The Straits Times, 19 July 1956

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Mai** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 322 1 SADDEST STORY of THE YEAR; SIGHT or LIFE DRAMA ike, 4, mt as •aye as man tl yoKK, Wt&.— ilifhael Si bole four, went into „tal toda> at in dn. a >m;ill town Florida, for an t j«n that mack-blind-so that he son of the ad Mrs
    Reuter  -  322 words
  • 13 1 MICHAEL 5180LE... 50-50 chance after operation.
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  • 88 1 LET BRITAIN DROP JUST ONE BIG BOMB, PLEADS PAPER LONDON, Wed. The Manchester Guardian declared today that Britain should be allowed one H-bomb test before an international ban on nuclear test is enforced. "Our first hydrogen bomb is nearly ready for testing. So far the British have undertaken no big
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 44 1 E?2& SSun-' ■JJ«'» of the Peace W™ ls not hard to Justice of the Peace William Beemer of Reno earned U5553,000 ($159,000) in marriage fees last year. Justice of the Peace J. Mandoza did almost as well at Las Vegas.
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  • 343 1 BID TO WIPE OUT JUNGLE BASE KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday 'THE Emergency spotlight has swung to the Perak--1 Kelantan border. There, for the first time since the Emergency began, a sustained drive Is Being made against the Communists' last deep Jungle base. Taking part in
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  • 48 1 i A newly-married printer, Kee Thiam Seng. 27, died yesterday after he fell 35-feet from the roof of a house in Neil Road, Singapore. Kee was trying to trap a minah bird when he slipped. He died on the way to the General Hospital.
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  • 33 1 MANILA. Wed. President Ramon Magsaysay of the Philippines today signed the Instrument of ratification of the Japanese peace treaty, ending the 11-year technical state of war between PhtUippines and Japan.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 112 1 Concubine may cast $36,000 SAN FRANCISCO. Wed. A Chinese restaurant owner, Johnny Yee, told a federal court here yesterday that he was smuggled into America, persuaded to divorce his wife and then paid to go to Hong Kong and marry a girl and bring her back so that a friend
    AP  -  112 words
  • 87 1 BOYD: I HOPE TOMEETLIM IN LONDON LONDON. Wed.— The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, told the House of Commons today he boped to sec Mr. Urn Yew Hock, Chief Minister of Singapore, and they would no doubt have informal discussions on the question of self-government for Singapore. Mr. Stanley
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 242 1 YE\»ORS TELL THE SUNBAY SUCCESS STORY THE Sunday Times had a record print order of more than 100,000 copies last Sunday. How many people read each copy of the Sunday Times? We set out to find the answer to this question
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  • 559 1 TWO more mothers-to- be want to give away their babies-. The first one, a 28-year-old Singapore woman who already has six children, is expecting her seventh child this month. The other woman lives in Perak. The Straits Times was informed yesterday that because
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  • 21 1 NEW YORK. Wed.— A fairly strong earthquake, probably in Indonesia, was recorded today on the Fordham University seismograph— AP.
    AP  -  21 words
  • 158 1 SCORES of cars carrying ho- i liday makers were stranded in Singapore yesterday when heavy rain fell for nearly six hours. Pollca reported floods in Orchard Road. Bukit Timah, Thomson Road. Tanjong Pagar and Chinatown. A hugh uprooted tree at Cantonment Road caused traffic moving
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  • 363 1 Horse owner defends family MR. TAN SI£NG LAM, Singapore racehorse owner, fired four shots with his revolver at two armed thieves early yesterday when they broke into his house at Stevens Road and threatened the family. The shots, fired from 10 yards at the fleeing thieves,
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  • 30 1 LONDON, Wed.— Princess Margaret took her niece and nephew, Prince Charles and Princess Anne, to a charity matinee at a West End theatre here this afternoon. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 173 1 New quakes shake Burma RANGOON, Wed.— Mandalay City— still recovering from a severe earthquake on Monday night—was shaken by further tremors last night, according to reports reaching here today. In Sagaing, 14 miles from Mandalay, the death toll from Monday's earthquake has risen to 30 and another 25 people are
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 39 1 POLICE RAIDS: LATEST SINGAPORE POLICE detained 45 people in Chinatown's gangland last aight. Eight of the detained men will appear in court today. They will be the first of the 319 detained so far, to be charged.
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  • 32 1 WASHINGTON, Wed.— An era of the air age ended here today and another began for Boeing Airplane Company. It produced its last propeller-driven plane and converted to all-jet aircraft.—A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 L m s b« c"^ ined for new m and kAN CUT-UP FRYERS rjj cv,. up into p,^ Kfr "*n and ready for cooking. M for fryin* GREEN PEAS you an excellent dish !Si S^OIDSTORAa (0. LTD.
      37 words
    • 128 1 The Pride of the Orient ASAHI CUtTUKD PEARLS Graceful and Lustrous MBCKLACM, CHOKERS, EARRINGS. BROOCHES. Variety of Styles at S. P. H. is SUVA LTD. SINGAPORE, IPOH, K. UUM^UW. T [mm fiTrw#nhl Philips new popular B- 1 consolette Ml fl radiofram I! incorporating ■^^^SS^^B^mE ■> i^H 6 valve radio Hiifl
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  • 407 2 China today— Han Suyin's view HEALTH: Fine ho«ptt«to FOOD; Cheap TRAMBPORT: Many cay but nobody owns on» JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday.— China is doing all she can to limit her annual 12 million increase in population. So says authoress Han Suyin, of "A Many Splendoured Thing" fame, who has Just returned
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  • 92 2 VATICAN CITY.. Wad. The Pope has urged Catholics to welcome the benefits of automation. The Pope was writing on recent developments in industrial organisation v. a letter to the 43rd "French Social Week" Inaugurated yesterday in Marseilles. "If machines which yesterday were only an ever
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 215 2 HOLLYWOOD, Wed. British film star Diana Don can't decide whether to accept a five-year contract offered her by R.K.O. studio became of the taxman. The contract calls for one picture a year, with the right to make as many outside pictures as she
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  • 52 2 LONDON. Wed. Buckingham Palace said yesterday that no official invitation had been received for a visit by the Queen to India. New Delhi officials sources had said that such a visit was -almost certainly on the books," but that the trip would likely be delayed until after
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  • 61 2 REDS RIVISE SCHOOL SYSTEM: JOE DEMOTED GENEVA, Wed.-All text books used in Russian schools will be completely "de-Stallnised" by next year, Mrs. L. V Doubrovina, Deputy Education Minister of the Russian Soviet Republic, said today. Mrs. Doubrovina told the international Education Conference here that tot "personality cult* during the final
    AP  -  61 words
  • 139 2 YONO BEACH, (Cali- fornia). Wed. The Miss Universe contest produced an international incident yesterday when Miss Israel refused to be photographed with Miss Germany, Marina Orschel of Berlin. "I cant do it for political and personal reasons," said Sara Tal of Tel
    AP  -  139 words
  • 149 2 MOTHER PAY UP-SHEILA GETS RING Airport customs chan^ From HALL romn Ev THERE has been a happy enri?s?' N 1 Sheila Hamilton, a BennonS t H tor whose engagement ring, sent I her nance, Aircraftman Irvine r*k flscated by Customs officers at ffi** After keepint the ring for I j,
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  • 77 2 41,000 lose homes in floods TOKYO, Wed.— The police reported here today that more than 41,000 people were homeless after the week-end torrential rains which flooded thousands of acres of land in Northern Japan. A final casualty list issuer) this morning listed 42 people dead, more than 80 injured an
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 41 2 COLOMBO, Wed. A Ceylon Government mission will leave here in August to explore the prospects of establishing diplomatic missions in Moscow and Peking, Mr. Solomon Bandaranalke, the Prime Minister, announced at his weekly press conference today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 51 2 General sent for tr Sir Frank >^M British con-jruH laya, yestenUj«M trial at -1 charged with ciM saultlng a :i-:?m carnal knroLfl the 62-year--.:^ eral was te.iM magistrates .\^m Gen. M- I said that he -H not guilty i assault cha~> "-M lowed £50 si;: E Lady 11, court.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 26 2 Dinner for trade mis The 6.' :J| the Sinaapo:; to China an: night enters ;H at the Sky legation !| Kin. Mr. T:.:.iiW Mr. Yap Pher.jS«l
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  • 207 2 Technician says hundreds of troops are prepm Christmas Island as a nuclear test cental HONOLULU, Wed. Britain is spending millions of dollars to turn tiny Christmas Island into a hydrogenbomb test base, a technician recently returned from the island said yesterday. "In the last six weeks hundreds
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  • 131 2 LOS ANGELES, Wednesday.— A scientist's wife testified at her divorce trial yesterday that her husband's African drums were the only things that took his mind off mathematics. "He begins working calculus problems in his head as soon as he awakens," Mrs. Louise Feynman, 35,
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  • Cable flashes
    • 83 2 NEW YORK. Wed.—The Mason County Veterans' Council plans to erect a 20 ft. six-sided war memorial with one side left blank for the names of future war dead. "This Is a permanent thine *nd we must be prepared for the future," the memorial committee said
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 33 2 *AEIg: prof. Walter Hallstein. west German Secretary of State, and Mr. Maurice Faure, Secretary of State at the Prench Foreign Office, met In Paris to discuss progress in drafting a Saar treaty .—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 19 2 WASHINGTON: The United Btates and Burma have made progress in preliminary general discussion on major development loan for Burma.—Reuter.
