The Straits Times, 28 June 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. /Jit**** 1 He**?*!* 1 Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 693 1 Federation planters and miners criticise World Bank Mission's report UT SINGAPORE DISAGREES We've said it for years' LUMPUR, Mon. TIN and rubber inter--u in the Fcderarc oppo>ed to i ittgM increase \.ition to help to ue the developprojjramme outby the InternaI Rank Mission in i
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  • 181 1 MUSIC, SETTINGS, ACTS WILL BE MORE SPECTACULAR »i Mil million dollar revue "Holiday on Ice" which delighted Singapore audiences last year is back again. It will be a completely new and even more spectacular show this time. Ninety of the 125
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  • 175 1 opsy, wl BISCUIT FACTORY WORKERS LAID OFF EIGHTY-TWO workers of the Ho Ho biscuit factory in Chin Swee Road. Singapore, spent last night sleeping outside the factory's promises— in protest aaainst being laid off by the firm. Mr. Koh Soon Huat, managing director of
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  • 38 1 MOSCOW. Mon. Moscow papers published yesterday a thank-you letter from the Prime Minister, Mr, Nikolai Bulganin It thanked all organisations and people who sent him congratulations in connection with his 60th birthday.— A.P.
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  • 60 1 WE. Mon. The C the Australian GeneLieutenant -General Us. said toriav that .400 men of the Second The Royal AustraR raiment would leave for Malaya "probably about the end of September". The men of the battalion have been training at the Canungra jungle warfare 1
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  • 49 1 GRANARD. Ireland, Mon. John McGovern, an independent candidate in Town Council elections held here over the weekend, didn't get a single vote not even his own. "I voted for the other chap." he said. "I thought it was the decent thing to do." A.P.
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  • 45 1 Leow Khuan Hin, a three-year-old girl, was found by her grandmother drowned in a well near their home at the 11th milestone. Woodlands Road, Singapore, last night. Leow is the second child who has been drowned In a well within two days.
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  • 257 1 I'LL MEET ALL MY CONTRACTS says Mr. Tan THERE was further heavy buying of rubber for prompt shipment in Singapore yesterday following the weekend disclosure that a big Colony firm could not obtain sufficient rubber locally to meet its June contracts with London buyers But Mr. Tan Lark Sye, head
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  • 161 1 Soekarno defied by army NEW CHIEF IS BOYCOTTED JAKARTA, Mon. 'THE Indonesian army A today defied President Soekarno and refused to j accept the new army commander appointed by the government. In a protest demonstration all senior army officers boycotted the installation cere--1 mony of Maj.-Gen. Bambang Utoyo as Chief
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  • 30 1 The Singapore City Council will confer the Freedom of the City on the CommissionerGeneral. Mr Malcolm MacDonald at a ceremony on the City Hall steps on Aug. IT
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  • 41 1 Arsonists damaged another car in Singapore yesterday. The car, the 34th burnt since June 8. belonged to a driving instructor, Mr. Koh Thian Siong. It was parked in Upper Serangoon Road. A rear tyre was burnt.
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  • 27 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Two young boys were killed yesterday at play when an excavation for a private house here caved in on them.— A.P.
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  • 168 1 CANTERBURY, Mon.— American tourists and servicemen walked out on a sermon praising Communism given in Canterbury Cathedral last night by the 81 -year-old "Red Dean of Canterbury," Dr. Hewlett Johnson. mm The Dean declared: Communism has come to stay" In the first of six sermons
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 125 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THREE terrorists were killed in Pahang and another in Johore yesterday, and three others were I wounded. A patrol of the Ist Bn. Somerset Light Infantry attacked six terrorists in a camp In the Raub area and killed three. The Somersets recovered
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  • 401 1 Boy cables father: 7 don't want to go to China— help me 9 WHEN the liner Tjiwangi, carrying hundreds of students from Singapore with one-way tickets to China, reaches Hong Kong this morning one of them will be taken off— at his own
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  • 28 1 ROME. Mon.— The Italian President. Mr. Giovanni Oronchi. tonight asked Mr. Antonio Sesni. a moderate left-wing Christian Democrat, to try to form a new government.— U.P.
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  • 60 1 BERLIN, Mon. Joachim Wiebach, 27, was sentenced to death by the East German Supreme Court today for alleged spying on behalf of the United States. Gunther Krause, 50, was sentenced to hard labour for life on similar charges. Three other men were sent to
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  • 143 1 Dockers march: Strike goes on LONDON, Mon. AMASS march on the capital by striking dockers from north of England ports today succeeded in keeping the strike going in London. London dockers had decided last week to end their fiveweek stoppage today. But the march by the northern men persuaded them
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 42 1 VIETNAM ATTACK ON REBELS SAIGON. Mon— Vietnam national arm> I o d a launeht-d full m.i lc olTrn.sivr against last hideout of Iloa llao rebel warlords in mountain area of South Vietnam on Cambodian border, it wax announced tonight.— Reuter.
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  • 66 1 PARIS. Mon.— The French Government drafted urgent measures today to head oft a strike by public employees and civil servants which would paralyze Prance and threaten the government of Premier Edgar Faure. All three of France's major unions. Communist, Socialist and Catholic, have called the strike ror
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 114 1 Make your choice £ORMICJ too Hit tji AI.ITY LAMINATE Mill TIIK WORM) WIDE NAME SOLE AGENTS HARRISONS b CROSFIELD (Mi LTD. 1 smoke all I want, V^^wnul enjoy i i» smoke ufci to ih<-«iknt dv Maurier^TjMgS: J^M < ii|>. tin- mmoU from <ln Maurier'B fj'j^k WK "MM lolki.v., i*
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    • 45 1 J POCKET-SIZE V jdTW\ «CO«D»SCOTT ENGLISH (S.i.A.) LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur St. JOHN APPEALS WEEK MISTAKES MISFITS Wednesday, 29th June. 10 a.m.. at ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL War Memorial Haii. Men's. Women's and Children's clothing. Admission: 20 cts. Space donated by WILLIAM JACKS CO., <M) LTD.
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  • 189 2 COLONY UNEMPLOYED NUMBER 16,000 HIGHEST SINCE 19SO THE REASON: INDUSTRY IS NOT EXPANDING THERE are 16,000 people unemployed in Singapore today the highest figure since 1950. By thp middle of next year, there will probably be 30.000 Jobless. And the figure will increase by about 14.000
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  • 27 2 TAIP E H. Mon.— Chinese C mmunlst jet fighters today attacked a Nationalist airline Matsu Island but the landed safely on a nearr '..ind— Reuter.
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  • 134 2 rHE man who to!d Larry Adler. the worlds greatst harmonica player, that he vas not good enougn for his •how when Adler had his first uidition at the age of 14 has lied in the American Hos)iti' at Neuilly. near Paris. He was
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  • 53 2 THIRTEEN BRITISH SAILORS DUD WHEN IT EXPLODED IN HARBOUR THE submarine Sidon, which vmk with loss of 13 lives in Portland harbour, Dorset, on June lfi. was raised on June S3 and beached. The Sidon sank after a practice torpedo exploded in her forward
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  • 101 2 Seven companies must pay up NEW YORK. Mon.— Cut-price petrol man George F. Moore was awarded U*****,000 ($720,000) against seven of America's largest oil companies. He told a U.S. Federal Court that the companies ruined his garage business by a combined ban on supplying him with
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  • 26 2 TOKYO. Mon— Police today announced the arrest of five Koreans and a Japanese suspected of operating a North Korean spy ring in Japan
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  • Article, Illustration
    234 2 It may be magic madness —but it's indispensable NEW YORK. Mon. f OVE is a magic compulsion that may become a kind of sickness or madness, says the famous British biologist. Dr. Julian Huxley, in a I magazine article published here. He writes of the "unique importance" of love
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  • 26 2 NEW DELHI. Mon. The Health Ministry has recommended that 22.000.000 school children throughout the country be given free midday meals to fight malnutrition.— A.P.
