The Straits Times, 18 February 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times fl/atte** 1 Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1956 <£ 15 CENTS
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  • 906 1 [M.Ps VOTE TO END DEATH PENALTY IN BRITAIN -See Page Three Our problem, too, after vote in Commons BROCKWA V SEEKS BAN ON HANGING IN COLONIES ■HERE 'ill he no official move in Singapore to 1 md capital punishment. In the Federation t h, •i-Mic looks
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  • 169 1 LABOUR MINISTER HITS OUT AT STRIKERS KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. —The Minister for Labour, Mr. V. T. Sambanthan, today assured workers that the Government would not Just stand by and see them being unfairly treated by,employers. But he criticised the use of the strike weapon. "Some people think that to go
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  • 139 1 MM -it's in the bookstalls today kJ A L A V A N m MONTHLY for February, which is now on sale at all bookstalls in Singapore and the Federation, publishes the first part of Gerald Sparrow's exciting book "Land of the White Elephant." Sparrow starts his thrilling tale with
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  • 59 1 LONDON, Fri.— The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh returned to London today from their three weeks' tour of Nigeria. They were greeted at the airport by Prince Charles. Princess Anne, the Queen Mother and Princess Mar,garet. The royal plane arrived about an hour late because
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 29 1 WASHINGTON, Fri— The State Department announced early today that "all export permits of arms to the Middle East are being temporarily suspended pending further examination." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 32 1 NEW DELHI. Fri Indian Finance Minister C. D. Deshmukh today tabled in Parliament twe bills to nationalise all life insurance business in India, Including that handled by foreign firms here.— A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 23 1 TAIPEH, Frl.— The American evangelist Billy Graham convinced several hundred people to "receive Christ" at a ntass rally here tonight.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 84 1 Valetta force-lands 3 hurt SAIGON. Fri. rpHREE R.A.F. officers werej J- slightly Injured this afternoon when a Valetta transport bound for Singapore from Hong Kong made a forced landing in a swamp 15 miles south of here. An R.A.F. announcement said the three men were removed by helicopter to Saigon
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  • 44 1 TRACY. California. Fri. A huge eight-jet B-52 atomic bomber, newest and most potent weapon of the Strategic Air Command, exploded in midair yesterday, showering fiery wreckage over a wide area. Four or five airmen were believed killed in the crash.
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  • 135 1 That's cost of training for Melbourne MILWAUKEE, Friday. RUSSIA is to spend U559,000,000 ($27,000,000) in the preparation of athletes for the Olympic Games in Melbourne this year, .according to Del Lamb, American speed skating coach. I He forecast that the Russians would give
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 48 1 Almost back to normal Almost all Singapore Traction Company buses were back on the road yesterday second day of the resumption of their services after the 142-day strike. Forty-four trolley buses were running, in addition to 267 omnibuses. The company has 50 trolley buses and 310 omnibuses.
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  • 48 1 London, Frl. The Federation of British Industries called a press conference in London today to welcome Mr. Kirpal Singh. 35-year old Radio Malaya engineer from Kuala Lumpur, who is the 100 th engineer to come to Britain under the Federation's three-year-old ovei* seas scholarship scheme.
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  • 39 1 Police Inspector Kanapathy was shot in the hand when a revolver he was unloading in Changi Police Station, Singapore, yesterday morning, went off. He was treated at the General Hospital and allowed to go home.
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  • 35 1 BONN. Frl.— The West Oerman Parliament yesterday authorised the Government to order the first ships— eight destroyers and 145 smaller vessels, including E-boats from German shipyards for it K new navy. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 19 1 TOKYO, Frl. The Kyodo news service said today that another Russian weather balloon had landed in Hokkaido.
    Kyodo  -  19 words
  • 181 1 FOLLIES OF THE FOLIES Outraged Italian wants to jail 'obscene' show NAPLES, Frl. The scantilyclad girls of the Paris Folie s Bergere are in trouble again in Italy despite extra "clothes" adopted for their Italian tour. An outraged Italian, who signs himself Mario Puriflcati (literally "Mario the Purified"), has denounced
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 110 1 MAIN FORCE FACES CHIANG ISLES TAIPEH, Friday. T<HE Chinese Communists are massing 250,000 x troops along the coast, facing Formosa and the Nationalist islands of Quemoy and Matsu, a Nationalist spokesman said today. I They are backed by 1,200 planes in the ShanghaiHangchow area, further
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  • 65 1 CHANGE ALLEY FIRE A SHOP in Change Alley, Singapore, packed with handbags, clothing and toys, caught fire yesterday. The fire was believed to have been caused by a lighted cigarette end which landed on the canvas awning of the shop. Three fire engines turned out to tackle the fire, but
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  • 49 1 HIROSHIMA. Fri. Kyodo News Service today reported the death of the fourth victim of the atom bomb this year. He was Sanetoshi Hamashiro, a Hiroshinma farmer. Hamasnlro was near Hiroshima railway station when the world 'B first atom bomb was dropped on Aug. 6. 1945. A.P.
    AP  -  49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    251 1 that means 292 1,000-lb bombs RAF blast a killer gang IPOH, Friday. ONE of the heaviest aerial bombardments of the Emergency was carried out yesterday by f.F. Canberra jet bombers in the Teluk Anson i of Perak. Over 130 tons of heavy bombs was dropped in two raids.
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  • 74 1 Nude body near temple YOUTH ACCUSED PENANG, Fri. LOH AH BOH, 19, was charged in the Balik Pulau Magistrate's Court today with the murder of a 17-year-old girl, Lean Kee Nyong, on Feb. 12. No plea was taken and he was remanded in custody. Lean's nude body was found near
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  • 35 1 LONDON, Fri. The death toll in Europe today reached 618 in the third week of the worst winter in memory. Weather reports Indicated that more freezing conditions were on their way. U.P.
    UP  -  35 words
  • 160 1  - £1,548 m for Britain's defence LONDON, Pri. Britain's total defence Budget for the year 1956-57 is estimated at £1,548,700,000, the Government announced today. This is £11,500,000 more than in the current financial y^ar. A Government White Paper, which gave these figures, estimates the overall strength of Britain's fighting services at
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 29 1 SJJOW ACrAK W LONDtHI, fri. Hun •now ttll »s*in in London this afterwMa aad tew feritarts 4r«w«4 towards fretting ■•int. Atony raids is martk «f CatUad tee-bamul.«la«tef.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 KEEP HEALTHY WITH PASTEURISED FOR YOUR PROTECTION THE GREATEST NAME IN OPTICS Cameras and Accessories Binoculars and Telescopes ss Spectacle Lenses and Sun Glasses ss Microscopes and Optical Equipment zeiss Levels Theodolites Available Everywhere SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. *S^ KUALA LUMPUR PENANG
      42 words
    • 22 1 **«n«, en**** HO MOMfl SOAP FACTORY IT*. 4* cnuu* tr. «»o»« Hi »<i-i<*\ OVALTINE A, WANDER LTD. < Incorporated in EngUnd) SINGAPORE 1.
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  • 109 2 T\OCKYARD strike or not. the Australian trooper In Butterworth will still have his home brew. Guthrie and Company in Singapore have chartered a Qantas plane to fly 100 10--gallon drums of their favourite draught beer which will arrive in Singapore on Sunday. The beer was
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  • 73 2 BIRMINGHAM, Fri. Britain's six month old commercial television took on network status today when the Independent Television Authority opens its new TV station in the densely populated Midland region. An audience of about a million and a half is forecast for the opening programme, the first to
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 44 2 NEW YORE, Fri.— A church in Cleveland. Ohio, is being sued for U. 5.550.000 (S150.000) by Mrs. Lida Melaragno, who fell on its steps. She claims the church was "negligent" because it did not sweep away rice thrown at a wedding.
