The Straits Times, 22 June 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times gaum** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 162 1 WORRIES IF Mr. MARSHALL He tells about them in the Malayan Monthly MINISTER, Id Marshall, about his wers as Chief :vio\v with j Morgan of the Monthly. Mr. blames the ..stunt ion for the defects of system. I Constitution have been docile politi- > ere not in fact and who
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  • 305 1 Notes out; What shall it ha— F« g »-h h,^ Engltoh second OB Englteh atoo ran ANSWERS WILL SHAPE FUTURE POLICY h 2, 3 which type of schooling I do you want THE SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT has taken the first step to find out from parents the
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  • 50 1 For a young nurse -avery important signature MADAM SONGGRAM. wife of the Prime Minister of Siam, signs an autograph book for a young admirer in the nurses' home at the General Hospital. Madam Songgram visited the nurses' home during a tour of Singapore yesterday. (See Page 7.) Straits Times picture.
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  • 167 1 •I OPONSORS of the Miss 1^5 iniverse Quest, the j Straits Times and Shaw m Brothers, regret to an- Ij nounce that owing to lark of public interest and I isufficient entries, ■I this year's Miss Malaya contest has been can- -I celled. 5 N The
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  • 69 1 Best for PS months The rubber 'jrice in Singapore continued its rise and July first grade closed at $1 09 7 8 yesterday— the highest closing price for 38 months. Since June 1, the price has gone up by 16 cents. Back in Moscow LONDON, Tues. The Indian Premier
    AP  -  69 words
  • 52 1 BOMBAY, Tues.— Mr. V. G. Deshpande, a member of the Indian Parliament, arrested on Saturday by the Goan authorities, was released today and returned to India. Mr. Deshpande crossed the border into Goa with 46 Indians to offer passive resistance fn support of India's claim to
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 30 1 MOSCOW, Tues.— Mr. Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister, announced today that Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, the Soviet Prime Minister, had accepted his invitation to visit India.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 27 1 OTTAWA, Tues. Gen. Sir Gerald Templer Chief designate of the Imperial General Staff, arrived here by air yesterday for a six-day visit to Canada.— Reuter.
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  • 564 1 LONDON, Tues. AN attractive blonde model was sentenced to the gallows today for shooting one of her two lovers when he tried to leave her. Mrs. Ruth Ellis, divorced mother of two children, swayed on her feet as Mr. Justice Havers put on his black cloth
    Reuter; AP  -  564 words
  • 341 1 WHAT THE FREE PEOPLES WANT— by PHIBUN rE Siamese Prime Minister, Marshal Pibun Songgarm, said in Singapore yesterday that his 30,000-mile world tour has strengthened his conviction that the peoples of the free nations want peace "But," said the Prime Minister, "nations should indicate now which side they would take
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  • 134 1 ECLIPSE, THEN— OH, DOCTOR, MY TUM Magic potion' makes 6,000 ffl COLOMBO, Tues. fEYLON'S hospital doctors and staff have been ordered to work overtime to deal with 6,000 vomiting patients, who drank a "magic potion" during yesterday's solar eclipse to "acquire beauty, regain youth, and develop intellect." More than 1,000
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 92 1 PORTLAND, Oregon, Tues. Twelve rockets fired from a parked jet fighter plane at the Portland Air Force base here caused U552,000,000 ($6,--000,000) damage. The rocket*, smashed into a row of parked jets. A man has been detained. Car No. 29 set on fire A car
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  • 198 1 Bored dockers drift to work LONDON. Tues. BRITAIN'S striking dockers, bored by 30 days of idleness, began a drift back to work today despite appeals by their union leaders to await an official end of the stopJage. Even in Liverpool hard core of the strike there were signs of an
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 47 1 CKISIS POWERS KEVOKEI) LONDON. Tues Proclamation iedsrtag state of Emergency in Britain on Ml 31 to deal with rail strike revoked today. Beater* FIItKBUGs BURN THE 30TII CAR Another tar— tin- 30th— was isattged by arsonists at Hyderabad Road, near Giliman Circus. Singapore, last nitfht.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 ft gs of Distinction fOR every occasion I, Lump"'- gold flake
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 2 Guns roar at rebels in rubble-choked streets of Buenos Aires near Peron's palace THESE PICTURES tell the story of the battle to unseat a dictator. President Peron of Argentina. \T LEFT: Rubble is seen heaped in front of Government House, the President's A I BIGHT: o nP nf h
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  • 104 2 Rent or dope? Dope won— so he took tax cash for rent KUALA 1 IMPIR. Tups. JOBLESS clrrk. who nai>trrod at one of the Federation's Labour Kxrhdnges. was found work as a tax collector in a new village his home. All went well for three weeks until officials checked
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  • 296 2 SENIOR Service officers of the United Kingdom. Australia and New Zealand will attend a combined Briti s h Commonwealth naval and air forces conference in Singapore on June 28, it was officially announced in the Colony last night. The conference to
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  • 40 2 The battle is all over-or is it? PRESIDENT PERON of Argentina (left) hugs General Franklin Lucero who put down the revolt. It is now rumoured in Buenos Aires that the general is planning to oust the President. A. P. picture.
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  • 141 2 Talks may only ease tension Churchill LONDON, Tuesday. CIR WINSTON CHURCHILL said today: "We must not count upon complete and immediate success" in the forthcoming Big Four conference at Geneva. "A period of relaxation of tension may well be all that is now
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  • 52 2 s£oul, Tues. Two young North Korean fliers buzzed Seoul airport today in an old, Russian-built Yak fighter, then landed and gave themselves up to cheering South Korean airmen. The two were taken to the air force headquarters for questioning. It was presumed they sought
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  • 71 2 RAWANO, Tues. MANY Indian labourers working on estates near here stayed indoors during yesterday's partial eclipse of the sun because they feared it might blind them. Others who believed they would have bad luck if they worked or prepared meals left work and went
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  • 42 2 ROME. Tues.— President Elsanhower is expected to visit Rome next month before or after the "summit" conference at Geneva, a Vatican source said today. If he does come. Pope Pius will receive him in official audience. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 45 2 NEW YORK, Tues.— Damages put at US$lOO,OOO ($300,000) are claimed by the parents of four-year-old Ronald Fitzgerald, of Oakland, California, who got* poliomyelitis after being vaccinated with the Salk vaccine. "Carelessness and gross negligence" is alleged against the Cutter Laboratories. t
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  • 109 2 BUENOS AIRES, Tues. The Argentine state radio last night dropped the traditional dedication of a nightly news bulletin to the late Evita Peron. Alerted by Thursday's abortive insurrection to every new shade of political development, listeners regarded the surprising omission as another sign i that subtle changes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 iiHLT^HIiW Now available ex stock at most of ATmm; Jt^wWt VmSm our Branches. These well tried j|||J JUJft^jy sPtjIM i^BL and robust 4 cycle compression I^^^^^ ignition oil engines of one or two cylinders are designed for years Mf ]F^mWSl^^^ of continuous use for o variety of w duties where
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    • 72 2 You'd never guess its rated as a small car! Come and tee this amazing Morns Minor— the most >!m •mall car in the world! Sit in it— drive it-you" t* •noniihed that any car can offer such roominess tnd com.on, «uch brilliant performance, at $uch economy -per-™* Test-drive the NEW
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  • 377 3 Biological agents could nut people in defenceless stupour „i\ Texas, Tim-n. U M reasy, Chief |!i H M.i t- Army ('ht-- x i(|lll(t said here tint H"' potential < j: t the I'nitod „,,111 norm ;md airfare was 1 as
    Reuter  -  377 words
  • 149 3 0 PYGMAUON KIND OF YOU' AND 01U CUP OF JOY SPILLED OVER EDINBURGH. Tuesday, the Royal College of Surgeons howled h here last niq;ht when the Duke of Edinil with the adjective which shocked Vicvxos when George Bernard Shaw's play took the stage. T he Duke,
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 39 3 Economic South-East Organisation a four-day hi re yesterday to case the on the eco-;ndc!-developed organisation, disclosed. lil make re- 1 to toe seato 1 final decision. i nted arc N< w Zealand, lippines, Siam. the United
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  • 278 3 OBSCENE LOVE-MAKING, STAR CHARGES Big film row: Was Rhonda 'shot' in the nude? ROME, Tues. A SQUABBLE over nuA dity broke out yesterday between film star Rhonda Fleming and Italian film producers. Rhonda started the trouble when an interview she gave a reporter in Hollywood hit the Italian headlines. Just
    AP  -  278 words
  • 58 3 WASHINGTON, Tues.—President Eisenhower yesterday askod the Senate to give Gen. Matthew Ridgway the permanent rank of four-star general <vhen Gen Ridgway retires on June 30 as Army Chief of Sta:. Gen. Ridgwav has had the temporary rank of full general during his term as Chief of
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 20 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. The United States has signed a military assistance agreement with Guatemala, it was announced yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • 127 3 To keep alive my son's memory— widow leaves a $7m. fortune DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, Tues. A WEALTHY widow, who refused for four years to acknowledge the death of her son. has left the bulk of her £850.000 ($7 million)' fortune to keep his name and memory alive, forever. Mrs.
