The Straits Times, 2 May 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1*56 15 CENTS
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  • 669 1 SAFEGUARDS... IN CASE OF A COMMUNIST COUP 1 New proposals envisage Prime Minister, Governor-General AMD a British High Commissioner Merger with Federation -THEN A REAL STEP FOR WARD From HARRY MILLER LONDON, Tuesday. Til! Singapore delegation to the constitutional talks with the Colonial Office today proposed the
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  • 136 1 I'd rather be a servant in the house of the Lord LEXINGTON (Virginia), Tue.<; -Senator Alben William Barkley collapsed and died while making a ned) to university students here today. X:. Barkley. 78, (at left above with Mr. Harry Truman i, was Vice-President irom 1949 to 1952. He had served
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 78 1 A FLAG MARKS MAY DAY f\NE Communist flag was \J found- by- the police hanging among some buntings at a Chinese wayang stage in Boon Teck Road, Singapore, yesterday. The police aL'o found some subversive documents written in Malay. The documents are being studied. Apart from the flag and the
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  • 78 1 Missionary in plane crash KUALA BELAIT (North Borneo) Tues. An Australian flying missionary escaped from a crash which wrecked -his plane when he landed on a "pocket handkerchief" airstrip in a remote jungle area of Sarawak yesterday. Reports reaching here today gave the name of the pilot as Bruce Morton,
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  • 22 1 I TOKYO, Tues. Japan Air |*w announced today it pis to inaugurate a flight to wgkok in September.— A.P.
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  • 53 1 Colonel W. F. Cooper, medical officer in charge of officials at the Singapore General Hospital, died suddenly at sea, according to a message received yesterday. Col. Cooper and his wife left Singapore in the Chusan on April 10 for a holiday in Japan. The Chusan arrives
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  • 390 1 Family of 21 pack up and are off to Britain FATHER NEEDS A CHANGE, SO DONT-PART-US STEPHENS DECIDE TO GO WITH HIM KLANG, Tuesday. rpwENTY-ONE members of one of the first EurasA ian families to settle in the Klang district will leave Malaya on Friday to live in England. And
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  • 29 1 The Federation's High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, CiTlved in Singapore yesterday after a four-week holiday in Australia and New Zealand. He was accompanied by Lady MacOilllvray.
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  • 34 1 JERUSALEM, Tues.— lsrael and Egypt have agreed to a plan for United Nations observation posts to be set up along the Gaza strip border, a United Nations communique reported here today.— Reuter.
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  • 27 1 JERUSALEM. Tues. A Royal Dutch Airlines Dakota on charter to Egypt was fore- ed by Israeli fighters to land at Lydda airport today.— UP.
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  • 379 1 Bomb flung into crowded restaurant IPOH, Tues.— Terrorists last night flung a band grenade into a crowded restaurant in Sungei Siput, 18 miles north of here, and injured 10 people —four Australian servicemen. thr«e Asian police inspectors and three civilians. The injured inspectors are Mr
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  • 38 1 LONDON. Tues.— The Soviet Government has established an award of a gold medal for "outstanding scientific achievements" to mark the 50th annlversarv of the Invention of radio by "the «reat Russian scientistPopov", Moscow Radio said Reuter.
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  • 204 1 NIGHT ATTACK IN LONELY DRIVE A 51-YEAR-OLD merchant fought off two thugs last night after they had beaten his drivel: unconscious in a lonely drive off the 7} milestone, Bedok Road, Singapore. Mr. Chua Boon Chye of McCallum Street, and his 52-year-old driver. Ng
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  • 106 1 Tengku Abu Bakar dies in London From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, Tues.— Tengku Abu Bakar, second son of the Sultan of Johore. died today after an operation in the London Chest Hospital. He was 58. A Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Tengku Abu Bakar will be remembered as
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  • 29 1 GENEVA. Tues.— The Soviet Union has endorsed the Drtnciple of equal pay for men and women for work of equal value, it was announced here today.— Reuter.
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  • 15 1 ROME. Tues.— ltaly expects 12 million tourists to visit Rome this year.— A.P.
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  • 163 1 'Yes' or 'no' at next session LATEST ON THE TALKS LONDON, Tues.—Today's merdeka conference lasted only 15 minutes. Mr Marshall told reporters as he left the meeting: "I am very satisfied with the unity displayed by my delegation today." He said that the next meeting would be held either on
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 33 1 TOKYO, Tues. Salk polio vaccine— enough to immunise 200 infants has been shipped to Japan and was used for the first time yesterday at the First National hospital here.— AJ».
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 FNGAP£MENT WEDDING RINGS r H HENDRY, ,i turing Jeweller \m'h Bridge Road. Spot*-*. and satUfaction— C HURCHMAN'S No. 1 An lin. of SO or 25, m* p«4eU of 10 CH.2.
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    • 153 1 W THE STORY YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR— NOW THE DUCHESS TELLS ALL U {ABDICATION SECRETS! K f\ID THE DUCHESS of WINDSOR by the only. woman in the world Of the Abdication drama, the «ff ieally BELIEVE cue could *h° c n B ive tnem re "bout to Ouchess says: "Np
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    • 78 1 Be wise select BUSH for Quality A and Reliability BRIGHT RADIO CO. M tIMIIHMfI BOAP SMMAPOM STOP PRESS GERMAN PLKDGi. LONDON. Tucs. Dr. Heinrich von Brentano, West German Foreign Minister, today pledged no German Government would be prepared to ton elude any secret deal with Russia and "betray solidarity ol
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  • 393 2 MAN-MADE RUBBER HAS THE TONNAGE LEAD, CLAIMS GOODRICH CHIEF Only a part can be met by 'natural* SAN FRANCISCO, Tuesday. fRUDE RUBBER has lost its tonnage leadership to synthetic rubber in the U.S. economy, Mr. William S. Richardson, President of B. F. Goodrich Company, told the
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 131 2 U.S. wants death for drug peddlers WASHINGTON. Tues. A SPECIAL Senate judiciary sub-committee has called for the death penalty for narcotics peddlers in a Bill to "declare war" on the illicit drug traffic. The Bill would outlaw the use of heroin, even for medicinal purposes and provide penalties ranging from
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  • 175 2 STAR IS ACCUSED OF 'LOVE THEFT' Her lawyer says Til clean up this whole ridiculous mess 9 NEW YORK, Tues —Film star Martha Raye, who is being sued for. alienation of affections by a young housewife, Is also to be sued for divorce by her husband Edward Begley, 30, the
    AP  -  175 words
  • 48 2 DETROIT, Tuea. United States car production from Jan. 1 to yesterday was estimated today at 2,291,537 vehicles 604,000 fewer than in the same period of last year. Chevrolet, the cheapest car In the General Motors range, was the leader with 622,279 vehicles. Reuter.
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  • 23 2 TOKYO. Tues.— A cold wave which hit Honshu, main Japanese island, last night caused frost damage to mulberry trees.— Heuter.
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  • 40 2 WASHINGTON, Tues.— Mr. Harry A. Bullis, chairman of the Board of General Mills, Inc., said today that in the economic cold war with Russia, the United States must spend and Invest "billions of dollars" more abroad. AJ».
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  • 26 2 SEOUL Tues. There are 50,000 prostitutes in South Korea, according to statistics compiled by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs. A.P.
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  • 18 2 OTTAWA, Tues. Field Marshal Montgomery will pay a three-week informal visit to Canada this month.— UP.
