The Straits Times, 15 July 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 210 1 fted-trained Minister quits cabinet g\TTA MAY STEP IN JAKARTA, Thursday. ommunist-supported Cabinet e tottering today as the MoscowMinister, Mr. Iwa Kusumasumced his resignation after army tit 1 interference in military mats supporting the Government said raw their support, thus cutting assured majority from 1(> to 10 the
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 68 1 Jockey Club cautions Aly Khan LONDuN, T been tewards on the his hordes. today in i the ste- Lsned with red on his horse market on I with nine in at nine >aid: linded him in form running f racing running L diction of ild not be k evidence H.
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  • 10 1 [Senator tier Speak- nate died today, aged 82.
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  • 55 1 I The chair- the UMNO women's Khadijah binte The Inind Malays ther id har- d Malaya I -The Alliance is like gula malaka. Take one of the ingredients away and it will not be good." She was speaking in support of Mr. Leon» Yew Koh, Alliance
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  • 45 1 The flight of time BRISBANE. Thurs. A Royal Australian Air Force Canberra jet bomber flew the 6 000 miles round Australia in 16 hours 40 minutes today The first time a R.A.A.F. aircraft flew round the continent in 1924 the trip took 40 days.— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 GENEVA. Thurs. A plane on the Soviet airlift from Moscow to Geneva for the Big Four "summit' conference arrived today with a cargo of caviar and vodka.-Reuter.
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  • 74 1 LONDON. Thurs.— Sir Don- i aid MacGillivray. who has been giving the British Gov- ernment a complete picture of i the situation in the Federation on the eve of the elections, expects to fly back to Kuala Lumpur next week. He originally intended to leave tomorrow, but
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  • 236 1 SEQUEL TO STRIKE AT TAJ CINEMA I EE YONG MIN, 34-year-old secretary of the Singapore Labour Party, and a defeated candidate in the Legislative Assembly elections, was charged in the Fourth Magistrate's Court yesterday with extortion and attempted extortion. The case is a sequel to
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  • 110 1 Rubber and tin hit new high By Our Market Correspondent WORLD demand for rubber and United States buying of tin yesterday took the prices for both to their highest level for the current year. Rubber was aided in its rise to $1,281 by added Australian interest and, after
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  • 39 1 HUY, East Belgium, Thurs. A radio-active paving stone has been discovered in a main street here. The stone, which has been in the road for more than 15 years, was discovered by maintenance men. Reuter.
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  • 35 1 NEW YORK, Thurs.— Susan Ball. 21-year-old actress who returned to film work after her right leg was amputated last year as a result of cancer, was seriously ill in California today.— Reuter.
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  • 287 1 Rubber, tin -and now a film boom ANOTHER EPIC PLANNED IN OUR TROPICAL 'HOLLYWOOD 1 -THIS ONE STARS AN OLD FRIEND, AVA GARDNER vtalaya'S film boom continues and Ava Gardner is coming i back. 1 Twentieth Century Fox i has engaged Ava, Spencer Tracy and Raymond Massey for a film
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  • 36 1 BERLIN, Thurs.— Three miners trapped 2,000 ft. underground for three days by a coal slide were freed unhurt today. Air and food had been pumped to them through a two-inch steel pipe.— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 BUENOS AIRES, Thurs. Roman Catholic sources said last night that Catholic chaplains have resumed their spiritual duties in prisons throughout Argentina after a month's absence.— A. P.
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  • 65 1 ENANG, Thurs. Mr. Cheah Phee Aik, independent candidate in .George Town, today said that there should be a flat rate for children's relief in income tax. "Whether you have nine or 10 children, there should y A relief at a flat rate," he
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  • 249 1 Liahtnina strikes at Royal Ascot man is killed and 10 injured LONDON, Thurs. ONE man was killed and about ten injured when lightning struck a crowd of .spectators at the Royal Ascot race meeting today. The lightning struck only a short distance from the Royal
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  • 406 1 COLONY BUSMEN DEMAND $130 PAY RISE They also want a yearly bonus of one month's salary CLAIMS for wage increases of from $100 to $130 for all conductors, drivers and inspectors of the Singapore Traction Company were made yesterday by the S.T.C. Employees' Union. The wage demands represent increases of
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  • 115 1 Peng Soon's decision: Time to quit WONG PENG SOON has retired from badminton. Malaya's greatest plifyer, now 37, told the Straits Times yesterday: "I have made up my mind. I have reached the age whMi it is best for me to give up competitive play." The Badminton Association of Malaya
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  • 26 1 SHREVEPORT, Louslana. Thurs. Four men were killed when an air force B-47 StratoJet six-engine-bomber crashed 10 miles south of here early today Reuter
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  • 20 1 GENEVA. Thurs. Two post offices using distinctive postmarks will function during the Big Four conference here.— Reuter.
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  • 53 1 NAIROBI, Thurs. At least 30 people were feared drowned when a launch capsized on Kenya's crocodile-infested Lake Victoria today. First reports said the launch I v;as carrying Mr. Steve Martin, Australian commandant of "Devil's Isle for Mau Mau terrorists" —an island in the lake and about
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  • 42 1 LONDON, Thurs. Britain is pressing Egypt for an early reply to its protest over the shelling of the British pilgrim ship Anshun in the Gulf ot Akaba, the Foreign Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan, told the House of Commons yesterday.—A. P.
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  • 37 1 NORDERNEY ISLAND, Thurs. Authorities of this west German seaside resort have decreed that cocks must not crow between dawn and dusk. Cocks disobeying th» ban must be slaughtered or taken outside the residential area. Reuter.
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  • 30 1 INOOLSTADT, Thurs.— When one of his hens stopped laying, a German farmer here took It to a veterinary surgeon, who discovered it was turning into a cock. Reuter.
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  • 15 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs.— Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby resigned yesterday as U.S. Secretary of Welfare.
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  • 117 1 $11 mil. opium seized in Siam BANGKOK, Thurs. SIAMESE POLICE on Saturday seized 20 tons of opium which was being smuggled into northern Siam from Burma according to delayed police reports reaching The opium is worth about $11 million. Following a tip-off, police hid all night and watched packages being
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  • 66 1 M.P. IN JAIL: NEW ELECTION MOVE LONDON. Thurs.—Britain took action today to obtain a new Parliamentary byelection at Mid lister, Northern Ireland, where the elected member is di><iualifie<l from sitting because he is serving a 10-->.e;tr prison sentence for treasonable felony. The member is Thoma.l. Mitchell. 23, a
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  • 29 1 PARIS. Thurs.— Ten thoui sand French and colonial troops paraded in the Champs Elysees in torrid heat today to mark France's na- tlonal holiday. Bastille Day.— Renter.
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  • 764 2 Nation^ conscience is shocked by execution of model Met her fate like a 'Cheyney heroine 9 LONDON, Thurs. T URID revelations J today of the hanging of lovely, ashblonde Mrs. Ruth Ellis have re-stoked the fires of one of the most bitter legal controversies in
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  • 175 2 'NONE CLOSED FOR POLITICS' LONDON, Thursday. rpHE COLONIAL secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, told a questioner in the House of Commons yesterday that no schools had been closed because of political activities in either Singapore or the Federation Mr. Reginald Sorensen (Labour), had asked what
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  • 88 2 FOREST FIRE MYSTERY NICOSIA, Thurs. A MYSTERIOUS forest fire broke out in the Cassilla area near the north Cyprus mountain range last night. Officials estimated it was raging through an area one and a half miles across. Firefighters were rushed to the area from all over the island. The blaze
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  • 75 2 rpHE three American soldiers who changed their minds about staying in China after being captured in the Korean war hold a press conference on their arrival in Hong Kong. They are on their way back to the United States at their own request.
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  • 169 2 BANDITS' LETTER IN COMMONS LONDON, Thurs. A LABOUR MJ, Mr. Fenner J\ Brockway, asked the Colonial Secretary why the Communist offer of negotiations to end fighting in Malaya had been rejected. Mr. Stan Awbery (Labour) asked if the secretary was aware that the insurgents had written to
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 176 2 Goodrich makes test-tube rubber AKRON (Ohio), Thurs. rrHE B. F. Goodrich A Company announced today that it has put into service large truck tyres made with a new synthetic rubber that could make the United States virtually independent of natural rubber from abroad. The company's president, Mr.
