The Straits Times, 21 May 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times He**** Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 21, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 295 1 Heeded to launch 5-year development plan: Oovt. hope for low interest rate Col. Lee for London next month KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. r-HK FEDERATION Government is to seek a 1 $2,000 million loan in Britain to finance its jiu'-uir development plan. iriul Rahman, announcing this today iter
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  • 140 1 Thee valley that was brought to life :T Valley mi a i when Macey bought it I t is a of 2,890 'mmodating z the trans-v E the valley i bich was to rioath by win. moved on 'caving barren ground in their wake, into a chinning, almost rural i
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  • 37 1 L The Italian Party has orK? a r members, whose tx en christen- Ed with the name "Stalin," to change it to something else, according to a Christian Democrat News Agency report.
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  • 208 1 LEONG IS FIRST DEPUTY PRESIDENT KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. T»HE Malayan Chinese Association today decided j to support in principle any move for a merger of the Federation and Singapore. The annual meeting of the association's general committee also adopted a resolution empowering the central working
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  • 93 1 Gen Bourne gets his wish KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. BEFORE he left Kuala Lumpur, the former Director of Operations, Lieut. Gen. Sir Geoffrey Bourne, made a special request. It was that Sgt. Bill Mooney, 49, the driver of his staff car for the last two years, should be allowed to accompany
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  • 53 1 Death in the bag NEW YORK. Sun.— A thief who broke into a home in New Brunswick. New Jersey, took, among other things, a box of chocolates soaked in arsenic which the owner of the home used for poisoning rats. Police are trying to track down both the thief and
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 32 1 First one dropped from the air BIKINI, Mon.— The first United States hydrogen bomb to be dropped from an aircraft was exploded early today over Bikini, atoll in the Pacific— Reuter.
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  • 27 1 HONG KONG. Sun. A bus travelling from the Chinese border plunged into the sea today. Two people wertkilled and 30 injured.— UP.
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  • 23 1 HONG KONG, Sun. A Hon K Kong Auxiliary Air Force Auster aircraft plunged into a hut today, killing the pilot.— UP.
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  • 17 1 CAIRO. Sun. Egypt signed an arms agreement with Poland here today. Cairo Radio announced.— Reuter.
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  • 390 1 Marline flies in —minus her voice SO FRENCH... AND LOVELY, SHE ARRIVES 'SO SEECK' By PATRICIA MORGAN 1%/ f ARTINE Carol, iTI France's reigning glamour queen, arrived in Singapore yesterday without a voice. But despite her speechless state—due to a severe attack of laringytis the blonde film star's flashing eyes
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  • 220 1 Michael of Rumania works for American firm SAN FRANCISCO, Sun. Ex-King Michael of Rumania has begun working for an American aircraft firm in Santa Monica. After two months' training the ex-King, an experienced pilot, will go to Switzerland to head an advanced flight Instrument training school for
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  • 1144 1 MARSHALL TO RESIGN ON JUNE 6 Chat with Nehru on way home From HARRY MILLER LONDON, Sun. qpHE Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall will hand 1 the Governor, Sir Robert Black, his resignation and that of his Cabinet immediately after the Legislative Assembly meeting on June 6. He will also
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  • 432 1 Cable from London: Don't listen to Lee MR. MARSHALL cabled an urgent message from London yesterday urging Singapore workers to seek constitutional means to j,4>ress their feelings on the failure of the merdeka talks. He warned that strikes for other than legitimate trade disputes were illegal. The message was addressed
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  • 60 1 'CAKE TIN WAS A MINE PLYMOUTH, Sun.— A motorist found what he thought was a rusty "cake tin" on the beach near here, put it in his car, and drove away. After driving two miles he i examined the object more thorouehly and telephoned the police. They arrived to find
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  • 31 1 COLUMBUS, Sun. Ohio penitentiary has called for 25 inmate volunteers to be injected with live cancer cells in an effort to solve one of the disease's major mysteries. A.P.
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  • 24 1 PNOMPENH, Sun— Prince Norodom Sihanouk, President of the Popular Socialist Community in Cambodia, left here by air this morning for Paris.
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  • 127 1 Bandits give up to driver TEMERLOH, Sur.. T<HREE Malay terrorist A bosses, including a' woman, gave themselves up to a Chinese lorry driver on the Maran Road, two miles from here last night. The driver took them to Kamponn; Awah police sta- tlon and continued his trlD to Kuantan. The
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  • 37 1 BACK DEATHS BBUSSELS, Sim— l^»ur spectators killed, ci^ht iiijuieii when t"<> can collided in Chimaj international auto race. Keuter. GIANT A SIB WASHINGTON, Sun. L.S. tu build world's UtKest siihininiii' for allatotuic task force. A.l.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 39 1 *7/i Singapore..'s SENA'S always" for High Class Jewellery H. SENA LTD. SINGAPORE, PENANG ft BANGKOK AWARDIO Cold M»d*l *t 10...1.«. B.»w<-<s t.h.h.i.on I«H RIWEO jnd bottled .n Sm^xw. by MjUy*n R.rwwr** and DISTKIIVTIO by Fr«w 0 Nhm
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  • 243 2 But plans for Singapore battalion are going ahead with great rapidity PLANS for Singapore's first locally-recruited operational battalion wanted within a year are developing rapidly, Mr. R. N. Broome, Secretary for Defence and Internal Security, said yesterday. He told the Straits Times that the British
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  • 138 2 He treats political headaches BONN, Sun.— Headaches are the commonest ailment that Herr Paul Week, in charge of the Fest German Bundeshaus (parliament; first aid station, is asked to treat. The larger the number of committee meetings. the more deputies troop along to Herr Weck-s dispensary for tablets. After headaches.
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  • 29 2 WASHINGTON. Sun.—President Eisenhower left short- > ly after lunch yesterday for Burning Tree Club in nearby Maryland for his third round of golf there this wrek. A.P.
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  • 23 2 LONDON, Sun— The Soviet Union and Siam have agreed to raise their respective legations to embassy status, Moscow Radio reported today.
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  • 70 2 TOKYO, Mon.— A 2,000--year-old tomb containing bronzes and other objects has been discovered on the outskirts of Canton ln China, Radio Peking said today. Chinese experts believe the tomb dates from the Han dynasty 206 B.C. to 24 A.D. "Lacquerware, pottery, wooden, human and animal figurines and
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  • 45 2 IN LONDON— FOR ROYAL SHOW POLICE CONSTABLE Mondsharlff Nathukhan (left) and Sergeant Heron Abdul Rahman, two members of the Malayan Police Pipe Band, which is to tour Britain. They arrived in London last week. The Band will take part in the Royal Tournament. Reuter picture.
