The Straits Times, 23 May 1956

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. He** I**1 Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 709 1  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN Three merdeka men return to Singapore with agreement on one point Ey We decided in London, they say 11M AS SUCCESSOR? IfIREE members of the merdeka delegation returned to Singapore yesterday and dec lartfl "Mr. .Marshall must go. The delegation di'cidi'd on this in London."
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  • 10 1 MR. MM MR. SEAH MR. LEE
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  • 96 1 Plane with Mr. M diverted to Bahrein BOMBAY, Tues. I 'Hi plane earryteg .Mr. I'.ivkl Marshall home thi- London talks developed engine trouble and was diverted i» Mali re in as it was Mai imm Cairo to koimia.v, jt Mas learned tat Inday. Mr. Marshall left London MMtrday after
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 836 1  - Major Bob goes into action It the oung lovers NAN HALL THEY SEEMED DOOMED TO DISAPPOINTMENT.... BUT NOW ITS A WHIRLWIND WEDDING By A 6 a result of a chance meeting in Tyersall Road on Monday between an Army major and a 20-year old WRAC, a wedding will take place
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  • 99 1 CONSTABLE SHOT AT PHOENIX PARK A SPECIAL Constable on duty at Phoenix Park caused a stir yesterday evening when he shouted "Call an ambulance I have been shot!" With blood dripping from a gunshot wound on his right forehead, Special Constable Kanaran Perumal, 27, ran 300 yards to the guardroom
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  • 40 1 JERUSALEM, Tues. The Arab town elders of Nazareth are objecting to air raid shelters being built there because, a Government source said, they are convinced the town would not be bombed or shelled in the event of war. A.P.
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  • 36 1 WASHINGTON Tues. Mr John Foster Dulles, the U.S. Secretary of State, said today he had told the Indonesian Foreign Minister that the United States could not support Indonesia's claim to West Now Guinea.
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  • 42 1 TOKYO, Tues. A group of 16 Korean orphans who looked forward to an air trip tonight to take them to new homes in the United States instead found themselves In quarantine when on c of them caught the measles.— Reuter.
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  • 19 1 KAMPALA, Tues. Lions have eaten 40 people recently in the Ankole district of Uganda. —A. P.
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  • 45 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The draft of th e Defence and Mutual Assistance Treaty between the Federation ana Britain should be ready in a month. i Considerable progress was i made at today's meeting of the working party, a spokes man said.
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  • 23 1 JAKARTA, Tues. The National Security Council today announced that it would meet tomorrow to discuss allegations of large-scale copra smuggling. Reuter.
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  • 214 1 Paddy he's an oldtimer—pays tribute to his boss KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. SERGEANT Patrick "Paddy" Mooney of the RASC has been driving Army Staff cars for 16 years. In that time has has played chauffeur to 16 generals. And. says "Paddy", they don't come any better than
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  • 52 1 A woman collapsed and died as she prayed before an altar in a temple in Nell Road, Singapore, last night. Madam Whatt Ah Meng, 45, was giving thanks to the temple god for "curing" her of Illness. She told an attendant she had a headache. Then
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  • 533 1 TAPPERS GET NOTICE OF WAGE CUT 'Less pay from July, unless...' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. jyjALAYA'S 320,000 plantation workers now engaged in a "go slow" are faced with further wage cuts due to the falling price of rubber. Estate managers have been told by the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association to
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  • 113 1 PENANG. Tues. ABOUT 1.200 contract dock labourers may go on strike at any moment as their employers have rejected their wage claim. The »'?e talks were adjour .v-b this morning when the employers wanted time to consider the demands. Mr. V. David, secretary
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  • 50 1 CHICAGO, Tues. a Chicago widow left nearly US$5OO,OOO for the care of stray animals, it was revealed yesterday. The will of Mrs. Alice Bourke, who died on May 3, divides the money equally between the Illinois Citizens Animal Welfare League and the Anti-Cruelty Society UP
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  • 283 1 Berserk Gurkha in dawn drama PORT DICKSON, Tues. A senior police officer gave blood tonight to save the life of a Gurkha special constable he helped to shoot down in a 90-minute estate drama. It started at 4 a.m The Gurkha and a Malay special constable were on duty at
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  • 21 1 SWEDEN INVITES REDS STOCKHOLM, Tups. Soviet leaders Marshal Bulganin and Mr. Khrushchev have been invited to visit Sweden.— Reuter.
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    • 33 1 In llnmtur of -,1111 Ruddha Jayanthi Wrsak „,11 MM I \i'iii\rrsary of I Ituddha) lr M ihlishmrnt will remain ■lOIIW TO-MORROW p.H. HENDRY, hiring wellcrs s ,rh Bridge Singjporc-6. famous /or qtu&fify
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  • 217 2 Singapore as I see it by Boyd COLONY'S VALUE AS A FOOTHOLD OF FREEDOM AND THE PERIL OF RED SUBVERSION Minister on TV says: 'Heaps of goodwill for Britain' LONDON, Tuesday. Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, said in a television interview here yesterday that possession by Britain of Singapore
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  • 35 2 The talk on Singapore's Master Plan by Mr. D. H. Komlob. to be given at today's luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club, has been cancelled. A business meeting will be held Instead.
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  • 52 2 HOLLYWOOD, Tues.—Comedian Jerry Lewis, undergoing tests for a possible heart ailment, worked a limited schedule today at his film studio. Dr. Marvin Levy said Lewis would remain under surveillance and would receive a daily cardiogram. The comedian had previously been found to have a heart
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  • 110 2 Why talks failed -the real reason ON the break-down of the mrrdrka talks .Mr. Lennox Bovd said lin- majority of the SinKapore delegation were not prepared to recommend to their own people that the British Government would not mm- unreasonably its reserve powers. "I think they rather doubted their ability
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  • 25 2 The Singapore Rural Board will hold its next meeting on Friday in the conference room of the Chief Secretary's Office at 10 a.m.
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  • 82 2 TOLD TO PAY IN KIND HE DUG A DITCH PARIS. Tues.— Tubby M. Michelin. haulage contractor at Ecommoy, near Le Mans, who is a supporter of Pierre ("No taxes") Poujade. refused to pay rates. So the town council ordered him to pay "in kind." The sentence: dig a ditch 320
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  • 19 2 The Singapore Society of Amateur Dancers will hold its annual meeting on May 27 at 3.30 p.m.
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  • 145 2 SIXTEEN Indian (iris, with 12-inch plaits and wearing multi coloured saris, brought work on a Singapore wharf to a temporary halt yesterday when they stepped ashore from the Canton. The girls, students at the Lady Irwin College of Home Science, New Delhi, are
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  • 226 2 WARNER BROTHERS (THE TALKIE PIONEERS) SELL OUT We're getting old, says Jack, 63 LONDON, Tuesday. TACK WARNER explained yesterday why he and a his brothers the Warner Brothers who introduced the talkies have sold control of their I rood film company. c getting old," be I am 63, and I
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  • 24 2 Technical films about motoring will be shown at the Singapore V.M.C.A. auditorium. Orchard Road, at 8 p.m. today. Admission ts free.
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  • 152 2 'THEY THINK I AM NUDE BUT...' LONDON. Tues. STRIPTEASE artist 3 Phyllis Dixey told a secret to Northampton magistr *es yesterday about her act, which the police alleged was indecent. She was never nude on the stage, she said. "I was covered with liquid silk which
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  • 29 2 TRIPOLI, Tues.— Mr. Mustapha Ben Hallm. the Libyan Prime Minister, is to spend a week in Britain next month at the invitation of the British Government.