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    • 11 2 BELGRADE: Yugoslavia and West Germany have signed a one-year trade agreement.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  11 words
    • 18 2 t PARIS: The French Government has told Russia that It could not consider reducing Its armed forces now.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 34 2 WASHINGTON: The Government has asked for bids for 500,000 lb. of hog bristles It wants to sell from the strategic stockpile. Recent development of substitutes, such as nylon, has made the hog bristles obsotete.—A.P.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 1 2 os.
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    • 6 2 miner W» D nominatwn HofTma: United
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    • 14 2 Van n^JW penciix re* andor D»jJ was Ml'- J I was 1" era embark
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  • 27 2 eiled jjf^J •very sound and word re f tions of the doctor and of J" J first whimper and the mother s iry
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 Same BP^B a&^aPß L^r nm Is^b^mSosA yS^^***mm^ g^ K^*/j lUi fl laV TIAM-MAIK RIOISfEMO k^S^aH in the NEW BbIHb«I LARuhR BOTTLE iBBHI AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE ONLY |J| HVf NOTHING CHANGED EXCEPT Same Q1 THE BOTTLE SIZE Prfce IKI It is the same deUcious Coca-Cola WfU 1111 l you have always
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  • 243 3 revellers, report heavy Sighting-all rouf, hup thaia alotad I I an d women gmb I* in bid to oust their Chinese masters \l-\\ DELHI, Wednesday. f Mienl revolt brought more Whiru-< orrmunist tanks rumbling 111 i ritv of Lhasa, according to ihftS h?n! Vr vr.torday. >
    243 words
  • 79 3 JAILED AS BEAUTIES TITLE FOR A NCE'S LOVE ■MtVll.H Prenefc B**l Vr- 4 battle •'<r- t«o Afriian I (or the heart U has endI II pf«P'f in J' l chieftain in J'.Mh a broken nl other P«'"P i< ijurrd M I*s* Ea» P rmi t^ yuf« m the Uteeu rP
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  • 20 3 ffd-A 14WU iound .nerday or M year old j to death after i l~ nt 8 cents.— J
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  • 31 3 ROME Wed. Two Journalists received suspended jail sentences here today for publisbJac a murder story that contained "too gruesome details offending public morals and capable of spreading crimes." U.I
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  • 24 3 ■lEO. W»d-A Jap- E 5' -s belie v- 1< fev> been seized by t Kn ft« ncr.hern Pad- 1 i m U
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  • 75 3 BIMBO. Wed. The BJCi/'trastn: re- p -j. tm a BAmcrican oii and 1 combine to set up w .T::::cn oii refinery If atte :s romprised I 8.-.:;; i! Petroleum, i Standard Vacuum and Cal- tex. Mr. P. H. WUliam Sllva, 1 Minister of Industries and 1
    AP  -  75 words
  • 90 3 NEW YORK PROTESTS AT SUPPRESSION OF POLAND'S ANTI-COMMUNIST RIOT pOLICE struggle to hold A back a crowd, many refugees from Communism, demonstrating in front of the Polish United Nations delegation's offices in New York. The crowd was angry about the brutality of the suppression of the riots in Posnan. In
    AP  -  90 words
  • 192 3 'AIRMAN LEFT A SWITCH ON' WASHINGTON, Wednesday. AN Air Force general told Congress In a hithertoA secret testimony released today that a United States hydrogen bomb missed its target by nearly four miles in the Enwetok test last May because an airman "forgot to-turn
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  • 49 3 TOKYO, Wed.— An 11-year-old Oregon girl arrived here today en route to thank the King of Slam for an elephant he presented to the Portland Zoo. Chiera Gordon, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Margaret Gordon, will stay here three days before flyIng to Bangkok.— UP.
    UP  -  49 words
  • 106 3 LONDON, Wed. The Prime Minister of Eastern Nigeria, Dr. Azikiwe, yesterday threatened to resign, accusing the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Leanox-Boyd of insults, antagonism and interference In a cable to Mr. Lennox Boyd, Dr. Azikiwe said: "My humble advice is that you be careful not
    Reuter; AP  -  106 words
  • 82 3 He shot himself through heart then put gun back in his pocket BERLIN, Wed.— The rare case of a man shooting himself dead and then putting the revolver back In his pocket was reported by police and doctors In Muleheim, West Germany last night. The body of
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 216 3 LONDON, Wed. losing middle price* of selected :ks not Including stamp duty t: MM sols £52 9/16 —1/16 iding 4% £87 15/16 +H r SV4% »/W BASkS •eantUe (£1214) tern (£5) £7% irtered igkong ($135) £92>,*xd 1% INSURANCE a. Un. (uto.) 85/- «j 81/lk +/3 dentlal £«V» INDUSTRIALS
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  • 22 3 LONDON, July ie— Cash Buyers £742; Sellers £743; Forward Buyer* £741; Sellers £742; Settlement £746. Turnover, a.m. 55 tons, p.m. 20.
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  • 28 3 LONDON, July 18— Spot 26<Kd.. Aug. 26% d.. Sept. 26% d., Oct.Dec. ae'id., Jan-Mar. 36Hd. AprilJune 24-sd., July c.l.f. a«*d.. Aug. cJ.f. 3«*d. Tone: BtMoy but quiet.