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 128 3 Merchants taken for a ride LONDON, Tuesday, irculated details of two men pounds in Britain's recent transport services. OCOTLAND YARD today ci who made thousands of rail strike with bogus road During the strike London merchants were telephoned by a man, who gave the name
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 70 3 LONDON. Tues. Members of the crew of the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth remained at their posts when she docked early today, despite an attempt to call them out on a spreading strike against trans-Atlantic liners. Pickets from other strikebound ships met the world's biggest vessel at
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  • 48 3 LONDON, Tues.— The Labour Left-winger Mr. Aneurin Bevan plans to make a new attempt to capture the key post of party treasurer at the Labour annual conference in October. He has accepted the nomination for the post by the small National Union of Vehicle builders. Reuter.
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  • 54 3 ATLANTIC CITY, New jersey, Tues. A male lion cub will be flown to the London Zoo next week as a gift for Sir Winston Churchill, whose favourite lion, Rota, died at the age of 17 years three days ago. The gift is from the
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  • 25 3 LONDON, Tues. The Burmese Prime Minister, U Nu. lunched with Sir Anthony Eden yesterday at No. 10 Downing Street. A.P.
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  • 121 3 EDINBURGH, Tues. A FRENCH play seen in fall by Princess Margaret has been "censored" for its presentation here next week before the Queen. The Lord Provost of Edinburgh has asked that certain lines be cut as "unsuitable" from the play
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 46 3 CAIRO. Thurs. Warring Arab tribesmen have cut off 500 British-led government troops in the hills of Mawla Matar, in Britain's Aden protectorate. Authorities in the Makalla province of the protectorate are rushing large military reinforcements to relive the encircled soldiers. Reuter.
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  • 31 3 LONDON, Tues. Senior Japanese and Soviet diplomats today resumed their secret negotiations after a weeks' adjournment for ending the 10-year-old state of war between the two countries. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 36 3 LONDON, Tues.— Mr. James William Simmons, who retired in 1932 as British Resident in Selangor after 31 years with the Malayan Civil Service, died at Haslemere. Surrey, on Sunday. He was 77.
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  • 358 3 LONDON. Tues. T»HE undertone remained good on the stockmarkets here today although trading was not so ilctlve as today Is the last day of the account. There was still considerable selective buying but some Investors were holding off on hopes of buyIng cheap stock later. Oilt edged stocks
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  • 23 3 LONDON, June 21.— Caslf Buyers £726: Sellers £727; Forward Buyers £726; Sellers £727; Settlement £726. Turnover a.m. 100 tons. p.m. 55.
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  • 35 3 LONDON, June 21.— Spot 35', d.. Aug. 32\d.. Sept. 31 l sd., Oct.-Dec. 30 ■\d Jan-Mar. 29d., Apr.-June 27 7 vd., July c.i.f. 31 l sd.. Aug. c.i.f. 30 7 >d. Tone: Easy.
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  • 22 3 TAIPEH, Tues. Nationalist planes dropped millions of leaflets over four provinces in China last night, it was announced here. U.P.
    UP  -  22 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 J DID IT! lost Tigour and vitality with y'-BstT^N Rich in tonic B vitamins-and r,c, it works at oncel Also W jtifrjW •iy headache, neuralgia, »ect or W^9 /^B (.ctsomcYcast-ViUtodav. \ffejm&^r\[^ tEAST-VITE mWHSN
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    • 267 3 (in th© (•S??i^'^'~^^(E2fefc^ n 7-ox 'tim I ■«*.«^l.l_'" ~**""*aHp^ SINGAPORE KC''"':: ',s^^-®^? 1 4 SINGAPOftt COID STOfiAGE CO. LTD. GODWIN" WATER PUMPS O.H. RANGE 575 to 4240 6.P.H. AT 250 FT. HEAD I fc*lUA*!M HIM 1,1. I 46. MEYER ROAD, (opposite Karon; Park) Spore TEL: *****/4 Dine and Dance at
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  • 233 4 FIFTY PART-TIME PATROLS WILL MAKE It SAFE FOR TCmn Tl: THEY WILL HELP CHILDREN ACROSS CPECIAL patrols are to be set up in Singapore to supervise children crossing roads on their way to and from schools. A new bill called the Schools Crossing Patrols Bill
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  • 44 4 TAIPING, Tues. National and ballet dances will feature in the programme to be staged by the Lady Treacher Girls' School on July 1 and 2. The main item will be the operetta "Barbarina The school choir will render several selections.
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  • 47 4 PENANG, Tues. Mr. Lee Kok Leng, of Dublin estate, has retired after more than 34 years' service. He was given a wrist watch by the estate manager. Mr. P. S. Sherwood, and a gold chain and a fountain pen by his colleagues.
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  • 39 4 When a charge of failing to produce his identity card was read to Goh Kon <Kong in a Singapore court yesterday, he mumbled to himself and waved his arms. He was sent to Woodbridge Hospital for observation.
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  • 30 4 MALACCA. Tues. Two armed uniformed terrorists robbed a Chinese tapper of his identity card in the Alor Gajah district of Malacca yesterday. A follow up is going on.
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  • 23 4 The annual meeting of the Singapore Shop Employees' Union, postponed previously because there was no quorum, will be held tomorrow night.
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  • 128 4 PENANG, Tuesday. T ATE one night in November* four years ago, after a Aj stranger had left, shopkeeper went upstairs and found his sub-tenant, Yee Lan, an old woman, leaning against a wall with a knife sticking near her heart. "I heard her murmuring for
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  • 102 4 'White area' held up 12 REDS THE DELAY MALACCA, Tues. 'THE presence of 12 1 Communist terrorists in Malacca is holding up the proclamation of new "white areas," Mr. G. C. Norris, Jasin District Officer, said at Simpans Bekoh today. He asked villagers to show a little more courage in
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  • 28 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Masai court house will be opened officially on July 10 by Mr. N. L. Cohen, President of Johore Bahru Court.
