The Straits Times, 22 February 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 COMPLIMENTARY VEWUE PAllivv rrilTiriE.l sa■ m. wrt?w. n c t« mm* The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1956 15 CENTS
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  • 269 1 TENGKU TO ASK THE PUBLIC: WHAT DO YOU THINK? Country-wide tour to seek opinions on how to end the Emergency —if Chin Peng's reply is W 'QUIT' CALL OVER RADIO TODAY From HARRY MILLER KUALA LUMPUR Tuesday ifHK Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will tour the
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  • 351 1 Over the soup merdeka for all TENGKU TELLS OF TALKS IDEA rpENGKU Abdul Rah- man. said yesterday that his idea for a "freedom conference" of colonial territories, to be held here in May, came to him at a Labour Party luncheon in London. Three Nigerian representatives present asked the Tengku
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  • 225 1 have asked U.N. to plug i smuggling and end an M.C.P. racket Tengku rpHE Malayan Communist 5 Party is getting much of its funds through opium smuggling, the Chief Mm E lster told the Press conferE erence. Tengku Abdul Rahman said he had asked the ■z United Nations to
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  • 267 1 sgrve his purpose "In which case, I suppose it is only right that I should listen to them." (The Tengku stressed that he would not agree to dropping any investigation into the background of any terrorist who surrendered) HIS GOVERNMENTS supplementary budget would be introduced in June
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  • 182 1 A NEW 'CHIN PENG' LETTER 'An absolute fraud' says the Tengku KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Tenefcu Abdul Rahman today received a letter signed "Chin Peng" But he described it as •an absolute fraud." The reason? The writer asked the Tengku to meet him "and my boss, Chen Tien" at Naka, a
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  • 167 1 Woman found shot: Revolver on bed POLICE QUESTION SQUATTERS QCORES of squatters were questioned by the police last night soon after a woman was found seriously injured with a bullet wound in the neck at her house in Kampong Soopoo, Singapore. A revolver, belonging to the woman's detective husband, was
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  • 34 1 LONDON, Tues.— Britain is to spend £479,000,000 on its ground forces In the next 12 months, it was announced today. Last year's estimates provided for an expenditure of £484,000,170.— Reuter.
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  • 255 1 BOMBERS BLAST THE rANDITS IN JOHORE BRITISH, Australian and New Zealand bombers and fighters yesterday struck heavily at Communist terrorists in central Johore. They dropped more than 100 tons of high explosive bombs and fired thousands of cannon shells at terrorists north of Kluang and in the Rengam area. The
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  • 84 1 5,933 Reds Killed KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Up to the end of last month. 5,933 terrorists had been killed in the Federation. according to statistics released today. Last month's kills totalled 34. Ten terrorists surrendered and four were captared. The security forces lost three killed and two missing. Three civilians were
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  • 70 1 SINGER HURT IN CRASH A SINGER, Miss Lorraine Mong, 25, was among seven people injured at midnight when their car was involved in a collision with another car in front of Rumah Miskin police station, Serangoon Road, Singapore. Another girl, Kok Meng Choo. 20, was admitted to the General Hospital
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  • 52 1 JAKARTA. Tues. An In- 1 dpnesian note was handed to the Netherlands Government at The Hague today advising that Indonesia has decided to abrogate all agreements concluded between the two countries in 1949. The note was delivered by Mr. Kweejoeho. Indonesian Charge D'Affalr s at The
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  • 100 1 TOP JOB FOR ZAINAL KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. pOMEDIAN Zamal Alam, v^ popularly known as "Minister for Entertainment" to his listeners, Is to become acting manager of the Penang station of Radio Malaya. He will take over on March 17 from Mr. O. M. Cullen, who is going to Britain on
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  • 20 1 K. LUMPUR, Tues. Two more bandits, one a woman, have been killed by security forces in Johore.
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  • 15 1 JAKARTA, Tues. Indonesia has discounted al] imports of tobacco as from today —UP
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  • 42 1 CANNES Tues. The Aga Khan's health which had caused some alarm since he returned from Egypt last week, was considerably Improved today, a member of his household said. He spent a comfortable night and had no temperature.—Reuter.
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  • 77 1 Then the fighters returned to base and a fleet of helicopters approached low over the treetops carrying a company of Gurkha troops. Within minutes of landing In the shattered clearing, the Gurkhas were in pursuit of terrorists fleeing from the camp. The Gurkhas are part of 5,500 troops, police
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  • 25 1 HONG KONG, Tues. Gen. Sir Charles Loewen. com-mander-in-chlef Far East Land Forces arrived here today from Singapore on a routine visit. Reuter.
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  • 65 1 LONDON, Tues. The Duke of Rutland and his "typical English beauty" wife have separated after 10 years of marriage, it was announced last night. The duke's wire, the former model Anne Cumming Bell, is known as "The Television Duchess." She became the first duchess to appear on
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  • 162 1 Rubber drops below a dollar IVDLLAR rubber in Singapore ended yesterday after eight months. The price dropped by 5 7 8 cents yesterday, following heavy selling in Singapore and the Federation, and March first grade closed at 96 3 s cents per lb. The last time the price was under
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  • 39 1 STABBED AS HE DEFIED THUGS Sze 1. Ming, 25, was stabbed early this mnrnIng while trying to raise the alarm when fnur armed thugs held up bis family at Guilltmard Road. Singapore. He was admitted tn hospital.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 JEWELS ARE LIFE-TIME GIFTS p H HENDRY, ring JpweiiT Mori! Brid«r Rd.. S por*-rt. gold flake
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    • 41 1 lor Sound in v /r\ Perieet Setting f s! consult BRIGHT RADIO CO. Ml ORCHARD ROAD SI MO AfOII AW/UDID Cdd M«W M London Br»».«r» Exhibition. 1954. MtWID «kJ bottled in S.n****. by M.Uym B'«w«*» and BWftISUTID by Fr.wr Nwv« TT.IU
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  • 377 2 FIRST INSTALMENT OF THE LONG-AWAITED WINDSOR MEMOIRS IS OUT NEW YORK, Tues. fHK Duchess of Windsor, who charmed King Edward VIII off his throne 20 years ago, now reveais that she didn't mean to do it. In her long-delayed autobiography, the first instalment
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  • 109 2 TJONG KONG, Tues. Brix gadier J. G. C. Waldron, Officer Commanding the 48th. Gurkha Infantry Brigade, has publicly apologised to Chinese villagers whose ancestral tomb had been damaged in an army exercise. A ceremony, unique In Hong Kong's history, was held in Sheung Che
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  • 287 2 AUSSIE LEAVES TO HUNT YETI AN Intrepid Australian newspaperman passed through Singapore yesterday on his way to look for the Abominable Snowman in the Himalayas. Peter Byrne. 29, a "hobby mountaineer." has an obsession about the Yeti (Sherpa name for the Snowman), whom
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  • 180 2 Sir TRAVEL THE HAIGH JUDGE, DIES 23 years on the ben^ LONDON, Tues.— Sir Travers Humphreys, one of Britain's foremost legal figures, who appeared in the trials of Oscar Wilde, Dr. Crippen, the traitor Roger Casement, and John Haigh, died in his sleep here yesterday at the age of 88
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  • 19 2 WASHINGTON, Tues.—The Hong Kong Government has reserved 12 display booths at the Washington State international trade fair.—UP.
