical knowledge ot (I) Distribution of electricity by
      1,216 words
    • 825 10 pubuc AtyonCTisPrra QUANTITY SURVEYING ASSISTANTS A vacancy exists in the Taiptag area for a Quantity Burveytaa AsslstanU. <>'«"""ti»4*hu find experience are as follows:— Dtjtfea (1) Preparation of Minor approximate estimates, (il) Measurement of Term Contract and Minor Works, (ill) Abstracting and Billing, (iv) Preparation of technical details for Invitations to
      825 words
    • 855 10 NOnCES HOTELS UCENSING REGULAnONS, 1956 Aymeatien for a esr&kMte ef RegisiiaUea. NOTICE to hereby given that Mr. Ho Tat Teng of No. 10 Cairnhill Road, Singapore 9, to applying to the Hotels Licensing Board. Singapore Cor a certificate of Regtotration in respect of premises known as Victoria Hotel, No 87
      855 words
    • 514 10 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL *H% DEBENTLBE STOCK 1930/70-80. SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL DEBENTURE STOCK IMS/O-72. NOTIOt to hereby given that the Ransfer Books ef the above Mocks will be closed from 19th August to Ist September 19M, »th days inclusire, tar the preparation of Interest Warrants In ■espect of Interest due on
      514 words
    • 460 10 I N. Y. KTTiNi I! «SSUc of the, EAPRESS Service from Sinm* 25 DAYS to LIYERPoo via GENOA, MARSEILLES, TANGIER also calling ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM BREMEN, HAMBURG. II M/S "SAGAMI MARU" loading Singapore 10.125-., M/S "SATSUMA MARU' m io-120cl M/S "SANUKI MARU' 1O )2 M/S "SADO MARU" io., 2^, AND MONTHLY
      460 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1098 11 I CO., LTD. X.i, 41t m^\t H*" Jocro^a m Singapore) (U Hoe*) I ilT* mon P« rtt t0 lood **chorga cargo I V»^ TcIaJCOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS IM- Doe P S' 00 1 P»nong I I"*"*"' Aag 10/19 Y^»\ A If/ai A -B»VM, W^"-^ ««•> C e/7 Aug 20
      1,098 words
    • 758 11 2£w^ h J^J^nA«c unes SUMBAWA Ono PS#ham S>POr PANAMA 1/1 -juTLANDu- "Zl SONGKHLA- V h-^^ •/USept IVMSep* 11/14 Sapt \!S^£Z Go^a. t^ Rm^m^Maam^Cm^m^a SILAMB.A SPOf# PShOm P#nOn auiasas."— *-.< »> "PANAMA" 19-29/ig 21-22/10 23-24/10 Call. rtemMd g*»*r«l AQOOH for SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM AimUCAil "aw>U«», I.ID. •RESIDENT cp. ant Gda 1
      758 words
    • 1016 11 Xu\'£ng VHS REN UNE STEAMERS LTD SINGAPORI (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) I UNES SAIUNGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS OENCLEUCN for Lrv-poo. St> $<h^ Havre, Hull G. 0/9 Saßs 20 A*« am m BINAYTOW for London, Antwerp, Hamburg 27/30 Aag 31 Aag/ 3 Sept ■BENDORAN tor London. Rotterdam 27
      1,016 words
    • 1242 11 MeAUSTER tSs CO^ LTD. TIL.: No.: ***** ok BVCKMAU. KLAVBSTBSS UXX LONDON, NAVRI, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG SEATTLE, VANCOUVIR 4 PORTLAND and for U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting urge far Central 4 Sooth and Canada via Colombo Amertee CITY OP OTTAWA SUNNYVIUI S'pora P. S'hom Panong S'pora
      1,242 words

  • 235 12 By EPSOM JEEP PERIWINKLE (Race Five) and Snow Ball (Race One) are recommended as a safe pair to back at Kuala Lumpur today, first day of the Selangor Turf Club August Meeting. Both are in great shape. Periwinkle, a Pandemonium three-year-old, has had
    235 words
  • 1168 12 GOING up to last evening was very good. Treble Tote: Races 4, 6, 7. Forecast Tote: Races 3, 5, 7. Bif Sweep: Race 8. Race 1 230: Class 4, Dlv. 4 Abt. 7 Furs. 1 406 Golden Beta. 6y Le«l J-00 VallantStabl. Y«Bg 2 382 Jackpot U«y
    1,168 words
  • 165 12 JEEP CALL BOY lace 1 2.30. SNOW BALL Jackpot n Well Being SNOW BALL Jackpot II Dragon Seed WELL BEING Jackpot n Snow Ball lace 2 3.00. OPERA II Flaxley Green SUIT Officer FLAXLEY GREEN Opera II Maha Ranee FLAXLEY GREEN Bright Sun Stall Ofllccr Race 3
    165 words
  • 581 12 ]\I ELBOURNE Hope keeps on ITI improving with every run he has won three racs In his last four starts and I confidently expect him to keep up his splendid work in Class Four (Race 6). Trinidad has hit hit right form. At Kuala
    581 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 359 12 SHAW BROTHERS ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS j I now P A DlTffl r *jgto AJf 1M > i Ikhowixg! vArUJULJ^ 8J PJM VISIT THE LIVING ZOO IN THE LOBBY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! ROBERT WAGNER hi f I CmVMaSotfC tTv VSHI E TODAY 9 a.m.: "HORIZONS WEST". TOMORROW 9 a.m.: "CARTOONS IN COLOR". jniHimmiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimimmiifi
      359 words
    • 437 12 I m AZING DRAMA F T>IK S S JOPYiftwp*!,^ ABT T o«i» Wfc MORNING IOUAI -l l i s-SSSe isUMJji"^ I IN MAVn.n^" 1 T 1 1 K.,. v '"NIGHT AT MIUAU.HI IV PL .rT- FONG VIM FUN H».|/\h In Cantonese p VOM ki M A CATHAY pro avu .^.'J?
