The Straits Times, 5 May 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. flat!**'' Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAT 5, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 7 1 Monday may tell.
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  • 969 1 YES OR NO?— BOYD SILENT Merdeka men are already tfc»«tr^g of new conrtitiition and another general election But no more talk of quitting TALKS TO GO ON NEXT WEEK LONDON, Friday Today's session lasted 110 minutes. Mr. said when it ended: "It was a busy morning. Considerable ogress was made
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  • 223 1 THIS is the diary of the Singapore merdeka delegation since its arrival m London on Apr. 16: 5 APR. 16l Senior Colonial officials welcome Chief s Minister. Mr. Marshall. i APR. 1 7: Talk wide n i n K s PMt between merdeka delegation members. APR. 1 8.
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  • 39 1 PITTSBURGH, Fri. masked man wielding t three-foot Japanese swort walked into a restaurant here demanded money and slash ed a customer's arm. H< fled after the restauran owner hit him over the hea< with a club.— Reuter.
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  • 125 1 MERDEKA— SEEN BY PUNCH Coconuts and a touch of verse LONDON, Friday.— A full page cartoon in this week's issue of Punch depicts Singapore's Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, hoisting a flag against a background of coconut trees. Headlined "Birth of a Nation," Punch carries the following stanza underneath: "God,
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  • 48 1 Consul killed MANILA, Fri. The acting Spanish Consul, Orencio Millaruelo, died of gunshot wounds after a shooting incident in the Spanish Embassy here today. The Spanish Ambassador, Senor Fermin Sanz Orrio, now in Baguio on holiday, is expected to arrive back In Manila tomorrow.— Reuter.
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  • 31 1 TAIPEH, Fri.— Police today searched Taipeh tor a mysterious criminal, believed to be insane, who has slashed more than SO babies here this week, killing two of them.— Renter.
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  • 82 1 CHICAGO. Fri. Mrs. Iris Smile has asked a judge here to set aside her divorce decree, granted on March 5 on grounds of cruelty because, she said, her estate agent husband had met. all her reconciliation demands. She said h e had: Bought her a
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  • 25 1 ALOIERB, Prl.— An Algerian police inspector was shot dead by terrorists as he entered a restaurant here last night. The terrorists escaped. Reuter.
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  • 244 1 Merger: Tengku still not keen k VISIT TO WAR* COLONY MALAYS rpHE Chief Minister of the Federation, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said in Singapore last night that the political situation in the Colony was "not as it should be." He told the Straits Times this after saying: "We are not very
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  • 37 1 PARIS. Fri.— Marshal Tito President of Yugoslavia, wll arrive in France next Mondaj on an official visit. The Marshal and his wlfi will be guests of the Frencl President Mr. Rene Cot».Reuter.
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  • 73 1 No claimants for these social welfare lottery prizes KUALA LUMPUR, Friday.— Social Welfare Lottery prizes worth a total of $313,000 were un- Claimed iasi yecu. They went to swell the Federation Lotteries Board profits to $6,104,638 The sale of tickets brought in $18,078,750. Prizes declared totalled $9447,000 and
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  • 128 1 Keep your money, passengers told pREE rides surprised people who boarded some of the buses operated by the Hock Lee Amalgamated Bus Company in Singapore last nieht. This "free service" is believed to be in retaliation to the suspension of a conductor last week
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  • 40 1 REVOLT ON KOOF OF WORM) CALCUTTA. Fri.— About 80.000 people of Eastern Tibet have revolted against Tibet's Communist Chinese Government and more or less liberated eastern districts «if country from Chinese rule. newspaper Hindustan Standard reported today.— r.P.
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  • 31 1 NEW XUK&, *Tl. me world's tallest building, the Empire State, last night became the world's highest lighthouse when four aircraft beacons were switched on at the 90th floor.— Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 V\ YOGHOURT fljjg? NOURISHES WITHOUT FATTEmMG A helpful fa Bu pplementif^^^ to the training diet f 'Ovaltine', reinforced with extra vitamins, is prepared from Nature's finest foods. This highly nourishing, palatable beverage, taken regularly, helps to promote a standard of fitness essential to success in sports and athletics. As a
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    • 122 1 UEWAHT CoMgOt HOHON6O!rMILLS(.«oLTa •C.CHUIMST <*tm* TM «ii-m» ABDICATION SECRETS THK off 4)4^. '99* «JB THE Si\\DAY TIMES Make tturv o/ your rnpy m& J&r m tfftf* »l* I +jZ Ay JSP W aisfuro jOSy juMp Jom t fOMQMW who is unruffled by a long journr y Jjp JjjT jSM Wo(rf
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  • 341 2 New weapon village war councils UP GOBS CUBTADf— BOOBMB OITEB GLIMMER OF FMISH^OFF^TKRHORISTS PLAN OTHER DETAILS: FOOD DENIALS, MORE JUNGLE BASHING BY GUARDS J£UALA LUMPUR. Fri. Closer liaison with and increased information from the people is the keynote of the all-out war against the terrorists which the Government is to
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  • 57 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Taiplng, Perak. The Queen has approved the The citation said that Mr. award of the Imperial Ser- Sundarajoo .throughout his vice Medal to Mr. Sivagaru 38 years of service maintainEundarajoo, a retired special ed the "highest standards of grade technical assistant, of efficiency,
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  • 54 2 I THESE JAPANESE WOMEN, clad in gay-coloured kimonos, are flanked by the Commissioner-General, 1 Sir Robert Scott, and the Japanese Consul-Ceneral, s Mr. Ken Ninomiya. They were at a party held at the Island Club on Thursday to celebrate the birthday of their
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  • 21 2 WASHINGTON Fri.-Pres-cient Elsenhower will fly Waco (Texas) on May 25 'x deliver an important Mp policy speech.— Reuter.
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  • 146 2 First results disappointing KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The search for uranium in the Fraser's Hill area of northern Selangor has been "disappointing," the Federation's Minister for Natural Resources and Local Government announced today. But prospecting for radio-active deposits elsewhere in the Federation continues, said Inche Suleiman
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  • 151 2 UNION AGREES TO NEW TALKS THE Ford Motor r> Pany of Malay, the Ford Cnl Salaried stafi r will re-open j£J tions on a nin P demand submTtJ* cently by the the management The decision tv negotiations Wa .s r»c2> Thursday at a ms£?* tween both parties J S Labour
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  • 30 2 WELLINGTON (New Zealand), Pri.— Western Sa-ca will protest to the iMfc United Nations Trustee^Council mission due here morrow against any Brit.;: hydrogen bomb explosr near Christmas Island. Reuter.
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  • 261 2 SINGAPORE'S CONSTITUTIONAL FUTURE MUST BE LINKED WITH FEDERATION— GUARDIAN MANCHESTER, Fri. ITI The Manchester Guardian today argued that a final constitutional settlement for Singapore alone, without linking it with the Federation, is impossible. If recognition is given to the fact that Singapore is linked with the Federation
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  • 64 2 ROTTERDAM. Fri. Sir Winston Churchill will receive 120 of the finest Dutch cigars, with bands showing his portrait, when he visits Aachen next week. Thty will be given by the people of Heerlen (Southern Holland) to mark their gratitude for Sir Winston's efforts for European unification. Each
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  • 29 2 WELLINGTON, Fri. The Prime Minuter. Mr. Sidney Holland announced that the New Zealand Charge d'Affalres In Tokyo, Mr. R.L.G. Challis, had been appointed Minister in Bangkok —Reuter.
