The Straits Times, 29 February 1956

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1956 15 CENTS AW****
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  • 338 1 Search in shrubbery and tracks in mud show gang of throe took 3,000 detonators /Vrmy calls court of inquiry STORE LOCKS CUT THROUGH By PATRICK CHEE m GANG OF THIEVES, whq over the weekraided 443 Base Ammunition lepot at Kranji in Singapore, got away with I least
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 1 |A SURPRISE |BY SIR CHENG-LOCK WTO Sir Chens-lock Tan, I president of the Malattn Chinese Association, »»df a surprise statement a Singapore yesterday. aid he was in favour of union between Singapore ad the Federation with sintapore as an equal Mm, two territories should ""k as a unit and
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  • 25 1 |«W»N. Tufs. SerE* °f the Royal family F among 180 men and F"Q decorated by the F> today at Buckin na P^-Reuter.
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  • 52 1 Mother flies to runaway Maurice (11) MRS. BARTELS kisses her 11-year old son Maurice at their re-union at Kuala Lumpur airport. Looking on Is Mrs. King, in whose home Maurice stayed on Monday night after he had taken a train ride with a 40-cent ticket from Singapore. Straits
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  • 29 1 TOKYO, Tues.— A Japanese fishing boat sank in the Pacific 200 miles from here yesterday. The 15 members of the crew are feared drowned—A P.
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  • 271 1 By JEFFREY FRANCIS Kuala Lumpur, Titos. ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD Maurice Bartels stood at Kuala Lumpur airport this afternoon watchingpassengers leave a Malayan Airways Dakota. "There's Mummy," he said eagerly and started running towards her His mother took him in her arms and kissed him. It was
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  • 63 1 ex-Excellency PHOMPENH. Tue.s. Cambodian Cabinet Ministers may no longer visit night clubs or cabarets, wear their uniforms outside official functions, use Government cars for pleasure or be addressed as "Excellency." If they do they will be dismissed. It is part of a plan announced
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  • 35 1 LONDON. Tues. Scotland Yard will link up with Soviet secret police to give Marshal Bulganin and Mr. Khrushchev, the Russian leaders, a day-and-night guard during their week's visit to Britain in April. Reuter.
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  • 27 1 JAKARTA, Tues. More than 1,200 houses, two schools and six mosques were destroyed by rebels on southern Celebes Island, it was revealed here today.— UP.
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  • 30 1 NEW DELHI, Tues. India Is negotiating to buy British Gnat turbo-jet fighters and for a contract to manufacture them it was stated in Parliament here today.— Reuter.
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  • 18 1 VIENNA, Tues.— The two Austrian coalition parties decided to hold general elections on May 13.— Reuter.
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  • 42 1 fPOH, Toes.— A police special squad killed two terrorists In a 30--minute battle in the Selama area of Perak yesterday. A third bandit was wounded, but escaped. A sub-machine-gun, a rifle, ammunition and a radio receiver were recovered.
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  • 37 1 NEW DELHI. Tues. Air India International, the Government owned airline, is considering a proposal to extend its BombaySingapore service to Australia, Mr. Raj Bahadur. India's Deputy Minister for Communications, said here today. Reuter.
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  • 21 1 COLOMBO. Tues. Mr. R. G. Casey, Australia's External Affairs Minister, arrived here today on his way to Karachi.
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  • 45 1 THIS PICTURE from Paris shows the one-franc stamp of Monaco which has been prepared for issue to mark the wedding of Prince Rainier and American film actress Grace Kelly. The wedding takes place In Monaco on April 19.-=-AP. picture.
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  • 251 1 The Red who gives up now SHOULD HE BE TRIED? RAHMAN TO DECIDE By HARRY MILLER ITUALA LUMPUR, 1V Tues. Tengku Abdul Rahman, in his role as Chairman of the Emergency Operations Council, is expected to reconsider the treatment that should be given to terrorists who surrender. This question has
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  • 58 1 PARIS, Tues.— M. Guy Mollet, the French Premier, today told the Algerian rebels that if they laid down their arms there would be a free election within three months. He announced that the Government would ask the National Assembly tomorrow for special powers to take
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  • 24 1 NEW YORK, Tues. At least 14 people were killed when two trains collided near Swampscott, Massachusetts, today. Many were seriously injured. Reuter.
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  • 188 1 All AND MORE aboard for China -INCLUDING WIFE WHO WENT TO SAY GOODBYE By JOHN DARBYSHIRE A YOUNG Singapore housewife, Kg Ah Poh.'turned up at East Wharf yesterday to wish her mother-in-law bon voyage. Two hours later Ah Poh was on her way to China. She leaned on the rail
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  • 100 1 RULERS SAY YES TO MERDEKA AGREEMENT KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Conference of Rulers today approved the "merdeka" agreement which the Federation delegation recently negotiated with the British Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, in London. A full report on the talks was given to the Rulers by their four representatives,
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  • 60 1 —ON MID-EAST LONDON. Tues. The United States and Britain have reached agreement on joint prompt active intervention In the event of aggression by either Israel or the Arab states, official sources revealed today. Allied Intervention, which will be immediate, will range from sanctions against the aggressor to
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  • 28 1 JAKARTA, Tues.— lndonesia and West Germany will hold talks on economic co-opera-tion between the two countries, members of a German industrial mission disclosed here today. Reuter.
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  • 65 1 B AN FRANCISCO, Tues. Caryl Chessman, the condemned kidnapper who wrote a best seller in San Quentin prison's "death row," yesterday won a new respite from execution through his self- tausrt legal manoeuverlng. The Appeal Court here granted Chessman, who has been fighting against a
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  • 204 1 Letter to the employers TPOH, Tues.— The Ma--1 layan Mining Employees' Union today sent a letter asking the Malayan Mining Employers' Association whether they were pre- pared to resume talks on a subject that proved to be the stumbling block at a meeting on Jan. 27. It
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  • 39 1 ROVND TWO IN COLO WAR WASHINGTON. Tues.— L\S. Secretary of Itatft, Mr. Dulles, said al l'lt conference today that new Soviet tactics were indication that one round was over and second round beginning in cold war. Renter.
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  • 37 1 BONN. Tues. The German Red Cross said today that it had been able to clear up the fate of only 156.715 of the 1.400.105 members of the Wehrma^ht reported missing in World War lI.— A.P.
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  • 25 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. Senator Harley Kilgore (Democrat, West Virginia) died today at Bethesda Naval Hospital after suffering a cerebral haemorrhage. He was 63. U.P.
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  • 28 2 SEOUL, Tues. Most of South Korea was blanketed today with four to six inches of snow the heaviest fall since the end of the war. AP.
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  • 301 2 TENGKU RAHMAN PICKS HIS MEN TO DRAW UP DEFENCE TREATY NAMES TO SIR ROBERT AND SECRET TALKS WITH SIR BERKELEY KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Commissioner-General for South-East Asia, Sir Robert Scott, had preliminary discussions with the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, in Kuala Lumpur today on
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  • 82 2 Race war fears in U.S. NEW YORK, Tues. Mr. Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic Party leader, has suggested that President Eisenhower should summon Southern White and Negro leaders to the White House to try to ease the "mounting racial tensions." He told reporters that he was "deeply disturbed" at the rising
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  • 63 2 THE BRITISH AEMY Is to be issued with a farlined parka (picture above) which fits over a steel helmet or cap. With the parka goes a garbedine combat smock with sateen on the outside. All these new winter combat clothes are green and this
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  • 129 2 Portugal and Goa Younger starts a storm in the Commons TONDON, Tues Mr. Ken- neth Younger (Labour) said in the House of Commons last night that it was a top priority job for all Western powers who had colonial responsibilities to put their colonial houses in order. He
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  • 66 2 BANDITS GRAB PEARLS IN RAID RANGOON, Tues. fOMMUNIST rebels raided a JapaneseBurmese pearling station in Mergui Archipelago and burnt seven fishing craft, warehouses and bungalows. Damage was estimated at nearly $1,000,000. Fifty men took part in the raid. They approached the pearling station, 460 miles from Rangoon, in a motorised
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  • 59 2 They remained 15 hours ashore and ordered the Japanese and Burmese divers to load their vessel with sailing equipment, stores and oysters. They set fire to the station buildings and seven boats. They then herded 18 Japanese and Burmese at gunpoint aboard their vessel and sailed away, later
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  • 41 2 WASHINGTON. Tues.—Admiral Arthur W. Radford. chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said yesterday there has been no change in orders to the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean as a result of the growing Middle East tension. A.P
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  • 83 2 LUSAKA, Northern Rhodesia, Tues.— A lioness, reputed by local Africans to have killed at least 1,000 of their cattle, has been shot by a game ranger, Mr. johnny Uys, in the Munall Hills of Northern Rhodesia. Mr. Uys followed her trail for 12 hours before
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  • 60 2 'No vote' law passed CAPETOWN, Tues. South Africa's ruling Nationalist party yesterday won a fiveyear battle to enact a law removing 45,000 coloured (mixed race) voters from the common electoral roll. Having almost doubled the Senate, the Government succeeded in putting the bill through its final stage in a joint
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  • 15 2 NAIROBI. Tues. Security forces accounted for 66 Mau Mau last week.— Reuter.
