The Straits Times, 16 July 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 .^^MINTARY; The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 8 1 J)emands by union 'impossible
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  • 339 1 ant industrial undertakings in I crippled by labour troubles, lermanently in the near future. dUBtrlefl (Far East) Ltd.. at vtonc Tire and Rubber Co.. .an Wire Mesh and Fencing r on whether or not to abandon a have been brought about by executives deserobed yesterday sible and "blackmail"
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  • 1006 1 Bialoguski -he broke the Petrov spy ring MAN WHO PLAYED Mf AND MY SHADOW WITH A RED GESTAPO BOSS STEPS ASHORE-WITH A VIOLIN 'THE man who talked K Vladimir Petrov, the Russian secret police agent and Third Secretary of the Russian Embassy at Canberra, Australia, into surrender in 1953, walked
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  • 485 1 RIOT CAMP WARDERS WERE RASH Coroner: Shooting unjustifiable, man in charge failed in job IPOH, Friday. T<HE shooting at the Ipoh Detention Camp on June 4, was unjustifiable, the Coroner Inche Jamal bin Abdul Latin* said today. He gave a verdict of deaths caused by the rash acts of four
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  • 211 1 Strike pay rejected unions walk out THIRTEEN representatives of the Singapore City 1 Council Labour Unions Federation yesterday walked out of a meeting with the council's finance committee after its first demand— for 12 days strike pay— was rejected. The unionists refused to discuss the other 11 outstanding claims, in
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  • 85 1 ELECTION FORUM: SO POLITE KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. HPHREE Negara, Alliance X and Labour Party men politely debated election issues for 55 minutes in a radio forum here tonight. There was only one clash, late in the session, when the Labour Party speaker. Mr. D. S. Ramachandran of Penang, referred to
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  • 53 1 A dog— when he's 100 WIGAN, England. Fri. Frank Hodgett, 50, was today found guilty of beating his Alsatian to death, fined £5 and banned from holding a dog licence for 50 years. Hodgretts admitted killing the dog in a fit of temper after it had pulled down plants in
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  • 54 1 LONDON, Fri.— Fri.— A .second death occurred during the night as a result of yesterday's "tropical" thunderstroni at Ascot when lightning flashed into a crowd of racegoers, killing a woman and injuring several other people. This brought the death roll from lightning during the last 24
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 24 1 HONG KONG, Fri. The American Red Cross today delivered food parcels to Communist China to be given to American prisoners. U.P.
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  • 21 1 LONDON Fri.— The Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden, held a secret meeting with Sir Winston Churchill last night.— A.P.
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  • 41 1 LONDON, Fri. Limehouse is being stripped of its Oriental atmosphere Scores of Chinese who live In the area made world famous in song and fiction today got eviction notices to make way for a slum clearance project.— A.P.
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  • 24 1 LONDON, Fri. The Soviet Government has said it is willing to start negotiations for a new fisheries agreement with Britain. Reuter.
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  • 107 1 KOTA BHARU. Fri. There was a sensational ending to the Malaya Cup soccer semifinal here today between Selangor and Kelantan, when the game was abandoned 12 minutes from time with Selanffor leading 3-1. The crowd surged onto the pitch after Kelantan's right winger, Ismail,
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  • 77 1 NEW DELHI, Fri.— lt was a costly homecoming for the Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru and a profitable one for a pickpocket. Sources close to Mr. Nehru tola this story today: Just before his plane landed here on Wednesday, Mr. Nehru gave his money, about 175 rupees, ($120),
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  • 284 1 'What is it, where is it? 9 just a Johore forest blaze A HUGE cloud of brown smoke high and clear in the skies had all Singapore and Johore Bahru guessing yesterday. It took 25 minutes to trace the mystery cloud to a
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  • 61 1 A 41-YEAR-OLD patient, Lee Chee Soy, of the. Woodbridge Hospital, Singapore, was found dead in his ward yesterday morning. Police are investigating An attendant of the hospital, who had rushed to the ward on hearing a commotion, found Lee prostrate on the floor. Another patient was
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  • 75 1 Bid to keep best men from politics KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. STATE secretaries in the Malay states have been promoted to induce qualified Malays in the Malayan Civil Service to remain in the service instead of resigning and taking up politics. A Government spokesman I said this decision also envisaged the
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  • 188 1 Russia: War can solve nothing MOSCOW, Fri. THE Russian Premier, 1 Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, said today that the struggle between East and West "cannot be solved by war." Ke pledged the Russian delegation to seek a "common language" at the Geneva summit conference next week to tnd the cold war.
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  • 48 1 FOIK KILLED IN MOROCCO RIOT CASABLANCA, Sat— Out policoinun was killed and three MotoecuM were re ported lynched yesterday afternoon iluring blood, riolin:; which followed <-\- plosion of a bomb in tin European sertion of town on Thursday. Tho bomb killed six people. A.P. (Se»- Page .T)
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  • 51 1 LONDON, Fri. Tailor am' Cutter, the magazine dedicated to the proposition that men ought to dress -like fashion plates, called on tho British Army today to replace its drab khaki with the red coats of old. It said atomic weapons eliminate "the necessity for camouflage."
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 S^TY PACK 50 SERVES FOR ICE CREAM nmnmmmm Success n%| -demands a fit body v years athletes and sportsmen ■'<* !>ai«i tribute to the beneficial quas of 'Ovaltine' as a nourishing. tftbta foml bsvaraga of value in PPltmentiac the training diet. It nl>uti's nutrients and vitamins to in .-tchiuviriK first
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    • 74 1 *HEPMMT'*tAHfaA«u, HO HONG OIL M!LlS<.93.)LTa cs.onjuast tanr tti wiw TYPE RHS 518 A MWM BENZ DIESEL ENGINES of the RHS 518 SERIES incorporate all the latest features of engineering progress. These masterpieces of craftsmanship embody the basic principles which CARL BENZ, the founder of the company strove to achieve over
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  • 55 2 I YNTIII A Oberhozier, 24, left, who is now in London on a year's contract to Norman Hartnell, takes a stroll along the Embankment with Colleen Pexter, 19, of Pretoria. Hartnell calls Cynthia "the best model in the world." She is
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  • 70 2 The Penyu calls at Swettenham rE Royal Malayan Navy ship Penyu arrived today on a three-day visit. The 540-ton vessel a former Royal Navy minelayer which carries a crew of three officers and 35 men, is on a coastal cruise. Among the crew is Inche Ismail bin Hassan, one of
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  • 49 2 The Malayan Christian Council yesterday called on all churches in Singapore and the Federation to hold special prayers during their services tomorrow for the Big Four meeting which begins at Geneva on Monday. The prayers were requested for by the World Council of Churches.
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  • 35 2 Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, Assistant Minister for Commerce and Industry, has been appointed a member of the Singapore Harbour Board in place of Mr. J. O. Clegg, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry.
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  • 91 2 Alliance will repeal terror laws KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. MR. S. M. YONO, a member of the Alliance National council told an election rally here tonight that the Emergency Regulations would be repealed if the Alliance was returned to power. He said: "The Alliance will repeal the Emergency Regulations and offer
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  • 38 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— The smear campaign against Party Negara still continues. The latest to receive a filthy letter is Datin Shariffah Hawa, wife of Dato Syed Abdul Kadir, who is contesting the Batu Pahat constituency.
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  • 185 2 Burma bars 60,000 tons of rice for Malaya, then relents THEY WON'T FLY NOW TO SEE U NU PENANG, Fri. pEDERATION and Singapore rice merchants have called off a proposed trip to Rangoon to petition the Burmese Prime Minister, U Nu, to allow the export of 60,000 tons rice which
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  • 167 2 Power does the work BIG EXPANSION KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. MALAYANS are becoming more electricity conscious, a spokesman of the Central Electricity Board said here today. He said: "In the old days the consumers only used electricity for lighting. Now almost every home has an electric Iron, and many of them
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  • 158 2 IPOH, Fri. \ljpt. D. R. Seenivasagam, 1"1 who is contesting the Federal elections as a Progressive Party candidate, last night said that the M.C.A. proposed to create a group of Malay capitalists so that, in partnership, they could exploit the wealth of the country. "The
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  • 40 2 Mr. T. G. Jeffreys Jones, lecturer and tutor in youth service at the University Collepe of Swansea, Wales, will arrive in Singapore from Britain today for a 10 weeks' stay to direct a course in youth leadership training.
