The Straits Times, 28 October 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE. I RIDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 864 1 KOH: RECOGNISE M.C.P., REPEAL PUBLIC SECURITY BILL Marshall: Let him go ahead-I hope he has the courage to support his resolutions Major policy switch urged tE'S Chief Mr. David is faced with within Partj the >nt an at- the Koh. to o.itions rovern- irrow'a Mi Mari i.illniced
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  • 6 1 Mohamed w to
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  • 168 1 Crew of nine rescued by tanker MALACCA. Thursday. A SHELL tanker arrived in Malacca today with the crew of a ship-wrecked flshinc vetseL The crew eight Chinese and a Malay had been rescued in the Straits of •a last night. They belonged to the 16--ton boat
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  • 105 1 MR I H KOH i founder number oi the Sincaporr Labour I nmt. was born in Malacca. He Hint t:> Kmmanucl (<>lIt cc. CamhridKc aiid «.i» admitted to thr Bar in June. I«C9 He was a d mittrd to the Bar in Singapore in \w: and
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  • 76 1 A vicar hits out KIALA LI MPI R. Thurv The Vicar of Selanjsor. The Rev. (hiu Ban It said here today that there was too much graft, larinev> and self-seeking in Malaya. He stressed the need f»r young people with a strong spiritual and moral basis if
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  • 249 1 Love sails in to cure a soldier STORE GIRL'S MERCY TRIP TO BRITIAN Irom HALL ROMNEY LONDON. Thurs. PRETTY pirl from Singapore will call this afternoon on Edward Foster, a former British soldier who is lying paralysed in a hospital near London. And the visit may lead to Edward's recovery
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  • 33 1 PARIS. Thur. The Israeli Premier. Mr. Moshe Sharett. today flew to Geneva where he Is expected to meet Mr. Molotov. the Soviet Foreign Minister— A.P. (War warning P. 3)
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  • 48 1 Man's best friend not this time JESSUP, Georgia, Thurs j c Sapp and Doris Ethridge escaped from the Wayne i County convict camp where had been assigned us trusties to train bloodhounds. live hours later they were tracked down oy two of the hounds they had trained— U.P.
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  • 24 1 STOCKHOLM. Thurs. The 1955 Nobel Prize for Literature has been awarded to Halldor Kiljan Laxness. the pro-Communist Icelandic novelist and playwright Reuter
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  • 22 1 HARWELL. Thurs. President Caveiro Lopes of Portugal today spent two hours at Britain's chief atomic research establishment at Harwell.— Reuter.
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  • 33 1 ROME. Thurs A hand- prenade. hurled ?arly today Into the headquarters of the Communist dominated Italian General Confederation of Labour, shattered ill the windows of the building. A P
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  • 23 1 TAIPEH. Thurs. Gen. Laurence S. Kuter, commander of the U.S. Far East Air Force, visited several air bases in Formosa today.
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  • 27 1 CAIRO, Thurs— Egypt and Saurij Arabia signed a military pact today designed to arrange a joint defence in rant Israel attacked cither country —UP.
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  • 21 1 SAIGON, Thurs. France today recognised Premier Ngo Dinh Diem as the new Chief of State of South Vietnam A.P.
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  • 56 1 PETER IN A HURRY— BUT ITS ONLY TO POST A LETTER J\( Ml OI.LAK upturnrd dtnup (apt tVlrr Townx-nd hurnrs through the rain to post a \< ti« t from 19 Lowndr* Square, where he is staying in l.ondoii. Thr Manchester (•uardian yrsterda> defended Princess Marcarrt in hrr rumoured romance
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  • 132 1 ■BE CAREFUL' WARM.KG BY ARMY T»HE POLICE and the Special Investigation Bureau of the Army are invest icat in.' the mysterious disappearance of 8.000 detonators from No. 443 Base Ammunition Depot in Kranji Creek at the 11 J milestone Woodlands. Singapore. The loss was discovered during a
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  • 95 1 Sub myster y— may be sabotaae POSSIBLE attempt to sabotage the submarine Thorough has been discovered at the Singapore Naval Base. A bolt and nuts were found in the sump of ballast pump in the submarine, which is underßOing refit at the dockyard. "If it was sabotage it was an
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  • 197 1 THE Singapore Legislative Assembly will have a chance of hearing from the Chief Minister Mr David Marshall, an account of his mivtinK with Chin Peng, the secretary-general of the Malayan Communist Party, if it 11 held before Nov. 7. Mr. Marshall will make
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  • 174 1 PRINCESS MAKES SURPRISE MOVE Audience with the Archhishop LONDON. Thurs ORINCESS MAR- GARET. in a surprise move, visited the Archbishop of Canterbury. Dr Fisher. Bl Lambeth Palace this afternoon. Shi spent an hour with him. The Princess, whos- rumoured romance with Group Captain Peter T< wn.«end has been the subject
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 50 1 DETROIT. Thurs. Actress Veronica Lake collapsed early today and waa taken to hospital after a probablt ar\ occlusion. Miss Lake, appearin. kfl the play The Little Hut collapsed in the lobb'. hotel. Police took her f pital. \> here a doctor was suffering frorr. serious illness
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  • 34 1 BIT, FOl iKT tVITII WKA.NGLE <■! MV\ Ihur-— Bis Tour Ulk> oprnrd here today with «rauyl P reported between Western Minister* and Mr. MolotoT ovrr prioritj to be •jiven to German unity. Rruter.
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  • 94 1 Changi bus strike is over 'THE one-day strike by 1 -0 employees of the Chantri Bus Company is 1 over. The company s 7! buses will be on this rnorninE. Mr. Tan Konz Enc chairman <>i the board 01 .nnounced at 1 Mr told the Straits Timr.s that a
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  • 16 1 Thurs h to Indi.i :\ant if wn. nfrinal Ttiriia:. aid today. A P
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 317 2 PRINCESS HAS SAME RIGHTS AS OTHER DECENT PEOPLE-GUARDIAN THEY ARE BLAMED FOR MARGARETS BAD PUBLICITY LONDON, Thursday. THE Manchester (•uardian today reiterated its demand that Princess Margaret be allowed to marry (Jroup-Capt. Peter TownMild without being: cut off from the Royal family. II suggested the
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  • 156 2 one day come to the throne he would be 'doomed to disapproval or worse ln the eyes of many of the people of thU realm." Tho Princess, unperturbrri by publicity, attended to the day's work. Smiling and pretty ln a cherry-coloured coat.
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  • 51 2 LI ri-YU Wc/O and Tv Chin-fang rehearse their parts in the Chinese fairytale "Trouble in Heaven.'' uhich has opened at the Palace Theatre. Shaftesbury Avenue, London. The play is presented by the Classical Theatre of China and has a cast of 80 A.P.
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  • 53 2 JAKARTA, Thur*. A frigate and three destroyers of the Royal Pakistan Navy which are on a goodwill tour to the Far East sailed Into harbour here today for a five-day visit. The flotilla will leave for Singapore on Nov 1 to take part in large-scale British
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  • 182 2 PERTH, Thurs. FRIENDSHIP between r Ceylon and Australia was built by a common heritage of democratic institutions, the Prime Minister of Ceylon. Sir John Kotelawala. said on his arrival in Western Australia last night. •We in Ceylon very conscious of the friendly relationship between
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  • 122 2 MEDAN. Thursday 4 WAVE of strikes is sweeping the rubber and tobacco estates in north-eastern Sumatra Workers are complaining they are not getting enougn rice The shortage of rice also has caused a more than 100 per cent increase in prices. Military police and special
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  • 66 2 OOA. Thurs Five Indian> stormed the Portuguese police post at Betirr. last night killing its chief, wounding his assistant and capturing a policeman, it was reported here today The police post is .situated on the bank of River Mane nvi The attacker* fled when a lelief police
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  • 49 2 BANGKOK. Thur> -Slam's Prime Minister, Marshal Pibul Songgram. plans to visit Burma early .n December to cement relations between the two countries, it was announced today. The Premier will be accompanied by a cultural mission, including a troupe of classical dancers and actors —Reuter
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  • 31 2 LONDON. Thurs. The Colonial Secretary. Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd. yesterday circulated ln the House of Commons a report of his recent tour of Malaya. Singapore and Hong Kong. Reuter.