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    • 179 2 NEW YORK: Helen and Olga Dvoraninovitch, blonde, 6-foot-tall, blueeyed twins who look alike and think alike, left by plane for Tokyo today to work for the UJ3. Air Force. The 25-year-old twins from Port Chester. New York, have signed up for two years as stenographers with
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    • 49 2 NEW YORK: Mrs. F. I *&'s& her sixth set of twins-her 18th and i (>ril t< The latest twins, a boy and a Amuette, have now had one set of boys, and four mixed IU ••> children. Three have died. Mrv husband Is 50— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 26 2 t...v— The i" 1 hi^l SUPERIOR. Wisconsin. I ucv' o children including twin* .born I- rf > P triplet*— two boys and a gin—
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  • 297 2 From Page One and the Communists and their sympathisers. The third group he could never win. th e Tengku said, and tie was doubtful about winning over the second. But he added: "The first group are with me." He said the MCA. leaders "can only
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  • 90 2 SUCH A SCARE For 'MISS EUROPE' TORNIO. (Finland), Toes. A group of models, including "Miss fcorope" of 1955, made a dramatic escape in night gowns from a hotel fire at this north Finnish town early today. When the fire broke out, Miss Inga Britt Soederberg "M i s s Europe"
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  • 59 2 MELBOURNE. Tues. Mo'e than 100 overseas cooks will be brought to Australia for the Olympic Games in November. Selected cooks, many of them specialists in national foods and dishes, will be brought out under Australia's assisted immigration scheme It is estimated that more than 300.000 meals
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  • 139 2 PAY RISE for BRITISH TROOPS And a boost on the way for local men "DIG pay Increases for Brl- tish servicemen in Malaya were announced yesterday. Some will get an extra $3 a day. Pay and service conditions for Malayan other ranks are also under review following recent wage Increases
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 PA. 7A-24* this bulb is no g00d... Malaya and Singapore and none oi trical appliances that you and I use /h Q 3 I I V i liiiiJi Even when a power station is built, f|ll^' ]f|H its maintenance and its operation are Hi" iii^iiillHH-H-iliyW a"^ He ping MALAYANS and
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  • 309 3 -Khrushchev hasn't suggested how to meet crux ot problem" But there must be sound system of control LONDON, Tuesday. T HK PRIME MINISTER, Sir Anthony Eden said today he was "perfectly ready" to disciBS i Russian proposal to ban hydrogen bomb tests— provided
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 73 3 PLAN FOR CYPRUS REJECTED Nicosia. Tues, T HE Etnn irchy Council of Orthodox Cyprus has ap- j ply rejecting In i Britain's proposals the island clou to the lid today. Archbis > Makartos, who nt for the rtth Greece. irchy Council today, ted to take a tomorrow toj Sir John
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  • 30 3 KARRISBURG. Pennsylva- -President Eisenv Senator William id, Republican leader Senate, were entered ty a> opposing candidf the Republican pre- tial primary election in On April 24.—
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  • 47 3 MANILA, Tues.— The PhilipDines Foreign Office has decided to send the Consul in Singapore, Mr. Alejandro Holisores. to North Borneo for a soot check on a reported strike last month of some 30 Filiuino labourers there, it was learned today.— U. P.
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  • 29 3 GENEVA, Tues. Mr. Krishna Menon. Indian Minister without Portfolio, had 50-minute talk h«re yesterday with Mr. Wang Ping Nan, Chinese Communist representative at the SinpAmerican talks. Reuter.
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  • 81 3 He wanted a quiet week-end MILAN, Tues. T/if telephone rang at pulue headquarters. This is Knrico ImPfria." a voice said. "You in Mdß| for me. All I «jiit is one quiet vv«-ek-id. You will find me on ■Mfaj M 9 a.m. in front of St. Lorenzo Church." ImiMTio, a thief,
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  • 44 3 Miles away from hone, but they join celebrations CHOPSTICKS, chongsaras and paper hate make an EastWest contrast as two of 8.0.A.C.'s Chinese stewardesses— Miss Lily Nin B (left) and Miss Rosa Woo— celebrate their New Year in the Hong Kong Restaurant in LondonPopper picture.
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  • 221 3 VBEAP PLANE* USED—GOVT. DENIES 'ECONOMY KILLED 50' CHARGE BY LABOUR IN COMMONS ONDON, Tues.— Fifty people were killed in an aircraft accident at Malta on Saturday because the Government leased a cheap unsatisfactory transport plane, a Labour M.P. charged in the House of Commons yesterday. The accusation
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  • 72 3 LA PAZ. Bolivia. Tues.— Thirty people were killed and 56 injured in a carnival crush here on the city esplanade. It was the last d*y of the carnival and crowds had gathered alone the avenue when suddenly 100 people were forced over the
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  • 125 3 THE BIG FREEZE TOLL RISES LONDON, Tues. YEW SNOWFALLS, avalanches and deaths from cold were reported from many parts of Europe yesterday. Four peasants, two of them women, were found frozen to death in a blizzard in northern YUGOSLAVIA, bringing the country's death toll in the three-week freeze to 106.
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  • 28 3 AMMAN, Tues.— King Saud of Saudi Arabia has accepted King Hussein's invitation to atttend a conference of Arab rulers and heads of state in Amman.— Reuter
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  • 161 3 LONDON, Tues. The Czech Government charged today that an American balloon caused the Jan. 18 crash of a Czech airliner in which 22 persons died. The charge was made in a Prague radio broadcast which said: "The cause of a plane disaster on Jan.
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  • 350 3 LONDON, Tuts. STOCK MARKETS were firm today on the strength of Mr. Macmillan's statement that the new disinflationary measures were adequate for the present, although his request for dividend restraint was a restrictive Influence. Prices moved higher during the morning, chiefly as a result of bear covering In
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  • 207 3 'No war' now Bulganin says it \fOBCOW, Tues.— The ITI Soviet Premier, Marshal Bulganin, today agreed with the Communist Party chief, Mr. Khrushchev, that war was not inevitable and that the world could be won over to Communism peacefully. In a four-hour address to the Communist Party Congress, Marshal Bulganin
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  • 45 3 MADRID, Tues. Madrid University resumed its classes In most of its faculties today after having been closed since student rioting broke out on Feb. 8. Only the Law Faculty. which was the centre of the disturbances, is still closed.— Reuter.
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  • 31 3 PRETORIA, Tues. More than 61.000 people entered South Africa from abroad by sea and air last year. It is estimated that £16.000.000 is spent by visitors every year. Reuter.