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  • 158 2 A new base British atom trials? WASHINGTON. Sun.—British and American officials will meet here next week to discuss problems arising out of Britain's reported desire to use Christmas Island, claimed by both nations, as a base for Pacific atomic tests, it was learned today. Although
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  • 279 2 BRITAIN WRONG ON 'TROUBLE ISLANDS' LONDON, Sun. SINGAPORE and Cyp- rus continue to dominate British public opinion. •The Observer today called for a new approach to these "problem islands" and argued that in this age of nationalism the priority of strategic considerations cannot be
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  • 260 2 Max Beerbohm thanks the world and dies quietly CJIR MAX BEERBOHM, the C* British writer, died in his sleep on Saturday night after murmuring the words "grazia per tutto"—"thanks for everything." Death came to the 83-year-old satirist at the Santo Chlara Clinic, at Rapalio. Italy, after a long illness. Beerbohm's
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  • 29 2 RAJKOT, India, Sun.— Six people were killed and 21 injured last night when all nine coaches of a mall train were derailed 24 miles from here. Reuter.
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  • 126 2 GRENOBLE, Sunday. MORE THAN 100 persons were injured when a iTI wave of Communist-led demonstrators stormed the Grenoble railroad station, France, last night to block movement of troops bound for Algeria. m\ Shock troops, helmeted riot police and 500 jnobile guards Joined forces to club
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  • 73 2 Bees stay put and an airline is stung SALISBURY (S. Rhodesia), Sun. Bees grounded an airliner here yesterday. The Central African Airways had tried for two weeks to entice 75,000 honey bees out of the port wing of its new Viscount turbo prop airliner. The bees refused to budge. Today,
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  • 28 2 WASHINGTON. Sun— The Israeli Embassy said today that a shipment of 21 military vehicles blocked by American customs authorities, was being handed back to the dealer.
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  • 104 2 MOSCOW. Sun. Soviet Communist Party chief, Niklta S. Khrushchev, referred to Russia today as "the second greatest world power." He did not say which was the first. His remark came during a reception In honour of French Premier. Guy Mollet. following the Franco-Soviet talks.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 __—^^^rt^Bß Missal mL\ I T 1 )ust watch those glistening Omo too, because Omo is delightfully by hi n nd aC I? n m^ ether y U J r ash Permed. Cet the dirtiest clothes py hand or machine, you do a better, more thorough job when you you can
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    • 54 2 Mp''\i s o I* \va CHAMPAGNE COCWCH I COGNAC „J§m By Naturethe finest brandy is Cognac! By French Lawthe best rognac is "Fine Champagne" Cognac, from the heart of the Cognac District. By Choice the world's largest idling V.S.O.P. Cognac Brandy is REMY MARTIN... •ipped with delight fo»- ten generation-'.
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  • 239 3 I-- A.MI «M. held in biggest ever combined coastal sween NICOSIA, Sunday. r in (iovornment re-imposed a curfew here 1 t0( j n alter a rash of morning rioting which „,n rih force* clash twice with mobs of le-throwing teenagers of the clashes 200 screaming r
    Reuter; UP  -  239 words
  • 48 3 WATCHING FROM a vantage point, with his bren-gun at the ready, a British soldier is shown on the top of Seven Springs overlooking Papithos on the .Mediterranean border where at the moment an Intense search is going on. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 138 3 We won't let Aden go, says Lloyd BADEN, Sun. RITAINS Under Secretary for the Colonies, Lord Lloyd, told Aden's leaders yesterday that Britain will hold onto the colony Indefinitely. Blue helmeted security troops backed by armoured cars stood guard to quell street outbreaks while Lord Lloyd addressed the Legislative Council.
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  • 79 3 COLOMBO, Sun. MnRF than 000 prisoners tda Jail went ttrike today. Enandins that they be imne sty to mark ia| the bis honour of comes only in 2.500 years. So ,:al conces- 0' 1.500 prisoners in about 400 and about other jails freed. :s
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  • 28 3 sAYREVILLE. New Jersey, f-A oar. which crashed I idjoinii g power and iwles here, caused ireuit which set fire laring, telephones and cut off electrihomes. Reuter.
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  • 30 3 COVENTRY. Sun. John McSwan. 54. committed suicide by locking himself in an industrial refrigerator at the Coventry car factory '.■here he worked, an inquest decided here. Reuter.
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  • 28 3 SOME, Sun— Mr. Harry S. mer United States ompletir.g hi s M day In Rome, was tonest of honour at an fria; American Embassy UQuet— Reuter.
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  • 30 3 LEGNANO, Sun. Two-year-old Andrea Pensotti was killed at his home here when he pulled a heavy television set from a table and was crushed beneath it. Reuter.
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  • 47 3 FLORENCE. Sun. Take it ton: actor Anthony Steel: I not true what Hollywood i?s about Ekber«. She's no Steel talking about Anita Ekberg, the Swedish actress he intends to marry here next Tuesday, said: "Why, if she was cold. I wouldn't marry her." A.P.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 36 3 KARACHI. Sun. Pakistan is reported to have sent a strong note to Afghanistan, protesting against an alleged attack by Afghan militia on a Pakistani patrol lorry on the Pakistan Afghanistan border last month.— A.P.
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  • 26 3 OSLO, Sun.— The Norwegian winter herring eaten has broken all previous records. With a fortnight to go the catch has totalled 1,116,000 tons.— Reuter.
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  • 160 3 Friendship pact with Moscow PARIS, Sunday. 'THE French Premier, Mr. Guy Mollet, arrived home A today from his four day visit to Moscow after signing a communique with Soviet leaders pledging his support for improved Russian-French relations. Main results emerging from the Moscow talks were a
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  • 112 3 NEW YORK. Sun.— Former world heavyweight champion Joe Louis won a wrestling match at Columbus. Ohio, last night and was then floored by government tax collectors. Louis had just defeated Cowboy Lee when two agents attached his earnings for the night about USS4OO.
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  • 39 3 Fired— and hired SAIGON, Sun.— Wolf Ladejinsky former U.S. International' Co-operation Administration land reform expert sacked as a security risk, has been hired by the Republic of Vietnam as special adviser to the President, it was announced today. A.P.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 39 3 PARIS, Sun. M. Roger Genebrier, the Paris Police Chief, has given a warning that the city authorities may be forced to ban parkin^ of private cars In the centre of the city to prevent traffic jams.— Reuter.
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  • 45 3 TUNIS. Sun. At least 50 insurgents were killed in a three-day battle with French troops on the shores of Lake Djerid, near Oafsa, Southern Tunisia, military authorities announced here tonight. French planes strafed the insurgents, who numbered more than 100. Reuter
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  • 83 3 ROTTERDAM, Sunday. REPRESENTATIVES of the Greek shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis, have paid a 1,594,--000 guilder (about $1,300,000) bank guarantee for the release of his 13,109-ton whaling factory ship, Olympic Challenger, it was announced here toThe Norwegian Whaling Association had the Olympic Challenger arrested here last month for
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  • 36 3 RIO DE JANEIRO: Schools in the cily of Victori, 250 miles northeast of Rio De Janeiro, were closed yesterday following student rioting against higher bus fai-es. A bus driver was beaten and two buses burned.— A.P.
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  • 27 3 NEW YORK: Governor Averell Harriman and his wif*> entertained Mr. Hugh Oaltskell. the British Labour Party leader, and Mrs. Oaitskell and other guests at luncheon yesterday.— A.P.
