The Straits Times, 12 May 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times tit**** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 452 1 Place in the mn for all aliens who take oath ol allegiance to Colony flan goes to the legal I experts XOW FOR DEFINITION From HARRY MILLER LONDON, Fri. irHK British Government yesterday accepted 'in principle Singapore's proposals for citiprfup and nationality. It -;il experts will now
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  • 143 1 BACK TO THE ROCKS... IKDOX. Fri. Today's session of the talks ended !;e: two hours 10 minutes the longest single sitk| no far. tf delegates will meet iam tomorrow morning. Mushall .-aid as 'he em«rged from today's session lit "some progress" had been mad? on the questions of the Public
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 43 1 BONN. Fri.-Dr. Heinrich r Brentano. the West ■ttttn Foreien Minister, c today he did not con- w Win.ston Churchill's «KMtwn that the Soviet imon might eventually join < AUantic Pact a "suitable ttnt f Pr Ceed t0 a settle Ei r Problems.
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  • 37 1 LONDON, Fri. The Communists sprang a surprise in the London Metropolitan elections by gaining three seats from Labour at Whitechapel, East London, and one at Mile End, East London. Reuter (See Page 2)
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  • 93 1 SAILOR FALLS FROM HOTEL Drops 40 feet on to ear A 40-YEAR-OLD SAILOR, Chue Tei. fell 40 feet from the second floor, of the Hai Hin Hotel in Beach Road. Singapore, yesterday. He had flown to Singapore from Europe only two days before No one saw him fall. He landed
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  • 86 1 NOW IVAN CAN QUIT IF HE LIKES MOSCOW, Fri. A government decree abolished today the 16-year-old restriction on the Soviet worker's right to quit his job and work where he likes. The decree said that from today Soviet workers were free to quit their jobs on two weeks' notice anytime
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  • 31 1 WASHINGTON. Fri. The Soviet bloc has sent about $100,000,000 worth of arms to Egypt including 200 Jet fighters, 50 bombers and six submarines according to diplomatic reports here. Reuter.
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  • 25 1 PARIS Fri. Police seized Communist newspapers todaybecause they alleged that French authorities in Algeria had shot hostage* and carried out summary executions. Reuter.
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  • 75 1 LONDON. Fri. The British Government is ready to declare a firm date for the independence of the Gold Coast within the Commonwealth, if a general election is held in that country. Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd. the Colonial Secretary, announced today. Mr. Lennox Boyd told the House
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  • 213 1 Father of runaway girl eats heart out HONG KONG, Frl. rpHE police here have no way to help a Chinese businessman from Singapore to dissuade his 20--year-old daughter from going to Communist China, a spokesman said today. A Singapore building contractor, Mr. Leong Chee Sing,
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  • 595 1 Go-slow starts with a dead stop 320,000 TAKE A DAY OFF KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Union leaders today spoke of "ultimate victory" as branch after branch reported complete success on the first day of the national rubber go-slow. A union statement tonight claimed that almost the entire 320,000 plantation labour force
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  • 21 1 PHILADELPHIA, Fri.— State authorities made the biggest series of raids on narcotic sellers In the city's history today.— U.P.
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  • 255 1 Reprisal horror in Cyprus NICOSIA, Friday. pYPRUS terrorists claimed today to have executed two British soldiers as a reprisal for the hanging yesterday of two Cypriots sentenced for terror killings. I Leaflets distributed In Nicosia by Eoka, the terrorist organisation, gave the names of the soldiers
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  • 17 1 TOKYO, Fri.— The Japanese Foreign Ministry today announced an air agreement between Japan and India.
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  • 31 1 MOSCOW. Fri.— The presidium of the Russian Supreme Soviet has ratified the International Labour Organisation resolution on equal pay for women. Tass. the Soviet news agency, said today. Reuter.
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  • 106 1 Bomber crashes on rail track DRIGHTON, Fri. A v British jet Valiant bomber crashed on a railway track near here today. The pilot was reported to have parachuted and landed safely. Two other members of the secret bomber were reported killed. The Valiant, on a delivery flight from the Ministry
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  • 42 1 POLICE FIND RED DOCUMENTS Singapore police early this morning found more than 75 Communist documents scattered about in Chinese school in Bartley Road. Documents. stencilled in Chinese characters, condemned "police action against Chinese students during May 12 riots last year.''
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  • 36 1 PARIS, Frl— President Tito and the French Premier, M. Guy Mollet, met today for new talks to make Yugoslavia and France partners in efforts to close the gap between East and West.— U.P.
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  • 50 1 NEW ORLEANS, Fri. A radio announcer who tossed 200 one-dollar banknotes from the top of a building here as a publicity stunt was ar- rested by police yesterday for disturbing the peace. A constantly increasing crowd blocked Canal Street during the 45 minutes of the giveaway. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 ft -Ji'.''' THIN ORDER. A PARTY PACK 50 SERVES FOR $5.20 The ultiipat* in precision mad* 35 mm cameras. Choic* of ten interchangeable lenses on bayonet JSt, mount, plus shutter .^^^^rfHH^k speeds to 1/1250 sec.
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    • 142 1 r That's the 'jackpot 1 prize to be won in The Malayan Monthly's Word Puzzle Contest C V I IT CAN BE YOURS! Entries close on May 15 I four days from today i mm SEND YOUR ENTRY NOW Nature intended all to enjoy complete J^T and peaceful steep each
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    • 9 1 NO HOM SOA» FACTORY IT. •1 cmiu»»t oocct riiitH-Mit
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  • 232 2 BUT NO LANDSLIDE, ADMIT SOCIALISTS LONDON, Fri. Results of British municipal elections showed a pronounced swing to the left today. Socialists claimed a net gain of 213 seats in town councils in England and Wales and 57 more in rural and urban districts. The Labour
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  • 83 2 LONDON, Pri.— Davy Crockett, the legendary American hero of the West was attacked yesterday by a group of eminent British eye surgeons. In the current issue of the British Medical Journal they say there has been a significant increase in the number of children admitted
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  • 116 2 JAKARTA, FrL INDONESIAN troops fought a two-hour battle yesterday before they succeeded in beating off rebel units which attacked a North Sumatran town. According to a military communique issued at Medan, capital of North Bumatra, the rebels attacked the town of Blreuen, about 230 miles
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  • 23 2 KARACHI. FrL Mr. Mohamad AIL Prime Minister of Pakistan, has postponed his departure for a goodwill tour of China. Reuter.
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  • 246 2 Russian Othello wins prize for best production Best acting award for portrayal of a dipsomaniac PANNES, Frt. Susan Ha-*, v won the Cannes Film Fesr best acting prize for her roY is dipsomaniac in "I'll Cry Tonw it was announced last night The Grand Prix went
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  • 27 2 TOKYO, FrL— A private ornnisatlon here known as the japan Peace Committee today reported a forthcoming mass release of Japanese detainees from Communist China.— Reuter.
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  • 47 2 A community centre costing $45,000, is to be built ir. Singapore for the people c! Changi. It will be on a 2Vi acre plot in Samapah Road and will have a projectior. roorc for an open air cinema and badminton and basketba.: courts.
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  • 159 2 Co-ed mistress hints at murder MANILA. FrL— A 21-year-old college co-ed today told a court investigating the fatal shooting of a Spanisn diplomat that he feared someone was going to kill him. Miss Yolanda Marquez filed affidavits in a hearing into the death of acting
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  • 29 2 LONDON. Fri. The Japanese freighter Awobasan Maru, which put Into Aden last week end with a fire in her hold, left today for Port Sudan. Reuter.
