The Straits Times, 27 January 1956

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 AVERa t: m. li^j j^y r «r nt■r v j| JAIE EXCEEDS 7 i~.|O 0 O The Straits Times. Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1956 15 CENTS.
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  • 199 1 Impossible to guarantee continued full employment if strike is prolonged' Repair work may be cut y \l. authorities in Singapore warned 1,.t night that the Admiralty could not continued loymenl at the at Seletar niUc of 9,000 rorkers is prolonged. Ihe Flag Malayan Area. tnent ex.l the
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  • 570 1  -  NELSON RUTHERFORD JOHN DARBYSHIRE HIGH TIME ABOARD INDONESIAN GOVT. SHIP By and piVE English seamen "borrowed" an Indonesian immigration launch from an Indonesian island off Singapore early yesterday. After a wild nine-hour "cruise" they were shot at. ran aground and were nearly rammed by a
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  • 38 1 DENVER, Thurs.— United Air Lines substituted planes on a flight from Denver to San Francisco last night because of a telephone warning that the plane originally intended for the flight would be blown up. U.P.
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  • 20 1 ROME, Thurs. Italian Premier Antoni Segni is considering a visit to Moscow, authoritative sources said today.— U.P.
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  • 21 1 WINNIPEG. Thurs. Winnipeg has had nearly 62 inches of snow so far this winter, a record for 75 years.
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  • 259 1 I China gets supplies, says Tengku- From LESLIE HOFFMAN LONDON. Thurs.— Tengku Abdul Rahman, Chief Minister of the Federation, today saw the President of the Board of Trade. Mr. Peter Thornycroft. and discussed with him two questions of vital importance to the future of the Malayan
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  • 16 1 NEW YORK, Thurs. Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur observed his 76th birthday today.
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  • 518 1 Big crowd at Kajang court KAJANG, Thursday. MORE than 1,300 people crowded into the compound of the tiny courthouse here this morning when the inquiry opened into the Semenyih stripping allegations. Many of them took the morning off froci work and cycled into Kajang from new
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  • 59 1 THL five seamen who "borrowed" an Indonesian Government launch and sailed her to Singapore from Pulau Samboe are seen above relaxing; at Connell House yesterday with a glass of beer, trom left to right they are: lan Whatley. Jack Smart. Terence
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  • 117 1 Mansfield union will strike next week rE Mansfield Local Employees Union. Singapore. last night decided to stace a oneday protest strike "before the end of next week." The strike day is being kept a secret. The general secretary. Mr. S. Dragoon. said: "We will extend the strike if necessary. Our
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  • 48 1 22 hours of it in Kluang KLUANG, Thurs. Heavy rain fell in Kluang for more than 22 hours since 10 p.m. yesterday and stopped at about 8.30 tonight. There is no indication 01 floods as yet but the police and military are standing "by for any emergency.
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  • 35 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Sir Anthony Eden and President Eisenhower will plunge into their three-day discussion of world problems almost immediately after the British Prime Minister's arrival here next Monday, the White House disclosed today.
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  • 29 1 PARIS, Thurs. The French President, M. Rene Coty. today sent for the Socialist leader, M. Guy Mollet, 50, to ask him to form a new French Government.
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  • 275 1 $3 MILLION PAY RISE TO 1,500 Settlement after strike threat KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. A BOUT 15,000 Federation Government clerks will get a rise of between $15 and $40 a month in basic pay soon. This is the result of a settlement on new basic pay scales reached today between the
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  • 104 1 THE Singapore Government last night announced that the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, had decided not to attend the plenary session of ECAFE at Bangalore, in South India, next week. The announcement explained that Mr. Marshall's decision was in view of the Legislative
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  • 28 1 LONDON, Thurs.— Britain's four-month-old Independent Television Authority claimed last night that its audiences are now twice as large as those of the long-established B.B.C.— Reuter.
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  • 76 1 STOWMARKET, (Suffolk).) Thurs. Mrs. Jane Bird was i lying ill in bed here when suddenly a pair of airmen's flying boots came through her bedroom ceiling The airman himself, F/Lt Henry Merriman. was wedg- ed in the upper framework of the roof after baling
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  • 30 1 SACRAMENTO (California), Thurs. Harry and Otis Grady, brothers, were back together yesterday after a separation of 45 years. Both are serving jail terms for vagrancy. A.P.
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  • 26 1 NICOSIA. Thurs. Field Marshal Sir John Harding. Governor of Cyprus, returned here by air today from his talks with the British Government.— Reuter.
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  • 250 1 Mad bull injures 10 at festival PENANG, Thurs. Ten people were injured, four seriously, when a bull drawing the silver chariot of the Hindu deity, Sri Subramaniam, ran amok at Western Road today. The incident, near the General Hospital, caused a stampede among the 1,000 devotees following the chariot, which
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  • 53 1 MORE BRITISH TKADE WITH RKI> CHINA LONDON. Thurs— Trade between Britain and Communist China last year wis m p»r tent higher than in l!). r >l and prospnts art that it will continue at this level in MM, Mr. Betel Thorneytroft. President of Board of Trade, >.iid in
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 q c. De Silva Bros. Mers Phone *****. Pljcc, Singapore- 1. f NUMBER BY vS^ *****jg» **^i^McALISTER CO. LTD.
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    • 41 1 Kodak (Malays Limited I 130 BOiINSONRO*O. 9 a BOX 657. SINGAPORE. Orclsr the special New Year carton for friends (and yourself from any t/ I Fraser and Neava branch or distributor I DELIVERY gfc A happ_y and jmgMi^LJ prcspePOU f S^^
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  • 244 2 BRAKES U.S. CAR FIRMS IN A JAM Output down, ■any sacked NEW YORK, Thurs. The mammoth U. S. motor industry is drawing in its horns in the face of increasing sales resistance and a sluggish market. Top spokesmen for the industry have warned that 1956 will be a year of
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  • 66 2 BERLIN, Thura.— The East German state airline Lufthansa yesterday protested against "provocation by propaganda balloons sent aloft by Western agent centres," an East German News agency reported. Herr Arthur Pieck. an airline director and son of the East German President Herr Wilhelm Pieck. told the Press
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  • 218 2  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN BLADES; M.C.P. FOLLOWING NEW UNr By SINGAPORE is now "undoubtedly" a prize target for the Communists. But Colony Reds, acting on orders from Peking, are working quietly underground instead of resorting to open violence. The Director of the Special Branch, Mr. A. E.
