The Straits Times, 14 July 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Mat***; r.SHI. 1845. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 169 1 New powers will allow Singapore Government to buy land at April. 22 values Owners' claims limited by six points irnit Singapore Govern yesterday notice <•( its into freeze eern d in the Colony j, ,t« market \alue on the date on huh the fiM seSfdon ative Asjcmblj
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  • 234 1 4 SINGAPORE towkay, Mr. Chua Chuan Geok. 49. was found murdered at dawn yesterday on the estate he manages off the 9J. milestone Tampines Road. A woman tapper discovered the body under bushes about 50 yards from a path crossing the [estate.
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  • 52 1 In memory lane BERLIN. Wed. Mary Pickford. star of the silent screen, said today she turned down modern movie roles because she does not want to disappoint old fans. "Id rather leave a nice memory." she said, "than come back and spoil it." Miss Pickfrrd made her last film in
    AP  -  52 words
  • 139 1 Singer sues paper 'NUDE PICTURE PUBLISHED' YANG Phei Yuen, 23, A once acclaimed the "Queen" of Singapore Chinese singers, yesterday sued the principals of a "mosquito" newspaper, "The Facts Review," for defamation by publishing a nude photograph of her Summonses, mentioned in the Fifth Police Court, were issued against Chan
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  • 63 1 NEW DELHI, Wed.— A cheering crowd of 10,000 burst the police cordon and mobbed the Indian Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, on his arrival here by air today from his Russian and European tour. Surging crowds broke up j plans for a formal reception land many ambassadors who
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 51 1 NEW YORK. Wed. Mr. Cedric H. Belfrage, Britishborn editor of the weekly National Guardian, yesterday lost his action in the United States Court of Appeals to prevent his deportation to Britain. Mr. Belfrage. 50 had been ordered to be deported on grounds of past Communist connections.
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  • 49 1 PARIS, Wed.— Six people were killed and several injured by lightning last night in thunder-storms which raged j over western and northern i France for the second day in I succession Tens of millions of francs damage was reported caused to farms and crops.— Reuter.
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  • 171 1 TOKYO, Wed. More than 250 Geisha girls threatened to strike or 'sell their bodies" today unless they get more money for their "artistic services". japan's newest labour dispute —which some Tokyo men blame on too much democracy brought in by American occupation forces
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  • 115 1 PORTSMOUTH, Wednesday. A NAVAL court martial sitting in secret aboard Admiral Nelson's historic flagship Victory found a British sailor guilty of disclosing valuable information about new British submarines today. He was sentenced to three months' detention and "the consequent penalties involved" The Royal Navy barred
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  • 35 1 BONN, wed.— Czechoslovakia today released a U.S. Army sergeant, arrested 39 days ago while he was on a sight-see-irtr trip along the West Ger-man-Czech border. The soldier is Sergeant Walter T. Winter. A.P.
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  • 421 1 Mrs. Ellis hanged for killing lover FRANTIC EFFORTS AND NEW EVIDENCE FAILED TO SAVE MODEL-CROWDS SIGHED AS SHE KEPT LAST DATE LONDON, Wed. ASH BLONDE model Ruth Ellis, 28, died on the gallows here today in spite of frantic, last-minute bids to save her. Mrs. Ellis, mother of two young
    Reuter  -  421 words
  • 389 1 HAUNTED BOY GETS AID OF PA WANG Confident of cure, he says KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. SCHOOLBOY Chai Loong Kong, 12, who has been "terrorised" for the past three months by the appearance of a poltergeist, started a four-day treatment here today under a 75-year-old pawang, Raja AUang bin Raja Omar.
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  • 130 1 rpHE two Singapore Middle X School students. Lint Soo Soy, 19, and Lim Thian Sang, 17. who were arrested in Hong Kong in connection with the May 12 riots arrived here last night by plane. They were under police escort. Both were flown back
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  • 22 1 WASHINGTON, Wed.—President Eisenhower today accepted the resignation of Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby as Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Reuter.
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  • 61 1 NOW— THE ROBOT BAKER PARIS. Wed.— Two French inventors said here today they have produced an electronic robot baker which mixes. shapes and bakes bread, turning out about 27 tons a day when manned by four men The inventors. Jean Luc and Pierre Bernard, say that the robot's bread is
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 29 1 ALGIERS. Wed. Six Algerian outlaws were killed in a clash with troops and police at Douar Kourlet. near here, during the night. Army sources reported today.^Reuter.
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  • 142 1 Walk day for 2,000 in Army TWO THOUSAND localL ly-employed Army clerks and technicians will be without transport this morning following a decision last night by lorry operators to boycott the contractors supplying the transport services. The operators are members of the Singapore Lorry Transport Association. They supply IGO lorries
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  • 37 1 RUNG ACCUSES :.\os GOVT. HONG KONG. Wed Pi-kiiiy Radio today Mcoacd < .nveinm.-nt troops in LMM of ■intcnsilviii" itl.uks" <m pro-Communist Pathel Lao forci-s recfoapini In northern province of Neva rader Genera imMice agreement. Rentes
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 IT s s nAH Sl* OPTICAL HOUSE, HOW TO MAKE HONEY n) fit HON mperial"bee honey her when Cold Storage has the thing from the beehives of already packed in convenient aeuclous. so giv<> the whole tamily ™y_three or four iars K P A. Singapore) 1' v DAY. Saturday, 16th
      61 words
    • 41 1 <SS^v\^V V \\\M\ 1 11/ Hi' ///////> FASHIONABLE SHOES, SEASON i=j Colours safe in water i PYRAMID HANDKERCHIEFS In white and coloured for men and women A TOOTAL PRODUCT ""■S^i^^f^' TOOTAL OIARA.NTIH. |I)1 KID Malayan Representatives: WILLIAM JACKS CO. (MALAYA) LTD. 1T.54
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  • 114 2 MYSTERY MURDER IN LOVERS' WOOD ROME, Wed. T?OP detectives of Rome's homicide squad were called in last ni«ht to investigate The murder of a young woman whose naked headless body was found in a wood frequently used by courting couples at Castel Gandolfo, Just south of here. The woman's body
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 38 2 NEW YORK. Wed. Mrs. Hazel Wheeler, 70. rocked in a rocking chair for 72 hours 13 minutes at Saranac Lake, New York, to win a US$72 (s2l6' prize. Her rivals rocked tc 6l' I p
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  • 134 2 Peer pays $3,800 for the licence plate on his new Bentley to fit his job LONDON, Wed. LORD BURGHLEY, president of the Amateur Athletic Association, will now fit the very exclusive rociistration number AAAI on his new Bentley. The 50-year-old peer has done a very special deal to
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  • 336 2 TASS HINTS THE KREMLIN MAY ACCEPT THE FACTS OF LIFE TOP TALKS MAY LEAD TO STEP BY STEP SEARCH FOR SOLUTIONS MOSCOW, Wednesday. RUSSIA went part of the way last night towards meeting the Western view that world problems could not be settled immediately at
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 36 2 TEHERAN. Wed.— The Shah of Persia has accepted an invitation to visit the Soviet Union, it was announced here today. The invitation came from the Soviet President. Klementi i Voroshllov. Reuter.
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  • 126 2 Prison riot: Two hurt BUILDING^ BURNED PRINCE ALBERT (Saskatchewan), Wed. SIX hundred prisoners in the Prince Albert Penitentiary set fire to almost a dozen buildings and seized eight guards as hostages during a two-hour riot last night. Prison guards prevented escapes by ringing the tops of the prison walls and
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  • 56 2 ATLANTIC CITY. Wed. A motorist can have a break for coffee in his own car with an electric coffee pot which plugs Into a dashboard lighter on jshow at the National Houseware Manufacturers' Association exhibition here. The pot can also heat soup, boil eggs
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  • 25 2 QUEBEC, Wed. A mother and five of her 10 children were burned to death when flre destroyed their home yesterday.— U. P.
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  • 49 2 The world-touring Omidvar brothers from Iran Issa, 26, and Abdullah. 23 will give an exhibition today at Oan Eng Seng School Anson Road. Singapore, from noon to 7 p.m. They will display Iranian arts and crafts, and photographs. They leave Singapore for Indonesia on Saturday.
