The Straits Times, 11 February 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 75.000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1956 15 CENTS AW**** Ik*****
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  • 442 1 -w... THAT is MANDARIN for 'LAYING DOWN ARMS' But did Chin Peng mean 'surrender' —or just a cease-Eire? How will Reds _J interpret their Baling pledge? From HARRY MILLER Kuala Lumpur, Friday Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, may find himself involved estion of Communist interpretation of
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  • 48 1 DAG stops for an hour MR. DAG HAMMARSKJOELD (above), SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, yesterday passed through Singapore on his way to Jakarta. He spent one hour at Paya Lebar airport. He > will also visit Canberra and I Wellington before returning to the United States. Straits Times picture.
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  • 132 1 LONDON Fri rjiENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN. X in a broadcast from the 8.8.C. last night, revealed that the merdeka mission had had "a little bit of a tiff" with the British Government about the question of a loan to Malaya. He added, however, that they might yet
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  • 119 1 MISSING C.I.D. MAN FOUND IN LINER THE missing Singapore detective, Stephen David William Jones, has been traced. Jones, 23. whose disappearance on Monday started a colony-wide search, is In the liner Cambodge. which Is due in Colombo today. The captain cabled yesterday that Jones was a stowaway, a police spokesman
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  • 41 1 WOLVERHAMPTON. Fri. —The Federation Minister for Education, Dato Abdul Razak. announced here today that with Malaya getting independence the Government will now expand the vernacular schools In ihe country. He was officially tpening Bnnsford Teachers' Training College.— U.P.
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  • 47 1 WASHINGTON. Fri. The White House Press secretary. Mr. James Hagerty, said today there was a possibility" that President Eisenhower would enter hospital tomorrow for the medical examination which will help him to decide whether to stand for a second term. Reuter. ovu r
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  • 26 1 The Chief Minister, Mr. Marshall, yesterday wished the Chinese community "all health, happiness and prosperity" on the occasion of the Chinese New Year.
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  • 28 1 LONDON Fri Lord Trenchard. "father of the Royal Air Force," has died at the age of 83. it was announced here today.— Reuter.
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  • 134 1 —ASST. MINISTER WITHDRAWS MOTION npHE scheduled debate by the Singapore Legislative Assembly yesterday on whether a state lottery should be established did not take place. Mr. Tan Theng Chiang. Assistant Minister for Local Government. wa s to have introduced a motion asking for approval of the principle
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  • 90 1 HOLLYWOOD. Fri. JENNIFER JONES and WilJ liam Holden last night received gold medals at the annual Photoplay magazine banquet. Miss Jones was honoured for her performance in "Love is a Many-Splen-doured Thing" and "Good Morning, Miss Dove." Holden was cited for nLs work in "Love
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  • 27 1 CANBERRA, Fri. The Premier. Mr Menzies. has cancelled appointments for the next few days because he is unwell. His condition is not serious. Reuter.
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  • 21 1 LONDON. Fri. Princess Margaret joined Danny Kaye in singing "Minnie the Moocher" at a film premiere last night. U.P.
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  • 104 1 Planes follow up ground clashes KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. |X>UR R.A.F. Canberras and three R.A.A.F. Lincoln bombers dropped 60.0001 b. of bombs on targets round Broga yesterday. Their objectives were terrorists dominating the Semenyih-Broga region. They have clashed w ith security 1 forces this week.
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  • 56 1 LONDON, Fri. The Government held the seat in the parliamentary bj -election for I North-East Leeds. The result was: Sir Keith Joseph (Conservative) 14,--081; Mi. H. M. Waterman (Lpbour) 8,212. Majority: 5,869. The by-election was caused by the elevation to the peerage of Mr. Osbert Peake.
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  • 140 1 R.A.F. ang pow 'airlift of sweets KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Hundreds of Chinese children crowded the padang at Salak South new village near here today as "ang pows" filled with sweets were dropped to them from the sky. It was the R.A.F.'s way of saying •Happy New Year" to the village,
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  • 367 1 THE TENGKU PHONES FROM LONDON AND A 'CRISIS' IS AVERTED E From A. SRIPATHY \f ALACCA, Fri.— The iU 8.0.A.C. plane I carrying the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, and E his party will now land at Singapore at 2 p.m. on Feb. 19 in--5 stead of
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  • 200 1 DAWN SWOOP FOR GUNS BY 300 POLICE >TINETEEN squads of Singapore police totalling 300 men swooped down on one of the colony's biggest attap areas at dawn yesterday in search of illegal arms. The area bordered by Henderson Road, Tiong Bahru Road and the railway lines in Bukit Purmel, has
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  • 53 1 Koh Ah Woon, 40, an amah, was found dead last night under a bridge at the 5' 2 milestone, Thomson Road Singapore. Police said there were strangulation marks on her throat. Koh was last seen by her employer at his home in Orchid Drive at about 8
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  • 46 1 A yonth, Yap Ah Kow, was ordered yesterday by a Singapore magistrate to be sent to Kuala Lumpur to face a charge of attempted murder. Yap is accused of shooting Inspector K. Subbiah (now an A.S.P.) in Kuala Lumpur last month.
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  • 53 1 SHAWNEE. i Oklahoma Fri. Richard Dean Swink. 19. wrote "They say tbat curiosity kills a cat. Well. I'm a cat and I'm very curious. I am curious about the theory of reincarnation. I'm going to investigate it in person." Then he borrowed a rifle and shot
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  • 29 1 NEW YORK. Fri Tetsuo Yoshida. 20-year-old student for the ministry was held in jail today after admitting he financed his three years of education by burglary.— U.P
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  • 51 1 \fR David Marshall will leave Singapore on Mon- day for "a complete rest in a j cold climate," the Government announced last night. Ht will be away for two weeks. The Minister for Labour and Welfare. Mr. Lim Yew Hock, will act as Chief
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  • 147 1 Deep freeze peril Ship sinks in Channel I ONDON, Fri. The Arctic freeze which returned to Britaip last night has already taken its toll of Channel shipping and a return to the chaotic road traffic conditions ot last week is threatened. The 261 -ton British coaster Conlea sank after her
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 32 1 SIX nKJGS VII K am m\\ six llnus >t.i!ih"d a in. in at I Ig (•(■>- laag .mm him earl] t<>da\. Police iiuidc mm arrest. Victim taken to hospital. Condition critical.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 ICE CREAM 4U THiACeS Wliatever the goal ft f 'va!tine' is the food heverape preferred h v athletes and sportsmen who must maintain the highest degree of physical fitness. It provides essential nutrients including added vitamins which in nourishing body and nerves. 'Ovaltine' was used by competitors at Olympic CJames
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    • 11 1 Straits Times wishes ALL ITS CHINESE READERS a happy New Year
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    • 110 1 HOHONGOILMILLS LTD. tS CMuIUSf s'PMt TCI J9l-S»I T BRYLCREEM I is all your hair needs jM ■iylcreem controls the hair firmly but gently all day. brylcreem gives the hair a natural gloss without excessive oiliness. brylcreem is not messy, not greasy it gives the clean, smart look. brylcreem keeps the
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  • 712 2 CHIEF MINISTER SAYS: THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD RUN IT— PROVIDED IT DOESN'T COST TOO MUCH PROBE INTO 'ALL ASPECTS' VOTED TIIK GOVERNMENT yesterday abandoned, for the time bein# at least, a move to give the lirst television licence in Singapore to a commercial operator. Instead,
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  • 70 2 I^UALA LUMPUR, Fri.— A Federation youth organisation the LJswags has protested to the Government about its proposal to ban students from taking part in trade union activities. The Liswags say that the proposed ban is a "threat to basic human rights." FOOTNOTE: The name of the
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  • 25 2 TAiPING, Fri. The Teachers' Cultural Group here has given $40 to the Old Foik.s' Home for their celebration of the Chinese New Year.
