The Straits Times, 17 June 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 86 1 Double Tenth' pan to be C-G ftV THAT SCOTT i .;,PIN SPIES the Japas the British ia during! Miccoed Donald er-Gcn-Unltedl ,-h-East Heatlie sent Bri- Washxpected to August to Intment a.mlssioner in He served in China take up his p ire at the Sir Robert 4 to the ]nformln Singapore
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  • 1564 1 Marshall tells union leaders why six men were arrested under Emergency laws Strike only a cover for violence THREAT of violence prepared under cover of a general strike led to the arrest of six trade unionists in Singapore last week-end. The Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, last
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  • 119 1 Out today— Malaya's best magazine THE story of the J famous Perak man- J eater, irho was foiled with j, an umbrella by a Chinese J noodcutter. is one of 5 the many fine features J i7i the June issue of The J Malayan Monthly —on sale TODAY. Other features
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  • 33 1 Ow Ngan Lai. 18, a fitter, and Wong Fatt. 18. a carpenter were attacked and stabbed by four men at Lorong 23. Gcylan*. Singapore. last night. Their condition is critical.
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  • 57 1 THIS WAS THE SCENE after the racing disaster at he Mans. France, last Saturday. Eighty-two people were killed when a Mercedes collided with another car, jumped the fence' and exploded in this enclosure. Most of the victims had been removed by the
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  • 91 1 ALL HOPE ABANDONED FOR TRAPPED 13 PORTLAND, Thurs. THE British submarine Sidon exploded and sank here today with 13 men trapped inside her. Other members of the crew saved themselves by jumping into the sea. Seven were injured. The Brmsin Admiralty announced later that hope has has been
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  • 115 1 It's art but will he buy it? PARIS, Thurs.— A full-length nude portrait of Marlon Brando's fiancee looked out today on a busy market place for foreign tourists. The painting was out up for sale in a department store window, and French newspapers asked: "Will
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  • 70 1 ABOARD H.M.S. CONCORD,. Thurs.— The destroyer Cossack last night left the Commonwealth warships exercising; in the South China Sea and headed at full speed for Singapore with an Australian seaman believed to be suffering from cerebral concussion. The destroyer is expected to arrive at the Naval
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  • 206 1 SINKS IN 38 FEET OF WATER HELICOPTER FLIES DIVERS TO THE RESCUE Eye-witnesses said the Sidon sent up "a terrific volume of smoke" following, the explosion, which occurred In the torpedo compartment. They saw men jumping overboard and being picked up by rescue boats. Then the submarine settled down by
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 200 1 Bombs then radio says: 'Tyrant is killed 9 BUENOS AIRES. Thurs. REVOLT broke out here yesterday shortly after the Vatican excommunicated President Peron and other government leaders. Military planes bombed Government House. But whether Peron was there at the time was not known. There was fighting
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  • 25 1 Tan Ho swee. 32. a lorrydriver was attacked by five gangsters at Pearl's Hill Road, Singapore last night. He received severe head injuries.
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  • 62 1 TRIP TO U.S. OFF SOUTHAMPTON, Thurs. A WALK off by the crew today prevented the i Cunard liner Queen Mary I from sailing to New I York. The company announced later that the passengers would be disembarked after breakfast. The ltner walkouts started two weeks ago when
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 34 1 STRIKING SEAMEN CALLED IP LONDON. Thurs. British (iovornmenl luilav began drafting striking naetciiS!*U seamen into servics ?ft«r their ur.oiTuial strike h-ld "P many liners including Qnif my VT (See this pagr)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 79 1 HAVE YOU« NEXT ROU. Of HIM *f g FINISHED IN LARGE SIZE On Album Prints D mow riFTti* Cfffrs f ach 4 1 Kodak (Malaya) Liwted 1 tf g I^o ROBINSON ROAD. J, PO. BOX 687. SINGAPORE J We regret that temporarily, we are unable to operate our delivery service,
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  • 306 2 WITNESS REPUDIATES HIS TESTIMONY: 'I WAS FORCED TO LIE' INDONESIAN TRIAL SENSATION JAKARTA, Thurs. APROSECITION witness in the trial of a Dutchman today denied testimony he made earlier to Indonesian police and said they forced him to lie by threatening to have
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  • 77 2 LEER, (Germany), Thurs. The Dutch yacht Eripan, which is reported to be taking former Amboina rebel leader "Turco" Westerlins back to the South Moluccas, left here last night with several unidentified passengers aboard. German police boats escorted the 15- ton vessel down the
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  • 55 2 DR. ROGER BANNISTER, first man to ran a mile in four minutes, and Miss Moyra Elver Jacobsson. a dark-hatred Swedish painter, cut their wedding cake in Switzerland. Ten athletes in track suits formed a guard of honour at the wedding, which was attended
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  • 239 2 And now the cold cure HEART-STOPPING OPERATION CHICAGO, Thurs. A PRETTY housewife walked out of a hospital here* yesterday after a successful double operation under refrigeration anaesthesia during which her heart was stopped twice for a total of 16 minutes. Doctors said Mrs. Lorraine Mackowiak, 25, has almost fully recovered
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  • 55 2 THE smiling bride above is Maureen Connolly, who, until her retirement a few months ago, was the greatest woman tennis player in the world. "Little Mo," 20, was married to Norman Blinker, 24, at San Diego, California, where she was born and has lived
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  • 46 2 Police have possession of a silver badge and chain with the inscription W.R.D.L. Spruce 1934. It is believed to be stolen property. Anyone with information about this badge Is asked to get in touch wit hlnspector Ratna Singam, Tanjong Pagar Station.
