The Straits Times, 10 February 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCE^L ?*3 \0 O J^ The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1956 15 CENTS Ik*****
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  • 223 1 ihould he mobilise the people AT ONCE to end Emergency— or in slow stages! DECISIOS IN A fEW DAYS Fears of a 'race conflict' i _ESLIE HOFFMAN rONDON, Than. \ory tired Tentku Abdul Kahman told me this mornini: that the big questinn which now faces him i>
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  • 27 1 TENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN fives a merdeka salute as be leaves Lancaster House after signing the historic report on independence.— Straits Times radio picture.
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  • 25 1 IPOH. Thurs. The National Association of Perak yesterday cabled congratulations to the "merdeka" mission in England on the success of their talks.
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  • 50 1 BRITAIN'S Defence Minister. Sir Walter Moiickton (above) is expected to be chairman of the Commission which will draw up the Federation's new constitution. E The British Government, it is understood, is to offer the E Federation Government the services of their leading expert on constiutional law.
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  • 22 1 JAKARTA, Thurs Plans have been drafted for setting up a television station in Jakarta, mainly for commercial purposes. U.P
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  • 444 1 MISSING 4 DAYS WITH REVOLVER A COLONY-WIDE search has been launched in Singapore for a detective, Stephen David William Jones, who has been missing since Monday. i He disappeared with his service revolver and five i rounds of ammunition. Jones. 23, who was attached to the
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  • 25 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs— four terrorists today abducted and shot dead a contractor on Hcawood Estate in the Sungei Siput North area of Perak.
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  • 156 1 -HELPED BY THE POLICE PENANG, Thurs. 4 WOMAN terrorist A surrendered on Penang Island just two hours before the amnesty ended last night. Chung Choo Yi. 28, a branch committee member, was brought out of the jungle in Paya Terubong by a police party at
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  • 28 1 LONDON, Thurs— Sir Anthony Eden returned here by air today after his talks with President Elsenhower in Washington and the Canadian Government in Ottawa. Reuter.
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  • 27 1 LOS ANGELES. Thurs. William A. Linsky yesterday filed a divorce suit against his wife, Fannie,— after 56 years of marriage. He alleged cruelty.— U.P.
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  • 66 1 KARACHI, Thurs. The Karachi telephone department has started an intensive drive to trap people making "obnoxious calls" to women, it was officially announced today. A number of women have complained they received telephone calls from unidentified persons who tried to make advances over the phone. Two
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 99 1 IPOH, Thursday. Special Branch officers made dawn swoops in several" new villages in Perak today and detained 70 people under the Emergency Regulations. Among them are known agents of the terrorists and others who had helped them in one way or another. It
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  • 42 1 ENUGU (Nigeria i, Thurs.— The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh today visited Nigeria's main leper colony on the OJi River, about 30 miles west of here the first time members of the Royal Family have visited lepers. Reuter.
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  • 24 1 ALBANY, (New York) Thurs. A bill to keep "thrill pills" away from teenagers has been introduced in the New York state assembly.— Reuter.
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  • 13 1 TOKYO, Thurs. Lady Mountbatten visited Tokyo aimy hospital yesterday A. P.
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  • 63 1 -THEN SEND IN YOUR MM ENTRY TODAY A CHINESE NEW YEAR "ang pow of $15,000— it could be yours! What a start for the "Monkey Year!" But it could be yours only if you don't forget to send in your entry for the Malayan Monthly's
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  • 2140 1 The Assembly gets a touch of televitis A GOVERNMENT proposal to hand television over to commercial and cinema interests came under strong lire in the Singapore Legislative Assembly yesterday. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the P.A.P. leader, who led the attack, was supported from the
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  • 26 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs. India heeds 8.000 million rupees (about £600 million) in foreign aid for her second five-year plan which starts in April. Rcuter.
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  • 49 1 NICOSIA, Thurs. The brother of a Greek Orthodox bishop was jailed for 12 years today after pleading guilty to carrying a pistol. Renox Kyriakides, brother of Bishop Kyprlanos of Kyrenia, was captured by British Commandos during an anti-terrorist raid in the mountains south-east of Nicosia. U.P.
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  • 251 1  - Thugs hold up towkay HAROLD SOH By 20-yard dash to safety A SINGAPORE rubber millionaire made a 20-yard dash into a house in Shanghai Road last night after two men had ordered him at the point of a gun to get into a car. The millionaire was walking to his
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  • 30 1 'BRINK OF WAR' PROTEST TO U.S. MOSCOW. Thurs—Russia today accused IS of carrying out "brink of war" policy in release of weather balloons over Soviet air spare. A.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 Wishing all our Chinese Patrons Friends A Happy Prosperous New Year. G pi -in bros. Irwellers 3 Phone ***** KONG lIEE FATT CIIOY r 'f> compliments of "HiH M-NANG KI'ALA LUMPUR K '<Hl.Vi SARAWAK BORNEO.
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    • 42 1 W&£iw EtfAfefNG Kodak Malaya 1 Limited 130 >O|INSON ftOAD. T^ P a tOl M 7 SINGAPOftI I £w^&* J Order th<s special N«w V year carton -for friends (and .yourself from any V^/ Fraser J and Neavc branch ©r distributor I DELIVERY
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  • 384 2 Tengku signs for freedom to the whirr of movie cameras and flash bulb glare It was d-a-z-z-l-e all the way LONDON. Thurs.— The historic Malayan independence signing ceremony took place before a small audience of officials in a highceilinged state drawing room of Lancaster House, scene
    Reuter  -  384 words
  • 1190 2 w*i Ti n. *>■ f a m^j it w Tv^^B-t ?j^.. jt i^L-_^^t-?-?-^\jLJLJ^^^^A^-j^^Lx.^^K-^Xji\-A-^B^^—^^a-^-I^-\Aa-^A-a-»— Zi_?-^^ LONDON, Thurs. 'THE agreement clearA ing the way for the Federation's independence within the Commonwealth was warmly welcomed by the British Press. Although some newspapers drew attention to what they
    Reuter  -  1,190 words
  • 198 2 LONDON, Thurs.— MemE bers of all political parties in the House of Commons expressed satisfaction that agreement was reached on Malaya's future constitu- tional status. Ministers do not com- oient on such questions E outside Parliament but E several former Labour Ministers commented. Mr. James Griffith-.