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  • 26 2 me independent Mission- i ary Movement will hold a Chinese New Year party for 130 Singapore leper children at Trafalgar Hon.e on Tuesday.
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  • 59 2 The first battalion of the Rifle Brigade, now in Kenya, win tie coming to Malaya to take part in the war against 1 the terrorists. 1 Confirming thl s yesterday, a Singapore Army spokesman said the new battalion would arrive in June to replace the
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  • 16 2 Mr. A.J. Eastman, deputy Commissioner in Singapore, becomes Australian High Commissioner in Ceylon, in April.
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  • 200 2  -  GEOFFREY BOLAND By INDIA is out to stop all 1 trade with the Portuguese Colony of Goa and, in an effort to make the boycott as effective as possible, has turned her attention to Singapore. Indian merchants in Singapore have been summoned to India House
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  • 186 2 So Singapore bans re-export of flour— except to Federation THE only two shortages which Malaya is experix encing as a result of the Australian dock strike are wheat flour and fresh mutton. The present acute shortage of flour has been aggravated by the demands of Chinese New
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  • 49 2 Dr. Hamzah bin Hajl Taib. president of Lembaga Kesatuan Melayu Semenanjong, Johore Bahru, nas sent a telegram to Tengku Abdul Rahman in London congratulating the Federation's Chief Minister for his stand that a sultan be chosen as constitutional monarch of Malaya from among the rulers."
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  • 21 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.—Recruiting for the Royal Air I Force (Malaya) will take place here on Feb. 27 and 28.
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  • 117 2 in SEATO war excercise THE biggest single contribution to the SEATO exercise "Firm Link" from nations not involved in the original planning is being made by the British Far East Fleet commanded by Vice-Admiral Sir Alan Scott Moncrieff. A task unit of one cruiser and
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  • 78 2 MORE CARS NOW ON ROAD AS all-time record of 742 new motor cars were registered in Singapore last month, bringing the total number on the roads to 40.934 on Jan. 31. The monthly average of newly registered motor cars last year was 415. A report by the Registrar of Vehicles'
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  • 123 2 Foam on the range but not airfields THE R.A.F. in Malaya is turning envious eyes on the fortunate troops who arc now being issued with soft foam rubber mattresses. Reason: The RAF. has bren caught with its bedclothes down exposing 6.000 brand new kapok mattresses in store for its Far
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  • 95 2 rO members of the Singapore Legislative Asembly, threatened with expulsion by the Labour Front on Wednesday, have been left in the dark as to whether they are still in the party. Both Mr. Lee Choon Eng and Mr. A. R. Lazarous ignored the oarty's
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  • 26 2 Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd, former j British Minister of Fuel and Power, is expected in Singapore soon in the course of a world tour.
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  • 59 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Tan Seng Kiat. 52. Hew Joo Sang, 36, and Hew Kirn Hen, 28, were remanded in custody after being charged in the First Magistrate's Court here today with attempted extortion. They were alleged to have threatened Chan Ngan with injury and demanded $1,000 from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 203 2 men of action choose ROLEX «s^_^ MR. S.K. CHAN, ?^^3HHB6t'§i^i«iM rr^'-~ a pilot of Mala- W"^Mp^^^S|^^' j 1 van Airways with 8.000 flying hours to his "Ib»^i 4 credit has continually realised that time •f^flKMfra^Kfii&'k ~*v m is all important in the air. So many /V|<^S BRte *4 things depend
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    • 10 2 fft MEUKOIV COGNAC BRANDS &/t /^-^\i,, <///,r\ I// r j
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  • 159 3 Chousands defy ban on demonstrarion^ 'Mollet must go' demand Resident-General flies into riot town ALGIERS, Friday. POLICE used truncheons today to disperse a ,md of diehard French settlers who defied lent ban and met in the centre of the to protest Bfunst France's reform policy ,r
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  • 62 3 THESE NIGERIAN^, umuru Nau,c. \j ana Ya^nm^ a aim, 10. hold gifts given to the Queen for Prince Charles and Princess Anne Prince Charles will get a deep violet burnous embroidered in silver, and Princess Anne a crimson kanuri (tribal tunic). The gifts were presented
    AP  -  62 words
  • 42 3 LONDON. Fri. The Musi- terday orderto stop working B B.Cs television pro- next Monday c broadcasting of the month. the latest move in th the B. B. C. hours for musi- j rchestru casually in broadcasting and Router.
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  • 16 3 in. Sir Anthony le Prime Minister. :Hirted to the talks in Wash- Ottawa.— Reuter.
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  • 108 3 WOMEN WEAR THE PANTS -BY HOISTING THEIR PANTIES COLOGNE, Fri. Brassieres and panties flew from the flagpoles of many Cologne houses yesterday to let the <ity know it was "women's carnival" the day when women rule. About 20,000 women, many masked, met in a Cologne square to greet the carnival
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  • 62 3 Marilyn and Sir Larry it's official NEW YORK, Fri. FILM star Marilyn Monroe announced yesterday she would team up with Sir Laurence Olivier to make a film of Terence Rattigan' s stage success "The Sleeping Prince." Clutching a broken shoulder strap of her skin-tight black velvet dress, she and Olivier
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  • 49 3 WELLINGTON, Fri.— A half 1 ball goat has been a farm near here. reared by an ewe and has a head like a sheep, poats ears and the rudiments of horns, longer legs than a lamb and silky hair. It has no teeth. Reuter.
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    • 245 3 MADRID: It cost Felix Cayuela £3,000 to watch a football match in Bilbao. Cayuela could not get a ticket. When a friend found him a seat, he gave him a half-share in a lottery ticket in gratitude. Next day the ticket won a £6,000
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  • 66 3 CAPE TOW.N. Fri.— The smallest baby in Stellenbosch weighed 22 ounces at birth and is being kept in cotton wool. The baby, a (firl. is fed through a pipette with one and a half teaspoons of milk every three hours. The hospital told the
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  • 278 3 LONDON, Fri. STOCK markets continued to slide today and the week ended on a depressed note. The fall m Wall Street and apprehension about the economic situation were the main causes for the general weakness. Closing midule prices of selected stocks not including stamp i duty were: Unilever
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  • 24 3 LONDON. Fer 10. Cash Buyers £783: Sellers £787, Forward Buyers £759; Sellers £760: Settlement £787' 2 Turnover: a.m. 120 tons p.m. 15 tons.
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  • 26 3 LONDON, Feb 10. Spot 32d Mar 31 -d.. Apr-June 31 \d. JulySept. 29-Sd.. Oct. -Dec. 28' d., Feb. cl.f. 31 Mar. c.i.f. 31d. Tone: Quiet.
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  • 234 3 Scott warns of new Red tactics JAKARTA, Fri.— Sir Robert Scott said today he was glad the "merdeka" mission had gone so smoothly but warned Malaya to beware of Communist infiltration into labour unions and existing political parties. The Commissioner General, here on a visit, said he thought granting complete
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  • 62 3 LIMASSOL. Cyprus. Fri. Schoolgirls, screaming antiBritish slogans, today stoned British infantrymen and provoked extensive student disturbances at Limassol, south coast port of Cyprus. Troops finally had to use tear gas to quell the demonstrators who wer c protesting against the death of Petrakls Yiallouris. 18. a student
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  • 28 3 Boom— loo times TAIPEH, Fri.— Communist Chinese guns on the mainland today fired more than 100 shells at Nationalist-held Kaoteng Island in the Matsu group off Fukien province.
