The Straits Times, 30 July 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times thump Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 750 1 A MNKSTY I£ terrorists reject it we will «si«ro A «TC They can itay Iff we can't find /imn&9A 1 mobilise all fit men over 18 EXPAXS Malayans to do the Jobs j The Council 'steamroller' ...MY PLANS— Part Two i Mmlhl Rahman seta time
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  • 90 1 STABBED YOUTH FIGHTS ON Tussle at cinema WHILE several hundred people were leaving a Singapore theatre last night, a youth fought with an armed Chinese although he had been stabbed twice in the stomach. Lee Soon Phung. 17. was admitted to the General HosI pital where he underwent an operation.
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  • 75 1 CANBERRA. Fri.— Austra- Han troops will leave for Malaya on September 30, the Minister for the Army. Mr. Josfah Francis, announced today. The main body of 50 officers and 1.128 men will travel in the liner Georgic. An advance party will leave Sydney on August
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  • 37 1 The 47-day-old strike by 90 workers at the Malayan Wire Mesh Factory in Bukit Timah was settled yesterday. An agreement was reached between tho management and the employees who will resume work on Monday.
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  • 20 1 Eunos bin Dawan. 15. has been reported missing from Block 4. R.A.F. quarters, Jurong. Singapore, since Thursday morning.
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  • 190 1 A million voted— and more than 800,000 backed the Alliance men KIALA LUMPUR, Fri. A total of 1.027,211 people voted in the Federal, general election 81 8b per cent of the electorate. The Alliance, with 818,013 voles, polled four times as many v«;tes as the six other parties and independents
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  • 205 1 Another A-bomber crashes— 4 die VALIANT FLIES INTO POWER LINE PETERBOROUGH, Friday. A ROYAL AIR FORCE Valiant atom bomber struck a power line on take-off here today and crashed on fire killing all four men aboard. The jet bomber, capable of noar supersonic flight, plowed into open ground on the
    AP  -  205 words
  • 60 1 'Honour comes first* BANGKOK. Fri.— Siam will stop all opium trade because •'honour Is more Important than any profit." the Premier. Marshal Pibul Songgram. told i a Press conference here today. The Premier said all 11--j censed opium divans would ibe closed, and the government would
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 42 1 Four hundred timber carriers employed in 13 Singapore sawmills went on strike yesterday when their employers refused to meet in full all their seven claims for more pay. The men are members of the Singapore Sawmill Workers' Union.
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  • 28 1 General Sir Gerald Templer is due in Singapore this afternoon on his wav back to England after »'.alk.s with military leaders In Australia and New Zealand.
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  • 19 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. No casualties to terrorists or among security forces were reported in the Federation today.
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  • 208 1 First 10 of everything then a lovely hangover' LONDON, Fri— A 47-year-old army officer sucked a pennicillin lozenge, felt a burning sensation in his neck and face and then saw "ten of everything." Hr vent home. But there in front of him were ten
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  • 129 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. THE Alliance, which won 51 seats in the Federal elections, will be able to call on at least 19 other nominated members in the Legislative Council for support. This will give them a total of 70 seats in the 98 -seat House. The
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  • 314 1 Cabinet making talks set at King's House KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. T<ENGKI ABDUL RAHMAN, lc-ader of the Alliance, will meet the High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, at King's House on Sunday morning to discuss the appointment of a Cabinet. A decision is not expected immediately. The AlHanee executive will meet on
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  • 48 1 MOSCOW, Fri. Mr. James Sinclair, Canadian Minister of Fisheries, was granted permission by the Soviet Government today to visit Vladivostok, a 'forbidden city" to ail foreigners. The city has been closed to all foreign visitors. except for through travel by Trans-Sibe-rian Railway Express. —Reuter
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  • 284 1 Vaccine rushed to pigs in Perak KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. SPECIAL supplies of vaccine have been rushed by air from Britain to help to combat a suspected outbreak of swine fever in Peralc which threatens to kill off thousands of pigs valued at $10 million. The outbreak is in a regrouped
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  • 30 1 T S. MAKES EARTH SATELLITE' WASHINGTON. Fri—lnformed Senston Mid toria\ thry expect thf» White House t<> make an an'.'."uncement hoon about I!ip perfection of ,<n eartb satellite. Keutcr.
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  • 61 1 STOCKHOLM. Fri. Anybody wants to buy a castle for 15 cents? The Borgvik-Ala Company, a huge wood pulp firm today offered to sell for tha: price the big castle at Axmarbruk in central Sweden. But there is a snag. If you buy it. you must
    AP  -  61 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 0 PASTEURISED P OR YOUR PROTECTION -DIESEL MARINE ENGINES v built for Fishing Boats. Launches, etc. re on display at the Fisheries Dcpt. ."Horticultural Exhibition, Bukit "i on 30th and 31* July, 1955) UNDETEVES <«aiaya, LTD., **^*^^i? >JUR lpnu PENANC SINGAPORE JESSELTON
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    • 111 1 ELEPUANT CoAt+jOl HO HONGOIL MILLS LTD*S CMUiasi SPOAf T« S9ll-s*ir 1 Men in the public eye prefer 1 BRYLCREEM 1 The clean, smart look what every nan wants That's why more m<m use Brvlcrecm ■^^H^R than any other nairdressmg in the world. Secloi yourscll how Brv creem kLfp-, your I
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  • 302 2 ISRAEL'S INVESTIGATORS ARE STOPPED AT THE BORDER ITS A 'TOP DEFENCE AREA/ SAY MILITARY AUTHORITIES ATHENS, Friday. ISRAEL'S six-man commission appointed to investigate Wednesday's airliner crash, in which f>x people died, yesterday reached the Bulgarian(ireek frontier but were turned back by Bulgarian guards.
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 84 2 rIS model car, 15 inches long, is to be exhibited at a Chicago motor show next month. It is driven by electricity produced by sunlight shining on photoelectric cells (the square areas on the top of the car). It
    AP  -  84 words
  • 131 2 Blonde in world air race MANILA. Frl. MISS SUSAN BRYAN, blonde "Miss San Francisco Air Terminal," landed here today on a round-the-world race against Mr. Andrew Lerios, a San Francisco travel agent. Travelling in opposite directions in commercial airliners, they each hope to break the present record of 115 hours
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  • 98 2 JAKARTA, Fri.— The vice-pre-sident, Dr. Mohammed Hatta, today appointed two former prime ministers and an elder statesman to the task of forming a cabinet to see Indonesia through her first general election. Dr. Hatta named Mr. Sukiman Wirkmsandkojo, leader of the Masjnmi Party, Mr.
    UP  -  98 words
  • 142 2 Lennox Boyd plays pinball machine with shoeshine boys HONG KONG, Fri. T<HE Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, continuing his fiveday visit today, met Hong Kong's shoe-shine boys and other under- privileged children on a tour of welfare centres and schools. He accepted an invitation to
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  • 214 2 LOSS OF FORM NOT DUE TO PARTING MONTREAL, Fri. AUSTRALIAN tennis A star Lew Hoad, denied today that his enforced separation from his bride was affecting his form. He said he talked to her by radio-telephone yesterday and "everything was all right He said the
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  • 41 2 TRENT, Italy, Fri. Lightning yesterday killed a farmer, his son and his daughter while they were harvesting hay. Another daughter found their bodies under a canvas shelter where they had sought refuge during a storm.— A.P.