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  • 26 3 WASHINGTON. Tues.— The State Department will reach a decision .soon on Israel's request for U5550.000,--000 worth of fighter planes, arms and military supplies. Reuter
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  • 26 3 PARIS. Tues.— The French Government has decided to give a state funeral to the composer Gustave Charpentier, who died on Sunday, aged 95. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 IJAGUARj j TYPE "M" MARK VII SALOON The new jaguar Mark VII type "M" is the perfect expression of engmeering efficiency allied to grace of line and superlative comfort in which no detail has been overlooked The famous twin overhead camshaft XX engine which powers the type 'M' is fitted
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    • 104 3 S.C.S. SELF-RAISING FLOUR FOR CAKES, SCONES, PASTRY, ETC Freshly made in our Bakeries SINCAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANC and available Crom all S. C.S. shops and authorised dealers (packed in 2-lb. bags) SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Here is enjoyment for tvery smoker CHOOSE "WILLEM II CIGARS FOR DEEP SATISFACTION Sole
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  • 318 4 Malayans happy on British cruiser •THIS IS THE LIFE 1 SAY THREE LOCAL LADS THREE young Malayan x sailors arrived back in Singapore yesterday morning aboard the cruiser H. M. S. Newfoundland and said: "This is the life." The three— all members of the Royal Malayan Navy and well-known local
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  • 162 4 'You cannot have Mr, White* THE Singapore Government has refused to allow x Mr. T. A. White, the Colony's Asian Seamen's Adviser, to act as "technical adviser" to three seamen's unions during their wage talks with their employers today. The decision came as a complete
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  • 41 4 A nine-year-old boy, Lee Soon Lai, was killed yesterday when a crate fell off a lorry and hit him In Jiak Kirn Road, Singapore. Another boy, Ng Sun Seng. 9, who was near him, was slightly injured.
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  • 268 4 They'll tight to keep British status IPOH, Tues. JJON EUROPEAN British subjects living in the Federation are planning to fight for the preservation of their status. Their actual strength is not known, but it is roughly estimated at 250,000. One source told the
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  • 315 4 AN who lived in Raffles Hotel 45 years ago for $100 a month got a shock when he booked in again this week and found that the prices are now 10 times higher. During a nostalgic tour around the city Mr. O.
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  • 39 4 PENANG. Tues. -A ■> year-old girl was robbed ol a gold chain while sitting by the window of her hem in Kedah road yesterday The child said that tot Chinese clipped the chain ar.d ran away
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  • 41 4 IPOH, Tues. Miss Pe:r! Whiteley, examiner of t'r.t London Royal Academy o! Dancing and one of the foremost authorities on classical dancing, will give a lecture on ballet at the Convent School. Taiping. at 7 p.m. on March 7.
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  • 48 4 MALACCA, Tues. The Resident Commissioner, Mr. H. G. Hammett, will give a talk on the founder of the Scout Movement, Lord Baden-Powell, at a Scout rally here tomorrow evening. The rally, to be held at Banda Hilir Park, is in celebration of Founder's Day.
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  • 43 4 A labourer, Lim Poh Huat. 22, Jumped into the sea off Telok Ayer Basin, Singapore, when fleeing from four men armed with iron bars, yesterday afternoon. He was rescued by a sampanman and sent to the General Hospital.
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  • 34 4 Five men. two armed with revolvers and one with a dagger, broke into a housn in Coronation Road, Singapore, on Monday night and robbed a Chinese family of $875 worth of jewellery.
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  • 16 4 TEMERLOH r Saris has 150 pupils The Sultan latei at the school.
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  • 28 4 The J. Arthur BM»£ Town Like Alice, jWgkja •W 1 on tocatlon lost July, win run premiere m a cinema next mon a Rotary communio project.
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  • 180 4 Flat raider gets $3,500 haul RESIDENTS of Crescent Flats in Meyer Road Singapore are worried because of burplars. Yesterday afternoon a flai occupied by Army Public Relations Offirer. Capt J. J L Bell, was bulled and jewellery worth about 53.5 M It was the sixth theft
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  • 87 4 THE BALING BANDIT WHO LOST HIS WAY BALING, Tues. A bandit who had apparently lost his way in the jungle sought the help of two Malay labourers In Baling district last Sunday. The terrorist, dressed in jungle green and carrying a shotgun, asked the workers if they had seen two
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  • 167 4 A FOUR-YEAR-OLD girl was lost and found in Singapore within two hours yesterday. During that time her unxious parents called In the police to help search for her. The girl, Mildred Pereira disappeared at noon after her kindergarten class finished at the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 K^v I ia^wi f^a^r Bl _^b^b^^^^bb bb^^^^^^^^^bi J fl^l A^^BM^^^^^'^^'-'^ i B^F Sl^ B. ■Vflr 188 Ba ■T^ H I BJ Bj ja, y y c BBV BBW B| BB| Bl S ,^mm^^ l !i BBf /^y outside beauty with Inside perfection j^" Haver buy a radla aat with a
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  • 205 5 Council; He stirred up trouble by opposing hawker clamp From TAN SIEW SIAR KLANG, Tues.— The chairman of the Sijangkang UMNO branch, Inche Taharil bin Atmawi, today defied a "quit-our-kampong" order by the village committee. Inche Taharil was asked to leave on the grounds
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  • 196 5 2 FINES FOR THE ONE OFFENCE KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A soldier was fined $30 in the Second Magistrate's Court here today for inconsiderate driving. He had previously been fined $40 by a military court for the same offence. Maj. L. D. Lipson, counsel for the soldier, Pte. J. A. Balls,
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  • 32 5 Britain's leading composerpianist, Benjamin Britten, and tenor Peter Pears will appear in the St. Andrew's Cathedral centenary celebration concert aj the cathedral's War Memorial Hall, Singapore, at 8.45 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 259 5 THE Singapore Traction Company has applied to the City Council and Rural Board to charge increased fares because of rising costs. Neither the company nor the City and Rural authorities would disclose the proposed new rates. The City President, Mr. J. T Rea, told
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  • 47 5 IPOH. Tues.— About 1,200 temporary clerks working in Government departments in Perak are to form a union. The organiser, Mr. J. P. Noel Emmanuel, told the Straits Times today that he will call a meeting of the temporary clerks early next month.
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  • 143 5 BUT FIRST AN INTERVIEW KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE National Union of Teachers may take a reA f erendum among its members to decide whether they should stage a token strike in support of their claims for upgrading of normal trained teachers. The union wants all normal
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  • 102 5 rO years ago, a Singapore businessman. Lam Joon Chee, was fined $300 in the City Police Court for not sending in his income tax returns. Yesterday Lam, of Paramount Traders Ltd., pleaded guilty to a similar charge ?.nd added: "I am always forgetful in such
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  • 57 5 A resident In Stevens Road, Mrs. H.O. Rowe, woke up at 3.30 a.m. yesterday after being disturbed by noise in the house. She checked the house, found no intruder and went back to sleep. In the morning she found two alarm clocks, three cigarette lighters and
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  • 43 5 IPOH, Tues.— "A Night In Hawaii" dance, organised by the Talc Wah School of Dancing, will be held at the Perak library hall on Saturday from 8.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. The dance is to celebrate Chap Goh Meh.