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  • 47 4 SUNGEI PATANI. Tues. A six-day fun fair organised by the Central Kedah UMNO-MCA Alliance at Sungei Patani netted about $6,000 for campaigning expenses. Miss Khatijah Ishak was crowned "beauty queen" of the fair, with Miss Noordih Hashim runner-up and Miss Fadilah Hashim third.
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  • 70 4 KUANTAN. Tues.— Since this town became the capital of Pahang, in place of Kuala Lipis, there has been a boom in the furniture-making business here. Government officers, shift- ing to their new homes here, ordered new furniture. To cope with the rush of orders furniture shops had to
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  • 90 4 SHE WILL BE THE HOSTESS Mr. Leon t. Garcia, Consul for the Philippines in Menudo, Indonesia, found he could not run his consulate without a woman to act as hostess at social functions. Mr. Garcia's wife would not leave Manila because she had to
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  • 17 4 TAIPING. Tues. The Hua Lian Hieh School here has formed a company of girl guides.
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  • 182 4 Prosperity ahead for- east coast and new hope for timber, fish, cocoa KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Malayan Railway is planning a new *20 million railway link to Kuala Trengganu on the east coast, passing through Kinjj George V National Park and rich timber forests. It is
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  • 191 4 NO STAFF TO WIN PEOPLE'S MINDS IN SELANGOR Information work m f fer KUALA Lnipf R T THE Selangor State Information Offl 1 pand the "Good Citizens' S rai 2? t, ft areas of the The movement is considered nn« important developments in nswhS. ot th pi* since the Emergency
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  • 135 4 Go od job done but he was led up the garden path Hal I, mtn „4" w A headman from 2 district where theM! were to he recruited 2 on ahead to size U p situation. p m He came back inpre^ wth life or. ihe Vw 32/5* «*«3 Puty
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  • 29 4 TAIPING Tues. I!.\\ adult education teachers M all over Perak and co-errer from Penan? and Sebopr at tended the first Ftnk |M teachers' conferer.c during the weekend
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 If\ O I HUH I II fofciM illl^al ■^L^Ei&ffiilWnTT^TTn^^ j i ?>3wtt mJEj^I aTtmMBgC <^WMBBBBiIIBBIBBBBBBWMK^BBWBBWBIBBa^BWBiBwBiBa^B kSSS'ifm window mode* air *&&?£jsß f%3!f*iMWHBB^^BKUUHHRKnB&KKHR& l ßfflB^&^K^nt&ml£E&-& Conditioner. JBHlf MB^Lt JfarSaßiH '■wtS'^iZ^^^^^^^^^^^^^n'c^^r^^r^TnmT^nxic^^^^^K^^^" BMBIBII ja^Hißi i T^ 1 t| 1 1 1 QH l^^t^m COMFORT CONTROL Ei— -Sill fr Q*JI OOOPfI fj) -^lrrl ..versatility for
      186 words
    • 127 4 NYLON a has everything! fef *> Li£ht as a feather! Strikingly beautiful! Jt A Colourfully designed prints! T^f? Solves all your laundering m^i''-'LmJ\ V problems! >^tM-^^X f /r/^r^^^J- Dainty Floral Designs jSfll^^jr^'^^^illM Poika Dots. s j&s&/-V'Sy:'\\~: i Embossed Effects V „;<jPP&£ j 1 36" and 38" wide ■^A'^'^'^fM^^lP^^Ti-^fi'^'' i From
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  • 55 5 drtI'SANDS of will be cast Federal elecbefore the main V' (l( voters jfoes to J- ,11, on July 27. v members of force and the es, who are ote by post. th, each of voters" will t paper, a ol identity, a to contain it naper after ft
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  • 115 5 Mr. Ooi Penang's lone .didate, today .ing of income -v i.OOO group to elementary all children in the first line of I any totality, and it is •.we elemenng should be child," be told h-hour crowd iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiiiiiii in his first campaign speech today.
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  • 43 5 14 LI MHK. Tues. A f patrol has killed the r of a once rrorist £an!» in fcftteng district of South' ll .i h ;i woman. Ooi a mtniber of the MengBl hnnrh of thp terrorist ■;in>it ion.
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  • 22 5 -SORE BAHRU. Tues. "a H Hickling, of the Colovice, will succeed D. K Grant, the Johore ■vhen he goes onth.
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  • 311 5 Security forces will post- a tiny top-secret envelope bigger envelope, addressed and stamped, which can be used to send ballot paper and declaration of identity to the Returning Officer The nfilled in ballot paper must be accompanied by the declaration or Identity signed by the
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  • 79 5 KLANG, Tues.— Tengku Abdul Rahman, told more than 3,000 people at Permatang Pasir, 30 miles south of Klang, today that the Government has told its officials not to lend their cars to political parties on polling day. He alleged the move was planned to cripple the Alliance
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  • 76 5 PENANG, Tues. Penang Alliance leaders will hold their first meet-the-people forum in UMNO Hall at 10 a.m. on Sunday. "This session is being called in fulfilment of our promise to the electorate that Alliance councillors will ex- change views with them for the benefit of the settlement," Dr.
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  • 264 5 WOMAN TOOK HERBS: OPEN VERDICT A TRACE of arsenic in a Chinese medicinal pot was the only clue in the mystery death of a 30--1 y oar-old woman, the Singapore Coroner's Court j was told yesterday. The Assistant Coroner, Mr. Giam Chong Hing, returned an open
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  • 202 5 TNEY WART METERS CHARGED living in 1 Singapore Improvement Trust flats with block water meters may call a protest meeting if individual water meters are not installed immediately. A Legislative Assemblyman, Mr. Lee Choon Eng, has written to the City Council, reminding them that
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  • 38 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Wong Sing, a coffee shopkeeper, of Ulu Tiram, was fined $1,000 here today for possessing chandu pills, chandu dross and for allowing his premises to be used for the purpose of chandu smoking.
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  • 27 5 Ho Chot pleaded not guilty in Singapore yesterday to a charge of intimidating Tan Hang Kwang with a chopper at Balestier Road on Monday night.
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  • 27 5 Tay Oeok Lan, 70, was fined $80 in Singapore yesterday for having dutiable samsu and a complete still for distilling liquor withou: a permit.
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  • 25 5 Lee Yap Pew claimed trial In Singapore yesterday, to stealing a cycle at Perak Road on May 21. Bail of $250 was allowed
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  • 29 5 Karupiah was fined $300 in Singapore yesterday for erecting an unauthorised cow shed at Woodlands Road. The shed was ordered to be demolished by Sept. 30.
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  • 121 5 Her usual tone was too loud for the magistrate WOMAN who raised her voice in the presence of a magistrate was charged with behaving in a disorderly manner in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. Vans; (loot Seng went to the court to summon another woman on some grievance, but
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  • 63 5 PENANG, Tues. Leper patients in Pulau Jerejak will be presented with a radio set tomorrow. It has been donated by Mr. Yeoh Cheang Seng in response to an appeal by the Penang and Province Wellesley British Red Cross Society. A contribution by Mr. K. H. Loke
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  • 75 5 Singapore bus companies will not welcome the City Council's proposal to allow rival operators to stop and pick up passengers in each other's territory where their routes overlap. The proposal has to be confirmed by the Council at its meeting on June 30 before
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  • 212 5 Govt. plan to get capital is queried THE Singapore Govern--1 merit's declared aim of attracting private capital to expand trade and industry in the Colony will form the subject of a query at the next Legislative Assembly meeting on June 29. Mr. John Ede. (Progressive) will ask what plans the
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  • 85 5 POSTAL CLERK ON SAVINGS CHARGES SEREMBAN. Tues. Mohamed Yassin bin Ahmad, a postal clerk with more than 20 years' service, was charged In the sessions court here today with criminal breach of trust of $153 He was alleged to have taken $70 from a schoolboy, Mohamed Taufek bin Hamid. on
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  • 43 5 The Commissioner-General, Mr Malcolm Mac Donald, was among the 600 guests, who attended a dinner given by the Indian mercantile community in Singapore at the Sea View Hotel in honour of Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, Assistant Minister for Commerce and Industry.