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  • 15 3 NEW DELHI: The Indian Government today banned the showing of eight Hollyl?nnrt and other foreign
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  • 40 3 films because they "failed to portray the people of Africa in proper perspective Films like "The African Queen," "Mogambo" and "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" were banned because they concentrated on the primitive aspects of life In under developed areas."— U.P.
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  • 36 3 BUENOS AIRES: A federal police commision said today it had established that former President Juan Peron and other high authorities were responsible for the burning of an Argentine flag and blaming it. on Catholic Church authorities.—U.P.
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  • 22 3 KUSHIRO: Mt. Meakan in Japan today erupted for the third time since November. Police said 500 nearby Inhabitants and sightseers were safe.—A.P.
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  • 26 3 ANGELS CAMP: A grammar school class at Mannheim-Rheinau. Germany, has entered two frogs in the International Frog Olympics which holds preliminary jumps here in California today.—A.P.
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  • 48 3 COLOMBO: A strike in Ceylon's tea gardens by 10,000 members of the Workers' Democratic Congress, was called off today following a conference between union representatives, employers and Mr. Solomon Bandaranaike. the Premier. One worker was killed and three were injured in a clash yesterday, when police opened fire.—Reuter.
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  • 32 3 KATMANDU: The Government of Nepal announced today that there will be no slaughter of animals for any purpose on May 24. when Nepal, with other Buddhist countries, celebrates 2,500 years of Buddhism.—Reuter.
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  • 51 3 BONN: The International Eye Bank said yesterday 492 orders were placed with it for transplants to help eighties* people since the bank was set up here last month. Orders camr from Germany. Holland, France, Spain, Britain, the United States and Canada, the bank said.—
    AP  -  51 words
  • 259 3 Farmers stage protest rally PARIS, Sun.— A farmer's army mounted on tractors yesterday blocked the highways of Prance in angry demonstration for more government aid. Millions of weekend motorists got caught in the giant nationwide traffic jam. Slogan shouting farmers swarmed on to the highways in response to a call
    AP  -  259 words
  • 60 3 SEOUL, Sun. Political tension in South Korea slackened as a disappointed President Syngman Rhee conceded that opposition leader Chang Myun had won the vice presidency. Rhee's statement followed charges that his Liberal Party was trying to steal the vice presidential election by juggling ballot counting
    AP  -  60 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 Any time you wake up feeling dull and sluggish, remember spark(v ling Andrews will soon make you i, poon/ui o f f ee i better. All you need to do is (1) Get out your tin of Andrews. ***g drink, (2) Put one teaspoonful into Ss ■■IPSS water stir briskly
      116 words
    • 184 3 EXCITING FABRICS I AND i I EXCLUSIVE! TAILORING j For the best tailor made j fl 111 H suits slacks I 111 you can always I count on u5.... Tailoring that's perfect to the j I last details fabrics that'll satisfy in every j way j FOR GUARANTEED' TAILORING Visit
      184 words

  • 248 4 Mobile defence for Guards KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The InspectorGeneral of Home Guards, Ma J.- Gen. E. B. de Fonblanque, has drawn up a plan to thwart terrorist raids on new villages for weapons and ammunition. The scheme also provides for a system of mobile
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  • 60 4 The case of technical employees in the Singapore Meteorological Department, who are seeking a revision of their salary scales, will come before the Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal on May 25. The workers, members of the Meteorological Technical Employees' Union, agreed to put their claims before the
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  • 59 4 MR. AND MRS. LIM KEE TEAM pose for the cameraman after their wedding in Singapore. The bridegroom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Geok So©. His bride is Miss Ho Yee Pheng youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 54 4 SEGAMAT. Sun.— A patrol of the 1/7 Gurkhas found 2 lbs of gunpowder, food and other supplies in a terrorist dump in the Segamat district of North Johore yesterday. Also seized were 4.000 exercise books, 300 stencils 110 lbs of beans. 18 tins of milk and
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  • 236 4 ITS UP TO JAKARTA NOW SINGAPORE'S rubber milling industry is in a "very precarious position," the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Tan Siak Kew, said 1 yesterday. "Everything depends on Indonesia." he said. Mr. Tan said that factories were having continuing difficulty getting
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  • 119 4 Keep the port free, he says PENANG, Sun.— The chairman of the board of directors of Guthries, Mr. A. E. Taylor, last night warned that it would be "a great mistake" to interfere with Penang's free port status. "Like Singapore, Penang has flourished on its freedom of trade and nothing
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  • 44 4 The governing council of the Singapore Trades Union Congress has appointed a committee to review its constitution and submit a report to the annual delegates' conference in October. Unions affiliated to the Congress have been asked to send in proposals.
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  • 43 4 A Singapore policeman received severe leg injuries after a collision between his motor cycle and a car in East Coast Road yesterday. Constable Chua Sol Hong, of the Joo Chiat Police Station, was admitted to the General Hospital.
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  • 26 4 Ong Chiow Tee, 36 was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital early yesterday morning. She was rescued from the sea off Clifford Pier.
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  • 38 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun— A bar boy of the Selangor Club, Choo Cheng Hseo, 45, was fined $5 here yesterday after pleading guilty to using abusive language to a policeman at Jalan Raja on Friday.
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  • 739 4 $25,000 contest: The clues that foxed you r|WE names of the prizeA winners in the Malayan Monthly's $25,000 Jackpot Word Puzzle "V" were announced in the Sunday Times, yesterday. Here are observations on what the Judges thought were the most apt and accurate answers to some of the more difficult
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  • 114 4 CHILLI POWDER GANG ROB SALESMAN The haul: $960 and six cheques BUTTERWORTH, Sunday. fHREE men threw chilli powder into the eyes of a travelling salesman and escaped with a brief case containing $960, six cheques and an identity card last night. The robbery took place at the 7th mile ButterworthBuklt
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  • 122 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Australian Minister for External Affairs. Mr. R. G. Casey, has sent a message of congratulations to Lady Templer for opening the $5,000,000 tuberculosis hospital named after her. Mr. Casey said: "Many sufferers who receive treatment and the country as a
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 62 4 The offices of the French. Netherlands and Indonesian Consulates In Singapore will be closed today Whit Monday. Tfae Ceylon Commissioner's office in Singapore and the Federation will be closed from May 23 to 26 Wesak and Buddha Jayantl holidays. In cases of extremely urgent matters, Mr. C.
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  • 32 4 BUTTERWORTH. Sun. A cyclist, Kanamuthu, died on admission to the District Hospital here last night after being involved in an accident with a car in front ot Butterworth Police Station.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 y^ How to keep your dog in -5m top condition! A doil/ teosooonful of DOG-O-SAN soon cures various ailmentsond keeps your dog in tin- top condition He will love his DOG O-JAN, because it contains liver ond rreof. j *i fftCIMIMft TIAPiNC CO IM| ITD HMCA»O*| C jf For the
      303 words
    • 225 4 PY RAM I D THE TOOTAL HANDKERCHIEF In white and colour* for men and women a mmn> handkerchiefs carry the tootal Guarantee of S c Be sure to look for the Registered Trade Mark label on every In null, en-hie t KAIATAV BEFSSSSMTAXmtS WILLIAM JACKS CO. (M ai.a Ya in,
      225 words

  • 299 5 Central committee votes down that Johore resolution KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE general committee of the Malayan Chinese Association today, rejected what several members described as a move to open a "side door" for people to join the committee. The Johore branch had asked
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  • 136 5 The iron in your system a probe KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Radioactive iron will be used to find out why so many people in Malaya suffer from a deficiency of iron in their systems. Some of the equipment to be used in the research has already arrived from the Harwell Institute.