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  • Untitled
    • 46 2 COLOMBO, Tues.—About 900 prisoners serving sentences in Ceylon were released today under an amnesty granted to mark the celebrations of 2,500 years of Buddhism which begin with the full moon tomorrow. The majority of those released were short term prisoners—Reuter.
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    • 28 2 NEW YORK: Sir Edwin Plowden, chairman of Britain's Atomic Energy Commission, left by air for London after a three-week tour of atomic energy plants in the United States.—A.P.
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    • 31 2 MELBOURNE: The Victoria State Health Department reports that more than six out of every 10 parents have agreed to allow their children to be immunised against polio with the Salk vaccine.—Reuter.
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    • 21 2 WARSAW: Mr. Daniel Mayer, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly, arrived here for a short visit.—Reuter.
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    • 18 2 ANNAPOLIS: President Soekarno arrived at the U.S. Naval Academy here to the roar of a 21-gun salute. —A.P.
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    • 34 2 GENEVA: The ninth World Health Assembly here approved a budget for 1957 of U. 5.510.700.000 for the World Health Organisation. This wa s a half a million dollars more than the 1956 budget— Reuter
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    • 21 2 WASHINGTON: The United States hopes to send an ambassador to new'.ylndependent Morocco "within a few weeks" a State Department official said—A.P.
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    • 17 2 BUENOS AIRES: The Argentine Government has authorised West Germany's Lufthansa Airline to start commercial flights into Argentina.—A.P.
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  • 48 2 BUECHEN. (West Germany), Tues.— Another 261 Germans, among them 28 former soldiers, arrived here today from Poland under an agreement between the West German and Polish Red Cross. The soldiers were imprisoned In Poland on war crimes charges but have now been paroled.— Reuter.
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  • 40 2 TOKYO, Tues.— Pekin R Radio disclosed today the name of the first Chinese Com-munist-constructed car which it said will be coming out ol the factory soon. The name given to the newcar was "Liberation." U.P.
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  • 61 2 NEHRU PLAN FOR ALGERIAN PEACE NEW DELHI. Tuts Mi. Nehru put forward Point pl an Algerian settlement hi on the equality >3 residents. ;!rdl °U declare an end to The French Go; recogniso the nation! of Algeria: Racial equ Recognition that n is the homelan I pie resident there Algeria
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 49 2 The Governor I Black, will preside at a m meeting which the Inter-R Kious Organlsatioi pore will hold the YMCA auditorium 1 The meeting will "be dressed by tho Deputy V. Besar of Johore. n»S Ismail, tho Vei Robert <v ton. and Mr. G. Q
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  • 22 2 HONG KONO Japanese film festli h°ld in Peking and cU other cities or n. month. Peking R Ed today.— A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 K CUCI I A UOZM v 1 Mm IfiNITION CONTROL ADDITIVE /J/W/ J&£gL W you can buy
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    • 43 2 Choose any Colour ggjEBEJJJk in those two H^gßP^ superb paints ROBBIALAC MALAYA fr BORNEO^ lets have a Barbecue and make it twice astastyFrench's Mustard adds wonderful Havour H and sandwiches plut French's Celery Silt md w will make any Barbecue twice as tasty.
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  • 383 3 H-BOMB: HOW MANY LIVES AND HOMES? I huildinss wlthia 2 miles cruihed, within 15 mil— damaged -unofficial guw Scientists peer into man-made hell pi R I) Mount A M.Kinlcv. off BiTues— ScientHi; iv began Jalvsiw! effect t the Hi'sl American !f lM>;'H WE exploded L, miles above »i i island
    Reuter  -  383 words
  • 132 3 Queen sends a message to Voroshilov Sincere desire for peace LONDON, Tuesday. Till dim-cm his told the Soviet President that she .hired his hopr that last month's visit to Britain -mifi leaders. Marshal Nikolai Bulganin and Mr Mkita Khrushchev, would lead to "improved friend,l understanding;" between the two countries. The
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 55 3 hike'i aftermath Tues Sheep i 100.000 arc dy- tern Queensland i .--hearers strike. tor the sheep ■> said today. i that the strike. <;.\th month, has "mi unshorn sheep. D| as much as wooL This burden U much as 301 b. becomes wet mud. he said. to
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  • 161 3 Police called in after college boys invade girls* dormitories POCATELLO Idaho Tues. —About 50 male students broke a girls" dormitory at Idaho State College yesterday, grabbing panties and other undergarments while I the girl students screamed and squealed. Two hours later college boys sprayed cold water from
    AP  -  161 words
  • 122 3 He claims empire of islands MANILA, Wed. A FILIPINO has stoked claim to a scattering of uninhabited islands. coral reefs, sandbars and shoals across a vast stretch of the South China Sea. His action caught international diplomats napping. The Philippine Government made no comment. Tomas Cloma. a former newsman and
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  • 52 3 NEW YORK. Tues.— The Indonesian President. Dr. Soekarno. on a state visit to the U.S.. yesterday fired a non-atomic shell from one of the army's 280-millimetre atomic cannons at Fayetteville. North Carolina. He was later presented w'th a certificate attesting to his ability as a
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  • 39 3 SEOUL. Tues. South Korea's National Assembly today declared 81-year-old Dr. Syngman Rhee president for a third four-year term starting Aug. 15. The assembly declared Dr. John Chang, of the opposition Democratic Party, elected vlce-Dresident. Reuter.
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  • 27 3 MANILA, Tues.— Gen. Sir Charles Loewen, Comman-der-in-Chief. Far East Land Forces, is scheduled to arrive next Thursday from Singapore for a three-day goodwill visit.— U.P.
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  • 253 3 Pictures? Popov pops off, by order He puts zing in the ring, but star Moscow clown takes an anti-Stalin table I ONDON, Tues. Po- pov the clown has been demoted all because Stalin hugged the bear's share of Russian political publicity. Popov, short, beaming and bandy, is the crowdpulling star
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  • 24 3 ATHENS, Tues.— The West German President, Dr. Theo-I dor Heuss, left here for home today after a state visit to Greece. Reuter.
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  • 287 3 LONDAON STOCKS LONDON, Tues. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp duty were: LOANS Consols £53% Funding 4% £90 U War 3'4 r £72 —1/16 BANKS Mercantile (£l2fc> 14 Eastern (£5) £7«4 Chartered (£5) t... 34/3 Hongkong ($125) £93% INSURANCE Com. Un. (uts.) 86/1014 /3 Royal 83/7», /3
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  • 174 3 Science assumes role of Mr. Stork MAPLES, Tues. Dr. 11 Abner I. Weisman of New York City said today that science is making exciting gains in helping couples have babies. "Today about 35 to 40 per cent of all childless couples seeking medical help can eventually have babies," said Dr.