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  • 131 2 CLARK GABLE MARRIES WIFE No. S— THIS TIME IT'S 'FOR EVER' CLARK GABLE, 54-year-old film star, has taken his fifth wife and Hollywood predicts he will find lasting happiness with the funloving outdoors girl, Kay Williams Spreckels. The veteran star and the 37--year-old divorcee are now honeymooning "somewhere in the
    AP  -  131 words
  • 195 2 DEFENCE MINISTER MA V GET SACK JAKARTA, Wednesday. THE Indonesian cabinet meets tonight amid speculation that the Defence Minister, Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri, will be sacked in an effort to end the army crisis. The question of Mr. Kusumasumantri's future is likely to be settled
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  • 76 2 HUSTON, Texas. Wed. A TWO YEAR OLD girl beat to death a flve-month-old baby with a large perfume bottle and a stick, the police here said last night. The baby's mother, who worked at night, had left the child with another woman. The
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 49 2 MILAN, Wed.— A train driver died of a heart attack at the control of a goods train near here last night and engine and wagons puffed straight past a station where they should have stopped. Then the fireman noticed and applied the brakes. —Reuter.
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  • 65 2 BOYS' GAME —LIFE AT STAKE NEW YORK. Wed. Latest silly idea thought up by "thrillseeking'' New York youths is to tie a friend's hands and ankles with gauze, then tie a plastic bag over his head. Point of the "game" is to break free before smothering. Police believe this "game"
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  • 42 2 BOSTON, Wed.— Night clubs here serve drinks in pastel colours to match women's summer chesses. If you order a Scotch highball for a woman in green the bartender obligingly mixes in a harmless green vegetable colouring.
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  • 158 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE secretary-general of the National Union of Plantation Workers, Mr. P p Narayanan, said today that his union will ask for a weekly holiday and fully paid annual leave for plantation workers. Mr. Narayanan, who recently returned from a ten-week tour
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  • 36 2 OTTAWA, Wed. When a bank s alarm went off at 2 a.m the Hagersville (Ontario) Police found that the front door had been left unlocked and was blown open by a heavy wind.— Reuter.
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  • 149 2 Secret recorder used at Singap f)n talks: 'Highly improper' A TAPE RECORDER was used secretly lri meeting of Singapore Whitley Council rf>( n The City Council Finance Committee has t, f r shocked that the recorded version has been n\j Prt The committee was told
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  • 96 2 He shot four 'just for a good time FLINT, (Mchlgi A MAN and a w t\ shot to death I wt and two others W( wounded by a truck drWe£ was "just out for a Police said all oj while drinking In a bar Eye witnesses told Kenneth Kuznm 30
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  • 43 2 Miss Yee Sui Eng, of Port Dickson, has been awarded the Edna Dean Baker Scholarship at the National College of Education, Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yee Pau, of Singkang Estate, Port Dickson.
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  • 53 2 'Pay or I'll kill son' charge Lee Thiam Puah claimed trial in a Singapore court yesterday to a charge of extorting $3,000 from Yip Ah TWm at a hotel in Tanjong Rhu on April 15 by threatening to kill his son. Bail of $3,000 was allowed and the case postponed
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  • 43 2 Tan Kirn Koo wag in a Singapore court day with abetting theft of two lighteri v at $5,500 belonging to Hin Company from n IP migration Wharf at :i bour Board. The case wa s postp mention to July 20.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 67 2 ./y^\ tire mos t V S S9 powerful W petrol y.. QHQ C an buy... AVAILABLE TODAY AT THE SHELL VICTORIA ST. (j£j^X btmnut m p^^^^^^> TECK SENG BATTERY SERVICE LIMITED Corner Victoria Street Manila Street. Singapore 1 /^S^^^\ mSHEtU)) f azagE3g i!r" I j r~" W Jo»iy>->ui 111 II
      67 words
    • 79 2 It's good to grow np in 'Yiyelh' wSw "J 1 *w wit^ulmi JPu\\\v I /^Vf* V^N is the fabric for growing families... alwan soft and light, 'Viyella* positively thrives on cashing (note the famous guarant* wituAM wqui 4 coTm day and lvi«UA« wtt N U r,. W i»^l night wear
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  • 226 3 fit't you <o fne into m V Parlour— a new Peking game nK n THK PRESIDENT CLEAVELAND, Wednesday. Mo; ,t American, William Cowart, said thousands of students and technicto Rod China were walking into a i for repatriation after staying said: "I met
    UP  -  226 words
  • 100 3 Royal Ascot is under new rules now \m OT, Wed. T m Queen yesterday I [he fates Royal Enclosure pie i'>r the since Ihe reign Inne Royal Enclosure open only to n applied to the Norfolk and jot his approval. Divorcees itomaticalli barrsterda.i anyone earb enough the "in admis,uld eel
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  • 215 3 U.S. army clubs crack down on Korean girls SEOUL, Wed. U.S. Bth Army officers' clubs are quietly shutting their doors to Korean girls. Lt.-Gen. John O. Collier, acting army commander, gave the order to do so last week. Gen. Collier was a leader in cracking down
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  • 35 3 TAIPEH. Wed. Chinese Communist guns on Amoy island fired 21 shells against nearby Nationalist-held Quemoy island, off the province of Fukien. in the last 24 h mrs. No casualties were reported.
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  • 21 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. The U.S. aircraft carrier Forrcstal, the world's biggest warship, will be commissioned on ;Oct. I.— A.P.
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  • 216 3 THEY TRIED TO CLIMB PEAK OTTAWA, Wednesday. QEVEN American boys have been swept to their deaths in an avalanche of snow near the peak of one of the Canadian Rockies, the Rcyal Canadian Mounted Police announced. They wero on their third mountain climbing expedition. Six
    AP  -  216 words
  • 79 3 LONDON. Wed. rpHE one-man courtesy cam- 1 paign of a retired naval commander, William George Boaks, ended In court yesterday. Police complained that Boaks was driving a car displaying figns addressed to pedestrians which said: "Don't rush. I'll wait." He did and he broadcast to
    UP  -  79 words
  • 22 3 I will return'— jail fugitive I BAY, Wisconsin. ha sawed ounty '.moI tcard from isecutor Mac Arthur. I ith proof of Reuter.
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  • 90 3 HE SKIMMED BEACH AT 500 m.p.h. WEST MALLING. K c n i Wed. A 21-year-old R.A.F. Meteor jet pilot was said at a j court martial here yesterday j to have skimmed over the beach at Bournemouth at a height of 40 feet at a speed of nearly 500 miles
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  • 20 3 TURIN. Wed.— Colour television will make its first appearance in Italy at an exhibition here in September. Reuter.
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  • 127 3 I Mrs. Phyllis rtime British airman who her lons light I hoslovakian take her three hopes to home to- to London with J roslav Mar- tin, has his 13th birthday that day," she said. What a wonderful present it would be for him." Mrs.
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  • 42 3 ISLE OF CAPRI, Wed. Greta Garbo arrived on this pleasure isle in the Gulf of Naples on board the yacht Kristine owned by Greek millionaire shipowner Socrates Aristotle Onassis. She has come to Capri "for a few hours rest". Reuter.
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  • 37 3 OLDENBURG, Wed. The Duke of Edinburgh, visiting the NATO air base here, yesterday climbed into the cockpit of an RAF Hawker Hunter jet fighter and fired a burst from its four 30 m.m. cannon. Reuter.
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  • 28 3 WEEHAWKEN, New Jersey. Wed. Pakistan Government officials boarded the Norwegian ship Bellis here yesterday to inspect U552,500,000 worth of American locomotives being shipped to Karachi.— A.P.
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  • 25 3 WASHINGTON, Wed—Senator Richard Neuberger told the Senate yesterday that the time had come to forbid car racing in the United States.— A.P.