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  • 238 2 ""ilium Whole world would be one vast battlefield Last war multiplied a million NEW YORK, Thursday. THE Secretary of the Air Force. Mr. Donald Quarles, predicted today that defence will "become more and more expensive" as weapons grow more complex and technical competition from abroad gets
    AP  -  238 words
  • 36 2 Afternoon dress with bolero THIS afternoon dress fancy coloured >'lk, with matching hoUro ned w* plaited taffeta, i-. from new collectior. l>v th( H*"* fashion house of MllH* Guggenheim, who name" "Estrebitz. A P. P>' tvr
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  • 129 2 Medals for two who saved Nehru's life NEW DELHI, Thurs. —Two awards to men who fought off a man who tried to murder the Premier, Mr. Nehru, In Nat pur last March, were announced today. Mr. K. T. Rajgopal military secretary to the Governor of Madhya Pradesh, was awarded the
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  • 183 2 Talk, talk— but it saved 38 lives ONCE SCOLDED, NOW SHE'S HEROINE STOWMARKET (England) Thursday A NINE- YEAR-OLD schoolgirl was a heroine today because she talked too much. By speaking out of turn Kathryne Flett saved her 38 school mates from possible death or injury yesterday. Kathryne has been scolded
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  • 115 2 CANNES: Police admitted that they were holding only a boy apprentice while Tarzan. the master Jewel thief of the Riviera, was still at large. Tarzan has stolen jewellery worth US$BOO,OOO ($2,400,000) from Riviera villas, whose owners Included Aly Khan and former Queen Elizabeth of Greece. The
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  • 23 2 MKnisrrr ana rrprimanura >, naif The smiling prince, who is here on vl dropped his hands to his lap. A.P.
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  • 34 2 BONN, Thurs Six of 1,000 volunteers for the new West German army who began duty this month have resigned for family reasons and because they were dissatisfied with the pay. Reuter.
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  • 42 2 NEW YORK, Thurs.—Russia has rejected a U.S. proposal to have each UN. Assembly plenary session opened with public prayer by a cleric. The Russians want to stick to the present system of a minute of silence.— AP.
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  • 74 2 JUDO SHO W WRECK' THREA T LONDON, Thurs.— The police have been told of rumoured threats by former prisoners of war of the Japanese to "wreck" a Judo festival here on Saturday in which leading Japanese judo experts will take part. But the London Judo Society, which is putting the
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 18 2 JERUSALEM, Thurs.Israel's civil defence is to br reorganised, the National Civil Defence Council decided yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • 32 2 'Nonsense costs $750 I NEW YORK 'man who fvL: the Queen US$25O ($7 probation j "This kin must be sto] told Richard D. Man "It was a Martin said some Just stayed
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  • 44 2 ALGIERS: At least 29 rebels have been killed in Algeria and Tunisia in 24 hours.— A.P. LONDON: Wages in*Britaln jumped by seven per cent last year and just kept ahead of the rising cost of living, the Ministry of Labour said.— Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 f^L^yh -(00^ U w%£y^\ f V W 9 Hrtk. m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'^ t^ t^s^s^s^s^^s^^s^s^^^s^s^s^s^s^f^t^s^s^tw^ BECOMES JKr <f <& TtAtej f fgr FuCUfihofiicatifeet GuatcuUZtd The NOmtENDK HI-FI TO\b REGISTER is unanimously welcomed and appreciated hy all radio enthusiasts and music lovers as a revolution in the Radio market, ir/n'i/i makes listening a perfect
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  • 136 3 Nutting warns women This Red threat •not empty' oNDON, Thurs.— Mr. \i a r.thony Nutting, i State at the n Office, said here I that the prin("..mmunist threat to thr West lay in political subversion and oiic penetration, nj a Conservative meeting, he U kid our- •>:, r. that there
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  • 45 3 kNA. Thurs. Three nmen, in the of a hunger ere In a serious conday. The three deputies began to protest against th( Su?ar Workin by the National Confederation of Workers. The confederation took over the onion with government backing- A p.
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  • 117 3 Primate explains how Henry VIII was married six times LONDON, Thurs.— Reporters asked the Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday to explain why the Church of England opposed divorce when King Henry VIII, who founded the church, had six wives. The question was asked at Press Associa•re the Archbishop of
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  • 459 3 As Big Two plus Lloyd are to get together GaltskeU and Co. give a recipe 'Stop arms race and get the Russians to agree 9 T AROito d»d^ LONDON, Thursday. LABOUR PARTY leaders yesterday announced Mi«Mif I P In Pl for the critical
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  • 62 3 SAYS DELEGATE NEW YORK, Thurs.— Sir Pierson Dixon, Britain's permanent representative to the United Nations, last night said that the whole future of the U.N. may be imperilled if it continued to interfere in the domestic affairs of member states. The organisation must adopt restraint if
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  • 39 3 TAIPEH. Thurs. The Nationalists here yesterday said that Communist guns on the mainland fired 22 shells at the island of Kaoteng in the Matsu group. Most of the shells fell into the sea. they said.— Reuter.
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  • 189 3 SEQUEL TO ARGUMENT AT FUNERAL HOME VENIA, Ohio, Thurs.— Nearly a dozen mourners yesterday saw a man fire three shots at his brother-in-law in front of his sister's coffin. And the man who recently became a widower fell seriously wounded at the foot
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  • 34 3 AMMAN. Jordan. Thurs. Gen. Mohammed Eldin, the Egyptian Ambassador in Amman, will go to Cairo early next month to attend a conference of Egyptian heads of diplomatic missions in the Middle-East. Reuter.
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  • 17 3 FRANKFURT, Thurs. The construction of West Germany's first atomic research reactor will begin soon. Reuter
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  • 185 3 UNDERPAID BRITISH M.P.s 'DYING ON THEIR FEET' Attlee tells meeting LONDON. Thurs. EARL ATTLEE, former Labour Party leader, said last night that some members of the House of Commons were "dying on tbeir feet" because they could not afford to retire. He told the Cardiff Business Club that M.P.'s and
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  • 159 3 Sari beauty hits the jackpot— $8,700 FULL MARKS FOR CHAUCER TAN' LONDON, Thursday. BRITISH television's top jackpot of £1,024 (about $8,700) was won for the first time last night by a 21 -year-old Pakistani beauty who is an expert on literature. Robin Burke, daughter of Pakistan's Ambassador to Sweden, brought
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  • 67 3 WORST YEAR FOR STRIKES SINCE 1932 LONDON. Thurs.— Britain has just come through its worst 12 months of strikes in 23 years, the Ministry of Labour reported today. The ministry said the country lost more man-days during 1955 than in any year since 1932. Strikes cost the nation 3,794,000 man-days
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  • 25 3 LONDON, Thurs. Two London newspapers reported from different sources today that Rita Hayworth plans to marry Egyptian film producer Raymond Hakim.— U.P.
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  • 19 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The U.S. Navy has laid the keel for its fourth atomicpowered submarine. A.P.
