The Straits Times, 9 January 1956

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 44 1 avrn i c; c n jlv c rtifiib s a i>^ c y rff :f m 7 s^prJo The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1956 15 CENTS faval Base men will serve notice if demands are not met by Feb. 1
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  • 341 1 13 claims: more in offing pore Naval Base Labour I'n.onJ uh ha> 10, (MM) members, will serve a! notice OR the Admiralty on Feb. I if outstanding claims, submitted 15 month* ago, arc not met satisfactorily. neeting in the Sultan Theatre, Semsterday authorised the Council
    341 words
  • 35 1 Mr. M. back at work Minister, 1, wno has n influen- r's staynd be at .lescing home, told the rday: life in the I expect to aid he v or- :*.er the tional talks 1
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  • 14 1 Radio night that defected ihina in the ol Chiang 1' son.
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  • 18 1 This was the scene at the height of the fire. Straits Times picture.
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  • 42 1 A MOTHER weeos in distress as she flees from the fire clutching a small bas all she has been able to save from her blazing home. Beside her is her 10-year-old 2Tl«*t and bewildered, -Straits Times picture.
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  • 110 1 KEY WEST, Florida, Sun.— President Eisenhower said at a Press conference here today that his mind -at this moment is not fixed about whether to seek reelection in the Presidential elections this year. He said he wanted to discuss the question further with ■'trusted advisers.'*
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 797 1  - SHANTY TOWN IS DESTROYED IN 90 MINUTES Frantic search for lost relatives V.P. NAYAGAM From XV ALA LUMPIR. Sunday. >TEARLY five thousand sauatters were left home- less when fire destroyed all of the 500 houses in their settlement in the heart of Kuala Lumpur this afternoon. The fire started shortly
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  • 150 1 Search for a baby A CRIPPLED Pakistani woman. Aminah Bee, was one of the most distressed of the people made homeless by this afternoon's fire. Up to late last night she was busy looking for her baby, whom she had handed to a neighbour after the fire threatened her house.
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  • 307 1 NEW YORK, Sun. PRINCE RAINIER of Monaco and actress Grace Kelly will be married in a Roman Catholic ceremony in Monte Carlo in June, sources close to the prince said S "K, 26. whose engagement to the prince was announced three days ago.
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  • 79 1 AN UNIDENTIFIED woman guest at the charity ball broke through Prince Rainier's security guard twice during the evening to kiss him on the cheek, leaving a liDstirk smear. Miss Kelly forgot for a moment that her title after her marriage will be "Her Serene Highness 'Who
    AP  -  79 words
  • 708 1  -  LESLIE HOFFMAN From Shipboard talks are vital LONDON, Sunday. JHE SUCCESS of Tengku Abdul Rahman's "merdeka" mission depends almost entirely on the talks with the Rulers' representatives on board the liner Asia. Observers here feel that if he gets agreement on the outstanding question of the status of the
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  • 168 1 TENGKU IN BOMBAY He talks of 'my hopes BOMBAY. Sun. TiENGKU ABDUL RAH--1 MAN and his party arrived here yesterday in the liner Asia. The Tengku said he hoped Britain would confer complete independence on Maiaya by August 1957. He said he would ask for self-govern-ment in the first instance
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 WEST EIID^ ALL P"OOF A Jl 1 v iron, ki \i.\ 1.1-mpi-r. THEY'VE ARRIVED! QUICK-FROZEN DINNERS BEEF POT ROAST A LA KING FRIED CHICKEN CHICKEN PIE TURKEY PIE CHERRY PIE Just heat and serve NOTICE The telephone ntmiber of our ORCHARD ROAD BRANCH has btcn changed from 5376 to *****-9
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    • 3 1 (See Page 2)
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    • 49 1 It means so much more to give or get a PATEK PHILIPPE Watch The finest watch ever made. Limited annual production. H. SENA LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG BANGKOK Ordsr the special New Year carton for friends (and .yourself from any \^J Fraser ar\d Neavs branch or distributor f DELIVERY gfo
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  • 128 2 'PORCHY' (Pal of Princess) HAS A SO QUIET WEDDING NEW YORK, Sun. LORD PORCHESTER. former escort of Princess Margaret, was married yesterday to Miss Jean Wallop, 20-year-old daughter of a Wyoming rancher, in j the chapel of fashionable St. James Episcopal Church here. Only 60 guests, all relatives j or
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 52 2 BERLIN. Sun. President Klementi Voroskilov of the Soviet Union left East Berlin for Moscow by train last night after a five-day visit to East Germany. The President headed the Soviet delegation which attended the 80th birthday celebrations last Tuesday of Herr Tilhelm Pieck. East German
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  • 65 2 WASHINGTON. Sun.— Tne United States yesterday sent a bill to Russia for US $724,947 damages for shooting down a navy plane last June in the Bering Sea. injuring its 11-man crow. The Secretary of State Mr. John Foster Dulles, assessed the total damages as US
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  • 19 2 ROME, Sun. The Italian Government decided yesterday to recognise the new independent Republic of Sudan. A P.