    AP  -  174 words
  • 67 3 NEW YORK. Tues.— MajorGen. EX.M. Burns, Chief of staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation in Palestine, will be asked to come here when the Security Council next meets to consider the Middle East situation. U.N officials said today. They said a date for a
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 52 3 HONO KONG, Tues.— The Dutch liner Tjiluwah sailed today for Singapore and Indonesia after a week's delay because of a Peking warning that "persons in Hong Kong intend to sabotage or do harm" to a group of 25 Chinese students who were to travel on the
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  • 86 3 Husband charges 'mental cruelty* HOLLYWOOD, Tuesday. ACTRESS Marie McDonald known as "The Body" was sued for divorce yesterday by Harry Karl, millionaire shoe store owner. He charged her with caus- ing him "grievous mental suffering" and asked for custody of their two adopted children,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 160 3 O BRINGINGFTHE f ffis= WORfllQlgHJir V ;p^| The New, Powerful, Moderately -priced 7 Valve Radio Receiver with 9 functioni and Tuned R. F. STAGE AR True Hi-Fi reproduction control over the whole range of volume by special rcu| t Continuously variable separate Bass and Treble Control with visual Gators. 4
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    • 257 3 CAPON REARED SPECIALLY FOR THE TABLE SHOP AftRAMCfMENTS VttAK DAY 24TH MAY 195* SINGAPORE W« on dating all day tomorrow and there will b< no doHvorios. Order to-day for Friday. PINANG Wo ara ctotlna. at 1 p.m. to-morrow and there will be one momma, delivery only. KUALA LUMPUR 4 IPOH
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  • 84 4 THIEVES WANTED TO 'BUY' WATCH PNANO, Tues. Three nine-year-old schoolboys were held up at knifepoint here today by a pair of teen-age Chinese robbers. After taking a wrist watch from Teoh Cheng Huat, one of the thieves offered him five cents for it. Teoh refused the money. The three boys
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  • 53 4 Three robbers forced a taxi driver to turn into a wasteland* off Dunman Road, Singapore, on Monday night and relieved him of $16. The thugs, who boarded the taxi in East Coast Road, snatched the ignition key and caught the driver by the neck
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  • 279 4 DIPLOMAT SEEKS IMMUNITY German vice-conml hears traffic prosecution... then shows passport He could avoid even a murder charge, says defence counsel THE German Vice-Consul in Singapore, Dr. H. Scholten, yesterday permitted a prosecution against himself for inconsiderate driving but invoked his diplomatic immunity when called make his defence. Dr. Scholten
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  • 191 4 IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT FOR PAUL AND LOVELY TERESITA The senorita waited seven monthsbut the last hour was the longest lI7HILE happy reunions were taking place on board the Canton yesterday, one pretty passenger stood alone on the deck, anxiously scanning the wharves. For an hour she kept
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  • 165 4 SAVED BY HIS PRESENCE OF MIND A BUSINESSMAN'S presence of mind saved him from a bad mauling by thugs in Market Street, Singapore, last night. Mr. Tan Tock Seng had just entered his car with another businessman after visitIng a friend when a youth approached him and said: "Come out,
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  • 54 4 The University of Malaya Geographical Society will hold Its annual dinner on Friday at the Tai Thong Restaurant. Happy World. The guests of honour will be the Vice Chancellor. Sir Sidney Came, Mr. B. W. Hodder. Prof. R. Crowe of the University of Manchester, and Prof, and Mrs.
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  • 35 4 SEGAMAT, Tues. A 17--year-old girl, Benon binte Abdullah, has been reported missing from her home at Kampong Paya Merah In the Labis area. She was last seen at 4 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 199 4 DEFENCE IN FATAL ACCIDENT WSi A DOCTOR attached to the Singapore Gen Hospital yesterday told the First Traffic W that after an accident involving his car ho Susan Neely pick up a child. He left his c hurried towards her, he said. Dr. Edward
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  • 83 4 Chong Kai Siong. of North Bridge Road, was acquitted in Singapore yesterday of making a false statement in his application for an entry permit for Madam Ho Teck Ciioo of Hong Kong who. he said, was his mother. The prosecution said that Madam Ho had
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  • 28 4 KUALA TRENGGANU, Tues —Mr. D. J. Randall has resumed duty as OCPD here after taking a Malay course at the Kuala Kubu Bharu Police College.
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  • 183 4 Govt. is not a machine inaccessible to people in need of help, says Chew SINGAPORE'S acting Chief Minister. Mr. Chew Swee Kee, told committee members of the Ylo Chu Kang Community Centre yesterday: "The Government Is not a machine that is inaccessible to the people but consists
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  • 23 4 ALOR STAR. T Mahmood and 1 Chlk, winnei Malay folk song wili represent K national ton Festival of Culture Lumpur In
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  • 136 4 Man forged monk's cheque- jailed A RADIO salesman, Tan Koh Keng, who forged a cheque for $1,800. was Jailed lor four years by Mr. Justice Knight In the Singapore Assize Court yesterday. The cheque, which was drawn on the Overseas Union Bank in favour ot Chan Cheng Kal. the monk
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  • 21 4 Cake man fined IPOH. Tues. cake seller. Chaw t was toed $1 moving H katis cakes without i food reitrlci d <■
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  • 9 4 Village- blaze PENANU house In KM Prai was desti
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 Jy l^l"y^Li^Mb^»MSM WaHy» ""> row h«c I^B THIS MONTH'S pRMMI K^VHMj I x ■>-"-■■"< ISSUE INCLUDES. '^0 *$f fc Ufiti 'V T>l| HlL^L^fl ■afc"'" r^«iW li £i*»^ i ~i^ifc/^%'/ v.W Sp PA. 106-2 f|% IS THE LAST WORD DSf *f 1/ MOTORING PERFECTION... ■^^^WS^_ ■t I Available in right-up-to-Hie-minute tmart
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  • 457 5 Improvement Trust launches ambitious five-years scheme rrHK Singapore Improvement Trust will spend 1 $120,000,000 in the next five years to build more lh;«n 21,000 homes for people in the slum ari ;i, ;ind the increasing population. The cost of this scheme, which provides
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  • 86 5 MR. LAI BOON SEONii carries his smiling bride over the threshold of his house after their wedding in Teluk Anson District Office. Mr. Lav, a dental technician at the Dental Clinic in Teluk Anson, is the second son of Mr. and
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  • 172 5 The nursery is builtnow they have a home '•'lll (iiivrrnor. Sir RoI hrrt Black, will open s, neu nursery iiome for l!n iit-lilute children in I'.iikit Timah Koad tomorrow. The home, which ■taadb <m acres of I 1 ml. i- a gift of ihe Lee I < imitation to the
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  • 51 5 BATU GAJAH, Tues. The Federation Game Department Employees Union decided yesterday to "take action" to get an early settlement of its claim for a salary revision for game rangers. The union submitted its claims two years ago. Last year the government made counter proposals, but these were
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  • 60 5 IPOH, Tues. A DEAF and dumb cyclist created a problem for the traffic police this mornr he collided with a police van in front of the railway .station. Police failed to understand language <xplanation of how the accident occurred. Kionj Tet Voon. 25, was taken
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  • 23 5 Gambler fined KLUANG. Tues.- Heng Shaj Aas fined $50 or 10 I lor permitting her i be used as a common tamins house.
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  • 159 5 Degrees and top jobs 'EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY' THE Singapore Har--1 bour Board Local Senior Officers' Association yesterday maintained that experience should count more than university qualifications for top Jobs in the Harbour Board. The association's president, Mr. R. B. Milne, told the Straits Times: "We don't Kgree that officers can
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  • 53 5 Police will call 19 witnesses to testify against a labourer, P. Shanmugam, 29, accused of murdering his wife, Gofh Yoke Keow, 35, a preliminary inquiry in Singapore was told yesterday. Shanmugam was alleged to have "intentionally caused" Goh's death in Owen Road on April 4. The
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  • 251 5 Buddhist festival begins BUDDHISTS in Singapore are starting today a crowded three-day programme in honour of Wesak and the 2,500 th anniversary of the death of Lord Buddha. The celebrations began at 6 a.m. today with the ceremonial hoisting 01 the Buadhist flag. Throughout the
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  • 83 5 Chew gives advice Thirty students sailed from Singapore in the De Eerens early today for the AfroAsian Students' Conference in Indonesia— each with a bit of personal advice from the Minister for Education and acting Chief Minister. Mr. Chew Swee Kee. It was this; "If you
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  • 49 5 Five yellow-robed Siamese Buddhist monks, headed by His Holiness Somdej Phra Vanarat Maha Thera. chief of the ecclesiastical council in Siam, passed through Singapore by Qantas yesterday. They were on their way to the celebration of the 2,500 th anniversary of Buddhism in Colombo tomorrow.