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  • 79 2 Schoolboy aged 80 LA SPEZIA, (Italy), Thurs.— An 80-year-old man stroked his long white whiskers with pride today at last he had succeed in winning his elementary school certificate. Oaetano Barrili left school at nine to work In the fields for his poor family. After a lifetime in South America
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  • 66 2 SAVANNAH, Georgia, Thurs. A two-year-old girl left alone in a car which was parked with its engine running stepped on the accelerator and killed a woman who was to take her for a ride. The police said that V: Beal, 52, a friend of the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 154 2 Marlene meets Bessie LONDON Thlm MARLENE DIKTRH 1| film actrtss v, m 'JH seeing in the House of v mons yesterday and V Z up holding an impromptu" ception for admiring j|," bers of Parliament. The glamorous grandma who is appearing in a Q don nightclub, was by "Battling Besvie'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 234 2 Pi It pays to buy -the utul I 1-:- Vi jr .^M^^^ .jfikA *V M P -^X l^^m^^^ 1 Cone*** -ate ECONOMY IN USE... 'N^ jL J2^o^. Li r^M^feF\ M fmWJM- Time haS P roved over and over a ain tha delicious OVALTIXE is the world's L /^L iBBKISiI %I^™
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  • 213 3 20 DIE AS BRITISH FREIGHTER GOES DOWN I»OKT OF SPAIN, Thursday. tA TV p«"P |(1 ;ir(l fiared dead af f er the British r GeologM sank oflF Trinidad yesterrollided with the bauxite carrier Sun the Sun Princess picked up 22 survi- I c work was hampered by the heavy j
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  • 81 3 Aly Khan is kicked by horse: So stupid' oT, Than. ||S( |L1 KMW WM i, one "i his rin« the Royal st*rdajr, rinded and the pound N* gone i»t. i the „-<• his horse before the Coro,ke> when the i nrreil. ii i ailed over dspeaker hut refused tttenii(
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  • 24 3 MANCHESTER, Conn.. Thurs. Driving from her agent's office after renewing her car insurance. Mrs. Margaret Jones crashed into a tree here.
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  • 54 3 Thurs N Goodflcei at- Cmbassj win th£ il Gliding tugh he contest Kempt Tragger, who finished second, was named 22nd U.S. National Gliding Champion 1 after the "nglishman was de--5 dared ineligible. Only Ameri- cans can hold the title says the rules of the Gliding Society
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  • 81 3 LONELY TAILOR WENT TO NAPLES BUT... NEW YORK, Thurs. T INCENT GUADAGNO, 79, a retired tailor who never married, arrived back from Naples yesterday regretting that he had been unable to find himself an Italian wife. He said he had made- the trip to hLs native
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  • 123 3 Guadagno told newsmen h? just never had the time to marry since coming to United States in 1892. Much of that time, he said, was devoted to efforts to bring his late parents, three brothers and two sisters to America. The former tailor, who
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  • 97 3 It's the Imperial with the odd fringe PRINCESS MARGARET, at Leicester Show Jumping Festival. wears her new hair-do, the Imperial. Her other hair-dos in the past six months have included the Josephine, the Bun Penny and the Italian Cut. The Imperial features an unusual
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  • 107 3 APPEAL PETITION REJECTED LONDON, Thurs. ITOE judicial committee of the Privy Council, the Supreme Court of Appeal, today refused a petition by two Australian journalists for special leave to appeal against a sentence of three months' imprisonment imposed on them by the Australian Federal Parliament last month for a breach
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  • 53 3 HOLLYWOOD, Thurs.— Miss Marion Davies disclosed that she has bought the Palm Springs Desert Inn for US$2.--000.000. Miss Davies, star of the .silent screen and known in thp film colony as one of its shrewdest real estate operators, said she would be the sole
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  • 29 3 NEW DELHI, Thurs.— An Indian expedition led by Maj. N. D. Jayal, chief of the Darjceling Mountaineering School, has climbed Kamet the 25.450--foot Himalayan peak.
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  • 56 3 `Teddy Boy' report for Home Office LONDON, Thurs. POLICE CHIEFS have asked for a report on the "Teddy Boys." many of whom roam London streets looking for trouble. Senior officers have been ordered to give accounts of the situation in all districts of the Metropolis. An overall report will be
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  • 127 3 HEAT-WA YE GOES ONAND 60 DIE LONDON, Thurs. EUROPE'S heat-wave went into its sixth day yester- day with the death toll at least 60 and little relief in sight Temperatures were In the eighties over most of Europe. A haze covered London, but 77 degrees was recorded at mid-afternoon. The
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  • 94 3 'Gay girls' sue 13 mullahs CALCUTTA, Thurs. EAST Pakistan prostitutes opened a new drive today against Muslim mullahs who have forced "gay girls" from their homes and the city. Some of the prostitutes, who had been driven out of Calcutta, reappeared at their old brothels, only to be ousted. The
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  • 190 3 HOUSE TOLD OF BRUNEI PROGRESS LONDON, Thursday. TN the House of Commons today Mr. R. W. Sorensen x (Labour) asked the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, what constitutional reforms have been proposed and are being implemented in British North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei. Mr. Lennox
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  • 30 3 COLOMBO, Thurs.— Ceylon has asked China to pay one penny more than the world market price for its sheet rubber purchases under the existing rubber-for-rice agreement. -U.P.
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  • 58 3 SYDNEY, Thurs. Sydney journalists, idle because of a dispute which has stopped publication of all the city's daily and Sunday newspapers, brought out their own evening paper. "The Clarion." yesterday. ft opposes a composite morning newspaper produced by the managements of Sydney's four newspapers whose
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  • 42 3 LONDON, Thurs. Mr. Ow Kheng Law, of the Malayan Film Unit, will go to Buckingham Palace on July 19 to receive from the Queen the Honorary M.8.E., which he was awarded in her Birthday Honours. Reuter.
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  • 34 3 CONST ANTINE, Thurs. Four terrorist were killed in a clash with troops in the Aures Mountain area today. One policeman was killed and another injured in another battle.— Reuter.
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  • 15 3 BONN. Thurs. A direct Frankfurt Moscow telephone line was opened last night. Reuter.
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  • 155 3 LONDON. Thurs.— Britain's Press Council yesterday said that the exposure of vice by a newspaper was often a service to the community. The Press Council had considered a complaint made by a member of the public about two articles in a Sunday newspaper, The People,
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  • 28 3 LONDON. Thurs.— The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, yesterday told the House of Commons that, roughly, there were 120.000 squatters in Hong I Kong.— Reuter.
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  • 271 3 LONDON. Thurs. HPHE better trend wag continued on x the stock markets here today and selective buying brought some Rood gains. Giltedged were better on fair demand and Germans were supported among foreign bonds. Rails were quiet. Interest wa s selective in industrials with British Motors a firm
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  • 33 3 Ampat (4/-) 8/9 Ayer Hitam S2/3 Kamuntlng (5/-) 7/9 London (4/-) 9/- —/3 Malayan i5/-) 9/9 Petaling 10/1% Pahang 13- Sn. Klnta 18/9 Tronoh 9/- S. Malay 7/7% S Tronoh (5/-) 9/4%
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  • 28 3 Batu Tiga 23/1% Chotas 1/- Jeram 3/4% Kepong (2/-) 2/4% Llnggi (2/-) 4/3 Port Dickson-Lukut 3'9 +/1% Rubber Trust 3/3 Sedenak 16/- utd. Sua Betong 55/6 +1/-
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  • 29 3 De Beers £6 13/32 +3/32 Anglo-American 177/6 1/Freddies 6/3 President Brand 68/9 1/6 President Steyn 38/6 /9 Western Holdings 79 4% —1/10% P. S. Geduld 86/1% —11-
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  • 26 3 LONDON. July 14— Cash Buyers £745: Sellers £746; Forward Buyers £739; Seller s £739> 2 Settlement £746. Turnover a.m. 110 tons. p.m. 150 tons.