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  • 114 2 HUSBAND DENIES 'FIRST WIFE 9 STORY A SINGAPORE schoolteacher, Mr. Teo Pheng Sit, has denied that he is applying for an entry permit for his first wife who is now in China. His second wife. Madam Chua Lay Chway, last week! wrote to the Chief Minister, allegations. Mr. David Marshall,
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  • 263 2 DISCRIMINATORY TREATMENT CHECKS INFLOW OF FOREIGN CAPITAL HAY WARNS: UNFAIR TAX IN MALAYA WILL HELP DEVELOP AFRICA MALAYA may have to contend with a very keen competitor in the ruber industry Nigeria if the present rubber taxation policy continues. Sir John Hay, one of Britain's leading
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  • 86 2 Scouts will be busy KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— More than 40,000 Boy Scouts in the Federation will start their annual campaign to raise funds by doing odd jobs on March 1. During Job Week the boys will be on hand to tackle any work that will earn money for the association.
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  • 54 2 JERUSALEM, Sun. An Israeli patrol killed two Egyptian scouts and captured one in a clash on Friday near Ashkelon, 15 miles north of the Gaza coastal strip, an Israeli Army spokesman said. He said the captured Egyptian admitted that they had been sent into Israel on
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 21 2 LONDON, Sun.— Londoners made more than three million telephone calls to •'Tim" an automatic talking clock —last month. Reuter.
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  • 256 2 For Grace, a fairy tale life in and ancient palace. MONTE CARLO, Sun. Film star Grace Kelly will enter a fairytale existence when she comes to the tiny Mediterranean state of Monaco to live in a 750-year-old palace as the wife of Prince Rainier. Miss Kelly will have a staff
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  • 149 2 JUST NORMAL PRESENTS, SA YS STAR EME, Sunday. A Greek film producer has asked rt in Rome to make glamorous Italian film star na Pampanini repay U. 5.549,000 he said he spent on her. Producer Ergas Morris said he spent the money in 1953
    AP  -  149 words
  • 50 2 On way to job in Japan Mr. I) J. Cheke arrived in Singapore yesterday on the Chusan on the way to take up a new appointment as British Consul General in Osaka. Japan. Mr. Cheftc was formerly Head of Chancery at the Commissioner General's office in 1950. —Straits Times picture.
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  • 39 2 Dr. Conrad Wachsmann, I head of the Institute of Design, Chicago, U.S.A.. will talk on architecture and design to the Institute of Architects of Malaya at the Hollywood Room, Odeon Cinema. Singapore, at 5 p.m. today.
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  • 91 2 DROP IN TRAFFIC CASES SINGAPORE'S two traffic courts dealt with more than 15,000 cases last year compared with 18,762 cases in 1954. Figures for 1955 show that the highest monthly average of cases occurred during the first four months. The highest figures were recorded in Januity and March, when each
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  • 56 2 LONDON. Sun. The birth rate in London continued its progressive postwar decline in 1955 to 15 births per thousand population, the Health Office of the London County Council reported. This compares with 20 births per thousand in 1946 although it is still well above the pre-war
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  • 109 2 LONDON. Sun.— One of Britain's leading medical magazines The Lancet has assured Britons that there is little chance of their catching cancer of the lung from television sets. The assurance came in a reply to a doctor who pointed out in a
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 63 2 - PANMUNJOM. Sun. American Army spo today announced Nore Eriksson, milii commander of Sweden tral nations' supoi mission, was killed In accident here early y< The United Nation tary armistic commission, k an official annoui said Col. Eriksson "a. ly slipped underneath of a U.S. Army truck.'
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  • 44 2 THE HAGUE, Sun. T:i Indonesian Governmrrr ordered 11 patrol vessels t built by Kraaier Shtpya at Zaandam. Each vrssol will br U feet long and K with two 30 h.p. They will be wood' with an aluminum structure.- -UP.
    UP  -  44 words
  • 234 2 East Coast leader says 'give us a fair deal 9 DITNGI'N, Sunday THE general secretary of the East Coast Mining a Industrial Workers Union, Mr. Chew Beng told members at their first annual meeting her? t, day that there was no danger of subvcrsh 0
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  • 76 2 Asian talk for Singapore T«HE Singapore Chamber of i has begun prepay the sixth Asian region, conference. The conference will at the Victoria Hall from April I The Governor of pore. Sir Robert Black h boon invited to A Junior Chamber offv, yesterday said sent bulletin.; general inforn Singapore and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 23 2 <^M^^^^^^^^^^«Bfe;%A <^Si^^^^^^^^^i:>^ We may regret the gradual disappearance of the bullock cart I SHELU.. .IN MALAYA S LIFE Ng|U|g/ and part of it
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  • 184 3 Looting and fire bring new terror to Middle East trouble spot girls, students quelled by troops after day of street clashes AMMAN, Sunday. \l\]'. rioten dashed with troops and police as formed through the streets of AmUrusalem yesterday smashing winirinjr on American foreign aid headIt
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  • 148 3 Count me out, says Tito He won't be mediator LONDON, Sun. rpHE Yugoslav news A agency Tan jug yesterday broadcast an interview with President Tito in which he said: "I have no ambitions to be a mediator between Egypt and Israel." President Tito's statement came at the end of his
    Reuter; UP  -  148 words
  • 36 3 PARIS. Sun. France's first industrial atomic reactc began operation today at Marcoule, in southern France. The 40.000-kilowatt reactor was set in operation by M. Francis Perrin, French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy. U.P.
