The Straits Times, 15 May 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 550 1 ■|V MJ^ m Hl^ m JbS 9^ BSfl^frw tf^Bft^^tt^^ft 1^ S^^Al^^ ttAM^^^b.^^^M^^ H^^ ■B^^^MJt^^.*^^ Aft^l r T HK LONDON NEGOTIATIONS ON 1 SINGAPORE'S FUTURE CONSTITUTION RESUME THIS MORNING IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF CRISIS. So familiar ha s Singapore become with the kflgwi* of alarm tnat
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  • 929 1 Vital point but Boyd insists... r .ROUND-BY-ROUND ACCOUNT OF FIGHT FOR 5AFEGUARD*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lIG-SA W PIECED TOGETHER BOYD OUTLINES HIS CASE FOR SAFEGUARDS W THE NEW *STATE OF SINGAPORE; SPECIAL CISPATCH from HARRY MILLER LONDON, Mon.— The London con* fatnee on the future constitution of Sinppore will hinge tomorrow on one
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  • 70 1 THE RUNAWAY GIRL FATHER SAVED JUST IN TIME EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD Singapore runaway schoolgirl. Miss Leong Pui Kum, leaves Hong Kong for home tomorrow. Pui Kum who was dissuaded by her father, Mr. Leong Chee Sang, from going to Communist Chins, on her arrival here on Saturday, was given travel documents yesterday
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  • 293 1 Killers trail manager in a car rpHREE GANGSTERS last night shot dead Teoh Cheng Woo, 49, a petrol kiosk manager, as he was walking home with his children along a lonely path off Tanjong Katong Road, Singapore. The murder took place about 400
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  • 163 1 IPOH, Mon.— Defying low hanging clouds and heavy rain, an RAF helicopter with an Army nursing sister made a dramatic flight to deep jungle near Ipoh today to rescue a terrorist baby found beside his dead mother. Within a minute of receiving an
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  • 43 1 Poh Whatt Chye. a former storekeeper of East Asiatic Co. Ltd., who was wanted by the Singapore police in connection with an alleged fraud Involving over $200,000 worth of beer, surrendered himself at the Central Police Station yesterday.
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  • 71 1 JAKARTA, Mon. Seventythree Indonesians, including children and expectant mothers, were drowned when a pleasure launch capsized off Tegal, on the north coast of Central Java, yesterday. Police said about 100 people had boarded the launch for a pleasure cruise to celebrate the end of Ramadhan
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 297 1 i 'Make a MALAYAN defence council chieS'iiinminum From HARRY MILLER LONDON. Monday. SOLUTION seems to have been found to the deadlock which' had earlier threatened to break up the talks on the future constitution of Singapore. i The Singapore delegation will propose to the
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  • 33 1 THREAT TO TIN NEW YORK. Mon.— American Can Co. announced new process of solut-rinK cans "margin plating" which, it claims, may save as much a* !.(iOO tons of tin annually. Reuter.
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  • 45 1 Car ride riddle MEKNES, (Morocco) Mon.— Planes and troops were today hunting for five Europeans missing from Beni-Tradjit. In the Tafllalet region, since they went for a car drive yesterday afternoon. They were mine workers, a French official said. Reuter. I
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  • 33 1 MOSCOW. Mon.— Marshal Bulganin. the Soviet Prime Minister, said today that disarmament was the topmost problem of present day world politics and its solution "cannot be delayed any longer."— Reuter.
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  • 34 1 HONG KONG. Mon— The University of Hong Kong has decided not to send delegates to the Afro-Asian conference at Bandoeng later this month the secretary of the Students' Union reports.— A.P.
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  • 22 1 HONG KONG, Mon.— Two men and two women were' drowned when their car plunged into the harbour here today,— UP.
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  • 26 2 NEW DELHI, Mon. India has decided to set up a state trading corporation to carry out import and export trade with foreign countries. Reuter.
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  • 109 2 DID CYPRUS GIRLS LURE SOLDIERS TO DEATH? LONDON, Mon.—Ravenhaired Greek Cypriot lovelies may have lured two British servicemen to their execution in Cyprus. "Hours after terrorists claimed to have hanged two British soldiers." the Sunday Dispatch reported here, "a non-fraterni-zation order went out to the 18,000 British troops on the
    UP  -  109 words
  • 217 2 Montgomery Clift, after gay party, crashes car into a phone pole goixYWOOD, Morugomery ciift was senously injured early yesterday when his car smashed into a telephone pole after he left a dinner party at tv»«T £«t«l nf «Vtr*t« Sf V^ X S^ n? i actre
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  • 55 2 ORTHODOX BUT NOT AT CARDS NICOSIA, Mon. Security police raided a coffee shop here recently looking for terrorists. They found four men, one of them a Greek Orthodox priest, playing cards. The police said today they found no arms. They found nothing illegal except two spare aces In the folds
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  • 123 2 'You, no you'— Egypt and Israel hurl charges at each other JERUSALEM, Mon. Rifle J fire punctuated the uneasy truce along the tense Gaza strip yesterday as Israel and Egypt accused each other of shooting. Both countries said their men refrained from returning the flre. because of pledges
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  • 183 2 NoR-saokers git 2,000-1 f ONDON, Mon. The odds against dying from lung cancer in the next five years are about 100 1 for men of 45 or more who are heavy cigarette smokers. The Minister of Health. Mr. Robin Turton. told M.P.s last week that
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  • 23 2 Three hundred wives from China who arrived in Singapore m the 3.900-ton Talpooan three days ago were released from quarantine yesterday.
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  • 19 2 ATHENS. Mon. Dr. Theodor Heuss the West German President, arrived here today on a state visit. Reuter.
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  • 49 2 Major-General Tra n Van Don. Chief of Stall of the South Vietnam Army, arrived in Singapore yesterday afternoon by air on a courtesy visit. He will leave for Kuala Lumpur this afternoon and return to Singapore on Friday. He returns to Saigon on Saturday.
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  • 23 2 TOKYO, Mon.— South Viet- nam has asked Japanese industry to supply more than a thousand technicians to help develop Vietnamese industries.—AP.
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  • 24 2 MOSCOW. Mon.— The French Socialist Party delegation which has spent two weeks in Russia left here by air for home today.— Reuter.
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  • 155 2 If talks fail 'then hold elections' me Manchester Guardian today su«. gested that if the Lc don talks on Singapore's future beconif deadlocked, the bat course will be to postpone negotiations fa a fixed period and no: to break them off v" Ir L w the lnte rval then should
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 37 2 AKRON (Ohio) Mon. -The Firestone Tire and Rubbe: Company plans to construe a tyre manufacturing pla:.: in the Philippines an I develop a 1.000-acre rubbe: plantation there, the prudent of the company m today.— Reuter.