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  • 36 3 LONDON, July 14.— Spot 37% id., Aug. 37< 2 d., Sept. 36 d., Oct.-Dec. 35V4d., Jan. -Mar 32'1-ci., Apr.- June 30\d.. July c.ii. 36; b d., Aug. c.l.f. 35<,ci.. Sept. c.l.f. unquoted. Tone: Firm.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 ih diamond sffmhol 0f... viv\^7"^ Obtainable TITOMI at all I \s watch |$b fndnl SWISS MADE °"cc conquers muscular pain FIBROSINE' f~T~Z HAI.M aou instantlv> Rafply «-"m ■ht Md rl.oumatic pain o \m/ s\ ripht through the MR ■lulh.almccompounds 1 j^R, S P down, right into the sore 3 IBV\
      89 words
    • 207 3 CHOOSE QvS^fN A NICE LEG OF LAMB W and serve it with BIRDS EYE GREEN PEAS <j* Rsp c A (Singapore) FLAG DAY, Saturday, 16th July. \jL* Remember that by contributing you are expressing kindness i SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. #T 7/5 and tO/7 Concrete Mixers A ftwrnWvT}"(^H^^ m
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  • 62 4 ALOR STAR, Thurs. Sea water which got into padi fields in Singkiar district, 30 miles south of Alor Star, was causing considerable damage to craps, the Kedah state Council was told today. "Padi planters have petitioned the Government asking for assistance, but so far no action
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  • 263 4 Row over those letters caused by misunderstanding They can now go to party after all PENANG, Thursday. SENIOR AND JUNIOR Middle students of Han Chiang High School, who refused to attend classes yesterday because their headmaster had withheld two letters addressed to them, today accepted the advice
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  • 113 4 LIEUT. LAM AND ANCIENT CAR SIGN UP FOR 'ALICE' POMU. LIEUTENANT Pedro Lopez Lam who fought the Japanese in Burma and was with the British invasion forces when they landed at Morib beach in 1945, will play the part of a Japanese in the film "A Town Like Alice". Lt.
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  • 102 4 After wordy wars still friends ALOR STAR, Thurs. T<HE Mentri Besar, Tengku Ismail bin Tengku Yahaya, today praised Kedah State Councillors for their "never failing courtesy." "This ability to argue hotly and remain friends is something to be valued," he told the last meeting of the State Council today. Kedah
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  • 45 4 MALACCA. Thurs. The Malacca Education Department announced today that registration for admission to Standard One in Government and Government-aided English schools will open on Aug. 1 and close on Aug. 20. Names will be registered daily between 8 a.m. and 12 noon.
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  • 27 4 TEMERLOH, Thurs.-J*asir bin Ahmad, aged 20, a Malay Regiment drivej from Port Dickson, was fined $150 or two months' jail here today for negligent driving.
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  • 72 4 $2,289 goes into the kitty KUALA LUMPUR, Thura. AN APPEAL committee was set up in Selangor last year to raise funds to entertain visiting World Assembly of Youth delegates. A balance of $2,289 has now been put into a savings account for future visits by youth leaders or youth organisations.
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  • 28 4 KUALA KLAWANG. Thurs.— Capt. Hashim bin Hamsah, District Home Guard Officer. Jelebu, has been transferred to Tampin. His successor is Capt. Mohammed bin Ngah from Kuala Pilah.
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  • 145 4 OWNER TOLD: PULL DOWN SHOPS TO MAKE WAY FOR NEW ROAD TRAWANG, Thursday. EN wooden shophouses on the main road from Rawang to Serendah are to be pulled down before the end of the week The owner and tenants of the shophcuses were warned six months ago
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  • 67 4 KAJANG. Thurs. A girl tapper. Chew Slew Kiew, aged 17, died in the General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, lasi night four hours after shewas knocked down by a van near the 12i mile. Sordanu Road. Chiew was going home ar ter work on a bicycle when the
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  • 205 4 RUNAWAY WIFE SAID NO So husband pointed knife, court told PENANG, Thurs. A HOUSEWIFE, Tan Ah Hong, told a court here today that her husband pointed a knife at her breast when she refused to go home with him. "I refused because he had beaten me the night before when
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— S. Arokianathan, 17, and R Rethinam, 18, both of Chan Row Lin Road, pleaded guilty here today to stealing 11 fowls worth $66 belonging to Fong Lai Pen e of Imbi Road on Tuesday night. Sentence was postponed to July 21. Ball
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  • 50 4 TEMERLOH, Thurs.— Police raided a shop house here on June 25 and found a box containing 30 packets of opium and three opium pipes Tan Yip, 36, admitted in court here today having the opium and pipes. He was fined $400 or four months' Jail
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  • 64 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Twenty armed uniformed terrorists slipped into Yap Tan Sah new village in the Kluang district of Johore, last night. A laundryman told the police today that they had stolen 40 jungle green shirts and two pairs of jungle green trousers
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  • 46 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs Cpl. Robert Moncrieff, of Majrdee Barracks was fined a tota of $1,000 in the Sessions Cour (here for driving a car in a dangerous manner, for not having a driving licence and for not having an insurance policy.
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  • 203 4 Wanted: A deep river gorge KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. HOLLYWOOD film producer Mr Sam Spiegel left here for Perak today to look for a deep river gorge across which he hopes to build a 200--foot long railway bridge. The bridge is for his new film, "Bridge Over the River Kwai. ?>
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  • 80 4 PENANG, Thurs. Alan, seven-year-old son of the Municipal Engineer, Mr. R. Bailey, was reported to have been robbed of $50 while playine in Brown Road yesterday. Alan said a Chinese boy with whom he was playing snatched away the money which had been given him by
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  • 45 4 IPOH. Thurs. Leong Chin Seng, 36. a clerk emj^oyed by the Ampang Bharu Local Council today pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust of $627 belonging to the Council. Sentence was postponed till July 21 and Leong was allowed $1,000 bail.
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  • 43 4 TEMERLOH, Thurs— Wong Tai Lee, 40, a tapper from Sungei Kawang Estate, Mentakab. was fined $100 or one month's jail here yesterday for trying to remove four tahils of salt and four tahils of coconut oil from a food restricted area.
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  • 187 4 PENANO. Thurs.— a labourer sat quietly watching a man being stabbed by another labourer, the Penang Assize Court was told today. Sinnandy was charged with murdering T. Sathan in King Street on Dec. 23 last year. K. Kari, a shipping labourer, told Mr. Justice SpenserWilkinson
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  • 65 4 Are you a victim of a poor digestion? Trouhlesonn'ili caused by too mi excess acH tion and stomach upset heavy feel: meals. Worry: upset s only makes t bw Relief is simpk A safe, sure •Bismaff'. Taken after 0^ •Bisma-' stomach's Infla branes and neut i acid. Calmed a your
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 360 4 Synthetic fobrlct superior to i^^^ A,fc for ASAHI /PS^^*" l^ t FABRICS U^~^~J^ 1 A K 7.050 Gcorqctt* Crepe- A K 5,400 Bern Fonny) 1 A K 5.00.1 Cherry Voilt M^^BC?^3 A K 5,700 !Shc«r Cr«pc) ifl** ASAHI Royon Honflfccithi' liutrous quolity superior ■fmt'T' Vi^, to silk and yet, matching
      360 words
    • 136 4 BOM KHqh I It is if; i I Anchor tmbrotdei I Anchor ami I such as strand" I pearl cotton an broder, give you a I ferent typr I all kinds I designs... and their v ful range rf W are all Fast I difficulty in I right shade fr
      136 words

  • 30 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. More than 120.000 people visited the Chinwoo Trade Fair here which closed last night. This was double the number the fair attracted last year.