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  • 68 5 PENANG, Tues.— DetectiveSergeant Ong Huck Chin, of the photographic department of the CID, was slashed on the hand and leg when he tried to arrest a man who had run amok at McNair Street last night. Brandishing two knives, the man defied a police radio patrol squad, till
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 106 5 —WONDER WHEELS N° t S <&3&£V^. The story of the name >&W£^ XlvlvUlvv ltfuSf^ $L J /^^Qfiyf »i^s\ ayky V/The very name HCICUI'GS ■■fr^^xSp V stands for STRENGTH i V msSsSm Of all the heroes of olden times, the strongest VmA Xjl hßtcS^F was Hercules. To-day the name still represents
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    • 214 5 U machined to the thousandth of a millimeter sot. Aw,,, B. P. de SUVA, LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) 19-21, High Street. Siiigaporc-6. Phone ***** No. 1. Bishop Street. Penang. Phone 3093 Associate Co.: STORCH BROS. (1949) LTD.. Kuala Lumpur •ittribitors:SIOW HIAP BROTHERS II LIEN WAH WATCH DEALERS NANYANG WATCH CO
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 219 5 INDIAN FINE ARTS SOCIETY: i Mr. and Yeo Kirn Klat, 28. Breeze Variety programme of Indian lite Road. 8 p.m. and culture by touring Delhi SINGAPORE ART SOCIETY: college girls, Anglo-Chinese School i New beginners oil painting course, auditorium. Barker Road, 8.30 pjn. British Council gallery, Stamford ROTARY CLUB: Business/
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  • 42 6 Khoo Bian Seng, 19, was sentenced to six months' jail in Singapore yesterday for stealing four cheques from a businessman. Mr. Shashilam Kashyap, in Owen Road last August. Khoo gave notice of appeal and was granted $500 ball.
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  • 62 6 Sir Allen Brown, secretary to the Australian Prime Minister's department, and Mr W. Heseltine, private secretary to the Prime Minister, arrived in Singapore yesterday by Qantas. They are to meet the Australian representatives in Singapore and Malaya for the next four days on government business. They will later
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  • 20 6 Sardar Dewan Singh was fined $50 in Singapore yesterday for not submitting his 1955 income tax returns.
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  • 186 6 EXPECTED LAST MINUTE OFFER DIDN'T COME THE ISSUE: RISES OF $15-$45 THREE THOUSAND Singapore Government clerks, who are demanding pay rises, will take a strike ballot this evening. mmm They had hoped the Government would make i a last minute counter offer to their
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  • 139 6 'Ten times dearer to live in Singapore' PENANG, Tues. A SINGAPORE Customs officer, Edward Lange, charged with failing to pay his wife two months' maintenance, said in court today he could not afford -to do so because the cost of living in the Colony was "ten times higher than in
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  • 65 6 Pay news for army men today ABOUT 1,500 a r m-y--civilian employees in Singapore will know today what their pay increases will be. They are members of the industrial group of the 16,000-strong Army Civil Service Union. The union's president, Air. N. S. N. Nair, said yesterday he had been
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  • 32 6 The death has occurred at Sherlngham. Norfolk, England, of Mr. J. C. Rash, who practised for many years as a solicitor with the firm of Drew and Napier in Singapore.
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  • 235 6 MRS. BOWER: I WANT TO SEE THE BOYS— It|RS. R. H. BOWER, wife of the Federation's new lfm Director of Operations, arrived in in the Canton yesterday. With more than 10 years' experience of army welfare •york in Britain, Europe and i 'ales tine, she looks forward to meeting "the
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  • 137 6 DIDN'T SEND TAX RETURNS FOR 6 YEARS CHAN Tham Choon. a Singapore City Council assessment officer, was fined a total of $150 yesterday when he pleaded guilty to not submitting his Income tax returns for six years 1949 and 1951-5. Chan originally faced seven charges but the prosecution yesterday withdrew
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 THEDRINKFOR £p=ss^ I FAMILY HEALTH IB^^^S IN THE BLUE TIN WITH THE WHITE COW NEW FREE GIFT SCHEME Collect from tins of delicious NUTRICIA 8 automobile Gift Cards. On production of these you will receive an attractive, descriptive Album to keep your cards in. When you have completed a full
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    • 169 6 C l« *N *N i^ciiyi ii Arrow Fancy Lightweights Add to their light, airy fabrics all the superior craftsmanship and //^>- <^\ quality for which arrow* is fa- AffH '/TIH/" mous, and you have one of the smartest ways to coolness. w (r* Vv^ *ii You'll find ARROW Fancy Light-
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 170 6 radio malaya Regional u lt Z3BStt2Jrrsz Singapore Saras aat s ■•--üb.—"-— J97m A.M. 7.1 b Time Signal and Open. A.M 8.00 H.E The High Com- Ing Annct.; 7.16 Piano Playtime; mlssloner «f the Federation's Com- 7.30 News: 7.35 A Date With monwealth Day Massage to School Music; 8.00 News Headlines;
      170 words

  • 134 7 'GIVE UP GUNS' DEMAND 'Why should we?' ex-Guards ask I^UALA LUMPUR, lv Tues. Twenty thousand former Home Guards, mainly in Pahang, are protesting against the Government order to hand over their weapons. They say they paid for their shotguns and therefore own them. Unwilling to allow big weapon concentrations in
    134 words
  • 56 7 Officials of the Singapore Graduate Teachers' Association have been elected as follows: President, Mr. Yapp Thean Chye; vice president, Mr. J. C. Ngui; secretary, Mr. Chan Joon Gek; treasurer Mr. R. Thambyah. editor Mrs. Tan Choon Seng; committee. Messrs. V. Ambiavagar, S. C. Thong, T. Singh, Karim
    56 words
  • 20 7 PENANG, Tues. Five bottles of brandy worth $90 were stolen yesterday from the Bali anchored in Penang Harbour.
    20 words
  • 378 7 MALAYANS DO GET LESS BUT WE AGREED TO THIS' KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that people should stop comparing the pay of Malayans serving in the British armed forces with that of British servicemen. He said
    378 words
  • 123 7 COURT GRANTS WARRANT FOR DISPOSSESSION— 23 HOUSES INVOLVED rE Singapore Improvement Trust yesterday got a court warrant m dispossession against occupants of 23 houses, built unlawfully on Crown land in Rochore Canal Road, Albert Street and Short Street. AU the defendants in the case admitted the charges against them and
    123 words
  • 187 7 Suddenly he plunges down to his death HE WAS SEEM DOING PHYSICAL JERKS WHEN... MOMENTS after a man was seen doing physical jerks on the 15th floor of Asia Insurance Building in Finlayson Green, Singapore, he plunged 200 ft. to his death yesterday morning. He dropped Just as a police
    187 words
  • 244 7 AIRMAN UMPIRED AT MATCH— LATER HE WAS FOUND SHOT Verdict adjourned, coroner told OENIOR Aircraftman Dudley John Veale, 22, of R.A.F., Seletar, was said yesterday to have umpired a cricket match one April afternoon and then been found shot though the head the same evening. Kie Inquest yesterday tgapore Coroner,
    244 words
  • 61 7 KUALA TRENOGAN J, Tues. Che Zauriah binte Kamaruddin, second daughter of the Mentri Besar of Trengganu, Dato Kamaruddin bin Haji Idris, was married last night to Inche Ahmad Zabidi bin Mohamed. Inche Ahmad, an Arts graduate of Perth University. Australia, is Deputy Assistant District Officer in
    61 words
  • 60 7 BUTTERWORTH, Tues. Tan Seng Say, 52, alleged to have offered a $50 bribe to a police officer, was granted $2,000 ball here today. He was charged with offering the money to Inspector Pathmanathan at Kepala Batas on May 21 to induce him not to take
    60 words
  • 127 7 A BUDDHIST high priest, who was cured of tuberculosis, yesterday gave $400 to the s.A.T.A. clinic In Shenton Way. He Is the Very Reverend Slak Kong Hiap, high priest of the Long San See temple in Race Course Road. The gift was
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  • 32 7 ALOR STAR, Tues—A law to stamp out racketeering in cinema tickets will soon be passed in Kedah. It Is being drawn up by the State Legal Adviser.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 221 7 owixi *W 2 1 JWLS 17 JWLS Q* tOENTSandLADIES.i| !hHISTKLMIIB«M,§j| I ANP SOLD TOP. Ohfjmdblc fromAosi I Watch Oea/ers. v Q« j r I ■•^fjbdbo^ covXf c:ui de j J colojine 1 •-•ilk- '^aj 'hlhiluii soir l^^J MMMWM WATCH CO LTD '1 End Rheumatism While You Sleep A stabbing pa»n«.