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  • 200 2 /VXFORD, FrL An Ox\J ford undergraduate will set off from London next month in a midnight attempt to drive a golf ball from Marble Arch to his college. 65 miles away. Humphrey Crum-Ewing. of Chrtstchurch College, has been bet £35 by two fellow
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  • 201 2 Algerians step up terror ALGIERS, Friday. MILITARY and unofficial reports indicated today that the French have killed at least 500 Algerians this week in their drive to check the new nationalist offensive against European farms and settlements. i 1 Some French newspapers in Algiers estimated rebel
    AP  -  201 words
  • 110 2 700 FAIL IN BIG BID FOR PANTIES BATON ROUGE, Louisiana Fri. Poiicr last fii?nt broke up the second P" n tie raid In two nights at Louisiana State University Firemen helped disperse about 700 male students firing blank pistols, setting off firecrackers ami throwing rotten eggs, rocks and bottles. Police
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    • 47 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. The Post Office Department said today that 5.880 of its postmen were bitten by dogs last year. The department said it was considering putting "built-in protection" in the postmen's uniforms and also arming postmen with a chemical dog repellent.—Reuter.
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    • 18 2 WASHINGTON: The Senate approved President Elsenhower's nomination of Mr. Albert F. Nufer to be ambassador to the Philippines.—U.P.
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    • 25 2 ROME: The VS. ambassador. Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, has developed "a run down condition" and is returning to the United States for a physical check-up.-A.P.
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    • 34 2 HONG KONG: U Tin Maung. leader of a Burmese economic mission to Washington, said here today that his mission had obtained from the World Bank twe loans totalling $19,350,000 for port and railway construction.—Reuter.
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    • 22 2 LONDON: Sir Anthony Eden announced the Government was setting up an all-party committee to examine the reports and accounts of State-owned. industries.—Reuter.
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    • 21 2 MOSCOW: A BBC. delegation ended talks here yesterday with Soviet radio chiefs on Soviet Jamming of British broadcasts beamed to Russia.—Reuter
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    • 8 2 NEW YORK: Sir John Slessor, Marshal of the
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    • 28 2 R.A.F.. hit out at mo*'» abolish nuclear ww 1 c and said cr doubt that the West be compelled jojuygS power In certain c-cu. tances of "limited warsReuter.
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    • 12 2 CARDIFF One Welsh miners an missed because long record ol mdi*»P' —Reuter.
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    • 18 2 JB» SMS*? munist Party party **^*JsiX#» strikes, denr petitions, and rrn demand peace In A« Reuter. t~.m tiinm
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    • 33 2 PARIS. FrL-Ml-Slmone W^J^hamP on"hip> yj Orleans, hss won the French n r ue >P ffd by typing for one hour non-stop at an »*<•"* SI words a minute.— Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 no price premium jgs for a premium product* 19 mineral waters IliBH J nl r4 So from now on you are going g| k I a ml/§^ t0 be able t0 buy authentic Schweppes WjW6Prt I wSk IPBB al POP" 1 P rices Bbsgi BrnwpnniAp B^V^irHSS Wim is it that
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  • 312 3 Did Russians kill Crabb as saboteur? SECRET SERVICE BLUNDER' LONDON, Friday. n'HKN Commander Lionel "Buster" Crabb, Britain'^ missing frogman, dived into Portsmouth harbour on a secret mission last month Lmi have swum nto Russian frogmen on! underwater guard. T 1 :.\v was put forward by a well-informed Knirre today as
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  • 132 3 HE FAKED DEATH TO COLLECT INSURANCE SAO PAULO (Brazil). Fri. FIRMER Rafael Florilo effort to "kill" ktoMll in a fake road accident and collect heavy insurance on his life has been thwarted by doctors here. fThen the 40-year-old farmer i car was found completely wrecked by fire on the highway
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  • 35 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. The V .-.ited States Export-Import Bir.i: yesterday made an jr. million loan to the Kansi E>ctric Company of Japan lor the construction of a ream power station at O-aka— Reuter.
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  • 19 3 KARACHI, Fri. Pakistan cjnpd an agreement here yesterday with Communist China to buy 300,000 tons of »«1.-Reuter.
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  • 58 3 LONDON. Fri. Admiral *rauld Wright, Supreme iiied Commander in the Atlantic, said here today that foe Atlantic Pact nations *ould need all the power they could get to meet the growing menace of the Russian navy. He said Russia now has more than 400 submarines and is
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  • 70 3 HOT BATHES ARE ANTI-SOCIAL, SAYS DOCTOR LONDON, Fri. Dr. S. C. Dyke yesterday denounced the hot bath as an antisocial habit and said It should be discouraged. In a letter to the British Medical Journal he said: "It is an obvious fallacy to think that frequent immersion in hot water
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  • 25 3 COVENTRY, Fri. —Eleven thousand strikers in the motor car industry voted yesterday to retu-n to work after a 15-day walk-out.— A. P.
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  • 216 3 FIRING SQUADS EXECUTE KILLERS NEW YORK, Prt VOLUNTEER firing squads executed two men at dawn today in Utah State Prison, 20 miles south of Salt Lake City, for a murder they committed more than six years ago. Deputy Sheriff Charles Wells from Iron County, where Verne Braasch and Melvin Sullivan
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  • 24 3 COLOMBO, Fri. A special issue of postage stamps in four denominations will be made In Ceylon to mark the Buddha JayantL— U.P
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  • 19 3 ROME, Fri. The Pope received more than 20,000 tourists and pilgrims yesterday in general audience.— A. P.
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  • 249 3 RUMPUS AT H-TEST WEATHER STATION— WHITE MAN'S MOVIE MAGIC SAVED THE DAY WNIWETOK, Fri. Hollywood forestalled a war declared on the United States last September. The war never actually started. Nor was it. publicised. Marvin Miles, aviation editor of the Los Angeles Times, who is
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  • 204 3 DEATH— AND A VAST TREASURE TROVE New light on Bose mystery rpOKYO, Fri.— An Indian X nationalist who worked with the Japanese during the Pacific war claims that a huge treasure in jewels and money disappeared with Subhas Chandra Bose, the wartime Indian nationalist leader who was reportedly killed in
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  • 17 3 WASHINGTON, Fri.—President Eisenhower entered Walter Reed Army Hospital yesterday for a complete physical examination. Reuter
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  • 25 3 DARWIN. Fri. Five Indonesian youths sailed from here today o n a 1,000-mile trip to Celebes on board a 20ft. fishing boat.— Reuter.
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  • 104 3 LONDON, Frl. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp duty were: s ig«% tt BAN) M 14 /o /a /s /e u. i INI Un. (uti I ■ntlal Mi —1 /9 2/» £5) >( fl 1 I on 7 i 1 in r'.'.'.'.'.'.'i 1/t A&l ntam
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  • 25 3 LONDON. May, 11—Spot 25\d., June 25% d., July-Sept. 25-\d.. Oct.-Dec. 25d.. Jan-Mar 24 \d., May c.l.f. 25'/td., June c.l.f. 25\d., Tone: Easier after steady.