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  • 214 3 Clash in hills: Rebels smashed ALGIERS, Wed. VRKNCH troops were r reported today to have smashed an Important rebel unit of western Algeria after a running battle in the mountainous region of Montagnao, Twenty rebels were killed. The French reported that they suffered "some losses" and captured about 15 rebel
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 58 3 PARIS, Wed. The 17--nation Council of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation today reached general agreement on a plan for peaceful atomic development and the setting up of a steering committee, delegates said. Experts are working on the final text of the council's decision on general atomic
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  • 58 3 BONN, Wed. A midnight curfew for 250,000 U.S. soldiers in Germany has been ordered following public protests at incidents involving troops, it was announced today. General Henry Hodes, commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, said: "This command has been increasingly disturbed in recent weeks by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 B^^F v >^'* r AtHmiM^PC I' l| VbA-Em^ Asia's lesdiiK i ■ijcin M^-.'Jti anagi jm SMthw^selectißa if fintir M ft-%/ i M clw articles,* features aad pictures. limM-m- f M TiereNs>i f«ll budget, .Kfietiw,' Ulattf 1 H I? iacMiagUwa r saart staries.ay ww gU J^H^ t'f^Vw^ Malayaajwriters— aii/aaathar "VflaraV» atvfatiirc
      93 words
    • 157 3 ATLAS FLUORESCENT LIGHTING HOME INDUSTRY OFFICE Lister Engineering Ltd j V n v fl AJRgjWi Fabrics Kayon Yam 9Bb^B*** B^B^^^ab^B^^^ m>iM^ TIKE GOLDEI HORSES i»Syf^B3WgM RAYON Filament Yarn, SJ'V V^sN^S^ j Fibre&'HighGrade :J§A KURALON Filament Yarn, ">>si (New Spun Yarn, Staple >>>>I«1 \-.>- Synthetic Fibre, Fabrics •>X;'.>^ M Frt>re) Fishing
      157 words

  • 256 4 I 'WE DO ALL WE CAN TO PRMTEKT TRASH CORRUPTING YOUTH* YOU CAN HELP TO FIGHT VICE IF YOU SEND IT TO POLICE WHEN yon read an article or see a picture in publications which yon consider obscene, don't just burn them in disgust You
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  • 114 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. More than 30 manuscripts have been received for the Federation national anthem contest. Half of them came from abroad. The Director of Information Services, Inche Ya'acob bin Abdul Lattff who Is In charge of the competition, said today that entries can
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  • 67 4 IPOH, Wei. The Perak Flying Club, the only one between New Delhi and Tokyo having gliders, launched its 10,000 th flight from the Ipoh aerodrome today. In the glider were Mr. E. K. Flak, Perak's Rural and Industrial Development Authority chief, and Mr. Toong Slew Fan,
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  • 40 4 KUCHINO, Wed.— The use of a very high frequency battery operated radio-telephone has been so successfully demonstrated from thick Jungle in Sarawak that additional seta will be installed to bring the telephone service to isolated communities around Kuching.
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  • 163 4 Baa! It was such a sheepish shipment T IVB Australian sheep -L' frequently arrive by ship in Singapore, but a mob which arrived in the BX freighter Pentakota presented an unusual problem. Sheep bearing the brands of four different importers had been mixed up at Freemantle. Instead of being In
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  • 35 4 Bishop R. L. Archer left Singapore yesterday on a last visit to Medan to attend a conference of the Methodist Field Committee and to open a school. He retires next month.
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  • 20 4 BENTONG. Wed.— A Pahang state branch of the Ma- j layan Indian Congress was formed here last night.
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  • 139 4 MAN WHO BUILT TWO AERODROMES RETIRES TO BUILD A CAR BIR. A. WEAK, director of the PubUe Works Department, fllagapewi, who left for England yesterday with Mrs. Wear an retirement. He joined the department 3e years ago as an assistant engineer. "I'm geteg to take a holiday anal then leak
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  • 140 4 THE CUSTOMS EXPECT A RECORD SINGAPORE Customs will set a revenue record this year unless the prices of tin and ruttber fall rapidly. The Assistant Comptroller of Customs in charge of revenue, Mr. J. C. Johnston, said yesterday: 'If all goes well, we »houldpasß £»t year's record of $82,683,--000." In
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  • 37 4 Asian Labour leader, Mr. Leong Seng Sect, senior staff clerk, •Qantas Empire Airways, Singapore, toured Warner Brothers' studios in Hollywood during a recent visit and saw the working set of "The Girl He Left Behind."
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  • 161 4 rpHREE hundred Singapore photographers have been searching In vain for pretty girls who will pose in the nude. They have twice advertised for models without success. Shapely Chinese and Eurasian girls have offered to pose in sweaters, swim suits and even
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  • 27 4 IPOH, Wed.— Radio dealers in Perak will meet at the Perak Clerical Union In Station Road on Sunday to form the Perak Radio Dealers Association.
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  • 67 4 After 105 day,re smashing film ends Singapore BOUT 3W.000 people saw J\ the classical Chinese _.lm, "Liang Shan-Po and Chu Yin* Tai," which wt an all-time box-office record In Singapore with a l«-««y nm at three theatres. The film had its last showing at the Alhambra on Tuesday after 276
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  • 121 4 $15 mil SCHEME FOR 16 MORE NEW CINE SHAW BROTHERS will build v I costing $15,000,000 in Singapore .SHI and Borneo in the next 18 months A director, Mr. Run Run Shaw, yesterday said that they would all be modern theatres. Plans were being made to Improve the chairs and
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  • 40 4 Now police pera IPOH. Wed^ °W Mia c£ of Batu the first :v Perak to Police consa The otherj> plicant is binte Korlti Jong Ranb-.-v Both will go n Pur police to Ing. Nine applies. viewed by titeam. Sewn cd.
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  • 46 4 The $5,500,000 Murnane I Reservoir at Bukit Timah will be opened by the Governor, Sir Robert Black, at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow. The reservoir, which consists of two basins with a total area of 14 acres, has a storage capacity of 57 million gallons.
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  • 31 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— A rural agricultural training centre has been established at the Central Agricultural Station, Ayer Hltam, Johore, for the training of kampong people in approved agricultural techniques.
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  • 30 4 Presiden sixth t KUANTAN, J Choo Joo la elected dalai layan Assccaa Prevention c! (East Pahar.s the sixth yea; at the annuals yesterday. Mr. Loh L: elected secrftr Khoo BengCii
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  • 14 4 The annuls St. AndreviCii elation will ji Andrew's H:a I on Saturday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 306 4 Smaapwe to Pettanq RSI >/ ••jB^f^S^BBPIW^K- \^nv nw REMARKABLE ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY OF I Y^lj LAMBRETTA PROVED IN GRUELLING 500 MILE RUN I At 6 a m on Tuesda y Mr- J. T. A. Rohan riding a LAMBRETTA motor scooter left Singapore I •&-i££i^£^^ I 5T V«£ 5 n ihe
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  • 224 5 fpar the sack after merdeka THE Army Civil Service Union yesterday urged the Singapore Government to immediately tackle the problem of finding work for civilian employees of the Armed Services who might lose their jobs after merdeka. Their fear An editorial in the union newspaper, Suara
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  • 229 5 CITY REJECTS 'DIRECT RATE 9 PLAN MUCH revenue would be lost in bad debts if the iTA Singapore City Council were to adopt the British system of collecting rates direct from the tenant, said the City Assessor, Mr. T. F. Stevenson, I yesterday.
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  • 75 5 KUALA KANGSAR, Wed.— Four students, two of them girls, from religious schools here have been selected from 50 competitors to represent the Kuala Kangsar District in the final of the Perak Koran reading and speech competition to be held in Taiping on Saturday. They are Zainuddin
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  • 45 5 IPOH, Wed. The Reid Constitutional Commissioners will be entertained to a buffet supper by the Perak State Government on Friday^** 7.30 pjn. at the Perak Turf Club premises in Tambun Road and not at the Club's sports pavilion In Tiger lane.
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  • 31 5 PENANG, Wed. The Penang Buddhist Association has plans to start an English primary school next year. The,school is to be acoommodated at the Association's premises in Anson Road.
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  • 32 5 KUCHING, Wed. More than 10,000 additional child ren are attending Sarawak schools this year because of the new grants code which reduced fees and enabled new schools to be opened.
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  • 15 5 Royal Singapore Flying Club will hold a flying competition on Saturday and Sunday.