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  • 31 5 The Countess of Suffolk arrived in Singapore by air during the week-end for a three-day stay here. She is on a holiday tour of the Far East.
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  • 19 5 MALACCA. Sun. The Malay Chamber of Commerce here is to seek representation on the Settlement Council.
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  • 19 5 Singapore and Federation scientists will attend the second Plant Protection International Conference ln Britain next month.
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  • 306 5 False start but violins improved later on WHILE listening to last YT night's concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall in Singapore, I was reminded of a remark made by Lliat distinguished conductor Alfred Wallenstein during his recent visit to the city. Commenting on an aside, from a newsman at a
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  • 154 5 Families will not miss a cent ABOUT 100 Singapore families have agreed to tell the Government how they spend every cent of their money this month. Each family has been given a record sheet to note down daily items of expenditure so as to help the Government compile a cost
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  • 43 5 The Vice-President of Indonesia, Dr. Mohamed Hatta, paid Singapore an unofficial visit yesterday. He lunched with the Indonesian Consul General, Dr. H. Kartowiststro. Dr. Hatta and his family were travelling in the Oranje to Medan for a three-day holiday.
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  • 183 5 DOCTOR QUITS —NOW A PROTEST TANJONG MALIM, Sun. The people of Tanjong Malim will send a deputation to the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, about the lack of medical facilities here. The proposal followed the resignation of Dr. A. K. Datta Sarma, medical officer of the Tanjong Malim district hospital.
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  • 33 5 The Yen. Robin Woods, Archdeacon of Singapore, laid the foundation stone of the New Memorial Hall of St. Matthew's Church, Neil Road, yesterday. A large gathering was present at the ceremony.
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  • 71 5 PENANG, Sun.— A carpenter Ng Geok Phuan, said in court today he was only a collector of 100 characters bets and did not receive any commission from bookmakers. "If the punter wins, I only get a small percentage," Ng told the First Magistrate, Mr. Au Ah Wah.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 ))))>>) »»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» >)>> >> vrM>> a Modern Sanitation....! ,i<>t tervtd icith a City connection. I :^TTM IW4UiirtHT-j|| primary Simwm* Disposal Machine opktetf self-contained is provided fin- Unique combination of S McPHERSON FLUSHING TOILET" ~T| I AND J EASICLENE FLUSHING CISTERN" L I i 1^ I i* I ft j ~*"™M™"^.^
      296 words
    • 357 5 L00k... AT THE WORLD WITH CLEAR, BRILLIANT, BEAUTIFUL EYES THI DAIIY USE OMUSTAFtW JPP^T DROPS OF r^P*^ [YEMO DOES WONDERS FOR YOUR EYES Igsie^i austin jß^S^S^S^^SMS^S^S^S^S^Sj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^^^j^B! RHSlSj^SE^B^B^Bpt' ran S e °f I ]B M v K s s T?HM f ?.y Hra trucks Lj BW Normal Control S Tooner. Ctaolw
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 159 5 RADIO MALAYA •Prorrammes thus marked can be received by listeners in Malacca. Short wave 49 62m. Medium wave 476 m.. 343. 366 m. and 297 m. A.M. *8.57 Broadcasts to English SchooU. rM. 'LOO Monday Matinee- M.30 News; *1.45 A Date With The Modernaires: 2.00 Broadcasts to English Schools: 6.00
      159 words
    • 142 5 the Piano; 10.00 Asian Club; 10.30 —11.00 Music for Dancing. Regional SINGAPORE Short wave 6Sm. Medium wave 476 m. AM. 7.15 Time Signal mad Opening Annct; 7.10 Piano Playtime; 7.30 News; 7.35 A Date With Music; 8.00 News Headlines; 8.02— 8.30 A Date With Music; VM. light Music; 5.30 What
      142 words

  • 93 6 AC KNOWLEDGMENTS 2li Wards tin (Minimum) MR. V. PONNAMPALAM and Family extend their sincere thanks to all relatives and friends for their kind assistance condolences wreaths and attendance at the funeral of their beloved second son Bunderaungam. QUEK: Messrs, Chan Yen, Chan Chwee, Chan Chong and Chan Yong gratefully thank
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  • 342 6 FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the '"Malay Mail If you want to win that word purale. ELSIE MARY LTD., 2nd Floor, 13 Battery Road. Superb Collection of Cottons, Afternoon and Cocktail Frocks. FOR EVENING GLAMOUR! Straw Skirts from Italy are received at Modern Silk Store, 34, Hifh Street,
    342 words
  • 702 6 Site Straits Times Singapore, Mon. May 21, 1956. Appeal To Reason Singapore's Chief Minister has made the one incontro- vertible statement on the I post-conference riddle. "At present", said Mr. Chew Swee Kee, "nobody knows where we stand". Mr. Chew may j have been speaking prima- rily of the Labour.