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  • 794 2 dead thanks to one-man opium war WILLIAM FISH By IN ;i tiny, crowded surgery in one of Singapore's bustling ■hopkouK areas a young doctor is waging a one-man war on opium. He works eight hours a day, seven days a week, fighting the ravages caused by the drug of dreams
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  • 60 2 MANILA, Prl. A 25-year-old medical student's death yesterday was attributed to the mysterious "nightmare" sickness, raising the death toll to eight. The latest victim was Lacson Ledesma, of the university of Santo Tomas. fellow students said he ate a heavy meal and went to bed
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  • 245 2 It WILL be foam for all ARMY PROMISE IS REPEATED TTHE British Army in A Malaya is sticking to its promise every man will get a luxuriously soft foam-rubber mattress for his bed. It may be five years before the last mattress is delivered to the last man. But it
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  • 28 2 BONN, Fri. The BhU overflowed its banks jwte day and three towns-Los. Lorchhousen shausen have been war.?. to prepare for immediate m cuation.— A. P
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  • 296 2 PNP in milady 's undies TREATED RUBBER CAUSED CORSET STAINS AN important court decision bearing on the use of chemicals in the manufacture of rubber ha# been made in London. It was made in the Queen's Bench Division when Mr. Justice Sellers upheld a decision of the appeal committee of
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  • 297 2 CABLE FLASHES EXPLORERS FIND HUT THAT SCOTT USED WELLINGTON, (New Zealand), Fri. New Zealand Antarctic explorers returned to Lyttelton today with food taken from the hut of Captain Robert Scott, who perished in an expedition to the South Pole 44 years ago. Dr. Trevor Hatherton said that someone had left
    AP  -  297 words
  • 243 2 NEW URGENCY IN THE WAR AGAINST REDS IJMlllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllll M*****111iHiii,,,,,,, Tengku will take over next week RAJANG. F r id, v TWE Director of Operations, it 5 Geoffrey Bourne, said here today thai f Nr next week the Chief Minister, Tenjjku 12. 1 Rahman, will take charge of the new t
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  • 141 2 LONDON A BRITISH mother whose soldier son is r Cyprus has appealed for news of him to the Cypriot Greek-language newspaper Ethi Mrs. Lilian HIU I at Langold, Nottii I addressed her let: the Cypriot terror! sation now can:; union with Greece. Appealing to tne
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 61 2 Indian M.P. here for visit A PROMINENT Indian parliamentarian, Mrs. Ammu Swarr>inadhan. ha s arrived in Singapore on a short goodwill visit. Accompanied by Mrs. Sarojini varadappan, daughter of a Madras minister, she leaves for Kuala Lumpur today. Mrs. Swamlnadhan was Jailed in 1943 for two years as a political
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  • 26 2 CANNES. Fri. Khan, who W»8 carried*.' etrptcher when he a here by air from terday, was reported a the better today rather tired." Scute:
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  • 18 2 CANBERRA. Fri .-T:.e tralian Minister to Sia- D O Hay, has been appo-l ed ambassador.-! I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 180 2 tb\\W\\\\W 3D HIGHFjDEUTY Model 8042 WE/3D. V This exclusive model consists of a Radio set, fl Record changer, and Tap* recorder, all beautifully H contained in a highly polished de luxe cabinet. The M '^t^^^H cabinet also contains storage space for records and spare mk v^^^H tapes. fIDOB vr^^^l Radio
      180 words
    • 29 2 Will THREE 60LBEN HORSES x\ X KURALON Filament Yarn. (New Spun Yarn, Staple .'•*vl'«i Synthetic Fibre Fabrics Fibre) Fishing Net. •'.•^•"•".M ZvXj KIMUSMMI C /XV.J. m.o 4. WionUUi. Mu.on.och,
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  • Article, Illustration
    696 3 The House of Commons, fa kft^rk aLMzI votesjo abolish the death penalty fmr muu^r 'It is inconsistent with interests of civilised society' CHUTER EDE: MY CONSCIENCE TROUBLED ME rags «^sg3? 2R£ tf^SHSa SfJttifi? polltlclans who for cJSKiSiS House arrivjdat its verdict on a "free vote" meanina that.
    Reuter  -  696 words
  • 116 3 GALLERIES ALMOST FULL- AND M.Ps SIT IN THE AISLES The debate was the third on rapital punishment in Commons since the war. It climaxed almost a rj of agitation for the abolition of capital punvarious galleries were filled almost to capacity a the chamber itself was so full that MPs
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 63 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. The United States is shipping 18 25-ton tanks to Saudi j Arabia, the State Depart- ment announced yesterday. A spokesman said the con- tract was made under a i i mutual security agreement signed in June. 1951. The United States approved the sale last
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 170 3 rjlHf COMMONS vote in E favour of abolition of the death penalty may mean that a beautiful E blonde model and a young miner were the last two Britons to hang for mur- der. E The model, Ruth Ellis, E (above) who shot her E
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 178 3 Nikita: It just isn't Communism MOSCOW, Friday. "TOfTE personality cult" which dominated the ■■•Russian Communist Party between Lenin's death in 1924 and 1952, just before the death of Stalin, was condemned at yesterday's party congress Mr. Nifcita Khrushchev, party secretary, was the first I to hammer another
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 70 3 SOUTHAMPTON. Frl.— One lof the few surviving mem- bcrs of the crew of the ill- fated liner Titanic, Mr. James 1 Crimmins, died suddenly at the Salvation Army hostel here yesterday, aged 65. Mr. Crimmins was working in the engine room on the ship's maiden voyage in
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 314 3 LONDON STOCKS, RUBBER and TIN LONDON, Pri. j THE Chancellor of the Exche- j quer's further deflationary I measures failed to have any adverse affect on prires and the I (tains which had been established before the statement were either held or further Improved upon. But the later news of
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  • 23 3 LONDON. Peb 17. Cash Buyers £805. Sellers £810; Forward Buyers £773-, Sellers £774. Settlement £805: Turnover; ajn. 90 tons p.m. 25 tons.
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  • 28 3 LONDON, Feb 17— Spot 3o\d.. Mar. 30 V. Apr -June 29 l «d.. July-Sept. 28\ Ort -Dec. 27V,d.. |Feb. c.l.f. 29\d., Mar. c.ij. 29',d. I Tone: Easy.
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  • 254 3 SPENDING CUTS SHOCK BRITAIN LONDON, Fri. Mr. Harold Macmillan. the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, shocked Britain today with tough new measures to curb spending by the public and by industry. In what amounted to a miniature Budget, only a few weeks before he Is due to shape the nations
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 62 3 HOLLYWOOD, Fri. Actor Edmund Purdom and his estranged wife. Tit*, have agreed on a property settlement and Mrs. Purdom will seek a divorce. Purdom will pay her U.S. $750 a month for life and US$33O a month for her two children's support! Purdom's name has been romantically
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 32 3 MONTE CARLO, Frl.— The Greek shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis, today denied a newspaper report that he had sold a fleet of 16 whaling ships to a Japanese firm. AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 SHOOT YOUR BEST '"Y-KYMOCH^ §\tm SHOTGUN i\*\M\*W§i v names for shooting men to remember if they ccuraqy and consistent reliability in shotgun ames of Elcy-Kynoch cartridges arc the sign of mcr. CHEMICAL WDUSTRIES LTD., LONDOM. S.W.I FROM AMMUNITION DEALERS [/^Rffl IMPtR| AL ch^,.' cnt lyes CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (M) LTD.