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  • 27 2 LONDON Thurs. A British Government delegation will visit Moscow next month to explore the possibilities of {improving air communications between Britain and I Russia. Reuter.
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  • 49 2 JAKARTA Tfiurs. In the biggest airlift of Colombo Plan students to Australia. 118 Indonesians will leave here on Tuesday in two chartered airliners for Sydney and Melbourne. One of the students will be the I.oooth Indonesian to study in \ustralia under the Colombo Plan. Reuter.
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  • 61 2 LONDON Thurs. 8 I x people committed unsolved murders in England and Wales last year, according to statistics Issued here A total of 136 people were known to hav e been murdered. ornners' returns showed that 5.027 people commit ted suicide against 4.650 the previous
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  • 85 2 Miss Rip Van Winkle wakes up after a three-month sleep ROME. Thurs. Fourteen-year-old Maria (Jheller s feet moved last night, her eyes blinked and *hr awoke from a three-month sleep. For a moment she taxed blankly round the room where she has lain in a deep sleep since thr
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  • 190 2 Two say 'No 9 Sara says 'Yes 9 JAKARTA, Thursday THE CEYLONESE COMMISSIONER to Indonesia. Mr. Saravanamuttu, said today he did not mention the name of the Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Anak Agung Gde Agunt?, when he told a press conference in Singapore that
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 42 2 LONDON. Thurs. Russia has conferred the Order o! Lenin on her top aircraft designer. Maj -Gen. A r tern Mikoyan. who has already won three Stalin Prizes for his work in developing th MIO 15 fighter and other i<t planes. Reuter.
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  • 94 2 March on oil row oasis BRi TaI j accush LONDi. Ar-ib troop; Ush oil; cupied the Buraimi I Persian Gulf Sir Anthony House of i troops were pro-British A: Sultan of Sheikh Of Ab The oil-rich Sir Anthom had been o line pr 1935 bu 1 of Sam A Regret
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  • 37 2 HONG KONG. Thurs —Two Americans jailed as spies in China are expected to cross into Hong Kong tomorrow, the United States Consulate spoken. The American Father An Jesuit priest riet Mills a Ful
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 rOR her birthday, ihr annivprMr>. ihe aeaMtiuil A 1 gifl or ihe -|ni i.J iMTikinn. urie'll a«l«»rf a J) Tl DOR Waleh. Rol.x of Crnrvi ha»e rrralrd ff in Tuilor a rharminjr and di-.linrli>e pirre M\ M of iewrller*-, the drtam walrh MM M true. For you. 100. llu-rrV a
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    • 95 2 i SAFE I ECONOMICAL SIMPLE TO USE 1 DOMESTIC IRONS (PRESSURE) _j^, jlMl^^fc-^i^] T^^B^^^** r xtr» Lireininiru -I— tilley} r F\ LA MPS 111' ITKMI i a Thr purr-i BORNEO I— tummmaAiminm Sitigaporr. K 1 umpur Ip.ih. Prnang, B. North l'» Br inri and jjHl «5£ C 5. W. REFRIGERATOR
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  • 66 3 The over fertile kill children :;VO. Thurs. goNG KONG doctor that mortalcould rallies themselvei :nily Planted to ti od being Ility in that a record! 1 d that the ol "over three the normal rate. Children lost resaid. family of n cliv 30s and n croup I n of been
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  • 441 3 BUDGET FAILS TO WIN A SINGLE I KIND WORD Britain-wide hostility shocks the Tories 'No solution to our problems 5 SUPPORTERS .f W&TSLESJ&* orniret.t were shocked today at the wide host.!;u aroused by yesterday's emergency financial budget to cut home spending ♦I he f ftt tc P^ ln^ r vi'u
    Reuter  -  441 words
  • 45 3 'King Freddie' is back on throne of Buganda THIS picture ol hilw.iru »m...i.n rrrdcmk Muni v\ tin 'ml*- Luwangula Mutehi. Kabaka Mutt-sa II of Ruganda. \%»s taken as he resumed his throne on Oct. .'n after two years of exile in Rritain. A P. picture.
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  • 99 3 if, says violin maker: 'Scrap of paper gave me the clue' :iurs. Ea ye- day to secret i d by I I ortimber v.lar to I md Input ii died with Stradivari a master craftsman who brought the violin to the p< ak til perfection. Raineri said the
    AP  -  99 words
  • 30 3 NAIROBI. Thurs. Ker?ya security forces killed nine Mau Mau and captured seven yesterday. Eight more Mat Mau sui rendered to bring the total surrenders to 302— UP.
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  • 216 3 WAR MAY COME, SAYS ISRAEL NEW YORK. Thurs. ISRAELS Minister of Development hinted strongly today that Israel may be forced to launch a preventive war against Egypt if an arms balance between the two countries is not restored. In one of the bluntest I declarations made so far on the
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  • 179 3 TRAINEE SACKED FROM BANK FLIES PLANE THROUGH WINDOW IN 'GET EVEN' CRASH LOS ANGELES. Thurs. 4 MAN who was sack- ed on Tuesday from a bank at the International Airport here rented a lieht plane yesterday and flew it into the bank in a "get even" suicide
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  • 29 3 LONDON, Thurs. Britain and Portugal yesterday ratified an agreement simplifying the frontier between the African territories of Portuguese Mozambique and the Federation of Rhodesia and Vyxsaland Reuter.
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  • 171 3 SIDBIRY. (Canada). Thurs Kurt Grund 26. a night-shift worker in a nickel mine. w.i> ikriini yesterday to be told he had just won 542H.000 Grund held an Irish sweepstake ticket on Retrial, which won the 113 th running of the Cambridgeshire Handicap.
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  • 71 3 BUENOS AIRES. Thurs. I Argentine's new president. Gen. Eduardo Lonardi. told the nation in a broadcast last night that it must prepare to embark on a policy of austerity, work and sacrifice"' to put the country on its feet again alter the "disastrous economy'" of the Pcron
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  • 380 3 LONDON. Thurs LONDON'S sirnk market, relieved by dealers' interpretations of Mr. H A. But lei s budget yesterday, remained duovhiu today Many shares moved upwards Financial oto.ier\ers regarded the i new measures u s I'm serious than I they had anticipated, particularly i In the small effect the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 Sll tlmt PB*\ F \3 v m Lj ii O L v THE STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL It's a long job raising technical standards but each year the PJP M#%T |J colour photography and the mM k #111 reproduction in the Annual L m m wm^ improves The twelfth issue, now
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  • 45 4 Two Australian Army wives, Mrs Eva Turner and Mrs. Joy Blame. arrived In the Nieuw Holland from Melbourne yesterday. Captain N M Turner and Major J. C Blame. both of G.HQ, Singapore, were at the wharves to welcome their wives and daughters.
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  • 41 4 IPOH, Thurs The Perak branch of the National Union of Plantation Workers will hold its first annual delegates conference in Ip o h on Wednesday. The executive committee of the branch will meet soon to prepare the agenda.