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  • 59 5 TEMERLOH. Thurs.— After he Ba caught with four pills of i landu on June 14. Pans Sen, offered a police constable i cents not to arrest him. In the Sessions Court here yesterday, Pane Sen was fined $10 for having the chandu and, SlOO for
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  • 263 5 ESTATES MUST KEEP UP HIGH STANDARD OF REPLANTING LIMITS ARE IMPOSED TO MAKE SUPPLIES OF GOOD SEED GO ROUND KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. FEDERATION Government announced today that all replanting started by estates this year will be eligible for grants under the Government's $280 million "save
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  • 139 5 600 LATE BECAUSE OF LORRY STRIKE •THE Chuan Joo Trans--1 port Company of Singapore yesterday beat a of some of its lorry operators by transporting 1.000 out of 1,600 Army ily -employed clerks, and technicians to work In time. other 600 workers had to find their own way to work
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  • 56 5 Tan Say Too. Low Ec Siong and Go Ah Saw claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Mates Court yesterday to a charge of assisting in* the management of a chap-ji-kee at Coronation Road on Wednesday night. They were allowed $10 000 bail each and the
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  • 35 5 A purse containing $5 and two keys was found in a taxi In Kallang Road. Singapore, yesterday. The owner is asked to claim the purse at Beach Road police station.
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  • 48 5 Lady Black, wife of the Gov- ernor of Singapore. Sir Robert Black, will perform her first public function .since her ar- i rival on June 30 when she i opens the Y.W.C.A food and' fun fair at the Victoria Me- morial Hall at 11 a.m. tomorrow
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  • 103 5 KLANG. Thurs. rE Party Negara candidate for Selangor Bharat constituency, Inrhe Mohamed Rashid bi n Ahmad, last night disclosed the party's j plan to wipe out Communist terrorists in Malaya. Addressing a rally at Telok Pulai here he said that if Parly Negara came to
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  • 62 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Men of the Somerset Light Infantry yesterday found the body of a terrorist. Low Wah. whom a patrol of the regi- ment wounded last month in the Bentong area of south Pahang. It was confirmed today that a bandit. Tuck Weng. was
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  • 54 5 Singapore Police yesterday removed the body of a newborn baby girl found lying in i a drain at the junction of, Yeerasamy Road and Upper Perak Road. City Council labourers workIng at a sewer saw the body drifting In the drain. It was. ta!;en to
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  • 43 5 The Social Welfare Department in Singapore last month paid $398,453 in public assistance relief. This sum was divided among 12.709 cases. Tuberculosis treatment allowance given during the same period amounted to $140,281. The number of cases considered was 1.668.
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  • 44 5 Tan Choon Kee pleaded guilty in a Singapore Court yesterday to unlawful possession of 52.100 dutiable cigarettes and 17 quarts of liquor at Boat Quay on March 13. He was fined $12,000 for the cigarettes and S3OO for the liquor.
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  • 27 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— i Thirty-five blind people from the Gurney Training Centre here will go on a picnic to Port Dickson on Aug. 7.
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  • 25 5 Representatives of the City Council Labour Unions' Federation will discuss 12 grievances today with the City Council Finance and General Purposes Committee.
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  • 115 5 FIRE-FIGHTERS SAVE THE KAMPONG PORT SWETTENHAM. Thursday. pORTY people were made homeless here tonight 1 when fire destroyed four wooden attap-roofed houses in Watson Road The fire, which threatened to spread to 200 other nearby attap houses, was brought under control before more damage was
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  • 103 5 Bangkok is on the phone again 0 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. rpHE telephone link between 0 1. Malaya and Siam is to be j re-opened on Monday after j nearly 16 years. 1 The service will cost $12.90 1 1 f or a three-minute call to Bangkok and $4.30 for each
    103 words
  • 100 5 On holiday, Ann took nurse's course rpHE FIRST English girl to X qualify in Singapore as a staff nurse yesterday told the Straits Times that she had found the course "very interesting" and had "liked it very much." She is Miss Ann Myrnie i Herring. 20 (above), who I started
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  • 31 5 The Governor. Sir Robert Black, and Lady Black were among the 300 guests who attended the Bastille Day cocktail reception given by the French Consul in Singapore last night.
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  • 94 5 THE keen eyes of Yusoff bin Awang. a taxi driver, helped the police to arrest a man in Still Road. Singapore, yesterday. Yusoff saw a man peering through the shutters of a coffee shop about 3 a.m. and drove straight to a police station
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  • 24 5 Singapore organisers who want first aid officers at gatherings should give the St. John Ambulance Brigade at least 10 days' notice.
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  • 154 5 'USE THAT IDLE MONEY' to develop Malaya IPOH, Thurs. rpHE millions of dollars lying idle in the banks and in the Government employees' provident funds could be used to develop Malaya, the secre-tary-general of the Malayan Chinese Association, Mr. Leong Yew Koh, told a rally of Government clerks and school
    154 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 228 5 NEW! amutr Hc f J| Qhcr. OVERSEAS TRADERS LTD., RE PENANG. LUMPUR. ic/u/s aJifion m i CAMUS M\RQI E f Class Remedy for Coughs ipidlv effective easant to take M B Product POPULARITY-PLUS! reading it everywhere in India. Sia<n. Hong d Australia and its even reached as far as Japan
      228 words
    • 197 5 Capture the ft Hidden Beauty 0 We mean the Middon Beauty of your radio set the pick-up connection. Why not bring your radio to full life and use the possibilities for which you paid when you bought it? You will discover how pleasant and enjoyable it is to compose your
      197 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 503 5 RADIO MALAYA Programmes thus marked ran II •^^^^T^T^^^l he received by listeners in Malacca. I 1 1 rf'-A [I Jlrj I I Short ua\e and 62m. Mrdiurr VAAm^IOILM wave 47<im 543.. 366 m. and 297m. i. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■B A.M. 945 Housewives Choice: SINGAPORE 10.30—11.30 Friday Matinee; P.M. i •1.00 Music With
      503 words

  • 88 6 70 Wordt HO (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In the Malay Mall" if you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle. AFTER -SALE B-A-R-G-A-I-N S 1 Few Gowns almost Given Away Worth Seeing at »10 $30. Tommy Thomson, G.H. Bldg., Battery Road. MADELINES FASHION NEWS. Skiru and Blou.<«s Immaculately
    88 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 719 6 On a first reading, the new Singapore Land Acquisition (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance appears to be a distinct improvement on the i highly controversial amending Bill that was held over from the old legislature. The same intention underlies both versions. Like its predecessor, the Coalition Government
      719 words
    • 591 6 The astonishing thing is that charges and counter-charges of filthy, vicious and scurrilous tactics should have come somewhat late in the Federal election campaign. For nearly a month the candidates have conducted themselves with the decorum of a school of mandarins dispassionately expounding this or that way
      591 words
  • 677 6 LUN i.JI.UOI/\C)iVI IS WIG Ul the most endearing of human qualities. Mr. David Marshall has a lot of it, but it tends to E lose its attractiveness E now that he is in a i position of great reE sponsibility. S Of such responsibility,
    677 words
  • 1290 6 By a Diplomatic Correspondent Preparing far the eiertiwn Agreed ta hold talk* Ready ta an Claim far a half share jXnnthvr imlbim af riolitnv rpHE renewed attacks A by the Communist Pathet Lao in Northern Laos against Laotian
    1,290 words
    • 278 6 II7ITH reference to the item concerning: the appointment of a successor to Dr. D. R. McPherson as radiologist in the General Hospital, may I correct some of the false impressions that will arise in the minds of renders? It is stated that instead of appointing to the
      278 words
    • 79 6 •TN the Straits Times of July oVt he t new road named after the last Governor is reported to be Nicoll Drive In the Singapore Standard of July 8 it is Nicoll Road. Which is right? S. RAMACHANDRA. Singapore. (An official of the Rural Board states that the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 801 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. IB W»r4» fit (minimum). DKNT-CUMMINOS: At Wesley Methodist Church Singapore. Saturday 9th July. Iris Cummlngs, I/ondon. New Delhi, to Arthur Edw-ard Dent. Blrmlntrham. SITUATIONS VACANT W,r4. H (Mln.)-Box iO ets. extra. BOX A 4621 ST. Position filled. Applicant* thanked. BOX A 4604 ST. Position filled. Applicants thanked. WANTED
      801 words
    • 80 6 OUT NEXT WEEK! Shewu"D«K»" lor 50 minute Gripping minutc-b> -minut* account of an Incredibly risky heart ope-mtfon »h«n the patient's heart stopped for nearly an hour. It Pays to IncrtaM Your Word Power A good command of Eagliak can enhance your busineia prospects, improve your aodal life. A fascinating quiz
      80 words
    • 131 6 I I j THE WAY TO CONFIDENCF j AT a time like this, when the barometer of public feeling, the share market, reflects little confidence in the eco- I nomic future of this country, the Chief Minister could re- assure the public. j I He has admitted that he is
      131 words
    • 128 6 'GRAND' ACHIEVEMENTS by PIANOS A Danemann Concert Grand is permanent installed at the Royal Festival Hall, London. 120 pianos supplied to the London Co""" Council. i Over sixty uprights have been supplied to Education Dept. Singapore and Malaya. UPRIGHT AND GRAM) MODE FULLY TROPICALISED AND GUARANTEE Easy twms by arrangement.