      49 words
    • 274 3 CATEILIS £3 MACAROM SPAGHETTI VERMICELLI /P EGG NOODLES 111 When served with fish, meat or cheese, make quick and tasty wr-\ {17 week-end dishes. \\rTj SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE j CO. LTD. Ml Z'STIILUX N edhedf&^ t the Ixaxxdv- unit that K«3« V «nfbloLSintoa U^^ A comfortable "bed *>~z y* j
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 AN ACCOMPLISHED FACT! Phase by phase we have given the public progressively greater value in step with lowering costs. In the closing stages of the project we are proud to offer the best value ever, introducing the $12,000/- house on illustrative plan. 400 of these are now being built and
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  • 248 5 THREATS MADE MAN ON REMAND AGREE TO PAY ON DEMAND ,jfl PAY ALL THE OTHER PRISONERS 9 EXPENSES' ,m\ KOON LEONG, a Singapore tyre dealer, I va < in the Outram Road remand prison less i week when two burly fellow-prisoners a to extort money from him.
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  • 76 5 THE DANGER HOURS KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Most traffic accidents here occur between noon and two p.m., traffic police statistics reveal. Out of 985 accidents in the last three months of 1955, more than 150 took place during these hours. The lunch hour rush was mainly responsible. Fourteen people were killed
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  • 113 5 Union wants 50 per cent pay rise rE Singapore City Council Town Cleansing Labour Union has turned down the City Council's offer to increase cleansing workers' "dirt" allowance from 10 cents a day to 20 cents. The union said this was insufficient. It wants the pay and allowances of cleansing
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  • 206 5 Drinks -then he hit private A LETTER from his £X mother so upset a British corporal in Singapore that he began to drink heavily. A few hours later, a private threatened to report him to the orderly officer because he refused to get off a truck.
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  • 74 5 Actress sisters to wed E rftWO actress sisters are to a X have a double weddinc Son Feb. 26 in Singapore. S They are Asmah SamsuEri. 19. (above), and Mislab Samsuri, 18, (below), s Asmah will wed an exE constable, Abdul Kadir 5 Hussein. Mislah'g fiance is Abdul Wahid bin
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  • 94 5 'MUST GO TO JAIL' OPIUM ADDICT APPEALS /IOUNSEL for Lee Eng v» Hock, 60-year-old employee of a lighterage company i n Singapore, yesterday lodged notice of appeal against a threemonths' jail sentence imposed on him for opium smoking. Lee appeared In a magistrate's court on Thursday for the mandatory Jail
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  • 154 5 SETTLEIUENT—OR IT MAY SPREAD IPOH, Friday. THE Malayan Mining Employees' Union will make a last effort to settle the nine-day-old strike by 140 workers at the Austral Amalgamated Tin Company mine in Ulu Yam Bharu, 34 miles from Kuala Lumpur. "I ask the
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  • 62 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Federation Government last month paid out $35,450 in Negri Sembilan for information leading to the capture or killing of terrorists. This is the second highest amount paid out in the state. The highest. $41,500, wa s paid in April last year.
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  • 47 5 Linen Guild officers I blowing have been Verted officers of St. Andrew's >!:-?ion Hospital Linen Guild, rapore: Hit, Mrs. W.A.C. chairman, Mrs. K.M. -chairman, Mrs. 3 !ckering, secretary, Mrs. >onald; treasurer, Mrs. S. dimming works secC.S. Ashbrook; rks secretary, Mrs. Arnold: committee: Mrs. Ramsay and Mrs. A.B.
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  • 28 5 I LimChu Kangi ung from the o: Chua Chu Kang HI br closed to traffic rrow from 7.30 a.m. to for the Singapore ob speed trial.
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  • 41 5 TELUK ANSON, Fri. A coconut picker was killed at Kampong Berempang Panjang in the Bagan Datoh area of Lower Perak, yesterday when a coconut fell 42 ft. on his head. He was Jamil bin Haji Alias. 27.
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  • 20 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. The Johore Bahru branch of the National Union of Government Office Workers was formed today.
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  • 219 5 It will welcome him in Colony tomorrow THE reception planned at Singapore Airport tomorrow for the Federation Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, grows bigger and bigger. A "merdeka" lion will now join the welcoming party that will greet the Tengku and his colleagues when they
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  • 18 5 SEGAMAT, Fri.— Dr. T. Visvanathan has been appointed to act as Health Officer for North Johore.
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  • 107 5 rE Singapore Business Houses Employees' Union, which represents 4,500 employees in 35 commercial firms, will hold a protest meeting at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Feb. 22. The union yesterday charged that certain employers had adopted an "indifferent and antagonistic attitude" towards the
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  • 27 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Mr. Walter Gordon, who lias been appointed surgeon to the Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital, will arrive in Kuala Lumpur in two months.
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  • 26 5 SITTAWAN, Fri. —T h c Yen. A. C. Dutnper, Archdeacon of North Malaya, will conduct evensong at the Wesley Methodist Church here on Monday.
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  • 25 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.— The Johore Bahru Welfare Week committee will hold a fair on the Bukit Zahrah School padang beginning on Mar W.
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  • 28 5 SEGAMAT. Fri.— The headmaster of the Government English School, Segamat, Mr. Kandiah, is organising Malay classes for non-Malay adults and English classes for messengers.
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  • 36 5 PENANG, Fri. Ten thousand copies of a folder with with a dragon boat on the front page will be printed to boost Penang's first water festival at Gurney Drive on June 16 and 17.
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  • 123 5 ARMY PLANS TO EXPAND BY 1960 THE Singapore Millx tary Forces will be expanded by a third of their present strength by 1960. And $400,000 has been set aside this year to buy equipment. This was announced yesterday by the Secretary for Defence and Internal Security, Mr. R. N. Broome.
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  • 239 5 ALLIANCE PLANS BIG SWITCH OF MINISTRIES Regrouping of portfolios likely KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. 'THE ALLIANCE GOVERNMENT plans not only to reshuffle some of its Ministers but also to regroup some of the portfolios and subjects dealt with by I them. This follows the London talks and the experience of the
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  • 61 5 \M R. H. M. Winter, execuifl tive vice-president of Pepsi-Cola, Ltd., who arrived in Singapore by X.L.M. yesterday. Before joining the company in 1941. Mr. Winter was secretary to Mr. John Foster Dalles, now the United States Secretary of State. In Singapore he will visit the
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  • 36 5 Forty cyclists were arrested within 24 hours after a drive by Tanjong Pagar police to clean the area of "rough riders." The drive, which began on Wednesday, will continue for a week.
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  • 81 5 /\LD boys of St. Andrew's vJschool In Singapore have opened an "Adams Appeal Fund" to pay tribute to the principal. Canon R.K.S. Adams, who will be leaving Singapore on March 26. By then he will have completed nearly 28 years' service with St. Andrew's School. Old boys
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 Decorators. Wjt^\ UT?\^ BWCDDnffIL. I > i "J D Q j JQ Jflfl(^**flflflflflfi( I"^ .^ftw^V I I T *»°y the demond in decoroHon is #or COLOUR. Tho .rondord rong. of point tolo <»« olont, no longer acceptable, for orchirocr, ond -foporty ownor. oro ißji i "9 on o limiHt,, choic.