    UP  -  36 words
  • 21 3 I Sun. A 25--fon hairdresser. ■d by friends' her beauty that her name Miss Glamour -Bent I
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  • 50 3 OTTAWA, Sun. Allen Eskimo accused his father in ith an ancient of disposing or s;ck who be- come a burden, was acquitted yesterday. Kitigitok, his father, was shot in the back last April. Kaotok claimed that he had only assisted his father to commit suicide. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 78 3 JSHAH OF PERSIA AND HIS QUEEN GIVE LESSONS TO FIGHT ILLITERACY IN A NATION-WIDE campaign to fight illiteracy, the Shah of Persia and Queen Soraya each have a class to take for two hours every day. They have to leave their palace and go to the slum areas of Teheran
    AP  -  78 words
  • 138 3 Red envoys drop hints LONDON, Sunday. COVIET diplomats are suggesting a new summit conference "this summer." They claim it will be inevitable. The Soviet leaders might even be prepared to ro to the United States if President Eisenhower should find it impossible to leave the country
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  • 95 3 A-bombs for Chiang if Reds attack MANILA. Sun. MR. Donald A. Quarles, United States Air Force Secretary, said here yesterday that the Chinese Nationalist Air Force might be given atom bombs if the Chinese Communists attacked Formosa. Mr. Quarles, who arrived by air from the Formosan capital of Taipeh, said
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 33 3 TAIPEH, Sun. Owners of Chinese newspapers in Taipeh are 'coming out on strike," from Feb. 1 in protest against a rise In the price of newsprint, it was announced today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 110 3 Merapi is still a big danger JAKARTA, Sun. Merapi J volcano in central Java, which started ejecting hot clouds and ashes last Monday, still constitutes a grave danger. Mr. Surjo, chief of the volcanological service at Jogjakarta, in central Java, said that the situation was as grave as last year
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  • 149 3 Society girl (in negligee) flees to another man on wedding day NEW YORK, Sun. A 20-YEAR-OLD society girl disappeared from her home in Rochester, early yesterday a few hours before her wedding to an airman. The sirl, pretty Juliette Wehle, was to have married Air Force Lt. John Owens. 23,
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  • 111 3 National health in China TOKYO, Sunday. pHINESE herb-healers are no longer independent businessmen, according to Peking Radio. The radio announced that "the whole of the private Chinese drugstore trade in Peking became Joint State private enterprises" yesterChina's greybeards who used to get their pep
    UP  -  111 words
  • 61 3 WASHINGTON, Sun.— The United States will probably explode two hydrogen bombs in a new series of tests in the Pacific early this year. Congressional sources said yesterday. At least one of the bombs will be dropped from the air, and will probably cause the greatest
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  • 66 3 ROME, Sun. A precious statue of an Indonesian goddess was stolen during the night from an International art show at Palazzo Vensla. police said. The statue, an image of the Goddess Dewasarl, was of pure gold and studded with gems. Police believed that the thief remained
    UP  -  66 words
  • 172 3 But Govt. says: False report LONDON, Sun. A SPOKESMAN for Sir Anthony Eden last night denied reports in the Sunday newspaper, the People, and the usually well informed. Observer, that the Prime Minister would retire soon. The report was false and without any foundation j whatsoever,
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  • 79 3 Pope: No objection VATICAN CITY. Sun.— The Pope announced today that the Catholic Church had no objection to the "psychoprophylactic method" of achieving painless childbirth. He said the method had been used in hundreds of thousands of cases in Russia and China but was still little used in
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 78 3 BOMBAY. Sun. A 26--year-old Italian passenger, Pagliaro Antonio, was missing from the liner Asia when she arrived here from Colombo, the Asia's captain said today. Antonio, a sailor, was reported 'lost overboard" on Thursday night. The ship turned back on her course and searched for
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  • 24 3 LONDON, Sun. The first heavy snowfall of the winter began falling in London today after a week of smog and fog. U.P.
    UP  -  24 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 LONGIHES In this jewel of watches, the bracelet /ffi*y\ 1 with Diamond studded links is as |> V i\ M magnificently fashioned as the wa:ch \fr,Sjs M 64 perfec quality diamonds weighing V^UV M more than .87 Ct make this watch a &fc|?fl M model of sheer elegance for formal
      114 words
    • 279 3 DO -IT- YOURSELF Ah2oH*hi WITH OUR NEW SYNTHETIC MM SHIRTS -^IpPf>^ O R L ON| JDACRONJ V AND a Idocoma; ;v s J ...In complete ranged \j; n of colours, textures j| §k 1y ar| d weaves just > J y wash it and wear. ...Now in short or >
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  • 206 4 But serves another notice on that $25 demand after which anything goes T<HE Singapore Imx provement Trust Labour Union, claiming a membership of 600, decided yesterday not to take a strike ballot regarding its claim from the Trust for a $25 bonus for each member.
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  • 126 4 UMNO TO BOYCOTT NEW HALL KLANG, Sun. THE KLANG branch of A UMNO boycott the official opening of the new Malay community hall here. The secretary of the Klang branch of UMNO. Inche Abdullah bin Mohamed Nor. said today that the hall committee had not kept its promise to reserve
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  • 86 4 Sylvia Moses, 18, was declared winner in the first first Jewish elocution contest held at the V.M.C.A. hall, Orchard Road last night. Second in the "A" group (age 16-20) was Miss Rachel Shababo and third Miss Aimee Sassoon. In the "B" group (age 10--15) Edwin Moses, 10,
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  • 26 4 IPOH, Sun. Ipoh Girl Guides and Brownies gave an exhibition of signalling, first aid and campcraft here yesterday. A large crowd saw the rally.