      221 words
    • 305 7 BBflsW fl l^sttw PWEJpt^^* \A tj v T3 'A &Si What a sweet smile this charming B m■■ f* U T" 1 bride has There are two things her I SwPlLl^itlT home will never be without happiness a I and Sunlight. She knows that sweet smelling Sunlight Soap will take
      305 words

  • 90 8 20 Words lit (Minimum) THE FAMILY of the late Mr. C. M. Nalnan thank all Relative* and Friends for their Wreaths, Assistances and Attendance during their bereavement. MRS. H. VAN OAATSKLAAR hr.s to say farewell to all her friends in Maiaya and would like to thank them for their
    90 words
  • 600 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. May 23, 1956. The Narrow Gap A week after the breakdown of the London negotiations the immediate future in Singapore can be seen a little more clearly. No doubt much still depends on the coming meeting of the Assembly, the manner in which Mr. Marshall
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  • 308 8 The Wandering Unionists It has become increasingly apparent that Malayans have developed a craving to go abroad to learn new ways of doing things and to establish contact with the peoples of other lands. This Is encouraging testimony that Malayans are not too proud to learn from foreigners or to
    308 words
  • 218 8 Thirty Malayan students who left yesterday for Indonesia, and the Asian-Afro Students' Conference in Bandoeng, sailed with some sound advice from Singapore's Minister for Education. "It you find the conference Communist", said Mr. Chew Swee Kee, "have nothing to do with it." There is in fact no doubt
    218 words
  • 963 8  - PASSAGE TO A NEW INDIA lain Lang by 'THERE is something very Indian about the custom of looping long ropes of yellow flowers about the neck of a guest of honour. That is to say, it is rather flamboyant, rather sentimental, a little tiresome and half a dozen heavy garlands
    963 words
  • 538 8  - The NIGHTMARE of 2000 A.D. MASSEY STANLEY By WORLD POPULATION: 4000 MILLION SYDNEY. IIfIAINLY for defence w reasons, Australia has built up her population by over a million in postwar years. But that won't help her against ultimate invasion from neighbouring countries, according to Sir Charles Darwin. A grandson of
    538 words
    • 516 8 IF HE IS A "LOYAR" HE MAY BE ANYTHING Tiff ALA VANS are clamour- ing for independence; Malays are clamouring for Malay to be the official language of the country; E and lately one Malay coun- cillor in the Penang MuniE cipal Council even suggestEed that all signboards in E
      516 words
    • 240 8 TOHE letter by Anak Buml on "Sarawak People's Party" was very interesting and Informative. Whilst most of the Kuching people have heard of this proposed party it is rather disconcerting to learn that it is to be run on the lines of the P.A.P. of Singapore.
      240 words
    • 177 8 All to boil one 4>fiy I SEE that "Samy" of P. D. asks what justification there is for selling a pian hard-boiled egg in the canteen for 25 cents whea they are available at 13 cents. Well, first of all the egg has to be conveyed from the market to
      177 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 814 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. U Word, lit (Mlmlmum) OROUCUTT: At Bungwr Ho«P on 21.5.56, to Pam»!a, wife of Michael, a son. 20 Word* HO (Minimum) ANDREWS- WEST: The engagement is announced and the Wedding will take place In London In September, between John, only ton of the late Mr. F. Andrews and
      814 words
    • 107 8 MALAYAN RAILWAY GOING TO THAILAND? Through International Express passenger services run twice weekly leaving Prai (Ptnani) for Bangkok on Mondays and Fridays, and Bangkok for Prai (Penang) on Saturdays and Wednesdays. These trains connect at Prai with the Malayan Railway night mail trains from and to Kuala Lumpur. The International
      107 words
    • 58 8 SUCTION CLEANER 1 (With improved features dm aw J^^ LIST PRICE Spore Penang $140 1 Federation 5149 M Advertisement 0/ the CENERAL ELECTRIC CO. iM. Representing THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. vi OPTICIANS L. C. SMITH FBOA D ORTH I A. J. HUGGETT. F.S.M.C. MICH STK*' 1 13. BATTIRY ROAD. KU
      58 words

  • 168 9 THERE IS HOPE YET FOR CHEE FONG -ucrE la a dimmer of 1 10-year-old toce Fonu who !f born a cripple. A or. housewtfc Euhe Salvation Army both prepared to and i -ood nell and Lt- Salva- larters, yesI •bi Straits W offering to help Chee not Ket ad- <>:
    168 words
  • 131 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. TWO Malayan wives here today began a journey that will reunite them with their offlcer-husbands studying at the British Army Staff College in England They are Raja Zahara binte Raja Haji Shahar Shah, wife of Capt. Ungku Mafarauddin bin Ungku
    131 words
  • 109 9 Police make third arrest in murder case l.mri R. Tues. t third arrrst lias been -id' in connection with •."'murder of a Confucian xhool tc.ii her and her Bwthrr-in-hi\v at the Gov(mmrnt quarters in Kampn( Pandan here on Kirch fi. v wmths aged 14 and 19 tan bffn charged. A
    109 words
  • 500 9 No doctor and baby was dying THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN, HOSPITAL MAN TELLS CORONER urn™ KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. WHEN a five-month-old baby boy was taken to the casualty room of the general hospital here on the morning of Feb. 17, no doctor was available although there should have been
    500 words
  • 42 9 PENANO, Tues. Penang schools will observe Empire Day a day earlier this year, to avoid clashing with Wesak Day. a public holiday In the settlement. The High Commissioner's message, originally fixed for Thursday, will be broadcast to schools tomorrow.
    42 words
  • 280 9 Martine puts on a cheongsam and takes a vow COME SLEET OR SNOW ILL WEAR IT IN PARIS' FRENCH FILM STAR Martine r Carol put on a cheongsam for the first time in Singapore yesterday. And she was so delighted with the result that she Is adamant she will wear
    280 words
  • 22 9 THE HAPPY FOURSOME from left, Dave, Major Cathmoir, Vera and best man Terry. Straits Times picture.