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  • 402 4 City Council passes $104 mil. I 1956 estimates after a protest on 'secrecy 9 A PROTEST by a Singapore City Councillor that the Council* budget meeting was becoming a "futile formality" led to a lively debate yesterday on what should be done to give members
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  • 29 4 .MR. HENRY NINES, a City Council engineer, and Miv^ Pamela Theseira, of Malacca, after their marriage at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 153 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. MR JUBTICE BTORR to- I day accepted the valuation of the Singapore city Assessor for 21 acres of land acquired by the Johore Government and increased the award of $5,000 an acne by The city Assessor. Mr J G. Aspinall.
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  • 69 4 MALACCA. Thurs. TIIK Resident Commissioner. Mr H. Ci. Him mett. today aicreed to rail an rmergencjr meeting of the Malacca Settlement (ituneil to discuss the use of the Mh.iii.. sailing boat *>mhol at the eominic municipal elections I hi- inert me has been lixrd for
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  • 189 4 THEY THINK THEY WILL FIND IT IN AUSTRALIA PENANO. Thursday. yWO GERMAN globe-trotters who have hitch- hiked across half the world "in search of a paradise" arrived in Penang today from Rangoon. Detlef Faehnrich. a hous« builder, and Werner Rumpl an agricultural student, told the Straits
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  • 81 4 Calling Cecilia have you lost geometry box? ItiililKl W>r. KIM SIAH. 14. a schoolboy, (above) found a geometry box with two pens, two pencils and an eraser in a lorry ferrying childrrn to school. Robert brought the box .to the Mr vis Times office in I'eeil Street and n.i id
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  • 186 4 GOVT. WILL SURVEY HOUSEHOLD BUDGET A SURVEY to nnd out what the Singapore housewife buys and how much she spends on them is to be held to calculate a better cost-of-lmne index. The survey, which was to have been held earlier this year, was postponed of lack of fund*
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  • 55 4 Toh Chwee Ho. who appealed against a sentence of eight MM lall for gang robbery, had his sentence confirmed by the Singapore Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday Toh asked for a reduction of sentence on the ground that a long prison te*-m would cause his wife
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  • 43 4 Muhammad Yunus Marls, a former Federation student, ha* been awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree, with first class honours in Malay, by the London University He was formerly a student of the Tuanku Muhammad School. Kuala Pllah. Nezri Sembilan.
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  • 43 4 Teo Chwee Ouan pleaded not guilty In Singapore yejterday to a charge ni cheating Lene Eng Hoi of %b by representing himself as a food control officer In North Bridge Road on Oct. 16 Jail was allowed u.itu Nov
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  • 20 4 The Singapore Hawk'-rs' Union will meet at the Great Eastern Trade Fair. Geylang Serai, tomorrow to discuss problems
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  • 116 4 A CLAIM for damages for breach of contract in connection with the sale ni cloves by Hong Guan und Co Ltd. against R. Jumabhoy and Sons Ltd was taken up for hearing in the Singapore High Court yesterday and ad- Journed after an amendment to
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  • 208 4 THAT BIG LIE —WORKERS, BEWARE ICFTU boss on Red hU SINGAPORE workers were yesierri.n beware of the political tricksters of the ist-controlled World Federation of Trade The warning came from Mr tor for South-East Asia of the Int< federation of Free Trade Unions. mented on the W.F.T.U.'s biggrst lie Using
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  • 98 4 The Tengku almost missed his plane KUALA n Mi>i P Thars. The Chii ter, Ten S kii man, this morn in missed the „|a nc which w.«k him Temerloh fur th< tation of < > (ith. Bn. Mala by the 11. sioner. Sir Donald Mac Oillivray. As thr air, whlfh
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 Here are 10 of the sharpest blades in the world Tm^n s"^S^H^^P^ 10 Blue Gillette Blades (20 shaving edges) in Dispenser $1.10 D.a TRAD! ENQUIRIES TO lARI.OW CO. LTD., UNU*fOU AND IHASCHU REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE SUN. 6TH NOVEMBER POPPY WREATHS PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH MRS. J. S. LIM, 132, Pasir
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    • 187 4 NECKLACE AND EARRINGS w your jeweler election ol (ainionabu icwrlry in 14 Kt. fold overlay Notice trie exquuitf nuntliip. Compare it with ie»elr\ ol MM mum and then compare tht price FINE QUALITY JEW I I.RV y*j//trr /566 K>t MEN. Stwrfi Cellar Ha] T,« Hoid*r> C POt lAD*S: N«dl«M Sorv*
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  • 64 5 Battalion comes of age ACE Pjg SI-AVERS murs. of the with ang terredlt, resented urs— the rnaurs" rerebattallon's hi n this i and ::ibat rlstg in from I has about TOO, I a dazzling :ng. was there watched I Among the High Com:x>nald *■'< im Rahman, Pahang and Geoffrey
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  • 82 5 Burglars break into hotel KIALA LI MPI'R. Thurs After ljinc low for some months Lumpur's cat burglars are bu*\ again Before dawn yesterday, residents in the South-F.ast Asia Hotel in Brickfields Road lost money and articles worth HR. Three rooms were broken into A police Muik^snian said today he
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  • 60 5 Bong bang, bang night's sleep was lost I ruined the n'a regldown i from ts ra whizzed '3~P. picked up 1U weapon! and went out Itre. Thin another .d larther away, followed by a fourth after an interval. The Kouti could not contact the ban;. A follow-up with k tracker
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  • 428 5 THESE MEN WERE FORCED TO CONFESS— JUDGE Magistrate satisfied two were beaten and were in fear— so five are cleared of murder r^tiv IOdM ,».t^,^ PENANG, Thursday. fHh ASSIZL Jl DGL, Mr. Justice Spenser-Wilkinson, today held that "physical pressure" had been used on two men accused of murder to make
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  • 55 5 Appointed new police chief of Johore Mr C it. FENNER. former bead of the Federation Special Branch, who has been appointed Chief Police Officer of Johore. He succeeds Mr T. Q. fiikiM. who came to Malaya in 1929 a* a cadet police officer and leaves today with his wife in
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  • 205 5 CALL FOR ADEQUATE SENTESCES* PUNISHMENTS imposed for offences connected with trade disputes had not brought more peace to the Colony. Mr. S. E. Teh. Deputy Public Prosecutor said in a Singapore Court yesterday. He made the comment when pressing for "adequate >. nt.nce" on 48
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  • 68 5 A RED CROSS 'GUARD' FOR COUNTESS A guard of honour will greet the Countess of Limerick, vice-chairman of the British Red Cross Society's executive committee, at Singapore airport tomorrow morning. A uniformed detachment of the Singapore branch of the Red Cross will form the "guard Lady Limerick is to spend
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  • 215 5 THE Registrar of Vehicles is meddling in something that is "no concern of his' and so making it impossible for a bus company to service a route approved by the Singapore Rural Board five months ago Mr. H. J C. Kulasingha. a member, said yester- day.
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  • 33 5 TELUK ANSON. Thurs. The Teluk Anson Chinese Club will celebrate its golden Jubilee with a dinner at the club premises in Ah Cheor. 1 Street at 7 30 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 23 5 TELUK ANSON. Thurs The committee of the Sikh Temple In Teluk Aiwon will dive $2,000 to the Punjab flood relief fund.
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  • 27 5 BEOAMAT, Thurt. Johore will observe Nov 3 aa a public holiday because It Is the anniversary of the funeral of the late Sultan Abu Baker.
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  • 34 5 IPOH, Thurs. A rememberance Day ceremony will be held at the Ipoh Cenotaph on Nov. 6 at 11 am. for those killed in the 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 wars.