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  • 23 3 LONDON, May, 11. Cash Buyers £752; Sellers £753; Forwards Buyers £751; Sellers £751 >*; Settlement £753; Turnover: a.m. 40 tons; p.m. 25 tons.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 78 3 fo^iheirighVstart iaiiife Baby Heeds KUM ..AheJbestjnUk! "Pure, safe Klim milk is*especially recommended by doctors for infant feeding. Only the best f Ash cow's milk is selected for KUM. VtTAftUM a K contains all the nourishing aomd goodness that baby needs to grow strong and healthy. Kum is easier to digest,
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    • 390 3 MEALS TO REMEMBER t^ampSdlk SOUPS CREAM OF POTATO GREEN PEA A HAM CREAM OF SHRIMP OYSTER STEW followed by OtMMSOHS A_ QUICK-FROZEN DINNERS J^Sr TURKEY, BEEF pt&fldifc and CHICKEN F^^S^^^ Butinm ai uiual at oil Branches. Agents and Sole Importers: SMKAPOK COLD STORAGE (0. LTD. CAI/C $200 VflVb IN THIS
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  • 328 4 Wasted Now attack by doctors 400 MORE BEDS? irS NOT TRUE rpHE Alumni Associa--1 tion last night invited a public inquiry into facilities for the people of Singapore at the General Hospital. The Association was answering a challenge by the acting Minister for Health, Mr. Chew Swee Kee, who said
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  • 518 4 Problems —a b# ovmomi, says Hart Raya m#—age KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Tengku Abdul Rahman today appealed to the people of the Federation to be "calm, confident and reasonable" in considering the country's problems and so preserve peace and harmony. The appeal was contained in a
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  • 112 4 Crowds at airport to see chic Liv Chi, the Chinese Marilyn IPOH. Friday. HONG KONG film Star Liv Chi -"the Chinese Marilyn Monroe"— took Ipoh by storm today when she arrived from Kuala Lumpur for a w ««*_i" lt Mmi Car loads of fans flocked to the airport. Many waited
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  • 179 4 Chin Peng unleashes peace barrage— but it misfires badly KUALA LUMrua, rnuay. MALAYA'S terrorists have started a propaganda-by-personal-letter campaign. And it has misflrorf hoHiv i A Government spokesman said today that "quite a number" of propaganda letters bad recently been posted to prominent Malayans. Vernacular newspapers had also been getttnsr
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  • 91 4 ROSE MAY HOBBLE FOR CASH ROSE CHAN, RECENTLY voted the best-undressed woman in Malaya, has been asked to star in a new Shaw Brothers' film as a cripple girl with a withered leg. Bat Rose, currently stripping at Singapore's New World, has not yet decided if she wUI accept the
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  • 47 4 KUALA KANGSAR. Fri. A labourer, Ho San, 48, was taken to the hospital with a suspected broken arm yesi terday, after a road accident In which an Army Jeep was involved. Ho was riding a cycle at the time of the accident.
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  • 141 4 But old farmer is fatally injured as he walks towards mosque BUTTERWORTH. Fri. An 81-year-old padi planter going to a wedding feast suggested to his friends that they should first call at the mosque and pray. But when he crossed the road, he was knocked down by
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  • 33 4 Shipping is warned that firing practice will be held on Blakang Matt Island from May 21 to 25 and from May 28 to June 1, between 8 a_». and 4.30 p.m.
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  • 24 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— Kuala Lumpur Municipal Council will hold a special meeting: on May 22 to consider new sewerage and dralnage by-laws.
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  • 107 4 FOUND: A LOST YACHT rwfHE Manohara, a French yacht which had been "missing" for 13 days, was located by a Royal Air Force Sunderland on Thursday off the West Coast of johore, 200 miles from Singapore. A report from the Sunderland received in the Colony yesterday said the yacht was
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  • 58 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Kuala Lumpur district crime officer. Mr. C. M. Sunderaraj, DSP. is to be transferred to Pahang as officer in charge of criminal investigation. Mr. Sunderaraj. who leaves here on Monday, will be susceeded by Mr. Choo Kok Weng. A.S.P.. formerly In charge
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  • 31 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. Negotiations were satisfactorily concluded today between the South Johore Bus Workers' Union and the directors of the company on claims for higher wages and other benefits.
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  • 29 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Villagers of Buklt Oambir have sent a petition to the I Johore Government against I the closing of a Government dispensary in the village.
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  • 152 4 rE Singapore Government, to bring Its electoral roll up to date, Is sending a mobile Identity card unit to outlying kampongs to renew particulars on Identity cards of rural people. The roll is compiled from Information recorded on these cards. Arrangements nave also been made
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  • 28 4 KUALA KANGSAR. Fri. A 16-year-old girl, Tham Kuan Yin, was admitted to hospital yesterday with a stab wound in her back. Police have detained a youth.
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  • 155 4 STRIKE QUESTION FOR TENGKL ITUALA LUMPUR p. Tengku Abd^i Rahman will be asi™ on Wednesday S called the police rim squad to Kepong b station on April when 60 worker? v PTo on strike. The question has W n nut down for hearing i n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 244 4 in our Sea-Side garden with MISS ALICE LEE < (The Nif>tingale of the Orient) SS 5 to entertain you with English < and Chinese tongs for one __j__r )> montti commencing from to- F^F \< < ni nt _M_M^ li _S» Uniquely citnated on the ■"WtflL << i Beach with
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    • 206 4 Ip You'll be delighted with Pyrex easy-grip casseroles! W'JP^ 1 They h«ve bijnrer, wider handles for easier lid-lifting, r^^T.-. I easier carrying, even with a thick oven-cloth. What's M&E'-TgiJ more, every flat-surfaced lid, every base, ran be used a) KililflllS a teparate dish. Pyrex is the only oven-glass casserole I;
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  • 163 5 POLITICS' IN REPLY IRKS Mr. MM PENANG. Fri. E Alliance whip in thsrs settlement Council SeeH m P^ an S on if "fact that the ry'i office has my complaint prevent the Zanwx of the deplorable J^mbarrasslng .situation I had referred," fum told the Straits Deplorable' rw Lim in his
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  • 100 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. It Tay Hooi Soo i Alliance, Booth) will ask the ■y. Minister next week why who surrendered unoesty have been pt "preferential treatr He vrili also ask Tengku Hz:. Rahman how many terrorists have been t yen jobs by the Information,
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  • 297 5 Pyjamas— as they can be DRESS -CONSCIOUS HOSPITAL PATIEMTS HAVE A MEW CHAMPION DUMP 'CONVICT SUITS 9 FOR THIS CHEERFUL BED-WEAR, SHE SAYS mwir i KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TOE i eg ,ons of patients who, through the years, have had their dress sense outraged while wearing shapeless, Government-iesue pyjamas in
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  • 49 5 IPOH, Pri. More than 20 studios In Ipoh will close on Tuesday to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the Perak Photographic Research Society with a tea-party in the afternoon and a dinner In the evening. Representatives from Penang and Selangor studios will attend.
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  • 78 5 Council upset: Nobody moans BUTTERWORTH, Fri LUNAS Local Council, said to be one of the best in the Federation, recently put up a complaints box. "When it was opened there was not a single complaint, said Mr. Soon Cheng Leong, the chairman, today. He said the council was trying to
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  • 56 5 PENANG, Pri. St. Nicholas' Home for the Blind appeal has raised $7,696 through recent donations. These include $2,362 from the premiere of "A Town Like Alice" $1,402 from the collection tin at the Bank of China, and $400 from the part proceeds of the opening
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  • 92 5 'Ban books which defame the Prophet' KUALA LUMPUR. Pri.— The Federation Government will be asked next week to ban anti-Muslim textbooks from some English schools. Tuan Sheikh Ahmad (Alliance, Perils) says some books are either contrary to the teachings of Islam or defame Mohamed. He wants the Minister for Education
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  • 56 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— Mr. K.V. Thaver will ask the Minister for Health and Social Welfare at Wednesday's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council what special facilities there are for treatIng opium addicts. He wants to know whether there are centres for treatment and, if there are,
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  • 27 5 PENANG. Fri.— Courts in Penang and Province Wellesley will sit as usual on Monday after closing today and tomorrow for the Hari Raya Puasa holidays.
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  • 30 5 Mr. Fenner Brockway, a British Labour M.P., has accepted an Invitation from the Timber Producers' Association of North Borneo to visit the country to study the timber Industry.