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  • 104 3 LONDON, Wed.— Mr. Donald Campbell last night became the world's fastest man on water when he travelled at the rate of 185 m.p.h. in a trial run of his turbo-jet speedboat '•Bluebird" on Lake UlLswater. His unofficial run bettered the present world's water speed record of
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 60 3 ISTANBUL, Wed. Eighty-one-year-old Beki Sofu has bren called up to serve the 18 months military service required of all Turkish males, newspapers here said today. I The reports did not say why i Sofu, a villager from Central I Katolia. failed to serve earlier. The
    AP  -  60 words
  • 385 3 LONDON, Wed. THE stock markets had a steadier tone here today with sentiment helped by the Chancellor ol the Exchequer's overnight statement on credit conditions. Gilt-edged stocks advanced in undated issues while a small early fall in shortdated was regained on some investment demand. Germans and were
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  • 49 3 Mr. NEHRU FLIES INTO LONDON AIRPORT AND MEETS SIR ANTHONY THE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER, Sir Anthony Eden, greets the Indian Premier, Mr. Nehru, at London airport. Mr. Nehru is seen here with his daughter, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, and his sister, Mrs. Pandit, Indian High Commissioner in London. A.P. picture.
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  • 24 3 LONDON. July. 13.— Cash Buyers £743; Sellers £745. Forward Buyers £738; Sellers £739: Settlement £741. Turnover a.m. 110 tons. p.m. 30 tons.
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  • 39 3 LONDON, July 13. Spot 37 2 d. Aug. 36' id.. Sept. 35 7 .d., Oct-Dec. 34d.. Jan.-Mar. 31 -..d., Apr.-June 29 :l id., July c.i.f. 35 ,d.. Auc. c.l.f. 34' id., Sept. c.i.f. unquoted. Tone: Quietly steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 From strength to strength! UNITED INDIA pleasure in announcing their latest Bonus Rates Brt 11 I I aft l 517#00 PCr 000 SUm asBUred N i n wh ie Hfe poiicies F R CH 0F THE Y 5 I $15.00 per ***** 1553 ND 19M 1 .nd.wn.ent niuncrativc agencies and
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    • 389 3 jf^- CROWN -UPS VOf make snr e it's V H CAMPBELLS m j^B For c °ughs, colds. J*4V6iSim£ I congestion of the mJt/iMM£fiA I chest and hoarsen, ss. "jf~ Powerful yet palat€r able. There is no m better remedy. £Ugj£L Wk F™m all w m *^f JQh chemists I B
      389 words

  • 218 4 SHOCKING NEGLECT, SAYS A JUDGE SEREMBAN. Wed. SPHERE has been a 1 shocking neglect of Chinese schools over the past years, Mr. Justice Abbott told the Rotary Club at its weekly luncheon here today. Mr. Justice Abbott referred U two instances in which he tv the only European to visit
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  • 45 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Postmaster-General announces that on Sept. 4 the present 35 cent postage stamp will be withdrawn from sale in the Federation. In its place will be a new 30 cent stamp of the same colour and design.
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  • 43 4 IPOH. Wed. The body of a woman, Thong Lam, 64, was found in the Kinta River, near the Anderson School, this morning. The woman lived in Gunong Rapat. Children of the school found the body and informed the police.
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  • 48 4 IFOH. Wed— Sport got $10,--0«u from the Perak Government today. The State Council approved gifts >f $5,000 to the Malayan contingent at the Olympic Games in Melbourne next year ana $5,000 to the cost of Amateur Athletic Association of Malaya meeting m iDOh next montn
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  • 80 4 Expectation is great for shorts DAVID LEAN the British film director, is using up some spare time before making his next film in India by producing colour travel shorts in Cinemascope. Mr. Lean returned to Singapore from Bali yesterday after shooting enough film to make two shorts of life and
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  • 28 4 The Chief Minister will open the new Pasir Panjang Park at the sth milestone, Pasir Panjang Road. Singapore at 430 p.m. on Saturday. July 23.
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  • 401 4 TRADE ADVISORY COUNCIL ASSURED ON PROTECTION FOR CAPITAL HE'LL KEEP EMPLOYERS HAPPY— SO THEY'LL KEEP WORKERS HAPPY THE CHIEF MINISTER, Mr. David Marshall, yesterday promised employers that the Singapore Government would protect the legitimate aims of capital. In turn he was assured
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  • 139 4 GUY ARNOLD (third from left), who has always wanted to explore jungle in this part of the world, is leader of an expedition of four Oxford University graduates who will spend eight months on the remote Usun Apau Plateau, Sarawak. Colin Campbell, a geologist (right),
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  • 237 4 The shark in the fish trade Soaring birthrate may soon become— THE Director of 1 Fisheries, Mr. D. W. lie Mare yesterday warned that with the Colony's population increasing so rapidly, there would not be enough fish supplies to go round. The position was not the same as before the
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  • 62 4 PENANG. Wed. The directors of the Central Province Wellesley Transport Company have agreed to meet representatives of the Penang and Province Wellesley Transport Workers' Union to discuss outstanding issues involving 55 employees of the company. The Deputy Commissioner for Labour, Mr. S. W. C. Dunlop,
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  • 30 4 IPOH, Wed. The Perak State Council today approved a vote for $17,728 to buy a new Daimler for the British Adviser "before the present car finally breaks down."
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  • 123 4 ABOUT 170 construction labourers who have been on strike for the last eight days will return to work today. Their employer, Mr. K. K. Abdullah, agreed last night to re-instatp two of the four union officials whose dismissal caused the strike. The dispute was settled after
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  • 89 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Ten young Indians and a Chinese were charged in the First Magistrate's Court here with constituting an unlawful assembly at Ampang Road on the night of July 7. It was alleged they were armed with spears, parangs, a chain and other "deadly I
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  • 287 4 Take a p01e,,, shin up it... and out PENANG, Wednesday. rpHE Sessions Court here was told today how three prisoner broke out of Jail with the aid of a hobby In the dock was jail-breaker 00l Ah Hoe, alias "Lav Hor" (Old Tigen whc was sentenced to
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  • 86 4 HIS SHOUT LED TO AN ASSAULT BENTONG, Wed.— A hawker of Repas village shouted to the driver of a jeep to go slow as there were many children in front of his stall. As a result the hawker. Shim Yit Kong, 36. was assaulted by the driver and his friend,
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  • 289 4 ALL 52 SEATS NEEDED FOR SELF-RULE 'Proof that Alliance is in earner KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday MR. H. S. Lee, one of the "big four" in the T Alliance, said today that the Alliance "absolutely in earnest" about setting mdc dence for Malaya. The Alliance's determination to get lndep< he said
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  • 41 4 IPOH. Wed.— Agatha Khong Choon Yin, 38, was fined $25 or one week's jail here today for moving cooked vegetables and pork without a permit at Jelapang, a restricted area, yesterday evening. She pleaded guilty.
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  • 122 4 Off came shirt in court GANG INSIGNIA SHOWN A 19-YEAR-OLD society member told to take off h in the Singapoi Criminal Districi cj2 yesterday for the to see his signia. Tan Ah Chuan guilty of being a ni Group 18. Sin Gi Ho caDetective sub-In, in Ah Pok told the
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  • 39 4 PENANG. Wed. Aca glar "fished" a shin the window of a house Cintra Street last r took two fountain pens i in cash. The thief climbed up a v and hooked the shirt long pole.
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  • 76 4 PENANG. Wed.— A pageant of nursing to be held in Penang on Sept. 1, 2 and 3 will pay tribute to nurses throughout the ages. The first of its kind to he produced in Malaya, the pageant will trace the early struggles of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 119 4 d« NEW THAMES 1/4 ton van SPARKLING with good points The entirely new Thames ton van is the outcome of the long experience of Ford Motor Company Ltd. in building light commercial vehicles. An unrivalled understanding of delivery problems and the features most desired by operators has resulted in a
      119 words
    • 121 4 Only &6t&l6look lets you "Choose the Right Point for the Way You Write" from the World's Largest Selection of Point Style*' EUWFIHE qB-^t^^-^w C&ucaJ? '<3D«B M FINE '«04i &Ho(tAa*u/^-l^-? <^/ "ISI^O '1555 l^tf^^^SßM.!* MEDIUM #97|| .mm ise vf^^H* 1 %*u>fya*tf>&<^Emm™\ MANIFOLD #9461 Z2& 3^* "< &*oad<u**&«f. .^gjj/B tlt v BROAD
      121 words

  • 53 5 Why they shun the GCS T i I.KKKS FIND \v\\ CHAMPION IPOH Wed Financial A. chamrnm c n t ing. ft] service good deal certain int to I imposild, to Investigation ii thr little now foo- ■..< Governlot of tl is have nt of At Macn was gtneeri! Of Ich
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  • 8 5 I The Perak >t.ed a Serendah
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  • 103 5 NGGI, (ProWed. Resident Mr. D. Gray, »r leases d that able to ay," he told v, I know. land on you llage .V« community ire now leasi i will LI the land >'An. ■i br posmilar leases pl< In this iv become the cen
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  • 91 5 United front isn't so united now SIGNS of disunity are already show ing in the all-party front to protest against the proposed appointment of more junior ministers in the 1 Singapore Government. At a meeting: of the Opposition parties yesU-rday arranged by an Independent, the Progressive Party is believed to
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  • 38 5 Thieves broke into the home of a auctioneer. Mr. Tan Hong lian, in Emerald Hill Road, Singapore, on Sunday and stoic about $5,000 worth of jewellery. Mr. Tan was away in the Federation at the time.
