The Straits Times, 15 October 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 23 1 COMMUNIST BOSS WRITES TO CHIEF MINISTERS: COME AND MEET ME Yours honestly' he signs— and the letter wai very courteous, says Mr, Marshall
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  • 265 1 'Something is likely to take place in next few days'— Tengku S-.'S Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, last night accepted an to accompany the Federation Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, talks with M.C. P. secretary-general Chin Peng. cived the invitation in i letter from Chin Peng
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  • 165 1 THE WAR GOES ON K1A1.% LIMPIR. tri Security forces hay«? killrd thrre more terrorists, hi hid in. a 1 i .•inn, hi-. snretary. in Johore. AN \RK\ SKdRIIY UNIT PATROL on Sapuloh Estate in thr Paloh area acountcd for the branch committrc secret.irx.
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  • 81 1 A new outrage— kepala shot, then bayonetted 15 times Xl XI X I.IMPI R. Kri— Knht terrorist* at lunch Umr today surrourded labourers workinc m the latrx shrd of a north Sri »nsor rubbrr estate and murdrred thr "'The" lired a »»u!lrt tbroucb hi* head thrn bayonrtted him 15 times
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  • 330 1 to the Governor. Sir Robert TV;i<'k the Chief Secretary. Mr WA C G<«>de. and the Attorney-General. Mr C. H. Butterfield Then Mr. Marshall summoned some of his Ministers to a special meeting at hi& office to discuss the Communist invitation. Later ho said "There was complete unanimity,
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  • 103 1 He shares his flag bedecked cake DENVER. Fri. PRESIDENT Eisenhower was celrbratinK his 65th birthday quietly today in Fitsimons Army Hospital here with only a few members of his family hr J mother Mrs John Douci. and Ter sister. Mrs Hordon M A°Sft for the President wa.s huge
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  • 85 1 WASHINGTON, Fri One of the final acts of Mr Bernard MacFadden. the physical culturlst who died on Wednesday, aged 87. was to suggest a course of heart muscle exercises for President Eisenhower Senator William Langrr said here yesterday he received the suggestions in Wednesday's mail and
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  • 106 1 CADETS VISIT COLLEGE DARTMOUTH. Fri MORE THAN 100 Soviet Navy cadets gooseMepped past a saluting base here today to the rythym of "Swanee River" and "Marching Through Georgia." It happened on the parade ground of Darthmouth College whore Britain's young offlcor cadets are trained for the Royal
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  • 58 1 KARACHI, Fri Six British university students who loft London by car on Sept. to drive to Singapore and back In about a year are held up in Baghdad. Iraq friends here were told today. They were due here yesterday but sent a telegram. It did
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  • 26 1 LONDON, Fri.— The Polish Ex-Combatants Association in Britain estimated today that about 200.000 Polish citizens are now held in Soviet forced U.bour camps.— Reuter
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  • 680 1 LONDON. Friday. BRITAIN took it for granted today that <;roup Capt. Peter Townsend's call on Princess Margaret last night means the royal marriage is on not <'ti The 41 -year-old former air ace left Clarence House after the meeting in a "happy" mood.
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  • 78 1 Watch for him at lim more ports KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Police are keeping a watch at Port Swettenham and Penang for "Turco" Wester Unu. former Dutch guerilla leader In Indonesia, who U expected to attempt to enter Indone.sia through Singapore or the Federation within the next few days. Westerllng,
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  • 19 1 coiombo, m. Lord Home British Socrotary of ptatr fo r Commonwealth Ro- latlons, arrived here today
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  • 106 1 Love could cost her £15,000 a year LONDON. Fri. PRIM Ins Margaret could lo*e her Priw purse of v:i:>.ikm) im::.--SSSi a year if »hr rn.irri.-ii droup aptain I'fi. r Town>rnd That is. unless Parliament make» sw repine i •< i h.uu. and wip«> out Ihr 200- ear-old art which guverns
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  • 31 1 PARIS, rri rhe French Mr Edgar Faure. suffered a setback yesterday when the National Ass'-mbly refused to accord priority to debating a Government-sup-ported motion on Algeria- policy Reuter
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  • 164 1 MENACE UNDER THE SEA Russia has 350 submarines LONDON. Fri. 4 DMIRAL Earl Mountbattrn. the First Soa Lord, nid lust night that Russia his 350 modern ouomarint s n-aciy for immediate service, presenting the greatest potential threat the Royal has ever been called HDOO to tare. He told more than
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 38 1 IMI.K V. M\i; .1 (IN ion* mm ks \i t n iii Police arimri with l.itlus %tt and In. (I it-ar shells livchour battle wuli KJM kins railwi> workers here ltamstj >uikers ucr c arre>ted K.-utrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 YOGHOURT nourishes without fattening Am WX\ y xjZ^^^^^ 'li'ility French Brnndy, now n\ nibble "m prin SB ordiiKiry stiintlsird »|ii;ililiis. lle »?ents: THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD.
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    • 135 1 MO MONO S PALM TREE WASHING SOAP Qjmik vn tkt k**d\ •a4(4Mm»M tc tumtmuuJ ft»> M 0 MONG So*» F*fTO»Y LTD M SMAM J»o«i rii ii t i 1 s. as 1 ▼a^Bast w-jB n p^ T IC I dont knou/7but\ I -"/> M 'is simply delicious! r V- Vo«r
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  • 286 2 REME SOLDIER 'SCALPED' BY MOHICAN CUT LONDON, Friday. JOHN CLARKE, 18-year-old R.E.M.E. soldier, went out for an Indian haircut and became overnight the Army's "First of the Mohicans." He had his hair cut In the style of the Red Indian braves his head shaved, with
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  • 23 2 NEW YORK. Fri The Philippines yesterday asked for United Narions help in fighting a seve-e rat infestation in Mindanao— UP
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  • 74 2 Lift drama NEW YORK, Fri. Falling into the seventh-floor lift shaft of an office building yesterday, a 300-lb. man grabbed a cable and slid 70 feet to the basement Walter Moyer, 55, superintendent of the building, suffered severe friction-burns of the hands, bruised heels and
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  • 146 2 Malayans in Britain get film roles in J. Arthur Rank's production LONDON, Frl. TWO Malayan girls— I believed the first to appear In an Enelish; film will dance in J. Arthur Ranks "A Town Like Alice" now under production in Iver, Buckinghamshire. One of the girls, Eriwina
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  • 47 2 NEW YORK. Fri. Supersonic all-steel jet pla.r.e» carrying 50 to 60 passengers may cross the AMantlc between London and New York In two to three hours within 15 years. Sir Roy Dobaon. one of England's leading piano manufacturers, said here yesterday.— V.T.
