The Straits Times, 12 July 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Hot*** 1 Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 455 1 Labour Front Government may resign and go to polls on junior Ministers issue n\l ITION CHIKFS WRANGLE ()N WHAT TO DO NOW Cabinet split on ruling by Black r Political Correspondent n of whether Singapore should have iior Ministers flared up yesterday ditical issue. On it may
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  • 87 1 HUNTERS EVADE BANDITS IPOH. Mon. A HUNTING party of European? and Asians yesterday slipped out of a bandit trap and escaped with their puns. The incident occurred in a rubber estate in the Siputeh area of Batu Gaiah. The 15 hunters had ten shotguns between them. They saw 25 armed
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  • 28 1 LUENEBURG. Germany, Mon. The Duke of Edinburgh flew here today in his four-engined Heron aircraft for a two-day visit to British units in North Germany
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  • 21 1 TOKYO, Mon. Eleven workers were buried alive when a cave-in occurred in a 500-yard tunnel at Otsu yesterday.
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  • 218 1 ON WITH THE SHOW— SO IT'S A DAUPHIN WITH A LEG IN PLASTER A;>KOKi..> 11ONJ. t n i. ankle has not stopped Oliver Baudert from appearing in the second leading role of the current Singapore Arts Theatre production, "Saint Joan", at the Victoria Memorial Hall. A large and appreciative audience
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  • 33 1 FRANKFURT, Mon. Two US Air Force jet planes collided in flight here today. One of the pilots parachuted to safety. No trace of the other pilot was found. A.P.
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  • 18 1 Behind the srenes VIRGINIA MARIE and Johanna Moore help Baudert with the costumes and makeup before the matinee.
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  • 242 1 After Red China, hotel party with girls HONG KONG. Mon. THREE American soldiers who found tlhat Communist austerity was not for them sail for the United States on board a luxury liner tonight. William Cowart, 22, Otho Bell, 24, and Lewis Griggs, 22, crossed into Hong
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  • 355 1 The PAP firebrand gets a challenge 'SPEAK UP IN THE ASSEMBLY 1 I PHE Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, yesterday challenged Mr. Lim Chin Siong, secretary of the Singapore Factory and Shop Workers' Union and P.A.P. Assemblyman, to criticise the Government's use of the Emergency Regulations at the next Legislative
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  • 27 1 SALERNO, Mon— Nearly 500 spectators at a swimming meeting were soaked yesterday when a grandstand collapsed and they were plunged into the sea.— A.P.
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  • 29 1 HONG KONG. Mon. Mr. Con O'Neill, the British Charge d'AfTaires in China, arrived In Peking by train today to take up his post, Peking Radio said. —Reuter.
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  • 70 1 SAIGON BOMB ATTEMPT ON AMERICANS SAIGON. Mon.—Anti-Ameri-can terrorists last night made a vain attempt to blow up a Saigon block of flats where more than 12 American Embassy families live. The flats were saved by the vigilance of Mr. Robert Heavey. security chief at the American Embassy. Returning home, he
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  • 31 1 LONDON, Mon. A New Zealander, Mr. Ralph Grey, has been appointed Chief Secretary of the Federation of Nigeria in succession to Sir Hugo Marshall, the Colonial Office announced today.
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  • 26 1 COLOMBO, Mon— The Ceylon Premier, Sir John Kotelawala. has given a 200-acre coconut estate to the Ceylon Government for distribution among landless villagers. Reuter.
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  • 27 1 OTTAWA. Mon.— Mr. Lester Pearson, the External Affairs Minister, plans to visit Moscow in the Autumn, he told the House of Commons hero today.— Reuter.
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  • 33 1 LONDON, Mon.— Loss of steel production through the na-tion-wide rail strike last month was probably about 150.000 tons, according to the bulletin of the British Iron and Steel Federation. Reuter.
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  • 27 1 LONDON, Mon. Princess Margaret has written a foreword to a book on British ballet, scheduled for publication in October, a Sadlers Wells spokesman said today.
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  • 26 1 VICENZA, Italy Mon. Federico Faggio. rejected by the army in 1875 because he was too sickly, celebrated his 100 th birthday today.— A. P.
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  • 206 1 1,400 AUSSIES TO BATTLE BANDITS 'Best trained jungle force ever 9 CANBERRA, Monday. AUSTRALIA will send 1,400 crack troop* o f the Second Battalion to fight the terrorists in Malaya, the Army Minister, Mr. Josiah Francis, said today. He addea "It will be the best trained and equipped Jungle force
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  • 185 1 Youth shot in clash with police DETECTIVE HAD TRAILED HIM A CHINESE youth want- ed by the Singapore police for questioning in connection with three armed robberies in the past 24 hours was shot last night after a struggle with a detective. The shooting took place at 9.30 p.m. at
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  • 38 1 LONDON, Mon. Organisers of the "Miss Flestwood" bathing beauty contest called off the event today after all the contestants walked out. The girls complained that the blazing sun was melting their make-up. U. P.
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  • 133 1 Blonde must go to the gallows LONDON, Mon. T<HE British Home Se--1 cretary today refused to grant a reprieve to Mrs. Ruth Ellis, 28-year-old blonde mother of two, due to hang on Wednesday morning for killins her lovor. Mrs. Ellis, London model and cafe society girl, fired five shots into
    Reuter; AP  -  133 words
  • 47 1 THUGS BEAT PP TWO MEN Pag Ah Poll, 13, ol Beo Lane, and Kan II ik Sroh, 87, ol' Senwißoon Koatl, admitted to Geaeral Hospital after lour men, believed to be secret society gangsters, attacked them in China Street early this morniii£. Pns's condition serious.
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  • 47 1 Stroke? Yes-with a carver VIENNA. Mon. A doctor was slightly off in his diagnosis when he certified that Stefan Augustin. 42, died of a stroke. Police said today after inspecting the body that Augustin had been killed with a big butcher knife. His wife was arrested. U.P.
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  • 63 1 WASHINGTON, Mon.— Dr. Theodore von Karman. an expert on guided missiles, forecast here the use of rocket ships to deliver mail and goods over long distances "in a matter of minutes." Writing in Aero Digest, aviation engineering magazine, he said missiles might also be developed for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 HI ctosmto (Mi cm "I I smoke all I want, |^|^^and enjoy r IJE smoke" "■'"'lv.- ha <lv Manner's {f/H Wifofw 'lie lir-l. bm dv im ium fm to the „eu. Fed for 59 'o your hrO afs content gu. MAURI ER le| y imoked filter tip cigarette in the
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    • 93 1 mmum lllltxl'THl cllllilCaot Sole Agents SCOTT b ENCLISH (S.C.A.) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. oensationaL Here it. the Rennational new Philip* BX 236 a Htnall 2-band Short and Mediumwave receiver with a mighty performance and unequalled value! Housed in a pleasantly attractive cherry* red 'Philite' cabinet, it in available for AC/DC
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  • 274 2 ARMOURED CARS WILL ESCORT 40 BOYS TO TRAINING CAMP WASTE OF TIME TO GO BY RAIL The boys will be armed too TOL. P. I). DENMAN, Commandant of the Singapore Military Forces, yesterday allayed the fears of 10 National Servicemen that they might be ambushed
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  • 40 2 Sir Robert's successor LONDON, Mon. Mr. John Coulson, an Assistant Under Secretary of State in the Foreign Office, has been appointed Minister at the British Embassy in Washington. He succeeds Sir Robert Scott, Commissioner General Designate in South-East Asia. Peuter.
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  • 171 2 ALOK STAR. Mon.— The Sultan of Kodah yesterday urged 14.000 Pulau Langkawi islanders to work hard and "break the curse placed on your island." •Despite this curse, you can still win prosperity if you help one another,'' the Sultan said during a
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  • 25 2 ATLANTIC CITY. Mon. Three men were held by police for questioning yesterday after two Negro church fires here within eight hours. A.P.