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  • 23 3 NAGPUR, Fri. More than 2.200 textile workers have been arrested here in 12 days for taking part in banned processions. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 $ACC| vl r nBiß^^ J tve/ufDcu/ asss 3lb. tin of tve/ufVcu/ Full cream £WD ERED yy\ |LX MAKES N0 LESS THAN Pints of delicious rich, creamy, f *esh-flavoured milk. Ed 2/51
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    • 422 3 With a Kong and a Hee and a Fatt. Fatt Choy with a Kong and a Hee A bit premature, are you not, John dear? Monday and Tuesday are Chinese New Year. True enough, woman, true enough; but ta-day starts the long week-end and am I going to enjoy myself!
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  • 238 4 OENANG, Fri. Mr. Justice Spenser Wilkinson today awarded $7,500 damages to a millionaire, Mr. Lim Lean Teng, for a libel by the Cheng Fong Pau, a bi-weekly Singapore newspaper. The judge said that in assessing the compensation, he had considered Mr. Llm's position as
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  • 90 4 Drug law: Appeal to Minister THE Singapore Chinese Drug Importers and Exporters Guild has appealed to the Minister for Health. Mr. A.J. Braga, to defer enforcement of the Medicines Advertisement and Sale* Ordinance 1955. by six months. The guild said the grace period was necessary in order to give manufacturers
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  • 46 4 IPOH. Fri. .Representatives of four Chinese clan associations in Perak Hokkien, Kwantung. Kwongsai and Khek distributed "ang pows" to 370 Chinese inmates of the Ipoh detention camp yesterday. The association collected $1,122 from their members and branches for the new year gifts.
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  • 45 4 Author ends tour of war forts MX. HAKKISON FOKMAN. American author, foreign correspondent and explorer, who has just returned to Singapore after travelling by helicopter and Pioneer planes to jungle forts in the Federation. He goes to In donesia next week. Straits Time s picture.
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  • 32 4 TAIPING. Fri. The lnauKural meeting of the North Malaya branch. Federation Forces Civil Staff Union, will be held at the Hokkien Association. Kota Road, here at 10.30 a.m. on Monday
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  • 146 4 Court awards man $25,000 as compensation KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A I fitter, Leong Kum Kheong, who lost his right leg in a motor accident, was awarded $25,000 damages against Sungei Rinching Estate Limited and its driver, Baba bin Sida Kanya, in the High Court here
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  • 134 4 VITO DE MARCHI, 47, an Italian deported from Australia, was reported missing to the Singapore port authorities yesterday soon after the liner Roma came alongside the Singapore Hurbour Board wharves. Vito was one of five Italian deportees travelling on the liner back to Italy.
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  • 270 4  -  CHANG YEN FOOI NJ-W PLAN TO BREAK PAY TALKS DEADLOCK By I KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Federa--1 tion's 64,000 Govern- ment daily-paid work--2 ers were today told by the Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul RahE man, to take no strike action on their wage
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  • 322 4 A bump and a rude awakening for sapper And corporal is charged A NATIONAL Serviceman, Sapper R. J. Miller, 19, jumped into bed on the night of Jan. 26, pulled the bedclothes up to his chin, and fell asleep. Then he suddenly came to earth with
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  • 95 4 rjiHERF. was l.iuri ap. 1 plause in the Sin?a- E por c Legislative \ss (m E bly yesterilav when a cable fr(i m Teiuku Abdul Kahtiun in Lon- don HU read out S The message, in reply E to the one MH( hv ihr E Singapore LegUatlflS
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  • 96 4 I'LL DROP IT, SAYS LEE THE P.A.P leader, Mr. ux Kuan Yew. told the Singapore Legislative Asserr.biy yesterday that "cer- the Federation" had asked not to bring up the leet of union betwen Colony and the Federation yet. Tluv had asked him to drfer it until the return London of
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  • 27 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Three terrorists stopped an Indian labourer on an estate in the Klang district this morning and asked him questions about his manager.
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  • 20 4 The Singapore V.M.C.A. will hold a dance at the "V" auditorium. Orchard Road, at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 34 4 Pemmal Kanmah^ Sincaporc I fitter wh old pnl. Adi naranu wa KJr? for J by Mr J"- in the Sit yesterday. The court Kannl because she had reiw marry him.
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  • 21 4 JOHORIEnamelled n of toddy johorv have by the Governnv v of $6,455. I purch Crown
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  • 7 4 KUANTAN ber nrnoki h
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  • 31 4 PENANO, Fri. The band of the 2nd Bn. Royal Australian Regiment will perform at the Penan^ Botanic (Waterfall) Gardens at 5.15 p.m. on Sunday, Chinese New Year Day.
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  • 14 4 KUALA LUMP Choi. K cakes to the Taj Wah r H N
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  • 51 4 The big switch from Negara into UMNO fold KUALA rRENGGANC, Fri. The chairman of the Trenggiinu central division of Party Negara, liii h" Suleiman bin All, has resigned and joined I.MNO. His application for UMNO membership has been accepted. Inrhe Suleiman unsuccessfully contested the Federal and Trengganu State elections last
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  • 62 4 IPOH, Fri. The "superman" of the Perak Welfare Association, Mr. Henry Leonß. will make a report on his, recent tour to various districts at the council meetIng on Feb. 18. Mr. Leong, who ll the oTganislnß secretary of the association, to planning a pteantir drive to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 717 4 Every Date Jrffijk& a Delight... I Give Your Memory a Holiday with the Seamaster Calendar jfHSfr Remembers to wind itself Built-in "memory" changes the ip Date-Window every 24 hours Impervious to water, dust and fl! Ifi^l I shock' Just set it and forget it Jl IN^I Tested by 32,000 air
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  • 327 5 MILLION LOAN FOR HEW COLONY HOME OWNERSHIP SCHEME boo HOUSES FOR SALE ON THE H.P. EVERY YEAR i VI r-.nnapore family with a total income of l n oi men than MOO a month will soon be able ,wn home for a down payment
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  • 44 5 TEBAI /ER. a woman and a cyclist rash on the Nibong Tebai er Inc-he Has- told at ■terday Awanp. 51 was road when d down by a ;\lus bin >\verved and truck, killing hia passenger. on all three: "ure.
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  • 140 5 Unions tell mine: 'Take back sacked men' KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Two unions have jointly asked the Malayan Miners' Co. Ltd.. at Batu Pahat to immediately reinstate five workers sacked last month. They are the National Union of Transport Workers and the South Malaya Shop and Industries Workers' Union. In a
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  • 27 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. A Chinese New Year's eve dinner and dance will be held at the Rest House, Johore Bahru. tomorrow from 8.30 p.m.
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  • 55 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. N.irdin bin Mahmood altered the date of birth in his identity card from 1940 to 1937 when he applied to be a Special Constable. He was found out and jailed for one day plus a fine of $400. or five months jail, in
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  • 22 5 \R Fri. Curfews In X' v will during the i ii il the State Committee rx strictions ry arduous."
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  • 27 5 Public Security tribunal Tan Ah Tah. Mr. and Mr. J W. District Judge. c named by the rnment to b( tribunal to deal inder the Public nee.
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  • 14 5 Watchman is accused Munar Ram. j in a Singacoun •■.mina! McNair night Bail
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  • 14 5 re C( art of Ap- 111 mert in building I Feb. 20.