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  • 167 4 HUSH ON MALAYANISATION DARE V^OT one of Singapore's 10,000 Government ser- vants has accepted a challenge to say their case for Malayanisation is being wrongly handled. The challenge was made on Friday by the workers' chief spokesman, Mr. K. M. Byrne. It followed a decision
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  • 109 4 NO BUSES —UNION BLAMED THE Tay Koh Vat Bus Company will not extend three of its present suburban services to Finlayson Green though it was granted a temporary licence by the Singapore Government last Friday to do so. The company yesterday blamed the Singapore Bus Workers' Union for this. The
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  • 66 4 MALACCA, Sun. A minimum salary scale for pastors of the Methodist Church In Malaya was adopted by the Methodist annual conference here yesterday. The scales are: University graduates $350—5600. Trinity College, Singapore, g r a duates $300 $600 and those who follow a conference course of study
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  • 48 4 PENANO, Sun. The Penang Buddhist Association Youth Circle, led by its president, Mr. Teoh Eng Soon, I held its first fullscale service in the shrine hall at Anson Road on Friday night. This was followed by a social to mark the Circle's first anniversary.
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  • 268 4 rDAY is the traditional Black Monday for more than 90,000 Singapore boys and girls. But, for the first time, many are happy about it. Because of the bus strikes, most had to spend the holiday in their homes. Going back to school will give them
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  • 41 4 TAIPING, Sun. The funeral took place here today of one of Taiping's oldest residents, Mrs. Rottan Bai Manecksha. 85, who died yesterday. Mrs. Manecksha came to Taiping with her husband in 1900. Her husband died in 1931.
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  • 74 4 The Singapore Insurance Companies Employees' Union suggested yesterday that the Government's Malayanisation policy should also be applied to local insurance firms. This suggestion will be one of the issues which the union will discuss at its general meeting to be held at the Post and Telegraph Union
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 SURE TO SATISFY YOU 100 asahi Bom be iff fabrics A. K. 5220 (Triple Sheer) VVtf A.K. 7050 (Georgette <^rep«) A At. 5000 (Cherry Voilel /W*\ AX. 5700 (Sheer Crepe) l?/f A.K. 4000 IHobutoel m^L\\ c4~£. 4£& JUuC A.X B*4o (Pearl Crepel A K.eOQOlOrienrol Crepe) j^m^m\\ A.X. 7440 (Gecgette Creoe)
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    • 379 4 For straight bad give your baby this pure milk Mothers v.ho cannot successfully breast fccc babies can rely on Ostermilk. Vitamin D is added to this pure, nourishing milk to build strong bonis and teeth; also iron to enrich the blood. Ostcrmi! easy to digest and is especially suitable for
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 330 4 ■i''iULliS^'](Hf;lMMl|]4T' 11 iilfl Club; 10 ;i0 11.00 Music for ('Programmes thus marked can I ■T/'V'vTVPTV received by listeners in Malac- g ll'J "4i*J It'll short wave 4" 62m- Med'um P 'M- '10° Monday Matinee; wave 62m. Medium wave Mundell Lowe Quintet: 6.00 Prog. Plario Playtime; 7.30 News- 7.35 A Summary;
      330 words

    • 1406 5 'Mis' with million legs was I the last of a vanished era "Mis as her public called her. performed for a short time at the renowned Casino de Paris and a talent scout in her audience immediately picked her for a show in Brussels. There she was recognised among her
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 346 5 TOBRALCO for beauty that lasts ifi* 'ji tlt M 'j tobralco— prettiest of LH. J* >*?§ cottons— most practical V*t f"* v Mp of fabrics for children's J^ A fr I S clothes. Stays fresh-as-new after countless washings and jlN^r^l-f^J^^V years of hard wear. <rf* v i 'Jr i» The
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 33 6 !O Word, flO (minimum). A. VELLUPPILLAI late accountant generals office (treasury) and pic\iou.sly of Malayan Audit K.L. passed away peacefully In Ceylon on 5.1. 56, leaves widow and seven children to mourn.
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  • 154 6 20 Word. $10 (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the 'Malay Mail' if you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle. HAVE YOU TRIED "Gin-Pom" Drink? Recipe: Two Fingers Gin and on c Bottle "Green Spot Fomoade". JUST REMEMBER cooking time Ls alwajn Air-wick time, it elimiiia'es all odours
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  • 578 6 £te Straits ©mrs Singapore, Mon. Jan. 9, 1956. The Lion And The Orchid For some months the Progressives and the Democrats have been '"walking out" a great deal. The political busybodies claim that the courting began in October and that since then the parties concerned have been holding regular trysts.