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  • 54 2 CALCUTTA, Fri. A stray bull known as Sankara entered the Kali temple in the town of Agartala and died in front of the idol of the god Shiva. Thousands of Hindus flocked Ih. th h m^ yest erday to see the bulls body until it
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  • 224 2 THESE HOME GUARDS HAVE GUTS To be used more in jungle KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. VOLUNTEERS from Ulu Selangor who today completed a threeweek retraining course at the Home Guard Training Centre here were told: "You are good and you've got plenty of guts." The men are from operational sections of
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  • 150 2 'Keep BRITAIN OPPOSES SEATO ACTION LONDON, Fri. BRITAIN would oppose vigorously any proposal that the South East Asia Treaty Organisation should take up the current situation in Laos, the Indo-China state where fighting recently flared, diplomatic sources said today. A Foreign Office spokesman would not comment on
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 55 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. Mrs. R. L. Peel, wife of the British Adviser. Johore. opening the Johore Bahru Nurses' Sports Club today, said that she was a nurse before she married and she had always taken a keen interest in the activities of nurses. She
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  • 21 2 The Chief Minister, Ur vid Marshall, will new Standard-Vacuum vice station at MacPh Road. Singapore, it 10 11 tomorrow
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  • 34 2 The body of a 31-year-old boatman, Teng Ec Hoe, was recovered from the Singapore River yesterday after an allnight search. Tent? fell overboard while rowing his junk up the river.
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  • 147 2 Francoise wants a part in Spiegel's `Bridge' FRANCOISE BAKII.I a w, has written t 0 the siraii Times to say that she WOG J like a part in the film "BridZ Over The River Xv is to be shot on location a Malaya by Hollywood ducer Sam Spiegel. Mr. Spiegel,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 287 2 There's a henley tyre here for YOUR job... HOWEVER R()L GH THE J° B rs\\)*^Jlßmw there 1S a HENLEY TC scientifically deA\v^ mM U sl E nc d to solve your particular problems '■Jwf/M I n countries the world over, these HENLEY '^Ml^^ tyres are winnm S a great reputotion
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    • 308 2 A NEW TYPE OF ifc4k Ball Point 1 match your «xact style of* ritI ing a new ball point feaI turc! Choice of fine, medium I Or hroad line PERFECTED BY |J NEW! Writes five times IrARKERI longer than ordinary ball Mill lIM points. 393,000 w0i Pk ~^k. A Illli
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  • 82 3 French rioters get tear gas AN( V in. US ed tear sas r 11 gainst demonstrators 2Tsoned the adminndval, General m Rabat wtS! wnn and civi- itched marched K n a re- Grandn trators irlng uj) Puses smashed :l the /cni a French the mash- i bus
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  • 44 3 j STREET PROCESSION FOR WEEK-LONG LONDON FESTIVAL GIRLS from one of Soho's Chinese restaurants, tnp Hong Kong, on a float in the street procession on the opening day of the week-long Soho Festival in London. A.P. picture.
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  • 38 3 U.S. builds reserves WASHINGTON. Fri. The Senate yesterday an Armed Forces Reserve Bill providing for the establishment by 1960 Ol a reserve of 2.900.000 men. This would increase the active reserve, including the National Guard, by 2.100.000.— Reuter.
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  • 33 3 NA Fri Paul Wright Orr. who refused to tell an Un-Amrrican activities .sub-committee whether he huri been a Communist, has been dismissed as a clerk at California Institute of Technology. AJ.
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  • 89 3 piFTEEN people were kil when two balconies cc ALGIERS, Friday, led and three injured here •llapsed in a block of flats, Police said. The balconies collapsed last night during a violent quarrel between neighbours on the fifth and sixth floors of a block of
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 114 3 Jury is told: 'Horrible— don't look' LONDON, Fri. A LEEDS jury trying a man for the murder of an eight -year-old girl was warned by the judge not to look at photographs of the child beina circulated in court. "I have seen some horrible photographs in my time." Mr. Justice
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  • 45 3 SYDNEY, Fri. Sydne y's newspaper strike ended today when members of the unions involved agreed to accept settlement terms arranged yesterday between proprietors and the Trades and Labour Council. The city's newspapers are expected to be publishing normally by Monday. Reuter.
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  • 28 3 LONDON, Fri. A £10,--000,000 all-electric colliery which will be producing 2,000 tons of coal daily by 1962 is to be sunk in Lancashire this autumn. Reuter.
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  • 101 3 LONDON, Friday. \f R. NORMAN MANLEY, Chief Minister of Jamaica. iTI said here last night that it was greatly to Britain's credit that she had refused to establish an official colour bar. "Let me say this of Britain," he went on, "and give honour
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 109 3 Car owner stripped, put in boot HARRIMAN, Fri. T UTHER JAMES Moss, a Negro accused of kidnapping three boys in Alabama, was arrested here yesterday in a stolen car, with the owner locked in the boot. Deputy Sheriff W. M. Norman stopped Moss for speeding and passing a red light.
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  • 33 3 MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Fri. The Nicaraguan Foreign Office yesterday said that the Costa Rican Government had provided false passports to let Nicaraguan revolutionary conspirators travel between San Jose and Nicaragua.— A. P.
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  • 29 3 MOSCOW, Fri. President Voroshilov last night gave a throe-hour banquet for the Communist North Vietnam President, Ho Chi Minh, and 1,000 guests in the Kremlin Palace. Reuter.
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  • 28 3 EL PASO. Texas. Fri. Screen actress and singer Ilona Massey and Donald Sheldon Dawson. a former aide of ex-President Truman. were married in Mexico yesterday. -A.P.
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  • 25 3 BOGOTA, Colombia, Fri. At least 20 people were drowned yesterday in floods which swept mountainous regions 30 miles from here.— A.P.
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  • 23 3 BUENOS AIRES. Fri.— The world's only living quintuplets —the three Diligenti girls and two boys— celebrate their 12th birthday today.— A.P.
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  • 21 3 LONDON, Fri. Electricity and gas will cost more in Britain after recent increases in the price of coal.— Reuter
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  • 155 3 All-night festivity starts with bang LIGHTNING HITS FIREWORK STORE PARIS. Fri. ALL NIGHT celebrations to mark Bastille Day started with a bang yesterday when lightning hit a fireworks store on a Paris bridge and sent 20 rockets zooming over the Seine. Thunderstorms which broke a week-long heat-wave threatened to mar
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 63 3 FIRES AND WATER RATIONING LONDON. Fri. Forest fires in Sweden and water rationIng in Denmark yesterday brought new hardships to Europeans in the grip of a week long heat-wave. The toll 1 climbed to 70 as temperatures stayed in the eighties over most of Western Europe. Shirt sleevea Londoners spent
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  • 28 3 NEW DELHI. Fri. India and Pakistan yesterday agreed to permit through passenger railroad service from August 1. This would link the two areas of Pakistan.— A.P.
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  • 23 3 MOSCOW. Fri.— Professor Vladimir Bonch Bruyevich, one of the oldest members of the Soviet Communist Party, died yesterday, aged 83. Reuter.
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  • 22 3 DOVER, Fri. Florence Chadwick yesterday postponed her attempted non-stop twoway crossing of the English Channel because of fog.— A.P.
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  • 18 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Fri.— The 45,000-ton Midway arrived here yesterday after a 60,000 mile world cruise. A.P.
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  • 127 3 NEW YORK, Fri. An airman has filed a US$lO,OOO ($30,000. suit against a superior officer alleging slander. Airman 2nd Class John F. Crozman 21, accuses Lieut. Col. Walter Callahan of using abusive and obscene language while reprimanding him. His petition names another airman. Miles Miller,
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  • 14 3 BEIRUT. Fri. The new Lebanese cabinet was approved last night.— A. P.