    22 words
  • 193 9 IN 200 YEARS WE WILL SPEAK IN MALAYAN The Malay language... plus MALAYA will have its own national language— built around the Malay tongue— by the year 2156. Tuan Haji Zainal Abidin predicted yesterday. Tuan Zainal Abidin, who is a senior lecturer in Malay studies at the University of Malaya,
    193 words
  • 96 9 TENGKU: $2,000 m. NOT TOO -MUCH KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Tengku Abdul Rahman said today that the Federation Government had not considered approaching the World Bank for a loan if the full amount of the $2,000 million it hoped to raise in Britain was not realised. Replying to a Straita Times
    96 words
  • 41 9 RAWANG, Tues. Workers on the Kapar Bahru Estate, 13 miles from here, ended their 11-day strike today after the management agreed to transfer one of the clerks. The 250 workers downed tools when a headman was sacked.
    41 words
  • 59 9 MALACCA, Tues. Nine girls will be In the finals of the Malacca "Golden Voice" contest at the Radio Malaya studios here on Saturday. The winner will receive a cup during 4V >c Telecoms regional dar^e at Seremban on June 16. She will also represent Malacca
    59 words
  • 26 9 IPOH, Tues.— A 55-year-old villager, San Sek Mooi, who broke the curfew in her village was cautioned and discharged by the Ipoh Magistrate today.
    26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 87 9 1 GLASSES OF FRESH MILK IN EVERY tLB J""^"-.^ A V I/ J x I i -that's why ¥°v can taste the cream 1&{ DAIRY MILK WHOLENUT D *'RY MILK FRUIT NUT D »'RY MILK NUT MILK wS£\ REAL ESTATE "KONG you °'c inf«r*s#«d in purchasing P'opcrty or in any
      87 words
    • 90 9 fcl Don't take a chance take a (arjstartj H/fl iff" When a man notices a girl's hair she's using a Silvikrin Shampoo Ve»> a Silvikrin Shampoo makes your hair lovelier than ever before. Gives it a deep, thorough wash. Feeds it with new health and beauty. That's because every- Silvikr!r>
      90 words

  • Untitled
    • 675 10 They hurtle down to the spell The Jungle Folk decide to make a balloon so that they can fly. Mat casts a magic spell and makes Rukiah's party balloon bigger then they tie a basket on the bottom and get in. The balloon goes
      675 words
    • 180 10 Pen palj from Ceylon A BOY from Ceylon has written asking me to find him a Malayan pen pal. He is: Raja de Silva, aged 14, St. Joseph's College, 'Big Dorm' Colombo, Ceylon. A girl from Ireland also writes. She is: Judith Mac Cafferty, aged 13, 56 Maiborough Street, Derry,
      180 words
    • 158 10 USE PAINTS OR CRAYONS Dear Boys and Girls. Here are the six winners of our versa contest in which you had to sudd I v the last line of a ooem. Alice Koh. 282 lalan Alsagoff, Pontian. Johore Ng Swee Tiang, 9 Kirn
      158 words
    • 283 10 DAVID IS 'SWAMPED' WITH LETTERS HAVE you ever heard of someone needing a friend because he has got too many friends? Well, this has happened to David Abbe, the young American boy of St. Paul, Minnesota, about whom I wrote sometime ago. Apparently so many of you wrote to David,
      283 words
    • 206 10 C)ULD you please tell me how to write to a pen pal?" writes Letchumi. "I wish you would help me with the headings and endings of my letter." Well Letchumi, you begin your letter by saying: Dear John, or whatever the pal's name is. Then
      206 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 244 10 MOTHER/ BUILD THEM UP WITH A BREAKFAST FULL OF HEALTH AND ENERGY! Start them oft" with a real good /^^Efot*As*^ JtlW breakfast— serve Welpar Shreddpd jßß^*Sr Wheat, the food that families thrive on. Every rielii ious portion is packed with V^^^Bm health, strength and vitality. It's 100" n jBBr Br
      244 words
    • 47 10 CCC Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club. Please enrol me as a member of the Wise Owls Club and tend me a badge. I am enclosing six CCC. coupons and a stamped self -addressed envelope. Same t a<^Mk>u»>'i •> •'•MttHaM >t ...:^j, ,v«%:v
      47 words
    • 187 10 i ONLY t^jhjfr J j GOOD ENOUGH from $40 /-N. -A/ ">^ W l 3 Earrings set in 18-ct I i gold from $56/- Zs~ Brooches from $120/- ~}r-*\ I D FUJIYA' BRAND Cultured Pearls I are real pearls U Modern science has merely learned ■1 how to control their
      187 words

  • Untitled
    • 1315 11 BRASH, fast-talking young American •impresario" named Florenz Ziegfeld variety show at London's Princess one evening in 1896. Entertainment j was made when he realised the possibles of a saucy little French singer named 0 Held. flic tout of the Continent, she
      Daily Mirror  -  1,315 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 158 11 I I FUNGICIDAL CREAM No SINGAPORE FOOT should be without Fitoban Fitoban is a soothing cream specially recommended for the treatment of Singapore Foot. You can also use it for treating dhobie itch, ringworm, barber's rash and other fungal infections of the skin. Fitoban is non-greasy and will not stain
      158 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 83 11 Rvx Morgan. M.D. tt H wt9t mmmmm f^ rr* NOT TW*T, TWERE'LL NEVMt KA~\ f COBBECTiON. UL* T I'M GOING TO DRIVE T t PONT vVANT VOL* l^^ss^^^Tj SSis^/^^T^ SB£^°^li s H^i Dick Tracy Goiny out atone MATERIAL AS THE SUfT DUG I RFEN Cl ITf I GO IL. WCWIWHIu^^^
      83 words

  • 426 12 RUBBER DRIFTS TO LOWEST LEVEL FOR 17 MONTHS By Our Market Correspondent J.ACK of overseas support continued to push the price of rubber to lower levels yesterday and the closing price at 81 J cents per pound for June first grade was the lowest since early December 1954. The price
    426 words
  • 37 12 On the free exchange market In Hong Kong yesterday, the I.S. dollar was quoted at 5.85*; for cash and 5.87 v. for T.T. Sterling; was quoted at 15.80 and one tael of gold at 288%.