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  • 89 2 EARL LOSES 58-YEAR RECORD LONDON. Toes.— Earl Howe, 72 yean eM. had his first motoring conviction in 58 yean of driving at Beaeonsfleld, Buckinghamshire, when he was fined 5.% for falling to stop after an accident and failing to report it. "We are reluctant to sp»U such a record," said
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  • 105 2 HeclaimsSHmillion HOLLYWOOD. Tues. Itaiian-bom former heavyweight basins champion Primo Camera yesterday sued Columbia Pictures for U851,500,000, charging invasion of privacy in the film "The Harder They Fall." The giant ex-champion conUnds the picture has caused him to be subjected to scorn and ridicule, and that as
    AP  -  105 words
  • 95 2 Brigadier's car 'no greyhound' astonishing state nf that if MaW p ou n f d wanted to overtake th Radier he was not \1 «>- He said his car 4^ capable of travellfnj^ miles an hour if KOl > il that is so t -k think he had better buyfe
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  • 34 2 LONDON, Tues. Rujy now has gold reserves S about 200 million fine ounce worth £2,500.000,000 accord ing to an estimate today one of the world's bigger firms of bullion dealers" Reuter
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  • 29 2 COLOMBO. Tues.-Ceylo:.' new Socialist novernse:: today abolished the Deparment of Public Securo created last year on the Ike of Britain's M. I. 5 counte espionage organisation. Reuter
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  • 29 2 ROME, Tues. Eight me who fled from Yugoslavia I: a motor-boat have been picked up in the Adriatic by c Italian cutter and landed;: Ancona. Reuter.
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  • 243 2 NEW ORLEANS. Tues. A FORMER boxer, Leonard Ceaser, 33-year-old rape suspect, was shot nine times yesterday during an attempt to escape a police trap. As he lay paralysed from the waist down, he muttered that he was "too tough to die."— U.P. WASHINGTON: The International
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  • 275 2 MAJOR TOLD: BUY YOURSELF a SCOOTER Qnfr 3Q m.pJi^-downhlH, with wind LONDON, Tu^ TF, said a judge yesterday, the major s ea 1 not overtake the brigadier's car, the m*Z to buy himself a scooter. JOr «*k An Old Bailey Jury took eight minutes t« 60-year-old Brigadier George Fothergin ei'ip^'
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  • 14 2 BONN, Tues.— Former Field Marshal Ritter Von Leeb, 78, has died here.-^AJ.
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  • 64 2 LONDON. Tues. Men followed girls in the 14th century much as they do now, it was revealed in a Salisbury court yesterday. Colin W. Leverton, 19. was bound over under a statute of 1361 to be of good behaviour for a year after admitting that he "did
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 29 2 Vx AT YOUR SERVICE A I I CLEMENCEAU AVENUE SERVICE STATION l^^nB lH |^|^^|/JlllllllllllllllillillHll rli |i^w^ lA Blf 1 S |J-.\ C. \j| s fA sf 1 ttfr ~+++4++********'
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  • 259 3 THAT ART OF FAWKIMG TO FOES AMD IWFUMATPIC FMEMDS' <0B SPENT A FORTUNE: THEY WON IT F OR NOTHING' t ONDON, Tues. v S i r John Glubb, former chief of the \rab Legion, said yesterday that Jordan's friendship with Britain was stolen in
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 23 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. The Lord Mayor of London, Aid>Tman Cuthbert Ackroyd, intted here last night for a three-day official visit. Eeuter.
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  • 21 3 CANBERRA. Tues. Mr. Patrick Shaw has been appointed Australian Ambassador to Bonn in succession to Mr j D.L Hood.— Reuter.
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  • 208 3 Brains of British tops, say students in THE dIKSE ME TIE lEST TOILERS TAIPEH, Tues. 'THE British are the 1 world's most intelligent people, in the opinion of a group of Chinese college students surveyed here by a visiting American professor. The students also thought their own race, the Chinese,
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  • 27 3 BUENOS AIRES, Tues.— The Government released 250 minor Peronlsta labour leaders—former supporters of the deposed Dictator Peron— in a May Day eve amnesty. Reuter.
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  • 26 3 JERUSALEM. Tues—Another Israeli soldier died yesterday after Sunday's mine explosion under a military vehicle near Nir Izhak village close to the Gaza border. AP.
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  • 91 3 EX-NAVAL MAN IS FINED £36,500 KARACHI. Tues.— Joseph Napoleon Smyth, a British former lieutenant commander in the Pakistan Navy, was fined £36,500 and sentenced to three years' jail with hard labour here for misappropriating Pakistan Navy funds. Smyth. 47, changed his plea to guilty Just before the Judge sentenced him
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  • 23 3 BRUSSELS. Tues. Japan's Ambassador to Belgium, Mr. Ryujl TakeuchL last night gave a reception in celebration of the Emperor's birthday.— Reuter.
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  • 60 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. Mr. William F. Friedman, the IS Government's top expert •n codes, will get US$lOO,OOO wider a bill passed by the wnate and sent to President Eisenhower. The reward is intended to offset some of the money that Mr. Friedman, inventor and communications expert, might have
    AP  -  60 words
  • 38 3 I AM A CROWN PRINCE, I AM 10-AND IT IS GOOD TO BE ALIVE CROWN PRINCE Carl Gustav of Sweden is a keen gymnast and shows his paces on his 19th birthday, which was on Monday-— AJP. picture.
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  • 195 3 'Prices are up, prestige down 9 ONDON, Tues. Op- position leader, Mr. Hugh Gaitskell, yesterday described the Tory Government's record last year as "deplorable." In a Labour Party golden jubilee message, Mr. Gaitskell said that Sir Anthony Eden's policy had failed to Improve the internal or
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  • 21 3 WASHINGTON. Tues.— President Soekarno of Indonesia will arrive here on May 16 as the guest of President Elsenhower.— U.P.
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  • 71 3 LONDON, Tues.— The Duke of Edinburgh last night gave the first live televised broadcast by any member of the Royal Family to mark the 21st anniversary of the formation of the Central Council of Physical Recreation. The Duke, president of the council, spoke on "Active
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 70 3 LONDON, Tues. STOCK MARKETS today failed to respond to the overnight advance on Wall Street and with little else to help sentiment conditions once again were quiet and irregular. OUt-edged securities recovered from a dull -start and dosed with a number of small gains. Closing middle prices of
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  • 23 3 TIN LONDON May 1.-Caah Bayers 1750; Sellers £751; Forward Bay era £749*: Sellers (749; Settlement 1751*. Turnover: am. tons; pja. 136 tons.
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  • 22 3 LONDON. May I.—Spot 36 *d., June 36* d.. July-Sept MKd., Oct.-Dec. aSfcd., Jan.-Mar. 34% d., May d.f. M*»d. Tone: Barely steady.