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  • 192 3 LONDON, Fri. QTOCK markets ended the week on a quietly firm note with company new.* continuing to aid sentiment. Gilteded showed little change and were generally steady. In foreign bonds there was continued support for German potash Issues and Japanese bonds. RaiU were quiet. Closing middle prices ol
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  • 40 3 Ampat (4 8/9 Ayer Hitam 32/3 Kamunting (5/-) 7/9 London (4/-J 9/14 +/l 1 /4 Malayan (.5/-) 10/- +/3 Petaling 10/114 Pahang 13/6 +/6 Sn. Kinta 18/9 Tronoh 9/3 +/3 S. Malay 7/9 +/114 S. Tronoh (5/-) 9/4' i.
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  • 33 3 uaiu nga 23 9 +/7V4 Chotas 1/Jeram 3/4 '/i Kepong (2/-) 2/4' i Linggi (2/-) 4/4>i +/1'& Port Dick&on-Lukut 4/- 3 Rubber Trust 2/3 Sedenak 17/- +1/Utd. Sua Betong 56 6 +1/-
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  • 37 3 De Beers £6>« +3 32 Anglo-American 176 10 1 /7'J Freddies 6/I '4 /I 1 President Brand 68 7'i /l'[. President Steyn 38-9 4- 3 Western Holdings 79-6 +/I. P. S. Oeduld 86 10. +/9
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  • 26 3 LONDON. July 15.— Cash Buyers £751; Sellers £752; Prnvard Buyers £744; Sellers £744' i; bettlement £747. Turnover a m 35 tons p.m. 150 tons.
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  • 41 3 LONDON. July 15. Spot 37 id.. Auk. 37d.. Sept. 36 5 d.. Oct.-Dec. 34'\d.. Jan. -Mar. 31 7 s d., Apr.-June 30d., July ci.f. 36 s s d.. Aug. c.i.f. 35"5 d.. Sept. ci.f. 34? id. Tone: Barely steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 164 4 POLL DA Y BAN ON STUDENTS IN PERAK IPOH, Fri. CTUDENTS have been banned from canvassine: for votes or in other ways hflpintf Federal election candidates in k on polling day. A .spokesman for the State Education Department told thi straits Times today that that students if! not be employed
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  • 62 4 Miij-Gcn. T. B. L. Churchill, Officer in charge of administration, G. H. Q. Far East Land j Forces, yesterday returned from 12 day.s' talks with Australian and New Zealand Army chiefs in Melbourne. Gen. Churchill would not comment when asked whether more Australian troops would be
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  • 87 4 The Singapore Progressive I Party, in co-operation with representatives of commercial firms, is working on a Bill to protect the "fundamental! riphts and privileges" of cleri- cal workers. The Bill, the party said yesterday, will include such pro- fisions as standard hours of work, a minimum wage
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  • 196 4 SIX MONTHS' LEAVE FOR ILLNESS, TWO WEEKS FOR FAMILY FUNERALS THEY WANT BIG FAT RISES AS WELL 'pHE Singapore Bus Workers' Union is demanding six months' sick leave a year and paid "funeral leave" from the Green Bus Company. The demands, described by
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  • 47 4 INSPECTOR PANG Lia n Tuck, Assistant 0.C.P.D., Tapah. and his bride. Miss Cbin Lee Yoke, eating their wedding cake at a reception after their wedding in Ipoh on Wednesday. The bride's father is Mr. Chin Sun Fee, Kampar tin miner. Straits Times picture.
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  • 116 4 Sharp fall in bus ticket sales SINGAPORE'S major bus companies told the Straits Times yesterday that the number of tickets sold by conductors had fallen since last month's transport strike. The Hock Lee Company's returns are down $1,000 a day. The manager, Mr Guok Sing Leong, would not say if
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  • 27 4 Eighteen donations, totalling $2,100. have been received by the Singapore Children's Society for its children's convalescent home building fund. The fund now stands at $12,100
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  • 131 4 PENANG, Friday. A FORMER joget girl, Aisa binte Isa, was committed today for trial at the Penang Assizes on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder by causing the death of her two and a half year old daughter, Noor Aisa. i
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  • 27 4 Miss Lee Cheng Jlau. staff nurse of the Penang General Hospital, testified that the child was in a coma. She died the same evening without regaining consciousness.
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  • 40 4 Officials of the Bukit Mertajajn Indian Association for 1955 are: President: Mr. M. P. Mathews; vice-president: Mr M Sukumaran; secretary: Mr. R. Muniandy; treasurer: Mr. J. SiiDramaniam; sports secretary: Mr. Francis X Money; literary secretary: Mr. A. Devadass
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  • 188 4 Unions ask: For how long) KUALA LUMPUR, Fri,| v MORE THAN 3,500 rubber tappers in the Kajanti of Selansor are uneasy about a security ban whu has kept them out of work since Wednesday morni 1 The National Union of Plantation Workers received protests
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  • 18 4 KUANTAN, Pri. The Kilat Club, for employees of the Central Electricity Board, was opened yesterday
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  • 118 4 Peak prices but no gold rusk TIN and rubber "r,'"^ peak prices no*. b^ transactions, the bironW, the average man\ nn*iw!L.* show no change Leading goldsmiths here t/n. said that there ha.l be«ft marked increase in the ing of gold jewellery b 'J tate or mine workers Trading in of
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  • 16 4 The War Damage Co~~sion paid out $12,682 445 the second quarter year
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  • 211 4 Estate overseer— a month's pay in advance rE resistance nero Ho Kam. 35, who has been hunting for a job in Singapore for 18 months, has at last found work. Ho Kam. who risked his life every day for thre l years during
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  • 34 4 Mr. S. T. Stewart. chairs of Singapore Rural Board*: hand over today a new 9511 floating dispensary to i> Minister for Health. Mr h Braga. for doctors to i» visit neighbouring islands
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 116 4 l m ua^fe ***^tai I^^^^^lh Blp^^ > jr fl^^^^/ Ici^Hßv _yJt£?ii^K& r k fIH Watch for Miss FAB! She is visiting homes in your area now. JSb^| Pp m BP FA Ca s on you an< you are vs n 9 she will give you a ,^^\^fh^^tf^^b m m jsllr
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 136 4 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 p.m. on July 14 to 730 a.m. on July 15): Singapore 76 degrees, Penang 71, Kota Bharu 75. Kuala Lumpur 73, IDoh 73, Kuantan 71. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE :7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on July 15): Singapore 88. Pei.ang 87. Kota Bharu 88. Kuala Lumpur 92
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  • 81 5 n>iirr Factory sla ncd -i..r the president, Kir n. and i">” rtan <>« \V«rk- the KmerJSE l r l)i><lirs f M.nisV,H.h,1.. Mini thr tire mm to They'rr not robbers irshall our ,i < hie! Minis- ..No to law, «-vi...,i even for ni< 1
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  • 21 5 •'i next Student iyi n votntial eomilomen S. Gill. Malayan 1 this w hich has Birmingham
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  • 19 5 I! usin< ssman. Injured Si legl< Upp< r Se- is admitted pltal, His to be
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  • 40 5 The Democratic Party will oppose the Bill to freeze land values when it comes up for second reading at the Singapore Legislative Assembly meeting on July 26. It will ask for a select committee to consider the Bill.
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  • 73 5 If bound of good be- esterday ;al assem- yang shoe as an union of the :md Shop a n d four strikers of the Nanyang Shoe factory. Most of them were youngsters. They all pleaded not guilty in the Fifth Magistrate's Court yesterday. The
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  • 330 5 Rahman tells voters: Prepare j yourselves for the task Ants fall on speaker as oratory hits the ipice tree From KHOR CHEANG KEE M ALA KETIL, (Central Kedah), Friday UNDER a spice tree outside the village mosque here today, Tengku Ahdul Rahman, UMNO, president, told his
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  • 42 5 i: A.I ALLANU itiN RAJA OMAR, a 75-year-old pawang of the Sultan of Selangor's household, uses some herbs to drive away a poltergeist which has terrorised a 12-year-old schoolboy. Chai Loon Kong, for three months. Straits Times picture.