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  • 89 2 NA VAL MAN'S RETURN HELPS SICK MOTHER LONDON, Tues. Mrs. Mary Smith. 45, mother of 23-year-old Leading Writer Bernard Smith, who was flown from Singapore to his home at Menai Bridge, Anglesey, to be at her bedside, was stated last night to be slightly better. Her husband, Mr. John Smith,
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  • 61 2 LONDON. Tues.— The Government yesterday raised pensions for widowed mothers by five shillings a week for each child, bringing the new total to 16 shillings and sixpence, including family allowance Announcing this in the House of commons, the Minister of Pensions, Mr. John Boyd-Carpenter, said the
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  • 171 2 £6,000 MONTE WIN— WITH LOADED DICE rpHREE Americans who won a susdlpw ■I £6,000 in one week at Monte Carlo r caught with 85 pairs of loaded dice In thptr They were arrested at Nice l^l lr u?^ Casino police first noticed one of the men on Sunday when he
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  • 21 2 BUENOS AIRES, Tues. Four British Vickers Viking transport planes bought by the Argentine Air Force arrived here yesterday. U.P.
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  • 99 2 'Black hole protest: M.P. jailed A KHARTOUM ft SUDANESE Serb? Parliament and f union leader w e 4 Ll 5 tenced to six me Kosti yesterdaj i demonstnr. the death of 192 farmers there They were Mr. Haia. Zarroug. a M P wh *Js to the anti-imperialist^ and Mr. Mohan*
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  • 48 2 DAYTON. (Ofak All 11 men o n board Vji Surer fortress bomber c■■ yesterday when the plu crashed on a farm Two were civilians. The plane exploded a crashing between a oar 3 a farmhouse, both o: J were burnt to th [A. P
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    • 73 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. Mr. Herbert Hoover, Assistant Secretary of State, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday that "the problem of preventing war In the Middle East Is fundamentally one for the United Nations." The committee heard Mr. Hoover and Admiral Arthur Radford. chairman of
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    • 29 2 MEXICO CITY: The telephone switchboard of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies was cut nil. Someone forgot to pay the bill, and the telephone company automatically suspended the service. A?P.
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    • 29 2 MANILA: President Ra- mon Magsaysay received from the United States Government $75,000 and land titles representing Japanese properties seized by the VS. Office of Alien Property in the Philippines
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    • 30 2 MOSCOW: Russia has sent to Pakistan 200 tons of piping, three mobile electric stations and other equipment as part of her contribution under the United Nations technical assistance fund. Reuter.
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    • 31 2 VIENNA: The crew of an Austrian snow plough said that Czechoslovak border guards wh cross the border to 9 the pious h rou: them to dear roads before thi home.— Reuter.
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    • 20 2 NEW yorr I shipbuilding in pr:nc:p countries on Jan. 1 totaj 17.820.545 gross tons, j Shipbuilding C> America said.— A.P.
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    • 33 2 OTTAWA: Two mean of Canada's Labour Fedf tion said it was in CEnad interest to import a sabs'j tial Quantity of Japan goods, but insisted the Q ernment protect workers from labour" competition.-Ri
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    • 45 2 LOS ANGELES. Tues.— Dr. Nellu Pace, a physiologist at the University of California, said here that the first manned rocket ship would be a "miniature plahrt" carrying its own oxygen, which might be supplied by small green plants. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 uftYl HOOVER W^^T^ WASHING MACHINE f~\ 6t CLEANERS NEW rfj^^ K r /3fcx_j* Ew iiußi washing flfc^ ££B I automatic wringer JJsakz. I i^^^^^^^^^^rl Wlth withoui H9atw 1 i^Btt V (6 lbi washin *> /"ICAMCP M «^^^J Latest addition to the world-famous range of Hoover Washing /«lll^ (MODEL 638 i
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  • 191 3 Guillotine ends one-man terror DE ATH PEHALTY FOR ROBBERY Tues.— France, art from is the only West country re- death pen- :uillotined lie Enemy No. man Emile -creaming: to see an die," Buisson agged to the inte Prison i.'.d executed robbery at which a seri liisly i^eep when n< r's
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  • 79 3 THE FIREFLASH SHOWS ITS PACES B LONDON. Tues. RITAIN'S first air-to-air ruided missile, the Fairey Fireflash. has successfully destroyed remote-controlled target aircraft, the Fairey Aviation Company announced resterday. This follows the recent announcement that the weapon is to be delivered to the Royal Air Force. The Fireflash, launched from fighter
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  • 62 3 YORK, Tues. The ird University magazine, making its annual awards to Holly- has awarded blonde th a "Roscoe." asked Sheree to say "in 50 words or less, why you deem yourself worthy of this award?" Sheree answered: "I am not now nor have I ever been
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  • 38 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. Ma j. -Gen. Earl W. Barnes was nominated by President Eisenhower today for temporary promotion to lieutenantgeneral while serving in his new post as Chief of Staff of the Par East Air Force Command. U.P.
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  • 183 3 MORE REBEL ATTACKS T™ I***1 Resident Minister in Algiers, Mr Robert Lacoste. yesterday asked for strong reinforcements to be sent to Algeria, where 15,000 ESSS^^'SiJffip" up their attacks on Usually reliable sources said that Mr. Lacoste told the cabinet the 200.000 French troops in Algeria were
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  • 664 3 EDEN HITS AT RUSSIA— 'LAST GREAT COLONIAL POWER' Harsh words on Red oppression to dear the air tor B and K visit We will believe in deeds, not words— Mr. Lloyd tells the Russians LONDON, Tues. gIR Anthony Eden talked tough about Russia last night, creating an entirely new climate
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  • 142 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. TOE British Ambassador, Sir Roger Makins. said x yesterday that the Burgess-Maclean case no longer affected co-operation between Britain and the United States on atomic energy matters. He told American correspondents on a television programme: "Their defection look place a long
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  • 80 3 1,000 SUSPENDED SYDNEY. Tue*.— The Stevedoring Industry Board today suspended nearly 1,000 dockers here for two days for refusing to work overtime last night. Today's suspension brought to 1,135 the number of dockers suspended in disputes about overtime and working conditions since the nationwide dock strike
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  • 35 3 MOSCOW, Tues. Soviet newspapers today splashed across front pages portraits of the 17 members of the Central Committee's newlyelected Presidium, in a layout stressing "collective leadership" of the Soviet Communist Party. Reuter.
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  • 30 3 PUSAN. Tues; Korean police yesterday saved a Japanese boat from sinking near Pusan and then arrested the crew of five. On board were cosmetics and stationery worth $12,000.