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  • 115 3 ORDERED HIS MEN ON DEATH MARCH WASHINGTON, Tues. —The Marine Corps said today that Sgt Matthew McKeon was under the Influence of liquor when he ordered recruits on a night march In which six were drowned. His trial by court martial was recommended. A court of inquiry found that he
    AP  -  115 words
  • 170 3 Admiralty hushes up death of daredevil George Medal frogman LONDON, Toes.— Britain's I most famous war-time frogman has been killed while making secret underwater experiments, the Admiralty announced yesterday after keeping the news hushed np for a A brief Admiralty announcement said only that Commander Lionel (Buster) Crabb "Is presumed
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  • 123 3 TWO KILLED IN LATEST CRASH LONDON, Tuesday. ffHE Air Ministry grounded as a troop carrier BriA tain's oldest transport plane, the four-engined York, after another crashed yesterday. The aircraft, loaded with servicemen and their families, crashed on take-off at Stansted airport killing a Royal Air
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  • 74 3 The bard: A shock in sand r^fn«T-»HHR«T TUM. The American literary detective, Calvin Hoffman, opened a 500-year-old tomb today hoping to find documents that would prove that Christopher Marlowe wrote Shakespeare's plays and found only a pUe of sand. There were no documents In the ancient tomb at Scudbury Chapel.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 THE GREAT MEDICINE TO CURE CCI/CD -M W Donotbeafraidoffever.Take'ASPßO 1 f X J/^\ 7^ tablets and you will be fit and strong \'f \lf Main in quick time. \ASPRO 1 ttblets S\ K W/ tause a healthy skin action which re- 7 iW •luces your temperature, giving V^^ 91 I
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    • 301 3 YCOU> STORAGE BREAD CdMAAWHA, [VTTAMiN Bij j Z"t tHKKmCAtIV WRAPPED] and is available from all S.C.S. shops and authorised dealers in I Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and MADE BY (OLD STORAGE BAKERIES SINCAPORI t: KUALA LUMPUR PINANC FEDERATION AIR SERVICE OPERATED BY THE MALAYAN RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION Charter a Beaver and Save
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  • 145 4 ALL COOK TOGETHER TO BEAT THE REDS IT AJANG, Tues.—Com1V munity cooking centres were set up in the Ulu Langat area of South Selangor today to prevent food going out to terrorists. The decision for communal kitchens was made by the State War Executive Committee. The move Is also to
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  • 66 4 SALLEH OFF TO GET NEW LIMBS Salleh bin Arrlfln. the 14--year-old Bukit Mertajam schoolboy who lost both arms and a leg in a train accident last year, left Singapore by BOAC for London yesterday. He is to receive medical treatment at Roehampton Hospital, London, and be fitted with artificial limbs.
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  • 255 4 Marriage on rocks three reasons NO HOME, NO CASH. NO FURNITURE PRETTY Loh Yuen Chec. 32, made up her mind last December that she would never again live with her husband, Ong Swee Ouan, 34, an assistant librarian at the Teachers' Training College. Yesterday she sued Ong for i maintenance
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  • 39 4 KUALA BELANOOR. Tues. —A resolution to open a district branch of the St. John Ambulance Association here was passed at a public meeting here yesterday. Another meeting will be held on May 26 to elect officials.
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  • 46 4 Chinese fishermen on the coast of Sarawak, near Mlri, will soon be able to own their own boats and nets. The fishermen are being organised into a fishing Industrial co-operative society under the guidance of International Labour Organisation expert. Mr. Peter Goullart
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  • 28 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. An allocation of $50,000 was approved by the Municipal Council last night for work on Malaya's first subway for pedestrians In Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 21 4 The 2,795-ton freighter Negobla returned to Singapore yesterday with generator trouble 18 hours after leaving for Calcutta. i
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  • 37 4 KUALA TRENGGANTJ, Tues. Deraman bin Mat Zain was committed yesterday for trial at the next Asslaes on a charge of murdering Jusoh bin Tahaya Baktl at Kampong Tok Muchong, Bu~ kit Payong, on March tt.
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  • 299 4 *VAOOB STATUS OF CHINESE U. SPELLS TROUBLE^ NANYANG HAS NO RIGHT TO CONFER DEGREES THE Singapore Minister for Education, Mr. 1 Chew Swee Kee, said yesterday that Nanyang University degrees could not be recognised as qualifications for Government jobs. "The reason Is that Nanyang
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  • 91 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Toes.— A seven-year-old boy, Sulalman bin Baharuddln, was today awarded $6,000 damages for Injuries he received when he was knocked down by a car driven by Goh Seng Cheong, a merchant, on the Qombak Road hi March last year. Sulaiman,
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  • 55 4 TODAY: Singapore 2.26 ajn (7ft. 91ns.) 4.02 p.m. (6ft. 61ns.); Port Dlckaon 10.14 ajn. (Oft. Mat.) 10.54 poa. (6«t 41m.) Penang 4.10 ajn. (sft. 21ns.) 3.55 pjn. (6ft.). TOMOKKOW: Singapore SJ.7 ajn. (7ft. 41m.) 5.06 p.m. (6ft. 5to».): Port Dtekson IUO *JB. (6ft. 41ns.); Penang 5.16 ajn. (4ft
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  • 70 4 SINGAPORE'S acting Chief O Minister, Mr. Chew Swee Kee. said at a press conference yesterday that the island wide agricultural show might be postponed for two months. Mr. Chew said all the rural district committees felt that more time should be given to farmers
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  • 121 4 A WOMAN hawker brought all her nine children to the Singapore City Court yesterday when she pleaded guilty to setting up ah unlicensed stall in Cavanagh Road. Nee Ah Yong asked the Magistrate. Mr. K. C Chan, to have pity on her because she
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  • 54 4 Sufflah binte Haji Arif. 53. was stabbed and robbed of a gold bangle by a youth in Jervois Road, Singapore, yesterday. The attack took place as the woman was walking to a shop. Sufflah received injuries in the back. She was treated at the General Hospital and
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  • 57 4 IPOH, Tues. The Perak Barbers' Association has decided that business hours should be from 8 ajn. to 7 p.m. from June 1. Barber shops do not dose at present till we)', past 9 pan. Air-conditioned shops will charge $2 for a haircut and shave, while
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  • 30 4 Dr. Ong Guan Bee, a surgeon at the Kowloon Hospital Hone Kong, whose family live hi Sarawak, has been awarded a 14-month travelling fellowship to the United States.
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  • 35 4 The Inner Wheelers of Singapore will hold a bazaar and Jumble sale in aid of local charities at the Prebysterlan Church Hall in Orchard Road from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 67 4 This boy is missing The next day his mother, Madam Urn Fan Nya, received a letter from him which had bam posted in Terak rtnsim where Yong attend* the San Mm Middle School. He has not been teen since. Police are Investigating. TONO KOK KONG, 18. a schoolboy, told his
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  • 32 4 JOHORB BAHRU, Tues. inche Ooyub bin Manas has been appointed District Officer, Mersing, In succession to Ungku Mohamed Salleh, who has been transferred to Kluang. w m mm m m
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  • 100 4 WORTHS $40,000 THIS OPIUM IS NEW TO SINGAPORE SINGAPORE Custom, investigating an°s»« consignment of worth $40,000 which ft SfR d oar aVanin ft It was crude opium O f type unknown to sink pore, a Customs spoke!" man said. v KeiIn all it weighed lnnib ann was divided into ba£
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  • 64 4 IPOH. Tues.-The NortH Malaya Commercial and Industrial Employees' Union today pledged their loyalty to Malaya and full support to the Chief Minister in the fight for Independence. Two thousand members, laeluding hundreds of women, today celebrated Labour Day at the Jubilee Cabaret with i tea party. Mr.