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      5 words
    • 129 5 R^HBH^HfIPMHdf '^MR^H^HHti'* H^K InK 5^ M '^V'! f j V^^^^B^^^^Kl^^^^^^^^ r^hb fl Or* 1 1 *Cs.'sfl^^^^^ v Hffbr~y*^^R^R^BMH^HWt M *tf'^^^ J^^T^»M r- r r^'^ v KEY BRANDY 1655 1955 R This year is being celebrated as the J tercentenary of the South African wine 111 industry. In 1655, as a
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 399 5 R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^B GARRICK: Sea of Love (Egyp- PAVILION: A Kid for Tw o Fartlan)— 3.15, 6.30, 9.15; Tel. *****. things— l.4s, 4 6.30, 9.30; morning KING'S: Prince and Cat (Can- show. Veils of Bagdad— ll; Tel. tonese)—, 3.30. 7. 9.30; morn- 6903. Ing show. The Hidden City— lo.oo; REX; The
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    • 137 5 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE: (7.30 p.m. on Feb. 17 to 7.30 a.m. on Feb. 18) Singapore 73 degrees. Penanß 72, Kota Bharu 69, Kuala Lumpur 74, Ipoh 74, Kuantan 67. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Feb. 18) Singapore 89 degrees. Penang 90, Kota Bharu 85. Kuala Lumpur
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  • 123 6 ill Wordt fin (minimum) THE FAMILY of the hte Mr. Cheonjj Hock Whatt thanks all IlllSllffSi <fc Friends. Doctors. Sisters, A: nurses of the P.eneral HospHa. lor their Condolences, wreaths Donations to ihe Anglo Chinese 6chool Build ng Fund. MRS HELENA CHIN YAU YIN Family gratefully thank all Friends
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  • 54 6 DEATH 2« Wordt $10 (minimum). KHO— Madam Kho Teck Neo (Mrs. Llm Choo Seng) age 56 paired away at General Hospital on 17-2-56 leaving behind one son, two daughters, one son-in-law two grandchildren to mourn her loss Cortege will leave 655 Paalr Panjang Road at 10 a.m. on Sunri lPtli
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  • 161 6 Wordi $10 (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the 'Malay Mail' if you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle. AIR-WICK MIST will eliminate your odour problems in a second. Bold in 6-oz, and 12-oz, bombs by your Dealers. DORIS GEDDES Little Shop In the Adelphi Hotel iGrill room
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  • 29 6 20 Words $10 (minimum). CONGRATULATIONS TO Madam Yap Kan Neo. beloved mother of Mr. Kwes Png and Brothers of Honj; Leong Co. Ltd.. on her 72nd Birthday Toino:row.
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  • 603 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. Feb. 18. 1956. The End Of The Rope When the British Parliament last voted to abolish hanging, the House of Lords restored the rope after 55 days. That was eight years ago. This time the Government bound itself to accept the verdict of the Commons,
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  • 356 6 Whether the salary of the Clerk of the Singapore Assembly should be raised to $1,950 is quite rightly a matter of public interest. Unfortunately some of the comments have been so personal that it is Mr. L. W. Donough's future intentions that have become a matter of public
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  • 237 6 On a visit to the Federation's hospitals, the Director of the Ross Institute in London discovered that the public had "no right of entry" to Government hospitals. Professor G. Mac Donald was told that the hospitals "are provided exclusively for treating Government servants and the poor." No-one in
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  • 1037 6  - As I was saying CYNICUS by DECENTLY shaken faith in the infallibility of juries undoubtedly played some Dart In thA Rritifth Ifc «o«Si«J -«T?«o* K-«!r yerdict against hangIng. Only twelve months ago the Commons rpiArtprf hv Tl w«f «J^L,«? votes a proposal to abolish the death penalty for an experimental
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 6 SA TURDAY STUDY CADET BUGLER Photo by Sam Kai Yee
    Sam Kai Yee  -  10 words
  • 829 6 MXLAYSIW HHHE Chinese New Year passed off in Singapore with more than the usual outburst of fire crackers. This is irritating when you want to go to sleep but is designed, I am informed, to scare away the devils. In this it is, I must
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  • 145 6 FIFTY YEARS AGO From the Straits Time* of Feb. 22, 1906: AT a meeting of the Penang Municipality on Friday week, the President, Mr Hallifax, said he had received a letter from Mr. R. Young stating that the new motor flre engine would be ready for use by the end
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 460 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. p-i.c. MR. MRS. A. L. MCCLURE s.s. "Denbighshire" 18th Feb., 1956. 29 Wordt (minimum). TREGONNINO: To Judith, wife of K. O. Tregonning on February lfith. at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, a daughter. Both well. 20 Wordt $10 (minimum). CHOO-TAN: The Engagement was announced between William Choo Poh Klat. eldest
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    • 35 6 C UMAN MM y> r Incomparable for »uibl« ink filling capacity, reliability t> price- worthiness. Agents tt Service Station*:— EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO.. 19. ChDli* St., B>>re-l. ENC SENC MEDICAL CO.. S. Ah Quee St., Pnwg.
      35 words
    • 216 6 They're talking aboti *iW*- on /|T^ PARLOPHONE LP RECORDS W CASSE NOISETTE SUITE (Tchaikovtky) DANCE OF THE HOURS (Ponciellii INVITATION TO THE DANCE (Weber) Royal Opera House Orchestra. Covent Garden, cond.Hugo Rignold pm LION STANDARD QUADRILLES. STUDENT LANCERS: LA RINKA Jimmy Shand and his Band pmD'U' CHOPIN'S BALLADES Bela Siki
      216 words

  • 94 7 RADIO MALAYA MAN OFF AIR lfR LEWIS JONES, a )I l- year -old protne assistant in Malaya, has boen Sused to continue ng duties on ,hti until the room at the t i studios has m took cflect lay. r of the Radio Ma- lay said that j ,1 nrver
    94 words
  • 30 7 PCRT SWETTENHAM. Fri. at Pandamar lage near here to- ned 150 homes. which at one ll to 15 feet were put c ing fire brigade.
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  • 68 7 SECRET NOTE ON COLONY BOMB TERROR SINGAPORE Homicide Squad, investigating the bomb attacks on three police stations on Jan. 31. has received an anonymous letter through P.O. Box 5000. A police spokesman said yesterday the letter, written in Chinese, was dated Feb. 1 and dealt with the bombing of Geylang
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  • 41 7 The Governor of Singapore. Sir Robert Black, yesterday morning visited the Pasir Panjang power station and made an 80-minute tour of the plant. He later visited the- City Council building and was shown round the various departments.
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  • 97 7 BOOK ON NEW CHINA MAY BE BANNED KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Special Branch is to decide whether to ban a book glorifying life in the new "politically free and economically prosperous" China. The book is now on sale in Kuala Lumpur bookshops. It is in English and deals with achievements
    97 words
  • 289 7 BANKER ACCUSED OF ASSAULT: COURT TOLD OF ROW OVER RIGHT OF WAY 'A FRONT TOOTH GONE, A BLACK EYE AND CUTS ON THE FACE 9 A SCHOniRnv KU^ L UMPUR, Friday. A said in court today that he considered himself "good looking" before Nicholas*
    289 words
  • 141 7 Rude words to women cost him five dollars A GLASS factory la- bourer told a Singapore court yesterday that he usually shouted "merdeka" when he rode home from work in a City Council lorry in the evenings. Ibrahim bin Hassan pleaded not guilty to a charge of behaving in a
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  • 19 7 KANOAR. Fri.— The Minister for Health and Social Welfare. Mr. Leong Yew Koh, yesterday visited Kangar Hospital.
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  • 123 7 WIDOW'S DEATH: TRUCK SOUGHT SINGAPORE traffic police searched yesterday 'or a lorry believed to have been involved in a fatal accident in Yio Chu Kang Road on Thursday night. The search began after the body of a 62-year-old widow. Chenft Yong, was found in a monsoon drain at 7.30 a.m.
    123 words
  • 22 7 $1,580 haul A thief who broke into a house In Convent Gardens, Singapore, on Thursday night stole $180 and jewellery worth $1,400.