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  • 61 2 I _as THE ROYAL FAMILY GOES TO CHURCH I Ilil I.J Oarid Scott welcomes Princess Anne at the tiny parish church of Kinclaven. The church Is near Mrik lour. Perthshire Prince Charles is hidden between his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the vicar. The
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  • 67 2 WASHINOTON. Ftl. An igreement enabling United States companies to remit funds rarned by American Rims In Japan Is expected to Dc signed soon In Tokyo, ofll:iaU of the Motion Picture I Producers Association said today. Negotiations to this end aiv now being held by Mr Irving
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  • 250 2 PHOTOS ONLY TO INFLAME WITNESS* JAKARTA. Friday. MRS HERMAN BOUMAN. defence counsel for a Dutchman accused of trying to overthrow the Indonesian Government, stalked out of the courtroom today because the prosecution Introduced what she called irrelevant photographs. Mr- Bouman said she would protest to a
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  • 70 2 FOOD DROP TO MAROONED VILLAGERS I. \lioi:i r.iki^.in Fri More than 3M.000 people are marooned in the Multan district of the Punjab by floodwater* of the swollen Ravi and Sutlej itMnt official rrporta said today More than 254 villages are flooded in the south Punjab Morr arr threatened. Plan?* dropped
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  • 65 2 1/INDON. Fri The Earl of Harcwood cousin of thf Qu. en. will 'his month join the ranks of compere* when he introduces a v.< m serie* ol musical programmes for th< B B C An opera enthusiast, he will present the first six ol a series
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  • 27 2 TORONTO, Frl Evangr list Billy Graham .-aid mM niuht h< will tour the Fai :th hi* Crusade fa Ctni-t early next year. A P
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  • 218 2 GUNS SALUTE NEW STAT E West Pakistan become* a single unit LAHORE, Fri, TEN provincial and state governments b administrative unit today when a ran* out over Lahore Fort at dawn t«. creation of a unified West Pakistan The governor of the new I province. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Ourmaml, 50,
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  • 95 2 SHARK JOINS NAVYAND BITES A PETTY OFFICER ABO K h M SIIO.\LII\\f\ PETTY 01, K Don ihl tacked by m I sh yesterd.u .mi the QlUr ter tec* „f the fri t ■fcnalharen. Mffbt the fi Vf foot snjtrk on a hlni| line and drae^d j t deck. He then
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  • 11 2 AMMAN I ernment of Jur cialiy appi;to the Unit
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 179 2 MEVER WAS OUR HAIR MORE BEAUTIFUL/ Wift feuno inai it i -^kaaßßMriLaW,, umliii ta tipact la *■"*slet that widarfwi I^^^^^ innar faallna, af tetf- H ana iwit tatttftad with ana's hair Far thart i nathinf mart attracttvt than taur Ja^_ that has yauthful j I lustra and fracrance LaaV^^^^LaaW t
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  • 378 3 BUSH MR NYLONS, UNDIES LONDON, Friday. I'\KTV of Russian naval officers sightseeing V i,, i ondon yesterday had Bttle interest in the a! tourist attractions. They wanted to see an hv. American, they said, would be "Haider. stalk.V potential Americans
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  • 149 3 'MASJVMI PARTY TOTAL TOO HIGH' JAKARTA. Fri. INDONESIA S post--1 (lection picture remained confused today after reports yesterday that a mistake hud been; make in compiling the unofficial Central Java total for the Masjumi (moderate Muslim) Party. porta are correct lonesla total for one
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  • 307 3 'Gold Award' Romulo praises Britons' colonial record NEW YORK, Fri. 'pHE Philippines Ambassador to the United States, Brigadier Carlos P. Romulo, said last night that the rapid withdrawal of colonial rule from many parts of Asia in recent years had done more for the
    UP  -  307 words
  • 203 3 A diary of a death AFTER CRASH SAN DIEGO, Fri. A CRUDELY written diary found yesterday told the story of the slow death of an American sailor in the "badlands" of Mexico following the crash of his plane. The body of the flier William E Palls, 22. was found by
    UP  -  203 words
  • 40 3 JERUSALEM. Frt. Mr. David Ben-Ourion. the Israeli Defence Minister and Prime Minister designate, is serious ill. It was disclosed to-lay in an official communiaue It was believed here Mr. Ben-Gurion had suffered a cerebral haemorrhage. Reuter.
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  • 86 3 KRUPP FREED BY RUSSIANS HARALU KKIPP von Bohlen und Halbach. 39, a former Nazi army lieutenant, arrived at Camp Friedland. West Germany, on Oct. II after being released by Russia He arrived with 25 other freed POWs Son of GustaT Erupp. who escaped a war crime* trial in 1945 because
    AP  -  86 words
  • 55 3 SYDNEY. Fri. Eight thousand dockers who walked off all ships in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne ports yesterday in protest agaiast the rejection of a wage claim by an arbitration court were back at work today. The men have decided to stop work atraln next Tuesday
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  • 475 3 LONDON. Frt. IT ha* been a day of mixed con- I dition.s in tlie sUjtk markets. Early profit -taking In front of the] week-end (-aused Jobbers to lower prices *at first but when the selling dried up conditions became steadier and prices tended to recover in the case
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  • 101 3 Baby born in helicopter during 'mercy' flight from stricken port WASHINGTON. Fri. rv 1.8. Nary belicTCs it has a new record the first recortied cmse of a child born In night in a helicopter. It happened daring recent reMue operations by the aircraft carrier Saipan off flood -stricken Tampleo. Mexico.
