The Straits Times, 12 February 1956

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES f/ettSale> in No. 1068. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1956. i 20 CENTS.
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  • 349 1 To fnntvn.l unrest the -Black Belt' area; the weapon: The Colony's Master Plan They tell 400.000: Stay put.... i in Singapore are preparing for the Battle of the Squatters— and their weapon is the Colony's Master Plan. Red sympathisers are infiltrating communities living on Crown
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  • 79 1 -<\£LL, bring on the i run and nuts! Is monkeys won't stand for any monkey business in the Monkey Year. I've brought along my own dinner table, so let's have some service quick!" Poo, a year-old orang utan belonging to Miss.
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  • 144 1 12 Ang Pow's Tie twelve i rs of Straits j A/ord Puzzle j Each will re- 66 They j 'SINGAPORE: Mrs. I M. Ycc 455 A River I Vjllev Road: Lee Chee Whve 138 Kampong i lharu Hill: Mrs. R. i Mever 1 Amber Man- |OHORE: Mrs. L. Sundram P.
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  • 52 1 ALOR STAR. Sat. Three terrorists, one armed with a sten-gun. fired at a party of Australian soldiers in the Bongsu Forest Reserve In South Kedah yesterday afternoon. The Australians, who were patrolling the forest, returned flre and the bandits fled. No casualties were reported on
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  • 188 1 To-day, at a press conference at Kiuang, a Government spokesman described the first foui months of the indefinite operation as very successful." By driving a wedge into the centre of terrorist activity, the security forces hope to cut off the Red concentrations In the
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  • 37 1 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. Mr. Heng Sup Jhun. of South Korea, a United Nations Social Welfare official, will visit Johore Bahru from Feb. 16 to 18. His visit has been arranged by the Colonial Office.
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  • 42 1 COLOMBO. Sat.— Stephen Jones, the missing Singapore Special Branch detective was detained by Colombo police last night soon after he arrived in the Hner Cambodge. Local police acted on an extradition warrant issued by the Singapore Government. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 66 1 MELBOURNE, Sat. The Australian Council of Trade Unions today repeated its bark to work order to the 24.000 dockers whose strike bu kept 53 ports idle for three weeks. The Federal Council of the Waterside Workers' Union is now meeting i n Sydney to discuss
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 413 1 S. T. C. court urges big rises Bio pay rises have been recommended for employees of the Singapore traction Company by the court of inquiry appointed by Government to look into the causes of the 138-day strike and into wages and working conditions. The rises range rrom 28 per cent
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  • 28 1 KUALA LUMPUR Sat. A patrol of the Ist Bn. Fiji Regiment, killed a terrorist in the Tangkak area of Johore yesterday. No further details are available.
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  • 78 1 rpHE CHIEF Minister of A Singapore, Mr. David Marshall, who has been ill on and off for the past two months, flies to Switzerland tomorrow for a short, "auiet" holiday. He told the Sunday Times yesterday: 1 hate to leave the country at this stage, but
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  • 229 1 LACOS, Saturday. M EARLY 100,000 people gave the Queen a great ovation here today when she and the Duke of Edinburgh drove through packed lines of schoolchildren drawn up in geometric precision on Lagos race course. Children raced tnrough police lines and barriers enclosing
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 74 1 A New Year cracker set flre to a car off Albert Street, Singapore yesterday. Onlookers pushed it from a crowded side turning into the main road and put out the blaze with buckets of sand and water before a flre engine arrived. A shopkeeper telephoned the flre brigade
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  • 201 1 rUR armed men, one carrying a pistol, robbed a Singapore shop assistant of $2,000 after forcing him into a car and taking him for a six-mile ride yester- I day, Chinese New Year's Eve. The victim, Lim Teow Kiat, told the police that he
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  • 168 1 LONDON, Saturday. "THE DEPARTURE last night for Singapore from London of the Malayan "Merdeka" delegation was postponed by about 16 hours because the aircraft on which they were due to leave was still being serviced. The Malayan constitutional conference ended here successfully on Wednesday. The
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 26 1 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. The Sultanah of Johore has consented to be patron of St. Joseph's School which is to be built at Jalan Larkin.
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  • 319 1 The Reds will not give up arms THE MALAYAN Communists will definitely NOT surrender their arms after the Federation gains control of internal security and defence. Stating this yesterday the Singapore Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, gave a short verbatim account of the Baling peace talks to clear doubts about
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 226 1 YOGHOURT NOURISHES WITHOUT FATTENING MUSIC FROM MUSICAL SHOWS m MiDAM, Ethel Merman, Dick Cordon Jenkins His Orch. $13.50 'MDioi; N y, t Origlna i London Caste with Irene mind Horkridire Coliseum Orch. 950 ■EM lONKS, Music from the Sound- lm with voices of Marilyn Home, H rchcrr.on Orch $12.50 -ii
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    • 155 1 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS of QUALITY BEAUTY U. S. de SILVA, Jewellers 106, Orchard Road, Singapore 9. Tel: ***** The Sunday Times wishes all its Chinese readers a NAPPY NEW YEAR Mv /ttf/fl/f/ in just 50 seconds I f//y(JJ^^^^ Max Factor's flattering Pan-Cakt J(A/ Make-Up brings out your natural loveliness as
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  • 2501 2 Dear Countess they want to KIDNAP your baby son BARBARA MUTTONS NEW HUSBAND, THE HANDSOMEST MAN IN EUROPE, CALLS IN SCOTLAND YARD AFTER A WARNING LETTER THAT TELLS OF A RANSOM PLOT Part 2 of a new study of one of the most puzzling women in the world Girl On
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 Dramatic New Styling \^^B^iV '■■.ViVilMiii- V^S > iyii- i^B i tf/**^ 4k^^^^^^^^ M tmmJa^ V^9^^|^V I tdfiflni^ mm j:::«<^ i ".M.';-^T JP'T lll^^?-'^ Hi- > J«c /Awe magnificent cars now at LYONS MOTORS ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE DOO KINOSWAV CUSTOM M^?» IP WNIVCMkAi. CANS I IPOH PENANG WKARNC •HOTHEWS KUALA LUMPUB
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    • 5 2 NEXT WEEK: Count Reventlow accused
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    • 266 2 Keep your akin lovely, fair tliis easy w a Pond's Cream! are right for your tkin right jor the climate T TSE PONDS FAMOUS creams to rretrvt and enhance your beauty. No matter what type of. skin you have or what climate you live in Ponds Creams protect and glorifi
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  • 364 3 REGIMENT'S BEST SAPPER' REDUCED TO THE RANKS \^HEN "that other man" entered his wife's life, Corporal D. A. W. Webb, of the Royal Engineers, more than 7,000 miles away from home, began to worry. Then he began to drink. Yesterday, a Singapore
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  • 217 3 The Monkey Gods would frown A SINGAPORE Chinese, anxious to get on the good side of the Gods in the Monkey Year, released a tame Burok from captivity. But his act of kindness is really an act of cruelty and ll more likely to earn him t'.ie frowns than the
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  • 250 3 INQUIRIES have been started to determine the fate of the five Singapore fishing vessels, last heard of in South Vietnam and Burma. Four of the vessels, it is understood, have been detained by the Vietnamese Government for infringing the country's territorial waters. But
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  • 50 3 The Kluang branch of the Government Workers' Union of Malaya voted last night to go on strike if the Government continued to refuse either to negotiate with the union or to refer wage claims to an arbitration court. Kluang will be the Johore headquarters of the strike.