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  • 149 7 What price Merdeka? MTUC delegates to ask the Tengka KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The Malayan Trade Union Council wants to know from the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, the price the people will hare to pay in exchange for merdeka. working committee meetinn of the council last night decided to send
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  • 96 7 Air girl from Pakistan in Singapore MISS ZITA JAMES (above) a Pakistani woman pilot was among 12 memben of the Dacca Flying Club of Pakistan, who flew in four Uffht aircraft to Singapore yesterday.. The planes left Dacca on Feb. 12 and covered the Journey to Singapore with less than
    96 words
  • 65 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Pri. A sentry at Tasek New Village Police Station, in the Kroh district of Upper Perak, fired at two figures near the perimeter wire last night. The intruders fired two shots before fleeing. There were no known casualties. A sentry shot at lights seen
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  • 38 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The total number of contributors registered with the. Employees Provident Fund up to the end of last month was 849.422. This is an increase of 9,104 over last year's figure.
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  • 39 7 TANJONG MALJM. Fri. Mr. D. K. Rajakarlar and Inche Tajol Aros will represent Tanjong Malim at the Perak State Welfare Council meeting at Ipoh on Saturday. The meeting will discuss ways of raising funds for welfare projects.
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  • 22 7 The Singapore Association of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries is holding Its annual dinner at the Adelphl Hotel on Tuesday.
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  • 180 7 TEMPERS RUN HOT OVER ICE TAMPERS Of fish selA lers in Singapore's City Council markets are running hot on the subject of ice. The reason for their anger is a new levy the Council intends to impose on fishmongers who hold Council licences for fish stalls. The new charge is
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  • 52 7 TO HOSPITAL AND COURT AFTER FIGHT KLANG, Fri.— Pive men were treated in Klang Hospital today after a gang fight last night. More than 20 men took part in the brawl in Ooh Hock Huat Road. In court today the five men were fined $25 each for disorderly behaviour. They
    52 words
  • 53 7 The following have been appointed members of the Queen's Scholarships and Fellowships Selection Board for this year:. The Singapore Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Whyatt. (chairman), and Mr. D. Mo Lellan (Director of Education), Prof. A. Oppenhelm. Dr. D. W. G. Faris, Mr. Yap Pheng Geek. Inche Ahmad
    53 words
  • 41 7 A FIELD BATTERY of the Royal Artillery blast*, terrorist Jungle hideouts south of Kajang in the I lv Lancat District of Selan*or. Thirty terrorists are ■till in the district.— Straits Times picture. (Story in Pate Two)
    41 words
  • 80 7 RLANG, Fri. An estate labourer reported to the police that he heard three gun shots last night and was hit in the leg by a bullet. The labourer, Muniandy Pakri, 38, said he was cycling home when he heard the shots near
    80 words
  • 152 7 Head of school found drowned PEKAN, (Pahang), Fri. Ttte headmaster of the Government English School here. Mr. Sivaguru Nathan. 48, was found drowned last night in a river close to the seashore. He was a widower. The body was found near the mouth of the river shortly before midnight. The
    152 words
  • 75 7 RAUB, Fri.— A Special Constable, B. Karunakaram, 22. was sentenced to death by the Chief Justice, Sir Charles Mathew, at the Raub Assizes today for the murder of a tractor driver. The court was told that after shooting P. Appan, 2^, at Karmen Estate, Mengkarak. 15
    75 words
  • 39 7 TEMERLOH, Fri. The Sultan of Pahang arrived here today on the first lap of his tour of Temerloh district. He met penghulus, heads of Government departments, community leaders and state councillors at the Istana.
    39 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 84 7 chicken... '•chelors Chicken Noodle Soup really is delicious **U rich chicken broth, full of nourishing noodles. *o easy and quick to serve. Just tip the contents <et into boiling water, simmer for seven minutes you have four BIG helpings all ready to s«rv«. tr V it -you'll bye it so
      84 words
    • 40 7 1 Oh! Dear! gff^q No water I'LL CALL WATTS BAKER 304-N ORCHARD RD. TEL. ***** You can see that PEBSIL WASHES BRIGHTER /p> and safer jms tP' and a/so (6) your whltt clothes M mv to much whiter M-MR IM-lll4i
      40 words

  • 98 8 A 40-foot hospital launch— A an Australian gift to India under the Colombo Plan-limped into Singapore yesterday witii her fuel tanks almost dry. The launch, which cost $400,000 to convert, ran into a bad storm soon alter leaving Sydney. Her radio was put out of
    98 words
  • 334 8 LABOUR OPPOSES REMOVING BAN ON OPIUM SALE fc No reason to legalise this evlT i IPOH, Friday. f ABOUR will "vigorously and vehemently" oppose any move to lift the ban on the sale of opium in the Federation. The Malayan Trade Union Council's nominee on the Federal Legislative Council, Mr.
    334 words
  • 164 8 Soon Choon a 'very sharp' little girl wins praise from High Court judge m&N SOON CHOON, 8. S X who was commended Eby Mr. Justice Thomson =in the Ipoh High Court on Thursday for the ims pressive way she had given evidence at the E trial of three men conE
    164 words
  • 54 8 Mr. Justice Whitton In Singapore High Court J****dav issued a warrant for the a?rest of a bankrupt Low Kee Kuan, who had f ailed U> attend the office of the Official Assignee for an examination of his The aoplication for a warK was made by Miss
    54 words
  • 26 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Three armed terrorists yesterday robbed a topper of Ms watch and identity card Snßtoching Estate in the Kajang district of Selangor.
    26 words
  • 22 8 The Asiatic aovernmem Security Lite and General Assurance Co. Ltd. has given $250 to the Singapore Youth Sports Centre Fund.
    22 words
  • 22 8 The office of the Information Service of -India. Singapore, has been moved to 38A, toffies Place from 31. Orange Road.
    22 words
  • 26 8 KAJANO. Fri.-A new Government Rest House is to be built at Kajang. The towr has been without a Rest House for 16 years.
    26 words
  • 245 8 Leaders turn on Heah •HE COMPLICATES I INDEPENDENCE' A LEADER of the Singapore Straits Chinese community today accused the president of the Penang Straits Chinese British Association, Mr. Heah Joo Seang, of "complicating" the issue of Malayan independence. Other leaders of the Queen's Chinese said they did not share Mr.
    245 words
  • 117 8 UMNO headquarters probes charge KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE Alliance headquarters here is investigating a complaint by the U.M.N.O. Lubuk division, Batu Pahat, that the Federal and State councillors for the area had not dealt with matters brought to their attention by their constituents. l The complaint concerned
    117 words
  • 42 8 Two workers were injured yesterday when a stick of dynamite exploded at a granite quarry in Chua Chu Kang Road, Singapore. Tan Yean Kheng, 28, was admitted to the General Hospital. Sin Teow Chye was discharged after treatment.
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  • 37 8 KUALA KANGSAR, Fri. Tenant Registration will come into force here on Monday. The Tenant Registration Officer, Mr. Yeap Ghee Chuan, has urged residents to complete their registration forms as soon as possible.
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  • 27 8 Three rusty rifles were found by the police at Kampong Java Road, Singapore, on Wednesday. All were unserviceable and appeared to be war relics.
    27 words
  • 57 8 A total of 1,538 youths between the ages of 17 and 19 have applied for provisional driving licences in Singapore. Since Nov. .25 when the minimum age for a driving licence was lowered to 17, many have taken their tests successfully, Assistant Superintendent S. M.
    57 words
  • 161 8 'STAY HOME OR ELSE...' ORDER TO 5 YOUTHS Court puts gang under curfe^ FIVE Singapore youths were ordered stay indoors at night for the next six month »lse they would face a $1,000 fine each. I They were put u-ri c 1 few by the ma M. Devereux-Colebourn 7 getting
    161 words
  • 74 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. All Alliance Councillors serving in the Federal State and Settlement Councils are being called to Kuala Lumpur for an important meeting on March Ik The Federal Ministers and members of the Alliance National Council will also be present. The Chief Minister, Tengku
    74 words
  • 48 8 KAJANG, Fri. A chil- 1 dren's playground is to be built near the Kajang Hall in Club Road here. The Selangor State Government has set aside $1,000 for the playground and a further $600 is expected to come from the Sir Henry Gurney Memorial Fund.