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  • 214 5 pRETTY Australian tele--5 phonist Bessie Came- run. who arrived in SingaE Pore yesterday in the liner Roma, was met by the man she has travelled half E way round the world to E marry Corporal DougE las McGovan of the Royal Air Force, Kuala Lumpur. E
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  • 201 5 No celebrations only death TWO REDS DIE HUNTING FOR NEW YEAR FOOD TPOH, Fri.— Two ter- rorists. one a woman, who tried to collect food for Chinese New Year celebrations, were killed by security forces in Perak yesterday. In the IPOH area. a patrol of the I' 6 Gurkha Regiment
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  • 108 5 Bearding the boss— it cost two men $20 MAGISTRATE SAW THE FIGHT IPOH. Fri. Two Sikhs, who were righting on the roadside here yesterday morninc attracted the attention of a magistrate. Inche Jamal bin Abdul Latiff. who was passing by. The Sikhs. Rattan Singh. 38. a lorry owner, and Mandor
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  • 71 5 CRACKERS— WHEN TO LET THEM GO BANG, BANG FLICE yesterday announced the time limits allowed for firing crackers in Singapore. They are: 7 p.m. on Feb. 11 to 7 a.m. on Feb. 12: 11 p.m. on Feb. 19 to 3 a.m. on Feb. 20 and 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
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  • 304 5 MR. CHEW ANSWERS MALAY ATTACKS CINGAPORES Minister for Education, Mr. Chew Swee Kee. last night condemned I attacks on him and other ministry officials which, he said, would not solve the difficult problem of improving Malay education. Nor would the problem be solved by "perpetual repetition of misinterpretation and misquotation
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 TOMORROW WILL COME! jfacturers I ifc is helping thousands of sccurity1* prepare for it. her tomorrow holds pleasure or pain retirement Of untimely death Life Insurance provides u> the family's financial needs of the future. Life n carry out a promise to deliver money no tomorrow comes. For example, during
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    • 258 5 McKENZIE The Specialists in Southern Style Vegetables TURNIP GREENS CURLY KALE COLLARD GREENS MUSTARD GREENS YELLOW CROOKNECK SQUASH Chinese New Year i )\^^L/ MON. 13th Closed No Deliveries TUES. Mth Closed From Midday f*~~\ U I Morninc Delivery Only la I y?EE I AH rooms air-conditioned with \,'%BEj!r. private batb
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 183 5 GARRICK: Teen Sardar Hindi i 3 15. 6 15. 9.15; morninc show All Brothers Were Valiant; Tel. *****. KING'S: Captain Caution 1.15. 3.30; Firecrackers (Cantonese; 7, 9.30: morning show Canadian Mounted Police vs Atomic Invaders 10 a.m.; midnight Prince and Cat < Cantonese > Tel. ***** CATHAY: Quentln Durward ill,
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    • 196 5 darini- Tel. *****. PAVILION: A Kid for two Partbtan i 45. 4. 6.30. 9.30; morninc show House of Wax 11 a.m. Tel. 6903. REX: The Indian Fighter 11. 1.4^, 4. 6.30, 9.30; morning show Blowing Wild 9 a.m.: midnight Three Stripes in the Sun; Tel. *****. ALHAMBRA: Merry-Go-Round (Mandarin) 11.
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  • 54 6 2(1 Word* ill) (minimum i. MR. ONG AH TOW and Family wish to thank Chang Chow General Association. Sin lv Sla, friends and relatives who attended the funeral of Mrs. Ong Ah Tow of 10A Borneo Road, including those who rendered assistance; lent cars, buses, lorries; sent wreaths, scrolls.
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  • 227 6 20 Wordt $1» (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the 'Malay Mail' U you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle. THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY Ltd.. Singapore wish their Chinese Friends a Very Happy St Prosperous New Year. SMELLS FISHY to me" said George. That's neither pleasant nor funny. Then
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  • 540 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. Feb. 11, 1956. The Public's Buses The public passenger transport system in Singapore has not been working as well as it should. No-one has been more aware of this than the thousands of people who wait with tensed muscles every day to batter their way
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  • 405 6 The Federation's Expats While the greatest achievement of the Merdeka Mission in London was the winning of a target date for independence, there will also be satisfaction over the agreement reached on the future of the Federation's public services. There is to be a Public Services Commission, independent and free
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  • 204 6 None of the three Bornean territories has taken very kindly to the idea that in the happy future they may belong to a Malaysian Dominion. Either they do not like the look of Singapore politics, or they are alarmed at the Federation's five million preponderance. Although Sarawak, Brunei
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  • 1013 6  -  CYNICUS bj I SATURDAY STUDY nnHE merger of ProA gressives and Democrats has not materially affected seating arrangements in the Singapore Assembly. The Liberal-Socialist six always sat on adJoining benches. They are now a little closer together, and there is still room for Mr. R. Jumabhoy
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  • 829 6 Where East meets west MALAYSIAN notebook TF Mr. Rudyard Kip--1 ling had really ever written those lines about East being East and West being West and the twain never meeting, without adding the couplet that completely reverses their sense but is so rarely quoted, he would have certainly changed his
    829 words
  • 148 6 From the Straits Times of Feb. 14, 1906. A LITTLE after ten o'clock last night there was a temporary suspension of the tramway traffic occasioned by the disconnection of the overhead wires above South Canal Road to enable the Chitty procession of the Silver Car to move
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 570 6 Straitt Times Free Press j Z 2 For th« convenience of o4vef- filers oar reprosentoftvo «t lit. i floor, SINGAPORE COLD STOR- AGE, ORCHARD ROAD, will re- ccive imoll advertisement* ond I answers to box numbers. Classified advertisementi may I also be handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD. Winchester House,
      570 words
    • 93 6 Now Foolproof Movie-Making wrh t^ World's j* Most Amazing*!!* fii±c9£e£if>m€tfU. THIS famous "dream" cdmera takes the guesswork out of movie making, gives you perfect exposures without the nuisance of bu ky exposure meters. Secret is iht amazing photoelectric "eye" a built-in governor coupled to both lenses in a slide turret
      93 words
    • 161 6 CHINESE NEW YEAI I |P|3j >< HIS MASTER'S VOICE" LONG PLAY RECORDS Thomas Fats' Waller jMeUchrino Mag.cJ^ H,,herto U nnub,,shed works ad, CLMO Sleepy I lohann Strauss Walhces jof p*« r«k from the Virnna Woods Boston Prom. Orchestra 1 9^" DLpioo> \PhZ':tcond Nicolai Malki Glenn Miller Concert > (Vol. 2)
      161 words

  • 286 7 The love pact— sealed by death BLINDFOLDED CUM. BENEATH TREE COMMANDS LOVER: 'SHOOT ME' p.C KILLS SWEETHEART -THEN TURNS HIS GUN ON HIMSELF BENTONG, Friday. rOl'R BOYS stopped playing hide-and-seek to i >ounp police constable shoot his iolded sweetheart as she leaned against the constable lay down beside the girl
    286 words
  • 43 7 T Business Union submitted 25 big Costerday reached wo com pa- Lta members here. •mi are Henry Waugh and the Ben I r> Ltd. rate agreements were represent aunion and the < concerned -rinse details of ents. I
    43 words
  • 23 7 rerttstns unsucally, the SingaWorki DepartIcing in England ruu quantity Department's adverthe London a three-year .-alary of from 5, plus allowan-
    23 words
  • 75 7 Johnny is coming POOD NEWS, lwr Singapore's teenagers. Johnny ("Cry") Ray IS coming. And he will SING too. Johnny will arrive at the end of March He will sing in the Badminton Hall on March 31. and April 1. Mr. Albert Chappell, manager of J. Rooklyn Amusements of Singapore, who
    75 words
  • 327 7 BUT COURT PRAISES HIM KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. A LLEGATIONS that a senior interpreter, Mr. Lee Thean Soo. had "misinterpreted" and "put words in the mouth of the witness" were made, in the Sessions Court here today by the Selangor Legal Adviser. Mr. P. G. Clough. Mr. Clough
    327 words
  • 26 7 Aver Methodist Fellowship. Singai a "Choruses" religious film show God" and the Deep" in the 11 num. 235. Telok reet, at 7.30 p.m. toi
    26 words
  • 33 7 The Singapore Government last night announced the appointment of Messrs. R. D Stewart. H. A. Forrer. S. T. V. Lingam and S. N. Shaik Aly as Justices of the Peace.
