The Straits Times, 7 November 1955

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 253 1 Today's proposals aim at speeding expansion of social services Tax changes on Wednesday DEFICIT SLASHED gspore (iovernment will introduce a the Legislative Assembly this signed to speed the development of gsential social services. understood thai the $.'M) million deficit t \yas expected would be shown in the
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  • 87 1 T a n apore City .vatcrfronti er and Raffles! i J ar two new rigs have bui't there and, n be going oment is capa beautiful panorain the TIMES for 1956, now i I ncw^a^enrs Everybody ■-c a copy for and business ramparison ture
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  • 28 1 Chest keys in stomach in.— A 72-year- Addolorata Carikon t o hospital ition became she two ki yi of a <rs to .stop her hr r savings -Renter.
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  • 52 1 LONDON. Sun Britain's medical authorities are predicting an attack of "killer type" Influenza this winter. This is a type of Influenza which is sometimes called "Spanish flu". During the lirst world war it killed more than 20 million people, taking more lives than the war Itself.-
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  • 19 1 LONDON. Sun.- Cairo Radio rcpurtfd tonight that Syrian anti-aircraft gunners had ■bot down an Israeli plane.
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  • 26 1 KAMPONC Tai Seng workers dig debris and slush out or their drams and the water begms to flow freely Straits Times picture.
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  • 388 1 HEADMAN BLAMES THE NEW AIRPORT ROAD 4BOIT 300 men. women and children of Kampong Tai Seng. Singapore, began deepening and widening the drains leading from their village yesterday. The villagers, who were hard hit in the floods last November and December, are determined
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  • 117 1 THE Federation Chief: X Minister. Tensku Abdul I Rahman, who is leading a i goodwill mission to Indo- I nrsia. will leave Singapore with his party for Jakarta today at 1.45 p.m. by I Garuda Airways. "I expect to have talks j with various
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  • 175 1 No titles, no rates, no taxes at lost village KUALA TRENGGANU. Sun. -About 100 Malay families in TrenRganu officially do no' exist, Inche Ismail bin Yusof, an elected member of the Tren«ganu State Council, said yesterday. The families live In a kamxmfc four miles at
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  • 140 1 Champion bandit killer traps 2 Reds—and brings his score up to 8 YONG PENG. Johore, Sun. A CHAMPION bandit killer added two more kills to his score last night. Corporal A. Cakau led a Fijian patrol that ambushed and killed Lee Swee Ho. 31. former bodyguard to a Communist district
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  • 158 1 Local ex-Servicemen tell Govt. KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. 'THE Pan-Malayan Ex-Servicemen's Association, ai its inaugural meeting yesterday, resolved to ask the Government to send home all foreign troop* now stationed in Malaya. Members said that the foreign troops could easily be replaced by local men. The
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  • 86 1 Thugs beat up Colony merchant EIGHT thugs enured the house of a merchant All bin Edin 34. in Holland Road. Singapore, last mgnt and him ur> Ah wa.s taken to the General Hospital with head and body inturies. His wife and daughter tried to help him but were herded
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  • 39 1 JAKARTA Sun The Nationalists continued today to hold a 300.000 vote lead over the Masjumi Party in Indonesia's general elections The latest unofficial overall vote tabulations gave the Nationalists ft.*****0 and Masjumi 7.7M000 -A P
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  • 32 1 TAIPEH, Sun Provincial police chief Chen Hsien-chou today recommended that the Government Impose the death i>oiKilty on bandits and aiim d robbers to halt a wave of lawlessness UP.
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  • 30 1 HONO KONO. Sun An nirmall service linking Hong Kong to Peking. Shanghai Hankow and Kunming will b<> Introduced from Nov. 21. according to an official announcement UP
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  • 22 1 LONDON. Sun Turpopulation has increased by some thnv million people lo about 24.109.000 since 1950. Ankara Radio said— Reuter.
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  • 74 1 LONDON. Sun MIST shrouded London today as silent men and I women gathered by the nations war memorial In Whitehall to honour the dead o f two world wars. The Qi-een. a slight figure among Service chiefs around j the Cenotaph, was accom- panted by ttie
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  • 127 1 Not inefficient Assemblyman AH U N D R E D and twenty Singapore special constables with several years' experience have been discharged because of "inefficiency. An Assemblyman, Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim <Inde-pendent-Sembawantji wants to know WHY At today's meeting of the Legislative Assembly he will ask the
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  • 39 1 l»l ATM N I KAIL' I MRO. Sim. llxiu- i lic.ilh I tDll l\ JN lii, IlilllTjl |> I Of I ptians kill- (1 I,, last (incvday s litlilin. 't v il>ha in II \tij.i>«-d x«nr. Kcut<r.