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  • 385 6 The China Embargo Reports in the British press that Sir Anthony Eden, in his talks with President Eisenhower at the end of the month, will press for the relaxation of the Chinese trade embargo unquestionably reflect Government opinion. There has been strong trade pressure for some time, and it is
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  • 189 6 The opening of the new term in the Federation's English schools this week will pass without the customary complaints from disappointed parents. There are 8,000 more places than usual in the primary schools, and for the first time since the end of the war every child who wants
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  • 578 6 WHATDO YOUTHINK? What do you think is the object of education: to help you find a better job or to fit yourself to lead a full life? ENTRIES for the first Straits Times essay competition were good, but many boys and girls have asked if they
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    • 760 6 WHY should not Malayanisation proceed very fast? This is a very fascinating question. Those who contend that Malayanisation should proceed at a slow pace usually argue that (It we have not sufficient well educated men to fill important posts like district offlcerships and allied posts
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    • 268 6 I BEG to refer to the leader in today's Straits Times headed "The Missing Faculty." In part it discloses that the writer is not fully acquainted with the true position. The Bar Committee has never been opposed to the creation of a law faculty and
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  • 833 6  - Communist threat is lifting from South-East Asia DENYS COPLEY-SMITH BY TMMEDIATE danger of unist thrust South East lessened, according to national leaders in Vietnam. Statesmen are no longer looking nervously over their shoulders, wondering whether Communism will have swept them from power in six months' time Instead, they have lifted
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 754 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 20 Word, $10 (minimum). DONNELLY: To Valeric, wife of J. Desmond Donnelly, at Singapore Nursing Home, on 6th January 1956, a son. SILVERLOCK: On sth January, fit Maternity Hospital, Penang, to Myra and Colin, a son, Christopher Edmund Duncan. Both well. 10 Word, 110 (minimum) RAW- WONG: The
      754 words
    • 14 6 J4m*L < 'i V if M/ i \mWLw& '>'!>'// '''QMmmm '<''" ~,lw I I COltreH QuAr. HA
      14 words
    • 125 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE 'PHONE ***** f JfHuftt K. E. MEYER, d opt., uo so K. H. BELL OIP.OPT., AST C, FA O A 2 2 <jue, it is i!' g under m.ik 5 nor is it an 2 Fashioned "ma 5 jjii type of produ f Build-Up 7 I
      125 words

  • 74 7 LET GOVT. TAKE OVER FACTORY -UNIONIST MI'UR, Sun. of the [ining Ems' Union, Mr. Ooi yesterday the manthe Fung tx r Factory, 'fusing to National Factory and Workers. the strikeMr. J.W. Friday that v would recogoomposed ■roods ma:nployees. Strong hand needed Mr. Brown tpany were mciings of the I up
    74 words
  • 36 7 Keller, Internatiotive Alliance, Singapore to- Malaya. he will meet Minister for lastly, Mr. the ComDevelopment, and officers Developy Dr. Keller will of Co-opera-nment SerSociety press Place at Ht flli to Kuala Thursday. ian's
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  • 253 7 MOVE TO MERDEKA BRINGS MORE WORK, THEY SAY, AND SO A- GOVT. CLERKS PLAN JOINT ACTION MORE THAN 22,000 Singapore and Federation Government clerks are considering joint action to get all-round salary increases. lava-sarivL? 6^ W f n i more money b e cause with
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  • 161 7 His letter adds: "A source of great frustration and dissatisfaction among clerical grades is the acute stagnation at the top of the timeI scale. "As a remedy my council proposes that clerks who remain at the top of the timescale for three years should be
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  • 53 7 Singapore Traffic Police want to contact a Eurasian couple who helped an Indian, D. V. G. Murnagnam, out of his overturned car in front of a cemetery in Whitley Road at midnight last Wednesday. They should contact Ins- pector Vincent Oh at the Se- poy
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  • 104 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A PATROL of the Ist. Bn., Northern Rhodesia Regiment, killed a terrorist in the Rengam area of Johore yesterday. They recovered a rifle and 17 rounds of ammunition. A combined police area security unit patrol saw two armed terrorists
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  • 166 7 Yeoman's son goes aboard "MY DAD'S a sailor, too," Robert (VLoore, 3, tells his friend A/B R. Litchfleld (above) of the cruiser H.M.S. Newcastle, which is lying off Singapore. It was the first time that Robert had seen a man-of-war. With 1.500
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  • 163 7 Shopmen pinch society's conscience MALACCA, Sunday. LOW PAY, long hours of work and insecurity of employment are some of the established bad practices shop assistants and workers in minor industries are fighting against, said Mr. Scow Tean Pow, president of the Shop and Industrial
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  • 100 7 Wanted: A place for cycle racks Singapore City Council has placed six cycle racks in the icity centre. They want to erect I more but don't know wrier* to put them. At the moment there are racks in Raffles Place, Fullerton Sauare and Empress Place. Mr. L. R. Keelan, Chief
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  • 58 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun^A 24-year-old Malay was charged in the Sessions Court here yesterday with stealing a gold hairpin wortn $80 belonging to his mother, at Gurney Road on Boxing Day Jaaraf bin Raja Taman, 24, now living in Kampong Jawa Road, Klang, claimed trial. Bail was
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  • 282 7  -  FAN SENG SIAR By Spinster looks forward to it KLANG, Sunday. jtfAOAM Tham Yoke Wai, a 69-year-old spinster iTI living here, is happily awaiting the Chinese New Year I—for1 for after it she expects to die. And after death she will journey to heaven
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  • 48 7 A delegation of the eight UMNO branches in Singapore will see the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, at his office today. They will ask him not to permit the conversion of the Far Eastern Trade Fair in Geylang Serai into an amusement park.
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  • 25 7 Singapore Hindus yesterday celebrated the 102 nd birthday of their 'Holy Mother", Sri Sarada Dcvi at the Sri RamakrLshna Temple, Bartley Road.