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  • 510 6 The Council Approves The Federal Legislative Council's approval of the education committee's report was little more than a formality. The strength of the Alliance, by whose election platform Dato Abdul Razak and his fellow committee members were guided, was alone enough to assure success. Nevertheless the debate provided Dato Abdul
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  • 1104 6  - A RED CULTURE MS At WORK IN ICELAND LONDON yjere In Iceland a big, under-populat-ed place which has been an independent republic for the past decade or so our American allies find themselves confronted with the same problem that has been challenging the British of late. There is a demand
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    • 607 6 The Bar Sinister in the London talks LET Singapore realise that the "Bar Sinister" and the reason for the failure of the London talks is the People's Action Party, not the British Government. the Labour Front or the Liberal-Socialists. The British Government clearly feared that the next election might see
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    • 74 6 ANY ray of hope that the Merdeka talk will be resumed after a temporary breakdown has now been completely vanished. The final breakdown is indeed a tragic blow to those of us who have placed all our hopes and aspirations of leading a peaceful and
      74 words
    • 211 6 r would appear to the casual observer as if Mr. Marshall is behaving like a spoilt child. He has asked for self-government and not being allowed to have this fully, he goes Into a corner and sulks, mumbling insults on all sides. It would be
      211 words
    • 72 6 Fis now the burden of the occupier, to maintain even the major repairs of the house. Pleas to the landlord to have the house repaired falls on deaf ears, advantage being taken of the acuteness of the housing problem. Would some kind councillor take
      72 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 473 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 2fl Word, HO (Minimum) TOUGH: At 8.M.H., Singapore, on l"th May. to Dorothy and Alex Tough, a dau»:lr HI'TTON: At Batu Oajah 20.5.56 Grace and Gerald, a daughter All very well. FALLOWS: To Brenda, wife of John, a son, Stephen John, at Malacca Hospital on 17.5.56. Mother and
      473 words
    • 8 6 HL I Jl Send tor free leaflet. A
      8 words
    • 61 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE PHONE So6^: COLD STORAGE ARCADE PHONE Jr. r. CmlUik K. E. MEYER n a.0.. 0.0pt., pas. K. W. BELL O.POPT, ASTC pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW I LINHOr The truly "UNIVERSAL" for the amateur, professional pressman SS scientists. Uses rollfilm, filmpack. snee =r and plate iiiiiiiiui ii iiiiiiiiii iiiimiiini"""i" |r|h
      61 words

  • 323 7 fan: Jus soli is implicit in Alliance aims ..VPEPENPENT MALAYA CAMMOT a-^ a vast tx^gg^ «*A LUMPUR, P££-The pre- s J n Malayan r ,-iation, ng-lock that it a the mcc to mmon Marhii imiveryone .-jiuntry atkmaL no other ■XnM Kt'id' u*m the an- the al com-teng-lock Indepen»uld not in
    323 words
  • 92 7 M.C.A. TO HAVE DEPUTY CHIEF [PUR, Sun. i Chinese s to have iresident He hosen by the committaken at meeting of the The vote branch strong- dilution by JoI v c Rang, a Perak "At present c a pn >;dpnt, the nutter, the and the .-ident wants ij ask for
    92 words
  • 185 7 Dead man blamed for 'midget A-bomb' disaster 8 DIED 'BY MISADVENTURE* ALOR STAR, Sunday. r rHK Alor Star Coroner, Inche Hamzah bin Abu 1 Samah, today returned a verdict of death by misadventure on eight people killed in an explosion at the Moonlight Book Store here on Dec. 5. The
    185 words
  • 130 7 PROTEST BY ATTAP LIVERS ATTAP dwellers of Kirn Seng Road yesterday elected four men to protest to the Singapore Improvement Trust on the eviction order served on them recently. The order requires them to move by June 15. The attap dwellers yesterday passed two resolutions. The first authorised the four
    130 words
  • 32 7 Mr. Oon Chont Hnan and his bride. Miss Grace Hwee Khenu, arriving at the Alumni Medical Centre, Singapore, for the reception after their wedding yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    32 words
  • 139 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. rpHE Federation Government Services Staff Coun- cil will ask the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, to adopt 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. working hours in I all government offices. The decision was taken at the council's annual delegates' conference today. Tengku
    139 words
  • 81 7 TELUK ANSON, Sun. An estate labourer was stabbed by a fellow labourer because he refused to have a drink with him, a preliminary inquiry here was told yesterday. P. Mollayappan, 29, was sent for trial on a charge of causing grievous hurt to
    81 words
  • 63 7 DIVER LANDS HIMSELF IN HOSPITAL WONG Chok Keng, 20, did a double somersault from a 20ft. high diving board at Singapore's Van Kit swimming pool yesterday— and landed in hospital with neck injuries. Swimmers gasped in horror ax they saw Wong slip and crash on to a lower board before
    63 words
  • 47 7 The Singapore Trades Union Congress will hold a "house-warming" party at its new premises in Towner Road this week. The congress will farewell its vice-president. Mr. S. T. V. Lingam, who will be leaving next week for Geneva to attend the ILO conference
    47 words
  • 49 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— A 52-year-old woman, Poh Geek Khlang, was fined $2,750 or five months' jail by the Sessions Court today for having tried to evade duty amounting to $329 on gold ornaments while travelling back to Pahang from Singapore. The Jewellery was confiscated.
    49 words
  • 29 7 Constable A. S. Maniam. 30. died in hospital yesterdayeight hours after he was found shot ln the head at Singapore Harbour Board Police Headquarters ln TanJong Pagar.
    29 words
  • 37 7 PENANG, Sun. A pig dealer. Ah Tang, 19, who stole a watch and $47 from a room mate, Lim Ah Kow, was bound over for two years and ordered to pay $25 compensation.
    37 words
  • 29 7 More than 30 people have applied for post of principal of the new Singapore School for the Blind, advertised recently by the Singapore Assoclallon for the Blind.
    29 words
  • 49 7 PENANG. Sun.— The secretary of the Government Hospital Junior Employees' Union, Inche Adam bin Ismail, today urged members to make their voices heard at meetings or in the Press. "We are not creating unnecessary trouble when voicing our legitimate grievances," he said.
    49 words
  • 368 7 TERRORISTS ARE TIRED r lEUT. -GENERAL Sir v Geoffrey Bourne, the former Director of Operations ln the Federation of Malaya, left Singapore in the Ora n j c yesterday after two years of anti-Communist warfare optimistic about the early end of the Emergency.
    368 words
  • 91 7 HOW HE HIT THE JACKPOT 3 TIMES KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— A man who has three times sent in winning entries for the Malayan Monthly's $25,000 Word Puzzle Contest, today gave this recipe for success: "Concentrate and keep on trying." He is Mr. C. S. Easterbrook, an engineer with Sungei Way
    91 words
  • 38 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. R. Suppramaniam, 20, pleaded guilty and was bound over for a year here yesterday for house trespassing. He tried to outrage the modesty of a girl at Castleneld Estate, Puchong, on May 4.