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  • 49 7 High Mass will be held at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes at 8.15 a.m. tomorrow. There will also be a service at 5 p.m. In the morning Father Arokianathan will preach in Tamil and in the evening Father O'Malley Jones will preach in English.
    49 words
  • 114 7 'Cat' back on prowl: $200 haul KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. A CAT burglar who has been operating in Brickfields Road here is on the prowl again after lying low for several weeks. Last night he entered the V.M.C.A. hostel and got away with cash, clothing, two fountain pens and two wristwatches
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  • 48 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A "wild cat" strike by 140 workers of the Ulu Yam section of the Austral Amalgamated Dredging Company at Rasa, in North Selangor, continued today. The strike began yesterday when the company refused to reinstate two workers dismissed a few weeks ago.
    48 words
  • 37 7 Lady Hobhouse, a pioneer worker In Family Planning in England yesterday visited the Towner Road clinic of the Singapore Family Planning Association. She is In Singapore with her husband. Sir John Hobhouse.
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  • 29 7 TAIPING, Fri.— Rotarlans here heard a talk on "Land problems in Larut and Matang" yesterday by the Assistant District Officer, Talping, Inche Hassan bin Haji Mohamed Noor.
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  • 190 7 Colony Muslims greet link with Catholics MOVES In Rome to form an anti-Communist united front of the world's 1 000 million Catholics and Muslims wer c praised by Singapore Muslim leaders yesterday. But Catholic leaders withheld comment pending instructions from the Vatican. The Rome meeting, between Catholic
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  • 217 7 Their help not wanted MR. DAVID MARSHALL said a prayer in the Singapore Legislative Assembly yesterday: "Lord preserve us from the assistance of the People's Action Party." It was made after the P.A.P leader, Mr. Le e Kuan Yewhad advised Opposition members to offer
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  • 119 7 TODAY: Singapore 10.30 a.m. (9ft. 3in 11.43 p.m. (Bft. 6in.); Port Dlckson 6 35 a.m 1 8ft. 31n.) 6.44 p.m. (Bft. 2in); Penan K 12.25 a.m. (7ft.) 1.06 pjn (6ft. 6in.) TOMOBROW: Singapore 11.06 a.m. (9ft. sir. i; Port Dlckson 7.05 a.m. (Bft. sin.) 7.17 p.m. (Bft.
    119 words
  • 182 7 Singapore Rural Board chief: I want to go THE acting chairman x of the Singapore Rural Board, Mr. S. G. Burlock, 43, has been granted a transfer outside Malaya. Mr. Burlock, until recently acting secretary to the Chief Minister, is among the latest expatriate officers to seek service elsewhere before
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  • 56 7 KLANG, Fri. The oneday hunger strike by workers of the Fung Keong Rubber Factory here ended at seven o'clock tonight. The 1,000 workers of the factory stopped work on Nov. 29. but only 100 took part in the hunger strike. The management has closed the factory,
    56 words
  • 178 7 He had 20 rounds of ammunition IPOH, Friday. Tlfß. JUSTICE THOMSON today sentenced a 22--ifl year-old captured terrorist. Chin Kiang Yin. to death for having 20 rounds of ammunition. Chin, who left home In Panjong Tuallang. near Ipoh. in 1951 to join the terrorists, was found
    178 words
  • 67 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Malayan Chinese Association leaders were urged tonight to redouble their effort to build a new Malaya now that a target date for Independence has been promised by the British Government. The Selangor branch chairman. Mr. Ong Yoke Lin, said: "We should all play
    67 words
  • 35 7 The Jewish Welfare Board in Singapore has arranged for a talk on "Israel Today' by Lt.-Col. M. Carmel, aide-de-camp to the President of Israel at the Adelphl Roof Garden at 8.30 tonight
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  • 211 7 TENGKU TO GIVE HOME AFFAIRS TO NEW MAN More ministers to ease burden KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. APART from a Minister of Finance and a Minister of Commerce and Industry to be appointed under the terms of the "merdeka" agreement reached in London. Tengku Abdul Rahman may name a third Minister
    211 words
  • 78 7 The M-pact: Copies are here KIALA LUMPIR, FrL rE Rulers will meet to ratify the Federation's "merdeka" charter a week after Tengku Abdul Rahman and his party return from London, informed sources told the Straits Times today. Copies of the agreement have already been received and are now being translated.
    78 words
  • 31 7 Mr. Tan Keng Lock has been re-elected president of the Buddhist Union. Singapore, for this year with Mr. Wee Sian Teck as secretary and Mr. Goh Kin Poey treasurer
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  • 31 7 A 63- YEAR-OLD woman Tang Quee Lan. who was discharged from the General Hospital. Singapore, on Thursday, was found drowned In the sea off Clifford Pier yes terday afternoon.
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  • 29 7 Three men. one armed with •i revolver and two with daggers, waylaid a Chinese in Club Street. Singapore. *t 2.15 a.m yesterday and robbed him of $860.
    29 words
  • 38 7 About 370 students have registered in Singapore for admission to Nanyang University. Figures from the enrolment ?entres In Kuala Lumpur fpoh and Penang in the Federation have not yet been received. Registration closes today.
    38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 357 7 DECCA H Lon* P'.aving 33 rpm Reeordi LXT.2990 CONCERTO 'Mozart, tn A ja»)or. «j»i B flat ir.njor. X.191. Peyer iClannet) Helaerts with London Symp. Orrh. icond. Collins.) LXT.2991 MUSIC OF |OHANN b lOSEPH STRAUSS— Vol. 1 1 The Vienna Phil. Orch. LXT.2999 CONCERTO 'CeIIo* in B minor. 0p.104 (Dvorak. Tirrre
      357 words
    • 200 7 WALL'S-the^ f tastiest sausages you can buy J 11 wLa or in tins Tender, meaty Wall's Sausages Mranm what a dish to set before a j* hungry family. And the tempting A MM A^ smeliof golden brown Wall'sSausitpcv "W MM MM A sizzling in the frying pan promises a m
      200 words

  • 34 8 Mr. Charles Chan has been elected president of the Metal Box Staff Union. Singapore, with Mr. Llm Eng Meng as vice president. Mr. S. Ramanathan secretary and Mr. Chia Keng Moh treasurer.
    34 words
  • 27 8 The Stamp Corner of the Kiwi Members' League will hold a social meeting at the league premises in Prinsep Street, Singapore, at 11 a.m. tomorrow.
    27 words
  • 374 8  - Danger Tengkus beware CHAN BENG SOON Chief Minister's brother: In free Malaya we may lose royal rights WATCHDOG COMMITTEE HAS 4 PRINCESSES By A LOR STAR, Fri. Kedah princes and princessess might lose their royal status in an independent Malaya, Tengku Ahmad Taju din, a cousin of the j Chief
    374 words
  • 119 8 TWELVE Australian university students arrived in Singapore in the Gorgon yesterday for a tour of Malaya. The students* trip during their summer vacation is made at the invitation of the Pan -Malayan Students' Federation, recipro- cating the tour of Australia by a delegation
    119 words
  • 246 8  -  PETER KAYE A serious setback to the scientists By |Z"UALA LUMPUR, Fri. —One of Malaya's rarest animals, a flat-headed wild cat caught by scientists a year ago, had to be destroyed here yesterday. It caught an infectious virus disease which veterinary surgeons
    246 words
  • 29 8 Lt-Col. Bertha Grey of the Salvation Army will conduct a Chines,. New Year thanksgiving service at the Salvation Army ball in Martaban Road. Singapore, at 10 p.m. today.