      128 words

  • 301 7 Tireless Tengku gulps his meals between wooing the voters K STA* ThurS \,sn .»r-iHont. Kahrrne«° hl fcefW in covering villages the border, forgot- trenuoua riedly ils yet ■iiiiiiHinn he returned here tonight irrsh and cheerful. As I drove with him this afternoon from Nibong
    301 words
  • 133 7 I MM \<< L ">" rs man *»>«* l» s .ir^umu. interrupted s mother: iel and 1 „n, him. It is f ;i knife 1.) Hell" Court I told tlil" today ulin!' l.unih hi v,)M .111(1 IVI c V i I',
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  • 10 7 Ii P pie's Edumoves into 35- A. today.
    10 words
  • 254 7 Pawang of 75 gives terrified boy treatment: lean beat ghost 9 Xl ALA LUMPUR, Thursday 4 ROYAL BOMO was confident today that the polter- seist which has terrorised a 12-year-old schoolboy, Chai Loon Kong, in Kuala Lumpur for three months can be driven away. Raja Allang
    254 words
  • 116 7 'Reduce fine' plea but he was rich IPOH. Thurs. IVONG LAM. 24. Wong Sew Wan, 18, Leong Thai, 32, and Cheong Kok Ket, 22, p>aded guilty and were each fined $10 for gambling at the Chamberlain Road bus stop on Wednesday evening. Wong Lam asked the magistrate, Inche Abdul Kadir
    116 words
  • 40 7 The Straits Times Press yesterday received a $50 gift from Mrs. C. K. Loke of Singapore for Mr. Ho Kam, 35, resistance hero who has been without work for over a year. Gifts received so far totalled $105.
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  • 49 7 IPOH. Thurs. Yip Poong. 31. claimed trial here today to a charge of moving 70 gunny bags of sugar out of a food restricted area at the Chemor Gate without a permit from the District Officer yesterday evening. His case will be heard next Tuesday.
    49 words
  • 59 7 TODAY: Singapore 6.23 a.m. (7ft. 3in.) 6.07 p.m. <Bft. 4in.); Port Diclcson 1.17 a.m. <6ft. 3in.) 2.30 p.m. (7ft. 6in); Penang 8.46 a.m. (6ft. 6int 9.16 p.m. (sft. sin.). TOMORROW: Singapore 8.16 a.m. (7ft. 2in» 6.07 p.m. (Bft. 4in.); Port Dickson 2.45 a.m. (6ft. sin.) 3.50 p.m. <Bft.i;
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  • 38 7 A stray cat which had been trapped 50 feet from the ground in a durian tree in Duchess Road, Singapore, for a week was rescued by six men of the police and fire brigade yesterday.
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  • 129 7 T/CALA LUMPUK lawyer. IV Mr. Yong Pung How, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Yong Shook Lin, and Miss Cheang Wei-woo of Shanghai, after their wedding in London on Saturday. Mr. Yong met his bride, who has since graduated at the London School of Economics, in
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 231 7 2 years apart THEN HUSBAND BEAT ME UP' AY O U N G Indonesian woman. Theng In Nio, told a Singapore court yesterday that her Dutch husband J.M.A. Keyser, beat her up when they met again after being separated for more than two years. Theng said she was afraid of
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  • 185 7 IPOH, Thursday. ]t| AJOR political parties contesting the Federal elections in Perak are to keep their campaigning free from smears and personal attacks. Dato Panglima Bukit Gantang. leader of the National Association of Perak. said today: "There will be no filth and no smearing
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  • 126 7 Jungle bombing it's the price of war KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE FEDERATION'S Secretary for Defence, Mr. A. H. P. Humphrey, admitted today that deep Jungle bombing by the Royal Air Force was damaging Malaya's forest lands. But he denied a charge In the Forester— a magazine published
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  • 30 7 SEREMBAN, Thurs. Syed All bin Syed Abdul Rahman, a sanitary inspector, is being sent by the Federation Government to attend a World Health Organisation seminar in Colombo soon.
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  • 236 7 Girls who don't play the game ALL BECAUSE HAIR IS WAVED Let them grow up naturally IPOH, Thurs. T*HE students of the 1 Raja Perempuan English School must not wave their hair, the headmistress, Mrs. A. Dara, confirmed today. A Straits Times reader had expressed the hope that the Raja
    236 words
  • 47 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A new Kuala Lumpur bye-law has been passed which is aimed at stamping out the "jaga kreta" menace. Anyone who loiters around parked cars and solicits employment as a temporary car watchman is now liable to a $50 fine.
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  • 39 7 SEREMBAN, Thurs.— Mr. A. S. Dawood, a nominated member of the Seremban Town Council, who is on a visit to India, has been given a twomonth extension of his leave of absence from council meetings.
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  • 93 7 Woman quits from town council SEREMBAN. Thurs. rSJGKU Asiah binte Tengku Muda Chik. Negri Sembilan's only woman State and Town Councillor, has resigned from the Seremban Town Council. Tengku Asiah. wife of Tengku Mustapha. former President of the Seremban Town Council, was elected to the Council for two years on
    93 words
  • 160 7 GROCER, ONLY 'SMALL FRY', GETS 8 YEARS' JAIL KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The forging of currency could have a drastic effect on the whole economy of the country, the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Pretheroe, said in the High Court here today. He found a 44-year-old
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  • 22 7 KLANG, Thurs. The blood bunk at the Klang District Hospital, which closed in February last year will reopen ju Saturday.
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  • 268 7 ALLIANCE KICKS OUT MEN WHO STRAYED One said: 'Vote for Malays only' KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. A MINOR "PURGE" has begun in the ranks of the UMNO-MCA Alliance. Two members who strayed from the party line are being expelled, and another, a woman, faces expulsion. The Kuala Lumpur Di expelled its
    268 words
  • 82 7 Murdergang charge on 2 boys TUVO Singapore middle school students, Soo Soy. 19, and Lim Thian Sang. 17. who were arrested in Hong Kong in connection with the May riots, were charged yesterday at the Seventh Magistrate's Court. They were charged with having been members of an unlawful assembly
    82 words
  • 61 7 Lai Van was fined $4,000 in the Singapore Fourth Magistrate's Court yesterday for assisting in the management of a chap-ji-kee lottery at the junction of New Bridge Road and Pagoda Street. Chief Insp. Ramzan All told the court that slips for $2,664 bets were found
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  • 61 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Social and Welfare Lotteries Board is meeting here tomorrow to discuss one of its new aims— the provision of public playing fields. The Board has been given approval by the Federal Executive Council to help the Malayan Playing Fields Association from
    61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 104 7 Voice Hoarseness Jm Hacking Coughs Sgjß? Bronchitis Iv^SM II /WOODS', JJQ Catarrh fe!§f Sore throat iMfi Colic pain tS 1 otcuo msTAimt with w^^""T^S? Woods GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE Resistance to cold germs increased when supplemented by" this correct internal remedy Also recommended for wind in the stomach. THE FAMILY REMED7
      104 words
    • 158 7 '-!ii JWWM li IYes indeed, for every purpose, for there is no kind of writing, from private correspondence at home, to difficult lists and tabulations in the office, which cannot be very simply and quickly typed with the SM 3. it is so completely equipped and so soundly constructed in
      158 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 67 7 The weather MINIMl'M TEMPERATURE: (7.30 p.m. on July 13 to 7.30 a.m. on July 14): Singapore 76 degrees, Penang 74, Kota Bharu 72. Kuala Lumpur 71. Ipoh 71, Kuantan 71. MAXIM I'M TEMPERATURE: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on July 14): Singapore 88 degrees, Penang 89 Kota Bharu 88. Kuala
      67 words

  • 355 8 But toe will not have political parties here, says Canon Adams T<HE PRINCIPAL of St. x Andrew's School, Canon R. K. S. Adams, yesterday told a speech day gathering of pupils, parents, friends and old boys. "There will be no political parties or influence in this school."