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  • 32 5 BUTTERWORTH, Tues. Burglars took a $70 gold ring and several cheques for $678 lrom an Indian coffee shop in Pier Road, Butterworth last night. They climbpr! over a back wall.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 181 5 CL\>tn£ASs for cool customers MOYGASHEL LINEN SUITS $85/00 Cut on easy comfortable lines, so casually correct SOLE ACENTS FOR Austin Reed Limited of Regent street, London. WILL SOLVE YOUR CofrtymCj. PROBLEMS ERROR PROOF PHOTO COPIES OF LETTERS. DOCUMENTS, CHARTS. j PIANS ETC IN A JIFFY. NO DARKROOM REQUIRED. SIMPLE OPERATION
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 550 5 9.45 Barrel House; 10.00 Time for RADIO MALAYA Music: 10.30—11.00 Dance Music ('Programmes thus marked ran j I|VBRSHn be received by listeners in Malacca, j 81 1 *J"1 UJl[* I I Short wave 49 62m. Medium HHBRHOHHfIHHfII wave 476 m., 343, 366 m. and 297ra. j CIUrADADV •8.57 and 11.10
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  • 46 6 2li Horrfr H» (minimum). FERNANDEZ: On June 18. 1955, I :.ither-in-law of j Oanei paved away at r;m. riinv BZM FOONG mcc st. Teresas HosKowloon, Hongkong on Saturs:h June. The beloved wife Chev Szc Foong of HampKuala Lumpur. She !>ehlnd one son and two en.
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  • 23 6 ;»> M „ni. $in (minimum). AMI MKS. STEPHENS Thank and Relatives for B condolence, searching body ..s to console us in our I
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  • 200 6 :n KmA sin i minimum) LOW PEDANT Eveiy Day in If you viol to'wm "00 word puzzle. JACK and Daphne Barker, ;:-known London entertainers, appearing at the Cockpit I ccept on Mondays YOU MAY I.OVE Onions but boul ;he smell? Surely you've i |ID lix that. today. •APORE ARTS
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  • 679 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. June 22, 1955. Finding The Facts < >n<- of the Labour Front's election promises was that it would carry out a survey of the national resources of Singapore. It is doubtful if this was one of the great vote-getters which seated Mr. Marshall and his
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  • 629 6 The recommendation by the Integrity of the Public Services Commission that the Federation Government should relax the present ban on opium smoking is unlikely to find wide approval. For this is a question on which the public feels that moral right overrides all other considerations. The
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  • 1036 6 Tito would turn against the West if war came I What does the pact recently signed at Belgrade between Russia I and Yugoslavia really mean? Does it indicate renewed harmony be- tween the two Communist countries, or could this be the beginning of i the end of the cold war?
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  • 797 6  -  JAY 6. MYIER By \yHILE only time and events can reveal the full meaning of the pact of peace and forgiveness between Russia and Yugoslavia, there seems no doubt that this constitutes the most important "zig" in the line of international
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  • 135 6 Must Work five years to get a home CJOME years back Government h for its employees, decided ln m houses to be sold to them. This l e r ept I«S2 existence and circulars were sent S, y ea m c tm d< !S«£S5S l invitin p^pecX'ot^Vto 1 there was
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  • 216 6 rpHERE is some clamour x that Malay should be introduced as the official language of Malaya after the attainment of independence. I would prefer the English language to be used English has been used in all Government departments for many years and these departments are
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  • 119 6 WAN Faridah, appears to think that Che Rahman did not do anything wrong hi linking arms with two American sailors recently in Singapore. So far from condemning such conduct in a Muslim woman. Wan Faridah Is clearly very anxious to encourage all Malay women and girls to
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  • 70 6 II7ILL not the Government consider giving two or ii>'' f M Tf months' holiday* at a stretch instead of terminal days? This will benefit both school teachers and school B ren a great deal. ■B They can arrange to visit places of Mercs* A wp^B the full benefits
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 649 6 CLASSIFIED ADS; !0 Words $10 (minimum). THOMPSON: To Olive and Charles of Sllll.iu. a son, on 19.6.55, Bungsar Ho POTTER: On June 20 at British d Singapore to Frieda iNee Bedii and David Potter a son Peter Stefan. 70 Words $10 (minimum). TAY TAMO: Engagement i nn-nouru-ed in Ipoh between
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    • 54 6 Indoor games are more excitin& When the/ re played by Osram liihtini j > TH* W ICCO ,»flj. Advertisement of THE GIMMAt LTOjJj^ Representing THE GENERAL ELE( i■■ And now come Two Tom' Printed Body and Plain PaU» FlockednylonTullcSr-noify^^ Ribbon nylon Tulle 45" i* gjfl Flocked Shauntant 3* al S«
      54 words

  • 244 7 ALL IN THE FAMILY' APp ROACH MAY END SINGAPORE DOCK STRIKE SOON 0H SIDES ARE READY TO GIVE AND TAKE WW-PEACE HOPES RISE ol< of three Singapore Harbour Board |)|vll ,r unions held out hope last night that jj^j strike by the Board's 1,300 clerks
    244 words
  • 63 7 men are cleared of polls riot ised of rioting vous hurt nt supportin the SinPollci Court Mr. Choor he could not of rioting. He their defence. ced to have up the two John De and Munan, a ticket rofTeeshop In Road during the impalgn tchumanan the head and the assault.
    63 words
  • 54 7 The Minister for Local I Government, Lands and Housing. Inche Abdul Hamid bin H<iji Jumat. yesterday spent four hours on a visit to Sembawang and Nee Soon areas, In Singapore. He was accompanied by the Chairman of the Rural Board. Mr. S. T. Stewart and Inche
    54 words
  • 27 7 The Singapore Government Administn Ive and Clerical Services Union will hold its annual meeting tomorrow at the Singapore Civil Service Association canteen, in Empress Place.
    27 words
  • 26 7 kins, Secretary ian Department passed through rday on his way Iks at the Id the talks .'inc.' 1 spend 10 land
    26 words
  • 13 7 LACCA. Tues. Fifty last nieht and ive the Malacca Malayan Indian
    13 words
  • 55 7 LITTLE CHAN SIEW PENG was in the middle of a drawing lesson when Madam Songgram. wife of the Prime Minister of siam, sat down for a chat. Madam Songgram had dropped into the Welfare Centre at Mt. Erskine during the course of her tour
    55 words
  • 429 7 Touring party has to hustle to keep up with her AM ADAM Pibun SongiTl gram, wife of the Prime Minister of Siam, now visiting Singapore, yesterday proved herself a keen social worker and a tireless sightseer. In two and a half hours, she visited six
    429 words
  • 149 7 2,700 BOTTLES ARE POURED DOWN THE DRAIN PORT SWETTENHAM, Tues.— It was a sad day for the town's beer drinkers here today. They whispered together in bars and clubs as the bad news was passed around. Some were angry. Others could not
    149 words
  • 133 7 Sir Robert is looking for a house OIR ROBERT SCOTT will probably move into a new official residence when he arrives in Singapore in September to replace Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald as Commissioner-General. It is understood that the Commissioner General's Office Is already looking for a suitably spacious residence for
    133 words
  • 50 7 IPOH, Tues. A watchman, Sadhu Singh, aged 41, was charged here today with carrying an unlicensed revolver last night at Kampong Simpang Pulai, seven miles south of Ipoh. No plea was recorded. The case was postponed to June 28 and Sadhu Sin^h was remanded in custody.