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  • 91 3 A BRITISH soldier was yesterday found with a gun shot wound in his right eye at the Army Garrison Barracks in Blakan Mati an island off Singapore. Private D Chalkley, 25. a craftsman attached to RE.M.E., of the Royal Artillery Regiment, was taken by motor
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  • 147 3 Girl was raped and strangled BENTONG, Sat. A SLIPPER on a track running off the Karak-Mentakab Road led a father heading a search party to the body of his 14-year-old daughter lying in thick blukar by a swamp. She had been strangled after being raped. At an inquest yesterday the
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  • 281 3 New language plan to settle Indian riot city dispute AMRITSAR, Punjab, India, Sat. INDIA'S ruling Congress Party today suggested the encouragement of bilingual states in India wherever feasible, with regional councils for each linguistic area. In a resolution framed by the party high command, and passed by the full committee,
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 51 3 Mr. Herbert Cliilord KodriKue:*, sun oi Mr. and Mrs. William Rodrigues, with his bride, the former Miss Maureen Pamela Aeria, daughter of the late Mr. O. C. Aeria and Mrs. J. R. Gay. after their wedding at St. Anthony's Chapel. RAF Changi, yesterday. Photo by Michael
    Michael Anchant  -  51 words
  • 337 3 The Singapore City Council may go ahead, after all, with a plan to sell air conditioning units to the public on hire purchase terms. i ~r 4 The view of the Councils Public Utilities Committee is that this should be done to boost
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  • 40 3 How would you like to see Singapore by trisha, bus, car or plane The Singapore Flying Club is operating joy flights for three days, starting from today, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Paya Lf-bar airport.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 362 3 V 2£ Don't let that COLD v/^NA take hold! few props of Vapex on your handkerchief on your pUlow at night f^^^^^j eves colds from f^^§JJ^ :Joop breath. I noK FOR VAPEX I :n the new pack r K\ New! VAPEX INHALER b i•: ry one in your pocket or
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    • 661 3 II A MATTER OF ll GREATER INTEREST I I DEPOSIT BANKING at I I 6% is a highly remunerative W P^KA 1 form of safe keeping for A wMm fc* your money. INTEREST is added day by day I I and paid half yearly. d^TiToo I I FUNDS are provided
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1938 4 s^BB BIV Blfl s^BM BIV s!sK Bi VbHV. ARr .<fv a^B BB^B^^^J^BBI BB^Lb BB^H B^BBa r^BH £^m^<. 'I WaTTsel M jdf^- tfaHßj TBi^ BaaT U WW _M .AT L f\. A ***** R 1 '1812' op. 49- N ***** R Iberia suit. I Albenn T^gir*. «M| ,»^j|^t 2. Capricio
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  • 137 5 A years as steward at the Royal Singapore Fly'.lr. Lim See Chin is retiring. "Chin," now 66-years-old who never forgot a face and always remembered the particular tipple a member fancied, has served his last drink. He took the job in 1932 when Kallang
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  • 137 5 I IPOH. Sat. VR-OLD Ng Teen Ipoh, will be Kho will be Is toes when 205 their Royal Dancing Ex:mder one of st classical j, this month. Whitcley. a i inmittce of Examinaa lormer I Royal AcaTeachers' ..lrfield md, is expected ■nth for a three of
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  • 262 5 Young Malay wives shocked at high death rate WOMEN ARE NOT PREPARED TO TAKE UP THE RESPONSIBILITIES, SAYS A WELFARE WORKER MALAY women in Singapore are perturbed at the high infant mortality rate among I Malays, which was revealed in the Annual Medical Report last week. The Director of Medical
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  • 24 5 Thing shave changed in 2 5 years... M been steward of the Royal Singapore t.y.nij hi the past 25 years, is retiring on pension.