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  • 48 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs Yee Hin Soon, 51, a Kluang salesman was sentenced to five months' jail and fined $1,000 in the Sessions Court at Kluane yesterday for causing death, by negligence. Yee's car killed Chin Chin Tai pn the Kluang-Ayer Hitam road on April 26
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  • 106 2 —That's the cost of the fight against Malaya's terrorists so far LONDON, Thurs.— The fight against Communist terrorists in Malaya has cost more than £135.000,000 ($1,150,--000.000), the Government disclosed last night: Mr. Henry Hopklnson, Minister of State for Colonial Affairs. told the House of Commons that
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  • 56 2 Mr. Ko Teck Kin. president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, called on Hong Kong manufacturers to open branch factories in Singapore. Mr. Ko was speaking at a dinner given by the Hong Kong trade delegation to local businessmen at the Tai Tong Restaurant. Happy
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  • 208 2 New drug gives courage to cowards ...AND GIVES SHY MEN CONFIDENCE From Chapman Pincher LONDON, Thurs. A DRUG which turns henpecked husbands into domineering hemen and brings shy people out of their shells is being tested by a team pf doctors. It acts on the brain. People who are emotionally
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  • 53 2 HOLLYWOOD. Thurs. Actor John Sutton was divorced yesterday by blonde former actress Roberta Sutton. who accused him of striking her when he had too much to drink. She said that Sutton became "very belligerent and sarcastic" when he had been drinking, which, she said was
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  • 178 2 U.S. FLAGS TO KEEP FLYING in Pop, No boycott of M OEPORTS that United States shippers would boycott the port of Singapore because of the prolonged strike by the Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association were without foundation, representatives of leading American shipping lines in the Colony told the Straits Times
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  • 186 2 legs COMMONS ROW OVER COWDREYi CASE OF THE LEGLESS Pilots LONDON ThnrcH A CONSERVATIVE Member of Par'iam 1 d f, pressed the Government to say vhv iKH Colin Cowdrey had been discharged from I p b Air Force because of foot trouble wh*n Z^ accepted two other men who
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 60 2 JOHORE BAHRU Thurs There was a large attends at the funeral yeste-dav Madame Mak Kwi Tore ri of Mr. Worn- Ah Yair..on< the pioneer Chinese .T.erchi of Johore Bahru. She is survived by six i among whom in i star. Wong Peng Soon i Wong Peng
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  • 32 2 JOHORE BAHRU T-j.-J Yap Kwan Chai, 53, -'M man of Ayer Baloi. t.tW found in possession c! ~M smoking utensils, ni m $1,000 in the Sessions Com Pontian yesterday I
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  • 79 2 NEW YORK, Thurs. America's Legion of Decency, a Roman Catholic organisation, has branded Marilyn Monroe's latest film, "The Seven Year Itch," as "morally objectio- nable". The Legion claims the film treats marital fidelity "in a flippant and farcical manner" and that costumes, dialogue and situations
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 The smile of confidence She's the centre of admiring attention wherever she goes, and she's always invited to every social occasion. And why Because Kolynos has made certain her charming smile is always welcome. You see, your smile does matter, and you, too, are often judged by it. If you
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    • 71 2 I could have screamed..There was the amah pounding away at my new C sheets. And with ordinary soap, too! 11l take good there's no more careless washing in mj^^o""* v house. And I'll always insist on Sc,*y\\o\)t i Sunlight, the soap with the rich r lin light °>^ 9 lather
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  • 394 3 pi)V Thurs tfftHd States f tjjnister* asV. t York V uX months .-said Minisfc r»' rgely be arrangenmmlt" y would les to be important isarmation of possibility ..race in i security ni on hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Top issues: Arms pact, German unity and security treaty both sides
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  • 72 3 jtfXKM, IT'S A LIFE FOR A PUFF THESE DAYS I ALGIERS, Thursday. down today in the terror-ridden area the Tunisian frontier, where it may > life to smoke a cigarette. ready Algerians ioke order. lists oppose cigarettes by the monopoly. .ire a terrorist tiled cigai ammvoy
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  • 10 3 rs. The Commislid that four new atomic Scotland.
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  • 79 3 HER. Germany, Thurs. OTTO HAHN. ii split the la} appealed to >lum the ways t>i rit-Mnu'tion." M, one wea th it science Ripping mankind with m to destroy itself,," i Kienee meeting;. Prof. Hahn. winner of the 1944 Nobel Prize in chemistry, said: "The (<an?er is not
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  • 81 3 Aim in Uganda LONDON, Thurs.— A delegation of the Uganda National Congress, which the Colonial Office has declined to receive, told a Press conference ye*sterday that people in the British East African protectorate are determined to achieve sovereign independence by 1960. There are five million Africans in
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  • 33 3 LAS VEGAS. Nevada. Thurs. —Noel Coward. British playwright and entertainer, was too ill last night to appear in either of his two scheduled performance- at the Desert Inn here. Reutei.
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  • 194 3 TROOPS for MALAYA 'BLUNDER' EVATT TO GOVT THINK AGAIN CANBERRA. Thurs. rE leader of the Australian Opposition, Dr. Herbert Evatt. said today that the de- cislon to send Australian troops to Malaya to fight the terrorists was a "very grave blunder." Calling on the Government to review its decision, he
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 147 3 Millions of 'casualties' in mock atomic attack on American cities NEW YORK, Than. Americans took 'stock today after a huge make believe atomic attack on their major cities during which everyone from the President down scurried to shelter or to secret national emergency locations. The President, warned by wailing sirens
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  • 195 3 Attack by blue-painted rebels LONDON, Thursday. in revolt against the British Aden Pro- tectoraXe Government yesterday ambushed and killed two British officers and ten Aden Protestorate subjects in the worst clash in the area in recent years, a Foreign Office spokesman said today. Five Aden
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  • 18 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The United States yesterday agreed to exchange atomic information with Britain and Canada. A.P.
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  • 24 3 ISTANBUL, Thurs. The President of Turkey, Mr. Celal Bayer, left Ankara by air today for a six-day visit to the Lebanon.—Reuter.
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  • 21 3 LONDON, Thurs.— A government delegation from Communist North Vietnam will visit Moscow next month. Moscow Radio said today.— Reuter.
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  • 170 3 Why 5 Arab villages were bombed LONDON, Thurs. IrfXHE British Colonial Under--1 Secretary. Lord Lloyd, said yesterday that destruction from the air of property of lawless tribes was the most effective and humane way of punishing them when they refused to pay a collective fine. He was answering questions in
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  • 22 3 KARACHI, Thurs. Field Marshal Pibul Songgram, Prime Minister of Siam, has arrived here on a three-day official visit. Reuter.
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  • 156 3 MEXICO CITY. Thurs. Police and rioting students fought pitched street battles yesterday. The fighting started when High School students damaged a lunch room at the school after an argument with the i wner Police Reserves arrested 36 students and took them to DOlice headquarters. Then
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  • 44 3 Quads (all boys) for woman. 39 NEW HAVEN, Thurs.— Quadruplet*—all boys were born here yesterday. A hospital spokesman said that birth was premature, but gave no detailed report on tne condition of the quads and their mother. Mrs. Kenneth Barnes. She is 39.— A.P.
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  • 61 3 RABAT. French Morocco. Thurs. US Sailors and airmen yesterday were ordered to keep out of the Arab quarters in North African cities as the Frenah tightened security measures against militant na- tionalists. Two Moroccans were recently killed for political motives at Oujda. Two hand grenades
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  • 344 3 LONDON, Thurs. STOCK MARKETS were uncertain today and operators moved cautiously awaiting the economic debate in the Commons. Small selling was sufficient to depress prices. Oilts lost ground steadily under the lead of th e medium-date stocks while foreigners were also depressed with Japanese and Germans prominent on
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  • 25 3 LONDON, June 16. Cash Buyers £730; Sellers £730 ',i: Forward Buyers £730: Sellers £730 '/i: Settlement £729 > Turnover a.m. 60 tons, pjn. 35.
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  • 44 3 LONDON, June ,16.— Spot 33d. July 32\d.. Aug. 31' B d., Sept. 30' id.. July-Sept. 31 \A., Oct.-Dec. 29 3 5 d., Jan-Mar. 28>*d., Apr.-June 27Vid., June cl.I. 30 s «d., July c.i.f. 30« id.. Aug. c.i.f. 29 T sd. Tone: Irregular.