    29 words
  • 74 8 PETER PEAKS ud jamin Britten. British artists who appeaw recently in Sing Cathedral on Feb. 23 Their programs.' elude excerpts trom Handel s "Messiah." and •Creation." any s folk songs. The recital is in aid St. Andrew Centenary Fund Britten will give thei rices
    74 words
  • 43 8 The Voluntary Association, Singap hold a iblic 1«--tares on boost Interest in volunta:, welfare work. The first lecture will 1 Council hi. at 8.30 p.m. on Fob. 16 ufy. Mrs. J. A. Alcock will ;ai about "Volunl Society".
    43 words
  • 31 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. 1 One hundred handicapped children were given a party by the Johore Bahru Rotary Club at the Princess Elizabeth Scnool for the Blind, yesteii day.
    31 words
  • 35 8 Members Sing* I pore Junior Chamber I Comr. cases of condenM-d milk I 350 yard.-< ol cl U I mates o! toe Home foi I Aged at Thomson Road i» I terday.
    35 words
  • 21 8 The band of th the Northern Rh giment, will play at toe S:ngapore B<>' from S 15 m tomorrow.
    21 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 -ice-fresh.tihdlihd-fresh HIM I**'-x;-:"-asM. 5^- *""%>.'s?■ if $F 6T *d 0& s^B %T^'' '*V %^JP^ KBT l^^P^ I M^^k For healthy GUMS B^^^Vj You'll feel that healthy tingle— it tells you that brushing I_^b^Kß with new Gibbs S.R. Toothpaste stimulates the gums l&wB to resist infection. S.R. stands for Sodium Ricinoleate
      209 words
    • 114 8 There's none better than a PONSON A There's something for everyone in the js^k Ronson range of lighters. For instance, a Flo-line Princess (like the one this ""^lg girl is getting) is the ideal gift! You J£\ can see other lovely Ronson models at all good dealers. J Ronson Flo-lint
      114 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 535 8 u.f> n.ijnuii 0 naoonto; mil Close Down B^B^B^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BS SINGAPORE Short wave 62m. Medium wave 476 m. 7.15 a.m. Opening Annct.; 7.16 Piano Playtime: 7.30 News; 7.35 A Date With Music: 8.00 News Headlines: 8.02 A Date With Music; 8.30—9.00 Hospitals Half- Hour. 380 Metres and 49 metres 10.00 10.15 p.m.
      535 words

  • 1602 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE Old Malay titles changed] under bureaucracy iiikTUESDAYiiib JOSEPH BANKS THE BORN BOTANIST Chief and relatives ruled the land MALAYANISE the public service. Everyone knows what it means— a change in the people who hold senior posts in the civil service. But no one apparently wants to
    1,602 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 I-ONESEESj^C^ |BYWH ERE THESE DAYS" r^ rid rvn »re finding imintted Plastic goe« to :cjn-it-»-»-ipe *cl, precioua ewivet as the hour* n Vk uh the "pormica* at your comur home from tnd expres* your kbadc VThy not l MMKaV material ;esi schemes? fM QUALITY HATf RIAL WITH IH( WORLD WIOI
      168 words
      202 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 107 9 Jfo.v 3lorgan. 3M.D. JVo visitors LEWi\STWJ*N AAV OWJSHTER, /hOS?IT^iZEO L-VIOER INTOXCWOTEC >?p» PS=PE* NO viSi-'CeS "> Sia^C"?^ TOMOBHOW -*t Divk Tracy 3Miss Van Grvyory Wk^^k^a^k^^^^ I V O*. BOY.» I JUST SAW V V T *POC«? SOUL* MER.' r ~UBK\ MOKEV.' T ixr^AV. v._....u c l^c f MISS YAM ENTER
      107 words

  • 383 10 THE rubber market has been much quieter this j week, fluctuations have been narrow, and shortcovering has been the main stabilising factor in the market, say H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current report. With minor price movements in overseas markets, and offtake reported small
    383 words
  • 26 10 The following further January rubber crops are announced: rherman n Development, 141,000 lb. Indragiri 105.910 lb.; Xyalas 55 513 lb.; and Tapah 75.000 lb.
    26 words
  • 414 10 OTEC SHAREHOLDERS MA GET ANOTHER PER SHARE By Our Market Correspondent AN the eve of the Chinese New Year has come good news for local investors in OTEC which is now being liquidated as the result of the take-over of the undertaking on January 1, 1955. Agency reports from London
    414 words
  • 23 10 SINGAPORE i>k 3UBBER lb. (down thret.JLi of a cent i TIN: 1375.62 j (down $1.87 i) P r COPRA picul (un.h,
    23 words
  • 259 10 The MsUyan Share Brokers' Association reported: "On the local share market, there was steady support for industrials around quotations. Tins were easier and rubbers quiet." Singapore and Malayan share brokers reported the following business done yesterday. AlexanI dra Brickworks prefs. $1.80; Federal Dispensary (rights) 48 cents- Praser and
    259 words
  • 178 10 Ships I > f n k alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or cvpwtrd today are: Asturias 12. Bonnevllle 4 5, Eastern Muse C.P., City of Ottawa 6 7, Frankfurt 8 9. Polydorus U. Ball 13 14. Peleus 15 16. Clytoneus 18, Ozarda 19 20. l*wu N. Wall 5.
    178 words
  • 105 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exohange: noon prices per picul yesterday were:Copra: quiet; February $27 buyers, $27 12 sellers, March $27 5 8 buyers, $27 7 8 sellers. Coconut oil steady; bulk $40 1 2 sellers; drum $43 1,2 sellers. Pepper: quiet for white and steady for black with some
    105 words
  • 156 10 February first grade rubber buyers f.o.K closed in Singapore yesterday at $1.07' i per lb., down i three-elghtiis of a cent on ThursThursday's closing price. The closing ton^ was quiet. Closing prices in cents per lb. were: No. 1 R.S.S. Spot f.o.b, buyers 107 4 sellers 107 No.