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  • 21 2 ROME. Mon. Two low flying planes collided at the international air races at Pescara yesterday, killing three men U.P
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  • 150 2 AMAH SPfNT A WffK SEARCHING FOR HER A HO YEAR OLD amah spent the whole of last week searching for Singapore's lost girl, Alice Ho. before they finally met yesterday. The amah. Lim Hong Xgoh, had nursed Alice from birth until Alice was lost 13
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  • 143 2 Future holds great promise LONDON, Monday. THE BRITISH RUBBER Development Board's annual report today said that 108 stretches of "rubberised'" roads were laid in the English-speaking world last I year. Forty seven were in the United States and 28 in Britain. There were also
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  • 129 2 NAIROBI, Monday. MRS. MARY KEATS, a British woman, clutched her screaming children to her for 45 minutes in the dead or night as bandits attacked a safari in Eritrea— "grabbing, tearing and smashing everything Mrs. Keats, her husband, a mine fitter, their son Brian,
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  • 90 2 SO DRY SO EARNINGS ARE DOWN IPOH, Mon. RUBBER tappers in Perak felt the effects of last month's hoi weather In loss of energy and a 10 per cent drop in earnings, a Labour Department official said today. Another cause of the reduced Income was the lower yield from rubber
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  • 70 2 The Pilot of a Royal Air Force Vampire Jet fighter. F/Sgt. M. Meechan, crashlanded 55 miles south-east of New Delhi while on his way to Singapore from the Middle East. The plane was one of five Vampires being ferried to the Colony. An R.A.F. spokesman said yesterday
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  • 34 2 SAN FRANCISCO. Mon. Miss Japan— Keiko Takahashi, 21 arrived by plane from Japan yesterday en route to the Miis Universe contest at Long Beach. She was chosen from among 6,000 contestants. AP.
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  • 213 2 THE 4-in-1 PAPER SPREADS STRIKE SYDNEY, Mon. A COMPOSITE newsA paper carrying four titles was published in Sydney today after company executives and non-union staff members joined an emergency printing staff. Carrying the banner "Emergency Strike Edition" the newspaper was an eight-uage broadsheet carrying the titles of the Sydney Morning
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  • 32 2 PERTH. Mon Sir Frank Hillyard Newnes. 78. president of the London publishing house of George Newnes. Ltd.. died here yesterday. He began a visit to Australia on June 18.— Reuter.
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  • 26 2 SIOUX CITY, lowa, Mon. A two-year-old Rirl was kidnapped from her crib last night while her parents watched television in another room.— A.P
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  • 247 2 The cows gobble up golf balls MASTER STROKES END IN 20th HOLE GAINSBOROUGH. Lincolnshire, Mon. WHERE is a new hazard 1 on the Thonock Golf Club course here which the designer never included in his plans golf ball-gobbling cows. Twenty cows, belonging to a neighbouring farmer, have developed a fiendish
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  • 55 2 LONDON, Mon. Chelsea —London's artists quarter Is pondering an oddity about its birth rate. In 1952. according to the Public Health Department, Chelsea produced 787 babies. In 1953. the total was 787 again. And it was 787 again in 1954. Bookmakers are laying odds against the
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  • 41 2 HONG KONG. Mon.— Mr. B. P. Abkar, newly appointed Indian Commissioner in Hong Kong, announced on his arrival here today that his government had raised the status of the Indian Commission In the colony to that of legation. Reuter.
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  • 81 2 SOUTHEND, (England), Mon. This seaside resort has banned as cruel a competition billed as a "Fisherman's Paradise." The Idea was to fill a tank with trout and Invite holiday makers to try their luck. Once caught, the fish would be unhooked and thrown back into the tank.
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  • 281 2 CAIRO JUDGES FOUND NUDE AT ORGY Women were lured by judgments CAIRO, Monday. rITO JUDGES of a Cairo court were caught yesterday clad only In their fezzes in the midst of an orgy of wine, women and hashish. Two women who had courts were ca,ught in the suburban love nest,
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  • 130 2 SUEZ, Mon. Sheikh Mahmoud Abdel Letif, 51, climbed a 105- foot signal tower here yesterday, balanced precariously on the narrow top and shouted to a crowd below: "Give me five pounds of I'll jump." Hundreds of people gathered round the foot
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  • 112 2 NEW DELHI. Mon. TNDIA whose leaders are disciples of Gandhian nonviolent teachings plans to keep its navy without submarines because underwater craft represent offensive rather than defensive weapons. Admiral Sir Mark Pizey, retiring Chief of the Indian Naval Staff, announced this
    AP  -  112 words
  • 131 2 Bombing of ship: Britain protests TAIPEI, ORITAIN toda> ed to the Nationalist Pro Government over t leged strafln» and bonJ ing of tho i;> British freighter wells by two Nai jets at the mouth Mm River, leading Communist port c chow last Saturday tish consulate here reported. They gave no
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 43 2 NAIRN. Scotland. M Scottish mother, her six vo children and a niece, swept to death near h< night by a surging tide paddled in the surf off a nic beach. Six of the bodies were covered by police today.-A?
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  • 190 2 St. Joan a marvel for 600 children rpHE Singapore Arts Theatre X production of Saint Joan seen by 600 schoolchildren yesterday is on an ambitious scale. This three-hour play has 23 characters, who more or less are lavishly-costumed in six scenes. Despite such handicaps to any amateur company, this is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 -ass* ***^ir- HIPP^ JM^n W*m ill jtgj^fi' 'BnfißW Powered by Alvis Leonidcs Engines, these jfe^B Bnt^P^WQ Hunting Pcrcival Provosts were subjected to the IW-^^VMrf most gruelling scries of tests ever undertaken by j jiSirtJlii^F^^. 3l^» JBtiß* an R A.F. basic trainer. Flying at maximum intensity, aircraft completed well over i,ooo
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    • 40 2 wS/Bff'9 I r 111 \M c l» D jp^ i wKkw i. —Mi iii^ttMrziiilz i xwS I i H I 11 i'l fl Hlßi WELDING EQUIPMENT |H9 WORLDWIDE REPUTE i *a* &i^^^^sd^^^^^^ n Ajiociition with i j&^ML *mß&Z4J^^^ LINCOLN USA
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  • 287 3 ATOMIC FEAR MAKES ALL SEEK PEACE SAYS NEHRU IRSSELDORF, Monday. MINISTER of India, Mr. Nehru, airfield news conference here d i "yen good impression" of the cr. Marshal Nikolai Hulg^anin. and rue« during his visit to Russia. for peace la not only earnest i Is also results from a very
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 49 3 nadian school nia m-s--and knew ii w.iv mseli "Mr/ r L < (.rant baronet of linf v tin h hecan rrited the title in used it for :;i:eri by his hool. v >■ oUand to BaUone, near Idinlh vinii he hi ihrr lo settle
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  • 27 3 An Air F it o' fuel, steep .:rnpike thai the with venlngs, truck p along Police road and The I Carboneau, v
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  • 38 3 WELLINGTON, Mon. Sir Winston Churchill has declined a renewed invitation to visit New Zealand because he la clearing up an accumulation of •private matters" and because of other commitments, it was i reported here today.— Reuter.
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  • 117 3 forces return to West Aden t fight in desert campaign '*DEN. Mon. -round ases in per s;iadp re- H nlea ome out and atthe rueeeti if pro- and Aden wounded tribesmen. however, lay low in face of the striking force. The British aim is to bring peace to
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  • 31 3 fA time ade—pobich exnae tax com- mlssioner's office here yesterday afternoon. It did considerable damage but no one was hurt as the office was empty. A. P.
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  • 73 3 Khrushchev clinks glasses with U.S. envoy's wife R K J TA KHR USHCHEV, left, secretary ot the Communist Party, and Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, centre, the Soviet Prime Minister, clink glasses .n a July 4 toast with Mrs. Charles E. Bohlen, wife of the United States Ambassador at an independence
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  • 212 3 MOROCCO TERRORISTS STEP UP WAR ON FRENCH ALGIERS. Mon. A bomb thrown at a Muslim wedding party injured 30 guests, 19 of them seriously at Tlemoen, southwest of Oran. near the Moroccan border. The motive is believed to be passionate vengence." The French authorities yes-
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  • 205 3 'GENERALS' LOST LAST CHANCE: BOTH SHOT NAROBI, Mon. TWO Mau Mau "genx erals'" were killed during the night following the expiry of the Kenya Government's amnesty offer at midnight last night. Kikuyu guards shot "Generar Mwanyoeki Wangombe in the Fort Hai] area and "General" Haraka \va.; killed by Embu cuaros.
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  • 32 3 TOKYO. Mon— Police questioned former Japanese military officers and cadets after two memb#rs confessed a plot to assassinate key members of Ichiro Hatoyama's Cabinet, the newspaper Mainichi said.— U P
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  • 36 3 TAIPEH, Mon. Russia's submarine commander in the Far East. Admiral Morinov, was reported yesterday to have flown to Hainan Island from Vladivostok to confer with the Chinese and Russian military leaders there.— U.P.