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  • 202 5 'INVASION FLEET' TO ATTACK COLONY A "RED invasion fleet" will attack Singa- pore on the nights of I Nov. 4 and 5. It will be part of Operation "Free Port," this year's naval exercise which annually tests the seaward defences of the Colony right Into Keppel Harbour. The "Blue" defenders
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  • 53 5 KUALA LUMPUR, rhurs.— Four girl tapper* were sentenced to three months 1 Jail her* today for unlawful possession of 84 katis of scrap rubber on Kepong Estate on Aug. 9. They were Yap Slew Ylng 18. Yap Chong. 25 Wong Fong. 22. and Uew
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 KLIM MILK best for your baby Recommended by doctors Wk Klim is superior cow's milk in S powdered form, with only the water removed It is so good for infant feeding, doctors specially l| Klim is the purest, safest milk B for your baby. It contain: the i: 1 nourishment
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 142 5 GABRICK: Jashan (Hindi) 3 15. 6.30, 9 15; morning show. Daughter of Don Q —11.00; Tel. 44«78. Klnc'o: Sana of the Buddhn (Mandarin i 1.15. V3O. 7. 9 30. morning *how. Mysterious Dr. Satan (Serial) 9 00. Tel *****. CATHAY: Wf^re No An«el»--11, 1.45. 4, 6 30. 9.30; mornlnK show
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    • 136 5 PAVILION: Footsteps In the Fog I.4ft. 4. 6 30. 9 30. moraine show. At Sword's Point 11.00; Tel. 6903 ALHAMBRA: Chon? Fons iMandarlm 11. 110 4. 6 45. 930 mornltaj show. Dragon Seed 8.45. Tel 6909 ROXY: Son Of Slnbad S. 6.15 9 15; Tel. ***** DIAMOND: Saudaraku (Malay) I
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  • 191 6 :n Wmr4t $|l minimum). SALE AT MULCHANDSV F a Monday. >\v PEDANT Even v l lay M ill' if you v ant t rard puzzle. MAP' HION NEWS. r to m i.d Home c tor maiHiiu. INDOOR SV.KI IS are a oontant I f\- nlve your t impression. Your
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  • 22 6 211 M,,,,/s x/l/ 'minimum;. INFOKMA'IInN v solicited refardini: Ferdinands of Kuala Lumpur, believed killed J i. Reply Per- .TambuKa-smulla, Nugecoda. Ceylon.
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  • 649 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. Oct. 28, 1955 A Bit Of The Brake The wry nature of British financial and economic problems made Mr. Butler's autumn budget a cast tro_ candidate for unpopularity. Even on the Government side ot the House the Chancellor linds only glum faces. He has not
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  • 374 6 Negara Recovers Its Voice There are signs that Party Negara is recovering from the shock of complete election defeat. Friends and foo.s alike will find satisfactory the knowledge that Negara has not been crippled for life, and that it is ready to get back to work. One sign of lecovery
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  • Article, Illustration
    295 6 American expectations that the production of synthetic rublxr in that country will i>c i. u.s. .1 in the next five year s by about one-third form a footnote to September ficures which confirm an in■NM in the ratio of synthetic to natural. A total of 128,228 tons of
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  • 77 6 I WARMLY welcome the policy of our Alliance Government to get independence for Malaya soon and their anxiety to Malaya nise every t hint as quickly M possible, but regret we still call our Tengku "Chief Minister" and his colleagues "Ministers Would it not bo possible
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  • 50 6 IT is really incredible that responsible ministers and citizens can have attended a rally at which the sign Welcome Chin Peng and Comrades" was prominently displayed May one ask what they have done to deserre welcome? Let us keep things In a proper perspective ASTOI'NDED. Bat u Pahat
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  • 60 6 Poor stuff of The V.A.V. AFTER reading that Mr Lee Kuan Yew is of opinion that the Communists have no monopoly over clenched fists I cannot but pity the poor stuff that PAP is made of Should we in Singapore follow Indonesia or UMNO?. Have we no originality and after
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  • 183 6 THE architects for the $8 million polytechnic project were appointed only seven months ago and one of the conditions of the appointment was that they were to send a senior member of their firm to the United Kingdom to investigate and obtain up-to-date Information on the design
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  • 536 6 MISS Vivienne Ward believes that the purpose of the Singapore Youth SportCentre "has got out of focus." This is a stinging charge especially when it is levelled at some one, like myself, whose hobby has taught him the advantages of getting things sharply in focus.
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  • 633 6 doubt, but one of which the Communists will make the fullest use. When they came out of the jungle a'ter the defeat of the Japanese, they did so as heroes; naturally they would like to repeat that success. If
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  • 84 6 other A ment wa Clarrnce H' effect that Pr parct exprf.--that the pre.\ would extent: th< ii ai The Pre.v this Royal requ tamed in the published In Pre.NS midn:_..--21 prey- country cross-r Hud mam And in I there Is me: this disg bad manners ranse
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  • man-in-the-street
    • 548 6 Too much haste might bring collapse of the public services fHERE are no doubt many Asians outside Government service who could step right into ministerial posts, but administration, whether in the M.C.S. or the technical services, requires not only brain capacity and drive but experience and that. M the word
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 567 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. II „ri*» fin t minimum). EUM I" Ho..r and Bill, r it Youngberg 2CIO.INA. HALF: To Janet, wife of T. J. R. Hale a daughter, iJudlth Amyi, on M.10.M at K.K. Hosl ■.K i minimum). ANCi I.KF: Die Marriage takes place to-daj betWWa Peng I <k Mrs. ok
      567 words
    • 58 6 just out! Things to Know About Sleep Scientific I .n is os) •>!<■< p and mmik reasauring a4«icc. Ways to Write Better Letters An expert gives practical hint* on him to become a more tffrctire letterwriter. Fr.thralting readino condensed from leading magazines, current books OCTOBER ISSUE Reader's 5/- A Copy
      58 words
    • 50 6 CIMZAMO and SODA vX ,v h a most k 1 e#^ refreshing t v rlnk 'l^fc__B. _________WT2^— _c^ I _i A M Ok* j I Wtk *P_ B> M~W«M'^_^___H__^_M#4^_ff 2 I I __r -V i II N t A N Ofl CINZAMO VERtVIUui.. ai.i m v CALDBECK MACUR.6OK CO., LTD
      50 words

  • 91 7 i GERMAN >outh «"<> < irom tin' l"o--itowing i«5 in a *hip Irorn v to Sine.ipore left >esterday hi home. r Wi ' who th< liner arthage BriUm. He will then go nanj t sine a>h">re in from the \m- strrstiad last Saturday He hid
    91 words
  • 58 7 II iTE of the King's Own Scottish Borderers; yesterday when a truck be was driTtni then overturned twice near the junc-l n Road and Braddell Road. Slnga- D other ocl truck, all t .iiment private ithheld I are told. •re Sgt. E. I Sgt
    58 words
  • 51 7 MALACCA. Tbun. More than 1.000 Malay schoolchildren will take part in proces- sion hrre tomorrow to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Mohamed. The j> sion. which will be from Banda Hilir Park to the" Malay mosque In Kubu. is being or- ganised by th c Muslim
    51 words
  • 53 7 KUALA LUMPUR Thurs A Public Works Department labourer. Perlasamy 42, of the 2nd mile. Damansara Road, pleaded not guilty in a magistrates court here today to a charge of causing hurt to another labourer. Muniandy. and his wife, Sinnammah, with a knife, on Tuesday night.
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  • 22 7 Mr. S.D.M. Jepson. Assistant Superintendent of Police. Singapore, has been appointed an extra aide-de-camp to the Governor. Sir Robert Black.