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  • 54 7 MALACCA, Sun. The sixday Methodist annual conference, which concluded here today, decided to urge the Federation and Singapore Governments to ensure that all orders for compulsory military service make provision for exempting people from service on religious grounds. The conference held that such objectors should not
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 90 7 •BLUE SPOT^"] MODEL "RIO 3D" P^ RADIOGRAM fflPP^lf 3 SPEAKERS. *^^^^}j^ 6-Va!ves, 8 Functions, 7 Tuned Circuits, Vave Ranges, Short-wave Band-Spread, el Tuning, Push-Button Selectors, Treble and Bass Controls. S PORE PENANC: $720.00 KUALA LUMPUR $820.00 LESS 10% CASH DISCOUNT ALL "Blue Spot" Distributors. Sole Agents:iUAT RADIO CO., LTD. CHARD
      90 words
    • 181 7 I I olivetti i i i i Lexlkon I I An office typewriter Incorporating in its design and workmanship the most advanced precision engineering technique*. It is new and complete: new because the typebar action and the single guide carriage are absolutely original in design, complete because for the first
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 139 7 The weather MINIMI M TEMPERATURE: (7.30 p.m. on Jan. 7 to 7.30 a.m. on Jan. 8) Singapore 73 degrees; Penang 75 Kota Bahru 71, Kuala Lumpur 72. Ipoh 70, Kuantan 68. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Jan. 8) Singapore 87 degrees. Penang 88, Kota Bahru 83. Kuala
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  • 483 8 3IALAYAX SHARE MARKET REViEW INDUSTRIALS FIRM By Our Market Correspondent T3E Singapore Share Market last week got off to a good start for the new year and, although conditions were rather quieter at the end of the period, the volume of business written on the!
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  • 556 8 Commodity round-up Fears of a surplus THE rubber price eased in Singapore towards the end of last week taking its biggest drop of 3| cents to $1.21 1 per lb. on Saturday morning. This was due to widespread upcountry liquidation which was set off by easier overnight
    556 words
  • 28 8 Rubber crops hanr I the month of Dc AUenby 43,500 lb r. lb.; Jeram Kuantan Kundong 46.000 lb VI 86.500 lb.; and Sanrei bJv 127,000 lb.
    28 words
  • 27 8 On the free mebanee Hong Kong oi BatOl dollar was quoted at cash and 5.88 a ta Sterling was quoted and one tael of s»ld
    27 words
  • 57 8 The Borneo Company I. id. nounce that dun: 15.100 tons of ore were I 180 tons of tin com duced ty I'ahanc Consolidated. Kuala Reman Rul>! 136.700 Ib. of rubber. Sun^ei Kint i piculs of tin ore. No. Dre4fe< Ipoh Tin (Purhong BcetiM duced 464 pic uls In
    57 words
  • 319 8 rE following business done in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period December 31 to January 6: IXDISTRIALS: Fraser Neave Ord $1.75 to $1.82 l j. Fraser Neave Prefs. $5.75. Federal Dispensary $3.50. Gammon $2.52 to $2.50 and $2.60
    319 words
  • 928 8 THE following full revised list of share quotations was issued by the Malayan Share Brokers' Association following their last meeting on Friday:— Stivers Seller* Alex Brickwork* Pref 1.50 18» or", i.»» Atlas Ice 13 00 tbuyerst B B Petrol 46* 4. b B M Trustees 6. 10
    928 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 639 8 NOTICES TIN OUTPUTS The directors of Austral Malay Tin Limited announce the following outputs for the month of December 1955:— THABAWLEIK TIN DREDGING LIMITED 315 Plcuta PUNOAH TIN DREDGING LIMITED 525 AUSTRAL AMALGAMATED TIN LIMITED 2,049 (Puchong No. 1 dredjre resumed operations on 26th December). DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE MIMSTRV
      639 words
    • 791 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS! TEACHER OF ENGLISH for Student Interpreters in the Chinese Stvretariat. Kuala Lumpur. The post, which Is temporary. In- volves part-time duties only from 2.15 p.m. until 430 p.m. on I Mondays to Fridays inclusive. Inclusive salary $200 per mensem. Applicants, who may be either men or women, should
      791 words
    • 471 8 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that Mr. TAN SEX KAY Is no longer In bur employ as from today. TRADING COMPANY GUNTZEL SCHUMACHER LTD. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that I am no more a Director or Shareholder of The Universal Trade Co., Ltd. as and from the 31st
      471 words
    • 499 8 KNUTSEN LINE orient service FROM CANADA U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30. DAYS Sailing Arriving San Francisco S'po'c P. Swct. Pcnans; Freffiu Anna Bakke In Port 12 Jan 13 )xn Ogck* Bakkc 10 |an 9 Fcb 11 Fcb 12 Fcb 24 Fi Elisabeth Bakkc 4 Feb 5 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1040 9 T I: ,405 N«nH CO., LTD. t.i.^,7 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE proceed via other ports to tend n^TTZ 0# f JSSSZ UVIRPOOL. "^M^^KXVWgfa Duo Soils p s-h« m > T Avonmouth Sh m P*nong Jan 8/10 C.24/2S J B 9 10 -»«/W Mf" t( nol, Dublin, SB Janll/U fcaU i.-1.