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  • 149 3 Last 'Time, sahibs, please 9 on April 1 NEW DELHI, Thurs. FIELHI State moved closer to total prohibition today when the Cabinet banned drinking in restaurants, bars and public places from April 1. All liquor shops in Delhi will be closed. Hotels and clubs will
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  • 53 3 LONDON, Thurs. A Victoria Cross fetched a record price of £480 at a London auction yesterday. The V.C. one of the first presented —r was awarded to Ensign J. Craig for bringing back the body of an officer in the Crimean War in 1855. Craig's regiment
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  • 314 3 LONDON. Thurs. THERE was still a general disposition to limit commitments In stock markets today and consequently business remained at a low level. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty were: RUBBER LONDON. Jan. 26.— Spot 32d., Mar. 31 7 »d. Apr.-June 31 %d., July-Sept
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  • 25 3 SYDNEY, Thurs. Flood waters began receding in New South Wales and Southern Queensland yesterday, revealing heavy losses to stocks and grazing lands. U.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 11 3 fMEDIATORIjI i OVERSEAS CORPORATION (Aust) LTD. jgj Singapore Kuala Lumpur "g=
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    • 162 3 CHEESE is always appreciated by people of taste. It's popular, too, in sandwiches as it's creamy and easy to spread. THAIPUSAM TO-DAY'S SHOP ARRANGEMENTS Business as usual at all Branches. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. make if pay! NEWTON, CHAMBERS CO. LTD. EXCAVATOR N C K excavators and cranes have
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  • 306 4 PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER -LET A JOURNALIST FILL THAT BERTH' BYRNE AND CO.: LOCAL MEN MUST TAKE OVER IN THREE YEARS I OCAL Singapore Government officials told the Malayanisation Commission yesterday that within three years of Malayanisation, no expatriate officers should hold such posts as
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  • 108 4 Jaga wakes to 'stop thief cry -then faints IPOH, Thurs. THE hue and cry raised in the servants' quarters of the V.M.C.A. early this mornine. when a thief was seen running away, caused the caretaker, (i. Muthu. 57, to wake up with a start and then faint. One of the
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  • 27 4 TANJONO MAIIM, Thurs The Perak Government proposes to send a teacher on a scholarship for training in commercial subjects in Australia under the Colombo Plan.
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  • 130 4 Sailor says: 'Two men stabbed me in Sumatra' ORIAN FULLER, 31, a D crew member of the Shell tanker Duchess, who was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital on Wednesday, was stabbed while the vessel was in an Indonesian port three weeks ago. He was treated in a hospital at
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  • 244 4  -  PETER KAYE HE'LL TAKE THE PLACEOF THE HELLO GIRLS By K U A LA LUMPUR, Thurs. The automation age may soon make it easier for people to make trunk calls to towns all over Malaya. Machines will do the jobs now being done by telephone operators.
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  • 36 4 EX-SINGAPORE JOURNALIST JOINS GREAT ADVENTURE— TO ENGLAND BY KETCH LEWIS KING (left) and Hugh Mabbett store food aboard the 40-ft. ketch before setting out from Penang on their six -month voyage to England. Straits Times picture.
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  • 272 4  -  KHOR CHEANG KEE By PENANG. Thurs.— The 40ft. Singapore ketch. Jeanne Matilde, will continue its voyage to England from Penang early next week with a new addition to its crew. A former Singapore journalist, Hugh Mabbett. has arrived here to join Lewis ("Rex") King,
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  • 63 4 SITIAWAN. Thurs. Officials of the Sitiawan Methodist Youth Fellowship for 1956 are: President, Mr. Low Kong Chuan; vice-president, Mr. William Joseph; secretary. Mr. Mah Ai Seng; treasurer. Miss Ong Slew Hoon; advisers. Mr. Donald Small, Miss Dorothy Parks and Mr. Ho Lian Choon. There will be a
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  • 87 4 IPOH. Thurs. AR O M A N CATHOLIC priest who was condemned to death by the Japanese during their occupation of China has been appointed parish priest of St. Michael's Church here. He Is the Rev. Father Peter Narbais. who was rescued by Allied forces from a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 119 4 A START THE NEW YEAR WITH THE I SjM BUKU MERAH I I//M '^tLw^M STRAITS TIMES DIRECTORY L &4MWM 0F SINGAPORE MALAYA n^m&lZffl 1955/56 ISSUE InflSsSll now on sale n|W^H HnrXfltMnll W$ w tative and comprehensive reference work available, yr containing a vast store *$os&&ss»%\ Companies, their >*:*;*¥#s! *^t&&&3«>& Executives
      119 words
    • 222 4 V DICTATION X-^^^ RECORDING BY THF. ULTRJXMnX JUST SOME OF THE MANY ADVANTAGES! J Portability and g Simplicity of good looks switch control 2 Outstanding 7 Automatic erasur, reproduction A Duplicat copiei o| 3 P.p.r or plastic ojctated m^ f sheet sound carriers Q Record of phone 4 Split second
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 321 4 Straits Times Crossword II I |2 I 13 I 4 5~" 5~~ 7 8 "is" i|| "W ~l||2J~ 1 I Ii- V I I I I m ACROSS 6. Longfellow's aspiring youth L Fjower^a girl in a depress 7 Z«J™*\ "^er VnVi^ xS: rU°' «SK noting to a fr. sweet
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  • 74 5 FARMERS: BUMPER HARVEST qm. compensation BtagaP"* G0v- will pay n 5i. 000,000 as Lion to 466 who were rein the Queens- the compenu dready been and the ipply for all i re-assess--apore ImIrust census and to be ln- no w rates are: Crops 10; furnace for n use i $75;
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  • 382 5 The poor Haji who begs for a living has $4,000 in the savings bank I'M GOING BACK TO MECCA, SAYS 70-YEAR-OLD PILGRIM B E ARDED and wrinkled Mohamed bin Ahmad Khun, the 70-year-old Haji from Mecca who told the Singapore Fifth Magistrate, Mr. R. B. I. Pates, that he was
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  • 85 5 Surrender or death Ministers give Reds an ultimatum KLUANG. Thurs. rpWO Alliance Ministers told 1,000 people at a rally here L last night: "We will have nothing to do with the Communists in Malaya. The choice for the Communists is to surrender or die." They were Inche Sardon bin Haji
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  • 184 5 ...If it continues to rain tVYRMERS in two kampongs in Singapore fear that L they will be flooded out again if heavy showers continue for another week. The two kampongs are Kampong Tai Seng off Paya Lr bar Road, and Kampong Ong Lee, at the 10th
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  • 89 5 68 more said I do' last year MARRIAGES at the Singapore Registry during 1955 totalled 1,415 as compared with 1,381 for the previous year. The Chinese community accounted for the largest number of marriages with a total of 1.210 compared with 1,152 for the previous year. There were 49 inter-racial
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  • 28 5 The Shell Sports Club, Singapore, will hold a fun fair and barn dance at the Shell Paya Lebar Sports Club from 6.30 p.m. to midnight tomorrow.
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  • 22 5 The Pasir Panjang Boys' Club, will hold its first annual meeting at the club premises, at 11 a.m. on Sunday.
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  • 113 5 SINGAPORE'S Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, enrolled yesterday as a member of the X-Ray Club and wished it success. The club, sponsored by the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association, seeks to teach the value of X-rays as a tuberculosis precaution and to
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  • 146 5 Bus tax refund hopes Owners sure of that $176,000 CINGAPORE Chinese bus owners are not worried by a City Council committee decision not to refund $176,000 in road tax for December. Their association's secretary, Mr. Kuek Seah Eng, said yesterday he hoped the Governor in Council would approve it. The
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  • 68 5 8 SEAMEN'S UNIONS JOIN FORCES Eight Singapore seamen's unions with a total membership of more than 5,000 have formed a joint Council of Action sponsored by the Colony Trades Union Congress. All eight are affiliated to the T.U.C., whose president, Mr. S. Jaganathan, will be the new council's independent chairman.