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  • 29 3 PARIS, Thurs.— The Council of Vietnam today announced that Ban Dai, Head of State, has been disowned, according to a French Press Agency report from Saigon. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 JUNE ISSUE IS OUT TODAY t Wm\** W The camera takes you to Sago Lane to llin 1 Ik 'THE HOUSE OF GREAT DIFFICULTIES', wr where the cuttoms of d |ive on F/jST^X Topical articles, colour- illustrated ficm/\ tion, cartoons, in the June issue and- Lf UI IL v I
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    • 308 3 H9k£ -i -M :> < :^H Baby's first solid Food. J$ Babies and young children thrive .^1 n on Farley's— and what Is so vtry Pt*2^^mi important of course is that they **Wxl^S%<f really enjoy their feod of Farley's J^-h^^KfY from the first moment they start £!><*^'^M*f AVAILABLE IN HANDY
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  • 98 4 Students to teachers: Let's be pals rpHE students of the UniverX sity of Malaya want to see more of their tutors outside the classroom. "Lets be better friends," urges an editorial in the "Malayan Undergrad, organ of the Students' Union. The editorial chides "bookworm" students who take no interest in
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  • 46 4 PENANG, Thurs. A French aircraft carrier, •Lafayette," steamed into the Pe'nang Harbour this morning for a threeday stop here en route to France. The carrier, under the command of Captain Ponchardier, is taking 900 French airmen and their families home from Saigon.
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  • 328 4 Malayan leaders cheer the Australian offer of help: 'They ARE welcome 7 Johore the first target perhaps KUALA LUIVVUR, Thurs. TWE Federation today welcomed the news that Australian troops coming: to Malaya will be used as reinforcements in operations against Communist terrorists and not be
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  • 232 4 HUBBY WAS IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER: WIFE A YOUNG woman alleged in the Singapore High Court yesterday that she left her husband six months after their marriage because he was in love with another woman. Hwee Mun Lan, an attractive 23-year-old hairdresser, said her husband Wong Pak Fai, a clerk,
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  • 82 4 Park your car in safe place PUCE last night appealed to car owners to park their vehicles where they could be kept under observation. Another car was burnt yesterday morning outside the Union Jack Club in North Bridge Road, bringing the number of cars burnt in the past week to
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  • 68 4 MALACCA, Thurjs.— The Settlement Youth Council officials for this year are: President: Mr. H. G Hammett; chairman; Mr. A. Kaiapathy; vice-chairman: Mr. J. W. Sweetman; secretary: Mr. Tan Hock lin; treasurer: Miss Dorcas Chein Ec Joo. committee: Miss Ruth Chein. Mr. R. Sathasivam. Che Mokhtar bin Ahmad,
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  • 241 4 $9 charge against war orphan PENANG, Thursday. A YOUTH whose parents were killed during the Japanese bombing of Penang in December 1941 was charged here today with attempting to cheat the Chartered Bank of $9. i Cheah Guan Chuan was ali leged to have
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  • 38 4 A -Paglar Ambulance Division' will be established in the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Singapore, the Assistant Commissioner. Dato A. M. AlsagofT. said yesterday. It will be attached to the Stamford Road Headquarters
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  • 44 4 PfiNANG. Thurs— Three doctors are treating about 553 outpatient* at the Penang General Hospital daily. "We realise this is inadeauate." the Resident Commissioner. Mr. D. Gray, told a press conference yesterday. Additional doctors had been asked for in the 1956 estimates
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  • 43 4 MALACCA, Thurs. Cecil d'Cruz. 26, wa s today jailed for i six months in Alor Gajah for criminal breach of trust of a cheque for $468 while employed as a clerk by Mr. Tan Jeng Thong, manager of Tebolan* Estate. Tebong.
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  • 106 4 THE latest issue of the Malayan Undergrad carries a short tribute to the Com-missioner-General Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, who will be leaving Malaya later this year to become British High Commissioner in India. The Undergrad is published by the University of Malaya Students' Union. It says:
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  • 382 4 The busmen deprive us of a feast of music APPLAUSE FROM ALL OVER ASIA, BUT... Straits Times Music Correspondent IN JAPAN they gave 20 1 concerts in .eight cities, and each time to a wildly applauding audience of up to 25,000. In Korea they were mobbed by audiences of 15,000
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  • 204 4 Court capers starring two sisters rpHREE- YEAR-OLD Ah Gek I X started to cry when her mother stepped up to the witness stand in the Singapore Coroner's Court during an Inquest yesterday. So into the witness box she went, too A few minutes later, four-year-old Ah Kirn, Ah Geks sister,
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  • 55 4 Travel never tires this woman MRS. GRACE HAYNES. (above), a woman who never tires of travelling, arrived in Singapore yesterday from New Zealand. Mrs. Haynes has been travelling every year for at least 40 years. "I am flying to London to see my brother and then I shall be off
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  • 32 4 SQUADS' READY FOR ACTION T ■a? ft>? More than T< ifM explosion, coffi fire 1 gSSSSS emergency meaK :ij ol the sa va™e oi lontina to vim! "'l*} dofctn, lost by i*>
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  • 11 4 KLANG. Thur, Jamie Associatloi Vll Kuala Lumpur soi* 1
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Two experts from the International Labour Organisation are coming to Malaya to try to revive the dying pottery industry on the East Coast. I They wil! bp arrivin. tow the end of the yea: sim the Rural and Industrial velopmont Authority sa d
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 169 4 :r^c Hvlikan Uick c W M w fris IW Wi IF OTHERS FAIL TRY SbliUan iwPipw ii|n °^^jo^^^ /^o^/n, 'nemo -kins' the miracle girdle in NYLON J Nemo-Kms' are sold in K i I /jl, an attractive sachet and kUK/^W I f^i t^ ousanc^ °f women /W3t?( aye been delighted
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    • 249 4 PiECZEMA Maddening irritation goes. Sores^ V dry up. You enjoy blessed relief! Now there is new hope for you who mfiar the I {y' torment and misery of Eczema and oth«>r irritat/ ing skin diseases. Cooling, healing D.D.D. /•^T*\_ v Prescription brings instant relief. L \^^l HOW IT ACTS iV
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  • 92 5 HE scraped Assembly minutes f MM Awang. unoppo-rd on f" „n |(iV mMrr- the •!<»«••« itrv rsl nomination P ttrr rejected f hr had failed ,n(iir«- to a ilon alI .lustier h ||Wm' handrd piP ,r. .the th nomina- piitrici Offtce 1 v(crda>, itt.r thr Melted. The officer, Mr. J.
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  • 43 5 T"n Chinese. men, were ■inning by following a n at dawn in two areas near Chemor. 10 miles north of Ipoh. The screened areas. Tanah Hitam new village and Chanpkat Kindinp Estate, are in localities infested with bandits.
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  • 294 5 WHAT PRICE GLORY— TO 2 REBELS No room on Alliance bandwagon— they are on their own now UMNO leader says: They will be expelled THK ptH'cnrvT LOR STAR Thursday. T th t rM S in fcNT \7 cn ku Abdul Rahma »> "aid U1 v Y Ould take action soon
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  • 52 5 10 p.m. the latest IPOH. Thurs. Political parties in the Federation have been informed that except in the larger towns, no open-air meetings will be permitted after 7 p.m. In the larger towns, meetings will be allowed until 10 p.m. Indoor meetings will be permitted anywhere up to
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  • 28 5 TAIPINO. Thur.s. Dr. Cheah Khay Chuan has been elected president (if the Taiping branch of the Malayan Chinese Association. The secretary is Mr. Saw Chin Hin.