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  • 21 2 PARIS, Fri. A new French supersonic fighter has made its first successful flight, the Air Ministry said yesterday.— UJ\
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  • 237 2 Pioneer Bleriot's feat repeated REPLICA PURE TAKES LOR6ER TO DO IT DOVER. Frl. JEAN SALIS, a French pilot, crossed the English coastline last nijfht in a replica of Bleriot's aeroplane about five miles west of the spot where the pioneer French airman's plane landed in 1909 after the first air
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  • 54 2 BANDOENG. Fri. Muslim rebels belonging to the Darul Islam sect ambushed an Indonesian Army patrol yesterday near Tjiamls. 60 miles southeast of Bandoeng, and killed eight soldiers. The police, who told of the ambush, said the rebels plundered and burnt 46 houses In two villages
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  • 28 2 LONDON. Frl. The steamer service between Southampton and Le Havre, one of the oldest sea routes between England and France, may be withdrawn next January. Reuter.
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  • 192 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. T<HE U.S. Army today announced deployment to the Far East of artillery units equipped with atomic cannons and rockets that can be armed with nuclear warheads. The 633 rd Field Artillery Battalion, recently trained at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. has been assigned
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  • 96 2 VIENNA, Frl. Austrian frontier guards today reported that three political refugees drove a tractor across the frontier from Hungary as soon as they heard that the occupation of Austria had ended Janosch Vighogyll, the driver, 37, was working with his 14--year-old son and Dezsoe Lan- tos,
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  • 219 2 A SHARP EYE WON SIX BRA VE MEN THEIR RIGHTS Book results in £1,000 back Pa LONDON, Fri. fTHE Admiralty is to pay 1 nearly £1,000 ($8,500) in back pay to six of Britain's wartime "charioteers" the men who manned the midget submarines. The seamen will get the money as
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  • 68 2 POLICEMAN STOLE A PAYROLL NEW YORK, Fri. A constable fled with a U. 5.579-.-000 payroll by plane yesterday but police caught him when the airliner was flagged down at Huntington (West Virginia). All the money was recovered. Charges of grand larceny will be filed against Constable Tom Bivens, 40. Bivens
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  • 43 2 PARIS, Frl. American life was full of good things but the women dressed badly and the food was awful, said 18-year-old brunette Claudie Petit, France's unsuccessful candidate, who recently returned home from the Miss Universe Contest in California. Reuter.
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  • 30 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. An army review board yesterday upheld the sentence of dismissal imposed on Lieut-Col. Harry Fleming for collaborating with the enemy while a prisoner in Korea. A.P.
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  • 88 2 Ship for Mak m to get crew CANBERRA, Fri. a hfel getting a crew 0 mar" freighter Tyalla, cSrb Australian Air Force r ment to Malaya, may ao»Z overcome, the Labour M ter, Mr. Harold Ho*" nounced lUxlay. He said he was now hope!-- i getting a full crew
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  • 52 2 LONDON Fri Ottawa to London cord set up this month by Royal Air Force Canberra' k bomber has been officially cotfirmed by the Feden* Aeronautique Intorr.a'. The flight between thf centres was made in six 42 minutes and 12 second? an average speed of 455?; miles an
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  • 61 2 DETROIT, Fri.— For breaking into a garage to steal his own car. Erving Boozer. 45, was sent to jail yesterday. Boozer was convicted of 1 breaking into a garage. ihe had left hi.s car for pairs, taking hi.s car and 1 going through thf fil
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 WORLD'S SMOOTHEST-WRITING PEN! rarker I 51 ren I WITH PARKER'S EXCLUSIVE ELECTRO-POLISHED POINT You wouldn't believe a pen could write so smoothly ink enough for hour upon hour of continuous, even as this Parker "51" Pen! The secret lies in Parker's writing. Choice of nib grades. exclusive point finishing process,
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    • 59 2 Pepsodent really gives Teeth cleaned with Pepsodent are so much whiter! Why? Because MA Ar ™nsTi they're cleaner! Cleaner because only Pepsodent contains Irium, the marvellous ingredient which removes the dangerous, germ-laden film that makes teeth look dull and ding}. So, for "«.h whiter, safer teeth and a brighter, thJ
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  • 260 3 EDEN SEES A NEW ERA OF PEACE IN EUROPE LONDON, Friday. I prime .Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, «aid that v jgH to Britain next Spring of the Soviet Marshal Ilultfanin and Mr. Khrushchev open a now era of peace. tn the nation in a television and radio the Geneva conference,
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 109 3 Kisses are blamed for shutting 2 hospitals LONDON. I r Till linlisli .Medical ,i suggested tO miliilar lever, losed two Units, mtfbt bo y |,x intimate kisM»K rna| bused its research late n said Hiat a research lM fcer studying U»e i*»- hi student*. had ..iilili- peak of ,n 1
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  • 31 3 LONDON, Fri. A 30-year-nld relief fund, only tribute to more than 1,000 Britons and Americans drowned in the Kinklne of the Lusitania in 1015, is beinc wound up here.
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  • 53 3 r Mrs. Mariam {ranted a dil because: md removed a I: their television |> not watch it while he was at work. 2. He would not let friends isit her or allow furniture to be moved, because he did not want the rirhs to be
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  • 35 3 MISS SWEDEN (Hillevi Rom bin) with crown and sceptre and trophy after being elected Miss Universe at Long Beach, California. She is 21. blonde and speaks six languages. A.P. picture.
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  • 165 3 CONSTITUTION TO BE REWRITTEN KINGSTON, Jamaica, Friday. THE Chief Minister, Mr. Norman Manley, has announced that Jamaica would soon rewrite its constitution to provide for complete self-government in internal affairs. Mr. Manley. during a debate on the budget in the House of Representatives, said that
    AP  -  165 words
  • 45 3 LONDON, Fri.— r»tr. Aneurin Bcvan, left-wing Labour leader, and one of his closest supporters, Mr. R. H. S. Crossman, have been chosen for the Parliamentary conference to consider allowing Malta to send representatives to the house of Commons. Reuter.
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  • 107 3 BANGKOK. Friday. TWE Communications Minister and two Deputy Com- munications Ministers resigned from the cabinet of Marshal Pibul Songgram today. The Communications Ministers lost a cabinet dispute yesterday over the retention ot Gen. Serl Serlroengridh as Commissioner of Railways. They wanted Gen. Sen
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  • 255 3 Laziness saves flying actress MILD MEDICINE WAS DEADLY POISON NEW YORK, Fri. A BEAUTIFUL actress escaped death in a trans-Atlantic plane above the Atlantic because she was too lazy to take her medicine which turned out to be a deadly poison. The actress, Joan Greenwood, arrived here yesterday still a
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  • 67 3 LONDON, Fri— The Duk e of Kent who returned to duty at the weekend after leaving hospital following his third car crash in 13 months passed out as a second lieutenant in the Royal Scots Greys from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. The salute
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  • 108 3 A blonde is not an asset judge NEW YORK, Fri. A BLONDE is not an asset but a liability, a judge hearing a divorce property settlement in Murkegon, Michigan, ruled. The ruling involved an item listing "a blonde" in the division of $75,000 common property in a divorce suit. The
    AP  -  108 words
  • 61 3 ABERDEEN, Fri.— The Queen Mother is expected to be in charge of a stall at a sale of work she Is sponsoring to raise money for a new veairv for Crathie Church, where the Royal Family worship when they are at Balmoral. The sale will
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  • 154 3 LONDON. Fri. British newspaper proprietors have offered journalists, electricians and mechanics a 12V2 per cent wage increase, it was announced yesterday. World's Press News, the newspaper trade magazine, said the increase, which would be back-dated to June 15. would cost the Newspaper Proprietors' Association
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  • 291 3 LONDON, Fri. 'THERE was a marked contraction x In business in the stock market today in front of the holiday ana tnis coupied with a llitle pronttaking gave the market a generally irregular appearance. Oils fell back on small celling and losses among the leaders ranged to around
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  • 27 3 LONDON, July 29— Spot 40' id. Sept. 40 \d., Oct.-Dec. 40V,d., Jan.Mar. 38' id., Apr. -June 3<i-%d., Aujf. c.i.f. 39\d.. Sept. tit. M%. Tone: Firm.