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  • 71 2 The one-man art exhibition by Mr. Chen Wen Hsi, was opened by the CommissionerGeneral, Sir Robert Scott, yesterday in the British Council Hall, Singapore. Speaking In Mandarin, he said: "I am sure that Singapore art lovers will appreciate Mr. Chen's masterpieces. I wish him every
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  • 41 2 NEW YORK. Fri.— The U.N. Economic and Social Council has elected six countries to its Human Rights Commission for a three-year term beginning next Jan. 10. They were the United States. Argentina, Ceylon, Italy Persia and Israel— UP
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  • 33 2 HONG KONO, Fri. Mr. Frank Hlgglns, U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Army, left here today for Saigon to continue his tour of us. Army bases in the Far East. —Reuter
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  • 42 2 LONDON, Fri Dato H£ Mohamed Eusoff Pro-CJ» cellor of the Univer.^ f Malaya and chairman oT j University Councn. J Newcastle upon 1 > r yesterday to study J^ tra ganlsation and adrnW tion of the Unlveßl Durham.
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  • 38 2 LONDON. Fri. --Brvg! State-owned c°al "fl tf lost £19.600,000 in the dal year Just ended~iw r jest loss since it n! alised 10 years :tgo. The industry sto«i ocJ now stands at Reuter.
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  • 35 2 LONDON. fft-coSS* Wisdom, British i<n» said yesterday on h« home from a he l^ United Wates that w j signed a contract to m^. film a year for an company Rtnittr
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  • 99 2 Team of six will look after refugees TOHE Malayan Junior Chamber of Commerce is lending six members to South Vietnam next month to help rehabilitate refugees. They are taking part In a project sponsored by Junior Chamber International and will stay there for six months.
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  • 97 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today he hoped to sign Uie Federation's defence pact with Britain on the day the Federation achieved its independence on Aug. 31. 1957. The Working Party appointed to draft the defence and mutual
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 PA.7B-10 no price premium jgs for a premium product* o mfneral waters o HH9 M W^^M WnM So from now on you arc going Pjg 1 H B/fftß to be ablc l 0 buy authentic Schweppes Ifr^'^^Hß What is it that makes Schweppes range of US lmtflpWg^^^ThP Mineral Waters so
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  • 346 3 Myitery of Britain's frogman hero r, OSDON. Fri.— BriL tish newspapers .peculated today that B P riti>h frogman-hero »T£?S snooping around the Souet cruiser Orjonikidze »h«" n he yanishP d in Portsmouth harbour last month. Thf burden of the specu- ion
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  • 264 3 PRELUDE TO ALL-OUT UNDERWORLD WAR? MASKED MEN IN THE SHADOWS THES BLOOD ON THE PAVEMENT i ONDON, Fri. Jack h comer, self-styled fc. n g of London's underworld, was left bleedinii on a Soho pavement last night after a savage attack by a razor gang. Turner
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  • 132 3 LONDON, Fri. Western delegations to the London Disarmament Conference today admitted failure to reach agreement with Russia, but declared that a settlement was still possible and necessary. Representatives of Britain, France, the United States and Canada, who have been negotiating here with Russia since March
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  • 210 3 SHORT, HAPPY LIFE OF A LONDON RAKE f ONDON. PrL Nor- man Hienett. excoroner, ex-solicitor and ex-convict, could never resist the lur* of brisrht lights and lush livine. It led him to the dock of the Old Bailey, London's Central Criminal Court, hi May 1950. He went to Jail for
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  • 85 3 Top priority scheme COLOMBO. Pri. -T he Ceylonese Government will give the subject of total prohibition top priority, the i Home Minister. Mr. A.P. Ja- yasurfya, said yesteYday. If total prohibition is enforced the Government will lose revenue to the extent of about Rs. 71,000,000 a year.
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  • 378 3 NEW ORLEANS, Friday. A 33-year-old former woman marine battered her ex-lover to death here yesterday by repeatedly running over his body with her car, said police. "I would do it again." she! said later hi her cell. "He took my love,
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  • 153 3 'Dictator in disguise' Poujade has new plan PARIS, Frt rE Fret** antl-tast leader, Mr. Metre Feajafe. sail last nltnt: "At Fourth Republic arast cad at the earliest >■— lain moment and most be followed by a Fifth Republic, aossiUjr with a presidential type of regime, or eta* it will he
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  • 157 3 COLOMBO. Pri. Ceylon will strengthen its armed services when the British forces withdraw from their bases on the island, the Prime Minister, Mr. S. W. Randaranaike, said yesterday. Meanwhile, employees at the British naval base at Trincomalee and at the air base at Katunayake, have
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  • 296 3 LONDON, Pri. STOCK markets ended the week on a satisfactory note, thank* to further selective buying. Sentiment was helped by the overnight advance on Wall Street and by further good company statements. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty were: LOAMS Consols £54% Funding 4%
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 170 3 delicious soup at a moment's notice ffampSeUk CREAM OF POTATO CREAM OF SHRIMP GREEN PEA WITH HAM OYSTER STEW Agents and Sole Importers:SHtAPOK COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. MILKMAID ■UUMAID BRAND 'I iS fcr woa«MTKTiat* BllWBllllc^^ Okfm*kk fnm AJf HbtcA P*akrs. GCNfPAL A9t*TS;- WT if iH TO-DAY'S Jtjtfl \J special OFFERS!
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  • 24 4 SEGAMAT. Fri. After a quarrel over children, Chua Ah Kee, 31. hit his brother with a changkol. Yesterday he was fined $50.
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  • 250 4 POLY MAY START CLASSES THIS YEAR SITE clearance for the $10 million Singapore Polytechnic in Shenton Way will begin in July and there is a possibility the first classes will open in temporary accommodation at the end of this year. The chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr. L. Cresson,
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  • 37 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A Home Guard at Kampong Chemor in the Ipoh district of Perak fired at a figure on Wednesday night when he did not get an answer to his challenge. The figure fled.
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  • 183 4 I B— get tore* ot in*p—tor* on the prowl night and day 30 arrests so far but t^ witnesses are still being intimidated A SECRET force of inspectors has b een ganised by the Registrar of Vehicles t hunt down pirate taxis. The inspectors, working
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  • 143 4 MOTORIST'S TALE OF THINGS THAT GO BUMP AT NIGHT rwas flying hub Bans net saucer*— in Scotts Road, Singapore. last night. A businessman, Mr. R. White, said he was reaching the Calrnhlll Read Junction when his car went bump. ."1 heard a terrific din, stopped and found that a hab
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  • 159 4 UNION LOST CHEQUES, COURT TOLD ABBAS JUMAT, a journalist, was accused yesterday in a Singapore magistrate court of stealing a cheque book belonging to the Singapore Union of Journalists and forgery. He was alleged to have stolen the cheque book during April from Mr. D.
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  • 58 4 He's off to London MR. REUBEN SOLOMON (above), an old boy of St. Andrew's School, Singapore. left the Colony yesterday for Britain in the line* Chnaaa. Be hopes to Join the London Polytechnic for a coarse in accountancy. An active member of the Junior Symoheny Or-, ehestrm, Mr. Solomon will
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  • 62 4 HITCH-HIKERS ROB LORRY DRIVER A Singapore lorry driver, Ong Eng Tai, was robbed of $510 and a fountain pen by three hitch-hikers. Ong told the police he picked up the three men in dementi Road at about 11 pjn. on Thursday. After he had driven them for more than half
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  • 22 4 Mr. D. K. Broadhurst. Deputy Commissioner of Police, returned to Singapore by air yesterday after six weeks' leave in England.
