The Straits Times, 1 August 1955

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 556 1 Optimistic Colonial Secretary layi: I hope to help to solve confitiitional problems First talk with Marshall today 'We all want to find answer' olonial Secre- tan, Mr. A1 a n Boyd, arrived ji Singapore from Htng Konjr la*t night and >;iid he hoped to solve the
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  • 41 1 NEW YORK. Sun. Yehudi llenuhin, world-famed violinst, announced today that he lad obtained permission for wo Soviet musicians to play n the U.S. next autumn in eturn for three concert apwarances he will make in Mos:ow next May. U.P.
    UP  -  41 words
  • 33 1 LONDON. Sun.' Two wooden tablets, with inscriptions still legible, have been found in a 2,000-year-old tomb on the outskirts of the city of Wuhan, the Nkvw China New Agency reports. Router.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 60 1 I: 'Oklahoma), M Clarence Coombs radio programme but ended up in a with .shock. tarted her car, which m front of a radio ►lunged forward through the window into the office where a programme was in progress. Officials estimated damage to radio and office
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  • 68 1 THE GOVERNOR. Sir Robert Black, the Commissioner-General, Mr .Malcolm Mac Donald, and the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, were at Kallang Airport to meet the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, when he arrived from Hong Kong last night. Straits Times pictures shows (from left):
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  • 284 1 FONG AND LIM ESCORTED HOME TWO union leaders, Mr. Lim Chin Siong and Mr. Fong Swee Suan, were nearly beaten up by trade unionists outside the premises of the Singapore City Council Labour Unions Federation in Race Course Road yesI terday. This happened shortly after they
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  • 151 1 LET'S ALL BE PALS IN PACIFIC CHOU HONG KONG, Sun. pHINA today proposed a giant peace pact signed by herself, the United States and other Asian and Pacific nations. The Prime Minister, Mr. Chou En-lai, who has previously urged an exclusively Asia non-aggression pact, made the proposal in a foreign
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 142 1 Dolly, the fat lady, dieted away 410 lb. in a year ORLANDO, (Florida). Sun. MRS. Celesta Gcycr, a palmist who works here, is five feet tall and weighs 125 lb. But as a fat lady in a circus only a few years ago, Mrs. Geyer weighed 550 lb. She was
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  • 25 1 BOMBAY, Sun. India has agreed to train Sudanese defence personnel, Major-General Ibrahim Abboud. Deputy Com-mander-in-Chief of the Sudan's defence services, said yesterday.—A. P.
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  • 29 1 LONDON, Sun. Twentythree elderly patients were helped across a roof to safety early today when fire broke out in a wing at a hospital in Suffolk— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 94 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Sun. Susan Bryan, pretty 21-year-old career girl, landed here at noon yesterday to break the around-the-world flight record for commercial airlines and win her race against travel agency executive Andrew W. Lerios. Susan landed after being airborne 107 hours and 20 minutes
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  • 54 1 SALERNO, Sicily, Sun. The "Southern Arrow" express bound for here lumped the rails yesterday with a lurch that overturned three carriages and threw sleeping travellers from their berths, but all aboard survived. Police said 81 people suffered cuts bruises and shock but only eight were sent
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  • 40 1 ALTHA, Florida. Sun.— A judge ruled that the death of Rev. George Hensley. 75, of Georgia, was suicide, because he voluntarily picked up a rattlesnake and refused medical assistance. Rev. Hensley was demonstrating his faith.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 29 1 WASHINGTON, Sun. The Republican Party claims the United States is having the "greatest peak of prosperity" 'n its histdry with "everything booming but the guns." —Reuter.
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  • 116 1 His speedboat a modified jet plane WHITBY, Ontario. Sun. William Hatch, 28-year-old speedboat racer, is planning to attack Donald Campbell's 202.32 miles an hour water speed record next year in a modified Jet flshter fuselage. Mr. Hatch, who has won major races in the United States and Canada, said his
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 18 1 NEW DELHI. Sun— Mr Nehru will send two elephants to the Moscow Zoo next month A.P.
    AP  -  18 words
  • 658 1 I'M NOT GOING TO START ROW: TENGKU Federation Agreement inadequate but we can make it work KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. T»ENGKt) ABDUL RAHMAN, the Federation's Leading Minister designate, today promised not to interfere with the Federation Agreement for the time being. •He was speaking after a two-and-a-half -hour interview with the
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  • 174 1 130 unions back Marshall DELEGATES from 130 tradtunions in Singapore, representing more than 100,000 workers, yesterday decided to tell the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd. that they support Mr. David Marshall, the Colony's Chief Minister, in the constitutional crisis. This decision was taken at a meeting held in conjunction
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  • 146 1 'Hostile' British ship chased MANILA, Sun. A PHILIPPINE Navy boat chased and halted a "hostile" British freighter on Thursday when the British vessel refused to heed a challenge, Navy headquarters revealed here today. Chief Commodore Jose Francisco said the freighter Inchul- va was challenged when she entered Philippine waters and
    UP  -  146 words
  • 49 1 'FHiHTFRS SHOT DOtVN ISRAELI AIRIINFR ATHF.NS. Sun Mr. Tori FaU'i. leader or bradl mrrsticatirtn MJWItIHI hirli went into Bulgaria yttter«lav, said today <hrre Iffu \o doubt that the Israeli airliner tfillllli ll m*& was shot down bj .mall arms fire. proh*bU from fighter plaips-- X<Mitrr. <S*e Pa&«3).