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  • 24 3 LONDON. July 29— Cash Buyers £760: Sellers £762; Forward Buyers £754; Sellers £755; Settlement £762. Turnover a.m. 45 tons, p.m. Market closed.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 PORTABLE f/fftf! CHAIN SAW if J,M-jl| Fo Iw^ mi-miIHG I hW AND f:M|i^ CROSS-CUTTING Wlfc Hi" ri:;nii!i l,i:;li:r l'!nijiii|!i;ring LlflJ I RAFFLES HOTEL Presents Tonight 25 ij /y A/I v CRAIN 1 The beautifulandffi talented Crooner from joj LONDON, If MICHELLESf (The Flying Dancers) jsj MPHONY OF YOUTH AND CHARM
      58 words
    • 286 3 U (PRODUCE OF SCOTLAND) V^ /7j i ir^^ i b^hh MJ ■^^^^^^^^^^^^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^•^•^■bmMWßbWbW Ir I or people of taste Shop Arrangements (■ngapon) Hari Ray a Haji All briir.chrs open n:d,i M asual. Orchard Rond Branch will close toduy at 2 p.m. Tslephone Order Dciii <>|>en till 4 p.m. August Bank Holiday
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  • 510 4 BRITISH PRESS WELCOMES AND WARNS THE ALLIANCE VICTORS 'RACE PROBLEM HASN'T BEEN SOLVED IT LIES SUBMERGED' LONDON, Fri. £LAIMS for independence, made by the leadership of the Inited Malays National Organisation, could only lead to confusion if they were pressed now, the Times said today.
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  • 88 4 PENANG. Fri A HOTEL assistant, Neo Kok Koo, broke his right arm when he fell from the first floor of the Penang General Hospital yesterday. Neo was being le<i up to the first floor when he rushed to a window and toppled over, dropping
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  • 76 4 ARMED MEN ROB HAWKERS PENANG, FTi. Two men armed with knives held up a mcc hawker at the junction of Perak and Free School roads last night and robbed him of $30. A police radio patrol cruising round the area later picked up a suspect from a description given by
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  • 180 4 ...the day he left her house IPOH, Fri.— A 19-year-old trisha rider was callj ed a "poor specimen of a young man who had to be fed and looked after by a woman" by the Ipoh Magistrate. Inche Jamal. bin Abdul Latif, today. Acquittal
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  • 54 4 The Chief Justice. Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley, in the Singapore High Court yesterday ordered the issue of a warrant, for the arrest of Wong Siew Lim, managing partner of Teck Kee Construction Company, who failed to appear in court for his public examination in bankruptcy, fixed to
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  • 310 4 POULTRY IS NOW BIG NEW INDUSTRY A MAJOR rural industry for some tens of thousands of farmers has developed in Singapore during last year poultry farming. This came about because of the Government's scheme to control >poultry disease and give medical aid to farmers' livestock. In a written reply, published
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  • 133 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Federation's Financial Secretary, Mr. C. J. Thomas, has $4 million in his care which nobody wants to spend. The money was passed to him when the Government Finance Advisory Committee held its last meeting on July 18. The purpose of the
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  • 16 4 Collections in Singapore for the St. John Flag Day, July 2. totalled $14,715
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  • 22 4 Khoo Lin Keng was fined si. 000 in a Singapore court; yesterday for having 21b of raw opium.
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  • 161 4 High leaps at farewiell dance for MacD rr\HE Pan-Malayan Students' 1 Federation is to hold a farewell dance at Raffles Hotel on Wednesday for the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, at which all Malayan students will be represented. Student representatives from educational institutes throughout Malaya have been invited and a
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  • 34 4 The Katong PresbftaM Youth Fellowship will oalii "dries night" today a: I Presbyterian Boys' Schorl M 41. Koon Seng Road at 8 The Minister for A. J. Braga, will speak
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  • 199 4 AND 275 TKKT* IN THREE nS D R COM» *K the 22-to Landfall li J Marilyn, 27,' £J chief office n smith, wiled in" port yesterday 40.000 -mile h which has takS two years. Their junior pretty BarSr? T^ I, who signed on Jgj Wartime frfe^ Dr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 305 4 W THE WORLD'S MOST SENSATIONAL WASHING DISCOVERY IfflN™Bjfc^>- is blue Il s absolutely different from any other washing powder. It gives K^J *|M y WWB :M* the whitest > brightest wash in the world; it's perfumed makes Omo more WmlmM^Sfil I J iSßlßr^ '^»SP^ }'''%iMSB pleasant to use and makes
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  • 141 5 Final talks fail— 10.QQQ Council labourers to go on strike Jiow over rival union was big issue ii.ikio City Council labourers in Sinjjar uill strike (in Wednesday as scheduled. .ntrt the strike failed again last night. City Council Labour Unions Fcdir meeting yesterday with the
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  • 110 5 KUALA LUMPUR Fri. rpRAFFIC police will have a big job controlling the crowd of 6.000 expected at the opening of the UMNO headquarten in Batu Road here on Sunday. Those attending the ceremony should approach the UMNO building from the Ip'ih Road roundabout and
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  • 92 5 INDIANS IN MOVE FOR UNITY I Four organisations KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. I A MOVE is being made to unite Malayan- bom Indians and bring I them under one national body. There are four organisations representing nearly 200,000 Malayan-born Indians. They ?re the Malayan Indian Association. Malayan. born Indian Association. Johore
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  • 42 5 The Governor of Singapore Sir Robert Black. visited" Police Radio Headquarters in New Bricige Road yesterday evening. He spent mor:> than half an hour inspecting the operations room, accompanied by the Commissioner of Police Mr. N. G. Morns.
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  • 234 5 Britain's latest bomber on a speed test T»HE swept-wlng Vickers A Valiant, Britain's first long-range high altitude "V" class bomber, will arrive in Singapore early next week on a speed flight. The aircraft will remain at Char i for a day or two while preparations are
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  • 119 5 5 CENTS OF SALT. Must that go on the record? ask traders JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. VILLAGE shopkeepers want the Government to relax certain Emergency Regulations in connection with the sale of restricted foodstuffs. The licence to sell these goods requires the shops to keep a record of every sale. This,
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  • 49 5 Nursing— ancient and modem Four Singapore nurses will oppose four hospital assistants in a debate on whether modern nursing is more advanced than ancient nursing at the Singapore Medical Services' Union premises in Kampong Bahru Road at 5 p.m. today. The nurses will speak in favour of ancient nursing.
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  • 190 5 THREAT CHARGES ARE AMENDED /CHARGES of intimidation against the president and four members of the Singapore Lorry Transport Association were amended when their cases were transfered to the Second Criminal District Court yesterday. Bak Meng Teck, the president, and the other members, Tan Kang Han, Goh Sha Te. Ong Teng
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  • 34 5 The Holy Innocent English School. Singapore, will hold a fun fair In aid of their school building fund at the school in Upper Serangoon Road tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m
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  • 18 5 I- i-naa. 00. 1.»■ Road. Sinl He leaves a wife mourn his loss, ai -:ie Road. Deeply
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  • 34 5 Singapore police yesterday found the body of a coconut oil factory manager in Kallang River. The man, Tay Chang Gek. came from Batu Pahat. Police do not suspect foul play.