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  • 32 2 ATHENS. Mon.— The S viet Ambassador to GreccMr Michael Sergeyev, has renewed an invitation to speaker of the Greek Parliament. Mr. Constant me Rodepoulos. and 15 deputies visit Russia.— Router.
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  • 245 2 LONDON, Mon. Frank Hatcher, a Royal groom at Windsor Castle, yesterday nursed a bite from Melekush, a Cossack stallion presented to the Royal Family by the Soviet Premier, Mr. Bulganln, and Mr. Khrushchev. He nipped me between the shoulder blades," said Hatcher "when
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 67 2 JAKARTA, Men.— Almost 1.000 houses were drstro; d by terrorists on South Celebes Island during April. According to reports from Macassar, capital of Celebes terrorists last month set Are to 961 houses, murdered eight people and stole some horses. Other dispatches said that more than 500
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  • 55 2 Ex-London gang leader shows what a razor slash looks like JACK SPOT, ex-leader of London's underworld, shows the scars he received a fortnight ago, when he was ambushed outside his West End flat. He was beaten up and slashed with razors while walking home with his wife. Spot's real name
    AP  -  55 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 I v I Igk >Os/^BXSSSA^ By Pre-Ampli is meant a tuned RF sugc gf§ t m I' $325\ with "'pic variable condenser. Mm m I F«d»rV case I c ac vanta g es °f tn > s system arc: JK M ijiffcllli Um iO% Cmkl 0 Better reception of far
      83 words
    • 66 2 New MACLEANS CLEANS TEETH WHITER THAN EVER BEFORE The whiteness-meter proves it i Macleans haveaddedirtß* 1 Tim 18% mueii HZJSS** 'New Macleans' cleans I rr^>?^ Brush your teeth wuh hi v riiMfci iii\ tMrrn C^* M^^pL Macleans Ana sn Bi«V !^W^K^ them tgainst decay. And a $M tM •tw.tloMl dlfr«r«nc«
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  • 77 3 DEAD MAN'S EYES: POPE GIVES ALL CLEAR VATICAN CITY. Mon. I The POP* announced today that th- Catholic .rcli had no objection ol the eye of bring used •iit to the living. t it it should rights and «c charth the care of the )i>dy and first among elation*. ;<>rs
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  • 56 3 LONG BEACH. Mon. A iigh school student, diskught after a quarrel with Jus teen-age girl friend, yesterday drove a car oft a jrtrrmin'i landing. Workers piiiled the car to the surface but police said tot body of David Railsback, i: slipped through the taken windshield and
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  • 29 3 15— jailed till 25 NICOSIA, Mon. A 15-Jear-old Cypriot Greek rhoolboy was .sentenced to 10 Jfars' imprisonment here to- for carrying a homemade bomb in Larnaca on torch 14—Reuter.
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  • 24 3 V'ENXA Men. Hungary I freed more than 100 Conservative and Socialist wliticians imprisoned or fctained after the Corntwist coup of 1948.— UP.
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  • 354 3 For 2,000 men in 11 «hlp«~ir, tun team ahead for Monte Bello If weather holds, test fliay to expected any time after today rrom DENIS WARNER PERTH, Mon. I js READY for the British atomic test at A fe Monte Hello Islands, oflf the north-west
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  • 181 3 LONDON, Mon. A Photograph of Diana Dors "rising from her bed" was shown to a magistrate. Counsel said: "There •re. apparently, people who are interested in the subject matter of that Photograph rising from her bed. "She in yery well-known indeed. "But about two or three
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  • 55 3 Soviet may give secrets MOSCOW, Mon. Russia may disclose to the West some of her top secret processes to harness atomic power at a nuclear energy conference opening here today. Scientists from Britain. France, the United States and other western countries have come to Moscow for a conference called by
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  • 332 3 HOW SHALL I WORD SUICIDE MOTE? SHE ASKED MY HUSBAND TURNED ME OUT, SHE TOLD FRD3ND LONDON, Mon. A FEW days before her death the young wife of a leading British defence lawyer asked a friend how she should word a suicide note to her husband,
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  • 155 3 The crowd didn't want politics SEOUL, Monday. A 12- YEAR-OLD boy was crushed to death and four other people were injured last night when a crowd of 3,000 stampeded in an attempt to escape hearing a campaign speech. The crowd had gathered in a school
    UP  -  155 words
  • 35 3 KARACHI, Mon. Pakistan will aim at increased employment, greater production of food grains, irrigation and electric power projects and improved education and social services in the next five years, it was announced today.—Reuter.
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  • 302 3 LONDON. Mon. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty RUBBER LONDON. May 14.— Spot 2SHd.. June 25d.. July-Sept 24 id.. OctDec. 24,.d., Jan-Mai-. 24>.«d.. May c.i.f. 24-\d., June c.l.f. 24% d. Tone: Easy. TIN LONDON. May 14.— Cash Buyers £751; Sellers £752; Forward Buyers £751;
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  • 238 3 'Bring Makarios to London' fONDON, Mon.— The I Labour Opposition today urged the British Government to bring the exiled Archbishop Makarios and a representative of the Cypriot Ethnarchy Council to London to discuss a i settlement for the problem of Cyprus. Mr. James Griffiths, depu T ty leader of the
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 82 3 SIX HELD ON PASSPORT CHARGE NEW DELHI. Mon. Six Indians were arrested at Delhi airport last night on their return from Britain and charged with conspiracy to forge passports. They arrived at London airport last Tuesday but were not allowed to enter Britain after immigration officials alleged that their passports
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 23 3 NEW YORK, Mon. The Ford Foundation has allotted U*****,000 to the English Speaking Union to expand a British-American travel programme. AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 179 3 »3P tvM &nlf THE CNARTWELL anm WINSTON CHURCHILL'S WAR MEMOIRS ""^^a This great new CHARTWELL edition of Kif^"^^^ I*^,1 The Second World War is a triumph of both the printers" and bookbinders' art: a^yr**^^= s^Sg% illustrated with a unique gallery of war IKP^^^^^^^^^^n photographs gathered from every front, SKSs^^^ff I
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    • 197 3 WLsphun/ (bayer) V [p J aaautdt COLDS HEADACHES FLU RHEUMATISM BEHN, MEYER k CO. LTD., P.O. Box 2000, Singapore, PATERSON, SIMONS k CO. LTD., Ku»U Lumpur, Peaang. I I^h^B iliF^ BRIGHTEN DULL EYES>!^>IBfeK this easy way! Lr**£sx\ Wrl^> v eyes become br 'Bht «nd refreshed V^wl VI I I s
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  • 29 4 Mr. Alfred Wallensteln. musical director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, will be the guest speaker at tomorrow's Singapore Rotary Club luncheon meeting at the Cathay Hotel.