    48 words
  • 27 8 TAIPING. Fri.-The ft. ping branch of the Pent Adult Education Assc has started a Tamil literacj class in nearby Jebong fc. tate for 30 lab<.,
    27 words
  • 62 8 SEGAMAT, Fri. New food restrictions have been imposed .in the police districts of Rengam and Kluang in Johore. Other than a licensed deal- er, no one shall have 1 than two katts of dried it, 3V2 katis of tinned and concentrated foods. 1 packed cereals, 1!
    62 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 176 8 CAMY I WATERPROOF W 17 AND 21 JEWELS MILKMAID i^NDENSED Mfl* Milkmaid Brand, sweetenep „1' r v^HS-^^^^SSl? B^^^^ji^B^e^^^X^^*""^ ■^^HC3U %^\\V^ sVV I I VI L mnvww*wat 2/3 Ton 5 Ton Vehicles MEW DABS > ESiiSSi HtH Mi THROUGH ™£%£^™if These brilliant new 2/3 ton and 5 ton trucks a» 4
      176 words
    • 184 8 CCX 1 say! Something different for breakfast" I«« te »ng. of fr«h Ume, npn*- palates, it is equally ddiaous for ,ca and su rll to ask your store tomorrow for Rosr s 6g» marmalade in the distinctive jar. I^SeS lIME MARMALADE the difference is delightful A« en u: CALDBECK MACGREGOR
      184 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 168 8 •9.30 News, 9.46 Evening Star 10.00 —11.00 Rhythm On Records, RADIO MALAYA •Protrmmme. thw «wW can |(i}M.l! be recrfwd by lW*ne« l» Stol*«*. |||HBBBB Sh«t wave 4. SINGAPORE W.T. 47« m. SO. Mem »i««» gfc*rtw*w«B«. Me*l«mw»»e pu M Saturday Date. *I.SO 47§m. A.M. 7.15 Opening Annct. P.M. *1.00 a»tura»y uw
      168 words

  • 1566 9 Man who was Governor of Singapore by mistake EARLY in 1849, a letter arrived in the office of the Registrar of Imports and Exports, in Singapore which must have Upset, temporarily at least, the normally placid atmosphere of that dignified department. It was addressed to C. P. Holloway Esq, the
    1,566 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 ,-HEAFFERSI AFEGUARDI |4K go'* l P°' n fulfill* c fjfrfCf 'OB MOMI k o« OFFICE J^y K ,-M bottU Eave $afelv lemember to w6wufDay\ full-cream IoWDERED MILK I |CH PAINS P»oDe WITT'S PIUS HT-?,* "*«k c»" th« ptlo in tha I'*- f*" m "*< coapHattd ■kC, l^"^/- TiMfSS ■Cf?" T»«
      56 words
    • 418 9 3 D gHgglggggl^ggggßy^?'*"!?^*?^**?-^'^' r '~^^d Bit BJj gcjau^^MAiga^E gT^SI w/^yßaM BLW •^Jmw Sfl fJQ B 861 K CASH Dfy Battery Receiver. Compact well-desi-■^#TuWi I o"ed superhet receiver, 8 valves with DOWN I three permanent magnetic speakers and To awn a radio or I piono keys. Fully tropicolised, five wave .^uZum
      418 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 171 9 Bex Moryan. MM. Pretty shaky S^H^ vs MOUSAN I I'AA A |ON6 TMIK4S~TWa MV ItS TVS BKEPTION V-f g kM^ \T H I WANT YOU TO GO WCkA PacTT y SWkKV I »THER WONT BC PEB- > DESK THAT ¥01/88 1|( SSJ*** 56^ F l^ 4 T mm Tug uO^PIKkL.LEA,'^
      171 words

  • 456 10 COLONY Rubber recovery checked AS the Singapore rub- ber market was clesed for three trading days of the week the period under review is very short, states H. C. B. Co. Ltd's., current review. Over the holidays overseas markets showed a sharp decline and on re-opening here there was a
    456 words
  • 50 10 LONDON, Frl. Commercial Interests here have formed The Malayan Commercial Association of Great Britain to promote trade with Singapore, Malaya, and British Territories in Borneo. The Association is supported by planting, mining, mercantile industrial, shipping, banking and insurance concerns with interests In the Far East. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 132 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; February. $27 buyers. $27% sellers; March $27% buyers $28 sellers. Coconut oil: steady quiet; bulk $40 H sellers; drum $43 sellers. Pepper: quiet; Muntok white $134, Sarawak $133 (both down $1), special Sarawak black $94 (unchanged).
    132 words
  • 133 10 March first trade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at $1.04«4 per lb. down 2% cents on Thursday's closing price. The closing tone was steady. Closing prices In cents per lb. were: No. 1 R.SS. Spot f.o.b. buyers 104-v sellers 105H: No. 1 R.S.B. March buyers 104
    133 words
  • 313 10 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association reported: "On the local share market, there was quiet support for industrials, but tins and rubbers were easier." Singapore and Federation broken reported the following business done yesterday:— B.B. Petrol 445. 3d. (arrival); Fraser and Neave ords. $1.81 H; Gammon »2.32 4 (delayed);
    313 words
  • 133 10 Tbe Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following changes In its rates to merchants yesterday: London: Selling T.T. or O.D. 24 1!32: buying airmail T.T. 24 5132. O.D. 2 4 7 32. 30 d st 2 4 11 32. 45 dst 2 4 13 32. 60 d st
    133 words
  • 53 10 WABHINOTON, Frl. America's gross national production in 1955 reached the record figure of 387.250 million U.S. dollars the Commerce Department said today. National income also reached a new record of 322,250 million dollars. National income was six per cent higher than the previous record reached in 1953, the
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 106 10 COPENHAGEN. Frl Carlsberg, Denmark's largest brewery, reports that for Its last accounting year to October. 1955, sales of beer fell by about ten per cent, while aalea of mineral waters Increased by 13 per cent. About 24,500.000 gallons of beer were sold, a fall of about
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 673 10 MARKETS QUIET AFTER BANK RATE INCREASE By Our Market Correspondent 'FHE raising of the Bank Rate in Britain by one per cent to 5-J per cent on Thursday had the inevitable effect yesterday in Singapore of sending up banking charges, quietening the share market and depressing tin and rubber prices.