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  • 54 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Municipal Council waj asked last night to ban learner drivers from using roads v busy parts of the town. The President, Mr. A. D. York, said that he would take the matter up with the Road Transport Department arid find out what it
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  • 135 4 SINGAPORE police have refused permission for the sponsors of the Los Angeles Philharmonic 8 ym phony Orchestra's visit this month to sell tickets in the rural areas from a lorry. The police, object to the organisers attracting crowds to the lorry by playing re-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 44 4 CREDIT FONCIER D'EXTREME ORIENT MEYER CHAMBERS TEL. *****-9 High Class RESIDENCES with large gardens FOR SALE Holland Road and I Adam Road. Vfamous foods/ i iiiii y BOYSEN BERRY CHERRY APPLE I I also a TIIRKFY t^~w"'^' lunivci £*7T}h BEEF J^^'j)' CHICKEN if& Vo\
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  • 152 5 SOLOMON EVEN DIDN'T DO THIS nfT TERWORTH, B L T J,,-As a "fasting nnth" gesture, the nee Wellesley MajS m che Hassan Wsain, today paid Sm out of his own k :"t to settle a dispute h]S court between •-'f isa. claimed B f U £ang Mn Abdul had the
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  • 56 5 TFMERLOH. Tues.— Dollah t R.rah. 30, was yesterday mied with having providr. 33 katis of rice to people tfrcumstances which rals- a reasonable presumption tat it was intended for ter- D Bah. who was arrested r. Feb. 5 at Kampong Telok Ir«. was offered $1,000 bail.
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  • 39 5 The programme secretary c! the Singapore Brothers of )km Mr. Ahmad All Khan Srattee and the vice-presi-tat, Mr. Syed Ahmad Dahhs, have resigned following i dispute over a move to jtj ;he organisation into a political party.
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  • 36 5 TAIPING, Tues.— The Rotry Club here has granted re month's "leave" to two Muslim members, Inche Hasian. of the Land Office, and tchf Lsmail. of the Replantr: Department, because of t* fasting month.
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  • 50 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Fusilier C. B. Taylor, a 19--year-old National Serviceman in the 2nd Bn., Royal Welch Fusiliers, died after accidentally shooting himself ln the head with his own pistol in a Jungle base near Gemas, Negri Sembilan, the army announced today. The accident occurred last Saturday.
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  • 475 5 Alter church, she walked up a hilly path-that was the last they saw of Lean THE GIRL IN THE CHOIR ON MEW YEARNS DAY BALIK PULAU, Tneg. 17- YEAR- OLD firl f Lean Kee Nyong, whose nude body was found tied to a tree in February this year, was last
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  • 133 5 16,000 MILES FOR GRANDMA KEVIN MORGAN (above), an eight-year-old schoolboy, is making a 16,000-mile flight to escort his 62--year-old grandmother from England to Wellington, New Zealand. His parents emigrated to New Zealand three years ago. Now it's time for grandma to Join them. Bat why ask Kevin to bring her
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  • 60 5 PENANG, Tues. All English schools here will observe a holiday on Friday to mark an official visit by the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahrnwn Vernacular schools will remain open because they closed when Tengku Abdul Rahman paid Penang his first official visit since the London merdeka talks,
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  • 152 5 Probe promise ends pier strike A STRIKE by 100 Singapore Customs revenue offl- cers was called off at noon yesterday. The Customs men, who are stationed at Clifford Pier, belong to the Government Workers' Union. The five-hour strike ended when the Government agreed, after talks
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  • 178 5 Bazaar lucky draw winners LUCKY number winners at the International ffnitfiar for the Blind In the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore on Saturday were: RED: 1 Dr. Keshmahinder Singh; 2, Hospital Road; 2, Dr. John Cameron, City Health Office; 3. Peng Cheng Enn, 2 Ring-wood Road. Katong: 4. Tan Ron Choo,
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  • 48 5 KUALA UPIS, Tues. Three Chinese couples were married together at the Khek Association here yesterday. They were: Mr. Chan Chun Choi and Miss Wong Koon Ying, Mr. Soong Lit Mun and Miss Hoh Mul Ting, Mr. ChongPak Kuan and Miss Yew Wu Tub Ying.
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  • 27 5 TELUK ANSON. Tues. Six-year-old R. Sinappan was drowned when he fell into a canal at Parit Dua, in Sungei Sumun, 18 miles from here, yesterday.
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  • 85 5 AN alleged admission by V. Vairappan that he stabbed V. Kulanthalvelu and Ganapathy, because the two men had practised black magic on him, was read in a Singapore court yesterday. Vairappan was accused of murdering Kulanthalvelu at Mackenzie Road on March 9 last
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  • 73 5 JLMR. GEORGE LEE, proill prietor of the Happy World in Singapore, yesterday denied that he had received 13 demands from the Singapore Workers' Union on Dehalf of his employees. Mr. Lee added: "As far as I know my employees at the Happy World are happy." The union,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 [f^T -j jHnPiff f ■■■V SBBBBBBBBBSB^ t^^^^^^^ T^^BSBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBWIkki-'V- v o™*i*t sl assist 0 m. tull*aur— A ment—m.o*irm*i~4tUiht. LOOK HOW B-O-A-C TAKES GOOD CARE <J^~*^B OF YOU! A. With really penonal service .w> incoroparable cuisine, a full janfe. of drinks ■MjJ and fully reclining, sleep inducing W "Slumberettes" for every first
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    • 195 5 (Mb I If^ js^fcaiiS if I .S^ES9^BaBBBBBBBB^^^BBBBBBBBBBBBslll<«lBBBBBBBBBD J^^^^ jb| I 1*• B^l^^BSBbssmlbs»^bsssssssssss! vbbbbbbl bbbbH^b^9^bbbbbbbK< I 'Jfl B^LsBBBBBBW' X *^4bj| sbbbbbbbbbbbbßV ''''$'%£p i to toy j V»sMlfl^?9^ fresh "Hd"? loHg mouth dmMk chlorophyll toothpaste I whenever tnf/k J> s^ffe W IDEAL MILK is pure, whole flS o M milk concentrated to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 104 5 POLICE BAND: Public concert, E > pl tt .i«ii» Garden, pjn. to 7 pjn ROTARY CLUB: Luncheon/ business meeting, Cathay Hotel, 1 pjn.; public career lecture on "Singapore Police Force" by Mr. Peter Claque, British Council Han, Stamford Road, 7 pjn. to M pjn. UNIVERSITY Or MALAYA: Public lecture on
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    • 97 5 draw'i Cathedral. C.W.A. Room. South Side, 3 pjn. to 5.30 pjn. FEDERATIOK OF BOYS' CLUBS: Activity Instructor*' training course at Queen Btre«t Boy's Hostel motor-repairing by Mr. EJ. boombt 7 pjn. to •JO pjn.; synnaaUa by 8/Ldr. R«r. Brie Lamboume 8.30 pjn. to 10 pjn. SINGAPORE ABT SOCIETY: New beglnnen
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  • 241 6 20 Herd* $10 (MMmum) FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the Malay Mali' 11 you want to win that $5,000 word punle. COTTON DRESSES to dear $30. All Sizes. Town and Country, Meyer Chambers, Ranks Place. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS In Casual Comer 1 Grand Sato. EverythtnK must be cleared before new
    241 words
  • 663 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. May, 2, 1956. Workers In Paradise Communist anger is rarely speechless, and the Chief Soviet delegate to the U.N. Economic and Social Council quickly found a torrent of words in reply to charges in the Council that the Communist Government of China Is using slave
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  • 259 6 When the 1952 amendments to the Federation's citizenship laws came into force, it was officially stated that 1480,000 Chinese had become citizens by operation of law and that 450,000 more were eligible. But there was not even one-tenth this number of Chinese on the electoral rolls. While failure
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  • 253 6 There has been an encouraging response to the Federation Government's appeal for doctors to do part-time work in Government hospitals. Should Singapore not follow this Federation example? For it is no consolation to patients in queues to be told that by international standards there is really no
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  • 1107 6  - THE REVOLUTION IS ON IN EGYPT'S VILLAGES 01/r HARRIOT "'TOD/ V the pashas 1 walk on the pavements and the captains ride in the Cadillacs," said an Egyptian friend cynically. "The more things change, the more they remain the same," he added. Many Egyptians are cynical about the re-' volution.