    156 words
  • 87 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS Investmen" 1 keen bidt I larly for leaci. wide ranee on th here today, in mm' and Santr* Pr p Ing was iw ■stocks were was also sup] stenciy. Loans 1956-59 Loan.s3V, 19 Con. Zinc. Bank of N.sw"" Mount Lyell N. Broken Hill ]n Hill 50 Mount Morgan
    87 words
  • 12 10 The free c I Hone Hone for the Chi:. i
    12 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 422 10 NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION All members of the above Association in Hie Colony of Singapore will be closed for business on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th February 1956 for Chinese New Year. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 4J% DEBENTURE STOCK 1930/70—80. SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL 5% DEBENTURE STOCK 1952 62— 72. NOTICE
      422 words
    • 567 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SENIOR ASSISTANT Auditor Accountant, Department of Cooperative Development. Applications Invited from Federal Citizens who are Chartered (V.K. or Australian Institutes) or Incorporated Accountants with not leas than two years practical auditing experience since qualifying. Salary i in the scale $628x34-934/982x34--1254 p.m.; point of entry determined by qualifications and
      567 words
    • 1200 10 NOTICES BATU SELANGOR TIN DREDGING CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I that at the Twenty-First Ordinary General Meeting of Members of I the Company which Ls expected to be held early in March, 1956, the Directors will recommend pay- I ment of a
      1,200 words
    • 375 10 KEONG HEE FATT CHOY with the compliments of MAERSK LINE Agents: An»lo- Amrriran Corporation Lid, ISBRANDTSEN fROM: USA., tost West Coo«t Mediterranean, Red Sva Fort>, 1m S, Bombay (Colombo subject to inducement) s.s. FLYING INDEPENDENT ETA s.i. FLYING ARROW (calls Kcelung, Puson) ETA i.s. SIR JOHN FRANKLIN ETA s.s. FLYING
      375 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1523 11 THE SINGAPORE SHIPOWNERS ASSOCIATION invites the public to give generously to THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN CENTENARY APPEAL FUND MESSAGE FROM THE PATRON H™^jlJSfl (Sir Robert Black, K. C. M. G, 0. 8. E.) ■fen^lf^M HE. THE GOVERNOR OF SINGAPORE tfckklJMffHH countries. M W^t'* i« i^ '2F2!L*?S?i °l I P rt>duced
      1,523 words

  • The STRAITS TIMES Saturday forum
    • 375 12 WHAT is Liberal Socialism? I really do not know, and I do not think that the Liberal Socialists do. According to Mr. E. K. Tan (Democrat) at a political forum at the University of Malaya, Liberal Socialism is a fluid form of Socialism: and, then
      375 words
    • 138 12 NUMEROUS written requests have been made by the Kampong Silat Estate Community Centre since early 1955, but nothing has so far been done by the S.I.T. to put the roads and drains in good condition. There are hundreds of puddles, concrete slabs on the sidewalks are
      138 words
    • 117 12 UNION MUST FIND OWN LEADERS rIS clamour by a few seamen's unions for the retention of one Mr. T. A. White as their adviser and their recent request to the Chief Minister to allow Mr. White to act as their "technical adviser" during negotiations with employers revi;al quite clearly the
      117 words
    • IN BRIEF
      • 93 12 A CIRCULAR recently issued by the Housing Committee, Johore, brought to the notice of government servants in the state the increased housing rates. Another circular of the Stale Secretariat said that with effect from February 1 the rate of housing allowance for the districts of Johore Bahru.
        93 words
      • 46 12 MR. H. Jackson Su, of Johore Bahru, in his letter on public libraries for private studies, made an error in naming Segamat as a town which has no library. Segamat is proud of a well equipped public library. A. D. MAHENDRAN. Segamat.
        46 words
      • 101 12 Letter full of fallacy SYED Idrus's letter on the status of the Settlements Is most provocative. It is full of fallacy. I rebut his assumption that just because the land of Malacca was "once a proud seat of the Malay Kingdom," the government of the people of the British settlement
        101 words
      • 91 12 T AST year I deplored the fact that there was no Oxford and Cambridge boat race night dinner held in the Federation, although I understand that our Island friends are ahead of us in this respect. May I ask if all Oxford and Cambridge men from Kuala
        91 words
      • 90 12 MR. P. P. Narayan has told the tappers that the unskilled workers should get $12.45 a day. I possess a School Certificate. It took me three and a half years to train myself for the job I am doing. Still Government doesn't pay me that amount. I
        90 words
      • 99 12 Not enough action A S a member of the War Department Civilian Staff Association in the Federation I strongly question the lackaidasical way In which the union is at present being managed by its pro-tern committee. That this state of affairs exists, as every member knows, is entirely due to
        99 words
      • 45 12 Conflict in a name rE name "Liberal Party" has a definite meaning. The name "Socialist Party" has a definite meaning. The name "Liberal-So-cialist Party" is a combination of mutually contradictory terms, both in politics and in economics and has no meaning whatsoever. C.W.A. SENNETT. Singapore.
        45 words
      • 65 12 WHY are there no lights at the junction of Geylang. Lim Ah Woo and Paya Lebar Roads? At peak hours, there is a policeman, but, for most of the day and night, vehicles proceod how they like, with the result that pedestrian.* take their lives la their
        65 words
      • 57 12 Payment for no service WILL the President of the Singapore City Council say what percentages of deduction of rate the public is entitled to for non-collection of refuse r.nd nightsoil on Thaipusam Day? Please also let us know early whether or not there will be any collections on the holidays
        57 words
      • 42 12 Referendum on independence "\|R. Marshall has been saying that the people of Singapore desire independence. lam strongly in favour of it and suggest that the general public be asked to vote on it. Then there can be no doubt. CHARLEY CHOY. Singapore.
        42 words
      • 46 12 fiOULD the R.S.P.C.A.. vv Singapore branch, say what It does with unwanted or unclaimed animals rescued by It? I am Interested, for I feel if the animals are painlessly disposed of It Is Just another form of cruelty. S. RAMACHANDRA Singapore.
        46 words
      • 95 12 rpHE Chinese Interpreter 1 from Kampar has been transferred and it is most astonishing that no one has filled the vacant post. There is a considerable volume of work to be done dally at the Court House and the remaining members of the staff can hardly
        95 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 284 12 J Ont Bt thi worlds notl deiirrt Th« ROAMER watch t« one o4 'Switzerland's precision pro- ducts, kn a factory established »n 1888 over 1200 highly skilled craftsmen produce and assemble every part that goes Int* the ROAMER movement •hock resistant /JL'Ow'^J^Jr JUtttatagftttiO > V-^JrS 6WISS MADE jjgjlgESJffi-^jiii Obtainable from
      284 words
    • 143 12 'IAMOTTE" M BAY RUM LOTION This genuine BAY RUM LOTION Ifrf^ provides the perfect dressing necessary jj j it** to every well groomed man and im- M^to&lism*am parts a beautiful gloss to your Kit fUSjj—^i-T—— Used regularly for your daily hair toilet, it is not only a first class tonic
      143 words

  • 371 13 FARELF SEMI-FINAL IN SINGAPORE ON WEDNESDAY WINNERS MEET THE FIJIANS IN FARELF RUGBY FINAL lIONG KONG'S No. 74 L.A.A. Regiment (R. A.) qualified to meet Singapore Engineer Regiment in the semi-final of the F.A.R.E.L.F. inter-unit rugby championship, to be played in Singapore on Wednesday, when they
    371 words
  • 70 13 MELBOURNE. Fri. Western Australia today became a fullplaying member of the Sheffield Shield cricket competition at a meeting of the inter-state conference of Shield states. Western Australia entered the competition in the 1947-48 season on a restricted basis of two home and two away
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 119 13 BUENOS AIRES. Fri. WORLD flyweight boxing champion Pascual Perez is rejecting an offer of £9,000 to defend his title against the British champion, Dai Dower, in London. His decision is based on the "unfair" ten-round points verdict awarded to Peter Waterman, the promising British welterweight, against
    119 words
  • 142 13 The Singapore Judo Club will celebrate their second anniversary with a Charity Exhibition in aid of S.-A.T.A. at the Happy World Stadium on April 17. Their first show last year in aid of Boys' Town and the Association for the Blind, was a great success. This year's
    142 words
  • 396 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. TUKING seven bouts out of eleven, Royal Welch Fusiliers won tonight's Malaya Command interunit team boxing championship at the Selangor Badminton hall beating the King's Royal Hussars. Fusiliers will now meet 30 Bn. Royal Army Ordnance Corps, Singapore Base District
    396 words
  • 76 13 MELBQjamE, Fri. Neil Harve?P^42) and Colin McDonald (92) who are members of the Australian cricket team to tour England this summer, were in splendid form here today when Victoria's Sheffield Shield match against West Australia began. Victoria batted all day to score 362 for the loss
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 36 13 LONDON, Frl. The South African Universities' touring team beat Newport by 6-3 in their rugby union match here yesterday. In the second round of the Hospitals Cup. King's College and London Hospital drew 6-6.