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  • 64 1 PERTH, Sun. A policeman lectured school children at Chidlow, Western Australia, on the danger of explosives. His talk so impressed the youngsters that they produced their arsenal— three 25-lb. I. shells, several smaller shells. 529 grenades, a pile of assorted detonators and small arms ammunition. Chidlow,
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 Unrivalled for Beauty died for Craftsmanship Unsurpassed for Value c p. H. De SUVA LTD. K LUMPUR. IPOH. Ask for KeilUrs JAMS Plum Strawberry Raspberry **..J£* Gooseberry Blackcurrant Mixed Fruit Bramble Jelly Raspberry Red Currant and J MARMALADES Dundee Ginger Lemon Lime Thick Chip Little Chip r the past 150
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    • 31 1 It means so much more to give or get a PATEK PHILIPPE Wattb The finest watcn. ever made. Limited annual production. H. SENA LTD. SINGAPORE PENANQ A BANGKOK *iii^^V «k^ s
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  • 105 2 336 lb. man loses fish and chips test LEICESTER, Sun. ERNEST MILLS, Leicester's fattest man, who weighs 3361 b. was tonight challenged to eat 14 pieces of fish and ninepenny worth of chips or Day the bill. Bachelor Ernest, 55, loosened the belt round his 64-inch waist and started to
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 46 2 MOSCOW, Sun. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet announced yesterday that Nikolai Kazakov had been relieved of his post as Minister of Heavy Machine Building. One of the charges against him was that he failed to keep abreast of technical developments abroad.— A.P.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 68 2 BRISTOL. Sun. A brain I operation for chronic depres- I Bion appeared to change the chancier of Stanley Harris, 63, a court was told here. After holding a job for 28 1 years, he was sacked as unsatisfactory three months after the operation, his wife
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 220 2 It's on the cards but there is some Cabinet opposition SINGAPORE Gov- ernment is considerin? running a welfare lottery. The Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga, Is among the Ministers who feel a lottery could help to finance hospitals and social welfare projects. But there
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  • 80 2 LONDON. Sun. A 63-YEAR-OLD widow was killed after an explosion in her flat here was touched off when the caretaker rang her doorbell. The caretaker smelled gas coming from the flat of Mrs. Marjorle Lotheim and went to investigate. He rang the doorbell— and a spark from
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 67 2 SAN ANTONIO, Sun.— Frank Granger Huntress, 85, who worked his way up from newsboy to chairman of the board of the Express Publishing company one of the biggest in the United States, died in his sleep yesterday. Mrs. Huntress took him a copy
    UP  -  67 words
  • 55 2 NOTTINGHAM, Sun.— To attract and keep workers, a local firm of potato crisp makers have installed a dance hal] in their factory Instead of an ordinary canteen It has a stage, a bar and a barbecue for roasting chickens, and will be a recreation centre for
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 186 2 Price control back in five States in Australia MELBOURNE, Sunday. m E Australian States have reimposed price controls 1 on a wide range of goods in an attempt to curb inflation and it has touched off the liveliest controversy here. Only the Victorian Government has not yet yielded to pressure
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 133 2 The catch 19 on one hook NO FIGHT EITHER BOURNEMOUTH, Son. EDWARD KNOTT yesterday asked fishermen all over the world if any of them could match his performance 10 fish caught at the same time on the same hook. There Is a catch to it. Fishing with two friends four
    AP  -  133 words
  • 50 2 NEW YORK, Sun.— Mr. Willy Poganyn Hungarian-born artist and illustrator, died yesterday m his flat in New York. He was 72. Poganyn 's illustrations of such books as "The Arabian Nights", "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Ancient Mariner" were familiar to a generation of children. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 29 2 NEW YORK. Sun.— General Electric yesterday received a US$5 million ($l5 million) order for 40 diesel locomotives from the Manila Railways of the Philippines..— A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 117 2 'It's routine' to scrap constitution LONDON, Sun. rpHE Observer said today that the constitutional crises in the Federation and Singapore closely follow the pattern of events in other major British colonies that have been given a substantial measure of self- government in the past decade. "It has become almost routine
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 29 2 RAVENNA, Michigan. Sun. Two children were suffocated yesterday when they crawled into a trunk in the attic of their home and pulled the lid down. A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 188 2 LONDON PAPERS SAY: DROP STUFFINESS Football match for Marshal Bulganin LONDON, Sun. rVO Sunday newspapers today put forward their own ideas on what Marshal Bulganin and Mr. Khrushchev should see when they visit Britain next y ear and both agreed the Soviet Premier and the Communist Party chief ought to
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 144 2 Toffee slug for th« villain ruins £500 cinema screen LONDON, San. AN UNKNOWN boy, sitting In the front stalls of a cinema in Stockton -on -Tens. got annoyed with a clown who was knocking his favourite star, Jerry Lewis •bout so he took a toffee fr#m: his mouth and threw
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  • 139 2 Deputy mayor takes on thrt slack street cleaners STRASBOURG s» STRASBOURG'S deputy mayor thought the city's street sweepers that he public!he could do the work of any three Yesterday M. Joseph Zell turned out In the marketsquare, sleeves rolled up and bowler hat perched firmly on his head,
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 53 2 NOVOROSSISK. R Sun. -The US farm H l:i tion-hoping iotfL** toasts and more l£ tours-moved into C^ farm lands of the B*S region yesterday a^ Refreshed by a two-da^ age on the Black s Americans came from o*l where they had wejfi real siege
    AP  -  53 words
  • 39 2 NEWCASTLE ON TEYN, Sun. Thieves broke into a tailor's shop here early today. helped themselves tc a complete new outfit of clothes— and left their old ones, minius identifying marks, in neat piles on the floor.— Reuter.
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  • 43 2 BUENOS AIRES. Su" Gunmen disarmed two domen guarding a church* yesterday and. shot or, them dead The other esm unhurt The policemen ing the churcn of Sax Apostol when the gas made their dawn attack. church was untouched ter.
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  • 107 2 PARIS, Sin. The French Government has banned the sale, without licence, of a 32 calibre pistol, favourite weapon of deceived husbands and Jilted sweethearts in France. The pistol is known as the "long rifle" because of its long rifled barrel. A campaign for restrictions on
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 s§3vC* PORT ELIZABETH jg» lIS WANUFACTORSR AILE R S m fOR Ml "lII— ate ple d Sk!"!"m£"> to announce that they* have appointed GUTHRIE Co Ltd as their distributors Singapore, federation OF Malaya, Kj Wwtim%YWi BORNEO, BRUNEI, SARAWAK and 1 alSilii' Q* f fA'Gm, /Pur**, Cf+€,t4'Ues f\«,Q<*tA4i?vUut g ffftftffflft SINGAPORE
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  • 297 3 First bill may be for £sm.— but after that will lunar flights be cheap? first these claims must come true LONDON, Sunday. FRENCH scientist announced today that a o the moon was possible now all that L needed wm money. nan jon. Director of
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  • 55 3 Portugal told: Quit India DEMONSTRATORS march through New Delhi demanding the merger of the Portuguese territories in India with the Indian Republic. The- demonstration followed the announcement that Portugal has been asked to close its legation in Delhi by Aug. 8 because of her refusal to
    AP  -  55 words
  • 69 3 \NGELES, Sun. of proposed ravel round 1 assem-Convalr-General ration Works and Pomona, reported arts for the had been months. k are also 1 uidi d missiles, the rocketh the football would be rocket con--1 Kraft Ehricke isclose ifctel\t week in a :> iivered
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  • 34 3 After all this a few burns r Lancashire. ar-old Chriscrawled 12 inches square lectrifled railway rt. touched the ;is thrown bewhere a train ithout injury a ported. r waa kept in the .;nd shock.