    355 words
  • 393 8 'TOO MANY UNCERTAINTIES IN SINGAPORE' A $7,000,000 industrial undertaking in Singapore has been shelved because there are "too many uncertainties at the present time" in the Colony. The undertaking is a modern plant for the Alexandra Brickworks Limited, which earlier this year f suffered a 22-day strfke.
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  • 104 8 NEGARA DOES NOT WANT EARLY UNION WITH COLONY JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. DATO Sir Onn bin Jaafar. Party Negara's candidate for Johore Bahru. last night referred to the absence of any reference Ln the Negara and Alliance manifestoes on the question of union of Singapore with the Federation. He toid an
    104 words
  • 30 8 Goh Ah Too was charged in Singapore yesterday with the murder of Chan Choo Yong at Chia Ken^ village on April 27. He was remanded till July 21.
    30 words
  • 47 8 SEVEN -YEAR -OLD Chang Yuny How proudly receives his prize from Mrs. R.K.S. Adams, wife of the principal of St. Andrew's School. Singapore, at the annual speech day yesterday. Little Chang was first last year in Primary One A. Straits Times picture.
    47 words
  • 115 8 Man arrested after chase A MAN was arrested in Orchard Road market yester- day only a few minutes after a 14-year-old girl had been assaulted and robbed of $60. The arrest followed a chase through three Singapore streets. A constable was riding a motorcycle along Clemenceau
    115 words
  • 51 8 Two hundred and eightynine Indian deck passengers who arrived in the 8,500-ton ship State of Madras three days ago were released from quarantine yesterday. A large crowd of friends and relatives turned up at the Immigration Pontoon at East wharf to welcome them as they came
    51 words
  • 121 8 Settled— but strike still goes on 'THE strike of 170 labourers employed by Mr. K.K. Mohamed Abdullah continued yesterday although a settlement had been reached between the men's union and Mr. Abdullah on Wednesday. "The strike will continue until an agreement on the terms reached has been drawn up and
    121 words
  • 63 8 HAN HOW FONG, nine, poured petrol on burning rub- bish near his home in Seah Street on May 11 and was fatally burned in the flames that shot up. "There was a flash and 1 saw Han's clothes catching! fire," said Pratap Singh. 10. The Singapore
    63 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 256 8 m f f Stomach troubles J >^^ quick ty Do you suffer from dyspepsia, heartburn, flatulence, indigestion? Doctors recommend 'BiSoDoL' /fT^- 'he ideal remedy to give you quick relief from AL_ _-^0 (tomach pains caused by excess acid. >^^_-^Sy Take 'BiSoDoL' after your next meal. Feel how it soothes your
      256 words
    • 189 8 *9^F > f You get Mote /ot Y<wt /ittot&s with CUT EX Add sheer glamor to your hands with CUTEX polish. You won t find a lovelier, longer,, „,l r, no matter how much you pay! Colors' Cutix', you the latest shades from the deepest, richest youd dare to wear
      189 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 317 8 f l8 II ha s court connections and Straits Times Crossword 9 sffi s/nSEs s^ 20. Scottish castle sounds genuine II 1 Ki 2 HI 3 H 4 i! 5 M 6 7 MB 22 ri™ make them for home at MS y^| ES^ 23. Dress for the dance 8
      317 words

    • 1844 9 London cheered ex-errand boy as modern Whittington I Ii i I M3l f fl*T i ""sig^Ti 1 MM *1 1 ijl T *^KfcH 'Till ONE of the sights of Sydney in the mid1920's was an immaculately-dressed man puffing furiously at a big cigar as he sat on an old kerosine
      1,844 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      32 words
    • 215 9 WllUllllUlULtTO Mulsified gw COCOANUT OIL ifjb SHAMPOO H I* a natural shampoo, made from i il\ed\ the P ur est blend of cocoanut H cocovj^ol oils. Mulsified Shampoo will bring out the natural biauty of M your hair, leaving your hair toft, H fragrant, lustrously radiant. Glostora jfgsfe lUST A
      215 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 48 9 Sherlock Mlolntos Mvlas blindfolded ins n 4 1 U mJUI J i I I \■w <l [S'ft COnAw POYlx I m<li Travy iVo vusuui trip I I^^Sdl^ 11 1 i^#^r«=H TME THROTTLE CX4 A v IvT^ MsJK A 1 1 1 1 J?™_^^^^-«^-^feS Id/ "J Stem* Bird's flown
      48 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1362 10 T«i: z40 5 MANSFIELD dc CO., LTD. Tali »4ii (II lines) (Incorporated in Sinaopore) 12 Nna«) sh.ppjn, THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE r--ric rs rntion to proceed vio other ports to lood ond discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, t CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Duo St-ils P. Sham Penang Attyenax ra*
      1,362 words
    • 1230 10 J MMM»»JjMTJBsss9Jf^«BJ?JJ"3 t EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Adtn, Pert Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Gothenburg i, Oslo Spore P. S'hom Penang x) "MEONIA" 21/23 Jury 24/2S July 24/27 July »x) "KAMBODIA" 2S/24 July xx) "INDIA" 11/13 Aug A x) "PALSTRIA" 11/13 Aug 14/14 Aug 15/14 Aug
      1,230 words
    • 995 10 bKng THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LID. jm, SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) I UNES SAILINGS TO U.K. ANO CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P. S'hom Parwng Bencltuch for Avonmouth, Liverpool, ||f Hamburg ■"TKSrdEI f^..» UMr mAmt !W .rrhr« L~*» 28 Aug ■^E^n!" "°:Z--^'- a wnA 14/IsAuf "•'"'o^eraam 1 1 A-t/ *P»
      995 words
    • 961 10 McALISTER <Se CO., 1 T D > TEL.: No.: ***** "**U, ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAV£Nes S LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGUtS s AN HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTIj t and for USA., North Atlontic Ports Accepting fof c N ond Canada and vio Colombo Amenc, •CITY OF PERTH BOUGain V Iv S'oore P.
      961 words

  • 4 11 I I
    4 words
  • 47 11 kNE. Thurs. on the fading is- (■•.iirt-er Minan d quiet. Oils .re active £95 13/32 £96\ sale 71/TV4 unquoted 26/104 98/- sale 57/3 28/- sale 7/7 11/9 8/lO'i 1 53/3 22/8' 41/s'i 42/8' 2 17/10 M/ltt 50 3 buyer 'rM 20/1 45/6' i 9/5 >., 21/2';;
    47 words
  • 54 11 buyers c erday 1 on per tt>. buyer.. 128' 4 B 8 July NO 1 .-.pliers 120, sellers 112 1, sellers of Commerce n on prices on I per lb Buyers Seller!. 126% 127 fob 127' 4 M«ust 122\ 122 s July 1183 119' a ill 112 1264
    54 words
  • 362 11 By Our Market Correspondent 'f HE upturn in the price of tin continued in S i ll BII ??iS yesterday and a gain of $3.62} per pii-ul to $369 was registered following continued strong United States demand. The local market followed
    362 words
  • 500 11 March 31 after the deduction of preference dividends, but before the deduction of tax, amounted to $30,174 or 3.8 per cent of Issued ordinary capital as against $202,703 (22.2 per cent) In the previous year. The chairman, Mr. J. A. Donald, said profit for the year was disappointing, and was
    500 words
  • 163 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per P'cul yesterday were:Copra: steady; July $28 buyers, $283s- sellers; August $28'^ buyer*,! $28 :i 4 seller*. Coconut oil: steady quiet; bulk $42 > t sellers, drum $45 sellers. Pepper: quiet with no business reported: Muntok white $177, Sarawak $176. Special Sarawak
    163 words
  • 92 11 Ships lying: alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or exp*«led today are: Soudan 12, London Maru 45, Hoegh Trader C.P.. Mandowi 67. Annenkerk 8.9. Bali 11, Harunasan Maru 13.14, Ogeka Bakke 15 16, President Polk 18, State of Madras 19 20. Tung Song N. Wall 3 and 4, Bruas
    92 words
  • 35 11 On the free exchange market in Hong Kong yesterday the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.80% cash and 5.82^ for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 15.57 ana one tael of gold at 25
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 358 11 LINALU; KNUTSEN LINE Fait and Regular Service COM CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sailing Arriving Franciico Singapore P.Swet Penang Fremantle n Port 21 |ulv 8 Aug 10 Aug llAug 18Aug k») Bikkc 13 Aug 12 Sept 14 Sspt 15 Sept 22 Sept tki hkkc i Scot 3 Oct 5 Oct
      358 words
    • 26 11 MARINE V PAINTS For all superstructure. Long-lasting protection. Favoured by many of trte World's Greatest SI sping Compan- ies. Cut down maintenance costs and I Overheads.