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  • 39 4 The draw of the sweep in aid of the Kluang Town Hall building fund to commemorate the diamond Jubilee of the Sultan of Johore will be held at the Kluang town padang at nine o'clock tonight.
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  • 15 4 TAIPING, Fri. Mr. Lee Chin Hua, veterinary surgeon. Taiping. has been transferred to Ipoh.
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  • 312 4 Going to market -or woes of a wife THE AISWER TO THAT 'HAWKER' ATTACK SINGAPORE housewives are up in arms against a City Councillor, Dr. C. J. Poh, who called them lazy for buying from hawkers instead of doing their shopping at markets. "Lazy. indeed," they said. "Does Dr. Poh
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  • 203 4 TWO ROBBERS WERE RIOT MEN— C.I.D. Three took part in 3 a.m. crime r r o men, convicted In Singapore yesterday on a robbery charge, were said to have been involved In the Colony's riots in December 1950. A C.I.D. report identified them as Mohamed Kasslm bin Mohamed Khan. 30,
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  • 100 4 SEREMBAN, *Ti. Kanappan, 22. who posed aa terrorist agent and extorted money from a Chinese was sentenced to six months' Jail here today. Kanappan admitted extort. Ing a dollar from Chin Wan at Ulu Temiaiuj on April 16. Inspector Dolla Singh, prosecuting, said
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  • 84 4 A PROMINENT INDIAN LEADER DIES Mr. J. M. Doral Raj a rr minent Indian commumf, leader in Singapore, died the General Hospital wLj day afternoon after a b M illness. He wa.s 66 Mr. Dorai Raj recant, retired as .secretary of Indian Chamber of C o* merce. He was a
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  • 24 4 The Singapore Stamp Club will hold a special auction meeting at the Pavilion Res. taurant, Orchard Road at 5.45 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 84 4 PENANQ. Prl. —Mr. Justice Spenser-Wilkinson today ordered a re-trial for Ng Chin Chew, charged with robbing a couple at the Botanic Oardens at midnight on Nov. 20 last year, after the jury failed to reach a verdict. They had retired twice. Ng, with three other men
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 232 4 Whatever pen you own, it will write better and last longer if you use Parker Quink because Quink cleans it as it writes Another Parker product of the highest quality! SINGAPORE PRICES 1 OS. 40 eU; Kw. M tt» •mi 4 o». 10 cv FEDERATION PRICES: 1 01. SO et»;
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  • 248 5 s jS4A'MONTH DETECTIVE 0H 7 CHILDREN IS SUED BY HIS No. 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. m-'TKCTIVE told the Second Magistrate's A niirt here today that he had not given his o nd *'tf e a sin £l e cent s nce ne married her Hooi,
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  • 68 5 Postman stole 3 letters POSTMAN. Abdul Ghanl I rr Vbdu! Wahid, plead- m a Singapore rday to three I tealing registered 8? offences were com- b« Mar. 29 and Si the prosecution said, rs were addressed Pcreira, Sister the R ev Mother Dv Ttes, all of i and contained of
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  • 56 5 I FARMERS GET MORE TIME 10 PREPARE fte Singapore Governr .'-':> $100,000 agricultural ■j has been postponed to l. The exhibition was to have ws held in early July, but l.- c ,r> of the Rural Board aid not give far0, enough time to prepare. Government is offering F. 2.000
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  • 28 5 SITIAWAN, Fri.— Mr. JohD Watson, manager of Ayer Tawar and Cashwood Estates, returned yesterday after four months' leave in Australia. New Zealand, Hong Kong and Japan.
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  • 123 5 THE BOY FROM HAINAN —dies a rich man after 69 yean KUALA LUMPUR, FrL A Chinese, who came to Malaya as a boy 69 years ago and made a fortune, died at his home here this morning. Mr. Wong Slew Choong. 82, came to Kuala Lumpur from Hainan. After trying
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  • 32 5 Miss Barbara Coke, London Director of the Junior Red Cross Society, yesterday -visited the Social Welfare school for deaf children. In Singapore. She leaves for Britain today.
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  • 22 5 EPOH, Fit The People's Progressive Party of Malaya has applied for a licence to publish a twice monthly newspaper. -Acttaa."
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  • 116 5 Govt. officials get lesson on good manners ~in verse KUANTAN, Fri Quoting a Malay pan ton. Pahang's acting State Secretary, Inche Abdullah Said, has told Government officers hi the state to mind their manners when dealing with the public. In a circular to all District Officers and heads of departments,
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  • 153 5 A captured rhino: Sultan says 'Keep out' YOHORE BAHRU. FrL J A rhinoceros, believed to be the biggest captured alive in Malaya, is now in the Sultan of Johore's private zoo here. And because the beast was wounded when it was trapped by Sakats in the jungle near Endau the
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  • 24 5 Mr. G. Jennebelly, the Belgian Consul in Singapore, left by air yesterday for a sixday whirlwind tour of countries in South-East Asia.
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  • 28 5 The final entries for the Pan-Malayan Photographic Exhibition, to be held ir June, will be judged tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the Odeor Hollywood Room, Singapore.
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  • 92 5 BOSS GOING ON LEAVE EX-BANDITS GIVE PARTY SEREMBAN, Fri. Fourteen ex-terrorists, glasses in hand, gravely rose as their spokesman proposed a toast. "Salamat jalan," he said. "May you return to us soon." A stocky Englishman, a twinkle in his eye, replied: "111 be back. Keep up the good work while
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  • 142 5 TWO ROWS OF HOUSES RAZED TELUK ANSON, Friday. ABOUT 200 people, mostly Chinese, were made homeless when a fire wiped out an entire village one and half miles from sabak Bernam in northwest Selangor at 1 sun. today. There were no casualties. Two rows of
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  • 106 5 SANDRA ENGLISH, nine, proudly holds the first prise trophy she won with her canary entry in the junior section of the Singapore Cage Bird Society show at the Happy World. m Other winners were: Mr. M. C. Boyle, Mr. Khoo Kay Ann, Mr. Frank
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  • 192 5 MUSIC IN MERDEKA MOOD— NOW NO WORDS Maestro writes a Labour anthem THE LABOUR FRONT is still having trouble with its party song. Last month it had words bat no music. Now it's the other way round. Front officials hope to reach a harmonious solution within the next few days
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  • 86 5 FAREWELLS ARE A THIRSTY JOB Four hundred and eighty two passengers and thousands of visitors yesterday Jammed the first and tourist class bars on the 24,000-ton Chusan before the liner left Singapore for Britain. Barmen, sweating profusely in the heat, supplied drinks to thirsty passengers and visitors alike. The Chusan,
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  • 60 5 Boy, 8, dies after accident JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. David Wiles, eight-year-old son of Mr. A. J. Wiles, of the Naval Base, died last night in the hospital here from injuries received when he was knocked down by a car. David and his mother were walking yesterday afternoon along Jalan Kota
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  • 79 5 Insurance men want more pay ABOUT 600 employees of Singapore's 27 insurance companies will meet today to discuss a claim for better conditions. They are members of the Singapore Insurance Companies Employees' Union, which is affiliated to the Trades Union Congress. The president, Mr. A. J. Lewis, said yesterday that
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  • 57 5 Holland has not forgotten them THE DUTCH community In Singapore, led by the Consol-General, Mr. D. G. K. MkMelbwg, yesterday attended a remembrance service at the Cenotaph in honour of those who died daring the war to liberate the Netherlands. Here Commander Winkelnin, Royal Netherlands Naval Liaison Officer, lays a
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  • 68 5 PENANO, Fri.— A Settlement councillor, Inche Aziz Ibrahim (Bast Coast), wants all Government department nameboards to be in Malay as well as in English, He will move a motion at the council's next meeting on Wednesday lor the appointment of a select committee to consider this
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  • 45 5 Winners of tickets sold by the Australian and New Zealand stall at the International Bazaar in aid of the blind in Singapore are: Hamper No. 89 (Miss ßrisk), ham No. 57 (Mrs. Wilford) and cake No. 76 (Mrs. S. K. Wong).