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  • 16 3 BOGOTA, Colombia, Sun.— The Government put all newspapers in Colombia under censorship yesterday.— A.P.
    AP  -  16 words
  • 61 3 Canadian la Bruyere to- l the English back without replica on the I which Louis j first Chan--1909. I He took off from Calais, circled over Dover, and landed hero after a round trip of one hour and 40 minutes. Last Thursday Jean Salis of France
    UP  -  61 words
  • 284 3 FAST, FEAST— THEN A RIOT 25 policemen hurt in street clashes PARIS, Sun. ABOUT 25 policemen and some civilians were hurt yesterday when 4,000 North Africans attacked passers-by after celebrating the Muslim fast of Aid-el-Kehir, in the La Chapelle district of Paris. Calm was restored by the evening, but carloads
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 185 3 COME TO RUSSIA IT GETS SENATORS The big rush for summer visas is on WASHINGTON, Sunday. A RECORD number of United States Congressmen may visit the Soviet Union this summer following a general relaxation in travel restrictions behind the Iron Curtain. i Senator Estes Kefauver (Democrat) said that he had
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 46 3 LONDON, Sun.— Sir Anthony Eden has asked Sir Winston Churchill to help welcome Russia's Prime Minister to Britain next spring. This was one of the topics discussed yesterday, when the Prime Minister reported to his old leader on«the Geneva conference. U.P.
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  • 37 3 ADEN. Sun.— Britain Is flying to Aden some of its most modern light-armoured cars in a bid to quell sharp shooting Arab tribesmen who have been Keeping British forces busy for 18 months. Reuter.
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  • 88 3 Pay up— and quickly, Bulgars told WASHINGTON, Sun. rpHE United States today deX manded that Bulgaria pay prompt compensation for the loss of 12 Americans In the shooting down of an Israeli airljner last Wednesday. Bulgaria also was asked to punish all those responsible for the incident in which a
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 50 3 CIUDAD TRUJILLO. Dominica. Sun. Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor was a happy woman today when the divorce of Porflrio Rubirosa and Barbara Hutton became final. The heiress did not contest the suit. Rubirosa and Zsa Zsa. now reportedly engaged, are expected here on Tuesday. AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 35 3 MOSCOW, Sun.— All Soviet occupation troops in Austria will be withdrawn by Oct. 1 25 days before the time limit set by the big powers— the Soviet Defence Minister, Marshal Zhukov announced yesterday.—Reuter.
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  • 216 3 When man meets model on road to altar in a plane MINNEAPOLIS, Sun. A MILLIONAIRE, Edward Williams, and a model Marion Sutton were married yesterday as their chartered plane cruised lazily over Ihe cornfields of Northern lowa. Williams, a portly Kansas City undertaker, is 52.
    AP  -  216 words
  • 181 3 The patriots of the market place: Pravda style MOSCOW, Sun. PRAVDA yesterday urged a sharp increase in the Russian version of private enterprise the sale of food by peasants on the open market. An editorial in the Comunist Party newspaper said the sale of surplus collective farm produce in the
    AP  -  181 words
  • 63 3 Not so dumb a mute testifies BEACONSFIELD. Sun. A 17-year-old youth, who knocked over a man while motorcycling, later said to the police the man told him: "I'm not hurt. Carry on." But the youth, who did not know the man was deaf and dumb, found out in court here
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 237 3 The space race: Is Britain first? LONDON, Sun. TIRITAIN Joined the space race today when Prof. H. S. Massey, chairman of the Royal Society's Upper Atmosphere Committee, said that Britain had experiments in hand that might carry her several stages ahead of the United States in the field of space
    AP; UP  -  237 words
  • 69 3 DIXON. Ulinos, Sun.—William Young, a chef, spotted a red neon sign over a door. So he walked in, slapped his hand on the counter and said: "Give me a drink." The man behind the counter, a policeman Ray Wilson, immediately marched Young before a magistrate
    AP  -  69 words
  • 54 3 PIQUA, Ohio. Sun.— Police yesterday held a wrestling fan who became so enraged during a match that he threw a knife at one of the wrestlers and got the wrong man. Police said the knife intended for Bozo Malenko, a Russian, got George Marcracostis, a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 ...that bedroom 0- CHEST OF DRAWERS _g_ Waxed Teak $200/00 Lacquered Teak $225/00 i DRESSING TABLE w «cd Teak $300/00 C**jCm£m^ W m -co Teak 5330/OO Ei 1 m TALLBOY M Waxed Teak $245/00 Lacquered Teak $*****0 YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED STORE WITH A TO OFFER Cathay hotel All bedrooms
      72 words
    • 217 3 *§i THE "TRAVELLER" W ORLON /\\|t\ SUIT \A Will IPi weichs <T il OWYUOUNttS H^ NO PRESSING BTns THIS SU|T Hfiil i' V H^S^m UU DERS IN ■HfflW f ,m LE ss THAN 15 MINUTES J- \M JUST WASH IT jL 'm& HANG IT WEAR IT T ,jn_ H. SUIT
      217 words

  • 265 4 Col. Lee advises the boom boys KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. THE PRESIDENT of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce," Col. H. S. Lee, today warned Malayans against overspending. He gave this warning because the earning power of a large number of people has increased as a result of
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  • 140 4 Rev. Huang dies, in Colony 'Take a tip from Korea war black markets' THE Rev. Timothy M. T. Huang. 55, Professor of Theology and Bible in the Chinese Department of Trinity College. Singapore, died at his home in Mount Sophia yesterday. The funeral will be today. the cortege leaving his
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  • 44 4 18 th century fashion •ENGLISH GENTLEMAN AND HIS LADY- THE RESIDENT COMMISSIONER. Mr. H. G. Hammett. and Miss Christine Hamilton, a sister at Malacca General Hospital, in the 18th century English costume in a cavalcade of international costume at Kubu Stadium. Straits Times picture.
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  • 211 4 'LET US STRIKE IF NECESSARY 9 IPOH, Sunday. T<HE TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars which banks earn as service charges every half year should not be treated as trading profits', said Mr. C. H. Yin, chairman of the banking section of the Malayan
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  • 48 4 Singapore's Solicitor-Gene-ral, Mr. C. H. Butterfleld, has been appointed Attorney General for the Colony in succession to Mr. E. J. Davies. He will take up his new job when Mr. Davies leaves on Sept 6 for his new appointment as Chief Justice, Tanganyika.