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  • 390 4 $SOO extortion bid alleged A TRADE UNIONA IST, Lee Yong Mm. 34, called off plans for a strike at a cinema on Hari Raya day last year after the management had agreed to pay him $500, it was alleged in a
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  • 129 4 BILL COLLECTOR BETTED WITH HIS FIRM'S MONEY pENANG, Mon. A bill collector, Toh Choo Teng, 43, charged with criminal breach of trust of $28,984, said in court today that he had lost money gambling. He told the Sessions Court he had actually misappropriated about $32,000
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  • 116 4 Man cleared in 'dud notes' case T EE CHONG SAI, a former salesman, left the Singapore Assize Court yesterday a free man after being cleared of a charge of trafficking in counterfeit Indonesian rupiah notes. The prosecution alleged that on August 19 last year Lee sold an agent of the
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  • 145 4 A LITTLE GRUMBLE OVER A BIG CELLO IN BOX MURIEL TAYLOR left the Singapore Airport yesterday with a Uttle grumble. Standing her big cello in its box and mopping her brow, she said: "I've got a raw deal from life. "I should have learned to play the picolo!" The others
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  • 25 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Dr. Hamzah bin Taib. a well known political figure In Johore Bahru died, this morning at the General Hospital.
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  • 132 4 13 hurt in crash, court told A LORRY, not insured against third party risks, A was carrying 24 people when it overturned at Jurong Road after midnight on Aug. 25 last year, a Singapore traffic court was told yesterday. Chua Kong Klan, the
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  • 58 4 Falling tree kills a widow BUTTERWORTH, Mon. —A widow, Mmh binte Suleiman, died yesterday afternoon when a coconut tree fell on her while she was preparing a Hari Raja reunion feast at her house at Permatang Barangan. Man was husking coconuts to make cakes for her son and daugh-ter-in-law whom
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  • 26 4 TAIPING, Mon.— The Taiping district committee of the British Red Cross society will meet in the town council chamber tomorrow at 5 p.m.
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  • 152 4 WOODEN GUN KILLS BOY OF 12 rpWELVE YEAR--1 OLD Seah Choon Kiat was injured by a splinter when he snatched a piece of wood from his 10-year-old brother, Choon Eng. He paid no heed to the InJury and his father, an overseer in a granite quarry, also took the matter
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  • 58 4 ...'Don't discuss it in coffee shops' PENANG, Mon. The Prai branch of the United Malays National Organisation celebrating their tenth anniversary yesterday, were told not to discuss jus soli in coffee shops. "Do not talk about this in public places, but leave it to our leaden," said Che
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  • 59 4 Chew Bock Kow, described by a Singapore magistrate, Mr. 8. K. Lee, as a "respectable man" was seen chasing joget girls and disturbing their patrons by a police constable on Saturday night. Chew, who pleaded guilty to a charge of having been drunk and disorderly at a
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  • 31 4 Mr. Tee Seng Tan. a barrister, was admitted to the Singapore Bar. as an advocate and solicitor, by the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Whyatt. in the High Court yesterday.
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  • 22 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. The death took place here yesterday of Mr. P. c. Joseph, a retired police inspector of Johore.
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  • 235 4 YTNDER the superb leaderU ship of Alfred Wallensteln. the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra last night gave its third successive concert before appreciative thousands in the Singapore Badminton Hall. Sweltering heat which the orchestra experienced on Saturday and Sunday was considerably worse. The players, whose
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 E CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS I TODAY "CATHAY p.t "--m*. 4.0. m» 1 I Wl/H I Ait cONOirii^NfO > and 8.30 p.m. S "1 JJ'Oo r "> M-C-M prtmmli Ths Uh Story a Princm C^^ (O GRACE KELLY ALEC GUINNESS Q) i I LOUIS JOURDAN* (5%jS$P 1 O^^i<--y«THE SWAN^ s^^^^* I
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    • 286 4 SHAW BROTHERS ORGANISATION ATfRACTin^ »r. 6! CAPITOL^ :rSr •■"^^■m— w«rnc» Bros -i K°S LADD ROBINSON DRUJ UI "THE DARKEST HOUR" c,q: jK CtoemaScope-Warner Color M^V SHOWING REXfLs* n '«-ri 1 now! UrSt m$ 6 3 930 pnii i A WORTHY SUCCESSOR TO "HANG TL'AH m*^F~ AHMAD MAHMI I, KiVIK: BAADIAH
      286 words

  • 343 5 Bringing up baby— no fear jOVT TALK OF BOGEY MEN \IT DESTROYS FAITH) SAYS MRS. ALCOCK gtflpLlNlNG a child through fear is danwZr**, Mrs W G Alcock a leading Singa\m !!;irc worker, warned at a public meeting fL V W.CA. yesterday. '.\ifocks talk on "The child in the ,ne of
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  • 112 5 rT j A I I KANGSAR, J\ A Korean ,an. Private Thomas Bai2nd Battalion, I Australian Rewas fined by a district r n; ir t martial here today and ordered to forfeit 28 days' pay. ronvicted of two nrglrrting to routine orders
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  • 39 5 Blakans Mati Theatre Plb will present "Quiet iMcmd." a comedy by Est<: MrCracken. at the BlakI omnasium at 8.30 rrow. icllltles will be Jardinc Steps. Singafrom 7.45 p.m. and report will be available c ;:ind.
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  • 92 5 I VAN belonging to the A Taj Cinema caught in North Bridge E^aci. Singapore yesterday. Black Widow M Tenali Raman, totalling which were in the =TP destroyed. The van *«5 badly damaged. driver. Jantan bin Chik, and a delivery clerk, Haja Mydeen, said the
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  • 224 5 Improve Your Speech and Writing in a Few Hours you content with th« m sprak and write? Are M* that y° u are not w? 2 mi-^akps that cause to underrate you? i U! nds of men and J^ n arc handicapped beJ* th<7 make
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  • 168 5 $34 GIFT MADE HIS LIFE WORTH LIVING I want to die, said Ong, 67, but... AN old man hobbled into the Singapore Assembly House yesterday and startled everybody by threatening to end his life. Tears flowed down -the withered cheeks of Ong Ah Hong, 67, as he whimpered: "I want
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  • 56 5 The Rev. Christopher Smith, of Trinity College, will give two public lectures on "The Methodist Movement" at the Telok Ayer Methodist Church auditorium, Singapore, on May 20 and 27. Trie series, sponsored by the Telok Ayer M.Y.F., will end with a film show, "John Wesley." on
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  • 20 5 A tailor, Lee Tew Chan, 59, was found hanging In a house in Jalan Eunos, Singapore, yesterday morning.