    1,107 words
    • 209 6 pmZENS of Singapore v; must always be on the alert that the Civil Service shall remain independent and not fall under the control of whatever political party Is in power. Let us not be duped by the specious reasoning of ministers who assert
      209 words
    • 118 6 /\NE ot your correspon\T dents, signing himself TRUTH', states that "the Liberal Socialist's magaBine, THE TORCH, of April 15 has criticised the Labour Front Coalition Government on the question of flood alleviation." Then he goes on to ask two quesHere are the facts:— The Torch did
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    • 96 6 IAM Indeed sorry to see that the Kedah Government is so poor. I hope in the next Legislative Council meeting, more money would be allotted to Kedah so that she can obtain a new state flag, as soon as possible. The present flag is so
      96 words
    • 101 6 I THINK It is high time that a different system of computing hone-power for cars was devised. On one car, it is rated as 10 h.p.. (engine capacity Is 1,285 ex:.,) whilst on another, it Is rated at 11.4 h.p., (engine capacity being 1089 ex.). Surely the less
      101 words
    • 102 6 I HAVE read with shock the article in your paper, "Rubber Small-hold-er will get more replanting," dated April IS. it says "No small -holder however. Is to be eligible for a grant if he owns more than 30 acres of rubber land." Unfortunate small-hold-ers (those who own more
      102 words
    • 85 6 Malaya nised nightingale IN the Interest of Malayanisatlon of the text books, I humbly 1 enclose a verse of the "Ode to a Nightingale" (malayanised to the 'nth degree). "O for a draught of toddy that hath been Cooled a long age in a toddy shop. Tatting of don't-know-tohat-man And
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    • 82 6 As one of the voters who supported the Alliance in Johore State Elections held last October, may I enquire whether we still have a representative on the Johore State Council? I could well remember when one candidate was campaigning for votes, he promised to visit Kulal
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  • 244 6 ffiHE day in May on which X meteorological scientists decide to start Britain's atomic weapons test in the Monte Bello Islands, off the north west coast of Western Australia, might be called Trigger-Day." For it is widely believed that the Monte Bello programme will include
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 623 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. M Word. $1* (minimum). PRINCE: On April 30th at Boston, England, to Oat. wife of Patrick Prince, a aon (Nicholas George). YEO: A son for Monica and Beng Poh. at PetaUng Jay» Franciscan Clinic, on 30th April, a brother for Marianne. POOVANESWARI: To BaroJlnJ Dcvi, wife of A.
      623 words
    • 34 6 MALAYAN RAILWAY MAKE USE OF PARTY TRAVEL 60RCESSIM Party trav*l concession at single far* and a half for double journey by any daw MIHIMIMTENAIILTFAIES Available for on* month from th* date of outward journey.
      34 words
    • 52 6 There it no way of doing justice in words to the pleasure of MURRAYMINTS. Do try them for yourself. You'll find diem absolutely fascinating. -with a delicious hint ofn^ OPTICIANS L. C. SMITH F.S.O.A. DORTH: A. J. HUGGETT F.S.MC. |CH sTR* fT 11. •ATTIRY HOAD. LA ivW* SINCAPORE 1. TIL:
      52 words

  • 944 7 A jubilant Chief Minister puts through a special radio-telephone caU because POLICE STAND BY, HAVE 'NOTHING TO REPORT' ii \V DAY in Singa)l „r 0 ,nd in parts the Federation, i hnl observed by [s u: ,s nonetheless Je quietest post-war "Ed this
    944 words
  • 95 7 RIOT FEARED -SO KIDDIES GOT A HOLIDAY HINDREDS of Sing a pore children ,njnyfd a holiday from ,chf>ol yesterday bec»use of fears of May Day violence. And many of them irf being kept at home ijain today. This is because seveul private schools decidrd last week that it would be
    95 words
  • 54 7 ONE OF MANY clenched-flst posters displayed at the various May Day meetings in Singapore yesterday. This one was 'aken at the rally held by civilian employees of the three Services at the Badminton HalL The speaker in this photograph shoots "merdeka" on ending his
    54 words
  • 133 7 WESAK: DECISION TODAY Row ovar moon rnHE row over the moon X among Singapore Buddhists who want the "proper day" to be fixed as the Wesak public holiday has been considered at "high level" in Empress Place. A decision on whether it will be May 23 (as already gazetted) or
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  • 29 7 The Indonesian ambassador to the United States. Mr. M. Notowldlgdo. passed through Singapore yesterday on his way to prepare for PwfWen* Soekarno's coming goodwill visit to America.
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  • 216 7 KUALA KANGSAR, Tuesv— A 64-year-old trishaw nan hen is still trembling at the thought that he drove a ghost to the cemetery on Sunday night. What other explanation could there be for the few pieces of crumbled paper
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  • 166 7 Fall i n f or training in commerce NEW PLAN FOR MILITARY COLLEGE KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. rpHE Federation Military College at Port Dickson A may soon be turning out Malay candidates for executive posts in commerce and industry. A plan is now being considered by the Minister for Commerce and
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  • 39 7 Described as a big manufacturer of coffee powder, Ng Aik Ouan, of Alk Huat and Co., Singapore, was fined $600 In the City Court yesterday for having for sale coffee, below the minimum standards required by law.
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  • 123 7 Ceylon will stay in the Commonwealth Sara CEYLON, despite Initial fears, is NOT going to leave the Commonwealth. Mr. M. Saravanamuttu. the Ceylon Commissioner In Malaya, who returned by Qan-tas-BOAC from Colombo yesterday confirmed this decision by Mr. Solomon Bandaranalke, the new Prime Minuter. Mr. Saravanamuttu said In a message
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  • 161 7 TENGKU: MALAY ONLY IN 10 YEARS If UALA LUMPUR, Tues. 1V The Federation Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has told a Malay literary society in Alor Star that Malay only will be used in all Government offices in 10 years. He was replying to a letter from the Malay Language
    161 words
  • 24 7 Tan Chock an odd job man, of Upper AUunied Road Singapore, was fined $500 yesterday for having 3041 b of dutiable cigarettes.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 x \tc\ accompanim* 0 &g er ect dinner m!M BLUE Mm II ij m |Bf LIEBFRAUMILCH H. SICHEL SOHNE For expert advice on the selection of suitable wines for your n«xt dinner party, please 'phone our wine specialist Singapore *****. THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. Specialists in choicest wines. 1:■;'■-«
      78 words
    • 66 7 Here are 10 of the sharpest blades in the world HI \t tit IB hi t» L.A r\ t /h Bf I—^f^L/g^ IS 10 Blue Gillette Blades (20 shaving edges) in Dispenser $1.10 oum mgoauw to: bauow ca irn, mnoapom and Mimwi la> the la P of super C:OKNTELLATIOX LUXURY
      66 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 63 7 The weather MINIMUM TSMKBATTOtE: (7 JO pjn. on April SO "IJO^m Luinpur VS. Ipoh 74. KuanUn 73MAXIMUM TBMKBATVSB: <TJO a.m. to 7 JO pjn. onMwl): Singapore 81. Praang 88. KoU giteu 91 K»l> Lumpur 97. Ipob 91. Kuaatan 89. BAINFAIX (7 JO «JH. to 7 JO piToii May 1): «»««pw«
      63 words

  • 144 8 Bourne sees victory signs PENANG, Tuesday. LT.-GEN. Sir Geoffrey Bourne, retiring Director of Operations, said here today that the security forces were now winning the Jungle war. "I think the enemy Is very I tired," he said at his farewell visit to the settlement. The
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  • 46 8 Singapore householders who are not contributing to the Central Provident Fund on behalf of their servants may receive a "reminder call" from a Provident Fund Board Inspector. The board's general manager, Mr. H. 8. Robinson. said yesterday Inspectors were now making check calls.