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  • 44 1 CALCUTTA. Sun. Dictaphone, a six-year-old gelding. dropped dead immediately after winning the Calcutta I and Suburban Plate at the racecourse here yesterday. Thi horse led from start to firi>h and collapsed as soon 3« it had parsed the pa>t Weuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 jjjfSfEliD"^ s> pH>SILVA<,W RIMU LUMPUt wit nU v^fc~ ji*&: s^ rinsMiiif»is«riVl y A NOVEMBER Vjjjf so \jjgl START THE MONTH ON KEY BY ORDERING YOUR Keillers finest JAMS and MARMALADES (RcZularly served to Royal Households) AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MALAYA
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    • 136 1 It means so much more to Hive or get a PATEK PHILIPPE Watch The finest watcn ever made. Limited annual production. H. SENA LTD. SINGAPORE PCNANG BANGKOK I I are people for SERVICE and their TABLE WATERS BO B A w \I f r TnVH W T t R I'RV
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  • 572 2 A Special Correspondent reports from KLIAN INTAN THEY TOE RED LINE TO STAY ALIVE 'THIS little town1 ship hit the headlines recently when it was the venue for the preliminary "peace" conference in the eight-year-old Malayan bandit war. But the world did
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  • 167 2 AFTER 25 YEARS, AMERICAN HEAD IS PROUD TO LIVE IN MALA YA IPOH. Sun. AN American school principal who has been in Malaya for 25 years said last nisrht: "It is glorious to live In Malaya as it moves to become a democratic nation." The Rev. Ralph
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  • 100 2 ROSETOWN. Saskatchewan*. Sun MR. M J COLDWELL. lead- Canada's Co-opera-tive Commonwealth Federation Party 'Socialist', yesterday urged that Canada ship some of Its surplus tood. wheat to South and South-East Asia. "Let us ship some of our food surpluses to the Colombo Plan countries and enable
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  • 41 2 WINNIPEG. Sun— Carl Ramjit. an engineering student from Trinidad who does not like beer, became drinking champion at Manitoba University here by downing 64 glasses of beer j two and a half gallons— in 12 hours.— Reuter. I
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  • 159 2 Dl 11.. uues not u-u.ui attract Mich rapt attention when he does his bit in a circu.s rin(. He only the tail end of the string of elephants which parade rniuul the run; liui with such an appreciative audience as the boys in the IVoodsTille
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  • 93 2 BANGSTERS BAULKED BY BOBBIES Guy Fawket night arrests LONDON. Sun. ORITAIN had its an- nual Guv Fawkes ttrework and bonfire spree last night— and kept polio firemen and ambulance staffs working overtime. In Trafalgar Square. London, womon .shrieked and screamed when fireworks were thrown anunu the crowd. Twenty youths were
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  • 65 2 SPRINOFTKLD 'Illinois Bun. Two mu*lc-lovln« doe* marking and turned the radio on so loud while their owners. Mr and Mrs John Roos. were away that neighbour* called the police Mrs. Roos explained: The dog* like music and they know how to turn on the radio
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  • 225 2 GovL acts on Port Commit^ plan for Penang Kt'ALA I.I'MPI'K s., JHK inconvenience caused to businessmen u l 1 divided administration of harbour Penan*. Pari and Weld Quay may ml 0 seeking; to brine installations at alt under the control of a single Port < ommissi,,?
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  • 62 2 LONDON. Sun— The Duke of Edinburgh hsus suggested Unaing site* for aircraft on top of London's railway to save time in travel between the city and London Airpor The Duke U>.d the Guild of Pilous and Air Navigators that not only helicopters but fixed-wing aircraft
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  • 28 2 SOUTH BEVD. Indiana. Sun A judge yesterday divorce to Mrs, I Oillett. 52. who testified her lived with her in c .'or eight years— A.P
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  • 66 2 at nrx* Games here wi to a banq ;< a lion's cau month-o: round out.=Ide The officials will bp c r the Writh family 01 Australia's > proprietr greeted b v honour of e\ry Th- exhibition ballroom State ball w; 1953 when t!.< the D;u:
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  • 37 2 NEW YORK S :r. A family ol I when a twirw: U S A:r Force boi ed into their front yar n.e the two heavily damaci:.. The fan: time and two-year-old daus visit to
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  • 29 2 JOHORE BAHRU S T*n Chon^ B- wa s found in posses, chandu b\ at the In the Sessions Co iri he was fined $2f jail-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 Shell in Malaya A'o. I of a Sfrus year of continuous bad weather was due entirely to the development e *Lf- >C**sNofi muBU Diesolfne throughout the length of both the East and West coasts. /^Jllref^fll^M fit Jf I M^B^mK^(SHELU IN MALAYA'S LIFE (J^9jml j IWbP
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  • 218 3 Two-year exile U almo.t over for denoted Sultan c ree to return to Moroccan throne whenever he likes PARIS, Sunday. 41* French government last night formally .aoroved the restoration of Sidi Mohammed Voussef the vacant throne of Morocco. officially recognised after meeting mier M. Edgar Faure.
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  • 59 3 PICK-A-BACK TRUMPETER STARTS FUSS A DKMONKTKATOK atop another mans bark gives out a bugle < til during rioting vi the city of Patras in Greece. Pitrhrd battles between police and demonstrators raged in the streets after pi>hre had openrd fire on a group of stone
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  • 139 3 PHOFMX Arizona. Sur. Vm.Hlioi its of a former gangster \\i\lie Bioff were as amazed at his true identity yesterday as they were at the tremendous explosion which shook their houses on Friday and killed him "Nice, quiet people. said
    AP  -  139 words
  • 57 3 SAIGON. Sun. Victorious National Army troops who have almost wiped out the rebel Binh Xuvtn army ;n South Vietnam marched n triumph through the >trects of Saigon today. A truimphal column of infantry and armoured cars irove into the grounds of Saigon's "Palace of Independence," where President
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  • 39 3 KATMANDU. Sun. A Palace official here said the Government had instructed the magistrate of Sama village to accompany the Japanese expedition to the mountain to ensure that they were not molested In any way Reuter.
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  • 36 3 RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun. Italy and Brazil have agreed to extend their trade agreement for three months while continuing negotiations on a new pact, The current trade agreement was signed in 1952. -A P.
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  • 169 3 PARTY VICTORY FOR EX-PREMIER PARIS. Sunday. pORMER Premier Pierre Mendcs France scored a r clear-cut victory over his opponent* in the Radical Party when he was elected vice-president by the party's congress here yesterday. According to unofficial figures, he gained 1.003 votes to
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  • 59 3 TOKYO. Sun The U 8 Army ordered a display balloon to advertise a fun fair at camp Otsu neap here. It arrived on Friday carried by two sore-armed men who touched the ground about every fourth step They had walked with lt^fully Inflated —more
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  • 41 3 DURBAN. Sun— A black cat found in a crate containing car part? here is believed to have been sealed in the crate in England. It is believed the cat lived without food and water for three months. Reuter.