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  • 193 5 SINGAPORE City Councillor. Mrs. Robert Eu, who has a son studying in Australia, has offered the hospitality of her Barkar Road home to Mr. Bill Ford, deputy leader of a group of Australian students now in the Colony. i The students have come
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  • 96 5 The Singapore Film Society presents a famous French film. 'Pepe Le Moko." at tht British Council Hall tonight There are two shows at 6 and 9 p.m. for member only. The director is Jullen Duvi vier and the star Jean Gabln "Pepe" is one of the
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  • 63 5 An anonymous sift of $928 has been made to the Singapore Family Planning Association. Announcing this. Dr. Mary Grove-White, the honorary Medical Director of the F.P.A. in Singapore, said it is the largest single donation made to the society since its for- mation. New clinics
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  • 220 5 WORKING party has been set up by the Education Ministry and the Ministry )f Communications and Works to speed up the building of 54 new schools in Singapore by the end of 1957. The Minister for Education, Mr. Chew
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  • 271 5 BUKIT MERTAjAM, Saturday. THE villagers of Kuala Sidim in the white area of Padang Serai had a royal visitor this year for their second post-war "hambat ikan" fish drive. Kedah's Raja Muda, Tengku Abdul Halim, joined in the fun last week. He landed a
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  • 142 5 The Singapore Musical Society announces two concerts On Thursday week, Peter Pears and Benjamin Britten give a recital in aid of the St. Andrew's Cathedral On- tenary Fund. Both artiste have donated their services 111 aid of the fund. Their programme will include excerpts from "The
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  • 107 5 IPOH. Saturday. TWO Instructors of the Junior Technical (Trade) School In Ipoh will leave for New Zealand on a Colombo Plan scholarship at the end of this month. They are Inche Jamaluddin bin Haji Mohamed Arof, 43. (left), and Inche Mokhtar bin Haji Ahmad. 24. who
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  • 150 5 A 60-year-old New York grandmother who Is believed to have the largest single collection in the world of pictures of Israel about 50.000 passed through Singapore last week. She began taking her first pictures in 1933. She is Mrs. Hazel Greenwald, chairman of the Hadassah's an
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  • 130 5 The Singapore City Council has changed Its mind about stopping further issues |of trishaw-riders' licences. It has now authorised the Registrar of Vehicles to give out another 500 licences this year making a total of 5.000. This means that lapsed or cancelled licences will be renewed.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 The Washable Wall Paint that's so easy to apply costs so little. It's easy to do a professional looking paint job yourself, with SUPER KEM-TONE. And Super Kern-Tone has such a glorious range of colours too Rich as velvet on your walls, any colour you choose will make a wall
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    • 297 5 Pan American's RAINBOW SERVICE The only tourist service that offers you SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE! Enjoy delicious complimentary hot meals— cocktails at nominal charge. Big reclining seats with adjustable footrest. Fly Super "Strato" Clipper* to Saigon, Manila and on across the Pacific to the U.S.A. Super "Strato" Clippers are
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  • 1221 6  - People who come back from China W. H. NEWELL, ARTICLES TO SET YOU TALKING: BY Social Research Fellow, University of Malaya, in the second of three articles. This one is called "A Realistic Immigration Policy 19 DURING the last year i have been living with Teochiu farmers in Province Wellesley
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  • The Countryman's Journal
    • 572 6 LAST week there was not even a "bah betina" (small flood) in Kota Tinggi district. As is always the case during H.S. tides, a foot or so of water covered the streets of the town. Yesterday and all last night light rain fell, but
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    • 265 6 TMIA.MOs, Konig in Aegypten, K.V. 345, is the incidental music that Mozart wrote to Von Gebler's play, "Thamos, King of Egypt The theme of this music, which contains choruses and a few solo arias, is "the triumph of faith over all obstacles."- This basic idea is expressed very
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 210 6 KZEMA /ill/*' i That maddening i;ritation goes with the tint touch o' cooling, healing D.D.D. Prescription. Yen experience blessed rcliel and r>«ce. Then tores begin to dry up. /^W Infection is driven away. fFW Your skin trouble has M gone. Try D.D.D. '\ll Prescription now > '/**i>/ M jet a
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    • 320 6 ask for a ICK toothbrush White, gleaming teeth make such a difference to yo smile! Keep them bright and shining with «vTEK tootk. brush. TEK is the best toothbrush in the world; it's n only good for your teeth— it keeps your gums strong bcalthy too! Everyone will admire you
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  • 742 7 Is a honeymoon really necessary? THE JAZZED-UP VERSION OF THE MODERN HONEYMOON IS ONE REASON FOR MODERN MARRIAGES COMING APART AT THE SEAMS SAYS A FAMOUS PSYCHIATRIST asks Dr. Jon Collen -lIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIiI p.\R too many marriages begin to come aparl ;it Ihe seams w bile the couple are still on
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  • 452 7 JANS LEE* Human Case Book 1 AM a girl of 19 and have left srhoo!. La:-! year I met a boy with \ery nice manner.-. He is a few year>> older and paid me some attention. I was too shy 10 return it and
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  • 721 7 LET me know my English Birth date, which was on Af* the 25th Day of the Fourth Moon In 1911. S. C. KOH May 23. 1911. WHAT is the Western Date of my birth? I was born on the 29th day of the 3rd moon in 1931. S.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 261 7 a i(e>v touch JL /for your beauty feat hex plnUh YARDLEY I either 1 ini->li ensure-, that your v make-up is perfect at all tinns. Nothing eiju.iK it tor rciouthing it is a blend of fine Yardley Powder and delicate cream. x The merest touch <>t it restores »our beauty
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    • 294 7 PA *F«- t I L00k... AT THE WORLD WITH CLEAR. BRILLIANT. HEALTHY EYES THE OAIIY USE (^&>3~. OF JUST A FEW DROPS OF EYE MO j DOES WONDERS FOR YOUR EYES S^a^^"^^ )L* '2^ v Wo c^\y cleans Mode by the maken of RONUK-th« household won: for poll* Miss KNIGHT'S
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 48 7 JT *mk Om W•» «w mm mm m !M_OfcAgy_pe AO y {l|j Tu|S |g niF npgT TKAr w CSOSW/J" llofl^ p E" M E>V*gfrg VCHJ NOT f POOCOTT&M ANYTI-JlfsJ3 P^ll^E-Ll I MUST PINKS. OFP nO»A 7 r^M lift m LAT& 7j€ rue 'phone! I P£At? oc &*<>&&£ will 86^
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  • 310 8  - Fashion 's latest party whispers WOEL j [Fashions^ S*en By LJUNTING for fashion ideas can be an intriguing and rewarding pastime. With party evenings in mmd these fun-to-wear and easy-to-make suggestions ■I can give new fashion life to last year's dresses. ■J If you have a sheath dress or even
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  • 178 8 Winifred Munday writes from Gay Paree DARIS still is the most romantic city in the world. And the city of romance where no one is afra d of I amour and no one is ashamed to show it Where elsv in the
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  • 586 8 Getting to the I foot of things J. T^HE most Important acces- A sory item in a woman's wardrobe is her shoes. This S may come as a surprise to many women but will be S appreciated by the more t fastidious. Too many woj men consider their shoes Ji
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  • 53 8 COOL AND SIMPLE This is the kind of dress teenagers should wear in Hiis climate fresh, striped cotton, finished off with a shoe-string trim and crisp bows. The wide, cool neckline is youthful and tiny buttons add interest to the bodice. This charming dress is modelled by Virginia McKrnna the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 304 8 paaa, wmmmmmtmmmmmmm and whafam your -foiotWo. CAMPBELLS SOUPS? You'VE a wonderful variety \.o choose I from: smooth, tempting purees... bean with bacon Invigorating meat stock soup? -soups BHf Ool| blended of luscious, garden-fresh vege- biack bean tables. ..yes. soups to satisfy c.cry bou-uon «OT H, They're all rich in nourishment...