    46 words
  • 52 8 IPOH, Toes. The dispute between the Malayan Mining Employers' Association and the Malayan Mining Employees' Union scheduled for hearing by an arbitration court in ipoh today, was postponed to the end of this month. The president of the court Mr. Justice Good, will be the
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  • 34 8 Dr. Khoo Oon Teik of the General Hospital, Singapore, will speak on "Live Victoriously" to the Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship at Wesley Church hall. Fort Canning Road, at 8 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 97 8 Malay soldier who stole letters gets nine months fJRIVATB Jamaluddin bin X Mohamed was sentenced by a Singapore court martial yesterday to nine months' detention when found guilty on six charges of stealing letters from fellow soldiers. The court was told that on Feb. 22 a search was made of
    97 words
  • 79 8 'Too useful to be jettisoned' rnHE Burmese Director ot 1 Education, U Ba Bwa. arrived in Singapore by Qantas yesterday for the threeweek study of educational methods hi the Colony and the Federation. He said: "We are neighbours and should know what's taking place in each other's country." In
    79 words
  • 328 8 18 HELD AFTER STAY-AT-HOME CURFEW IN HIGHLANDS TANAHRATA,Tues. x New food measures were imposed today in the Cameron Highlands area in a bid to deny supplies to a gang of 60 terrorists operating in nearby jungle hills. Head of this
    328 words
  • 28 8 Poh Tiong Loo, 39, claimed trial hi Singapore yesterday to a charge of having 10 gallons of samsu. and was offered $1,000 ball tin May 15.
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  • 48 8 Workers of the Paya Lebar 3us Company In Singapore received Increased wages yeserday. Drivers now get $9.30 a day !45 cents more) and conduc- tors $7 a day (SO cents more). All busmen In Singapore received double wages yesterday for working on May Day.
    48 words
  • 55 8 KDUM. Tues.— Eight candidates will contest six seats In two of the three wards In the first Sungel Kechll Ellr local council elections on May 14. Three candidates in tampons ward— Mr. G. Marlmuthu. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Hussaln and Inche Abdullah bin Ahmad
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 274 8 y^ ?i^ CAT^AY^Oß^A^Nl^Airib^r^iTTßA^r^ It 1 TODAY !C^^"%ltill^ 1 1 BDRT LANCASTTO "^ANNA. MftCJCWf < boldent I II&HAM >> < you ha>t- J BT^Jf 4t\*^ *ms^B» ffa^kJßy << < e*«*r brrn BUl*lsm^ -^3^^ >> pcrn>itlr«i B^ JB <c lit mrr BJ^^ff^t SBjh^«JBS I >/ *m i-«m-il MAIIUtA PAVAN BKM COOTICM FOUR
      274 words
    • 273 8 SHAW BROTHER ORGANISATION ATTRArg^I MAY MOVIE NEWS ON SAJTTnn^I V^iA T-4 'apglg 11 A.M.. 1.45, 4, J(1 4 iM} I neWi...tWBfailfejiiB I \hUm*mmtm§n\ jM WL I THC PAMCO RKim» iL^BI AyV^BI pmze ptAv ...on the %iv!^Bßa.'e?' sSa^BßßirsrA^Sßrs^ ■cxeeN at lasti > SBBBBa^Bw'^ I WILLIAM HOLOEN S Hv^Mmi I KIM NOVAK
      273 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 230 8 RADIO MALAYA (*Pn>frmmmes ttms marked can be reeeiTed by Uateners la Malacca) (Short warn 48 62m. Mldsam wave 476 m, MS. 888 m, asm XB7m.) PJM. 1.00 Wednesday Serenade. •1.30 News 1.48 Melody Of Love, 6.00 Prog. Summary, 6.03 Australian Magassne, 8.03 Pcces Pafourttes, *~g.B> Singapore Snare Market Beport. *7.00
      230 words
    • 185 8 Regional SINGAPORE (Short wa*» 6*m. Mfiwwm w«f« 476 m.) AM. 7.15 Opening Annct. 7.18 Btano Playtime, 7.30 News. 7.55 A Date With Music, 8.80 News Hfiartllnnn. 8.03 A Date With Music P.M. 5.00 Ugbt Music 6.15 Polk* Pile. 5.30 Tea Dance, 8.5S Regional Anncts. (SSB Metres and 4* metrM) PJM.
      185 words

  • 1315 9 MUHin n iniuiHHiuiiiHiiii nHiiiiiiiiiini if iiiimnHiiiiiiiiiiumHmmiinHiimmiiiiiiiniiinniinniMi^mnnMßßaiiMumHiniiiuiiiiiHiH^ Man flirted with death] at $85,000 a time t -r AY back in 1877, Harry L'Estrange L'Y a slim, earnest young circus han( 0 Melbourne, Australia, announced his for performing dangerous rope walking juts over Sydney harbour. This causes jte a sensation in Sydney.
    Daily Mirror  -  1,315 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 255 9 ONLY COKJtIE DENTAL CREAM I HAS THE CLINICAL PROOF that brings imw hop* to millions for DqyandMght Protection I Against Tooth Dem! I PmHul Ctmm with *GanM I T«H m^urAmA |fi« by Uadtaa ilbblul iwlhwlltai fm aMI year Ik^MM R^R<l WCQT An I rTWId |MSt wOttf ■MfMSf MM BHpS^R^H^^Rn^Hra^Sßß^R^R^R^R^RlSflßf SEES
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 447 10 INDUSTRIAL SHARE DEALS CONTINUE IN GOOD QUANTITY By Our Market Correspondent TARGE quantities of industrial shares continned to change hands on the Singapore Share Market yesterday as local buyers still took advantage of the comparatively cheap prices now ruling. In the past two weeks there has been a big shakeout
    447 words
  • 145 10 May first trade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 88<4 cento pVr Ib., 1% cents above Monday's closing prlee. The closing tone was steady. Closing prices in cents per Ib. wen: Mo. l R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 88' i. sellers 88%; No. 1 R.S.S. May buyers
    145 words
  • 242 10 The Malayan Share Brokers AwriitMii reported: "There was again a fair support for industrials, but prices were more or less unchanged. Tina were slightly irregular, whilst rubbers were again slightly lower." Singapore and Federation Braken reported the following buiiBCBB done ycßwrtiAy:^— B.M. Trustees $6.25; Con. Tin Smelt ords
    242 words
  • 114 10 Blßf psrs Chine* Produce Ezehanfe; noon prices per plcul yesterdmy *kre:— Opra: steady; May $29% buyera, $30M. sellers; June $29% buyen. $30% sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $46 sellers; drum $49 sellers. Prater: steady, about 30 to 40 tons of business reported done; Muntok white $101. Sarawak $100.