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  • 231 3 Half pay at 65 if Labour is elected MARGATE. Friday. T<HE LABOUR PARTY annual conference yester- day acclaimed a new plan which would give every Briton an income equal to half his salary once he retired from work if Labour U re-elected. This revolutionary exten- sion
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  • 75 3 Bristol keeps title LONDON. Fri— The city of Bristol, although a seaport. retained its title as the soberlest spot in Britain in 1054. a Government report showed yesterday. Bristol had only 206 cues iof arrest for drunkenness for each 10.000 people during the year At the
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  • 22 3 TAIPEH. Fri Two Chinese Nationalist planes dropped about eight tons of antiCommunist leaflets on Kwangtung province last night —A P
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 popular selection from our \larte range of INDOOR GAMES p— DRAUGHT SETS From $1.95 [T^»^^ CHINESE CHECKERS |§3| 1 From «2.15 j: RINC BOARDS Mmk From 51.55 Jfifm R^. '""tot illustrate fully our selection I'xloor C, arms which includes /-"</', Smhm and Ladders [I '""".v others. We recommend that t
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    • 194 3 what r~p 0? an V^^^ 1 appetizing /t^VJ smell! ys^jcr>/ ENGLISH WOOD PIGEONS cooked in BURGUNDY WINE IN AID OF Lady Tcmpler T.B. Hospital The St. John Ambulance Association and Pop»V Day The TlMjtre Club K.I. presents "AS LONC AS THEY RE HAPPY (A Farcical Comedy by Vcrnon Sylvaine) at
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  • 111 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A YOUTH who tried to kiss a Malay opera singer while she was in an open-air cinema, was sentenced to three months' jail today for using criminal force on her. The First Magistrate's Court was told that Mazell bin Ahmad, a
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  • 71 4 ABORIGINE SAVES INJURED MAN BENTONG, Fri. AN ABORIGINE yesterday carried an estate headman for a mile and a half on his back after be had been injured by a falling tree branch. The Hob Kwai. 59, was cutting wood at the estate, off the second mile. Brn-tong-Raub
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  • 268 4 SUBURBAN BUS COMPANIES LOSE PERMITS TO RUN EXTENDED ROUTES INTO CITY BUT THEY CAN APPLY AGAIN IF UNION CHANGES ITS ATTITUDE 'JMIK Registrar of Vehicles has cancelled the temporary licences issued to suburban bus companies to extend their routes to Finlayson (•reen while the Singapore
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  • 35 4 Thirty strikers were charged yesterday, with obstructing men from working at the Singapore Plywood Factory in West Coast Road on the morning of Oct. 14. All pleaded not guilty. Ball was allowed
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  • 48 4 IPOH. Frt. The president ->f the Perak Khek Association. Mr Foo Yet Kai this; ifternoon opened an exhibition of calligraphy, seals and Chinese water colour paintings by Professor Chang Tan Wung. More than 200 paintings are m show. The exhibition will ie open till Sunday
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  • 54 4 KOTA BHARU. Frt. The fire brigade put out a mysterious fire which had broken out in a small vacant house near the Sultans Istana here this morning. The house has no electrlcitv supply. So the likelihood of the blaze having been caused by a short
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  • 37 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri Fr Uene Seng, aged 61. of Buklt 'a lan Estate, wag sentenced n Kluang Session* Court, yesterday to 27 months* Jail for having terrorist documents referring to the movement of Fijian troops
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  • 39 4 Llm Kirn Pieow pleaded not guilty in Singapore yesterday to a charge of theft of three dollars from Ng Kirn Lai at the Happy World Park on Thursday. He w U allowed bail until Oct. 21
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  • 30 4 The St John Ambulance Brigade will hold a dance at the Civil Defence Canteen Kolam Ayer Lane, Singapore W Oct 22 from BSO p.m' o 1 am
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  • 34 4 LADY BLA( K. wife of the Oovernor of Singapore, inspecting the guard of honour formed by nurses at the opening of the new Mistri wing. Straits Times pirturr
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  • 296 4 Car ride coit young an 575 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A YOUNG man punched a dance hostess because she objected to having "some fun" with him. the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate's Court was told today. Chong Wah Heng. a businessman who was originally charged with
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  • 133 4 $1,500,000 BLOCK FOR CHILDRES THE new $1,500,000 four-storey Mistri wing for sick 1 children at the Singapore General Hospital was opened yesterday by Lady Black, wife of the Governor. About 200 gue.sts attended the ceremony, among them Mr A J Braga. Minuter for Health. Mr.
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  • 43 4 Seah Phey Kong was charged in Singapore yesterday with having 17 terrorist documents. Seah was alleged to have had the documents with another man. Teo Kon v Bul in Queens Street on Aug 13. Seah was remanded until Jin 2
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  • 65 4 PEN AND. Fri. -The Resident Commissioner. Mr R P Blngham. today urged hill residents In P<?n.ui< to pcrsuadf terrorists to surrender and "pave the way for the Island to become white •Complete freedom and a return to normal conditions can only be achieved If the^e
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  • 144 4 —for the biggest world meeting to be held in Singapore A 810 group of Col*x ombo Plan delegates will arrive in Singapore by air today. They are: CANADA The Minister for External Affairs Mr Lester Pearson, accompanied by Mrs Pearson, Mr R Crepault and Miss L M
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  • 90 4 pRAYERS for the success of the Colombo Plan conference In Singapore will be said in all churches In the Colony during their services tomorrow. Colombo Plan delegates have been Invited to the central service at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 10.30 a.m. at which the
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  • 80 4 A police constable, who hius just grown a moustache, had momentary doubt cast upon his Identity In i Singapore court yesterday Chua Keoh Seng. -Vho pleaded not guilty ta a charge of playing an illegal game of tlkam tikam" < roulette) claimed that the policeman in the
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  • 91 4 TERROR KILLINGS SCARE TAPPERS KA.J.V MANY rubber iTI employt owivd ectat Lan»at rUsti Selangor aie home after terrorist mvi district. A tapping eoni today that i, difficult to reci the smalle: "The worker.tlons," he sail work only when i of protection" Away a weekMany owner-t not been near holdings for
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  • 32 4 Mr. Gulzarilai dia's Minister and Irrigation will visit the I Mission In N< rr gapore. lomnrr sent an Indian girt of $21 125 for its cultural the Colony.
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  • 23 4 Ng Kirn Siev. leaded guilty in Btngap to a charur posing htmi woman at Kami Bahru on Ttaut allowed bail un:
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  • 15 4 Ninety-four Leghoi $540 were stolen poultry farm i r I Singapore, en Tbui
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 AnHWituMtg the avUvtU eff new deiyni Horrockses hessfdms KUALA MMMfe s ft, M.)~d a H LM.. Bmlu Road. C. J. DmM A C*.. Mountbillen Ro*d r.Un Slack C«. llountbatlrn «d M<lr Mart. 114 B.: Road Ihmn Hani Cm.. Old Martft Square I'm Be*. O.rt MMM Squarr Wah Tlk A C»..
      179 words
    • 44 4 The secret of STRENGTH for all ages iuild your strencth U M'TKICIA Powdered \V!v ■4 For babies, growing childn adults M'TKICIA sup: essential substano l|- ;tulin taininß health and vovovkd y rtoV< IS topical climatic conditions rc^j^flP ...NUTRICIA G. HOPPENSTEDT LTD SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR
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  • 290 5 FACTORY DEFIES MEN'S THREA TS 4 We have lost $500,000 and may close unless.../ Even without trouble from union they have to fight for survival mmn KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE FUNG KEONG RUBBER Manufacturing Company, Kuala Lumpur, today defied the threat by the Federation National Union of Factory and General
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  • 58 5 Miss Alice Fong. ifl. O f the Kiwi Members League was selected Sinytpore Youth Queen from e;*ht other contestants at tht Raffles Hotel ballroom last right She was choson for having the best poise, personality general appearance and dress Second was Miss Yemlma Shababo "Menorah Club>
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  • 37 5 Harem bin Awang. 57 was knocked down by a train while working In the shunting yard at Tanjong Pafrar. Singapore, yesterday afternoon. He was admitted to hospital with head and shoulder Injuries
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  • 21 5 SEGAMAT. Fri. Mr Kuok Hock Swee has been appointed to the Town Board at Merging, replacing Mr Philip Chew.