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  • 119 5 Journalist is new Rotary president MR. MARK FOENANDER, 67. who wiU be installed as president of Johore Bahra Rotary Club at the Royal Johore International Club tonight by the outgoing president, Mr. Yap Kirn Hock. Mr. Foenander, a journalist 'or 36 yean, was born in Klang, Selangor, and educated at
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  • 209 5 Lack of policy hinders T.B. war ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The fight against tuberculosis in the Federation could only be intensified if the Government drew up its policy. Hie chairman of the Selangor branch of the Malayan Association for the Prevention Of T. 8., Mr. T. Sivapragasam. today said that lack
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  • 67 5 One of Singapore's youngest amateur magicians. Denis Khoo, 18, who entertained children at the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus on Thursday, repeats his perfor- mance at the same place before an adult audience at 3 p.m. today. i His 20-mlnute show will be part
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  • 155 5 New plan to curb pirate taximen PENALTIES for the owner, the driver and the passengers of "pirate" taxis are provided under the latest proposals for clamping down on illegal taxi operators. A BUI. to be presented for approval by the City Council on July 31,
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  • 68 5 Strike factory van is set ablaze Arsonists yesterday burnt a ▼an belonging to the Yeo Hiap Seng Sauce Factory, where there Is a strike. The van, parked outside the driver's house in Princess Elizabeth Estate, off Buktt Timah Road, Singapore, was found ablaze at 1.55 a.m. Two butter tins were
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  • 148 5 The Battle of the Bras is over but Singapore WRACs ask: 'Will it apply to US?' SINGAPORE WBACs at G&Q, Tangttn Barracks, were aeUghtoi to team yesterday that British army women are to get an allowance to bay underwear of their own choice instead of having to wear the Service
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 264 5 t ]ad Youwantyourcoattolooknice, tOrUDa S'shcaand don-tyou? You'd soon fret if r youwe ren'tinthcpinkofcondi- r- llTd-H* tl on.GoodjobyouTcsofondof M to y Uf Si Martin's. Bob Martin's, that's all I can say. lob MdrtlW condition! f"" O re Bob Martin's once a day*. Bob Martin's feSS--* -.amins A, 8,, 8,, an 4
      264 words
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    • 320 5 E' MY II M K 11 f[ B>r K| m Iff/ I H 'trSm HOblf J K\ ■5vV "'tsl ■ooooooodou poa. S^^^h Hr osmtsw^ji oT§Bom sfl B K B HNE CHAMPAGNE COGMAcB '^9 H(7* I j^ >v I ',^9 w&' R^*i» j >±Sm m 1 cognac m Ikb^ vB WB
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 187 5 SINGAPORE CHAMBER IN- Council, Stamford Road. practice at Balwtttr Road (round BEMBLE- Choral and orchestral SINGAPORE YOUTH COCN- 5.15 pjn. concert of contemporary British CIL: Leadership training course— CHINESE YMJCJL (off Prince music. St. Andrew. Cathedral War "Constitution, rules and regula- Edward Bead): Malt aMattßf t Memorial BaU. 8.45 p.m.
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  • 207 6 Singapore hotel men: There's plenty of room SINGAPORE hoteliers are furious at a report that there is no room for tourists here and that as a result "bookings for large groups of Americans were turned down during the last fortnight" 2 The statement had been made by Mr. Herb Milley.
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  • 90 6 SCOOTER PILOT WINS HIS WAGER FENANG, W«0. Tormer BAP pilot J. T. A. Rohan. who left Singapore at dawn ycstsrday on his motor i scooter m an attempt to reach Penan* wittdn 16 hows, arrived at Battor- worth last night wen ahead Grinning; Mr. Rohan pull- ed up his footer
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  • 22 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed— Terrorists cut telephone wires along the railway line in the ourun district of Kedah last night
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  • 134 6 I MUSLIMS In Malaya spent a quiet Hari Raya Haji yesterday* Although thousands attended services at mosques, the attendance was reported to be smaller than during Hari Raya Puasa in May. Hi Tuan Haji Muhammad bin Yusof, ivi a religious leader in Kuala Lumpur. IS
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  • 231 6 rFHK BIG DAY for slxA year-old Lee Pan Hon. Singapore's won-der-boy violinist, Is only nine days away. On July 28 he will make his first public appearance at the Badminton Hall where he will lead a 42--man orchestra in a concert. Is he
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  • 33 6 Brigadier A. E. Brocklehurst, formerly Deputy Director of Personnel Services in the War Office, has been promoted to Major-General and will become Chief of Staff, Headquarters Malaya Command, from October.
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  • 35 6 Chong Wee Lin, a director of the Green Bus Company, was fined a total of $300 In the Singapore City Court for not sending In his Income tax returns for 1954 and 1955.
    35 words
  • 87 6 JUNIPER AND ELIZABE FLY IN TO SEE THEIR PARENTS MISS JUNIPER FOO, (left) 16-year- old diuk Mrs. Y.C. Foo, of Ipoh, who returned to £> Qantas Super Constellation from Britain nsti She will spend two months with her parents i n k returning to complete her education at BadmliT near
    87 words
  • 148 6 Wounded constable figk pONSTABLE Abdul Wahid bin Baba. o: 5i who lost the use of both his legs whenii shot him six years ago. hopes soon to ea occupation. At Stoke Sli* being treated J Abdul (riehti I has study- mi ing to become I a
    148 words
  • 72 6 KUALA KANGSAR, Wed.— Th first Chinese to leave this royal town for further studies In America, Mr. Lee Hong Fang, was entertained to a farewell tea-party by the Khek community here yesterday. Mr Lee, a former student of the Clifford School here. Is a graduate of
    72 words
  • 46 6 KUALA TRENOGANU, Wed.— The Sultan of Trengganu today opened an arts and crafts exhibition here sponsored by the local branch of the women's section of UMNO. The Sultan and his wife yesterday visited c hospital and the welfare home at Buklt Besar.
    46 words
  • 111 6 RADIO MALAYA'S pianist, BUI Rea, yesterday answered an SOB from the Singapore Chamber! Ensemble and prevented the postponement of a concert. Mr. Rea's help was sought when Miss Llm Pee Taw, who was to have made her flirt public appearance as a soloist with
    111 words
  • 45 6 BUKIT MERTAJ AM, Wed. —A seven-year-old ffirl, Fatimah bintc Hashim, died early this morning, 'even hours after she had fallen into a well. The tragedy occurred at Padan* Lalang in Buklt Mcrtajam. Fatimah was taken eat ef the well unconscious.
    45 words
  • 29 6 Leone Kuan rf Radio Co.. *»f f Singapore coun^ to submit W* turn for 1955. Leon?, wh^ told Mr. K. C-■sssSi-a! know 4 ■■;;>.• sent W o*^
    29 words
  • 6 6 terrorists «r perimeter w-^ fire^bark^T
    6 words
  • 125 6 rraß Federation Govern- i ment made a very wise decision in banning four Singapore Chinese schools J from sending large groups of j students to tour the owmtry. i states the second publication of the anti-Red students' organisation in Singapore Chinese schools. The ata-peje leaflet
    125 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 514 6 ♦+»♦♦»»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<«♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■ The Van Heusen 'COUNTRY* Shirt worn m g with tt» or bow, with or- without a coat, m Mm* mm LI 0% 1 1 AA W% k a^ays correct and supremely com- mf 21 1 H§* 1 1 I fortable. The attached semi-stiff Van WOII llUllllwll Heusen Collar sets
      514 words

  • 284 7 THE WOMEN HAIL POLYTECHNIC 'CAREER' COURSES Hew fields tor feminine progress r| S;* oB^ Sin sapore's Polytechnic should provide course* that would cater especially for women received enthusiastic supwomen deserved the chance to qualify for better jobs, and should be encouraged to do so. They were commenting on plans for
    284 words
  • 55 7 PENANG. Wed. Several thousand parents and wellwishers attended the Penang Convent fun fair which opened this morning on the school ground to Light Street. Business was brisk and there, was keen competition among teachers and pupils running the various stalls. Proceeds from the fair will go
    55 words
  • 48 7 PENANO, Wed. Secret societies in Penang have been "lying low" since police arrested eight leaders after a grenade explosion at the popular stalls near Campbell Street on June 6. "But we are not relaxing our vigilance," a police spokesman told the Straits Times today.
    48 words
  • 127 7 The pick of the pigs reach Singapore THIRTY-ONE Berkshire and Tamworth pigs valued at $18,000, a gift from the Australian Government to Singapore' under the Colombo plan, were given a VJJP. reception by the Veterinary Department yesterday. The reception was under the command of Mr. R. M Devaraj acting animal
    127 words
  • 212 7 The non-Malays have not yet shown it Islamic Party to Reid Commission KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. NonMalays even those born in Malaya have not achieved undivided loyalty to the country, according to the PanMalayan Islamic Party. The party says to a memorandum to the Reid Constitutional Commission that true loyalty
    212 words
  • 188 7 It is caused by wind scooping up sand just before a thunderstorm TF "yellow rain" falls to x Singapore, don't be alarmed. Dont panic. Don't think that it is radio-active. What is "yellow rain"? Mr. R. Mather, the assistant director of Malayan Meteorological Services, says it is merely
    188 words
  • 36 7 IPOH, Wed.— All officers of the Food Control and Supplies Department to the Federation were provisionally transferred to the new Emergency Food Denial Organisation from July 1. Food Control Inspectors become Food Denial Inspectors.