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  • 166 5 Petition over resettlement PENANG, Friday. ITTVE hundred residents in the "black area" around the Paya Terubong, Sungei Dua and Balik Pulau triangle, today petitioned the Resident Commissioner to allow them to remain on Penang island if they are to be resettled. "We would prefer
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  • 272 5 A GALLANT CORPORAL WINS M.M. ITUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Queen ha* awarded the Military Medal to Cpl. John Clarke, of the Ist Bn. Royal Hampshire Regiment, for his leadership and courage In an attack on terrorists in the Kuala Kubu District of North Selangor on March 14. He led three
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  • 129 5 "No smoking" warn the signs in two Singapore courts. And from Monday that's what they will mean: "No smoking"— ALL the time. Lawyers and witnesses at the Criminal District and Magistrates' Courts in South Bridge Road have never strictly obeyed the order. While
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  • 170 5 CLUE TO HIT-AND-RUN LORRY IPOH, Friday. A MAN lay dying in the road after he had been knocked down by a lorry which did not stop after the collision but he managed to scrawl four figures, believed to be the lorry's registration number, on the
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  • 85 5 Selangor Socialists rejoice KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. More than 2,000 members of the Selangor division of the Malayan 'Labour Party are expected to attend a rally in Jinjang North new village, near Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to celebrate their success in the local council elections. Three members of the Jinjang branch were
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  • 59 5 Eight of Singapore's 63 branches of the United Malays National Organisation are planning a 10-day celebration of UMNO's 10th anniversary on Sunday. A programme has been drawn up to hold a fun fair at the Junction of Changl Road and Still Road. The Federation Chief Minister,
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  • 49 5 Singapore Girl Guides invaded Singapore Airport early yesterday morning to meet Mrs. Helen Means, Chairman of the world committee of the World Association of Girt Guides and Girls Councils. Mrs. Means is on ber way to attend a meeting of the world committee in London.
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  • 44 5 Children living at Pulau Seraya an island off Singapore, will have a school to go to before the end of the year The Rural Board has called for tenders for the construction of a Malay school on the island.
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  • 17 5 A $2 million, 600 bed mental hospital is being built by the Sarawak Government at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 139 5 1 '*W"^™?^^'""~"\ S^ iHLr~*2O i Ofo BB^L^MBbTItTB^BBB^ I S>NCAfO»t 1 /^M^ Sp««d. PunctiMlitT, Relnbilicy tbetc we the (hiD|{>th*t make C.P.A. 1 tervice to Far Eastern Port* completely aniurp«ued. C.P.A. n '^■ft BritMh Airline, manned by British Pilots, mtintuncd by British Eosineeri. For all information concerning flight times and schedules, check
      139 words
    • 161 5 To offer Pepsi -Cola is to say I GmU-IeoiSJtJL, I A toast to good fortune. H An offer of good wiahe*. H A happy symbol of companionship-* i H "Good health, my friend." 9 Pepsi-Cols expreaaes your good filing, your pleasure, your happineM. For Pepsi is more B than a
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 214 5 High tides TODAY: Singapore 12.17 pjn. (Bft. 41n.), 11.43 p.m. (9ft. 4in.); Port Dickson 7.34 a.m. (Bft. Sin.), 8.05 p.m. (Mt. 71n.); Penang 1.41 a.m. (7ft. 2in.), 1.53 p.m. (Bft. 31n.). TOMORROW: Singapore 1.03 pjn. (Bft In.): Port Dickson 8.16 am. (Bft 61n.?, 8.46 pjn. (9ft. 4in.); Penang 2.23 ajn.
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  • 97 6 20 Word! $1* (Minimum) RECEIVED CABLE FROM Colombo that Nadarajah »B.SC. Student! <wn of Mr. K. Bubramanwm o; C.E.8.. K.L., Nephew of Mr. C. Rajapatcham of Telecoms. XL and Brother of Mr. S. Navaratnam ot the C.E.B. Stores, Expired. MRS lAN TECK OUAN Nee Chlk Sarawak iTeo Whatt Neo),
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  • 46 6 20 Wordt $10 (minimum) A REQUIEM HIGH Mass will be Sung on Monday 14th May, 1958. at 6.30 a.m. on the 2nd Anniversary of the death of Dr. A. M. D'Cotta at the Church of St. Joseph Victoria Street. All Relatives and Friends are Invited.
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  • 201 6 20 Word* $10 (MMmum) INEXPENSIVE SHORT Evening Dresses at Mulchands. 82-1, Bras Basah Roaci. FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the Malay Mail" If you want to win that *5,000 word puzzle. KILL ALL UNPLEASANT kitchen smells with modern Alrwick. It's swift, sure and economl- cal to use. 1 DAY
    201 words
  • 33 6 20 H'onfs US» (minimum). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Singapore, 8 Orange Grove Road. Singapore-10 (off Orchard Road) Sunday Services and Sunday school 10.30 a.m. Testimony Meetings Ist and 3rd Wednesdays 1 a.m.
    33 words
  • 657 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. May, 12, 1956. The Schools Problem The Razak plan for education is not all things to all communities. First comments nevertheless suggest that the Minister has not misplaced his confidence in the acceptability of his report "to the people as a whole." It would have
    657 words
  • 286 6 The new Socialist Government of Ceylon must be popularly rooted to be able to trifle with the salaries of its bureaucracy. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Posts intends to introduce a resolution to place a ceiling of Rs. 1,000 a month on the salaries of
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  • 256 6 Although the joint AngloRussian note to South and North Vietnam reminds these two governments that they have agreed to the principle of national reunification through free general elections, it is apparent that there is no hope of an early settlement in Indo-China. Moscow and London have recognised that
    256 words
  • 1239 6  - As I was saying CYNICUS by f SATURDAY STUDY 3IX of the eight mem- 3 be'rs of the international committee which is organising the coming confer- ence of students in Indonesia are well known Communists. Three of them are paid party workers, and not students at all. The majority of
    Han Hai Fong  -  1,239 words
  • 750 6 MAMJkmmm rpHE road ran through x the Jungle, straight, as though it had been laid out with a ruler. The road was red laterite and it was the Jungle virgin. The lofty trees towered to obscure the evening sky. In every fork where bough touched trunk
    750 words
  • 177 6 (From the Straits Tfmes of May 10, 1906). rE question of dealing with nuisance of white loafers in our midst Is one that presses for the attention of the Government. The nuisance steadily grows in dimensions, unchecked, whereas a simple measure (not the Detention House Ordinance) enacted
    177 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 519 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 20 Horrf. (Minimum) OARD: To Jane and Ben. at X.X Hospital. Singapore, on 11th M»y. 19i«. a daughter. Bridget Mary. both well. Deo Or»Ua». HOME -EAVE 10 Word, $S Win.;— Box 50 ett. extra. WHEN IN BRITAIN drive yourself in a new Vauxhall (Velox or Wyvern > or
      519 words
    • 41 6 CitMAH MM VffiSle II o» I i X I II I a^Lfl li^H p Incomparable for vitible ink «IH«g capacity, reliability V price-worthiM**. Agente Service Station«>IVCRBRICHT OPTICAL CO.. 19, Ch«IU St., B*por«-l. ENC SENC MEDICAL CO.. 8, Ah Qnee St., Pen»n«.