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  • 110 5 PRIVACY $75 AN HOUR AN AIR-conditioned reception room In the new Singapore airport at Paya Lebar Is available for private hire at $75 for the first hour and $25 for every hour thereafter The room, with modern furniture, has a bar with wine cooler and refrigerator. It can be used
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  • 113 5 A SPANISH DANCE IN JAPANESE STYLE Top show for Singapore SPANIitM Jap anete style These two dancers are stars of the Don Yada Dancing Troupe. Japan's leading professional show, which k coming to Malaya. The "nenorita" Is Nubuka G*. wife of Don Yada. and the "aenor" Kouhi Amari. Instructor
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  • 277 5 One up for the Middle Road crowd, too THE Singapore Trade 1 Union Congress announced last night a move to form another new union for the employees of insurance companies in the Colony IU Commercial and Industrial Workers' Union, started about three months ago. is
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  • 218 5 THE Malayan Airways Local Employees Union in Singapore has expelled two members of its executive committee for allegedly acting against the interests of the union, the vice-pre-sident, Incne Abdullah Sanggura. announced last night. They are Mr. V. Muthu and Mr K S Manickam whose
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  • 129 5 Rank film organisation helps Spore Youth Sports Centre Fund THE J. Arthur Rank film organisation has given £1.000 ($8,500) to the Singapore Youth Sports Centre Fund. The gift the first from overseas follows an appeal by the Fund's chairman. Mr. Loke Wan Tho. The cheque was accompanied by
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  • 61 5 The liner Astynax. from which a woman passenger and the chief engineer disappeared at sea, arrived In Singapore yesterday A police Inspector from Penang Investigating the disappearance of Mrs E McClukie Abraham and Mr G W Harris took statements from passengers and crew and went straight
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  • 25 5 SITIAWAN, Fri. A new Malay school In Kampong Kedah here will be officially opened on Oct. 22 by the Mentri Besar of Perak.
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  • 184 5 Move to oust the 'expats' A LARGE number of local employees of Radio Malaya in Singapore are planning to call a meeting shortly to bar expatriates from being members of the department's union. If they succeed, their president. Mr Frank Sullivan, and a few other expatriate officers will
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  • 82 5 OIL COMPANY UNIONS WILL UNITE Three Bin«rapore oil company local employees' unions yesterday announced their decision to amalgamate into a Federation of Oil Workers' Unions. They were the unions of workers in Stan vac Shell and Caltex A joint statement said: "As these oil companies are doinc the same type
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  • 53 5 KLANG. Fri. An allcommunity dance will be held at the Klang Club on Nov. 5 in aid of the Poppy Day Fund A mannequin parade will be presented by Robinson and Company of Kuala Lumpur The band of the Ist Royal Hampshire Reg will play
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  • 29 5 Institution will hold its first fir? arts exhibition and contft at th> school hall. Bras Basah Road, from 8.30 am to 5 pm today and tomorrow.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 186 5 LflH Lm ffl fWt^t^^ /iFi\ |j>L |M p ER)AL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., LONDON, S.W.I ,EL£ FROM AMMUNITION DEALER /^Bfitt --usthe* <MiUy»> Ltd AO 31 ''iflL! *ff VOTIIIX Wyd BETTER Vermouth H. SLOT CO., LTD. mgaporc Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh. Penang. Parker (okh, ROYAL BLUE WASHABLE tuink <$Q[ SHES RIGHT OUT! cf
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 273 5 TODAY i tennis 3 pin Movte Circle show I NIVtRSITV OF MALAYA: "The Snow of Kilimanjaro' Bpm Golden Jubilee oel«br»Uon*— Con- ST. JOHN AMBI LAM t BRI vocation ceremony at Oel Tiong GADE: Social and dance at headHam Hall 945 a.m. and lIS p.m quarters. Stamford Road. S pjn garden
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  • 96 6 it Word. HO (minimum). G. B. NAIDU born 30-11-1884. formerly of Cluny Estate. Slim River, passed away at No. 4. East Bouleward Road. Teppakulam. Trichinopoly on 19.1955 R. DAT.V.PALAN. 24, so RengaDathan Chettiar, Government Pensioner, died yesterday. Cortege leaves 62. Cheras Road, Saturday at 4.30 p.m. today for Setapnk
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  • 148 6 M Wordu fin minimum). THE PAMH V of Late Teo Cheow Kneab thanks to all Friends •nd Relatives lor their Gift and Kind Assistance at the Funeral. MR. m MRS. GOH AH JUAN thank Relatives and Friends for their Attendance and Presents on the Occasion of their Wedding on
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  • 375 6 20 Word* $10 (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day I In the 'Malay Mall' If you want to win that 55.000 word puzzle VISIT OUR air-conditioned Shop for new Printed Sea Island Cottons. Modern s. 34. High Street B'pore. ROYAL AIR FORCE. Changl presents a Festival of Music: 22 Oct.—
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  • 568 6 Singapore, Sat. Oct. 15, 1955. Houses For Rent The Alliance Government has announced that, in a "strenuous effort" to solve the housing problem, it intends to build for letting. It has taken the Federation a long time to arrive at this decision. The Malayan Union Housing Committee made this recommendation
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  • 393 6 Letters received by the Chief Ministers of the Federation and Singapore yesterday appear to carry the curious two-way correspondence with Communist leaders a little further. Mr. Marshall's letter was in Chinese, with a short accompanying note in good English, signed "Yours honestly, Chin Peng." Presumably the letter to
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  • 235 6 The students of a number of Australian Universities recently have separately approved resolutions requesting the Australian Government to reconsider an immigration policy which debars the entry of Asians. It was too much to expect that this would not set the White Australia pack baying again. And so it
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  • 989 6 As I was saying by CYNICUS T»HE Peoples' Action 1 Party and their allied unions have had a bad week. They knew they would lose their fight against the Labour Front's Security Bill, but they expected to muster against it more than the four customary P.A.P. votes in the Assembly.
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 fHE DRUMMER Photo by KOK AH CHOSG
    KOK AH CHOSG  -  9 words
  • 905 6 MALAYStAX WE see too little of the City Hall at Singapore. It is a pleasing place, even if it is impersonal and undistinguished. The proportions are good, and if you accept the fact that Singapore's City Hall should look like the Ritz Hotel br.r in Picradilly,
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  • 146 6 From the Straits Times of Oct. 12, 1905: NOT many modern Inventions have added more comfort to the lit of the traveller than the various applications of electricity In the olden days we were often compelled to spend sleepless nights In overheated and badly ventilated cabins, illuminated
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 299 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 50 H..r<*« $M (minimum). OARNER: October 13th, at the Singapore Ni.rsm* Home, to Jean and Eric, a daughter. HXUn To Marioa nnd David. a son. Donglsa .Inmes. at Hungsar, on 12th October both well. FAGAN: To Pam and Mike, at Perth. W.A.. October 12th. a son. Michael. EDGE:
      299 words
    • 34 6 CIIMAN PEN ▼inrite fly I incomparable for visible ink filling capacity, reliability fir price- worthiness. Agents Service Stations:— EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO.. 19, Thalia St., S'pore-l ENC SENC MEDICAL CO. 8. Ah Qucr St.. Penang.
      34 words
    • 152 6 9(W atatl I sV the* oxwllvni En K\.:ll Pa IWm Bern's I —Potpurri I Jm S Carl-Erik Thanbert >V 5 Orchestra riir Har W '^W 1 01-nn MlHer Limited Kdition Jk Glenn Miller's complete JM I double sided LP recn:i handsome album I I ana m m Bwllwwb String QbjM*
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  • 54 7 THt tattered Tniiitl .lark ahove the Sin- mrN in Smith BmUr Road will flutter M Its brand new takes over today The "Id flag came do»n for the last time on Wednesday evening. Tl.f fla; staff was bare ywcrday. Mr V Nagalingam, lerk of the promised yestirity.