    36 words
  • 274 7 Schools sign-up next month rrHE Qrst mass regls--L tration of children for admission to Singapore schools In 1957 will begin next month. By next year 18 new Khocria will have been built and there will be places for about 18,000 children to primary I classes ■hont 1,500 more than last
    274 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 442 7 1 irH"J£yjsj|Ty3rii.»« 2J». HOWS CyJgJM* 6.M*».15p... AllY TBEMEMDOOS HTR -i IHANAKPAYAL BAAJI" j rf ,n.o«'"n g PITNDEP t 1 ACTIOM! THRILLS! SssaO° treasure of beiwal" HI Js* JW-I^SSK o 9MM S I isost peck WmiffmiMsmMm^'' i afDBCWBCH CinemaScoPE^^ J r l__ --"""Tr 1 MinNICHI! A -Mlth Century-Fox Picture >> TrEY
      442 words
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 160 7 radio malata Regional (•Pragraasme thaw marked can bj^ed^iby IM.^ I- M.- SINGAPORE "am 79J 8.57 and 11.10 Broadcasts AJ& 7.15 Time Signal And Tc T»udlah Scbooi- pSc^LOO Opanlnj Annct; 7.16 Morning 3imffSf^nductorl M SO" News; Serenade; 7JO News; 7J5 A Date MiniuSSoSTioo irc*Si WJ^_M«J*c: B^o New. Headline,; To isillsh Schools:
      160 words
    • 129 7 The weather MINIMUM TEMPEBATCBE (7JQ pjn. oo July 17 to 7JO ajn. on July 18): Singapore 75 degrees. Penan* 75, Kota. Bfaara 73. Kuala Uanpw 74, Ipoh 73. Knaatan 74. MAXIMUM TEMPEBATUBE (7JO ajn. to 7JO PJO. on July It): atngapore S7. Panaoc KoU Bbaru 87, Kuala Lumpur S4. Ipoh
      129 words

  • 57 8 20 Words $1$ (minimum). MR. AND MRS. HENRY KWOK CHEOiNG PATT of 116 Sophia Road, send thanks far Good Wishes and appreciated Presents on the occasion of their Marriage. THE famii V OF the lat« Mr*. Tong Taltin thank all Friends and Relatives for their expressions of condolence, wreaths
    57 words
  • 651 8 The Straits Times S'pore, Thurs. July 19, 1956. Targets In Housing C 7 Mr. Lim Yew Hock has journeyed quietly to London. On the way Singapore's Chief Minister said nothing that was worth a headline, and his reticence on arrival was such that a frustrated press was obliged to extract
    651 words
  • 310 8 I Ceylon's new government is finding its legacy of financial problems more <ftffaruH to dispose of than the British bases. In whatever language the budget i s debated, a deficit of Rps ISO millions expenditure is estimated at Rps 1,357 millions remains a troublesome gap. Increases in company
    310 words
  • 257 8 There Is a tradition of service to the public by the local authorities which the Government is anxious to encourage in the Federation and for which the satisfaction of service rendered is the main reward. These consolatory (or admonitory) words accompanied the rejection of tiie recommendation by the
    257 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1533 8  -  T. F. THOMPSON h+4 mmdmr ike cat lq r bu The party thai Khrushchev might Peju^l Bulganin called out: Photograph me. I'm an origin, I The Americans stiffened and their jaws stuck out I Comrade Khrushchev went on with his drunken bib J Comrades Malenkov and Molotov looked
    1,533 words
    • 179 8 Idraw your attention to the following sources of road hazards: 1. The driver who has been taught by a driver who was taught by a drive/ who pasted his test six years ago under very dubious circumstances. 2. The pirate ttnd which teeters along the public
      179 words
    • 80 8 I HAVE read the letter written by Poor Parent of Muar. I cannot understand why the son of Poor Parent could not get free medical treatment In a Government hospital as students of Government or Gov-ernment-aided schools are entitled to. TSie only difference is that Poor Parent's
      80 words
    • 78 8 rß "No Smoking" and "Smoking" sign* displayed In B.T.C. and Chi-nese-owned buws do not ■27* Pttnxwe for which they are Intended. »|*fular passenger of the Changi Bus and I frequently notice that the persons who actually violate these so-called «re- filiations" are not the PMMBfers but the
      78 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 909 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. ANNOUNCEMENTS M Word, $1$ (minimum). HAVE YOU HEARD Maty Sing at Princes? FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the "Malay Mall" If you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle. TAKE THE CUT out Of Cuticle %-ith "Cutlpen" It gives trimmer and neater nail*. Sole Agents— Robinson's. MADELINE'S FASHION
      909 words
    • 2 8 TAttORMG OF
      2 words
    • 160 8 I WARNING IDE i GCE Gfoss ferjferj i prees 0/ more ■pott.i I or tcAisfy i drunfc AfdJ: I the Russian I tt*J deceptyfy I deceptively t f ed *o drinti: I fifies be/or; I /a/Zs M i without Kcr.f. There is room in I SHB*~ I 4^ 1 fora'St&C
      160 words

  • 65 9 THE DRIKE CHOOL "public P"" 1 i in pr ot st Kail while Times ;or their own tbe school j,j|d liters the manage- protesting pd between H to w. rJ go to classes only sementagreei iVn-rr-.:.: the ro- The ride whether Hoi; should accept the j the "bOB 1 to
    65 words
  • 38 9 rSWETTENHAM. UPd r -a -ct bombers of i Uhttadroo R.A.F. will "ore: Port Swettenham J Friday. j to provide I t v for the anti- No. 92 Squa- ton] Mr Force Regt. C
    38 words
  • 60 9 E&lc S the Reid Com vis c&tty on its Ho! inXxs, i constitulnw?er.:er.t Malaya i cv. member. ■px-.v: itg regret that 1 it has been unable to nominate a member. On the commission are Lord Reid chairman). Mr. Justice Abdul Hamid (Pakistan), Sir Ivor Jennings
    60 words
  • 265 9 TRACTION COMPANY BUMS WTO TROUBLE AOAW FOB OIVIMO DAY OFF THEY SAW: LET'S WORK ON HARI RAYA HAJI FOR DOUBLE PAY THE Singapore Traction Company Employees' 1 Union again protested to the company against its asking 197 driven and conductors to take a paid
    265 words
  • 130 9 More want to make China trip KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Twelve more organisations asked to join the Federation's trade delegation to China today, bringing the total of business organisations seeking to join the mission to 45. The chief organiser of the mission. Mr. Can Teck Yeow, said today that he anticipated
    130 words
  • 33 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Government has given the Judicial Department $350 to pay for the night school fees of 20 office boys working in law courts throughout the i Federation.
    33 words
  • 91 9 A daughter for 'King' of Cocos 'THE "King" of the Cocos Is- land, John Clunles-Ross and his wife. Daphne, have had a second daughter born in London. Confirming this yesterday, a Singapore relative said the baby was born in May. "They went to England for the birth of the child
    91 words
  • 52 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The satellite town of Petaling Jaya, six miles from here will soon (have an international club. It will be in Jalan Selangor on a three-quarter acre site given by the Petallng Jaya Authority. The Autnority has given $5,000 towards the cost of the
    52 words
  • 44 9 Mr. Brie Wee. committee member of the Singapore Youth Council, left by Qan-tas-BOAC yesterday to attend the Commonwealth Youth Conference to be held in p^rfrfTigfrflTrmfitro^ England. He will also attend the World Assembly of Youth meeting In Berlin In August.