      26 words
    • 115 11 NASSIM CO., LIMITED will sell by Public Auction In their Sale-Rooms Nos. 4 Si 4-1. Collyer Quay, on Saturday, 16th July, 1955, at 10 a.m. Canton Blackwood Armchairs with Tables: Teak Single Beds; BookI shelves: Sideboards: Writing Tables: Cane Lounge Armchairs with Foot Rests ZENITH Table Radiogram; PYE INTERNATIONAL Model
      115 words
    • 791 11 NOTICES NOTICE This Is to notify the public that Mr. Khoo Cheng Seang Is no longer in the service of the Orchard Motor Co. Ltd., and is therefore not authorised to act on their behalf. THE ORCHARD MOTOR CO. LTD. Kuala Lumpur 14th July. 1955. SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST INDUSTRIAL SITES
      791 words
    • 896 11 NOTICES RAILWAY LEVEL CROSSING ANAK BUKIT, ALOR STAE The level crossing, at Anak Bukit will be closed to Road Traffic from 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 21st July. 1955. to 5.45 a.m. on Friday 22nd July, for repairs to the railway line. Traffic will be allowed to pass at intervals of
      896 words
    • 652 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PRINCIPAL SINGAPORE FOLYTECHNIC Applications are invited for the post of first PRINCIPAL of the SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC now being established under an autonomous Board of Governors to meet the Colony's needs for higher technical and commercial education. Candidates should have good degrees or equivalent diplomas and high-grade professional qualifications
      652 words
    • 384 11 NOTICES jWf J TOWN COUNCIL ELECTIONS (TOWN COUNCIL OF JOHORE BAHRI REGULATIONS. 1951 Nntirr L'nder Regulation 10 (2) The RegisteVs 6f Electors together with List* "A" and "B" have been completed. Copies of same are available for inspection on all working days between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. except on
      384 words

  • Commercial news and views...
    • 407 12 NEW Australian butter concentrate, which may revolutionise the food habits of kampong dwellers in the Federation of Malaya, is now being marketed by the Butter Marketing Board of Queensland. The concentrate, which is available in small packs for householders, will not melt at 100 degrees
      407 words
    • 190 12 NEW COLONY CINEMA WILL COST $1 MILLION WORK will begin soon on a 51,000,000 cinema complete with a bar and restaurant on a site at the junction of East Coast Road and Brooke Road in Singapore. Plans for the project have already been approved by the City Council, the sole
      190 words
    • 213 12 MEMBERS of the Indian textile delegation sponsored by the Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council, Bombay, are arriving on Sunday from Jakarta to make an on-the-spot investigation of market conditions in Singapore and the Federation. The five-man delegation led by Mr. Chinoobhai C. Javeri, a
      213 words
    • 123 12 rE Financial Times maintains that there are reasonable grounds for looking now to a period of greater stability m tea prices reports Reuter from London. The activity of dealers now suggests that grocers may now be buying more confidently, the paper said. Growers have been made
      123 words
    • 282 12 A FIRM in Pakistan has plans to market powdered bone fertilisers in Malaya for use in the cultivation of rubber, tea, rice and vegetable crops. Mr. M. Farooque, a partner of the concern, East Indian Export Company, flew into the Colony last week
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    • 249 12 ANEW local insurance company has been established to operate In Singapore and the Federation of Malaya. It Is The Public Life Assurance Co., Ltd., which has an authorised capital of $5,000,000 of which $1,000,000 has been Issued and paid up. The company, which will be officially commence
      249 words
    • 325 12 ANOTHER GERMAN LUXURY SHIP DUE rpHE last of the six new German liners specially built for the EuropeFar East run, the 9,000--ton Hannover, is expected to arrive in Singapore early next month on her maiden voyage. Mr. K. P. Golding, a director of Anglo-French Trading Co., Ltd. announced yesterday that
      325 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 324 12 There's none better than a DONSON A There's something for everyone in the Ronson range of lighters. For instance, J^^ a Flo-line Princess (like the one this girl is getting) is the ideal gift! You J|^v can see other lovely Ronson >^P 3k vil models at all good dealers. .gj
      324 words
    • 426 12 Tkefirt I wIJU •MFCs' t-^ -mw fm tjjents: icott English (S.E.A.) Ltd., Singapore A Kuji ■MBJ Q/fcatfonal ADDING MACHINI Your requirements-our survey after survey have resulted in naxiiot speed and efficiency in adding machine figure work. More features finer performance heavy duty construction easy-touch control large answer dials motorized control
      426 words

  • 78 13 Royal Signals beat Royal Army Service Corps 4-2 yesterday in their Div. 1 Services League soccer tie at Princess Mary Barracks. Signals scored through Betteridge (2) and NoTri.s, their fourth goal coming when a Wilson shot was deflected into the net by one of the fullbacks.
    78 words
  • 40 13 Rajaji S. C. beat Kebenaran Club 3-2 in SAFA Dlv. 3B: league game at the Clerical Union ground yesterday. Rajaji scored through Govlndasamy, K. Syed Osman, and a deflected goal. Ramlee and Ahmad replied for Kebenaran Club.
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  • 42 13 Boys' Town beat Pulo Bukom 6-1 in a soccer friendly at Pulo Bukom yesterday. Yeo Teng Yang, Koh Ah Hock and Cho Lai Sun scored two goals each for Boys' Town and Pulo Bukom had a deflected goal.
    42 words
  • 35 13 Star Soccerites beat Aston A. C. by the only goal of the match, •cored by Hamid In the 15th. minute of the first half, in the S.A.F.A. Div. 2A game at Geylang yesterday.