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  • 50 2 Matadors hurt fight is off MADRID. Mon For the first time in more than 25 years a bullfight was called off yesterday in Madrid because all three matadors performing sustained wounds that prevented them from going on. Authorities called the fight off when two bulls remained to be fought— A.P
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  • 36 2 FORT WORTH, Texas, Mon. Silliman Evans, 63, publisher of the Nashville Tennessean, who came to Fort Worth to attend the funeral of his friend Amon Carter, suffered a heart attack and died yesterday.
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  • 32 2 To Mason a son HOLLYWOOD, Mon.—Pamela Kellino, wife of actor James Mason, gave birth to an eight pound boy yesterday by Cae- sarean operation. They have a six-year-old daughter Port- land Pamela.
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  • 27 2 NEW YORK, Mon.— An automatic, one-minute prayer sys- tern, available by telephoning a church at Scarsdale. New York. < has averaged 700 callers a day.
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  • 157 2 MELBOURNE. Mon. A proposal that Australia should admit 10.000.000 Asian people brought strong opposition here yesterday from a spokesman for ExServicemen's organisations and the deputy leader of the Federal Labour Party Mr. Arthur Calwell. The proposal was made yesterday by a former Japanese war
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  • 45 2 WASHINGTON, Mon. Thrifty Congressmen discovered a US$3OO ($900) bill for a cable from a middle East diplomat describing how black- ond-white nanny coats have more off-spring than solidcolour goats. The State Department is ordering future goat report* by air mall.
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  • 304 2 Don't compromise, Britain urged LONDON, Mon. ORITAIN should not compromise with her principles to keep South Africa in the Commonwealth, the News Chronicle stated today. The newspaper referred to a book called 'The Problem of South Africa" by Professor Herbert Tingsten, editor-in-chief of the
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  • 155 2 'CHIANG SHOULDN'T BE THERE' SAN FRANCISCO, Monday. SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY, Democrat, said today that he believed India should replace Nationalist China on the United Nations Security Council. Senator Humphrey, speaking on a radio programme, said: "We must face the facts of life" In considering
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  • 52 2 TOKYO, Mon— U S. Supreme Court Justice William Douglas said today the West should recognise Communist China and give Nationalist China i seat in the U.N. Security Council to some other Asian nation. The future of the Nationalist Government on Formosa, mieht be decided oy
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  • 27 2 WARl >ERS G o ON striki: foors today J^ 1 For/'?' 1 Wk U '^M thp accused th WS! >^si week. scrvicp S73
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  • 52 2 LIMA. Peru Mon a v official of the int." h Labour Or Ka niL n r natlona! teriouslj HXt Sm^"*hotel aUmeVfi h:; Lu»s Martinez Mont V director of the TL 55 vlce'can centre of the i "l"^" found d ea d byth c c^ na
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  • 36 2 WASHINGTON. Mon -No,-, I P a er t Proprietor Eugene Mem I is distributing US$5OO,OOO worth I who have been with "the I Washinston Post five years or I more. I
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  • 28 2 TOKYO. Mon. Twentv-year-old Keiko Takahashi was chosei: yesterday to represent Japan at the 1956 Miss Urverse contest in Long Bea--next month Her statistics: 34-22-36, U.P
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 $F SkU^JM S FXFW 1 N D I N G ON A BALLBEARING xw I W' S° P et i te > Y et S° Precise 1 Woman, with her love of beauty, inspires loveliness in all things feminine for her a watch must be a jewel as well as
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    • 42 2 Th&matt&t, b of couMb Op&n, fit ctiacuauoru-kt-NABISCO Cheddar Cheese Crackers "*^«^Jjs 1! af Im| «bb tkt BEST ckem BUY A PACKET TODAY and form your owr. opinion Sol. Afnts: SHRIRO (CHINA) L* D (Incorporated .n Hnnc- sw^ w gy NTIMLT BRITItH MAOI
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  • 924 3 60 NATIONS RENEW PLEDGE TO AVOID WAR en praises United Nations and predicts cold war victory Common declaration to work for enduring peace at U.N. j; FRANCISCO, Monday. jHK I nited Nations 1 Oth anniversary itions ended vederday in the San a nc i sco Opera House, where the ter
    Reuter  -  924 words
  • 189 3 DUESSELDORF, Monday. ORITISH Sergeant Frederick Emmett-Dunne will plead self defence against a charge that he murdered his wife's first husband, his counsel said at the opening of his court martial here today. Mr. Derek Curtis-Bennett Q.C., leading the defence, told the court after
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 63 3 'ISCO. Mon. ulo, Philippines deleUnited Nations., ".ay for postponeVietnamese elecinned for next year on .rids that the Comviolated the armistice agreement. He said in a television programme that Indo-China was bcinp; "nibbled away from us slowly" and he urged the nonCommunist world to recognise the danger.
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  • 312 3 Expert drops an H-bomb warning TESTS MAY LEAD TO RACIAL SUICIDE' T£>NDON, Mon. lIYDROGEN bomb tests may be leading mankind to commit racial suicide, a leading British geneticist and anthropologist warns today. The expert, Dr. Roger Pilkington. issues his warning in an article on the genetic effects of nuclear explosions
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  • 46 3 Bad, bad 30's brought back in fun JULIE HARRIS, the Broadway star, who plays Sally Bowles in the comedy 'I am a camera. In the film Julie is an English girl who become the toast of Berlin's bawdy night haunts in the early thirties. Reuter picture
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  • 24 3 KARACHI, Mon.— The Prime Minister Mr. Mohammed Ali yesterday denied seeking a meeting with the Soviet leader Mr. Bulganin U P
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  • 145 3 Police forbid entry into tense Darjeeling as tea workers march on town CALCUTTA. Mon. INDIAN authorities yesterday declared the mountain holiday resort of Da rj eel ing a prohibited city following police action on Saturday in opening fire on strikers at the Sonada Valley tea gardens, it
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 61 3 SWIM GIRL TICKETS SAUCY? OH, NO MUNICH. Mon. The board for combatting pornographic pictures announced yesterday after a five-day investigation that Munich's controversial street-car tickets are not endangering the morals of Bavaria's youth. A city councillor had complained that the tickets, which advertise a city swimming pool with drawings of
    AP  -  61 words
  • 170 3 VIENNA, Mon— The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, back from a tour of Russia and her satellites, said today he saw no iron curtain. He urged a new drive for peaceful co-existence between East and West "world statesmen have proved Incompetent
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  • 445 3 LONDON. Mon. BUSINESS contracted further In stock markets here today and renewed profit-taking brought freah losses in most sections. The continuation of the dock strike and the recent persistent fall in sterling restrained buyers while the pace of the advance in recent weeks also made for a more
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 *T I a I WRAPHRP m mm winuiirwlit 'if now 7 /iJf PALEHBAMG v <*■ A/RWAYS RECORD-BREAKING REDUCTIONS ring this our Greatest Season of Will Commence TO-MORROW THE SALE THAT WILL BE THE TALK OF TOWN BUY-NOW LADIFS MEN'S WEAR with Bor"ams B**r Brighter Than ever BARGAINS^^^^^^ 1 KWCV A
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  • 344 4 The psycho boys declare total war ON LAND AND IN THE AIR THE RED PEACE OFFER IS PRESENTED AS DEFEAT KUALA LUMPUR, Monday, A LL GOVERNMENT field officers have joined the jriant "nerve" campaign launched against the terrorists following the Malayan Communist Party's "peace" letter. In their routine contacts with
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  • 85 4 ON THE WAY TO BRITAIN MR. J. K. MATHEWSON, leader of 38 New Zealand distributors of Austin and Morris cars who arrived In Singapore yesterday by chartered BOAC Constell» tion. The distributors, from 25 cities and towns in New Zealand, will leave for England this morning to attend the 50th
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  • 119 4 SINGAPORE'S Van Kleef Aquarium is now fully stocked with fresh and sea water fish and may be opened towards the end of next month. The aquarium's advisory committee at a meeting yesterday decided to meet in three weeks and fix the opening date. A further
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  • 56 4 Mr. Van Wan-leung, deputy leader of the visiting Hong Kong trade delegation, and his colleagues yesterday presented Mr. David Marshall. Singapore's Chief Minister. with a model of a Chinese junk as souvenir of their stay in the Colony. In the 17-day exhibition, the organisers netted $210,000
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  • 41 4 PENANO. Mon.— Two youths, Chean Fat Hong and Chang Yew Yuen, were charged here today with snatching a gold necklace from a schoolgirl. Chin Fooi Mm. Both denied the charge. Hearing was fixed for July 18.