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  • 65 5 KUALA .LUMPUR, Thurs.— A your.p policeman who stole a bicycle saddle from the Traffic Branch and fixed it on his own machine was today bound over for $100 for six months. Ho Guan Cheong. 22, who pleaced guilty, took the saddle lrom a bundle of bicycle spare
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  • 34 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Members of the Selanpor Camera Club will visit Pulau Krtam, off Port Swettenham, on Sunday. Photographs taken on the trip will b e judged in a competition next month.
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  • 57 5 IPOH. Thurs. The inquest] on the three detainees killed in the riot at the Ipoh deten- j tion camp on the ni b ht of Jcinp 4 will open at the Magis- I trate's Court here on Tuesday. The three were Fam Tow, 30, Liew Vow
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  • 53 5 GARLAND FOR GROOM FROM THE BRIDE THK BRIDK, Miss Ka.iamani Thumboo, daughter of Df. and Mrs. A. J. Thumboo, garlands the bridegroom. Mr. S. Nadarajah. at their wedding in Singapore. The bridegroom, of the Income Ca x Department, Singapore, is the eldest son of Madam D. Suppiah. The bride is
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  • 199 5 Polls a farce, says Labour PARTY WILL USE IT AS FORUM THE Labour Party of Mai 1 today that the Federa Labour was entering the t PENANG, Thursday, aya told the Straits Times 1 election was a farce. But ield to use the elections as a forum, it added. The
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  • 52 5 Thugs attack woman Broke into her house Four men broke into a house in Aljunied Road, Singapore, yesterday and attacked a 35-year-old woman, Ho Ah Poh, with sticks. Her husband, a receptionist at a hotel in Meyer Road, was at work. She was admitted to hospital "ith .serious head and
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  • 102 5 Adler will top bill at this ball LARRY ADLER, the virtuoso of the harmonica, will play at a Midsummer Ball at the Island Club on Saturday nlKht. He will do so as part of an appeal for SATA which the Commissioner General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, will make at the
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  • 28 5 PENANG. Thurs.— The new-ly-formed Whltley Council of the Fisheries Department met yesterday for discussion under the chairmanship of Mr. D. W. l.c Mare, Director of Fisheries.
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  • 206 5 It's third time unlucky 'RAIDER' SUNK IN DOOR-DIE BID AN "ENEMY" raider, the New Zealand cruiser Black Prince, was "sunk" on Wednesday when she made a third attempt to press home a do-or-die attack on a convoy moving from Saigon to Miri in the South China Sea. Two of the
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  • 45 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. Mr. Justice Storr in the High Court here today dismissed the appeal of Lee Erie Kirn against a sentence of eight months' jail and a fine of $3,000 for attempting to import 41b. of opium into the Federation from Singapore.
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  • 29 5 IPOH, Thurs.— Lim Ah Onn, acrd 20, found guilty here today of stealing a fountain pen at a fair was jailed for six months.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 You get me /ot (/out fiuncO/ I&i'tf time, /#t yewe 6e&utbjl.imor to your hands with Cl TTX nail >v won t find a lovelier, lomgtr-tt canng polish W how much you pay 1 Colors? CU.JEX offers litest shades from the deepest, richest reds re to wear to the softest, daintiest
      123 words
    • 127 5 /#^>^Listen to the mjw M mm \M rjp beoutiful i flf MM \f? Sj"£t"A m i iJ\ toy« dutch ifj RECOMMENDED BY ALL WHO KNOw/ jr jr jt jt jt jt at jt jt jt jr jr* FAN HITACHI Coble Address: "HITACHY" Tokyo 1 jf %^^P* The most nourishing weaning
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 554 5 •9.30 Ne%s; 9.45 Barrel House. RADIO MALAYA Joo Tlme mu»ic; 10.30-n.oo m v «^*m«j*m*4im instrumental Intelligence. iTrojtrammps thus marked can JBVBJ he received by in Malacca I J"iYj 'Short nave 49 62m. Medium wave BK^L^^j^^^^^^H 476 m., 343. 366 m. and 29?m<) HHHl^B^l^B^illlllij^Bj^ A.M. *8.57 nnd 11.10 Englisn SINGAPORE
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    • 139 5 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 p.m. on June 15 to 7.30 a.m. on June 16) Singapore 76 degrees, Penang 77. Kota Bharu 75 Kuala Lumpur 75. Ipoh, 74. Kuantan 75. MAXIMUM* TEMPERATURE: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on June 16) Singapore 89 degrees. Penang 91 Kota Bharu 86. Kuala Lumpur
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  • 26 6 Zu H'orWi fid (minimum). ""UK FAMILY of the I.Vp Mr. thank sinrerelv kind Friends and Rel.mvo.s r- r-d -iio Funeral, sent kinci expression ;>rre;r. ement.
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  • 729 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. June 17, 1955. Allies From Down-Under All Malayans who wish to sop the Emergency ended as soon as possible will welcome the announcement by Mr. Robert Menzies that Australian forces to be sent to Malaya would be used in operations j against tho Communist terro-
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  • 511 6 As Singapore draws near the end of a week of unjustified 1 strikes, its people may take heart from the mounting evidence that the conspirators of disorder have failed. The numbers of men out on strike remain virtually frozen, a serious setback for agitators who had hoped
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  • 125 6 WE, the Buddhists of Singapore fully appreciate the kind and generous gesture ot the local government In declaring I the birthdays .of the Prophet Mohamed and Lord Buddha as public holidays in Singapore. We are sure that if the present Government takes such keen interest In
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  • 1404 6 Abuse of the right to strike is a threat to aims of the working man TOM O'BRIEN, for«er Pnsideit of the T.1.C., deplores ai irresponsible eitllMgi to tride unioiisa ii Britaii aid says.... TT IS the primary function of a trade union to attain as high a standard of living
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  • 606 6 Healthy attitude of the public towards education THE spate of letters, memoranda and articles on education and educational policy that has been appearing in your paper indicates the public's healthy attitude towards educational matters in general. Surely It Is a human characteristic to be vitally Interested in something when that
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  • 23 6 (lit '"n V'W«i£> th T(Klav taneou^ esh^in? s 5 our t» <. ccs *or dii s h pr^u c Whilst on Hi SsSss
    23 words
  • 167 6 m connection ml proposals for l l houses at QueemtJ 5.1. T. to buiid only fo r lower income groun |T a gapore who must of*.*! sity, look to a public utt X,' s i* Now a Labour Gayer™, is sponsoring ftp houses for .ale at
    167 words
  • 107 6 pRIVATE candidates have 1 always been the victims of discrimination. I write in continuation of certain points contained in "A.J.R.'s" letter. Not only do they find entry into the University difficult but also when applying for scholarships and employment, they are discriminated against. Private candidates who
    107 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 780 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 2* W»ri« H» (minimum). CAIGER BrRBIDGE: The Enp a gem en t Is announced between olley. younger son of Mr. and W Caiger of New Maiden, and Patricia. younger of Mr and Mrs. D. Bursou Id rop Bedford. >\vms- VAUGHAN BOWDEN: increment is announced Rnbci: Joseph, only son
      780 words
    • 58 6 Why you need ACHES and PAINS Did you know that pain actually protects your body from harm? Pain is nature's danger signal; *t pays to heed it, then grin and bear it. Read all about it in the May Reader's Digest (now on sale). DREADER'S igest $1.00 A COPY C.