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  • 76 5 A City Council labourer, Ghani bin Jonet, who was accused of causing hurt to Adam bin Omar during the Council's labour strike last year, was acquitted in a Singapore court yesterday without his defence being called. Earlier Ghani and another labourer, Annamalai, were acquitted of "behaving in
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  • 34 5 Teng Tin Klom pleaded not guilty in the Singapore Sixth Magistrate's Court yesterday to a charge of breaking into C. B. Weerakoon's house on Sept. 8 last year. Bail was allowed.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 1956 ARGENTINE GRAND PRIX IST1 ST J. M. FANGIO driving a FERRARI using SHELL -QOO The most powerful petrol you can buy .-mix *^fe& -I cVJe H E VERY CARTON OF 4^2! F^BERC BEER PURCHASED, A > §&<*§ V N D E CARLSBERC BEER CLASS AND A*^S&*s Mak? TTLE 0F
      55 words
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    • 319 5 MORE AND MORE 1 1 people are opening Minimum Drpmit 1 1M ■1 r DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS II LOMBARD BANKING 1 I PROVIDE Essential Finance foe I Industry, Commerce and Agriculture I in support of II z. Strength of Sterling 11 2. Maximum Productivity II 3. Full Employment I I Write
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 174 5 GARRICK: Miss Coca-Cola (Hindi)— 6.15, 9.15; Tel. *****. KING'S: King of the Khyber Rifles— 3.30, 7, 9.30; morning shows Apache 9.15, By The Light of the Silvery Moon 11.15; Tel. *****. CATHAY: Human Jungle— ll, 1.45, 4.15, 6.45. 9.30; morning show Alladln and his Lamp 9 a.m.; Tel.
      174 words
    • 176 5 6.30, 9.30; morning show Down Three Dark Streets 9 a.m.; Tel. *****. PAVILION: Othello— 9, 11, 1.45. 4, 6.30. 9.30; Tel. 6903. ALHAMBRA: Lost in Outer Space— ll, 1.30. 4, 6.45. 9.30; morning show all M-G-M cartoons 9 a.m.; Tel. 6909. ROXY: Pirates of Tripoli— 3, 6.15, 9.15; morning show
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  • 32 6 ID Word, $10 (minimum) KOEK GEORGE of Custodian of Enemy Property K.L. at General Hospital on Thursday morning, cortege leaving 651, Pasar Road for St. John's Cathedral at 4.30 p.m. 27.1.56.
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  • 202 6 in Words $10 (minimum). H.M.V. SALONS are open all day to-day. FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the 'Malay Mail' if you want to win trm $5 000 word puzzle. STUDENT REQUIRES Urgently Loan $3,000 to proceed overseas for further studies. Please state terms. Write Box A 1260 S.T. WILL
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  • 67 6 2 n Words $10 (minimum) MR <fc MRS. PAUL CHTJA BOON NAM Thank Friends and Relatives who attended, assisted and Rave valuable presents on the occasion of their marriage 21st Jan. 1956. MRS. AMO SOON HOE Wishes to Thank the Doctor-in-charge and the Nurses of Gynae Ward of Kandang
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  • 615 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. Jan. 27, 1956. Washington Talks Not Asia but the Middle East will command the more urgent attention of Britain's Prime Minister and America's President in the talks which ,begi n at Washington on Monday. The Far East nevertheless has a prominent place on the agenda.
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  • 339 6 'If you have anything to say, then say it with roses." This about sums up the spirit of the "gag" order which Singapore U.M.N.O. headquarters intends to issue to its members. Many members of U.M.N.O. have complained in letters to the newspapers of the activities or lack
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  • 259 6 Mr. Lennox-Boyd has told the House of Commons that the Federation Government has appointed a High Court judge to inquire into the Semenyih allegations. The Colonial Secretary could not say more, for the matter is now subjudicc. To everyone in Malaya this is hardly news, for the appointment
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  • man in the street
    • 224 6 LEGAL TRAINING IN MALAYA THERE is much confusion of thought about the need for a graduate in law to have practical experience before being allowed to practice his profession. In countries where solicitors and barristers (the advocates of Singapore) are kept in separate compartments, it is usual to allow a
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    • 167 6 SOME politicians were taken aback by Tengku Rahman's statement in London that half of Singapore is red and that the present Government is not strong enough to deal with subversive elements. Well there Is nothing strange about such a statement. Mr. Marshall's Government Instead of
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    • 399 6 ON January 10 a Press announcement appeared in the Straits Times issued by the Chief Minister In reply to a letter we had sent to him on January 3. In that letter (to which we have yet received no official reply) we asked the
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    • 290 6 WITH reference to your leader "Co-existence in Vietnam" the bulk of your readers are probably under the mistaken impression that President Ngo Dinh Diem has refused to negotiate with the Vietminh leader, Ho Chi Minn because he fears that he would be unable to survive
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    • 127 6 T^HE back-lane between ■I Tronoh Roaa and Idris Road is In a shocking condition. The drain is full of rubbish, the concrete sides are in need of repair, and the grass is overgrown. No labourer, overseer, or sanitary inspector has been to this place for the last
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    • 530 6 Is freedom to speak one's mind already dead? TT was with considerable X pleasure that I read the statement which Sir Kamil Mohamed Ariff gave your Penang representative last week. Here at last, thought I, was a man with the courage of his convictions. Sir Kamil was to need every
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    • 63 6 MOSQUITOES IN IPOH IS there a Health Officer and a Health Department in Ipoh? Judging by the number of v.osquitoes to be found around the town, I have my doubts. Or if there is one, does he focus his attention primarily on the breeding grounds in the. Tambun Road. Kopeng
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    • 60 6 MIC ANU LABOUR FRONT TOE Ml c A the La:, to get one members Legislative A Indians In Ported the i because they the Labou; party rtai mocracy and Even ii the not Joined Front, the have voted f Or Front men The elect) their well-di We, thr i; think
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    • 325 6 JUDGING by the smooth J progress of the constitutional talks between the British Government and the Singapore delegation last month, and the Federation delegation now in London, the granting of independence to Singapore and Malaya is almost assured. It is hoped that when
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    • 157 6 I AM an ex-employee of the Singapore Cold Storage. I had served the Company faithfully and efficiently for a considerable number of years when I was asked to join the Singapore Factory and Shop-Workers Union. Before this invitation I had been happy and contented with my salary
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 592 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. in Wnr4s tin tmuUmvM/. MACKIE: To Daphne, wife of James Mackie, a son. on January 26, .a Bungsar Hospital. 20 Worts fit (minimum). MANI SAROJINI: The En{ragement ls announced between A. 8. Manl of K.L. Municipality, and Saicjini Lourdes of Radio Malaya, K.L. LIM-WONG: The engagement t announced
      592 words
    • 65 6 jOST OW t! -Mystery of Lourdw" —21 -pot* book condnuatkm An mbiawd accoasx of the miracle* performed at ooe of the moat famous Christian shrines. K Pays to Inert** Your Word Powtr A Rood command of English help* in your burin and sodal life. Enthralling reading condensed from leading maoazinet.