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  • 78 3 LONDON, Tues.— The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will have a week's cruise in the Mediterranean in the 4,000-ton Royal yacht Britannia next month, Buckingham Palace announced last night. Tht- announcement made no reference to Prince Charles or Princess Anne. The Queen wjli fly to
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  • 275 3 LONDON, Tues. dosing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty were: TIN LONDON, Feb. 28.— -Cash Buyers £837 H Sellers <M 0; Forward Buyers £794; Sellers £705; Settlement £835; Turnover; am. 75 .ton* p.m. 140 tons. RUBBER LONDON, Feb. 28.— Spot M'4d.. Apr-June 28d.. July-Sept. 37d.,
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  • 108 3 PERON QUITS HOTEL PANAMA CITY. Tues. CJENOR Juan Peron, deposed dictator of the Argentine, yesterday left the Washington Hotel here on the orders of the United States Government who own the hotel. He declared his expulsion was a plot to defame him by implying that he had not paid his
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  • 32 3 LONDON, Tues.-rThe Japanese Parliamentary delegation which flew here from Tokyo yesterday on a 10-day official visit, today met the Marquess of Reading, Minister of State at the Foreign Office— Reuter.
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  • 22 3 NAIROBI, Tues. A Pakistan trade mission left here today by air for Karachi after a tour of East Africa. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 LEAP YEAR f BARGAINS! ladies ounce You'll leap at Oflly SPECIAL i II OF'ER! %J I IH Take your choice per pair fr m the M It wdevarie^ Offered for i ofco Ur t, a nd TODAY ONLY^ sandal styles < (Malaya) Ltd j. (Incorporated in Singapore) I; Raffles Place,
      56 words
    • 144 3 WHOLEMEAL fit's vitamin* BERMALINE are full of nourishment and have that rich, nutty flavour. Made with highest quality wholemeal of Canadian origin, each loaf contains a high protein value. MADE BY COLD STORAGE BAKERIES SINCAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANC I CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 10 to 700 GALLONS PER MINUTE Lister Engineering Lhy
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  • 41 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Two labourers, Tan Hock Lian and Koh Kirn Sal, were yesterday sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Storr In the Muar Assizes for the murder of Urn Ngec Seng at cralglelea Estate on Oct. 27.
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  • 36 4 IPOH, Tues. The first of a series of evening services at the Presbyterian Church in Ipoh to be held on the first Sunday of every month at 6.30 pjn. will be on March 4.
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  • 57 4 BABY'S GOAT BULGED WITH OPIUM JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Hiding a pound of opium inside the lining: of a child's jacket. Teo Ah Eng-, 46, thought she could fool the Customs and smuggle the opium into Johore on Jan. 27. She did not succeed. In the Sessions Court today she was
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  • 44 4 PENANG, Tues. Khaw clansmen of Penang will hold an ancestral worship ceremony at their kongsl, Khaw 81 Koe Yang Tong, at noon tomorrow. A lunch and distribution of gifts to children will follow. The clansmen will also hold a dinner party.
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  • 30 4 The Jewish Welfare Board in Singapore will celebrate Purim (Harvest Festival) with a tea dance at the Adelphi Roof Garden on Sunday at 4.30 pan.
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  • 37 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Mr. Cheah Telk Cheang has been elected chairman of the Johore Bahru District Youth Council, which was formed yesterday to co-ordinate plans for the management of all youth organisations in the district.
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  • 15 4 SEGAMAT, Tues. Terrorists slashed rubber trees in the Segamat district on Sunday night.
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  • 79 4 LAWYERS VOTE FOR JURY SYSTEM A IPOH, Tues. LMOST all lawyers in Malaya consider the present assessor system to be "unsatisfactory", states the annual report of the Federation Bar Council for 1955. The report adds that a referendum was taken last year. Out of 199 who answered the questions. 96
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  • 53 4 Goodbye with a Bible A Bible was the farewell gift which Canon R. K. s. Adams, retiring principal of St. Andrew's School, received yesterday from the Singapore Battalion of the Boys' Brigade. The presentation at the Battalion headquarters In Prinsep Street was made after Canon Adams opened an officers' intermediate
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  • 278 4 THREE DIED AFTER SPEEDBOAT GANG SEIZED TONGKANG, SOLE SURVIVOR TELLS COURT PENANG, Tues. A four-man tongkang crew dived overboard after their boat was seized by robbers three miles off the Penang coast But only one lived to tell the story, a preliminary inquiry was told here
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  • 50 4 This card was really red fIATO SIR CHENG U LOCK TAN, president of the Malayan Chinese Association, confirmed in Singapore yesterday that he had received a Chinese New Tear greeting card from the Malayan Communist Party. The card red, with a picture of Mao Tsetung was posted in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 168 4 Knives flash In two hold-ups A DANCE-HOSTESS scared away three armed rob- bers by shouting for help as they held her up near her flat In Tiong Bahru on Monday night. The robbers two had daggers and the other a revolver fled to a
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  • 80 4 Gatecrash gang get $1,400 fOUR armed men interrjpted a drinking party at a flat shared by two girls in Keong Siak Road, Singapore, on Monday night and escaped with jewellery worth $1,329. fourr.ain pens and $45. The girls were with five men friends when the robbers, one carrying a revolver
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  • 273 4  -  HARRY FANG Lunch was 'tasteless and unappetising../ By ABOUT 150 Australian and New Zealand airmen stationed at R.A.F. Tengah, Singapore, yesterday walked out of their mess because they did not like their mid-day meal. Instead, they went to the N.A.A.P.I. restaurant in
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  • 35 4 Fire broke out I houses in Sins;:; I five hours yestrr: I damage was caused. I Thp fires were I Road. Kampons; Lew H Jurong Road and I Kong. I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 i li\ nivp I Hk s v v BXSSSAX By Prc-Ampli is meant a tuned RF stage m tsBL p'* o'*0 $325 1 w r^ tr 'P' c variable condenser. m I F^dn" g gaoc I The of this system are: M l|^^ Usi 10% Cathy A Better reception of
      149 words
    • 118 4 every seat a FLY A.1.1. the only airline offering six super Constellation flights a week from Bombay Europe. Every First Class passenger will have 5 a fully reclining sleeper-seat, a Slumbered which at a button's touch will turn into bedlet. Now you can stretch out full lengtn put your feet
      118 words

  • 214 5  -  WILLIAM FISH BLACK MARKS -SELF-EXAMINATION -AND NOW A SOLEMN GUARANTEE 0 MORE DEMONSTRATIONS: STUDY COMES FIRST By gfUDENTS at the Singapore Chinese High I School, who played a leading part in demonktr; ,tj,,ns against National Service in 1954 and real <•" strHw last > ear
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  • 138 5  - the Z-E-E bomb... TERRY PILLAY MARGARITA EXPLODES FOR THE PRESS By CHE'S, HERE! The threat to the peace of mind of Singapore's male population —the "Zee-Bomb." Margarita Mercado, the "Zee-Bomb" from Puerto Rico, "exploded" yesterday at a special Press preview held at the Capitol Restaurant, Singapore. Writhing, jumping, leaping, and
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  • 75 5 Marshall flies in today 'THE KLM plane bringing the Chief Minister, Mr David Marshall, back to Singapore from his two weeks' rest in Switzerland is due at 1.35 p.m. today No special arrangements have been made for a welcome, but Mr. Marshall's colleagues will be at Paya Lebar to meet
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  • 35 5 RIAWAN, Tues.— The Rev. p .v.nimuthu, District SuperIntjndent of thp Methodist P< r.ik District, will J«ve fo r the United States Xt month to attend the t-.ual Methodist Mission .ice.
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  • 53 5 Penang, too, opposes PENANG. Tues. The Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce decided at a meeting yesterday to oppose any move to lift, the ban on opium in the Federation The meeting also decided to ask the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce to make representations for the introduction of multilingualism in
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  • 33 5 KLUANG. Tues. A sentry at Yap Tau Sah new village saw lights outside the perimeter wire on Sunday night. He fired at the lights. There were no known casualties.
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  • 40 5 Ur. Wijino Suryokusumo, Indonesian joint secretary :he Asian socialist Conferwill arrive in Singapore to study the Labour Front which has applied for contcience membership. The conference will consider the Labour Front application when it meets in Septrrnber.
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  • 59 5 XC. Wong, one of Singa- pores best known racing motor cyclists, was injured in an accident in Tanjong Katong Road at midnight on Monday when his car collided with a lorry. A friend, Lum FooK Wan. who was sitting beside him was badly injured.