    114 words
  • 75 10 Ship, Mag atonfsWe the Sing*. pan wrtwr Baa*t wharves or ■MMtii later are: Chusan 13, Hoogkark 416. Barumun C.P., Benvorlich 617. Agamemnon 89. Amankark 11. Banvrackle *****. Buys *****. Bund« 18, KUsabeth Bakke l»|30 PeUling N. Wall 3, Senggarang N. WaU 9, MST Ugh* ter No. 13 N. Wall
    75 words
  • 3 10 BUBBP.B
    3 words
  • 73 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS TNVESTMtN L it°.V,- able tone ders held i.rm on -t S change here today H Loans 3,, iq;,;'.,, Bank of N.S.W 6 v. Mount Lyell N. Broken H:il JM Hill 50 '2:Mount Morgan Peko Western Mining Ampol Ex. Oil Search Aust. C0n.,01. inn A.P.M. (new) Bradford B. Hill
    73 words
  • 63 10 The Malayan Exchan,. I AssocUtion made ;h e changes in its rates T, <£ yesterday:— Canada: buying 32 3 4; O.D. 32 7 8 so7c credit bills, 33 3 16 t'-> Selling T.T. or in, Canada 32 7 16. On the free octal Hong Kong yejtenh dollar was
    63 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 651 10 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that I. C. Hagers of No. 162/164. Cecil Street. Singapore, have applied to the Board of Licensing Justices. Singapore for the transfer of a Retail Shop Licence in respect of premises No. 162/164, Cecil Street, Singapore to Mr. F. M. Dingemans. ANY person wishing
      651 words
    • 760 10 NOTICES I Singapore mndvumT LAND AT O WEN KO AD AppUoartcm an, invited by tender for the »t-year lease over land U Owen Road estimated to contain a total area of 8,080 aq. ft. for the erection of 5 two-storey shophouaee. 3. Particulars and Conditions of Lease and Forms of
      760 words
    • 672 10 NOTICES THE PAlIt PEIA* RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation NOTICE Of MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Thirty-sixth Ordinary General Meetin* of the Members of the Company will be held at the Registered Office. Chartered Bank Chambers. Beach Street. Penang. on Thursday, the loth day of May.
      672 words
    • 431 10 KNUTSEN LINE orient service f ROM CANADA/US. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DATS Sailing San Arrivini Vaacoava* Francisco S'petc P. Swct Kristin Bakke Sailed 2 May 1 |ua 4 |un 5 Inn Anna Bakke 2 May 15 May 15 |un 18 |un 19 |a I Eliuberh Bakke 8 jun 20 |une 20/22|ul
      431 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1271 11 r,»«os MAKSFIELD«fcCO.,LID. t*i 4 u Incorporated m Singopora) (12 |h)..i &S THE BLUE FUNNEL UMB 53P" 1 ~n-.on to proceed v>o other ports to Mod and diacharoe coroo JA ,u««t. Liverpool. stAsaaw^SaoM cmmSSHTiSSK D«e SoH» P. S'hom P.r«ng Tf CM »*y f/. »*y Lfc*pßßi May S *Uy 7 m^ ooi
      1,271 words
    • 749 11 ■biVm SBBt m SBf mMmmml Lbß«B^ w a^V a^V ■(■biVbT m^k BAST ASIATIC «A*UHQ» TO OPHTWWT/ICAIWHUVIA A4%M mi. Smn, iWMv, ■urn n mn i mi Cbj nil -MIMSAWA- SP °1 *T teXt j3 Tilt- WE. Caes --|m j. _j~) oSala. tAiuwat ns^>scAwSwAvil7irk./co»m>«oa S port StiOß* P^nonQ wU «tar u/u m*
      749 words
    • 713 11 A A^^Mfl R*flßHpl TBLj MpVI aWOPAFPPa pnOMPOPProa PI ww; IpJUHBJ TR> M. AW COMIWMT fMRS $por« *.'Vh*m Nnai| *jH^ySSl <Br .!f?f??'.. W*Mm 11/11 Mw 3 ?Tf? «.»/um»r mm i*m "f" ■%«£s^HS!rt£iE'&*p vii «tar ivm «/i« 'TSISyS I A^.^ L L JW W/M May M *tar/ »M» «M» RottwdoHl mQ wsoffg
      713 words
    • 1206 11 McAUSTER 6c CO., LTD. TIL.: MM ***** tit— maw wmnKiMi mjkwmtaum un MMMN. NAVRI UTTIUAM. AMSUJS, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMtllfnl '—AM* PORTLAND, SEATTLE ft VANCOUVIR one? tar U3>., North Atkmtie Ports -Off* lor C*atrol ft SnM and Canada and via Colombo Aowrle* VwoSF* SS^^plnno Spot. "TT^^* *y«r«tar MAWTL, U/SrS^ 3-JMM^r
      1,206 words

  • Children's Page
    • 1054 12 "TJELLO EZANI. What are you doing there crouching behind a tree? I nearly fell over you," said An, looking down at the elephant J in surprise. "Reading a book," trum- < peted Ezani. "Look, Bakar Bear lent it to me. It's all < about
      1,054 words
    • 161 12 THOVQHT you told me M. you took the day off yesterday to see the doctor and yet I saw you at the football match Ah Ching."' "Yes sir, you see the doctor was playing left wing." The cinema performance was over and all the audience
      161 words
    • 279 12 BILL WANTS SCOUT PEN PALS IHAVE had a letter from the Boy Scouts Philatelic Association of Aspendale, Victoria, Australia. The Hon. Secretary hopes to find Scouts in other countries who are interested in stamps and pen-friends, thus fostering the good feeling that exists between Scouts all over the world. His
      279 words
    • 262 12 The deer with no name HOW would you like it if a three day old baby deer came to your garden one day and wanted to stay with you? That's what happened to Uncle Hickey who lived on a small island off Florida and the tale of Uncle and his
      262 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 203 12 UNLY d^ZfMlijEf^* FINEST QUALITY H %T^& \jf JAPANESE U OvJJoJxjlJ. P£ARLJ B ARE 0000 ENOUGH II AjL 'FUJIYA' BRAND Cultured Pearls U are real pearls I Modern science has merely learned U how to control their growth W ON SALE AT ALL HICH-CLASS JEWELLERS U -OR D.RECT FROM /f/^///©/^ M
      203 words
    • 28 12 Please enrol me as member 0/ the Wise Owls Club end send me a badge. I mm enclosing six C.C.C. coupons and stamped seV-addressed envelope. Name Address I
      28 words
    • 317 12 X m, m 2 Jjßl %jHF .*■s% They look twice when ifs an ARROW DART! Hero is tho shirt for the styleminded the one that's always admired. Its handsome medium- J /r*?~X\S\ point collar stays as fresh as a /nffi T] (}vJ daisy from morning till night. m jsi *A\
      317 words

  • 757 13 That problem of 'drag' rests with umpires -■v CANBERRA, Toes. EIGHTEEN years ago at Worcester that rich character, Ernie McComtek, bowled 37 no-balls in the first match of the Australian tour. Nothing like that is likely to happen tomorrow, when the Aussies begin
    757 words
  • 178 13 DUBLIN, Tues. Ireland, with a 2-1 overnight lead, took the remaining two singles today to beat Finland 4-1 In their first round European sone Davis Cup match here. Ireland will meet Germany in the second round. In Monte Carlo, Spain edged Monaco 3-2, after Monaco had
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 564 13 Ross, Harbans lead in the averages By JOHN MASKS POUR batsmen have scored more than 200 runs each after six weeks of the Singapore Cricket Association's senior tournament. They are B Jt.C.'s Brian Marks (288), Cheong Thlam Slew (216), last week's centurymaker Neal Hobba (203) and Kenneth Lee, of the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1595 13 GODOWN SPACE VACANT 2* Word* SS (Mtm.)— Box UcU. extra. OODOWN SPACE To Let:— Large spacious Godown of approx 22,000 sq.ft. tor Immediate occupancy. Please apply, 2, Buklt Teresa Road, or Phone ***** between 4 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. Principals only No BroKers. EDUCATION It Word, $S (Min.)— Box MtU.