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  • 126 7 Windows smashed, usher hit by Hying saucers Six Chinese boys who had just been sentenced to prison rioted at Singapore Juvenile Court. Havelock Road, yesterday. They threw cups and saucers at an Indian usher in the remand room, overturned tables and chain and smashed windows. The
    126 words
  • 207 7 pOMMUNIST elements in Singapore Chinese schools are now meeting with resistance they never faced before in the form of a third force" which is strongly anti Com munist. the Straits Times was told yesterday. This swing against Communism in Chinese schools Is fast gaining momentum
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  • 54 7 Miss Won* Pek Lin. 20 of Llm Terk Lee Co T,td was voted "Misn Exhibition" of the Rintjanore Tr"le Fair at the Hn^nv World Cabaret last nljrht. Second was Miw Amstel Kwok. 20, of the Hawem^r Trndln? Co.. and third Mlss Wong Poh Llnst 19. of
    54 words
  • 35 7 MR A C SUPPIAH. 75. proprietor of Umm. Oh«ndh>rmMrn Company, P»»«l «w»y at hU r-Mdenre In 9er»n*oon Roj^ sinitmpore hwt nlfht after brief line* FMnerml tod»y tort^e lwivin* S P»n. for Hindu crematorium. BldadarL
    35 words
  • 226 7 ROBBED BY YOUTHS, COURT TOLD VL'HILE a RAAF officer and a nurse were in a Tf parked car late at night two youths armed with knives held them up. a Singapore court was told yesterday. The court was told that Flying-Omcer Peter William Kennedy.
    226 words
  • 46 7 Chung Mm Cheong. a clerk, was adjudicated a bankrupt in the Singapore High Court yesterday. The debtor's total liabilities amounted to $2,627 due to 16 creditors, all moneylenders. He offered to pay the Official Assignee $20 monthly and the offer was accepted.
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  • 26 7 Malaya's gifts in cash and Knd to the "Save the Children" Fund totalled $63,600, according to the annual repcrt presented in London this week
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  • 50 7 St. Andrews Mission Hospital. Singapore, received 36 gifts totalling $4,596 56 last month for its work among sick and poor children Among the gifts were $500 each from Mrs c K Loke. Borneo Motors, and the Chartered Bank, and $300 from the Singapore Traction Company
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  • 17 7 PENANG. Fri. Six manhole covers in Oreen Lane and Orove Road have been reported missing
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  • 168 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. f HINESE education representatives today asked the Alliance Government for a $2 million grant tc expand Chinese schools. They made this request to the Chief Minister, Tengku tydul Rahman, in the presence of the Minister for Education. Dato Abdul Razatc bin
    168 words
  • 71 7 Names next week Appointments of Junior ministers In the Singapore Coalition Oovernment will be announced next week, the Chief MinUter. Mr. David Marshall, told the Straits Times last night. Originally, Mr. Mak Pale Shee. Mr. Lee Choon Eng. both of the Labour Front. Mr M.P.D Nalr (Independent)
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  • 27 7 Singapore's Chief Minister Mr. David Marshall, last night held a cocktail party in honour of the Colombo Plan conference delegates at the Rcyal Island Club.
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  • 175 7 KUALA LUMPUR, rri. The Federation Oovernment hat named the members of its new organisation to counter subversion The organisation consists of two committees, a policymaking committee and a working committee. Both of then have already met. Members of the policymaking committee, which Is a sub-committee of the
    175 words
  • 291 7 A lawyer hits at 'quibbles in MCA FRUSTRATING MA-Y IR THEIR DUTIES' KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. FHE legal adviser to 1 the Malayan Chinese Association. Mr. K. H. V. Rintoul, has charged that responsible members of the association are being frustrated by quibbles" in their attempts to carry out their duty.
    291 words
  • 264 7 PAP UNIONS WILL AID GROUP IN FEDERATION Singapore 'impresses 9 delegation KUALA LI MPIR, Friday. I EFT-WING trade unions in Singapore have pro- mised support for the Federation's new PanMalayan Trades Union Congress. A mission of 12 from the congress returned here today after spending a week in Singapore studying
    264 words
  • 72 7 $300,000 promised for college KLANO, Fri. MALAYS in Perils, Kedah, Penang and Perak hate promised $300,000 to the Muslim College in Klang The morifv was promised when a fund raising committee visited the territories recently, the secretary of the college. Inche Zulkifli. told the Btralts T'mes today. He said that
    72 words
  • 30 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri The C«vlon Tamils' Kalavirthy Sangam will celebrate the Hindu festival of Dus!»ehra for 10 days from Monday There will be music and dancing every evening
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  • 34 7 KUALA LI'MPUR. Fri. A rubber tapper. D. Subramaniam. 32. of Bukit Rotan. Selangor was today fined $500 in the Settlors Court here after he pleaded guilty to uslne a forced driving licence.
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  • 62 7 KLANO. Fri. Home Guards of Balak new village In the Kuala Langat district of south Selangor today took over control of the village defence from the police. Most of the 1.200 villagers turrec out last night to see the handing over. Later the villagers gave the
    62 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 jt!s real K^ chicken... Chicken Noodle Soup really is delicious wonderful rich chicken broth, full of nourishing noodles. it's so easy and quick to serve. Jusl tip the contents packet into boiling, simmtr for seven minute* and you have four BIG helpings all ready to serv«. Just try it
      75 words
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  • 274 8 3 A.M. traffic lights held up fire engines THRICE— two died INFLEXIBLE RULE- EMPTY STREETS TWO PEOPLE who died ma 3 a.m. Singapore fire might have been saved if the fire engines speeding to the blaze along empty streets had not been delayed three times by traffic lights. The Superintendent
    274 words
  • 97 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri A British officer and his batman two of the three victims of yesterday's bandit ambush on the Kuala Pilah-Tampln Road in Negrt 3embilan. were buried in adjoining graves at Cheras Road cemetery today The other victim was burled .it the same time. The
    97 words
  • 48 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Tri Dato and Datin Wong Shee Fun have announced the engagement of their eldest daughter. Miss Won* Font? Poh, and Mr Lee Honjt Wai. dental officer at the General Hospital. Singapore, son of Mr and Mrs. Lee Kiang Chuen of Johore Bahru
    48 words
  • 47 8 The date for the submission of applications for two SinoBritlsh fellowships tenable in Britain for 1956 1957 has been extended to the end o' this month. Applications should be made to Mr Lee Slow Mong. at the Public Relations Office. Singapore 6.
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  • 32 8 Dr Allan W. Bunney. an Associated Board music examiner, will give an organ recital at the Straits Chinese Methodist Church. 3. Kampong Kapor Road. Singapore, tomorrow after the rvenlng service.
    32 words
  • 107 8 PRINCESS TIP WON $1,000 FOR THE RAJA MUDA KUALA LI'MPUK. Fri. Thanks to a tip from Princess Margaret, the Raja Muda of Selangor left Ascot race* with winnings of about S1.0»0 He attended the Royal Ascot meeting daring his sixmonth tour of Britain. West Germany, Canada and France, daring which
    107 words
  • 196 8 'MAD RIDLEY' MADE MALAYA RICH —NOW THERE'S NO MONEY FOR A FITTING MEMORIAL Chambers and ae~er_i rubber merchant*, how-vrr said it was "highly desirable" to have a permanent o emoriai It is understood that the Singapore Rubber Trade Association is toying with the idea of having a bu-t
    196 words
  • 45 8 A receiving order wa_ made against the firm of Singapore Distributors in the Singapore High Court yesterday. Singapore Distributors owe Rolex Paper Company Ltd. $31 743. being balance of the amount on a final judgment obtained against then: in June 7.