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  • 129 5 FIRE PUTS A STOP TO RALLY PORT SWETTENHAM, Fri. rE fire here last night which gutted four houses and made 40 people homeless also broke up an Alliance election rally at the bus station. More than 1.000 people were listening to Mr. K.L. Devaser. former president of the Malayan Indian
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  • 65 5 Extortion bid in bar charge Karini bin Gani was charged in a Singapore court yesterday with impersonating a police inspector and attempted extortion at the Rendezvous Bar in Bras Basah Road on April 28. Gani. who claimed trial, was alleged to have threatened Khoo Piah Siang with arrest and detention
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  • 124 5 r pHE all-party committee apA pointed by the Legislative Assembly to inquire into Chinese education and culture In Singapore, will next week ptfclt an inspection tour of six Chinese schools and other pri- murv schools in the city and j rural areas. The tour was decided
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  • 147 5 Bound over because she was too poor to pay fine either AN old woman, who pleaded guilty to assisting In a chap-ji-kee lottery, was yesterday i bound over in Singapore be- caiue she was too poor to pay a fine and too old to go i
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  • 17 5 BATU GAJAH. Fri. Che Hamidah binte Salleh won first prize in a kebaya contest here.
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  • 203 5 Expectant mother fights 5 robbers r«HEW GEK HONG, 23, an expectant mother, was stabbed in the hands at her house in Jurong Road, Singapore, when she struggled with five armed men. The five were among eight Chinese who had forced their way Into the house on the pretence of checking
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  • 54 5 A three-year-old boy. Chu Siang Peng, was killed .n a motor van accident in Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore, yesterday afternoon. Chu slipped away from his mother in the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital and was injured as he stepped on to the road. He died before an
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 f/JUt* TOYO RAYON CO. A Wide Range of Variety in —^^T^^^k TOPOI'AI.ITY NYLONS bI*T iir«)v» BEST SELLERS of TEXTILES A .JLrWvlv essentials to modern life onds for Best Business in Nylons. Njtlm I ilament Yarns, Nylon Staple, Spun \\lon Yarns, \V oollie Nylon fStretch Nylon Yarns), Nyloa IJristles. Nylon Racket
      155 words
    • 339 5 I MPAJVA JVtGHTS I at Ih<> s MmmSX HOTEL I 5 RESTAURANT I Free distribution ef Dana Perfume samples 1 to lady guests and for Your Comfort— Perfection in Air Conditioning I with the newly installed 1 pipy l I DASCE WITH f T*^" s*-*\ %to the music ofMJominffo ttaquiaa
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 552 5 DAntA if if AVA Shi!'- *9M Ne\\.- 45 Evening HAUIU WALAIA star: 10.00— II.OC Strike Up The p., ?1 ,i I Programmes thus marked run In- received b> liNleners in Malacca. Bb^^Bb B^^^H Short wave 19 and li!m. Medium I .J i r^^Tn I wave ITtiin 343.. 366 m. and
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  • 34 6 M.,rd> minimum). SEAH Kin- Kin. aged 88 beloved passed the 15.7.5.) MS Joo Chlat Place, behind many Brand children 1 and great grand children. Funeral c 16.7. M at 2 pjß mileHone. C:
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  • 45 6 2H Wi.irf, fill minimum). THE FAMILY I,' the late Mr. Ho Kirn Fook l^ urateful to all friends relatives for having sent monetary gifts, messai :,d for their attendance) »t the funeral of the 1,-ite Mr. Ho Kirn Fook on the 12.7.55 at Ser- <
    45 words
  • 37 6 20 W,,rds $l.j(l 1 minimum). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, Singapore. 8. Oranue Grove Road, «>re-I0 (oil Orchard Road). iy Service 10.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Sunday School 10.30 a.m. Testimony Meetings Ist and 3rd 7 p.m.
    37 words
  • 149 6 20 Holds $10 (minimum). FOI I-OW I'KD.-NT Every Day in' the 'M you want to win 000 word puzzle. THE COCKPIT Bar on Saturdays The ideal rendezvous I<ji .1 :el drink. AirI iiied. COCKTAIL PARMESTICKS delightful cheese appetizers by n aker (4 biscuits for the i Robinson's. KEEP YOUR
    149 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 686 6 Goodrich To Rags The claim by the B.F. Good- rich Company that it has produced a synthetic rubber which could make the United States virtually independent of rubber from abroad may, in 1 part, be propaganda calculated to depress the price of natural rubber. It was the chairman of this
      686 words
    • 632 6 Everything By The Hundred Many employees of the j Singapore Traction Company have become associated in the j public mind with some singular and unedifying practices. One of these has been the subject of common complaint by bus users, who pay fares but do not always get tickets. A more
      632 words
  • 280 6  - As I was saying CYNICUS hj QISCIPLINE is a great thing in a political party, but by the time the storm of expulsion notices flying round the rival parties in the Federal elections has died down it will be difficult to say with accuracy who stands for what. Particularly as
    280 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 Saturday study BUXOM KECHIL Photo by Kok Ah Chong
    Kok Ah Chong  -  9 words
  • 13 6 MCTTO FOR BUDDING POLITICIANS I ter to cavil hopefu'ly to arrive In power
    13 words
  • 48 6 "OOLICE stopped a Giant street fight on 8atnri and arrested three BH knuckleduster and a for a dagger were four: i: the scene of the flgM "William Ward. wM> I ceived 17 stitches, sar. I I was just a misundersx:- I inp'". Glasamc Et" I Evening News. M
    48 words
  • 76 6 F'NTRY to the 8tran», i Gallery at sittings w Singapore Lecislat •sembly Ls not so <::•■ obtain as entry to of the old Legi Council. It is not essential to wife advance for an ad order. If you are prepared totakei chance, maybe not suchi long one after all, fifty
    76 words
  • 143 6 LAST meeting ol tl n. pore Legislative A 25 approved somr SU p p ary estimates made sary by the differences tween the Rendm Com slon's ideas about t in which our new mtaiJ? were to discharg functions ana tl i Front's ideas. Future meetings may see more. There arc
    143 words
  • 182 6 ¥>ECENTLY the Manchester li Guardian celebrated its centenary as a daily newspaper. The only provincial newspaper in England with a national and international influence and reputation, it has been the recipient of many congratulations and much praise, rightly deserved. And most prominent among those praised for its present stature has
    182 words
  • 110 6 SO the new assistant started on his new job. He got nothing to do because the edltor-on-the-way-out was not going to help him at all. Anyway, the baron's trip to France ended. He came back. The editor and all his assistants. Including the hero of this story, received notice, were
    110 words
  • 157 6 RATHER reminiscent in a way of a journalist who played the part of the baby in a bath water episode on an English national newspaper. It happened in the years between the wars. He was proud of his new job as assistant editor of a national newspaper. And even prouder
    157 words
  • 163 6 WIEN is an expatriate government officer not an expatriate? It may sound an absurd question, but just a few Singapore government servants are scratching their heads about Jt. They are local officers, they are not engaged from overseas. They are members of the Oversea Government Service, whose members serve in
    163 words
  • 137 6 lirE in Malaya are re- proached, perhaps justly but sometimes, I think harshly, with our indifference to the arts. After all, if ybu read the history of any country you will find that it has always taken an odd century before the pioneers and the traders found
    137 words
  • 222 6 MALArSMAX NOW, of all the arts, architecture is possibly the most important. The buildings around us shape our thinking, even if it is subconsciously. Malaya has not found, let us be blunt, a suitable architecture for her towns. That is perhaps why we have become so conscious and so quickly,
    222 words
  • 128 6 rE pitch roofed houses that you see at Ipoh clash with the bungalows of more traditional form, the much modified, and. some would say. debased, Italian 16tih century adorned with Chinese detail. Nor can we look for much inspiration to Singapore. There is just nothing Singaporean about her skyline. Typically,
    128 words
  • 192 6 ASK that Protestant Irishman to build a minaret or an Armenian Ohurch and he produced to pattern, and a good pattern, too. The trouble with us here is that we have no pattern. Our buildings are. one feels, designed by somebody who never saw Malaya. The S.I.T. flats, for instance,
    192 words
  • 151 6 AND as for European building, we have everything from Coleman to the S.I.T. flats, from the old bungalows on Penang Hill to the colony of villas that has sprung up on Federal Hill at Kuala Lumpur The one thing no one has yet attempted is a fusion of all four.