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  • 30 5 SEGAMAT, FrL— Mr. Chia i Chin Koon has resigned as i as Chief Tenants' Registra- tion Officer. He has been i succeeded by Mr. Chan Chee Kong.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 216 5 H chdkttfje to att deefiucsfuwetsf Shave as usual tomorrow morning and then make this test ■Co to your Ronson Dealer and at skin level. And die tougher ■°T the new Ronson Electric the beard, the quicker it goes. I >!«vcr. At once, you'U hear it m itaing oil brisUes you
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    • 157 5 \%*l IARCIST-SilllNG PIN IN AMtßlclj Actual sales records prove that Sheaffer's 111 l is the largest-selling pen in America today! IHI| THIS IS AW ESTABLISHED FACT. 11l The reason for the enormous popularity and H 1 demand in America for Sheaf fer Fens is that HII I the discriminating buyer
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 118 5 TODAY Wen Hsl British Council gaUarr, BRITISH SED CEOSB BOCIE- Stamford Road. 9 aJB. to 5.30 TV: Juniors' Inter-Link exhlbi- pjn. Same tor tomorrow. tton, Raffles Oirto 1 School hall, 11 yjixUL (Orchard Road): ajn. mmmtt Chess Club 3 p-ny Movie Circle FUN FAIR at Katong CmM taw "OTienr^s PuU
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  • 26 6 21, Word, $1$ (Minimum) MR. S. SANKARAPILLAI. Btagfctnr, at Sittenkerny, Ceylon, on 3.5.1956. Cable received by bat Nephew If. Arunaaalam of Paaar Bond. Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 116 6 20 Word, $U (Minimum) MR. FOO CHEZ JIN and famllv gratefully thank all relative.-, and friends for their condolences wreaths and attendance the funeral of their father Mr. Foo Hee Toon. MESSRS HO CHAK LAM, Mow Sum, Punc Weng and their Families thank all Relatives and Friends for Rendering
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  • 233 6 21) Words lit (Minimum) FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the "Malay Mall" If you want to win tlial $5,000 word puzzle. AIR-WICK IN the home keeps unpleasant odours at bay—try some, you 11 be really amazed. Its available at all good stores. 8 DAYS LEFT for booking for Lo»
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  • 612 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Sat. May, 5, 1956. Natural And Synthetic The Goodrich claim that its new synthetic Is a perfect duplicate of natural rubber has made little stir in the market. This may be because the claim was first made in 1954, and was repeated last year after road
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  • 341 6 There will be satisfaction in Singapore that Mr. Marshall has received good news from Mr. Lennox-Boyd, although there is no immediate occasion for yamsengs in champagne. If rejoicing in the Colony must be restrained, it is because no-one is yet privy to the tidings which sent the Chief
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  • 235 6 In the last five years the number of accounts in the Singapore Post Office Savings Bank has doubled. There are over half a million depositors with $55,000,000 to their credit. This expansion is an indication of growing prosperity, although Singapore is not the thriftiest place in South-East Asia.
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  • 1191 6  -  CYNICUS by THE pleasant vision of x the Communist threat in Singapore fading away with self-government, held out by Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in an interview in London, contrasts rather oddly with what is happening in the Federation. The Federation Communists are not fading away.
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 6 THE MOSQUE Photo by R. Manikam
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  • 869 6 3fAMsJklfSMA]¥ I P Malaya today, specially the "Black" i areas of Malaya, the i motorist's nightmare is the fear of breakdown on that always nerve wracking effort to be back before the curfew at 7. A serious defect In your engine cannot be remedied. In the current
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  • 78 6 (From the Straits Timet of May 3. m6) AKeh living at Rochore Canal Road reported to the police that a bullock of his had been stolen. Inquiries were Instituted by inspector Sullivan and the animal was found at the 44 milestone, Thomson Road, yesterday In the possession
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 504 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. it Word, $lt (Minimum) ON 19TH APRIL ISM at the Kinhi Lumpur Registry. K- RChandra to Snukl DaTies. SITUATIONS VACANT M W,,rdssS(Min.,-BucStcU. txtn. BOX A 2759 S.T. Position filled. Applicants thanked. BOX A 2597 S.T. Position filled. Apnlicants thanked. WINDOW-DRESSER REQUIRED part-time only. Please apply to Box A
      504 words
    • 87 6 Wow foolproof Movie-Mohm *c World's n Most Amazing. ll* THIS famous "dream" camera takes the guesswork out of movie making, gives you perfect expo* «ures without the nuisance of bulky exposure meters. Secret is the amazing photoelectric "eye" a built-in governor coupled to both lenses in a slide turret. You
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    • 88 6 Tone and Cleganca >>y "HIS MASTER'S VOICE taaß^ aaßß^^a^ Uaaak^ Mlißka^^^s^i^|a^s^|^|^k^^tMWK^'^. Introducing... lite "Fidelity Model 5327 CA: 9-valve 5-wavehand 3-lpeed radiogram fine perfomMncc. distinctive .ipP Singapore Price: $750 (less 10* I or en 'HMV easy tcrrm Bring beauty into your Iwn'c with an "HMV" Radiogram for a demonstration at-^^ S
      88 words

  • 185 7 3 FREED FROM LONG JAIL TERMS irHREE m en previously Iseitenced to long o f imprisonment Redout of the Singa'a r V High Court yester- free men. Their conns on charges of robbery were d by the Court of iminal Appeal. reo Peng Soon. vaik and Tan Wan I and
    185 words
  • 43 7 M: Loke Wan Tho, chairBan of the Singapore Youth gporis Appeals Committee, nterdsy received an $800 j.-.eque from Group Capt. D. D Rogers, the Station Commander of R.A.F. Seletar. be money came from the t.\-.cers. NCOS and men of his
    43 words
  • 24 7 r«RAI RAJ. aired 66 p. aviay on 4.5.56. Funeral Christ* Church. Dorset r al 4.30 p.m. and at BidaOn a: 5.15 p.m. to-day.