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  • 195 3 400 MORE ARRESTS IN CHINA HONG KONG. Monday. CHINESE Communist security authorities have put down two attempted revolts in Hunan Province, a deputy of the National Peoples' Congress reported in an article in the Peking Feoples' Daily reaching Hong Kon? today. The deputy said
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  • 172 3 LONDON, Mon.— Mr. Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, today hailed as a "great service to humanity" the weekend declaration by eight scientists that hydroge-n bomb warfare "might quite possibly put an end to the human race.' 1 He was commenting on an
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  • 118 3 Soekarno faces 2 crises JAKARTA. Mon. OPPOSITION members today boycotted Parliament for the fourth time in three weeks to prevent the passinc of a bill sealing the abrogation of the Nether-lands-Indonesian Union. By preventing a quorum, the opposition members were drawing attention to their dissatisfaction with the financial and economic
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  • 17 3 NEW YORK. Mon— The Democratic Party leader, Mr Adlai Stevenson has bronchial pneumonia. Reuter
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  • 158 3 NEW YORK, Mon.— Mr. Jesse Resse. whose hopes of making a fortune were dashed when the uranium discovered on his land proved to be unworkable, is earning hundreds ol dollars a week from people seeking relief from pain. They pay a dollar an hour to
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  • 26 3 SUEZ, Mon Sixty-four French Foreign Legionnaires deserted their ship while passing through the Suez Canal on the way to Morocco from Indo-China. U.P.
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  • 404 3 LONDON, Mon. T*HK stock markets wer c quiet and x uncertain here today with certain bearish influences over the weekend including the increase in the borrowing rates on Government loans to local authorities and the sharp rise in the price of coal helping to depress sentiment. Bank rate
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  • 28 3 ARUL 11—7—1955. LONDON. July 11— Cash Buyers £730; Sellers £731- Forward Buyers £727 > 2 Sellers £728: Settlement £728' 2 Turnover a.m. 35 tons. p.m. 95 tons.
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  • 33 3 LONDON. July 11 Spot 37 >.;d. nominal. Aug. 36\d.. Sept. 35\d Oct. -Dec. 33\d. Jan-Mar. 31^d., Apr-June 29% d.. July c.i.f. 35'-d. Aup. c.i.f. 34 d.. Sept. c.i.f. unquoted. Tone: Firm.
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  • 23 3 SAN DIEGO. Mon. On e of 12 women drivers in a sports car race here was killed yesterday. A. P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Here, there B^id Sb^^jß B^t^H everywhere *H THE FAR EAST f -ONESIAN AIRWAYS Nl Kl<M>r ■n^^€ g M H\!TKKV ROAD. JbfcZl^B*
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    • 308 3 |g^^lil*^^Sssß BEE i\ im 1 111 Ikz /T^N A GENUINE BAYER'PRODUCT. (BAYER) MANUFACTURED IN \J^/ LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY 1 BEMN, MEYER tr CO. ITD ho box joi7, iiN&A^om PATERSON. SIMONS CO. LTD K lumpur— penang rra& < That are designed for hot weather and no other time. I That takes a
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  • 187 4 FATIMA AND FAMILY ARE FOUND Traced when the asked for identity card PENANG, Mon. FATIMA binte Mohamed Noor, a Malayan who was reported to be stranded in India with her husband and three children, is already in Malaya with her family. Federation Immigration headquarters here was informed this afternoon by
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A platoon of the Ist Northern Rhodesia Regiment killed a terrorist yesterday in the Mentakab district of South Pahang. Another bandit with him escaped. The dead man has been identified as Kam Fong, alias Wong Chin, who entered the Jungle in 1948. The platoon
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  • 48 4 The Singapore Rice Importers Association has signed a new contract with rice exporters in Burma. Mr. S. Tio, a spokesman of the association, said yesterday that this new contract permits them to import about 20,000 tons of 'Burmese rice into the Colony every month.
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  • 448 4 Cyclists rang bells to ai>nal terrorists, court told Four accused of consorting MEN of the 2/10 Gurkhas waited in ambush on three successive days on a rubber estate in the Geylang Patak area of Johore before they surprised a gang of terrorists. Then
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  • 144 4 36 years ago he sold donkey rides WHEN a 10-year-old be«ar climbed into the dock of a Singapore court yesterday, some of the older member* of the court staff exclaimed: "Why. that's Mohamed Dalila, the pony man." HaJiSalim bin Haji Hodri, a senior Malay interpreter, explained:
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  • 119 4 A broken marriage is mended A TALE of a broken marriage mended was told in a Singapore court yesterday. Jantan bin Mat Rasheed pleaded not guilty to a charge of breaking into trie house of his brother-in-law, Jasunl bin Mohamed Rais, at Changi Road on Apr. 30 Jasunl told the
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  • 42 4 Mr. Anthony Laurence Hills, barrister-at-law. was admitted to the Singapore Bar. yesterday by the Chief Justice. Sir Charles MurrayAynsley, to practise as an advocate and solicitor. Mr. Hills was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in
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  • 46 4 Eric Williams author of the epic escape book of World War 11, "The Wooden Horse," passed through Singapore yesterday as a film producer. He is travelling to Fiji and Samoa to explore locations for a British film, "Pattern of the Islands."
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  • 161 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. DARTY NEGARA leaders today denied rumours here 1 and in Klang that Dato Hamzah bin Abdullah, the party's president, had resigned. On the contrary, Dato I Hamzah was actively campaigning for the Negara candidate for Selangor Tengah, Inche Atari Chlk bin
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  • 59 4 Three men were charged In Singapore yesterday with rioting between 3 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. on May 12 at Alexandra Road. Tan Kirn Leng, Chew Ah Chye and Tan Hock Toh were alleged to have caused hurt to members of the Singapore police force. Ball was allowed
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  • 26 4 The Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, will open the Pasir Panjang Boys' Club al Pasir Panjang Park, Singapore, at 4.30 p.m. on July 23
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  • 62 4 JERANTUT, Mon. A woman rubber tapper, C. Oovindammah, 26. today pleaded guilty in the West Pahang Circuit Court to a charge of attempted .suicide on June 7 by drinking poison. The magistrate bound her over for six months. Oovindammah said two Indian special constables had asked her
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  • 177 4 IT'S SO GOOD FOR THE NERVES VTERVOUS Singaporeans can still freely buy "Oblivon," although in London these little blue capsules advertised as "sedative-hypnotic" have just been put on the Poisons List This "confidence" drug is manufactured in England by British Schering Ltd.. who claim
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  • 39 4 Two Persian students, Issa Omidvar, 26, and his brother Abdullah, 23. will hold an exhibition of Persian arts and crafts at the Oan Eng Seng School, Anson Road, Singapore, from noon to 7 p.m. on Thursday.
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  • 188 4 AUSTRALIANS did not want to push themselves into Malayan affairs, the editor of the Brisbane Courier Mail, Mr. T. C. Bray, said in Singapore yesterday. Mr. Bray, who is on a four months' world tour with his wife, told the Straits Times: "Australians are evenly
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  • 46 4 Two men have been arrested in connection with the stabbing of a youth In Tiong Bahru, Singapore, on Sunday night. The youth, Tan Van Cheong. was stabbed from behind while watching an open air cinema show at the Tiong Bahru Community Centre.
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  • 116 4 MR FRANCIS THOMAS, Minister for Communications and Works, yesterday, inaugurated a radio telephone service between Malaya and Ceylon, when he rang up the Ceylon Minister for Posts and Broadcasting, Mr. S. Natesan. After the call, which lasted about four minutes, Mr. Thomas
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  • 165 4 Police deny torture WITNESS FACES 1 PERJURY CHAto KUALA LUMPUI' TMOHAMED XQR i iTI Abdul Ghani, 20 cattle owner of s< was charged todSessions Court here «S perjury. He was alleged to v falsely told a prelimina"- quiry In the First m Court here on March g he had been
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  • 39 4 Residents in the Ka!' Bedok. and Changi areas advised to store sufficient ter for use for two days v alterations to the 30-inch ter main from Woot pumping station will be 1 ried out tomorrow Thursday.