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  • 35 3 NEW YORK. Sun— A 10--year old boy was killed on Friday night when his brother accidentally discharged a century-old flintlook musket borrowed from a gun collected for use In a school pl«y.-A.P
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  • 84 3 'COURAGEOUS 9 COMPTON: A KNEE OPERATION LONDON. Sun. Denis Compton, the Enfland rrlcketer whoa* rifht kne« has troubled him for the past few years, had the knee tap removed at the University ollef e Hospital here yesterday. His doctor »aid forwards: "From what was found d urine the operation. great
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  • 102 3 LOS ANGELES. Sun A MAN who claimed to be a former world Judo champion was arrested here ve.-terday following the death of a neighbour during a fight over a mongrel dog police said James Baker. 33. told them Edward Bolllnger drew a knife during
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  • 77 3 NO KISS, NO BLISS FOR BETTY KNOXVILLE Tennessee). Sun. An 18-year-old bride of three months who has begun a divorce suit says her hatband "wouldn't even kiss me at our wedding". Mrs Betty Ann Wall said her husband Joe. walked away when the minister suggested that it was customary to
    UP  -  77 words
  • 36 3 NEW YORK. Sun. Hldelchiro Katayama of Nagoya. Japan, with a rflcture of celebrants at a rradkar-Matsuri festival, won the first prlzr In the black-and-white division of the 1955 international picture contest. A.P
    AP  -  36 words
  • 30 3 BRUSSELS. Sun. Group Capt. Peter Townsend appeared In public today for the first time since returnIng to Brussels. He attended a Remembrance Day ceremony in Christ Church.UP
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  • 20 3 RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun. Ericsson Company of Sweden yesterday opened Its first telephone equipment factory in Brazil. AP.
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  • 161 3 DENVER. Sun. President Eisenhower yesterday practiced climbing steps for the first time since his heart attack as he moved steadily toward being able to return to Washington next week. Later, the President received a visit from his old friend. Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, Deputy
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  • 235 3 Virgin birth? It CAN happen LONDON, Sun. THE LANCET, a leading British medical weekly, said in its latest publication that the possibility of virgin births could not be scientifically ruled out. The weekly said that fatherless rabbits had already been reared. Because of this. medical se'ence might have to I
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  • 82 3 COLOMBO. Sun. -Two hundred and »en million rupees in forged Indian currency notes havr been put Into circulation by one of the biggest International counterfeit organisa- tions ever discovered, police .said today The organisation, with one distribution point in Ceylon. had its headquarters in
    UP  -  82 words
  • 30 3 BANDOENG Sun Heavy floods are sweeping West Java Rivers are breaking their banks, flooding scores of villages and thousands of acres of rice land*.— A.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 NEW! MIRACLE toothbrush I cleans where other brushes i cant get! J Designed for whole vg mouth protection! Dr. West's Miracle-Tuft f Tooth Brush is curved tiro ways to reach the hidden places in your mouth. So, you polinh teeth better, get 11 at iit*t and odm centers jw^ more
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  • 269 4 UNION BOSS FONG WANTS CLOSED SHOP TALKS UNDER TOTAL STOPPAGE THREAT THE Singapore Bus Workers* Union yesterday decided to put off strike action until the union executive had talked with the employers. The talks will begin this week. If an agreement Is not reached
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  • 29 4 Mr Boediono. the Oovernor of Samarang Central Java, arrived in Singapore yesterday by air on his way to Burma. Ceylon. Siam. and India on a goodwill mission
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  • 125 4 Kim Yam's parents accept aid offer rfWE SINGAPORE RoX tar\ Club's offer of help for Teo Kirn Yam, 16. was accepted last night by the boy's parents. Kirn Yam Is the bright Primary VI student of the Boon Lay English School who is two days too old to take an
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  • 96 4 The Singapore City Council runs the electricity department as efficiently and econo- 1 mlcally as possible. Mr. Yap; Pheng Oeck. vice-chairman of the finance committee, told the Straits Times yesterday. He said the statement in a Straits Times editorial on Thursday that public utilities I could
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  • 332 4 BAGBY 'SHOCKED' AFTER BEING IN FATAL CRASH IPOH. Sun. WALTER SCOTT BAOBY, racehorw trainer, yesterday told the Ipoh Coroner'g Court how he knocked down a 53-year-old man one "fine momIng" In June. The coroner. Mr. E. V. A. Peers, reserved his verdict, saying he would make recommendations of his findings
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  • 204 4 CAN'T BE TREATED LIGHTLY— JUDGE JOHORE BAHRU. Sunday. 'TWO rubber tappers, Wong Yuen Kee and Low Chong. were found guilty today In the Sessions Court of possessing supplies for terrorists. "Offences like this cannot f be treated lightly," the president, Mr. N. L. Cohen,
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  • 29 4 Brigadier R. W. Madoc. who commanded 42 Commando Royal Marines In operations against the terrorists In Malaya, has been appointed an alde-de -camp to the Queen
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  • 130 4 The 'wicked lepers are curbed JOHORE BAHRU. Sun A CURB is to be put on the underworld activities of the wicked' inmates at the leper settlement at Tampol on the coast near here. Perturbed at reports of Illicit samsu brewing and smuggling by the lepers, the Medical Department k, plan,