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  • 49 4 Prof. S.R.D- Sastri, former Professor of Sanskrit at Madras University, will talk about "The Indian way of thought" at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club on Wednesday at the Capitol Red Room. Prof. Sastri is now on a lecture tour of Malaya and Indonesia.
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  • 63 4 NEWOFFICERS BACK FROM BRITAIN Fifteen newly graduated second lieutenants returned to Singapore yesterday after 2Vi years at Sandhurst. They will be posted to Malay and Federation regiments soon. Among parents, relatives and friends who were at Kallang airport was Dato Sir Onn bin Ja'afar. He was there to greet his
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  • 30 4 The Kota Rajah Club, Singapore, will hold a Had Raya party for children at its clubhouse in Kampong Istana Glam, off Beach Road, at 3.30 p.m. today.
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  • 194 4 Hill guard for 4,000 St. Anne pilgrims BUKIT MERTAJAM, Sun. OECURITY forces mount- ed guard over the Bukit Mertajam Hill today as 4,000 pilgrims a postwar record poured into the town to attend the annual Feast of St. Anne, patroness of Province Wellesley. Vow-fulfllling Catholics turned beggars for the day
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  • 149 4 BRAZIER NURSES WANT HIM IN MALA? Uni on to<3 the Fed r;i iir jn dy r 3 ment to vices ol Adviser. Mi j at least period foil tions. The nurw ing here ly alarm, ri was being r ernment. The r.,n. many Brazier's during thi lor Btrei union mov
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  • 52 4 JOHORB BAHRU, Sun. Hamid bin Yassim was sentenced in the Sessions Court to six months' Jail to be followed by one year's police supervision for stealing $20 from Salleh bin Jahir. When Hamid he was wearing I of trousers. Ha:: previous convictii i rial breach
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 272 4 Sj^^ M This picture was executed by Tan Eng R. it Kiat. She attends the x t^ Anthony Road Girls SfiMLrLif and she is 3 years Ml and LO say: j Tv^Lr "Eng Kiat shows real ability and /T\ j V^!/*\jk y^fK /Nw admirable economy of line in this r^\v
      272 words
    • 105 4 fUmfAT ceyloHPtea >> The Hall Mark of Quality and High >> A Blend with unmistakable Class abc Produced bj Spt jperienced in olJerir.g of Exclusive 1 White in Ihv lint» »f TEA BtJSi there is nnnv hfttvr than l lb. |SS pRIN cLEAFfe' iLS3I T C A s Ml I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 521 4 DA««*4% *mm.w M.mwM Two Gu'tars; 10.00 Away From It RADIO MALAYA AllM^O— 11.00 Percy Proctor. Programmes thus marked can be I received by listeners in Malacca. |l|l^l!Jf|l|K']l Short wave 49 and 62m. Medium I iT^^^^i^iJ wave 476 m.. 343 m., 366 m. and 297 m.) ■■■■^■MHiHIIHHH A.M. 9.00 In Holiday
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  • 1529 5 Judge's daughter teamed with savage brood of killers FOUR G-Men and a prisoner left Kansas City railway station one day in 1933, and strode briskly towards a waiting car. Suddenly the harsh chatter of tommy guns cut across the roar of city traffic. The (i-Men and their prisoner fell dead
    Daily Mirror  -  1,529 words
  • 265 5 but finally made a break and was run to earth in Colorado. Twice sentenced to death for Wilson's murder, he finally got off with five years for manslaughter on appeal. Starr built a record of 48 successful bank robberies before he was killed at Harrison. Arkansas,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 ft* mems (or a FRAGRANCE that FLATTERS and remains a lowly MEMORY use CussorfS y Imperial Leather OILET POWDER KD FOR HUBBY. II II AFTER SHAVE HIM HO SHAVING STICKS. but M Mazda 1 itZUj M UNIVERSITY CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE L^stal Tuition '"cinilid ISB7, prtpans for: JAMbri DGE OVERSEA »CHOOL CERTIFICATES
      116 words
    • 240 5 You'd never guess its rated as a small car! IMbshw^ Br '^Lm^ 3 Come and »cc this amazinß Morris Minor the most soucht-afur small car in the world! Sit in it drive it you'll be astonished that any car can offer such roominess and comfort, such brilliant performance, at such
      240 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 89 5 Shortovli livtnws information waniwl #//>/. Travy Sinm>lhiny shiny E9BBHES 553 Ilater. when the girl bosses] fiV aw;- Ju'v f?cßqv.3iQ. letl I She daubs at twe mot Yrfe THE SAME GIRL IN THE BY TO WAIT ON TWE TA S<-.£ L ME GET IT WTW THIS LIQUID— AND CATCHES HER SN^SWOTTR^toRNy'
      89 words

  • 20 6 ;</ »V.,rrfs IM I minimum). MRS LOUISA SHERIDA Thanks I mt wreaths letters of all those who attended •ral.
    20 words
  • 113 6 20 Word* SIO 'minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In Matt* If you want to win t MM word pu/zlt. COLLECTION of Ready- 1 style* are liable at Harrows Ltd., 7 < Road. Phone *****. THE MOST Talked-about hou.sevear.s Air-wick, llous new way to kill smells.. >r for a bottle.
    113 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 606 6 The last time the Secretary of State for the Colonies came to Malaya was more than three and a half years ago. In this period dividing the visits of Mr. Lyttelton and Mr. Lennox-Boyd, the essential problems that require ministerial attention have not changed. These are the
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    • 483 6 Man, bound to this clod of clay we call the earth, Is now reaching out for the stars and who can say that he would not be able, one day, to shatter the barriers that stand in the way of his dreams. The earth satellites which the
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    • 131 6 It is reassuring to read that the Peoples' Democracies are being cautiously exposed to the corrupting influences of capitalist practices. On more than one occasion the Russian press and radio have relayed at length the speeches of capitalist statesmen like President Eisenhower. A few months ago one
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  • 284 6 QUESTIONS ON THE LAND BILL I BELIEVE the Government intend to rush through the Lands Titles Ordinance tomorrow. I* wonder whether any members have taken the trouble to read and understand the Bill. To those who have I would ask the following questions: Sec. 121. What Is this new legal
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  • 556 6 Freedom at speech in Indonesia MOST remarkable is the statement of "Patera Indonesia," who speaks of freedom of speech in nis I happen to be in Singapore for a few days and return to Indonesia shortly. Believe me, foreigners lire in Indonesia to-day under terrible suspense. Naturally there are certain
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  • 157 6 AT Tanah Merah Besar off Changi Road there is a home for crippled children run by the British Red Cross. In this home 40 children are being taught to overcome their disabilities, so that when they leave the home they will be able to walk and
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  • 934 6  - Peking prosperity plan means bitter sacrifice I WALTER BRIGGS S)iM Dy .iiimiiiii ii E HONG KONG. E CTILL deep in study of E the voluminous res' port on Red China's first E Five- Year Plan, many E analysts here are finding E it to be a fairly realistic E programme
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  • 234 6 iiiiiiiii MJLN IW THE STREET iiihiiiiiiiiihiii him iiiiiiiiiiiiiiini T WISH to bring to your 1 notice the veritable death-trap that exists at the Junction of Kallang Road and Crawford Street for the many schoolchildren of all ages who have to cross it every morning
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  • 366 6 The last word is with the Com able and popular a mar* Dato Nik ATimcri k£JhS Kelantan. Tn the words oj Phillips nearly ago, "revolutions made; they conn what is t. Malaya is a part i Asian revolutloi festations of which so pressed everj who attended the doeng Conference April.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 706 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 2# B'anfi fin (minimum). PETRICH: To Gwenneth Hilda. *.fe of c J. Petiich. at Kandana. Krrbnu. Singapore. <>n 27th July, a daughter. it Worit tin (minimum). IKK-CHAN^ Boon Ann, elder son Of Mr and Mrs I-ee Klong Choon. xmcer daughter of Mr. Knk Chye and the late Mrs.