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    • 391 8 GOOD ENOUGH U I H£R/\ ■j Necklaces from S4O/^V,^ ~~ys >^V» Ear-rings set in 1 8ct -~^v"^^ Brooches from $120/ A j FUjIYA' BRAND Cultured I are real pearls U Modern science has merely learned m how to control rheir growth U ON SALE AT ALL HIGH-CLASS JEWELLERS OR -DIRECT
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  • 408 9  -  Mike Watcher Radio -by I AM back on sport again j this week. Why? Because considering the number of folk interested, it is one of the most neglected items in Radio Malaya's programmes. S Apart from the expensive racing broadcasts, there is one unimaginative quarter of an
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  • 62 9 $5,000 prixe for Straits Times Word Puzzle Contest "00" was shared by 12 contestants, each of whom will receive $416.66. They submitted sets of answers which corresponded completely with those given below. These were adjudged by the adjudication committee to be the most apt
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  • 769 9 By The COMPETITION EDITOR JHE APPROACHING Chinese New Year Holiday seemed to put competitors in Straits Times Word Puzzle "00" on their mettle and the number with whose opinions the judges agreed reflects the soundness of their reasoning. Below are the comments
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  • 366 9  - ANGLING CATFISH APLENTY Stiff tii by SINGAPORE anglers, desperate to get back to their sport, were out in force off Changi on Sunday, where at least ten boats were anchored. The weather was fine in the early morning but squalls later blew up accompanied by wind but although conditions deteriorated
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 296 9 MARMITE IS EVERYONE'S Witness food The vitamins In Marmite keep everyone fitter— and these vitamins mean good health both v now and in the future. By adding Marmite to our m eals every day. we strengthen our \co.\^\ bodies to resist chills and diseases; we get more goodness from everything
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  • 328 10 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE, Feb. 12, 1956. WE think THE BEGINNING The birth of a nation like Hie birth of a child, it an event both joyous and solemn. There is the first rapture that a new live being has entered the community; »t*il there is also a weight of
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  • 823 10  -  S. Saba Ratnam *OIVE HURDLE THAT CAN CHECK COMMVXiSM' By 'THE Malayanisation Commission, which set out with the praiseworthy A purpose of putting local faces in top-most places, at times threatened to disintegrate into pandemonium. Why? Was it just a tussle for a larger
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    • 44 10 Belne so long in this beautiful country you old pair certainly must know where in the whole State of Kedah I can obtain oil paints, brushes and canvas for my dearest hobby, namely the art of paintIng? EXPATRIATOS Sunti-i Patani.
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    • 139 10 Well bless our souls, what a predicament to be in can't you nip across to Penang and get some? We must confess when we were last on a painting expedition in Kedah, which is many moons ago, we equipped ourselves with all the necessaries in Kuala Lumpur in fact the
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    • 75 10 The Professor's right, but his remark is taken out of context, if there is a limited quantity of articles and an unlimited demand the price will be pushed up. But, in the case of dictionaries, English ones anyway, the supply is ample to meet the demand. Professor Cairncross would be
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    • 71 10 7es we do! We must resolve that good government and wise government will go hand in hand with independence. And don't forget this everyone gets the government they deserve! I would be grateful If you would kindly tell me whether the Australians practise a "colour bar" against the Chinese? If
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    • 189 10 If you are leaving for Australia, and we think you are, you will find out for yourself that the Australians are among the most hospitable and generous people in the world. There is no colour bar in Australia as countless students from Malaya have found out. The White Australia policy
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    • 220 10 It's nice to receive a thank you letter now and again. This column hasn't being going for more than a few months but we have been able to help quite a few people with their problems. Don't forget every letter that comes to us is read carefully and we try
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    • 74 10 On its main line the railway has 99 oil fuel burning locomotives and 51 coal burners. Those irere the figures issued in the 1954 Annual Report. By noic it is likely that the majority of coal burners will have been converted to oil fuel burning. How is it that the
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    • 86 10 When the British took Malacca over in 1795 and introduced free trade it began to thrive as a port. The Penang merchants got alarmed about this and the British Resident at Malacca, William Farquhar, was told to demolish the fort. It ivas in ruins by 1807, so you cant really
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    • 11 10 In order of merit, and also their different salaries? HUMPHREY Singapore.