    44 words
  • 44 9 A radio message from the 3,320-ton steamer. Loksang, received in Singapore yesterday, said that a man was miMng from the vessel. The message added that the man wms missed on July 17 after the vessel had left Rangoon for Penang.
    44 words
  • 118 9 MRS. UM SENG HUAT. wife of a Colony police officer, who was unanimously selected Badminton Queen of 1956 at the dance at West Point Gardens on Tuesday. Proceeds went to the Singapore Badminton Association's junior tour fond. More than 700 people attended the dance.
    118 words
  • 221 9 AFTER 14 DAYS AND $50,000 LOSS BATU GAJAH, Wed. —All the 1,100 workers on seven dredges belonging to the Malayan Tin Dredging Company and the Southern Malayan Tin Dredging Company near here, who went on a sympathy strike nearly a fortnight ago, returned to
    221 words
  • 132 9 PENANG, Wed. The organisers of Penangs Municipal centenary celebrations next January plan to raise $400,000 to commemorate the event. Of tfals sum, it ls understood, $50,000 will be spent on centenary events and the balance, if raised, will go towards building a permanent
    132 words
  • 33 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Five terrorists yesterday exchanged fire with a patrol of the 3/10 Gurkha Rifles in the Kulal area of Johore. The bandits escaped leaving behlnd three packs of clothing.
    33 words
  • 213 9 56-hour week allegation rTHE Fred Waterhouse Workers' Union yesterday! A demanded an inquiry into working hours at the company's Bukit Timah factory in Singapore. The union secretary, Mr. < Lav Llat Meng, claimed employees had been working a 59-hour week without a rest for
    213 words
  • 124 9 3 WOMEN ARE NOW DATINS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. PR the first tune in the history of Perak three women, two of them non-Ma-lays, were conferred the rank of Datln today. In a 10-minute ceremony in the latana Iskandaria, the Sultan of Perak presented letters of appointment and named as Datln
    124 words
  • 50 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The National Union of Plantation Workers today published the first Issue of its Malay language weekly, the Suara Kesatuan (Voice of the Union). The aim of the weekly Is to advise and educate the workers In trade union matters, says the editorial.
    50 words
  • 56 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Radio Malaya is to send one if its leading Malay programme playwrights and actors' 31-year-old Hashim Amir Hamsah, for a sixmonth course with the 8.8.C. in London. He will study BJB.c. production methods to adapt them to Malay programmes wherever possible. He will
    56 words
  • 168 9 'POLICE KEPT US WAITING 6 HOURS' FVE Singapore shopkeepers yesterday complained they were kept waiting six hours at Tanjong Pagar police station before information they had on an extortion racket was recorded. These shopkeepers, all from Queenstown, were the first to co-operate with the police In the war against Colony
    168 words
  • 49 9 The Singapore Government has appointed a 15-man committee to advise on the Implementation of its new education policy with the accent on a Malayan-centred syllabus. The scope of the committee's work will Include English and Chinese schools, and cover both primary and secondary education.
    49 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 197 9 I B!B "N XL It's the Improved CHASE AND SAN BORN "»V,no;misUkin B Chare and Sanborn* ■ineb.,tnellow« flavour.* that f full-bodied aroma, ■Witkbtere j, the oitinutfe perfection fgS^i Otejatfj Saaborr,. ls vacuum-packed, P^M l *Mways 1 w WK k>rfullyjfre«h. at C^»J ■'Pw*r Is|1 s|f orja tin to-day HKEn LH.HhinMi.-N—
      197 words
    • 89 9 IT'S TIME YOU HAD A M" FHtiST QUALITY CYCLES I jflHj^ IU THE WORLD MODEL 604-A O A With DUNLOP Roadster Tyres ■I\\ W Stalk »P~d Roller Uver Ll|||L| S-*,p£d wIHi Holdall, took. S%iKJ<ff metal mflater B.S.A. Carter Reflector. v wp^ MM TRAM INQUIRIES:— ONC BAN HONC LEONC LTD. 9a
      89 words

  • 29 10 A tiny platter hat made entirely of delicate white orchids was designed in Holywood for piquante M.QM film star Leslie Caron, who wears it in the picture.
    29 words
  • 202 10 Homnn of the m>eeh BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB«BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB«BBBBBBB^B«BlB«a^B«a^B^B^B^B^B^Bia«B«BBBBBBBB* A happy marriage and cheerful home life are the most important things to Mrs. Lim Yew Hock, wife of Singapore's Chief Minister. She is not interested i n politics, but although she is shy in public, the accepts official engagements for
    202 words
  • 269 10 Newest shoes are gay and colourful SHOES get prettier and more feminine every year, and the newest of formal shoes come in all colours of the rainbow. Supple kid is most popular for afternoon and cocktail shoes, but suede and fabric are also used. Toe
    269 words
  • 437 10 ALWAYS stop and x talk to one ancient Tamil on the estate. He may be ancient but he is still very active and works hard. This ii probably what keeps him going. We were exchanging our usual salaams when a doe fight
    437 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 265 10 and Heinz Baby Foods are the l|r best Only the finest, most nourishLS ing fruits and vegetables, choice -^■^■■^^^^fc^B meats and wholesome cereals are Vp]j|| I used in Heinz Baby Foods. B^--sTJ^^^B When you see the smooth, fine H\ \XVlffX f^| texture and sample the rich, delicious ■Si flavor of
      265 words
    • 146 10 yf f j| growing famil|« d^t «olt and ligh», it p JKt /&J2£&9^ thrives on waihj n I /^^^K~ (note the Umous gui)1 H j^ J H night wfir ["Vivella* I "l»° "Md* *T 'he makm ofT.lylrlh nnt t ;i J^c NEVER WAS OUR -M MORE BEAUTIFUL! We've found that
      146 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 219 10 20 One of the yes-men (8) Straits Times Crossword 33 Public-house management? I, I 2 rr i r i. i i No (5, io>. II DOWN -ns ihr —mi I I 1 Republican to be found c/o §ii fcssi I*tln chairman (15). |H HI HH §11 HI pH 2 Upper
      219 words

    Daily Mirror  -  1,672 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 38 11 0 (Kf**V j IS 1 li^.fresh GHf\ i that tingle H iod lor and gums vmmm f THE MOST ORTABLE t ST wXWQ UXEMA! cataa boad Tn. tan l PREMIERE w i. in. I WIN*(ER [COMEDY [emu and
      38 words
    • 149 11 imunm mom 22-01 Do hundreds of home jobs The easy fast Electric way J Wolf ELECTRIC TOOLS J Federation RepveMiitativM: WEARHE IROS. raw jHij!^^^H^K|J B^u^^^Mß^Ba^^S .S /^H "^rf^^MT I BBBK wm C i7^ l^^l HHs^*^iy^^BßßßßW'^ 2B^f^^\***^^!^^^^ "An Antiseptic? I say 'DETTOL' every time" In all matters important to your health,