      41 words
    • 207 6 oooooooooooooooooooooooocTooooo FESTIVAL OF FAVOURITES M"«IlllS MASTER'S VOX I fl EXTENDED PLAY I BtJj B I "That Miller Mwt" Over the Rainbow; When m W f .SET Xhis£j Cenn Mill. o^^ g Faithful Forever. I I "MowuJ City Blue t I Blowers" I Hello Lola; One Hour; I Tailspin Blues; Never
      207 words

  • 380 7 t llo MEMBERS OF 'FAMILY- IN HARMONY TO GIVE CONCERTS IN MALAYA mmmmmmm bSingapore nowi reaay but they may play ir in shirt-sleeves \VO. ..THREE... OfOVR chartered airliners down a! 15 minute in- is i Singapore Airport yes--1I( „s the last plane rolled t' nl;iV s|
    380 words
  • 118 7 MISLED BY THE NOSE It was just mud. RESIDENTS of Wan Tho Avenue in the Sennett Estate, Singapore, heaved a big sigh of relief yesterday morning. They were told by City Council engineers that the sewerage pipes in the area had NOT sprung a leak. Some of them had suspected
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  • 71 7 BUTTERWORTH, Fri. The Sessions Court President, Mr. B. J. Jennings, yesterday ordered the forfeiture of three cars and a bicycle involved in Customs cases. "I have no other alternative," he told the owners— Yeoh Cheng Leong, Chan Ton Sneah, Uan Beng Kee and Lee Chiew. Senior
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  • 73 7 MOVE TO RAISE FINES ANGERS HAWKERS rOUSANDS of Singapore hawkers are planning a protest against the City Council's proposal to increase the fine for obstruction from $25 to $250. A spokesman of the Singapore Hawkers Association said yesterday that signatures would be collected for a petition to be submitted within
    73 words
  • 62 7 Bus talks resume Talks between the Hock Lee Bus Company and the Singapore Bus Workers' Union on a 17-point wages and conditions claim will be resumed today. At a six-hour meeting on Wednesday, they fatted to agree on the first two items on the list. The demands Include a wage
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  • 75 7 'KNOW YOUR ENEMY COURSES KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Junior officers in some Government departments are being made familiar with communist tactics to assist them in their work. The departments are those of Education, Labour, Chinese Affairs and Information. The week-long course, taken by about, a dozen officers at a time, is
    75 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 7 MR. AND MRS. TOK TEIK ENG smile happily as they drive away from the Geylane Methodist Church, Singapore, after their wedding:. The bride, formerly Miss One Bong Soo, is the youngest daughter of Madam Tan it-c Neo. The groom is the only son of Madam Yeo Poh No
    53 words
  • 64 7 Five people wer c injured, one seriously, when a car in which they were travelling overturned in Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore, yesterday afternoon. The five were Peter Leong, 20 Goh Yong Lee, 17, Goh Yong Teck, 21, Ng Yoke Hen 19, and Tan Boon Sai,
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  • 53 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. y Two terrorists were killed by a patrol of the 22nd Special Air Service Regt. in deep jungle in the Temerloh district of Pahang yesterday. Today a helicopter landed In a jungle clearing and flew one of the bodies to Seremban. Neither has
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  • 55 7 She got her escort IPOH. Fri. Inspector Sundram DeveraJ. of Ipoh OLD. is to marry Miss Edith Thanam. an Information Service field officer here, tomorrow. Mr. Deveraj met his fiancee two years ago when she asked for an escort to tour estates around Tanjong Mallm. He was then in charge
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  • 56 7 BENTONO, Fri. A man was charged yesterday in the Sessions Court here with misappropriating his father's car. Yong Choy. 37. pleaded not guilty to a charge of criminal breach of trust of a car belonging to Yong Pun Wah. on Jan 27. Yong Choy was
    56 words
  • 103 7 'Water supplies cut off on three estates 9 rS National Union of off and estate schools and The union also claimed w»k.n i> h °P" were lor the that at least two union Plantation Workers Is wmmwmmU. officials were given dismiitnvesttgattng reports of re- The secretary-general of sal notices by
    103 words
  • 193 7 6 A-SCIENTISTS WILL FLY IN TOMORROW KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. SIX American nuclear scientists are due here next week for talks on how Malaya can help the work of the nuclear research station and atomic reactor to be set up in the Philippines. The team due in Singapore on Sunday will
    193 words
  • 56 7 CHILDREN START ATTAP BLAZE /IRACKER-HAPPY children V/ started a fire in an attap house at Jalan Eunos, Singapore, yesterday. Twenty Malays lived in the house. Neighbours, mostly Malays who were on holiday, preparing for Hari Raya. helped to put out the fire before two fire engines arrived. Damage was confined
    56 words
  • 25 7 BUTTERWORTH, Pri. Leading Aircraftman L. B. Blackmore, 21, of Sussex, was killed yesterday afternoon in a rocket accident at the RAF base here.
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  • 93 7 Lady Templer, after two years absence, returned to Malaya yesterday morning. She will fly to Penang today to revisit the School for the Deaf there, which she inaugurated before she left Malaya But it is a far more important event that has brought
    93 words
  • 135 7 6 more are sacked Teachers may appeal rPHE Education De--1 partment has sacked six more Singapore Chinese school teachers. They got their notices two days ago, a week after six others were told that their services were no longer required. The Education Department holds that their continued employment in the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 191 7 TONIGHT'S PROGRAMME riS b the programme for tonight's gala opening concert of the 100-strong Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Overture to "The School for Scandal" :<r Strings, Op 11 {aamuel Barber) UMer' (The Sea) (Three Symphonic Sketches) (/i From Dawn to Noon at Sea i //i Play of the Waves i
      191 words
    • 35 7 Beautiful Bathrooms built to endure l2l_ii in mil i mi wifh the Best PLUMBING and SANITARY FITTINGS^Et^ WATTS BAKER LTPirTE^T You can see that PEBSIL WASHES BRIGHTER I C )j euMI OlMHtvf^ f™ *T iff/^^Hv
      35 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 69 7 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATCKE (7.30 pjn. on May 10 to 7.30 a-m. on May 11): Singapore 74 degrees, Penan* 76, Kota Bharu 75, Kuala Lumpur 76, Ipoh 73. Kuantan 74. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on May 11): Singapore W. Penang 90. Kota Bharu 88, Ipoh 91. KuanRAINI'AU.
      69 words

  • 142 8 Drive on for votes THE ÜB-SOCS. START EARLY rnHE Singapore Liberal A Socialist Party has started pre-election work among potential supporters the secre-tary-general, Mr. E. K. Tan, said yesterday. "We are working among the Chinese and Englishspeaking groups," he said. "We have been sending circulars to prospective friends and members
    142 words
  • 42 8 IPOH, Fri. A mechanic, Chou Pui Sun, 29, was taken to hospital today with serious face injuries. He was inflating a tyre on a bullock cart wheel when the steel rim flew off and hit him. v*b»^b^«.^^ A
    42 words
  • 290 8 Wesak Day woes of Mr. Simon -6,000 invitations issued for wrong date iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMfiniinnuHiiiiiiiiiimmiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHHH""""""""""" £=> I GOVERNMENT CHANGES ITS MIND: SOME ARE PLEASED, SOME FURIOUS i g s THE latest "final" dcci£1 sion by the Singapore S Government in the "when v Wesak Day?" row has not settled matters at s
    290 words
  • 250 8 They won't budge so work can't begin on new link FIFTY squatters are holding up work on one of the most important highways in Singapore— the New Ring Road construction of which will enable fire engines to reach remote kampongs within i minutes. They are from
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  • 91 8 Branch will 'start all over again' 1 KUALA LUMPUR. FrL rpHE Labour Party of Malaya 1 will reorganise the sus- pended Selangor division at a special divisional conference in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. Ten branches which have j re-registered will form the new division. "The Selangor division will start all over
    91 words
  • 51 8 Police officers promoted Temporary promotions for the following police officers were gazetted in Singapore yesterday: ASP Yeo Bin Chiat to act as DSP; ASP Cheam Kirn Seng as DSP; DSP W.AP. Gross as Superintendent; Inspector J. Mathews as ASP; ASP Gurdial Singh as DSP and Inspector Ong Kirn Boon as
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  • 30 8 PENANG, Fri. HO Swee Lee, 44, had his wallet containing $68 stolen while queuing ud to buy a ticket at a circus at Data Kramat here last night.