      437 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 81 12 Straits Times Crossword To" I ACROSS darkness" (Kuut Lear) f«) 1 S? o^ f< T <?*, T*^ 16 A man to bV^cfconea with? on the tall of the devil (13). am. 10 Dance or half a dance? (3-4). is SDeleolorical hanser-on no) 11 No legal combination at sea 20 HSno^wSdmitoaVjong
      81 words
    • 160 12 a Classic winner! (8). 26 summer gilds them yet" (Byron) (7). 27 I enter a verse competition— what a strain! (7). 28 Authority on a non-party platform (7-6K DOWN 2 The chosen or— the chooser (7). 3 Protest at umpire's decision? (6). 4 Caste pupil to entreat (10). 5 "Chill
      160 words

  • 280 13 LONDON, Fri. Surrey beat Sussex by seven wickets today to tighten their grip on the EngttA county cricket championship. Only a complete Breakdown of form can now prevent the southern county from setting a record by winning the championship outright five years running. Their latest success
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 484 13 Harith back, says FA course tough but worth it JIARITH bin Omar, one "•of two SAFA coaches who went to England for a two-month coaching course, gave Singapore Amateur Football Association officials a pleasant surprise yesterday when he made his appearance unannounced at Jalan Besar stadium. Harith. who returned on
    484 words
  • 73 13 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Community Lemgvc Chins— y Europeans, Jalan B«ar, MS pjn.; Junior cup (raptoya): sUUn* t Ml Emily, GeyLuif; Customs t BinUnf Bulan. Farrer Park. CRICKET: FHendUe«: Wn<brldce Hospital v RJi.E.C. R.Ai.C; Non-Bcnderi v S.C.C., Non-Benders; B.R.C. v Wanderers, Wanderers; I.A. B-E.M.E., Balestler Road; B.C.C. 8.0.D.C.Ah padanjr. BADMINTON: Chlncw
    73 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 332 13 H^HBV^PV'^^^^^^^H HV^B^HHQ P"^ \\l FOB TimefP Sj-^rtwea r^^-b^* n0/ typist. ■■>> t Street. ££Un MaW WITH MANY BperieoN m c years nras V-lAN WTFE. y- yew Assistant -« January 7. Oood report! 3°* sembilsn and at open to ■re Manager from Ut Vv A 4486 S.T. PS roBGBT-: EmI -o
      332 words
    • 412 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 21, Words Si (Min.)—BoxSOtts. txtrm. FULLY FURNISHED Two Bedroom Bungalow, Braddell Heights with Servants from November Ist fix months only. Ring ***** i between six and eight pjn. FULLY FURNISHED new Bungalow available at Slglap Road, on high site, near sea Telephone ***** office ***** home. TO LET
      412 words
    • 375 13 OFFICE SPACE VACANT tO Word, U (Min.)-aox tU. mxtrm V S E .ACCOMMODATION v i* c ANT Approx: 6*o so. ft office space available shortly, 2nd A^y ln p.o a .B^ oPfe^Sr0 P fe^Sr GODO WN BPACE WANTED 10 Words Si (Min.)—BoxiocU. txtrm. SHOPS TO LET 20 Words Si (Mtm.)—BmxSteU.
      375 words
    • 854 13 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I. to Words Si (Min.)-BoxUcU. txtrm. WANTED FINANCIER $50,000 for Expanding Promising Industry i Proposed Form limited Company. S^y "Ply Box A 4919 S.T. for Particulars. BITTER YOUR INCOME By Representing Radios, Piano Acu cordlans In Tour Spare Time. Handsome Commission. Both Cash/ I Instalments Apply Box AiSM
      854 words
    • 942 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE lOWormtU (MU.)-BoxsocU. mMtrm. ON« owner IM3 stadebaker with Radio. New Tyres. Showroom condition. Tel: ***** AUSTIN 8 TOURm $860 OJI.O. view 37 Newton Rd. Spore. Also S Speed TurntaWe wltSh Records VAUXHALL WYVERN 1953 very good condition, taxed, insured end of year. $3,300 or near ofler. Phone
      942 words
    • 446 13 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE MlCarsiat. Mim.)— Smx M cU. txtrm. SWISS ELECTRICAL PORTABLE sewing machines, latest features; German S-epeaker radios, typewriters, all 20«/« cheaper! Instalments Investigate. 6 Foch Road *****. BLUE SPOT The World's Finest Radios, Including HI-FI 3D Models are available for Cash and Easy Instalment, from Henry Radio
      446 words
    • 470 13 I a^ss— l> ii aa^^^^^^^Miii^^ m WORD PUZZLE n mi OH alont iott*r MBS* I SATURDAY j WORD PUZZLE *R' Cuf out and pin with ether coupons Posting instructions appesr below. j Hm' j I~- 6 r i MISSING c J a .•■■•■•HUMuiiiiiia CU* aloaa dotted 11ms OWES FOR WOKD
      470 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 193 13 radio malaya Regional (•Programmes thus marked can ___w— be received by listeners In Ma- SINGAPORE laeca). (Short wave 49 and 62m. Me- (Short wave 62m. Medium wava dfaim wave 476 m., 343 m., 366 m. 476 m.) and «79m.). A.M. 7.15 Time Signal and OpenP.M. *1.00 Programme Sum- ing Annct.:
      193 words

  • 13 14 PEI WAH at home with a cold.