    151 words
  • 125 6 From the Straits Times of July 13, 1905: rpHE total number of immi- grants who arrived in the Colony from ports In China was 204,796 in 1904, being a reduction of seven per cent, upon the number for 1903, which was the hiKhest known. The Secretary for
    125 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 583 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 20 Wn,dt til) (minimum). GILBERT: at Bungaar Hospital on July 13th 1955 to Win and Jim. k Both well. 2(1 Wordt W> (minimum). YYNFR BURGESS: H< ween r.rhael son of Mrs. and the late Major G. C. Vyner and Wln.frrd Blanche daughter of the Mrs 8. M. Burgess.
      583 words
    • 87 6 Now Foolproof Movie-Making with tk« World's f* Most Amazing*!!* THIS famous ort*rn" camera take* the gussswo.k out of moviemaking, gives you perfect exposures without the nuisance of bulky exposure meters. Secret is the amazing photoelectric "eye a built-in governor coupled to both lenses in a slide turret. You look through
      87 words
    • 222 6 selection of ri'iords toii'll never for»H! CDtICBETET- tHOMS~OiD VIRGIME ■MEAN at lh«- Piano: Je siiin con nil dan* mon quarticr; l.a petite mill'; K»l"" CVsl la valsc a deux sous: «,>uH tain fail il a I'" 1 by side; I've bfen ki"-;\ b.-forr; Anna; No ho) r< I DbIJMD lc
      222 words

  • 71 7 Hidden under siKPRISE s\VOOP OS SHIP A PORE (ustoms [jeers sc./.ed l0( l north Ol in ;i surprise I!,, t Mar Ke.,l--hefore she 5 for H»ntf Kon K -lerday. .arif soon toms men hovership, which the outer had evening irgo from i (pen hatch
    71 words
  • 177 7 Gunman disarmed by P.C., passerby KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. rnHE HIGH COURT here was told today how a policeman, Alias bin Daud, and a P.W.D. labourer, M. Veeriah. disarmed a gunman. The gunman, Yong Ah KaL 30, pleaded guilty to attempted armed robbery, and was tailed for five years. He attempted
    177 words
  • 122 7 WHEN LUCK KNOCKED SHE OPENED THE DOOR RESIDENTS of Lichi Avenue in Sennet Estate, Singapore, were alarmed yesterday afternoon to see a crowd of press photographers, reporters and European executives in shirt-sleeves trampling along the road, calling oat that they had a gold watch to give away. Some peered suspiciously
    122 words
  • 78 7 Book Club raises $30,000 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. rF Kuala Lumpur Book Club has received a $3,000 and a $10,000 loan from the Lee Foundation towards its building extension fund. Tne club applied for help from the Federation Government but was turned down. With the latest donation, glfto from firms, members
    78 words
  • 152 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A CONTRACTOR'S clerk married a girl here during the Japanese occupation without telling her or her parents that he had a wife in China, the Second Magistrate's Court here was told today. Mr. Y. S. Lee. counsel for Wong Sook
    152 words
  • 65 7 TEI.UK ANSON. Fri.—Members of the polling staff here who will be required to work outside their constituency on polling day. are among those in the Teluk Anson constituency to be given ballot papers to vote by post. Altogether 316 ballot papers have been sent to
    65 words
  • 17 7 lUMPUR. Fri. p in the pneuin thr were linst 21 In the pre-
    17 words
  • 38 7 HOI 115.987 in I $30,103,860 circulation H ind Brili nd of This represents an increase of $11,168,914 in notes and 5805.550 in coins compared to the total in circulation at the end of March.
    38 words
  • 101 7 NO. 1 (B) SQIAI>RON of the Royal Australian Air Force, the only Australian unit in action overseas at present, today celebrates the fifth anniversary of its arrival in Malaya for action against Communist terrorists. The aircrews of the squadron, under the command of Wing Commander C.
    101 words
  • 85 7 JASIN, Fri. A magistrate. Mr. Ramanatha Iyer, today advised a Malay couple to remarry "and have good honeymoon." Dewa binte Jolan had sued Nordin bin Suboh for maintenance alleging that he had failed to pay $5 a month for the maintenance of their four-year-old
    85 words
  • 38 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The United States Information Service will show two films on elections at its library here at 8 p.m. from Monday to Friday next week and on Monday and Tuesday the following week.
    38 words
  • 34 7 Bank deposits go up KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A total of $5,635,043 was deposited in the Federation Post Office Savings Bank last month, during which 4,232 new accounts were opened. Deposits exceeded withdrawals by $1,037,045.
    34 words
  • 382 7 Special who watched death chase failed in his duty MALACCA, Fri. A SPECIAL Constable, Mohamed Noor bin Uda, who was on escort duty and did not fire when six terrorists chased and killed his estate manger had failed in his duty, an inquest
    382 words
  • 240 7 'HAUNTED' BOY HAS A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP Bomo: He'll be cured today KUALA LUMFUB, Friday. (^HAI LOONG KONG, the 12-year-old boy from Am- pang new village, near here, who has been haunted by a spirit for three months, slept peacefully last night. He is staying with friends in Pctaling Street
    240 words
  • 118 7 Rebels told: 'Show true colours' KLKIT MERTAJAM, Fri CHE BEE NOOR, president of the women's section of UMNO in Bukit Mertajam, said today that some members were working against I'MNO while wearing UMNO's badge. "I think this is a shame, and I call on them to come out openly and
    118 words
  • 46 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The annual meeting of the Army Civilian StaiT CoOperative Thrift and Loan Society will be held at the Town Hall here on Sunday. The society made a net profit of $2,723 last year the anI nual report says.
    46 words
  • 54 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Discontinuation of security lighting in a number of new villages has saved the Federation Government $230,000 in capital expenditure and $70,000 Defence Department said today. The reason for the cuts was that the security situation in 24 villages no longer made perimeter lighting
    54 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 233 7 Decca rt I ttntinn *fj/ Standard Records V_^r \\l A HIS ORCH.— Lazy Gondolier; Lonely mi HEATH a HIS MlSlC— Mambo in the moonlight; M.imbo. OENI BALLROOM ORCH.— If I cive my heart A sky blue shirt ;ind a rainbow tie. "i< MX VAI.KXTINE— A blossom fell; I want you
      233 words
    • 155 7 Teeth cleaned with PepsodeMt arc whiter, much whiter That's beOMM th«-y are cleaner Ancl they are WSg^W cleaner because Pepsndmt i< ihe only toothpaste that contains Irium*. Pepsmlrnt with Mum dew away the film which not only dulls teeth, but abo harbours the dangerous ■V germs that can cause dei-ay.
      155 words

  • 292 8 THE 50 DIEHARD CAMBRIDGE COMMUNISTS THE Communist Club in Cambridge University has only 50 members, Mr. Colin Jackson, journalist and broadcaster, said in Singapore yesterday. Mr. Jackson, who is on a world tour studying international affairs, was giving a public lecture on "student life in Britain" at the British Council
    292 words
  • 127 8 RETRIAL MAN IS CLEARED BM. UDHARAM, a Singapore textile merchant, was acquitted by Mr. J. D. W. Ambrose, the Judge, in the Singapore First Criminal District Court yesterday, of a charge of causing grievous hurt to Mr. Goh Hin Yean, the manager of the Universal Hotel, in November. Mr. Goh
    127 words
  • 91 8 Ease this control merchants rpHE Singapore Overseas ChiL nese Importers and Exporters Association, representing businessmen trading with Indonesia, has asked the Singapore Trade Advisory Council to relax foreign exchange control in the Colony Goods from hard currency areas now come into the Colony by way of Hong Kong. "This gives
    91 words
  • 169 8 npHE three opposition parties and an Independent jointly will fight the Singapore Governments proposal to appoint more junior ministers by introducing a motion in the next Legislative Assembly meeting on July 26. The motion, agreed to by the Progressive Party, the Democratic Party,
    169 words
  • 124 8 Singapore Marine Police are searching for thieves who raided two lighters and got away with $700 worth of rubber. The gang stole two bales of rubber from a lighter in the Singapore River at about 3.45 a.m. yesterday. The taikong woke up just i as
    124 words
  • 54 8 GERMAN girls oi the Holiday On Ice" show are seen with their host. Mr. N. Ilebic-h (ac-ting (irrman Consul General in Sinsapore. left), at a cocktail party in Cornwall Gardens yesterday. On the ri«ht is the Panamanian Final General. Mr. Jose Vanes l)u»
    54 words
  • 180 8 SIX MONTHS JAIL SENTENCE A MAN who threatened to kill an employee of the Diamond Theatre- for working during the recent strike organised by the Cinema and Entertainment Workers" Union— was sentenced to six months jail by the Singapore Third Criminal District Court yesterday.