    38 words
  • 155 7 PENANO, Sun.— The University of Malaya questionnaires on job preferences have been well received by pupils in local English schools. "These questions have been ingeniously set and are very interesting" one sixth form student told the Straits Times today. The University is conducting a Malayan-wide
    155 words
  • 197 7 REDS IN BID TO SPLIT UMNO RANKS Minister warns of new tactics IPOH, Sunday. rpHE Malayan Communist Party elements are try--1 ing to infiltrate into ITMNO1 T MNO in order to split the organisation, the Minister for Commerce and Industry, Dr. Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, said today. He told a
    197 words
  • 199 7 Strike vote plan by workers A STRIKE supervisory committee of the Singapore Union of Postal and Telecommunications Workers held a secret meeting last night to decide a date for taking a strike ballot. It is expected that the union's 600 members will begin voting on Wednesday— the same day decided
    199 words
  • 57 7 IPOH, Sun.— A police constable was charged here today with stealing 10 rounds of shotgun ammunition. P.C. Mohamed Yunus bin All, of No. 2 Police Field Force, Ipoh, was alleged to have stolen the ammunition from Fort Selim between March 24 and April 6. He claims, trial and
    57 words
  • 73 7 PORT DICKSON, Sun.— The Federation Trade Union Adviser, Mr. R. F. H. Caddick, today criticised people who thought it wrong for trade unions to establish good relations with employers. Speaking at the annual meeting of the Federation Forces Civil Staff Union, Mr. Caddick said that some people
    73 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 GARRARD Model 301 3 SPEED TRANSCRIPTION MOTOR Sft Pi '"•arrard Model 30i Transcription Motor is the U "f 35 years experience ln design and i-eh quality gramophone equipment. We nfidwu that this motor will be recognised as being J! 1 ln Its class and Is highly recommended in or todays
      136 words
    • 107 7 M «o CCNTRIfUGAI Imperial Oallom PttA€PS par hour |psK^fcsgi3^ if] yM/j M Alony fnoi/#/s WE^^g^dtP/ SINGArORE KUAI-A IUMPIR PENANG ll\>l--3^X MALACCA SEREMBAN KOTA BHARU JESSELTON EYE EXAMINATION Yea can eat with false teeth but you UQBHbb> AHHfI can't tea with artificial eyes. Your I "J^^j»Jffi one and only pair of
      107 words

  • 892 8 GALLIPOLI. By Man Moorehead. (Ham i s h Hamilton. 215.) ALAN MOOREHEAD'S "Gallipoli" has made a stirring and at the same time moving impression on my mind. It has enabled me to relive that drama of my youth, after a lapse of forty years,
    892 words
  • 224 8  -  'TWE chief event in ladies' bridge, the Whitelaw Cup, was won by one of the two 8.8.L. teams from which this year's internationals will be chosen. But the honours went to the team captained by Mrs. Rene Corwen, which beat one of the 8.8.L. teams easily and failed by
    224 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 327 8 rifA 1/ g w "ft* mm miracle washing U^JL^J powder from America Everyone is saying it FAB is the perfect \> ..i washing powder. It washes clothes cleaner and V^ 9^^\\^^f\/^ •whiter than any other washing product. And it n ft iiTpS^f^^ bso quick so easy to use! That is
      327 words
    • 160 8 Dinky Toys No. 181 Volkswagen V^W nit oeat modal al the «iuiinrtl»»!»..iT>i r«ar*engiaad German Peopla'a car la i worthy addition to ths Dinky Tort fleet. It ■attorn 3>&' in length, and ran be obtained tfBMkW. In tnher steen or srfr 6ni«h. Dinky Toys No. 11l Triumph TR2 Sports Gir M
      160 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 218 8 Straits Times Crossword j*^ 5~" i§ io 71" mm i? M^^^^ !l Z Z 125I 25 Z' Z Z Z 26" 2 ACROSS the West (8). 1. Onomatopoeic table gam* 7. Fanciful (8). Macduff asked If It stood 5. It organises the party (6). where It had (8). 9. Hatchet
      218 words

  • 1314 9 (WHERE M GIANTS Jf LIVED Jm 2.300 ft. but only 15 miles; and Christmas Day was spent at 9.500 ft.. 250 miles from the Pole, with a dinner of horseflesh boiled with pemmican and biscuit. On January 4 he wrote: "The end Ls near,"
    1,314 words
  • 230 9 Gat Master's ticket in Singapore Shackleton and Wild riushrd back to the Discovery hut, which the ship was to have left on the 26th. and a fire they made on the night of the 28th drew the ship back the captain had given them up for dead, and stayed in
    230 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 122 9 "My watch is protected by incabloc. yours?" %J* Why?... INCABLOC Shock Absorbers safeguard the vital moving parts of a watch against everyday shocks and jars maintain its accuracy extend its life save you many dollars by keeping repairs to a minimum. f Remember, when you buy your favorito *S£*"**
      122 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 121 9 Rex Morgun- MM. High and mighty Dick Tracg Losing senses doh^H^^HH r ou-r-r-iM socc?v— l |/please forove me \p3 f s°°« I Sis TboonwEte tm^Bl^^^^^^^^ MUST BE LOSING MY 1 f docTt leave me, maoie- xC^Wse I &eem /goinc out JUT.MOAUF. CALM VOURSELP' siNSES»rM SORRY \m DOJY LEAVE ME I-I
      121 words

  • 459 10 By Our Market Correspondent to market at $2.50 in quantity. The quotation was accordingly adjusted five cents downwards to $2.45 buyer.?, $2.50 sellers. Straits Traders were a verysteady market around $24 ex all and Fraser and Neave passed at $1.67. Sime Darby had exchanges at $1.70
    459 words
  • 188 10 TTOE price of rubber in Singapore last week continued to drift to lower levels in the face of poor demand. By the time the market closed on Friday for the long Whitsuntide week-end, the price of June first grade had reached 83V a cents a lb.
    188 words
  • 96 10 COMMODITY REVIEW Overseas offtake and manufacturers' demand is still very small. This has cancelled any bullish I effects which might have developed from the go-slow on upcounti y estates and the threatened Penang dock strike which caused some nervous covering on Thursday. Tin was very steady again in Singapore last
    96 words
  • 193 10 /COMPANIES operatinc \-> in Malaya announced the following dividends last week: RAFFLES HOTEL LTD: an interim dividend of 10 per cent less 30 per cent income tax for year ending August 31, 1956 payable to shareholders on the register on May 30 1956. Books will be closed from
    193 words
  • 329 10 rE following business done in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period May 12 to May 18:— I INDUSTRIALS: Bank of East Asia HKS229. British Borneo Petroleum 48s. 9d., China Under j writers HKSB.7O. Fraser Neave Ords. $1.67 to
    329 words
  • 711 10 THE following full revised list of quotations was issued by the Malayan Share Brokers Association on Friday:— 1 MM > I KIAI.S Barer* Sf Urn Frasrr and Nrav e i.m i» Or ds is} j 05 UOO lbu»»r.. B. B. Petrol 47 8 48 6cd cbl rt
    711 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 426 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS! NEGRI SEMBILAN MALAYS SCHOLARSHIP FUND ENACTMENT, 1950 APPLICATIONS sre Invited from suitably qualified Malay Nepri Sembilan Nationals who wish to be ronsidered for a State scholarship for .study at an overseas univer.sitv. Applications will not be considered in respect of courses provided at the University of Malaya. Forms
      426 words
    • 568 10 j NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE 7 BANKS ASSOCIATION I ALL MEMBERS of the above I Association in the Colony o! Singapore will be closed for business on Thursday 24th May, 195S for Vesak Day. CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE NOTICE is hereby given that a sewer is to be laid in
      568 words
    • 850 10 NOTICES Re: DURAIAH DANIEL PONNUSAMY Deceased All persons having any claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of Sea View Hotel Quarters, Singapore, who died on the 22nd day of February 1956. are required to send particulars of their claims In writing to The Public Trustee St Official
      850 words
    • 753 10 TENDERS P.W.D. ROAD NOTICE Bailey Bridge on the KangkarTebrau Link Road will be closed to all traffic from 26th May to 2nd June, 1056. for repairs. R. P. BRADLEY, State Engineer, P.W.D.. Johore. JOHORE P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class 'D' and above registered P.W.D. Contractors will be received by