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  • 351 7 EDUCATION MINISTER FLAYED FOR 'SLUR ON UNIVERSITY' jyp. Tan Lark Sye, Chairman of the Nanyang University Council, has strongly criticised the Education Minister. Mr. Chew Swee Kee, for saying the Singapore Government is unable to recognise the University's degrees. In a letter to Mr. Chew
    351 words
  • 230 7 In Sago Lane, prayers and tears LAST RESPECTS FOR VICTIMS CAGO LANE, the street of death houses and the scene of Thursday's fire in which six people were burnt to death, went about its business yesterday with a difference. Above the drum beat of brass bands and clashing cymbals, the
    230 words
  • 63 7 KAUB, PrL— A 62-year-old weeder, Chen Chong. was found groaning in his bed with a deep wound in his neck in Sungel Chetang new village last night Police found a bloodstained chopper under the bed. They do not suspect foul play. Chen works on Chettinad Estate,
    63 words
  • 338 7 'WON'T COLLECT MOVE MAY GROW KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. NON-RECOGNITION by their union of certain pay scales today resulted in workers on several rubber estates declining to accept their wages. The payroll therefore was returned to the bank and the workers were told: "The money
    338 words
  • 92 7 Keep close to people, Tengku tells Alliance Councillors ITUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The Chief Minister, Tengku 1V Abdul Rahman, has told elected Alliance Councillors to pay regular visits to their constituencies. I A circular from the Tengku asks councillors to be in close contact with the electors. The circular
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  • 140 7 EMPRESS PLACE PAY TALKS DEADLOCK GOVT. OFFER IS NIGGARDLY, SAY UNIONS REPRESENTA- TIVES of Singapore Government clerks yest c r d a y threatened strike action after negotiations with the Government at Empress Place on wage claims had ended in deadlock. The clerks number 3.000 and are
    140 words
  • 90 7 ANTHONY CHEW, a 30--year-old clerk hi the Singapore City Council's Gas Department, has been reported missing for the past six days by his wife. She said he left their flat in Clemcnoeau Avenue on the night of April 21, saying he was going
    90 words
  • 150 7 That's how a father of nine gets by A FATHER of nine yesterday told a Singapore court of the three women in his life: His MOTHER, who gave him his pocket money; His MISTRESS, who provided his food. And his WIFE "I was a bank cashier."
    150 words
  • 100 7 fftWENTY-POUR witnesses X gave evidence on the third day of a preliminary inquiry In Singapore yesterday into a charge against Soon Huat Seng of misappropriating $105,658 from the South branch of the Oversea Chinese Bank. All were customers of the bank on Feb. 6 with
    100 words
  • 46 7 RAWANG. JTI. A $9,000 cinema hall was opened on Kapar Bharu Estate, nine miles from here, yesterday. The general manager, Mr. j. Stewart, told labourers that badminton courts and a library were also being planned. The hall, complete with stage, can hold 500.
    46 words
  • 74 7 KAJANO, Pri. People of the 18th mile village (pop. 1000) in Ulu Langat yesterday went to the polls for the first time to elect their own council representatives. Nine seats were contested by 28 candidates, and those elected were Messrs. Oon Kiat Keng, Tan Kwee Sui, Lee
    74 words
  • 43 7 A receiving order was made against Khiow Kwang and Company by Mr. Justice Taylor in the Singapore High Court yesterday on a bankruptcy petition filed by Lindeteves (Malaya) Ltd.. to whom the company owes $10,422 on a Judgment debt.
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  • 188 7 $150 LOAD THAT INVITES DISASTER npiNS of dried fruit and 1 packets of Josssticks... and two old women trying to save $150... they might have precipitated an air disaster. There was a minor uproar at the Singapore Airport yesterday when the dried fruit and Joss-sticks discovered In the luggage of
    188 words
  • 68 7 KUALA LUMPUR. PH. Nine hundred workers of the Pineapple Estate In Pekan Nanas Johore, are to get 75 cents more a day under a settlement negotiated by the National Union of Factory and General Workers. The workers went on strike on March 23 and
    68 words
  • 25 7 Miss Phyllis Poh Lian Tan was admitted to the Singapore Bar yesterday by Mr. Justice Taylor to practise as an advocate and solicitor.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 476 7 (t*\Oeeca I *r j Brunswick WW3 l^r Long Playing 331 rptn Records. LXT.5107/O9 Cosi fan tutte (Moaart>; (1) Overture. Met. 1-Sc. 1 Sc. 2; (6) Act. 2-Sc. 3 4; (2) Act. 1-Sc. 2 (Concl.) Sc. 3 (ft. I); (5) Act. 2-Sc. 2 3; 1 3) Act 1-Sc. 3 (Pt. 2);
      476 words
    • 189 7 WALL'S-theX f tastiest sausages 1 you can buy J RM FRESH-FROZEN I reader, meaty Wall* Sausages! Mmmm what a dish to set before a Jm 9 hungry family. And the tempting m MM Mm ■nellof golden brown Wall's Sausages "T MM MM A sizzling in the frying pan promises a
      189 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 58 7 High tides TOLAY: Singapore 5.43 a.m. (6ft. 6in..i 7.19 p.m. (6ft. Bin.); Port Dickson 1.31 a.m. (.6ft.) 2.05 p.m (6ft. 61n.) Penang 9.30 a.m. (sft' 7in.) 9.05 p.m. (sft. 61n,). TOMORROW: Singapore 7.10 am. (6ft. 71n.) B.OS p.m. (7ft. lin.): Port Dickson 2.49 ajn. (6ft. 3in.) 3.16 p.m. (7ft. 2in.);
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  • 175 8 $250,000 WELCOME CENTRE AT DOCKS SINGAPORE Harbour Board will begin to build its first receptionterminal for passengers next week. The £250,000 building should be completed by the end of the year. It will serve ships berthing at godowns 42 and 43 —at the city end of the wharves. It will
    175 words
  • 41 8 Lee Ah Kow was charged in a Singapore court yesterday with abducting Tham Yee Tom at New Bridge Road on the evening of Dec. 13. He was remanded in custody till May 12. No plea was recorded.
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  • 35 8 A typewriter, raffled at the recent International Bazaar in aid of the blind at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, was won by Madam Lim Kit Chim, of Rawang, Selangor, holder of ticket 144.
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  • 23 8 The Jewish Welfare Board will hold its annual meeting at the Adelphi Roof Garden, i Singapore, at 5.30 p.m. to- morrow.
    23 words
  • 535 8 Rice trader says: 'Never fully broke but I was always hard up' *I WAS 9355,000 TO TUB OWB T 1 j KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The managing director of the Kong Fatt Cheong Rice Agency, Ltd., Foong Soon Seng, 40, admitted in the Sessions court here today that his properties, including
    535 words
  • 89 8 rpHE Malayan Film Unit is to film the opening night of the Los Angeles Philharmonic j Orchestra at the Singapore Badminton Hall next Saturday. The hall will be fitted with special lighting and the unit i will use telescopic lenses to capture shots
    89 words
  • 173 8 Probe into strikers 9 charge IPOH, Friday. AN official of the Labour Department here will make an on-the-spot inquiry into allegations by striking tea-pickers of the Sungei Palas Estates in the Cameron Highlands that they have been forced to do overtime work. The estate management and
    173 words
  • 52 8 An la-year-old girl, Ylt i Whye Kheng, was saved from i drowning In the sea off Clili ford Pier, Singapore, yester- day afternoon. She feU Into the water while watching ships at an- chor. A wipp««wian pulled I her out. She was admitted to I the
    52 words
  • 62 8 Madam Ong Phek Neo, of Opal Crescent, was granted a decree nisi by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tan in the Singapore High Court yesterday on the grounds of her husband, Ong Kirn Seng's adulThe decree will be made absolute in three months. The couple were
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  • 83 8 TTHB Singapore Army Civil Service Union wants the Army to do away with the system of charging for transport which was Introduced last year. The union, in Its annual report published yesterday, said that it would press for free transport for civilian employees of the
    83 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 456 8 CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS 2«d WHK! CAJHAft T r- Til .moo Clrtnanal >ll<»»l» r^TIJINQiSTER-ANMMAfiNaNi "Hal WalliS^>»*^.uTS»n«Beß»%muajir mtm, ««MTi^ M ABU HA PAVAN MKW fIX>»VI» MIDNIGHT TONIGHT KATY The Sexiest Dancer On Earth v-latmed To Be O»ea«er Than Samla Oamal! "THE GHOST AND ISMAIL YASSIN" (HANTU ISMAIL YASSIN) Arabic DUlogve— With ENGLISH
      456 words
    • 397 8 SHAW BROTHERS ORGANISATION AnRACTIQ^! \_XJ|ifc^ m J 11 A M., 1.45, 4, 6.30 j. J(| f ;^BJB»^BB BB\ rtn n S«* st*kr«> i i ''■^^^■qNß^^•*»**™ 1 BTIIBBBI* ttxtm* MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! A Story Of Venßean C <H -^hh^m— Warned Bmas J I AUM id»»«» o. >OAaai 1 l«S LADD ROBINSON DRU
      397 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 445 8 RADIO MALAGA <^ J~|Jt!i_ fee reeWTed by Itoteaenta Malacca) 4 J27^!s?Vls%pening Am" (ghert ware 4» Cte. Medtam 716 Rano piaytlme, 7.30 News, PO*. 1.00 Prog. Sununary. *l.oa pM 5 (9M IMm Saturday Date, »1.30 News, *1.4S and 49 milm) PJt 10.00—10.15 Singapore Share Market Report. ST BrtUto For A Walt*.