    180 words
  • 49 8 Mohamed Dusi bin Korhot City Council employee, whose liabilities totalled 54.D67. was adjudicated a bankrupt in the Singapore High Court yesterday.'s offer to pay $40 monthly out of his salary of 5367 was accepted. He was ordered to pay from August 1.
    49 words
  • 27 8 KUANTAN, Fri.— Mr J R Davidson will act as Chief Education Officer. Pahang when Mr. T. A. Barker goes soon on home leave before retirement.
    27 words
  • 149 8 The big shut down OFFICIALS tyi ON IM )AV KUALA LUMpu,, v seventy s, x £j tones in the pSi will doso Oll The onlPerak. And Perak premier 8 tai tion?" giv through a spokesman: "Other stat.v some offices an in other keep all r.nv offl a skeleton uwnt
    149 words
  • 51 8 He gambled away $1,300 PENANG, Fri. 0,----a salesman and hill cojj who sambled with and j 51.300 belonging to hit ployer, was sentenced to M months' jail tod He bet on 1 .' lotteries "I realise my [oolfchnaj will make full restitutiai* court will give me a as 1 he
    51 words
  • 29 8 Military advl SEATo nations Singapore on Monday. The meeting, pected to lasi abi will continue mili me be sun at R« and continued in
    29 words
  • 28 8 KUALA LUMPUR Fri —A security force patrol opened fire and put to flight four terrorists in the Tapah district of South Perak on Wednesday night. I
    28 words
  • 26 8 IPOH. Fri. TIM 5 house curfew In cham new village, Bj northeast of I p fenced in par) i Rambutan an J* lifted. 2
    26 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 469 8 I Architectural fittings by ■GIBBONS I Leading members of the architectural profession I always specify fittings by James Gibbons Ltd. Founded in 1670, the oldest firm of locksmiths in Great Britain, Gibbons products include all types of architectural fittings and ironmongery; art-metal work steel, aluminium and bronze windows. 5 Catalogues
      469 words
      54 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 296 8 T* 22- s u r ßeon\s biscuit <9> Mraits Times Crossword S^iarsttsWß: 28. Old officers worn astern (7) I UIAkU kllkkU These items are not billed (7) 1 H 2 H 3 H 4 H 5 H 6 H 7 in d wx £3333 SSSfc SS& m m 1. Give
      296 words

    4 words
  • 1619 9 Sultan fled into the jungle as Malacca lay beleagured MALACCA under its Malay Sultans was becoming rich in the 15th century. Gold and tin were pouring into the town from the mines in the interior and merchants from India, China, Burma and even the Arabs from far distant Aden were
    1,619 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 1 if" 1 Ixaling experi* fl SDD ASCRIPTION />. SPo *rt I f( U Vf 2 IJWL9 w 17 .MM S GENTS'^ -i LADIES. J FULLSTEEL. ROLLED GOLD. it) TOP. le from All f OKI 'KIDNEY ROUBLE? i" po in on f^k p vj^te poisons not be Furtunatdy, ""aaeww^-Umou, Ot
      110 words
    • 11 9 MONDAY Ariiut W hisil. r Who l»« spiv< H His Fcllowmen
      11 words
    • 256 9 CPA Speed, Punctuality, Reliability these are the things that make C.P.A.'s service to Far Eastern Ports completely unsurpassed. C.P. A. is a British Airline, manned by British Pilots, maintained by British Engineers. For all information concerning flight times and schedules, check with our booking offices to-day. Consult: Malayan Airways Ltd.
      256 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 112 9 Shvrloch Hoitnos 3ietas surprised Dick Tr€tcy In firing line W& I*^ rfcl Bhl I I "^^L. I I ■^■^■tißw/V^^^*a^B^^ > 7-^B^BV B^BbBS^O iT^- I~X^^^^J^bßb^bW- I -__>^X—^^fca: B^Bfeill^^^^^-J B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Lfll I llnßi^iM M IX^UttL^./ V SjlbM B^B. l' ■MM I B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^r^^!^^^^^"** I I'Jbbb Hr i~-> ..^^l^bb^bb^P^bbO^bbW iz" k L m I Jvt
      112 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1373 10 t«i> *405 MANSFIELD tfe CO., LTD. t.h 141 a (IS Hne«) (Incorporated in Singopore) 12 lines) ifcfi THE BLUE FUNNEL UNE Comoro option to proceed via other ports to lood ond discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIVCRPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, I CONTINENTAL PORTS Singopore Due Sails P. Sham Penang A«tvona» for London,
      1,373 words
    • 1205 10 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Gothenburg ft Oslo Spore P. Sham Penang x) "MEONIA" 21/23 July 24/23 July 24/27 July "KAMMDIA" 23/26 July »k) "INDIA" 11/13 Aug "PALSTRIA" 11/13 Aug 14/14 Aug 15/16 Aug Omits Aden, Colls London (Passengers only),
      1,205 words
    • 987 10 S^ngThe ben ldie steamers ltd."^; 1 SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) I UNO SAILINGS TO U.K. ANO CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Penang MJ-tf-A-J Dtract.rrira.La.*. 28 Au, B le ßo^lTdanI 0f «/11A^ 12/13 A-, U/UAmt l £er£m Un n A^/ Sm* DWct arrryas UMm 25 B^Z£ m li
      987 words
    • 1022 10 MoAUSTER ds CO., LTD.^ TEL.: N..: 283 M H'-"*" «8 BOC-WALL tXLAVXNESS L| w LONDON. HAVM, ROTTIRBAM, LOS ANGELES, s« N HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTU t V^ ond for USA., North Atlantic Ports »,r CtM and Canada ond via Colombo Am.ri,, *I y •emr op p«rth •ougainv M 1| Spore T.
      1,022 words

  • 5 11 ,rt<-r of a
    5 words
  • 14 11 active ■*ere nprietory minings firmer. 32 buyer unquoted buyer 18 O'-j lO'i
    14 words
  • 51 11 r time* -filers, i oulk i -4 /-ellers. I msacted; I $176, limi i.ilion 4 I ted copra sellers; 8 sels29 14; August. I 8 sels2B 7 8 steady: 8 sels2B 78 I .•-ready: I $29 buyers. buyers, (28 buyer*, buyers. KB Hd "xnnut oil closing drum v
    51 words
  • 14 11 m irket In the US 80. cash j B 15.57 and B
    14 words
  • 331 11 By Our Market Correspondent 'pHLRE was a slight reaction on the Singapore tin market yesterday and for the first time for several days the price eased by 50 cents to $368.50 per picul. The local drop was in sympathy with easier overnight
    331 words
  • 388 11 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association, Sint.apore section, reported that: "With a slightly firmer market, turnover in all sections of the local share market was reRtrlcted mainly by the reluctance of sellers." Singapore brokers reported the following business done yesterday: 8.8. Petrol 425., 435.; Gammon $2.70; W. Hammer $2.75;
    388 words
  • 57 11 The biggest paint plant In the British Commonwealth and one of the most modern In the world has been opened in Australia. Production from this unit, when fully operating, will make Australia Independent of mixed paint imports, and wtti expand the existing trade ;o neighbouring countries. Large
    57 words
  • 18 11 Hong Fatt iSungri Besi) output for the second quarter of this year was 2,347 piculs.