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    • 8 6 ills* ir aaur i^ li COUK* QUAY. HN6Afs*t
      8 words
    • 155 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE 'PHONE ***** t *Jtniuo OPTICIANS^^*^ K. E. MEYER FNAOi D OPT , K. W. BELL DIP. OPT. A.S.T.C. F.A.O.A. I'"' —"">"»"% rttslvvt'Wl/ LA/. 1/ 1 ll SELF-WINDING CALENDAR WATCH. l/ M Automatic calendar j /**"*—>// I Jjfl mechanism shows the day A Btv Imt of the month
      155 words

  • 230 7 MERDEKA' AS UMNO SUPPORTERS CELEBRA TE 10,000 MALAYS JOIN IN FEDERATION'S BIGGEST POLITICAL DEMONSTRATION Loudest cheer for man H li<) beat Dato Onn KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. I SAM) Malays from all over the •ion m«'t horc today for the opening of nun UMNO building in Batu Road. opportunity to celebrate
    230 words
  • 42 7 )0 con- Malayan D( cem- >p tryplanned m n< y to car a re wmThiam a hunch a Dig- me." n who prize a FedMr. Tan "i Id the rday he ol the ng w%s Lao
    42 words
  • 45 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun— Ng Tong Ben» was lined S6OO. or uonths' iail for possession (of chandu smoking utensils. Ng .said that the utensils were old and that he had not used them. He had two previous convictions for similar offences.
    45 words
  • 49 7 3un.— The were still many parts of the Dr. Lee country where contaminated i a broad- water was endangering public more than health. r re Dr. Lee was introducing Ith "pure. Health Week, which opens tomorrow on the theme, '"Clean that there water means better health."
    49 words
  • 54 7 THE CHIEF MINISTER. Mr. David Marshall, stood on the seat of his car and waved a clenched fist to a crowd of trade unionists and students who gathered at the entrance to Kalians Airport last nieht to see the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd,
    54 words
  • 289 7 FRIEND OF ANIMALS HAS NEW PROBLEM A SINGAPORE woman teacher, Mrs. F. Leon-Son, best known for Riving a good home to stray dogs and cats, now finds herself pressed with offers not of unwanted animals but of children from poor families. It all began
    289 words
  • 49 7 80y, '3, drowned in well Tay Swee Ling, three-year-old son of a trisha rider, was found drowned last night in a well beside his home at Potong Paslr, Singapore. The body was discovered by an aunt who was looking for him after the family missed him about 5.30 p.m.
    49 words
  • 287 7 NOT 25, SAYS SUPERINTENDENT 11/IR. J. ANGUS, Superintendent of the Singapore Fire iTI Brigade, yesterday proved that the first fire engine to dash from Hill Street to a shophouses fire at Balestier Road on Saturday took 12 minutes. He was answering allegations made by Mr. Chew
    287 words
  • 74 7 TODAY: Singapore 10.17 ajn. (7 ft. 6 In.) 9.10 p.m. (8 ft. 8 In.); Port Dlckson 4.46 a.m. (6 ft. 7 in.) 5.36 p.m. (7 ft. 6 in.); Penang 11.25 a.m. (6 ft. 8 in.). TOMORROW: Singapore 10.52 a.m. (8 ft.) 9.56 p.m. (9 ft. 2 in.); Port
    74 words
  • 32 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Yap Soong Jan, a labourer of South Malaya Pineapple Estate. Pontian, was fined $250 here today for having a bottle of Chinese medicine in a prohibited area.
    32 words
  • 73 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Hwa Keng Farm, a student, who altered his name on his identity card to Hwa Ching Phuan, without authority, was fined $300. or two months' jail today. AfCer making the alteration Hwa applied to the-Registra-tion Office for a new card when the alteration
    73 words
  • 173 7 MR. Dominic Carjnlchael. 69. collapsed with a heart attack during the wrestling matches at the Happy World arena on Saturday night. He was admitted to the General Hospital, where he died 12 hours later. Mr. Carmlchai'l was watching his wrestler driver. Tiger Puran. tussle with
    173 words
  • 267 7 'WHY I TOOK TEACHERS DOWN A PEG' Assemblyman talks of 4 types AMR. LIM CHER KHENG, an Assemblyman and preiTl sident of a big Chinese middle school old boys' association, yesterday defended strongly his public criticism of the conduct of certain groups of Chinese teachers in Singapore. He was answering
    267 words
  • 91 7 KUALA LUMPER, Sun. THE executive ccaimlttee of the Pan-Malayan Isiam'.c Party met in Klang today to study reports from their candidates in the Federal elections The party hopes to uncover the weakness of the election campaign and to remedy it in future elections. Only one
    91 words
  • 61 7 Nino companies of the Singapore Battalion Boys' Brigade took part in a squad drill competition at the Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church on Saturday. The Ist Company won with 89 points, followed by the 2nd. Company (79) and sth Company <70». The judge was Major M. A.
    61 words
  • 37 7 THE REV. TIMOTHY M. T. HUANG, 55, Professor of Theology and Bible in the Chinese Dept. of Trinity College, died at his residence in Mount Sophia Road, Singapore, yesterday. Regretted very much by Goh Say Meng.