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  • 33 4 An 18-year-old girl, Ch. Jak Lang, was reported mil ing from her house in B Timah Road, Singapore, It night. She disappeared from house at seven o'clock in c morning.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 172 4 Buy the BEST! Always ask for CLIPPER SHIRT Sole Agents:BAN CHOON CO., LTD. 50.Telok Ayer Street. Singapore. Tel: ***** 7722 I# BUY I M SCOTT'S I 1 v JAMS AND AMBER BRIGHT MARMALADE %*< n -r^^^.^j^c t.^.^Tv'v^vvr^ vrv>TT<**T>" > TT<* v TT<* < TN'*TT<'*fTf *TTf •TV *TT<* BRITISH |g| OPEN
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  • 116 5 'Only Reds objected to book of tenants' PBNANG, Mon. ONLY Communists had objected to tenants 1 registration in Penansr. the Actin? Resident Commissioner. Mr. D. Gray, told a Press conference today. Terrorists had attacked five headmen and sent threatening letters to several others. They had also published anti registration circulars
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  • 27 5 TTavine Sy- who in Patricia n the was grant- c Singa- rday. grantthree childs to bo made nths. as not conwas cited •y.nrried in
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  • 48 5 IPOH. Mon. Mr. D. S. Young, Protector of Aborigines, .Northern Region, and Mrs. Young will go on long leave later this month and will spend most of it in Spain and Italy. Mi. R. C. Corfield, ex-Indian Army, will act for Mr. Young.
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  • 36 5 Results of the lucky draw at the fun fair of the Kampong Silat Community Centre, Singapore, on Sunday are: Ticket numbers 7737. 5187. 4289 1232. 7152. 2183. 4978. 6086. 4766. 6262. 4027 and 1267.
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  • 33 5 The Director of Fisheries. Mr. D. W. Le Mare, will speak on "Fishing supplies for Singapore" at tomorrow's luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club at the Capitol Blue Room
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  • 101 5 MARSHALL EXPLAINS SHORT NOTICE O F MOTIONS AND BILLS PROGRESSIVES CHIDED: SO TIME FOR S IJ))Y-.)1OTION READING r ,n HIM MINISTER, Mr. David Marshall, Straits Times yesterday that the dov"wanta t(» gel things done" more than it *!E2 be dictatorial. ritictem by the Progressive
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  • 62 5 MRS. LEWIS HOAD. (above), bride of the Australian tennis star, passed through Singapore yesterday on her way back to Australia from England without her husband. Former Jennifer Staley, Mrs. Hoad is flying to Sydney to prepare a home for Lewis. The couple
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  • 131 5 He took a short cut CRAWLED UNDER VILLAGE FENCE IPOH, Mon. "THE gate of the village x was far away and Mula Singh's bulls were hungry. To cut some of "the rich grass on the other side," he lifted the perimeter fence and crawled out. For this, Mula, 52, a
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  • 28 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A Chinese shopkeeper was held up this morning by three young Chinese, gagged and robbed of $750 at Ampang. four miles from here.
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  • 181 5 EX-JOGET DANCER ACCUSED PENANG. Monday. A CONSTABLE, Meoh Yahaya, told the Magistrate's Court here today he was sleeping in his quarters on June 3, when he heard a chair fall and saw his step-daughter lying on the floor Her face had turned purple
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  • 92 5 19 bicycles await the owners >TINETEEN people who at>an--1 doned their bicycles in the Alexandra Road area during the May 12 riots have not so far claimed their machines a police spokesman said yesterday. All efforts to trace the owners have failed. None could be found in their re£lstered addresses.
    92 words
  • 94 5 rpHK Hotel Association of X Singapore held a lunch meeting yesterday to discuss the tourist trade stiuation. The association represents the "voice of management" of the hotel trade. After the meeting, the vicepresident Mr. F. Schutzmann. of Raffles Hotel, said: "We discussed the tourist trade,
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  • 329 5 Ramani accused of greatest disservice to community PENANG, Monday. Penang and Province Wellesley division of the Malayan Indian Congress today accused Mr. R. Ramani of gross betrayal of the Indian community. Mr. Ramani, in a Party Negara broadcast last Friday, had said that Indians who did not
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  • 31 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Sixteen Australian nurses arrived here today to help Malaya combat tuberculosis. They will spend three years at Kuala Lumpur's Lady Templer tuberculosis hospital
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  • 91 5 Gang killing: Police make an arrest A MAN was arrested yesterJ\ day in connection with the murder of a Singapore driving instructor, 25-year-old Pek Boon Yiam, on June 15. The man was detained by a detective as he stepped ashore from a boat in Telok Aver Basin. Pek was killed
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  • 53 5 St. Andrew's School, Singapore, will hold an interschool essay competition, open to all Sixth Form students in Government and aided schools, on the subject "The "The problem of world peace." Entries should be sent to the school before July 29. Gold medals will be awarded for the
    53 words
  • 111 5 BUTTERWORTH, Mon.— A Sia- I mese widow, Hong Meh Moot, was found strangled in bed, bound and gagged, the Butterworth Magistrate, Inche Hassan bin Hussain was today. Five men Kai Dam Seawong alias P. Xavier. 25, former Police Corporal R. Perera, 25, Khoo
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  • 205 5 LOGGERS' TALKS MAKE PROGRESS REPRESENTATIVES of the Singapore Sawmill Workers' Union and the Singapore Sawmillers' Association met at the Labour Ministry yesterday to end the three-day strike by 700 workers in 22 mills. Good progress was made In discussions on the union's seven claims. Another meeting will be held this
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  • 20 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— Mr. N. L. Cohen, President of the Sessions Court, opened Masai's first court house yesterday.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 TRIUMPH TWO LITRE SPORTS CAR brings a new inspiration to motoring amazing car in its standard touring and without overdrive is capable least 100 m.p.h. It is fitted with •t'e engine and four-speed gearAt the same time the clean, 'dsome lines of the Triumph Sports «ake it attractive as a
      91 words
    • 96 5 B&E 7/5* |i||||||||||||Bf W^^^ttl^^^w^^ IM 111 Wk ttlflB^B? iglF^^^^]||p^^M^^^^k Pi M^&M IP™ nP ifi I PI paints manufactured in temperate climates Jill H^ i||j\ M BpPt^.Xv Wt'm l^fl Manufactured from specially selected raw f materials to ensure the consistency necesI B HI A sary f° r t ie correct rate
      96 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 395 5 I 10.00 The Wind in the Willows: RADIO MALAYA (•Programmes thus marked ran be tWHJI ifj I j [|TTki received by listeners in Malacca. BHBk^BHi^^^l Short wave 49 62m. Medium i wave 476 m.. 343, 366 m. and 297 m.). I SINGAPORE A.M. *8.57 and 11.10 English Schools Broadcast*; P.M.
      395 words

  • 45 6 2* Wort, HO (minimum). ÜBS: Francis I>ee Klah Wah, age 62 died peacefully 11-7-55 10 a.m.| 27 Di:oby Ghaut, leaving 2 Peter Yong and Mrs. I.n il Bong, one son Patrick Lee and .Mren. Cortege at 5 p.m. tad Paul's Church I o Bidacari.