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  • 29 8 The water supply of Labuan Island has been trebled by drilling five more wells. Each can supply between 3,000 and 4,500 gallons of water an hour.
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  • 141 8 One union plan for Singapore seamen rfWE Singapore SeaJL men's Council of Action is planning to unite nine unions representing 10,000 seamen into one organisation. The council proposes to call it the National Union of Seamen. The council chairman, Mr. S. Jaganathan, who is also president of the Trades Union
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  • 19 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. About 500 Selangor Chinese will attend a civics course in Kuala Lumpur next Tuesday.
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  • 74 8 I KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. IVfR. TAY HOOI SOO, Alliance elected Councillor U»* for Wellesley South, has a four-point plan to I improve facilities at district post offices. I He will ask the Minister for Posts in the Legislative Council on Wednesday to:Provide public writing desks. Build
    74 words
  • 44 8 IPOH. Fri. The Perak Commercial and Industrial Employees' Union, formed eight months ago with headquarters in Ipoh, has grown so rapidly that its name has now been changed to the North Malayan Commerical and Industrial Employees' Union. The union has now 15.000 members.
    44 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 371 8 Wishing OuT^Musnm Friends PaTroiui^s< "SELAMAT HARI RAYA FUASA" NOW PAPITfII "lafa 1 11 s >« i SHOWING! """JyhSßl 6S *9M PJB I auM iswaas o. mmsmh I >s k°SLADD ROBINSON DRU^J W "THE DARKEST HOUR"£>SJ 9IK CinrmaSrope-Waraer Color Mu?&Or- MIDNIGHT TONI6NT! Biggest Of Them All! VICTOR^ JANET tf^ MATURE -LEIGH
      371 words
    • 394 8 j CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIQmH 1 I TOD*YiCATHAYfo'-,^TT^ A 21 -GUN SALUTE TO K.G.Ms BIG HIT! E C i P"*»l» Tk« Lott Slort 0/ a Printer /Z^** 0^ I«CINBI»ASCOPK»imI COLOR S(Q GRACE KELLY- ALEC GUINNESS *O\ i V^O LOUIS JOURDAN, t^A^ I '^^^^"THE SWAN^'^^X 5 Free List Suspended S Plus Tom
      394 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 302 8 RADIO MALAYA toSapom •PregraMM th« »W ean 47 1^* IMtaßi wmw be reeetve« by Mssssish la a.m. 7.15 Opening Annct; 7.16 MjM Piano Playtime; 7.30 New»; 7.35 A P^e with Music; 8.00 Hews Short waTe 41 ttsa. MesUson Headlines; 8.02 A Date with Music; wave 476 m., 343, 3MH. and
      302 words

  • 1476 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURES The genius who made the first torpedo LIFE OF 1 i STARR S i Hit the world with I atomic impact I W*IEN Austrian naval authorities first showed British engineer Robert Whitehead the new "torpedo" invented by Captain Luppis he had difficulty in containing his amusement
    Daily Mirror  -  1,476 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 198 9 rt .,"'»C«SSCIIT F 0« J'hbical pl«s«k RECORD RACKS m' a Two „o loblt i to held i/\W 30 4 M RECORDS RECORD CHANGER 1 Available in 2 modrll A cents: CYCLE CARRIAGE (0, (1926) LTD. gs£fAL IMPORTS DIV.) safest KUALA LUMPUR jtbaby knows better than y0u.... his system la I
      198 words
    • 220 9 F.MULOT BRILLIANIINE by F.MIILOT PARIS agents ITMWwMmmWMM Singapore VW I titftlMiO i»O«/ ITO W?7 DINNERS <*^ TURKEY HAM SWISS STEAK TAMALES SIRLOIN TIPS BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY J®3SS^ CHICKEN /f^^W^xj\ ALA KING |g& The LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Tonight at 8.45, in a specially modified Badminton Hall, designed to give
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 36 10 On the free exchange market in Honf Rons yesterday the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.84 for cash and 5.87 for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 15.69 and anc Uel of cold at 255.
    36 words
  • 342 10 Rubber Market MALAYAN GO-SLOW DOES NOT BRING IN OVERSEAS BUYERS THE advance in the rubber price which t place last week was maintained over 'I week-end as it was generally felt that airrpp* between the M.P.I.E.A. and the N.U.p.w not be reached, states the current roviiu Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co.
    342 words
  • 26 10 The tin price in S inr ata 5315.87 V, per P-c u., j All other markets closed for the Bail r! Puasa holiday. Ra
    26 words
  • 148 10 MET .BOURNE M TNVESTMENTS were with falls slightly exi-c^' rises on the Stock Exchan-, h today. Trading was modera active but turnovers were <.iri Silver leads again were Ktfa higher. New Broker, Hill Zinc up to 15s. 3d., Oil search dearer but others declined i~ steady to firm.
    148 words
  • 31 10 British Borneo Petroleum J declared a dividend of is. sdl share, tax free, an toman g| 1 penny. A capitalis il I one for seven is also propped I
    31 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 416 10 Of Ordinary Portland Cement High Early Strength Cement i§f§R White Portland Cement B 5 Dam Construction Cement Mffl DRAGON BRAND ONODA H in The formotive beauty created by white cement which far lurpassei $$g|l| noturol marble, in fanciful colo* |s| ond ihopo. ||||j^Bp^r*3nraig| ONODA CEMENT CO., LTD. Bt^Fjß C.U.A<M.: ONOStMt
      416 words
    • 1422 10 COMPANY MEETING Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company Steady Progress in a Year of Inflation AT the One Hundred and Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Peninsular te Oriental Steam Navigation Company held on May 9th 1956, in London, Sir William Crawford Currie, G.8.E., Managing Director, presided and said during
      1,422 words
    • 722 10 NOTICES NOTICE TO ROAD USERS Level ml— lag at Mile IM »K en the Aycr IniH Reparls to the above level cross- wIU be carried out between the oun of 6JO pjn. on 16th May, 156 and 4.00 ajn. on 16th May. Vehicular traffic will be allowed > paas jit
      722 words
    • 310 10 I MAERSK LINE ANNA MAERSK PENANC SINCAPORE N. YORK (Ist coll) (2nd coll) In May U/18 May J»"o J (2nd call) PALMA SINCAPORE N. YORK Arrived 10 M.y 5 July Sailing 26 May KNUTSEN LINE orient service FROM CANADA/ U S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing Saw Arriving Vancou.e. Francwt'
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1247 11 J4 05 MANSFIELD «fc CO., LTD. Ti, M j r flncorporoteo <n Singapore; (12 kms) i'JZ THE BLUB FUNNEL UNB T I nTif-t -i-.l via other ports to lood ond discharge rnrn'n 1 is' uvi ■'«><*, CLAICOW, LONDON ft CONTIWNTArPORTS j 4 l t iM6s LI Singapore Due Soils p.