    50 words
  • 190 7 127 men face obstruction charge rpHE Singapore Fifth Police Magistrate, Mr. R. B. I. Pates, yesterday set aside 14 days for the trial of 127 strikers of Hume Industries who were arrested by the police on June 10, for alleged obstruction. The trial will take
    190 words
  • 53 7 Mr. A. S. Jenkins, a member of the U.S. Aeronautics Administration station in Bangkok, arrived in Singapore by KLM yesterday for routine talks with the Director General of Civil Aviation, Mr. G. J. Warcup. After spending two days in Singapore, Mr. Jenkins will fly to Sarawak for
    53 words
  • 59 7 PENANG, Tues.— Yeoh Long Hoo, who yesterday offered in court to take back his first wife. Cheng Gek Tee, if she was willing to live with his second wife, today agreed to pay her $90 a month to stay with his sister. The agreement was
    59 words
  • 55 7 Nurses from Malaya, Sarawak and Brunei are among those from many Asian countries who will attend a nursing education seminar in Suva. Fiji, next month. Singapore representatives will be Miss Doris Cowsill, Miss Nora Conway and Mrs. Maude Perera. Miss Wong Soo Chin and Miss Kathleen
    55 words
  • 33 7 Eleven applications for cublie house licences were approved yesterday at the quarterly session of the' Singapore Board of Licensing Justices. Seven were rejected and two are under consideration.
    33 words
  • 57 7 TOD AT: Singapore 1 p.m. (Bft 71n.); Port Dlckson 7.52 a.m. (9ft. 21n.) 8.22 p.m. (9ft. 6lnj; Penang 2.12 a.m. (7ft. Sin.) 2.08 p.m. (Bft. 71n.>. TOMORROW: Singapore 13.06 a.m. (10ft. lln.) 1.40 p.m. (Bft. 61n.); Port Dlckson 8.34 a.m. (9ft. Sin.) 9.03 p.m. (9ft. 2tn); Penang 2.56
    57 words
  • 118 7 <& From Page One put our case before the United Nations." Marshal Songgram experienced what was probably the roughest mile of his round-the-world trip when he went to the PARELF Training Centre near Kota Tinggi yesterday. After inspecting a guard, the marshal boarded a jeep with
    118 words
  • 37 7 A businessman, Ng Sim Lam, was hit on the head with a hammer after an argument with a man in Pekin Street, Singapore, on Monday evenIng. He was treated at the hospital and sent home.
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  • 25 7 Mr. Abdul Khallq Malik, secretary of the International Islamic Economic Organisation, arrived in Singapore yesterday evening on his way to Pakistan from Indonesia.
    25 words
  • 115 7 PORT SWETTENHAM, Tues. workers yesterday brought up from the sea bed here a 20ft long trailer which toppled over the wharf on Sunday with $50,000 worth of whisky ai.ri cigarettes. The trailer's cargo had just been unloaded from the ahiD Olenearn. A police party
    115 words
  • 269 7 A FTER drifting in a crippled boat for 17 days and 80 miles, four hungry Indonesians were saved on Monday afternoon. The X.P.M. ship, Batocla. which picked them up 70 miles from Singapore arrived here yesterday morning. The men, who will
    269 words
  • 64 7 SEREMBAN, Tues.— A 15--year-old schoolboy, A. Arokiasamy, has been missing from his home in Seremban since the end of last month. His father, P. Anthonysamy, a mason in the Public Works Department, Seremban, has offered a reward of $50 for information which would help him
    64 words
  • 24 7 Kwan Lai Kum. aged 22, mother of two girls, has been missing from her house in Tras Street. Singapore, since last Wednesday.
    24 words
  • 75 7 SLIPPERS HIT JACKPOT KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malayan rubber slippers have got a toe-hold on the beaches of America, the Straits Times was told today. A Federation Labour Department monthly report said that a large Malayan shoe factory recently recruited 100 more workers to make slippers for export to America. An
    75 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 FRYS Ntributed by sime darby \Jq ST JOHN APPEAL WEEK dIUTy Sat 95th GARDEN FETE. 12 30 to 6; l< 31 Tuning Cmund -_sl_and_soc___ SOCCER MATCH: 8 p.m.; Jalan Besar Stadium $2. and 50c. TllO 0O»u CINEMA SHOW: 9.30 p.m.; Pavilion I 'UC. ZOth Theatre $10. $5. $3, andsl.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 78 7 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE: (7.30 p.m. on June 30 to 7.30 a.m. on June 21): Singapore 75 degrees, Penang 72, Kota Bharu 75. Kuala Lumpur 72. Ipoh 72. Kuantan 73. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on June 31): Singapore 88 degrees. Penang •8. Kota Bharu 86. Kuala Lumpur
      78 words

  • 498 8 Eight-hour day charter f or Spore workers BILL PROPOSES NEW DEAL ON HOLIDAYS AND OVERTIME A WORKERS' CHARTER, which lays down an eighthour day and a 48--hour week for all workers in Singapore, is to be introduced in the Legislative Assembly next week. The charter is contained in a new
    498 words
  • 95 8 SINGAPORE police ar c investigating the death of an 18-year-old Chinese carpenter from Kuala Lumpur who was found stabbed at Lorong 23, Gt slang, on Friday night. The carpenter. Wong Fatt and a friend. Ong Ngan Lai. 18. also a carpenter, were sitting on a
    95 words
  • 48 8 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Tues.— Account for the past three years will be considered at the general meeting of the Bukit Mertajam Recreation Club at 6 p.m. tomorrow. This will be the club's first general meeting in four years. Mr. M. A. Kldner will preside.
    48 words
  • 34 8 PENANG. Tues.— Five piculs of rubber sheets and one and a half piculs of scrap valued at $725 are reported to have been stolen from the store of Dorset Estate, Sungei Bakap.
    34 words
  • 336 8 HE WON'T SA V WHOM HE'LL BACK FkR. BURHANUDDIN AL-HELMY is leaving Singapore on Friday for a 17-day lecture trip in the Federation. But he did not indicate last night whether he would speak for any political party, contesting the Federal elections. Dr. Burhanuddin told the
    336 words
  • 53 8 JERANTUT, Tues.— A public library was opened on Bunday at Sungei Jan new village near here. The library has 1.200 English and Chinese books donated by the Malayan Public Library Association. the British Council and the USIS. The people of Jerantut and the new village contributed $375
    53 words
  • 37 8 The Senpaga Vlnayagar temple in Ceylon Road, Katong. which has been renovated, will be consecrated on July 7. There will be special religious service from July 2 to July 18 for the consecration service.
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  • 27 8 Mr. Justice Taylor will leave for Britain on July 4 on a short holiday. During his absence Mr. Tan Ah Tah will act for him.