    45 words
  • 56 6 20 Hmd, HO (minimum). lUX FAMILY OF the late Mr. Teo Wee ,S;.n thank all Friends es for their kind gifts. C irs and attendance at the CHEE BOON HEAN: Be Boon HOC sincerely thank 1 tends and relatives for their i kind assistance, attending night I i <
    56 words
  • 182 6 20 Wordtt $10 (minimum). Idl.lflW PED.aNT Even Day in i .1 you want to win that $5.0' i(j word puzzle. ASK A SCOTSMAN his favourite Liqueur, 10 to 1 it will be i iquer R U iAI'ORE ARTS THEATRE I Shaw's "St. Joan". July l 13th. and 14th at
    182 words
  • 600 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. July, 12, 1955. Job For The Assembly The Coalition Government's proposal to appoint more junior Ministers, with the professed aim of easing the strain on "overburdened" Ministers, has signally failed to make any favourable impression outside the ranks of the Labour Front and of its
    600 words
  • 663 6 An atom bomb 2,500 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima is not just another bomb which makes a bigger bang or a missile with greater capacity for killing a larger number of people. Were that all, then an atomic war would be a regrettable
    663 words
    • 393 6 TWO HOUSES BEST FOR MALAYA APROPOS of your cdiA torial on the Alliance's intention to press for a bicameral legisture, you have outlined the case admirably. Since a substantial part of this country's population will have no vote in this year's election, it is doubtful whether the incoming legislature will
      393 words
    • 93 6 MANY people from newly independent Asian countries, who have come to live here, grouse against our bad government, the scarcity of housing and employment as well as the high cost of living. They claim that the countries of their birth are by far superior in all
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    • 357 6 ON the change in management of the telephone company, the telephone has assumed the character of a black irresponsible imp whose least virtue is efficiency. Get the number you require, and be Interrupted, firstly by a series of loud bangs, then a high-toned whining, finally
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    • 303 6 RECENTLY, the Social Welfare Department needed about 40 coding clerics for temporary appointment for two months in their department. An order was rushed through the Government Labour Exchange, with detailed instructions that applicants must have passed the Eighth Standard and be between 25 to 35 years
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    • 54 6 THE old-fashioned ferries at Batu Pahat and Muar are a great inconvenience. Why not build bridges and name them after the Sultan of Johore and his daughter? The Sultan is very progressive and will not only appreciate the honour paid to him, but also lend his
      54 words
    • 159 6 I HASTEN to endorse Mr. G. A. Boon's letter pointing out that about 30 members (including the committee) attended the annual meeting of the Havelock Estate Community Centre and there were only 10 Chinese members. In fact, the annual general meeting of the Havelock Estate Community
      159 words
    • 242 6 Change in language should be gradual 8.C.D." is short-sighted in his opinion concerning the official language of Malaya. He said that he preferred English to Malay on the ground that most of the government servants in the Federation are non-Malay edu- cated. It is undeniably true. But when Malay has
      242 words
    • 151 6 MR Marshall keeps saying he wants to attract capital into this Colony. Presumably the trade unions are not deliberately setting out to create unemployment. It would pay them all to study your issue of July B, where the two following headings appear: "Races New strike threat," and.
      151 words
    • 222 6 Die-hards of Malaya THE incident when Che x Rahma posed with two American sailors should not be condemned in the name of Islam, as posing for a picture with male friends Is not contrary to the teachings of Islams so long as the taking of that picture does not bring
      222 words
    • 199 6 Empty seats for 'St. Joan' TOR the last two month, 1 or so I have been asked constantly any number of peon]/ "When are we <■ have another the inference bein that the Sing public was starving tc a play— any play vided it was performed on the stage i,
      199 words
    • 196 6 rE other day, at an extremist political party meeting, it was resolved to get rid of the expatriates at an early opportunity. I wonder how that meeting could hastily jump to such a decision before setting our house in order. To me it appears that Malayans
      196 words
    • 116 6 I AM perturbed to read S. R. Ramachandra's remarks about the Hindi programme. He advocates that Hindustani listeners tune to foreign countries for their entertainment. I would suggest that if Hindustani listeners could do that. Tamil listeners of Radio Malaya could similarly tune to Radio Madras.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 656 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. It Words $10 (minimum). P: On 9th July at Bungsar i Hospital, to Daphne, Wife of a son, brother for Timothy and Jeremy. BROPHY: To Pat and George, a I \tu hael George, at Johore Bahru. 3rd July. Both progressing PFRUNDER: To Silvia and Harry. 1 I .iv
      656 words
    • 33 6 Latest GARRARD AUTOMATIC CHANGERS Wltfl PORTABLE CABINETS Plays 33 1/3, 45 and 78 rpm Records For A.C. Mains. RC.9O 5175.00 RC.BO $150.00 RC.lll $120.00 T. M. A. LTD., til 63, High Street, Singapore-6
      33 words
    • 81 6 &&.C REFRIGERATOR jSHMMmT^ TWO ICE-TRAYS EACH Mm m CAPACITY OF li LBS. OF \CI m lir FREEZE SHELF AREA OF 15. Hi ft SPECIAL RACKS FOR FRUITS AND JARS. Spore Penan/ LIST PRICE *»35 less 5'J, for CASH Hire Purchase 12 Monthly Payment of Advertisement Of THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO..
      81 words

  • 126 7 fU-nXI'RSES (SELDOM LOOKED AT') WERE TOLD: TRY THIS AND DRIVE MEN MAD 4 beauty expert ends up in court mam" m z: ciTIVE physician I ..Id a Court hew j., that two young is ked her "h> looked at m that ii beauty-by-ment
    126 words
  • 296 7 Marshall: We must have this crisis law BUT SOME CHANGES ARE PLANNED T<HE Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, yesterday defended the use of the Emergency Regulations and said that he would be submitting to the Assembly modifications to the regulations which he hoped all decent citizens would find acceptable. Mr.
    296 words
  • 182 7 Sgt-Major Top 5 is dead Oldest Chinese volunteer Mr. Francis Lee Kia'n Wah, 62, a sergeant-major in the former Singapore Volunteer Corps and the oldest Chinese volunteer in the Colony, died in his home at Dhoby Ghaut yesterday. Known affectionately as "Pop" to volunteers in Singapore, he was loved by
    182 words
  • 150 7 It's coercion, firemen's union claims rE executive council of the Singapore Fire Brigade Employee's Union has asked City Councillors not to call union officials to meetings because they have "no mandate to speak or commit this union to any agreement." The union said yesterday that on July 8 its president
    150 words
  • 83 7 X-TWO MORE REMANDED CV EXTORTION CASE barged i Ci irt yes- ig to extort i X on July 1. t and Lim Ah alleged to have 1 anonymous letter threatening Mr. X I s vith death if he did not pay he money. The magistrate, Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn, ordered
    83 words
  • 227 7 f^^^^fff^S^mf^^^^^n^^r^^^lf^ TMIK president of the Singapore Army Civil Service Inion. Mr. S. T. V. Lingam, told the Straits Times yesterday that "certain outside influences" were trying to form a rival organisation tailed the Army Workers I nion. Mr warned ACSU's 18.000 mom hers not be misled by "irresponsible
    227 words
  • 108 7 Politics ban on Malay teacher SERKMBAN, Mon. THE Negri Sembilan Govern- i ment has prohibited a Malay school teacher from taking any part in politics. The Chief Education Officer. Mr. G. Pitkeathly, said that the order was imposed on lnrhe Tahar bin Talib because he failed to observe the official
    108 words
  • 65 7 Twenty seven members of the Malayan Mathematical Society. Kota Bahru branch, who arrived in Singapore on Sunday evening, spent nearly all yesterday morning visiting Colony primary schools. The party, mostly first-year students at the Malayan Teachers' Training College. Kota j Bahru. were accompanied by I their
    65 words
  • 274 7 TUBERCULOSIS patients who are a danger to their x relatives and friends and who have nowhere else to live in Singapore, will soon be accommodated in a new $300,000 hospital. The Singapore Anti-Tuber- culosis Association, in its annual report published yesterday, said the
    274 words
  • 49 7 The executive committee of the People's Action Party has re-elected Mr. Lee Kuan Yew £ts secretary-general and Dr.Toh Chin Chye as chairman. The other party officers are: vice- chairman. Tann Wee Tiong: asst. secretary. Lee Gek Seng; treasurer, Ong Eng Guan: asst. treasurer, Tann Wee Keng.
    49 words
  • 22 7 RAWANG, Mon.— The Rawan?c branch of the Malayan Indian Congress has decided to build a $12,000 Gandhi memorial hall here.
    22 words
  • 183 7 Arrested before report made A police party at a roadblock arrested a man near the junction of Paya Lebar Road and Serangoon Road at 12.30 a.m. yesterday, minutes after a robbery had taken place about a mile away. The arrest was made even before the robbery victim. Sim Kwang Hye.