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    • 247 10 Constables $122/2 years 126/2 years/130-4. 50A--152 50; recruits $100. Lance Corporals $152.50. Corporals 160-4.50 A-182. SO. Sergeants $$197.50-7.50A-2SO. Staff Sergeants $272.50--7,50-A325. Sub Inspectors 5355-15A-400. Probationary Inspectors, Inspectors and Senior Inspector $340-ISA--370 I bar I 445 15 A 550 bar/ 585 20 A 765. Chief Inspectors. $820-30 A-940. Assistant Superintendents $560:
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    • 55 10 As long as your licence has only been endorsed you should have no trouble in renewing it. If you had been disqualified from driving then you would have to take another test. Next time you mount your bike try and be the best driver on the road and by best
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  • 438 10  -  ARTHL'K BRITTENDEN JJv A TEAM of psychic experts has published a report accusing Harry Price, the famous British ghosthunter, of distorting— and perhaps faking evidence to prove that Borley Rectory, in Essex, Eng- land, was haunted. For tour years the team —from the Society for Psychic
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  • 253 10 MR. Marsh. aemb -wept together to ration and of our unb« our unalloy Mr. Marsi. gladness dl A few mlr.v, calling it:. an unprlnti then anoth"Commissai rhis tyj*. makes r see how talks in Apr! the same that h;i^ Tengkus Jumabhoy do not oft' point I be: mdely
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 847 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. M Wmrdt tit (minimum). REARDON: On Feb. Ist 1956, to Marian wife of Major John R«u-don. R.A.E.C., a sister for Anne and David. HOME I.KAVE 21, Ht.rd.-fj (Win.) Box St clt. txlra. I FAVES I ABOUR lost at the Modern Furnished Flats Central Heating Nursery with livered meals
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    • 67 10 KEEP *f^fH COOL Pj under Z^S FIBREGLASS Whether you are designing conditioning or not FIBRECLASS solve your thermal m:u..blems. Good insulation in air-cond': buildings pays for itself m time: a smaller cap required and running costi For non-air-conditiorv. FIBRECLASS counter.. of solar radiation from gives »11-day and all-night coo'"If you
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 209 10 Radio RADIO MALAYA •Programmes thus marked can bo received by listeners in Malarr.i Short wave 4!> 62m. Medium wave 476 m., 343, 366 m. and 297 m. A.M. 9.00 Songs from the Shows; 9.30 Southern Serenade: 10.00 London Studio Melodies: 10.30 Under 21 Club; 11.00 Variety. P.M. 1.00 Prog. Summary:
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  • 495 11 BRITISH CAMPERS KNIFED IN SI AM Holiday trip ended in night of terror when gang of thugs swooped on tar clad British national servicemen bbed and robbed of $600 worth of -eras money and camping gear when a gang Jijmcsc cut throats swooped on them while 3S lcep beside their
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  • 59 11 S paradise till ved by iiiorm- aJ dogAmerican monk In Singaingala Bhikku aid man perpetual hapbeing him.dividual. arrived in the <terriay on a lerHe is 53. He Mahayana priest ago. the Sunday Times the flowery offers ker.s" paradise can .('talned by legisby the decrees of mmissars.
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  • 21 11 Man on police assault charge ng pleaded Singapore ye.sirgp of asconstables. Salam and i bridge at rlday night. <>n bail till
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  • 196 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. UNITED NATIONS experts say that Malaya's roads are the finest in all Asia and more and more new ones were being built, said Inche Sardon bin Haji |übir, the Minister for Works- i« a broadcast tonight. During the past four years
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  • 332 11 A SOBBING Singapore housewife yesterday successfully got her husband out of jail on bail for the Chinese New Year celebrations by offering their seven-month-old only son as surety. Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn, the magistrate who accepted the last-minute "surety" produced by
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  • 91 11 The Government may offer to sell the 13.000 Singapore Improvement Trust flats to their tenants at cost price. Alternatively it may encourage tenants to form cooperatives to take over and ■nanage entire estates. These plans will be considered by the Government Housing Authority which is soon
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  • 83 11 MALACCA, Sat. Striptease dancer Rose Chan will give free performance at Malacca Rotary Club gala ball in aid of the Community Charity Fund at Badminton Hall j here on Monday night. The ball under the patronage of the Resident Commissioner, Mr. H. G. Ham;mett, will
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  • 38 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. The Sultan and Sultanah of Johore have sent a message to the Malayan Chinese Association conveying their good wishes to the Chinese community for a happy new year, lone iife and prosperity.
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  • 37 11 Loo Swee Huat was conditionally discharged for six months in Singapore yesterday after he had pleaded guilty to attempting to commit suicide by taking 20 sleeping pills at the Air View Hotel on Jan. l.
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  • 67 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Many listeners, who asked for requests to be played in Radio Malaya's 'Dollars for Discs' programme last December have failed to send in their donations. Radio Malaya has appealed to them to send in their money before the 'Dollars for Discs' account closes
    67 words
  • 29 11 Tin was quoted at $378.--37J per picul in Singapore yesterday, a rise of $2.75 on Friday. AJI other markets were closed for the Chinese New Year holiday.
    29 words
  • 174 11 MALACCA. Sat.— The Chinese Advisory Board here has appointed a committee to study the Chinese marriage and divorce customs in Malaya and make recommendations to the Government on removing the irregularities in the existing practice. The committee will call upon Chinese organisations
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  • 279 11 Gimmick' jungle wooing AN AMERICAN who came here last week looking for "a gimmick" has found it in the wooing of the aborigines from Malaya's jungle forts. He is Mr. Harrison Forman, author, explorer, foreign correspondent and authority on the Far East. Yesterday, after a week's travelling by helllcopters and
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  • 63 11 EPOH. Sat—The public ser- j vice bureau of the Malayan Chinese Association, perak branch, ha s solved hundreds of domestic and social problems since it was established in 1954. The bureau will continue to give free public service to all communities," states the branch's annual
    63 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 98 11 is the drink B/ BJ «flßr wBEOwSBm w 8m0»^ is the Scotch f«Ti No other drink is quite so Mtt' refreshing as Scotch Whisky. You can drink it short or CwF 4 fr l° n g. as t' 16 "«ood takes you, 1 K~^j but wlietlier served neat or witli
      98 words
    • 361 11 fHD~y/*T^ you a holiday (*US) v^r round trip to 11 Days including 4 Days in Hong Kong SAILS RETURN CANTON Ist MAR '3th MAR CARTHACE 29th MAR 10th APRIL CORFU 26th APRIL Bth MAY CANTON 24th MAY sth |UNE FIRST CLASS $566 TOURIST CLASS $317 Including stay on board Children
      361 words

  • 723 12  - A sword of honour) is presented I j «xo if*? r* ,/v^vWk^B f CJTILL in possession of i O the Johore Royal FaI mily is a Sword of Honi our presented to the prei sent Sultan's grandfather, i Temenggong Ibrahim. The i inscription reads •"Presentj ed, in the year 1846
    723 words
  • 174 12 Age and youtha face to face Johnson Ong of 38 Leith Street, Penang, wins first prize in the Sunday Times Camera Contest this week. He submitted the study "Old Age," top left. Second prize to Miss Sandra Woon of 174 Argyll Road, Penang, for her "Nude Study" (above.) Speed 1/5
    174 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 89 12 111 !^MO^% I A I IkyS l^n RS I htBRhII UN IBppWißii .^rL7^^V"^^^^4^rP^ 9 K6lr9rlr^rWl 1 SCOTCH WHiS^IJ '"WR^Rh~^^R^Bßßte tMPORTERS ton -MM.WK. BORNEO, SARAWAE A THAILAND. FRASER A NEAVE LTD. WILLIAM (.RANT SONS LTD DISTILLERS SCOTLAND 5 fiexarel J thlJ outstanding Reflex- p I Camera for Amateurs and m S~^_'
      89 words
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 134 12 [Popular Crossword z Itlt L^H 111 ACROSS Infuriate (6) 42. Prizes (S). s(l* lfi iiiM-i i ill 17 Mum ill kQU'PP** ("I 6 Measurts 7. MV Nirht before 111 20 P«lt on ltem < 6 Leane<l < 6) 10 Aban \m 2 "Swrnrrer" (i) '-Hue don (5 > 12 Un
      134 words

  • 782 13  - HAUNTING... That's how Alec thinks of Grace! by| LOGAN GOURLAY I Show Business i LONDON. 'PHE bland countenance of ,\lec (iuinness clouded a little at tiie mention of Grace Kelly. I thought for one shattering moment that he was going to make awful disclosures about her that she was a
    782 words
  • 167 13 Norman 's made he Reds laugh *!on star Norman Wisdom signing auto- not exactly news but Norman Wisdom ing Russians, all keen to take Some ♦heir meeting with him IS news dlus. n members ance comIted London ■lladium to ow. As one Koneva, of so much Charlie r'irial inNicholas D
    167 words
  • 27 13 WITH THE STARS AT HOME! Here s a plc.isant father and son photograph Eddie Albert, appearing in M-C-M "I II Cry Tomorrow." and his son, Eddie, Jr.