      58 words
    • 51 6 p» GRUNDIG \tSm RADIOS and I I J RADIOGRAMS in distinctive stylts fg -i^*"^B Above Model 6080 and othvs now available gf fa n. nicanii^"" 1 1 IIUUIIIHHUIIIIIIIIIimiIIIIIIIMICSIIII IMC3ll!<lli ff For "Exclusive VarM I on Cottons- Silks -Shaw"^ "KRIPALSONS; 65. Arsb .tr..t. o|*0 »1 111""" 11 *****1111C**********111C311 Illltl I'" 11
      51 words

  • 90 7 Singapore Government sets new condition for registering middle schools group ffISES NATION *£SF>K middle I rtadents' do- shock when it callpieties, Mr. .1. o discuss JJ on political Jp b\ their pro--11. .-kins ta the would that it part. in ra of comiddltionaJ, regiscom- it
    90 words
  • 13 7 A rich j at the i Gordons i 15 p.m. on
    13 words
  • 12 7 na] Lovers' j today at been postt to trans-
    12 words
  • 28 7 STUDENTS at the Waterloo Street "depot" file into lorries that took them home from the city yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    28 words
  • 28 7 A 'liiAINr.K POLICEMAN lifts a schoolgirl on to a lorry that took her home from the Waterloo Street lorry "depot" yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    28 words
  • 277 7 Where to catch your 10rry.... rriHE following are the routes I of the free Government transport service for students and the public during the present strike in Singapore (lorries at first pick-up points at 6.30 a.m.). ROUTE No. 1 Chanci Road at junction of Siglap Road
    277 words
  • 33 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The telegraph link between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore was out of action from 4.45 p.m. until shortly after 6 p.m. today because of a power failure at Singapore.
    33 words
  • 31 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A patrol of the 6th Bn., Malay Regiment, fired on two terrorists in the Temerloh area of Pahang yesterday. One was wounded, but both men escaped.
    31 words
  • 136 7 From Page One known as the "Double Tenth" case. After detention for nine months at Kempeital headquarters, during which he was subjected to almost unbearable tortures, he was sentenced to six years' hard labour by a Japanese military court. He returned to England after the war
    136 words
  • 216 7 All's well if passenger does not pay MOTORISTS, who give free lifts to people in strikebound Singapore, need hot fear any insurance entanglement. Their legal liability to such passengers, in case of accident, is covered by their insurance policies. The coverage, however, lapses •once passengers
    216 words
  • 34 7 TANJONO MALIM. Fri. Eighteen women and 11 men were arrested at 5.30 am yesterday about 300 yards from the Tanjong Malim level crossing for being outside their homes during curfew hours.
    34 words
  • 297 7 THIS GROUSE GOT PAST MARSHALL Party goes straight to Williams rpHREE Progressive Party Assemblymen yesterday took the unusual step of calling on the acting Chief Secretary, Mr. A. A. Williams, instead of the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, to urge the Government to take more decisive action in the present
    297 words
  • 46 7 Moh Ai Lee, a 22-year-old gin living in Jervois Road, Singapore, was found suffering from acid poisoning last night in a house at Bukit Ho Swee. She was admitted to the General Hospital when her condition was reported to be serious.
    46 words
  • 136 7 Robinsons take over Littles ROBINSON Co. Ltd., are to take over the management of the century-old Singapore store John Little Co. •Ltd., which was sold recently. A new company, John Little (Malaya) Ltd. has been formed by the buyers, the Hong Kong firm of Jardine Matheson Co. Ltd. An announcement
    136 words
  • 68 7 ALOR STAR. Thurs. Two girls and ten boys from the Sultan Abdul Hamid College here have passed the entrance examination to the University of Malaya. They are: ARTS: Abu Bakar Hassan, Haroun Din, ismail Hussain, i Kassim Ahmad, Miss Lim Swee Hong. Miss Rahmah Ariffin, Mohamed
    68 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      105 words
    • 65 7 |??sj APRICOTS peaches Jnjm Canned s==^ Fruits SOU tOCNTS JAC KSON C 0 LTD -j^^^B:- i hTm ii' n l l TjvC' v ~y f FRENCH FERN PINK. LILAC GARDENIA JUNE ROSES also tn k v MATCHING TW fine quality K»p, .n leikt or vuiion disk *ize. b.Alll L.U
      65 words

  • 54 8 Plans are now being made for a joint exhibition of Chinese calligraphy to be presented by the China Society and the Singapore Art Society. The exhibition will be h?ld at the British, Council Centre. Stamford Road, from July 1 to It, It will feature works by
    54 words
  • 204 8 TOO MUCH RAGGING IS MADE A CRIME Students 9 Union decides: This gives the university a bad name EXCESSIVE ragging is going to become a punishable offence from the next academic year beginning in October, the Students Union of the University of Malaya has decided. Union officials consider ragging is
    204 words
  • 144 8 Railway has charm— in reserve KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. 4 NOTHER receptionist is to /i. join the four girls who have been handling reservations at the Kuala Lumpur railway station since the beginning of this month. Sh p has been selected from the list of more than 100 unsuccessful applicants for
    144 words
  • 47 8 Tjeut. John Marshall, of the M.R.N.V.R., was injured when a car he was travelling in cashed into a wall in Kallang Ror.d at about 2 a.m. yesterday. He was admitted to hospital with head injuries. His condition was described as not serious.
    47 words
  • 38 8 A talk on "Mysticism in Islam" will be given at the Victoria Hall today at 5.15 p.m. by Professor Syed Abduf Wahab Bukhari. of the University of Madras. It is sponsored by the Singapore Muslim League.
    38 words
  • 185 8 It's whip you need, two boys told A SINGAPORE magistrate, Mr. J. M De-vereux-Colebourn, yesterday said he wished he could order a whipping for two boys who pleaded ffuilty to rioting. Inspector T. S. Zain, prosecuting, said that Sng Koon Ong, 17, and Sng Koon Muat, 15. together with three
    185 words
  • 204 8 BUDDING PIANO GENIUS FLIES IN A BUDDING musical genius flew into Singapore yesterday from England. She is 12-year-old Penelope Walker, winner of an open scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music. Smiling modestly, Penny' sat quietly while her proud parents, Mr. Charles Walker, told a Straits Times reporter of her
    204 words
  • 28 8 The St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association. Singapore will hoid its annual meeting at the St. Andrews Cathedral War Memorial Hall at 4.30 p.m. on June 25.