      753 words
    • 466 10 KNUTSEN LINE orient serviTT FROM CANADA/U S. PACIFIC PORTS-jo dlk Sailing S.n Arrjyi Vancouver Francisco Spore Swct Hen, Kriitin Bakke Sailed sailed 3 Jun 6 |un 71"'* Anne Bakke Sailed sailed 15 |un 18 un 19 un Elisabeth Bakke 16 June 30 |un 30 u l Cjertrude Bakke 30 Jun
      466 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1302 11 J ,405 MANSFIELD dc CO., LID. t-i, 4 s» I* 1 Mnc-rpcr.iteo <n Cingopi.rei iij .i_-_| the blue funnel une VT N l)l8BMd v. I other ports to lood am) dr.chorae roron ,NCI r. lIVIRI-001. GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTaTpORTS l»lli" v Singapore Do ioll P. 'ham Penong •.•.-wiles May 20/22 May
      1,302 words
    • 1996 11 W¥V|P^ I W9H| bPHbPW4M EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS Sailing, tar Beaakak and Far Penang P. Sham Tpore KAMBOWA I.M 23/27 M.> LAtANOIA 4/7Jona B/10juna 11/13 Jaaa MASDALA 8/4Jaaa 14/11 Jaaa 12/13Jaaa HOMEWARDS Sailing, far Sanaa, Antw.rp, Rott.ra.rn, H.mburg, Ceeanhegea Spore P. Sham Penong i^y^ ol —In Part (Calls London
      1,996 words
    • 1302 11 McALISTER <St CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** ■I.t.KKMAtt 9k BUCKMALL KLAVCNBSB UMB LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGtLIS, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE I VANCOUVER and for U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting cargo for Central 4> South and Canada and via Colombo America FRANCISVILLE CITY OP MANCHESTER S'pora P. S'hom Penong
      1,302 words

  • 271 12 AUSSIES STAGE A GREAT RECOVERY Sarwanjit shines for Cambridge CAMBRIDGE, Sun. TIELPED by two cen- tury stands and a whirlwind century by Ray Lindwall, Australia made a great recovery after losing four wickets for 81 and were 414 for seven at the close yesterday, the first
    271 words
  • 78 12 AUSTRALIANS— Ist Innings Burke lbw. c Smith 8 Rutherford b Singh 25 Harvey c Mellnish b Goonesena 45 Surge b Singh Cl Craig b Singh 1 Archer c Melluish b Smith 61 Braaud lbw. Pieris 56 Lindwall not out 116 Extras 8 Total (for 7 wkts.) 414 WICKETS FELL
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 160 12 ELIMINATIONS IN US NOT ENOUGH CHICAGO, Sun. the new world heavyweight champion should be decided by a match between the best American and European contenders, Mr. Fred Saddy, chairman of the National Boxing Association, said here yesterday. The series of elimination
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 322 12 LOCK FOLLOWS UP OVAL TRIUMPHS, TAKES 8 MORE WKTS. LONDON, Sunday. npEST BOWLER Tony Lock, fresh from his triumphs ■1 at The Oval (7 for 49) against the Australians, continued his devastating form for Surrey yesterday. With his left-arm slow deliveries he claimed eight Nottinghamshire wickets for 81 runs, having
    322 words
  • 154 12 Close of play scores At Romford, Worcester 189 (Ralph seven for 77) Essex 75 for two. At Cardiff, Glamorgan 217 (Hodgson four for 29) Combined Services 41 for four. At Leicester, Northampton 193, (Arnold 101) Leicester 67 for no wicket. At Lords, Sussex 369 (Smith 55. Oakman 53, Parks 92,
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 71 12 LOS ANGELES, Sun. Directors of the Hollywood American Legion Stadium announced yesterday a new California record gate of U*****,500 for Friday night's middleweight title fight between Sugar Ray Robinson and Carl Olson at Wrlghley Field. The attendance was 20.083. The fighters' purses were U5589,094 each. The
    UP  -  71 words
  • 34 12 STANFORD. California. Sun.— Robin Moore, 18-year-old Stamford student, set a new world's record in the 100 yards free style at the Southern Division Pacific coast conference swimming meet here yesterday U. P.
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  • 170 12 TOKYO, Sunday. INDIA today qualified for the Davis Cup inter-zone play, by defeating Japan 3-2 in the Eastern zone final here today. India had a 2-1 lead before today's two remaining singles matches. Naresh Kumar, secured I India's victory by easily defeating
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 101 12 Robinson? Yes, after Saxton says Basilio ALBANY, New York, Sun. Carmen Basllio, ex-welterweight champion mentioned as Sugar Ray Robinson's next ring opponent, said yesterday he would fight Robinson after his return fight with Johnny Saxton, 147--pound title holder. Robinson retained his middleweight crown by knocking out Carl Bobo Olson on
    AP  -  101 words
  • 25 12 KAMAPAL, Uganda, Sun. Uganda is sending a five-man team of athletes to Melbourne for her first participation In the Olympic Games. A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 112 12 CAMDEN, New Jersey, SunNashua became the greatest money winner in turf history when be won the US$3O,OOO added Camden handicap at Garden State Park yesterday. A crowd of 38,178 cheered as Nashua went to the finishing post two lengths ahead of Fisherman. There was
    UP  -  112 words
  • 68 12 PHILADELPHIA, Sun. A group of 22 West German policemen, members of the All-Star Police soccer team arrived here yesterday for a game with the New York German-American team today. The group was welcomed by police officials and Mayor Richardson Dilworth. Firm here, they
    AP  -  68 words
  • 183 12 Wood routs Hungarians over 1,500 m LONDON, Sun. KEN WOOD, British hope for an Olympic medal at Melbourne, ran the fastest 1,500 metres race in Britain yesterday to beat Hungary's star athletes in the British Games at the White City Stadium. With a remarkably fast final lap of 55.4 seconds,
    183 words
  • 24 12 BALTIMORE, Maryland, Sun Fabim won the 80th running of the US$lOO,OOO Preakness Stakes yesterday. Needles was second and No Regret third. A.P.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 39 12 RALEIGH. North Carolina. Sun. Dave Sime. a student, ran the 100 yards In 9.3 sec. yesterday to equal the world record. Sime, was running in the Carolinas AAU meet at North Carolina state college. A.P.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 166 12 PARIS. Sun. Art Larsen and Bob perry suffered stunning defeats at the hands of European Davis Cup players In the French International tennis championships yesterday, leaving only two American survivors In the men's singles. French champion Paul Remy scored the tournament's first major upset by
    UP  -  166 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 651 12 CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS TODAY JCATHAY^ (■91K38 TU JJ4OO .Cm MUBIIII IUU YVONNE DE CARLO *%> Acm.llv MmtJ in (he bautirul R.h.tnt lihndi i JJjJfL io "niUCOU)R b> C-.r,...!, J.icd *4 P»*M* I HOWARD DUFF ZACHARY SCOH mJ^jfr Ik KEPUILIC PRODUCTION «»««»ttf »»♦»♦>«♦♦«♦♦•*♦ today «si nncnu ua m < A 30th
      651 words
      332 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 446 13 H,,i S» ct: txtrm. >! IISH Me■l. age 30. Management, iom Company rd wort »:ll o travel. v v; x>nenred Ac- 25—30 years. Knowledge of easful appll. Jr od to conduct I md General Starting month for of three ..cording to in a long offers good it Man Apply Siting
      446 words
    • 445 13 SITUATIONS WANTED It Words tS (Mim.)-B.. x SO ct: txtra. AVAILABLE from 24th May first class driver and wash amah Telephone ***** xl 4 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. [accommodation vacant I 20 Word, tS (Mlm.)-Hox St ct: txtra. j COSMOS. 17 ScotU Road. Single Room now available, full
      445 words
    • 415 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Word, ts (Mlm.)— Box St rt«. extra. EUROPEAN BACHELOR Vacancy in 3 Room Flat close to town. Boy, Amah. All ln cost $300 per Head. Box A 3159 S.T. FULLY FURNISHED Modern Bungalow ln good locality. Available Immediately. Three Air-con-ditioned Bedrooms with Bathrooms attached. Lounge, Dining Room, Oarage,
      415 words
    • 469 13 TUITION M Word, $S (Mim.)— Box St ct.. txtrm. LEARN COMMERCIAL ART in your spare time. Qualified teacher will give private lessons at moderate cost. Apply Box A 3112. B.T. LAMBERT'S DRIVING SCHOOL Charges only for the number of lessons Required to pass the test 410 Orchard Road Tel. *****.