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  • 328 5 'HIS IDEALS ARE HIGH- Hammett ticks off the carping critics MR. H. G. ttAMMETT, the Resident Commit sioncr said at the Malacca Settlement Council today that expatriate officers should be encouraged fire Of their best and not be told contin ualy that they were no
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  • 266 5 To royalty —cost doesn't count QUIZ 01 FURNITURE IN PALACES IPOH, Wed. THE Perak Government 1 today admitted that it does not know how much it cost to furnish the Sultan's three palaces at Kuala Kangsar, Teluk Anson and Ipoh. The questions were asked by Che Khadijah binte Abdul Aziz,
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  • 60 5 Five thugs yesterday robbed a Singapore businessman of $430 after they had stopped his car and piven him a beating at the sth milestone. Thomson Road. Mr. Lim Hock Seng, 37, who owns a wood shop at the 13th milestone, Sembawang Road, i was on his way
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  • 49 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Sa'at bin Omar pleaded guilty in the Magistrate's Court today to criminal breach of trust of $500 entrusted to him by Hussain bin Ahmad. He said that he would sell his estate and give the money back. Sentence was deferred.
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  • 208 5 A Jap-time chief headman who now hates control of tenants issues a challenge PENANG, Wed. 'THE Labour candidate A for George Town. Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew, today challenged Penang's acting Resident commissioner, Mr. D. Gray, to prove that he was a Communist. Referring to Mr. Gray's [statement
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  • 43 5 A woman was arrested in Singapore yesterday for allegedly having performed an abortion on a woman living in Kampong Lew Lian. off Upper Serangoon Road, recently. The woman, who underwent the alleged abortion, died in the Kandang Kerbau hospital yesterday.
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  • 25 5 The University of Malaya Society's buffet supper and dance will be held tonight from 8.30 to 12 at the Ocean Park Hotel. Singapore.
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  • 60 5 He's playing safe in poll battle TRISIIA RIDERS are joining in the Federal election campaign in Ipoh. But the rider above apparently is taking no sides in the battle for votes. On the canvas hood of his trisha he carries the symbols of both the Alliance (a sailing boat) and
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  • 156 5 Tamils spurn Tan Siew Sin's serenade rpHE Tamils Representative i Council in Singapore yesterday said it refused to accept a denial by Mr. Tan Siew Sin, UMNO-MCA-MIC Alliance candidate in the Malacca constituency of the Federal elections, that he was anti-Indian. The Council, in a resolution said: A
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  • 36 5 KUALA LIPIS, Wed. Mr. T. K. Nadarajah. senior assistant master at Clifford School, is acting as principal in place of Mr. J. R. Davidson, who has been transferred to Kuantan as Chief Education Officer.
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  • 129 5 From dock 'Ten Thousand Miles' k TUNE whistled by an 18-year-old youth in the dock interrupted a case in a Singapore court yesterday. The tune sounded like "Ten Thousand Miles Away From Home." Wong Poh Kay. charged with giving false evidence in another court, went on whistling until Inspector Elam
    129 words
  • 210 5 IPOH. Wed. T<HE Perak State Counx cil today passed a law forbidding the use of mosques and madrasahs for political purposes. The Bill was moved on a certificate of urgency by the State Legal Adviser. Mr. T. R. Hepworth. and was taken through all
    210 words
  • 80 5 PENANG, Wed.— The Labour Party of Malaya will send three delegates from Kuala Lumpur to address a political rally on the Esplanade at 8 p.m. on Saturday in .support of the party's candidate for Georßc Town, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew. Miss P. G. Lim, a lawyer,
    80 words
  • 22 5 PARIT BUNTAR, Wed. —The annual Province Wellesley South agricultural show will be held at the Sungei Bakap padang this week.
    22 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 (ma sfciit fa/6 om/I b)\wM FOV t lie example of lovely womrn throughout (he uorld enhance and preKit beauty with wonderful, grcaseleis Vanishing ream. snowy, Ponds Vanishing Cream is deal powder base. It disappears as J vnoothe it on, leaving your skin silky ready for powdering. At the lime, it
      91 words
    • 302 5 The delicious drink with VALUABLE FOOD PROPERTIES so much needed in tropical climates 'AKTA-VITE' is not only the most delicious, choco- These vitamins should come from the food you eat. late sweet drink you have ever tasted— it is some- but food frequently lacks these vitamins for various thine f»r
      302 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 426 5 D AniA wit AVA Neys; 9.45 The Crosby Story; 10. HAUIU MAIjAIA Fi\e in rhythm; 10.30— H. 00 Music Past And Present, i Programmes thu s marked ran hr received by listeners in Malacca. Iji^RflHn Short ware 49 and 62m. Medium Bll l "f~4L^Jlr'll wave 176 m., 343., Hm. and
      426 words

  • 84 6 2H Word, fin (minimum). IIS I/O K AM WOON thanks his fi lends and relatives for their condolenrrs night visits, and attendance I :;'>thfrs funeral. UK FAMILY of the late Mr. Kiah Wah sincerely ill fYlends and Relatives for kind Assistance, Attending Visits and Funeral, sending i h.. etc.
    84 words
  • 574 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. July 14, 1955. No Way Out Of The Fog There may be a case for the integration of Malta with the United Kingdom. Half Malta's national income comes from British defence expenditure over which the people of that island have no control. A sudden I
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  • 348 6 Singapore has reason for some satisfaction with the progress it has made in fighting tuberculosis. Every year more people are X-rayed and are given treatment. The Government is now spending $2 million a year on domiciliary treatment allowances, and SATA has just announced that it
    348 words
  • 286 6 At the inaugural meeting of the Singapore Trade Advisory Council yesterday, Mr. Marshall delivered himself of some well-known sentiments on the subject of capital and labour. The welfare of the "common < man and the worker" stands first; nevertheless it is tied to the welfare of capital, and
    286 words
  • 1177 6 Malaya should do more for its students in Britain Concluding a review, by i Special Correspoideit, ef the PEP report "Colonial Student! in Britain." COLONIAL Development and Welfare scholars and those with scholarships from Colonial Government funds have their fees paid for them. Their maintenance allowances vary according to the
    1,177 words
  • 1344 6  -  HARRISON E. SALISBURY i iiiiini Russia since Stalin -By TT had been 1 apparent from the first days after Stalin died that the new Government wished to present itself as a clean break from the Stalin tradition. It had emphasised the backing and participation of
    1,344 words
    • 128 6 QUR Chief Minister realised within a short period of assuming office that six ministers have too much to do and that junior ministers were needed to relieve the pressure of work. Ministers in a democratic government are only policymakers and not admini.s- trators; policy Is
      128 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 644 6 I I Straiti Tiwci Free Preu j ror "rl« ronvtnitnct of odvtr- z I tiun our rtprttentotiv* at I*l Hoot, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE, I I ORCHARD ROAD, will receive I tmoll advertisement, ond eniweri z to bo« numbert Clentfied advertisements may alto be honded to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD. Winchester
      644 words
      12 words
    • 22 6 I WHEREVER 1 A&, I YOU ARCS •Jt^f QT& REST TO Diitriburori CALOBECK MACGREGOR CO. LTD (Incorporated in H <ngk >ns' r^^^
      22 words

  • 45 7 HPUR, Wed. in the northern ester- and a ter:illed. Semfndent Pla,>n the track ,<n.p. Gurkhas p which hac only a few live in the sealed -oft -a as Ah. w ho went a blanes i |er and gun re re-
    45 words
  • 15 7 I Ml UR, Wed. the Fethree I were 79.032 Liquor im- 58.486.036.