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  • 24 4 Chua San. 67. died yesterday after he was knocked down by a train near the goods yard at Keppel Road. Singapore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 Find out about (amelia Mmk Mix I*^. a^ most ctrtain tnat oHe ye" aw Wgr*"sf L^BB^kw rr Cornelia sanitary protection j£ you will never use any other kmd. Cornelia towels art fr g^tuper-sofr, yet firm, reliable > and moisture-proof have 'V *»**bL^H^P^ rounded compressed ends 'VMfta^BBWMBI and are soluble far
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    • 281 4 'i^ W^^^^^L 4 a^iw*^^^B aY al *^^BBT^^Ej FOR REAL JOB SECURITY Today the rompetitlc.i for I fßnfnfnG Jobs U »ro»ln« fast II you V^. M*^ nave meak spotx in your JB training, nous the time to fill them. Six months from now may be too late Let us help you
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 455 4 tra. *9JO Nr»s. MS Singapore B ntA mm*w aw a l^ttatottr* Aaeeinbly Report. 10 00 RADIO MALAYA Asian Club. '.0 30—1100 Oerr* Sollano And HU Raffles Hotel Orchestra Pragrammn tau« saaxked ran B^BBBB^BB^BB«^BBm«a^i^iaa^iaam b* rec«rve4 ky UsUnrts ta Masarcai B^aaVl^Bß^Blla^Bß^Bßlla^BH short »«vr *■> and «!m Medium ■Vf^TT^ l^! wstve 478
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  • 1520 5 ONE hundred and ninety-four years ago yesterday, a German refugee sculptor I living in Southampton Street, in the quarter of London that under its old name of Bloomsbun still retains a boisterous and a raffish eighteenth century air, was presented with a son
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 96 5 otns > fRAGRANCE a JBBf 5^M KMRV aY thai FL ATTERS and remains a lovely MEMORY Cusson^ $9Qp Imperial Leather SOAP TOILET POWDER INO FOR HUBBY. imuiANTIkE. AFTER *H»VE UTIOI AND SttAVINE STICKS. I** UNIVERSAL CARS LTD. !poh ij Penan| *EfcRKE BROS. LTD, pur Scrcmban Malacc DUG BAN HONG LEONG
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    • 163 5 ft AS wZs^*^9^. JK^tto9S jm v 1 '*t Herr't thr hn»-t «un fl»»« lem •V->et»>p»<l for your tyt*. Moee n>-nl<.rtjWe tf> on >"v- r»ev >' ippr»iin* hrfnm linmcmi ten>ei comhine the »pri ul «I>*nn: m»i 1U« lem cotouM frn i«on around tnH p,.hittr I wrc al the be« »r«»er the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 35 5 lt<>\ 3lar€fun. 31.11. R down fdom J" i-ME acv tweqeape tSkt vmater ditcm once •R-OOUt-DSTAMD FOP RIVETS kQRIVETS QF^JOtMTSJMJT^ SAM." SaTVS P>CK. AND THE "J'TORJO^-^ N\ ~^^gr^ W^^Kf^^Tj^k~~~ This is linttu Aco O Hum
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  • 30 6 M Hnrds >/» i minimum). MR. AND MRS S. N. GUNAM. Johore-i^abLs Estate, ail KlattVM and friends who attendnl their weddinfc on 26.10.55. rendeirrt service and sent pre>> l.'-hes.
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  • 43 6 2* Hards $1$ (minimum). GRACE: Frederick Charles. It ev.-rlovlns memory of my dear husband and pal on thla the fourth anniversary of his death at Pen.tng. and th;it hU many friend* may retail the dayi c: his happy presence Wttb them.
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  • 214 6 70 H.rrf. fit (minimum). SALE NOW ON at Mulchands All Dressi-s al Drastically Reduced Prices. FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the Malay Mall' if you want to win that $5,000 word puzxle COOK-BOY AND AMAH honest reliable willlns. Employers retiring 18 En« Neo Avenue Tel *****. Postal Areas 10
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  • 535 6 The Strait Times Singapore, Mon. Nov. 7, 1955. Malayan Or Indian? Like all communal organisations the Malayan Indian Congress is uncertain whether the operative adjective is "Malayan" or "Indian". On certain occasions its members are quite convinced that they are Malayans, and that it would be wrong to think of
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  • 497 6 The speculator has certainly not been the least important of several factors which have brought the price of rubber tumbling. The recent rise had been overdone, so that the situation was practically hand tailored for the speculator who wa.s gambling on a fall after Indonesian rubber
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  • 146 6 All praise to Tan Ah Gong, kepala of Kampong Tai Seng on Singapore island. Tired of waiting for the Government to take concrete action to prevent the expected flooding round the gardens and houses of his villagers, he called a village meeting and put the position to everybody. The
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  • 631 6 •••••••••••••••••■••■•-"-----fc jA man who; planned OIK years ago. army machine-eun posts dotted the street* of Manila as an anxious G o vernment waited for 20.000 jubilant, well-armed Huk Communist terrorists to attack Today, with no more than 2.000 armed men and women
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  • man-in-the-street
    • 204 6 \S an admirer of Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, wife of our (America's) war-time President. I feel duty bound to call your attention to a small yet siCTiiflcant error in your feature article, c n ti t led "Aristocrat Fought for Justice in America."
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    • 154 6 TT Ls stated that owing to the expiration of the contracts of six "expatriate" members of the Radio Orchestra musicians will be recruited locally to nil these now vacant posts. Strictly speaking there are only "tour" pxpa+rlate members of the orchestra, Mr. Ous Steyn Mr. Paul Mosby.
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    • 75 6 WITH reference to your report of Oct 20, headed 'Drugs at clinic more water than medicine'." I would like to point out that the statement attributed to me Is incomplete What I said on that occasion was. "It does them no harm so long as the dosage
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    • 129 6 V EGISLATION Is often *-4 passed which defeats the very purpose which it was meant to serve. Tenants' registration In the Federation is a point. A house Is raided People are found who are not registered and a five or ten dollar fine Ls Imposed.