      149 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 114 11 Rex Morgan, MM. to nel P 'wiU. \OVASK.DB.M£X6*HX>^\ BT LILA NEEPS -gjl. J^^ WW > cML^ IN& M*E\* Dick Tracy Monitoring mmmag/^/^^gl^T^T^^TT^l T VEAW— A PEANUT T BUT NOU CAt/rLET V— JUST- WANTED TO SE3E WMCM ?3^^UJICE RESTOJRANT, I S aw INFERtOGITV V SAPf J HEAPD THAT. BOSS* I JUST
      114 words

  • 214 12 rnHE danger of unemployment in the rubber- grow- ing Industry resulting from steep wage increases Is referred to by Sir John Barlow, chairman of Sungei Krian Rubber Estate Ltd., in his annual statement to shareholders. Sir John says that the rising cost of power in
    214 words
  • 65 12 Ships lytar alengstie the Singapcr« Harboar Beard wharves or expected today are: Sbillong 1-2, Zulyo Mara 4-5, Madetetae C.P., Olenggary 6-7, Idomeneus 8-9, India 11. Nissan Mara 13-14, Tattaae 15-16 BHtar IS, Bdanger 19-20. Landak N.Wall 10. Larut 22, Auby 23, Taksang 24-25. Estrella del Amor 26. Kota Baroe
    65 words
  • 115 12 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS MELBOURNE, Wed i TNVESTMENT trading was light--8 JJ"£ ne steady ln Stock Exchange here today Loans 8%% 1956-59 £95' H sellerI Loan* 3%% 1955-58 £97 5 32 Con. Zinc 58/- buyer Bank of N.S.W. £311* Mount Lyell 26/6 buyer N. Broken Hill HB/9 t JOB M 62/3 seller
    115 words
  • 37 12 On the free exchange market in Hong Kent; yesterday, the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.95 lor cash and 5.08% for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 16.03 and one teel of gold at 259. I
    37 words
  • 2 12 111
    2 words
  • 4 12 GAZET PRICE i v^B
    4 words
  • 19 12 STOCKHO £180.000 ""•"IH^BJ to receive r??JIgH soW >( V*« 'he new tlli^i^H j, l^ dittrto^gfi dk tribution7?' B The reir.v._..^H
    19 words
  • 4 12 The ovp,?M
    4 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 459 12 ..♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A jj NOTICE I! PRmcrs HOTEL GARMIf New Tel. No. I ***** fvfvMvvf.MMHMHMT DIAMOND TODAY: 3.15-6.15-9.15 PJf. India's Hast Staymioas in Geva Color "HATIM TAl** (in Htadl-w/Enjrilsh Chinese Sub-titles). with ShaUla-JairaJ MOte others. ON PWNORBMIC WJOSTejCHatN Packed Shews Yesterday TODAY: 3.15, 6.50 9.15 PJL SOUTH-EAST ASIA FILM CO.'S SUPER ATTRACTION
      459 words
    • 1466 12 COMPANY MEETING |1 MALAYAN CHAMBE* OF MINES jj < The THIRTY -EKJHTH.ANNU AL GENERAL MEETING of the Malayan Chamber of Mines was held on Wednesday, July 11th at 69, London Wall, London, E.C. Mr. W. M. WARREN, the chair-, man, presided, and after recording his appreciation of the support of
      1,466 words
    • 514 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS AjajMcatJoiM are tarited f or the fe&owtDK Boats la th* Ma"li~l DeHealth Offloer (U) Scalar Radleloglst (Diagnostic) (In) MedtcaJ Baste salary $l.« 0 pm. (lv) Medical OOctr l/c Maternal A Child Health Services (Rural) (v) Radiologist (Diagnostic) (vl) Radlotoelat (Therapy) Burgeon (vlll) Medical SuperUjtendent. Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
      514 words
    • 181 12 TENDER JOHORE P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class D* and above registered P.WJ). Contractors will be received by the state Engineer Johore. up to noon of the 38th: July, 1956, for:— CONSTRUCTION OP 2 CLASS D' QUARTERS AT BATU PAHAT Pull onrticulars may be obtained from the Senior Executive Engineer
      181 words
    • 407 12 MAERSK L|] M/S EIDANGER SINCAPORE P. SHAM PENANC It. 14/26 |ulv 27 lulv 30|mIv/:Ai, If; KMUTSEN LINE ORBngS FROM CANADA/US. PACIFIC PORTS-^llp Sailing San kn\f' Vancouver Francisco Sport P. Swit 'MM Cjertrarfe Bakke 10/12 An EHsafc.Ni Bakk, 8 lul 21 lul 20/22 Au, at, II Mm Bakke 25 lul 8
      407 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 950 13 t ,mes tm^: I r il^ LTD. ToJiMW or BLUE FUNNEL LINE iHE 5 lood and dischargo corgo j? I ouASGOW, tOHDON CONTINENTAL PORTS >• l Vl( v e ngOP: "so.l. P S>horn PWO 8 July 19/21 Joly 22/12 j:: jo j-i l July 24 7 27 r^.-;. m:0 A-,
      950 words
    • 706 13 «AIT ASIATIC UNES india y v l^^ »>*»*•» »vio*-> I*^7 ai/aiJ W"r >ViSMr 9/11 Aag 11/1S Aag 14/10 Aag 22SEtta^*«« A-w«p. fcmro^. N— Spore P.S'hom Ponang IRRIA JMI/J i. l/t a.,^ CafctarMi.a«,g WT a W ryla, poov) »»ANDU 17-18/8 19-19/8 l«l/8 (Cat. loo*, (pa«. AMy). J^ y— —< La- P-
      706 words
    • 942 13 builoinoTHE BEM UME STEAMERoI LTD r mr7* >< WIftAPORE (Incorporated in the Unttod Klngdim] S UNU SAIUNSS TO U JL AND OONTINSMTAI. PORTS S'poro P. StMm Ponang ojajm AfatfaTMS fnr I haainir nf >nOl aa if hi IIMMWim Tvr UTWrpooi| nflTTfJffwOrn, Hombora, Miaoiootrou^ tUS/24 MNVINUI for Avonmouth. London, NomooTlo 22/27
      942 words
    • 981 13 M«AUBTBR dk COn tiTD. TEL.» No.l 202*1 _-_a-_-iai jb—j *n 1 1 C A >ln ib* a ai,—-ti AahaMaagMfjßßßOß ao«aaßioo> afao* CafJßß>a^ aY ono ray wA/v ff"jofwi 'mumic roni •^oMw^iipp ioowo,y wm qotoquwi^w CITT Of PBKTM MUftUNVIUI *»j-^- i7/»TU f 'TC. N TU OTT Of OTTAWA andC-ITA* Spore P. S'hom
      981 words

  • 858 14 Laker made full use of pit c nffinniflMV WfM ifAUB lIP FOR BMGLAMD'S BAD LUCK AT NOTin, r I r= rm BUT MAY, WASHBROOK LAID FOUNDATION OF VICTORY 1 Jack Fingleton 1 forwr Australian Test batsman, reporting on the rl^atHeadinoley which England won by an inning a aZ wS on
    858 words
  • 922 14 MALAYAN TOURNEY DRAW The draw for the Malayan badminton championships to be beld In Singapore at the S.B.A. Hall (Aug. 3 to 6) is: MEN'S SINGLES Seeded: N. Natekar (Ind); A. Pirus (Spore), Foo Vong Khean Pk), Bddle Yusuf (Indon), Ong Poh Lim (Spore), R.
    922 words
  • 74 14 The mixed foursomes of the RAF. Seletar Golf Club for the MacDonalcl trophy was won by J/T G. TUt and Mrs. C. Foster with a net score of 71. SAC R. Scott and Mrs. J. Lavin. 1 who won the ball sweep, were I runners-up with a
    74 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 14 After Han*- ominnusly, aajj,. I Laker bowled th~-~,8 innings yestWrSM His fi ure 5 j or i'^B 11 wickei V strance ttalot H EnKland ha-j -'-,^H tralw since L<i(~»S hf.s he bcench^H A rery t;ood ?ct :^B excitement. fcjic^B think on lookta May ar.d Vjf^H forces. Laker
    67 words
  • 132 14 Duke be uelc to arm MEuora MR. E. J. HOLI] Director i i Olympic Gam :c day that the Da burgh would it) into the maun time he pleased Mr. Holt, lonri treasurer of tab pic Associate; meriting on ti(i Olympic Coirzaj against an 3C Olympic Count.:; the Duke shoii
    132 words
  • 47 14 TIMARU. m f£ T HE South Afn*" 1 touring ninth '.vi. mJ'Zal they beat a C^, polnt-s to 8 t* f home side. «»jgj the later su«f;. I! f t me. R°> UI r p»*ere the For tr* <f*£ tries. Drybur^JJji md John Reutc;.