      445 words

  • 1603 9 yW^jfH I 'Tocksinys' Hospital l was used as a fait m YET ANOTHER lasting monument to local enterprise and philanthropy in Singapore is the Tan Tock Seng tuberculosis hospital in Mouhnein Road. Work on five 6storey blocks (two-ward blocks) and ancillary buildings is under way,
    1,603 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      91 words
    • 324 9 FOR A SQUARE DEAL A FAIR DEAL head for our GRAND ANNUAL |EW Mitt OF MNS BETTER Swlm Cotton ««ue M" $110 per yd. Eng lisb Triple 333 Span 16 shades 115 Am. Robin Silk 20 Shades 45" 9120 Am. Plain Tafetta 30 Shades 42* $1.20 Am. Nylon Tulle 30
      324 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 74 9 Hex Morgan. 3M.D. So smart iv^C*- I I |4£EOONETOO/ jMttlw—w^ I ON*' AND YOU r\mjri WMV* **"^>j CAWVt 5M6 CAN |>t >J o*^ sVjWI bW J <^^K II "J I J^B^^SHHri^V'^^kU IBBBBBBBHaBp X.^NPB wE^^^U&& fci^ bb^^^^bbbl Dick Tracy Thejfeeiing Ij3CKHEfiE,>OURSr7TUnTUTT pdc4ieirTO IDemFV BeSS? SUSPICION POIffTS k-Tl3 E !JSSSS^ ""^^bßWV 21
      74 words

  • 2582 10 COMPANY MEETING I (INCORPORATED) Annual General Meeting Friday, 27th April, 1956. CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH The Ordinary General Meeting Of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated) was held on April 27th in London. Mr. J. W. A. Calver, the Chairman, presided and before commencing his speech drew particular attention
    2,582 words
  • 659 10 APRIL TIN EXPORTS WERE DOWN BY 12 PER CENT By Our Market Correspondent WHEN the April trade figures are available it will probably be found that the value of trade contracted considerably, due to the sharp drop in exports of tin and rubber last month. Preliminary tin exports issued yesterday
    659 words
  • 144 10 May first grade rubber bayera f.o.b. closed In Singapore yesterday at NH cent, per lb. up three-oarteri of a cent on Thursday. The closing tone was "slightly easier at the close." Closing prices in cents per lb. were: No 1 R.S.S. Spot t.o.b. buyers 88%, sellers 88 No.
    144 words
  • 150 10 Singapore Chinese Prodnce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: firm; May (nominal) $30H buyers, $31 Vi sellers; June $30% buyers, $31% sellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk $47 sellers, drum $50 sellers. Pepper: quiet, with no business reported done; Muntok white $101, Sarawak $100, special Sarawak black
    150 words
  • 63 10 LONDON Pri.— British Petroleum Company have announced a fip^i dividend 10 per cent tax free m^tiw 15 per cent tax free for the year 1955. This compares with an interim of five per cent, less tax on the old capital and a final dividend of 14 per cent,
    63 words
  • 546 10 mHE rubber market reach--1 ed Its lowest level of the year at the beginning of this week after which sentiment took a turn for the better, report Holiday, Cutler Bath fc Co. Ltd. This however, was not due to greater offtake by overseas buyers, but rather to
    546 words
  • 36 10 On the free exchange market in Hoof Keac ve«terday. the U.S. dollar wan ouoted ft 5.83% for ca«h and 8.88% for T.T. SlorMag was quoted at 18.88 and •no taol of gold at 384%.
    36 words
  • 12 10 plcul (down S2) COPRA: 30. 82l I picul (down 37.,
    12 words
  • 123 10 1 moderately active *1 'i moving narrowly and falls almost balancing Exchange here today tV the feature of acthit- 5 s Search at steady p.-w H minings mostly qu 3 <*, ..Ing about steady w 6 firm. a Loans i%% 1956-w £93 Bank of N.S.W. r 3l Mount
    123 words
  • 95 10 Ships lying alonrsidr ih t si«, pore Harbour Board whirr* expected today arr Ajtvhj Hoogkerk 45. BenveE CP. M hus 6 7. Agamemnon 8 9 Ru mun 11. Benvrackie 13 'A S sias *****. State of Tra\'an«n Cochin 18, Elizabeth Bakkp 'tj Hong Tat N. Wall 2 Sew- i
    95 words
  • 24 10 The following April outpXi -M announced:— Takuapa SO; p:J Sunset Bidor 721 ptenk; I Tin; Rasa 523 pkob; Jinmcl 711 piculs. I
    24 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 31 10 TODAY: 3.15, 6.M 9.15 pjn. "MISS COCA COLA" Hindi w/EngUsh snbtMles Tomorrow 11 ajn. (aerial) "CANADIAN MOUNTIES vs. ATOMIC INVADERS". DIAMOND THEATRE: TEL: M 446 DAILY: AT 1 JJt PJI. r
      31 words
      103 words
    • 772 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIPS KELANTAN Applications are Invited from serving officers who are subjects of H.HTthe Sultan Kelantan for 1966 and 1957 Scholarships to nnfl^ffßfl degree courses in an approved College or University In Malaya or Overseas. Forms of application and other particulars can be obtained from the State Secretariat
      772 words
    • 345 10 TENDERS MEDICAL TENDER TENDERS will be received at the Ministry of Health. Palmer Road, Singapore 2, up to noon on Monday. 28th May, 1956. for supply of Penicillin, Dihydrostreptomycln. Chloramphenicol and TsonissM. Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained from the Government Medical Store, Silat Road, Singapore 3. JOHORE
      345 words
    • 378 10 MAERSK LINE SPORE P. YORK ANNA MAERSK is/is May i»n. (Second Call) PALM A 14/26 May s|ul, I KNUTSEN LINE orient service I f ROM CANAPA/U S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing San Arriving t Vancouver t rancr*« S'pote P. Swef f enaiu f urn I Kristin Bakke Sailed sailed
      378 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1231 11 >4o» MANSFIELD dk CO^ LTD. Toll mis I** 1 (Incorporated in Singapore) (1] tlnls) &S THE BLUE FUNNEL UNE noenn to proceed vio other ports to load ond discharge cargo At l.N«?. LIVERPOOL. 6LASCOW, LONDON i. CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Soil. p. S'hom Penang T# T-r^ V ""1.-. Mey S May
      1,231 words
    • 834 11 EAST ASIATIC UNBS SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA 'or Aden, Pert uuti Q mMmt Antwerp. RitteiOaaj. Mliutan aad Cipiasngn S pOftt r> J nOTfl PmVnjCpTofl "JUTLANDIA" ....IS/30 May SI/SI May SS/SS May "FALSTRIA" oat. 29/31 Moy 1/2 June 3/ 4 Jaae x«) "MEONIA" 7/ B June 9/9 Juae IS/11 Jaao > CaHs
      834 words
    • 872 11 .SJSJngTHE BEN UNE STEAMERS LTD^i,^ StMSAFORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) S LIMBS SAIUMOS TO UJL AND CONTINENT PORTS Spore P. Sham Panong BEMVORLICH for London, Havre, Hull 4/ May IS/11 May > Rr^l^ l L >^oJ.U/14S*SM^ thee.-. 1 ..L.c... ff% 'jt^SSSH, M^^riworp 7/1S May 1 VIS May 14/17 Mar
      872 words
    • 1213 11 M«AUSTER <fc CO., LTD. TEL: N..: ***** assUUTsoaMAlff OJb SIDTKiiAHi SU>ATBIf)MSI UMB "•"^H^sab 1 1 0^ ~^tjD?^TTtrrv^s§svE« ■id far U.S.A., North Attontle Ports T,**^'**" 1 )t^ and Canada and via Colombo Amenea SUNNTVILLI S'por^ P, S'hjm P™_ 4/13 May 11/15 May 14/10 May 7 CITT OF MANCHESTER FRAHCISVIUI Spore P.