    35 words
  • 390 13 Final XX. gallops tor Saturday Only lightweights to trouble him By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. (CONSISTENT Strong and Free, with apprentice John Manning up, shaped like a winner on the training track at Kuala Lumpur this morning when he covered 3f. in a
    390 words
  • 407 13 ASCOT, Berkshire, Thursday. QUEEN ELIZABETH saw her colt, Jardiniere, win the King George V Stakes here yesterday afternoon to the tumultuous applause of a record crowd. It was the first Royal victory of this year's Ascot Meeting. As the brown colt raced to
    Reuter  -  407 words
  • 289 13 SBA junior meet gets good support A RECORD entry of 350 has been received by the Singapore Badminton Association for their junior and schooU championships, which start on July 23. Last year's number was 340. The draw for the nine events will take place at the Singapore Badminton Stadium at
    289 words
  • 313 13 WEIGHTS for aU eight races on Saturday, last day of the Selangor Turf Club's July Meeting, are: Cl. 4, Dlv. 1-6 V Rippling River 9.00 Ricky 813 Linkshir II 80S What Happened 8.07 Ajit 8.06 Trow Hill 8.06 Scots Grey 8.05 Forget-Me-Not B.M Red Wolf
    313 words
  • 210 13 'Sixes will replace offseason lge. T*HE Singapore Hockey Associa ton will run a six-a-side tournament next month instead of the off-season league which was planned. The off-season league has been called off because of difficulties over grounds. The majority of teams entered for the league do not have their own
    210 words
  • 310 13 WHERE will be eight races at X the Gymkhana Meeting of the Singapore Turf Club on July 23. One hundred and two entries have been received for the meeting, rhe polo pony scurry over 2f., which will be run In one division, attracted 25 entries and
    310 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 199 13 @9IVMWyaV>JSS9^B^B^^VMSJHMBRM|fIBJBJS4|BBHBJBBBJBJ 'fS*T.SERs! KUALA LUMPUR, "poh PE HA JM fcrl eh 2 Pc--« I following /the T,n,c, (Ji g3p.(n.. Ipoh4 p.m. j Kuila Lumpur 5 p.m. Straits Time* j [Itfififd Advert iiemtnt j Strvicv. Tl|l ro PI BCHASE ri,. extra. pb TR .ndltlon. price to Wooden hull •.eft long in
      199 words
    • 611 13 FOR SALE 10 Word, $S (Min.)— Box SO r!». txtra QUICK SALE. Electrolux Cleaner Phillips Radiogram, carpets mlsc' Furniture, Tennis Racquet* Staples Mattresses etc. Telephone ***** CHEAP SALE: Used Radios many models from $25.00. Excellent condition, 10. Collyer Quay, Singapore 1 5. Bukit Blntang Road Kuala Lumpur. 1 CLEARINO:— Girls'
      611 words
    • 454 13 MISCELLANEOUS tO Word, S (Mm.)— Bo* it rf.. ,xtrm. ATTENTION: Ladles Dressmaker Attractive Handprinted Dress Piece Specially made for Skirt Blouse extraordinary peacock design, fast colours. Samples to be seen at: s £tPrint"727 North Brldgeßoad. FOR EFFICIENT Bonding Repairs, Renovations, Painting Colourwashing, Distempering, Tiling Plumbing, Electrlcar Sanitary 6952. Hoe Seng
      454 words
    • 145 13 t SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD. ljn*> of '/i^rT^ CHEF BOY-AR-DEE M) BBBH^^ammm^Zi^Y. In wi T^^"v W^S^Bsl tt I^Ct Lmm 1 8 oz. Spaghetti made from quick «jj|& cooking, flavorful durum wheat, free from artificial color. «V as^BJjHk^^^ 2. 10 oz. Spaßhetti Saucr madp from ■^^■■^^■fcjj-^ selroted inicrodienls after rerlpf of _*_^m3^B§jsV|
      145 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 95 13 SOCCER SAFA DIV. 2A: Argonauts v St. John S. C, Fairer Park. DIV. 2B: Buklt Timah S. C. v S.H.B. Police, Geylanf; Gymkhana t R.AJ-. SeleUr. M.F.A. ground; Halkowyn v Tlonf Bahm Banters, FAN ground. SBHFA GROUP 'E': Bouatead t O.C B.C. ATHLETICS SINGAPORE A. A. A. championships, Jalan Besar,
      95 words
    • 351 13 [IWaTlwialylsl fiu in i 2 |r| e c TflM missing i ZEhZ^qjjJiß iett »^K 1 5 i i R i E ifiyyjf au£s i WORD PUZrtE K5 Ux*»«ry tiniet^mM^n^ce^Yion. 4. Not likely to be known by 2. JJ* 3^c2K.. naturaf P pere- idler features Nightmares certainly aren't •Jf pleasant one*!
      351 words

  • 333 14 FOUR-GOAL EFFORT BY RAHIM I^UR ASIANS suffered UatlT first defeat in the SAFA Communiu League this season when they went down by 7-2 to Malays, the defending champions, at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. This weus Malays' fifth victory in a row, and they are set for another good season. Their
    333 words
  • 111 14 LONDON. Thurs. Today's cricket tea scores were: At Lord's: Players 316. Gentlemen 249 for two, (Palmer not out 124, Insole not. out 71). At Liverpool: Lancashire 287. Middlesex 237 for seven (Robertson 79. Brown 83). At Taunton; Worcester 305. Somerset 203 for four (Wight not out
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 907 14 Malaya's greatest badminton player announeet nil retirement By The Sports Editor yyo\(i PENG SOON, I Malaya's greatest badminton player, has; announced his retirement. yesterday Peng Soon, now 37 years old, told the Straits Times, "I have made up my mind
    907 words
  • 489 14 Plans for Wong as official coach to be discussed soon BAM REACTION PENANG, Thurs. T*HE Badminton Asso- ciation of Malaya will meet soon to discuss terms to be offered to Wong Peng Soon as its official coach, the president, Mr. Heah Joo Seang, told the Straits Times here today. Mr.
    489 words
  • 48 14 IPOH. Thurs. Entries for the Malayan Lawn Tennis Association open championships, to be played in Ipoh from Aug. 18 to Aug. 21, close on July 31. Entries should be addressed to Mr. Kok Ah Choon, secretary of the Perak L.T.A., at the Secretariat, Ipoh.
    48 words
  • 161 14 ENGLAND'S TEST XI CASUALTY LIST GROWS LONDON. Thurs. rE CROP of injuries which overtook most of the England team during the third Test match at Manchester brought three more casualties today. Frank Tyson. Tony Lock and Colin Cowdrey all retired from play in the Gentlemen versus Players' match at Lord's.
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 98 14 Army edge Navy 2-1 Army beat Royal Navy 2-1 at Friendly Hill yesterday in the first match of the Singapore Inter-Ser-vice s soccer Challenge Cup. Faster on the ball and neater with their passing. Army scored the winning goal seven minutes from time. Of the Army forwards best form was
    98 words
  • 34 14 The winner of the Ladies July L.O.U. competition at the Royal Island Club was Mrs. N. H. McLachlan with a score of 07-30 67. Next best score was Mrs. W. McMullan. 86-13=73.
    34 words
  • 109 14 The Malayan Polo Association's annual tournaments will take place at the Singapore Polo Club ground, Thomson Road, today, tomorrow and on Sunday at 4.30 p.m. dally. The following nine teams will take part for the MacDougall Cup and the Victors Cup:- Sultan of Pahang's Team, Royal
    109 words
  • 732 14 FOUR MATCHES MORE, BUT Hong Kong Services won't be fully tested By Our Cricket Reporter THE Hong Kong ComA bined Services cricket team can be said to have favourably impressed those who watched them in the drawn opening match of their tour, against Singapore Combined Services on Tuesday and Wednesday
    732 words
  • 232 14 T»HE SWIPTB will introduce a new 1 idea to local athletics today at the Singapore A.A.A. championships Athletes from this club will wear stars of merit on their vests. Some will sport one red star, others will have two, three or four. Awarded at
    232 words
  • 489 14  - JANET v MARY IN SPRINTS MAY BRING RECORDS MERCURY By By RIVALRY among the women at the Singapore A.A.A. championships at Jalan Besar Stadium today and tomorrow will be flercor than ever. The sprints will see a terrific tussle to displace Mary Klass, second fastest woman in Asia over 100
    489 words
  • 171 14 KLUANG, Thurs. AFTER holding off the Hong Kong Chinese raids for most of the first half, Kluang's Invitation XI were beaten 6-0 in their soccer match before a crowd of 2,000 on the town padang today. Hong Kone Chinese set the pace and
    171 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 864 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. on tinned from Paxr 6) A( O.MMODATION WANTED Hi Wnrdt %i (Min.)— Box SO rli. extra. RAP OFFICER Requires Fur-nl.'-hpd Bungalow or 2/3 Brd- i looms arcr*slble to Chanel. Box' A4BZ3 HOUSE. UNFURNISHED, in Oood l Johorr Bahru. with pleasant i and c'xxl compound, garage j Reply
      864 words
    • 59 14 m Molt Famous Liqueur f^ r for many centuries. V jOE N E DICTI H» A great and ancient aa. 0 discovery containing a! I ftft vital health-giving herb. MkW A* Sole Agents: THE EASTERN AGENCIES!^ ARRANGE YOUR NEXT STA? STRAND HOTft 25, Bencoolen Street, Sinjjapon Central, all modern convenient
      59 words