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  • 33 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A motion asking for $200 a month allowance for municipal councillors with effect from Feb. 16, 1952, was withdrawn when the council held its mfeting here tonight.
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  • 149 5 Council approves safety first move KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. ITHE Municipal Council tonight gave the green light to build underground subways in Kuala Lumpur for the use of pedestrians crossing the roads. The first of the subways will I be built soon near the Batu Road English
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  • 91 5 The yes-no cinema: Court move MR. LOKE WAN THO has filed an originating summons ir. the Singapore High Court Registry for leave to apply for an order of certiorari in connection with his application to the City Council for permission to build 8 cinema in Katong., The Council approved Mr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 UNPRECEDENTED FEAT.... In Wrist Watch History omlega m J* Z« sTO? xm oi**^ p** iS ltfo* ts ,\n 41 ■o^m- O M c t A LEADERSHIP IN I PRECISION CONFIRMED Sole Agents: B. P. de SUVA, LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore; 19-21. High Street II Sing»pore-6 II J|| 64 l^_ j&jhisss,
      52 words
    • 387 5 for INVALIDS^ the ELDERLY r^k~ I l^M MILK, with ito wealth of >^^V \Jj "tural food propertie, and V tuiuble for invalids and 1 4 I Wtr| y--1 ''^^'^^fc^ NESPRAY it MILK in I ito safest and most convenient x -*"*V|| form and can therefore be I used with the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 443 5 radio malaya Regional Programmes thus marked can SINGAPORE be received by listeners in Malacca. > w«»«* Short wave 49 and 62m. Medium Kh Medium i i<9_ <u_ «_j on-.-. (Snort wave o-m. ateoinm wave wave 4 1 6 m., 313 m., 366 m. ana isim. 47fiiM t AM. *8.57 and
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  • 639 6 After 8 days and 50 witnesses, Semenyih inquiry ends KAJANG, Tues. A RECOMMENDAA TION was made to the commission of inquiry investigating the Semenyih affair today that women police inspectors be appointed to supervise the searching of women tappers. Mr. Ng Ek Teong,
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  • 49 6 Two men were remanded after they were accused in a Singapore court yesterday of being members of an unlawful assembly which used criminal force on two detectives in Nallur Road on Monday night. Tham Kwang Ten* and Chua Ocr Tens were remanded until March 5.
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  • 37 6 Group Captain W. P. Stamm. chief specialist at the R.A.F. Institute of Pathology and Tropical Medicine, arrived in Singapore by QANTAS yesterday. He is on a tour of Air Force establishments In Malaya.
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  • 41 6 The Rey. H. L. Sone, Dean of Trinity College, Singapore, will be the guest speaker at a special thanksgiving service to commemorate the 70th Founder's Day of the AngloChinese School at the school auditorium at 830 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 159 6 I BUT THE AMBUSH DIDN'T COME OFF BALING, Tues. A woman terrorist failed in an attempt to trap a European planter in an ambush nine miles from the peace talks town of Baling. He was walking on an inspection tour of the estate, escorted by two
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  • 119 6 SINGAPORE jeweller. Mr. K. M. Oli Mohamed. believes that thieves smashed a showcase at his shop under cover of noisy cracker firing on Monday night It was the day after Chap Go Meh when Chinese were still firing crackers although the New Year season
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  • 68 6 MR. ROBERT WIESZ. who will be giving a pianoforte recital at the Victoria Memorial Hall this evening, arrived in Singapore by QANTAS yesterday. Weisz was born in Hungary in 1926 and it was not long before he was hailed as a child prodigy.
    68 words
  • 201 6 Figures are history, but- MR. C A. PETERSON, principal of Outram School, Singapore, yesterday complained that "history" which he repeated at the school's golden jubilee had been sensationalised. At the jubilee on Saturday Mr. Peterson said: "In 48 years the school had no fewer than 25
    201 words
  • 60 6 IPOH, Tues. The Sessions Court today reserved Judgment in the claim by the Ipoh Station Hotel for $897.90 against Mr. F. A. A. Beck, deputy superintendent of Ipoh detention camp, In respect of bills signed by his former wife. His former wife who recently married Mr
    60 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 179 6 fcEilp I IP Li IjU LJ |k V\ to and from 1 £urop® 2©% Reduction 1 r rturn furett ■I f©% H«»#fm.»io n FROM SINGAPORE 2 OCT fl^P UNTIL 2 JAN. FROM EUROPE 28 FEB UNTIL 8 JUNE M >" URTHER DETAILS FROM HARPER, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. Mac Donald House,
      179 words

  • 500 7 Let's talk it over on your own home ground SYNTHETIC FEAR: BRITISH MANUFACTURERS WANT TO VISIT MALAYAN PRODUCERS orrTou KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. JJKITISH rubber manufacturers have offered to come to Malaya for talks with rubber industry leaders here. This was disclosed today by the Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. O.
    500 words
  • 82 7 PRETTY THINGS TO BUY LURED HER TO COLONY A FORMER NURSE who always wanted to write and now does, armed in Singapore yesterday from Adelaide. Australia, on a holiday. Miss Patricia Manton. a qualified none, and now social editor of the Adelaide News, was one of the passengers on th«
    82 words
  • 41 7 RAWANG, Tues. Police are looking for a 15-year-old girl, Dalip Kaur. reported missing from her parents' home in Tanjong Mallm early yesterday morning. The girl's parents are offering a $100 reward for information of her whereabouts.
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  • 23 7 Wong Yew Chuen was fined $75 in Singapore yesterday for failing to furnish returns of his income tax for last year.
    23 words
  • 76 7 $9,000 FOR WIDOW KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A YOUNG widow, Lee Kirn Choo, who sued a transport and shipping company for $25,000, agreed in the High Court here today to accept $9,000. Her husband, Tang Chal Tuan, a bus conductor, was killed when his bicycle and a lorry belonging to French's
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  • 31 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Kuala Lumpur Bharat Fine Arts society will present Indian classical and folk dances at the Chinwoo Hall on Saturday in aid of its building fund.
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  • 29 7 Singapore agents for the Indian ship the State of Madras yesterday said that her 306 deck passages from Singapore to India were sold in two days.
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  • 182 7 TRIBUTES to OLDEST LAWYER in MALAYA IPOH, Tues. Members 1 of the Perak Bar paid tribute in the High Court today to the memory of the oldest lawyer in the country, Mr. Francis John Bry. ant. who died in Ipoh on Friday, aged 94. Mr. Bryant came to Malaya in
    182 words
  • 48 7 The Archbishop of Malacca, Mgr. M. Olcomendy, will unveil a statue of Jesus Christ in front of the Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea in Sembawang Road, Singapore, on Sunday. The Archbishop will hold a Mass after the ceremony at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 26 7 Wong Yet Fatt was fined $50 in Singapore yesterday when he pleaded guilty to failing to furnish income tax returns for 1954 and 1955.
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  • 290 7 IMPORTANT decisions x relating to future Chinese education are likely to be made at a special meeting in Singapore today. Principals of Chinese middle and primary schools are meeting to discuss the rpocnimendatlons of the AllParty Committee on Chinese Education. Between 20 and
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  • 158 7 'COWELEPHANT' JUST NATURE'S PERAK No jaunt with Jumbo, say experts nriHE "cowelephant" born on 1 Alpha Bernam Estate, Perak, on Sunday was yesterday said by two zoology experts to be abnormal but not unusual. The strange creature a calf with a six-inch trunk and other elephant features was born to
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  • 39 7 BUTTER WORTH, Tues. Butterworth police are trying to trace a hit and run driver v. hose lorry knocked down a 10-year-old girl cyclist, Anasea, at Kampong Oajah here yesterday. The girl was slightly hurt.