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  • 79 4 GIVEN 80 DA YS TO QUIT LAND JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Ching Choo Lim, charged in the Magistrate's Court here today with being in illegal occupation of State land, was ordered to quit within 80 days. Ching, who had occupied the land since 1950, pleaded that the Town Board had recognised
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  • 414 4 Red who broke the rules is caught HE HI I MANUAL OF MURDER A COMMUNIST, who broke rule 10 of the "Discipline governing the maintenance of secrecy," of the Singapore Peoples* AntiBritish League, was sentenced to five years' jail in the Singapore First Criminal District Court, yesterday, for having terrorist
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  • 102 4 CONDITIONS ARE BETTER, SO OFF COMES 'PLEDGE' DEARD KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. THE president of the Selangor Shop Assistants' Union. Mr. T. P. A. Abdul Kareem, said today he will shave off his six-month-old beard tomorrow. He to wed on New Year's Day that he would not shave until working conditions
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  • 80 4 MEDICAL MEN TO FORM UNION KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Federation Government medical workers are to form a national union. The inaugural meeting is to be in Kedah in October. This was one of several decisions taken by the AllMalayan Federation of Government Medical Employees at a meeting here at the weekend.
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  • 49 4 The seven-day-old baby gaff found abandoned in an empty crate in Aljunlod Road Singapore, on Sunday, is reported to be progressing in l the General Hospital. The baby was found by Tan Ah Kin. 37-year-old wife of a bus inspector, and handed over to the police.
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  • 117 4 Malacca revives Portuguese tradition of blessing fishermen's boats MALACCA. Mon. A 400--year-old tradition of blessing fishermen's boats for bigger hauls will be observed here on Wednesday when the descendants of the Portuguese pioneers mark the Feast of St. Peter. Portuguese fishermen will dress in fancy clothes and decorate
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  • 266 4 MAN IN JAIL SEEKS WRIT OF LIBERTY Banishment order challenged THE CHIEF JUSTICE, Sir Charles MurrayAynsley, in the Singapore High Court yesterday issued an order nisi to the Chief Secretary and to the officer in charge of civil prisons after a habeas corpus application on behalf of Sim Chwee Guan,
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  • 189 4 'RULE TOO FIRM TO BE PRACTICAL' T»HE Singapore City Council's Building Committee has changed its mind about prohibiting trade fairs in the Colony's three amusement parks. The committee recommended recently that amusement park licences should have a "no trade fair" clause. Now it says this
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  • 259 4 UP THE SCALE— INTO LOVE? Maestro, 15, says: 'Not just yet 9 LEE BOON SIONG, the 15--year-old Singapore violinist who was told by Adolphe Frezin, the world famous cellist' that he would be "a wonderful musician when he falls in love," said yesterday that he was too young to think
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  • 44 4 Pang Cheung, of the m.v. Loksang, pleaded guilty in the Singapore Third Criminal District Court yesterday to illegal possession of raw opium at Gate No. 1-, Singapore Harbour Board, on the night of June 14. He was lined $6,000.
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  • 42 4 The Havelock Estate Community Centre has decided to establish a club for boys and girls in the district. Mr. A. Rajah, the secretary. said yesterday the centres committee would meet soon to work out details of the newproject.
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  • 18 4 The Johore Government gave 31 buffaloes to the padi planters at Kampong Ulu Benut yesterday morning.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 280 4 I NEW! \EVERSHARP becouse the ball is half I JH the usual size, it— "tunaa&My- \II toic&ai&rjf I, I! Evenhorp pioneer It Ml i ball point |j ■I writing, now brings '111 you the pen with j I -o r e exclusive !Ml features than all other II ball point
      280 words
    • 273 4 TitEKING^ THECHAMWMiK I KINGS C IT pen Hi 'tit. "J^M Thr l.;i<lin- (hampaenp m y lH CMS, Hold, and Bars th;ou K hont Malaya Trade enquiries invited SOI.I. IGEXTB— MALAYA A BORNEO iSIT KIDNEY TROUBLE? Those poms ore o*k 0 warning WT^Mrt* r v Backache, scald- I Jk,"', tng, burr.xf
      273 words

  • 311 5 progressive tells voters not to look at candidate's skin Alliance man told: Give up communal approach .imn vu IPOH Monday. m J iPP u? ach in the election campaign will lead to bloodshed, warned Mr D R gtenivaufaa (Progressive) last night. Mr Seeni••MKim ntes
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  • 115 5 A BRAVE CLERK PRAISED I pore Assize Court rdav Mr. Justice n.Tatulated Mr Yeo .t Clerk, "for showruble cuuragt 1 in a man armed with a attempted to rob Alice Yeo. on Nov 5 man. Ong Chiew took part in the rob- ■emenoed to six ail on a enarge of
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  • 183 5 320,000 WATCH RUBBER PRICE Boom will not mean wage rises yet THE DOLLAR-PLUS price for rubber °inthe past few days will not result in higher wages for estate workers, whose pay is based on the average price for the previous three months. Mr. John Emmanuel, acting secretarygeneral of the National
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  • 327 5 A VICE-ADMIRAL and a Rear-Admiral qualified as the busiest men in Singapore yesterday. Prom 10 a.m. till 8 p.m. Vice-Admiral R. R. Dowling and Rear-Admiral J. E. H. Mcßeath, chiefs of staff respectively of the Royal Australian and Royal New Zealand navies, paid a dozen visits
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  • 55 5 LA LUMPUR. Mon. two-year delay the Lumpur Municipality is a new road for Sentul iburb north of the I People living there have been complaining that the present road is inadequate and dr not serve all parts o* Sentul Pasar. A new general lay-out of the suburb
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  • 77 5 Bomb area is safe now ACTION BY ARMY rpHE ammunition dump discovered in Changi Road, Singapore, on Sunday was cleared by an Army bomb disposal squad yesterday afternoon. More than 10 charges were fired before the area, near an Indian cemetery off Wing Loong Road, was declared safe. The ammunition,
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  • 49 5 Lim Ghim Thlam claimed trial in a Singapore court yesterday to using criminal force on Mai Lin with intent to outrage her modesty, in Geylang Road at midnight on June 24. Bail of $1,000 was offered. The case was postponed to Oct 24 for hearing.