    673 words
  • 81 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS INVESTMENT x easier ,r-, v. active and Stock Exchange hi?* minings Oil Se«r-hT minings genera;; v v. with prices movirj*' Loans were firmer »1 «> turnover Loans 3'«' lose owSfSaa, Bank of N.B.W.'" Mount Lyell N. Broken Hin"" ,}V* Hill 50 :!3 3 Mount Morgan Western Minim:' Ampol
    81 words
  • 143 10 Shins Win* alon c<jdf iv pore H.rbou r Board \t J expected today ar f u"^ moon 12. Lao 4 5 SeniiSJ Benavon 6 7, Orates 'ii'il Maru 11. ci Breconshlre 15 16 field 18. Inverbank :9 f Hadji N. Wane.Sadosi Rokan N. Wall 10 V der 2122, Perli,
    143 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 354 10 NOTICES ST. GABRIEL'S SCHOOL 270, BREWSTER ROAD, IPOH. Opening Ist March 1956 Supervisor Miss M. J. Ferrao Register with Mrs. Josephine Wong 1. Mentrl Lane, Ipoh. DIVING Marine Salvage and Below Water Work. SALVAGE ENGINEERS UNDER WATER CONTRACTORS S Malacca Street, Tel. ***** Singapore 1. Cable: DIVER jl, 17 JWLS
      354 words
    • 391 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS JUDGES SECRETARY, (Applications Invited from Federal Citizens) S..l.iry Scale $450x13--528/538 x 18 700. Qualification, Shorthand speed of 120 w.p.m. typewriting not less than 40 w.p.m. Duties: Preparing Judge's notes; taking down summing-up in Assessor Trials; full time Stenographer and secretary to the Judge. One year's probation. Application on
      391 words
    • 621 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the following posts In the Telecommunications Department. Singapore. PROBATIONER C L E XX S (Male). Salary Scale: 9152.60 X 7.50 167.50/B/205 x IS 325/ B/340 x 15-460 p.m. plus variable allowance at present in force. The total emoluments range from $190.63 p.m. with annual
      621 words
    • 712 10 NOTICES MACLEANS NEW FORMULA rCBOXIDE TOOTHFA*TE Lswk; Leaflets IST PKIZE 150— No. 3636 2ND PRIZE $50— N«. 4117 IRD HUZE No. 56M On arWaetion of winninr leaflsls, pilMtt Mi be oiillwiSCid from: C. A K. MORTON (M) LTD., J4/5 Meyer Chambers, Raffles Place. NOTICE This Is to give Notice that
      712 words
    • 413 10 OFFICIAL Pt| t lb. (dow,, j, ,">!., TIN: MSI 2 U (down s-; h>.'., h COPRA P'CU| > i i I i i KNUTSEN LINE orient service FROM CANADA/ U.S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing Arriving Ssn Frsnci«co Sport P. Swer. Penang Fret Ogeka Bakke King* Dock 20 Feb 21
      413 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1173 11 -—^TMANSFIELD CO., LTD. ft*. %41% J»l: 9 (Incorporated In Smgopore) (U 65" THE BLUE FUNNEL UNE T K"T Ou. Soil. P S>om ..'-sow Feb 17/18 •r»' flM Hollond, Feb 18/19 tom-J *>. F.O 19/21 Feb 22/23 r! W W *> 23/27 24/29 Mar 2 Mar S Mar 4/ 7 V
      1,173 words
    • 1032 11 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA 'or Aden, Port Said. Genoa, Antwerp, RsltM.Mt. Himburß. C*H«biß«o> wotwanourg m sjam S'por* P. S'hom Ponong x) "INDIA" 29 Fob/ 2 Mar 2/ 4 Mor "SILANDIA" 12/14 Mar IS/IS Mor 14/17 Mor "SIENA" 19/20 Mar 21/22 Mor xnxx) "kina" 22/22 Mot I) Colls Beyrouth,
      1,032 words
    • 1119 11 She THE BEN UNE STEAMERS LTD 7l^*-' INGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) S LINU SAILWImf TO UK. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS S'por* P. S'hom Panong BENAVON for London, Rotterdom, Hull 4/7 20/21 Fob •BENMHOR for London, Rorferdom 4/13 Mar PhoU anl»o> Ua4on 4 Apr BENVENUE for Liverpool, Rotterdom, Hamburg 7/13
      1,119 words
      1,208 words

  • <*"™ll'll"l<l'™ll"l*''**—"^ ii BBHBBBHI^^HBBWBHBBBHBHB BBBBBBBBb
    • 366 12 ALLOW me to thank the P.W.D., Penang, for Its lesson in economics, consideration and fair-* mindodness. I live in TanJong Tokong and pass over the bridge which is being reconstructed at Bagan Jermal, opposite the Fire Brigade, at least ten times a day. Other States please take
      366 words
    • 81 12 Argument without weight I SEE that Canon R. K. S. Adams thinks that "opium should be sold on a controlled basis rather than prohibited as at present." His reason for holding this view is that "there will always be some who will smoke opium, no matter what difficulties they encounter."
      81 words
    • 56 12 rE playground sandwiched between Nile Road and Oanges Avenue in Singapore is in horrible condition. People use it as a place to rear geese, ducks and chickens. Heaps of rubbish can be seen at any time of the day, exposed to flies and mosquitoes. At night cows
      56 words
    • 79 12 WHY cannot the P.W.D. remove those barrels •way from the old Kallang runway, so that the public can enjoy the huge open •pace or take an airing there? Since the P.W.D. closed the road, it has become a &lt;eserted place where no motorists or others will
      79 words
    • Letter, Illustration
      3 words
    • 344 12 MUCH praise has been lavished on the European voluntary workers by members of their own community for their services in the interests of the local people. We do not grudge them this praise. Indeed, we silently admire their tenacity of purpose, their humanitarian motives and their
      344 words
    • 228 12 WAGES AND PRICES A THAJUDEEN in his letter headed "Keep prices down" says that when (Government) wages are increased, prices for essential foodstuffs (and most other things) automatically go up, and there Is no eventual benefit to the wage-earner. This is especially applicable to the re -settlements, villages and smaller
      228 words
  • 765 12 iiiiiiimiii j\ BRIEF /COMPLAINTS about the \j issue of passages on steamers sailing to India are growing day by day. My uncle with his family of nine, including children, came to Penang on Feb. 6 with the idea of going to India after 30 years. When
    765 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      9 words
    • 128 12 AbdullA I NUMBER SEVEN 45 crnK ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST DESIRED WATCHES All component parts are manufactured and M assembled by 1200 skilled employees in our I factories established in 1888. Experience and continuous research, together with the aid of the latest technical developments, achieve precision and durability K
      128 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 374 12 28. Record gates? (7) tm -f f* A 27. Rancid fat coalescent for Straits Times Crossword 28^^^ can described (8, 6) i I ii DOWN V" L I 8 4 5 B|| 1. Frilly gathering (5) j 2. A matter of literary arrangeHI H H Hi ii H 3 wh
      374 words

  • 650 13 S'PORE CAN HOLD FED. XI TODAY SEVEN CHANGES FROM BEATEN SIDE By Our Hockey Reporter SINGAPORE and the Federation meet at Jalan Besar Stadium today in their fifth international match since the series was started in 1954, and the score so far is three wins for the Federation with one
    650 words
  • 220 13 7-a-side tour agreed to by Malaya rnHE Small-Fry football team of L Thailand will play five games in Penan*. Kuala Lumpur and and Singapore. The Singapore junior Chamber, the Physical Education Department. Singapore and the Penang »ud Province Wellesley (Malaya) School Sports Council have agreed to take part In the
    220 words
  • 43 13 LYALLPUR. Pakistan. Fri. At the close of the first day's play in the Punjab Cricket Association's match with the M.O.C. touring side here today, M.C.C. were 70 for four after HjumUrfng Punjab for 100 (Lock 5-33, Moss 4-37).— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 236 13 PLAYING their first interschool soccer match this season, St. Andrew's School beat Bartley Secondary School 3-2 at Bartley Road yesterday. Despite bad ground conditions and a short spell of rain, the game produced some thrilling moments. Bartley were penalised often for rough
    236 words
  • 271 13 WOMAN CHALLENGES SPEED-MEET MEN ON A MOTOR CYCLE A WOMAN motor cyclist will compete in tomorrow's half-mile speed trial organised by the Singapore Motor Club at Urn Chu Kang Road. The meeting, which starts at 9 a.m., has attracted a total of 80 entries. An extra class for vintage cars
    271 words
  • 251 13 A 35-YARD drop goal by Newberry enabled RAF Seletar Saracens to draw with Royal Australian Air Force In their rugby match at Seletar yesterday, each side scoring nine points. The Aussies, who scored three tries to Seletar's two, finished the game with
    251 words
  • 91 13 WELLINGTON, Fri. West Indies' team for the second Test against New Zealand, starting at Chrlstcnurch tomorrow, shows two changes from the side which won the first Test by an inning.}. Hammond Furlonge and Tom Dewdney take the place of opening balsman AUle Binns and
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 198 13 fNDIAN AasociaUon held Singa--1 pore Cricket Club to a 1-1 draw in a friendly hockey match on the padang yesterday. First-half exchanges were even. Indians, who had more scoring chances, lacked thrust and were easily foiled by defenders Arkell and Farmer. Indians led 1-0
    198 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 459 13 (ggf^T?n»WiTp^7g?^n|fß| .cuFIED ADVERTISE- CL rVLv now be handed: NT$ IBC Alor St,e Offk. of 'It' AITS TIMES. 63. lalan Ibrihim. telephone Advertisements to N rtcd on the following JJS? be reeled not Uter Z 12 50 p-«- oW tODATtOH VACANT Hnl SO rt*. eutfra. •id. New Three gtlow fuJly fur■:..enlencM.