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 103 2 PAKISTAN AND CEYLON WELCOME THE ANNOUNCEMENT KARACHI, Thurs. Pakistan's Foreign Minister, Mr. H. H. Cbowdhri, commenting today on the London agreement on Malayan independence, said: "We welcome the news that the aspirations of the people of Maiaya have been fulfilled." Official circles in CEYLON also welcomed the announcement. A Ministry
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  • 57 2 MELBOURNE, Thurs.—Australia looks forward to welcoming Malaya in the near future as a full independent member of the Commonwealth Mr. Richard Casey, Australia's External Affairs Minister, said here tonight "The Australian Government will be pleased to do all it rt n to assist Malaya in its lonn-term
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 Rothmans famous Pall Mall j I are back again! I (0 in the handy I pouch pack I iiliiiililP^' f i% L«2A lit VH 1 PSSfVfr^^M^^^ft WORLD FAMOUS for quality since 1890 ilijl IIWIUiJH result of over 60 years experience WsL WA nJuKftQMil ak in c blending of selected e^B^
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    • 370 2 •Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiii,,, ll'm happy f| (serve under \the Tengku j 5 —says GEN. BOUR^A I Kl ALA LIMPI R, Thnrsfe, S "T AM HAPPY to be a member of the new A gency Operations Council over which S ku Abdul Rahman will preside, S Director of Operations, Lieut-General sir E frey
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  • 219 3 1,000 mil. unite to fight the Reds CATHOLICS AND MUSLIM TALK ROME. Thurs. vrK E world's 1.000 milj :1 catholics and .ims are to form nited front to fight Communism p In this worldunit.d front was taken here when Catholic .d Muslim dipd to the .d Italy met for formal
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  • 63 3 Oh M 'sieu, it's love with a capital PARIS, Thurs. Love i> Wine to get a helping hand from the French Ministry «f Public Assistance. I in- aid will come in me of dowries available to poor French sirk. The money was Ifft by a French philanthropist The Ministry said
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  • 691 3 Truman's 'fiction, distortion 9 after Washington spy probe call.. NEW YORK, Thurs. i rjENERAL Douglas Mac Arthur today I described his dismissal as Inited States Far Eastern Commander by ex-Presi-dent Harry Truman as "savage and brutal" and linked it with the disappear- ance of
    Reuter  -  691 words
  • 32 3 LONDON. Thurs. The Government yesterday said that the welfare state is ousting more to run and asked Parliament for another €64.200.000 for the financial year ending March 31.
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  • 195 3 AMRITSAR, Thursday. VIR. NEHRU, India's Prime Minister, said here x today that no decision of the Indian Government would be dictated by violence "whether of this country or violence of any other country outside." Mr. Nehru was moving a resolution at the governing Congress
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 69 3 Children of six join riots NICOSIA, Thurs. Schoolchildren, aged six to 11, yesterday joined violent demonstrations calling for Enosis -union of Cyprus and Greece. The children entered school buildings, destroyed British flags, smashed portraits of the Royal Family and hoisted Greek flags. They stoned security forces. The disturbances were organised
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  • 106 3 So now it's war between France and Algerian rebels ALGIERS, Thursday. A MUSLIM leader yesterday said that Algerian nationalists lost confidence in France's ability to settle Algeria's future when French rioting forced the Premier. M. Mollet, to drop a minister from his cabinet. I Spreading his hands In
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  • 47 3 HOLLYWOOD. Thurs. Philip Crosby, 21 -year-old soldier son or singer Bing Crosby, was charged yesterday with driving under the influence of liquor when his car hit and injured a pedestrian on Tuesday night. He was released on U.S. $250 bail.— A. P.
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    • 106 3 NEW YORK: The first Negress to enter the University of Alabama yesterday said that her family had received threatening telephone calls. "Someone asked if this was my brother-in-law's house," said Miss Altherine Lucy. "They said to put that Lucy gal out because we're coming to
      AP  -  106 words
    • 28 3 OSLO: Fines and damages of £31.475 imposed on Russian herring boats for poaching in Norwegian water were described as very reasonable by a Soviet Embassy fisheries expert. Reuter.
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    • 11 3 CALCUTTA: About 18.000 people heard American evangelist Billy Graham here.— A.P.
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    • 22 3 BONN: The West German Cabinet has approved a Bill making all men between 19 and 45 liable for 18 monthsmilitary service.— A.P.
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    • 13 3 VIENNA: The Czechoslovak Communist Party will hold a national conference in June.— Reuter.
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    • 15 3 JAKARTA: The railway station at Besitang, East Sumatra, has been burned down by rebels. U.P.
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    • 24 3 SAN JUAN: The U.S. Navy said that a bomber missing on a rescue mission had been found in Venezuela with all aboard safe. —A.P
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    • 15 3 MOSCOW: Mr. Nikolai Mikhailov, Minister of Culture, has arrived back in Moscow from Britain. Reuter.
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    • 14 3 CAIRO: The Cabinet has approved a law to establish an Egyptian news agency.— Reuter.
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    • 23 3 DETROIT: Maurice Hamilton, 20. son of a wealthy Baghdad engineer, was forced into a car, assaulted and robbed of US$2,OOO ($6,000).— U. P.
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    • 22 3 NEW YORK: Edward D. Looney has asked a court to change his name to Lowney. He is studying to be a psychiatrist.--U.P.
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    • 15 3 BRUSSELS: Nine coal miners were killed and four seriously injured in an explosion. A P.
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    • 25 3 JAKARTA: Student organisations here will protest against the presence of Dutch lawyer in Indonesia. He will defend two Dutchmen on charges of subversive activities.— U.P.
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    • 21 3 AMRITSAR: The Congress Party expressed "great surprise 1 that some leading countries had supported Portugal's retention of her Indian colonies. Reuter.
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    • 27 3 WASHINGTON: President Eisenhower has asked Congress to consider sweeping change s in the immigration laws, including an increase in the annual quota from 154,657 to 220.000.— U.P.
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  • 306 3 LONDON. Thurs. CTOCK MARKETS here contlnued depressed by the lack of incentives and the decline on Wall Street. Small selling preslstPd and while buyers kept away prices continued to slide. British funds closed with falls ranging up to a half. Industrials were dull and most of the leaders
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  • 24 3 LONDON, Feb. 9— Cash Buyers £778; Sellers £779: Forward Buyers £756: Sellers £756 2 Settlement £780; Turnover: a.m. 70 tons p.m. 40 tons.