    37 words
  • 34 7 The Malayan Methodist Youth Fellowship Council will meet at the V.M.C.A., Kuala Lumpur, at 9 a.m. on Aug 14 to plan the All-Malayan M.Y.F. Institute at Ipoh in April next year. I'
    34 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 is the drink is the Scotch fNo otlier drink i< quite so raSI refreshing as Scotch Whisky. You can ilrink it short or zl~+ long, as the mood takes you, but whether served neat or w tn a co draught of r. t mff^ '~i\ CVt u ur or w
      148 words
    • 151 7 where do they *i get their energy?^ VUFifm A Q fJI Ih. favour lie 100', SHREDDED WHEAT ffl r ::L^:.^ tJ aar of c»» rse! |VC»-" I New! Tasty! g Shreddies v M«ilr from 100% wholr -*^B^B^^d^Q% whr.t, "Shifddie." cereal v 'S.CS'SSJ bring* yon the extra If '-il^^T^^m appetite appeal
      151 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 78 7 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 pjn. on July 30 to 7.30 a.m. on July 31): Singapore 73 degrees, Penang 74, Kota Bahru 73. Kuala Lumpur 73, Ipoh 73, Kuantan 70. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on July 311: Singapore 87 Penang 82. Kota Bahru £7. Kuala Lumpur 86.
      78 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1273 8 T.I: 2405 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. t-jI: 141s (18 lines) (in-ori orated in Smgopore) (12 Hnes THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE sailings 'to Liverpool" Glasgow' london, i° continental ports Sinoopore Sails P. Shorn Penong Laertes tor Lv«rprv In Port Aug 3 urno u G 13/14 Aur 2 Aug J/ 4 Aug
      1,273 words
    • 1089 8 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Far Aden, Part Soid, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Caßtssfcaaasi Spore P. S'hom Penong ■0 "FALSTRIA" 11/11 Am 14/14 Am 11/14 Am xx) "INDIA" 14/14 Aug m) Cell* London (Passengers onry). XX) Celt! Beyrouth, Korishomn. SAILINGS FROM SCANMNAVIA/U.K.jfCONTINENT Spore P. Sham Penong "SIENA" for Diokorto,
      1,089 words
    • 986 8 SCI&Ha THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. ««n. SINGAPORE (Ineornorotad In tha Onitad Kingdom) uw> SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P. S'hom Pertong ■^^JrUm LOOd r'. «.J>/J4 S.U. Af Wmc* .trM. L.nd«. SB Aug ■^So^oonr LOndO U/1B A-' WA- 1V« A- 00 M A«tV 3 $6»t *rrr^. U*4~ 25
      986 words
    • 969 8 ELLERMAN BOCKMALL KLAVEme,, tOHOOH. HA^M^OTTEROAM, p<> -^GELES... and for U.S.A., North Atlontic Ports Accepting cargo r,^ ond Conada ono vio Colombo Ann r I l BOUCainvim, CITY OF OTTAWA S poro S'pora P. Shorn Penonq In Port/2 Au, j 4/20 Am Au« 24/24 Aug 2nd Coll 6/7 Au, CITY OF
      969 words

  • 373 9 ir k l results I Election on re Marthe win- MIC Aln its own based on caUtiOUS that Ivocated ;ard to the Itodf In n of ineneoarace- lea ;md a nd rxport business- in the as "a an for j the md of the week therefore did not
    373 words
  • 97 9 But it was really quite a featureless week for local industrials Outstanding exceptions were Hongkong and Shanghai Banks and Union Insurance of Canton which improved substantially The rises were brought about by U.le money in Hong Kong seeking an outlet and in the case of Hn:ii:kons? Banks there
    97 words
  • 346 9 c< able the price has ah the shutSingapore Malaya's holidays. Ri Haji i o cxmd iimpi $1.39 flrsi urade. added market d <■•. eloping wtiich re- j tearly one, :< ported to b«> i led to sonle .-pliers an Ity of buying ie price of per cent
    346 words
  • 132 9 In June the United States con. sumption of new rubber of all kinds uas 137.116 tons, an all time record. Natural rubber's share of 56,761 tons, however only constituted 41.33 per cent, the lowest ratio for the current year to date. In the short week tin lost 70 centa
    132 words
  • 220 9 rE following dividends were announced last week by companies operating in Malaya:— RAMBUTAN LTD.: A third interim dividend of 2s. per share for year ended June 30, payable In England on August 9. SUNGEI BIDOR TIN DREDGING LTD.: A dividend of Gd. (Australian currency) per stock unit, payable
    220 words
  • 37 9 On the free exchange market In Hong Kong on Saturday, the U.S dollar was quoted at 5.81% cash and 5.84"^ for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 15.5* and one tael of gold at 251 H.
    37 words
  • 454 9 rE following business done in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period July 23 to July 29: IXDrSTRIALS: Consolidated Tin Smelter Ords. 325. 3d., Fraser and Neave Ords. $1.72' 2 to $1.67 Gammons $2.70 to $2.57"2. Hongkong Banfcs (Col.)
    454 words
  • 650 9 THE Malayan Share Brokers' Association, Singapore section, issued the following full list of revised quotations following its last meeting on Friday: INDISTRIALB Buyers Sellers Alox. Bricks Pref I.B* 195 Ord.s 2.10 2.25 Atlas Ice 13.00 (buyers) 88. Petrol 48- 50/BM. Trustees 6.60 7.00 Con. Tin Smelt Pref
    650 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 378 9 KNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service ROM CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS S.iilin? Arriving Singapore P.Swet Penang FremantU I 8 Au; 10 Aug 11 Aug 1 8 Aug 3 Aus 12 Sept 14 Scr,t 15 Sept C 2 Sept 3 Sept 3 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 1 3 Oct
      378 words
    • 624 9 PUBLIC ATOItfTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA. Applications are Invited for appointment to an Assistant Lectureship in Pathology. Candidates must possess a registrable medical qualification and have had some teaching and research experience. Appointment for two years in the first instance o n salary scale $830x36-890 p.m. Variable allowance at 35 percent
      624 words
    • 882 9 NOTICES AMATEUR AfHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF MALAYA NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Annual Council Meeting of the Amateur Athletic Association of Malaya will be held on Friday, 26th August, 1955 in the Town Council Board Room, Ipoh at 730 p.m. NOTICE TO ROAD USERS Level cro«ang between Mile Posts sV<z
      882 words
    • 560 9 NOTICES NOTICE ThLs to to notify the public that Mr. ONQ AIK has this day left our employment. KIM HOE SENG, Contractors. 213 Victoria Street, Singapore. 30th July. 1955. P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class 'C and above registered PWD Contractor! will be received by the State Engineer, Johore. up
      560 words
    • 208 9 NOTICES PROPOSED BLOCK OF TEN-STORED FLATS AT ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE FOR THE NGEE ANN KONGSI TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from "A" Class Contractors, registered with the City Council and the Government, for the erection and completion of One Block of Ten-Storey Flats at Orchard Road, Singapore for the Ngee
      208 words

  • 76 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. IPOH will be the venue of the annual North versus Soutn hockey "Test' in the coming season. The ma«ich has been lixed for Feburary 12. 1956. The Malayan Hockey Federation's executive committee last night drew up a list of fixtures for the 1955-56 season.