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  • 25 5 PENANO, Tues. The Settlement Council will hold its first meeting this year in the Council Chamber at Peel Avenue on Wednesday, March 7
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  • 192 5 From CHAN BENG SOON SUNGEI PATANI, Tuea Organisers of the Ibrahim School Old Boys' Association fun fair called off a "mermaid kissing" sideshow last night after police had warned th«m it was an "improper" performance. In the show "Dipping the
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  • 103 5 MANAGER FOUND DEAD Letter on table PENANQ, Tues. nJTEN minutes after he bad M. sent out a gardener to buy some cigarettes, Mr. A.C. Weerasuriya, Penang manager of the Jewellery firm of B.P. de Silva's. was found dead in his Cantonment Road home yesterday evening. He was lying motionless In
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  • 43 5 TELUK ANSON, Tues. A man was detained after a 17-year-old Indian married woman, living In Canal Road, was admitted to the district hospital today with stab wounds In her arms and neck Her condition was stated to be serious.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 227 5 Saloon- Convertible,., or Traveller... (ttill LM^ Three »ersion« of the famoui ITsb^' 1 a Morrn Minor and each *th* I I 1 «&1 worU'i bigg t n mall car buy! for I It* Htflflßbl* V lvlCl re'^fn-nce, roomine*. I \iinnuS U»*j3f lnd qu»l"y-tirsf fcruret! The WUl'** 'Minor' is the world's
      227 words
    • 243 5 L00k... AT THE WORLD WITH CLEAR. BRILLIANT, BEAUTIFUL EYES IHE DAIIY USE C^&^Z OF JUST A FEW DROPS OF EYE-MO DOES WONDERS FOR YOUR EYES 1 THE I I"HELLOS"I front VMEWXA continue their £jj titupendouM #wrc««« of CO H ACROBATiCS On WHEELS I RAFFLES Igerry soliano I £HiiHimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimf CJiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiii^ il
      243 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 260 5 GARBICK- "Chor Bazar" 1.45, 4. 6.30, 9.30; Tel. 6903. «Hlndi£-3 15 6.30 9.15; Tel. BEX: Mad at the World- -11, ***** I- 45 6 30 fl 3 Tel 3*°«KING'S- Lar Char Nou Hal ALHAMBRA: Merry-Go-Round (HokJUen)—, 3.30, 7, 9.30; Tel. (Mandarin)— ll, 1.30. 4, 6.46. 9.30; ***** Tel. 6909.
      260 words

  • 71 6 Words SlO (minimum). McMULLIN: On Feb. 16, 1956, at Woking Surrey. Doris, beloved wife of the late D. McMullln of Shell Co. and dear mother of Diana, Dan and John. May she rest in peace. MORRISON: At a Hospital Glasgow, on llth February, 1956, James Alexander Napier (late Manager.
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  • 70 6 20 >torrf» $10 '.minimum). MRS. ABBOT".' wishes to thank all who sent flowers and who attended her Husband's Funeral, especially the Members of the Red Cross Society and the Boy Scouts who formed the Guard of Honour, and the Judges and Friends who acted as Pall Bearers, and hopes
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  • 561 6 Singapore, Wed. Feb. 22, 1956. Unfrocking Of Stalin By now the portrait of the late Joseph Stalin should have vanished from the home of every Communist. No longer can the faithful turn to the writings of the "heroic," "brave," "all wise" Stalin for guidance in moments of stress or doubt
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  • 321 6 Tengku Abdul Rahman will find himself in a difficult position when later this week he receives a delegation of the Federation Government's 65,--000 daily-rated employees. The union asked for a minimum wage of $4 a day, to which the Government replied with a "final offer" of $3.
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  • 274 6 A most extraordinary publicity has been given to the Federal Government's denial of any intention to devalue the Malayan dollar. In the absence of the Financial Secretary two spokesmen have put the Treasury's view, fortunately using exactly the same words. Any suggestion that the Federation Government contemplated devaluation,
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  • 1 6
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  • 250 6 Archbishop and Bishop: Both could be right \|R B. M. SCOTT has ITI trouble reconciling statements of an archbishop and a bishop and says one must be wrong. Perhaps the key to the riddle is really an answer to the question: When did the Reformation take place in the Church
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  • 423 6 'Resigned after union abandoned me' AS I had expected, the Singapore Teachers' .Union has had the audacity to accuse me of writing something "untrue." How sweet beyond belief are the words of the hon. gen*, secretary. Were it not for the fact that I have, as one of my bitter-sweet
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  • 113 6 f*OULD the Johore EducaYj tion Department explain why there is so mucn delay in sending grants-ln-aid to Chinese schools in Johore? Why do Chinese and English teachers in Chinese schools have to wait for so long for their salaries? Teachers have not received their January salary yet. December's
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  • 109 6 AT the recent ambush in Langkap. Telok Anson. six Malay special constables were massacred by Chin Peng's terrorists Thf ir bodies were brought to the mortuary of the General Hospital, Teluk Anson, the same day and were buried the following day. They fought and gave their all for
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  • 184 6 WIAT a lot of bosh for the police to say they could not do anything about the firing of crackers because the culprits were children. They could do something if they really wanted to Where there is a will, there is a way. For instance, they
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  • 160 6 JUST before Chinese New Year, the police issued a statement giving the permitted hours during which crackers might be exploded this at a time when the crackers had been banging Indiscriminately for well over a week. A few days later the police admitted being powerless to stop
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  • 48 6 HAS not the time arrived for legislation to regulate the size, style and detonating volume of fire crackers? Undoubtedly what originated as a harmless pastime has become a danger and a nuisance to the community. Total prohibition or regulation Is the remedy. J. KING, Singapore.
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  • 482 6 CHURCH AND OPIUM: 'THE RUIN OF SO MANY HOMES SPEAKING on behalf of the Methodist Church, I wish to say that if the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has been correctly reported namely, that he hopes to remove the ban on the sale of opium in the Federation and that
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  • 156 6 IREAD with horror that Canon R. K. S. Adams, a man of position and influence over the younger generation of Singapore agrees with Tengku Abdul Rahman in advocating the return to the pre-war system of the Government controlled sale of opium. We can understand the Tengku's motive
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  • 169 6 CHIEF MINISTER Tengku Abdul Rahman's advocacy in London to lift the existing ban on opium has met with a vehement protest, mainly on grounds that it is a retrograde step on the moral side but no one has so far put forward any concrete means to stop
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  • 95 6 rwas most refreshing to find at least one clergyman In Singapore who Is not afraid to speak out on this so-called moral aspect of the opium question. Says Canon R. K. S. Adams, the Principal of St. Andrew's School: "I agree that opium should be sold
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  • 158 6 ITOWEVER one interpret 11 Canon R.K.S. Acatf view about thr opium, it is difficult tt reconcile it with the pri> ciples he should be teaming. The theory that such a:: such a thing .should legalised because there always be some who will it it. no matter what
    158 words
  • 63 6 rpiE first thing 1 eminent wishes 'to* is to introduc, evil of opium though the Unit, have been trying out since 1945. In the United ftt Governmrnt and is still spen lions of dollars li addicts. I hope my Chief Ministand all those Malaya will r dangers
    63 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 782 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 1 20 Words fin (minimum). CHATTAWAY: To Lavlnla and Peter, on February 20th, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, a daughter. I" AIMER: Born to Mrs. Barbum Palmer, wife of C- D. Palmer, a boy, Clayton James, at Youngberg Hospital, 10.55 pjn: February Twentieth. KENNARD On the 21st February 1950
      782 words
      13 words
    • 56 6 There is no way of doing justice in words to pleasure of MURRAYMINTS. Do try them yourself. You'll find them absolutely fascinating. -wfih a delicious hint ofrrM^ Hf LLOW LADIES An DM it takinj pbc i» Singapo" It it at 6 5 Arab Street. It it Jt. "KniIMLSOX J With
      56 words

  • 14 7 ITUHRQi Tues.— The matTaiping ho^Dital, E H Diss, has gone on Teluk Anson.