    183 words
  • 157 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. T»HE JAPANESE will return to the iron ore mining 1 industry in Malaya when a new mine opens at Temangan, in Kelantan, next year. Oriental Mining Limited, a new $l,ooo>ooo company which will operate the mine, is to be registered
    157 words
  • 189 7 THE FINAL SHOTS— PRIZE DAY IN JUNGLE ABOUT 200 Home Guard sharpshooters from Johore yesterday wound up their three-day weapon training meeting and shooting competition at the Johore State Home Guard Training Centre. The Mentri Besar of Johore. who rode up to the shooting range deep in the jungle about
    189 words
  • 298 7 ROBBERY— 'IT AMOUNTS TO THAT' Mrs. Koh on the five for Fiji lifRS. STELLA KOH, the .Inhore branch secretary of iTI the Malayan Nurses Inion, yesterday said discriminatory selections were robbing Malayans of their right to represent their country and the opportunity to show their ability. Mrs. Koh was replying
    298 words
  • 59 7 TODAY: Singapore 2.45 a.m. (Bft. Bin.) 3.28 p.m. (Bft. Sin); Port Dickson 10.39 a.m. (Bft. 2tn.> 10.49 p.m. (7ft. lln.); Penang 4.38 a.m. (6ft. 7in.) 4.22 p.m. (6ft. Bin.). TOMORROW: Singapore 3.40 ajn. (Bft. 2in.) 4.10 p.m. (Bft. sin.); Port Dickson 11.38 a.m. (7ft. 7in 11.51pm. (6ft. 61n.):
    59 words
  • 63 7 President Soekarno of Indonesia will make a two and a half hour call at Singapore on his way to Mecca next Monday. He was originally expected to arrive here today but the army crisis in Indonesia forced him to alter his plans. The President's plane will
    63 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      32 words
    • 69 7 1516 *<*-„ n n^flPnr Si? f and Stam Fo.t.r W^^M jjr it S -r« H-u" I $%'-,r tin TuHftm Inn K| ';sV, W" CTt~P/7 f ha, been in th, M WW gfC U t burin ft lon /V tnough to know. BJ B^^ S I H T I fcJrjsbcTtl oC
      69 words

  • 780 8 NURSE BRIDGET writes 0n... ONE of the questions which I am most frequently asked is when should a baby start taking solid food. There is no set fording table which will rover all babies, for babies are individuals and each baby's diet must bf adapted to
    780 words
  • 3 8 Mothercraft in Malaya
    3 words
  • 264 8 THEY'RE NEW TO SINGAPORE The style name of this blouse is "Mary." It is demure yet tailored. Its high, rovnd neck is fastened with large mother of pearl buttons and the wide easy sleeves are caught in below the elbow. This blouse is made in soft poplin. CRISP, fresh, strictly
    264 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 8 Lady with the lamp is only showing an attractive lather handbag, recently displayed in Paris.
    15 words
  • 449 8  -  ELIZABETH POH Sone telephone tips by fIISTORY records that the first words over a telephone wire were very rude ones. This precedent seems likely to become a tradition. What a lot of frustration could be saved if a few simple rules could be remembered,
    449 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 282 8 HYGIENIC PACKING IDEA A machine designed to package in- It Is described as burst-tipped, or flagdividual portions of lciiuce, cauliflower. ged brush, fibre. broccoli, squash, srapes and similar products Th mo nofllament continue* to flair as In cellophane, has jujsi been marketed. e s thus aSne sof^ and A square
      282 words
    • 219 8 Baby (loosn't cry now! Tender baby skin soon becomes inflamed and sore, that leads to tears and trouble Stop soreness and d with Johnson's Baby Powder. Use it lor your baby every bathtime, and whenever you change his n;i p, ec ow e ovcs ts '"'ky sofa /^3^^ and how
      219 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 12 8 C.C.C. Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club.
      12 words
    • 281 8 Straits Times Crossword l~l~i~l~i~a~l~i 12 111 ~*3~ mm v illlllillJllll •5 16 I 17 18 19 |H 20 21 22 9K 23~ ACROSS 7 One °f Marlowe's heroines, 8. Coetly find In a Cheapside 14 SS^etfulnm Mta the baron arcade <*>• irate (10) 9. It has the wind's measure (10).
      281 words

    • 1653 9 Spy who emptied paper basket saved scapegoat's life THE French in 1894 were like the Germans in 1933. A proud people smarting under the humiliation of overwhelming defeat. They sought scapegoats. As usual they decided that they had not been beaten, but that a clique of international Jews had sold
      1,653 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 RROOKLAX I CONSTIPATION j OVERNIGHT! EVERY JOINT PAIN a reasci 'or uung De WITT'S PILLS gays i ■ properly. <*^T, mUI br rxpr!i«! from the I .r, porpost. It the lor ra»ny I 'C."-^»""' tumi "Tttmtij it the first «r< of -:v «Hj ro:»ons -xck oo ei.'oe'wit: VL*s ut soli
      140 words
    • 364 9 ATOMIZER {■■■■RBBBBBttMBBVRRRRRRRRRVWnra OAttA th» nrai Fr*««* |R^^^^^^B^^^^H^^R^^lni^^^&l>^ pTTumff ts iatrW*c« R^H S-^*' 1 »ppl>"nc perfume. This nrw ■J l| 111 I I; m0.~.U. i« 1 II ■WK I MS: PVllrlr. .huh flm Sf I PJIII I pi !■"><"»' T-n-a, mm m uWr L <»• mm .pr.vm, ,«m, mn i kci
      364 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 142 9 Sherlock MMotmes At coffee shop sr£\^^^^Kb A LJPL7P' F/TD* 'AIP B^^^ fc^nll f I |X Ti A^^| nick Tracy The climber ™*!™™™™™^^™™J^»? SLEET. BU2ZABOS^ 5 C'S TO NOU GONHA /^KIOO StT ON~ 1 I .iS^Svyir W^ xM rfln ™EYGOna WOOK J >OU ffT GIVE ME A OFTWEWAV IruSjlao»A COUPLEOF A
      142 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1116 10 Tai, 2405 MANSFIELD dc CO., LTD. xo-i MM (18 lin.s) (Incorporated In Singapore) 12 am) "STp,".' THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Corr.rr, option to proceed via other portt to teod ond discharge eorgo SAILINGS fo LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON, CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Due Sail* P- Sham Ponang Mtmnon for Liverpool Dublin J««hr
      1,116 words
    • 2249 10 -»ssssisss»-ms- .-^ss-msss.««»-ss.-»ssssss— HKmo the- ben line steamers w»-'»g SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kinaoom) SAILINOS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Penong ■"^Sp%9 J *!^?r^i^^ WMMt IS/UJ-y ■^Ktterctem 1 0^ 0 24 J-r A-f Dir^t orrrm U.-0. 28 A-g ■^RTneTaaa! 0 W* 14 A^ ■^"^Jaarn 1^ 10 21
      2,249 words
    • 995 10 McALISTER CO., LTD. TEL.: No.: ***** BLLSRMAN BOCKMAIX KLAVZNKSS rrN A s> c bo Portj A<c th and Canada ond vlo Colombo •CITYO, W.TH s<pore 'OUGAIMyuu ijx'U 4ng w£7-.y 2 r/; it j Sf or, ""rZZ™ SB* -pore TS' Coif Hull. P. Sham: Harrison t CrosfieM (M) ltd P. Sham:
      995 words

  • 35 11 SE Mon :ong un- ...ige to- ,d im were trading 32 £96 13 :6 unquoted Ec 97/ 9 I I I I 20/- seller t 22/5 11 seller •2/4H :8 5 6 buyer
    35 words
  • 35 11 ;;bove per Tb. buyei R 8.8. July sellers 115. sellers •rs 108%,. f Commerce rices on ts per lb. Buyfr^ Sellers 123S 122 M ::8 4 1184 118*4 105' i 118 118' i
    35 words
  • 36 11 the Singat Harfiou/ Board wharves or :.,v are: Srudan 12, i reveretl C.P., 8 9 Chantala U la 16. 19 20. Tung ■'■ang K. to 9. )n« 26. Bei 33 34. 5 39. Mantetsu B.inckok
    36 words
  • 501 11 By Our Market Correspondent JN the first six months of this year the United States purchased 102,408 tons of Malayan rubber .°j i'i«i ons more than in the corresponding period of 19d4. The total amount of Malayan rubber shipped in the first six
    501 words
  • 265 11 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association, Singapore section, reported: "Quiet conditions prevailed throughout all sections of the local share market." Singapore brokers reported the following business done: Con. Tin Smelter orris 345. 3d 345. 7'_ d.; Fraser and Neave ords 5 -.73 $1.75; Gammon $2 77>. «J75 .overnight), $2.72'^,
    265 words
  • 46 11 Anglo-Asian Rubber Plantations Ltd. announce that their Simpang Kiri Estate at Paloh. Johore. a small outlying unit comprising 747 acres of old seedling rubber, has been sold for approximately £23,000 The directors state that the estate was becoming Increasingly uneconomic and difficult to run.