    27 words
  • 107 8 CMILING AIRMAN shaking hands with the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Alexander Grantham. is Captain Philip Blown, chief pilot of Cathay Pacific Airways, who has been decorated by the Queen. Commandant of the CPA.Skymaster shot down by Chinese Communists off Hainan Island last July, killing
    107 words
  • 33 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Soh Ngau Kwan, died soon after an accident in Sentul Road here today. Her bicycle and an Army lorry, which was taking children to school, collided.
    33 words
  • 23 8 PENANO, Tues. A 10-year-old girl, Khor Ewe Yean, was drowned in Sungei Matl, a tributary of the Sungei Pinang, yesterday evening.
    23 words
  • 76 8 NICOLL WILL SIT FOR A PORTRAIT TWE former Governor of Sin--I gapore, Sir John Nicoll, will sit for a portrait in England for the Friends of Singapore. Mr. T. W. Ong, president of the Friends of Singapore, said, this last night when about 40 members met at his house in
    76 words
  • 50 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Trade Union Adviser's office today said that nearly 300 people near Seremban had formed the Negri Sembilan Estate Workers' Union "We have advised them to merge with the National Union of Plantation Workers, but they prefer to stand aloof." he said.
    50 words
  • 48 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— A market labourer, Heng Peng Seng, aged 45, was remanded until June 28 for sentence after he had pleaded guilty here today to stabbing another man during a quarrel on Sunday night. Hens stabbed a clogmaker, Low Ah Tee, in the back.
    48 words
  • 383 8 A LARGE number of Malayan law students have been successful in the Inns of Court examinations, held in London in May. The following passed: ROMAN LAW: Class 3: Ismi bin Ismail, T. C. Chan, Y. C. Chin, Hazim bin Ismail, Miss H. K. K. Lam.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 1348 9 control, poise and diet helped pin-up's dramatic career |i^» /■v^bTt 1 *1 B PTF^iTT^Uti i/ t>j jb iTiTTT^Bi ftVl ill j^^B A TENSE audience awaited* the close of Gounod's Faust at the Princess Theatre Melbourne, in March 1888. Actress Nellie Stewart, who appeared as Marguerite, had fallen during the performance
    Daily Mirror  -  1,348 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 288 9 AcJ ft I FWLS I7JWLS Q£ H5 LADIES -S: TOP. iipies Go filled in 3 Days NiXO. Itrm T.inL-ht ir nkln hp- I Niko. thai kill* M I Blotches, Eruption*. n« id. it hirte -Kin. So hi mist to- iranl«c that mptei and i imooth or odertn SiU -o
      288 words
    • 200 9 f Rise and Shine Event Day j/fiL ><(\ \Cv\\ becaus 'Bm nevf \T\"" \Yy \y bothered by the u»o»l 1 r^>) /j$ '"Us that trouble an i l\\r EXPECTANT MOTHER. /I/mV\ 1 1 1 Durin 9 m > Pr «q nanc y fy'nvji/JJ/ always take Vliutlliln'Tf MILK OF MAGNESIA A
      200 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 66 9 Shertovk Holmes MMeadiy as cobra lHvfr Tmvfi Leader named BHHBBHIHBBH EM^f IHSCfh^r^SJ 0 llf EASY BO^EASV. TRACV I \cgoke, hand uptme recorder] fAND TME LEADERS NAMEWAS^ j^VSWOOTUS-TWEV--^ i^WjLJ. LET VOUTALKJO gevvwNTr J^J^»^^S^ RUCMEAD THEYOBMOUSLY T \f LATER. _> our PERMANEhfr records. L^WERE GANGSTERS OF Atf a V Cm^-, Il^WvwmmjS3 Jet
      66 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1297 10 T«i: 1405 MANSFIELD <5c CO., LTD. t«ii 1411 (Incorporjtec in Singapore) (11 Unas) THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE T option to rroceftJ via other port 9 to load ond discharge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Due Sails P. Sham Penong loomedon for Marseilles, I, Liverpool, Jane 19/22
      1,297 words
    • 1185 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Ant-.rp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Ct> I Gothenburg Oslo S'poro P. S-hom Pnang 1 mS?- ,r..;:.." »ti S g £gg "rAIST*IA- 16/1* Aim JO/20 Aag 21/22 Au, X) Calls London (passengers only), Gdynia. 1 SAILINGS «OM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENT Spore P. S'hom Panang
      1,185 words
    • 968 10 SKhcTHE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. Ta -'2,^i SINGAPORi (Incorporated in tn. United Kingdom) > UNB SAIUNGS TO U.K. AMD CONTINENTAL PORTS S'nora P. S'hom '^nana, Bonvanr«ch for London, Hull *«/T *«/27 Bm^JS^° nd r:. MJ—/ 3 JIT OMrt »t,,i.a 18 Ja» GtegX&rnburfl \W 11/ M *-T Rotterdam 24 Mf/ 3At
      968 words
    • 639 10 McALISTER Crrv 0' BROOKLYN *^V < t '«l Colto Hull. A«q 26 3 Jui, K wsezzrinz^ (Incorporated i n the FedL .^°'i iTD^s CH*. option to JB«« OUTWARD «0M U.K.. CONTINENT^? HONf 1 CLENIARN PWonSr H0N «0N 6 t RADNORSHIRE P W N RADNORSHIRE* 11/16 Au2 17/ Au< > 5/
      639 words

  • 10 11 iPiIKF JINK 21. p. r picul 1 NtirOTED
    10 words
  • 53 11 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS 1 1 IiNE, Tues. as widely heavy In ;rire s recorded be Stock Ex,»ad stocks pr Uraniunw; dILs were ffl.S 13/32 CM 15/32 61/101<a unquoted 25/2 fi9/9 55/I 'a 26/3 7/OH 11/5 22/0!j 7/4>. a 4ft '4tt 22/10' a 42/--41/7', 18/I'j 33/6 47/3 U/10M 18/10 20/2 42/ I',
    53 words
  • 44 11 buyers esterday above iirm. esterday R.s.s. sellers 112 buyers 109 T 4. R.S.B. August J !fi No. 101. I O 'n-.merce price on enta per lb. Riivrrs Srllrrj. Id', HOi 108% 't' 106S OS's 105\ inn loou 108*j 108 105". 106 1
    44 words
  • 40 11 I\i h.ingr Banks c following to merchants! T.T. 32 S B 0 days 32 5/8 16 ■r.irie bills. <>i O.D. reaey: .-;e market in ■day. Jhe U.S. ~3""» for cash ted nt 15.56 and -'50 r 6.