      1,247 words
    • 893 11 ■AST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS Santa,, for Bo.** ORtf to M Mtftuu l»«nantJ P. SHam Spar* TTJm^.. taN «V1««»oy IS/IBM^ 2^!?,^ ff/1* May SO/21 May 22/24 fctay uSiii V»*-o 4/7J-M NDU S/BJaaa 7/ B Jaaa */»Jaa* •*•>-- •-TTin.lßiH.i__ I T.I-_fifinnnin S'por* P. S'hom Ponong JUTLANDU 14.1T/B IMt/l 20.20/S (Cat. LoadM ujam
      893 words
    • 955 11 JunCncTHß BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD 1 HMSAPOKI (incofpofotcd In tiw Untttd Kinooofti) B UNB SAILINOS TO U.K. AND CONTINENT PORTS S'pora P. Sham Panang sUtsftafAafci ssf*U #rt- I mwlm, WW t WWfcJJViI TOT UOflCJlwif llm |*T ftJiatl Ram Kaaaß t*J¥lB f rHJHI ittttlitttiltlll PUT BEMMACDHUI far Uvorpool, Rotterdam, Homburg, Antwarp
      955 words
    • 1008 11 MoALISTER CO., LTD. TIL.I No.l ***** 1101 118^ ~R^ANi?VßMfft'*VA^^ PJAMavaja) m^^^^ A t«M*h and for VSJK., North Atlantic Port* m B *o*. tor ~w» and Canada ond via Colombo PMMOIVIIU Cmr OP PHILADBLPHU Spar* P. Sham Ponong S'por* P. fhem Ponong 24/30 Moy 4 JaM S Jom OdJS/LtMar 13/11 May
      1,008 words

  • 144 12 I SHOULD like to comment on the letter signed "P.CB." which appeared in the Straits Times on May 3 and to your leading article entitl- ed "After Forty Years." There appears to be some misunderstanding regardIng this case which I will attempt to clarify. The applicant
    144 words
  • 151 12 T»HE Organiser of English Programmes, Mr. David Kennard, is reported to have said that Radio Malaya will save $4,000 a year by followinK the BBC ssstem of broadcasting only the classic events of horse racing in this country. This, i am afraid, is a short-sighted view
    151 words
  • 255 12 ffTHE Razak plan for a FeX deration of Malaya Certificate of Education in which Malay is a must is being coldly received all over the country. Some quarters are even sceptical over the whole plan. The shortage of teachers and textbooks are surmountable
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  • 117 12 ■WTJCH has been said and IVI written about the unfair treatment saW to have been meted out to the Temporary Clerks In the Federation. Before any increase in the pay of temporary clerks is considerea, the authorities should look into the irregularities and inconsistencies in
    117 words
  • 171 12 TS it now a crime to speak 1 in English? I ask this because of an Incident involving my wife and children recently at the Brinchang road block. My wife and children were walking from our, bungalow In Bin tang towards Ramphli Nurseries. The Special Constable on
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  • 138 12 117E live in a part of Ayer TT itam called Happy Valley. It Is a fitting name. But there is one thing that mars our happiness out roads. After many complaints, the Rural Board called a meeting of house owners and promised to repair the road into
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  • 179 12 I OPPOSE the demand for pay rise by the Singapore Government clerks. Sometime back, they got an increase. Their pay is far more than what clerks get in private organisations, and the work they do is less. In hospitals they and their families set preference.
    179 words
  • 193 12 Do they tear competition YOUR article on Bruno's Italian musicians who are forced to leave Singapore because the Immißration Department under the influence of the Musicians* Union does not want to grant them an extension of stay, prompts me to express my ldignation over the shortsightedness and arrogance of the
    193 words
    • 70 12 QCHOOL teas started. IfayO be the mothers are happy to have school starting again, but not to the people who have to ride the buses with the students every morning. You are tired, before you get to the office, with their hollering, whistling on transfers, holding seats
      70 words
    • 79 12 Talent was underrated I WAS one of those \dho heard Radio Malaya's talentima finals at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Monday, and. like many others, was profoundly shocked at what I consider to be a masterpiece of under-rating by the panel of judges. That a voice of such tremendous power
      79 words
    • 121 12 TOY its decision to curtail x nearly all Turf Clubs' broadcasts hi the near fut ture, Radio Malaya Is cer--9 tainly taking a ««ward step. It is encouraging to b know that our NaSonal 6 Radio Station is at last h bringing itself In line with 6
      121 words
    • 67 12 Unclaimed prizes I NOTE from your paper that a total of $313,000, Social Welfare Lottery Prizes remain unclaimed. Xn order to assist those wlho are the lucky winners, but who for some reason at other do not know themselves, I wonder whether it would be possible to suggest through your
      67 words
    • 54 12 I FIND three poor old people are making their home under the eavee of the public latrine at Ah Cheong Street and a few others are living under a house at Denison Road. Teluk Anson. Will the Government please look into this sorry affair as quickly as
      54 words
    • 59 12 Tribute to Tengku 'THE death of Tengku x Abu Bakar of Johore has deprived us of a man endowed with good Judgment and far-sightedness. For devotion to duty and unsparing effort to help the ra'yat. few people in Malaya, though better able, could be credited with a fraction of what
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 200 12 FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS PENTALITE Emulsion Paint •Pcnulite*. now comes to you in full rich colours •s well as in a range of attractive pastel shades. These may be intermixed to give an infinite variety of colours to suit all tastes. Thinned with water and applied like distemper, Pentalite is
      200 words
    • 150 12 (titoni) >1956J Hv^*^^ ln\ H»'"k3Jk < THE DIAMOND SYMBOL OF UNBREAKABLE SPRING if SINGAPORE n\ IH^ (Fully Airconditioned; We sprrialisp in "< VN rOXESE' #^pk food PKFPAIM.I) BY ((>OK< OW <Wk. FROM HONGKONG. I nel^h I »vi|w Continental dishes availabli flllK Private Social partirs and ■p iIIHL dinners at your
      150 words

  • 571 13 YORKSHIRE TAKE HONOURS IN DRAWN GAME BRADFORD, Fri. Yorkshire and the Australians drew their match here today with the county gaining a first innings lead. Yorkshire dismissed the Australians today for 94 in reply to their own 120 for nine declared yesterday. Rain delayed
    Reuter  -  571 words
  • 238 13 LONDON, Friday. GURREY, the county cricket champions for the past four years, were beaten by seven wickets by Northamptonshire at The Oval today. Northants, who yesterday scored 308 In reply to Surrey's 240, dismissed the champions for 204 in their second innings Left
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 181 13 SCFA need a new secretary \fR. CHOO Kwai Low, honorary l secretary of th* Singapore Chinese Football Association, told the Straits Times yesterday that be would not stand for re-election when the association hold their postponed annual general matting on Monday. Mr. Choo, who served the association from 1933 to
    181 words
  • 145 13 REME XI SURVIVE A SHOCK ROYAL Electrical and Mechanlxv cal Engineers were a much improved aid* when they beat H.M. Dockyard 4-2 tax yesterday's SJLF.A. First Division League match at Jalan Beaar Stadium. Two up after 19 minutes, RJ!-M K. looked act for a big vlctorjr. But Dockyard surprised the
    145 words
  • 73 13 A hattrick by AJYStrange highlighted yesterday's friendly cricket match at Ayer Rajah Road. Wanderers beat 6 Coy R.A.S.C. by an Innings and 35 runs. R.A.S.C. 33 (Sharpe 18, A. L'Strange 4-7, A. Femandoe 2-7. I. L'Strange 2-0> and 133 (Bussey. 34. Sharpe 37, A. L'Strange ej/T
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  • 82 13 THE CxmnAOH, County KUdare, Frl— Australian Jockey Rae Johnston* notched his tttb European Classic win whan riding French-trained nlly Pedaroba to a two-length victory m the Irish One Thousand Gunleas run over one mile bare yesterday. Pederoba. owned by M. Pierre Werthelmer, started Joint favourite
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 88 13 LONDON, PrL— Keith Miller, Australian all-rounder and vicecaptain of the aid* touring England, yesterday strongly denied reports that be waa In London for treatment to his back, which caused him considerable trouble during the last Australan cricket Millar, who mad* Ml not out against Lelcestenhlra on
    88 words
  • 280 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. MALAYAN and Singapore chamai pion Ong Chew Bee wiU meet the Perak champion Moses Tay, In th* opening mati^h of the North-South tennis which starts an th* Lake Club courts tomorrow. The order of play Is: TOMOBJtOW •40 a.m.:
    280 words
  • 9 13 F.y«av* asked for the WStpooeineot^because of trans-
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  • 21 13 R.AJP. Changl beat Indian Youngsters 3-0 Id a BAFA Div. 3B match at Oeylang stadium. Scorers: Stringer and OTflullan.