    39 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 231 7 :3&s^ '^aaa! bbbkl' iiOli^* Carry your EYE-protection with you! tozmj H n ORK h AT Pl4r N w Optone i __JL/ hyc rops bring quick "lief to eyes sufTer- ing Irom smoke, dust, glare and the strain of modern living. A boon to travellers, office workers and everyone facing eyey*<C
      231 words
    • 366 7 I hoc elegont, nevs, modern portables ar t *"*""t^ lS^lpjr I designed for easy carrying and operation I ■nywher*. pocked in a smart leather case full* I A I I •quipped with travelling desk, thia little \s^\ I model weighs only S'/^lbs gives a clear w r •xact type, takes
      366 words

  • 68 8 20 Word, tlO (minimum). PINCKNEY WILLIAM PERCY passed away peacefully in his slrep on 26th Feb. at Shawford CUir-r. shawford near Winchester. (HEW: Mr. Chew Ewe Soo. 86 lean, beloved father of Guan Hoe Kran Hoe. Khuan Hoe. w iv at 120 Jalan Abdul JallL Ipoh. on Tuesday, 28.2.56
    68 words
  • 61 8 N Word, lit (minimum). MR MRS. CHEANG SENG KEE and Family wish to thank Relatives and Friends who sent Wicatli.s and Attended the Funeral cf our brtnved son, John Cheang Hoe. MR. AND MRS. V. M. KRISHKASAMY of seremban thank all rr!.itive s and friends for their con- i
    61 words
  • 621 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. Feb. 29, 1956. Some Rubber Problems Malayan impatience over the retention of the embargo on rubber for China is understandable in the light of a falling market. The embargo is unrealistic, unworkable and damaging to Malayan economy, Tengku Abdul Rahman told the Council of the
    621 words
  • 545 8 In setting its building targets and notably the 10,000 permanent homes a year for 18 years the Master Plan for Singapore dealt only briefly with the physical problems. One of its expert groups, in a report just published, now gives details of the resources, men and
    545 words
  • 746 8  -  JULIAN BATES Russia leading in the race to train skilled m en By ITNITED STATES offiV cials frankly adadmit that the Soviet Union is overhauling America in the race to train the next generation of scientists the men who will exploit and push
    746 words
    • 183 8 LONG HOURS OF WORK I HAVE read with great interest the letter "Overworked City Staff." written by "Indignant Mother." It is a great pity indeed that women are being made to work 57 J hours per week, including Sundays. This should make us sit ud and realise what Malayanisation has
      183 words
    • 436 8 "If AY I endorse the forthright opinion expressed by Ipoh "Chinese"? The announcement by the Federation's Chief Minister that the sale of narcotics is possibly to be reintroduced as a Government monopoly will surely cause the gravest of doubts to be thrown upon the policies of
      436 words
    • 82 8 IN connection with "Indignant Mother's daughter being overworked by the model employer of Singapore, the City Council, I would advise her to seek redress from the Liberal Socialist Party which party (or the Progressive Party part of it) is sponsoring the "Clerical Charter." As the Liberal
      82 words
    • 279 8 II7E as members and at- tenders of the Society of Friends (Quakers) have often expressed our objection to capital punishment. We wish at the present stage, in view of the decision recently made in the House of Commons in England, to reaffirm our belief in the
      279 words
    • 327 8 THE general manager of the Singapore Traction Company, Mr. Swing, Ls concerned about increased costs but seems to forget the increased income. The company, by agreeing to give their employees a fair living wage, will slowly but certainly kill the squeeze racket.
      327 words
    • 89 8 rpHE Federation Chief 1 Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, declared that there would be no total and immediate mobilisation to fight the Communist ban- dits, because he fears a conflict between Malays and Chinese would arise. The Tengku has a farsighted policy. He knows too well that should he
      89 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 776 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. Z« Word, $U (miMlmmrf). SEWARD: To Vera and Douglas. fit XX. Hospital, on 25th Pebmary. daughter— Deo Qratlas. CAMPBELL: To Sheena (nee Gilmour) and Charles, at Sandak.m. on twenty-fifth February, a daughter, Shirley Anne. CLARKE: To Faire and Russ. o: Mrnckiliol Estate, a son. Steven Mark, at Johore
      776 words
      21 words
    • 53 8 REFRIGERATOR I red plastlc on 5 >L TiTT" and ur.chipV'W interior. Spore Penang List Price less 5% for CASH $478 Hire Purchase 12 Monriily Payments of 4150 24 Monriily Payments of 22 VA 1 Advertisement of THE CENERAL ELECTRIC CO Representing THE CENERAL ELEC T RIC CO FROM DETAILED PROGRAMMES
      53 words

  • 192 9 NOTE from EXPERT ASKS!- HOW MUCH DID YOU SPEND from 1947 to 1955? ALSO ON WANTED LIST: BANK STATEMENTS AND GIFTS TO CHILDREN By OH KEE TIANG PENANG, Tuesday. rH K Federation Income Tax Department has I started investigations into the incomes of ur
    192 words
  • 153 9 Happy -key note of a good farce STAGE CLUB LAUGHS ABOUT CROONERS THE STAGE CLUB production of "As Long As They're Happy" by Vernon Sylvaine, recovered from an initial nervousness at the Victoria Memorial Hall in Singapore last night and proved an amusing and fast moving comedy. Lou Mouna gave
    153 words
  • 55 9 Four men were committed to stand trial yesterday at the next Singapore Assizes on a charge of murdering a 24--year-old woman, Jauyah binte Salleh, at Upper Aljunied Road on the morning of Jan. 4. They are Amin bin Mohamed. Philip Foo, alias Yaacob, Ignatius Thomas
    55 words
  • 51 9 if Straits Times of Feb. I.: was stated that a City rk. Heng Geoic I m killed in an acci- do Dec. 26 while driving m a party. ted to state that v:dence was given at the nefi inquiry to indicate Heng had in fact It a
    51 words
  • 117 9 Sorrento sees dashing dance of the swirling scarf: All in the cause of culture MAY HOW of Branksome Road, Singapore, performs the Chinese scarf dance during a cultural concert at the Australian Overseas Students' Clubs' annual meeting at Sorrento, Victoria. May, who completed her preuniversity schooling In Australia, was one
    117 words
  • 208 9 AND BEAT UP MOTHER-IN-LAW A WOMAN went to her husband's house with a gang of about 20 men and women and had six members in the family, including her mother-in-law, beaten up, the prosecution said in a Singapore court yesterday. Mr. Eu Cheow
    208 words
  • 56 9 Luc? Phoa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phoa Hock Seng, of pasir Panjang Road, Singapore, and her brother James, have been enrolled in the £o" b jones University at Greenville. South Carolina. USA. Lucy will study in the unlvesity's college of arts and fclenee and
    56 words
  • 77 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— rE Federation Industrial Development Officer, Mr. N. A. J. Kennedy, will tour the East Coast next week to investigate local industries. Mr. Kennedy, formerly development officer of Kuala Lumpur's satellite town at Pet aim g Java, said today: "I will investigate the
    77 words
  • 48 9 All tickets for the Singapore Y.W.C.A. Leap Year ball and wedding bell (v is parade have been sold, the association's programme secretary, Miss Fang Chooi Ling, said last night. The ball, in aid of the Y.W.C.A. fund, will be held tonight at Raffles Hotel.
    48 words
  • 338 9  - Students want Caine to stay NAN HALL WHO COULD REPLACE HIM? THEY ASK By ITNIVERSITY of Malaya students don't want their vice-chan-cellor, Sir Sydney Came, to leave. They are shocked by the news that he wants to resign at the end of the year. The president of the Students' Union,
    338 words
  • 20 9 The next session of the Singapore Assizes will be at the Supreme Court on Monday at 10.15 a.m.
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  • 38 9 Mr. Virgil Pinkley, publisher and editor of the Los Angeles Mirror, arrived in Singapore by QANTAS yesterday. Mr. Pinkley, an ex-vice president of United Press is on a tour of the Far East.
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  • 119 9 100 CARS WILL TRY FOR THAT $3,000 ONE hundred cars of nearly 40 different models and nuikes will compete In the 1953 Stan vac Economy Run. which has to date attracted about 450 applications from all over Malaya. The run will begin at Kuala Lumpur on March 31 and end
    119 words
  • 154 9 »pHE UNESCO is offering free trips to Singapore trade union leaders to travel to other Asian countries to study labour problems. The project was suggested by the ICPTU (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions) and the UNESCO Secretariat has now asked that applications for grants
    154 words
  • 212 9 OFF THE AIR with Mr. Jones-two school programmes 'TWO of Radio Malaya's English school broadcasts have gone off the air as a result of the recent suspension of a 31 -year-old programme assistant, Mr. Lewis Jones. The first Indication was a Broadcasting Department announcement in Singapore yesterday that it was
    212 words
  • 213 9 NEW JOBS FOR SPENCER AND HUMPHREY They will continue to serve KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. r TWO of three British civil servants who have lost their places in the cabinet after Tengku Abdul Rahman's ministerial reshuffle will serve the Government in new jobs. The Secretary for Defence. Mr. A. H. P.