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  • 205 5 Man gets $8,500 damages LEG SHORTER AFTER INJURY AN insurance Inspector, M.S.A. Sahib, who was injured in a car and motor cycle collision 17 months ago, was awarded general and special damages totalling $8,578, with costs, by Mr. Justice Knight in the Singapore High Court yesterday. Sahib had brought the
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  • 46 5 WAR CLAIMS KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The War Damage Commission hopes to complete payment on all established claims by mid-October. It will not make payments until later on 2,000 claims involving legal complications. Up to June 30 the commission had paid out $426,585,985.
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  • 23 5 The annual meeting of the North Indian Hindu Association will be held at 47, Cuff Road. Singapore, at 4.30 p.m tomorrow.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 104 5 I DANISH BRIt DANISH CAMMEMBERT DANISH PORT SALUT ENGLISH STILTON SWISS GRUYERE tollable for your selection at AUGUST BANK HOLIDAYS CELEBRATION WEEK KRIPALSONS" S Anb Street Phone: *****) f FOR ONE WEEK till 6th August Jsive opportunity to hundreds of our ieration who will be visiting Singapore oV(| v Pr.nted
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 650 5 RADIO MALAYA ffffiggia. 100 UOO strlke ('Programmes thus marked ran be received by listeners in Malacca. I 114-4 [MImI I Short wave 49 and 62m. Medium HHHmmHHHHI wave 476 m., 343 m.. 366 m. and evms«« a n/vnn 297 m.) aINvAJrvKE P.M. "LOO Piogramme Summary; (Short wave 62m. Medium wave
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  • 29 6 M H,,rrf, $10 I minimum). THE FAMILY of the late Mr V. Sara thank all those who "ended the funeral and sent wreaths and helped in any way.
    29 words
  • 21 6 H „rrfv >l)i i minimum). BRITISH BUSINESS WOMAN meet another/others, view ill companioaship, perhaps Plat /House, Forties, Fifties. •fin s.t.
    21 words
  • 230 6 ANNO UNEMENTS :u H'uri/. .<;« i minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day in tfaU 1 if you want to win t 000 word puzzle. WHAIS COOKING? In many I than one it spells your kitchen. Banish ti.rrn with a bottle of Air-wick. ON VERA. Sale of Model and Day Ptoda Monday.
    230 words
  • 34 6 2V H'orrft fl.iO (minimum). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. re. 8, Orange Grove Road, e-10 (off Orchard Road). I Service 10.30 a.m. and |i:i: Sunday School 10.30 a.m. Meetings Ist and 3rd 7 p.m.
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  • The Straits Times
    • 734 6 In his first statement after the Alliance victory, Tcngku Abdul Rahman pronounced the Federal constitution unworkable. If this has led to fears thiit an immediate crisis was forming, they can be allayed. UMNO's president has nowhere suggested that he and his team will not try to work
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    • 475 6 The proposed visit of Marshal Bulganin and Mr. Khrushchev to Britain next spring has been well received both in Britain and in Russia. Goodwill tours by heads of state may achieve nothing concrete beyond an exchange of warm handshakes, smiles and the drinking of innumerable toasts. The
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  • 1154 6  - As I was saying CYNICUS hy Saturday study T ANGAUGE never stands still and a reader's complaint in today's Reader's Forum that copter is not a correct abbreviation for helicopter will make little headway. Living tongues take small heed oi original meanings and derivations. They seek a quick and simple
    Lim Yaw Chong  -  1,154 words
  • 916 6 MALAVSiAJV not 4> hook T HAD never thought it would be possible to run out of petrol 20 miles from a filling station in the Island of Singapore. After all. that is the whole length of the place. None the less I contrived this feat a
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  • 128 6 F IFTY YEARS AGO From the Straits Times of Aug. 4, 1905: ABOUT 7.30 yesterday evening, C. Gallop got into a tramcar at Mackenzie Road and proceeded townwards. When near Middle Road he asked the conductor to slow down. He paid three cents but got no ticket. The car was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 558 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. I to Horili fin (minimum). HINTER: At Buryjsar Hospital on Friday the 231 h July to Joy and Jock, a daughter. SMITH At Kandang Kerbau. on ;iv to Margaret <nee Richard*on>. wife of J. C. Smith, a daughter. Jacqueline Ann. 20 Wordt fill (minimum). OALE-SUTHEKLAND: The en- announced
      558 words
    • 90 6 Now Foolproof Movie-Making with the World's f* Most Amazing«lf/r THIS famous "dream" camera takes the guasswoik out of moviemaking, gives you perfect exposures without the nuisance of bulky exposure meters. Secret is the amazing photoelectric "eye a built-in governor coupled to both lenses j in a slide turret. You look
      90 words
    • 133 6 J^^S^^\^ tvhvn I listen Ig I for on lif 111 l VUim TOl* rvvordinp IjJP I rt'ut'h mv /W 4fk- I <"'»-<Tto in I). O|. <) I f />'../<- VS^ V jt^\ I >H f I'lMI !MH\IOM v Orti 111 I A >:«".. condm tor: Fur'lwjn^l'-r WtP'f Symphony No. ("From
      133 words

  • 172 7 f aW THE BOYD-MARSHAIX TALKS: CONSTITUTIONAL MEANINGS, MEANS AND ENDS ,mn MINISTER MAY NOT QUIT AFTER ALL ]ig news on Tuesday for assembly V \T CONSTITUTIONAL developments ore are to be announced when the 1 .illative Assembly reassembles on expected to result from the talks
    172 words
  • 52 7 Maj. Gen. D. D. C. Tulloch. G.O.C. Singapore Base District, yesterday presented Long Service and Good Conduct Medals to an officer and 23 warrant officers and senior N.C.O.'s. He also presented C-in-C's Certificates to 12 warrant officers and N.C.O.'s and the C-in-C's Testimonials to 12 Asian
    52 words
  • 253 7 A SHOCK FROM A NESTING PYTHON Scare for scout-then a scramble for the eggs A SINGAPORE Boy Scout out bird shooting yesterday afternoon stumbled on a python's nest and was horrified to find a 17-ft. python sitting on its eggs inside. The boy informed the Bedok police and two constables
    253 words
  • 49 7 The Geylang Methodist Church will hold a food and i fun fair on Monday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Geylang Methodist Girls" Softool, Aljunicd Road. Singapore. The Minister for Labour and Welfare, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, will open the fair.
    49 words
  • 26 7 The Straits Chinese Methodist Church, Tiong Bahru branch, will celebrate their second anniversary by holding a picnic at Tanah Merah Youth Camp on Monday.