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  • 24 5 The Joo Chlat Youth Club, Singapore, will hold a Hart Raya social and dance at the Joo Chiat community centre on Saturday.
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  • 23 5 The Singapore Social Welfare Department last month gave away $457,337 in public assistance and a further $161,279 in tuberculosis treatment allowance.
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  • 205 5 IPOH. Mon.— Pretty 18--year-old Lee Lans wedding will take place on May 27, the looh Magistrate's Court was told today. But whether she will make use of 18 yards of Pink and ween cloth she had bought for the big occasion will depend
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  • 169 5 SINGAPORE is to appeal to Australia for help in a bid to find a long-term solution to the Colony's acute shortage of medical specialists. The appeal will be made through Dr. R. H. Bland, Permanent Secretary of the Health Ministry, and Prof. E. S
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  • 75 5 POPPY DAY COLLECTION NETTED $218,863 PENANG, Mon.— Poppy Day collections In Malaya last year netted $218,863, it was officially announced today. Of this sum, $54,715 has been sent to the British Legion Haig Fund In London. The balance has been paid Into the benevolent fund of the Ex-Services Association of
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  • 28 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Mr. Santa Singh, legal assistant In the Legal Adviser's office in Johore Bahru, has been transferred to the Attorney General's department in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 199 5 A SILENCE surrounds the fate of five Singapore Malay fishermen whose arrest 22 days ago by the Indonesian marine police was revealed to the Singapore Government yesterday. Their detention was disclosed in a letter sent by their relatives to the Minister for Commerce and Industry. The
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  • 77 5 rpHIRTY-FIVE Muslim rell- gious students and teachers from Selangor yesterday toured the show places of Singapore, including the Assembly House and the University of Malaya. They are on a civics study course organised by Federa- tlon political parties. The visitors, aged between
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 c °upon for FREE BOOKLET E RECENT INSTITUTE C 4 68|, PALACE GATE. LONDON. W8 pi ca *c send me— without obligation a free °Py of Word Mastery," with details of your al arr -ngements for Overseas students. Hr\Mg AD DRESS \k l /nr°,t are mt interested at the moment,
      63 words
    • 339 5 y-£« W ~7' FORTHCOMING SAIUNGS From Singapore arr. Cenoa "VICTORIA** |mm 24 |«ne "ASIA" 1 Inly 22 July "VICTORIA" 2 Aug. 23 Aug. "ASIA 2 Sept. 23 Soph *"VICTORIA" 2 Oct. 23 Oct. •ASIA' 2 Nov. 23 Nov. ♦"VICTORIA" 1 Dec. 22 Dec. *'ASIA" 2 |an. 1957 23 |an. "VICTORIA"
      339 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 330 5 radio malaya Regional (.Pr^-meathaam^-e^ j™ o^" be recired by llatenera in Ma- B w Te 47 m Medhl lacea). A.M. 7.15 Opening' Annct- 7.16 (Short wave 4. and «,nj«-l.« »3&%fi&!&SSklS& wave 476 m.. 343. 366 m. and 297 m). llnes 8 .02 A Date With Music; PM *100 Lucky Dip;
      330 words

  • 86 6 20 Word, lit (Minimum) ENG— Ah Chat, aged 27. passed •way peacefully at Singapore General Hospital on Saturday. Dearly missed by his loving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eng Chan 6eng: brothers. Ah Koon, Ah Slk, Ah Loke Ah Pat, Ah Kow, Chye Choon. sisters. Hoi Yin, Sic Moi. Ng
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  • 147 6 20 Words $10 (Minimum) YOUR BEST BET "Schweppes at the Singapore Races. FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day in the "Malay Mail" If you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle DORIS GEDDES Little Shop In Raffles Hotel: currently showing charming Garden Party Dresses from $95 Open until 9 p.m. daily.
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  • 190 6 20 Wordt $10 (Minimum) DR. MRS. Wong Teng Kirn thank Relatives Friends for Valuable Presents Attendance at their Wedding on 9-5-56. THE FAMILY of the late Mr. Chung Tet Nyean thanks Friends and Relatives for their Messages, Wreaths. Gifts, Attendance and Assistance at the Funeral. MRS. ANG HOCK TEE
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  • 481 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Tues. May, 15, 1956. The 'Peace' Curtain The Federation Government has disclosed the contents of a document found last December in a terrorist camp in Selangor. It is entitled: "An interpretation of the Ng Heng announcement." The Ng Heng announcement was the Communist "peace offer" sent
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  • 1173 6  - Peace is still in balance in Indo-China a Times Correspondent AS LAST FRENCH TROOPS LEAVE hj *t»HE French Union 1 Command in South Viet Nam has been disbanded at the request of the Government of South Viet Nam. At the conference on Indo-China held in Geneva in 1954, France agreed
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  • 129 6 Ftbe Normal Classes there are instructors who simply delight In making things unbearable for the students. These instructors pretend to believe that the most unpleasant way is the best way of training students, thus forgetting that the students will get their own back on the schoolchildren
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  • 1044 6 WHILE the Chief Mm"- Ister of Singapore fights his constitutional battle in London, the Chief Minister of the Federation Is having to face some of the consequences of his own recent success there. An Alliance presupposes a potential enemy, but only Communists can
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    • 262 6 M r. MARSHALL. REMEMBER Mr. NEHRU rE Chief Minister Mr. David Marshall frequently talks of resignation should he fall in his Merdeka Mission. It is really a matter for grave concern that he should contemplate resignation under such circumstances. He must remember what Pandit Nehru told him: "There are no
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    • 203 6 Wise otter the event YT IS Interesting to note that Commonwealth Citizen only wished to enlighten the people of Singapore as to what could happen if independence were granted. It Is so easy to be wise after the event; and no doubt the news of the past week from the
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    • 163 6 The first landing RECENTLY there appeard a statement to the effect that the first aircraft to land on Malayan soil touched down at Singapore's Farrer Park on Dec. 4. 1919. Whilst the event no doubt took place as stated I have some doubt If the aircraft concerned was. in fact,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 478 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 20 Word, $U (Minimum) GOULD: To Verna Wife of O. W. Gould at Bungsar Hospital 13th May 1956 a son. Both well. MOXON: To Joan, wife of Gerard— The Third Musketeer arrived 12.5.50. Mother and son well EVANS: On 30th April at the United Hospital, Port Chester, New
      478 words
    • 132 6 TRUMPETS and TROMBONES. 4011 "TANGO" Bb Trampet, quick change to A, silver plated, gold plated Bell. Complete with Mute and Case. $145.00 ♦018 "INVICTA" Bb Tnunpet, sliver plated gold plated bell, complete with Case. $115.00 4015 "REGENT" Bb Trampet, silver plated, silver polished bell, complete with case. SIH49 4025 "SELMEB".