    76 words
  • 66 10 Woodbridge Hospital bea* RAF Tencah by 28 runs in a friendly cricket match at Yio Chu Kang Road yesterday. Woodbridge 44 iHunt 4-14. Woodward 3-11. Anderson 2-13 > and 106-3 dccl (Rajendram 50, Mail Yasof 26. R. Pereira IS). Tengata 53 (Monk 32 C.T Foster 3-13. H. Pereira
    66 words
  • 37 10 The SAPA first division leacue match between Rovers and Police, and the SAFA Cup tie between Star Soocerites and R A.F. Seletar. .'chedulcd to be played at J;ilan Bpsar stadium today, have been postponed.
    37 words
  • 668 10 Knocks 3.2 sec. off Russian Kucs mark WHITE CITY, London. Sun. I OED-HAIRED Chris j lv Chataway, Britain's I leading middle distance 1 runner, broke the world i three-mile record with a i time of 13min. 23.25ec. in the athletics match between Britain and Germany
    Reuter  -  668 words
  • 390 10 LONDON, Sun A MAGNIFICENT innings of 174 by Willie Watson restored Yorkshires' fortunes completely in the "Roses" match at Sheffield after Lancashire and England pace bowler Brain Statham had caused a startling early collapse. In 40 minutes Yorkshire, new leaders in the
    Reuter  -  390 words
  • 327 10 Springboks recover after bad beginning SWANSEA, Sun. fLAMORGAN, lowly placed in the county cricket championship table, yesterday tried hard to repeat the glories of their 1951 triumph here when they were the only county to beat the South Africans. They dismissed the South Africans for 225, after having them rocking
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  • 160 10 IN one of the most exciting finishes of the season, Rengam Cricket Club beat Qingapore Cricket Club by two runs on Singapore padang yesterday. The game was won only when Burton dismissed Keenan with the last ball of the day. When Keenan went in S.C.C. needed
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 174 10 For straight backs and sturdy limbs give your baby this pure milk Ostcrmilk is the nourishing milk food that babies need when breast feeding is not successful. Vitamin D is added to this pure milk to build strong bones and teeth; also iron to enrich the blood. Ostcrmilk is very
      174 words
    • 169 10 W i\F Whether it* Dear Sir "Dear Mother" |S>| v M/MMMU^ZsM > f Cta fe "Once upon j|O atliiie V r^°^^^^^^^^S Remington Person, I 1,,,, v Nl I I I I H I I I 111 I V ThbA Personal Typi everyone ever' t from nny fit 'il, f r
      169 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 330 10 Straits Times Crossword 3 v ~S~ N "".1 16 17 18 '9 T~ 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 ACROSS n Fibre for making sails O>. 8 Livery company's complaint? 15 Voluble result of petticoat gov<B). ernment (7). 9 Paint with the name apparent 17 Waste but not refuse
      330 words

  • 303 11 STREAM SONG RIVER PATROL-ANOTHER LEONG DOUBLE? By EPSOM JEEP BRIGHT EYES II is in top form and I give him a confident vote in the main race, the 6-f. handicap for Class 2, Div. l horses (Race Four), at Penang today,
    303 words
  • 902 11 BOLD DRAGOON IS ALWAYS AT HIS BEST IN HIS FIRST RUN BOLD DRAGOON is useful over 7f. and obviously does his best in his fin^ outing at a meeting. This four-year-old won over the Kuala Lumpur 7f. with 8.07 in Div. 2 in May and at Kuala Lumpur, again in
    902 words
  • 60 11 THE Going up to last evening was on the soft side. There was rain yesterday. TREBLE TOTE will be held on Races Three, Five and Six. Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Seven. PINK TICKET, Peasant Girl, Kingfold, Ermine, Pride of Burma, The Magyar, Rice
    60 words
  • 149 11 CJCORING an aggregate 303 pointc, W.O. II E. Mitchell of R.E.M.E. yesterday won the Governor's Cup as best marksman at the 1955 Bisley Meeting at the Bukit Timah Range Singapore. The two-day annual meet, organised by the Singapore Rifle Association, was open to both servicemen and civilians.
    149 words
  • 103 11 YOUNG Men- S Sikh Association, x SAFA Div. 2B league leaders, suffered their first setback this Reason when they were beaten 2-0 by Singapore Harbour Board Police in their last but one fixture at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. This victory, which was their eighth in succession,
    103 words
  • 129 11 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1 2.30 STREAM SON Gold Train Mickey Mouse MOVIE II Bucentaur Brown Eyes GOLD TRAIN Movie II Stream Song Race 2 3.05 PINNER Freedom Train II Shoeshine Boy WINDY CORNER Glittering Pinner GLITTERING Shoeshine Bey Pinner Race 3 3.40 BOLD DRAGOON
    129 words
  • 1025 11 Race 1—2.30: Class 4, Div. 3— s| Furs. 1 279 Barracuda 6y Bagby 9.00 L and L Synd Bagby 2 224 Stream Song 3y Leong 9.00 A. Shalk Ahamad Breukelen 3 544 Fay's Harvest 3y Donnelly 8.12 C. H. Smith and L. C. Chan Hobbs 4 633 Gold
    1,025 words
  • 89 11 Tiger Swimming Club won the C" Division title in the Singapore water polo league yesterday oy beatIng Chinese Swimming Club 8-6 at the Singapore Swimming Club. Tigers, who led 5-2 at half-time, scored through Ronnie Chen (2). G;ui Eng Joo Llni Ah Hwa (2). and
    89 words
  • 37 11 Serangoon MY. beat H.M. Dockyard 2-1 in the SAFA Div. 3A match at Farrer Park yesterday. Woodlands S.C. conceded a walkover to R.E. Civilians in the other Div 3 A game scheduled for Geylang Stadium.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 881 11 HOUSES LAND WANTED ..TCDPCJ Word W <Mln >~ Bo hi INTtK" 1 w lftDC EUROPEAN COMPANY Wish to m ADVERT SERS Purchaw- Post War Three Bedroom i ase ln Tanglln Holland Road i nuDIID area. Otner areas nearby mleht hp KUA LA LUMPUR. GOUMmtf. Reply Box LSss T PEHANG I
      881 words
    • 609 11 LIQUFRUTA f^k gives quick ,S> relief from fc|*«P COUGHS andV2r£x COLDS V^®/ V SOOTHES IRRITATION AMD SORENESS ggft Liqufruta's vapour penetrates into the lungs SpX and throat, relieving coughs immediately. J^3^^ It contains the soothing and healing liquids (jn£ Si 1 from many herbs. Liqufruta is Nature's 11 UarVrp It
      609 words

  • 116 12 IRISH INTERNATIONAL Wins Commander Cecil Beamish was beaten in his bid to retain the Singapore golf title yesterday in one of the finest matches seen in the Colony for a long time. Beamish lost to a former champion, J. Stirling, who was one up
    116 words
  • 74 12 If MIL LE MERCIER and Hersh Li scored half centuries when Singapore Recreation Club beat Royal Army Pay Corps by 49 runs in a cricket fixture on the padang yesterday. SRC 191 tE. Le Mercier 64. J. Marks 33. C. Schubert 25. P. Martens 23.