      1,595 words
    • 731 13 CLASSIFIED ADS. VEHICLES FOR SALE M WmrdM *S (Min.)— BaxftU. txtim. 1952 CHEVROLET, Excellent condition. European Owned and Driven. $4,500 0.n.0. Call Mr. Bohner ***** or *****. Insured until August 1956. IMI OLDSMOBILE, Excellent condition. Engine Reconditioned. new Paint, Owner Leaving Colony. View at 110 Owen Road. Cash/ Terms. Phone
      731 words
    • 403 13 PUZZLE .•aaauuaaaaaaa Urn aloa* MM "n« a»| I Wednesday! j WORD PUZZLE 4 B' Cat oa-t aad aia with other coupon* Natlag uutnictioiH aeaear belew Naaae imm in minn j Aawraet 3 S I I '...^••••••••ek«r* a>< Cat alsW a*Wit bbm r Vufe FOR WORD PUZZLE B 3 1. la
      403 words

  • 659 14 Ramsbury stands out in 3.45 on his Saturday run ON Saturday's running Ramsbury stands out in the Class 2, Div. 2, 6f. handicap (Race Two). This four-year-old overcame the disadvantage of a bad draw and up to the last furlong she was travelling like a winner. She ran on gamely
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  • 175 14 SKI FIESTA has trained on splendidly since her promising debut at Ipoh in March— she came in a good third with 8.2 to Carribean in a Glass 3, Div. 4, 6f. race —and with 8.5 she is Worth each-way support in. Race Three.
    175 words
  • 288 14 HEAVY SCRATCHIMGS REDUCE THE OPPOSITION MUCH IMPROVED SINCE HE RAN TWO THIRDS AT IPOH i By EPSOM JEEP JACK DRUCE IU gets his chance to score his maiden win in a below-strength Class 2, Div. 1 6f. field in Race Four today, second day
    288 words
  • 43 14 rnflE going at Penan* up "to last evening was very good. THERE will be no race broadcast today. TREBLE TOTE will be held on Races Three, Five and Six, and Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Six.
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  • 123 14 ENGLAND'S PROBABLE TEST MEN SHOW FORM LONDON, Tues. r-NGLAND'S Test candidates v against Australia this year nave shown early form In the week-old cricket season here. Willie Watson (Yorks) got the first century of the season yesterday with 117 off the M.C.C. Today Tom Qraveney knocked up the second century
    123 words
  • 100 14 Games trip for four marksmen KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. THE newly-formed Federa- tlon of Malaya Shooting Association has decided to send a team of four to the Olympics at Melbourne next November. Mr. 8. M. Tong, president of the association and an excellent shot himself, told the Straits Times today that
    100 words
  • 60 14 Spartans, a second division team In the United Services league, nhockwl the first division R.A.F. Seletar Base XI 4-3 yesterday. Outside right Hill sparked Spartans victory with three goals. The other was scored by centre forward Crouch. Spartans' rightback Gannon put the ball through his own
    60 words
  • 30 14 PNOM PENH, "Cues.— The Malayan touring soccer team drew 2-2 with tJie Cambodian National Defence team In a match here today. The Malayan team led 2-0 at halftime^
    30 words
  • 6 14 r 1 ft
    6 words
  • 806 14 Race 1 3.15: Class 4, My. 2— 8J Furs. 1 571 What HW«i 1 Hodaon 9.00 T. L. L«b Bagby 3 002 Technicolor 9y Posner 8.13 Shaw Stable Spencer 3 Tsi TreT^ST* Boufoure 8.13 Mr. ft Mn. 8. 4 380 BaMMr Packer 5y Franklin 8.11 K. C.
    806 words
  • 259 14 rpHE SINGAPORE Hockey X Association's plans for a "hockey carnival" after the Olympic Games are gathering ground. The Dutch nation*! team last month accepted the Colony's Invitation to piay here on their way back from Melbourne In December Now the .second reply has arrived.
    259 words
  • 25 14 Winners of the Singapore Rifle Association's spoon shoot on Sunday were: SR (a) WO A.B. Mitchell (100); SR (6): Sgt. J. A. Adam.
    25 words
  • 219 14 LONDON. Tues. /CRYSTAL PALACE, Lonv/ don club in the Third Division South, were beaten 2-0 away to Shrewsbury Town last night and must apply for re-election at the Football League's annual meeting in June. Swindon Town, who finished their programme last Saturday, must also seek
    219 words
  • 311 14 'PEN ANG SOCCE CLEANEST IN MALAYA'— PFA PENANG, Tues. COOTBALL Association "of Penang today raised the "strongest possible objection" to a Straits Times article of Apr. 2b, accusing Penang spectators and players of "soccer thuggery." "We think Penang soccer Is the cleanest in Malaya, and that Includes Singapore," the secretary.
    311 words
  • 49 14 The Army team la i Navy in a SCA senior tcurm cricket fixture ai N ee Sunday will be: MaJ. Maguire. M a Capt. Webb. Capt. Gore U n son, Lt. Hem. 2 Lt. Proctor Rutherford. WO Barren' Young, Pte Luuerlock Uth Capt. Hannah.
    49 words
  • 208 14 Unbeaten Sikhs XI dro their first point to Sc YOUNG Men's Sikh Association dropped their first point in the SAPA Div. 2A league when they drew 2-2 with S.C.C. on the padang yesterday. Sikhs started impressively but mlased two easy scoring chances when I.J. Singh and Avtar Singh had only
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 826 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Contlnned ffea Page SITUATIONS VACANT i U Wori.U(MiH.)—B9xUeU. aatra. DOCTOR WANTED from August or September for nourishing Clinic In East Coast. Apply with terms, to Box A 2846, S.T. ADVOCATE AND SOLICITOR Required by European Firm. Write P.O. Box 42, Ipoh, stating Age Qualification. Experience and Salary required.
      826 words
    • 143 14 I Model PE2OIB f Modern as Hie minute with 8 valves. 5 wa.ebands I (2 fully b.ndtpread), R.F. amplifier stage and pu<h--1 pull output Model 201 8 give, far W' Mjgic-eye tuning and concentric controls ensure simple I station selection. Attractively veneered tabinct A I An battery operation. Price: Singapore
      143 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 56 14 SOCCER B.BAF.A. league, Div. 1: S.T.C. T Shell. BTC; Div. 2: ICI v B»U, Fairer Park; C. W. v Jack*, rmimag; Gothrte SUbvm, SBC aaiwac; Mr. S: Wearne Bro*. t ■wrtwi, Geyia-j; STC "A" Henry Wa«eh> BJ. CRICKET C.S.CA. league: HMS Terror t BEMB, Naval Baae. ATHLETIC Singapore Chinese School*
      56 words