    37 words
  • 240 12 BROKERS REPORT The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "There was again selective support tor industrials at quotations. Tins were slightly irregular, whilst rubbers were inactive." Singapore and Federation Brokers reported the following business done yesterday: Fraser and Neave ords $1.71</ 2 $1.71. $1.70 (odd lot>; Gammon 1.67 4 xd. $1.84
    240 words
  • 155 12 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchance: noon prices per pk-ul yesterday were: Copra: quiet: May $29 buyer* $29' fellers. Coconut oil: quiet: bulk $45 sellers, drum $47Vi sellers. Pepper: quiet, with np business reported done; Munttjk white $91. Sarawak $90. special Sarawak black $69 (all varieties unchanged*. Singapore Copra Association
    155 words
  • 91 12 Shipa lying; alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Hannover 12, Gleniffer 4 5, Urlana C.P.. Benalder 67, President Monroe 8 9. Daitaku Maru No 1 11, Denblgshire 13 14. Singapore 15 16. Ra.iula 18. Leneverett 1920. Sumnitan N. Wall 2. Bernmpank N Wall 4. Sedill
    91 words
  • 150 12 June first rrade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday, at 81 t cents per lb.. down 2? B cents on Friday's closing price The closing tone wa« uncertain' Closing prices in cents per lb were: No. l R.S.S. Spot fob buyers 82 4 sellers B%; No. 1
    150 words
  • 10 12 OFFICIAL PRICES SINGAPORi IIN; >-i7lt'»i P""i (down x '1 COPRA;
    10 words
  • 66 12 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS here today. though fa covered there wai market iir.T.r: movemenLoans |i Loans .•?>,' 19SS Con zm, Bank of N s Mount I N. Broken Hill Hill 50 Mount M i Peko iWeslern M Ampol. Ex Oil Search 1 Aust. Consol inj"' a.p.m (new) Bradford B. Hill Pro. Courtauld
    66 words
  • 23 12 Egyptian CAIRO. Tues. terday thp exchanseat> currency exchange ftxed national M Egyptian Natii i lish buyer and Previously change rain- i sterlinp.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 201 12 M Ft U mic_P^-L The only tourist service that offers you SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE! Enjoy delicious complimentary hot meals -cocktails at nominal charge. Big reclining seats with adjustable footrest Fly Super "Strata" Clipper* to Saigon, Manila and on across the Pacific to tbe U. S. A. Super "Strato"
      201 words
    • 527 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA SCHOLARSHIPS. Applications are invited from Federal citiaens-for scholarships leading to appointments in various Government Departments. Candidates should possess university entrance qualifications. The awards i cover courses in Accountancy, Agriculture, (awards may be given for pure Science), Civil and Mechanical Engineering (for tbe
      527 words
    • 519 12 NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION ALL MEMBERS of the above Association in tbe Colony of Singapore will be closed for business on Thursday 24th May. 195* for Vesak Day. NOTICE Federation of Mateya Security Loan (1952) 510.090.00t 5% KcgMera* Stock 1962/71 Notice is hereby given that the Register of
      519 words
    • 629 12 TENPfeRS P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Clans 'C and above registered P.W.D. contractors will be received at the office of the State Engineer. Pahang at Kuantan. up to 12.00 noon of the Bth June, 1956 for the Erection and completion of an English Secondary School at Kuantan. Pull particulars are
      629 words
    • 364 12 KNUTSEN LINE orient service FROM CANADA/US. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sailing San Arriving Vancouver Francisco Spore P. Swct. Penan; f I Kristin Bakke Sailed sailed 3 Jun 6 jun 7 |un I Anne Bakke Sailed tailed 16 |un 19 |un 20 |un i: Elisabeth Bakk c 16 |un 30 |un
      364 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1137 13 „,405 MANSFIELD dt CO., LTD. T oi. 4 i» THE BLUe'fUNNEL UNE j^HIHH iingopor. Due Sails p. Sham p erono w Morse.lles May 23/24 G. 31/32 Moy 23 Moy M/tf m^ nm i°SZ. Av=nr,outh May 2S/27 May 28/29 **"> 10 J Jane 7 j una 8/ 4 fc Oa*JBH May
      1,137 words
    • 2019 13 Wn/9Bf^MJSSSSjnKBgJgJgnjJLWM m ßMn^ BAST ASIATIC UNES OVTWA P X^Hr^».sMr., M Penong p. S'hom S'por. KAM>OOIA I. Part 24/2* nWy MA6DALA i r i mm 8/18Jaaa 11/13J.n. ViOJaae 11/12Jaaai 12/14Jaaa MVA IS/UJaaa 17/18 Jan. If/22Jaaa HOMEWARDS s. Hmg, f«r Caaaa. Antaara, Retard. Ttii iHijjiii Spore P. S'hom Penong rALSTRU 29-20/S 31/S-l/*
      2,019 words
    • 1268 13 McAUSTER tfc CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** «f.f.M«l€A»l 4k BUCKMALL KLAVCNKSS LDfB LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS AMOELES. SAN FRANCISCO. HAMRUR6 PORTLAND, SEATTLE 4 VANCOUVER ond for Ui.A.. North Atlantic Ports *»t° for Centsal 4 South ond Canoda ond via Colombo America CITY OP MANCHESTER s WAM I VIUI penr^ 2ImST/7J-m
      1,268 words

  • 195 14 PARIS, Tues. A USTRALIAN champion Lew Hoad is anj overwhelming favourite for the men's singles title in the French international tennis cham- 1 pionships here but he was not a favourite with the large holiday crowd on the centre court at Stade Roland Garros yesterday. Hoad
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 412 14 SUSSEX STAY ON TOP WITH TWO-DAY VICTORY LONDON, Tues. IIfHILE Sussex yester- day strengthened their lead with a twoday victory over Middlesex at Lord's, Surrey, the holders, and Yorkshire, strong contenders this year, were well beaten in County cricket championship matches ending today. Surrey
    412 words
  • 808 14 THERE are very good entries for 1 the Singapore lawn tennis championships which begin on Saturday. Thirty-two have entered for the men's singles. Ong Chew Bee. the champion, will be defend his title and along with him are seeded A. O. B.
    808 words
  • 135 14 James hits 1 1 6, forces Aussies to bat again CAMBRIDGE, Tues. q^HE AUSTRALIAN cricketers beat Cambridge University by ten wickets in the three-day match which ended Before tea today on the third day. Robert James, a 21 year-old Cambridge University freshman, hit 116, which was the first century by
    135 words
  • 215 14 SCOREBOARD Australians— lst Inns. 414-7 dccl. CAMBRIDGE— IST INNS. O'Brien c Langley b Archer 11 Wilrnkin c Archer b Lindwall 19 Lumsdrn Ibw Benaod 3 Singh c Archer b Brnaud 22 Goonesena c Lindwall b Benaud 23 McLachlan b Lindwall S James c Langley b Lindwall 0 Smith C.S. st
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 30 14 BERLIN. Tues. Hugh Stewart (U.S.) defeated Yugoslavia's Valdimir Petrovic yesterday by 6-4, 6-0, 6-4. to win the men's singles title in an international tennis tournament here.
    30 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      315 words
    • 351 14 SHAW BROTHERS ORGANISATION Alii; today! CAPITOL i%^^" THLRS. 24TH 9 a.m.:' A* Bl III; r Is v vTiTTT starts pry fo TODAY! ,nCA.l^> KM I MO4J HJlFn^' fl j^ IT HAPPENED ON E^^THE NAKED n| IT 'jvSTKEET Farley GRANDER Anthony Ql I\\ v '''MlKiij I Thur. 24th 9 a.m.: SPRI\(;|
      351 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 305 14 Straits Times Crossworc I? j is I I I U I is I le 7 8 9 To" 19 20 21 22~ 23 2* 26 mmm mm across 13 So listen for the prose Veda llt pays dividends outside the <* K ordinary (10 5) 14 One "s^ t0 ?we
      305 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 366 15 I 1«. I B| I Bfl I nATiONS WANTED I M «..i 50 et: extra 2 Indian Cook- ibs* inriie- K Road. Apply .<■ K i B fie SERVANTS l :i.::ese Asian K ,m Labour .4*34 191 K .ipoie. DRESSER. Young W ed Denmaik. 4 K ai la pobi- I;
      366 words
    • 414 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 10 Words $S (Min.)-Box SO el,, extra. AVAILABLE IN FIRST Class European Guesthouse, Double and -ingle Accommodation, Lon-'bath tpC Lounge, Refrigerator, lull' Board. Tanglin. Ring *****. lIOENA European Guest House. Seafront, in, Meyer Road lear S.S.C. Large double room' Balcony and Private Bathroom. Pull Board and Laundry Tel--*****
      414 words
    • 451 15 TUITION 20 Word, $S (Min.)— Box St ct: extra. EUROPEAN DESIRES PRIVATE Tuwjrs in Malay. Mandarin. Piano. Olve qualifications Box A 3223 S T THE AUTO DRIVING School, i o-ll Penhas Road, otf Lavender Street. Phone ***** for Tuition at Its Best. LEARN TO DANCE at Universal Dance Studio, 1,
      451 words
    • 480 15 DANCING tt Word, $10 (Minimum) Datla I month. 10 Word, 52.50 (Mm.) RAFFLES HOTEL Nightly Dance and Floor Show from 9 to 12 p.m. SEASIDE RESORT, Paslr Ris Hotel. Dine Dance Hawaiian Band nightly. CHICKEN INN. Seavlew Hotel. Dancing 9—12 p.m. to our Continental Band. Saturday extension 1 a.m. ADELPHi
      480 words
    • 805 15 HOUSES LAND WANTKD I 20 Word, $S (Min.)— Box SO el,, txlra. FREEHOLD LAND Wanted area around 4,000 sq. ft. district Upper i Serangoon or MacPherson Road I area, location, plan, price Box i I A 3208, S.T. FOR HIRE 20 Word. tS (Min.)— Box Stet: txlra A LARGE RANGE
      805 words
    • 865 15 VEHICLES FOR BALE 20 Word, $j (Min.)— Box Met: extra. A GOOD SELECTION of Secondhand Cars and Lorries for Sale at competitive Prices with I Eio" P.ivmentv Apply Ouan Soon Transport Co. Ltd., 28 Anson Kci. Tel: *****, *****, *****. SINGAPORE USED CAR Co. 1 38. Cavenagh Road, offers: 1955
      865 words
    • 571 15 aaaaaP atf^aK^^^^^aaaU^^^ IM^ BBBBBBBBBaa r^^ \l ~3 ~-^P ■.^■■B I Ii iR I Sol* AvenrsB R. E. MORRIS CO., LTD. 18. BATTERY RD. SINGAPORE. TEL: ***** I■■ Quality Tested USED CARS We have the most attractive range of reconditioned cars, of a variety of makes to offer at prices from
      571 words

  • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tl^offuW iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    • 28 16 R.A.F. Seletar beat R.A.O.C. 4-0 in an United Services Soccer League, Div. 1 match at Ayer Rajah Road yesterday, scoring through C'oburn (2), Slaven and Jones.