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  • 285 13 Debra scoops up the film p lums QEBRA PACET recently was assigned one of the most important roles of her career, that of a Sioux Indian maiden in "The Last Hunt." The noted male stars between whom she causes a show-down clash were Robert Taylor and Stewart Ccanger. Miss Pagot
    285 words
  • 189 13 A MEDAL, please, for the police- I man who slopped I Jane Russell for I I riding a bicycle I I without a proper I I licence in Honolu- lv. looked her up j and down (she ua.s ie earing a bathing suit), and asked; "'Any means of
    189 words
  • 224 13 DONALD O'CONNOR was holding an interview on the Paramount lot during the filming of the VistaVision musical "Anything Goes" in which he is co-starred with Bing Crosby and Jeanmalre. "I like to work as much as the next one, but for the time being, I've had
    224 words
  • om fars Forum
    • 150 13 Jane w ed Childhood weetheart h Ike back,,l address SCHEN. I !"S r in r ,d Shr r> model S -hich H»S lan*. lirown K'.l t...>lhall 1913. l v«r«-t--iriop- C I* K.K.O. r -U.l-t. I iM.rni», L m back- i .uidress mlds? C S. more. hi; brMk SS as cc-
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 450 13 New MACLEANS CLEANS TEETH WHITER THAN EVER BEFORE The whiteness-meter proves it Teeth cleaner and whiter than ever before. keeps teeth healthier —safer from decay i And that means healthier, too. That's today's Brush your teeth with New Macleans and great news sec them getting whiter. And notice the Macleans
      450 words

  • 1205 14  - THE 'BUBBLE THING STRIKES! NIGEL KNEALE Quatermass by STRANCE hollow meteorites fall on Britain torn* time in the future. Where have they come from? PROFESSOR BERNARD QUATERMASS seeks the answer. He 1* a rocket scientist who is planning to colonise the moon helped by his daughter PAULA and mathematician LEO
    1,205 words
  • 406 14 PKB I LOOKED down the microscope and counted the red blood corpuscles. There were too few of them. "You're a little anaemic," I said. "It could account for your tiredness." She was a pale lady approaching middle age. I had thought from examining
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 135 14 Agents: Gutwirth Sons (M) Ltd, Bank of China Building P. O. Box 362, Singapore 1. CENTROTEX PRAHA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA &iiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiimmi| C iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii! Qs!s dazzling new 1 Evening Wear jrW^ a/ Brilliant creations with rare touches of j r" inimitable styling and beauty of fine j ■m i fabrics. A wide choice in
      135 words
    • 71 14 Next weel What lit behind tl I gunsJ BOVRIL i tmBI i 7^ M_. ML^^ _P r__ wtmr "^■^r^'lkfc .vW«tjF S sr"' 4t^_2_^^_____iM___- I >- .*S___B__V:; ifr" 4^ '^_____K__-> _H «l ;>,_ _Hr: ___r W' _____K «H "Alas! my poor Broths _«s BOVRIL makes a delicious flavouring for soups, stews
      71 words

  • 465 15 There is no friction in outer space ppfUjijjii i ■r^^^^MyTnTr^BfffTfWfTW^B fhe most fala- statements j, was that abhors a vafor it is only j^t narrow strip grounds the p ra ||y known -^sphere that exists at all. that all is vasolely bear lack of fnc•e' that arpllites, such plan to
    465 words
  • 217 15 E COUNTED SHEEP TO STOP FRONTIER QUARREL ■SALEM. I h out a lent" last by counting '.y hillside. One fflclal, one cal comiber of the Ice Govern•ritive and »erd. '.43 of them •::c:r Israel Into what minor ln•nt." :.eir way up of the hill. li of trigan's land, into the
    217 words
  • 1241 15  - WITH GOD IN A COMMUNIST JAIL...' CHAN CHIN BOCK A Methodist missionary now in Singapore found a greater faith in man in a ten-foot cell by JT was a Sunday evening like any other Sunday evening in Chungking, Communist China. The Stockwells, a family of American missionaries, were Just sitting
    1,241 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 108 15 DOUBLE DIAMOHD P\ y^^^r is here! i (/^*\^Xr y pf a=^£A. s~(%b M c newes an d finest Pilsener you can buy I <77l IC_ O# NOW— for the first time— you can enjoy Double Diamondl r^ </ J/^^^^^ midr^ This <lnc full-flavoured Pilsener beer is stronger, wfflJJ^ U more
      108 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 299 16 Whichever way you shave PALMOLIVE gives you Perfect Shaving PALMOLIVE LATHER CREAM j PALMOLIVE BRUSHLESS tor n'fi imeethnau and comtertl 1 Oulckatt, •ailait ihava ol all I You're surt of a shave that's really smooth and long lasting when you shave with Palmolive. Even with cold water you get a
      299 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1055 16 *f*^M *kk\/ wiAUT ie t d\ Dutr by UrUt d Ft»turt Brndicau. Inr. I Qiiep i JC[ Jt?P'P(P om^r mh H f Sap! KAI fl /^B /VvAKI lAL rv«^K I CfM I nnurve WK*E*sr n^^»« Z_^H t TN the eliicn days star-fariTN linked up \arious countries of the J^ Jfil
      1,055 words

  • Article, Illustration
    900 17 FL YING SA UCERS MYSTERY OF MARS NO. 6, BY THE EARL NELSON *****11 <• "ii mi mil i i 77, I. HAVE THEY LANDED IF some sort of spaceships are coming from another planet, then there is only one planet they could come from MARS A LOT has been
    900 words
  • 450 17 The importance of the recent announcement that the United States is to launch a man-made satellite into space was emphasised when Russia promptly proclaimed that it would launch a larger satellite sooner To a world-wide group of scientists. howeve r the satellite project is just one part
    450 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 204 17 acid n D ia ,r7 on. So, whea r» V.' Al UU A Mflaaa »<id, ~^v :rd lining urstion. I :v»rd .iding U.cml ANTACID POWDER 5U t ned De Witt"* i Tablets' Keep, jndy m the office lunch MEN PAST 40 I Spring From Getting H dights, Pains in Back.