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  • 27 3 LONDON. Feb. 9.— Spot 31 ".d. Mar 31' d.. Apr-June 31d.. JulySept. 29\d. Oct.-Dec 28' d.. Feb. c.i.f. 31 s d., Mar. c.i.f. 31d., Tone: Dull.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 Hoe Chea Kool ttl 4^l painted this .^^H^|S& picture. He is 4bHßDtc§ '0 years of age ~fi«SgpF and attends the HF Sultan Abdul jS3H§P Hamid College BW jJI Primary School, "yV'drf *iiiE^^i *J+ W~ Ml and LO say: ~m^ /'^l// M cJ ee pi J il and "breSth and "hows'
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    • 308 3 SEA FOODS AT S.C.S. )iw/c? OZEN v^fSfyOYSTERS J SHRIMPS and SCAMPI are just what you want for easy meals over the long week-end holiday. CHINESE NEW YEAR All Branches will be closed on Monday and Hiere will be no dcliveriei. Order for Monday to-day for delivery to-morrow, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE
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  • 316 4  - Colonel Blimps? Not the majority MARSHALL REPLY TO ATTACK BY THE Chief Minister's remarks in the Singapore Assembly on Wednesday about Colonel Blimps In the Colony have hurt the feelings of many English people here who have warm sympathy for Asian aspirations. Mr. Marshall told the Assembly: "I only wish
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  • 35 4 The Singapore Civil Defence Association will hold a Chinese New Year .social and dance for Civil Defence Corps and Hospital Reserve members at its clubhouse, Kolam Ayer Lane, on Feb 18.
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  • 118 4 British Advisers to Perak, Selangor to leave this year KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— Two British Advisers are due to retire from the Federation this year in the normal course of service. They are Mr. F. V. Duckworth, of Selangor. and Dato I. W. Blelloch. of Perak. Mr. Duckworth is due to
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  • 57 4 Soon Kuat Sent. 44. cashier of the Oversea-Chinese Bank. South Branch, in South Bridge Road, who has been reported to the police as missing since Monday afternoon. The bank has offered a $5,000 reward for information on his whereabouts. Police are investigating a shortage of
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  • 30 4 Two men. one armed with a revolver, held up a van delivering kerosene in an estate road off Sembawang Road, Singapore, yesterday, and robbed the driver of $22.
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  • 136 4 Fremantle cargo comes back to Colony rpHE 3,500-ton Blue Funnel A ship Gorgon is due in Singapore from Fremantle today with the 650 tons of cargo which she loaded here still In her holds. Unless the dock strike breaks ln Australia, another Blue Funnel ship, the
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  • 186 4 American, 53, explains how he came to be a travelling Buddhist priest A LARGE Singapore Buddhist delegation will be at the railway station this morning to welcome the American Buddhist monk, Yen. Sumangala Bhikku (Robert Clifton) from Siam. The American priest will lecture in several Colony
    Kyodo  -  186 words
  • 460 4 I 'Shameless piece oS colonial prudery fHli Singapore Engl i s h Teachers Union (Chinese Schools) yesterday condemned the allparty committee's report on Chinese education as "a shameless piece of colonial prudery." It asked the Government to ignore it. The report, a
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  • 25 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Tan Soo Hai, 48, a Singapore clerk, was fined $250 for moving a kati of cake? without i permit at Pontian.
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  • 132 4 Thief said tabek tuari and took off A THIEF was countinK money in room he h:id broken into when the OCCBPWI .Mr. E. Bridge nun. ilk ed in. The man >a.d Tabrttuan"—then jumped of the window and f caped. And all he l»»wf»T and he left behind a dicycle. That
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  • 24 4 Singapore Chinese ye I who was wa ration polio with a Kual iii" on jai A 01 biah, and ■hooting
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  • 71 4 350 ENTER MOBIL ECONOMY RUN CONTEST MORE THAN 350 entries have already been received for the Standard Vacuum Oil Company's 1956 Mobilgas economy run between Rutterworth and Singapore during Easter. Total prize money is $10,000 plus trophies. There will be awards of S5OO, $300 and $200 for the first three
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  • 81 4 MARWANI bin Hussaln, 23--a servant of an Indonesian Consulate official, Mr. M. Soemardl. who broke Into his employer's room on Wednesday stole only $220 when he could hav e taken $430. a Singapore court was told yesterday. The money, which wa.s keot In two stacks of
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  • 148 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. THE chairman of the Daily-rated Sen Council, Mr. M. P. Rajagopal, said tc Government's announced intention to look into proposal for compulsory arbitration in indr. disputes implied a "change of heart." It was most welcome at a time when 64.000
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  • 30 4 Twenty «i ,i«l tariati a ip C on Saturdaj of the R a holiday r Medan R a-** invited to SP tff in Singapore la year.
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  • 10 4 KUALA IUNU The rl.. i!iu Municipal Pinis F.s>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 585 4 Ljtl Xw^W THAMES COMMERCIAL TRUCK I 7Lk 'i l£t*= li-8^" Power —to speed the load over steep I l\\ i firi-ii BrflEXt y'/k gradients Reliability —to roll on what- I V^-~^^3f\\~rr j¥s^Z~Wa ever t^e conditions. Economy —to bring C A Jn I 4T T wJm down and keep down your
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  • 315 5 PAPER SAID PHILANTHROPIST RAN 100 CHARACTERS LOTTERY DAMAGES SOUGHT FOR MALICIOUS ATTACK 0\ RESPECTED MAN 9 PENANG, Thursday. M U lONAIRF philanthropist, Mr. Lim Lean „flay sued the Cheng Fong Pau, a Singapore newspaper, for alleged tH im, represented by Mr. G. H. Conaghan, in' the
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  • 36 5 I Lye and Ng Yee guilty in a yesterday to, of raw opium l d s Road on Wed-, "noon. granted bail of Feb. 18 when 1 bo transferred net court.
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  • 134 5 JAIL FOR TWO YOUTHS I^WO young shop assistants, A Thang Shew Theng, 20, and Wong Tsung Chan, 17. wort- yesterday sentenced In a Singapore court to five years' and three years' Jail, respectively. They were convicted In the First Criminal District Court of having "under their control" two terrorist documents
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  • 53 5 PENANG, Thurs. The Penang Gardening Society will introduce an aquarist section at their annual flower show in the Penang Turf Club. Batu Gantong, on March 24 and 25. There will be three sections gold fish, other fish f either fresh or salt water), and aquarium
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  • 31 5 An anonymous gift of $928 has been made to the Singapore Family Planning Association. It is the largest single donation ever made to the society since its formation.
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  • 99 5 T HE MAN WHO BANGED THE TABLE IS FINED $25 I^UHGAM Rajindram, the Beach »'<£ PI>I station on e C; st W*. handed a a t th «c was no ss*«s. fee *g ass in the station last Friday night. "Rajindram insisted that I accompany him U> the men whom
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  • 190 5 TTHE chances of finding x treasure troves, which were buried in Singapore during the Japanese occupation were very remote, said Mr. W. G. Alcock, the Official Assignee, yesterday. He said: "We have claims from people that they know the whereabouts of treasure hoards coming in
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  • 54 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— Chan Ko Kar, 19, and Choo Ah Kuen, 30, both of Rifle Range Road, were fined $1 200 each today in the Sessions Court here for evading duty amounting to $176 on 204 bottles of beer they had bought from the NAAFI
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  • 46 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— Lim Quee Kee, a washerwoman and mother of nine children who was found at Lee Sawmill on Jan. 17 in possession of 215 packets of chandu was fined $600 or six months Jail in the Sessions Court at Kota Tinggi today.