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    • 138 6 AT the Outpatients Department of the Au« k land General Hospital patients' names are called out over a loud -speaker as the doctor becomes ready to receive each new patient, the order, of course, bein? that in which they arrived at the clinic. It is the
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    • 188 6 IT Is a great pity that a man of Mr. Marshall's calibre ha.< the nasty habit of saying the *mr.i thine In the wrong place at the wrong time. Merely because planters ask for some guarantee from Oorernment regarding their assets when they retire, expatriates were described
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    • 58 6 Invitation to a health officer OP late residents in Greentown. Ipoh, are simply plagued with mosquitoes. On certain mghU these pests come in swarms. One wonders what the health authorities are doing. Perhaps the chairman of Ipoh Town Council or the Health Officer, would like to pass a night in
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    • 51 6 ABOUT what are the worthy leaders of the M.I.C. dreaming? Are they not aware that their brothers in India are in distress? Why don't they open flood relief funds and send the collection to the Indian Government to help the flood victims? Xl I IMP SINGH RRAR
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    • 25 6 Low standards in J ohore? rF Administration of the Education Department in Johore has in the past been subjected to Just criticism. The annual Cambridge
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    • 54 6 I CANNOT understand why the Central Electricity Board in Kajang reads our meters on the 11th. 12th or 13th of each month and issues a bill immediately, saying that if the amount is not paid within a week our electricity supply will be disconnected. We get
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    • 33 6 KOLAM AVER ESTATE a recent development area, is -still blocked with refus? The bad smell and the increase of mosquitos ma? .spread *ome sort of infectious disease fJ Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 562 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. p.p.c M. H. CARR s\s. CHUSAN" 7.11.55. it Wordt fit (minimum). CLIFFORD: To Terry, wife of J P M. Clifford, on 24th October. •t Kuala Lipis Hospital, a son. HERD: At Batu Gajah, on 3rd Ni>\ ember, to Elma and Jimmy Herd of Tapah Estate, A son, Exhivid
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    • 7 6 Hil in w&It COUrl* QUAY UNtAMi t
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    • 4 6 .More lrll>r« in I
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    • 107 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE PHONE ***** C7?[lHvfw K. E. MEYER d opt K. BELL DIF OPT. A.S.T.C. FAO Finest DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS U. S. de SUVA Jncellcrs 23| 106, ORCHARD RD., Spore -9. SELF-WINDING CALENDAR WATCH f calendar \rnechamsm shows the f ,o>'> jf» <day of the month on 'ssirr
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  • 226 7 -ghanlhan has his wau—he will not attend constitutional talks in London forking Committee meeting was all n ice and peaceful Kl'ALA LUMPUR, Sunday. K Committee of the Malayan Intoday backed the decision of !jster of Unour, Mr. V. T. Sambanthan, nd the constitutional talks in
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  • 48 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Chua Tan Bee was sentenc- ed here today to three months iail —to be followed by 12 months' police supervision—for stealing four fountain pens from people's pockets during the Sultan of Johore's jubilee celebrations He had four previous convictions for theft
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  • 46 7 pur. Sun. Chief Services, said here new Perak lirinn vehiwa\ to ,:r.bulances .iroughthat drivers .md ambuln to conso long drive dannn to all ;.itions. -ted that >hould be re traffic they made r.iion to streets brigade alia, Fire ..we autho•he traffic
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  • 21 7 MPUR, Sun. 6 Gurkha about if Cameron Perak ed on them I hanee of :>ci There
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  • 34 7 HRU, Sun. was fined -ates Court Qgfullj confln- ing 12 -year -old Khatijah binte Abdullah. The girl was found tied to a tree in the garden of Masinah's house.
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  • 83 7 THE TURK! WINNERS in the Mis S Selancor N-auty contest are shown her.- with their trophies. They were picked from 23 Federation and Singapore beauties who (omprted for thr title at the Thinwo Auditorium Kuala I umpur o n Saturday. In the rentre is Singapore* Miss
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  • 179 7 AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED 4 DECISION to write off $41,068 was approved without question at the bi-annual general meeting of the Singapore branch of the Malayan Chinese Association at the Happy World Stadium yesterday. The amount included $12,642 which had been advanced to the
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  • 179 7 From Page One dig too deeply near the road as there was a danger of the earth caving in and blocking the pipes under the road Mr Campbell said that if the earth caved In It would make It more difficult for engineers to find a way
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  • 109 7 THE KEY TO CHEAPER TEA? KUALA LUMPUR. Sun AN experiment with a converted cementmixer may lead to cheaper tea for Malaya. The experiment »as carried out by the Agricultural Development Officer Cameron Highlands. Mr N Kanagaratnam. it is reported In the latest issue of the Malayan Agricultural Journal Mr Kanagaratnam
    109 words
  • 67 7 Singapore police are Investigating the death of Mr. Tow Lawther. 37. who was dead when he wa* brought to the General Hospital at 1.30 am on Sunday. Lawther. of Kee Choc Avenue. Sennett Estate, was brought in a car by a relative. Her statement has been recorded.
    67 words
  • 35 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun The Johore Bahru Rotary Club will hold a ladies night on Tuesday. Dato H. E. MacKenzie and Datin MarKenzle. who are leaving Malaya soon, will attend the meeting
    35 words
  • 117 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Town Hall here looked like the Inside of a garage this morning as members of the Malayan Arts Theatre Group struggled to Jft a Jeep onto the stage. The jeep figures promi- nently in "Teahouse Of The August Moon."
    117 words
  • 278 7 TWO POLY PUZZLES WILL GET AN AIRING Mr. Tin asks: When .id till Honey go? TWO QUESTIONS on Singapore's $8 million Polytechnic will be asked at this morning's meeting of the Legislative Assembly. Mr. William Tan (Democrat wanu to know whether the chairman of the board of governors of the
    278 words
  • 58 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Mr Leone Ye» Koh. the Federation Minister for Health and Social Welfare toured medical and welfare establishments here today He visited the lept* settlement and mental hospital at Tampol. the probation hostel and remand home, the Princess Elizabeth School for the Blind and
    58 words
  • 138 7 KUALA LIPIS. Sunday. pOLD Is still being stolen from the Raub mine but not in such large quantities as at the height of the Emergency, the Chief Police Officer. Pahang. Big quantities of X"-d were stolen from the mine up to mid 1954 There
    138 words
  • 17 7 Singapore's Raffles Library will >oon have telephone directories of al] countries In South -East Asia
    17 words
  • 20 7 IAWTHER TOM puttd away peacefully after ahort Illnew on 5-11-1955 The funeral took place on 1.11.6 ft at BkUdarl
    20 words
  • 32 7 A Singapore housewife Rosy Foo. 23, of Brahmaputra Road, was taken to the General Hospital yesterday •ufferlnir, from caustic soda poisoning. Her condition late last night was described v serious.
    32 words
  • 25 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Bun. Lt.-Col J. 8. F. Burnett. Johore'i Assistant State Home Ouard Officer has retired and Is succeeded by MaJ. Adam Hussaln.