    18 words
  • 153 11 August first grade rubber j buyers fob. closed In Singapore yesterday at $1.23 a 4 per lb.. a quar- ter of a cent above Thursday's close. The closing tone was steady after easier. Closing prices in cents per lb. No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose buyers 127-^. sellers 128>
    153 words
  • 15 11 Koala Reman Rubber Estates Ltd. produced a crop of 132,200 lb. during June^
    15 words
  • 386 11 Moredemand for lower grade rubber V A C I L L ATING sentiment, the normal sequel to a sudden setback, has had the effect of stimulating a very active market with large turnovers every day, states the weekly rubber review of Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co., Ltd. These rapid changes of
    386 words
  • 90 11 World industrial production in the first quarter of 1955 was 8 per cent higher than in the corresponding quarter last year, according to the July issue of the United Nations monthly bulletin of statistics. It said Information available for April and May indicated that this strong upward trend
    90 words
  • 310 11 GAZETTED PRICES 'Culture' on the stage The Federation Financial Secretary has fixed the following prices for Customs taxation purposes for the week starting July 14: RUBBER: $1.22% per lb. COPRA: $448 per ton. COCONUT OIL: $716 per ton. PALM OIL: $654.25 per ton. PALM KERNELS: $351.75 per ton. INEZ QUITZOW
    310 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 349 11 KNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service FCOU CANADA/US. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sailing Arriving Singapore P.Swcr Penang Fremantle 21 July 8 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 18 Aug I] Au? 12 Sept 14 Sept 15 Sept 22 Sept ScDr 3 Oct 5 Oet 6 Oct 13Oe» cargo and passengers for
      349 words
    • 211 11 SHIPPING NOTICES OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA t.t. "GANGES MARU" Arrived 11.7.55 Consignees of cargo ex the above vessel are notified that the General survey will be held in S.H.B. Godowns 19/20 at 9 a.m. on Tuesday. 19.7.55. No other survey will be held. I Agents: PATERSON, SIMONS A CO., LTD. NIPPON
      211 words
    • 259 11 TENDERS P.W.D. TENDER TENDERS will be received from registered P.W.D., Contractors at the Office of the Senior Superintendent. Stores and Furniture, P.W.D., K.K., Singapore up to noon of the 29th July, 1955. for the following work: Manufacture and delivery of Standard Furniture, in Teak, to P.W.D.. Stores, K.K., Singapore. 2.
      259 words
    • 935 11 NOTICES THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ELECTIONS ORDINANCE, 1950 (P. M. No. 52 Of 1950) TELUK ANSON TOWN COUNCIL (PROCEDURE FOR ELECTIONS) (Regulations, 1954.) (Appendic C to PK. G.N. 210/54) Regulation 10. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF REVISED REGISTER. Notice is hereby given that the Revised Register of Electors for the Changkat Jong
      935 words
    • 603 11 NOTICES RANTAU TIN DREDGING COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE is herby given that as from Saturday 16th July, 1955, the Registered Office of the Company will be situate at Lee Rubber Building, P. O. Box 304, High Street. Kuala Lumpur. As from this date all correspondence
      603 words
    • 432 11 NOTICES KLANG RIVER TIN DREDGING COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE is hereby given that as from Saturday 16th July, 1955, the Registered Office of the Company will be situate at Lee Rubber Building. P. O. Box 304, High Street, Kuala Lumpur. As from thU date all
      432 words
    • 130 11 NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALE IN' TIIK HIGH OI RT OF TIIK COLONY OF SfNOAPORE ISLAND OF SINGAPORE In the cause of Salt No. K37 of 19S.S Execution No. 170 of 1955 Rolex Paper Co.. Ltd. Plalnttffi versus Singapore Distributors Defendant* AUCTION SALE OF Refrigerator, Steel Almeirahs. Typewriter. Writing Table*. Typourlting Tables,
      130 words

  • 26 12 ris hoped that the Malacca town bus service will extend its route from the bus stand to Pokok Manga via Gajah Berane. PEDESTRIAN Malacca.
    26 words
  • 5 12
    5 words
  • 584 12 WITH all due respect to Miss Quitzow and her hard working band of amateurs, it seems that they have yet to realise that their audience must, of necessity, be limited. If fifty people asked Miss Quitzow about the next play and all fifty and their
    584 words
    • 111 12 AS a parent of a nonselected candidate to a Teachers' Training College. I think there is no doubt that candidates with a third-grade School Certificate were selected for training while those who possessed higher grades were passed over. As pointed out by your correspondents, the Selection Board
      111 words
    • 51 12 WHY is it that some de- partments in the Government and the City Council do not accept persons possessing grade three Senior Cambridge certificates for various types of job? Is it true that the grade threes are duffers and the grade ones and twos are geniuses? PERPLEXED.
      51 words
    • 49 12 FR Mr. Marshall to say that he does not want to kick a dead corpse. shows very bad form. Why, if he is so conscious of his position as Chief Minister. does he want to spit at a corpse? It is more degrading than kicking one. NUWARA Singapore.
      49 words
    • 44 12 Pis very disheartening to notice the number of cinema-goers who walk out of a theatre while the National Anthem is being played. Servicemen, being English, and who should set an example to others, are often seen walking out. L. O. S. Singapore.
      44 words
    • 22 12 ALTHOUGH letters were written on the filthy conditions of the former unauthorised huts in Kampong Chua Heng, nothing was ac-
      22 words
    • 22 12 I APPEAL for a public water pipe, to be installed at the centre of Scharff Road. Singapore, 27. DROUGHT. Sembawang.
      22 words
    • 61 12 A FRIEND of mine who applied for a S.I.T. flat only eight months ago had no reply for two months, then a City Councillor Intervened and he has now moved into a flat. I suppose when dealing with S.I.T. you must not just sit at home
      61 words
    • 49 12 rPHE efficiency of Mr. Mann. shall's government could be improved by the addition of more assistant secretaries who are well acquainted with Government machinery instead of deputy minister^. We hope in future elections the parties can persuade more capable men from the public to stand. EYE-OPENER. Singapore.
      49 words
    • 38 12 ON the flag day of St. John Ambulance Association hundreds of people bought paper badges in the street*. There were tlfree languages on the badge. English, Chinese and Malay. Why no Indian language? N. V. JOSE. Singapore.
      38 words
  • 239 12 SEEK FACTS AT SOURCE I WRITE to remove misunderstandings which may be caused by a statement of Mr. M. Y. Hussein, secretary of the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society. Perak branch, published m your paper on July 2, saying that the Muslims may petition the Sultan to ban the Qadiani Islamic
    239 words
  • 49 12 EVERY person has the liberty to speak what he thinks, but assumptions based on weak foundations cannot stand. Mr. M. Y. Hussein would have done better had he issued his statement with reasons why he says the teachings of the Ahmadis are false. TRUE MUSLIM. Port Swettenham.
    49 words
  • 109 12 j T WAS secretary of the X Labour Union in j North Borneo. I was de- tamed once by the Govj ernment for three days I but I did not blame the Government. I was released because I could prove to the Government that I was
    109 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 36 12 I 4 YX at any angle I jHr^ SMARTEST I (i THINNEST I JSm\ Wr TIT J. L y&ffiff 6& m Waterprool s A^Btr a m Ir Sale Agents: SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD. !Hfl^r (Incorporated in Hongkong)
      36 words
    • 401 12 tew.? and here's why Evaporation m profeltm. The Swsn ISSU-K 1 W\v Safety holds more ink than any other Xn\>\V* A normal size pen so loss by evapora- Jo^ tton is no problem. svy I IkkmmOf totk-proof. There is no rubber sac to perish and leak. A B special seal
      401 words

  • 459 13 lELAMGOR WHEN KELANTAN MAN HURT KOTA BHARU, Fri. THERE was an abrupt ending to the Malaya Cup semifinal here today between Selangor and Kelantan. It was abandoned 12 minutes from the end with Selangor leading 3-1. Referee S. Nalliah of Perak blew his whistle
    459 words
  • 379 13 H.K. SERVICES BEAT VARSITY AT FIRST OUTING ON MATTING ►THE Hong Kong Combined -I- Services cricket team, many of whom were experiencing a matting wicket for the first time, beat University of Malaya by 46 runs at Sepoy Lines yesterday, scoring 152 in 165 minutes and dismissing the Varsity for
    379 words
  • 103 13 Argonauts score ten A RGONAUTS regained the lead in S.A.F.A. Div. 2A with a smashing victory over St. John's S.C. by 10 goals to nil at Farrer Park. Each of the Argonauts forwards scored. Dexter Boyd in his best form of the season leading the way with a personal tally
    103 words
  • 20 13 Haikowyu S.C. beat Tiong Bahru Rangers 3-1 yesterday In a S.A.F.A. Div. 2B fixture at F N ground.