    28 words
  • 107 8 PORT SWETTENHAM, Thurs. RELATIVES and friends of two Chinese seamen consulted temple gods and went] into mourning when the sea- men's boat did not return to port from a fishing trip. They believed that the seamen had perished in rough seas. But today the mystery
    107 words
  • 83 8 Tan Chuan and Peh Kiat Lenp were sentenced to four and seven years' jail respectively in the Singapore Assizes yesterday on three charges of robbery. They robbed three taxi drivers of a total of $31 between March 29 and 30. 'The victims were Tan Tai Yin.
    83 words
  • 18 8 Inche Ja'afar bin Abdul Ghani has been elected president of the Malay Farmers' Welfare Organisation, Singapore.
    18 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 269 8 Q/ TrilSt DOROTHY GRAY to bring you Magical MIDNIGHT Here* magic, here's music, here's Midnight —an exciting new perfume and make-up series. This unique cosmetic symphony begini the "Baton Bleu", a slender Hue and gold rod containing lipstick and scent. All the new Midnight hcautifiers echo the same fasrinating theme.
      269 words
    • 333 8 SHORT cuf? TO LOVELY Ufl Jjj 1 Powers' JfV of troublr f rpp 4 7-INCH MAMETER WHEELS pxtra wide t roads for perfect win 78 tions. Taporod gnr to rti pUI DOME-SHAPED UHFKI. DISCS and at the same time prot< CUTTING CTUNDBR conatnirtS brst Shrfflrld steel as, m b r
      333 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 251 8 Straits Times Crossword lii I 9 5^ ~i<T '8 19 20 2i 22 "55" ACROSS 7. As a rule it is permanent I. Popular business; suit vege- (8 ft >- tarian (12). 8 The homely tart of mediral 9. Travelling goods are in this "J en (7). Material for upholstery?
      251 words

  • 1755 9 ONE day in 1873, the trading barque, Amsterdam, was scudding before a fresh breeze bound for Suva. She was about 400 miles south-east of her last port of tall in the New Hebrides when the ttrideni voice of the look-out bawled
    Daily Mirror  -  1,755 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 26 9 v T OHNGS BATTER I I mil) lON MGS NGS w\ v i i I I w EH TO j >UM j S MILK I I
      26 words
    • 448 9 IhSi) atl Mulsified COCOANUT OIL mm shampoo wi bring out tin natural brauty ISvj JT •(iftdl you|l lair- For u '*'t' c d i* a ■H MtllSJ" 1 natural sh-impoo made from the SEI coco« vv o 'o purest blend of cocoanut oils. SH SHA*^"^ Use Mulsified Coco.mur Oil HLb^^^Bm
      448 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 51 9 Shvriock MToitncs Criwno afooi Mr* Travy Nm*mr mimmmm .hi Svaii *<° n 9 ***«gk I ICT crnTT~nlaV r^EeEV tvhat «a<>oan T I V I>v*Wi>. when i ti^, a ~NJ lillK they*6 p-een aavn^r^'^^Mpi I Jfcl *>l*Ul*_a^aT ftcs^, or vcjbs I I'm )p v &iei-.w heapkay be in Riff ic>*& tu?jsn'
      51 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1309 10 T.i: a«O5 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ton *4ia (18 lines) Incorporated in Slngopora) (12 Unas) "85? THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Corrif* ppticn hg praetWd n OHt* p"rt» to loed ond discharge forgo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Due Soils P. Shorn Penang June IS/17 June 17/18 Leomedon
      1,309 words
    • 1178 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Far Ad.n, Part Said, G.noa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, CoH"t»M— Gothenburg Oslo Spore P. S'riom Pnana >) "MALACCA" J/ S Jaly m «Z<«! W "MEONIA" 20/24 Jaly U/U Mr 2V28 Jury "r-ALSTMA" U/1» Aug 20/2« Aug 21/22 Aug »J Calls London ( only), Gdynia. SAILINGS
      1,178 words
    • 1068 10 .K.Ne THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD." l^.' MNBA&M (incorporotad in tha Unitad Kinodom) S LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'hom Penang Benvenue for Hovre, Lorvdon, B fort i, tl S'l!i l— «w»*" kw-WB i l TOlri%o'£2rT lf U/ttimm 30 Jane/ 2 July 4 Jury """Ron Joom
      1,068 words
    • 563 10 IONDON Btau^-^ t:::-> Spore 1* 3 horn rs 17/23 June 24/2J j..« p "^.r- ti-,^ Spore VV^TH^^- Coll* Hull. lt *s| l */*?j P. Sham: Harrison K Cro.f in- /S 5 '«i Pfaaa: McAllst., > Z A Ml LhJ (lncor,x)nt M COT^I^ Corriar, owien t0 p^Uj* A^j, > [^*v.,, OUTWARD
      563 words

  • 12 11 >V .INK I* 51.06 a Ib. ,th a p picul per
    12 words
  • 24 11 ..ars. led and 11 Urn In mining* I Lead Loans! buyer ■■.uted buyer 7 buyer unquoted buyer 18/10", 19/9 I 8 buyer
    24 words
  • 39 11 k ilir Singa«harvrs or n 12, Amagi--4 a. ata ill 18. M N Wall 6, Brook* Brazil hire 23 30, in 33 34. 38 39. tnd 42 43. pi. Borneo. Hamilton SI li Flying 1 Brenda. Nanyar.g. Mikhail
    39 words
  • 85 11 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association made th e following I changes in it s rates to merchants yesterday: 1 Canada: buying airmail. T.T. 32 5 16. O.D. 32 7 16. 90 days 32 11 16 credit bWs, 32"i trade bills. Srllinit T.T. or O.D. ready; Canada 32 reaCy.
    85 words
  • 42 11 After eleven years as chairman of the Malayan Chamber of Mines, representative organisation in London of Malayan tin oompanlea, Mr. A. G. Glenister has resigned and bu been succeeded by Mr. W. M. Warren, former chairman of AncrloOriental < Malaya > Ltd.
    42 words
  • 542 11 RUBBER MARKET IS VERY ACTIVE ON HEAVY BUYING rruv B L Ur Market Correspondent T HnnS bcr mark^ in Singapore yesterday continued extremely active with heavy trade and speculative buying reported erra^L y i, y fi f c /n? b d eVw aS be^ n a e t' U l
    542 words
  • 147 11 July first pi-ade buyers f.o.b. closed in Sinpapore yesterday at $1.06 per !b.. ono-eighth of a cent above Wednesday's closing Dricp The closing tone was erratic. Closing rubber prices yesterday In cents per Ib. were No. 1 R.S.S. spot loose buyers 109 1 j, sellers 109 4 No.