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  • 181 5 I Kong YAU a l 4» Seng Co. Singapore "ay that he d 'd not! w Urn B,>ck Kee, Pinking Corrouble with as '^nts m tne which the WtaK the signed on July 22. 1952. Answering questions by Mr R. L. Eber. for Mr. Wee Kheng
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  • 131 5 MEMBERS of Titi village council yesterday watched artillerymen pound terrorist targets in the Jelebu hills of north Negri Senibilan. Titi, 30 miles from Seremban, is the centre of terrorist activities in the state. Several operations have been mounted near Titi and in other parts of
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  • 201 5 MR. MARSHALL APOLOGISES 'UNRESERVEDLY' TIHE Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, apologised in the Singapore Assembly yesterday for "having used an epithet not compatible with the dignity of the House." His apology was a sequel to the uproar in the Assembly on Wednesday when he said
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  • 103 5 ■'THE chapter on corruption in the Transport Com- mission report reveals a sub-conscious anti-union bias, Singapore busmen said yesterday A joint statement of the Traction Company Employees Union and the Bus Workers Union said the commission s conclusions were based on unfounded assumptions and presumptions.
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  • 220 5 Woman identifies gun in court A SINGAPORE housewife, Mrs. Goh Phek Eng, was resting with her children at their i home in Siang Lin Park on the afternoon of Nov. 16 when someone I at the door called for I "Sunny" her husband. When one of the children opened the
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  • 25 5 MRS. GEOROTANA ESS, aged 67. of 93, Farlelgh Avenue, peacefully last night. Cortege leaving St. Joseph's Church (Portuguese Mission) 5.30 p.m. for Bldad&ri today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 389 5 ll A MATTER OF II GREATER INTEREST I I DEPOSIT BANKING it j^^^^W^ I I *6%is a highly remunerative K P^KA I form of safe keeping for 9 m fj/B ■fl V* your money. V^^^^^^W W* INTEREST is added day by day I I and paid half yearly. n^UiT'Too I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 450 5 RAniA MAf.AYA Review. 10.15 Opera Corner: 1 A V |1030 n00 Dance Music ♦Programmes thus marked can In- received by listeners in IV^I Malacca. -T j T 1 L- 1 I Short wave (9 62m. Medium wave 476m. 343, 366m and 297m SINGAPORE •1.00 pjn. Music With a Lilt; ♦1.30
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  • 105 6 to Word* HO < minimum). MtGREGOR Jock, only son ot Madeline Altken. on February 7th uieni. Victoria, Australia. KIRBY: Gall Claglwa. 17 months. Suddenly at Lumut, 7.2.56. VALLENDER: John Henry, be]nvod Husband of Mary Barbara, died at Hilltop. KUve on 16th January. Formerly of Dunlop D Estates. CHEONG: CHEONO
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  • 208 6 20 Wnrdt $10 (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the Malay Mali' If you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle. OOINO TO SMITH'S Party? Then take a clothes-peg or better •till a bottle of Air-wick. It kills unplensant smells. HAVE YOU READ "We live In Binpnpore" by Donald
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  • 106 6 20 Word* $19 rmtnlmmm). CHOO YEOK KOON thank the Of the Choo Clan for their Condolences, Assistance and night I lEE AH CHOON and Family thank Friends, Relatives who attended Night Visits and Funeral of his beloved Father, sent v Condolences etc. THE CONVENT Holy Infant ■=hes to acknowledge
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  • 723 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. Feb. 10, 1956. Laying Down Arms Singapore's unanimous supporters of multi-lingualism in government may care to examine this morning a problem of language and meaning which Chin Peng set at Baling. It is of more than a little importance in view of the broadcast appeal
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  • 284 6 By a most impressive vote the Singapore Legislative Assembly yesterday decided that its debates should be conducted in four languages English, Malay, Kuoyu and Tamil. This was the first time in the Assembly's history that all elected and nominated members found themselves behind a motion of importance. While many
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  • 176 6 General Mac Arthur has defended himself in Life magazine with all the vigour and much of the imagination that marked his military strategy. But too much of the Korean story is on record for the General to win this battle. In challenging Mr. Harry Truman's account of his
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  • 1076 6 THE PROBLEM OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION LEE SIEW YEE concludes his review of the All-party Committee report on Chinese education TN the integrated edu--1 cation system for Singapore which the All-Party Committee on Chinese Education recommends, there is to be equal aid for all schools. There will also be equal control,
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  • 214 6 >JOT so very long ago you published a letter in which the writer claimed that as the result of a strike called by his union the Singapore Factory and Bhopworkers' Union he is now a miserable unemployed family man He Is not alone in
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  • 940 6 "The only time I think it is dangerous out here is when a letter from home." This was the comment I heard from young British s oldiers who are serving in Cyprus rodav LIEUT.-CEN. SIR BRIAN HORROCKS. TOURING the past seven days I
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  • MAN in the STREET
    • 302 6 AS a Christian, may I express my opposition to the suggested plan to run a Government-sponsor-ed lottery in Singapore. Economically It is disastrous. For certain of our responsible leaders to suggest a method of raising revenue which encourages the desire to gain without offering any
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 491 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST to Words $5 i V in.)— Box M tU. extra. $100 REWARD for Information leading to recovery of Blacic Poodle Dog. lost Jervols Road early Jnnuary. Contact Dobinson, Tel:" *****. HOME LEAVE. t»,,rrf. H Mm.)— Box S* ett. extra. SALCOMBE. SOUTH DEVON: Furnished Cottage for Long or
      491 words
    • 90 6 The Mystery of Lourdes 21 -page book condensation. The cures at the celebrated Grotto of Lourdes cures of the hopelessly sick and crippled have aroused fervent belief and endless controversy tor nearly 100 years. Now a Protestant (who went there, questioned doctors and patients first hand) gives documented facts about
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    • 76 6 PIANOS of REPUTE DANEMANN "CLASSIC" jfft As supplied to many _OmJL± I schools and homes throughout Singapore and the IC Federation. ~^Fm SAUTER (GERMAN) In various attractive styles designed for the modern home. THE NEW MOUTRIE UPRIGHT The small piano with the "grand" tone. ill i I iirriiii' *****165 WP^
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  • 240 7 SPEED UP MALAYANISATION SO WE CAN TAKE OVER, SAYS LEE \SSEUBLY TOLD OF SEW EXODiS i\ t\odus of ex-' patriate engineers from Mlltytl Airnyfl h;i> iH'jnin. r for Com- 1 ad Works, Thomas, said c Singapore: I itive Assembly yes-j plying to critiPeople'a Action r, Mr.