    14 words
  • 274 7 Tiff over a 'date'— then blows RACING MOTOR CYCLIST ACCUSED OF CAUSING HURT TO OIBL> COURT TOLD 0F,,. STRUCK ME WITH GUN A SD TRIED TO CHOKE ME 9 -PHONE OPERATOR SEREMBAN, Tuesday. A pRKTTY telephone operator, Celine Hosey, today accused a racing motor cyclist, R. vivair"H" am of P
    274 words
  • 118 7 Rulers and merdeka: He says 'no' JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. THE general secretary of the Johore Malay National Association, Ungku Abdullah bin Omar, today said that he would write to all the Federation's Rulers asking them to disregard the reports of their representatives to the "merdeka" talks in London. He has
    118 words
  • 37 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The National Union of Factory and General Workers is drawing up a memorandum to the Chief Minister, telling him about the strike at the Fung Keong factory in Klang.
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  • 22 7 KUALA KANGSAR, Tues. Twenty Malay representatives fom kampongs in the Sungei Siput area will attend a two-day civics course here.
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  • 50 7 JVj Hi Eng Joo, Singapore E£:or.a::e politician, was fln«! in a Colony court I for building a rhooi a: Yio Chu Kane Road without submitting the plans for approval. Mr. Wee Chong Jin, who appeared for Mr. Tan, said that his client pleaded guilty to the charge.
    50 words
  • 348 7 Raymond DID resign: Official AFFAIR IS NOW CLOSED'- GOVT. RADIO MALAYA broadcaster Geoff Raymond DID resign, it was stated officially in Singapore yesterday. Before he left for Australia on Monday. Raymond said he was merely going "on leave" for four months and that an earlier official statement that h e
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  • 146 7 rpHE Governor of Singapore, Sir Robert Black, •L yesterday said that the Commonwealth had important advantages to offer to countries advancing towards nationhood "those whose leaders have set their eyes on still brighter horizons." Sir Robert, speaking at a luncheon of the Singapore branch of the
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  • 43 7 Pay talks by bank clerks IPOH, Tues. A nine-man delegation from the banking section of the Malayan Federation of Clerical and Administrative Staffs Union will meet their employers In Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. They will discuss the interpretation of the proposed salary scheme.
    43 words
  • 189 7 The Singapore Rifle Association will hold a spoon .hoot at the Bukit Timah ranp n Feb 26 at 815 am- rE Singapore Government will set up a branch of the Teachers' Training; College for training Malay teachers, the Minister for Education, Mr. Chew Swee Kee, said yesterday. Mr.
    189 words
  • 210 7 Patrol's fusillade of fire on rain-lashed hill By JEFFREY FRANCIS KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Three hours after it had been re-designated, "V" company of the Ist. Bn., Royal Hampshire Regt, yesterday scored its biggest success in a single operation by killing three
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  • 159 7 THEY DEMAND LONGER HOLIDA YS SINGAPORE Commercial clerks want at least 21 days' annual leave and 42 days' medical leave. I They want the "clerks' charter," now being studied I oy a select committee of the Legislative Assembly altered. The clerks, members of the 4,500-strong Singapore
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  • 75 7 TWELVE TO MEET THE TENGKU KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Chief Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, will meet a 12 -man deputation of Government daily-paid workers on Thursday to hear their case in their wage dispute with the Government. The 64,000 workers in the dispute have promised not to strike until they
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  • 65 7 Llm Boon Kirn, secretary of the All Races Seamen's Union, was acquitted In a Singapore district court yesterday on a charge of writing a subversive document on Nov. 20 last year but he did not leave the court a free man. Lim, who had been on remand
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  • 77 7 10-minute battle then three riddled bodies were found by the attackers went Into the hut and found their riddled bodies." The patrol recovered two rifles, a sten gun and 116 rounds of ammunition. One rifle had been shot in half. The other's magazine had exploded. Lee, 40, and his two
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  • 39 7 IPOH, Tues. More than $18,000 was realised at the three-day food and fun fair at the St. Michael's Institution at the weekend. The fair was In aid of the building fund for the primary department.
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  • 21 7 Youth service grants, totalling $2,165, were distributed to 20 organisations in Singapore last month by the Social Welfare Department.
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  • 19 7 Singapore's Social Welfare Department last month gave away $*****3 in public assistance and $159,190 tuberculosis treatment allowance.
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  • 25 7 IPOH. Tues. The Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. Henry Balnes, will tour the south Perak parish for a week, beginning on Thursday.
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  • 75 7 HOW TO WIN $15,000... KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The sole winner of the Malayan Monthly word puzzle, Mr. Anthony Xavier of Kuala Lumpur, says that "concentration and patience," helped him to win his $15,000 prize. He said today that when he posted his entries last month he had a hunch that
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  • 34 7 IPOH, Tues. The Perak branch of the National Union of Plantation Workers is planning to get Government officials to lecture union secretaries on the Emergency, citizenship and national awareness.
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  • 27 7 TELUK ANSON, Tues. The Teluk Anson Rotary Club will celebrate the anniversary of Rotary International with a dinner here on Thursday at 8 p.m.
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  • 57 7 A German seven-man goodwill trade mission, led by Mr. Fritz Berg, arrived in Singapore by air from Hong Kong late last night to survey the market for German goods. Mr. Berg, president of the Federal Association of German industries, said on arrival that German manufacturers were
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  • 40 7 Tour of S.H.B. New branch will train Malay teachers The Governor. Sir Robert Black, yesterday toured the Singapore Harbour Board and later told newsmen that h e was Impressed with Its development since he first visited it 24 years ago.