    213 words
  • 91 9 -SAYS LAWYER KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Allegations that the Kepong Police Station, eight miles from here, was a "notorious place" where police tortured suspects in criminal cases to make them confess were made by Mr. R. P. S. Rajasooria In the Sessions Court here today. Mr. Rajasooria was appearing
    91 words
  • 29 9 MALACCA, Tues. The Federal and Malacca Settlement electoral registers are to be revised between March 1 and March 28 to bring the lists up to date.
    29 words
  • 50 9 MCA PLANS CHINESE JOURNAL The Singapore branch or the Malayan Chinese Association is planning to publish a fortnightly journal called the MCA. Tribune. The Tribune, which is to be a Chinese publication, will b<printed in the Colony. The Malayan Mirror, MCA organ in English, is being published in the Federation.
    50 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 an old Favourite that is sure to please! I liJ^&s-^Le« jnd Perrins h«»e pvm^k DCORIN^' fecteo" the »ybtle art of -1 M rt"^ vouring in their Origin*! 3 S $AUC^ <4n Cenuine Woreetteri" thirc ttucc a unique Muce <^£#*js^ toups. stews and all savoury I b*l.inccd icJtoning of thit I
      65 words
    • 25 9 i 6/£ f tft €cfotn€»t Th« obo»« name booklet it available FREE f^^\ 0F CHARGE of all the office* of \%s CHUNG KHIAW BANK LTD
      25 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 56 9 High tides ■**1 an 12.48 ajn. 4 pm. (9 ft. 7 in.); Mion 830 ajn. (9 ft.) 8.49 3.':. 8 In.); Penang 2.28 i i In 2.55 p.m. (7 ft. MORROW: Singapore 1.18 9 3 tn I, 1.42 p.m. (9 ft. on Drkson 8.58 am (8 pan i 9 ft
      56 words

  • 865 10 The Scouts are camping by the sea Qurchan Singh buys a model ship in the village. They go back later to buy another but the ships have gone. A stranger named Lee gets into conversation with them and the next morning, arrives at the camp asking
    865 words
  • 289 10 I EXPECT that most of you are familiar with the flightless, tail-less bird that you can see on the stamps of New Zealand. The Kiwi is its name, though possibly some of you may rush for your pens and paper to correct me. All
    289 words
  • 215 10 A last line to this vevse wanted, please Dear Boys and Girls, Here are the six winners of our crossword contest. I William Chou, 46 jalan Lumba Kuda, Johore Bahru. I Khoo 800 Eang. 85 Patani Road. Penang, Julia Steelev, Bekoh Estate, Malacca, Soam Datt 77 Stamford Road. Singapore 6,
    215 words
  • 251 10 "VLTHAT are sun spots, and how do they affect radio communication? writes Foo Yeow Khean, of Kuala Lumpur. A sur spot consists of a black centre, or umbra, surrounded by a lighter penumora. They are often in pairs and sometimes in clu&ters which move steadily
    251 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 255 10 j ntiiY L ""LI <Zfl4UjOZ SSSrWN J %T C* JAPANESE L OvJUgaKiJL vims GOOD ENOUGH f J 'FUJIYA' BRAND Cultured Pearls P I are real pearls I J Modern science has merely learned L I how to control their growth P JON SALE AT ALL HICH-CLASS JEWELLERS L I The
      255 words
    • 12 10 C.C.C. Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club.
      12 words
    • 214 10 ft look] ife made with STORK! j£*j There's a treat waiting for you when you bake w^ Stork! It makes sponges as light as a dream, cakes i delicious as that hot, fresh smell of baking prounso. Only trouble is, you'll find it hard to stop the fanu eating the
      214 words

  • 1468 11 STRAITS TIMES Special feature Great actress defied stuffy convention jj She was rich* died poar but honoured THE PRICE of equality is character. Today the general level of acting in the west, though less so in Asia, as anyone can say who has seen the Peking Opera or the Balinese,
    1,468 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 264 11 SANITATION THE m*22X2* ,OCUWJ is rhemlcally •prl> aoluUon v, the soil. not available for MUNICIPAL pROVAL I More Attractive retaliation $400.00 m drum of dlwolvent v ki:I.ET PAPEE. HtKIAUT DESOLVENT MW VEtttC TANKS Kjil Eatteri Ltd. Bast Building, Mn»ap«r<-. Tfl: *****. OWIX I > N 21 JWLS 17 JWLS Q*
      264 words
    • 5 11 1 I HERO IN B
      5 words
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 132 11 Rex Morgan, 3M.D. Feeling unwell _^H J^B Mbmß^m^&P^Qi I l^gmu^ul] Ili I BTm j^ t>^a^>" M ju MM^i^^^ t^D I m^^^^^v am Dick Tracg The diggers mmmmmjHHH y we sawS ~f ofEaaTir *™c impression op fousTA W a Lrn-LE 11B^m^ 111B1^ il J OFP A BACK /TWATSHELFI TJ4E GUMS PUJNGEROR
      132 words

  • 456 12 SHARE MART FAIRLY STEADY DESPITE TIN PRICE CRASH By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE Share Market yesterday did nol react Violently, as might have been expected to the big drop of $22.62] in the price of tin. Although the market generally was quiet, tir shares were irregular with rubbers and industrials
    456 words
  • 260 12 The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "Tin shares were irregular on the local share market whilst tins and rubbers were quiet and Inclined to drift lower." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business done yesterday: B. B. Petrol 435. (arrival); Fraser and Neave ords. $1.70. $1.71 2;
    260 words
  • 149 12 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Com: easier; March $27% buyera, $27% sellers; April $27% buyers. $28 sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $40% sellers; drum $43 sellers. Pepper: quiet: Muntok white $132, Sarawak $131. special Sarawak black $95 (all varieties unchanged) Singapore Copra Association
    149 words
  • 143 12 March first gradb rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 95 cents per lb., up l.i cents on Monday's closing price. The closing tone was qufct Closing prices in cents per lb. were No. 1 R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 96. sellers 96%: No. 1 R.S.S. March buyers
    143 words
  • 155 12 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board .wharves or expected today are: Canton 12. Sirusa 4. Katong 5, Semlramis 1 C.P.. India 817. TJlsadane 819. Dollus 11. Laertes 1314. Ocean Maru 15 16 Castlcville 18. Walrlmu 19|20; Sedill N. Wall 8. Anne Reed 2122. Larut 23. Ijora 24 25.