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  • 34 7 )vernor, Sir Robert 11] bu the guest of the 70th Founder's "jut of the AngloSchool Old Boys' As•ociation to be held in the hool auditorium at Barker .gapore. on March 1.
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  • 74 7 IN SEVEN MORE MONTHS AND TEN MORE DAYS... KI'ALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— One third remission of sentence will now be given to all good conduct prisoners. In the past it was granted only to prisoners serving sentences of more than a year. Those sentenced to less than a year could only
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  • 53 7 IPOH. Thurs. S. Gurusamy. 41, was convicted today in the Sessions Court by Mr. E. V. A. Peers on a charge of driving under the influence of liquor at 5.30 p.m. on Sept. 17. He was fined $300. or four months' jail, and disqualified from driving
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  • 188 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurv Hip only moan in the Malaya-wide rejoicing over remendous achievement- of Teneku Abdul fanman's merdeka mission to London came from an official of the Labour Party of Malaya. Mr. J. p. Emmanuel, general secretary of the Labour Party's
    188 words
  • 331 7 SEREMBAN. Thursday. A TIMBER contractor. Wai Tai Wan, claimed in the High Court today that because of a confession he had made to the police about helping Communist terrorists, he came under amnesty terms and therefore could not be prosecuted. The judge, Mr. Justice Good,
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  • 78 7 Girl murder: Youth released THE 20-year-old Malay detained by the Singapore police in connection with the murder of a schoolgirl. Nenek binte Hashim. on Tuesday, has been released. The youth was held on Wednesday. He was allowed to go yesterday after interrogation. Nenek, 12-year-old daughter of a retired Municipal worker.
    78 words
  • 49 7 BATU GAJAH, Thurs Inche Tajuddin bin All. Perak State councillor for Kinta North, has been elected treasurer of the Batu Gajah branch of U.M.N.O Inche Yahya bin Baadan was re-elected president with Inche Ainal Abidin bin Tahir vice president and Inche Megat Abdul Rahim secrei tary.
    49 words
  • 229 7 Supply man's evidence in rice case KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE Assistant Controller of Supplies, Mr. A. R. Munro, said in the Sessions Court here today that he had made personal use of a lorry and labourers of See Hoy Chan Ltd., whose manager is accused
    229 words
  • 333 7 CAUSE OF CRIME AND SUICIDES KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The Malayan Christian Council today condemned the Government-sponsored Social Welfare lotteries as a "public menace." In a circular to members, the Council said the lotteries were a form of legalised gambling and as such had produced a
    333 words
  • 187 7 COMMERCE HAS CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE Merdeka no cause for worry KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. lIEADS of industry and commerce in the Federan tion are confident that private enterprise will not suffer in the new Malaya when a Malayan Minister takes over the finance portfolio. Mr. H. B. Hussey, President of
    187 words
  • 75 7 Straits Times pictures COLOUR and dye transfer prints by the Straits Times Press are among exhibits which Singapore's Public Relations Officer, Mr. George Thomson, will take to Tokyo for the Pacific Area Travel Conference from Sunday to Feb. 17. The exhibition, a portable one, consists of large coloured photographs showing
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  • 33 7 The social betterment committee of the Singapore Junior Chamber of Commerce will distribute gifts of milk and clothes to rodents of the Home for the Aged, Thomson Road, this evening.
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  • 28 7 The Singapore Film Society will show the film "Pepe Le Moko" at the British Council Hall, Stamford Road, at 6.30 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 56 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Extra trains will be run from tomorrow to Wednesday to cope with increased travel over Chinese New Year. Extra coaches will be at- tached to the day and night malls between Kuala Lumpur and Penang and between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and on
    56 words
  • 45 7 The Registrar of Societies, Singapore, has advised the Union of Singapore Chinese Old Boys' Associations that they should not admit student's still attending chools. Registration of the union would be considered if such a rule is included in its constitution.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
      67 words
    • 48 7 Better typing! Easier typing! BEHN, MEYER CO. LTD., P. 0. Box 2000. Singapore. PATERSON. SIMONS CO. LTD.. Kuala Lumpur, Penang Ride with Pride RIDE A THE TRUE IFMER SHU HCTCU £«M«f mmf Imr Irr* Ml rml»mr cmlul»ft-m tm: O. K. BTLIN. Phillip* Ml Ufa! L*-^ miamm. Lauc. Singapore.
      48 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 77 7 High tides TODAY: Sin/apore 9.52 a.m. 8 It. 9 Ins.) 11.18 p.m. (8 ft. 3 Ins.); Port Dicks-m 6.03 ajn (7 ft. 9 Ins.) 6.11 p.m. (7 ft. 6 Ins.); Penang 12.37 p.m. (6 ft 2 Ins.). TOMORROW: Singapore 10.30 a.m. (9 ft. 3 ins.) 11.43 p.m. (8 ft. 6
      77 words

  • 778 8 FOUR TONGUES— NOT ONE VOICE AGAINST IT JUMAT: All races must be heard; EDE: It will break down barriers \yiTHOUT a single opposing vote, the Singapore Legislative Assembly yesterday decided to allow its debates to be conducted in four languages English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. The three official members the
    778 words
  • 679 8 a word of it. I was quite astounded to hear the Chief Minister say most Chinese in Singapore thought it would be properly representative of their language. "This sounds to my mind like a statement of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce," Mr. Sutherland continued.