      459 words
    • 772 13 TUITION 2tWtr4&gt;lS(Ml..)-Box it eU. txtrm. EXPERIENCED TUTOR— sv,ESdli: 1111 1 M *^™c^s; B^i«i. H ax Sulteble You Jt£%r B1 r Z T S DRIVING SCHOOL Charges only for thi number of Lesions. riqulSsd Tef l 2 t 4 n 7 e 90 Test&gt; 41 Or «Kßoad BAJULROOM St LATIN American
      772 words
    • 814 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE Wtrit U (mim.)-fn M eU. QUICK SALE Jowett Javelin J»te 1951, European Owner $2300 cn.o. Comp. Ina. June, excellent condition. Inspection Phone *****. O LYMOUTH REOIBTERED 1953. MUeage 23.000. New whitewalled tyres. Excellent condition all round. $4,600/- or exchange smaller car. Please phone *****. 1955 MORRIS OXFORD.
      814 words
    • 92 13 RUGGER Seven-a-sMe (aeml-flnaU ani ftnal) S.C.C. "A" v Blakaag Matt; njtaiis v X.0.5.8.. pttdanr: Friendly: Naval Base v South Johore, J. Bahra; Nee Soon v The Blacks. Nee Soon. HOCKEY Slngapere v Federation, Jalaa Besar, 5 pJB. SOCCER Inter-school: RX v Victoria. RI; Breweries Tawpen, League (aemlftnal) Alexandra. FT. v
      92 words
    • 578 13 aa^am^Bß^^^^^^aUQ^m CHEISE SPREAD The best from the West in Swiss and American flavours pre -sliced ONION SPICE SWISS HAMBURGER CREAM BLUE SMOKE FLAVOUR GARLIC also AMERICAN CREAM CHEESE FARMHOUSE STYLE COTTAGE CHEESE EMBASSY HOTEL LIMITED I 46. Meyer Road, (opposite Katong Park) Spore Tel: *****/4 Dme and Dance at our
      578 words

  • 179 14 KING CROW, with Bougoure up looks as good a bet as any In a moderate Class 1 field of stayers In Race Eight. This Klngstone gelding nas shown fairly good recent form. At Bukit Timah In November he came in third
    179 words
  • 416 14 of the 'classics' JEEP'S STAR 3 Dapple Grey Shamrock Slipper Never A Blank AS I see it, Never A Blank, Bearer Bond and Three Rings should dominate the first of the season's big races the Selangor Gold Cup over 1J miles at Kuala Lumpur
    416 words
  • 806 14 DAPPLE GREY nas hit his right form and may prove too good for any Class 4 field. I make him my best bet in today's card (Race Four). Nicely tuned up after two runs over sprint distances. Dapple Orey won easily over 7f. with
    806 words
  • 385 14 Shamrock Slipper can make it 3-in-row SHAMROCK SLIPPER has a great chance of making it three-ma--row in today's main sprint race the 6f. Henggeler Memorial Trophy (Race Five). Shamrock Slipper made a come-back at Bukit Timah In November when he carried 9.0 to a fluent two-length win from a tip-top
    385 words
  • 151 14 /MUPFITHS of Selangor. who was chosen as scrum-half for the All-Malaya team to meet the Fijians in a floodlit rugby match at Singapore's Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday. Feb. 23, Is unavailable for the match. His place will be taken by McQee of Singapore. McOce, who
    151 words
  • 22 14 DUBLIN, Frt— ScotUnd won the final match to beat Ireland five-four In a badminton international here last night.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 151 14 STRAITS TIMES SELECTIONS EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY Race 1. t.15. NOW SHOWING National Trust NOW SHOWING Saratoga NOW SHOWING Saratoga Race I. S.4S. WHAT HAPPENED Emperor WIN. JOURNEY What Happened EMPEROR Winter's Journr y Race 3. 3.15. NON SABREUR Malayan Scholar Father Christina* MON SABREUR Father Christmas Willy L MAL.
    151 words
  • 933 14 TODAY'S RACE CARD Race 1 2.15: &lt; Class 1, Div. 4 6 Furs. 1 -2 New Showing 4y Qtytt 813 Bhaw Btable Martin 2 094 National TitMt 8y Donnelly 8.11 P.H. AT. W. Ong Hobbs 3 087 Percussion 6y Hudson 8.10 Kok Hoong Tjoa 4—3 Saratega fly Johari 8.06 K.
    933 words
  • 390 14 Singapore Turf Club committee are re-elected TIHE Singapore Turf Club held their annual general meeting yesterday, with not more than half last year's attendance of about 220 present. What followed was not even half as lively. Last year's working committee were virtually re-elect-ed, with Mr. W. McGregor Watt being confirmed
    390 words
  • 72 14 A item on the aceu 0/ the InternT* Cyclist Unions Confess, to here on March 3 i,T question 0/ dopi^ To counter the stimulants Posed that in flj* nder, o n receirm. V licence, tcou !d ten permission Ur saliva test to be nr l
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 30 14 AUSSIE GIRL SETS RECORD SYDNEY. PrL-Mmw Crapp tonight broke \itZ swimming record for tli. ti» 440 yards freestyle with j smin 6.7 sec. She was rocao! the Australian championS? 1
    30 words
  • 40 14 SOUTH JOHORE v NAVAL BASES JOHORE BAHRU. ft. -3J Johore will mcc; (i rugby tomorrow on ]ot.m a Service Club grou:.. team is: Whaynan, C. H. F?r.r.e:. May fey, Roberts. Emer. ham, Syratt. M Chalmers, Ikin, Bch Peng sang, Adam.w
    40 words
  • 27 14 TODAY'S HOCKEY BROADCAST A commentary o:. eration of Malay. hockey match at Jalan Si Stadium will be Malaya at 5 p.m. C mmentatoci be Mr. Claud Doral.
    27 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 826 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pmje 6) SITUATIONS VACANT Word, Si &lt; Win Box it elm. extraVISITING BUSINESS'ifEN, authors, agents: European stenographer/ copytypist available on hourly terms. Speedy and accurate. Charges reasonable. Box A 1527 6.T. WANTED ASST. STOREKEEPER for Mining Company. Required to stay at Mine In South East Johore.
      826 words
    • 114 14 one fujedoi (rt, 8 and l6 mm The Paillard Bolex Type G i projector has earned itself a fine reputa tion as the most versatile projector cvi built. It is provided with all the la technical refinements needed to put tl final touch of sparkling brilliance into your films. In
      114 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 58 14 TODAY'S GOIN6 AND DROADCAST rjWE ffoinr at Koala and Seven. X Lumpur up to last evening was rood. BIG SWEEP will be drawn on Race Eight, and the Million-dollar sweep on TREBLE TOTE will be Race Six. held on Races Three, Six and Eirht; and Forecast RADIO MALATA will Pool
      58 words