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  • 44 5 A woman, Teng Ah Heang, 67, who had 75 dutiable cigars at New Market Street on Sunday morning, was fined $50 in a Singapore court yesterday. Duty on the cigars was $16.50, the court was told. Tcng pleaded guilty.
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  • 78 5 TWO FACE RIOT CHARGES Tan Ah Bak and Tsai Hei Tang were charged yesterday in a Singapore court with rioting at Alexandra Road on May 12. They were alleged to have belonged to an unlawful assembly that attacked and threw stones at the police. Both men claimed trial. Tan was
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  • 80 5 GOLFER AND WIFE OFF TO ENGLAND IPOH, Mon. Mr. Tom McKinstry, manager of the Georgetown Dispensary here and a well-known golfer, left for Penang today with Mrs. McKinstry on the way to England on retirement after 24 years in Malaya. Mr. McKinstry was North Malayan golf champion in 1953 and
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  • 24 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Terrorists cut telephone wires at four different places in the Kluang and Rengam areas of Johore last night.
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  • 75 5 A reward of $2,000 was offered by the Singapore Police yesterday for information leading to the arrest of the murderers of Pek Boon Yiam, a driving instructor of Hokien Street, on June 15. pek was attacked by about six men near the junction of Cross Street and
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  • 174 5 New staff run cinema 700 SEATS: ONLY 50 TURN UP TTOE Diamond Theatre A opened with a new staff last night while 13 of its dismissed employees picketed the entrance. They carried posters asking patrons to boycott the cinema and saying they had gone on strike "because the management broke
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  • 64 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.-S. Packiampillay. 40. a Malayan Railway fitter, and his 17-year-old son, Kulasegram. who had been jointly charged with assaulting R Ramachandran. a neighbour, oh Jan. 25 at Bungsar Road, were acquitted in the First Magistrate's Court today Raja Azlam Shah, the magistrate, agreed with the
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  • 126 5 U7YNONA HOPE LLOYDTf WILLIAMS was granted a decree nisi by the Chief Justice, Sir Charles MurrayAynsley, in the Singapore High Court yesterday when she sued ber husband, Francis Norman Lloyd-Williams, deputy Director of Broadcasting, for a divorce on the grounds of adultery. The
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  • 205 5 MTUC chief warns: No place for forces of evil and disorder in our midst KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. 'THE acting president of the Malayan Trade Union Council, Inche Mohamed Yusoff bin Mohamed Noor, last night issued a "hands off" warning to subversive and other undesirable elements. Speaking at the
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  • 60 5 RUDOLPH KOEKERT, leader of the Koekert String Quartet from Munich, arrived in Singapore with bis croup from Germany yesterday. They fly to Jakarta today to begin a two-month concert tour of Indonesia. Afterwards the quartet will tour Australia and New Zealand. Mr Koekert said yesterday that
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  • 49 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.-S. Karuppiah. 21. P. Kuppusamy. 20. and M Thangadurai. 24, claimed trial in the First Magistrate's Court here today to assaulting S. Nadarajah and a woman. Rajammal. on the night of May 31 at Bungsar Road. The case was postponed to Sept 16.
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  • 33 5 The Commissioner-General, Mr Malcolm Mac Donald, will broadcast from Radio Sarawak at 8.45 p.m. tonight on 353 metres in the medium waveband and on 5.05 megacycles in the 60 metre band.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 V />Cf here is the utmost in summer luxury and comfort. Cool, cool fabrics in this season's smartest colours, that look smarter, wear longer and are sold at such low prices that you can afford several O| SKIPPER jt *J|#f SPORT SHIRTS CENTS DEPT. j R WF 43. HIGH STREET,
      93 words
    • 142 5 B&E 7/5* I v ''^^^^^B^B^Ba B^p^^^^^^^^^^ A^BA aifcA BAM flflflß^B^BY ifllflfluJM BUSKy I i^B^^"^^^^^ B^B^bi Ab^Bb W Ibb B^Be .^■HwP^^l^^flß^B^H B^B^Bw B^^B^lF B^l H&l Hi I Manufactured at a higher viscosity than iHf I PPV points manufactured in temperate climates ■nmr w£m b^sHl I to allow for the reater thinnin^
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 398 5 «*a» ava The wmd In Tn e Willows: 10.30— RADIO MALAYA n.oo juke box. Programmes thus marked ran ■■■■■^■■■■[B^BJBHBBJB^BH be received by listeners in Malacca. l*^^^^^ir!^l Short wave 49 and 62m. Medium Blt^H [U ll* I I wave 476 m., 343., 366 m. and 297 m.). ■HHbMmBhMBBMbB A.M. '8.57 and
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  • 29 6 TO Horrf« $10 (minimum). MR WONG LEUN NGOK and Brothers thank Friends and Relatof then kind Attendance. Wn ths, Scrolls etc. at of thrtr beloved Mother, Ling C'hoong.
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  • 164 6 ANNO UNCEMENTS Morrfu fit mimmum). MULCHANDS Sale now on. and Gowns. Prices slashed. FOLLOW PEDANT Every Dty in Mall' if you want to win 000 «ord puzzle. ONE SURE WAY to banish c Air-'.vkk. It conchlorophyll and 125 other coaapounds. MADELINES FASHION NEWS. nla Cottons for all occasions :cd. casual
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  • 524 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Tues. June 28, 1955. Paul Must Pay Too The International Bank Mission recommends an investment of $1,385 million by the Federation and Singapore Governments on development projects during the next five years. Though the Mission claims that the recommended programmes "do not depart significantly in amount
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  • 433 6 Wishful thinkers who looked for an open split, or even signs of one, within the People's Action Party have been sadly disappointed as wishful thinkers usually are. An air of beautiful unanimity and good party comradeship pervaded the P.A.P. annual conference throughout its four and a half hours.