    40 words
  • 240 11 The Malayan Share Brokers' Assoclatten. Singapore secU^repo^ share^^r-l 6 al of the local i neu i^v et belng st ad V a t the! new levels turnover was sparse due wlllng U 10US yln(f and rel «ctant Singapore share brokers reported! dav-^ B busmess done jeiterFraser and Neave
    240 words
  • 102 11 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Langkoeas 1 2 Kantjll 3. Benlomond 45. Nankai j 1 Maru C.P.. Benvannoch 6 7 Momba.ssa 3 9. So-.nali 11, Anchises 13 14 Benreorh 15 16. CUy of Brooklyn 18 Leisp Maer;k 19 20 Bruas 21 Van:
    102 words
  • 636 11 RUBBER PRICE TOPS HIGHEST LEVEL FOR CURRENT YEAR DI *°f r Mark <* Correspondent R «10?? Sed j™, Sin a P<>re yesterday at f^k 2**! Ound for JuI > fi r s t grade buyers tion^Fif S^onT "i 1 l $U0 and the appreciaspread demand ftn Mon s eta was
    636 words
  • 181 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: steady; June S2B 14 buyers. $28 5 8 sellers; July *28 3 4 buyers, $29 sellers; August $29 buyers. $19 14 sellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk $42 14 sellers, drum $45 sellers. Pepper; quiet with no business
    181 words
  • 896 11 COMPANY MEETINGS GROUP'S GOOD YEAR LORD BAILLJEU'S SPEECH The Fifty-sixth Annual General Meeting of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.. was held on June 13 In London. THE RT. HON. LORD BAILLIEU. K.8.E., C.M.G.. the Chairman, In the course of his speech said: In my speech last year
    896 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 393 11 KNUTSEN LINE Fait and Regular Service CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sailing Arriving francisco Singapore P.Swet Penang Frcmantle In port 23 |unc 24 |unc 2 July ill June 11 |uly 13 July 14 July 21 July 9 July 8 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 18 Aug 3 A U 12
      393 words
    • 100 11 NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES i... "CHOYSANG" due Singapore June 23rd from Calcutta This vessel will be discharcing cargo in the Roads and consignees are kindly requested to apply for Delivery Orders from the undersigned and to send their lighters to the vessel immediately, failing which the cargo will be discharged into
      100 words
    • 152 11 SHIPPING NOTICES BUNKED AND UNBERTHED TICKETS FOR THE "RAJULA" Sailing on the 3rd July, 1955 BUNKED and Unberthed tickets for the s.s. "RAJULA" sailing on tVe 3rd July 1955 for Nagapattinam and Madras will be on sale at our Unberthed Ticket Office at Trafalgar Street on 24th June. Friday it
      152 words
    • 503 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCY WAR DEPARTMENT A vacancy for a Quantity Surveyor's Assistant Grade I or II in the establishment of C.R.E., South Malaya. SEREMBAN. (AU applications will be addressed to:— PCLU Detachment, Lemon Street, SEREMBAN.) Duties of Grade II: (1) Preparation of Minor Approximate Estimates, (il) Measurements of Term Contract
      503 words
    • 416 11 NOTICES THE METAL BOX COMPANY OF MALAYA LIMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from the Ist of July to the 14th of July 1955, both days inclusive, for the preparation of Dividend Warrants. By Order of the Board
      416 words
    • 416 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA Applications are invited for the post of Power Station Laboratory Assistant at Connaught Bridijr near Klang. Applications will be rereived from Young Men Possessing School Certificate with a credit in General Science, preference will be Riven to candidates with any
      416 words
    • 233 11 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are Invited for the manufacture and supply of class room furniture to the various vernacular schools in Selangor. Particulars may be obtained from the Chief Education Offlcer. Selangor. CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA NOTICE Tenders are invited for the Purchase of 6 (fix)
      233 words

  • 984 12 Teddy, Golly and Rosemary sail to a small island. Teddy thiriks he has found gold in a stream but it turns out to be grains of sand. He goes off by himself and discovers a cave with a treasure chest inside. He runs back to tell
    984 words
  • 289 12 A STRAW HAT ON STAMPS Switzerland is always to the fore when there is news of stamps, and the issues they put forth are not only interesting and attractive, they are sometimes really gay. I have in mind the beautiful colouring of their "Pro Juvenate" stamps which they issue specially
    289 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 12 And what a beauty this ctt is. His name is Hazeldene Red Jewel, which is quite a long name for a cat.
    25 words
  • 277 12 When do gooses become geese? WARMER, "If I thought you r were after my rarnbutans I'd give you this stick" Ah Lan. "Oh thank you sir I could reach them easily with that:* Rukiah. •'Mummy my thumb hurts every time I squeeze' it." Mother. "Then don't squeeze it." Rukiah. "But
    277 words
  • 336 12 Dear Roys and Girls, Here are the six winners of our Uncle Ollie contest. Salleh bin Wars, aged 14, 54 Kampong Pindah, Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, Stella Daniel, aged 11 210-B |oo Chiat Road, Singapore 15, Fadillah Taib. aged 1),
    336 words
  • 89 12 HERE is a quiz for our young readers based on nursery rhymes. See how 7nany questions you can answer. 1. Which rhyme holds the following words? Black, wood, bags. 2. Who had 'never seen such a thing in her life'? 3. What
    89 words
  • 42 12 asnow 9wn v 9 uaui -9UU3Q 'S „-9Ut /Ivd UO/t UfJl U9UM.. t 'SJ9PUUJ HllOd afioi s,49uuvf syx Z looai Hun noti aaoy daaijs o/ooiq vnq Dvg i wfifj nn mam toff no/I adoy i suaaisuv am auv
    42 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 102 12 Served or? Me ...all over Malaya and in Borneo too! take your choice LYONS tI COFFEE asents JACKSON CO.. LTD. I fft 3 s4(sSjtbK. AVAILABLE Jll^l^J ON EASY TERMS I I CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. i ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE, 9 II TEL: ***** 274. BATU ROAD, KUALA LUMPUR. TEL:
      102 words
    • 33 12 C.C.C. Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's Corner Club. DLEASE enrol me a member of tha Children's Corner Wise Owls and send me a badge NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      33 words
    • 252 12 B SURE OF HAHDSQMIHto now-ana in the fu ture A few drop* or "Vaseline" Hair cro 0n,,,| thdn Tonic every morning add to ilic dressing naturalscalp 0i15. give you the wrll G^vH full daily protection necessary to car- U guaM against dry scalp lifeless Tonic ST2 Va inf X "HungryHa!r""Vaseline"Hair
      252 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 403 13 lON ,r .xlm t Rooms In suit- 1 19 S.T. I Couple 1 •or Tanjoag A 1 i pat ion I < im fully ree Garage iuiei locality < 1 oom Bun- 1 1 Qi M Phone „oo p.m. Liable •lied Flats] J.Uan Tua C<>*. s t Road I person-
      403 words
    • 550 13 TUITION HW, IS (Min.)-Box SO ct.. extra rh Ilu i ru t O". Success assumed Ch. trees Moderate. $6 hourly sin s< :V'^iL Road Tel. ****** M I iMBERT'S DRIVING SCHOOL Highway code $,o Methodical Angle and Parallel fhurd Road. Phoae *****. CITY DRIVING SCHOOL 12 St Gregory's Place, telephone
      550 words
    • 670 13 FOR HIRE I Mm,.., yj (Mln.)—Box SO el,, txtra. LATEST MODELS Self Drive Cars for Hire. Moderate Charges Phone' S.^HoT 10 ELECTRIC KEROSENE Refrigerators. Freezers. Commercial Hefricerators on reasonable terms. lh P Marden Co., 78, Orchard Road Singapore 9. Telephone: 6421. HIRE PURCHASE 20 Wo,d, $i (Min.)— Box SO ct..