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  • 564 7 The deviationists— weed them out, says Byrne yiCERIAN PARADOX -MORE EXPATS AFTER AFRICANISATION THAN BEFORE -gE Si«i*P ol>c >la i.ion was told last S thai the Got- l-nl will *aye 53. SI.MO.WO Jahlic' service are Jmpletely manned v- Malayans. Commission, •ir two mi time views of rs about ho should
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  • 122 7 LADY MARC ELLA IBKA HIM. Siilt.iM.ih of Johoi,. yesterday opened the $318,000 Jubilee Children* llomr at Jalan Larkln in Johorr Bahru. Among thnar who attended wrrr the Sultan. Princess Meriam. thr Frderation Minister for Health and Social Service* Mr I,eon* Ww Koh. thi BritUh Adviser for
    122 words
  • 141 7 SOME HAVE BEES THERE YEARS KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. \|ORE THAN 200 Malay piUnms who overstayed in Jl M ecca are reported to be stranded at the Saudi Arabian port of Jeddah. The Federation Senior Assisting Minister for Home Affairs. Inche Bahaman bin Shamsuddin. said today
    141 words
  • 48 7 BATU PAHAT. Thurs —The W'i"ii has approved awards lor three members of the fighting Ist Bn. Fiji Infantry Rest based here They ar P Lieut. L. L Nasllivata 'Military Cross i. Warrant Officer O Betham "British Empire Medai> and Cpl A Cakau (Military Medal).
    48 words
  • 38 7 Hussein bin Ahmad, who appealed against an Assize Court sentence of fl'-e years' imprisonment for robbery, had his sentence cut down to four years by the Singaoore Court of Criminal Appeal ytsterday
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  • 20 7 A thief broke Into a house in Frankei Avi«nue. Sinua pore, on Wednesday nmht and stole $515
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  • 251 7 Baby is doped to keep him quiet THAT'S THE WAY THE AMAHS DO IT TWO child specialists yesterday confirmed that, Chinese mothers in Singapore use opium to keep their babies quiet. The specialists said Chinese amahs working for parents of other races, including Europeans, had aUo kept their charges quiet
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  • 42 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs A dance In aid of the Nurses Sports Club will be held at the Nurses Hostel. Johore Bahru. on Nor 3 at 8 p m Tickets at $3 and Si' will be en sale at the door
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  • 232 7 MISTRESS WINS CUSTODY OF CHILDREN Her legal right, court decides A YOUNG MOTHER. Wee Lre Kent/, who applied for the custody of her two children who are now with their reputed father, RaKhanath Thambidurai, a clerk, was granted custody by Mr. Justice Taylor The children. Rose Mari' 1 Davis Thambidurai.
    232 words
  • 92 7 The Australian commander arrives COLONEL r W Speed. 44. who hat arrived in Singapore to take command of the Australian contingent at Far East Land Fnrcr headquarters. Hr was in Malaya in I!*M a» an Army obsrrvrr. Hr later brcamr Assistant Adjutant and Quart) r Master-General of the 2nd Division
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  • 44 7 A total of 12« strikers of the United Engineers Founi dary, Singapore, w re rhareed in a t: terday with obMnrtins the approaches to the factory on Wednesday and again yesterday mornine All pleaded not truiity and were allowed bail
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 Hoarseness ;£gf| Hacking Coughs Bronchitis ESS 111 i woo OS* Iju Sore throat W "j Colic pain K w S?xl Woods GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE Kesiitance to cold germi 'j v incre&aed when iupplemented by this correct internal I i reme<iy Also recommended i'%JL*A for wind in tiie stomach. THE FAMILY
      75 words
    • 45 7 W For the modern office m H lEHN MEYER I CO. LTD P.O Box 2000 Singapore 3 PATEISON SIMONS ICO LTD KimU Lumpur Pen** Ulltl l» X* »*M 'liiHiJ fill I^l trrpw "MOO HENG PHO CO LTD M♦• AA&O* MO4O TEL Me ***** 217 M
      45 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 67 7 High tides TontY: Slnraport »M am (IB lim <4« pm (7H tin >: P. ri IMckson 347 a.m i«ft Jin.i 424 pm <7!t 41n.i. P*n»ne 1(123 a m. < 6ft Tin i 10 57 p I 4m I TOMORROW: Singapore •!> am '.<ft 3tn B.M pm Bft Mn.i: Pi i
      67 words

  • 163 8 Whispers at races cost him $2,000 IPOH, Thurs. A pro--1 perty owner, Stephen Chung Yit Chong, 25, was fined $2,000 or three months' Jail for bookmaking here today. Chung, Chan Heng Chong, 38. and Up Yoke Keen, 24. had been jointly accused of bookmaking at the Perak Turf Club on
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  • 47 8 The seventh annual exhibition of the Chung Cheng High School opened at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce There are 343 oil. pastel and watrr colour paintings on display The exhibitirn ls open to the public until Sunday between 9 am and 520 p.m.
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  • 47 8 Eighteen men of the 22nd Special Air Service Regiment in Kuala Lumpur, at present on leave in Singapore, were among the 111 people who cave blond during the week tiding on Wednesday. Transfusions during the week totalled 141 and the flasks in stock 61.
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  • 69 8 Martha Graham, one of the world's prcatest dancers, will appear in "Singapore next month. She and her troupe of 17 pre scheduled to perform at, the Victoria Memorial Hall ou Nov. 28. 29 and 30. Miss Graham an American. Is on a four-month tour
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  • 43 8 The British Council will snow EnglLsh films of interests to trade unionists at the council hall in Stamford Road. Singapore, at 7 30 Dm. on Nov. 12. The films will Include a new documentary "A British Trade Union."
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  • 195 8 Pulau Bran! to be linked for fresh water But it can be done and will pave the way for supplies to the other islands: Engineer A WATER PIPELINE running: under the sea from Keppel Harbour to Pulau Brani involves taking: "one of the biggest engineering risks
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  • 90 8 Strange walk lost him $14,000 gold BUTTERWORTH. Thurs A MAN who hid $14,500 worth of cold bars round hb waist was todmy remanded for sentence until Nov. 3 on a charge of harbourlnc (Old on which duty had not been paid. L i m Cheng Tone pleaded guilty to carrjing
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  • 198 8 STAMPS: ALL PRAISE Lovely, they all say T*HE new Singapore 1 stamps, complete sets of which wore posted In 110 flrst-day covers by the Public Relations Office to Commonwealth and Colonial territories on Sept. 4, have earned hich praise from philatelists and the public An official of the Central Office
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 You too can J have your dream of a cupboard ijflpF full of beautiful r clothes come true 9 if you own a f BORLETTI .>, li 1.. ..|.U -1.. J.rwnArr. •t>lm F br^ulilul ,1. Mt t.«k. .ml by .L.inf ~as< 1..1- 11. ink. l« lh» r\<^|4i..i.<l ••.rlini .i^.