      1,213 words

  • Article, Illustration
    19 12 The Purtobohan Bumi Putera, a Malay political party, wants passport regulations to be introduced between Singapore and the Federation
    19 words
  • The STRAITS TIMES Saturday forum
    • 334 12 AS an honours graduate of a large western university, I am astounded to learn of frustration among local graduates caused by having to order tea. answer telephone calls and the other "routine *ork." In my first Job, just after the economic depression of the thirties (when I
      334 words
    • 81 12 AFTER reading the news item headed "The Hon- ours Tea Girl" in your paper dated 27.4.56. I feel that my own experience could be of some interest. I was working as Clerk/Typist under a University of Malaya graduate who made me sharpen his pencils and endeavoured to
      81 words
    • 197 12 A FEW days ago I took a -nsmall party of scouts for a few days camp to Pangkor Island. We selected a suitable spot near the Rest House. The site had evidently previously been occupied by scouts. We found plenty of "signs" to lead us to
      197 words
    • 59 12 AS a resident of Jalan Bayam. I would like very much to draw the attention of Kelantan P.W.D. to the road leading to Third Division Government Quarters. It is dusty during dry days and muddy during the wet days. So far I can see this is the
      59 words
    • 286 12 pAN someone tell me if \j five years' teaching experience in a primary school, would qualify anyone to be a lecturer in English at a Teachers' Training College. According to Federal House, Kuala Lumpur, it apparently does. Since 10.4.56, when the Government advertisement appeared
      286 words
    • 82 12 I REFER to your report in the Straits Times of April 28 on the question of part-time private doctors. Many more doctors m the Federation would be quite willing to help the Minister for Health in part time work if they were asked to do so. I am
      82 words
    • 168 12 Protest will do harm 'THE report that the X Malays in Jelebu plan to stage a protest march to get their rice ration raised, and that the protest is being sponsored by U.M.N.O. raises serious issues. The Malays of Jelebu receive exactly the same scale of rice ration as the
      168 words
    • 95 12 Mails are delayed mHE Post Office mails X are delivered at 12 noon and mails closed at 3.30 p.m. at Pontian. This means that half the day is gone before mails arrive and only 3 hours in which to reply to them on the same day. This results in great
      95 words
    • 128 12 A Chinese newspaper here recently published news of a meeting called for the formation of a political party to be called the 'Sarawak People's Party.' The 'sponsors' are said to be some prominent Chinese, one of whom is a member of the Council Negri. Rumour
      128 words
    • 134 12 1 FOUND Interesting Mr. F. Wallace's reply to my letter of 4.4.56. Admittedly a Book VI Koyu Reader is simple enough for a 11-year-old school boy. But it can be difficult for a 20-year-old youth who had left school 10 years ago. If you ask a 10-year-old
      134 words
    • 73 12 A FEW days ago, one of your readers said he wanted bread rather than merdeka now. I however demand protection of my property and the safety of my life from loafers (mostly from secret society). It has been reported that these gangs are growing in numbers and
      73 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 232 12 The yzyea^za4/e7y- j made for a Life of Action j j Seals out Water Seals in Accuracy j I The Seamaster was designed to share Embodied in the consummate accuracy I with you the zest of high adventure of the Seamaster is Omega's experience I and the stresses and strains
      232 words
    • 207 12 WHY GOATS DO IT < Goats will be found in Police Compounds, cows will > be sees In clover. Tis the same the whole world round. The same the whole world over. 5 If jou were a policeman what would you do? Would you keep on chasing; coats from here
      207 words
    • 194 12 I I To oflFer Pepsi -Cola is to sa\ A toast to good fortunr. An offer of good wishet. A happy symbol of companionship"Good health, my friend." Pepsi-Cola expresses your good freling. your pleasure, your happiness. For Pepsi is mure than a refreshment. It is a way of sharing an
      194 words

  • 304 13 MARLAR'S OFFBREAKS CAUSE WARWICKSHIRE COLLAPSE f LONDON, Frl OOBIN MARLAR, the Sussex captain, gave his county a good start to the 1956 championship season when he took seven wickets for 50 runs in the defeat of Warwickshire by eight wickets at Birmingham today. It
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 23 13 WORCESTER, Fri. The Australian cricketers drew their three-day match with Worcestershire here today. Scores: Worcester 99 and 231 for nine. Australians
    23 words
  • 112 13 NEWMARKET, Sat. TTONETLIGHT, a lti/6 11 chance arnned by Sir Victor SauMoon, span tlie One) Tbeusmad Gmineas for allies hen today. The heavily backed French flHy, Midget, which started at Ist to 3* was ee- eond. Arietta, a stable companion «f the winnes?. was ink* at
    112 words
  • 937 13 NINE MORE RECORDS FALL AT CHINESE SCHOOLS MEET VINE more records 11 taking the grand total to 26 records and two equalled were set at the Singapore Chinese Schools annual threeday athletic meet at Jalan Besar yesterday, final day of the meeting. Chinese High School athletes again dominate the events
    937 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 622 13 \l. I.EAVt MkJ-aaa tteU.atrm. ...noHLANDS HOTEL .Telephone 212 I |__f you can afford. F.ULCATION Box Itett. tMtrm. CiLARANTEED In lags English and ~o special Course for t Moderate Cost. Graduate Teachers. th- Unique Course of Languages (Coronly). PO. Box TIITION M, n ,-B»xiteU. **trm. R T S DRIVING •'•> only
      622 words
    • 872 13 WANTED It Word. U («•».>—»«, it cu..,tr*. SECOND HAND SET Golf Clubs good condition. Replies Box A 2939 S.T. WANTED FOR HIRE In Federation—Refrigeration and AlrCondltioning Plant for use with 220/230 volt A.C Box A 3930, S.T. FOB HIRE It«cU. «*tr_ AVAILABLE A LIMITED supply of used Radios, Radiograms
      872 words
    • 858 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Wfd, U (min.)—B*t Md-aalM. 1956 HILLMAN CAUPORNIAN. Flat 1100. Dae. 1955 Ford Consul, many Extras. Ring *****. GOOD USED CARS at reasonable prices: 1955 Studebaker. 1953 Austin Coupe. 1952 Ford Consul, 1951 M.Q.T.D., HUlman, A.40, Mercury. Trade-ins Si Etay Payments welcome. Singapore Uaad Car Co., 36,