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  • 53 8 Lim Yun Tseng. Pan Chat Chang. Choong Pan Cheng and Lok Tong Lens wert committed for trial at the next Singapore assizes on a charge of dealing in couterfelt Indonesian rupiah bills They were alleged to have trafficked In 130 forged 1.000--rupiah bills on Aug.
    53 words
  • 327 8 'DRINKS ON FALSE CHEQUES' CHARGE A REGULAR customer of the Central Bar in Rumah Miskin used three forged cheques worth more than $500 to settle his accounts, a Singapore couit was told yesterday. The bar-keeper, Foo Kock I Yoke, was giving evidence at preliminary Inquiry at which N Canasingam, the
    327 words
  • 167 8 Most of them will go to people icho have to quit Beach Road THE Singapore Improvement Trust housing scheme in the Kallang area will benefit mostly those who must leave Beach Road area to make way for the new coast road. This means that many of those already
    167 words
  • 20 8 Jewellery wcth M5O vu stolen from a house in Jalan Budin. off Jalan Eunos. Singapore, on Thursday night
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 368 8 for is the best family food ___T7T^pQ*9ti^___ drink because tß^_L___^_A^_L______i It is concentrated crammed r^^^^^__^___^^^^^ with goodness •4c It has a delicious 'nutty' milk P _J_L_ chocolate flavour _Tml And you can _^^BlSHM^^^ make many Sr r*^* p-r tin _J >s^_^^^^__^ >^.-^_. iMHnigMJyiLiMPv _Xmuuek *pmipps V ft 4 (MjUyi) LTD.
      368 words
    • 165 8 Zzft^- _u_ta_^_^_^_^__l DULUX H PENTALITE EMULSION FINI You took a long view when you drr.c M house over 20 years. Take a long yew aber I _M( let repainting. Long-llle paints are no n. I to put on, and it will be much longer before you haw to get out
      165 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 477 8 E\en Star Ho*)- 1100 BtriltRADIO MALAYA 'ProfframoMi Urn m_rkrd ta n tw I received by ItoUnrr* in M»l». I ■,{l_|l 1 i f I (Short wavr 4: 4 Km. Mrdium I KiiJ a^H «iv, 17« m.. 343 36« m and I t»7m.)' I JFfitf •irSnn.SSi SINGAPORE Share Market Report; 150
      477 words

  • 1648 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FENTURE Patient tact of Hugh Low freed the slaves of Perak IN April 1876 Hugh Low arrived in Perak to assume duty as British Resident. The situation in Perak then was deplorable. Low was the third British Resident of Perak within a period of 18 months. The
    1,648 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 chonqc 3J r prr >> 4 pushPWBM .{CORD -J'4 ;.OU'lt« them rack It B ni t-oublc. WaaaaM* vfyZtakm 4 I 4 P V iy 21 .iwls M 17 .IWLS LADIES. J ROLLED GOLD. GOLD TOP. ■:'e from All 4 r S 4 s £td. 4 4* ACID 3^, TO MAC
      86 words
    • 296 9 Swan Safety]. and here's why E*ag«rat»M a* prillim Tha Swan ~am Safety holds more ink than any other normal aize pen so toaa by cvapora- HOD is no problem. ajflgjatj |M*-9rwf. There it oo MB B| rubber sac to perish and leak. A special seal makea tba Safety ioo% a
      296 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 80 9 Ho.x Morgan. 3i.D. Going asrag I M *^Vf I J *Js\ L-Z^gMtßar 1 SI .^^^^^^Lmmm^. ggggggkaw es^is^isW^ Hick Tracy timi B^H-^B^^^^^i-^B AhA^TXiPO PIPTFFN TDCiVE U5 lH H FM v MAS MLKIW TO WEEM INIO S MM^!,^H BEHINO YOU IN ANOTHER CAB. J gaga^^fc C^E-JLT^OJ gH I T^^y"'*- V ||flW^^ Atj
      80 words

  • 569 10 PARTIAL CONFIDENCE IS RESTORED ON RUBBER MARKET By Our Market Correspondent THERE was a steadier undertone on the Singapore Rubber Market yesterday and confidence was partially restored after the big •hake-out. Sellers were more reserved and other factors contributing to the improvement of six and threeeigths cents on the closing
    569 words
  • 571 10 New York is buying more rubber TWE sudden decline In the 1 Singapore rubber market which started last week has continued and at one stage the price had slipped by more than fourteen cents with violent fluctuations and large turnovers, rep^.ts Holiday Cutler. Bath at Co. Ltd. current review. The
    571 words
  • 209 10 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association, Singapore Section, reported Industrials were slightly firmer with a fair volume of business passing on the lrx-al share market. Tins continued out of favour while n bber.s were dull with operators still cautious In .spite of the rwe In the commodity." Singapore Brokers
    209 words
  • 165 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noun prices per pitul yesterday were: Copra: steady: October 527 127 sellers: November $27 v buyers. $27 seller.-- Coronut oi'. steady, bulk $40 sellers, drum $43 sellers. Pepper: quietly steady with about 20 tons of business reported. Muntok white $157, Sarawak $156 (both down
    165 words
  • 95 10 Ship* lying ulong%idr thr Singapore Harbour «harvr, or expected today are: Tjlkampek 1 2. Mimkoi 4^. Darvel C.P Polyphemus 6,7. Astyanax 8 9. Demcdocus 11. Pyrrhua 13 14. Talisee 15 16. B- rma 18. Asahisan Maru 19 20. Sed*nak N Wall 2. Hocig Tit N Wall 4. Auby N
    95 words
  • 12 10 sss V,' Pi<ul (down t,M J (OPIM Pirul U p
    12 words
  • 65 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS Invest n within jl modera'. today in n definite trei,d leads were were Loan, 3 Loans 3 Con. Bank of N Mount Ljrell N. Broken HI Hill 50 Mount v Peko Western Minn Ampol Ex pi-. Oil Search Aust. Consol A.PM mcv Bradford B. Hill Pro. Courtaula Dunlov
    65 words
  • 72 10 October first grad, rBSIl f.o.b. clased i at *1.22 pei Thursday. Thr closing lont the close." Closing pri< i were No. buyers 122 N (Norn.i No buyers IX RSS. Novel sellers 12:r, Z 121 >„ sellerSingapore hambrr M ■nerre Rubbrr \ssno, Lll priee* jrestert 14 in cent> |M
    72 words
  • 20 10 On the frer I Hone Kong y-~--dollar wu quoted a: cash and > < 4 Merhnr and one tart o{ .<
    20 words
  • 28 10 The folio* nu rrops are annour< 24.300 lb.; A (.Irnrilv 7 T.i»O« lb Muitf lb. Pajam Hi J1.500 lb.; Trtuk \n«n I sr>4 tin Benin i
    28 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 260 10 NOTICE RUBBER EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, GOVERNMENT OF THE UNION OF BURMA, RANGOON. WANTED SELLING AGENTS FOR RUBBER Selling Agents for the sale of Burma raw rubber In lmportlne countries are wanted by the Rubber Export and Developmer.i Corporation, Burma. Rangoon. Well established firms are Invited to apply for the same,