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  • 188 7 SCHOOL HOLIDAY WHEN TENGEU TURNS UP To celebrate London talks KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. A "MERDEKA" holiday will be given to all schools in the Federation to celebrate the triumphal return from the London talks of the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, i The holiday will be granted when the Tengku
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  • 71 7 RAWANG, Tues.— S. Muthusamy. 43, appeared in the Magistrate's Court here on a charge of murdering Sinnappan, 30, a tapper, on Feb. 15 at Coalfields Estate. Batu Arang. No plea was taken. Muthusamy was remanded In custody. KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Prompt arrival of the nre brigade saved
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  • 98 7 Girl dies in village shooting IPOH, Tues. A GIRL of 14 died and four others were injured in two shooting incidents on Bunday morning in Ayer Tawar village, about 50 miles from Ipoh in the Sitiawan district. The dead girl Is Ling Pee Liang. In Lumut hospital are her father,
    98 words
  • 827 7  -  gAJANG, Tues.— A tapping contractor, Mr. I^)h Chin, 54, told the Commission of Inquiry investigating the Semenyih "stripping" affair here today that he did not object when a British soldier ordered him to strip at one of the village gates on Jan. 8. Mr. Loh, a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 101 7 an I Special if occasion j N. Ch am I '\A NOTHING COMPARES WITH *A CHAMPACN E I tii^Sf *r~" V ki! y i W nn< ctin K carrier to "6 K board Pan g fo -''Ppt-re' for all Europe. JH first class or ft%i£A\ >U ''M service. fff,
      101 words
    • 239 7 OFFERS EX STOCK ONB lyooo coo DOWNSTROKE AND HORIZONTAL ANGLB PRESS by LEEDS ENGINEERING HYDRAULIC CO. LTD., with 18' glanded downstroke ram, 81' ttroke and damping surface 15' x 22. Max. daylight 2' i*'Two pull-back rams 3i' dia. Horizontal glmded ram 18' dia. «4" stroke, damping surface 15**22. Max. opening
      239 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 140 7 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 p.m. on Feb. 20 to 7.30 a.m. cm Feb. 21): Singapore 72 degrees. Penang 73. Kota Bahru 75. Kuala Lumpur 73. Ipoh 71, Kuantan 72. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Feb. 21): Singapore 87, Penang 87. Kota Bahru 86. Kuala Lumpur 91,
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  • 15 8 The day Mr. Loh did NOT wear shorts was the day he had to strip
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  • 96 8 A SEARCH BOOTH GOES UP FOR INQUIRY JUDGE TO INSPECT. E KAJANG. Tues.— A fibre booth erected today on the padang outside the court--5 boose here has become the E leading talking point in E this district. E The booth is the type E used for searching women E Uppers
    96 words
  • 223 8 OK) encourage Singapore women to play an increasing role In politics, the Labour Front will hold a general meeting for women members at its Stamford branch In Bencoolen Street on Saturday. The meeting will elect a committee in place of the present temporary one
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  • 30 8 An exhibition of photographs, drawings, and twster from 30 different count:* will be held at the new ChL ese V.M.C.A. buildms in gapore on Feb. 25 and 26
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  • 1 8
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  • 116 8 Full agreement on 'bombshell' report to be signed on Friday, is unlikely fPHE Malayanisation Commission's interim repor will be signed in Singapore on Friday and sen: The report is certain contain "bombshell' conchsioas and recommendation] But usually reliable sourc? said yesterday it was unlifcr that the members of
    116 words
  • 48 8 KUALA KANGSAR. Tues The Sultan of Perak will declare open the Malayan Farmers' Club at Tarang, near Kuala Kangsar, on Wednesday. March 7, at 4.30 p.m. A Trade and Industries Fair will be held at the Great World amusement park from July 20 to Aug. 12.
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  • 551 8 The C-ln-C. Far East Air Force Air Marshal Sir Francis Fressanges. yesterday attended a memorial service for Viscount Trenchard. "father" of the Royal Air Force. R. A. F. commanding officers from Ceylon, Hong Kong the Federation and Singapore also attended the service. The service, held in the
    551 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 270 8 every family should keep these effective iMMj i JF iiF^hdhhilllli |pr remedies /i^^7 For immedut. fjJ'Sildr^lto from eoWt FCNOX p«ct»nt morinn. cellent soothing antiseptic cream for burns, cuts. sores etc. Keep a you can always rely on^^^^Tproducw I^UXHALL VALUE... j greater than ewer for 1956 I I hew MiMMt.i.MV trniH»...BkW
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 507 8 Goon i 0 30— 11.00 Dance RADIO MALAYA «-i^^^^^^^ •PrsgTSSSMes thus marked can I *^fj^^^n I be received by listeners In Malacca. I B^^J^^^^igXfl Short wave 49 and «2m. Medium pj ■^■BIIBBBW wave 47« m.. S43^ J66m. and 297 m. r ||)r ADADr AJ4. '8.57 and 11.08 English »IKUAIfUIUS
      507 words

    4 words
  • 897 9 pi OR THE third time since the end of the war Britain's X House of Commons has debated the abolition of death sentences. For today, paradoxicaUy, Britain and France are the only democracies where capital punishment exists in Europe; though it still survives
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  • 429 9 Hanging was once a public show gate prison, now the Old Bailey site, to Tyburn Tree, where Marble Arch stands. Thousands followed the grim progress along the line of Holbom and Oxford Street and crowds, reckoned at a hundred thousand, mustered at Tyburn to see how bravely the convicted felon
    429 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 m W sees J^MIC^ EVERYWHERE THESE DAYS" .r-rrugic surface hard »-ork and fiance? Cletn:.i:ed Plastic .re to millions, rial and office*, mJ ihopt It comes uhich keep iiicr yttn of wear. :.".e 'formica' i your luck. M QUALITY MATERIAL WITH THt WORLD-WIDE NAME Available from HARRISONS CROSFIELD throughout Malaya, Bsrnco
      110 words
    • 578 9 *A.S4-3 IlX^ at new 0% LOW DDIfEC Your whole family will love creamy-rich Klim milk pure, safe and rich in nourishment' Everyone in your home— especially the children-needs healthful Klim milk. With Klim milk every day, babies, growing children and adults get their most important body-building nourishment. Klim builds strong
      578 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 144 9 Hex Morgan. J4.A. JLayton promises L*"- AAV IA/non I I N^ S a*j I DQ UODf^aVKI ~t CCiQ RPlMft VI B UuDr^Ki/Z 7 i tf"*4 nns\t ice i c W*^ I I y^y ii"iß^^^__ H I w Jl^ n 'V** dDWJ CW mk WKUNo'^^^ Dick Tracy Police see tight I
      144 words

  • 81 10 BIG DROP IN SHARE PRICES AS RUBBER CRACKS BY 5 7/8 CENTS By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE Share Market was highly nervous yesterday, resulting from the drop of nearly six cents in the rubber price which took it below the dollar level for the first time since June in 1955.
    81 words
  • 386 10 The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "Due to the heavy drop In the price of rubber, all sections of the local share market eased. Singapore and Federation broken reported the following business done yesterday: Federal Dispensary $2.30 xr; Fraser and Neave prefs $5.90; F. to N. ords. $1.80;
    386 words
  • 174 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchance: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: steady; February $27 1,4 buyers, $27 3 4 .sellers; March $28 buyers, $28 1 4 sellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk $41 sellers; drum $44 sellers. Pepper: quiet; Muntok white $134, Sarawak $133, special Sarawak black $94 (all
    174 words
  • 72 10 Ship* lyinr alonrsidr the Sincapore Harbour Board wharvfes or expected today arr: Bawean 1-2, Ulysses *-5. Semlramls 1 C.P., Gaastekerk 6-7. Dollua 8-9, Ferncllff 11. State of Madras 13-14. Breconxhlre 15-16. President Garfleld 18, Inverbank 19-30. Lawu N. Wall 8. Rajah Brooke 21-22. Hibiscus 23, Leneverptt 24-25, Van Cloon
    72 words
  • 147 10 March first grade rubber buyrrs f.o.b. closed In Singapore yesterday at 96 :l cents per lb. down 5 7 k cents on Monday's closing price. The closing tone was slightly steadier after weak. Closing price in cents per Ib. were No. l R.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 97%. sellers
    147 words
  • 36 10 On the free exchange market in Hong Kong yesterday, the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.90 for cash and 5.93 for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 15.68 and one tarl of gold at 258.