      275 words
    • 116 8 MEDIUM VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Made in England TITONI P ygg^, THE DIAMOND SYMBOL OF \J UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRING Germs are the most common cause of bad bi Listerine Antiseptic Kills Germs that cause Bad Breath Rmemrrh show W^W^F' stays lre»hcr aH*l Jf"^» lonirer when you in your mouth- 1"» are the most
      116 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 401 8 RADIO MALAYA I'rorrammr. ihu, mark. 4 ran be m nvrd h\ lisUnm In Malarral abort wave 4» and CSm. Medinm way*. 176 m. 213.. ISiira and !»7m. On the ocradon at th« anniTerwry of the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed. To-day' s nxual morning Engliih proarammea from 9.00 am to
      401 words
    • 76 8 10 15 Opera Come. 10 30—11^0 Dunce Mu-ic SINGAPORE (Short wave Km. Ht4imm war* 47«jb.). AM 716 Opening Annct.; 716 Piano Playtime. 730 News. 735 Meet the Sun Half Way; P.M. 5 00— 5 30 London Studio Melodies; 530 Com* Ie To Play; (Urn Metre* and 4* Metres); 10 00—
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  • 1509 9 i^yt^^'^^^r'^rg^^'rv'r'tvt'KtrS^^^t'vgrr'trtr^Bl^r'^i'^ j 'V>,|»»^ t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| THE citizens of Tokyo raced in terror into the streets one October dawn in 1891. The ground beneath them was rising and falling with the gentle motion of a raft in an ocean swell. On the
    1,509 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 29 9 NEW!) I i M.rc<i« l»h" LTD., PENANG. •PUR. khik KIN I to you* with b PRESCRIPTION hu neccfn'; suffer IACiDITY i l(uticui* a I ismyji skins I I^^^^^ "Illliili
      29 words
    • 238 9 You get mte/bt </<wt putney with CUTE^L KM. sheer glamor to foot hand* with CUTEX nail polish. You won't find a loTeliet, km^er-ucaring polish ■n matter bow much you par! Colors? Cni x offers you the latrst shades from the Jecpest, richest rtds you'd dare «o wear— to the softest,
      238 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 91 9 Rox Morgan. M.D. Vo BMMMM« Dick Tracy **'"< ■^^^IHPn v f^. n m unm lm jK rßUT«uf>«ADAL^ocrrroNE 1 Fwi^rrTTMEv Veasv. pcn^» W^^^^^^^^^^^\ tuat a^t4^OL^EA£> F* THE*. RICMT ATTWE MOUTH MUST WAVE REMEMBER TaREVOU MLfcT^SwE^SDAIPPrrTV |I^TVCTUNfsIEuAFTEa««E'^ISMOTE*O4 \OUVE GOT JM cxjuuAi».Mtautw. y\i v. 1 anO TUOOSAN 3 1 WwiSl Wmi 1 JIB
      91 words

  • 45 10 COLOMBO Thurs —The Government of Ceylon has announced a 15 cents increase on ;ill Kr^fles of sheet rubber to producers. The decision was announced by Mr. Shirley Corea. MM Commerce and Trade. a» a rnnftrence in Colombo with representative* of the rubber mdi;
    45 words
  • 570 10 MALAYAN INVESTORS AWAIT BRITISH BUDGET REACTIONS By Our Market Correspondent THF^ Singapore Share Market yesterday wh< in pre holiday mood it will he closed today in common with all other markets except tin, on the occasion of the first official public celehration of the Prophet Mohamed's birthday and trading was
    570 words
  • 146 10 Noirmhcr first fraaV bu>rr» f.e.b. closed In Singapore yesterday at $123' t three quarters of a ■<••.- rt u<>\e Wednesday. The rlssinf tone wa» "steady at 'lie close. t l*unc prim In cent* per lb. were No 1 RBS. Spot fob. buyers 123' 4 iNom.v sellers 123 (Norm;
    146 words
  • 208 10 Mn«ap»rr < hinr^r Pnitluo I n r turner, nmm prtcea per plcul yesterday were: topra: quiet; October (nomlnth $27 14 buyers. »27 3 4 sellers. November $27 3 4 buyers. t2B sellers; December $28 buyers. $28 1 4 sellers t •ronat all: quiet; bulk $41 sellers; drum $43
    208 words
  • 36 10 On I lie free exchange market In llon« Kent \eMe-<U\. the IS dollar wax quoted Ht 47H fol rash and s*4', tor TT. sirrhnc quoted «t 15 40 and Uel «4 gold .it lU'i,
    36 words
  • 42 10 rTfIE Federation's FinanX cial Secretary has fixed the following, price-, for calculating customs duties tor the week starting October 27. RrßßFß:Sl22Hperlh. COPRA: 5438 a ton. COCONUT OIL: §694 a ton. PALM OIL: $676.75 per ton. PALM KERNELS: 5357 a ton-
    42 words
  • 17 10 SIN, U ti stUBBER lh <vi» of a enl TIN picul 'il. COPRA picuf run.
    17 words
  • 42 10 australiaT STOCKS In r active Loans 3 Loanx 0 Bnnk r,i n N. fcrok' Hill 50 Mount V Pekn We.strrn Ampol F;j Bradfcnl Ooartaold Dunlop Elec. Ztnc Felt I O. J. Co y Herald I. I.C I iAn Swan B:< Wool worth
    42 words
  • 21 10 Ships Imii pore ■arhesn expected tml i 11. Br:. 15 16 C I re .v ri :h 42 43 W
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 487 10 I MILLARS' Plant FOR THE BUILDING t CIVIL ENGIIEERIIG CONTRACTOR jVI HENRY WAU6H CO LTD More M 4^% J x. > .f t-.f\rr /fljK d^T ff~r-> You 11 hear your favourite arias and y/W\ {\o VVJ I symphonies as they rrally are— if you t -*W^ listen to an A.E
      487 words
    • 835 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS EUROPEAN CREW REQUIRED for small Cargo Ship leaving from Singapore for Australia, late November. Apply Box A 6571, ST. H.M. DOCKYARD, SINGAPORE SITUATION VACANT An immediate vacancy exists in the office of the Principal Medical Officer. H.M. Dockyard. Singapore. for an experienced European female Confidential Shorthand Typist. Speeds
      835 words
    • 810 10 NOTICES SELANGOR TURF CLUB *l.(M»0.»0(l SHUI- 1H NOVEMBER, 1*55. 1 The Town Office In Loke Yew I Building will be open from %M »jn. to 5.00 p.m. today (FRIDAY, tITH OCTOBER ISSS) for ronvpnlrnre of Mt mbem requiring Badges. UnllmHed fl Sweep and ticket* In th' Million Dollar Sweep to
      810 words
    • 407 10 LINALUX ;jf«r c < HJI sftjfcN LINE rail and Regular Service r.OM CANADA US PACifIC PORTS 30 JATb Sailing Arriving San Fraacnco Singapore f Swer Penang rremm Ilisjberti Bakkc S Ocr 3 No* 7 No* Ciartrvd Bakke S Nov 6 Dec 8 Dec Ann. Bakk* 10 Dec 9 lan II
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 939 11 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD, *•*> x*tx j W i* o r dnrorporoted In Singopora) (12 llnet) THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE »g DL GIASGOW.' LONDON 4 CONTINENTArPORT, DUB So^^p's-hom P^ Oct 31 Nor 5 Nor 4/ 0 Nov »/10 Oct 30 Nov S Nov 4/7 Nay B Nor 4 Nor 7
      939 words
    • 1154 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE Far A... r c -V N6f T0 CONT| NENT/SCANDINAVIA or Aden. Port Said, Genoo, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Homburg, Copenhagen Gothenbura 1 O»lo "SELANWA" P J?" "TL, .'SI"*" GdatlS 14 1700 hr, »rAiCT..».. IS/17 Nov 10/10 Nov 10/20 Nor 5*2.' Lon4 'P»«»ngor. anry), Gdynia. i mn% Lan-w. (Pattoagon only).