      132 words
    • 85 6 |mmm| j^ s'Ocu.ft. REFRIGERATOR Features include Racks I J"^ l^ on inside of door stain- pL^i^rH^i^ Jlv less steel evaporators, Ml™^-^' "Spring Leaf" finish >», translucent food vegetable containers. \i^ _f 'IT* LIST PRICE Spore PcnznS Less 5% for Cash $768 12 monthly payments of 5 24 monthly payments of
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  • 229 7 AMERICAN EXPERT TOLLS FEDERATION TO JODf MUfMHB RESEARCH iff HOLDS PROMISE FOR 4 COUNTRY WHICH fjiS SUCH RESOURCES 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. iruy Ktdcration could put up a nuclear research 1 station in five to 10 years' time, Dr. Marvin r oX leader
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  • 105 7 Silat likes to see the great (XLD Silat bin Long v/ (above) a former constable from Muar. visited the airport yesterday to see President Soekarno of Indonesia when he passed through Singapore yesterday. "It is always heartening to see great people who can still do mighty things." he said. Silat
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  • 49 7 Gnvindasamy Sabavally, of P>:ain Road, was fined $10 t a Singapore court yester<jy for firing crackers in fetat nf the Kandang Kerbau pdtee itatlon on April 27. Sabavally said he was tryfc: in "drive away ghosts." E< was accompanying a fuml prncrssion at the time.
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  • 167 7 {f r rom Page One tven Ipoh ana Sungel ftey opened fire at long ranee and killed the woman and wounded one of the mm. The two men escaped. Re squadron found the toman. Beside her body Jfc a three-month-old toy. He was
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  • 262 7 Soekarno leads nterdeka chorus DRESIDENT Soekarno of Indonesia flew into Singapore yesterday declaring expansively: "I like the people of Singapore. I like people everywhere. I hope for wider understanding and greater goodwill among all men.' President Soekarno was on his way to America for a 17-day state visit at the
    262 words
  • 118 7 rfWE Indonesian Minister X of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ruslan Abdulgani said in Singapore yesterday that he is "bored" by warnings the Afro-Asian Students' Conference may be Communist dominated. The conference is being held in Bandoeng at the end of this month.
    118 words
  • 99 7 Bravo! How children clapped the orchestra I>OYS and girls from ■I* Singapore schools packed the Badminton Hall yesterday afternoon to clap themselves tired over a concert given specially for them by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. Commented a violaplayer, Gary Nuttycombe: "I never expected to see so many races or
    99 words
  • 24 7 An 86-year-old woman, Sng Sal Moy, was killed by a hit-and-run vehicle in Paya Lebar Road, Singapore, at about 5.30 a.m. yesterday.
    24 words
  • 153 7 $2,000 JOBS— BUT NO TAKERS... rras Singapore Polytechnic 1 ha s three $2.000-a--month Jobs going, but no "properly qualified men seem Interested they fear Malayanlsation. The vacancies which have been advertised in Singapore and other parts of the world are for heads of the departments of engineering, general education and
    153 words
  • 142 7 LINK-UP WITH FRENCH PRODUCERS MR RUNME SHAW yesterday announced that from now on, Shaw Brothers will coproduce films with French and Italian film companies. He arrived back by Qan-tas-BOAC plane from a six-week tour of Britain and Europe with Mrs. Shaw. The first
    142 words
  • 79 7 12 TEACHERS WILL STAY SACKED nr\HE Minister for Education, J. Mr. Chew Swee Kee, yesterday told a delegation from the English Teachers Union (Chinese Schools) that he could do nothing for the 12 Chinese teachers recently sacked. The teachers were dismissed on grounds that their continued employment would be prejudicial
    79 words
  • 508 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —The entire Jabour force of TJlu Ara Estate, four miles from Seremban, has defied the National Union of Plantation Workers' go-slow call. The labourers, most of whom are Chinese, worked as usual last Friday first day of the go-slow movement and have
    508 words
  • 131 7 Don't let 'go-slow' get hot Tengku rE Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has warned Malaya's 520.000 plantation workers to avoid violence in their go-slow campaign. He has aaked the National Union of Plantation Work* ers to control Its members. In a letter to the union ho says the Government is
    131 words
  • 194 7 'Change THAT date' cable to Governor ANEW complication And the Government rehas arisen in thp cently changed the date for s£^™7^L™ «SS the Public holiday from May Singapore row over 2 3 to May 24 because certain Wesak Day. Buddhist factions
    194 words
  • 212 7 CASHIER DEFIES 2 ARMED THUGS AN elderly cashier in a Singapore lawyer's office in Raffles Place yesterday evening saved $1,000 when he refused to submit to two armed men who beat him up during a holdup. Goh Cheng Chye, 60, was alone in the office winding up the day's work
    212 words
  • 50 7 Crackers started a fire in an attap house occupied by four Malay families in Jalan Kayu off Yio Chu Kane Road, Singapore, yesterday afternoon The occupants put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived. A big part of the roof and some clothing were burnt.
    50 words
  • 99 7 to Wordi HO (Minimum) QUEK Mr. Quek Teow Tay, Age 83 years ol Chop Hiap Teck 6 Hiap Teck Tong Kee (beloved lather of Messrs. Quek Chan Yen. Quek Chan Chwee, Quek Chan Chong, Quek Chan Yongi passed away peacefully at No. 72. Mergui Road, off Rangoon Rd., Singapore,
    99 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 61 7 HUNTLEY PALMERS 1 for freshness j /ifV-0 look the p»tk with the silver lilting JC*i bt buying only trap. <&&.£& Huntlty Palmeri bi.cniti. > 3^*3) Handy }lb. tit* iv.ilibU in *M w«fl •£."Zi£" known variariat including Aitotltd Cteami. Bourbon. Carnival *M»rta4. Cuttirtf f-iimi. Cam. Milk and Mortajr. Nict j*a Tabk.