    25 words
  • 694 7 CEREMONIES IN SINGAPORE AND THE FEDERATION ON a rold. rain-swept morning. Singapore paid its respects to the dead of two world wars yesterday in the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph. A drizzle fell shortly after the Governor. Sir Robert Black, arrived at 7.30 a.m.
    694 words
  • 30 7 BI'DDIIIST PEIEST pa>«. bit rr»wctx at the enoUph during Singapore* Rrmrmbuni D«v rrrenwnv Yr«trrria> a» a viiiiin of the Ro>.»l Maliyan Nary stand* cuard. Straits Time* pirturr.
    30 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 for the heatS^ vjp.^ tan... for the fanMITSUBISHI E NAME GUARANTEES THE QUALITY I HSI in Vn|d|tor» A Prnnng. H73tm Mewsea. a// iemdmi tlectncml demlen and 'ANDILANDS BUTTERY CO., LTD. K uala Lumpur Ipoh Penang Kota Bahru i$M i fTHE TALK OF THE TOWN! Not ihr Budget or New Ta»rsl
      65 words
    • 91 7 Phoenix supreme among birds Meu'zow supreme among brandies MEUKOW COGNAC y^^M(j) BRANDY (ff'WmJ/j EYE EXAMINATION You ran rat with faltr t«eH» kdt yo» BBBBHC fIM'M can I ice writli artificial cyet You* I »Aw HlBW^ en* and only pair or cyat Tk« Cad J aWWj^*TK prrtcnt Invaluable' C«*r4 tkawt pJ^^n
      91 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 82 7 High tides TODAY Singapore 4IS am. (7 ft 6 inn i 327 o m <S ft 1 tna). I Port D!<k*on 11 3« am. (6 ft. 5 ins > Penang 456 am. <« ft. 3 1 Ina ("7.42 pjn. (5 11.1 *«»>• TOMORROW: Singapore 536 am (7 ft 5 Ins
      82 words

  • 543 8 ifii.iii.v saint if AmKET nt n m By Our Market Correspondent THE star turns of the 1 Singapore Share Market last week were undoubtedly two rubber counters— Alor Gajah and Lunas which showed heavy appreciations In price before and after announcements that their directors were considering take-over
    543 words
  • 399 8 (•MMOPITV BOrXD-ir rE price of rubber in Singapore made a comeback on Saturday morning after easing during the week and the price rallied by 6 5 8 cents to close at $1.14 3 8 for November first grade. There was a good turnover. I London and New
    399 words
  • 350 8 The following business done in the Singapore -Johore Market last week wa» reported by one firm of brokers' for the period October 29 to November 4: INDI S TRIALS Consolidated Tin Smelters Ords 2ft« »d Fraaer St Neave Ords 81 69 and 81 70. Gammon* 82 55 Hammer
    350 words
  • 725 8 rr following fall list of revisrd quotations was toMierl by the Mala*.in Share Brokers' Association, Mn»pore section, after their last meeting- on Friday:— n»-rr. trNrra aim Brick* Pr»f IM M Orta IN IM «tl»i Ir* II W ibuyan) B B Pf t ml 41 4ft B M
    725 words
  • 76 8 The Malavan Kxthangr Bank* «>■»■■ made the following rhange* In Its rates to merchant* on Saturday (quotations to $100 1I C*mm4m: buying alrmaU: TT t 32 15/16. OD 33 1/1«. 90 dayi 33 5/16. 33 credit bills l/ft? TT On th« free exchange market In Hon« K»m on
    76 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 616 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPUCATIONS are Invited for posts of Transport Overseers In the Central Elec'.riclty Board, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh. Candidates produce evidence of recognised motor mechanic apprenticeship -md to ha-e had experience In charge of a Workshop. Salary according to age and experience. Applications In writing to the Persoane]
      616 words
    • 709 8 NOTICES REMINDER AUCTION SALE TODAY AT 2.30 P.M. AT CHING KENft LEE CO., LTD., Ne. »-C. D- Almeida Stree'. the f.)llowing properUes. No. A Lorong Lalat No 451 Beach Road No 28 Lorong 30 Oeylang I. and off Bedock Road. 1 I .ml at Recreation Road off Upper Serangoon Road.
      709 words
    • 1030 8 TENDERS H.M. NAVAL BASE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for supplyIng stevedoring gangs for loading and discharging freight ships st R N. Armament Depot. H.M. Naval Base during 1956. Details of requirements and forms of tender can be obtained from: SUPERINTENDING ARMAMENT SUPPLY OFFICER, ROYAL NAVAL ARMAMENT DEPOT H.M NAVAL
      1,030 words
    • 685 8 TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDER* NEC RSTARIAT: Right to exhibit advertisement* on the lnsldr of pamenfer bus shelters for ItM Tender forms from Secretariat, City Hsll. Close Noon— ls Novem- < ber. 1956. P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received at the office of the Senior Executive Engineer. PW.D.