    147 words
  • 186 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon pprie s P^ Picul yesterday were: Copra: quietly steady; June S27 :i buyers. $28 Fellers; July $28!* buyers. S2B' 2 sellers; August $28 s buyers. $28!, sellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk »42' i sellers, drum $45 sellers. Pepper: quiet with lack of overseas
    186 words
  • 13 11 The following rubber crop for May is announced: Indrafiri 78.816 tt>
    13 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 432 11 [INALUX MARINE /yP\ PAINTS yll^W^) for all super structure. Long. lasting protecApp {T^ tion. Favoured "I U"'^i by many of the -^^1 World's Greatest Shipping Companies. Cut 'own mainten. ance costs »ni heads. KNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service M CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sailing Arriving pcisco Singapore P.
      432 words
    • 102 11 KIM TIAN ROAD KING'S JlifeC-ua-coaomoaio m»i«*4 NOW MOWING 4 SHOWS DAII.V 2 4.15 7 Si 9.30 n.m. U.A.s FIRST RUN RELEASE! lIUfMTT JSSjJS^V MNraPJKI ipp V^fH7 Dfjo'lD UIISTJ Saturday at Midnite THE MAGNETIC MONSTER (with Richard Carlson). TOMORROW 9 a.m. "GIVE A GIRL A BREAK" (Tech.) TOMORROW 11.30 a.m. "THAI"
      102 words
    • 994 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for appointment as Magistrate and Assistant Official Assigree. Candidntes must be British Subjects or have been born in Singapore or the Federatlop of Malaya, Sarawak, North Bomfeo or Brunei. Preference will be given to those who have had their permanent home in Malaya for a
      994 words
    • 790 11 NOTICES ROBINSON k CO., LTD. (Incorporated In the Colony of Singapore) NOTICE TO MEMBERS. The Directors have pleasure In announcing that your Company Is acquiring a majority interest and will be responsible lor the management of a company which has been formed by Messrs. Jardlne. Matheson Si Co. Ltd. and
      790 words
    • 397 11 NOTICES TAIPING CONSOLIDATED LIMITED (Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya). NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Company will be held at the registered office, 33, Beach, Street, Penang at 11-45 a.m. on Saturday, 9th July. 1965, for
      397 words
    • 282 11 NOTICES RANTAU TIN DREDGING COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya). NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Company will be held at the registered office. 33, Beach Street, < Penang, at 11-15 a.m. on Saturday I
      282 words
    • 178 11 NOTICES SUNGEI KINTA TIN DREDGING LTD. (Incorporated in England) Telegraphic advice has teen received from London of recommendation of a dividend of 1/- per i stock unit, less Income Tax at 8/8 I In the In respect of the year ended 31st December 1954. payable on 28th July 1955 to
      178 words

  • 387 12 Indian textile probe of Malayan mart planned INDIA, faced with increasing competition in world textile markets, is sending a strong fiveman textile delegation to countries in South-East Asia. These countries are Malaya, Burma, Siam and Indonesia and the object of the delegation is to get quick, accurate, up-to-date market information,
    387 words
  • 256 12 STEPS have been taken by the Hone Kong Chinese Manufacturers' Union, now holding Us third exhibition of manufactured products in Singapore, to provide a centre for th e training of industrial workers in Hong Kong. Mr. Van Man Leung, deputy leader
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  • 250 12 Indonesian visit will help trade of Colony THE coming visit of Singapore's Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, to Indonesia was welcomed by Mr. Lee Kong Chian. chairman of the Overj sea-Chinese Banking Corpora- tion Ltd.. when he addressed the annual general meeting of the bank last week. Mr. Lee told
    250 words
  • 413 12 DRESSES worn by Singapore women impressed a representative of the world-famous French couturier, Christian Dior, when he flew into the Colony last week The visitor la a Briton, Mr. Maurice Brown, who, as "ambassador" for Dior's costume jewellery designs, is making a survey of the
    413 words
  • 63 12 tKHt the first time In history, an agricultural tractor has entered and worked the grounds of the world's largest palace, that of the Emperor of Japan, in Tokyo. Watched by the Imperial household, a demonstration of ploughing was given in a paddock close to the
    63 words
  • 341 12 CHANRAI'S IS NEARLY 100 YEARS OF AGE A WELL-CUT suit can help to improve a man's personality, according to Mr. M. T. Chanrai, chairman of the Chanrai group of textile import and export business and men's wear specialists, who has arrived in Singapore to supervise his company's interests in the
    341 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 260 12 -I The SINGLE BUCKET "smng/wbighbatcher The Hmd-loaded SWING WEICHBATCHER. Cuts out cement wastage and reduces construction time and costs. Proportioning is by weight instead of by volume. S.ind bulking, due to moisture, can be ignored. The Single Bucket wcighbarchcr, as illustrated, allows a good average output to be maintained. Write
      260 words
    • 441 12 New science eonq,, rr 'FIBROSINE 5 r^- NEW FIBROSINE BALM ac,, instnntlv effectively to attack muscular and rh»um a 7 """•l at iU nurce. f,bros.n E paSB e 8 r 11t th •kin at once. And the wonderful heali nirrnin "5\ X/j in FIBROB.NE go deep down, right Z" It
      441 words

  • 557 13  - South Pacific Bliss Fire Star Signal EPSOM JEEP THREE HORSES TO FOLLOW TOMORROW By 'THREE topnotchers will be very much in the limelight at Bukit Timah tomorrow, concluding day of the Singapore Turf Club June Meeting. They are: SOUTH PACIFIC: Thia wonderfully game front-running stayer keeps on improving. He comes
    557 words
  • 251 13 HOBBS MAY SCORE WITH ANOTHER NEW HORSE T<HE Hobbs Stable's 1 team of newcomers is coming: to hand splendidly. The Ringer has made the grade he ran out one of the easiest winners seen at Bukit Timah this season when he whipped his Class 2 opposition by eight lengths on
    251 words
  • 263 13 WEIGHTS for all Siboney 7.07 Cl. 1. Div. Z I.M seven races to- Malekxadeh 7.04 morrow, final day of Grecian KnlgM 7.02 JJ* 11 th» «UnniMiv Ttirf Zaoatllone 8.13 Club June Meetine NOTE:-No appren- straits Code 8.11 Club June Meeting. Uce can 5. Gradoate 8 n
    263 words
  • 199 13 IPOH. Thurs. "THERE will be seven races a day on the first and second days and eight races on the last day ot the Perak Turf Club June-July Meeting on June 25 and 29 and July 2. The schedule of racing is: FIRST DAY: Class 2,
    199 words
  • 303 13 BRUSSELS, Thurs. f ORDON PIRIE, British six miles champion, won the 2,000 metres international race here last night but failed to beat the world record. He won in smin. 12.6 sec, which was 5.6 seconds outside tne record of smln. 7sec.