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  • 237 8 EXPATS: HALF MAY BE OUT IN FOUR YEARS KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— British civil servants in the Federation believe that in the next four years at least half their colleagues will have left the country. Two factors may govern their decision to leave age and the type of job they are
    237 words
  • 85 8 TIIIRTI unlawful occupants ol Cl*Wl land in the Beach Road Ki'Uiu tion area of Singapore need not fear immediate eviction— they will ha Vf a roof over their lnarN un til after the Chinese Hs» Year. A spokesman of the Land Office said >.stcrdav:
    85 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 354 8 QUICK- FROZEN FISH V sea-fresh and lelicious! Frosh as the momelit they were caught. All this delicious tastiness J is brought to you by Birds Eye. They don't have time to get travel-stained or tired looking. Immediately the fish are landed at the quay, they are washed, filleted, packed into
      354 words
    • 134 8 SPECIAL CHINESE NEW YEAR WEEK-ENDER FOR YOU THIS WEEK! 9^ (m Special features on the customs connected 'T'l with rhis festival. f~*> W "k Gemini writes about the New Year custc jP 'Vmseng' 1 (bottoms up) and can you keep your Vf J digiity when you vamseng? jf -k Read
      134 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 455 8 The weather MI MM I M TEMPERATIRE: (7.30 p.m. on Feb. 9 to 7.30 a.m. on Feb. 9) Singapore 73 degrees. Penang 72, Kota Bahru 70 Kuala Lumpur 71. Ipoh 70. Kuantan 67. MAXIMUM TEMPERATIRE: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Peb 9>: Singapore 87. Penang 89. Kota Bahrl not
      455 words

  • 1613 9 Milne's happy tales were begun in tragic times STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE COLD ORDER CHANCES jm N MALAYA Jf \latu af unsurpassed charms* manners I THE PASSING of Alan Alexander Milne, (A.A. Milne, as he chose to sign his name), last week, breaks the last link that bound English literature
    1,613 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 158 9 I*** h plowed The NEW •MAGNIF-m" Bathroom Scale UB to 250 Ik*. r HimH" Mlorf m £L I Dtofn thfo«*t»««t i*" 1 s Moioyo. 1 The |tki UnaKeCo..(l926)Ltd. IwtOftl Division! jsGaPOR( I KUALA LUMPUR (Sticura SOAP Z v-^f i toiltt properties In -.ot rxilv cieuu* the tut hrlp it to
      158 words
    • 179 9 Our new Freight yAjL^J&Ji?*, Department in our /%W%X^/WV d? Asia Insurance W W\% M^Z A Building offices M &&£S*A^M handles every ship- £f\^d\ mont of air cargo /y/^/'^L. t should be handled. My /wy /fi/^ is^xm new office The Asia Insurance Building, Singapore?/ for Cleaner Whiter Teeth and Gweeter* Breath
      179 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 92 9 |f#».v Morgan. .!#.!>. Wurso in trouble I''A SCRRV. MC.LAVTCrO/\ L.YINA THROUGH I TW4.T, POtJT VOL) TRY -fflß^i^*3%>i?« SD^E TROUBLE //-^>^| a Divk Travy imun burivd T LOOK- I'M ANU \T^ WE WANT TD RNDTUAT "^I IBUT.TRACV. WHAT CHANCE WAVE HAVING COPIES M THE TV WOMAN, AND WE WANT TO NOU
      92 words

  • 236 10 By Our Market Correspondent ALL Singapore markets quietened yesterday with the approach of the Chinese New Year and are expected to remain in this condition until the middle of next week when the festival concludes. On the Singapore Share Market for the
    236 words
  • 252 10 The Malayan Share Brokers Association repotted: "Industrials again were steady on the local share market. Tins were slightly Irregular and rubbers quiet." Singapore and Malayan Share brokers reported the following business done yesterday: Federal Dispensary (rights) 48 cents; Gammon $2.30, $2.40; Georgetown Dispensary $2.10; W. Hammer $2.80: Malayan
    252 words
  • 170 10 Sineaporr Chinese Produce Exchange: noor. prices per picuj yesterday were: Copra: quiet; February $27 buyers. $2"'- sellers; March $27-H buyers, $27 T sellers. Coconut oil: iteady; bulk $40 < 2 sellers; drum $43 < 2 sellers. Pepper: steady with fair business nasslng; Muntok white $136. Sarawak $135 (both
    170 words
  • 180 10 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board whan* or expected today are: Bonnevllle 1 2 Roma 45. Polly C.P.. City of Ottawa 6 7, Bali 8 9. Polydorus 11. Frankfurt 13 14, Peleus 15 16. Clytoneus 18, Ozarda 19 20. Peterzwel N. Wall 5. Glang Seng N. Wall 7.
    180 words
  • 55 10 WASHINGTON. Thurs. Congress yesterday rejected a resolution disapproving the sale of toe United States Government's Institute, West Virginia, synthetic plants to Goodrich Gulf Chemicals Incorporated. This means that Goodrich Gulf Incorporated has finally cleared the last hurdle In Its path to possession of the West Virginia
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 143 10 February first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at $1.07% per lb. (down seven-eighths of a cent). The closing tone was barely steady. Closing prices in cents per lb. were: No. 1 R.S.B. Spot f.o.b. buyers 107Ni, sellers 107 7 s No. 1 R.S.S. February buyers
    143 words
  • 45 10 T<HE Federation's Financial Secretary has fixed the following prices for calculating customs duties for the week starting February 9. RUBBER: S1.08! j per lb. COPRA: 5436 a ton. COCONUT OIL: $690 a ton. PALM OIL $694.75 per ton. PALM KERNELS: $363 a ton.
    45 words
  • 18 10 SINGAPORi f (down seven ni* a renl) < TIN: S37r-,n (down $1.7:,) >n COPRA: Picul (up I
    18 words
  • 71 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS MELi;< Investinoiii undertone v,. widespread on here today. i In minln Ss Oil Is. 4d. but BWtta uraniums continued firmer and Silver Loans were ste; 3 Loans IH% 195R-5D £a fi IBank of N.S.W.'" Mount Lyell ;£m% oken »»>•■•■ Pe O k" U Organ 30 2 We«t«rn iiinuig""
    71 words
  • 31 10 COPENHAGEN establishing in Derjmark. according to JrSl trade circles here The n J said to have 1 1 plant which cost between kroner and would be duce 60.000 lyres
    31 words
  • 27 10 On the free I Hong Kong dollar was quoted a- cash and 5.89 for T.T. "'I Sterling wa quoted I one Url of gold at
    27 words
  • 23 10 11»e following J,u H crops are notified lb. BtnU 76,cm0 Kuantan 53 UDO It). 'KnoiS ***** lb.; Mentekal ai;o Sunsri Bagan
    23 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 775 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited from Federal Citizens for the post of Assistant Instructor ln the Federal Education Department, Kuala Lumpur. Applicants, age 20-30, should have completed a 3 year full time course ln Woodwork and have had a minimum of 2 years practical experience ln their trade. Experience of
      775 words
    • 169 10 NOTICES McALISTER k COMPANY LIMITED Notice Is hereby given that the Transfer Books of McAlister Co. Ltd., will be closed from 15th February ot 20th February 1956. Inclusive. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD G. F. Moulton, Secretary. Singapore, Bth February 1956. NOTICE ARCHITECTURAL well Establlshec firm In Federation offers partne.shlp
      169 words
    • 622 10 NOTICES NOTICE OF INTENTION UNDER SECTION 68 (2> of the Road Traffic Ordinance (No. 17 of 1941) It la hereby notified for general Information that the Rural Board, Singapore, as the Highway Authority for the Rural Board Area of Singapore, intends to make an order to be cited as the