    26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    89 7 THE man who penetrated the Alliance election armour Tuan Haji Ahmad bin Haji Hussein, of the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party. He beat his Alliance opponent by 450 votes. He was once a member of UMNO. Tuan Haji Ahmad, a religious teacher for 25 years, is the son of a Malayan
    89 words
  • 149 7 Why Labour lost— by an ex-Labour man PENANG, Fri.— A former Labour Municipal councillor, Mr. N. Ponnudurai, said today that the "political stunts" of the Singapore Labour Front had spoilt the chances of the Labour Party of Malaya in the Federal elections. He said the defeat of the other parties
    149 words
  • 104 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. rpHE High Commissioner. 1 Sir Donald MacGillivray. I has complimented the Chief I Secretary. Mr. D. C WatherFton. and other officals concerned for the "conspicuous efficiency" with which the first Federal elections had been carried out. In a letter to Mr. Watherston. Sir
    104 words
  • 98 7 Why I lost by the odd man out BUKIT MERTAJAM, Fri.— Haji Sul< iman bin Haji Ahmad, only Alliance candidate not returned in the Federal elections, today blamed a statement purported to have been made by the Mufti of Penang and Province Welleslev for his defeat. "That statement, published in
    98 words
  • 150 7 THK GOVERNOR, Sir Robert Black, and Lady Black were guests of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce at a cocktail party at its premises in Hill Street, last night Mr. Ko Teck Kin, the president said: "It is a great occasion for us to
    150 words
  • 245 7 Let us act, says Sir Donald KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. fTHE High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, said here today that it was a sad fact that children today were generally less obedient and less respectful to their parents than the children of a generation ago. Sir
    245 words
  • 200 7 Court report says that's why young wife attempted suicide A PROBATION report A produced in a Singa- pore court yesterday blam- j ed the suicide attempt of a young wife on "in-law trouble." The report was called for by Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn I on July 22 when
    200 words
  • 83 7 ON, OFF... ON, OFF... MAYBE Singapore's Van Kleef Aquarium, whose opening has bMB delayed almost a year i by "teething troubles," ex- pects to be ready for the public next month. The last alterations to the j tank bottoms have been com- 1 pleted, the fresh and sea water tanks
    83 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 172 7 ?C3 "sasr 3*& and Orchejtrai W\. RPt *A*J World F.mou, Artist, \>Q^ T> 1 LONC PLAYINC tea, Brunswick <TAX1 D STANDARD Records [CAL, INSTRUMENTAL, SELECTIONS, DANCE, VOCAL ETC.. itttl Issues at Dccca Authorized Dealers in Malaya. E S ISdAP Am I TD. 168 A, Cecil Street, t. a. IbBAl- UU.,
      172 words
    • 132 7 ■Mjj BJTMnBWi^"»^-rT4i-T--Jli'^ Ihi If" 1 1 1 THE NEW INN. GLOUCESTER A REAL ENGLISH DISH! Whether they are served in an English Inn or in your own home, the true flavour of Wall's sausages is unmistakable. See them sizzling, golden brown in the frying pan taste them piping hot on
      132 words

  • 199 8 MAID'S CLAIM REJECTED She sues ex-boss over child THE maintenance claim of a former maidservant of a court interpreter was dismissed in a Singapore court yesterday for want of evidence. Tan Lian Hoe was suing K. P. Venugopal for maintenance of an illegitimate child. This summons had come up for
    199 words
  • 33 8 Ng Kah Chwee was sentenced to three months' jail in Singapore yesterday for impersonating a detective and threatening to arrest a woman. Yeo Scow Keot. in Narayanan Chitty Road on June 28.
    33 words
  • 36 8 Lee Lai Hong was sentenced to nine months jail by a Singapore court yesterday for breaking into a shop in South Bridge Road on May 27, and stealing iiwo wrist watches and 13 watch-straps.
    36 words
  • 232 8 BOYD TO CONSIDER CASE OF 200.000 CHINESE MARSHALL BACKS THEIR DEMAND FOR CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS REPRESENTATIVES of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce will see the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, during his visit on Aug. 18, to press for the grant
    232 words
  • 79 8 The barrack raiders now declare a dividend SINGAPORE police yesterday made four more arrests in connection with the burglaries which have taken place in Gillman Barracks during the past two months. Three of the arrested were Indians the other man is a Chinese. Police also recovered four cameras, four wristwatches,
    79 words
  • 87 8 Solicitor's wife granted decree nisi From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Fri. A DECREE nisi was granted in the Divorce Court here today against Singapore solicitor, N. L. Macassey. His wife, Mrs. Anne Macassey, alleged adultery in Singapore. The Macasseys were married in Calcutta in 1944. There are two children. Evidence
    87 words
  • 22 8 Mr. Chan Kirn Chye, a barrister, and Mr. Forbes Keith Sellar, a solicitor, were admitted to the Singapore Bar yesterday.
    22 words
  • 134 8 One 100k that's enough for him IPOH, Friday. A BRITISH ARMY cook told a court here today that A he could identify Army margarine by its taste and colour. Private Alec Charles Barker, of the 3rd Coy, R.A.S.C., was testifying against Man Singh, 35.
    134 words
  • 61 8 A police court maintenance order for a monthly payment of $50 by Lim Yam Heng to his wife, Chow Schwee Choo, was set aside by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah in the Singapore High Court yesterday on appeal. Lim had appealed against the order on
    61 words
  • 55 8 A well-known Singapore racehorse owner and businessman, Mr S. E. Sherida, died suddenly at his home in Wilkie Road last night. He was 55. Mr. Sherida, a watch dealer for the past 35 years, was a prominent member of the Singapore Jewish Welfare Board. He leaves a
    55 words
  • 62 8 An aqua-exhibition by Naval ■frogmen" will highlight next Saturday's garden fete organised to commemorate the 70th anniversary of S.S.A.F.A., a forces Welfare Association. The fete, which opens at 3 p.m.. will be held at Nelson House the residence of RearAdmiral E. H. Shattock, Flag Officer, Malayan
    62 words
  • 112 8 PEOPLE of many nationalities and walks in life crowded the Presbyterian Church in Orchard Road yesterday to pay their last respects to Mr. Alex Donald. Mr. Donald, general manager of Fraser and Neave Ltd., died in Edinburgh on Tuesday while on leave
    112 words
  • 254 8 Going to the doctor -WILL BE EASIER AFTER ALL THIS DLANS for the expan- sion of medical services in Singapore, including two new district hospitals, were announced yesterday by the Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga. Mr. Braga also disclosed that he favours the establishment of a third hospital
    254 words
  • 75 8 TWO CHARGED WITH RIOTING Two more people were charged in a Singapore court yesterday with being members of an unlawful assembly which caused the death of Volunteer Special Constable Andrew Teo Bok Lan during the May 12 riots at Alexandra Road. They are Siak Chee Thim. 16. and Yeo Seng
    75 words
  • 40 8 Giam Teong Heng, who owes Sim Liang Huay $20,958 on a judgment debt, was adjudicated a bankrupt by the Chief Justice. Sir Charles MurrayAynsley, in the Singapore High Court yesterday, on a bankruptcy petition filed by the judgment creditor.
    40 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 I'S^f BROWN &POLSON'S i? {A CORNFLOUR for Z2*^s2^-**i delicious and nourishing meals. Brown ii Poison's Cornflour, when cooked with milk, p.-ovides an inexpensive, fnbulously health -giving and b<«iy-nuHdin£ food rich in carbohydrates, protein, (at nnd vitamins. The perfect bahy-food after six months excellent for adults too. h 1 PROWN POISON
      131 words
    • 164 8 WESTMORE o^HOLLYWo 0 The most treasured name m "CIOSE-UP PERFECT" co mp exion^ WESTMORE creamy powder make-up New all-in-one make- up with EVER TEX Takes only seconds to VV-^ I apply Sy JWESTMORJ Kiss -Tested Stays on longer Other Lrpst.cks hot "fghts' Sole Agents: INTER-TRADE LTD. DINE, WINE. DANCE STAY
      164 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 404 8 18. Of formal cut for Shakes Straits Times Crossword mm^ i^__ l m m mmm m^ 23 Highway version is no cipher m 1 mi 2 mi 3 mi 4 m! 5 in 6 mi 7 mi 2 < <»*» en^e <s>. .s^l K^: SSSS Sss IssSS SiSs SSSS 25.