      685 words
    • 643 8 DIVIDEND ANNOUNCE in Mala the folio win ,i las* week:— SF.LA V ft s LKtDGIM. i nterim diTiri- nd j > lew Ux. r« September on November shareholders October 2ii THE P.Vj U A final ord,nl 'l' 1 gys ;rr y. final Pn-f. ai ««end of ii J' a total
      643 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1070 9 MANSFIELD ac CO., LTD. Toit 2,411 iaro-poratad In Srnoopor*) 111 hrn) THC BLUE FUNNEL UNE T yw* tnm portt |0 |ood ond dl#cho corQO MVIRPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTIMINTAI PORTS t. l |Vt Dv€ So"' P S'hom Pwvjna N*» 7/ S OJ4 Nay B Nay 9/1 B G.SJ/14 Na* B
      1,070 words
    • 1113 9 EAST ASIATIC UNE Pa* aa.. r 'A'LINGS TO CONTINENT, SCAHDINAVU Aden. Pwt Said, Qanaa, Antwerp, Rotterdam. Hambarg, CipwMgia Oatnanbarg ft Otto .fl?" cc^"a-*flan I* av.ll.ble far Earoaa SAILINGS FROM SC AN OIN AVI A /U K /CONTININT "KOREA" for Bonßkok. P P ShOrn PtnOn Hongkong, Momlo, Kobe -rTmaiSiA^T 0 Vl2
      1,113 words
    • 986 9 .SriDiNcIBB BEX UNE STEAMERS MMfcfr' SINGAPORE (Incorparofad in th* United Kingdom) J LIMES SAILINGS TO U.K AND CONTININTAL PORTS S'pora P. Shorn Panong BENVORUCM tor Liverpool. Rotterdom. Hull 11/1« Ma* 18/12 Mac 20/21 Ma* BENHEVIS for Avonmouth, London, Newcottle la/W Ma* BENATTOW for London, Rottaroorr., Homburg 10/19 Ma* 20/22 N.v
      986 words
    • 1222 9 MoALISTER tSc CO., LTD. rtL No ***** BLLEBMAW ok BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LIME LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO KAMBUR4) PORTLAND. SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER •nd for USA., North Atlontic Port* Acctp«..| carge far Cctttrel A Seath and Conode and via Colombo America CITY Of KARACHI CASTUV.LLE *>»• P. Sham Penong
      1,222 words

  • 672 10 A fine language, but is Indonesian any use to Malaya? jar Sir.... TO THE EDITOR.... Dear 8ir,».. j rfiHERE has recently been 1 much talk of inviting university professors and educational experts from Indonesia to lecture in the University of Malaya fend advise on the teaching of the Malay language
    672 words
  • 459 10 I HAVE a sreat respect Jor Wan Faridah. but her letter on the subject of Romanlsrd Malay thowt that she l» ficplorably behind the times Does she not know that the ordinary typewriter can be u»ed for Malay correspondence in Jawi by mrrtly changing its key? Any
    459 words
  • Article, Illustration
    185 10  -  KKNNETH kONSTAM By /OCCASIONALLY only a bad bid can achieve the optimum result, and on the hand below East-West were entitled to bemoan their illluck Both sides were vulnerably and the dealer. South The bidding went: 8. W N E 2C 2D (negative* 2H JC 3D 7D West led
    185 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 185 10 FOR JfStfSWeD vteoi/x jPf" Brands Essence of M&Z' Chicken the Essence of Mg-^^B* 'JzL* W vicfe the extra energy /tSj^P^^J^-i Jr required by elderly people V K. J^fe^K anxious to enjoy fully the ___^__^^^BpU^J^f'^ fruits of their life's work. BRAND S_ yjf fyeiy where BEDFORD (^M Sf (TI iB a^r
      185 words
    • 186 10 "Dear Mother" ??5| f -s<A v "Once upon 2 a time" 1j. m i .i —rp emm 0 1 p Personal Tyi e^r.vom. aaas^^^^^^-^"^ lr,m it., 4, POST THI} COUPON TOD4V j REMINGTON RAND OF MALAYA LTD. flc«e ie"d m* full details of Ren I Portable Typewriters »nd cn>-r-. NAMI
      186 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 337 10 Straits Times Crossword -"-iST 1 1. Resentment at not having a i I- I I I .^jtai i pi ue In the sun 1 i7i I 2 i a rht Athenian le«i.«Utnr »a» II ,^t io ae\ ere i• J^ t •< < fi^ S| J Hol<ll flr inounh on.
      337 words

  • 331 11 Manchester stay on top LONDON, Sun. WOLVERHAMpT O N Wanderers, who play the Soviet soccer champions, Moscow Dynamo, on Wednesday, crashed badly at Luton yesterday in their English first division league match. The Dynamo players, who Hew into London yesterday and Immediately went
    331 words
  • 995 11 P W D L r APv Imn United 16 5 iunderland 14 9 2 ***** •h»rlton 16 8 4 4 37 31 H.ckpool 15 3 434 28 Vest Brom. 15 8 3 4 20 16 II [vertori 16 8 3 5 23 19 II lurnley 15 7 4
    995 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 2083 11 J^—^^ „,,l Before Po»««I 1 .hould »>• '••<•" ..mss' cl box numberi M VACANT >". vu ISHED Engineervacancies for two rery ■iien need 27, S.T. 1 IT MK'VS WANTED H rt,. txtrm. M'RSE REone year 26. regularYears as research, n currently oridon serious Jan. Travel arranged. IIM M,H.\IIOS VACANT Bai
      2,083 words
    • 311 11 FOR SALE tt Wordt ti (Him.)— Box it rts. tmtrm. U.K. IMPROVEMENT STOCK Pure Breed Light Sussex $3t>. Broan Leghorn* $30. White Leghorru> $10 per dozen. Now avallsb>. Mr YounK. 115 Cross Street. Singapore. Phone *****. PAILLARD BOLEX 16 mm Cine Camera: turret with three Schneider Xenon lenses 75. 25
      311 words
    • 279 11 MISCELLANEOIS H ords U *tm.>—Bmx it rtt. txtrm. PROTECT YOURSELF aealast Milan i by taking 2 Tablets of Nn iquine' in single doae once e\erv week. An M St B Produ t obtainable from your Chemist. OOULDINOB COUGH MIXTURE for children's coughs nnd colds. It's delicious to take and .unless
      279 words
    • 587 11 {Serving the ja People /^M^.^f FOB Ml TOW Vtßp [assurance comj*ny \s^B f lIMITID V M BUILWMC (2nd Floor) P0 lOX 492 KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENAN6 lee ««bb.f lido. 70 Irewitar Rd. 22C Baaoh Street 2a«J Nm> M,h St. PilONe ll«7 PHONE 6IIIS P.OJOX n, PH. M 4« P.O lOX
      587 words

  • 228 12  -  EPSOM JEEP JOTTIWSt By IVATO Sir Hunch Thur--17 aisingham. chairman of the Selangor Turf (hid committee, has a coming champion sprinter in Acrobat. This racy Magic Red three-year-old scored his third win, all over sprint distances, in five outings at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. U Acrobat
    228 words
  • 181 12  -  EPSOM JFFF IU KUALA LUMPUR Sun TWO APPRENTICES. Alex Bax- ter and Awl. came Into the limelight at the SeUngor Turf Clubs October-November meeting which concluded yesterday. Young Baxter rode three winners and two seconds out of ten mount* while Awl scored a splendid double on
    181 words
  • 283 12 PALM SPRINGS. Sun ITNITED STATES won the foursomes Ryder Cup match against Britain on Thunderblrd Ranch Country Club here yesterday by three rftmrs to one. Eight singles will be played today Britain have never won more than one foursome In the United
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 569 12 NEW-LOOK SERVICES XI THEIR BEST OF SEASON BUT... SINGAPORE Combined Services have found their best soccer team this year at the wrong end of the season. At Jalan Brsar Stadium yesterday. Services lo«t In their annual Poppy Day Fund match to Civilians by
    569 words
  • 27 12 AISTRAI.IAN racehorse Prince Morvi. one of ih. ihrrc horars brine sent by air from Au»tr«lu to the I'niUd SUtrs. Strait* Timr* ptrturr.