      61 words
    • 15 7 Don't take a chance take a (artsbeTq J8993X Tn* Inqumti t. HINRV WAUGH C> LTD
      15 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1142 8 LOOK! This pan actually I Thp\l n<VO QMntrt I AKlli)li > S cooks by itself! 'M-^r I*! Of f I tit V f EN TOY jJI B^. I and feminine their WKKL y^V^ S S. Blackstone and Thel- Extra AAiM jJFIAf S^**** A»#l J I feS f Dixie, who won
      1,142 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 283 8 Straits Times Crossword 3 I 5 6 8 i~ Z_Z^1 I? Z Z__8 15 Z J B^l~ Z Z_l Z Z_Z I^L^Z N I!;Z_Z ACROSS 14 Imitation stone makes a step Wurtan ordinary volume? 1& CoBaaoD M (ih 9 Study 'a journey with refer- &^rir'L B^2l (8)^ t h ence
      283 words

  • 1602 9 jf^ BANANA I I KING'S m RAILWAY^y Cheated in love she m sought vengeance 1 EARLY in 1931, a beachcomber on Long Beach, Long Island, 20 miles from New York, saw the body of a young and beautiful woman floating in
    Daily Mirror  -  1,602 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 163 9 SANITATION gS abeas THE [M OISSQIVEMATOR 1 „:.u u> chemically C l rule solution the »oU. not av»llmbl« for MUNICIPAL JffFOVAL. and KM AttracOve r. tnllatlon $400.00 M one arum of dlwolvent pw m iollr.T PAPER. OCCLUXI MrSOLVENT i(11 senu t.\nks Htm S Eaiteri Ltd. j^jbHlt limk Bulldlnf, I „,,>,r,
      163 words
    • 353 9 Pirn*-** w,th cotic... Colic paint literally torture bable**'*^— At such time*, a teaapconful of gentle n. x Milk of Magnate added to each quart >> of baby's formula, or a few drops added to Ms fruit juice or water, will relieve his colic, help Mm bring up wind and keep
      353 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 147 9 Rex Morgan* 3M.D, Beyond help [Hi^n li^iHbf l r>vC&H'^*^^^^^L^B^BW vS^^l I X^FOR ME BUT MATE/ J Ir^ i^^^^l I IB*s«fl jV igr /z^ v^^L^b^F I l^ i^jsm^** |A Tti _jfw^ H L^b^b^bW^bV Vv^LV A i■ 1 1 L^l ISsH VC\ Wv m w f A I Bbh. bVvK^b^bv l^fl sr
      147 words

  • 320 10 MALAYA STILL DOES 19 PER CENT OF ITS TRADE WITH U.K. By Our Market Correspondent NINETEEN per cent of Malaya's foreign trade was conducted with Great Britain in the first quarter of this year, official statistics issued over the week-end show. Although the total value of Malayan trade in the
    320 words
  • 199 10 Ships lying alongside the Singa- pore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Hoegrt Trader 1/2, Heather 3, North Star 4/5. Nias C.P., Uanka 6/7, Tjipanas 8/9, Perseiu. 11, Kyotoku Maru 13/14, Somali 15/16. Orelorsa 18, Hallvard 19/20, Senai N. Wall 2. Segamat N. Wall 4. Serampang N. Wall
    199 words
  • 23 10 The following further April crop ar« notified: Chermang Development. 115,000 lb.; Indragiri. 109.895 lb.; Nyalas. 44,426 lb.; and Tapan. 68.000 lb.
    23 words
  • 277 10 The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "In view of tne Federation holidays, all sections on the local share market were quietly steady with few price changes." Singapore and Federation Brokers reported the following business done yesterday:— Fed. Dispensary $I.BT/i (overnight); Gammon $1.95 (overnight) to $1.90 cd; Henry Waugh
    277 words
  • 184 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: steady; May (Nominal) $29 IJ3 buyers, $39 7,8 sellers; Cocnut oil: steady; bulk $45 10 sellers, drum $48 sellers. Pepper: easier. Muntok white $97, Sarawak $96. special Sarawak black $73 (all varieties down $t since Saturday's close).
    184 words
  • 133 10 May first grade rubber buyen f.o.b. clooed in Sinraporc yesterAay at 85 cenU per lb., down six•sghtks s# a cent on Saturday! clastaa; Vrice. The cloainf tone was quiet. Closing prices In cents per lb., were: No. 1 R.S.s. Spot f.o.b. buyers 85. sellers 85*; No. 1 1
    133 words
  • 16 10 ShtnS of^ f 5 TIN: B,^l Picul (down |iiu *n COPRA: Pieul (unchani;^ h
    16 words
  • 94 10 f nerany qu i e W holding around .stp:id-" and tails Imcs- Stock ExriM,. Minings were price variation inactive and tun Loans maintained a i, r tone in moderate tradin. Loans 3V, 1955 Con. Zinc. Bank 01 N.S.W. Mount Lyell N. Broken Hill Hill 50 Mount Morgan peko
    94 words
  • 121 10 The Malayan Rsskasai r. Association madp i|,e [i changes in its rate L m f yesterday: New York: buy::.--32 T s. O.D. 33. 90 dsl 33 dit btlU. 33 U trade bill*. Canada: buying airmail 32 11/16. O.D 32 13 16%. 33 1/16 credit bills ttij bills. SHlinß
    121 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1759 10 NOTICES NOTICES PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS BY ORDER OF THE noticf TO SHIPPERS OF NOTICE APPUCATIONS axo Invited APPLICATIONa an invited for COMMISSIONtVoF POLICE SteSi'TH "lkO^^POhl SINOAPO R E CITT COUNCIL IZToS£ inr'Ttfvw cm r»c pf»»T «wfttfvh4M AND sir«M/»rv»»B vii wunv»«i not 2j before 21st December 1958 Land OBlce, Singapore:
      1,759 words
    • 415 10 MAERSK LINE ANNA MAERSK SINCAPORE PENANC N. YORK (2nd call) (2nd call) 14/18 May 19 May 19 Junt PALMA SINCAPORE N. YORK Arrived 10 May S July Sailing 26 May KNUTSEN LINE orient service FROM CANAPA/U S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing San Arriving Vancodvc* NIKSW Spore P. Swct Penan*
      415 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1146 11 i ,405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ton 4 J#l Mncorporoteo m Singopore', (1 j ttnui IS THE BLUE FUNNEL UNE T D-r 1 rcr vio >lhc portj to 1000 ond diKhoroe corao |N6S uVIHPOOL. GLASGOW. LONDON ft CONTINtNTATFORTS j 4 1L1N65 re iingopore Due S"' 1 S'hom Panona C*soow Moy IS/10