      404 words

  • 1771 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE 'What'll become of us/ Singapore said when Victoria died iiimiiiii Wi.B^i?*i/:»JT=nMi likili[»lJ^];)=M™iiiii SOMETIMES in Singapore today we look back on the carefree nineteenth century life which blossomed into full flowering in the last serene years of Victoria, the Great white queen. In 1898 she passed in
    1,771 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 FfOUNTAIN 'or, I point In' Jj; [Ml roma snow* iM I a*i SPfcmur I IT] I ncommmto mil sexoot I*' MJaya: :e ltd. i s'pore-9. but Mazda bnykXtr longer (th) BORNEO /7 w at a friend! you have ■r« HGESTION pp And what a Wart Antacid I (rota pain lasting;
      101 words
    • 404 9 —Lowest Ever—-, UNDER THE SUN OUR Outstanding BARGAINS in OUR 81st ANNIVERSARY American Ladies Skirts Printed Cotton or Linen fathered Pleated or slim fitting all sizes NOW S 6.50 up" American pedal pushers NOW 6.50 up American Ladies Shorts .....NOW S 3.80 up American swimsuits NOW 515.00 American Night gowns
      404 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 27 9 Sh€»rtovk Holmes $Mr* 3€elas to advertise Hivk Tracy Right neighbourhooii J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I lA*lA'?'2 I "'"^^J N^N^T NEtCJ-JBOPMODOJNM Jvt Scott Now for Gusbby a^ k'irv: —-^B P^^^P ./T
      27 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1415 10 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 lines) (Incorporated in Singapore) 12 lines) Sh o. B H* THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE SwTlN&^to' L?VE°R£oOL, r GLASGOW,' LONDON, CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Sails P. S'hom Penang Loertcf faj Liverpool July 30 Aug 5 tumoni, for Liverpool t. Dublin G 13/14 Auq
      1,415 words
    • 2129 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg. Ctpenhaa.n Gothenburg ft Oslo Spore P. Sham Penang 1 4 ZfiSF*:,. V&tt 14/1 IA 7 1 x) Calls London (Passengats only). I xx> Calls Beyrouth, Karishamn. SAILINGS FROM SCAN DIN AVIA/U.K./CONTINENT Spore p. Sham Penang "SIENA"
      2,129 words
    • 941 10 McALISTER tfc CO r*^ TEL: No 213», M BLLKRMAM «c BUCKNALL LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS *u^ !j Ik HAMBURG E**fcjhJ ond for U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Ae ««P»in« tat v ii and Conoda and via Colombo *m»" CITY OF OTTAWA S'por. B UG lN V| U Spore P. S'hom Penona
      941 words

  • 5 11 per picul »n
    5 words
  • 41 11 Australian stocks Fri. c id) to firm t today. M inseveral I :.,ans wer«| (I 32 29/32 70/- buyer tttfc M/10K 4 9 11/10' a 19/6 6/7' i i 22/10' i 4: 43/- seller II 40/414 21 45/6% 9/10H 20/9 buyer
    41 words
  • 43 11 ;!>ber buyers ibove c:.^ prr II) No. lycra n8 I 8 AiIKUSt No. 1 >:s 138. Uil buyers 124' z .)f Commerce n prices yesm cents Buvrrs Sellers 137's 137", 131 137 ust ::;o', 13O 4 123\ 124', 137-, 136. 13li
    43 words
  • 33 11 i i n«p Ranks ..e following to merchants mail, T.T. S 90 days 33 credit I l (i ready: New n irket in the U.S. cash and tt 15.58 and
    33 words
  • 443 11 By Our Market Correspondent Jl KIHhR London buying in the last hour of trading pushed the price of rubber up to $1.39 for August first grade in Singapore yesterday, this bcinff the highest closing price since January 25 1952. The PL l^ which
    443 words
  • 267 11 'elation. Singapore section, reportedi -Quiet conditions prevailed in all sections of the local share market before the closing for the August Bank Holiday. The majority of the few price changes were to slightly lover levels with the exception of rubbers which remained firm." Singapore brokers reported the following
    267 words
  • 33 11 PARIS. Fri— French tyre output reached 17,1 K tons in June, according to provi onal statistics released here yesterday. May tyre production was 16.475 tons and June 1954 15.250.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 419 11 AT the beginning of the rx week the rubber market appeared to have reached a level where it might consolidate and resume more normal trading with less violent fluctuations, report Holiday, Cutler Si Bath Ltd. The undertone due to *he undeniably sound statistical position
    419 words
  • 182 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were:— Copra: weak; August $26 3 4 buyere. $27 sellers: September $27 1.4 buyers. $27 58 sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $40 14 sellers, drum $43 sellers. Pepper: steady with small business passing and a total of 25 tons'
    182 words
  • 46 11 THE Federation Financial Secretary has fixed the following prices for customs and taxation purposes for the week starting July 28. RUBBER: 51.29' 2 per Ib. COPRA: 5444 per ton. COCONUT OIL: $718 per ton. PALM OIL: $654.25 per ton. PALM KERNELS: $356 per ton.
    46 words
  • 77 11 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Tjibodas 12. Frederick Clover 45, Bradeverett C.P.. Hoelsan M.iru 6 7. Clachas 8 9, Manila Maru 11, Eumaeu s 13 14. Glenearn 15 16, Tjitjalengka 18. Mandowi 19 20. Landak N. Wall 8. Perak 21 22, Choysang
    77 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 389 11 IKNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sulins Arriving incls:o Singapore P>Swet Penang Fremantle k 8 Aug 10 Aug llAug 1 8 Aug 13 Auu 12 Sept 14 Scrt 15 Sept 22 Sept 1 Scot 3 Oct 5 Or» 6 Oct 13Oc» Sept 31 Oc» 2
      389 words
    • 245 11 TENDERS P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class 'C and above registered PWD Contractors will be received by the State Engineer. Johore, up to noon of the Bth. August. 1955 for:— CONSTRUCTION OF OFFICERS' MESS AND ACCOMMODATION AT THE MALAY REGIMENT CAMP. KLUANG. Full particulars may be obtained from the Senior
      245 words
    • 283 11 P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class 'D' and above registered Contractors will be received by the Superintending Engineer. Public Works Department, Kuala Lumpur up to 3 p.m. on 1 1 8 55 for the Construction of Roads. Roadside Drains, Culverts, etc., at Guillemard Road Housing Site Extension, Kuala Lumpur. Full
      283 words
    • 801 11 NOTICES AUSTRAL AMALGAMATED TIN LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE OP DIVIDEND NOTICE is hereby given that a Dividend, the Sixteenth of One Shilling (1/-) sterling per share, less Malayan Income Tax at 30%, hag been declared due and payable to registered shareholders at the Offices of the
      801 words
    • 662 11 PUBUC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for temporary appointment on Contract as Assistant Protector of Aborigines on the salary scale $585x28-977 p.m. Qualifications: Senior Cambridge examination ability to speak fluent Malay and English and to write these lan> guages; jungle experience; Age: not over 40 yean; Preference will be given to
      662 words
    • 458 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TECHNICIANS— SaIary scale:— Division Hl— Probationers $122.50x 7.50-152.50/Flrst Exam Bar/Timescale $209x1 4-321 /Second Exam Bar/$338x14-450. Vacancy Bar: Special Grade— $488x20-588 Vacancy Bar. Division ll— Superscale $604x 24-700. Applications are Invited from Federal Citizens for 3 vacancies for Technician Apprentices for the Public Works Department. Federal
      458 words
    • 77 11 I .*^r 21 JWLS jl 17 JWLS frOENTS'ancf LADIES. J j FULL STEEL ROILED MID. i AHD COLO TOP. Z I, if Obtainable from All 2, Watch Dealers. w ■> w dim Ml AdMTs:- Jj* I 386,mfirf/B*W6£#O, SPORE. I SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI I 4 SHOWS TODAY 12.15 3.15 6.30
      77 words

  • The STRAITS TIMES Saturday forum
    • 348 12 COST OF A SPEED TRAP ONE would have thought that the problem of ending the Emergency was big enough to keep the Police fully occupied. One is that the costs of the Emergency (and especially the police costs) are so great the Government cannot alTord to provide education for many