    Reuter  -  303 words
  • 125 13 LOS ANGELES, Thurs. XI EX IC an Raton Marias, world bantamweight champion, according to the National Boxing Association, was beaten for the first time in his career when he was knocked out by Billy Peacock in the third of a ten-round bout here last night. Peacock
    Reuter; UP  -  125 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 705 13 fil'l'll'dkU l^^li r N WANTED BOCK. i.\NI) FOR SAI F FOR SALE 3-roomed Terrace c. Modern Sanitation. I)Lt:ict. Please apply C-en t.i JM. 45 Wmeh,s?e P rV>^ n sin™:j IMNCING 20 Word, $10 (minimum). «WI. 1 montn. 10 Word. $2.50 (Mm.) RAFFLES HOTEL— Nightly Dance Box and Floor-Show from 9
      705 words
    • 903 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE 2» »orrf, fS (Mln.)-Box SO eU. extra. I LATE 1950 M/ Minor with Philips R»dio. tax/comp. Insured in excellent condition. View after 1 p.m.. F??S?S Lane ofr Orchard Road. MAYFLOWER June 1953 ***** miles one European owner Insured to June 1956. Perfect condition offers $2^oo Phone *****
      903 words
    • 863 13 NOTICES NOTICE ESTATES OP: (1) Barnaby Paul Exshaw. (2) Norman Kerr Bain. <:ii Basil Lawrence Howard Shrpherd, Deceased. Pursuant to Section 29 of the Trustees Ordinance Notice Is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the respective estates of the abovenamed deceased persons should give notice thereof In
      863 words
    • 533 13 NEW! EVEKSBAKF yi becauM the boll Is half < [j| the usual iiz«, H- I tuHciai&nf |il|| Eversharp pioneer I IHI in ball point Rllll writing, now brings I IHI you the pen with fUJ] more exclusive I! Mil features than all other IHI ball point pens I'JHI combined/ I
      533 words

  • 613 14 ARMY HAVE A SCORE TO SETTLE WITH SCC SCA tournament second round starts tomorrow Winners will head table By Our Cricket Reporter ARMY, the holders, by winning all their subsequent seven matches after their disastrous first two games, go into the second round of the Singapore senior cricket tournament on
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  • 473 14 Kirkham still on top of averages SINGAPORE Cricket Club's all rounder John Kirkham is still well ahead in both the batting and bowling averages of the S.C.A. senior tournament which has now just completed its first round. Kirkham. who played his best tournament innings of 83 against Ceylonese on Sunday,
    473 words
  • 92 14 At the Serangoon Engilsh Schools annual athletic sports, to be held on Thursday. June 23. on the school i ground, there will be two events for Old boys. These are: d) 100 yards handicap for old boys over 30 years old I 4.2 >
    92 words
  • 268 14 PARIS, Thurs. rpHE INTERNATIONAL Olympic Committee has selected Rome as the venue of the 1960 Olympic Games, it was officially announced today. Voting in third and final ballot was Rome 35. Lausanne 24. Rome was chosen in three rounds of voting. The
    268 words
  • 350 14 KINGSTON, Thursday. DECORDS for Test cricket tumbled through the day as the Australians took their total 480 for four overnight to 758 for eight declared in reply to West Indies first innings total of 357 on the fourth day of the fifth
    350 words
  • 136 14 WEST INDIES 1st Inns: ML AUSTRALIA 1st Inns. McDonald b Worrell 127 Favell c Weeks b King 0 Morris Ibw Dewdnev 7 Harvey c Atkinson l> Smith 204 Miller c Worrell b Atkinson 109 Archer c Depeiza b King 128 Benaud c Worrell b Smith 121 Lindwall b Sobers
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 65 14 The Royal Air Force team to ipeet S.C.R.C. tn a senior tournament cricket fixture at Hong Lim Green on Sunday will be: SqLdr I. L. Dunn. Sq Ldr H. Lewis, Ft Lt Jackson. Ft Lt Blissett, Ft Lt Leray. Sgt Flern, Sgt Kingdom, Cpl Burton. Cpl
    65 words
  • 65 14 Shell Sport.s Club cricket team to meet the R.N.A.S. Sembawang at Paya Lebar at 2.15 p.m. tomorrow is: C. D. Harris (capt). J. D. Maughan, L. E. Fencott, E. Kruseman. P. W. Cottrell. R. D. Farthing. M. Hull. J. Copland, J. G. S. Stokes. E.
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  • 19 14 The Tanjong Katong Girls' School's annual athletic meet scheduled for today has been postponed to July 28.
    19 words
  • 101 14 His jaw is broken in 2 places LOS ANGELES, Thurs. RATON Macias of Mexico, world bantamweight champion according to the National Boxing Association, had his jaw broken in two places last night when knocked out by Bill Peacock in the third round of a tenrounds bout here. He planned to
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 170 14 Champions to meet airmen SINGAPORE Swimming Club, last year's S.A.S.A. waterpolo first division champions, will meet the R.A.F. in firstround "A", "B" and "C" Division league matches at Selctar on Sunday. S.S.C., on last Sunday's form when they held the strong 1 Chinese Swimming Club to a 2-2 draw, should
    170 words
  • 170 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. > nOXING authorities in England are enthusiastic about the use of rubber latex foam sheeting under the canvas of the ring, says an article in a British Rubber Development Board publication just received in Kuala Lumpur. The article says that recent
    170 words
  • 60 14 CHATAWAY SETS A NEW TIME CHRIS CHATAWAY at the finish of his great victory in the 2,0«0 metres invitation race at the Anglo-American inter-varsity athletic meet in the White City stadium on June 11. Chataway won in sm in 9.4 sec., fastest time set in Britain for the event and
    60 words
  • 232 14 NO ENTRY YET FOR BOXING SINGAPORE Amateur Boxing Association is still awaiting replies from the eight countries it has invited to take part in the proposed South East Asia boxing tournament to be held in Singapore from Aug. 29 to Sept. 3. The countries invited are Australia, Burma. Ceylon, Thailand.
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  • 26 14 The friendly soccer match between Singapore Business Houses Football Association and Singapore Malays to be played at Jalan Besar today has been cancelled.
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  • 24 14 Singapore Improvement Trust S.C. beat United S.C. 1-0 in a soccer friendly on the YMCA ground yesterday. Wallwark was the scorer.
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  • 21 14 TELUK ANSON. Thurs.— AngloChinese School will hold their silver jubilee sports meet on the school ground on June 25.
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  • 151 14 MOSCOW, Thurs A WORLD weightlifting record of 123 kilograms for the two-hand snatch (lightweight) was set here yesterday by Nikolai Kostilev during a weightlifting contest between the United States and the Soviet Union. The previous record of 122.5 kilo.;r,ims was set by Kostilev
    151 words
  • 377 14 Yorkshire kept in field all day as Kent score LONDON, Thurs YORKSHIRE, who have lost their last three matches and fallen 32 5 points behind Surrey in the county cricket championship table, ran into more trouble against Kent at Hull yesterday. They lost the toss and tho Kent opening pair,
    377 words
  • 117 14 TAUXTOX. J THE South A:: tfam declared just lunch today with their at 270 for nnicn c wickets with a load o: j firsi Innings, sent Sond to iace one over befowtt terval. Somerset, who had oniv 68 run> in the vst Ings, were In trooWe] after
    117 words
  • 71 14 LONDON, Thurs. rpONY TRABERT and Vie Seixas. who are top seeded for the doubles at Wimbledon next week, received a severe jolt when beaten 6 4, 6—4 by Nicola Pietrangeli and Orlando Sirola of Italy in the third round or the men's Md tho Queen's Club
    Reuter  -  71 words
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