    21 words
  • 122 13 MUAR, Pri. SINGAPORE cyclists dominated the first day's competition is the Pan-Malayan cycling championships here today. In the three men's finals decided, their representatives took all the first three places. In the remaining finals to be decided tomorrow, Singapore cyclists are well represented In all. In
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 305 13 L k Before Nttti I lepiirs to Box Hunotrs j ore should be tsketi Hll miimimmi sIIOPS TO LET .h, <»'"■>-»« i*tu.*xtr*. it TANJONG Katong Bes) area for Busipersonally st 324, on Weekpr.i. and Holidays TRINCE PHIUP minimum rental HI, 115, 129, 133 i rescent, Oeylang ncr Road mml;-
      305 words
    • 484 13 DANCING U Word, $U {Minimum) OaOm 1 month. Word, $»M (Mln.) RAFFLES HOTEL Nightly Dance and Floor-Show from 9 to 12 pjn. SEASIDE RESORT. Pasir Rla Hotel Dine Dance. Hawaiian Band nttntlj i CHICKEN INN. Seavtew Hotel Dancing 9—12 pjn. to our Con- < tinentel Band. Saturday extension 1 sjn.
      484 words
    • 431 13 BUILDING MAINTENANCE Mirer* U (Himj-am ttofeaawa. AT LAST!!! a dependable bolldina; maintenance service foraS interior and exteriordecaitipns repairs. An^SrkS cuted under European supervision Singapore House, Land^aTSete Agency. 338/343. Tank Ayir B£eet Tel: 7006 (Opposite a££ Ctrcus). we are ready to serve FOR HIRE "We*. <**.}-*„ SSess-eatra. EARTH ROAD MAINTENANCE trader
      431 words
    • 772 13 VKUICLKB FOB SALE MM HILLMAN DB-LUXE, W^» WaU Tyres, laoo mass. IMMojlo. 1»53 Plymouth, Reglatsred 1954 February, $4,400 OJLo. BOX AMMO, B.T. MABH SDPBR 600 IMS Model. boaUent condition. ComprebenHve one year. One owner Quick sale for *****/- owner leaving Colony. Phone MM office hours. IMS HTLLMAN, Crerta, 1964 Chevrolet,
      772 words
    • 454 13 PUZZLE Cat alea* (MM Itnoa 1 I SATURDAY j Strait* Times I WORD PUZZLE 4 C* Cat eat aad pla with oriier coapoae Pestiag iaetracriaas appear below. aYS ff^flHaW* «ejeaj aaaaa a)«»o) P >e)« a a M>tJW>Baß SWvas f kVß ß*Hass«BEaaaßßaßi AJJlWU.ttest .•••s«>fei.s«Mtisf ltsts.«Mee«. tMt JL o ZbelbelbHbeL^^^^^^' l :oooaooooo»aa<*oaaoou
      454 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 90 13 TODAY CRICKET: BaaressuUtlve match— Europeans v The Beat (eeeeadi «a,f, Paaaag 11 ajn. frkailtes H M.S. Terror v B.C.C Naval Base; BEME v •VF.O. Nee Seeo. Ayer Bajah Ummdi Oeyisnses v S JLC. Balestter ieaa. SOCCER: Dtv. 3B— Tornados Bottb Tewa v Far Bast Motors, Baktt Tlmah. ATHLETICS: Angto-Calnese Jalan
      90 words

  • 129 14 Race 1. 2.15 JARA Bondi Rough and Ready JARA Bondi Security Seed .Race 2. 2.45 Race 3. 3.15 MON SABREL'R Airmark Starry WINTERDRINA Matrix Lycos MON SABREUR Television Starry WINTERDRINA Lycos Swanhaven ADELAIDE STAR Fair Weather Hattrick SWANHAVEN Winterdrina Matrix Race 4. 3.45 FAIR WEATHER Three Rings
    129 words
  • 407 14 MON SABREUR (late Venetian God), a top class horse on his English record, is beginning to find his right form and down in a humble Class One field he has a bright chance of opening his winning account. This Beau Sabreur
    407 words
  • 232 14 BEST BET ta today's card at Bukit Timah Is Golden Surprise ta the Class 3, Div. 1, 6f handicap (Race Five). This racy three-year-old gave a grand account of himself ta his first appearance, at Ipoh ta March, when he won up the straight 5%f ta
    232 words
  • 330 14 HOBBS MAY MAKE CLEAN SWEEP OP THE GLASS ORE SAO» SHOULD NOT BE TROUBLED BY A SEVEN-lb PENALTY By EPSOM JEEP rpHE Hobbs Stable, with a formidable 22-horse team, has a treat chance of making a clean sweep of the Class 1 races with
    330 words
  • 705 14 Make a bet (each-way) on Fair Weather pAIR WEATHER looks a F sound each-way bet on his Buklt Timah form. Carrying 8.11, he finished right on the heels of the dead-heaters Now Showing (8.6) and Numismate (8.4) over 9f and over a mile in Div. 2 he came In a
    705 words
  • 1340 14 3 945 Sngar Baah 6y Barrett B.IS V'Breukelen 4 VlcUire 4y 8.12 Lun Chong TJoa .---'^ft^g^ B-^Wc^C.H.^ BOM cSWr Him 4y Posner BjO9 Shaw Stable Spencer 9 Birthday <»W n g^^ vi chce 8000 Keng Hobbs 10 ~S Jam Sy OeyS 8.05 Guan Boh SUble TJoa LI
    1,340 words
  • 56 14 rpHE roinf up to last evening wa« ▼wry rood TODAYS Bes* Bet: Golden Surprise In ftut m a f ii—MMßaa# nrt. mm Mwi*»»i« SwanhaTen In Race Three. DOUBLE TOTE will be held on Races Four and Seven. Big Sweeo will be drawn on Race Eight.
    56 words
  • 611 14 REST 266 THANKS TO 9TH-WICKET STAND WORTH 72 By Our pricket Reporter THANKS mainly to 1 skipper Lall Singh (32) and the formei Perak and North allrounder M. Appuni (45), who took the score from 183 for eight to 255 for nine (72 runs), Rest put up 266 against Europeans
    611 words
  • 156 14 vyiNTERDBINA was an impressive winner over the Kuala Lumpur 7f,' last month. 1 Out in front from the jump-off, 1 he steadily drew further and further away from his field to win by five lengths His time— 1 lmin. 25 was 2/5 of a second 1
    156 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 789 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page SITUATIONS VACANT to Words $S Mim.)— Bos S*ctt.rxtra > EUROPEAN STENOGRAPHER Required by Director of old Established British Company. Apply Box A 8331. ST.. K.L. PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL Ferretary required lor Managing Director of European Firm, commencing immediately. Box A3Oll 6T WANTED EXPERIENCED Doctor for Well
      789 words
    • 70 14 ll?^ '■■*^*> 3§7y ft jit n 4 *h*t 'yJ/ m t-\ Ik Ik A M' /#J i l^m U B^k mi A m TO>l ,,in i CA r 1 1 U L >• >■" i^^BE^'^' y»* 1: 9 J KJivawf* i3l 2r*^^ I Jr WWryr r v VICTOR MATURE lAHtt
      70 words