      670 words
    • 951 13 I NOTICE ST. ANDREWS OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION ANNIAL GENERAL MEETING j The above w ill be held at the 1 Cathedrai Memorial Hall on 1 1 SATURDAY 25th. June. 1955 at 4 30 p m The President .specially re- I quests ALL Old Boys to be present I regardless of
      951 words
    • 625 13 NOTICES IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA 1 IN THE HIGH COL'BT AT JOHOBE BAHBU. Civil Salt No. 20 of 1937. In the Matter of the Trusts of the Will of SYED HASSAN bin AHMAD ALATTAS. Deceased. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the further Inquiries with regard
      625 words
    • 510 13 NOTICES CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE SECTION 103 MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 133). Making I p A Draining of Shanthal Road From River Valley Road to Reserve Road. NOTICE is hereby given that I the plan, specification, estimate 1 and apportionment of expenses of making up and draining of Shanghai Road from
      510 words
    • 433 13 t KIWI POLISHES PROTECTS PRE SERVES BRASSO iVrtQUAUry METAL POL\S* For all Brass and Copperware WORD PUZZLE .■■••■•<■■■•••••■•••••••• Cat mlooc dotted line*. I WEDNESDAY Straits Times I I WORD PUZZLE "H" Cur out and pin with other coupons. Potting instructions appear below. I Name 1 Address 3 s 9 I
      433 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 337 13 Straits Times Crossword 17 ia H H 2T II II 2/ 2 ACROSS 9. Such a rogue's trainingSe^om1. Liveliness of elf -land fauna? plete 18. 5). (6. 7). 13. Set before the Pied Piper? (3. 10. Arrangements of cattle are In 4). dispute (.9). 14. Kept to the border In
      337 words

  • 243 14 MARINES LOOK FOR GOALS, GET TEN MARINE Department S.C.. S.A.F.A. first division leaders, with a 100 per cent rerord. were in relentless mood when they met lowly Woodbridge Hospital* at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The Islanders went for goals with a will from the start and scored ten times to
    243 words
  • 73 14 tlfttajraa Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves. United Services second division leapue leaders, ju.n managed to edse out Soletar Spartans by 3-C in a keenly-contested match at Fane:- Park yesterday. Kamsan Kassim. Ismail Taib and Rahim Omar scored for the winners. In the other Div. 2 match, played i
    73 words
  • 43 14 Goh Boon Khim (Singapore I Rovers i ha^ been invited to take Rahim Omar's piace in the Colony side to meet Necri Sembilan in their Malaya Cup soccer tie at Seremban 00 Saturday. Rahim Omar is unable to travel.
    43 words
  • 120 14 SO((KR SBHFA I.KAC.IK AND (IP <;ROt P A: Hongkong Bank v S.T.C.. Farrer Park; S.T.B. v Chartered Bank. Jalan Besar. i.Kiill' B: Simp Darby v Breweries. Farrer Park. (.mill' C: Mansfield i Rata. SHB ground: S.C.S. v Guthries. (ieylang. GROIP X: Borneo Co. v Metal Bo\. Bukit Tmi.ih.
    120 words
  • 278 14 G. Knrbes (S.A.) bt L. Bergelin (Sweden) 4-6. 2-6, 6-2, 12-10, 9-7: j J. DROBNY bt R. Baser (Switzerland) 6-3. 6-1. 6-2; V. SEIXAS (U.S.) bt J. Clayton (Bri.) 6-3. 6-0. 6-0: I. HOAD (Aus.) bt B. Havre (Aus.) 7-5. 7-5. 6-2; M. Rose (Aus.) Ibt A
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 386 14  - R. van Breukelen'S Shi Shi looks promising EPSOM JEEP NEWCOMERS SHOW PACES ON BPOH TRACK By IPOH, Tues. YTOUNG Rinus van Breukelen will introduce a promising newcomer in Shi-Shi at the forthcoming Perak Turf Club June-July meeting. This four-year-old by Petition possesses a nice easy action. Paced by River Patrol
    386 words
  • 675 14 Becker defeat was a blow for UK WIMBLEDON .Tues IT WAS "Ladies Day" on on the second day of the Wimbledon lawn tennis championships here today and the top favourites to succeed Miss Maureen Connolly as champion all swept through their
    Reuter  -  675 words
  • 161 14 PENANG. Tues. I^OUR tiophy races the Gold x Cup, the Bank Holiday and D.R.B. .'iips. and the Penang Plate will be run at the Penang Turl Club's four-day August Bank Holi- day Meeting on July 30 and Aug. 1, 4 and 6. There will be two
    161 words
  • 42 14 In the semi-finals of the Ladies Colony Golf Championship, played at the Royal Island Club on Sunday, Mis.s J. Davis beat Mrs. Chri.stensen 3 2, and Mrs. R. Cobley beat Mrs. Y. Needham at the 19th hole.
    42 words
  • 20 14 Entries are now invited for this year's MacGregor Watt soccer throw-in competition. The closing date is July 8.
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  • 118 14 VfOUNT ERSKINE beat Prince I iTA Edward 3-2 In the final of the Federation of Boys' Clubs table tennis championships for the Tan Thoon Lip Cup at Queen Street Boys' hostel last night. Mrs. R. Norrls. President of the Singapore Youth Council, presentea the prizes. Results
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  • 91 14 Results of the S.A.F.A. Div. 3A league games played yesterday are: Dockyard "A" beat TOM Mong OB A. 15-1 at C.T.M.A. ground Kappi 1 6). Kassim (4\), Mun Fook (2 1, Ali (2) and Da wood scored for Dockyard and James Aw for T.M.0.8.A. Serangoon M.Y.
    91 words
  • 30 14 Singapore Recreation Club beat Radin Mas Ramblers 2-0 in the'.r S.A.F.A. Div. 2A league match at S.R.C. yesterday. The scorers were G. Grosse and J. Periera.
    30 words
  • 186 14 TOHE FIRST Singapore interx schools championships for girls, held at Tanjong Katong Girls' School ground yesterday had a dismal start. An uneven ground made the conditions for running unsatisfactory, and organisation was poor. There was a scarcity of officials; tracks and staggerlngs were
    186 words
  • 205 14 Lew Hoad's marriage delights them now MELBOURNE, Tues. T^HE Council of the Lawn 1 Tennis Association of Australia met behind closed doors for 45 minutes last night to consider the surprise London wedding of Australian tennis stars, Lewis Hoad and Miss Jennifer Staley, and decided they were "delighted" at the
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 81 14 LONDON. Tues— The Yorkshire and former England fast bowler Fred Trueman has been asked by the England selectors to be present at Lord's on Saturday when the second Test between England and South Africa will begin. The Nortahmpton and England bowler. Frank Tyson, had a recurrence
    81 words
  • 316 14 Girls' sports results of the heats •"PHE results of the first Colony ln- ter-girls schools athletic championships held yesterday were: "A" DIVISION 100 Yards: Heat 1: Janet Jesudasen (CHIJ), 2. Lim Chian Kin (STH). Heat 2: 1. Winnie Lee (Katong Convnti, 2. June Stewart (CHIJ). Heat 3: 1. Elsie Thumboo
    316 words
  • 330 14 j— emms* run )f fifl :m LONDON, Tues. YORKSHIRE today avenged their defeat by Surrey earlier in the season by beating the champions by six wickets at Leeds. Surrey had been victorious in their last 15 consecutive matches nine this season and thr last six
    330 words
  • 316 14 HOVE, Sussex. Tue.s. fVUE touring South African X cricketers won their fourth victory in 12 matches today beating Sussex here by nine wickets. The scores were: Sussex 351 for six declared and 97; South Africa 308 for seven declarec and 143 for one
    Reuter  -  316 words
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    • 48 14 Easy to mi Economical Se«-»t-a-glancc footage md" 1 More tcenc. to a sinJc w.ndms Strength without weigh* m ,;n.l'< n Telephoto attachment Hi carryinc ca*e al»o available p cJ C f} A Bell H Obtainable from all author.scd the sole agents: t^'l H.A.O'CONNO«*^ J SJ Laidiaw Buildi« C-^Z
      48 words