    27 words
  • 275 12 HORSES ON HISTORY MAKING FLIGHT STOP IN SINGAPORE A CARGO worth threequarters of a million dollars arrived in Singapore yesterday when the Qantas Skymaster delivered three Very Important Horses, thus completing the first stage of a Journey which will make racing history. The three horses, recently purchased by Mr. Frank
    275 words
  • 29 12 Irish League (City Cup) toccer r-Multe: \rd» 3 Crnsadrrii t lUlhm.-n.i (ilrnavnn < llflonxillr > l.lrnloian 1 olrrainr 2 I ml,. 1,1 lii>tilln» 3 Drrry PorUdown t Bangor —Utmin.
    29 words
  • 85 12 HM— I'nf verity v R.A.I. SeleUr. nuklt Timah: S( < "B" BAT. Trncah. padan«: Polirr S.A. -i Andrew Old Bo»». Police. IK •< KF.Y SH% Piv. 1: t.HQ v B.A.F. SeleUr. <.HQ I nlveruJty v Wanderer*. Sepoy Lines: Dl». 2: Nary Nomads v R..VI. (han(l. Naral Bate, friendly:
    85 words
  • 298 12 LONDON Sun OUOBY Union resulu In Britain lv yesterday were: First Wri-h International trial: Reds 19 Whites 10 t'otmly rhamptonihlp: Cumberland and Westmorland 0 Yorkshire 44; Lancashire 12 Cheshire 3; North Midlands 5 Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire 11. flab matches: Guy's Hosp 3 Old Blues
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 121 12 MACAO Sun. 4 BRITISH Austin Healev 100. drlxen by B Ritchie today won the M-lap endurance race at the Macao. Orand Prix A German Mercede* 190 SL. driven by D Steano. was Mcond followed by a British Triumph TR-2 drl\en by N Pullford The winning Austin
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 28 12 The friendly soccer same between Alexandra FT and Indian Recreation Club wa* drawn 1-1 at Fairer Park yesterday All «oore<l for Alexandra and Supra for IRC
    28 words
  • 231 12 |\OMINATING play. RAF Sele- ur beat O H Q. tn their rugby match a' Seletar on Saturday by 11 points (goal and two tricai to nil O.H.Q fought gallantly all the way but they were handicapped through Inning a man In the tight h
    231 words
  • 204 12 MRU team leave for Bangkok one short TIM Malayan Rugby Cnlon touring party left for Bangkok tarly yesterday without one player the Penang front row forward 1.. Hewitt who could not join the team. Hewitt'* wife became Hiiddenly ill a few days ago and he immediately informed MXI officials that
    204 words
  • 230 12 Jj^SSE OWENS, the famous American athlete now on a coaching tour of Malaya, will attend Wednesday's floodlight rugby match at Jalan Besar Stadium between the Fiiians and the Combined Army (Singapore and Malaya). Ever slncp he stayed two days at Batu Pahat. Owms has been
    230 words
  • 25 12 STOCKHOI M Sun Thet'nled Sta'e* amateur Oxins tourinc team r^rew with a rfprr Swedish team at Oothei nigh' Each side I -Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 247 12 DOYAL Air Force Malaya ***** l% fixture of their Borneo visit when they beat Panaga Club h goals, four tries) to nil at Sena, Bi The team flew back late last evening after what they all described as a "wonderful weekend"
    247 words
  • 42 12 IPOH. Sun Selansnr Polo Club, who rtcetved half a goal start, beat Mncaporr *"otn Club by 2> 3 eoal« t n 2 tr> the Sultan of Perak Cup at the conclusion of the threeday Malayan Polo Association tournamen'
    42 words
  • 102 12 NgbeatsKee Fong to clinch tie for Johore JOHO1 JOHORE final of the r petition bj 6-3 tOOj The vtnnei mill me»>i Johorc clinched Roland Ng beat 8elan Cup pla- <•: Kfe f jit Raj while pla to break t] in the and ,v Lim i But N c kep the
    102 words
  • 21 12 BOMBAY Ahmed the first i rl N official!; day. The 3J-;- ofT sp:nn India for I
    21 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 920 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (t'ontlnurd from Pace <) SITUATIONS VACANT »0 Wori, W tfin.)— "ox SO ct,. »xfr«. CHINESE SALESMAN with own Cnr wanted for Spore. Salary and commission. Box A 6767 S.T. VACANCY OCCURS for experienced Euroj)Ci.r. Assistant In old established British firm of Importers. Apply Riving details I pnst experience,
      920 words
    • 43 12 fly _d _j_S i»— r** JUiM-P if- -kl-Mfi Miyhcst i|tinlity Fretu now av.uhiMc at the as onlin.irv standard Sill Agents: THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946 IMPERIAL TYPEWRITERS SOLE AGENTS For Singapore and Federation of Mai McMULLAN CO LTC SIM.U'OKK Xl \l II MM J
      43 words