    15 words
  • 59 7 H Mr. Don I art direcin [poh to take •<•'■■ s of possible sites H Bridge I >terday to get maps and permits to explore the sites. The film calls for a river scene with overhanging cliffs surrounded by jungle. Mr. Sam Spiegel, producer of th?
    59 words
  • 275 7 XOULD THESE WORDS BE THE RANTING OF A LEADER ON HIS WAY OUT?' '^!9BtJS^^(^PAimWAUMjm\ Headline in yesterday's Page One TENGKU: LOOK WHO'S MOANING -THEY'RE THE GUILTY MEN T E ™nta SI X in -P-ate staterefute^he ailSion^ of "fnTh terda heat of a P oll campaign
    275 words
  • 114 7 'I QUIT' HE SAYS But this Alliance man agrees: 'Too much dirt* BUKIT MERTAJAM. Wed. Inche Abdul Razak bin Ahmad, assistant secretary of the Alliance's Wellesley South election committee, resigned last night because he objected to "too much mud-slinging at election campaigns.' Inche Abdul Razak sent his resignation to the
    114 words
  • 334 7 Let's not be frogs under a shell HAMMETT: 'NEW ERA DAWNING' MALACCA, Wed THEY that govern best 1 make the least noise, the Resident Commisioner, Mr. H. G. Hammett, told the Malacca Settlement Council, at its meeting today. The first duty of any government is to govern, Mr. Hammett said,
    334 words
  • 218 7 800 STUDENTS IN UPROAR— 'HEAD KEPT OUR MAIL' CHARGE IPOH, Wednesday. UIGHT HUNDRED students of the Han Chiang High School today demanded an explanation from their headmaster, Dr. S. L. Hsiong, as to why two letters addressed to them had been withheld. The students assembled in the school hall at
    218 words
  • 217 7 'Yes' by wife after 8 years so she's told: 'Go back tonight' AFTER eight years of separation, Au Lay Tian decided in a Singapore court yesterday to return to her husband. She had sued Ng Kirn Swee for maintenance, alleging that he had failed to maintain her
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  • 41 7 Muthiah Arumugam, pleaded guilty in a Singapore court yesterday to cheating the Department cf Social Welfare of $66 between March 25 and May 12. Arumugam, who agreed to return the money to the department, was discharged.
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  • 28 7 since KUALA LUMPUR Wed Peng Kai, 60, who helped in the running of an illegal lottery ("chee fan") was fined $2,000 here today. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 48 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Member for Posts and Telecommunications, Mr. V. M. N. Menon, today resigned after serving for 16 months and 13 days. He goes on < six weeks' leave tomorrow. The Acting Chief Secretary. Mr. M. P. Hogan, will look after the portfolio.
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  • 21 7 A bale of rubber worth $387 was stolen from a lighter in Telo kAyer Basin, Singapore, on Tuesday night.
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  • 307 7 •From Xl LIM. where he is conducting part of his election campaign, the president of UMNO, Ten"-ku Abdul Rahman, replied to Lato Onn's accusations. 1 He said he riad also received several anonymous letters but had taken no notice of them. 'Such letters are only
    307 words
  • 145 7 BATU GAJAH, Wednesday. THE president of the women's section of UMNO, Che Khatijah binte Sidek, told 200 women at an election rally here last night that Malaya belonged to the Malays and should be governed by Malays. She said that UMNO was I uniting
    145 words
  • 47 7 Roman Heng, a former employee of Harper Gilflllan and Company in Malacca, was produced in a Singapore court yesterday on a charge of criminal breach of trust of $2,856 from the company between May and December 1954. The case was transferred to Malacca.
    47 words
  • 65 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— A three-man investigation team from the Selangor and Parian^ branches of the Union of Post Office Workers, which spent three weeks visiting the larger post offices in these two states, have recommended increasing the number of clerical special ;rade and superscale posts in
    65 words
  • 71 7 Three robbers made off with $2 after breaking into a house in Boon Tiong Road, Singapore, on Tuesday night. The three, all masked and armed with knives, found a 16-year-old student, Chan Khye Chong, at his studies. They pushed Chan into a room and while
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  • 88 7 HOW TO MIX— BY REQUEST I KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Selangor State Government wants to make new villagers feel at home in the community. So 40 organisations have been asked to adopt 13 selected villages. One of the organisations, the Chinese Chamber of Com- merce, has agreed to adopt the
    88 words
  • 227 7 Chef's favourite opens Colony French week A FRANCO-SWISS chef open- ed French Week in Singapore yesterday and he did it with one of his favourite dishes. THE CHEF: Monsieur Gilbert Tardy of the Adelphi Grill. THE DISH: La Potee Bourguisnonne comme chez la Mere Royaume,
    227 words
  • 168 7 Teachers plan strike TOKEN PROTEST STOPPAGE KUALA LUMPUR. Wei\ THE 3,000-members National Union of Teachers will discuss a countrywide token strike at the annual conference in Penang on Aug. 17. A resolution protesting against the Government apathy to the demands o\ Federation schoolteachers ami suggesting a token strike will be
    168 words
  • 69 7 THE MAN IN A HURRY IS FINED $30 IPOH, Wed.— An Assistant Resettlement Officer, Won<: Rwee Wah, aged 28, was today fined $30, or five days' jail, for taking a typewriter out of Chemor, Tanjone Rambutan, yesterctay morning without a »jc rmit. Wone pleaded in mitigation that the typewriter belonged
    69 words
  • 47 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Two more Pahang terrorist deaths have been confirmed. one of them, Tan Jit Kong, vaa killed in the Kuala Krau area in 1953. The other, Wong Teng Moi, died of wounds in the Bukit area of Temerloh district in 1054.
    47 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 83 7 PKEEP COOL i fixed f& atmo models. 4*9* ELECTRIC FAN om— $32 Singapore Prnang. 535 Federation of Malaya. THE CENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. (MALAYA) LTD. THE CENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. OF ENGLAND L MULLARD RADIOS have MEASURED PERFORMANCE t Performance «he ,i Rn o{ r eiu b iii ty Supremacy! '*J&ffS
      83 words
    • 176 7 Preserve the SHOWROOM SHINE of your CAR with KELVEX! ...THE SENSATIONAL PLASTIC DISCOVERY THAT MAKES 1 SHU PkwUcote THE PROUD yi -aj. OWNERS PREFERENCE M A product of U.S.A. origin. "Mastteote" is today not only the most economical but also the most elective auto polish, which has beconv increasingly popular
      176 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 137 7 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE: (7.30 p.m. on July 12 to 7.30 a.m. on July 13): Singapore 77 degrees, Penang 71. Kota Bharu 74. Kuala Lumpur 71. Ipoh 68. Kuantan 73. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on July 13 1: Singapore 87 degrees, Penang 88. Kota Bharu 89. Kuala
      137 words

  • 459 8  -  HALL ROMNEY Singapore police 'bewildered over very British point* From LONDON, Wed. A QUAINT and very British legal difference exists in Singapore and the Federation of Malaya between a Chinese (or any other internatiational) Communist .'jihl what is known ;is jj Malayan Gmiinunist,
    459 words
  • 54 8 Three arrested Three men were arrested by the Singapore police yesterday in connection with the murder of a 20-year-old hawker, Chan Choon Yong. on Apr. 28. Chan was clubbed to death by a gang outside a Chinese wayang in Yio Chu Kang Road The gang had mistaken
    54 words
  • 60 8 A nine-year-old girl pupil of the Clementi English School. Singapore, was fatally injured yesterday when she was knocked down by a military car at West Coast Road. Koh Bin Hua had just left I the school and was crossing the road when she was hit by i the
    60 words
  • 26 8 Sri Swami Satyananda of Kuala Lumpur will give a talk on "Hindu Way of Life" at the Sri Senpaga Vinavagar Temple in Singapore today.