      469 words
    • 762 13 BOOKS PUBLICATIONS It Word, U (Mim.)— Box U ct: ,xtrm. FURTHER SUPPLIES OF The 1955/56 Edition of the Straits Times Directory of Singapore and Malaya will be available shortly. Contains: 300 page alphabetical classified directory with over 35.000 entries 600 pages listing companies their executives and their agencies, official and
      762 words
    • 853 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Word, ti (Mim.)— Box 10 ti*. txtrm. 1951 HUMBER HAWK, good condition, $2,500 0.n.0. 43 Ablcgdon Road, Lloyd Leas, Chanfl. CONSUL '92 Mileage 35.000 perfect condition, good tyres $3,400 0.n.0. Tel. ***** during office hours. ROVER "75" '51 33.000 miles eood condition new tyres and battery
      853 words
    • 601 13 ONE OF THE WORLDS MOST DESIRED WATCHES All component parts are manufactured and assembled by 1200 skilled employees in our factorial established in 1888. Experience and continuous research, together with the aid of the latest technical developments, achieve precision and durability. SWISS. HADE 0^ i 100. waterproof D^ Shock reaistsnt
      601 words

  • 61 14 BEARER BOND (Bougoure up) streaks through between four horses to win the Governor's Cup (I>4 miles) at Bukit Timah on Saturday. The two horses on the inside are Dantesque (third) on the rails and Tanah Bijeh. On the outside are Cypress Point (No. 4),
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  • 723 14 TWO-GOAL LEAD DIDN'T SAVE SERVICES Boon Seong steadied the attack, Kirn Beng got the goals SINGAPORE can be pleased with their handsome recovery against Combined Services in last night's football match in aid of the Singapore Olympic Games Fund at Jalan Besar Stadium. Even
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  • 150 14 HELSINKI, Sun. ENGLAND'S touring soccer team beat Finland 5-1 in the Olympic Stadium today in an eventful match in which three players were Injured and went off. England right-back Jeff Hall dislocated a shoulder three minutes from the end. Centre-forward Tommy Taylor was
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 236 14 SINGAPORE'S former treat centre forward Chia Kent Hock scored three goals when Malaya Cup Veterans beat Singapore Referees 5-2 at Jalan Besar Stadium last night. The openings for two of Keng Hock's goals were provided by Madon, Singapore's former inside right, who often played
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  • 107 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —T. Slvagananam will lead the Selangor team which meets Singapore In a three-day match at Singapore this weekend, starting on Saturday. Selangor have made two changes In the side which beat Perak by 147 runs a fortnight ago at Ipoh.
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  • 105 14 Kadln Mao Ramblers beat Katong S.C. 2-1 In a S.A.F.A. Div. 3A league game at Oeylang yesterday. Omar and Rashid scored for Radin Mas while Osman roplled for Katong. Blue Rovers beat Bedok S.C. 2-0 in a Div. 3B game at the C.V.M.A. ground. Muzukl
    105 words
  • 257 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. brilliant bowling In his first Stonor Shield game by newcomer Arthur Dews and by former Selangor and North all-rounder, Alan Jones, enabled Selangor Club to score the first outright win in this year's competition. The Club beat Selangor Indian Association by an
    257 words
  • 441 14 By EPSOM' JEEP MR. AND MRS. S. K. Foo's Bearer Bond made Malayan turf history at Bukit Timah on Saturday as the first Australian-bred horse to win both the Singapore Gold Cud and Governor's Cup. This rare Cup double was
    441 words
  • 180 14 THREE good performances were turned in during yesterday's Singapore Cricket Association's junior tournament matches. Two batsmen scored 68 runs Cyril de Witt (S.R.C.) and Harvey (RAF Seletari while Smith, also of Seletar. was the most successful bowler taking six for 29 against Police.
    180 words
  • 163 14 Hanrahan takes 5-49 and hits J rpHE CHAMPIONS and current x strengthened their position at tv I Singapore Cricket Associations sen I table with a 22-run victory over ft™ I Singapore at Changi yesterday. I match v 1 Han airmai who on> I
    163 words
  • 258 14 Five fifties in drawn padang tie ORIGHT batting featured the drawn two-day cricket fixture on the padang yesterday between Singapore Cricket Club and a team of Free Foresters. The game produced five innings I of over 50 runs— by John Woodhouse (.87 n.oj, Capt H. Webb 167). Maj. Whitmell (63
    258 words
  • 61 14 Royal air Force. Seletar's cycling team were outstanding in the first P.E.A.P. inter-Services 100--kilometre IttM mile.- 1 massedstart championship at Changl yesterday. They won the first six places. The winner was J/T Hall with a time of 2hr 57min followed by Cpl. D. Aisbitt. LAC
    61 words
  • 136 14 ruun Kirn Swee b Hanrahan Mohlnder Sinuli b I! Devadas not mil Da Silva b Hnnrahan Sandosham c Pittman b Hanrahan Sundram b Kini; Perera c Bon? b Kir Vellupillat p Turner H Gurubachan Singh b Kz Cooke run out Stevens <■ and Total Wkts frll at; 2. 10
    136 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 824 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pace t) SITUATIONS VACANT t» Wonl, $S (Vim.)— Box S»rl*.€xtrm. EUROPEAN LADY Sales Assistant, only those Experienced In Handling High Class Cosmetics consideied. Immediate engagement. Box A 3083, S.T. REQUIRED FOR VACANT posts now: Male/female Stenographers, Accounts, Clerks, Tel/Ops. Apply personally. Joan Tooke's Agency. John Little's
      824 words
    • 67 14 The COMPLETE slotted angii^J^ sysre W ...STANDARD s ii', i Uf. i mi. H ...JUNIOR AN 7't'M'. lU| I 10" CHANGEABIi H CADET JU IS Il'i I M|.l 101. THINK IT SKETCH IT BUUDjI That's the FLOWSTRUT system i EXPERT advisory SERVICE I m <-«' AVAILABLE STOCKS AT ALL BRAHCHES
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 41 14 SOCCER S.A.F.A. Iragin- Div. 1: Rovers V Star Socceritea, Jalan Besar. 5.15 p.m.; H.M. Dockyard v Corinthians, Jalan Besar, 7 p.m.; Div. 2A: Western v Daral Afiah, Geylang; Meant Emily v Indian Youngsters, Farrer Park; P. Peranakan v Indian Brotherhood. M.F.A.
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