      1,040 words
    • 1134 9 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen Gothenburg ft Oslo "ir.n s 'P° re p S'hom Penong LALANDIA" 8/8 Fob "i?. 0 2t F#b/ 2 Mor V 4 Mar (r) 1/ 4 Mar "LANOIA" $/7 >Mor 8/ S Mer »/10 Mer *X)
      1,134 words
    • 1027 9 o u n ,I°«n«THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD^/T SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) j LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'hom Penana BENCRUACHAN for London, Hamburg 10/14 Jan BENMACDHUI for Liverpool, Rotterdam, Hull 14/21 Jan 11/1S Jen 22/24 Jun BENLOMOND for Avonmouth, London, Newcastle 22/2S Jen
      1,027 words
    • 1261 9 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. TEL: No.: ***** ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVEMESS LIME LONDON, HAVRE ROTTERDAM, L<)s ANGILIS> $AM FRANC.SCO HAMBURG PORTLAND, SIATTH A VANCOUVER 0n on f d° r Cor^o' «T h vl. tI S^Sr i A rm.rlc.^'' 1 S oor. C T P Y °l J!"™ D SUNNYVILLE ■*!!■„>"'" '-vs
      1,261 words

  • 405 10 Malayan trade unions need better leaders LABOUR LAW IN MALAYA. By Charles Camba. (Donald Moore $1.70). T^HE respect which the 1 Singapore trade unions have for Mr. Gamba will reconcile them, it may be hoped, to the criticism of some aspects of the trade union movement which he expresses in
    405 words
  • 1072 10  -  ALLINGTON KEKNARD RED SHADOW OVER MALAYA. By Brigadier M.C.A. Henniker. (Blackwood and Sons. 18s.) POLITICAL events since Brigadier Henniker left Malaya have increased the topical interest of a book which in any case was a stimulating, if In places disturbing, account
    1,072 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 216 10 dn af Whether its "Sear Sir" 'Dear Mother" jj^>| 1 Once upon a tlmc v^ ism^mmmmJlmi lr certainly thould be a v' £u^^^M^^Md R,mini;ion Pcrsonjl Typewriter V, I■llll■ i 1 I I This A!!-New Reminston Personal T>"pe«nter Is popular with everyone. everywhere. Superb rtyling rugged construction f -"^'Ztt^T'^Sr^^^^ matchless performance—
      216 words
    • 413 10 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•^♦■♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦w I There Is always something New at i "KRIPALSONS" j I Choicest textiles from the world over! t Buy right now for Chinese New Yen,! 1 J X WafHe Pique American In ovor SO doslijns at LM Ribbon Nylon Tulle now in multicolors at 6.20 prr \.irri X Gold
      413 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 271 10 Straits Times Crossword pr i» ils i i 4 1 ryiLJi r^p i b ia m r i ZiiiisiSsa_piaz. m 1 m id p~p i ZHZ a HZhZ^L?B_WZ w Hi 28 ACROSS 5- Good bowling girla (7). IHe turns to steam trains 17. 6 Bird or Bard (4. 2. 4).
      271 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 406 11 mIIATIONS WANTED it ct,. extra. JOAN TOOKJTS Little's Building for lands. Confidential others available CLERK with CenUlfuging and lor engagement, •nended. Please •.„>. S.T. GRADUATE Pledge desires In reputed School ivelllng any Firm. ST.. Ipoh. DIAM EXECUTIVE British Qualified ExConstruction lv« experience deitlOß with a A 464 S.T MEDICAL PRACnr.Monality
      406 words
    • 479 11 ACCOMMODATION VACANT it Word, U (Mint-Box St ct: extra ing telephone service ring ***** o££S Dl r?°.s' BUN OALOW M.S. Oarage. Garden. Servants' QuarRr^F** BUN GALOW situated f!f£? y if2 rk v OfT Hollan <i Road, fully S^ ed J hree (one alrcondit oned, two bathrooms avail?»i* S b? month
      479 words
    • 551 11 TUITION 20 Word, SS (Min.)— Box it ct: extra. PS. RAMANS English Tutorial Classes New Session starting < Monday 9th January. Enrolment 1 5 p.m. 124 Sophia Road. HIGHER CAMB. Post-School Cert. Maths., Econ., Eng., Hist., Latin., Sub. principal levels. I Classes 6-9 p.m. C.Y.M-A. School of Com.. 8. Queen
      551 words
    • 883 11 WANTED TO PURCHASE t 20 Word, Si (Min.)— Box it c(.-. extra. WANTED MORRIS MINOR, I door Saloon, 1953 or later, must be ln good condition. State Price. Reply Box A 7762. S.T. FOR HIRE If Word, Si (Min.)— Box St eta. extra. REFRIGERATORS of various sins from $10 monthly.
      883 words
    • 795 11 MISCELLANEOUS I* Wurut Si (Min.)— Bom St ct: extra. CHARLES leaves the Notes light When he Tunes your Valuable Piano Write him 8 Dido Street, Singapore 16. Singapore since 1924. SERVANTS AGENCY (Estd. 1911) for domestic servants I rained in European home. 17 I 7>hoby Ghaut near Cathay. Tel: *****.