    26 words
  • 146 8 with a borrowed cap /COMMISSIONER John Allan, who will represent Gen. Wilfred Kitching, the leader of the Salvation Army, at its 20th anviversary celebrations in Singapore this weekend, arrived by air from the Federation yesterday. Commissioner Allan was wearing a hat used by the Salvation Army
    146 words
  • 76 8 IPOH. Wed. The Perak State Finance Committee has approved a supplementary provision of $450,000 to speed up the reconditioning Government buildings in the state. The present annual nrovision of $100,000 was inadequate and it would take the Government 75 years to
    76 words
  • 207 8 Colony's tallest building AFTER DELAYS, READY SOON SINGAPORE'S tallest building, the 18--storey Asia Insurance building in Finlayson Green, will be ready for occupation in October, the architect, Mr. Ng Keng Siang, said yesterday. The original target date for completion was in early 1955. but extra time had been taken on
    207 words
  • 122 8 Found with bandits: Two jailed JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. ONG THIAN SEE and Tang Eng Thye, two of four men charged with consorting with armed men. were sentenced to five years' jail each here today. Lee Yin You and Wei Cho On, the other two men, were acquitted. The four men
    122 words
  • 88 8 MOTOR CYCLE ON TEST: MAN CLEARED Lav Hock Meng, who appealed against a traffic court fine of $100 on a charge of allowing a mechanic to ride his motor cycle while it was not covered by third party insurance, was cleared of the offence in the Singapore High Court yesterday.
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  • 75 8 Questions about flooding and slums in Telok Ayer are to be asked at the next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Assembly by Mr. R. Jumabhoy. Independent Assemblyman for the constituency. Mr. Jumabhoy wants to know what the Government is doing about flooding in Circular Road, Lorong
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  • 519 8 RETRIAL IS ORDERED MR. KENNETH SETH told Mr. Justice Knight in the Singapore High Court yesterday that a trial which lasted 41 days In the Third Criminal District Court had many vicissitudes and all of them were detrimental to the appeiiant. Mr. Seth was arguing
    519 words
  • 28 8 The offices of the Incor-3 Consulate General pore will be ck) day on Monday b arrival of the Ind sident. Dr. Socks Colony on his wa
    28 words
  • 134 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Wednesday. MEN will go back to school at the English College here next week, but not for lessons. They will be former students i from all parts of Malaya come to celebrate the college's 25tb anniversary. The highlight of the celebra- I tions will
    134 words
  • 32 8 The Thye Heng Ensineerlnp Works. Singapore, was fined SlOO by the City Police Court yesterday for obstructing the pavement in front of the works with oxygen cylinders and metal frames.
    32 words
  • 67 8 A Singapore City Councillor. Mrs. Amy Ede. will move at the next meeting on July 28 that the policy on attap huts be relaxed. She will propose that the present policy, forbidding new at'.ap huts in changed to allow i within designated The Cnunci: m
    67 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 330 8 WINTERSPORTS mwa Australia and New Zealand beckon are caning you those who thnll to the cnsp excite ment of ski-ing, skating and snow sports. All-the-year round sports activities, in the company of the Fly tO 3 thrilling friendly people of these Pacific Play- grounds, will make your vacation the Winter
      330 words
    • 70 8 y/jX ■^^^^"^^^^YL^SUPERPOISE 1 RANGE WITH 85 B.H.P. ENGINE OVER THE ROUGHEST TERRAIN You can't beat the Superpoise range for brute strength, lilclong reliability and sustained economy! Fitted with the 85 b.h.p. engine, it incorporates a four-speed synchromesh gearbox for improved manoeuvrability. And the specially strengthened rear axle makes this range
      70 words

    • 1671 9 Hush-hush magic talks at manse drove village witch-mad EiisiS& i *^i 'i S§< s^'-Ss'i'i'' 1 HB&iiSS I jjßWMSfljjt i 8 IN January 1692 the village of Salem in the Colony of Massachusetts was infected with uneasiness. For as long as man could remember, the Colony, which was strictly puritan, had
      1,671 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 v M and j HIM i I I J /TAPSTILLER r{ CONVERTER KIT HjEOMOTORS LTD, ii I] uticura -sow ■FOR SENSITIVE SKINS ACID omachUi He/p.' So, whrn put you Antacid i acid, d lining p -.tion. >■ lo:v»rd tl.emt ,< WS IJ ACID POWDER Ruined De Witt'* Ablets? Keep !hand
      86 words
    • 351 9 NEW... ROBOT-AUTOMATIC fdeirere 888 35mm SLIDE PROJECTOR < Itfll 7/ COMPLETELY A revolutionary, DeLuxe slide projector :hat is virtually a mechanical robot. Just set the switch and the Revere "888" shows 36 slides as slow or fast as you like without touching a finger to it. Sit with your guests;
      351 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 76 9 Shvriovli Mlotntvs iVo gju<>slii*ns. Motets Divli Tiravfi Kwp moving *KKR-*uid va/F=: Dl )*qj I LJETV l<^ TTJAT" II Df tf~.Ur= AP> lA/LJPKI U/P" I —^A^^V r tr- t cr am -r-1 ier Wd r\i_J=3ri I nC7 f IO I HMI I I KLKjt-ilZf*±-J. "HCW vVtz, o f A»< I I
      76 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1355 10 Tai: 1403 MANSFIELD «Sc CO., LTD. t«i» mm (18 lines) (Incorporated in Singopore) 12 linos) Sh oJ£ g THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE '< option to p'orrrd yin other ports to lood and dischorge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, t CONTINENTAL PORTS Singopore Soils P. Sham Penong Attyenai for ondon,
      1,355 words
    • 1247 10 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Far Aden, Port Said, Genoa. Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen. Gothenburg ft Oslo Spore P. Sham Penong "MEONIA" 22/24 July 2S/24 July 27/28 July us) "KAMBODIA" 25/26 July xx*) "INDIA" 11/13 Aug x) "PALSTRIA" 11/13 Aug 14/14 Aug IS/16 Aug x) Calb London (Passengers only).
      1,247 words
    • 962 10 SSfet?" ££!?££i Lm as SAILINGS TO U.K. AND COMTININTAL PORTS S'poro P. S'hom Ponong B.ncleuch for Avonmouth, Liverpool, IJ/U J-|r Hbmburg "^'RotteTdomV^T.'..-- M Jrfr As«j Olro«t orrhro. London 28 Aag MiKr^ho^or Hovre, London, j/n A «f 11/11 Ao» 14/ISA«g "•""R'o'fter'aSm 1 00 J1 A«g/ S«»* Oka«t arrWo. London 25
      962 words
    • 972 10 McALISTER «c CO., Lm TIL.: No.: ***** "**U. BIXBKMAM BOCBMAM. KLAVzness l LONDON. HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGCKS lam HAMBURG PORTLAND, SUTTIf J'% and for U.S.A., North Atlontlc Ports Accepting cor,, v ond Canada ond vio Colombo Am.,; t0 i •CITY OP PCRTM BOUGAmvii v S'Doro P. S'hom Penong j Sporr
      972 words

  • 7 11 i per P-cul 2 rrnts).
    7 words
  • 30 11 ock Ex- more active and EN 7/11 71 I unquoted buyer f.B 6 seller buyer 7, .uyer xd ,-ellrr aver xr 41/3 42 10', 3fi r.- lOtt k
    30 words
  • 47 11 buyers >\sterday steady after nta per !b m> buyers i 3.5. July !25; No. 1 1 20 sellers 11.=.'.-. en 108 1 no t Commerce prices on s per lb. Baren sellers 127';. 126' d 121\ U 7 V 4 110 HOi 25 123 131%
    47 words
  • 38 11 thin, ilons-idr the Singad li.iMts or exi^n *rr Soudan 12. Varan C. P.. rk 89. Bali 15 16. lt< 01 Madras Wall 8. MST 10, Charles 3rooke 23, Pakbol 27 28. Sir John 13 34. Tii- Weltevre-
    38 words
  • 538 11 TIN PRICE REACHES HIGHEST LEVEL ON U.S.A. DEMAND By Our Market Correspondent THE price of tin shot up in Singapore yesterday by $242* per picul to $365,371, the highest price to date for the current year and the highest price since September last year Tightness of the position for nearby
    538 words
  • 313 11 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association. Singapore section, reported: "All sections of the local .ihare market were dull and sluggish and with a few exceptions prices were inclined to ease." Singapore brokers reported the follo'.vinu business done yesterday— 88. Petrol 41s. 9d.; Eraser and Neave ords $1.74, $1.75; Gammon
    313 words
  • 36 11 On the free exchange market in Hont; Kong yesterday thf U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.80 cash and 5.82 4 for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 15.70 and one tael of gold at 25
    36 words
  • 37 11 AKRON. Wed. Tyre deliveries in the Unite' 1 States this year will exceed 105 m..lion units, an expected Increase of 11 per cent on sales last year, according to estimates by B. F. Goodrich Company.