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  • 255 6 Mr. H. S. Lee's vigorous challenge to the Labour Party of Malaya on the issue of the Australian troops may with equal justice be directed at the People's Action Party of Singapore. Both parties object strongly to the use of Australian forces to help in the war on
    255 words
  • 469 6 MANY persons must have asked them- selves in recent months whether hydrogen bomb explosions affect the weather, especially j when weather condi- tions seem to be follow- ing what might appear to be an abnormal pat- tern. Hard to deride :That several hydrogen bombs
    469 words
  • 977 6  - Our debt to Dr. Ridley man who ended hatchet tapping M. J. KEIIMMY i *y i WITH the market price of rubber now over the dollar mark, once again history repeats itself. Those prophets who predicted early this year that plantation rubber would soon be almost a busted flush are
    977 words
    • 341 6 AS an employee who has A been longing for the introduction of the Central Provident Fund, it is most frustrating to see that Mr. Lim Yew Hock can postpone it, merely to satisfy a small minority who are ignorant of the benefits that would accrue
      341 words
    • 112 6 Will the U.S. give us more? WISH to thank the State x Department of the United States for making possible the concerts by the "Symphony of the Air" for the public of Singapore. It's a pity that the American flag was not displayed behind the orchestra to remind the listeners
      112 words
    • 94 6 MAY I express my deep gratitude to the Police Inspector and a constable to the Nee Soon Police Station, who o n the June 22 at the 8J milestone. Upper Thomson Road, stopped their Jeep to offer me assistance when two of the tyres of my
      94 words
    • 172 6 "ITOLLOWER", in warning Muslims r against paying any heed to my comments on the Che Rahma controversy, has taxed me with counselling changes which were conspicuously absent from my letter. Neither by word nor by implication have I denied that Che Rahma contravened religious tenets
      172 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 594 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. J» Ward* fit minimum). JOHNSON: To Sonia and Dennis K.. on June 27. a daughter. 'Mine. Both well. VERE GOULD To Myron and Kenneth, a daughter, on 26th 355. a: Bungsar Hospital. LOST Urn. X.a i" <■'>. extra. Of v Home. If Purniibed House or Flat BTpon *UtJT
      594 words
    • 35 6 Latest GARRARD AUTOMATIC CHANGERS with PORTABLE CABINETS. a^a**%^^9 k^aiF^BaiLaaK Plays 33 1/3. 45 and 78 rpm Records For A.C. Mains. RC.9O $175.00 RC.BO $150.00 RC.lll $120.00 T. M. A. LTD., til 63. High Street, Singapore-6
      35 words
    • 37 6 the &.48.G top REFRIGERATOR/^/ 'eight- _^^A r^tr L==~fSSS V and unchipP^ 0 Lift Price lew 5% for CASH Hire Purchase 12 Monthly Payments of Advertisement of the CENERAL elect enO^, Representing THE GENERAL EIX it mLUHO TON/f
      37 words

  • 277 7 HALF_NAgEP BODY FOUND NEAR STRIKE-BOUND BUS DEPOT yiRDERER STILL FREE -PUBLIC APATHY TO BLAME, SAYS CORONER rlV i;-VK AK-OLl) Sin Yoke Chun was raped and murdered when she went out one night to hear al a bus depot sing, the Singapore Coroner, r k. T.
    277 words
  • 63 7 The University of Malaya Student.;' Union ceased to be an affiliate of the Pan-Mala-yan students' Federation from yesterday, says a statement issued by the president of the U.M.S.U. The statement adds that the U.M.S.U. has withdrawn its delegation from the council of the P.MS.F. and will not
    63 words
  • 16 7 I Singapore General Labwil] be known in the Singapore TransGrneral Labour i announced last
    16 words
  • 110 7 China gains from our rubber boom KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. TWE steady rise in the price M. of rubber is responsible for increasing remittances to Rf^d China from the Federation, the Assistant Controller of Foreign Exchange Mr. L E Hopkins, said today. It is estimated that total remittances to China for
    110 words
  • 83 7 s:r.a apore Trades Union yesterday com;t the inadequacy Labour Bill which will M'cond time in the Assembly tomorrow. .secretary, Mr. aid the Bill ap--1 orker.s paid on or hourly basis. view of the* present wave I of industrial unrest for better wages and conditions of service,
    83 words
  • 121 7 Poster war at Hume factory Come back, says company IHE NOTICE (above) was put up outside the Hume Industries factory in Bukit Timah Road. Singapore, by the management a few days ago. It invites 1.250 strikers, in four languages, to go back to work. It promises that there will be
    121 words
  • 55 7 Mr. Kanji Dwarkadas. industrial relations adviser from Bombay, will speak on "Industrial Relations" at tomorrow's luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club at the Capitol Blue Room. The meeting will also be the last occasion whf n Dr. A. W. S Thrvathasan will bo in the chair before
    55 words
  • 62 7 PRAI, Mon. Despite reports that they might strike this morning in sympathy with theii Singapore colleagues, all 50 workers in the Hume Industries branch here reported for work as usual today. "There has been a full attendance," the manager. Mr. K. P. Varushesi. said. In Kuala
    62 words
  • 4 7
    4 words
  • 124 7 SIXTY-ONE workers whom the Singapore Glass Manufacturers Company was to dismiss are to be kept on temporarily. The manager, Mr. J. A. Paterson, told the Straits Times yesterday that an increase in orders had enabled the company to do this. Mr. Paterson confirmed that
    124 words
  • 249 7 'NURSES SOUGHT BEAUTY BY MAGIC Defence counsel tells court: KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. rpHE DEFENCE counsel in a breach of trust case said today that two young nurses sought treatment to increase their beauty from a woman witch doctor and paid her with jewellery. Mr. K. Chelvanayagam was defending the woman,
    249 words
  • 43 7 The Chief of the French Armed Forces, General A. Gulllaume. left Singapore for Australia by Qantas SuperConstellation yesterday. General Guillaume arrived in Singapore from Saigon on Friday and had discussions with Service chiefs in the Colony and the Federation.
    43 words
  • 74 7 over children KLANG, Mon.— A quarrel between two women over their children led to the husband of one stabbing; to death the husband of the other, the Klane magistrate's court was told today. Ahrumukum Sinnatnuthu. 44. a rubber tapper, was committed to stand trial in the High
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  • 16 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Selangor Cyclists' Association is planning a Safety Week for cyclists.
    16 words
  • 296 7 Jungle nurse goes on holiday FIRST WHITE WOMAN TO LIVE WITH TRIBE KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. MISS MORPYDD iU YOUNG, 27-year-old British Red Cross nurse, who stayed with the Che Wong tribe in the jungles of Pahang for two months last year, will leave Singapore on Thursday for a threemonth holiday
    296 words
  • 170 7 GEK NEO. 18-year-old Singapore 'lost' girl, found yet more links yesterday towards re-uniting her with her brohtre and sister, now living In Malacca. She met another cousin yesterday. Mr. B. K. Chua. Prom him she learnt she has close relatives in Kllliney Road and
    170 words
  • 67 7 It was a Radio Malaya affair I MR. RONALD WILD, formerly of Radio Malaya, and his bride, Miss Liau Nyuk Oi. also of Radio Malaya, after their wedding in London. The bride, who is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Liau Te t Shoon
    67 words
  • 106 7 Insect collection sent to Britain LONDON. Mon.— The Natural History Museum's Department of Entomology has received the collection of Malayan insects formerly preserved in the Selangor Museum, which was destroyed during the war. This gift from the Federation Government consists of about 100.000 neatly mounted and labelled specimens,
    106 words
  • 45 7 Syed Ahmad bin Omar Alsagoff. 51. younger brother of Dato 5.1.0. Alsagoff collapsed and died at his home in Race Course Road yesterday. He was in his office earlier in the day and had left for his home at about noon.