      1,154 words
    • 970 11 .KrITIE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. Tt > L ,,7T SINGAPORE llncerparoad In the United Kingdom) I LINES SAILINGS TO UK AND CONTINETAL PORTS Spora P. ihom Penong 00 ft. 11/14 taHtl Nay D.rMt arrtvo* London 2S N.r TS-BftLi l^*.. «/i'H, ./,ON.v mm mm BENNEVIS tor Ay nmouth, London, Newcottle 10/lf
      970 words
    • 1232 11 MeALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. TEL No.: ***** KLLERMAN BOCKNALL KLAV-NXSS UN« LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELFS. SAN FRANCISCO HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER <*** for USA., North Aflont.r f--,-t» Accepting corgo tor Control ft South end Conodo and vio Colombo America S'por. ClTY^ CASTLIV.LLE MyiTS, 21/23 N. 24/2*N 0 <
      1,232 words

  • 257 12 AN oflicial of one of Britain's oldest office equipment manufacturj ing firms has arrived in I Singapore for a business survey to promote the sale of suspended filing, visible-card and looseleaf records in Malaya. He is Mr A. lv Lavelle Woodard. senior representative for Shannon
    257 words
  • 100 12 The Oriental Government Security Life Assurance d> Ltd., announce that their triennial valuation has revealed a profit over thr last three years of $45,789.50? The directors will recommend a bonus of 18 rupees per 1.000 rupees per annum on endowment assurance policies and 22 2
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  • 462 12 Colony hatchery industry adopts new method EGG-HATCHING by electrical incubation methods has become an important industry in Singapore and is now not only producing ninety per cent of the Colony's chickens for rearing purposes, but also for export in increasing numbers to the Federation of Malaya and Borneo. The industry
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  • 128 12 Plastic boats for East AHUM in Blackpool, r lU.I.HHI. are producing, at about the same cost per hull as traditional woodei craft, plastic boa's moulded in one piece from a laminate of class fibres and polyester resin. The 11-foot hull is moulded to thr design of a 54-yrar-old Lakr \\mdermere
    128 words
  • 242 12 PLANS are beinn made for a branch to be opened in Hong Konp by the Bank of India, the cneral BMUMftr, Mr. D R. Thorn. announced in Singapore yesterday. Mr TiMa va:d the bank had decided on Hong Kong v the h nation
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  • 161 12 rll Singapore .id%*rrtisinc atrncv. Masters l.lrl uhirh was r^tahlKhrd in !<■ t<> rxpind its activitirs by oprnuic a !>»h oiliit- in Ku.ili Lumpur in ihr iniildi- of Novrmbrr. The branch will mran a brttrr »rr^-icp lor rxi>lins clients in thr 1 ct. > it" 'i and will
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  • 60 12 Successful experiments In Aberdeen, by a London firm, in preservlim by vacuum drying, gives promise of making perishable foodstuffs available to deficient areas. During the process the i moisture Is extracted from! the fish, considerably redtic- ing Its bulk and weight. The completed product
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  • 224 12 rpHE possibility of using -1- two Malayan timbers balau and kempas -as sleepers on London's Underground Railways is to be tested by the London Transport Board Samples of these woods are being sent to Britain for this purpose. This step arises from
    224 words
  • 33 12 U.K. scent exports to Malays stepped 'a, 1 Bri import kft eight $1,500,000 fum<- In laya fi The Mr. J B I fOOd I B Mr. Jefl r< r An found Flyinj jottings
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 203 12 New science conquers muscular pain 'FIBROSINE' rf^ RW FIBROSINK BALM »ot« instnntly, (wMy, ftw 2 #f[fHtivWy to attack muscular ami rheumatic pain 5 at it* tource. fibrosine paaaos right through thi- dun at one«. And the wondorful lirahnK compound* |^^^k\ S in tibbosine po ilwp down, right into the Bore
      203 words
    • 292 12 TUBELESS TYRES proved in service since I9sl___-. t —^S£§§£ The T*^*tonf TUBELESS TYRE W with the SAFETY-LINER }}<<< protects against 5 BLOWOUTS lit ill In thii safety tyre the tube is replaced with ff U^^ j an atrught Saicty-Liner which v bonded >y to the inside of the tyre. No
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  • 141 13 SINGAPORE owner. Mr V. V. Bath, has a promisim; two-year-old. Bukit Timah. r.u in.: in England Bukit Timah made bis debut at Newmarket laxt week but finished out of the numbers. He has another rare at Newmarket tt> week THE MANNING Stab:- w
    141 words
  • 453 13 Tomorrow's probables wind up training on heavy XX. crack By EPSOM JEEP KIWI LUMPUR, Thurs. WESTOTH and Four Charmers, both enf af ed in the Class 4, Olv. 1, ")'.f. race on Saturday, impressed in their winding-up sallops on a heavy track at
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  • 236 13 Allegiance Ermine impressive Lrmiur itVvaO) ;jUshed her wurko.ii wiih a last run up the Btl AllegiaiKe 'Mortimer) wa> ..).es.uve vi a 21 sprint. br*»n Ljrn (Geyer; moved a sharp sprint up tne Maj-ceUe >E Doi.ntlly. can.c up the jtraifcht a t a brisk pace. KinffoM i.Mawij flnl^hed hi» workout with
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  • 163 13 AUSTRALIAN RACING NEWS From JACK FIXfiI.ETON CANBERRA. Thursday. DESPITE its ooor sixth in last Saturdays Cox! Plate, the New Zealand horse. Rising Fast, is still favourite for next Tuesdays Melbourne Cup although bookmakers yesterday eased him by half a point, reducing odds on Toparoa and
    163 words
  • 106 13 Rising Fa»t mill carry topweisht In the CAISOOO Meibou over two miles on the Flemtngtoti > course on Tuesday Tl>e 26 final acceptors wer* announced today. They are (m*h weights): Rising Put 10 00; Red Craw 902 Oold Scherr- 9 00. Ray Ribbon •13 Electrc 8
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 80 13 A Sydney horse. Prince Morvl. sold recently to American Frank Rink, of New York, for an undisclosed sum. will make raring history here next wr««ic *hen he files to New York via London The owner want« a ■prfdjr I shipment m> Prr.ce Morv' will travel by
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 295 13 *^^*~^---^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^"^'**^'*^'^*^^r^a^a»»*S«^aT**aW»Ta»a»»ala^a»a»la»Wa»!aaßa»ala»»»^aßß Z* Belor. Po«ti«8 j S«. i« .hould fc* k P CP ':,c 'he CORRECT in 6 AdHre., to ih. IMOI) vnoN vacant! ,-flnx it tl: txlrm. J D ROOM' F Cooker, i Approved for I Apply 21. i t x)re. Bed roomed. en etc FurHoum annex j TT. Off
      295 words
    • 398 13 ACCOMMODATION WAN I in 20 Word* ti (Mim.)—H,,x it tl.. txlra. WANTED a Bungalow 2 or 3 bedrooms with Modern Sanitation with or without furniture Close to Main Road. Katong/East Coast Road. Apply to Post Box 1724 Singapore. CONSIDERATE Bachelor re- quire* Furnished Sea -side Accommodatlon. Paslr Panjang area Reasonable
      398 words
    • 398 13 TUITION 21 WaH, 5i (Mim.)— Box it el., txlrm. CHINESE YMCA SCHOOLS > Beginners' Classes: Book-Kieptng, Typewriting. Shorthand. IX:C English. Vacancies I Accounting. Shorthand Speeds Hr-vlslon all subjects for coming LCC Exams, classes held mornings afternoons, nights. 107, Seleele Road. NEW BEOINNERS- CLASSES in Shorthand. Typewriting Eng- i llxh istds
      398 words
    • 468 13 WANTED tt Wort. $i (Mim.)— Box it tl.. txlrm REQUIRED 1 Light Weight Plf.y-Pen with Platform. Tiltphone Bailey No. *****. WANTED ONE MALE Puppy, about three months old. Boxer or Rpanlel. Mu»t be of good Breed Tel: 7019. IST CLASS Double Cabin on Urn "Wiliem Ruys" sailing April 19'fl In
      468 words
    • 438 13 VEHIf lIS I OK SAl.r. It M ti i Vra. > Bum it ti: txlrm 19ji HILLMAN in HP. *4 4 1953 Dodge S4 400. 1)53 Plyrrouth •5 250 Lorons 21. Mobllg.u Station. Gevlang FIAT 1100 1964 Excellent condition. T..xed and Comp In&uranre June 1»56 Beot OfTer -iures. Sten 12.