    13 words
  • 422 14 Malayan Games open with —otllght on the iprfatters HEAVY SCHEDULE COMPLETED IN DARKNESS From LLOYD MORGAN PENANG, Friday. A SENSATIONAL 100 Yards dash by Selangor sprinter Ronald Parry highlighted the opening events of the Malayan Amateur Athletic Association championships at the George Town stadium today.
    422 words
  • 102 14 THE THREE MILES title, contested by a mammoth field, was run in semi darkness and it was difficult to distinguish the empetitors before it ended. With the rest of the field strung out over a quarter of a mile at three laps to go, N.
    102 words
  • 80 14 fATHUL KARIB yesterday won x the S.AJ.A. Dlv. 2A League championship by beating R.A.F. Seletar 1-0 at Jalan Besar stadium. Centre forward Sahar scored In the 10th minute and Fattaui held on to their lead despite a great second half rally by the airmen. Other
    80 words
  • 119 14 There's no 'mystery' Pei Wah rftENO PEI WAH, the 22X year-old Malayan women's 80 metres hurdles champion, was yesterday found by a Straits Times reporter at her home In Singapore with a cold. Pel Wah, who was "missing" when the Singapore team left for Penang on Tuesday morning, said: "I
    119 words
  • 942 14 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DAY A SLIGHT breeze which sprang up suddenly just before the heats of the 440 Hurdle^ Impeded competitors over the first furlong, but assisted them In the last 200 yards. K. Laxman (Selangor) and L. Labuthala (Ceylon) scratched from
    942 words
  • 36 14 Colony athletes lead the March Past I The powerful Singapore team, champions of all seven post-war meets, take the lead in the March Past at Penang yesterday. Flag-bearer is veteran athlete Lloyd Valberg.— Straits Times picture.
    36 words
  • 364 14 on grimly when tackled by Curtis (Johore) and scored by Inches. Kesavan Soon of Singapore stamped himself as undoubtedly the finest sprint prospect In Malaya when he took the sixth heat. As usual the, burly Singapore lad waa very slowly away. Ungku Ibrahim
    364 words
  • 1008 14 Men's events 1M YARDS: Heat 1: 1. Raja Asian (Kel), 2. Ho Peng Liang (Mai). 10.1 sec; Heat 2: 1. T. Janting (BNBi. 2. Gomez (8). 10.1 sec; Heat 3: 1. S. Karupplah (Ked), 2. Lee Kah Fook -Sel). 10.2 sec; Heat 4: 1. R. Parry
    1,008 words
  • 112 14 A ussies heavily on yttsaS tareweii th l sil in only /V^J ford. u°e the y could lenf I gfiX". Then too ft, has cos, the e^;' mor> money n°w in afford jour This ider the tour thn-f -J* nptte d £6.000 21 shown on ,hi s This y,
    112 words
  • 102 14 Dato Ye Cup draw T»HE kter-prt M j ment (or •h«D! i »T«i Chef cup bd nam. Slant. Oy.or. >;.". i will begin at Ikt SCC a 1 Monday at 3 p j It Is not HI will be represe:.'*: draws were oat I Club last nigh: whec -Jsepi I
    102 words
  • 26 14 Argonauts beat hV 6-4 in la--: :e < division lew" Besar stadium. Scorer. «n WJ Radin Ail «n<! w "jJi Kirn ChoomJHK*-* Dockyard J
    26 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 841 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from F»ie 6) SITUATIONS VACANT I* H ord. Si (Min.)—B.x ft eU. txtrm. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN Secretary 'Stenographer required urgently lor Director British Firm. rie !.v P write giving full particulars to Box A 4505, S.T. REINFORCED CONCRETE and Steel Work Designers required. Please apply Steen Sehested Partners,
      841 words
    • 5 14 RACE CARD IN PAGE 13
      5 words
    • 70 14 I jw GLOSWINISf costs less in the W»" The true cost of a paint »hould be B| judged by the time it l«» 'W\ ff properly used, mean* cash m the bm« for «very year of its lonj life because it goes ft*" 1 and lasts longer •Dulux" will not
      70 words