      65 words
    • 40 6 MOUTRIES have now 1 eceived their NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS Exquisite Tone. Artistic App? Responsive Touch. Fully 1 and Reasonably Priced See and try them in our Sho* S. MOUTRIE CO. (MALAYA) LITTLE'S BUILDING o*s\ niffl .m« sod ii mi terms***
      40 words

  • 168 7 TIP FOR MALAYA: LOOK AT INDIA MALACCA. Thurs. Resident CornMr. H. G. said today a.pendence does ...really solve a problems. at a dinner irate Indian \y. he said: r problems. I riots in Bomon crowds and bad old days' it ni the accusand blame the Mr all the lubles. Today
    168 words
  • 69 7 h ilar, Mr. H. C. j I on his way by re to join the Malaya. recently a the educational i 1 the China Depart- men; of Cambridge University, will be a lecturer attached to the Department of English at the university. He went to Britain
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  • 211 7 'I WANTED HIM TO RUN— HE DIDN'T' my bed. My Patchett gun was in my bed. "I took my gun and two magazines and sat on my bed. I thought to myself that I must frighten him. "I loaded a magazine into the gun, making a lot of noise. My
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  • 155 7 SEEING the world and writing about it at every place of call is one of the ways this young American couple, Mr. William Gray and his wife Betty, are carrying out their worldgirdling tour. Mr. and Mrs. Gray, who are journalists
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  • 292 7 MURDER TRIAL COURT MARTIAL TOLD THAT SOLDIER'S DEATH WAS 'PURELY ACCIDENTAL' Could kill him with eves closed: Gurkha AFTER FIGHT ON A BED, A CHARGE THREAT ACTTRKHA i,i t^ KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. soldier told a court martial here today that he took his submachmegun
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  • 137 7 High command to decide on Sunday rpHE Singapore Labour Front will consider withdrawing recognition of certain branch committees, including the Farrer Park branch. at its general council meeting on Sunday. The chairman of the Farrer Park branch is Mr. A. R. Lazarous. one of two Labour
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  • 274 7 No ships from Australia BY NAN HALL THE effects of the Australia wide dock strike will be felt in Singapore and Malaya within a few weeks even if the strike has ended by then, inquiries revealed yesterday. The Charon is due in Singapore next week
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  • 31 7 Sir Alan Watt, Australian Commissioner in SouthEast Asia, last night held a party for 750 guests at his Singapore residence to mark the 178 th anniversary of Australia Day.
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  • 48 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Observing that there were many offences of a similar nature in Kulai. Mr. N. L. Cohen, in the Sessions Court today, sentenced 19-year-old Chong Chal to seven months' jail for being in unlawful possession of 14 katis of scrap rubber.
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  • 97 7 TWO non commissioned officers of the Federation Malay Regiment, who went to England to study British Army investigation methods, returned to Singapore yesterday. They were Sgt. Moosaln Alsagoff, 19, and Sgt. Fadjir bin Abdul Rahman, 25. Both spent four months at the Royal Military Depot
    97 words
  • 215 7 Baby protests and court unbends CRYING in protest, six-month-old Mcl Mci clasped her hands tightly round her mother's neck when the law tried to separate them for a few minutes In a Singapore court yesterday. Her mother. Yong Foong Mie. 28. and eight others were arrested on Wednesday night for
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  • 117 7 K.L. SHOOTING: CAR FOUND IN COLONY Homicide squad joins hunt A CAR sought by the Federation Police after the Kuala Lumpur shooting at midnight on Tuesday was found abandoned in Raffles Quay. Singapore, yesterday. Last night men of Singapore C.LD.'s new Homicide Squad searched the city for two men believed
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  • 98 7 A former Queen of Siam visits Singapore PRINCESS RAMBHAI BARNI. (above) a former Queen of Siam. arrived at Singapore airport yesterday for a short visit after a five weeks' holiday in Colombo. The former Queen was accompanied by her two sisters. Madam Rassadls Kridakara and Madam Pasmanie Chakrabandhu. and her
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  • 48 7 Shot by his own gun A police constable, A. L. Montciro, was shot in the hand when his gun accidently exploded as he fell into a monsoon drain yesterday. On patrol in a kampong off Nee Soon, he missed his footing and toppled into the three-foot deep drain.
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  • 34 7 TAIPING. Thurs.— A twoday fun fair in aid of the Golden Jubilee Scholarship Fund of the King Edward VII School, will be opened here on Saturday by the Raja Muda of Perak.
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  • 42 7 Two youths. Llm Kirn Chong and Oon Hong, were charged in a Singapore court yesterday with attempting to extort $30 from Naimat Ram Java at Changl Road market on Wednesday. They pleaded not guilty and v^ere offered bail.
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  • 30 7 The Indian Commissioner in Malaya. Mr. R. K. Tandon, last night held a cocktail reception in his Singapore residence to mark the sixth anniversary of Indian Republic Day.
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  • 62 7 A Singapore magistrate. Mr. J. M. Devereux-Cole-bourn. glanced at a set of obscene pictures in court yesterday, turned to a police officer and said: "These are rather poor specimens." In the dock was M. Munusamy. owner a Telegraph Street shopkeeper. "Have you any more?" asked the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 40 7 Better typing! Easier typing! BEHN, MEYER CO. LTD., P. 0. Box 2000, Singapore. PATERSON. SIMONS CO. LTD., Kuala Lumpur. Penang. u lahlt l ll w n < •"<."■<"»<•«■— I^S~^V.!>"^C^ IHYOI fill VMIH i.XKDINIA v\M>u WOOD Obtainable fn>m all xood Ckmhtt and Stores
      40 words

  • 251 8 A SPLIT? SO IT'S THINK AGAIN ON THAT BOYCOTT ORDER ..AND STORM BREWS IN ALLIANCE CIRCLES By GUNN CHIT CHYE DENANG, Thurs. The trumpet call by the Alliance asking its councillors to boycott the tea-party in honour of Penang's new knight, Sir Kami! Mohammed ArifF, is
    251 words
  • 162 8 They snap: We were first Pekinese settlers MISTY POINT and Snow iTI Maiden, two White Pekinese in Singapore, object to two upcountry friends, Chippey and Girlie, being called the first settlers in Malaya. Chippey and Girlie were flown to Kuala Lumpur 10
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  • 72 8 Knife death for court witness JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. LEE AH PIANG, a prosecution witness at a recent criminal trial here has been found slashed to death on Keng Jee Estate. Gelang Patah. He gave evidence when Lee Kit was accused of criminally intimidating by letter one of his labourers and
    72 words
  • 181 8 7 OPERATIONS IN 5 YEARS A SINGAPORE boy, Michael Lee Sok Chua, 5, who underwent his first operation two days after birth, is in an Australian hosptial today awaiting the seventh major operation in his life. 1 Michael is suffering from a rare congenital
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  • 64 8 KUALA TRENGGANU. Thurs. One hundred vilj lagers from Kampong Bahru. at Seberang Takir. two miles from here, yesterday helped to refloat a motor boat which sank in th e harbour here last week. The villagers manned the j boat and brought it ashore. Another boat capsized
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  • 45 8 Choo Nam Moey pleaded not guilty In the Singapore Eighth Magistrate's Court yesterday to a charge of stealing $100 from Hoe Bee. in North Bridge Road on Nov. 19. Choo was allowed bail and the case was postponed to April 19.