      438 words
    • 408 13 mi: s\Lr ."> mfmtt tim. tHr: CHEAP BALE DM Radio*. many paorHl* to cr.rn.-r $MM. Excellent rondmon 10. 0 ...n Qu-v Singapore- 1. 5. Bukit Ulntang Road. Kuala Lumpur D K IMPROVEMENT STOCK T'ure Breed Ltxht Sussex $36. Brown Leghorni $30. White Leshorns SlO per dozen. No*■Ma\ Mr Young.
      408 words
    • 444 13 PUZZLE I T FRIDAY Straits Times I j WORD PUZZLE I Cut J«d ">'" with ofhci coupons I instruction* appear below. j ~7" I m n v i TJJJ(T "r" c Tfri M|SS|NC 3118 D O ut^l LETTERS -^kjlS fbR >>rt)RD PUZZLE Z5 1. AmM tfatt can aafii very
      444 words

  • 193 14 Lindwall is bidding for 1956 Test tour From JACK FINGUBTOM CANBERRA, Thurs 4USTRALIAN first- class cricket leMon, culminating; in choice next February oi thr team to tour England will open in Brisbane tomorrow with the earm between New Boutn Wales. the Sheilii'M Shield holders. and Queensland. Landwall has repkuv cl
    193 words
  • 72 14 SINGAPORE Busi H. Football Assoclat'on will hold Its annual dance tomorrow al Hrn FAN Hall In River V ill* y Rwd from 8 30 p.m. to 1 am There will be ballroom dancing and joget modern. Tteketi at 52 each are available from Mr R Nadalson. co
    72 words
  • 157 14 OINOAPORE Malays open trnms championships will Mnrt today on the Malay Sport.s rourts at Loronu K. Tc.nlc Kurau. Ties are: 9 am.: Majld Hanlfl v Hus&ein Hamtd i handicap .singles i Ha&san Alwl v A. S. B. Paklr; 10 a.m. Hani id Bllal nnd Ibrahim
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  • 94 14 LAHORE. Thurs. Pakistan fand inaartwwM 1\ in tlirir reply to New Zealand'i !ir.-t knnlnca in Ti,. i: -ivoni! rricket Test here today At close they I Ml runs behind with fi\r wickets m hand. The tourists, who w"re 206 for four overnicht, took their
    94 words
  • 34 14 LONDON. Tliui- London beat in an IntCTH :ty soccer niitcli at Wrnih!i-y stadium List ni'lit bj three Mali to two after FnnktTt had ltd by their two cmls at naif-time Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 499 14 WE DON'T WANT HIS SERVICES, SAY ARGONAUTS Problem Boy Rahim Omar In another end-oC- season sensation 'Unfair to team to keep him 9 T<HE PROBLEM BOY of Sinjrapore soccer, Rahim Omar, the slate left winjrer. is once again this year the centre of an end-of-season sensation. Last year, after helpinß
    499 words
  • 640 14 OAINT ANDREW'S, the leading Singapore schools rugby sirir this season, will meet The Rest of Singapore Schools on Monday in a in.iuh to select a Singapore Combined Schools fifteen to meet MM Combined Schools in Singapore next month. The intrr-«.Ute meeting h.v» hern
    640 words
  • 216 14 OOLICE took full points in their Singapore Hockey Association llrst division leacue fixture agatnH Royal Naval Police at Seransoon Road yesterday with a comfortable 4-0 victory. Police. the lavcurites. >tarted off in a btulneu-llke manner and riKht throushI out the fame held com; superiority over their
    216 words
  • 65 14 The prexent i liampton.v Sli pore Recreation Club "Reds aKo maintained thrlr 100 per cent re- < <>icl uhen they beat RAH Seletar 3-0 in .mother Mr>t ilri.sion tixture on thr pwdnnfi. SRC. led 2-0 al 'he Interval with goals by CUrka an 4 OMMa In
    65 words
  • 33 14 stIEFFIFT D. Thun» —The PVwrthall ieauue beat the So'ttLsh Leagu* In tltelr tnter-lraiue torcer much pl.iyd under rkmdlkhU here awl night by four goal* to two ..lter leading 3-1 at half-time.
    33 words
  • 68 14 NKWMARKET. Thure. Mr O. W CieMeiman's four-venr-old colt. Romany Air. won the Jockey Club Cup 0W two and a ciu.irfT miles lirre today by a neck from Mr. Jaber Barker's Prince Barle Lord Derby's Entente CordiMe was .six lenp.ths further away third. Official staitlng prlcm
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 269 14 I rom JACK MNGLCTON CANBERRA. Thurs. THE .sptcml ilmht to Australia by the American toUUM promoter. Ja.-k Kramer. is now expected to had to Lewis Hoad turning professional. Kramer arrived in Sydney yesterday and last night conferred with Hoad's pari nts and Harry
    269 words
  • 357 14 Specialise in one sport only —Owens KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. pHAMPIONS should be studied, not necessarily copied and their .stylo Mid techniques adapttci to suit each individual athlete A group of actiool coaches and athletes were told this today by Je«e Owens, the famous American sprinter, at his opening coaching session
    357 words
  • 173 14 A FORMER Siamese Olympic boxer. Basil Thompson, arrived In Singapore yesterday fo challenge the winner of tonifht's fight between Japan's MlUuo vamamoto and Nat Thompson, who represented Thailand m.s an am .'cur lx>\cr al the 1053 Olympic 0..;n0s al Helsinki, turned ;i nfes lonal
    173 words
  • 259 14  - S'pore stood to Fiji lIAKIKS BKYCK r.v ITNDER tf.r floodlißhts at Jalan Bcsar .stadium last niKht, the Fijians beat the All- 1 Sirmapore rugby XV by 31 points (five goals, two trios to three (penalty). Singapore put up a gallant battU largely through thi efforts of the;r hard-working forwards. But
    259 words
  • 108 14 forwards up well onslaught He wr> ro the Sin. won the SingH!^, altv it, the side. P.,;k brtlllai BecondI l similar po of the I make thi Sine..;).,:, period of belore U lone-strit: up a stride i At half-t feel pi... thotieh v: Forwards 'Oiey had ax the elashe bres
    108 words
  • 42 14 WOn I OWN i» the lnterpnmarv s< lioo; so. rer i final when the>- beat PaMr Pan- I Jang English School 5-2 on the Outran School ground yeMerday I Ah Has ■nd A Ci and B.ik English I
    42 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 861 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. iContinurd from Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT tl> Word, $i (Mim.)-Box St cti. txtrm. AN ENOLISH TEACHER by Yin Sin Branch School. Eng Hoe Road Qualifications: Senior Cambiiriffe. Salary: Government rates ot p. iv. Apply by letter to School AIH CONDITIONING SALESMKN Well Educated Chinese BalesclrLs. good positions: Male/
      861 words
    • 86 14 3n .Inrirnt irgrnE jjpl. "»»ny jto» »s o» »rx.e>-t 'rgtniit «rv) Ji^*""^ «iK»-oe» HERA «*th« GODDESS f\ V o* mortal «en«i on* o* th« r b»lt»' knoon m v C>c»l c*tr*.'_art L from th« Olymptn He>qhtt V > BENEDICTINE k D.O L M Jp 3n anrtrnt lm»r« l (anvd DO
      86 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 66 14 H«M Xl S.H.A. league I)n |j sII B 1'.1i., v R.N \>. vmhanani, si 111 I i.i ill. I I nh.iMlt i KM] Nnmad*. Yartilv. l>i\ Ia Mr A Wireles. v RAF. 1. -nc.ili. f A W cround. Kriendlx I. <l. v V.M.C.A.. Bal.sti.i X...1.1 S.f.l BO I) pmdanc *<>(
      66 words