    37 words
  • 199 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra 1 quietly steady; July $28 buyers $28 3 8 sellers, August $28 1 2 buyers. $28 3 4 sellers. Coconut oil: quietly steady: bulk $42 12 sellers, arum $45 sellers. Pepper: quiet with lack of overseas inquiries;
    199 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 377 11 IKNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service I CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Ssiling Arriving Singapore P.Swet Penang Frcmantle In Port 21 |uly 8 Au« 10 Aug 11 Aug 18 Aug B>kkc 13 Au? 12 Sept 14 Sept 15 Scp; 22 Sept i Scot 3 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 13
      377 words
    • 200 11 P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class "E" upwards registered Contractors will be received by the State Engineer. Selangor Kuala Lumpur, up to 3.00 p.m on 18th. July. 1955, for the Construction of a Fire Station and Four Units Firemens' Quarters af Kajang. Full particulars are obtainable from the office of
      200 words
    • 765 11 NOTICES MALAYAN TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in England) QUARTERLY RETURN QUARTER ENDING 30/6/S5 Output: 6,984 plculs. 3 Dredges working. The Sterling equivalent oi the average Singapore tin metal price for the quarter was £701 15.5 per ton. P. A. DELME-RADCLIFFE General Manager SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in England)
      765 words
    • 867 11 NOTICES THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ELECTIONS ORDINANCE, 1950 (F.M. No. 52 of 1990) Ipoh and Mengletnbu Town Council (Procedure for Elections) Regulations, 1954. (Appendix A to Pk. G.N. 210/54) Regulation 10. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF REVISED REGISTER NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Revised Register of Electors for the Pasir Puteh
      867 words
    • 863 11 NOTICES THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ELECTIONS ORDINANCE. 1950 (K.M. No. 52 of 1950) Talplnr Town Council (Procedure for Elections) Regulations 1934 (Appendix B to Pk. (i.N. 210/54) Regulation 10 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF REVISED REGISTER No. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Revised Register of Electors for the KOTA WARD has
      863 words
    • 1116 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS NEGRI SEMBILAN MALAYS SCHOLARSHIP FLND I ENACTMENT. 1950. APPLICATIONS are invited from suitably qualified Malay Candidates i under the above enactment who have gained admission to the I University of Malaya. Application forma, which may be obtained from the Education Office. Seremban, should be completed (eight copies) and
      1,116 words
    • 435 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are<l for the post of Assistant Chltf Bcttoo] Instructor In the Police Department. Qualifications Citizen* of the Federation. All candidates must be Normal Trained English S<hool Toachers, and should have hs.d at least five years teaching experience prior to secondment. The salary scale shall be 1310x14-464/484x19--636.
      435 words

  • 497 12  -  Nadcane Walker By GOOD looking ready-to-wear clothes are the newest wrinkle in French fashion. How to be chic though not rich is no longer an insoluble problem for the fastidious Frenchwoman. For the first time, she finds it possible to buy well-designed, wellmade clothes "off
    497 words
  • 52 12 1 HANKS to an. idea by French beautician Fernand Aubrey, the wearing of men's ties is likely to become all the rage, mostly as a hair adorment. Seeing these two charming adaptations of the ~iew fashio7i by French moc'cls, tohat can a man say? Paul
    52 words
  • 146 12  -  MAXINE RAKICH By QNE of the prettiest halfslips to arrive in the shops is one that every girl should own. A semi-full garment with a double layered skirt, it is neither too full nor too ■skimpy. It comes in two colour combinations, blue over white or pink
    146 words
  • 221 12 A CARPET maker is turning to a mechanii cal brain to help him beat 1 the problem of the AmeriI can public's fickle taste. I Sales data, computed I quickly on punched cards, j reveals colour and style trends in floor covering. Then another card can be
    221 words
  • 170 12  - Frames for beauty ESME BAPTISTA By CPECTACLE3 have evolved these days into an adornment instead of a necessity which the short-sighted woman once was forced There are various coloured frames to suit every taste in the market now. to endure. Have the lenses cut to reveal the right amount of
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  • 435 12 AN ARMY wife asked me whatever we found to do on the estate. "Don't you get bored?" she enquired. I, on my part, have always thouant the main drawback to being a soldier's wife is to have so rarely a settled home. But her
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 239 12 MODESS Wear your slimmest skirt or cheongsam S*;ijsl__^;__ Wll^ (nrif'dcnce— MODESS simply can't ;^pr^- J \^Brß show. MODESS arc silky-soft.extro ab_jf____ft fl sorbent, end superbly comfortable! *%xLM^*' W I Wecr MOD^S Sanitary Towels with 1" ______B'EsH> the MODE^ all-elastic adjustable belt. a (kmntoif^yowifftOM product The Ho, rated in Ln^undi MDS
      239 words
    • 215 12 B_| only Yardloy the secret M Lavender with an extra touch of t^^-4 sophistication I^=JL that lingers, YARDLEY^y^ i LAVENDER mlso crystallised lavbnoer Yaxdley'i famous Lavender in solid form, and Yardley lavender soap— tmooth-lathering, richly perfumed 'tht luxury soap oftht wait Have you discovered these delicious Siscuits c ___KP\ T
      215 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 340 12 C 4-f__| Ti»**_*.*. I l 8 Backward scholar and fool ge». straits limes Crossword .W s_ta5 ta tl'X'C-CI L.Vnvvnl Lvvi.vivww»> wl LkvkJ i. ...I 22. Means hail storms 18). HI «S§^l«§I 4 HH 5 $H 6 lii 23. Managers cross look? (4-4). _££I mJ SSS3 SSSS SSS£ Ms ill 24.
      340 words

  • 138 13  -  EPSOM JEEP WESTOTH WHIPS RIVALS By JOCKEY Abdul Wahab kept up his good work on his favourite course when he landed a splendid double for racehorse owner Mr. S. W. Kirn, with three-year-old Rice King II and seven-year-old Indelible, at Kuala Lumpur
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  • 262 13 Italian colt wins Ascot Gold Cup ascot, wed. "ITALIAN colt Botticelli won the Ascot Gold Cup run over two and a half miles here today, second day of the Royal Ascot meeting. American-owned and bred Blue Prince ran second and Marcel Boussac's four-year-old Elpenor, last yearj, winner, was third. Six
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  • 105 13 LONDON, Wed. TEA scores in today's county cricx ket matches were: At Lord's: Players 227 for six I iTompkin 115) versus Gentlemen. At Liverpool: Lancashire 208 for four (G. Edrlch not out 81) versus Middlesex. At Taunton: Worcestershire 155 for three (Horton 53) versu s
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 338 13 U.S. CHARGES ARE 'SHEER NONSENSE,' SAYS SIR GEORGE LONDON, Wed. SIR GEORGE THOMAS, donor of the Thomas Cup. said today that recent criticisms of treatment of the United States badminton team in Malaya, attributed to Wynn Rogers, were "unjustified" and "nonsense." The silver-haired, 74-year-old former British international had not heard
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  • 44 13 MILAN. Wed.— Australian tennis star Frank Sedgman was forced to .suspend ,i series of professional games scheduled here because of a sudden attack of appendicitis. Doctors ordered a 15-day rest for Sedgman, who apparently will not undergo an operation. U.P.