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  • 70 8 PENANG. Tburs. A gold ring worn on a finger is dutiable and it is an offence not to declare it. An assistant customs officer, Mr. Lee Yeat Chong, said this in the Sessions Court today when a goldsmith. Chew Peng Sooi. was fined $100 for
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  • 45 8 Tan Kirn Swee of Yio Chu Kang Road was charged in the Singapore Eighth Magistrates Court yesterday with causing hurt to Toh Yam with a knife, at Tampines Road on Jan. 4. Tan, who pleaded not guilty, was offered bail.
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  • 136 8 Be ready to move in on freedom day, young citizens told MALACCA. Thurs. The Resident Commissioner Mr. H. G. Hammett, today called independent Malaya a "new house" which its young citizens would have to furnish and live in. The house. h e said, was being rapidly built and
    136 words
  • 109 8 SULLIVAN VOTED BACK INTO POWER A RECORU A at the of tooadcSfn Ployees' Union £3; last night re-dor-. thirds of It mittee back into i The comrm--resigned en bloc oni after the house had its request to with( motion of cem one of its members; It was alleged that member,
    109 words
  • 42 8 JOHORE BAHRU 7 Wons Poh, a woman found in the Kelapa area, from vhieh she \va;% eluded by an order under the Emersenry 1 tions, was jailed today months. She had two previous cor.vlcticns for similar ofl
    42 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 254 8 Please complete the coupon below and send it by Post. By return you will receive J^ your HOOVER Diary for the Year 1956 THE EMPORIUM LTD. BATTERY ROAD j SINGAPORE 1. I i Name Address j |MocteJ of Hoover I j Serial No I When and where purchased ALL-MALAYAN PREMIERE
      254 words
    • 23 8 ACHIEVEMENT Over 250 Vickers Viscounts have been ordered by airlines all over the world. ROLLS-ROYCE DART propeller turbines ROLLS ROYCE LIMITED DERBY ENG
      23 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 182 8 RADIO MALAYA Programmes thus marked can be received by listeners in Malacca. Short wave 49 and 62m. Medium wave 476m., 343, 366m. and 297m. A.M. 9.45 Housewives Choice: 10.30 Mozart; P.M. '1.00 Music With A Lilt; *1.30 News; M.45 Dance Band; 2.00 On Stage; 2.45 Piano Parade; 300 Music Of
      182 words

    • 1289 9 Numerous cultures 1 inspired his genius f MALAYA'S FICHTINC J TYCOONSif love with Aloysia Weber, daughter of the prompter at the opera. His enraged rather whisked him of! to Paris. Why must Wolferl love a prompters daughter? The noble arbiters of
      1,289 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 167 9 ___F Uf <.\ VAUXHALL fECOMMEND THE MAWCRPHCE IN OILS C C. WAKEFIELD CO., LTD. KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE PENANG The Smile of Confidence With such a lovely smile no wonder she is the centre of attraction. Whatever the occasion, her smile is an essential part of her charm. She is confident
      167 words

  • 227 10 RUBBER IMPROVESBY 31/2 CENTS ON U.S. CONSUMPTION By Our Market Correspondent FEBRUARY first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. improved by three and a half cents in Singapore yesterday before the market closed for today's Thaipusam holiday. The improvement was due to better overnight London and New York and the publication of
    227 words
  • 142 10 MIAMI. Oklahoma, Thurs. Expansion of B.F. Goodrich company's plant here to increase tyre production will be started immediately, it was announced by the company officials. New facilities will include buildings, utilities and equipment and will cost more than $4,000,000. the company said. The expansion programme at
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 352 10 The Malayan Share Bickers' Association reported: "Dull conditions prevailed in all .sections oi the local snare mantel with »mai. price changes." Singapore and Federation brokers reported the following business done yesterday: Fraser and Neave ords. $1.80; Gammon $2.47 1,2; M. Breweries $3.52 12; Malayan Publishing $2.20; Metal Box
    352 words
  • 142 10 Frhruary first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Sinpaporee yesterday at $1.10 per lb.. up 3 cents on Wednesday's closing price. The closing tone was quiet. Closing prices in cents per Id. were: No 1 B.S.S. Spot f.o.b. buyers 1H). sellers HO 1 No. 1 R.S.S. February buyers
    142 words
  • 164 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; January $26% buyers, $27 s sellers; February $27 U buyers. $27 L tellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk $39'j buyers; drum $42 sellers. Pepper: quiet: Muntok white $135. Sarawak $134. special Sarawak black $95 (all varieties down
    164 words
  • 66 10 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following changes in Its rates to merchants yesterday (quotations to $100): Hongkong do'larv selling; T.T. or O.D. 53',; buying T.T. 52*,; O.D. 52 11/16. On the free exchange market In Hong Kong yextent.iy, the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.87 lotcash
    66 words
  • 31 10 PARIS. Fri.— The French Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs has temporarily lowered th* import duty on uncovered rubber strip to five per cent from 15 per cent.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 44 10 THE Federation's Financial Secretary fixed the following prices for calculating customs duties for the week starting January 26. RIBBER: $1,121 per lb. COPRA:' 5432 a ton. COCONUT OIL: 5682 a ton. PALM OIL: 5694.75 per ton. PALM KERNELS: $362 a ton.