    74 words
  • 188 12 KUALA LUMPUR Sun. SINGAPORE Chinese Football Association, holders of the MCFA Cup. were held to a 2-2 draw by Selangor Chinese Recreation Club at Princes Road stadium today. Singapore Chinese had more of the exchange^ in the first period and in the 10th minute
    188 words
  • 107 12 NORTH —Ist Innings 335 SOUTH —Ist Innings Dunn lbw Eng Cheng 116 Sandosham lbw Sivagnanam 7 Thuraisingam c Ins Cheng b Lee 29 Thilagaratnam c Khoon Leong b Lee 0 Barker lbw Eng Cheng 16 Sheppard c Eng Cheng b Jones 37 Delilkan c Hobbs b Jones IS Kirkham
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  • 914 12 SOUTH REPLY WITH 285 TO NORTH'S 335 Sivagnanam injured, out of mateh 1 By ANG EAM HOCK Xl ALA LUMPUR Sun. THANKS mainly to a dogßed 116 by their opening batsman, I. L. Dunn, South carried their overnight score of 11 for no
    914 words
  • 132 12 LETTER PUZZLES M.H.F. KUALA LUMPUR. Son. THE Malayan Hockey X Federation executive committee met here last night to discuss a letter from the Registrar of Societies which called attention to the M.H.F's recent action in electing officials for a period of over 12 months. Mr. H. M. de Souza, president
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  • 452 12 MALACCA, Sun. TAN ENG YOON. of Singapore has finally succeeded in his bid to break ten seconds for the 100 yards. Running for Singapore Swifts A.A. in their athletic match against Malacca A.A.A. on the High School ground today, he was
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  • 113 12 SEREMBAN, Sun.— The Football Association of Malaya have selected the following players to represent North and South in the annual match to be played at Singapore on Sunday. North: D. MacLaren (Services); Lee Sal Chong (capt., Selangor), Ng Mun Keal (Selangor); Pang Siang Hock (Penang), Yap
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  • 256 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. pOOD bowling R. Munusamy and A. Kanagaratnam enabled T.P.C A. to dismiss Singapore Ceylon Sports Club for 83 runs in their annual Mudaliar Nagallngam cricket trophy game which began at Cheras Road today. T.P.C. A. passed the visitors' total by 40
    256 words
  • 450 12 NINE records were broken and four equalled at the Achilles Club's fourth annual athletic meet held at the Raffles Institution ground yesterday. Colony champion sprinter Mary Klass won both the 100 and 200 metres sprints for women in the record times or 13sec and
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  • 263 12 Ceylon Univ cricket team coming In December KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. rpHE UNIVERSITY of Ceylon cricket team wii visit Malaya in December and a Malalan cricket side will play Hong Kong in November, the Straits. Times was told yesterday by Mr. Lim Khye Seng, president of the Malayan Cricket Association. There
    263 words
  • 176 12 SINGAPORE Combined Services 'A' beat Combineed Civilians 'A' by six wickets in their two-day cricket match which ended at Nee Soon yesterday. Highlight of the game was the hat-trick by Lambert who finished with six for 30. CIVILIANS— Ist Inns: 143 SERVICES— Ist Inns: 165
    176 words
  • 641 12 UESULTS of ties in the Singapore Badminton Association's junior championships played over the weekend were: Saturday's results: Schoolgirls' singles: Miss Chee Hwee Chong bt Miss Koh Poh Yee 11-4. 11-4; Schoolgirls' doubles: Jessie Ong and Nancy Lim bt Koh Song Neo and Leong Slew
    641 words
  • 513 12 STORE FAIL IN CUP REHEARSai BEATEN 4-NIL CINGAPORE, in a fullscale ichearsal before Saturday's Malaya Cup final against KelanUn. played their worst game of the season when they lost 4-0 to the touring Salzburg F.T. at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. For the 6,000 spectators and Singapore's other supporters only one
    513 words
  • 196 12 117 EIGHTS for four races on Saturday, last day of Penang Turf Clnb August Bank Holiday Meeting on Aug. 6 are: THE GOLD CUP CL. 1, DIV. I— l',M Sooth Pacific 9.00 Barflenr 8.13 Shangrila 8.07 Three Rings 8.07 Rennies 8.07 Zabagiionc 8.07 DeUvery 8.00 Straits Code
    196 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 736 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. < onlinnrd from Pace ACCOMMODATION VACANT 1 H'arrf* Si (Min.)— Box S» rtt. extra. THE NOOK MO Oicluird Road, Double. Single Rooms Varant. Cool, Quiet Good Food. Reasonable. Tel 7884. OVERSEA BOARDING HOUSE. 47 Bencoolen Street Slrißapore. Tel. 7283. Fully Furnished Single/ Doublerooms. Charges Moderate. Recently rrnovatrd. QUIET
      736 words
    • 43 12 lW J m jSsssiis'M HIGHEST QUALITY FRENCH Now available at the nnc as ordinary standard aualit! THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946)^ a 0 I 1 IMPERIAL 5 TYPEWRITE J SOLE AGENTS p For Singapore and Federation McMULLAN CO.. LTD- BIQtfOUI KUALA MJMPI'I rg |i'
      43 words