    UP  -  44 words
  • 1482 13 Race One CLASS 5, DIV. t— SK FURS. Brilliant Kongsi's (4) HOLLYWOOD STAE 8.7 (170—96) Bell 1 (3) Boutainvillea 8.10 (398—162) Donnelly 3 (1) Bif Andy 8.1 (292—154) Paterson 3 (2) SOUTHBRIDGE 8.8 (379—177) Mawl 4 (6) REMARKABLE 8.13 (126—76) Bagby 5 (5) MISS BROOKPIELD
    1,482 words
  • 66 13 TOTAL FOOL: $2M,725 Ist: No. *****1 ($54,197) 2nd: No. *****2 ($27,098) 3rd: No. *****1 ($13,549) STARTERS ($2,709 each) Nos. *****1; *****5; *****2; *****1; *****1. CONSOLATION ($1,204 each) Nos. *****0; *****1; *****8; *****8; *****7; *****6; *****6; *****8; *****4; *****6. TREBLE TOTE: Five tickets <5278 each) FORECAST TOTE: Race 2:
    66 words
  • 38 13 MANILA, Wed.— World featherweight champion Sandy Saddler arrived here today by air from Tokyo for his scheduled non-title fight with Flash Elorde of the Philip pines on July 20 at the Rizal Memorial Stadium.
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  • 150 13 Budge Patty tells LTA: Can 't play in Davis cup NEW YORK, Wed^ DUDGE PATTt Jrfos indicated he will not be available to play for the United States in this year's Davis Cup challenge round, it was announced here last night. Mr. Russell Kingman, former president of the United States
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 149 13 Top trainer shocks Royal Ascot, may retire LONDON, Wed. A "BOMBSHELL" was lx dropped at the Royal Ascot Meeting with the announcement that Jack Jarvis, one of the greatest of British trainers, was contemplating retiring. He is said to disagree with a new Jockey Club ruling about trainers being responsible
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  • 92 13 LONDON. Wed. Expenses for the South African cricket tour of England have been cleared with receipts from the third Test match being t»«;en into account. The expenses were estimated at £30.000 and all money received from now until the end of the tour will be profits for
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  • 74 13 Sergeant H. Haw 38, of No. 3 Base Ordnance Depot, Singapore, took all ten wickets in eleven overs when his team beat Singapore Engineer Regiment in a cricket match yesterday at Friendly Hill. No. 3 8.0.D. won by seven wickets. Haw's analysis was: 11-4-31-10. He
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1325 13 >^lmlm^JrHtMJ^ii^bl 1 1 1 H FOR SALE J0 Wori, S (Min.)-Box SO eU. extra. STOCK 12.000 lhg unserviceable n(T» r tre f din 8 compound what I offers? Reply Box A 4789, S.T. <*Jhh R j SELPBD Seeds and Seedlings For Sale. Apply to Rajaghlri Estate. Buklt RotanPost ONE LOUNGE
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    • 452 13 WORD PUZZLE Cul along dotti-i lines I THURSDAY Straits Times I WORD PUZZLE "K" j j Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below. j j Name Address 4 L IV > Cut *lomk dotted lines CLUES FOR WORD PUZZLE K4 1.. Pitying with it, ?ne is
      452 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 54 13 WKh 1 a 1 1 I HBB 1 1 F 1 Imß soccer"" SAFA Community league: Malays v Eurasians, Jalan Besar; SAF.V I.r.ißiir, Div. 2B: Aston v Star Soccrrites. Geylang; Div. 3A- T.M.O. B.A. v Bintang Bulan, CYMA ground; Div. 3B: Kebenaran Club v Rajrji, Clerical Union. FRIENDLY: Government Services
      54 words

  • 139 14 In the sprint relay I can't see the Swifts being beaten. With a combination like Benedict Gomes, Tan Soo Hian. Lim Jit Imm and Tan Eng Yoon they are capable of 43 sec. on a really fast track. In fact, only Lillington has a claim to
    139 words
  • 336 14 WHO WILL MEET SINGAPORE IN MALAYA CUP SOCCER FINAL? BUT KELANTAN XI CONFIDENT TOO ON HOME GROUND KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. gELANGOR soccer supporters will keep their fingers crossed on Friday when the State XI meet Kelantan at Kota Bahru to decide who will face Singapore in
    336 words
  • 218 14 THE MALAYAN hammer champion, Lt. Col. C. J. Reidy, bettered the Malayan and Singapore record when he reached 160 ft. 7in. in the first final of the Singapore A. A. A. championships at Nee Soon yeiterday. Second was the Singapore record holder. Peter Grose,
    218 words
  • 365 14 OPEN LETTER TO BOON LEONG A SINGAPORE soccer fan writes this open letter to Chia Boon Leong:— "We voted you the most popular footballer in Ma:aya, as a result of which, you were sent to England for sepcial training
    365 words
  • 28 14 KLUANO, Wed.— A Johor c invitation eleven will meet Hong Kong Chinese at soccer on the town padang here tomorrow at 5 p.m.
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  • 979 14 Mercury previews Singapore AAA meet DESPITE the drop in entries from last year the Singapore athletic championships at Jalan Besar Stadium tomorrow and Saturday should produce a greater number of records. One hundred and fifty eight athletes will compete as compared with
    979 words
  • 26 14 THE HONG KONG Combined Services cricket team (above) seen after they drew the opening match of their tour against Singapore Services. Straits Times picture.
    26 words
  • 253 14 OONG KONG Combined **Services fought back yesterday after first innings arrears of 49 to take the honours in their drawn two-day cricket fixture against Singapore Services on the padang. Hong Kong's brilliant recovery was due to three outstanding performances: opening bowler Pte Carnell's seven
    253 words
  • 204 14 HK. SERVICES— Ist Inns 123 SPORE SERVICES Ist Inns Dunn c Howard-Dobson b Carnell 81 Barron c Spooner b Lipscombe 11 Oauncey b Pritchard 20 Major lbw Taylor 12 Calver b Carnell 9 Wellard lbw Carnell 0 Burton c Ford b Carnell 9 Lewis c Taylor b Carnell 5
    204 words
  • 372 14 SBH LEAGUE CUP RESULTS, TABLES YESTERDAY'S results and latest positions In the Singapore Business Houses F. A. League and Cup competition are: GROUP A F. &N. 0 Tel. Board 2 P W D J, P A Pts Tel. Board 5 5 0 0 19 0 10 Hongkong Bank 2 1
    372 words
  • 406 14 MALAYAN Breweries upset MerLIR can tile Bank 3-1 In a .second round fixture of the S.B.H.F.A. League Cup competition at Harbour Board ground yesterday. In their previous meeting the Bank won 3-0. Breweries took a 12th minute lead when Selamat converted a corner by
    406 words
  • 436 14 HONG KONG GET 66TH-MIN GOAL TO EARN DRAW AFTER being outplayed for quite threequarters of the game, Hong Kong Chinese Amateur Federation scored four minutes from time to hold Singapore SinoMalays to a 1-1 draw before a crowd of 4,200 at Jalan Besar Stadium last night. Rtno-Malays, who had practically
    436 words
  • 229 14 SINGAPORE Telephone Board. Group 'A' leaders in the Singapore Business Houses F.A. League and Cup competition, repeated their first round success over Fraser and Neave. whom they defeated 2 0 at River Valley Road ground yesterday. S.T.B. were lucky to keep their 100 per cent record.
    229 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 747 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. < "Mimird from Pace 6) SITUATIONS VACANT W Horrf. $i (Mm.)— Box St et*. extra. WANTED IMMEDIATELY by an old established Chinese firm an invoking clerk who must be able lo type. State salary required and apply to Box A 4785 S.T. MALAY OR INDIAN Cook-80. or Cook
      747 words
    • 69 14 I ;0T SYMHM i|f fii&^r liii.ut.itm I i ytr^ swiss \\\ui I SELECTION Jfi'\^B§S>. 'JT /fr NOW M(i9 L? \YM r jit" I AVAILABLE /Ml|- V*^)W/ //ff GRAND PRIX j ELECTION Sold Everywhere Appreciated Ever/when j Sole Agents: CHUN CHONG 62 South Bridge Road. SNIICHn (House of Good Clocks Watches
      69 words