      858 words
    • 440 13 NOTICES THE SINGAPORE TRACTION COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) SERVICE NO. 17— HOLLAND VILLAGE TO BRAS BASAH ROAD (Evening Service after 1 paa.). Commencing from 6th May 1966, the evening service from 7 p.m. between Holland Village and Bras Basah Road will run via, Stamford Road Instead of
      440 words
    • 412 13 NOTICES NOTICE Notice to hereby given that Delivery Order No. M77/BL HASIN No. 11 has been lost and hereby declared null and void. CONNEUi BROS. CO. (M) LTD.. 161/163 Cecil Street Nona It is hereby no-fled for general Information that Mr. Lob Tit Look baa resigned from the post of
      412 words
    • 353 13 TENDERS TENDER NOTICB Ten-ew. which win close at 1200 boon on 19.8.M are Invited for the running of the Federal House Canteen (or the period 1.7.56 to M.fcM. Pull particulars nay be obtained on Application to the Secretary. PMeral 80-W Management Committee, c/o Labour Department. Third Floor. Federal Howe. Victory
      353 words
    • 571 13 Advertisement A baby knows better than you.. Baby's tears may be due to a lot of things a stray safety-pin perhaps or mort important to the lack of the rig-tfoo4. Many Mothers imagine that ail Baby Foods are alike, nothing of course could be further from the truth, as many
      571 words

  • 649 14 Golden Dollar is only up one-lb., a good each-way bet p OLDEN DOLLAR, second by threequarters of length to Moneysmate over a miie last week, gets a pound more, to carry in the Cl. 2, B_f. handicap ;Race Four) and he is certainly worth an each-way bet. Golden Dollar was
    649 words
  • 140 14 OKI FIESTA, a good win- ncr over 5%f. on Wedi nesday, gets 9-lb. more and i (has a bright chance of scoring a double. Most of tine Torbido stock go far once they come right. Remember South Pacific and Maori Chief? Tawakal did not fare > badly
    140 words
  • 36 14 rB going at Penang up to last evening was very good. The Treble Tote will be on Races 3, 5, 6; Big Sweep on Race 6. Radio Malaya will broadcast today's racing.
    36 words
  • 315 14 Money smate for Summer Cup HE 18 Of PEAK FORM AFTER SATURDAY'S BPUEIIDID Wilt THIS WINNER IN ENGLAND HAS A STAYER'S RECORD By EPSOM JEEP MONETSMATE should stay and he is my tip for today's Summer Cup (Race Five) for Class 2, (1| miles) to complete a double for the
    315 words
  • 8 14 T r •r I II
    8 words
  • 246 14 LONDON, Fri. LIFE in most parts of Britain will be almost at a standstill for about two hours tomorrow while Manchester City, last year's beaten finalists, and Birmingham, warm favourites, battle for the Football Association Challenge Cup. A capacity crowd of 100,000 enthusiasts will
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 187 14 YESTERDAYS BA.F.A. Div. 2A x match at Oeylans Stadium should have ended In a win for R.AJ. seletar but. through defensive errors and bad luck, they were held to a 2-2 draw by Young Men Sikh Association. Play was rough throughout and referee Sgt. Cunningham had
    187 words
  • 48 14 Playfalr School n*s annual sports will begin today at 5.15 p.m. on tbe School ■round at Playfalr Road. There will be a 100 yards event for Old Boys. The finals will be held on May 36 at the •cbool ground, starting at 3.45 pjn.
    48 words
  • 685 14 Race 1 3.15: CL 4, Div. 3— 6 furs. 1 009 Magic Nate iy i.ll Ups Stable Allan 2 398 Stream Sang 4y Barratt 8.13 A. Shalk Ahamad Brcukelen 3 764 R*M Drrigaaa 5y Franklin 1.12 Mates. A. Kennard r^ M. I* Thomson Hobbs 4 803 Big
    685 words
  • 237 14 PENANO, Fri. riXHE vice-chairman of the X organising committee for the Malayan Amateur Athletic Association championships, Mr. R. Bailey, today refuted a statement by the Committee's Press Officer. Mr. Lim Teng Sun. that Press photographers would be barred from taking pictures at
    237 words
  • 89 14 R.A.F. Changi Hospital beat Woodbrtdge Hospital 6-2 In a friendly soccer match at Woodbridge yesterday. Smith (2). Shepperd (2) and Hollander (3) scored far the airmen, and Abdul Rah- man and Mohd Arrtfin for Woodbridge. Quaenitown edged R.I. Civilians 2-1 in another friendly Queenstown. Queetutown scored
    89 words
  • 459 14 By ANG EAM HOCK rpENNIS lovers turned out in strength again for the exhibition matches of the Indian Davis Cup players on the S.C.C. padang yesterday and they were rewarded with a scintillating singles, lasting an hour ten minutes, in which India'? No.
    459 words
  • 22 14 LONDON. Pri. Sir Wj>i Monckton. BrtUln'a Minister M Defence, was nominated nn ->B sident of Marvlebone Cricket r-M (M.C.C.). 1
    22 words
  • 31 14 PORT OP SPAIN. Trinidad Fr.l Canada took a 2-0 lead over 'oil West Indies In the flrK round M the North Arrerican zone of •>■ Davis Cup here yesterday -Itoal
    31 words
  • 118 14 ROSEWALL AND ANDERSON to play in Singapore KEN ROSEWALL and Mai Anderson, of the Australian tennis team visiting Wimbledon this year, will probably play in Singapore at the end of this month, Singapore Lawn Tennis Officials told the Straits Times yesterday. The arrangements. If they arrive, will be very much
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 812 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT U HorW. $S (Win.)- Boxitrl; trm. LADY STENO/SBCRETABI— 3 $450/600; Stenographer $300/450; Attractive Eurasian Telephonist $400 Female Typist $200; Driver; Cook Amahs City Employment, 748 Robinson Road, *****. ONE OF OUR Associate Companies require an administrative assistant to the Managing Director. Successful
      812 words
    • 187 14 1 >^^L- '-^___M_BC_r^_r'^B^^^_^^ ETERNB-MHTir Ii The first self-winding watch and the worlds smallest self-wmduv; wdd ON A BALL-BEARING The best proof of the exceptional merit i ETERNA-MATIC winding on a ball-bearing is that it is just as effective in the diminutive ladies 1 model! ©Thanks to these five tiny ETERNA
      187 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 92 14 Weekend diary TINT TOMOIMW CRICKET CRIC— ET WoottrMce H^plUl v BJLF. Beater Tovw— Mat: S.C.C i Chaagi, WwttrMfe; B.CXJ. v BJUJ- P^MJT *.CM.C. v UnlTer--Bifna_. 8ic~»_; Sta*~»*r« DU- -ty. Iwf Urn Green; I.A. Met Bikm£ Bt^Oat t UJIJ., TmUtm. Kalertler Uri; CSC. Rajah Mmmi, 1.15 S.CJfc.C. v K. Navy. Tantltn.
      92 words