    36 words
  • 37 13 Naval Base Sikhs hockey team held Pakistan Navy to a 1-1 draw in a friendly match at Naval Base yesterday. Khan scored for Pakistan who led at the interval while MotUndei Singh equalised for Sikhs.
    37 words
  • 43 13 JOHANNESBURG, Fri. South Africa's Cricket Board ol Control has agreed to a request by the M.C.C. that Test matches for the forthcoming tour in 1956--57 shall be of five days duration, with a total of 30 playing hours.
    43 words
  • 305 13 UNIVERSITY of MaIJ laya followed up their upset victory over League champions S.RC. on Jan. 24, with another grand win yesterday in the Singapore Hockey Association's senior knockout competition—their victims this time being Singapore Cricket Club. Yesterday's 3-2 win on the padang has taken
    305 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 530 13 ,'f",£D ADVtRTISE- j t i the A\or Star Off*, of j T RA|TS TIMES. 63. lalan f I™ Ibrahim. tdaphon. Tv *v Advertisements to i N n/crfed on the following X, b. received not later 'l>°ZZ i lODATION VACANT )-Box 50 eta. mxtra. [gHED ROOMS with vacant. In semingalow Reasonable
      530 words
    • 384 13 ACCOMMODATION WANTED 20 Word, IS (Mtn.}-Box St ct,. xln IF AIfYONE KNOWS of Furnished Flat or Bungalow in areas A1505?5.T n PlCaSe WrUe B OVERSEAS REPRESENTATIVE Offers Substantial Rent for ttfcTM oedroomed House, Tanglln Holland area. Reasonably Long Leaie preferred. Reply Box Al4OO, S.T. WANTED by European Bacheljr 1 Bedroom
      384 words
    • 361 13 DANCING 29 Word, lit (minimum). Oattg 1 month. 10 Word, UJt (Mm.) TRY DINING In our Patio at the West Point Oarden. RAFFLES HOTEL Nightly Dance and Floor-Show from 9 to 12 p.m. DANCE in the Open Air 8.30 to midnight. Best Food. Singapore Airport Hotel. SEASIDE RESORT. Pmlt RU
      361 words
    • 395 13 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE 2« Word, tS (Min.)— Box St cU. txtrm. BUNGALOW 88 St. Francis! Road S Bedrooms 14,000 square feet Land Vacant Possession Write Post Office Box 10 for full particulars. VEHICLES FOR SALE Wod, ti (Min.)— Box St ct,. txtrm. QUICK SALE. Late 1949 Ford 10 51.
      395 words
    • 461 13 CLASSIFIED 4DS. FOR SALE 2t Word, tS (Min.)— Box St ct* mxtra FOR SALE: One 9-Valve Murphy Radiogram In perfect condition 3-speed Oarrard Record Changer (550. Ring *****. TEAK SAILING BOAT 16 It. Inboard Engine. Detachable Canopy, anchors etc. Ring ***** before 8.30 a.m. or Box A 1496 S.T. EMBROS
      461 words
    • 450 13 PUZZLE I SATURDAY j Straits Times 1 WORD PUZZLE 'PP' Cut out and pin with other coupons. I Potting instruction* appear below. Name j A c 6 2 3 I I I jTHCIA_CLJIH fill in "aiTo T R|B letters i j LJ^JLpBi using I 6 J A N dBB& below
      450 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 88 13 rSSaBSBSS^SS=SSSSI TODAY RIGGER Royal Signals (Malaya) v S.C.C. Ist XV, psdang; Naval Baar v R.A.A.F. Tenfan. Naval Base; Ten*;ah Nomads v R.A.F. SVJetar, Tengah: H.M.S. Terror v No. 1 Sqdn R.A.A.F., Ni/.al Base, li Squadron R.N.Z.A.F. v Nee Soon, Trnjah. HOCKEY S.H..V junior knockout rup (seml-flnaJ) V.M.S.A. v S.R.C. 1
      88 words

  • 362 14 JEEP'S STAR 3 Fortune's Wheel ft Notaverse ft Fair Weather r w \II BIJEH has found his right form and, with only 7.13, this staying five-year-old is worth eachway support in the Gold Cup 'trial' over a mile for Class 1, Div.
    362 words
  • 149 14 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY PIONTER Race 1 2.30 PINNER Brown Booty VIOLA Brown Booty BROWN BOOTY Pinner Race 2 3.00 ELLEN'S Treasure Windy Corner Moonaurm ELLEN'S Treasure Windy Corner Shukria WINDY CORNER Ellen's Treasure Moonaura Race 3 3.30 ORISSA Motion Picture II Scholarship ORISSA Scholarship Marcelle SCHOLARSHIP
    149 words
  • 889 14 CiAIR WEATHER put up two gamp performances against formidable opposition at Bukit Timah in November. With 8.6 in Div. 2 he came in a good fourth to his stable-mate, Tan a h Bijeh, in a fast-run mile race. Over 9f. in the top division,
    889 words
  • 646 14 Notaverse needs 7f to perform his best ffHERE was plenty of confidence behind Notaverse when he tackled a useful Dlv. 1 field over 6f. at Ipoh last month. Outpaced in the early stages, he moved up smoothly In the straight to finish a creditable fourth with 8.0 (Baxter claiming 5-lb)
    646 words
  • 885 14 Race 1 2.30: Class 4, Div. 2— 5* Furs. 1 333 Bit Bit 8y J. Jones 9.00 Jenat Stable Rodgers 2 022 Ermine 4y West 8.13 Wee Eng Chye TJoa 3 952 Brown Booty 6y Bougoure 8.12 S. K. TJoa Owner 4 485 Viola 4y Larkln 8.07
    885 words
  • 244 14 QINOAPORE table tennis champion Loh Heng Chew and runner-up Poon Weng Hoe will be ranked among the world's best 16 players In the International Table Tennis Federations next revision list. The I.T.T.P. secretary hao stated this In a letter to the Singapore T.T.A. honorary
    244 words
  • 35 14 WELLINGTON, Prl. West Indies batsmen hammered the Wellington bowling when their three -day rrv.tch opened today and had score.! 429 for five at close. The nrst-wlciet pair hit 130 In the pre-lunch spell.
    35 words
    • 588 14 A BUSY START FOR SAFA'S NEW SELECTORS and legacy of ill will to s^ By The Sports Editor SINGAPORE'S new team of football selectors Dick Pates (chairman), Kee Yew Leng, A. G. Vaz and the co-opted assistant coaches, John Then and Harith— will be put on their mettle very quickly
      588 words
    • 26 14 Indian Brotherhood S.C. M vy Kranji dre I their soccer frier.dlv I Park yesterday. K. B I scored for Indians and I I Eranji.
      26 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 796 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pace S) SITUATIONS VACANT It Word* $S (Min.)— Box i» el*, extra. STRUCTURAL detail draughtsmen required by European firm. Excellent prospects for selected candidates. Apply In the first instance with copies of testimonials to Secretary, P.O. Box 41, Singapore. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMEN required by European firm. Excellent
      796 words
    • 126 14 %H^cme appearance Supreme per\ormdnc* Sober, functional itjttnC wdl-l lines and the sheer elegance of its Morocco leather lining stamp the Bole; camera every inch a thoroughbred so it is! A byword from the OB** l outstanding reliability, this gem oi precision engineering has been develo throughout the years to a
      126 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 62 14 THE GOING AND BROADCAST THE going at Kuala Lum- held on Races Three, Five pur up to last evening and Seven; Big Sweep will was still on the yielding be drawn on Race Eight, side. FOLLOWING horses have been scratched from all RADIO MALAYA will engagements: Kingsferry, broadcast today's races.
      62 words