      795 words
    • 831 11 NOTICE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE INDUSTRY SUPPLIES DIVISION TENDER NOTICE NO. 1/58. Tenders are invited for the supply of 2,000 long tons Wholegraln White Rice 15% broken* ln two lots of 1,000 tons each. The prlc« quoted must be per lone ton nett weight delivered to godown door in Singapore. Tenders
      831 words
    • 502 11 {The right choice at all times SCOTCH WHISKY Sole Distributors: JOHN LITTLE (MALAYA) LTD. al ~~fri l&tL\^?4^ni I VII 55Ej I gmW^SrWaf WoJ^SL isA "~^SSM^^^Bs^^^^^B^B PUZZLE «iiiiiiiiiiiiii* •lone 'lotted Use* MONDAY Straits Times WORD PUZZLE "LL" Cut out and pin with other coupons. Potting instructions appear below. Name •Address 5
      502 words

  • 251 12 Penang rally to beat Perak Blues 18-2 at Ipoh IPOH, Sun. AFTER a promising start, Perak Asians collapsed in the second half and were beaten by Penang by 18 points (three goals and a try) to three (try) in their All-Blues rugger match on the padang here today. Play was
    251 words
  • 93 12 HYDERABAD, Sun. rE MATCH between the touring M.C.C. team and Sind Cricket Association was abandoned soon after lunch today without a ball being bowled during the last two days. M.C.C. made 336 and Sind replied with two runs for two wickets, on the
    93 words
  • 222 12 MADRAS, Sun. NEW ZEALAND had scored 156 for six wickets in reply to India's first innings total of 537 for three declared at close of play on the third day of the fifth and final cricket Test here today. India's total was
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 294 12 TWO UPSETS IN FEDERATION HOCKEY MATCHES NEGRI SEMBILAN IN TOP FORM FOR TWO-ONE VICTORY THE two strongest states in Federation hockey this season, Selangor and Perak, were unexpectedly beaten in matches played yesterday. Negri beat Selangor 2-1 at Seremban, and in Sungei Patani Penang beat Perak
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  • 248 12 -SHOCK NO. 2- Sun, S. PATANI, Sun. DERAK, who have rare- ly been beaten at hockey in the past four seasons, suffered their second defeat of the season when they went down 3-1 to Penang here today. This was the deciding fixture
    248 words
  • 69 12 PHRTH. Sun.— Australia beat United States by four matches to two in a two-day international tennis meeting which ended here yesterday. After leading 2-1 on Friday, Australia won a singles and a doubles yesterday. Yesterday's results (Australians first) Ashley Cooper beat Oil Shea 6-4
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 339 12 WINNING three events, the 100 j yards, 220 yards and 100 yards hurdles, R. Jay.uam became j the men's champion at the Tamil Festival fourth annual athletic i I sports at Jalan Besar stadium yesi terday. Women's champion was I K. S. Valll. Prises
    339 words
  • 223 12 PENANG, Sunday. PENANG beat Johore 9-0 in the Foong Seong Cup inter-state badminton zone final at the Han Chiang School hall tonight to qualify to meet Singapore, the holders, in the challenge round. Resuming with an overnight lead of 4-0, Penang got their
    223 words
  • 97 12 THE women's event at the Royal Singapore Yacht Clubs regatta yesterday was won by Mrs. Oodber in the race for 14-feet R N.S.A Second was Mrs. Brindley and third was Mrs. Cheshyre. Other results: Large boat handicap: 1 H. Psrunder 2. J. L. Sagan. 3. V Couehlan:
    97 words
  • 18 12 Maxwell XI beat Klnta Rangers 4-0 in a friendly soccer match at Farrer Park yesterday.
    18 words
  • 33 12 Kebenaran Cl€b beat Kampong Tanjong Rovers 1-0 in a Breweries Kampong League "B" match at Farrer Park yesterday, In the "A" fixture. Western S.C. received a walk-over from Pasir Panjang Association.
    33 words
  • 705 12 THIRD DIV. (SOUTH) THIRD DIV. (NORTH) SCOTTISH T SCOTTISH B P W D L P APts Ipswich 27 15 8 4 63 39 38 Leyton 25 15 7 3 58 17 37 Brighton 26 15 5 6 65 24 35 Torquay 26 14 7 5
    705 words
  • 283 12 i-ONDON, bun. DESULTb of Rugby Union and iv League matches played in Britain yesterday were: Final EnflMt trial: England 3 The Rest 20; Final Welsh trial: Possibles 3 Probables 10. Club matches: Guy's Hosp. 5 Richmond 14; London Irish 0 Landsdowne 19; London Scottish 9
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 606 12 LONDON, San. BEDFORD TOWN, a team of tradesmen and clerks, were last night the toast of football fans throughout England. For yesterday on a floodlit fog-shrouded pitch at Highbury, this little team of part-timers held the glamorous First Division league side. Arsenal, to
    606 words
  • 56 12 Revised dates for P.A. Cup third round ties which were postponed, abandoned or drawn yesterday are: Monday: Stoke City v Exeter City Tuesday: Bury v Burnley. Wednesday: Bolton Wanderers v Huddersfleld Town; Luton T" v Leicester Cl*y; Manchester C~ v Blackpool. Thursday: Hull City Villa; Scunthorpe
    56 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 783 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pace 6) SITUATIONS VACANT Hard. $3 (Win.)— Box SO ct: extra. DRESSER GRADE 11, Married, for Hospital and Supervision Sanitation. Apply by letter— Manager, Seromb.m Estate, Sungei Gadut. TYPIST Junior Male, no Shorthand, knowledge of written Chinese preferred. Apply In own handwriting with copies of references.
      783 words
    • 168 12 "Look out! You nearly hit ••You r><oul<l bathe y< B that cyclist," Dr. Jon?s with Optrex F. i shouted. "Sorry Sir" I said. Doctor said. "It will "didn't notice him! My eye* your eyes ftealthy and l art so tired these days". away dost and germs". I bathed my eyes
      168 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 25 12 RIGGER S.C.C. "B" v The Blacks, padang. SOCCER Tamil Festival tournament: Indian Brotherhood Soccerites v Indian Gymkhana. Farrer Park. HOCKEY Women: S.C.C. v G.S.C. padang.
      25 words