      28 words
    • 17 16 Sukaramal S.C. beat Haikowyu S.C. 2-1 in the SAFA Div. 2A match at Geylang yesterday.
      17 words
    • 1191 16 KIM FATT 18 OPTIMISTIC BUT HE IGNORES IMPORTANT FACTS KOBBERO, HANSEN GOOD FOR FOUR POINTS BETWEEN THEM By The Sports Editor SPORTSFRONT today crosses swords with one of Malayan badminton's best-known and best-liked personalities, a man who as a player, coach and official is
      1,191 words
    • 163 16 NARROW WIN FOR FATHUL pATHUL Karib beat r Chinese Athletic "A" 1-0 in a fast and, thrilling S.A.F.A. Div 2A match at M.F.A. ground yesterday. Fathul Karib, who are making a strong promotion bid, had a slight edge over the Athletic in combination. Only the excellent goalkeeping of Robin Chang
      163 words
    • 159 16  -  SAUL JOSHUA By WANTED: by SWIFTS WANTED: two athletic teams. Please apply secretary, Swifts Athletic Association. Singapore HPHAT is Mr. Goh Teck 1 Phuan's problem. For until they find two "guest teams," Swifts cannot hold their annual triangular meet a traditional season "opener" of this club.
      159 words
    • Article, Illustration
      280 16  -  MOK SIN PIN By Olympic hope puts studies before sport MORE bad news on the sports front today. Singapore's Olympic hope, 16-year-old Norma Hutchinson, has decided to give up competitive swimming. This, only a week after Nee Chwee Kok's announcement that he was turning professional, has reduced Singapore's
      280 words
    • 209 16 A REPORT hi a newspaper stating that club coaches were annoyed at the Singapore Combined Schools Sports Council for making their own efforts to coach schoolboys was refuted yesterday. A prominent club coach told the Straits Times there was no "hornet's nest" being stirred,
      209 words
    • 70 16 Singapore Cricket Club beat Seletar F C. 6-1 in a S.A.F.A, Dlv, 2A fixture on the padang yesterday. McDonald (3). Barnes. Harvey and Paterson scored for S.C.C. and Mydin for Seletar. A penalty goal enabled R.E.C.A. to beat Singapore Recreation Club 2-1 in a
      70 words
    • 43 16 Seletar W.R.A.F. avenged a previous defeat by beating Girls' Sports Club 17»7 in a friendly netball match at Serangoon Road yesterday. In their previous meeting, Seletar were beaten by 26-4. Their top scorer yesterday was Cpl. Val Bayley who scored nine.
      43 words
    • 319 16 We'll do well at Melbourne says the hockey coach By LIM KEE CHAN SINGAPORE'S O 1 y mpic hockey coach, Noel Hay, who has just returned from a tour of Europe. Is optimistic about the colony's chances at Melbourne. Hay has seen almost all the European sides, generally considered the
      319 words
    • 228 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. rE All-Malaya Soccer XI, who meet Vietnam In their return Asian Soccer Cup fixture at Princes Road stacfium on Thursday, will have a difficult task. Not only will they have to beat the visitors but they must win by. a margin
      228 words
    • 251 16 IXfINDSTEDT and Mountbatten Houses tied for the championship (School I) at the conclusion of a two-day meet of the Monk's Hill Schools I and II yesterday. Both houses scored 53 points. Cavanagh House were third with 46 points. Frisby House won the School II championship
      251 words
    • 259 16  - IT WAS JOLLY SAILOR'S 9th WIN EPSOM JEEP jQTrmcs By JOLLY SAILOR goes J down in the records as the biggest stakes; winner in one racing centre. His nine victories at Bukit Timah have netted over $80,000. In his first season, in 1954, Jolly Sailor won three races valued $26,856.
      259 words
    • 145 16 Ali Joha gets 78th minute winner GOAL outsUfc Johan from Marino L defeat, creation ciuh 2 "i exciting first division tjj Jalan Bosar S yester It wa s a game f u p ed chances ard vr,,' o! 3 learn During had the rockiny am their n ball ran v
      145 words
    • 157 16 THREE out of 16 bouts of the Boys' Town inter-house boxing tournament held at Bukn Timah last night, ended in technical knockouts. Bosco House won the Ec Peng Liang Shield with 14 points and Montfort were second with eight points. Results: Victor
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 800 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. li onlinurd from Pace I) SITUATIONS VACANT I'iHorrf, fS (Min.)-Box it) rli. extrm. REPLIES TO BOX No. A 8321 are thankr the Posts are now filled. WANTED 10 LADY Clerks Exp. Shipping Wharf Superintendent, Jr. Salesmen. Contact Ho Chian's Agency, 86-A Robinson Rd. Tel: *****. WANTED EXPERIENCED BookKeeper,
      800 words
    • 178 16 GOOD COMPANIONS! WHEN YOU BUY A BELL Or HOWE CINE CAMERA AND PR °I ECT< ;;:;'|:'j;ji|^fg^\ YOU BUY MATCHED i:jj|||**f&*d PERFECTION IN MOVIES' uXgljiJi l;fy-?i| The BELL t HOWELL 1 ■■^■h" ji %jr~ 1 Toi °P efa ln 9 »P C \^jj^%^S£f <Yj\ Ulephoto lenso Price $325/- S tO'l The
      178 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 114 16 SOCCER SBHFA, LEAGUE, Div 1: Shell v Sime Darby. Jalan Besar; Mercantile Bank v Pulau Bukom, Farrer Park; S.T.C. v Hongkong Bank. Seranfoon Road; F N. v Ford, River Valley Road; Div. 2: Metal Box v Stanvac. Farrer Park; S.C.S v Mansfield,' padang; Guthrie v CAW, MFA ground; Bata v
      114 words