    36 words
  • 17 10 SINGAPOR,- RUBBER Per Ib- (down TI -V s;x.-i, picul U p p, COPRA P'cl 'unrhan'tM
    17 words
  • 73 10 invest tone but n u narrow Wl ,h widely spread change here to ease on »n variations wet, 'n Loans were,-, Loans 3.- 1956-59 £> Bank of NSW Mount Lyell N. Broken Kill Hill 50 Mount Morgan. Western Mining" i! 1 > Ampol Ex. I Oil Search Aust.
    73 words
  • 686 10 DETROIT. Tue? -v J Motor Compai.v Uxfcw J that its sales tod < H 1955 were the company's 53-year I Its net B lion U.S. dolls I of 5.594 milion Us jT were equivalent to 89 'r lars per share. It compared with r<- -Ml
    686 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 239 10 NOTICE "SEA ISLAND" CHICKS AVAILABLE Mar. 14th onwards, undoubtedly the finest strains available In Sinßapore/Maluya. High producing:— White Leghorn AuMralorp. New Hampshire St First Cross, Eolr Distributors: 8.1. PIKE (Mrs) Tel. ***** All Men Enjoy Williams AQUA VELVA Cool, Scented After Shave Lotion J. B. WILI.UMS SHAVING PREPARATIONS ARE WORLD
      239 words
    • 156 10 NOTICES I CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE Section 103. Municipal Ordinance (Chapter 133). MAKING UP AND DRAINING OF LORONG 20. GEYLANG, FROM WKSTERHOIT ROAD TO GL'ILLEMARD ROAD NOTICE is hereby given that the plan, specification, estimate) and apportionment of expenses of i making up and draining of the; above Lorong in
      156 words
    • 176 10 NOTICES "LEVEL CROSSING AT TELEGRAPH POST 2SX/19 IN SERDANG KAJANG BOAD ON 28.2.56 BETWEEN 7.5« FJrL AND 6.00 A.M. ON 29.2 56. The Public Is hereby Informed that renewal of guard rails of the above mentioned level crossing will be carried out on Tuesday 28.2.56 between 7.30 p.m. and 6.00
      176 words
    • 1033 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are invited from Federal Cltlsens to nil a vacancy for Pharmacist in the Medical and Health Department Kedah. The appointment Is on probation for one year with timescale salary of $324x14-352/420x 14-518/538x18-700 per mensem plus Cost of Living Allowance. Candidates should be above the age of 21
      1,033 words
    • 511 10 NOTICES COLONEL WILLIAM O'SULLIVAN MURPHY Will all persona or companies in Singapore or the Federation of Malaya holding or having any knowledge of the whereabouts of any assets belonging to the estate of Colonel William OSulllvan Murphy deceased, who died on i the 29th December IM4 at I Cioyne, County
      511 words
    • 456 10 KNUTSEN LINE orient service I FROM CANADA/ U.S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS I Sailing Arriving San Francisco Spore P. Swet. Penan? fr Ogeka Bakke In Port Elisabeth Bakke tailed 6 Mar' II Mar 12 Mir Cjertmd Bakkt 7 Msr 6 Ap. 8 Apr 9 Apr Kristin Bakk* 18 Ape 18
      456 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1323 11 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE >.» Mm «/i. JS **M I Feb 24/26 i.) London, I T"""', A o nrrouth C. IS Feb 24 F«b 25/26 v«, 4 I Fob 25 Mo, 5 Mo, 4/7 Mai r,, tlin M .r 2 M., 5 J J, Mombjrg Mor 1 Mar 4 Mir
      1,323 words
    • 991 11 EAST ASIATIC LDfE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Far Aden, Part Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Cepenkagen. tto Hani o v rsj A Ow9 .1 Spore P. Sham Penong "> nt 1 0 itPek/Tmor 3/4Mor j2±*"™* 12/14 Mar IS/IS Mar 14/17 Mar rSH**. 19/20 Mar 11/U Mar ««x«) "KINA" 23/23 Mar CalH
      991 words
    • 1048 11 S^ng THE REN LINE STEAMERS LTD "hiiT SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) 3 LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENT PORTS S'poro P. Sham Penang BENAVON for London, Rotterdam, Hull n port •BENMMOR for London, Rotterdam 4/11 Mar Dfcaal aiil»at Ltadaa 4 Apr BENVBNUB for Liverpool, Rotterdam, Hamburg 7/11 Mar
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  • 8 12 Trouble follows on the heels of the stranger
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  • 632 12 rpHE stamps Of Singapore •I have found a new showplace in London. Many passers-by in Trafalgar Square whose route takes them ?a»l Malaya House stop to look at the stamp display that is now In one of the windows. The stamps are attractively set out,
    632 words
  • 224 12 Send this word puzzle Dear Boys and Girls, Here are the six winners of our word contest. Mohdi Muhommas, Sultan Ismail College, Koto Bahru, Joginder Singh, A-550 Station Rood, Kompar, Zayid bin Zakaria, 832 Lorong Syde Touphy, Greentown, Ipoh, Zienca Merton, South Wind Road Sibu, Sarawak, Jama I Mohomed, 230
    224 words
  • 279 12 ffERE are a couple of MM good tricks you can do in your spare time. Trace, or re-draw this diagram which represents nine sticks then where you see the diagonal line, cut across it. Put the two pieces together again and invite a friend to count the
    279 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 280 12 M>r?i&ync ivAo> _cA&uAneA you. The h.j»h quihty of an Omega §^JE»li^ ==I^^^B movc-ncnt is voux best guarantee H^^^B that your watch vrill be a lasting rcr.under of the haprv occasion it I^^J^mOJ is intended to c^mmemoratc. As PvuSßfcl^ mmc goes by you wdJ treasure youi 9[*3^^B vnSflf^i Omega as much
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 312 13 WEST INDIES BEATN.Z. BY AN INNINGS CHRISTCHURCH, Tues. rTWE West Indies beat New Zealand by an innings and 64 runs on the third day of their second cricket Test here. The West Indies scored 386 and then dismissed New Zealand for 158 and 164. Sonny Ramadhin, Alf Valentine and Collie
    Reuter  -  312 words
  • 177 13 GLASGOW, Tues. RANGERS and Hearts, who are first and second respectively in the Scottish M A" Division, are drawn to meet each other in the Seventh Round of the Scottish Football Cup competition on March 3. This feature quarter-final match will be played on
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 396 13 TmMO ADVERTISE- 1 Cl «lv aew b. hand.d MtNTS h Alor Sta, OHk. off "{TRAITS TIMES. 63. Uh T Ibrjhi*. feUphone v Advertisement* to N ■■a.ertcd on the following 5;, c received not Ut* •2 _J i'IMODATION VACANT ,1 I <> M M ,-Box SO ct,. txtrm. Furnished Room. |an
      396 words
    • 418 13 »n^°s '^MINATION B-keeplng SS T/^it\ uswers 19*7 to 1955 ,n T i /W rttinB Question papers f £> m T. O. SamueH Post Box 1731, Singapore. TUITION M Word* SS(MI*.)-Box tt ct*. txtrm. CITY DRIVING SCHOOL Used Foot-Dual Controlled cars— xm< ci highly competent European ana Asian Instructors. 12 St
      418 words
    • 428 13 Mm LOCAL LEAVE WordtSS (Ml*.) Mmn M tU. txtrm. CAMERON HIGHLANDS HOTEL Tanah Rata— Telephone 313 A perfect Holiday At a price you can afford. SHOPS TO LET it Word,SS(Mtn.)—Box M rt». tatrm. SHOP HOUSE AT Joo Chlat Road Ea*t Coast Road to be sold or leased. Further particulars to