      204 words
    • 197 17 SV/J I\'l r sw/ss Woe LATESY 1956 models with date magnifier Vy irs a 1956 SIE J ENS RADIO FOR YOUR I.**** V [iPH;ijiii"iiii!~ fflml AC operation, 9 valves 6 wave llll *"ffi\llH|l^ bands and short-wave micrometer, 3 speakers. Bright high polish choice SPITZEN SUPER 950 W wood cabinet and
      197 words

  • 355 18  -  CRUSADER Sports projects depend on Rahman By ■JJOT only will thousands of Federal citizens eaget ly await Ti'iitfku Abdul Rahman's return from his "merdeka" mission j but also the sporting public, especially in Kuala Lumpur. Two major sports projects await his decision. But it is obvious it
    355 words
  • 402 18 says CHRISTOPHER PAGE TT is strange to realise that the present "generation" of internal combustion engines for use in cars may. in iact, be the last of their type to be made. During recent years, most of the worlds car and engine manufacturers
    402 words
  • 560 18  - 'SHE HIT 122 WITH MORE TO GO' world of motoring Mike Hawthorn says THE average motorist dreams of thunderous exhausts, the song of racing tyres, the grey blur of speed. You think that's farfetched? Well get yourself a fast car and watch the crowds gathe leave my As ton Martli
    560 words
  • 53 18 iM.ii. licmarks 10.1 «sjjjj hsss/ >flw< \<- rural M.n 10 Ooyjjjg** Remarks \rrrleratl«n I" -II M-l in B H I I I in limpets. O-rnrrin; l» L<kf o tram but saler. One jjoml lost for the back seat i. I riiniiinu Ten pomts O ond /lor ftrm.
    53 words
  • 93 18 Womanjust IS the best driver J In nur have r cident, tr j men' miles. lr V"' ur its tl not b< at skiddir." trarK safrt, their stand h,gh. This isn't trovers/ If "Women I morr I I I w.i, I what they I not come w I theories
    93 words
  • 94 18 i VjIOMEN DRl\ thep arc r fry mi end when m\ they are i I I cant' I the latter cat< other day. She cut i<et vxy traffic lane i head of me at a% light u- 'f: cator out. Just btftt the liaht
    94 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 137 18 *<* u^lfiMß^jiSSSaig? J* iilmJmmf^^^mmmmmm\ t^ J> fJ> "^T^ ]^mmM MW^ I i jfJ*jßyfyft dl ISf jf JT <T Jf J "st^*/^m\ JnS^BF^^^^^^mW **<*** tfimmM^M 4k9 mW t-T JF /Zmm\mW^Sio& MJL S*l^^K^uHk%V^' P 4^ m J^^ m W& m 7 J 'vL «F &W ft^mmmmmml mmmmf E^^fc Hlffljt^EßtWSr Hufl WLmW 3*
      137 words

  • 534 19 Rugby wizards lose their winning record KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. fHE Ist Bn. Fiji Inx fantry Regiment nearly suffered their first Malayan rugger defeat today when held to an 1 1 -all draw by the Federation XV on the padang today. The Federation very
    534 words
  • 223 19 ISIMELI RADRODRO, the regular Fijian captain who ni unable to play in today's match because of injury, listened in over Radio Malaya. Afterwards he telephoned the Sunday Times from Batu Pahat to congratulate the Federation XV on their fine showing. He added: "I would also
    223 words
  • 588 19 IPOH, Saturday. A LAST minute goal by Peter Fernandez gave North A a >.i W i n over the much-fancied South in their annual hockey match on the Chinese Assembly Hall ground here today. The match was a personal triumph
    588 words
  • 113 19 >TEE SOON RFC. defated No. 11 14 Squadron RNZAF by eight points goal and try) to three (try> in a rugger fixture at Tengah yeoterday. This was the New Zealanders' second defeat in Malaya. Both defeats, curiously enough, were on New Year's Eve the other
    113 words
  • 86 19 i RAF Seletar Saracens beat I GHQ by 21 points (three goals. i two triesi to 11 (goal, two trlesi in a rugger fixture at Seleur i yesterday. GHQ were well in the game lln the first half but Seletars speed and combination proved too much.
    86 words
  • 67 19 Abe Saperstein. manager of the fabulous American professional basketbal 1 team, the Harlem Globetrotters. Is expected In Singapore tomorrow. Saperstein, who is touring the world making arrangements for the Globetrotters, will finalise details for the Globetrotters' third visit in December. Abe Saperstein will be guest of
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  • 42 19 RAF Seletar Dynamos scored three goals in the second half to beat RAF Jurong 3-2 in a keen soccer triendly at Woodbridge Hospital yesterday. Seletar scored through Huggett and Jones (2) while McHardy got both Jurong goals.