    45 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 Voice Hoarseness j||| Hacking Coughs Jjl Bronchitis Ik^sJ Catarrh lIIIIH Sore throat ISlf Colic pain jfc^l Mb kID INSTANTU WTTH Woods GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE ta? Resistance to cold germs increased when supplemental Sl/k^ ted by this correct internal iW\ remedy Also recommended Jj£>*f j\ for wind in the stomach. "r^jljin
      82 words
      75 words

  • 963 8 >;^^ <^^ctw^^^H^^B^m AfOST parents today I appreciate the importance of breast feedin? and its advantages over artificial feeding, but not all know how to overcome the difficulties which may arise from time to time, and so far too many mothers give up trying to breast feed
    963 words
  • 617 8  - Stars make a slight mistake What a life ISgaatfrEl A^ias. -rwTnafl I MONDAY TAM a little startled on reading a local newspaper to see a S nim advertisement which after des- cribing the thrilling nature of the S picture goes on to say: "Shockingly i produced by It is refreshing
    617 words
  • 298 8 If the wives dressed down husbands MIGHT dress up I'M TIRED of articles on how women should dress in order to be attractive to the opposite sex. This, instead, is an article on what women should wear in order to make men realise how very unattractively they dress. Indeed, if
    298 words
  • 32 8 Latest in mil linery "Pink champagne," a pink satin evening hat encrusted with gold sequins. This was included in the display recently of the Associated Millinery Designers of London. Paul Popper picture.
    32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 179 8 Cm M roaUins essential vitamins 0% nfl M III A&D. plus hypophosphites of limp and soda to build health L. and vitality and to guard against I mM I Up*"" roughs and colds. Scott's Emulsion tpf is a pleasant-tasting emulsion of Op natural cod liver oil famous II the world
      179 words
    • 246 8 Your baby deser^l the_best!^^^ i Johnson's Baby Powder isthcsoftest.fincstpowder ?stf_j_«s| in the world. It is so sooth- $***** PAkV ing and comforting; it pre- %^_«3p Qr\U\ vents irritation: it is kind to V&SZy (he tenderest skin. Always A^^^^p "uNNutV use Johnson's Baby Powder s^^^^^g^ regularly at every nappy. A changing
      246 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 276 8 Straits Times Crossword 7 |2 I 13 I |4 I _i||s |O I 17 I 18 H| I _1 Z Z__Z ZBZ Z Z "u~ 15 mi 6 i 7 in *24~ 25 HI 26~ 27 "28" i§29~ "30" |||3i ACROSS 9. Boldly Including every thins 1. "Justice" a critic's
      276 words

  • 1620 9 1 1 1 1 1 is iT.T/TmjYiVkj^Byrjs 1 3 'I iTjTib afternoon, 61 years ago, Hermann J Juncken called on Mrs. Martha Needle, a vtty, curly-haired widow of 29, in her the Melbourne suburb of Richmond. [Vice ho had paid similar
    1,620 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 193 9 For straight backs and sjtf^h- sturdy limbs ,^r /IF *Kk BIUaBHMiiIUIWUIUMHMiu 'lUßiml^BV "^^v give your baby this pure milk Mothers do well to ask for Ostermilk when breast- feeding is not successful. Vitamin D has been added a helpful hint to mothers «i« "If blby gulps milk too fut, the
      193 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 80 9 Shvrtock MiaEines AH theirs IKvk Travfj T^e share out WmWmlmWm^^KtmlmWm^m\ T~m\s girl lives in the "1 tijcvXicV calltwe ~j IMeanw-hue. at rughead's— j NEIGMBORMOOO AND RIDES T*!~TY~ 1 PHOTOGRAPHER ANW rCIVTV-CTV/fr T acrTPQ 1 His TME BC^5 WMO UAVE 1 gs£ A^VEEK. WE SAW HER KRJJED J PCX UPA RNGER-
      80 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1338 10 t«i: 2,405 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. T«i; »4i» (II lines) (Incorporated in Singapore) 12 lln*s) THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Corner* ootion to prrK-<v^l vie other ports to lood ond discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIViRPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Singopore Due SOII9 P. Sham Penang Anrhises for Liverpool A G!a«-3w Jun*
      1,338 words
    • 1105 10 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAyiA Fer Aden. Pwt Sold, G«noo. Antwarp, Rotterdam. Hamburg, Copenhagen Gothenburg ft Oslo Spore P. S'hom x) "MALACCA" "July **T I*/ll July -MEONIA" 2*/24 July 21/2* Jury 27/2* Juty "FALSTRIA" U/19 Aug 20/20 Aug 21/22 Auo X) Colls London (passengers only), Gdynia. SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENT
      1,105 words
    • 955 10 SKSh. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD/VmT SINGAPOM (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) I LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AMD CONTINENTAL fORTI S'por* P- S'hom Penong *snvenn**li for London, Hull fwt M/MM* RotterdDm «.U/I*l-ln) JMf Wnjet errlret U«4e« 25 Jury Be«eMew for Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin. Homburg II V *»T V July Bsnclcuch
      955 words
    • 658 10 McALISTER fc^P^^-Hl LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM UV^NKSB fh^ CITY OF BROOKLYN i e«fc- I S Aug J *»9 *l nm: Harrison 4 CrosfieM 'v iv I taM McAlbt.r Co., YJd <M) Ud *h.m: An,,, M cA st V"M,, 4 BOUVItAD m (Inco.rrorntod bl fho TT. r VV< LTD^**^ Ticket A^ n
      658 words

  • 23 11 |N ,,trORE. JUNE 27. RlBBER: ***** per „p 1- rents). |N vi. per picul „r i 5:7.75 prr p |7| cents).
    23 words
  • 69 11 MELBOURNE. Mon. there was heavy ed stocks on the oday. Overall a r«1 Little actiPrlces tended to Loans were firmer. 59 £95 13 32 fl £96 17 32 62/9 unquoted 25'10'i 98/- seller 56 10* 26/6 buyer 1 Ii :\g 12 3 buyer km 22 6 ri/10'i 4fi
    69 words
  • 72 11 Exchange Banks "if the following ratal to merchants tying airmail, TT S3 13 16. 90 days 'ills, 33 trade bills, airmail T.T clays 32 credit v.<de bills. les, T.T. or O.D. ready 32 Canada Pranca 143*4; Hol--123 Deutsche PYench PYancs *****--1631; Swedish Danish Kroner 226Kroner 233..; Aden Philp.