      1,146 words
    • 1873 11 Rfflfli MMfPHVHI MWHVH I BAST ASIATIC UNES gOTWAM >^<»l«|M M .Nr M MEONIA PtnOnfl S/h01 SpOn l^^f 1 14/18 »»n 10/20 May 21/23 1Z uZZ^ft •/•Jaaa. 10/11 J— IVUJaaa WA 4/ 7 Jaaa B/ OJaaa 10/13Jaaa ass* x.\'A ws-fls aStfafertsSoaaral Aaaatt for SCANDINAVIAN AIRUNES SYSTEM AMERICAN PRESIDENT UNES, LTD. PRESIDENT
      1,873 words
    • 1091 11 MeALISTSR dc CO^ LTD. TEL.: N..: ***** ■aa&BBMAH A BOCKXAXX tr9 rT <r KItBW UHB •••^^H^S&a' 8 11 H>B^D^TTLrr^SSDVVIR VfMeYJIavVIIVaV A --b b o _bbbb -L t-arfk and for U.S.A., North Atlontle Porti •••■•""B aarao yartaarrai aaam and Canada and vio Colombo jibhiim ■RANCISVILU emr op Philadelphia Spot* p. Sham
      1,091 words

  • 292 12 fJREWS and passengers of local boate shipwrecked in Malayan waters now have a far greater chance of survival, because every vessel leaving Singapore and the Federation of Malaya must be equipped with emergency lifeboat biscuits, some of which are manufactured in the Colony. The legislation
    292 words
  • 195 12 Fhas taken combined brains and products of four countries Malaya, England, Ireland and Germany to revolutionise the old fashioned rubber stamps. Between them these countries are now producing the plastic, metal, rubber and felt parts of a modern rubber stamp which will print up
    195 words
  • 349 12 Indonesian rupiah in Colony jumps in value CTRICT exchange control on the import trade in Indonesia has caused the value of Indonesian rupiah to Jump in Singapore, and trade between the two countries to decrease, according to merchants here The price of the rupiah in Singapore now is 10 rupiahs
    349 words
  • 189 12 EX)RMER Singapore busiM. Ness-man, Mr. H. T. Karsten, who has just taken over the chairmanship of the Rubber Growers' Association in London, will be followed next year by another ex-Malayan, Mr. E. D. Shewn. For at the annual meeting recently Mr. Shearo
    189 words
  • 242 12 RUBBER growers in Malaya are showing particular interest, along with tea growers in India, Ceylon and Indonesia, in a new apparatus for dusting crops by "magnetised" insecticide produced by Agricola riant Protecting Chemical Ltd.. 24 Old Broad Street, London. E.C. 2. On to leaves
    242 words
  • 277 12 Two new Papmeau executives DAPINEAU STUDIOS, the Singapore advertising agency, has been joined by two new account executives, who were engaged by the managing proprietor, Mr. Aristide J. G. Papineau, on a trip to Australia last month. The two new executives are Mr. John Dudley Paull
    277 words
  • 158 12 ESCALATORS MADE FOR PRIVATE HOUSES A MOVING stair ha» fr bee n *««velop«.d for the ordinary house by Brnnie Lifts Ltd 2 Tin. S.E r u StreCt> london l>esi e ned to help those who, because of old ace or disability, find difficulty in iliinbiii,. the normal type of stairs,
    158 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      122 words
    • 269 12 MERCEDES-BENZ i (T\ 7YPFIBOD j I\IEbT*EI w HH S £^7?7^^^^HpPH|lbßk rhe established popularity of the Mercedes Benz 180 D I is expressed by all those who demand a high degree of I I E a f quality and comfort combined with splendid "mechanism j c* 0 01 1 maintenance. The
      269 words

  • 741 13 A REVIEW OF THE HOLIDAY SPORT T«HE Hari Raya holi- days brought its spate of sport throughout the Federation and Singapore and fine weather helped to make the weekend one of the outstanding successes. Cricket, of course, took pride of place, with three European versus
    741 words
  • 134 13 TELUK ANSON, Mon. 'FHE Penang and 1 North cricketer, Koay Khoon Leong, hit 101 runs (retired) and then took four wickets for no runs here on Saturday when his dab, Penang Chinese Recreation Club, beat Dew Recreation Club by 165 runs at cricket.
    134 words
  • 83 13 RAUB. Mod. rpEMERLOH have a new cricket star in P. Campbell. In two successive games he has scored 218 runs and taken nine wickets for 55 runs. Last Sunday Campbell, playing against Raub. hit 128 not out and took three wickets for 18 runs. Playing against
    83 words
  • 223 13 LTAM PLAN INTERPORT TENNIS IN STORE THIS YEAR KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. SINGAPORE will be the venue of the flrst-lnter--3 port match for the Yeap Hong Ghee Cup to be played between Malaya and the countries participating in this year's Malayan tennis championships. This was decided at yesterday's Whitsun general meetIng
    223 words
  • 190 13 Aga Khan 's colt wins Paris race PARIS, Mod. THE AOA Khan's Buiason Ardent, who took third place In the recent 2.000 Guineas at Newmarket, won the French equivalent of the Newmarket Classic hare. Bulsson Ardent, a 3S-1 chance for the Epsom Derby on June 8. was ridden by Roger
    190 words
  • 59 13 LONDON Mon— Mr. Arthur Tompsett's four-year-old grey colt Tudor Jinks won the Great Jubilee Handicap worth £3.545 and run over ten furlongs at Kempton Park on Saturday. He beat Queen Elisabeth's colt Alexander by half a length. The Irish challenger. High Bnan was a length
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 29 13 MARSEILLES, Man— Kid Oavilan. Cuba's former worlf welterweight champion, and LouU Trochon of France, fought to a draw in their 10-round non-title boxing match here yesterday.