    44 words
  • 4 10 picul >l
    4 words
  • 62 10 Investment prices moving Stock E\ Interest aga Search whl higher gale were higher Loans 3 Loans 3 Con. Zinc Bank of Ns\v" Mount Lyeli N- Broken Hill'i;/ Hill 50 Mount Morßari'" Peko Western Mmm?"" Amp^Ex ploratlon 1 A^S Bradtord b. Hiii Pro. Courtauld Dumop Elec. Zinc. Felt Textile:':;:
    62 words
  • 58 10 Ships l\inc .i1,,,, s pore Harbour M expected today are 1 2. BoLsse\;.iC.P.. Presid tI Mottmji macdhui 8 ii. I rackie 13 14 Elpej 18. Tjibadak Wall 6. Ser. Rawang N. 21 22. Benton e 23 PeriiT-7 Lee 25 2f. Sii 29 30. British P 33 34, Surat
    58 words
  • 67 10 SAN FRA.V plant for the thetic latex will burgh, California, Chemical Company. a the company He suited th commence at once pected that the production towards year. The plant U. 5.51,000.000 and will it :-x of producing styrene and which are wide/. manufacture of papers and other
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 635 10 You needn't suffer ACIDITY your pain /jH^tf instantly |ws3jj As you suck a Rennie >£*SHyS: tablet, powerful antacid \jf*g<|| Ingredients, dissolved In your own saliva, to ttralght to your stomach. Exco«« 1 acidity U quickly neutralised. >J digestive balance restored, stomach pain ended. Oetßoontw from your Chemist to-day NOTICE NASSIM
      635 words
    • 872 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for the post of Technical Assistant (Architectural) In the Public Works Department, Kelantan, at Kota Bharu from serving officers with suitable qualification or Federal Citizens holding a Technical College Diploma or equivalent. The appointment is pensionable. The salary scale is $419 Al4 545/562 AlB 652
      872 words
    • 725 10 NOTICES NOTICE INVITING TENDERS FOR PC R( MASK OF TWO 30-0" MARINE POLICE LAUNCHES 1. Tenders will be received up to noon on the 6th February, 1956 for the purchase as they lie of two 30'-o Marine Police Launches each complete with one Thornycroft Marine Engine Type RTR/6. Tenderers may
      725 words
    • 349 10 KNUTSEN LINE oriemt service FROM CANADA/US. PACIFIC PORTS— 33 W> Sailing Arriving San Francisco Spore P. Swat t n^n? fIM Ogeka Bakkc 10 |an 13 Fcb 19 Fcb Elisabeth Bakke 4 Fcb 5 Mar 7 Mar Cjcrtrud Bakke 3 Mar 2 Apr 4 Apr Anna Bakkc 7 Apr 7 May
      349 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1016 11 ,405 MA««ttD CO., LTD. t^TT^T the blue funn£l line °^r 'her ports to loort ~ZTj^ 9 D u Sails p «>w_ burg »-norn. Penong Jen 24/29 J.» jo/31 W« M Jan 29 tm J.«_3o F.b_4 Feb F.b 7 pi* Ftb 1J iv» iir^ £20 F F .-b b 2V k
      1,016 words
    • 1099 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA f or Aden, Port Said, Genoe, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Cspsnhogon Gothenburg ft Oslo Spore P. Sham Penong "LALANDIA" 9/ 9 Fab "INDIA" 28 Fob/ 2 Mar "SELANDIA" 6/ 8 Mar 9/ 9 Mar 10/11 Mar SIENA" 10/11 Mar 12/12 Mar 13/14 Mar Calls London
      1,099 words
    • 1024 11 bCIdTngTHE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD t J7 T SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the Unrted Kingdom) 5 LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'hom Penong BENLOMOND for Avonmouth, London, Newcastle la Port •BENVRACKIE for London, Rotterdam G. 13/14 Sells 3 Feb Direst arrives London 25 Feb BENALDCR for Homburg,
      1,024 words
    • 1221 11 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** ■lAEoWAW tsc BUCKM ALL KLAVCKESS LMrt LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE I VANCOUVER ond for U.S-A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting cargo far Control ft South ond Canada ond via Colombo America OTY OF OTTAWA FRANCISVIILI Spore P. Sham
      1,221 words

  • 469 12  -  GEOFFERY BOLAND FROM the economic point of view, as well as from political and constitutional development, Malaya will have good cause to remember 1955. As shown in the above graph 1955 was the second best year in the history of Malaya's foreign trade. The total value
    469 words
  • 407 12 CHEAPER RICE DEPENDS ON R.I., JAPAN pROSPECTS of cheap- er rice for Singapore consumers this year will depend on the amount of Siamese rice purchased by Japan and Indonesia, Colony rice merchant told Straits Times Commercial Reporter Koh Peng Long yesterday. They were commenting on reports that good rice crops
    407 words
  • 232 12 MALAYA PREFERS BRIGHTER PAINTS A GROWING preference for brighter shades of paint has developed on the Malayan market after the war, Mr. Noel Sissons, an executive of a leading British paint-making company said in Singapore yesterday. Mr. Sissons said he believed this colour-consciousness was due mainly to better standards of
    232 words
  • 229 12 Malayans are great toffee eaters says U.K. visitor Products of thp which was 1 nlLsh o^ 1887 have bee, S*g Singapore and the F ml I' for the last 30 v (a r eratt During hl has had talki irttli iJ2? tative 5 of Harp, Gilffi* 1 Co. Ltd. the
    229 words
  • 81 12 Exports of Scotch *v, lk> In 1955 reached a total of 15.359.000 nronTO' lons, worth over £431 lion, the Scotch Wh^" Association announces The export figure f Or In 1955 the United state, the largest ons inier v 5 just on 8 million proof lons, valued
    81 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 214 12 sunway:::: RICO. for coolness and comfort I Available in 11 glorious shades icith tapes in contrasting or matching colours. Tailor made tor every window by BELL'S ASBESTOS ond ENGINEERING (maiaya) LTD. 6j m. i. luklt Tlmoh «d., Singopor.. P.010x64. T»l. «Ml 6/7. for Cleaner* Whiter* Teeth and Gweekex* Bireath use
      214 words
    • 213 12 CABLES are necessary to bring electricity to these and almost every other aspect of modem life Good cables are vital cables developed by Members of the Cable Markers Association SPECIFY U JgLH CABLES MM RrgkK'i r'• n MAUYAN CABLE MAKERS ASSOCIATION, MACDONALD HOIS GOODYEAR TUBELESS TYRE s=s=s::=^ Built from start
      213 words

  • 137 13 EXTENSIONS to both ends of the Singapore Turf Club's grandstand in Bukit Thnah Road are still incomplete though work on them began early last year. The extensions will provide new totalisator points, with access from the lawns. They will also provide for new enclosures, with refreshment
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  • 358 13 RICHARDSON HITS 103 IN DRA WN TEST LAHORE, Thursday. fHE M.C.C.. as expected, had no difficulty in draw A ing their first unofficial Test cricket match against Pakistan here yesterday. They scored 204 and 322 for seven against Pakistan's 363 for nine declared. Pakistan might have made it harder for
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  • 184 13 'So easy' says Stephens after his record run MELBOURNE, Thurs DAVE STEPHENS. Australia's "flying milkman." set a new record for the six-mile run last night when he was timed in 27 m m 54 sec, beating the old mark of 27m in. 4 P. 2 set in 1954 by Emil
    UP  -  184 words
  • 52 13 PENANG. Thurs.— Five flags the Union Jack, the Federation of Malaya and Settlement of Penang flags, and the flags of the Malayan and Penang A.A.A. will fly at this year's Malayan Athletic championships to be held in Penang's new Municipal Sports Stadium on Aug. 17
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  • 60 13 Chua Soon Slew won two titles at the Titan B.P. championships. He won the open singles and the open doubles with Chua Beng Ouan. Tan Kok Ann was runnerup in the singles and Tan Loh See and Tan Boon Hye In the doubles. Joseph Fernandez
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  • 42 13 The Singapore Corinthians Sports Club will hold tbeir annual general meeting at No 251 Jalan Yahaya. Malay Settlement, on Sunday at 10 a.m. Today the Corinthians will play a friendly game against Amicable Athletic Association at Farrer Park.