    72 words
  • 890 11 RUBBER CLIMBS TO HIGHER LEVELS BUT CLOSES EASIER fi y Our Market Correspondent 1 tinnHd PHce i! Sin^P° re yesterday con?H^i^bSr b 3r de an appearance and the ported uSToSM?^ III^ for July flrst rade rebuyers at si 15' ol CentS a P Und but the P rice closed Foiiotinl
    890 words
  • 146 11 July first grade buyers r.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at $1.15% a !b.. one and five-eighths cents above Saturday's closing price. The closing tone was uncertain and slightly easier. Closing prices In cents per Ib., No. 1 R.S.S. spot loose buyers 118\; sellers 118-^; No. 1 R.S.S. July
    146 words
  • 168 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: quiet; July $27 3 8 buyers. $27 5,8 sellers; August $27 718 buyers, $28 sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; bulk $41% sellers, drum $44 sellers. Pepper: quiet; Muntok white $177- Sarawak $176, Special Sarawak black »141 (aU varieties
    168 words
  • 78 11 Ships lying alongside tbe Singapore Harbour Board wharvM or exp<ct«l today arc: Ho«gh SUvercrest 12 Eumaeus 4[5, Burnaide 67. Brecotishlre 89, Benattow 11 Tamerlan 13 14, Benreoch *****, Cingalese Prince 18. Malay l»;20, Tung Song X Wall 6. Selangor N. Wall 8. San Ernesto 2122, Tamara 23 24, Memnon
    78 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 427 11 KNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service OM CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS Sailing Arriving I Francisco Singapore P.Swct Penang Frcmantle l \i U 'i S o CPt 14SeP 15 cp "S A e U p? 3 SeDt 3 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 13 Oct cccpting cargo and passengers for
      427 words
    • 802 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for appointment of Assistant Town Planner on the permanent establishment of the Federal Town Planning Department, Federation of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The appointment will be ln the timescale $628x34-934/982x34-1254 with COLA, at current rates Applicants should be Federal Citlsens, under 35 years of age, must
      802 words
    • 901 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SETTLEMENT OF MALACCA SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATIONS are now Invited for an Overseas Scholarship which. It is anticipated, will become avaUable ln 1955. The Scholarship will be awarded only for a course of study facilities for which are not available ln the Federation of Malaya or the Colony of
      901 words
    • 664 11 NOTICES NOTICE THE FIFTH Annual Sports of the Guru Nanak Institution, Ipoh, will be held on Saturday 2nd July, 1955, on the Ipoh Town Padang commencing at 2 p.m. REMOVAL ANNOUNCEMENT We, CHUAN HUAT CO., 173 Selegie Road, Singapore 7, from 28th June 1955 have removed to Room No. 20
      664 words
    • 417 11 NOTICES KUCHAI TIN, LIMITED (Incorporated ln the Color y of Singapore; DIVIDEND NO. 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a- 2nd Interim Dividmd of 15% l«*s 30% Singapore Income Tax for the year ending 30th September. 1955. on the Shares of the Company has been declared and will be paid
      417 words
    • 241 11 NOTICES PROBATE ADMINISTRATION V. •'<• Of I.aurrnte WhiUrntham deceased. ALI. PERSONB having claims against thf estate of the abovenamed deceased who died at, Batu Gajah General Hospital. Batu Oajah on 24th March 1955. are required to submit their claims ln v. rlt.insr to the undersigned not later than 28th September,
      241 words

  • Untitled
    • 518 12 CONFERENCES, such as the International Rubber Quality and Packing Conference, held in New York last month, are by far the most satisfactory way of obtaining agreement on the many points concerned in the quality and packing of rubber, said Mr. C. F. Smith,
      518 words
    • 286 12 Malayan coir industry planned PLANS are being considered to develop the making of Malayan coir for commercial purposes Mr. D. C. Horton, secretary to the Rural Industrial Development Authority in the Federation, announced. The coir is made from fibres of the outer husk of the coconut after they have been
      286 words
    • 346 12 OINGLETS are now being mass produced in Hong Kong to meet the steadily growing demand from overseas, said a manufacturer of a firm making these articles now visiting Singapore. Mr. Pang Fat, manager ofr Kin Sun Knitting Factory, which has a production capacity of 12,000
      346 words
    • 246 12 BID TO POSTPONE R.I. BAN ON GOODS THE Singapore Govern--1 merit is to make representation to the Indonesian authorities for postponement of the latest Indonesian import restriction on goods from the Colony under the barter trade system. This follows a protest by the Singapore Overseas Chinese Importers and Exporters Association,
      246 words
    • 62 12 The Department of Commerce reports United States black pepper imports during the period January to April 1955 inclusive totalled 9,495,410 pounds compared with 9,929,455 pounds for the same period of 1954. White pepper imports were 991,410 and 854,575 pounds respectively The 1955 black pepper total comprised 891,613 pounds
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    • 204 12 DESPITE the issuing of counter import licences to traders, normal exports of coffee from Indonesia have been reduced considerably due partly to the shrinking of foreign markets, writes the Straits Times Jakarta Correspondent. From June 6, counter import licences have been amended to allow
      204 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 209 12 i_ m 1 u>4 InAturial tlyt.h* I f S '**S to COr^mrri ia Vp i IK I FAN BELT //'jj wifleo mil uwiMCt i^KI I t f oc ly -ultn nuv kr.iun, i^ml II KMOO MAKE UNIMS f^Ml '9 6 jfrERODO gsxSw True economy obtained from />&&■[ gSgXM 1 consistently
      209 words

  • 315 13 JOTTINGS HPRAINER Wally Bagby, A who has a way with fractious horses, tried a novel idea to get the temperamental High Hopes used to racing crowds. Immediately after the last race at Ipoh on Saturday, Wally obtained permission to send High Hopes
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  • 97 13 KUALA TRENGOANU, Mon. rPRENOQANU beat Pahang 6-1 in their Malaya Cup soccer match here during the weekend. Pahang were on top In the first half, but could not beat the Trengganu goalkeeper. There was no score at half-time. Trengganu lasted the pace better and were all
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 26 13 BOLOGNA. Mon. Franco Cavicchi (Italy) won the European heavyweight boxing title when he beat Heinz Neuhaus (Germany), the holder, on points here last night.
    26 words
  • 497 13 EPSOM JEEP'S IPOH TRACK ROUND-UP WELL-BEING COMING TO HAND NICELY IPOH, Mon. THE steadily-improving A Siam Rice, with Tom Mortimer up, went like a winner when he clocked 38 for 3f. on the training track at Ipoh this morning. Slam Rice won his last start,
    497 words
  • 102 13 Maybud Badminton Party beat the Flower B.P. by four games to three over the weekend. Results (Maybud players mentioned first): Singles: Willie Lee beat Quek Koon Chye 15-4. 15-2; Yong Yoke Ling lost to Bobby Heng 6-15. 11-15; Bernard Lim beat Lee Hian Chua 15-8.
    102 words
  • 43 13 Results of the S.AJF.A. Junior league games played yesterday: Div. 2B: S.H.B. Recreation Club conceded a vilkovnr t o Farrer Juniors. Div. 3A: Western S.C. baat Serangoon MY. 1-0 at CYMA ground. Kerala Samajam conceded a walkover to Setia Jaya.
    43 words
  • 285 13 BOULDER. Colorado. Mon. ARNOLD SOWELL of Pittsburgh University broke the world record for the 88Q yards when he won the event in limn. 47.65ec, which is a full second better than that held Jointly by Mai Whit field and Ounnar Nielsen, in
    285 words
  • 285 13 COLONY CRICKET XI vs. MALACCA ARE WITHOUT ARMY MEN By Our Cricket Reporter SINGAPORE'S cricket team to meet Malacca in Singapore on Saturday and Sunday next (11 a.m. each day) has five changes from the team that met Selangor last month. Singapore's Army players are not available for this game
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  • 144 13 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. -The second days results »n the Johore Bahru District Lawn Tennis Association's championship meeting are: Men's Singles: Wong Thian Teck beat Md Kassim 6-4. 7-5: I. A. Alsagoft* beat E. L. Law ley 6-2, 6-3; Hu Wei Hsia beat W Gale 6-2, 6-0; Goh
    144 words
  • 181 13 PARIS, Mon. IyADAME Suzy Volterra's E P s °m Derby winner Phil Drake, gained a two-length victory in the valuable Grand Prix de Paris race over a mile and seven furlongs at LoiiKchamps yesterday. The French colt, again ridden by Fred Palmer, put in a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 478 13 ILITION Uin Bux iO r»«. extra. UKIVIMO SCHOOL U t ;;tion to mOMta by :s Courses $60. 47. id opposite Pavilion R3036. >!(IVING SCHOOL IBM ixt le-,son $5. speaking Irutruo. Z73M. 36- A Boat Quay. i KACHER trains his R Typewriters. The ■i.' in ues hi« Tuition Roy;,l Portable. on
      478 words
    • 425 13 FOR MIRE 20 Words W (Min.)-H, tx if I A FLEET of S.lf-Drive Cars at 1 Moderate Te .ns. Union Hire Service. 333. Geylang Road. Phone L. A. Hock, ***** and *****. LATEST MODELS Self-Drive Cars for Hire. Moderate charges Special rates for long period. Please pnone *****. Mr. Hoe.