    29 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1824 13 md^SSBSBI^BBBBBBSSBBBBBSs j t \t to box miwikeri *fVi«S Cecil Slrete Icl P (IMM I»ATiON""vACANT I —Box oS«ta>4BßMi v i?NISHED THREE J H 243 BraddeU B r.^niences. .;,,RAVILLE." 130 P „r 'comfortable single 9 m mil Board. Phone t D BEACH Road, an, Brljtht and k offices and F-Mbllshment. Apply 1
      1,824 words
    • 319 13 FOR SALE FOR SALE TENDERS 28 Word, tS (Mm.)— Box SseU.*xtrm. U Words U <MI*.)—B9M St€t:ixtr*. FEMALE ALSATIAN PUPPIES. ALSATIAN *****. p| j) TENDER NOTICE M-lLAVßeglstered. 3 months old. MKA Class l. exceUent Pedigree. iW to good home only. Box A 513 born Oct. 'S3, and four Baby Tenders frpm
      319 words
    • 546 13 t t9 /(Rayon Fabrics Rayon Var« Ay Q3RCZ]« »wXy^^M^B^M|S^g^g^g^g^gjg<BJglL^_?J_. gj I **amfiaa^MsnfllU'illilnJ Synthetic FMr*\ Fabrics !%%»$M fggft KURASHIKI RAYON CO.. LTD. Heod Office, 2, Umeda Kita-ku, Osaka r»:« Tokyo Office 4, Nihonbashi Muromachi 2-chome Choo, Tokyo. Cable Address: "KURARAY" OSAKA THE ONLY ■ATTEHY WITH SAFBTV'FUtf^^^r^ PV Distributors:— v9|olßb9^H CHEE SENG
      546 words

  • 153 14 The Malays get their medals tonight DEACE has returned to the 1 disturbed ranks of Malay football in Singapore. Remember the row a month ago which threatened to split Malay footballers into two camps and rein Malays' chances in the Community League this year? It flared up just before the
    153 words
  • 69 14 JAKARTA. Mon.— The Indonesian badminton champion. Eddy Yusuf. had accepted an invitation to play in a big badminton exhibition in aid of the Nanyang University fund at Singapore on May 27. Eddy Yusuf recently beat Wong Peng Soon in a match at Solo. The Nanyang exhibition
    69 words
  • 543 14 CAMERA EVIDENCE AT EVERY STAGE TEH MINUTES AFTER THE EVENT AMERICAN FIRM OFFERS LATEST SCIENTIFIC AID By EPSOM JEEP rpHE film patrol, exten--1 sively used in America where the racing public is given wonderful value for its money, may soon be introduced to Malayan racing. A
    543 words
  • 141 14 COLOMBO, Mon. SPORT in Ceylon is to get a complete overhaul, the Prime Minister, Mr. S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, said today. He said he was disappointed with the present position of sport In Ceylon and he will put "it on a different footing altogether." "My
    UP  -  141 words
  • 515 14 By EPSOM JEEP TtfEWCOMER Hurry Hurry and speedy Dande Bay, both engaged in the Class 1, Div. 3, 6f. handicap tomorrow, cracked 37 for 3f. in their wind-ing-up gallops on a good galloping track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Hurry Hurry (late Full Ahead), a handsome Vigorous
    515 words
  • 66 14 (CHINESE Athletic gained two valuable points from a walkover when Corinthians, failed to turn up for their s.a.F.a. First Division match at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. In Div. 2A. Haikowyu and Alexandra drew 2-2 »t Qeylang Stadium. Stephen Tan (2) scored for Haikowyu; Oaman Mohamed and P.
    66 words
  • 45 14 ATA special meeting last night, Singapore Cycle Racing Association nominated five delegates to attend the S.O.SC. annual general meeting on May 18 at the Garden Club. They are: Ng Chwee Lye, Kwa Chin Swee, Kee Yew Leng. Teo Chin Beng and Sulaiman Awang.
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  • 182 14 SCFA to play Negri Saturday SINGAPORE Chinese will play their M.C.F.A. Cup semi-final against Negri Sembllan Chinese at Seremban on May 19. S.C.F.A. decided at their annual general meeting yesterday to select 15 players to make the trip. Two officials will accompany the team. However, B.C.F.A. must first ask Singapore
    182 words
  • 98 14 MHF to name Olympic team on June 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. ™E MALAYAN 1 Hockey Federation will nominate their players and officials to the Olympic Games at the meetins of delegates on June 3. The meeting will first decide on the number of officials to accompany the team including a
    98 words
  • 44 14 pOMBINED Services XI to meet the SA FA XI on Saturday. In aid of the S.O.S.C. Fund at the Jalan Besar had a fine practice game when they drew 2-2 with R.A.F. Seletar at SeleUr yesterday. At half-time the score was 1-1.
    44 words
  • 205 14 BELGRADE, Mon. ORITAIN made sure of surviving their Davis Cup (European Zone) second round tie here today when they gained a winning 3-0 lead agalst Yugoslavia. Billy Knight (Britain) won a service game to clinch his singles against Ilija Panajotovlc 6-4. 6-4. 6-2. The
    205 words
  • 309 14 NOTTS REPLY WITH 177-3 NOTTINGHAM, Monday. TOE AUSTRALIAN cricketers got in another solid bout of batting practice today in their game against Nottingham at the Test ground at Trent Bridge. At lunch they were 547 for eight and Keith Miller declared. Peter Burge scored
    UP  -  309 words
  • 134 14 AUSTRALIANS— IST INNS. McDonald c Rowe b Stocks 195 Rutherford c Dooland b Jepson 35 McKay lbw b Dooland 7 Craig c Rowe b Walker SK Miller run out 10 Barge c Martin b DooUnd 131 Benand b Jepson 62 Archer not out M Davidson c DooUnd b Smaies
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 31 14 GLASGOW. Mon.— Third Lanark beat Partlck Thistle 4-2 in the Glasgow Charity Soccer Cup final at Hampden Park on Saturday. Partick Thistle led by 2-1 at half time.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 156 14 LONDON, Mon. SURREY, the county cricket champions, were within sight of their first victory after three (fames this season at Cardiff today. At tea. Glamorgan had lost two of their second Innings wickets for eight runs and need another 269 for victory. Tea scores were:
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 857 14 SOCCER'S GREAT TO PLAY FOR A CAUSE By The Sports Editor ON SUNDAY Singapore's older soccer fans and players will make a sentimental journey to Jalan Besar Stadium to see Malaya Cup Veterans meet Singapore Civilian Referees at 7 p.m. This match, the first of two on Sunday in aid
    857 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 880 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pag* SITUATIONS VACANT it Word, y, 1 Win.)— Box itctt.txtr: VACANCY EXISTS for Accounts Clerk. Export Branch, British Company. Handwritten Applications, Box A 3055 B.T. EUROPEAN COMPANY Requires Engineering Fitter between the anes of 20 and 30 preferably with experience on diesels. Apply Box A 3045
      880 words
    • 23 14 HpjpjpMpjpjpj R-5-E. best features vj of /modern design Wroskopf J FAMOUS SINCE 1867 SOLE AGENTS !//>////>/' ARCADE BUILDING RAFFLES PLACC P. O. BOX 3W
      23 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 79 14 SOCCER S.A.F.A. LEAGUE Div. I: I.R.C v H.M. Dockyard, JaUn Besar; 5.15 p.m.; Div. 2A: BCC v Kota Rajah. 8.C.C.: S. Socceritea v Kinta Bangers. Farrer Park; Div. SB: Rajaji S.H.B. Police. Geylaar UNITED SERVICES LEAGUE, Div. 1: SeleUr v R.E.M.E., SeleUr: Div. 2: R.A.P.C. v Athenians. 'R.A.P.C.; Lodgers v
      79 words