    46 words
  • 172 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; July $284 buyers, S28 l s sellers; August $284 buyers, $28 -4 sellers Coconut oil: steady quiet; bulk $43 sellers drum $454 sellers. Pepper: steady with about 15 tons of business in white variety reported; Muntok
    172 words
  • 130 11 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following changes in lt s rates to merchant* yesterday: New York: buying airmail, T.T. 32 V O.D. 32%. 90 days 33 credit bills, 33 1/16 trade bills. Canada: buying airmail, T.T. 32 »4, O.D. 32 3 8, 90 day s 32%
    130 words
  • 92 11 The following output* for the quarter ended June 30 are announced- Chendartan« Tin 1,000 plculs, Gopenr Consolidated 3,080 plculs ll an i ko nit Tin 1,290 plculs; Kent T.n 1 153 plcul. KlnU Tin Mlnea 1 669 plculai KllllnthaU 1.070 plcula. MaUvslam 648 plculs. Penfkalen 2 205" piculs.
    92 words
  • 28 11 Malayan Colllertea announce the roal production for the second quarter oi 1955 was a* follows:— April 20 210 tons; May 18,753 tons; and June 16,215 tons.
    28 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 355 11 KNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service WOM CANAI A/US. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing Arriving Singapore P.Swet Penang Fremanrle 33/34 13 |uly 14 July 21 July 5 lulv 8 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 1 8 Aug 3 Au; 12 Sept 14 Sept 15 Sept 22 Sept Scot 3 Oct
      355 words
    • 823 11 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by Madam Yap Van Neo of No. 14, Kampoog Amber, Singapore, that her marriage to Mr. Urn Ong Tong of No. 14. Kampong Amber, Singapore, which was celebrated in the year 1922, conformably to Chineae rlt«s and custom has been dissolved and determined by
      823 words
    • 854 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are invited from registered medical practitioners for employment in the Malayan Medical Service, on 3 year contract, for service anywhere within the Federation of Malaya, including the Mental Hospitals and Leper Settlements. Salary scale is 1750X34-934/M2X34- 1,264 pjn. with COLA at current rates and the point of
      854 words
    • 381 11 »QTJ With the tlimiMtien of eeJectienaMe mist and vibration. U MM MM fj MM MM fj ■«nnHn oea-rwTMi wmm entirely ftfw pwstvfv, cmircij RJW CMiTort to the freat sosrt of outboard boatinf. These art the quitttst-raaaing, easiest driving, smoothest riding "lea-Horses" e»«r dt ttoead the rr^htjf 25, //l/il^ M» all
      381 words

  • 54 12 George Wimpey and Co. (have built over 2,000 houses in Borneo, it was stated at the company's annual meeting in London. In addition, a variety of other building and civil engineering work has been done, and two more marine oil drilling platforms assembled and positioned off-shore
    54 words
  • Commercial news and views
    • 384 12 this gALT for industrial use and consumption by the people of Singapore amounts to about 1,000 tons a month, according to an estimate by salt merchants in the Colony. A large quantity of the salt, which is principally imported from Siam, is
      384 words
  • 211 12 Bukit Tupah Estate buys up assets of Junun NEGOTIATIONS have been completed and provisional terms agreed for the acquisition by Bukit Tupah Rubber Estates Ltd. of the assets and undertaking of the Junun Rubber Estates Ltd. In fixing the price the directors of Bukit Tupah, who are also the directors
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  • 270 12 WESTERN GERMANY has greatly developed ncr industries since the second World War ended and is now seeking sales expansion of her manufactured goods overseas, said a representative of a German import firm on his arrival in Singapore. Mr. W. D. Fischer of Breckwoldt and Co., representatives
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  • 208 12 RAVAGES caused by hurricanes in the United States last year which resulted in heavy claims presented to the Insurance industry were reported by a British insurance company chief in his annual statement for 1954. Lt.-Col. John Leslie, chairman of the Commercial Union
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  • 302 12 KALLANG bridge; PLEASES ENGINEER WORK which has begun on the new $8 million Kallang Bridge in Singapore has impressed a visiting British engineer who flew into the Colony early last week from India to take a look at the progress of the project. The visitor Is Mr. J. S. Pennington,
    302 words
  • 134 12 'Jap goods are equal to any' JAPANESE electrical goods competitive in quality and price with those of other countries are being sold in Singapore, Mr. I. Takamatsu. export manager of Matsushita Electrical Trading Co. Ltd., said yesterday. Mr. Takamatsu is visiting Singapore to inspect the market for his company's products
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  • 159 12 THE SULTAN of Selangor (extreme right, above) received a (Ift of tea from a distributor's stand when he opened the trade fair, sponsored by the Selangor Chinwoo Athletic Association, held in the Association's auditorium at Kuala Lumpur. One of the biggest trade shows ever held in
    159 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 150 12 Going Home tot fJU*-"^ asA GENERAL AGENTS MALAYA MANSFIEID&COK? SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG 4H gjg*. I 'jj& S y^SSrSSS^^^^^^^^^^Z-SSSTC^ IT'S THE CHRYSLER AIRTEMP The Best in Room Air Conditioning, jbJS» Sole Agents:- lAt «^T KIAN CWAN (MALAYA) LTD. JV» Singapore :i Penang :i Ky*l» Lumpw. nOANS Ml COUCH M&M MIXTURE
      150 words
    • 238 12 CRAVEN A' for cooler smoking Coahr to tho taste! The fine tobacco gives you the coolest, richest smoking that you've ever known. fi^S Cooler to tho throat and lips! The clean cork tip keeps firm and /^Kf^fej^^, dry, cool and easy-drawing to 1^^ 1 BACK IN THE TRU-VAC TIN I
      238 words

  • 385 13  -  EPSOM JEEP FINAL GALLOPS FOR TOMORROW'S RACES By Stablemates clock 36 in speed test KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. PASSING FAIR and 1 Majula, both by Mirza 11, the leading sire on the Malayan turf this season, were matched in a speed test on the training
    385 words
  • 46 13 The victorious Malayans, hrom left vo riffbt: tfack row Tommy Lim (Taipingi, Yeo Thin Kent; (Kuala Lumpur), Lim Ah Soo (Penang), and Chonc; Choi Hin (Kuala Lumpur), Front row Chris Tsai (Spore). Freddy Choong (Penang) and Tan Jin Keat (Ipoh).
    46 words
  • 196 13 BRISBANE, Monday. If ALAYANS in Australia have won the first intervarsity badminton competition. Representing Queensland University, the Malayan students did not concede a game The tournament was held in Adelaide and four other universities took part, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Western Australia. A number of the Queensland
    196 words
  • 184 13 WEIGHTS for four n races on the third day (Saturday) of the Selangor Turf Club's July Meeting are: Cl. 4, Dlv. l-6f Rippling River 9.00 Ricky 8.13 Linkshtr II 8.08 What Happened 8.07 AJIt 8.06 Trow Hffl 8.06 ScoU Grey 8.85 Forget-Me-Not
    184 words
  • 21 13 CARDIFF. Mon. The world table tennis championships tor 1956 will be held ln Tokyo from April 2 to 11.
    21 words
  • 40 13 DUBLIN. Mon. Panasllpper, winner of the Irish Derby and second in the Epsom Derby, will not run ln the King George Sixth and Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Ascot on Saturday. Mr. Joe McGrath. former owner of Panaslipper. announced last
    40 words
  • 115 13 WELLINGTON. Mon. MR. J. COWIE, acting Secretary of the New Zealand Football Asso iation, announced today that the Association made a profit of about £1.200 out of the tour of the Hong Kong Chinese soccer team. It was the first touring soccer team to
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 66 13 BAASTAD (Sweden). Mon. Ham Richardson and Doris Hart, of the United States, won the respective singles titles in the Swedish international lawn tennis championships which ended here yesterday. In the men's singles final. Richardson defeated Australia's Mervyn Rose 4-6, 6-2. 6-4 6-2 while Miss Hart
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 39 13 SANDOWN PARK, Mon.— Sir Percy Loralne's Darius won the Eclipse Stakes over ten furlongs here on Saturday. Mr. A. J. Thomas's Coronation Year was second in a photo-flnish with Prince Aly Khan's Martlne. Seven ran. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 47 13 night that Artie Time would carry his colour* in the Ascot race. Mr. McGrath sold Panasllpper to the Irish National Stud and It was agreed then that the colt would run ln th P big Ascot race only If Artie Time did not enter.