    155 words
  • 7 12 KNGAPOR, P|cul (dow,, 12 "'n
    7 words
  • 99 12 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS I TnveW:' I nuea to expand'-* I I turnover in selcr,, I Stock Exchaiv^ moved narrowly c silver leadi turuje- higher oversew and uraniums alS fi ls tended to ca,c I steady. I Loans 3. iqu I I Bank of, I Mount Lyell ;N. Broken Hi,. I
    99 words
  • 46 12 BIRMINGHAM. I tin Motor Ex] I nounces the I chise agre.Mr,i- I able Austin cars and kkS to be assembled in thTifl This mnrket !.v, H closed to British car ■>■ turers for m tariffs which n I assembled units vr-*M Reuter. I
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 31 12 On the free Honif Kong dollar was quoted it I b cash and 5 94 for T Sterling was quoted a 1 one tael of gold at 257
    31 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 253 12 IN PARKNESS PERTRIX Made in Germany Solr A(?ents THE CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. (GENERAL IMPORTS DIVISION) < Singapore K Lumpur tnH niv; 3.15, b 30 9.15 p.m. "JHANJAR" Hindi w f-nelish Subtitles. Opening Premiere Tomorrow! Sonth-East Asia Film Co.'s "JASOOS" Hindi w/English Subtitles. DEUTZ" DIESEL DRIVEN GENERATING SETS <6
      253 words
    • 281 12 NOTICES RANTAU TIN DREDGING COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Messrs. Matheson St Co., Ltd.. of 3. Lombard Street, London E.C.3, will take over the London Secretaryship of the Company from Messrs. Burt, Taylor Co., Ltd., of Cereal House. 58. Mark Lane, London
      281 words
    • 530 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCIES IN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS XD Student Malay Interpreter, HJsL Coroner's Departsaeat: Salary scale: $195 x 15a 210 pjn. plus variable allowance (25% of basic salary)'. Age: 17-22. Qualifications: School Certificate with credit In English; knowledge of Malay equivalent to the standard required for a credit m the School
      530 words
    • 773 12 NOTICES NOTICE KUALA LUMFUE MUNICIPAL rW RELIEF FUND The above fund will be closed on the 29th of ftebraary, 1958. A. D. YORK. President Municipal Council, Kuala Lumpur. PUBLIC NOTICE CLOSING OF STEPHENS ROAD FOR DREDGING OPERATIONS BY MESSRS. LARUT TIN FIELDS LTD. NOTICE Is hereby given that the section
      773 words
    • 748 12 TENDERS H.M. NAVAL BASE. SINGAPORE Sale by Tender Ne. 23/55. TENDERS are invited for purchase of surplus Mechanical Plant and Bteelwork at H.M. Naval Base, Singapore. Prospective tenderers must pay a returnable deposit of $500/- (Cheques payable to Cashier. H.M. Dockyard, Singapore) at Office of Civil Engtneer-ln-Chief's Department (Surveyors Section).
      748 words
    • 339 12 KNUTSEN LINE orient service FROM CANADA/ U.S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O OATS Sailing Arriving Ssn Francisco S'por* P. Swet. Penan? fm Elrubeth Bakke tailed 6 Mar" 14 Mar 15 Mm Ciertrud Bakke 7 Mar 6 Ap* 8 Apr 9 Apr KrisHn Bakk* 18 Apt 18 May 20 May 21 M» Anna
      339 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1145 13 r.,405 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. T.i, 4 i» I**' ted ln Singapore) jIULT 1 IHE BLUE FUNNEL UNB £5^ Doe Sails p S'hnm k P^° n tm 28/29 Br*^,^ Cio^QOw In Port Mar 4 Hollcnd. London, Avoomou Mar S/ 4 Mar 7 Mor 2 Mar 4 Mar 7/ 8 Mar
      1,145 words
    • 1936 13 EVffH MfffV!TITWfl PfIfHIVHH BAST ASIATIC UKE SAIUNOS TO CONTININT/SCANDtNAVIA Aden. Pert Said, Oeaaa, AsMwarp, Utter*. m, 1,,,. C a. CfrTpanhuTfj A O»lo 25.WA" Gdn.: 4/7 3/4Mor ZX£?F A 12/14 Mm IS/IS Mm 14/17 Mm •53 We nm -f~ ai/ 3#Sr Call. Bay^th. 9,4^,'." Calh Gdynia. SAIUNOS PROM SCANDINAVIA/UJ{./CONTIHtHT "SAMOA" for
      1,936 words
    • 1236 13 MeALISTER t* CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** EIXSmMAM BDCKMALL KLAVEMKSB UMB lONnoij uAv.t ..TTumu ANCJUS, SAN FRANCISCO, LONDON, HAVRE ROTTERDAM, foUJLAUD. SEATTLE t VANCOUVIR ond for UsXTNorttT Atlantic Ports "^J^J* 1 1 th ond Conoda ond vio Colombo -^^ma CASTLEVILIE S'oor. P VhJ-Sr Pmm Spore P. Shorn Penong 10/UMm W/lfT-M
      1,236 words

  • 59 14 PESHAWAR. Tues.— Pakistan gained a winning 2-0 lead in the unofficial four-match series when they beat the M.C.C. "A" team by seven wickets in the third cricket Test here today. Pakistan won the second Test after drawing the first. Finals scores were: M.C.C. 188
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 78 14 The Blacks, who did so well at rugger, will make their soccer debut in a friendly match against Singapore Harbour Board Police at the S.H.B. Recreation Club ground on Sunday. The Blacks team will be selected from: Ong Choon Thlam (captain), Nagentheran, A tan Ibrahim,
    78 words
  • 35 14 The Bardhan Cup soccer final between Singapore Indians and Selangor Indians will be played at Jalan Besar stadium on March 3 at 5.1S p.m. At 4 p.m. Tampems Rovers will meet Dockyard 'A.
    35 words
  • 30 14 Raffles Institution were held to a 1-1 draw by Boys' Town In a soccer match at HI yesterday. Tahni scored for Raffles and Chok Foo for Boys' Town.
    30 words
  • 713 14  -  ANG EAM HOCK Police beaten 3*2 hi senior hockey final By TTOE University of Malaya won the Singapore Hockey Association's senior knockout competition for the Oehlers Cnp when they beat Police 3-2 in the final on the S.C.C. padang yesterday. It was a great* game,
    713 words
  • 223 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE DEVELOPMENT of 13 J acres of valuable land A between Ampang and Parry Roads In Kuala Lumpur by the Selangor Turf Club has been postponed owing to the erection of the $1,000,000 grandstand. When this land is developed, it
    223 words
  • 239 14 Ami Om impressive victories, AngiO-Chineae School were defeated 4-0 In their third outing against Victoria School In an Inter-school soccer fixture on me Victoria ground yesterday. Victoria showed their superiority trom ihe start and took the lead in the 6th minute. After this. j
    239 words
  • 144 14 LONDON. Tuea. XTEWCASTLE United remained favourites for the Football Association Cup at a callover at the Victoria Club last night. Odds of four to one were offered against Newcastle, closely followed by Tottenham Hotspur At nine to two. The same prices were quoted for the two
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 111 14 Royal Air Force Singapore Cycling Association is to Invite cyclists from Kuala Lumpur. Butterworth and Hong Kong to take part In an inter-Services massed-start championship In May. The competition will take place at the Changl circuit over 100 kilometres. Said secretary LAC. D. Gresty; "Invitations will be
    111 words
  • 35 14 Maxwell Sports Club beat Blue Rovers 4-2 In a friendly soccer match at Balestier Road yesterday. Scorers for Maxwell were Ramll, Khaslm and All (2) while Sandra and Hussein Kantian replied for Rovers.
    35 words
  • 303 14 SAINTS SHOW POOR FORM IN SURPRISE DEFEAT wi. JOkMPtia created anomei upset wneii oiey beat St. Andrew s 4-2 In ineir uiter-scnooi soccer hxiure at t^tm cusan Koau ye&teraay. bainui were generally expected to win comioriably yesterday on the strength of tneir 2-1 victory over toe favourites, Victoria School, who
    303 words
  • 121 14 Mr. and Mrs. J. Markham (all square) won the Royal Singapore Golf Club's February nine-hole mixed foursomes bogey competition. Other ci.rds returned were: MaJ. E. Crosland and Miss M. Ackers 1 down; A. S. Grant and Miss F. H. Ross 1 down; Mr. and Mrs. J.
    121 words
  • 234 14 LONDON, Tues. rPHB Oxford University crew to x meet Cambridge University In the annual boat race on March 24 was announced today a fortnight after Cambridge settled their crew. The composition of the crew was delayed until the Oxford president. J. O. McLeod, an
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      379 words
    • 249 14 INDIGESTION PAUJT STOP IT NOwP" Thto to the fastest way to get relief from indiye>uon hMaclean Brand Stomach Powder acts fasti Nagging to quickly soothed away. You get profound and las: relief Enjoy your food without fear and get the full of sleep unspoiled by indigestion And you can safeguard
      249 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 451 15 '^■^^^^^^[^^^^^^^^^^"^^^^"^^^^^Hi^Sil BHBBHHH^B^H^^H^^H r M MO«)ATI()N >a^t -Box iO rU. tMtrm. 3 Bedroom Seaside mlns. drive i modern convenl"ll.K A 1762. ST. ROOM. Bathroom European Couple. Cooker and other provided. Apply re' Grove Road. Phone <tf I-AB LE IMMEDIATELY at pX Furolihed three Bungalow. Bathrooms Modern Conveniences. i Fridge. Telephone. H.