      428 words
    • 439 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE it Word,SS(Mi*.)—Box St ct*. txtrm. JAGUAR XKI2O, 1851, OM previous Owner, White Side Wail Tyre*. *4.500 0.n.0. Tel: *****. FORD CONSUL Reg. March S3 I on* owner In good condition. Price 12,400. O JJ.O. Phone 6298 Wong. QUICK SALE 1952 Javelin, 1949 A4O. ISM Austin 8. Trade-ins/
      439 words
    • 907 13 i (GOING ON LEAVE i YouV ou "Mr WM rour S ear, let year home, dispose Eof famrhira or odds and ends that yea do net wish te store darinc VwsW abseaice. PerlMßs yea will want to find a fcesM far year household pet ensure that your servant! are satisfactorily
      907 words
    • 665 13 ~Dmflop VDUROLASTEK/^ REG? TRADE MARK JW PATENT RACKET STRINGS UP TO TEN TIMES THE LIFE OF GUT DL, under similar conditions, gives 5 to 10 times the wear of the finest gut. A DL-strung racket showed no signs of wear after 138.000 strokes the equivalent of ten years' normal play
      665 words

  • 366 14 6-2, 6-I— and all these teams fell to the same opponents. Who then are these players who have been performing Fijian-rugger-style feats on the football fields of Singapore? Step forward the King's Own Scottish Borderers, now stationed at Selarang Barracks, Changi. S-A.F.A. have been so impressed by the Borderers'
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  • 260 14 Asian soccer starts but Singapore aren't in By OUR SOCCER REPORTER T^HE Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation are in x a quandary and they think that Singapore can help them out. An Associated Press message from Manila reads: "The Philippines, in an attempt to break a six-month political deadlock, is proposing
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  • 120 14 ARMY -NAVY, preparing for their Joe Chappel Memorial soccer match against Singapore at Jalan Be&ar Stadium on. Mar. 4, had a solid 90-mlnute workout at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Marine Department, the unbeaten League and Cup champions last year, provided the opposition in
    120 words
  • 421 14 By THE SPORTS EDITOR fHINESE ATHLETES, the Singapore Amateur Football Association Senior Division club, were recently beaten by eight goals to nil. Fathul Karib, the runners-up in the Second Division, were routed 9-1. Unit teams at Changi and Seletar have fared Just as
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  • 166 14 SYDNEY. Tues Dawn Fraser, 18-year-old brunette from South Australia, swimming In the final of the women's 100 metres freestyle championship at North Sydney Olympic Pool, created a new world record tonight by covering the distance in 64.55ec. Swimming in the 55-yard salt water pool, she broke
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  • 494 14 OngPohLim passes fitness test LONDON, Tuesday. DENANG'S Eddie Choong, beaten by Wong Peng 1 Soon in the final last year, will try to regain his single title this year, at the All England Badminton Championships which will be held at Empress Hall here from March 14 to 17 Eddie won
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  • 216 14 LONDON. Tues. Football results in Britain tonight were: English league Dlv. 1: Arsenal 3, Ever ton 2. Scottish Cup (sixth round replay): St. Mirren 1, Alrdrleonians 3. SINGAPORE badminton champion, Ong Poh Lim, has passed his final fitness test and will leave Singapore by air on
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  • 33 14 William Jacks and H.Q Singapore Base District drew 5-5 in a friendly soccer match at Farrer Park yesterday. Kok Cheng (2). Chow Telk (3) and Tock Hal scored for William Jacks:
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  • 341 14 CINGAPORES Junior badminton *-> players can look forward to their first overseas tour to Bangkok during the Easter school holidays. The Singapore Badminton Association, who are providing so much encouragement for their Junior players, are waiting for final confirmation for the trip from Bangkok The
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  • 218 14 OINOAPORE Cricket Club were lucky to enter the semi-finals of the Singapore Hockey Association's Junior knockout competition when they bent Royal Army Service Corps 1-0 in a replay on the padang yesterday. The first game last week ended in a scoreless draw. The Club, who
    218 words
  • 40 14 Senorita shows in trial with Firebird at Penam From EPSOM JEEP PENANG. 1 SENORITA showed ability on the trainin» Penang this morning. Ridden by Rowl( some, she went attractively in a workout useful Firebird (West), covering 3f. in 39 j
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  • 129 14 ALTHOUGH Changi Senior School put up a good struggle they could not match the speed and teamwork of Seletar Senior School and were beaten by 64 points (eight, goals and eight tries) to nil at Seletcr yesterday. Both teams. whose players ranged from 12 to 16,
    129 words
  • 125 14 Weem won in England last year WEEM (late Town), one new horses enters the Penant; Turf" Spring M winner at Good'i as a two-year-old i season. A fine looking chestr ing .by Devonh. Never A Blanki Princess Ptackj the Arundel Castl, Stakes over 6f of useful two-year J Ridden by
    125 words
  • 47 14 Administrative Squ fled to me/i thr R.A.F Malaya and ARS the final of the RAF S?le:a: section hockey kr.rx tion on Saturday wi 1 "A" Supply ?-l at Sele'.ir we day. SLdr Dunn Kored for;-.>' while SAC Sinirh rr; Supply JOTTINGS
    47 words
  • 100 14 SINGAPORE'S team for the women's hockey quadrangular tournament to be held in Kuala Lumpur this weekend has been chosen as follows: Cpl. Bayley: Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Louise Marks; Mrs. K. Le Mercier, F/O J. Davis (capt), Miss Pam Regan; Miss Stella Atkinson, Mrs. Pat
    100 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 757 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page SITUATIONS VACANT to H ,rds U (Him.)— Box St eU. mxtrm. WANTED European Manageress for Hotel, with Knowledge of Catering and Staff Management. Apply Box AI6S3, S.T. REQUIRED: Apprentice Archltertural Draughtsman, 3 years apprenticeship. Salary *75-$lOO--$150; Architectural Draughtsman, Salary $350. Apply Box A 1609, S.T.
      757 words
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 55 14 RUGGER Tengah Nomads v R.E.M.E.. R.E.M.E. (round. HOCKEY BHA Senior knockout semlflaal: PoUee w S.C.R.C., G.S.C. (round Quarter-final: Indian A»■ociatlon v Wanderers, S.R.C. SOCCER Friendly: Indian Recreation Clab r Hone Konr and Shanghai Bank, Farrer Park; Alexandra Football Team v Unlvenlty of Malaya, Bukit Ttmah, Young Mem Sikh's Association v
      55 words