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  • 190 13 OORTINA D'AMPEZZO. Thurs. 'V'ORTH BORNEO and Uganda were admitted as members of the International Olympic Council at a meeting of the council here yesterday, bringing the tola) number of member countries to 85. Both were expected to compete In Melbourne. Mr. Avery Brundage. 1.0.C. president, said
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 371 13 EB *DVtRTISE-{ m»« now be hand«d J St., Offk. ot j •JTRAiTi TIMES. 63. MM I f Ibrahwi. t.Uphon. I to J on the ♦ollowim| ..coved not Utar I i. J| n> VACANT —Box St ets. txtrm. ERK Male Female ■Mi in Bookand and Type•..•ing experience Box A 1251 rYPIST.
      371 words
    • 453 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT M Word. (Mm. ~Box St eta. txtrm. w i>*'Bo. Phone ***** FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM off^F^, 0 O^v M e ?rT.*™ akel Avenue. $350/- i Inspection 12-6.30 pjn office Phone ***** Leong I r Z UR NISHED FLAT. Two bed- rooms. tw o batnrooms. Paslr Pan- Jujf available three
      453 words
    • 497 13 TUITION U Words SS (Min.)— Box St ef«. extra. MATHEMATICB KLEMENTARV and additional, guaranteed tuition for all form*. By fxperleneed graduate. Apply Box A 1244. ST YOUNG DRIVING INSTITUTB one of the oldest with highly re--1 comraended European and Asian Instructors $6/- hourly succen Assured Phone *****. CAMBRIDGE School Cert,
      497 words
    • 892 13 FOR HIRE 2t Words SS (Min.)— Bex St eta. mxtrm. A FLEIT of Self -Drive Car? at Moderate Terms. Union Hire Service. 333. Oeylang Road Phone L. a Hock. ***** and *****. VEHICLES WANTED It Words St <Mi*.,—Box St eta. txtrm. DIFFICULT TO wier.T. Your cars? Why not let us
      892 words
    • 663 13 These elegant, new, modern portables ore I B^fy^ anywhere. Packed in a smart leather cast fully B I M I model weighs only 8' 2 lbs gives o clear, B^^S^ \f <C exact type, tokes up to 10 perfect carbons B^^^^^jp and will do at least 500 stroke* a minu*e
      663 words

  • 98 14 BIRMINGHAM. Thurs. 117. E. ERIC* Hollies. 43-year- old leg-break bowler and former England Test player, will captain Warwickshire in this year's Enplish county cricket championship. He succeeds fellow professional, H. E. Dollery. who retired at the end of last season. Hollies represented England In 13 Tests
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 775 14 OLYMPIC STANDARDS END THE HOPES OF MANY By The Sports Editor THE Singapore Olympic and Sports Council has announced the j qualifying standards for the Olympic Games in November, and the axe has fallen heavily across the hopes of many. The net result is
    775 words
  • 131 14 BOYD DOES HIS BIT FOR THE FMOC FUND KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Among the contributors to the Federation of Malaya Olympic Council Fund, which now stands at $14,146, is a £10 donation ($84.34) from the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd. who visited Malaya last year. The Federal Government has promised
    131 words
  • 307 14 tlon, Neo has always returned times around 58 lor the 100 nu iv., and under five minutes for the 400. At his peak, after his return from the Olympics, Chwee Kok In 1953 returned 57.45 ec for the 100, which equalled the winning time of Clark Scholes IU.S.A.) at
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  • 221 14 'THERE are two more changes in the rugby teams for tomorrow's North vs. South annual match at Jalan Besar stadium, starting at 5 p.m. South will be without the popular Fijian rugby captain. Isimeli Radrodro, and J. Richardson of Singapore Civilians comes Into
    221 words
  • 133 14 BRISBANE. Thurs. HERB FLAM (United States). Neale Fraser i and Ken Rosewall (Australia i today reached the semifinals of the men's singles at the Australian Lawn Tennis Championships. Mervyn Rose had won the first set from Lewis Hoad in an All-Australian quarterfinal (6-3) when
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 147 14 'THREE Singapore Judo instrucx tors have been awarded black belts (first dan) from Tokyo's Kodokan. the world's only judo college. They are first local Instructors to gain this honour They are A. V. Pestana (49). former holder of the brown belt (first kyu) a V.M.C.A. judokwal
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  • 41 14 The visiting Ceylon Services hockey could not play the last match of their tour against Ceylon •Sports Club because the padang was waterlogged. The visitors are due to play CSC. at cricket at Balestier Road today.
    41 words
  • 219 14 90-sec title victory for Andrews ¥AC ANDREWS and J/Tech KJ Duroe scored knockout victories at the finals of the RAF Singapore and Malaya novices boxIng championships last night. LAC Andrews (Butter worth) won the light-heavy title from LAC Kinnalrd with a whirlwind 90-second victory after a barrage of blows to
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  • 23 14 The rugger fixture between RAP Seletar and RAP Changl first teams was postponed yesterday as the Seletar ground was waterlogged.
    23 words
  • 406 14 r«OLZA, a speedy sort who carried stable confidence when beaten by Greet up the straight 5£ f at Ipoh last month, did a smart gallop on a wet track yesterday morning. Giving conventional, with Mavi up, and Byzantium a two-length start, Colza (Tom
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  • 194 14 CORTINA D'AMPEZZO, Thurs. MORE than 1,200 winter sports iTX athletes, from 32 nations, marched Into the new stadium here today for the opening of the seventh Winter Olympic Games. They made a colourful spectacle lined uu on the glistening ice. awaiting the arrival of Slgnot
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 519 14 PRESIDENT and West Point, lively prospects at Bukit Timah tomorrow, showed their ability to handle a wet track yesterday morning when most of the first day's probables were given their wind-ing-up gallops. A heavy shower held up work and when the first batch of
    519 words
  • 310 14 rpHE useful Acrobat, winner of three races in six starts last year, goes over a mile for the first time tomorrow. There is nothing from his breeding he is by Magic Red out of the speedy Gold Bridge mare Gloria Mundi and his
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 947 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page S) SITUATIONS VACANT to Wordt U (M.nJ— Box U eU. extra WANTED:— Chief Officer For Home Trade Vessel. Apply with I *rs at 158. Cecil Street. WANTED PRIVATE ENGLISH Night Tutor In Petallng Jaya. Applicant must have sound knowledge of English. Please apply Box A
      947 words
    • 111 14 STAR SIX ON THE TRACK President Kheng-Hua Winterdrina Colza Quiny Lyeoi SEND ME NOW NAME...... ADDRESS r TZEEM R& L With thU coupon, rnrl.--f A3 <•"•*• thr rl d m I iN^y\. to .nVbod/ .Vn.Hnt m #;>sj*/^ thr of JaniMf- I t 3k^k Frbrnary, 195* I 1-^iM N.B. Plmm
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 46 14 CRICKET CEYLON S«rvicrs v C.S.C., Balestier Road. HOCKEY S.H.A. Senior knockout: BODCA v LatifT Wanderers, G.S.C. (round; K\ 1 Changl v I.A. Chanel. Friendly: S.R.C. v T.T.C., padang. S.C.C. v Army, padanf. SOCCER Friendly: Alexandra F.T. v Malay Juniors, Farrer Park. Corinthians v A.A.A., Farrer Park.
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