    42 words
  • 40 19 A hat-trick by Baker enaDled Engineer Wing to beat Supply Wing 3-1 in a RAF Seletar Interwing hockey league fixture yesterday. Major got Supply Wing's only goal in the first half. At the Interval the score was l-l.
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  • 32 19 St. Andrews Old Boys beat RAF Seletar Greyhounds by 22 points (two goals and four tries) to eight (goal and try) In a rugger fixture at Woods vllle yesterday.
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  • 242 19 FOLLOWING their magnificent display last week against the Pijlans, Singapore Cricket Club soundly defeated Royal Signals (Malaya) by 30 points (three goals, five tries) to three (try) In a rugger match on the padang yesterday. The Club tackling was first rate and this held
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  • 176 19 SIKHS OUST RECS TO ENTER FINAL YOUNG Men& Sikh Association, last year's finalists in the Singapore Hockey Association's junior knockout competition beat the holders Singapore Recreation Club "Green" by one goal to nil In their semi-flnal on the padang yesterday. Sikhs gave Recs the honour last year after three replays
    176 words
  • 35 19 Bouna Viva Rangers and Alexandra F.T. drew 1-1 in a Breweries Kampong league soccer fixture at River Valley Road yesterday. Yassin bin Mat scored for Bouna Vista and Ismail Ahmad for Alexandra.
    35 words
  • 100 19 ACROSS: 1, Rnefnl. 5, Raider. 9, Relic 11. Disintegrate*. 14, Gnu. 15, Stage. 16, Ant. 17 Erer. 19 Eve. 20. Sitr 21. Side. 22. Red. 23. Clad. 24 Fist. 26, Mad. 29, Edge. 32. Ibis. 33, Age. 34, Well, 35, Ell. 36, Stand. 38. Fed. 39. Revolutionise. 40,
    100 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 701 19 OFFERS EX STOCK ,noo un DOWNSTROKE AND HORIZONTAL S hy LEEDS ENGINEERING HY- ID., with 1 8* glar.ded downstroke ram, BJ* ng surface 15* xn*. Max. daylight 2' ij'. k runs 3i' dia. Horizontal gNnded ram 18* dia. ng surface Is*x22*. Max. opening 1' 9*. dia. Solid cut iron frames.
      701 words
    • 301 19 Wishing Our all our offices friends will be a happy and closed on prosperous Monday 13th New Year! Tuesday 14th Fraser Neave Ltd. Malayan Breweries Ltd. Archipelago Brewery Co. (1941) Ltd. For normal growth oto and development p> V Ensure consistent and re- Jj liable vitamin intake $&'*SrrlX/{}^\ essential for
      301 words

  • 2040 20  -  EPSOM JEEP Champion Bougoure rides four winners By J^ANTESQUE, with champion jockey Garnet Bougoure astride, snatched a half-length win from Barakat after a thrilling last-furlong tussle in the Gold Cup trial over a mile at Kuala Lumpur yesterday, first day of the Selangor Turf
    2,040 words
  • 69 20 TOTAL POOL: $193,450 Ist: No. *****3 (552.231) 2nd: No. *****0 ($26,115) 3rd: No. *****7 ($13,057) Starters (51.865 each) Nos. *****0. *****1. ***** H. *****1, *****9, *****2. *****2. Consolation ($ll6O each): Nos. *****4. *****8, *****0. *****0, *****1 *****8, *****2. *****9. *****0. *****6. TREBLE TOTE: 11 tickets 139 each. FORECAST
    69 words
  • 298 20 LONDON. Sat THE Marylebone Cricket Club yesterday hinted that the noball law might eventually bej changed to avoid any controversy over bowling 'drag 1 The MCC. whoc-* proposals to eliminate 'drag' during the forthcoming Australian tour of England have been rejected by
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 458 20 KENTUCKY PRIDE BEATS AMUSEMENT IN TRYOUT By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. KENTUCKY PRIDE ran a brilliant trial on the training track, at Kuala Lumpur this morning, when he beat the useful Amusement II (Geyer) over 3f. in 36 3/5. On this workout Kentucky Pride must have a great chance
    458 words
  • 108 20 WELLINGTON. Sat. WELLINGTON were forced to follow on 171 runs behind the West Indies total of 429 for five declared In spite of a splendid century by L. S. Miller here today. At close. Wellington, who had scored 258 and 25 for one. were 146
    108 words
  • 96 20 MELBOURNE, Sat. VyESTERN Australia, who have TT Just gained full playing membership of the Sheffield Shield competition, were 418 runs behind with six first innings wickets left when play closed on the second day of their match against Victoria here today. Victoria. 362 for four overnight,
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 65 20 JOHANNE3BT7RO, Sat. rWART Potgieter, the seven feet two inches. 322-pound South African heavywe'rfht, who announced his retirement from the ring in December, today decided to make a comeback. His first flpht is expected to be against Canada's James j I'arkrr. In Johannesburg within two months.
    65 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 218 20 2» Warit $19 (minimum). ABRAHAM: On Friday, 10th February. 195fi. at Bungsar Hospital, to Jm- and Sam, a daughter. Rose WUhelmina Suhnnthl. SELANGOR TURF CLUB NOTICE TO MEMBERS Do not Porfjet— The "Second Day Is TufMiay. February 14th— not Wednesday the 15th, and Six Daw only remain. In which to
      218 words
    • 89 20 II Snows f he iubicct P' etur nghf >(| B I th expofure Subje cf I BEHN. MEYER CO. LTD., P.O. Box 2000, kj PATERSON, SIMONS CO. LTD., Kuala Lumpur Jsp* 1 1 Top-grade HTvirginial > mEr I! Hi iv I Those natural cork tips V I as cool to
      89 words

  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 220 22 '<3NnOS A<d Q3C\Q9 CL3W335 3* FiDfl NOH V 9V^^^«^^J \Ka^" >--^b=<^£ xT^' 3AU <73^ < S W\^' <£~--H9nON3 3J.tnoO i- #11^ Z)\ T O r l 3 a s &J**t **<>-* pi> *>*lf m m m m f#o fiu<Kif# VQNH > KIOI-nilM N9l 7 919 9V N33g III^HHH H 'nOA
      220 words