      622 words
    • 820 10 NOTICES MALAYA TRIBUNE PRESS LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY WIN DING-UP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sections 229 and 275 of the Companies Ordinance 1940, that the Final Meeting of Members will be held at D 11-16, Hongkong Bank Chambers, Collyer Quay, Singapore, on Tuesday, 20th March, 1956,
      820 words
    • 745 10 NOTICES IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA IN THE HIGH COURT AT PENANG In Bankruptcy Malacca No. Sof 1950 Re: R. E. MOHAMED KASSIM k CO. (S. S.) (R.E.M. Ibrahim, Sole-Proprietor) A First and Final Dividend Is Intended to be declared in the above matter. All creditors
      745 words
    • 436 10 KNUTSEN LINE orient service FROM CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAT Sailing Arriving San Francisco Spore P. Swcf. Penan; hM Ogeka Bakke Sailed 13 Feb* 18 Fcb 19 Fcb Elisabeth Bakke Sailed 5 Mar 4 10 Mar 1 1 Mar Gjerrrud Bakke 7 Mar 6 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr Anna
      436 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1134 11 T ,405 MANSFIELD <$c CO., LTb~T^-^,7 Off THE BLUE'' FUNNEL LINE ©S* to prtx eed vio other ports to loorf •'•P*. rSssz Livi-poou n Duo Soil, p Sly>m U..VU tost sfSfc «W F.b 13 Feb IS Feb 14 r«* 17 F#b 1J '-b 19/21 Fab 22/23 Sk •v.v.:-ftl -T 5
      1,134 words
    • 1203 11 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA F *r Aden, Pert Said, Genoa, Antwerp, dott.raom, Hamburg. Cepiabagon, Gothcnbarg ft Oslo Spore P. S'hom Penang M i "LALANDIA" In Port (Passengers only) "INDIA" 28 Fcb/ 2 Mar 3/ 4 Mar "SELANDIA" 9/11 Mar 12/12 Mar 13/14 Mar 19/20 Mo, 21/22 Mar bjasjajd
      1,203 words
    • 1099 11 Kng THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD Tl 7 r SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) s LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Penang BENAVON for London, Rotterdam, Hull 14/18 Fab I* fart 19/20 Feb 'BENMHOR for London, Rotterdam 28 Fob/ 8 Mar Direct arrives London 30
      1,099 words
    • 1188 11 McALISTER tic CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** ELLERMAN tfc BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE VANCOUVER ond o£ r ci£oa *«•>•- A c f CITY OF OTTAWA CASTLtVILLE Spore P. S'hom Penong Spore P. s'hom Penang Gd 16/15 F.b 14/17 Feb 18/20 Feb
      1,188 words

  • Commercial news and views.
    • 463 12 'Colony hotels must wake up': Tourist chief IF Singapore is to gain any benefit from the expected increase in tourist trade in the Pacific area, its' hotels must improve their service in line with the leading European and American hotels. This is the view of one of Singapore's leading travel
      463 words
    • 238 12 WITHOUT advertising, consumers would not be as educated as they are now and would probably have to pay more for their everyday purchases, said the executive of a leading Australian advertising agency who arrived in Singapore last week for a brief business visit. Traders
      238 words
    • 149 12 THE Manufacturers Life I Insurance Co. reports i that their new business dur- j ing 1955 totalled a record Can. £97,821.730— a gain of £16.364.061 in new business' over the previous year. Busi- 1 ness in force is now £685.--825,519. Assets held in trust for the
      149 words
    • 190 12 TTHE 9.000-ton Blue Funnel Line cargo-liner Dolius, x second of six new fast ships for the U.K.-Far East service is due in Penang on her maiden voyage tomorrow. Fitted with supercharged oil engines, the Dolius was delivered from the yard of Harland and Wolff
      190 words
    • 164 12 MORE British radio equipment was exported in 1955 than in any previous year. The provisional value, announced on Saturday by the British Radio Industry Council, was £32,930,000. This is £2,750,000 or 12.6 per cent more than in 1954 which itself was a record, and more
      164 words
    • 224 12 TH E United Commercial Bank Ltd. with headquarters in Calcutta, will shortly open a branch in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. S. Subr.ihmanyan, who has been accountant of the Singapore branch for the past four years has been appointed manager of the new branch.
      224 words
    • 277 12 CAPTAIN BIRCH SAYS GOODBYE fROUP Captain Hugh M. Birch, Qantas area manager for South-East Asia, yesterday expressed the hope that the new terminal buildings for the Singapore Airport at Paya Lebar would be completed as soon as possible to provide greater comfort and convenience for airtravellers. "The airport is the
      277 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 226 12 h i tl '»i« I j&^ s IMPORTERS MALAY*. BORNEO, SARAWAK A THAILAND. > FRASER A NEAVE LTD. WILLIAM CIAHT A SONS LTD DISTILLERS SCOTUK* Get rid of that 0t- ECZEMA, SCALP C^ DISEASE OR ITCH with yam-Biik $j^ V Zam-Buk it the world's greatest tkin ointment. Zuv-Bul soothes soreness
      226 words

  • 362 13 TV might tend to restrict development of the country's economy. He appealed to the House to look before leaping. Mr Thomas said: "The enormous arguments for and against TV should be studied by an independent body comprising of impartial citizens on whose findings we can
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  • 39 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— M. Nagalingam, 23, or Rawang, was charged in the Sessions Court today with breaking into the house of Hah Ah Hah, in Klar.g Road, yesterday. The case will be mentioned tomorrow.
    39 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 385 13 MM lON VACANT -Box SO ett. axtrm. bachelor me*s. SHED ROOM, ible Single Below $80 only. G.P.O. Box 409, >■ ISHED FLAT. rental to c Family. Mid Mid March apply Rd. 17 Scotts Road. nil. nicely Fur- Room. Longbath, r. Telephone, .1! Board. n. Furnished Hvgela System. ulahle lmmesfaieb. Please
      385 words
    • 390 13 ACCOMMODATION WANTFD Wordt $S (Mtn.)-Box S. ett. extra. Bedroomed House. Tanglin Holland area. Reasonably Long lV?^ preferred. Reply Box A l4OO ST BUSINESS EXECUTIVE reEUROPEAN BACHELOR RetHEZ v*,u March smaU s<lf c n i or Bulte Tanglln, Orchard Road area preJerred Apply Box A 1479 ST WANTED Immediately TwoBedroom Fully
      390 words
    • 353 13 BOOKS PUBLICATIONS 20 Wordt SS (Min.j—Box M mxtra. SELFTAUGHT ROMANIZED Cantonese $3. Hokkien, $5. Mandarin, $2. Engllsh-Hokkien Dictionary, $5. English-Mandarin Dictionary. $5. Mandarin Idioms. *2. Three-Character Classics, $150. Booklist Free. Chinien, 73, Prinsep Street, Singapore. DANCING 20 Wordt $1$ (minimum). Datlm 1 month, lo Wordt SiJO (Mtn.) TRY DINING In
      353 words
    • 411 13 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE U Wordt Si (Mm.)— Hoi tt ct. mxtra. SALE. Madras Large upstair House with garden healthy seaside locality M.S. convenient Bub, School, Unlverelty, etc. Vacant possession $26,000 Box A 1482 S.T. $12,000/-. AVAILABTJ: for very early occupation 3 bedroom Houses with all modern conveniences. Easy payments
      411 words
    • 393 13 CLASSIFIED ADS. VEHICLES FOR SALE .'0 Wmrdt SS (Mtn.)— Box St ett. extra. QUICK SALE. Late 1949 Ford 10 $1,350. On view at 75 Wllkie Road, after 5 p.m. AUSTIN 1953, Somerset Convertible. Registered April 1954. Insured Comprehensively August 1956. Four new Tyres. $3,000 0.n.0. Tel: *****. 5 7 p.m.