    20 words
  • 217 13 LONDON, FrL PLAYERS beat Gentlemen by 20 runs at Lord's today. Scores in all matches ending today are: At Lord's: Players beat Gentlemen by 20 runs. Players 316 and 220 (H. Dollery 82, Goonesena six for eight). Gentlemen 336 for eight dccl. and 180 (Fellows-Smith
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 150 13 S.H.B. Police maintained their unbeaten record in the S.A.F.A. Div. 2B league with a 2—o win over Bukit Timah S.C. at Geylang Satdium yesterday. It was S.H.B. Police's sixth consecutive win and it took them up to third place in the table. Police only asserted themselves
    150 words
  • 81 13 The Royal Air Force, after their good display against Malays in a Community League fixture on Monday, are expected to be tough opposition for the Singapore Malaya Cup team, whom they meet at Seletar today. y Teams for today are: S R.A.F. Belsham; Ives, Hodgson;
    81 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 322 13 p-^*"^ L het Before Posting j to 80. libers rs boi number j tfu CORRECT 5 Addro, to the i -■Col Street. LOCAI I |UI txlra in the Loc fires. ,:;clu?lve Write TeleRata. UOtfl fXVK U C. extra. m hlkinc .rerproof Robinsons at n i Ma Hands. II MHO r
      322 words
    • 503 13 DANCING 21) Word, $10 (minimum). Hail, 1 month. 10 Word, «J« (Mln.) RAFFLES HOTEL Nighth Dance and Floor-Show from 9 tc 12 p.m. EMBASSY HOTEL— Enjoy your dance at our Roof Garden nlchtlv TRY DINING in our Patio at tht West Point Garden. DANCE in the Open Air 830 tc
      503 words
    • 629 13 VEHICLES WANTED 20 Word, U (Mln.)— Box ft eU. •xtrm. CASH FOR FORD Mainline '52 or i la^, R ln K Burton 5368. CONSUL 1952-3 In Oood condlPrw P o e ce sably5 ably one owner «> tate Regd Box A4 B<7 S-T. i o.i 9 CONSUL VANGUARD or Similar,
      629 words
    • 587 13 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE 20 Word* Si (Mln.)-Box 49 et,. extra. ASSORTED SAMBAL. flsb In vinegar, pickles, gandaria. kechap. hungkwe. knipok udang, love letters, pastry, blinjo. Java Provision Store. 117, Killiney Road. SWISS ELECTRIC portable sewing machines made like fine, watches, parts Interchangeable with Singer's 1 "Straights" $310/00- "Zigzags" 5520/00
      587 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 332 13 The Weekend MM TODAY REOATT^>^ w-wm ROYAL Singapore Yacht Cl«b ATHLETICS rezatta. Trafalfar Street. SINGAPORE A. A. A. champion- itrftmjTADDtfWr ships, Jalan Beaar, 8.30 p.m.; VatWIIIWW KOTA Raja Malay School sports, Geylanf Matey School, 1.3t pjn.; b FV i« r TnimNrv ua v SCOTT'S Road Malay Girls* o^l?*,, B *1»-
      332 words
    • 372 13 PUZZLE ]••■■>■■■■■■■••«■•■•■■■■€■> aloot doilei doe* ■■■•■> j I SATURDAY j Straits Times WORD PUZZLE "K" Cut out and pin with other coupons Posting instructions appear below. Name I Address A V»» J|A- Cat antnf dotted linei<>»>a«»>>>a.. ,..i jL vftuES/ff>R WORD PUZZLE K6 H H^W^oneso/ihorteithard 4. Can help to brighten the
      372 words

  • 458 14 MKNS EVENTS FINALS Hop. Step and Jump: 1 Tan Eng Yoon (47ft. Bin. a record). 2. Lim Cheng (42ft. 4 Mm, 3. Pay Weng Hone (42ft 2',in>. Three Miles: 1. Cpl. Maloney. 2. Cpl. R.A. Crook, 3. Cpl. J. Wood. 16:l8.8sec. WOMEN'S EVENTS FINALS
    458 words
  • 804 14 AND ENG YOON DOES 10-SEC RUN AGAIN SINGAPORE'S younjj women athletes held the stage at Jalan Kesar Stadium yesterday, first day of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association's 17th annual championships, when they broke two Malayan and four Singapore records and equalled one Malayan record.
    804 words
  • 141 14 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER 1. 810 ANDY SOUTH BRIDGE CINEMASCOPE II 2.30 Permita Dormez II Big Andy Big Andy Heremai Dynasty Heremai Race 2. SWEET WILLIAM GOOD ANDREW BPLENDOITR 3.00 Splendour Ukelele Sweet William China Town II Sweet William Good Andrew Race 3. PASAMORA LEONORA CLEAR
    141 words
  • 1104 14 ACCEPTORS and probable jockeys for today's races, last day of the Selangor Turf Club July meeting, are given below. Treble Tote will be held on Races 4, 6 and 7 and Forecast Tote on Races 3, 5 and 7. Big Sweep will be drawn on Rate 8.
    1,104 words
  • 145 14 WESTOTH has hit top form and may prove too good for any Class S field. Nothing could go with this three-year-old over S'-^P. on Wednesday and she won ln a trot by three lengths in the smart time of lmtn. 7 2/5. Weight will not stop
    145 words
  • 220 14 MARSIGLIO LOOKS A GOOD BET ON HIS 9F PERFORMANCES By EPSOM JEEP ItfARSIGLIO was iTI finishing very well when third by a length and threequarters to Ricky over 7f. with 8.6 last week. As he is a proved performer over 9f. he looks to be well worth backing in Race
    220 words
  • 140 14 IV .s.n,n,iy he came in fnurth lengths to with 8.0 ln Six furlongs will be for this tourin Div. 2. I best in todays card Xin B iold wan over the Koala 1 mm. 13 4, month. Cynosure nag a decent the handicap- from
    140 words
  • 952 14 /X)NSISTENT Strong and Free has not run a bad race this season— his form figures read *****3522— and in spite of 9.00 in Race Five I give him a confident vote. Strong and Free did not have the best of the running when he
    952 words
  • 33 14 npHE going at Kuala Lumpur J- up to last evening was good. There was a welcome shower in the morning. RADIO MALAYA will broadcast all races at Kuala Lumpur today.
    33 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 848 14 CI, ASSIFIKD ADS. > ii tinned from Vtff 6) sm .ATIONs VACANT t« H «r</» %i i Min.)— Box in rls. rxlrm. I.ADY NEI'KKSKNTATIVES required with pi e\ ions exprrlriice in ndvrr:. lie prepared to work hard. Good remuneration and tr.ivellini: allowance. Apply in wrltlnK to Box A 4356 S
      848 words
    • 142 14 ••••••••••••••••••••••••a *Jo^^W f\ 6 TiTTfc -^W my* V^/i\%\ •••••••"4 *l .jlXvX'fnm^^ 1 #^L. eis* ffll IIIII• ft The BOLEX' projector r marvellous pictures. Bright and big enough for everyoni I Were not exaggerating :n we say that you'll think %«J»3»J» 16mm. when you first see the M3R in a.i Everybody
      142 words