      451 words
    • 367 15 EDUCATION LOC EXAMINATION B-keenlnK papers with Answers 1947 u, loss ED^F GUARANTEED In Senior Cambridge English and oWT*- S" 0 Specla^ CourseTor ■SSS2S 1 T l Mode Cost 5^f* n Gradual* Teachers. Free detail* of this Unique Course from School of Languages (Correspondence only). P.O. Box 2091. TUITION H W.r*.U
      367 words
    • 405 15 TUITION 20 W,rd* $i ««..>—»•» M tU. tMtrm. TYPEWRITINO WITHOUT TEARs Afternoons $3.00 Shorthand without Sighs, Cambridge English Maths. Commercial High School. 247A, Joo Chlat Road Phone *****. BEGINNERS' CLASSES: BookKeeping, Shorthand. Com. Correspondence. Typewriting, English, Latin, Qualifying Test. Vacancies: General school education Std. I-VIII, School Cert. P.&C. H.S.C. Eton.
      405 words
    • 449 15 HOUSES ft LAND WANTED M Words U (IHm.>—a t x M rt t. txtrm. WANTED: Plot of suitable Building Land within 2 miles of centre of Butterworth. Are required approx 6-10 acres. Reply Box A1757 8.T. MODERN HOUSE Three Bedrooms: Study. Dining Room. Lounge, Oarage, Servants Quarters, Modern Conveniences. Seaside
      449 words
    • 568 15 HOUSES it LAND FOR SALE M Wurdt U (Mln.)-Box f* ett. extra. FURNISHED ELEVATED Position Land, 40.000 square feet, WhlUey Road area, Tennis Court, well kept Oarden, Double Garage, three Bedrooms. Bathrooms, Mod. San., large Bedroom and Dressing Room, Alrconditkmed Dining Room and Bright Airy Lounge. Box A1754. ST. AM
      568 words
    • 550 15 FOB SALE U Word, U (Min.)-Box it cts. txtru TJIR 1 SELFED Seedlings for •sale now. Apply Rajaghlri Estate I Buklt Roten. LEC REFRIGERATOR, 3. left Good condition, still under guarantee $36U. Apply 73 Cowdray Aye. Serangoon Garden Estate, Singapore l]t. RADIOS. Best opportunity v buy. English made 6 valve.
      550 words
    • 155 15 -One sms fqgMlcX! everywhere these days" /W q O|w>Hf gM^/^fllv 1-/1. i Jsß <ea>*^^/ W\ TJRtf ■^^L\*rir/ A Js^Lß I. jMBB»"t" aEaHJ^JaWaIaBW T I '.JU 1 B I Qai Jwl i J *L 4^^ I '^m\ fUgjf U Iff/ \M Wl^]J^Lm flm WHBam YOO rapkn to v yoo are pretty
      155 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 254 15 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 10 ReaCforj^coopTbuTmay 1 Flash from above, divided draw iftoe/lf parsons! (8. 5). 8 Get out of form? (6). IS Additional, by the bye (s)'. 9 Patient, may gat' about (8). 10 And smooth as monumental—" 11 A believer united in disbelief (Othello) (9). (7). 20 His
      254 words
    • 493 15 *;4*$^W0RD PUZZLE d•eeeoeeeeeeeeaeaeaeeee Cat aloni dotted Hoe* ••••••■•••••*■•■•■•■■< or I WEDNESDAY: 2 St*ait« Times I j I WORD PUZZLE k SS' 98 Cut out and pin with other coupons; Posting instructions appear below. If Name j AMim i I g I 1 I 1 T 1 U |3TT[crB| FILL IN
      493 words

  • 585 16 USEFUL LA RONDE MEETS WEAK CL. 2 RIVALS IN TOP 6 F LA BONDT, a useful sprinter, is in peak form. His track form has been flawless and I think he will take some beating in a below -strength Class 2. Div. 1 field in Race Four. La Ronde won
    585 words
  • 217 16 IARAGON YEAR is right back in form and. up against a moderate Class Two sprint field, he can be backed with confidence in Race Two. This Golden Cloud gelding showed early promise last season when he scored over the Bukit Timah 6f.
    217 words
  • 54 16 rpHE going at Fenang up A to last evening was very good. There was a welcome shower of rain on Monday night. TREBLE TOTE will be held on Races Three, Five and Six; Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Six. RADIO MALAYA will not
    54 words
  • 391 16 JEEP'S DOUBLE FOR TODAY TRES BIEN GOOD MANNERS mRES BIEN (Race A Three) and Good Manners (Race Six) if backed as a doable, should give punters a good return at Penang today, second day of the Penang Turf Club Spring Meeting. Tres
    391 words
  • 110 16 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1 3.00. THE WHISTLER Mickey Moose Cinemascope II MICKEY MOUSE Projector The Whistler MICKEY MOUSE The Whistler Projector Race t. S.SS. DRAGON TEAR Senorita Culvardo CULVARDO Drama Year Jetty JETTY SeiMrito Dragon Year Race S. 4.H. TRES BIEN Trailer BucenUnr KHASIM
    110 words
  • 730 16 Race 1—3.00: Class 5, Div. 2 54 Furs. 1 040 Pride of Burma 8y I—) 9.00 8. &C. Synd. Sullivan 3 906 Gteneoe II 4y Cracknell 8.13 Branksome Stable Rodgers 3 415 Mickey Moose 6y Oeyer 8.10 Shaw Stable Martin 4 617 Silvcrfert 7y Baxter 8.09 Mrs.
    730 words
  • 318 16 By SAUL JOSHUA THE Singapore Table Tennis Association have received a cable from Tokyo asking for their official entry into the world table tennis championships in April to be sent as toon as possible. But the B.T.T.A. cannot reply to this as
    318 words
  • 716 16 Singapore start with 6-1 vkton By THE SPORTS EDITOR SINGAPORE'S football selectors and coaches stood beside the players' gate at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday beaming like proud parents on prize-giving day. They had good cause, for Singapore had just beaten the King's Own Scottish Borderers
    716 words
  • 181 16 Colony team third in shoot event LONDON Tues. SINGAPORE finished third in the competition for rifles without slings in the 1955 overseas rifle and revolver postal matches, the results of which were announced today. The eight-man Singapore team scored 1,033. The event was won by Malta with 1,042, followed by
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 103 16 The Singapore Hockey Association's Junior knockout final will be held on the SRC padang today between Y.MS.A. and S.C.C. "B". The match will be the last of the 1955-56 season. Teams today will be: Y.M.S.A (from): Avtar Singh, Sewa Singh, Mohlnder Singh, Joglndar Singh, Bahjan Singh, Harbajan
    103 words
  • 75 16 AUSTRALIAN tennis star, Lewis Hoad, flew into Singapore by Qantas-BOAC yesterday on his way to compete In championships in three continents. Hoad, who is accompanied by his wife, will play In Egypt, Rome. Paris and London. He may go on to the United States after Wimbledon. This
    75 words
  • 194 16 rpHE Singapore Amateur Football Association's selectors. It is good to observe, are not above accepting a little advice. On Saturday, I suggested that Tigers' left winger, Jimmy Tan, should be invited to join the training squad as Rahim Omar did not
    194 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 769 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. it on ti nurd from Faff* SITUATIONS VACANT 10 Words tS (Min.)— Box St eU. mxtrm. WANTED Experienced Doctor for Well Established Dispensary. Attractive Terms. Apply P.O. Box 3, Hatu Pahat. WANTED ENERGETIC Salesman for Sports Goods, must be able to Drive. Apply Box A 1765, S.T. WANTED
      769 words
    • 159 16 THE INSIDE STORY IK SUPREMACY What are the reasons for" the supremacy of i "Master II"? Below can be seen the internal de ingenuity with which the precision-built mechar.i in a robust and yet slim, streamlined case. I portant is the unrivalled background of design facturing skill which has established
      159 words