      393 words
    • 381 13 FOR SALE 20 Wordt Si (Mln.)— Box St ett. mxtra. TJIR 1 SEIJED Seedlings for sale now. Apply Rajaghlrt Estate. Bukit Rotan. TWO UPHOLSTERED Chairs Table. Sofa. Convertible to Bed. small Fridge, Sideboard, other items. Tel: *****. KJ».M. Flat 23, 214 Duneain Road. TILING MUST last for years. Don't waste
      381 words
    • 474 13 PUZZLE j FRIDAY Straits Times 1 WORD PUZZLE 'PP' Cut out and pin with other coupons Posting instructions appear below Nam* J A '5 n t g. 2|s v/ ,?JBMI missing \y vßoSTo^^siß below, j OUIES FOR WORD PUZZLE PP 5 **U. 'A jpeles* «et may occasion- 4. Naturally a
      474 words

    • 403 14 SOUTH JOHORE and Singapore Cricket Club "A", two of the fancied teams in this year's Singapore seven a side rugby competition, waltzed their way into the last 16 with 20-0 margins over their opponents on the padang yesterday. The Club with Spark practically walking
      403 words
    • 382 14 ITS FULL.TIME WORK WITHOUT PAY AND ON THE BOSS'S TIME BUSINESS HOUSES TO SEEK SAFA AID FOR A PAID SECRETARY THE Singapore Business Houses Football Association are to have a paid secretary because this is a full-time job. But at the moment they cannot afford
      382 words
    • 199 14 Tel. Board may lose place in SBH league SINGAPORE Telephone Board, the Singapore Business Houses F.A. league and cup and senior cup champions last year, may not be able to compete is S.B.H.F.A. competitions in future. At yesterday's annual general meeting of the association, it was decided to recommend alterations
      199 words
    • 103 14 The first round of the Singapore Hockey Association senior knockout competition was completed yesterday when BODCA beat Latin* wanderers 3-0 at Serangoon Road. This game had to be postponed five times because of rain. Midway through the first half. Duff scored from the top of
      103 words
    • 41 14 Cunningham 's score best Lt. Col. F. M. Cunningham (10) won the Singapore Army Golf Society's 18-hole handicap bogey competition with a score of two d n over) ..■>- "B" (handicap 17 and over): Lt. Col R. J. Tadman (IP) 5 down:
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    • 21 14 Arsenal S.C. beat G.H.Q. Field Records 1-0 in a friendly soccer match at Farner Park yesterday. All scored.
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    • 792 14 THE Fijian style of rugA ger is similar to Rugby League, where the accent is on action. This is the view of a former Castleford and Huddersfield international now in Singapore. Flight Sergeant Taylor, of Seletar, who has played
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    • 404 14  -  EPSOM JEEP By KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. SOUTH PACIFIC, who rarely runs a bad race over a mile and beyond, showed plenty of galloping zest on the training track at Kuala Lumpur this morning. Ridden by Jack Wilson, this useful Torbido gelding came right
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    • 164 14 T*HE Singapore Table Tennis Asx sociation. Nt a meeting held at the Singapore V.M.C.A. club house yesterday, outlined the plans to raise their target sum of $9,000 to send a team of six players to take part in the 23rd. World championships in Japan in April.
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    • 143 14 PRIVATE Seward had the dis- tiction of scoring the only knockout victory at the Singapore District boxing championships at Tanglin fast night. Seward. a finalist in the AllEngland championships won the light-heavy title by stopping Pte Austin in the third round. Results Fly: Pte. Martin
      143 words
    • 280 14 By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. l/I.LEN TREASURE shaped like a winner on the training track at Kuala Lumpur this morning when he outpaced speedy Westoth (Mawl) In a good workout over 3f. An Irish-bred four-year-old by Archive (Sire of Arch Side), Ellen's Treasure
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    • 215 14 MELBOURNE, Thurs. rpHE Australian Board of Cricket Control want bowlers on this year's tour of England to be allowed t<> "drag" their back foot when delivering the ball. The Board believe this will eliminate any "No Ball" dispute. They will ask the M.C.C. to
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 399 14 AUSSIES' JOB is 'TREMENDOUS' SAYS O'REILLY From JACK FINGLETON CANBERRA, Thurs. MOST Australian critics confess themselves delighted with the team chosen for England. Two notable exceptions are former internationals Sid Barnes and Bill O'Reilly, the former declaring with typical vehemence that "this team is the greatest bunch of pie eaters
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    • 198 14 LONDON, Thurs. IJ'NGLISH players and officials agree that Australia's cricket team to tour England this summer is strong and well balanced but nil are optimistic about England's chances of retaining the "Ashes". Len Hutton. former England captain, said: "It has a well balanced
      Reuter  -  198 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 796 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pace >) SITUATIONS VACANT UWordMsS (Min.)-Boi S* tt: ixtrm. WANTED Exp. Book-keeper, Ledger-Accounts Clerk. EurasianChinese Lady Stenographers. Please contact Ho Chlan's Agency, 86-A Robinson Road. Tel. *****. ONE JUNIOR CONDUCTOR *-tth Factory Experience required for Estate In Klang District. reply with Copy of Testimonials to
      796 words
    • 102 14 flu gnn'mt JLfgrnt sff-^ J In Greece, juit as in Chlra, there are <"*/ many stories of ancient legends and mythical heroes HERAastheGODOESS OF MARRIAGE and also the protectress V P of mortal women. Is one of the fcpA^__ better known mythical characters I^' -""VyVL K. from the Olympian Height*.
      102 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 31 14 HOCKEY S.H.A. Senior Knockout: (Quar-ter-final i: S.C.C. v University, padang. SOCCER INTER-School: Victoria v St. Joseph's S.J.I, (round. Friendly: A.C.S. v United Rovers, A.C.S.; Indian Brotherhood v R.N. Kranji, Farrer Park.
      31 words