    47 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 232 13 T^^^r^l^^^^t^^lT^i^^^^^P^'^WlVHß iNFURNISHED August. Kequlre any ncr un- V477fl ST. BatfieHtwse U re- NSATE ,:> large K r»g area to Box njqoaTM un iione ser- A 4773 irntshed dern saniq^artaTt, Box SPACE VACANI apply Box; m leavi ENGLAND— I Family H.AC. ct :e:evLsion, W( :come. B lirtea re- i i»i inoN
      232 words
    • 598 13 DANCING 20 Words tie (minimum). Uailt I month. It Words tt_so (Mm.) RAFFLES HOTEL— Nightly Dance and Floor-Show from 9 to 12 p m EMBASSY HOTEL Enjoy your dance at our Roof Garden nlehtlv TRY DINING ln our Patio at the Wari Point Garden. DANCE ln ihe Open Air 830
      598 words
    • 659 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Words $S (Min.)— Box St rts. extra. 1947 DODGE, Fluid Drive, very pood condition. Owner Leaving I Show *****. NASH COUPE. 1951 model, with a 0 0> excell ent condition. Price *****" 8212 OT eVßnlng 1952 RENAULT JUNIOR 28 000 miles good condition recently reST 1
      659 words
    • 566 13 REACH 75,000 FAMILIES -WITH A CLASSIFIED Aj^rTRT. MISCELLANEOUS 20 Words is (Min.)— Box M ds. txtra. THE GIFT that only you can give your portrait, by Mollle Ross of course. 'Phone *****. 29, Coleman Street. SHELL COCKROACH KILLER will kill cockroaches. Applied by spray or brush. Costs $160 for 32
      566 words
    • 698 13 This shirt keeps its good looks S^J^A Thls 'Double Two' collar-attached IS. Wk. sh 'rt Is a masterpiece of shirt JWf Js>\mm\ ''"'^"ini;. A shirt to make you I-el \JT M "'^^tmk\\\ Ifbonalr -and look it' *l2J}' *9 > *iM And lhat tra foliar l» a utrolce VI X'Wl K
      698 words

  • 112 14 ENGLAND FIRST INNS.— 2B4 SOI TH AFRICA FIRST INNS: (SATIRDAY 482 FOR SEVEN) Mcdlrw not out 104 Tayfield b Tyson 28 Heine not out 22 Extras 31 Total (for 8 wkts. dccl.) 521 The eighth wicket fell at 494. Adrork did not bat. BOWLING: o M R W Brdser
    112 words
  • 146 14 ROYAL Electrical and Mechanical Engineers gained their first victory in the S.A.F.A. first division league when they defeated Kota Raja 4-1 in a clash of 'tailenders' at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. R.E.M.E. have now four points (one win. two drawsi from nine matches and they have
    146 words
  • 111 14 LONDON. Mon. 'TODAY'S tea scores In county cricket championship games are: At Oval: Kent 181 ana 78-4. Surrey 146 (Wright 5-45). At Ashby-De-La-Zouch: Leicester 248. Derby 314-6 (Lee 63. Carr 99 n.0.. Dawkes 62 n.o.t. At Sheffield: Sussex 250. Yorkshire U42-5 (Watson 143 n.0.1. At Romford: Northampton
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 196 14 THE programme of events for the Singapore A.A.A. champlonsmps to be held at Jalan Besiir Stadium next Friday and Saturday is: FRIDAY: Events are Heats or Qualifying unless otherwise stated. 4 p.m. Pole Vault; 100 yards: 4.10 100 Yards (womenl; 4.15 Javelin (women final'); 4.20 Hop,
    196 words
  • 690 14 ENGLAND ARE NOW BACKS TO THE WALL IN THE THIRD TEST MATCH MAY IN 2 CENTURY STANDS AFTER A 2 FOR 2 START MANCHESTER, Monday. COUTH AFRICA declared at 521 for eight wickets this morning in the third Test match, with a
    690 words
  • 44 14 EDDIE CHOONG (right) gives Wong Peng Soon a friendly hug as he is congratulated on his brilliant 15-7, 7-15, 17-16, victory in the men's singles final of the Selangor Gold Cup badminton championships on Sunday night.— Straits Times picture.
    44 words
  • 461 14 RAF had the edge on Malays until Belsham's first slip y<OR SIXTY minutes at Jalan Besar Stadium last r night goalkeeper Belsham was the R.A.F. hero in their S.A.F.A. community League match against Malays, the favourites for the title. But then Belsham made his first slip and Malays went on
    461 words
  • 88 14 Fifteen-year-old Rani bin Buyong was the individual champion in the "A" division at the Serangoon MalaySchool combined sports held on Saturday. He won the 100 yards hurdles, 100 yards and the long jump. His brother. Amir bin Buyong. was runner-up. The special imitation school relay (4x110)
    88 words
  • 298 14 JANET JESUDASON, Singapore's outstanding girl sprinter, added a new Singapore best time for the 100 yards to her many fine performances thus season. Running in the first Singapore Secondary schools athletic meet at St. Joseph's ground yesterday, Janet won her heat in the
    298 words
  • 141 14 KELANTAN REJECT FAS OFFER KUALA .MJMPUR, Mon. A PLANE has been chartered by the Football Association of Selangor to take 16 players and officials to Kota Bahru on Thursday for Selangor's Malaya Cup semiAnal against Kelantan on Friday. The F.A.S. bid to have the match played In Kuala Lumpur failed.
    141 words
  • 55 14 Hong Kong Combined Services cricket team to play Singapore Services in a two-day match beginning on the padang today at 11 a.m. Is: Maj. Chubb (capt.) 2/Lt. Ford, Lt. SDOoner, Sgt. Dhaber. Sgt. Carnell, F Sgt. Taylor, PO Green, Lt. Pritchard. 2/Lt. St. Johnstone. Maj. Howard-Dobson, Lt.
    55 words
  • 550 14 YESTERDAY'S results In the x Singapore secondary schools athletic meet were: FINALS BOYS: Pole Vault: 1. Ow Mun Hong, 2. Royston Lazaroo, 3. Wong Fey Wan. 10ft. 6-% in. Long Jump: Jerome Henderson. 2. Abdul Kadlr Junld. 3 Wong Sek Lew. 20ft. 2 Sin; 880 yards.
    550 words
  • 232 14 THE Singapore Amateur Athletic Association has ratified as a new Singapore record the 159 ft. sin. throw by Peter Grose in the Hammer event two weeks Grose made this effort during the heats of the Police championships and- his application for recognition of this figure was
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  • 85 14 OETER LAW, ten days underage for the event, won the Junior Singles title, beating Michael Chonc 6-0, 7-5 in the final. Law was much better equipped than his smaller opponent, whose chief weapon was a thunderous first service, amazingly hard for one so small. H.
    85 words
  • 107 14 J^JRS. Gladys Loke Chua won the i Singapore triple crown for the third successive year a record for both men and women when she and One Chew Bee beat Mrs. A. Tamworth and Lim Hee Chin 6-0. 7-5 in the final of the Mixed Doubles
    107 words
  • 52 14 The ties for today, at TRnglin Clf 3.30 pm. Men s doubles semifinal: Ong Chew Bee and Lim Hee Chin vs Dr. Chan Ah Kow and Khong Kit Soon. 5 am. Ifen'i double? ners of abovr A. I. Alsagoff Mrs- G T H away the prizes
    52 words
  • 369 14 Chew Bej had tough final vs Hee Chin THE Singapore Malayan (:hi < Ong Chew 800, Wo J Singapore lawn [L singles title toi year— and time in success* when he bei Chin by 6-3. 3-6, 7 the final play lin Club yesti For Hee chin Chew Bee In am-
    369 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 839 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. K mi I i nurd from I'agr 6) SITUATIONS VACANT H'.rrf. to (Milt.)— Box SO et». *xtr*. GIRLS WANTED for Cabaret Solo SinK«T R and Dancers, also Dancen for Chorus, Phone *****. WANTED ONE MALE Junior T pist Minimum 7th Standard. acewnttt. State Salary rcquirrd. Reply Box A
      839 words
      26 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 63 14 SOCCER DIV. 1: Rovers v Star Soccerites. Jalan Besar; DIV. 2A: V.M.M.A. v KinU Rangers, Geylanf; DIV. SB: 8.C.8.A. v Windsor Rovers. C.l', grwud. SERVICES LEAGUE: DIV. 1: Royal Signals v R.A.8.C.; R.E. v R.A.F. Seletar- DIV. 2: MKNVR T R.A.M.C. R.E.M.E. v Seletar Athenians. CRICKET HONG Kon c Services
      63 words