      425 words
    • 500 13 ■OWES LAND FOR SALE 20 Wnrd* $i (Min.)— Box SO ci,. extra. FOR SALE in Kuala Lumpur two .storied House, first tmm residential area, modern Sanitation, price $75,000 Apply Box A 8029, S.T. K.L. SUSSEX Glorious Ashdown Forest. In Perfect Order. An exceptionally well-built and easily run i country residence.
      500 words
    • 436 13 FOR SALE 20 Word, Si (Milt.)— Box SO ett. extra. TJIR 1 HELPED Seeds and Setdlings For Sale. Apply to Rajaghiri Estate. Buk'.t Rotan Post. CANNON SERENAR CAMERA Lens: f 2-85 mmcoated, fits Canon Leica cameras, with view finder, green blue filters, case cxi cellent condition, suitable Sports, Portraits. Theatre
      436 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 78 13 SOCCER LEAGUE. DIV. 1: Tiger S.A. v P. Brani, Jalan Besar. DIV. 2A: Kinta Rangers v Tamprnis Rovers, Gejrlang; BODCA v Tamil 8.A.. CleriMT I'nlon DIV. 2B: S. Socreritet v Jlalfstler I'td, Farrer Park. Jr t'NITED SER. LEAJrVE. DIV. I: R.A.B.C. v R^rT Seletar; Royal Signals v iUrTal Wanderers; DIV.
      78 words
    • 409 13 WORD PUZZLE I TUESDAY j Straits Times WORD PUZZLE "I" Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below. Name Addrtss 2 ■a ■•••••4« ■•■('at itlons *ioltrU line* CLUES FOR WORD PUZZLE 12 1.. Sound of water going down 4. Having to rely on this, you S the
      409 words

  • 448 14 H.M. DOCKYARDS winning; sequence was halted yesterday by Star Soccerites who won an er»ertaining S.A.F.A. first division league game 5-2 at Jalan Besar sta- j dium. This was undoubtedly the de- 1 fending champions' best display this season. The tricky little Stars outwitted and
    448 words
  • 74 14 Royal Signals will meet Ro>al I Army Ordnance Corps in the final of the Parker Cup competition on Saturday, July 9. In the semi-finals placed yester- 1 day. Royal Signals defeated' Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 3-1 at Ayer Rajah Road. Carr t.2) and
    74 words
  • 104 14 ENGLAND 133 AND 353 S. AFRICA Ist Inns—3o4 S. AFRICA 2ND INNS MrGlew lbw Statham 0 Goddard c Evans b Statham 10 Clirrtham absent hurt 3 Tayfleld c Evans b Statham 3 Hndcan c Evans b Statham 28 McLean b Statham 8 Keith c Graveney b Statham 5 Waite
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 632 14 South Africans wrecked by this 7-Sov-39 performance England are winners by 71-run margin LONDON, Mon. THE England fast bowler Brian Statham, in an unchanged spell of 25 unrelentingly hostile overs, shattered the South African hopes of winning the second Test match at Lord's today. With a great
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  • 462 14 TRABERT v PA TTY: ROSEWALL v NIELSEN IN SEMI-FINALS LONDON. Monday. JAROSLAV DROBNY. Wimbledon's most popular performer of postwar years, surrendered his men's singles title on the centre court today when beaten in the quarter-finals by Tony Trabert, America's favourite to succeed him. Trabert
    Reuter  -  462 words
  • 171 14 MEN'S SINGLES QI'ARTER FINALS: K. Rosewall I (Aus) beat S. Davidson (Sweden) 6-4. 6-1, 6-2; B. P»ttv ll'Si beat L. Hoad i Aus) 6-4. 6-4. 6-4. T. Travrrt d'St beat J. Drobny (Egypt) 8-6, 6-1. 6-4. K. Nielsen (Denmark) bl. V Pietranrrli (Italy) 1-6. 6-3. 9-7. 6-2. MEN'S DOUBLES
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  • 36 14 Girls Sports Club beat Nee Soon 17-6 yesterday in the final of the Singapore basketball league for women's clubs in Singapore for the Clarke challenge shield. The final was played at the O.S.C.
    36 words
  • 295 14 SINGAPORE Malays, holders of the S.A.F.A. Community League championship, scored their second victory in the competition when they beat j Europeans 9-2 in a floodlit match at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Malays began with a flash of brilliant attacking football which
    295 words
  • 349 14 IPOH. Mon. I T»AN JIN EONG, Thomas Cup 1 player, and his sister. Tan Eng Looi. Malayan women's singles run-ner-up, became triple champions at the Perak badminton championships which concluded last night. Jin Eong succeeded in taking the three titles for the
    349 words
    • 625 14 Singapore's six-year rei gn may end in August By MERCURY T<HE BIG NEWS in athleL tics in the past week has, of course, been the performances of the fighting Fijians at their annual sports at Batu Pahat on Thursday and Friday, and especially the feats of Joe Levula, who ran
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    • 46 14 Sapuan bin Salam of Awang > Selamat C.C. won the 50 miles massed-start cycle meet for novices held at Changi Point on Sunday. His time was 2hr. 25min. 25sec. Second was Lien Mun Cheong (Island Ramblers) and third Johan Kassim (Rough Riders).
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    • 40 14 Springdale S.C. beat Boys Town 7-1 in a soccer friendly at Farrer Park yesterday. Springdale's scorers were Tian Soon (4). As Chye (2) and Kok Meng. Gerry de Souza scored for Boys Town.
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    • 39 14 O. Botha won the Gaw Khek Khiam Cup competition held at Royal Island Club over the weekend. His scores were 68 and 71 (139>. I The runner-up was Sq. Ldr. A. F. Clegg c72-f72=144).
      39 words
    • 385 14 SWIFTS EXPECT TO GET HIGH RANKING IN POSTAL MEET CWIFT Athletes Association, pre- mier athletic club in Sinpa- 1 Pore whose members include the I majority of the Colony champions and men of the Services, have sent in an entry for 12 events in the postal athletic match organised by
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    • 138 14 Swifts A. A. entries for the posta 1 match are: 100 yds: Tan Eng Yooii lOsec Lim Jit Imm 10.2; P. Lillingron 10.4. 2'iO yds.: Tan Eng Yoon 8.9; Llm Jit Imm 24: Tan soo Hiar. 24 J 440 yov: P. Ganesar. 53.6: Cpl. H 53.6;
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 784 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. i Continued from Face 6) SITI'ATIONS WANTED in Wordt Si (Hin.)-Box SO cts. extra. ENGINEER. Certified. Mechanlc- >-ctrlcal. Twenty Years in pplies for Position Box A 4.i 17 ST. CHINESE 25. Educated Abroad. f'imerly PA. to Maa_g|_g Director. <-d Produce and Import/Ex:;nllar or other Respon-PO-tian. Box A 4516,
      784 words
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