      260 words
    • 716 10 notices NOTICE Thte serve* to Inform the publUthat we are commencing business aa rattan traders from the 13tb October. 1955. The Partners have appointed Messrs. Ng Oeok Seng and Ng Kirn Tee as their Manager and Trea- surer respectively. All concerned are hereby notified that all transactions with thlf concern
      716 words
    • 554 10 NOTICES CHANGE OF ADDRESS Tins U to notify all our Customers that as from October 15th. 1955. our Office will be at 31. Old Market Square. (First Floor). Kuala Lumpur and that our business will be as formerly. BENJAMIN TALALLA. LTD. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that as I haw
      554 words
    • 569 10 Re: ABDUL HAMID KHAN Deceased All prreon* having any claims •ffainst the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of No 27S Mural Mohalla. Indore India who dlrd or. the 23rd day of J^Mtiber 1953. are rroulred to •end particular* ot their claims In »rUln« to The Public Trustee and Official
      569 words
    • 362 10 KNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service f ROM CANADA/ U.S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing Arrtvin* San Francisco Sinsspore t. Swet Pciun? n O«cka Bskke In Port 16 Oct Elrtiberh Bakke 5 Oct S No. 7 Nov Ciortrvd B-kke 5 No. S Dec 7 Dec Anna «0 Dec 9 lan
      362 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 955 11 aNSFIELD dr CO., LTD, Toi. MM 105 V ,-vnorcted In Singapore) (11 Imn BLUE FUNNEL LDfE T^ X*"** othe' port, to lood ond ditchorge roroo .aSGOW, LONDON ft CONTININTAL PORTS r 9 'soil* P. S'hom Penong 6 11/14 Oct 17 Oct 18/21 Oct 22/21 t ll '14 Oet 17 Oct
      955 words
    • 2235 11 WWm oßbbv m LmWw 3m\ rbbbbW^-b* m rn^mW Mm i—*mW f^MW .bbbubV aP^BSsl bbbbT mmm mWWWw mm m mW Svl EAST ASIATIC LINE to, A-W. •J?'£l? O 1 n CONTININT/SCANDINAVIA rar A«.n. Port laid. *aaea, Aatworp, RoH.rdam. Hamburg. CaaOwbaaao) OoHMMbwrg ft OekT^ •ml til Atirti.- S>ore P. S'nam Penong !L^i^?
      2,235 words
    • 1169 11 MeALISTER tic CO.. LTD. TEL Ne 2814' ELLCRMAST BUCKNAU KLAVENESS LIKE LONDON, HAVRI, ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND SEATTLS A VANCOUVER and for USA, North Atlantic Pom Accepting cargc for Cntr.l ft Se«tk ond Conoda and via Colombo Aierlre city of Karachi cas-leville t&Tlm, WiX. 2s%°^ »>£"„ Z.
      1,169 words

  • 13 12 "JT MEANS YOU mil H/Mm BEffAW /N FUW/?E"
    13 words
  • 200 12 OASHAD BAHAROON regrets that "the Singapore Branch of UMNO dropped Its proposal to protest against the sending of Australian soldiers to Malaya." He has two reasons for lhs resret. The first one Is that the presence of Australian soldiers ■simply encourapes u.s to depend always on
    200 words
  • 88 12 I MUST confess to having experienced a sense of mild fatigue on reading your headlines tor today Scum' by Marshall." This feeling was soon dispe'led by cheerfulness when, on reading a little turther. I discovered that the "scum" referred to wire certain poetical gentlemen who had roused
    88 words
  • 329 12 MANY contributors to the Central Provident Fund would be pleasfd to know what steps have been taken by the planners to maintain the value of their contributions. They have reason to fear inflation. Throughout this era 6f social, political and economic progress, the value of m« n<
    329 words
  • 470 12 In brief 'Courage' of a trade union I WOULD like to congratulate the Malayan Airw.iv-. Local Employeev Union for their decision tc dismiss Mr. 8. Dragoon their secretary. I believe that it would be to their own advantaee if the other trade unions in Singapore were to follow this courageous
    470 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 197 12 QAMY SWISS MADI WNBHEAMBU SPRING fAR lAST SOLE AGENTS 11, Upper Circular Rd., S'?orc /v 1 Oblc ACCURACY" V >^V/ Tel *****—***** [W ;K?V-\ J955 Super FLAT MODELS AVAILABLE TT4e Kerne* Depcttmentcl Sfac^ §§4*M> *S on opportunity for you to buy the best llttflislt Cmilmr mttmehmd -IHH IU I IW»S
      197 words
    • 230 12 Muter h home Doe appears lik? know where he uc magK. ha viitft wnt three nm and a sa v. p. chair fl)ing, conicrrd ihi two legv But 'if Withered down stairs on no lew at rHamim all, and tobogganed the length of kci ibe hail oo a slip
      230 words

  • 433 13 Colony hookey Mam make 6-2 start A FIRST half hat-trick by Burden Coutts sent Singapore on to a fluent 6-2 victory over Johore in their opening state hockey fixture of the season on the padang yesterday. Coutta played his be.«t game of the season.
    433 words
  • 290 13 JjV)R two motoring brothers Chan Lye Huat and r Chan Lye Choon— tomorrows Autumn Gap hiU ■limb of the Singapore Motor Club at Paair Panjang. starting at 9 a.m., is a most wplrom* one>. The climb will give th»m the workout they need
    290 words
  • 59 13 Th* Birjrapore team to meet the Indonesian Chinese soccer tourixts today at Jalan Beaar Stadium kick-off bl5 p m will be chosen from Foofc Teng Skinner Johan. Kok Cheng. Boot Khun Aman. Kok Seng Oaman Jorum Kirn Beng. Omar Awang Ismail Yusoff Arthur Koh Awang Bakar
    59 words
  • 54 13 SAP A Jun:or Selection put ur a creditable display to beat Singapore A" 4-1 in their soccer friendly yesterday at Jalan Beaar Stadium Singapore A opened arorinc through Radln All then the Junior* scored three gixil* before rialf-tlme through Osman "ohd On and Bahar Soon alter
    54 words
  • 142 13 THWO players, who recently tMr- ed Ruaau with the Ail Indu earn, are included *n the Aryan vmkhana sveeer team which «n: play in Singapore during the ar.-: eek of November. The two player; ire J Christy and J Anthony. The tourists are expected in Singapore
    142 words
  • 51 13 Si Joseph's Institution and Serangoon English School played a •roretaas draw in their krtgr•chooJ nockev match at Bra; Buah Road yesterday SJI beat 6erangoon E8 3-0 in thei" semrvi team match At Raffle* Institution. Rafflea iwttutlon beat 8t Andrew School 3-0 Baldhlraj Singh i2> -ftd Sardool S.nth
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 550 13 BgyttTTaHi»:i tj ;i iki j nTBMI* U (mm.t—S+M it Ha. tMtrm. AT YOUR HOME: Private Tuition for all Standard* In all School Subject* from $30 Montnh Particulars Box A 6303 BT QUALIFY YOUR DRIVINO Test Through City Driving School undei Highly Competent Engllnh Speaking Instructora. 12, St. Oregory place.