      348 words
    • 316 12 I HAVE read the review by Mr. Lee Siow Mong of a book called "Chinese Masic and Superstition in Malaya." This ancient way of thought as mentioned in the article is shared by a very limited section of the Chinese community only a handful of old and uneducated
      316 words
    • 426 12 4 S ONE who heard and understood every word of President Soekarno's speech I tind it difficult to let the statements of Mr. G. A. P. Sutherland so unchallenged. Dr. Soekarno did not come here on a state visit: he stopped in Singapore only as a
      426 words
    • 185 12 Total absence of the spirit of goodwill I REFER to Mr. Kenneth Hilborne's letter appearing in the Straits Times of July 29. There are a large number of people in Singapore who are heartily sick of being told ad nauseam that the Rendel Constitution is only the first step towards
      185 words
    • 66 12 It's no fault of these women PERAK Muslim organisations advocate heavier sentences in their drive against prostitution amongst Malay women. No-one can disagree that fall prosecution might be analogous with persecution. Recent surveys proved that ""majority of the women are forced into lives o easy virtue through no fault of
      66 words
    • 163 12 A more realistic and humane oolicv should be evolved as KSMm. Unless and until the root of the evil -is removedV problem, which is of a colossal magnitude, cannot be wiped put. The Religious Affairs Department should make the issue r national one. The fallen women require
      163 words
    • 54 12 REGARDING the sale of 96 houses in Kolam Ayer Lane, Singapore, built two years ago for the victims of Kampong Bugis fire for $566.--150. so far nothing has been paid to the victims. As a victim. I beg for the money which is due to us as soon as
      54 words
    • IN BRIEF
      • 62 12 YOU report that Mr. Thomas, referring to the Chief Minister, "said that a honey bee accumulated honey not for himself but for others. But when attacked it had a sting which could damage." May I point out that a honey bee can sting only once, after
        62 words
      • 26 12 rE list of proposed Alliance ministers contains no Indian names. Did the M.I.C. join the Alliance for crumbs only? A. J. R. Bruas.
        26 words
      • 72 12 THE removal of the request stop at the junction of Lorong 41, Geylang, to about forty feet away, has done little to lessen the dangers to the public and gives less parking space. I suggest a white line drawn across the road from Lorong 41 to Lorong 39,
        72 words
      • 22 12 IT is time authority eliminated gambling under the disguises of "Fun Lands." Schoolboys of all ages are being attracted. ANTI-GAMBLING Singapore.
        22 words
      • 77 12 THE real battle begins after the elections and it will be interesting to watch the stand the Alliance will take. Will they be stooges to colonialism, or will they strike for independence? The eyes of their supporters will be on them and as they voted for "nationalism,"
        77 words
      • 35 12 I SEE that the Singapore Government is to examine the pensions structure and allowances for pensioners. I wonder if the Government will do something for the poor widows and orphans? KINGDOM. Singapore.
        35 words
      • 37 12 THE water supply to my flat in Owen Road contains live, thin about half an inch long red worms. Neighbours also have them. What is wrong with the City water purification process? A. J. CHACRO Singapore.
        37 words
      • 54 12 READERS in the Federation would be interested to learn by what authority Mr. Marshall speaks for "the People of Malaya." Mr. Marshall Is the representative of the Cairnhill constituency of Singapore and oversteps himself when he claims to speak for the people of Malaya. Mr. Speaker, please note!
        54 words
      • 38 12 I went to the Mcßitchie Reservoir on Sunday and was surprised to see about half a dozen dogs playing and bathing in the reservoir. In the eyes of a Muslim, such water is undrinkable. MAKAN ANGIN Singapore.
        38 words
      • 45 12 IT is unimaginable that a disgraceful fight in the City Lights Cabaret, Penang, could have been allowed to go on from start to finish in the presence of two police inspectors. It is time the police force had a shake-up. JOHN BULL Penang.
        45 words
      • 45 12 11/ ILL you kindly publish the following clarification regarding my letter to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, as reported In your paper of July 26? As far as the Young Progressives are converned. their Chairman is Mr. Kevin Mallal, and not myself. AMEER JUMABHOY Singapore.
        45 words
      • 139 12 IT is bad enough having to endure the hazards of everyday life without, when at last one seeks some relaxation, being confronted daily in the Press by words like "bid" and "quit". The former, with its implication that an auction is taking place, is in
        139 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 134 12 mure man jillf m *$t> <©^V dm /aJT L— o Youli hrar your favourite arias and /jawX CZ^ \VJ J symphonies as they really are— if you £-*W^> V ii s ten to an A.E.G. Superhet radio. No other Ai^MJiMfaj;^ radio In the same price group gives such J IMmMWMMmwm
      134 words
    • 106 12 LlGTONchairs are of high quality j 'OKI) able and durable. They have all the advant the excellent Czechoslovak production of wood furniture. < TRADE x^PwAjg/ >> Sole Agents: LIM TECK LEE CO.. LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur p enan IphOenix phoenb Jfor COOKING for n X TAE Jd Clewc and Stay*
      106 words

  • 212 13 IPOH, Fri. CIX top-flight players k from Siam have entered for the Malayan tennis championships to be played in Ipoh from Aug. 18 to 21. Among them is S. Karalak, the reigning singles champion of Siam. Karalak has played in this country and won the
    212 words
  • 995 13 VEERAPAN BEST AT PRIMARY SCHOOLS MEET EIGHTEEN records were broken when the third annual sports of the Singapore primary schools thrown open for the first time to Chinese, Malay and Tamil schools, concluded at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The first six events produced new records and exceptionally good times, and
    995 words
  • 315 13 IN Ideal weather and good track conditions, Police Training School beat Swifts A. A. Juniors by 100 points to 94, with St. Joseph's third in yesterday's triangular athletic match on the SJI ground. Police Training School won only three of the 13
    315 words
  • 406 13 LONDON, Frl. YORKSHIRE today took over the leadership of the county cricket championship table. They beat Essex by 10 wickets at Bradford, while Surrey, leaders since the first week of the season, were beaten by Warwickshire. The champions are still well placed, however,
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 109 13 PENANG. Frl. DISPLAYING better control and combination on a slippery ground. Hong Kong Chinese opened their Penang tour with a 4-2 victory over Penang on Victoria Green today. The tourists got Into their stride In the 26th minute and a lovely lob from outside right Tal
    109 words
  • 57 13 Medical beat Government Printing Office 6-0 in a Government Services Dlv. 1 soccer league match at Fairer Park on Thursday. Shalrl completed a hat -trick in scoring four goals. The other two goals were scored by Dollah. In the same leagu.e Social Welfare and Income
    57 words
  • 41 13 The 1.C.1. Recreation Club will visit Malacca during the August Bank Holidays and* will play Hua Lian at soccer at the Kubu Stadium on tomorrow. A badminton match against Malacca Recreation Club will be played on the same day.