    47 words
  • 12 14 LAWRENCED GET FOUR 1 'in J d *rday. >>* Sox w or K.VMC
    12 words
  • 160 14 TOKYO. Wed. rr&E Peking people's Dally A Mid recently that Communist Chinese athletes may win tome events at the Melbourne Olympic Games. Named as one hopeful at the Olympics was 20-year-old welghtlifter Chen Chlngkai. Peking Radio recently claimed he set a new world record
    160 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1101 14 al JfvWu. one ticket can ■am take you to CO widespread, so eflkient, is the with 35 years of airline operational a- Qantas organisation, that— if you perieoce to back its 60,000 miles of wish— you can buy one ticket for luxury international routes, its superb Super-G travel to practically
      1,101 words

  • 1034 15 193 ENTRIES FOR 4-DAY PENANG MEET PENANO, Wed. A TOTAL of 193 horses I 54 from Class 1, 64 from Class 3 and 75 from Class s— has been entered for the Penang Turf Club's four-day August Bank Holiday Gold Cup Meeting on July 28, and Aug. 1, 4 and
    1,034 words
  • 171 15 LONDON, Wed. ACmCEET bat, which was first ibc4 tat India M years ago, hi still knocking op ram. Across it ta scrawled the autograph of William Gum, who played in 11 Test matches for England, the last of them taking place In 1M».
    171 words
  • 150 15 r pONVKNTIONAL and Pro-i \j gramme, two clever winners at Bukit Timata last week, have been promoted together with Royal Worllngton II and Rao Rajah to Class One, according to the latest amendment to the s.R.A. dasaiflcatloii list Other transfers are: Class
    150 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1870 15 -*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^n^~^~^^^^^-- Xt piy b c lirst tUut !»/%■.:-< :r m- oouble- v Augiwl for Mr-Condition-rtl ulan !':M3,"af* r offife Tele -jr.edia-e nc- tore* O»1 Tinng I H-u»nd R° a(i with I r:fi ir :a >~. !\vn JM .*r north unfurr.:- 1 yew j -B,is«r)«. txtrt. c ?o? s i^;
      1,870 words
    • 585 15 THE DRINK FOR FAMILY HEALTH Mm* WL _m mWJ IN THE BLUI TIN WITH THE WHITI COW NEW FREE GIFT SCHEME Collect from tins of delicious NUTRICIA 8 automobile Gift Cards. On production of these you will receive an attractive, descriptive Album to keep your cards in. When you have
      585 words

  • 407 16 COUTH CHINA AJL of Hong Kong last nig ht won their first match here, beating Singapore 3-2 at Jalan Besar Stadium. The visitors played up to expectations and the 8,000-odd spectators who braved inclement weather, were not disappointed. Singapore, too. played a good
    407 words
  • 288 16  - HELP THE YOUTH AND MORE HALLS -urges badainton By V. P. NAYAGAM KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A LACK of proper halls and an inadequacy of training facilities are the main impediments to progress in badminton among Malayans, says Wong Peng Soon, Malaya's badminton celebrity. Peng Soon, who as professional coach to
    288 words
  • 162 16 LONDON. Wed. p\)RMER England spinner x Douglas Wright was in great form when he took eight Middlesex wickets for 30 runs on the first day of their county cricket match against Kent at Maidstone today. Middlesex were bundled out for 64 runs. Scores at the tea
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 150 16 Six finals and two semi-finals will be decided on the first day of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association championships at Jalan Besar tomorrow. The finals are: hop, step and jump, three miles (men), javelin. high jump, shot putt and 80 metres hurdles (women)
    150 words
  • 192 16 PAHANG BE A TEN Kelantan to meet South Zone finalists KOTA BHARU, Wed. KELANTAN beat Pahang 3-1 In the Eastern Zone final of the Malaya Cup soccer tie at the .Kota Bharu stadium today. The game was watched by a crowd of about 5,000. Kelantan will now meet the South
    192 words
  • 79 16 LONDON, Wed— The international field of nine probable starters and jockeys for the £M,150 King George Sixth and Queen Elizabeth Stakes. England's richest race, over one and a half miles at Ascot on Saturday Is: Kurun 9.04. (C. Smirks); Daemon 9.04 Rlbot 9.04 (E. Camici);
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 26 16 LONDON, Wed.— England won two Home lawn tennis Internationals yesterday. They beat Wales 7-1 In Newport, and Scotland by the same margin In Edinburgh.
    26 words
  • 244 16 w Team of 15 for Jakarta international meet may have to be reduced THE Singapore continx gent to compete In the international weightlif ting and bodybuilding contests at Jakarta next month may have to be reduced because of insufficient funds. It was originally planned to send a
    244 words
  • 27 16 b Entries for the V.M.c.A. men's J singles (handicap) tennis tourna- 1 ment to begin an Aug. 11 will 1 close on Aug. 10. i
    27 words
  • 225 16 Formosan golfers play in rain storm 'THE two golfers from A Nationalist China who took part in this year's British Open championships at Hoylake, Chen Ching Po (25) and Lv Liang Huan (20), played in an exhibition match at the Singapore Royal Island Club yesterday and, in a handicap match,
    225 words
  • 233 16 OBBULTS Of last sight's Slnga- pore Badminton Associations Junior championships matches: Men's Stogiee: (third round): Aatt Ahmad bt. Teo Yang Chua 16-10. 15-6; Tan Hock Chye bt. Yong Yoke Lin 16-13, 15-3; R. Ismail bt. Oei Kirn Hock 15-3, 15-6; WllUe Tay bt. Bobby
    AP  -  233 words
  • 160 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. QELANOOR graded men's singles **> champion Lota Pak was the first seeded player to be eliminated from the men's open singles in the Selangor Lawn Tennis Championships when he was beaten In straight sets by the holder, Y. Y. Kwok of Seremban,
    160 words
  • 576 16 MARY WANTS TO BE THAT 11.3 sec MAR A CHANCE FOR SINGAPORE'S BEsTJI SPRINTER TO EARN 'OLYMPIC Tlc K S rpHls weekend's Singa--1 pore A.A.A. championships will be the first trial for Singapore's best prospect to the Olympics, Mary Klass. Asia's second fastest woman and holder of the Colony and
    576 words
  • 274 16 SINGAPORE have not been stronger in women's field events as they are now, and last year's domination in these events at the Malayan meet is ample proof of it. With a star-studded cast of Singapore and Malayan much improved women in the
    274 words
  • 50 16 Singapore "A" team to play South China of Hong Kong on Saturday at Jalan Beaar Stadium will be: Yew Cbong; Vass, Johan; Rashld Qlman; Ibrahim. Ah Hoe Harvey, Ismail Yusoff. Ahmad Kuaope. Reserves; Idros Altar; went Kee. Chong Kum. Yong Kong, Tahlr. Sahar. Palanluppan.
    50 words
  • 118 16 KUALA LftH SELANGoM night can-e'-^H l '«nal chaiuS Natekar. ut... match by t^jH promising y.^l next three c 9 points to Cupppr P. 8 -^B the two dfe'^B the Indians :J some very Surjtt Ra; ;-o play again;: NsvgH lirst set H| Surjtt H H H hauled him before
    118 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 791 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pace S) SITUATIONS VACANT |»H.,rrf«f.; (Min.j—BoxSstU. txtr: LADY TYPIST WANTED. Mu&t be experienced and efficient. Apply •tatlng Age, Qualifications and fialary required to Box A 4107, S.T. DOCTOR to take over practice In growln, town In Perak on attractive terms. Apply early for details Box A
      791 words
    • 72 16 «STGG<ASoCyOJi It is no mere accident that tne buy from us is such a remarkable keeper. Before we srli it to I carefully inspected, thoroughly m j accurately regulated. Our exp« give your watch "that final tc years of experience in making M 1 adjustments necessary to such m j
      72 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 56 16 8OCCEB S.A.F.A. DIt. SB: Custom. F»rtcr Juniors, GeTlang; Aston 8.C. T GjwUiiu, Farrer Fwk. B.G.SJ-.A. Cup: Mr. 1: Marines v Police "A", Farrer Park; P.W.D. t WllftlMp, Fkrrcr Park. Unite* Smnkm Imih »>»• 1: Boyal 8«mli t Naval Wanderers, Naval Baa«- Dh. S: B.E.M.E. t Knnji, KBMK; Athenians t RJi.S.C,
      56 words