      550 words
    • 420 13 WANTED t* •>•**# H i Vi».i-«m it rU. extra A FIRST CLASS Dance Band requirrd by lane C:ub .'or Nem Year* r»e Write Box A 6354. ST WANTED to purchase two Clamahe;; Buck*to each at half yard capacity. Reply P.O. Box 1177 WANTED Home for 3 year old Oreat Dane
      420 words
    • 438 13 tlllll Lfc> MIX .v\L» »'<f i ihHH st n.. ttf. > 1»SO FORD CUSTOM. V iux: i Velox. IMI Ford Consul. m» Sinter Sport, all good condtttsm. r«j> payment* ajraasec rUmi.ton Road 1952 TRIUMPH TIOC. S Hut Norton T»tn f 1 200 each 200 r c Velocette I*sl. ayrs is;:,
      438 words
    • 360 13 lUX SALL J* M ..ngi U r Him. i Bum M eu txtr, CRCW.EY SHELVADOR REi"RIOCRATOR. »cv. rt.. exceUen: orCltioc. :»o )«ax Ciurutn »4.50 Rin» §3641. alter T»o CXDMPrnTTVI alaurnlty Prorki. American Ladies Draaaes 110 M. PUlovraMa SO. 10. Bwllovers $3 30. LmXmt Brocade M M yard Lucks. 17. Orchard
      360 words
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 99 13 RI'GGEB Polir, v K.A.r. p'eletar Keletor. m Andrew's Sehoel v Baffle* Iml. WeotUrllle: Naval Baae v ENZAI. Naval Ba*w B.C.C. v MaMaeca. HOCKEY leaf «c. IMv. 1 Ceylon S.C. IndUn Assn. IA tr.. u ..d SJI.C. R\» (hinri (htn i l>.» I Khaba BNAft. Khalu Di< 3: Caki* and Wireless
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  • 382 14 A RARE DISTINCTION FOR TWO BROTHERS rAMBRIDGE University's rugby team will be captained this season by a former Singapore and South player, Jeffrey Clements. Jeffrey, who was born at Penang, is the elder son of Mr. H. F. Clements, president of the Malayan Rugby
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  • 397 14 WILL IT BE WONG OR 'FIGHTING' FERRY adminton's big question *T H E BADMINTON exhibitions tonight between Indonesia and Singapore will after all be an international match as all four tics will be played to a decision. This move has hern made «o that the highlight of the i evening,
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  • 53 14 KARACHI Frl— Pakistan were 178 for six at close of play tori.iv In the first innings of their hr-t cricket Test against New Zealand Pakistan, who dUmUsed :tv tourists for 164 thU morning v* now 18 runs ahead with four wic- kets in hand after two
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 45 14 RAF Seletar triangular sailing competition for the Waveney Cup. competed for every three month* between Naval RAP Changl and RAF Seletar. will bo held at Seleta 1 tomorrow. Eighteen boat* will take part 12 snipes and six RNAS dinghies
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  • 33 14 RAFFLES Institution beat RAF Seletar by four matches to three In a table-tennl. 1 match last night taffies won three singles and a loubles against two singles and a doubles
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  • 130 14 LONDON. Frl jgMIL Zatopek. the 33-year- old Czechoslovakia^ triple Olympic champion who has dominated long distance running for the past seven years, will retire from inter- i national athletics after the i Olympic Games in Melbourne nrxt year. Zatopek. a Colonel in the
    130 words
  • 144 14 KPSOM II H' CALL BOY K.I. r 1 MYHTIC CODE SanU Claaa MYSTIC CODE tmiUmmrt MYSTIC CODE Bar.U diu< Rarr 3. «S CASH CHEQUE Fur Moon II Bankrr Boy NEW YEAB Caah 1 hrquf River Moon II BANKER ROT i»h 1 hrqur Kh.ndi Mir Rarr I 3
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  • 1027 14 Race 1—2.30: Class 4 -6 Furs. 1 341 BanU Claw 3v Franklin 905 Olam Stable Spencer 2 373 Spitfire II .Sy Oeyer SO7 Kwlk Stable Allan 3 094 Vetorlty !Sv Jones 806 T. V. Mitchell Daniel., 4 522 Bnitentorg 4y Crarknell 103 TTC Stable Allan 5 240
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  • 145 14 fISCAR OABRIRL. who has played for Bengal Tigem In India, has been picked as a centrethree for Monday's Singapore All Blues first rugby trial at Thomson Road. The selectors are giving newcomers a chance to prove their worth for the All Blues team to meet Police
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  • 206 14 By EPSOM JEEP /UEVER BIG finished strongly, half a length behind the useful Firebird, over 7f. on the first day. On that display, this staying four-year-old by The Bug can be barked as a good thing in the Autumn Cup for Class Three horses
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  • 796 14 CASH CHEQIE was unlucky to be boatcn by Firebird and Clever Bur in a tight finish over 7f. last week. From the half mile to the home turn, he was denied a run on the rails and when the opening came it
    796 words
  • 77 14 OFFICIAI.S of Sprlngdale Sports Club (or 1955 36 are Prttrony Messrs Le f Choon En K A R Laurou.v Ho* Kum Urn .«nd Dr Tan Boon Ch»e«. President Mr John Yap Ah San; secretary, Willie Ho a*st «erreUry. Su Joo Hoa treasurer Peter Yap. auditor Imi Bonn
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  • 51 14 THE froing at Penan*' has improved conkirirrahl;, and hy Ust evening it was only yielding TREBLE TOTE will be held «n Races Three, Five, and Six The Big Sweep will be drawn on Rare Seven I: \IHi. MALAYA will broadcast commentaries on all races at Penang
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  • 85 14 1 Charm lish wlnni on Wndnthe m Traih i double. This B< year-olri and clown can be foil fldencc. M< I Seas s* once Hy Rememb< Andy and Nothing Trailer cm went fur' away from across the length rival. Coun His tiny slower tha: but
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 896 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. I it nntinurd from V:\tr 6) SITUATIONS VACANT »0 H ortft M (Mlm.)-Bmx it ef«. txtrm. CONTPETKNT COPY TYPIST Wanted by I^gal Firm. Particulars to H'-x Af.336, ST. WANTED Cantonese Amah for •Mbtnc and cleaning only full time, quarters provided. Apply 113 H;u« Road, Katong. Phone *****. WANTED
      896 words
    • 41 14 (j fabuioui it tlM Mmcurn ff but Kifmitilf not myth y/lt v O 1 smqle H i$ a Consult you r favou r iti or tt'/i/f to Sole Agents: THE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT < P.O. Box 92. Singapore Hmo, ,t:- MNANC b KUALALUM^^
      41 words