    41 words
  • 316 13 Tomorrows ties In the Singapore Badminton Association's junior championships starting at 6.45 p.m. are: Men's Junior doubles: Kong Yin Meiiß and Thong Hooi Leong v Wong Toon Kirn and A. N. Other; Tan Oeok Tia n and Ooh Oeok Soon v Amir Hassan and
    316 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 456 13 ■fl^PVPffj^^^^^MPJVHHHflBß|p9B^^^Bß| (Before Posting t o Box Numbers ,h.yM tti n I boi rtumbar ■*J f 5 Add'«f to the j Cecil Street. inon |M Jfl rf.. .jrlra OARTW, 1079 r --.i August :H'ior. Mon- ;m. Enrol I ,i- atlon. iKO) KinderKindergarten -filing 29th partlo 17 Pennemool. Tile Dayrell Bucki r.:nE
      456 words
    • 667 13 DANCING 20 Word, $10 (minimum). Dail, 1 month, 10 Worit $240 (MUt.) TRY DINING ln our Patio at the West Point OarUen. RAFFLES HOTEL— Nightly Dance and Floor-Show from 9 to 12 p.m. EMBASSY HOTEL— Enjoy your dance at our Roof Garden nightly. Tonight and Tomorrow night extension till 1
      667 words
    • 912 13 WANTED It Word, U (Min.)-Bmx SO ct,. extra. WANTED Boys Bicycle. Telephone *****. HIRE PURCHASE to Word, it (MiH.)—B»M M rt» uarm. WHY BUY SEXXSNDHAND when at cost of only $3.50 a day ($lO5 a month; you can obtain brand-new world-famous rresh'nd Alre pushbutton air conditioner: $45/ month Fishlon Academy
      912 words
    • 634 13 SHIPMENT IhbLJ ARRIVED/ IB y\l 1/ SEE THE LATEST ,^^Y V TELEFUNKEN RADIOS 7 X^ N AND CRAMS. "•jll£2iat. 's 7^-'-"'-'^' f Spore/Ptnang Pric. $9«o"^V,SV A^^ F.d.r.fion Price $1,150 ***V_— am» NO CASH DOWN CZ S> to own a radio or gram of f SPeSdE? *< your own choice if
      634 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 84 13 aEnI^sIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI SOCCER srNGAPORE "A" v SALZBURG Jalan Beaar. 5.15 p.m.; SAFA League, Div. 2B: Aston A.C. v Haikowyu, Jalan Besar, 4 p.m.; Friendly: Boys Town v Metal Box, Buklt Tlmah. CRICKET SINGAPORE CIVILIANS "A" COMBINED SERVICES "A", Nee Soon. 2 p.m. Friendly: Wood bridge Hosp. v Engineer Reft, GUlmao Barracks.
      84 words

  • 867 14 Delivery to make it a hat-trick n Race Seven today DELIVERY is obviously a pretty smart stayer. This four-year-old by the Irish Derby winner Hindostan has won two races In three starts ;ind he looks set to keep up his good work in the top class in Race Seven. After
    867 words
  • 44 14 rfWE going at Penang up to last evening was very good. TREBLE TOTE will be held on Races Three. Five and Six. The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Seven. RADIO MALAYA will broadcast all races at Penang today.
    44 words
  • 230 14 OOODWOOD Fri. A CROWD of 50,000 saw the joint favourite fo- the Goodwood Cup, N. Marcel Boussac's French challencer Elponor. beaten by Double Bore, a 9 to l chance, here yesterday. Double Bore, ridden by Scottishborn jockey Tommy Gosling and owned, bred and trained by Mr. Jeremy
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  • 380 14 Today's top mile virtually a trial for the Gold Cup By EPSOM JEEP is my choice for the Bank Holiday Cup over a mile virtually a trial for the $15,000 Penang Gold Cvp at Penang today, day of the August Bank Holiday Meeting. Alter
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  • 121 14 .EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1. I DISNEY WESTOTH WESTOTH 2.30. Westoth Disney Marcelle Portmaster Spitfire II Disney Race 2. SOOKA GOOD FORAGE SOOKA 3.05. Conventional Sooka Good Forage Olympic Olympic Conventional Ifarc 3. MIRANDOLA MIRANDOLA SIBONKY 3.40. Carpenter Starry Celerity Punter's Delight Siboney 1 Mirandola
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  • 1033 14 Race 1—2.30: Class 4, Div. I— 5A Furs. 1 133 Brown Booty 5y Povall 9.00 S. K. TJoa Owner 2 201 Disney 5y Bougoure 8.10 Happy Kongsi Breukelen 3 351 Scaled Orders 8y Donnelly 8.07 W. McOreeor Watt Hobbs 4 905 Marcillr 4y Paterson 8.03 Mr. Unicorn
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  • 234 14 Star Signal to repeat form of record run STAR SIGNAL ran the fastest 6f. in Malaya when he clocked lmin. 11 1/5 in a spectacular runaway win in Class 2 with 8.1 at Bukit Timah m star Siknal failed a week later against the best but he was not disgraced.
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  • 42 14 THERE are 347 horses in training in Malaya, according to the latest classification list of the Straits Racing Association. They comprise 114 Class One horses. 132 Class Two. 228 Class 3, 115 Class Four and 58 Class Five.
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  • 426 14 RESILTS of yesterday's finals at the Johore A.A.A. championships were: 100 yardsi 1. J. Levula (BP), 2. A. Lazaroo (Muar). 3. Ungku Ibrahim iJBi. lO.Osec. 220 yards: 1. J. Levula (BP), 2. P. Nalaulau (BP), 3. Awang Ibrahim (BP), 23.0 sec. 440 yards:
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  • 92 14 The Singapore "A" soccer team to meet Salzburg F.T. at the Jalan Besar stadium at 5.15 p.m. today will be selected from: Arshad, Skinner. Johan. Harith, Ives. Murray. Clark, Ra,shid Olman, ONeil. Kirn Beng. Harrison, Ibrahim. Carter. Koh, Tahlr, Zalnol Yang Huat, Kok Peow. The Singapore
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  • 74 14 The Royal Singapore Yacht Clvb 1 will stage the longest race in the world for 16-foot Sydney Harbour Skiff& when they hold their annual 1 round t he-island race today The 16-foot Sydney Harbour SkifT Is usually raced over short distances The race will start at
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  • 42 14 m J ads AU beat Tuan Mong OBA 5 3 In a SAFA Div. 3A game «t Farrer Park yesterday. Nadarajah (3). AH and Chandra scored for Jollllads and Kirn Honß Kirn Hung and Ser Teck for Tuan Monp.
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  • 428 14 By JOHN MARKS ATHLETIC standards reached new levels on the final day of the Johore A.A.A. championships at Johore Bahru yesterday with 18 records being established in the 27 events. Two of these records improved on existing Malayan records. This
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 767 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from V*ge 6) SITUATIONS WAMtT/ II Words $S (Mir.)— Box i* cts. rx'ra. OOOD WILLING Cookboy available Ist Aurusl. Present Errployer Colony. Trl. 8C329 between :> a in and 6 p.m. \< (OMMODATION VACANT tn Wards $S (Min.)--Box it tts. ■■I EOXIE HOUSE", 25 GMUfIB Pond. One
      767 words
    • 91 14 The BOLEX is an easy-to-u designed that even a beginm r can movies after a few minutes Insti fine features built into the BOLEX in such a way that they do not straight forward picture taking. Ft of operation is most important maker so that he can concentral and not
      91 words